Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper July 2017 Edition

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Vol. 53 No. 07

July 2017


Rochdale collects $250,000 in rebate cash for LED Lighting Upgrades continue throughout the campus By Susan Van Brackle


ochdale Village, Inc. was recently awarded a substantial monetary rebate of $250,000 from the National Grid utility company. The payment represents a reimbursement for the cooperative’s ongoing efforts towards responsible energy conservation. Funding was earmarked in the 2014 capital improvement plans to invest in LED lighting upgrades and fixture

The ongoing Light Emitting Diode (LED) conversion program at Rochdale Village continues with upgrades to service hallways and elevator banks. Photo credit: Commons Wikimedia

swap-outs for approximately 8,400 areas throughout the grounds.

have been actively in progress over the last two years.

What are LED’s? The term LED stands for Light Emitting Diode. The technology was originally developed in the 1960’s for use in calculators and other small devices however; their range has expanded to include conventional lighting applications for residential and commercial use thus driving cost of usage down. Rochdale’s LED lighting upgrades

Where are LED’s at RV? During this upgrade period, the campus has been outfitted with energy efficient bulbs, nickel finish lighting and flat panel fixtures in residential spaces like apartment lobbies, stairwells and building hallways. Outdoor pole lights and exterior wall lamps that are installed at entrances and rooftops shine brighter with LED bulbs that

last longer and require replacement less frequently. Commercial spaces like those in Group Offices, Malls 1 and 2 and the Community Center have been retrofitted with adaptive lighting solutions such as daylight sensors, a lighting control that has the ability to save an additional 50% beyond the fixture upgrade itself. LED modifications at RV are projected to provide an annual cost savings of up to $300,000 per year, which will help to keep carrying charges low.

Queens DA’s office discusses Trespass Affidavit Program with Public Safety Committee By Susan Van Brackle


articipants at the Public Safety Committee meeting held Tuesday, July 25 discussed the subject of trespassing and how it impacts residents’ quality of life here in Rochdale Village. While in the past there have been strategic areas of the complex that contained President’s Message - Pg. 2


‘No Trespassing’ signs, currently there are voids and challenges that exist in conveying this message. For example, Rochdale Village contains three public playgrounds; two at Guy R. Brewer and one at Baisley Boulevard. Then there is the complex’s open landscape and buildings with multiple points of entrance and egress that make it attractive to intruders. Continuous (Continued on Page 3) General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4

Representatives from the Queens District Attorney’s office and Rochdale’s 113th Precinct investigate remedies like TAP Program to mitigate instances of trespassing in the community.


Apartment Wait List - Pgs. 12-13


Board Resolutions - Pgs. 19-21

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President’s Message

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Lisa Stark Assistant Treasurer Maryam Hubbard Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Stacey Francis Jean Hall Maryam Hubbard Tracey Irvin Tim Mercer Earl Roberts Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Gary Casimir (State Representative) COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greeting Cooperators,


can’t believe this year is almost coming to an end and it is time for election again. This has been a very good year for members of the Board of Directors as well as Cooperators. Thank you for your cooperation and working together. I have enjoyed being your President disseminating information to you and getting your responses but most of all, being transparent and including you in some of the decision making here. I am proud that your voices were heard and your voice counts. We will not be moving further with the Spectrum bulk deal. This decision was based on your responses through the ballots. On a personal level I am happy your vote was included on this important decision as this is your home. Although you as cooperators elected the Board to make sound decisions on your behalf, this is one decision that was solely up to you. Looking around the campus, I feel very proud of what we have accomplished together. I am looking forward to bigger, greater, better and more fruitful things in the upcoming future.

Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI

Ongoing Projects I am pleased to announce that we will have a new jewelry store in the big mall, which has been a long time coming and much needed in our community. This store will be

William Young

a great complement to our mall

MANAGEMENT Managing Agent

Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc.

General Manager Marion Scott

Assistant Managers Controller

Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones

Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson

Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco

Human Resource Director Dolores Benner

General Counsel

William R. Greenspan

July 2017

renovation as we continue to look to bring in establishments that enhance Rochdale as a whole. Our Community Center is nearing completion and we anticipate announcing a ribbon cutting in the very near future. Monthly Meetings I encourage you to come out to the monthly Board and committee meetings. Please come support us, as there is a great need in this community for your input and assistance. We will not have the monthly Board meeting in the month of August but if there is any need or concern, you can contact the Board Office or Management. We are here to serve you.

Jean Randolph-Castro

out the barbecue grills, chairs and blankets, and enjoy some music, a water slide, rides, hotdogs and hamburgers for the children. We will also have the Fall Festival on September 11th. All of these events are free for you to enjoy and it is a pleasure for the Board of Directors to facilitate this for you. Come out and be a part of these fun events. Watch for the additional information in the Weekly Sheet and the Bulletin.

Grounds I have received numerous compliments about how beautiful our grounds look. With the many flowers and well-maintained grass, I am proud to call this place home. I must say thank you to our grounds staff on a job well Cancer done. Last but not least I need the huge support of everyone Events to come out to the Cancer We have a number of events Support meetings as well as coming up this summer. participating in the Cancer On Tuesday, August 1st, Walk in September. There are National Night Out took place so many of us in our community in the front of the community who have been stricken with center flagpole. The Music this terrible disease, and we Festival will be held every are in dire need for community Sunday in the month of August support. Come out and join the starting on August 6th at 5:00 fight against Cancer p.m. with Gospel music. Family Fun Day will be on Blessings, peace and love to Saturday, August 19th where all. families can come out to enjoy each other’s company, bring

The Rochdale Village Board of Directors meeting has been canceled for the month of August 2017. Please note your calendars.

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Queens DA’s reps meet with Public Safety Committee about Trespass Affidavit Program at RV (Continued from page 1) reducing trespassing infractions from unknown individuals. There are 3,200 apartment buildings currently enrolled in the program according to the DA’s office and to date, numerous arrests for criminal trespassing have been made. The question becomes whether TAP right for Rochdale? The panel of presenters included Assistant Queens District Attorney, Jesse Sligh, Joshua Mandell from the Intake Bureau, Community Coordinator Angel Arias, Inspector Grover from the 113th Precinct, Sergeant Geritano, NCO Police Officer Edwards, Rochdale Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson, Lieutenant Padilla and Sergeant Bryant. Each discussed the pros and cons What Is TAP? of enlisting a TAP program at TAP is a community Rochdale Village. initiative that was developed out of the New York County District How TAP Works? Attorney’s Office. It is widely used TAP is most effective when in metropolitan neighborhoods residents actively partner with the to manage the threat of illegal police and management because activities in public spaces by exchanging information about traffic from outside guests that maneuver across the property often present problems like gaining access into laundry rooms, stairwells and other remote areas. First Vice President of the Board of Directors and Committee Chairman Talib Bey, Board Chairman and committee CoChair Clifton Stanley Diaz and Fourth Vice President of the Board and committee Co-Chair, Tim Mercer invited delegates from the Queens’ District Attorney’s Office to present the Trespass Affidavit Program (TAP) as an option to the trespassing dilemma at Rochdale. Their input was sought to help us determine whether TAP is the right fit for this community.

happenings in the community is at the root of its success. What that means is, if you see something you must say something. However, experience has shown that people are reluctant to report suspicious activities to the authorities when they see them occurring. Further, the TAP program’s premise is to embed the New York City police department in our residential buildings that would give them sweeping control to make arrests on our complex, stairwells and other common areas. TAP’s authority is aggressively used in public housing environments. Rochdale Village does not meet this living classification therefore, it is possible that police force of this magnitude could lead to detrimental arrests and mistaken identity errors. Especially if police are confused by who is a resident at this complex and who is a trespasser. According to Committee Chairman Bey, “A strategy can be

used to modify some of the things that could be done to make the program useful here like having regular meetings between officers and peace officers but at present TAP is not a good fit here.” Rochdale’s Public Safety Department is currently devising a new notice that will be given to people that are arrested on the complex for trespassing. One of the express reasons why the TAP program was even being considered was to reduce the community’s exposure to outside individuals that have a persistent number of felons, warrants and prior arrests. While stakeholders continue to find options and solutions that will combat the community’s growing trespassing challenge, residents are encouraged to make use of the text number that has been established for making confidential reports to the Public Safety Department. If you see something, you can say something by texting it to 347-455-9373.

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July 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

by Marion Marion Scott Scott -- by

General Manager’s Monthly Report for June 2017

BOARD MEMBERS OVER THE YEARS A RETROSPECTIVE I have been asked to comment on what I think is an ideal board member. Over the years serving on the Board of Directors has shown a marked change where the common good is being subordinated to private selfishness. This is a universal observation and a systemic problem affecting most board rooms. An ideal board member is the unique person who actually believes what he says and is the person to whom the common good is the greatest personal value. One who genuinely and completely believes in serving his community and is not diverted by superficial problems--and doesn’t vote as part of a clique which turns fellow board members into robots. A dedicated member who believes intensely in the future possibilities of Rochdale Village and will firmly promote the basic physical and material well-being of the community and his home. Good board members should be elected from reflection and choice, not from

the stale bait for popularity at the expense of the public good. Being on the board is an active way to manage your life, your community and its finances. Board members are able to set standards and participate in the final decisions of the corporation; and in turn protect their investment. Board members need to see themselves as overseers not implementers, because sometimes it is difficult to differentiate between governance and management. Monitoring activities in the corporation can be facilitated by clear reporting lines and deliberate clarification of the role of the board and staff.

Boards that micromanage want to both set strategic direction and actively oversee the implementation of the details. That is the principle change in the way boards have evolved over the years; mainly because their roles have not been clearly defined. SUBSTANCE OVER POLITICS It appears that some board members are more concerned about Rochdale politics rather than the actual work. They deny or ignore obvious progress being made to obtain a vote. Management is about the work, not the politics. And what does this

work entail? It is successfully managing the budget to ensure that the housing company will not need a carrying charge increase over the next two years. It is making sure vacancies remain low, which maximizes income. Overseeing the capital improvements, preventative and response maintenance, and evaluating policies and procedures for effectiveness. These are yet a few of the responsibilities management has and we do not get to choose sides when carrying them out. We meet with the board monthly to advise, listen to and take suggestions from them as to the direction Rochdale needs to move. Our interest is solely to carry out the wishes of the board through their majority vote. We in management are not impartial observers nor do we wish to appear impertinent. However, the subject speaks of its own importance and we have respectfully expressed our opinion based upon fifty years of experience in dealing with board of directors and their deviation from customary practices.

Summer Curfew is in Effect

Please consider your neighbors. No loud noises after 10 pm. Benches should be cleared by 11 pm. Thank you. Public Safety

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Community Center Profit & Loss Statement year-to-date

Consolidated Profit & Loss Statement as of

May 31, 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY 2017 2016

Rochdale Village, Inc. Balance Sheet FY 2016 and FY 2017

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2017 2016

July 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Victoria Pearson

Public Safety Monthly Report June 2017 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of June 2017. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage.


LOITERING: During the month of June 2017, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering conditions. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to total of (33) complaints of loitering which were resolved as follows: 1. Conditions corrected – Twelve (12) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave. 2. Unfounded – Thirteen (13) unfounded loitering complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present) 3. Responded – Eight (8) loiterers found and/or loiterers were advised of RV’s rules and regulations 4. Violations issued – One (1) violation for loitering were issued 5. Non-compliant of directives to leave – Zero (0) (Arrest made as a result)









There was (1) arrest for the month of June 2017. EVICTION(S): 2 The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to * Special Verticals are performed by the Supervisors organize to better serve the community.

ROCHDALE VILLAGE, INC. A HOUSING DEVELOPMENT COOPERATIVELY OWNED AND OPERATED DVR UNIT ACTIVITY RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 20 MANAGEMENT OFFICE PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICE MAINTENANC OFFICE INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 41 169-65 137 AVENUE 169-65 137 AVENUE 169-55 137 AVENUE JAMAICA, NY 11434 JAMAICA, NY 11434 VIOLATIONS ISSUED 0 JAMAICA, NY 11434Listed are the classifications of Notice of Violations issued: TEL.: (718) 276-5700 TEL.: (718) 276-2400 TEL.: (718) 276-5610 ARREST INCIDENTS 0 FAX: (718) 723-0963 CLASSIFICATION AMOUNT Illegal Move out 32 FIRE INCIDENTS 0 1 1 Illegal Move out 2 Illegal Move in Illegal Move in 11 TOTAL INCIDENTS 61 2 3 Negligence 3 Negligence 41 4 Harboring a Pet 1 4 Harboring Pet 25 5 Louda Noise TOWED VEHICLES 5 Loud Noise 53 6 Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language The Public Safety Department towed Nine (9) vehicles during 7 Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Loitering Language 6 11 8 Illegal Sublet the month of June for violation of parking rules on the complex. 7 Loitering 34 9 Damage to Rochdale Property th

8 9 *SPECIAL VERTICAL PATROL BY ROCHDALE 10 PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICERS: 11 Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol 12 the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different 13 14 hours to curtail unlawful activities and have been positively 15 reinforced. 18 19 VERTICALS: 1679 20 SPECIAL VERTICALS: 12 21 22 TOTAL: 1691 23 24 TOWING: 09 25


Illegal Littering Sublet 10 11 to Comply Damage to Failure Rochdale Property 12 Reckless Endangerment Littering 13 Illegal Occupant Failure to Dispute Comply 14 Reckless Endangerment 15 Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance 18 Criminal Activities Illegal Occupant 19 Fire Hazard Dispute 20 Urinating in Public Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance 21 Disturbing the Peace 22 Leak Criminal Gas Activities 23 Trespass Fire Hazard 24 Urinating inOdor Public 25 Harassment Disturbing theon Peace 26 Barbecue Terrace 27 Throwing Gasthings Leak out the window 28 Illegal Parking Trespass 29 Health Hazzard OdorTotal Harassment Total


5 25 2

4 2 1 0 0 2 2 4 2 1 2 32



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July 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Pius Kwarteng-Danquah

Contract Summary/Status — June 2017

LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE 6, 7 & 8 - BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: Building Numbers 2, 4, 7, 9, 17- 20 completed end of December, 2016. Minor Façade repairs for Building Numbers 13, 14, 15 and 16 in progress.


Phase 3 - Hallway renovation began February, 2017. Estimated completion, end of October

COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 1. Community Center Interior Work:

SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Project Schedule: Construction began, October 2016. Comple tion – October, 2017.

Phases 1 & 2 completed end of October, 2016.

Phase 3 is in progress.


Men and women restrooms – work in progress

Red Brick – completed end of May, 2017

Senior Service Center – completed end of April, 2017

Servery – completed end of April

Boardroom- completed midJanuary

Contract Amount: $1,760,000.

Bathrooms are scheduled to be completed in the following phases: 1. Phase 1 - Men’s bathroom com pleted mid-March, 2017. 2.

Phase 2 - ADA bathroom renovation will be completed midAugust, 2017.


Phase 2 - Women’s bathroom will be completed mid-August, 2017.

NOTICE PROPANE, CHARCOAL AND NATURAL GAS GRILLS PROHIBITED AT ROCHDALE VILLAGE New York City’s Fuel Gas Code 623 and Fire Code 307.5 strictly regulates grilling in mul@ple dwelling residences and apartment buildings. ONLY ELECTRIC BARBECUE GRILLS ARE LEGAL TO USE ON APARTMENT TERRACES ACCORDING TO THE LAW. Avoid cooperator fines and ensure the protec@on of this community. Do not use propane, natural gas or charcoal barbecue grills on terraces.

Thank You,. Rochdale Village Management

NORC - completed mid- January.


Project Schedule: Construction began in April of 2016. Completion, September 2017.


Contract Amount: $1,765,000.

COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: Work on parapet wall completed end of October, 2016 PARKING LOT #3: Project began May 8th, 2017. • • •

Phase 1- May 8 to May 19 (Completed) Phase 2- May 22 to June 2 (Completed) Phase 3- June 5 to June 16 (Completed)

WALKWAY REPAIRS: Project to start July 24th, 2017 PARKING LOT #6: Project completed end of December, 2016. Repair work completed mid-June, 2017.

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Rochdale Village Senior Center - August 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - August 2017

July 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2017

Get your New Kitchen Cabinet at Rochdale Village Maintenance h splas Back cluded In Not


Prices (Installed):

Kitchen Features: •  •  •  •  •  •  •  •

Choice of Cherry Wood or Antique Ivory finish 100% Plywood material Quartz Countertop Stainless Steel Sink Stainless Steel Gooseneck Retractable Spray Head Faucet Brushed Nickel Drawer Pulls 4-Double door cabinet closures 2-Door Pantry cabinet

KITCHENS WITH PANTRY = $2,480.00 •  SMALL •  MEDIUM = $3,080.00 •  LARGE = $3,180.00 *(Add $50.00 for vendor installed door pulls.)

Kitchen Benefits:

Rochdale approved kitchen cabinets benefit cooperators by: Reducing outgoing restoration charges upon moving. •  *(dependent upon cabinet’s condition at move out) Rochdale’s plumbers are authorized to service the •  equipment.

How to Order: •  •  •  •  •

Call or Visit:

Draft order request with Group Manager Pay in full at Mgmt. office cashier window Credit & debit cards, check or money order Order finalized with proof of payment Cabinet delivery is up to 4 weeks from payment.

Dear Cooperators. If you are interested in getting one of those great, new kitchens being offered by Rochdale Village Maintenance but you are unsure what size layout you have, then look no further. Below please find a

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

“cheat sheet” that shows residents what size their kitchen installation will be based on according to their building and section. Any additional questions can also be answered by your buildings Group Manager.

July 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

RV after school program gets ready for fall By Susan Van Brackle


he Rochdale Village Academy after school program is currently accepting applications for the next session, which begins during the week of September 11 and continues throughout the school year until June 2018. The Academy is licensed by the state of New York and is run by certified directors and instructors with the goal of providing a safe, fun and educational environment for children aged 6-12 years old until their parent or guardian picks them up at the end of the day. Activities range from cultural arts, reading, educational computer, music and sports with snacks included. The program’s times of operation are Monday through Friday, 2:30 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. which accommodates long

distance commuters. The program may even provide pick up service for children attending classes in the local area. Community Center Director Julia Shaw explained, “We’ll pick up children from surrounding schools like 354, P.S. 80. We will have instructors meet the children after school and then walk them over…if a parent needs a child bussed, then the parent will need to arrange their own transportation. She added, “The Rochdale Village after school program also provides coverage to families during winter and spring school breaks in the form of all day programs for children so that parents have a place to bring them.” To register for the Rochdale Village Academy after school program and to discuss weekly rates, contact Taryn Morrison at 718-276-5700 x337 or by email at tmorrison@rochdalevillage. com.

Community Center Committee selects Dr. Bob Lee of WBLS for RV’s Throwback Party By Susan Van Brackle


fro puffs, dashiki tops, mini skirts and Kangol hats were all the rage at the 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s Throwback Party held on Saturday, July 22 in the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom. The Community Center Committee selected Dr. Bob Lee, celebrity disc jockey for 107.5 WBLS, to get the party going. He worked the crowd while playing memorable

musical hits that got folks out of their chairs and onto the dance floor (see pictures featured on page 14 of this newspaper). News of the event spread quickly after patrons heard onair promotions on the radio station and posts were seen on social media. The Community Center Committee rolled out the red carpet for guests with a delicious buffet, raffle prizes and awards that were gifted to participants wearing the best

costumes of the night. What’s next for the committee you ask? Well, the Community Center Committee is chaired by Rochdale Board President Jean Castro along with Ed Douglass as co-chair. Together with committee members like Debbie Brown, Inez Lewis, Tina Young and Mary Czwartachi, they host back-to-back events for some of the largest gatherings in this community such as the Women’s History Month recognition in March, the


month-long Music Festival in August, September’s Fall Festival and, the Annual New Year’s Eve celebration in December. Consider getting involved with active committees at Rochdale Village. The Community Center Committee meets on the third Thursday of the month in the Community Center. Call the Board of Directors office at 718-276-5700 x336 for additional information.

Please be considerate of each neighbor’s car while parking in the community parking lots. Drive slowly and thoughtfully. Thank you.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2017

70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s Throwback Party with 107.5 WBLS DJ Dr. Bob Lee Photo credit: Briana Randall

Celebrity DJ Dr. Bob Lee of 107.5 WBLS (center) wowed the Rochdale Village crowd at July’s 70’s, 80’s, 90’s and 2000’s Throwback Party.

Guests truly enjoyed the chance to dress up according to their favorite decade.

Board President Jean Castro accompanies Dr. Bob Lee on the microphone while committee member Inez Lewis looks on.

Can’t you just hear the throwback hits? Looks like some break dancing was just about to get started.

Jean Castro, Board President and Chairman of the Community Center Committee (l.) presents winners of the Best Dressed Costume along with Co-Chair Ed Douglass. (r.)

Community Center Committee members kept the party running smoothly (l. to r.) Debbie Brown, Ed Douglass, Inez Lewis and Mary Czwartachi.

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Rochdale’s Summer Academy take field trip to Queens Science Museum

Children participating in the Rochdale Village Summer Academy visited the Queens Science Museum located in the vicinity of Flushing Meadows Park in Flushing Queens.

The field trip was the first of many numerous activities that are scheduled for the kids until the summer program is completed on August 25, 2017.

The children were capitivated by learning new and interesting things about science at the Queens Science Museum.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2017

Convenient access to the apartment waiting list can be found on By Susan Van Brackle


inding out about the wait list status of available Rochdale Village apartments is as simple as clicking your computer mouse. Residents and guests may access details in two different ways once they enter into their browser. The first way to view the wait schedule of

affordable Mitchell-Lama coop apartments is by accessing the menu marked ‘Live Here’ on the front of the web page. The Apartment Waiting List section is the third option located in the ‘Live Here’ menu selection (see example on page 13). Under this pull down menu, viewers will also find information about Rochdale’s apartments and amenities along with the most recent status published by the

Rochdale Village Allocations team. The second way to access information about apartment wait times is via the New York State Division of Housing and Community Renewal’s (DHCR) link, which is found on Rochdale’s Waiting List page (see image on page 12). Once the link is clicked, and the name of the co-op property is selected, viewers will be connected to

waiting list details according to DHCR. This online system is available anytime during the day or night. As of the most recent posting by the Rochdale Village Allocations Department, access to new apartments is running anywhere from one and one half years to three years out dependent on the number of rooms that are being requested.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - June 26, 2017


Eight for, four against, three abstentions; motion WHEREAS, the contract between Marion

Scott Real Estate Inc. (“MSI”) and Rochdale Village, Inc. (“Rochdale”) for management services

passes. R31-17:

expires on July 1, 2017; WHEREAS, MSI’s managing agent contract with Rochdale will be renewed for an additional twelve-month period;

WHEREAS, in 2015 the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approved the renovation of the Community Center in the amount of $1,765,000; WHEREAS, additional work not in the

WHEREAS, the managing agent base rate

original scope was added to the project including

fee will be increased by 2.3% as authorized by New

renovations of the Board, Senior Center and NORC

York State Homes & Community Renewal (“HCR”) for the period commencing July 1, 2017 and ending June 30, 2018; and

Offices, a new gym in Community Room 9 and the red brick area; WHEREAS, additional work including plumbing and electrical issues were discovered as

WHEREAS, the Management Plan for MSI has been amended to reflect the current staff at Rochdale.

work progressed and needed to be added; and WHEREAS, the added work has a cost of $314,850 increasing the total contract amount to $2,079,850.

NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves the amended Management Plan and extension of the MSI contract thru June 30, 2018, with the 2.3% increase authorized in the managing agent base rate fee, beginning on July 1, 2017. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


Stacey Francis

Tracey Irvin

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem ABSTAIN

Jean Hall Derrick Shareef

Maryam Hubbard

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that Rochdale Village Board of Directors accepts the Community Center additional work for an additional cost of $314,850. Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro


Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


Tracey Irvin ABSENT Barbara Staples Thirteen for, one abstention, one absent; motion passes.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - June 26, 2017 10:00 P.M.

R32-17: WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Youth

The purpose of the event is to

increase crime and drug awareness, engender

Planning Committee (“YPC”) sponsors many different

support for anticrime efforts and fortify

events for the youth of Rochdale;

neighborhood spirit and police community

WHEREAS, a yearly budget was created


as a template for the Youth Planning Committee

As usual, the main portion of the

event will be held in front of the Rochdale

upcoming events for a requested amount of $31,388;

Village Community Center main entrance.


Mr. Bey is requesting that the Board WHEREAS, the Youth Planning Committee

of Directors grant the Public Safety Committee

is requesting the same amount as last year’s

money in the amount of $6,000 (six thousand

budget, with the continued intention of expanding

dollars) this year to fund this event.

the amount of programming including but not

will be used to purchase the necessary equipment

limited to art, dance, football, tennis and

and articles that are essential in ensuring a


successful event. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that

Any unused monies will be

returned to the Controller forthwith.

the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors



accepts the resolution for the Youth Planning



Committee yearly budget.



Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

Tee shirts

Seconded by: Mario Turner


FOR Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

The money

$1,200 $550

Glow lights, candles etcetera $1,000 Refreshments


Estimated costs


Stacey Francis

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Tracey Irvin

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Seconded by: Talib Bey.

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

hat pretty much concludes what the resolution is.


Clifton Stanley Diaz

Barbara Staples

Stacey Francis

Jean Hall

Fourteen for, one absent; motion passes.

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

R33-17: The Rochdale Village Public Safety

Joyce Williams

Committee is planning for the nationwide “National Night Out” event.


This year the event will be

held on Tuesday, August 1, 2017 from 7:00 P.M. to

Tracey Irvin

July 2017

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - June 26, 2017

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz


Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro.

Barbara Staples Thirteen for, one abstention, one absent; motion


passes. Talib Bey

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Stacey Francis

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbard

Tracey Irvin

wishes to host an appreciation luncheon for all

Timothy Mercer

Jean Randolph-Castro

maintenance employees;

Earl Roberts

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

R34-17: WHEREAS, the Maintenance Committee

WHEREAS, showing appreciation helps to build solid working relationships between cooperators and the maintenance staff;


THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Maintenance Committee host an appreciation

Barbara Staples

luncheon to be held in a community room in each of

Fourteen for, one absent; motion passes.

the five circles and that the committee’s expenses do not exceed $3,000.

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - June 26, 2017

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m. Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro - President Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Lisa Stark - Treasurer Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Treasurer Stacey Francis - Director Tracy Irvin - Director Earl Roberts - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Derrick Shareef - Director Barbara Staples - Director (left at 8:25 p.m.) Also present MSI Real Estate Alex Freedman - Assistant General Manager

Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance Victoria Pearson - Director of Public Safety Judy Jones - President, House Congress Not Present Gil Francisco - Facility Manager The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting. Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (5) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 9:25 p.m.

COOPERATORS! Please do not deposit bulk garbage in the building’s service hallway after 3:30 PM Thank you.

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July 2017

Senior Citizens Committee Minutes for Wednesday, July 5, 2017 The meeting was called to order by Co-Chair, Ms. Jean Rando1ph Castro at 10:25 a.m. Prayer led by Ms. Betty Smith. Joyce Williams

Management held a Q & A segment to update the seniors on Spectrum on their opinion on the bulk sale survey. The Annual Family Fun Day luncheon

picnic was discussed. Senior Luncheon the seniors that they are always is scheduled for August 19, 2017. The welcome to come in when they have questions, seniors were encouraged to seniors signed up for the picnic. continue to do VNS Survey. Seniors Ms. Sheree Shivers-Senior Center were advised to notify the NORC Director had a discussion on the fish office if they knew of any seniors fry, the Senior Community Center residing on their floor that are home will be having on July 15, 2017 for bound. their fund raiser. The seniors were encouraged to update their files in Meeting adjourned at 11:35 a..m. case of an emergency. Next meeting is scheduled for Ms. Marie-Cendy Theophile, NORC Wednesday August 02, 2017 at 10:00 Director, did a presentation informing a.m.


Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 For all maintenance requests and repairs, please Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 note the following group numbers and contacts for Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17 the following extension for your circle:

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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July 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ Free at last

The Same

By Ed Miller

By Gloria Williams

When Martin Luther King Said, “Free At Last” He didn’t mean Throwing graduation caps High in the air He didn’t mean Last day of school for The summer vacation Until September and New term’s beginning He didn’t mean the The tuition free Program in New York For Middle Class college Students, like the GI Bill. However we think of The phrase,”Free at last!” We all must celebrate The reward and pride that Goes with a cap and gown That promotion/diploma from Pre-school to High School to Phd. No matter one’s race or religion! That is Martin Luther King’s Meaning of “Free At Last!”

Black lives matter Do not close your eyes Brutal police crooked politicians ask for forgiveness then turn around and apologize So much cruelty and injustice people are enraged children being killed by guns choking while crying out I can’t breathe No matter what the age Mothers and fathers crying as every loss unfolds potential is gone forever never knowing what the future holds. Marvin Gaye would ask What’s happening What’s going on? Nothing much has changed we are still singing your insightful songs still fighting for our freedom fighting for the people’s rights still singing We shall overcome still no peace is in sight We must all, come together Yellow Brown black and White. Everything must change til that day comes everything will remain exactly the same.

Shattered in the Moment By Anthony Blake What I thought was my life being a dream I was trying to find reality in what did it mean? Windows around my house would often crack and smash themselves I would often see fragment pieces on the floor But somewhere in my life was a pattern in not being sure A thought of uncertainty However, I am back to finding reality Yet the self being with shattered hope But it is a mechanism that one must cope Shattered with the message in pieces bringing my life back together It doesn’t have to be a dark cloud hanging over I was meant to live a life I am my own advice However my tears are starting to fall But I need to end this shattered once and for all Life is what one puts in Make life continual and not a begin Shattered becoming a reason to survive The message is clear with be thankful that I am yet alive.


The RV Church Corner Why not visit a neighborhood house of worship here in the surrounding Rochdale Village community? Peace. The church of St. Bonaventure 114-58 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-0040 10 a.m. Mass Celebration 8:30 a.m. Morning Mass Celebrations: Mon., Wed., Fri. St. Benedict the moor 171-17 110th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-4018 Reverend Gordon P. Kusi, Pastor Reverend Stephen Jantuah Deacon Pascual Olivas Angela Lewis, Dir. Religious Ed. Noon & 5 p.m. Mass Celebrations 8:30 A.M. Morning Mass Celebrations: Tues., Thurs. Christ the King Church 145-39 Farmers Boulevard Springfield Gardens, NY 11434 718-528-6010 Pastor: Jeffry T. Dillon Service Times: Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Daily Mass: M-F 8:00 am; Sat. 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study: 3rd & 4th Sundays Confession: Sat. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Shepherd’s House Open Bible Church (SHOBC) 134-30 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434 Sunday school - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship Experience -10 a.m. Wednesdays - Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm Fridays - Deliverance Service 7:30p.m. Christ Pentecostal Temple, Inc. 109-45 157th Street Jamaica, N.Y. 11433 Tel: 718-529-3900

Suffragan Bishop Derrick Farmer, DD Service Times: Sunday School: 9:30 a.m. Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Monday & Wednesday Noonday Prayer: 12:00 p.m. Wednesday Bible Study: 7:30 p.m. Friday Youth Service: 8:00 p.m. Saturday Prayer Meeting 8:00 p.m. Our Lady Of Light Parish St. Catherine of Sienna Church 118-22 Riverton Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. Sunday 8:00am and 12:00 p.m. St. Pascal Babylon 112-43 198th Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m. Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. The Greater Rescue Church of Christ, Inc. of the Apostolic Faith 110 - 51 Guy R. Brewer Blvd.

Jamaica, NY 11433 Phone: 718-739-7165 Fax: 718-739-3880 Website: E-mail: Rev. Leslie B. Hodelin-Wilks, Pastor Min. Gene Robbins, Assistant Pastor Service Times Sunday School: 9:45 a.m. Sunday Morning Worship: 11:30 a.m. Sunday Evening Worship: 6 p.m. Prayer Service: Tuesdays, 7 p.m. Kingdom First Living Bible Class Wednesday, 7:30 p.m. Evangelistic Worship: Fridays, 8:30p.m.

The Rochdale Village Church Corner lists an array of houses of worship to attend. List your church! Email:

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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TUESDAY 7:00 P.M. Environmental Committee Meeting Room 8* (K. Saleem)




RV ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Presented by the Community Center Committee 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. GOSPEL



RV ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Presented by the Community Center Committee 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. REGGAE RV ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Presented by the Community Center Committee 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. JAZZ





7:00 P.M. HOUSE CONGRESS Room 8* (E. Evans) (CANCELLED)



9:45 A.M. New Cooperator Orientation Rooms 6/7* (E. Herold) _______________ 7:00 P.M. Community Relations Committee Meeting Room2* (M. Hubbard)




28 RV ANNUAL MUSIC FESTIVAL Presented by the Community Center Committee 5:00 P.M. – 8:00 P.M. R&B

____________________ 7:00 P.M. Social Services Committee Meeting Room 5 * (M. Turner) (CANCELLED) ______________________ NATIONAL NIGHT OUT RV Public Safety Committee 7:00P.M.-10:30P.M. In front of the RVCC

7:30 P.M. Legal & Management Meeting Management Office Conference Room (J. Castro) (CANCELLED)




10:00 A.M. Senior Citizens Committee Meeting Ballroom (J. Williams) (CANCELLED)



July 2017

The Rochdale Village Bulletin


7:00 P.M. Public Safety Committee Meeting Rooms 6/7* (T. Bey) (CANCELLED)




7:45 P.M. Board of Directors Monthly Meeting Rooms 11/12/13 (CANCELLED)




7:00 P.M. Youth Planning Committee Meeting Room 2* (M. Turner)





7:00 P.M. Maintenance Committee Meeting Rooms 6/7* (J. Hall)




7:00 P.M. Community Center Committee Meeting Room 2* (J. Castro) (CANCELLED) 7:00 P.M. Commercial Services Committee Meeting Room 5* (T. Mercer) (CANCELLED)

7:00 P.M. Youth Planning Committee Meeting Room 2* (M. Turner) 25

The RV Community Relations Presents 2017 Rochdale Village FAMILY FUN DAY 8:00 A.M.– 7:00 P.M. 26 9:45 A.M. New Cooperator Orientation Room 3* (C. Diaz)

* All of the committee meeting rooms are subject to change due to the Community Center Renovation. Please call the Board Office with any questions (718) 276-5700 Ext. 336.

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone!


Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

July 2017

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