Greetings fellow shareholders, my name is Keysha Beasley and I’ve lived in Rochdale Village for over forty five years. I was raised in Rochdale Village and I am now raising my two beautiful children who love our community.
I am a current Board Member who was re-elected by the people for the people. I currently serve as Third Vice President, Maintenance Chair, Co-Chair of the New Shareholder Orientation.
My thirty+ years of experience as a Customer Relations Specialist, has helped make some great strides within the maintenance department. My skill set will help improve the communication within the development with, employees, and shareholders.
In 2006, I served as a Rochdale Village board member. In 2022, I decided it was time to help be apart of the change the community was looking for.
I’m a member of the Jewel of Jamaica Organization. Using social media I advocate and organize cooperators. When cooperators need information, shareholder advice, contacts, net-
working, and/or support, I do my best to assist. I was raised on the motto, “The Jewel of Jamaica.” And a great community must have great leaders as examples. I believe our cooperators are the jewels. We must take care of each other.
As a board member, I will help restore unity, transparency and cooperative living. I will not ignore the complaints from shareholders regarding communication from our Maintenance Department, Public Safety, and our Property Management team. I will continue to lead with integrity.
Over the last 3years I have:
- Interviewed and hired a new accounting firm
- Interviewed and hired a new General Counsel
- Reduced the number of no call, no show maintenance tickets
- Fought for term limits for Board Members which was approved by HCR
- Interviewed various management companies
- Electric car charges, Quest Diagnostic, Auntie Anne’s Pretzel and breakfast restaurant are coming soon to a mall near you. -Implemented new procedures for all family members to attend new shareholder orientation.
Lastly, I will focus on implementing checks and balances for all departments. I ask that you vote for me and the Jewel of Jamaica candidates so we can improve our village.
We Listen! We Act! We Deliver!
Janine cRoss #7
Peace & blessings to all. My name is Janine Cross, and I am seeking election to the Board of Directors. I have resided in Rochdale Village for more than 30 years. I have been a continually active shareholder, making impactful changes in and outside of Rochdale Village.
I am currently employed as an Import Customs Broker. This experience has helped me to understand and provide guidelines to resolve critical issues and major concerns of my fellow cooperators. Their concerns are mine as well.
I have prior experience serving on Rochdale Village Board of Directors. I served as the President of the Board, Vice President, Chairperson for the Maintenance Committee, Chairper-
son for the Youth Planning, Youth Council and Co- Chair for the Orientation Committee and Commercial Services. I served also as the President of House Congress. I also served as a member on the Rochdale Village Social Service Inc. I started the 1st Spelling Bee Contest. I organized a trip with the community to visit the White House in Washington D.C. I organized the first annual Winter Carnival, Christmas Party, and toy drive. I was part of the Healthy Heart Walk, I was involved with the Maintenance Appreciation Day for our Maintenance workers. I even taught Double Dutch to the youth on my spare time. I was also a contestant in the First Rochdale Village Beauty Contest. I provided a Test prep course for the Bus Operator test and math regent prep for high school students in the community center. I volunteered with NORC and Senior Center programs and lobbied for additional funding to assist them in maintaining their programs. By collaborating with other members, we were able to employ an effective management team, reduce carrying charges increase, eliminate waste in our operating expenses, continue to repair the infrastructure, and retain ownership of our malls. I attended informational meet-
ings with the shareholders because I genuinely care about my community and those who live here.
Rochdale Village is not only home to me but to home my friends, family, and neighbors. Therefore, if elected as a Board member, I will serve to the best of my ability, to only make decisions for the betterment of the community. I am committed to finding resources that will help our community and use the experiences I gained from my prior service to be an effective Board Member. So, as a Board member I will make every effort to work with all board members to review management’s efforts, our cash flow, income as well as expenditure and engage in discussions with Board members and cooperators as to how best to keep the cost to the cooperator down while maintaining quality service to all cooperators. I will seek innovative ways to increase our income streams, keep shareholders
involved and communicate effectively to assist shareholders facing eviction and those who may have complication understanding their right to succession.
So, please elect me. Janine Cross as your Board Member. Elect someone who will be a productive board member and do the job done for the people. Let’s work together to keep Rochdale Village Inc affordable.
Clifton Stanley Diaz is the former Chariman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, a former Chairperson for both The Public Safety and Orientation Committees. As former chairperson of the Public Safety Committee he spearheaded the National Night Out event where he honored the public safety officers, recognizing them for their exceptional work throughout the years. He worked closely with the 113th Precint officers on matters for Rochdale Village to ensure safety within the community. Mr. Diaz was able to obtain approval doe NYPD type police vehicles purchasing all current and past vehicles, purchase of bullet proof vests for our RV Safety officers and was able to obtain a critically needed Physical Security Survey for the Powerplant. Mr. Diaz has an unmatched record of getting things done for Rochdale Village through his large network of associations.
Mr. Diaz is a current member of the Commuity Board 12 serving as chairperson for the Public Safety Committee. He is currently a delegate for the Judicial Democrat Organization which selects new judges as those currently serving reach their maximum limit. He is also the President of the Rochdale
Village Civic Association.
Mr. Diaz serves as a member of the USPS Advisory Committee. When our mail was being stolen from our apartment doors and was being delivered late, he put a stop to it by leading the fight to correct this. He was able to get 40 New Free U.S. Postal Parcel Locker Boxes installed in all 20 buildings valued at over a Million dollars! Lastly, he was able to get New NYC Park Night Lights installed (between Buildings 3 and 4) behind I.S. 72. On another note, Diaz always has time to listen to cooperator issues and help when they need assistance.
Currently a Board member, he is seeking re-election for the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, to continue the good work that was started before the present majority board. The love for his community, dedication, and being a long-time cooperator is what compels Mr. Diaz to continue to serve the Rochdale Village Community. He continues to stay consistent serving with all his experience, abilities and professionalism.
Mr. Diaz’s goals are to continue to work hard to keep Rochdale Village a beautiful place in which to live and work, to fight to keep Rochdale Village affordable and to maintain the quality of life for all cooperators.
Go out and vote on Wednesday, October 2, 2024.Please vote all 5 seats of the Coalition of Concerned Cooperators (CCC)
Rochdale Village Inc. Positions 2024
• 4th Vice President of Rochdale Village Board of Directors
• Chair of Rochdale Village Public Safety Committee
• Chair of the Rochdale Village Community Center Committee
• Chair of Subcommittee Parking
As your current board member, I’ve been empowering shareholders, interviewing new management companies and attorneys, bidding for new laundromats with various contractors, improving community culture, and keeping Rochdale Village affordable. I’ve listened to the plethora of complaints about laundromat machines, and I understand your frustration. We are working on getting new machines with a new contractor as the laundromat contract comes to an end.
What are some resolutions and policies that I supported during my term?
• Bid for new laundromat machines with other contractors
• Interviewed various management companies
• Hired new corporate counsel
• Required Summit Property Management to get a consultant to evaluate their office structure and efficiency
• Hired new accounting firm
• Term limits for board members which was approved by HCR
• Shareholders can view recorded board meetings online via www.rochdalevillage.com
• Electric car chargers, Quest Diagnostics, Auntie Anne’s Pretzel, and a breakfast restaurant are coming to our malls.
• Improving the senior experience by upgrading the senior café.
How did I improve community engagement and safety?
• Chairperson-Rochdale Village Public Safety Committee
• Hosted 113th Community council monthly meetings in Rochdale Village
• Member of the 113th Precinct Civic Leaders
• Stationed Public Safety Officers at all exits/entrances of buildings with drug activity
• Partnered with NYPD to evict drug apartments (Groups 1,2 &4)
• NY Citizen Preparedness Training
• Planned National Night Out for all ages
• Increased Public Safety Officers
How am I improving parking in our village? Chairperson-Subcommittee parking
• Reduced 113th PCT. parking spaces from 64 to 30 spaces in the Big Mall
• 113th PCT. officers will pay $60.00 a month for parking spaces or lose access to parking
• Reducing parking waiting lists by locating abandoned/unoccupied spaces
• Mass registration will be done in all parking lots
For over twenty years, my career as a certified Property Manager has been satisfying. I’ve managed various apartment buildings and cooperatives but volunteering to ameliorate my own cooperative is the biggest reward.
As the co-founder of the Jewel of Jamaica Organization, I’m asking you to vote for me and the other JOJ candidates so we can continue to improve Rochdale Village Inc. I will continue to empower shareholders, hold management accountable, lead with integrity, and continue to keep Rochdale Village affordable. Lastly, my family and I love this community and we will be here to the very end.
We Listen! We Act! We Deliver!
My name is Alexis Major. I am running to be elected to the Rochdale Village Board of Directors.
In the late 1980’s, my uncle was a NYC Parole Officer and resident of Rochdale Village. When my grandmother, whom my mother and I lived with in St. Albans at the time was ready
to retire, my uncle began telling her about this great community called Rochdale Village that he had been living in and he figured that would be a great transition for my grandmother, as we lived in a private house. I remember as a young girl of 10 years old, a gentleman representing Rochdale Village coming to visit our home in St. Albans to interview my grandmother and mom for a possible apartment in Rochdale. We moved to section 5 in June of 1990, and I have been a resident of Rochdale Village ever since. As the years passed, my grandmother has since passed away and my mother by that time had secured her own apartment in Rochdale where she and I lived together. In May of 2022, I was called for my own apartment in Roch-
dale where I have been living since. I am proud to say I am a 3rd generation shareholder of Rochdale Village Inc.
Over the years, watching my single mother complete her college degree and working as a Social Worker, she later became a decorated NYC Probation Officer who is now retired. she has been a great inspiration to me focusing on education and working in local government and social services to make a positive impact on my community of Jamaica, Queens.
I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from CUNY and I am currently working for the City of New York. I have been working in Social Services for almost 20 years serving the homeless, veterans, senior citizens, and children throughout the borough of Queens. Each of these job roles have not only allowed me to experience working with a wide range of diverse individuals, but I have also been able to learn and excel at money management and finances as I have a long history of running financial workshops and creating budgets for many individuals in need of a variety of services.
Since I have grown up in this community, I would like to make my voice heard as an advocate and representative of the cooperators who would like to see this community thrive and maintain an affordable and safe community for Senior citizens, children and working families alike. My mission is to enhance the programs currently in place and implement new initiatives that we can all enjoy and benefit from.
I have always thought of Rochdale as a small town within the excitement and electricity of the larger Jamaica, Queens neighborhood. As in many small towns you would see in the south, the Senior Citizens are revered as the elder states people while the children and young adults are looked at as the next generation who are being encouraged to take the torch and continue the mission and legacy of the town they live in. I want Rochdale Village to continue to be the unique community that we have always been, and I hope to continue the legacy of those who came before me in my effort to keep this community great!
First and foremost, I would like to introduce myself. My name is Sheila McKenzie. My family and I have lived in Rochdale Village for over 35 years. I am also a former Rochdale Village board member. I was also chair of the parking committee.
I’m very blessed to be a resident here, and I am very proud of the work that the Board of Directors has been doing for the quality of life for every one of us here at Rochdale Village. It is my desire to work with the Board of Directors to continue on with the work that they have achieved. This year I have made the decision to run for the Board of Directors, also because I love my community.
I wish to work with the Board of Directors to continue on with the progress that is being done in keeping Rochdale Village financially stable. My diverse background in the finance industry both international and domestic, fraud investigation, and as an Administrative Assistant to the Marshal, City of New York. I was liaison with the Department of Investigation, as well as the serving of affidavits. This has equipped me with the expertise, knowledge, skills and experience that is needed to be an effective Board Member.
I hold a Bachelor of Science degree in Business Administration, with relevant coursework in Marketing and Management. I have over 30 years in the Financial Banking Industry, with supervisory and management experience with additional skills in Customer Service, Compensation and Investigation. I’m well-organized, Conscientious, Responsible and a dependable professional with fantastic interpersonal skills. I am a flexible and creative individual with organizational ability, offering a high degree of motivation and maturity, leadership aptitude and assertiveness. I am a competent leader with extensive experience in prioritizing, delegating, and meeting of deadlines. I have the ability to establish rapport and build relationships with people of diverse backgrounds. I am a team player I am driven and highly self -motivated, I have Business acumen and able to work independently.
Being elected to the Board of directors will allow me to make the best decisions that will be in the best interest of all cooperators. I promise to make right decisions for the betterment of all cooperators. As a Board member I will always put the cooperators first.
It has been a privilege and honor to serve the shareholders of Rochdale Village as a previous Board member. And I hope with your support I will serve Rochdale Village once again. I am concerned with the fiscal future of Rochdale Village. As we all can see, our community is growing and changing, and we need to keep Rochdale Village vibrant and affordable.
Greetings Rochdale Village cooperators. My name is Timothy Mercer, a committed community partner of Rochdale Village, where I live and raised my children. When I hear "it takes a village to raise a family," I think of Rochdale Village families with strong family values and a sense of community. I strongly believe in communities supporting families, and families supporting communities.
I am running to join the Board of Directors to become part of the decision-making process that works to make Rochdale Village the “Best it could be while ensuring families are supported. “ As a potential Board member, I bring a wealth of experience, skills, commitment, community partnerships, resources, and drive, that are essential to the development of Rochdale Village to becoming the “Best it could be.”
I have prior experience on the Board of Directors which gives me the knowledge that is needed to join the Board on the first day understanding my role. As a potential Board member, I bring a wealth of experience, skills, commitment, community partnerships, resources, and drive, that are essential to the areas needing development to make the Community of Rochdale Village to becoming the “Best it could be.”
While on the Board of directors, I formed the Rochdale Resource Committee which organized the first College fair at Rochdale Village to share educational resources and supports for the community. I was also the chair of the commercial services committee. While on this Committee we worked dil-
igently to bring the best services to Rochdale Village that met the needs and wants of the cooperators. The committee which included cooperators, collectively made decisions that successfully brought some of the best vendors to the Rochdale community. I also co-chaired several committees, including the Rochdale Village Community Center Committee and the Social Service Board.
During my time on the Board, I made it my mission to learn what it takes to make Rochdale Village the “Best it could be”. I took advantage of educational opportunities that enhanced my knowledge on the management of large residential apartment developments. I received a certificate from the New York Real Estate Institute in Residential Apartment Management and Commercial Real Estate which allowed me to gain skills to understand the process and role of building management.
Rochdale Village is home to thousands of families that want to live in a safe, beautiful and developing community that supports their needs and wants. The community of Rochdale Village needs Board members who support, understand, and work diligently to meet the needs and wants of the Community to improve the quality of life for generations of residents. Board members are elected by people of Rochdale to represent the community by making the best decisions. If elected to the Board of Directors, my role would be to make Rochdale Village the “Best it could be.”
The best decisions include the voices of the people impacted by the decisions. My goal if elected is to include the voice of the people to make the best decisions for the Community of Rochdale to support a safer, beautiful, financially sound, and developing community for present and future generations.
My name is Alfred E. Smith, and since June 17, 1976, I have enjoyed affordable housing as a Cooperator of Rochdale Village; however, as in addition to other Cooperators, I am currently facing financial challenges and have concerns as to whether Rochdale Village can and/or will continue to be a haven for affordable housing recognizing the
threat of gentrification: the process by which Rochdale Village’s character will be changed by wealthier people moving into Rochdale Village whose sole purpose is to displace the current Cooperators of Rochdale Village as the wealthy use their financial resources to seize neighborhood businesses of Rochdale Village only to inflate the cost of household necessities as the wealthy then become Board of Directors who are willing to increase the carrying charges the wealthy are willing to pay that you and I, as Cooperators, won’t be able to afford; thus, affordable housing will cease to exist as we now know it.
It is always better to have and not need than to need and not have of which is certainly true of money. As Rochdale Village
needs revenue it does not have, in years past, the Board of Directors implemented loans rather than increasing carrying charges initially, this was a good idea; however, it became a bad idea when the reason for the loan was not being resolved or otherwise achieved – Rochdale Village need for revenue to meet its operating and capital expenses.
The Board of Directors have served Rochdale Village for far too many years without illustrating any innovative ideas or vision of prosperity. They have facilitated loans in the amount of $80,000,000, $130,000,000, and lastly $195,000,000. The preceding loans were liquidated upon receiving the succeeding loans wherein the $80,000,000 loan was paid with the proceeds of the $130,000,000 loan as the $130,000,000 loan was paid with the proceeds of the $195,000,000 loan. Thus, it is evident that Rochdale Village next loan will exceed $195,000,000 whereupon the proceeds of the next loan will liquidate the $195,000,000 loan. As this is an indication of fiscal crisis, Cooperators should be mindful of the contractual term “Acceleration Clause” wherein the lender can demand payment of the outstanding loan balance for such reasons as the borrower defaults on the loan. Such an activity is the perfect breeding ground for the unwelcome reality of gentrification. Please note: Rochdale Village is paying the interest on its current loan of $195,000,000 before any payments are made towards the principle of the loan.
The ability to increase the revenue of Rochdale Village without increasing the Cooperators carrying charge requires innovative ideas and visions that would create the solutions nec-
essary to enhance the future prosperity of Rochdale Village. Because parking spaces in and around Rochdale Village are very scarce, this then presents an opportunity to raise additional revenue. As many Cooperators own one to three vehicles within a single household, the construction of two-level parking lots on the site of the existing parking lots within each section of Rochdale Village, excluding the parking lots on the eastside of Bedell St, can provide the much-needed revenue. We would need 11,720 parking spaces wherein each of Rochdale Village 5,860 units would have the ability to park at least two vehicles; thus, each section would have 2,344 available parking spaces. At the current monthly parking rate of $45.00, revenue rendered at 100% capacity would equal $6,328,800 annually and $3,164,400 at 50% capacity. The parking lots on the eastside of Bedell St, as well as the lot located at 137th Ave and Guy R Brewer Blvd., can be transformed into strip malls with customer parking available. By seeking anchor vendors as Staples, Medical Center, Lowe’s, and the like thereof, we could receive revenue in the annual sum of millions of dollars.
I encourage you to read Rochdale Village By-Laws Article III Section 2(b) which speaks to the economical operation of Rochdale Village to obtain the lowest possible carrying charge and Article V which speaks to a rebate of carrying charges after the payment of obligations, expenses, and taxes. The time has come to change the perspective of the Board of Directors.
When I lived in Trinidad & Tobago, I graduated from the prestigious Holy Name Convent. In 2002, I migrated to the United States to live in Rochdale Village Inc. and I’ve lived in this beautiful community for the last twenty-two years. I’ve raised four children who attended our local public schools, PS 30 and MS 72 before attending universities and working.
As a top corporate travel agent, I worked in the Caribbean, and I had the opportunity to work with clients like cricket legend Brian Lara. When I came to the United States, I worked with the same company and gained over two decades of experi-
ence in the Administrative and Accounting field with both jobs combined.
As a member of the board, I would like to improve the shareholder’s day to day lives. My concerns include advocating for the youth and their safety, continuing activities and programs for our senior citizens, timely maintenance upkeep, and improving the quality of life in our cooperative. If I’m elected as a board member, I will listen to shareholders and always advocate. I will always ensure our success. Rochdale is more than just a home to me. Rochdale is a place of community, concern, and care for the greater good of all. Although I travel for work, I currently participate in Rochdale’s committees, and I keep updated on community information, news, and social media.
I hope that you will elect me to guide you in this future endeavor, respectfully submitted, Jacqueline Telfer
My name is Joyce Williams. I am retired after working for thirty-one years in Health and Human Administration. I am a member of Christ Pentecostal Temple, Inc., and I am Chairperson of the Board of Trustees, Christian Counselor, and personal advisor for the Women’s Auxiliary. I have been a cooperator here for more than 14 years.
I served on the Board previously. During my service as a Board Member, I served as the Secretary of the Board and Chairperson of the Senior Citizens Committee. I have helped to implement sound fiscal policies and improvement to the overall infrastructure of Rochdale Village. I am known around the community as very approachable, kind, a great listener to the concerns and issues of the cooperators and most of all, have a great sense of humor. During my tenure on the Board, as the Chairperson of the Community Relations Committee, we sponsored the Community Health Fair and the Family Fun Day. I
also helped organize the 1st Fourth of July celebration here in Rochdale, which gave all cooperators the opportunity to use and enjoy our grounds during Independence Day and watch the MACY*S fireworks, the Annual Senior Luncheon and Rochdale Family Fun Day.
I am seeking election to the Board of Directors because I have a vested interest in the growth and success of my community. This is where I choose to spend my retirement years and I am committed to do my part in helping with the continued progress of Rochdale Village. Our community has the potential to do so much more and it take a committed Board of Directors to accomplish these goals. Board members are elected to serve the best interest of all cooperators and not their personal interests.
I am a strong advocate of cooperators’ rights and will make sure that cooperators’ rights are protected. I will work with all Board members on issues that are in the best interest of Rochdale Village.
My integrity and professionalism help me in unifying the community to accomplish our goals in keeping the rich heritage of Rochdale alive. I intend to leave an imprint of these qualities on whatever I do here in Rochdale Village.
1) The 2024 Election for Directors of Rochdale Village, Inc., will take place during the Stockholders meeting on Tuesday, October 1, 2024.
The Stockholders meeting of Tuesday, October 1, 2024, will be held as a hybrid meeting in person and/or via Zoom conference or other acceptable platform to start at 8 pm. The Stockholders meeting will then recess and continue at the voting places between 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, for the election of the Directors and By-Law changes. All approved ByLaw Amendments will be available for review at the Stockholders Meeting with the name of the submitter. Up to date By-Laws will be published in the August Rochdale Bulletin.
2) The election will be for five (5) Board of Director positions. The top five (5) candidates who receive the highest amount of votes will serve three (3) year terms ending October, 2027, and until their successors are elected. Should there be another vacancy on the Board prior to August 30, 2024, then the person receiving the 6th highest vote total shall serve out the term of the vacant seat.
3) Voting will take place in Community Rooms in the following groups:
To be eligible to vote in person or obtain an absentee ballot, the voter must show photo identification such as a driver's license, Medicare card or other acceptable photo ID.
8a) Absentee ballots can be picked up from the management office or requested to be delivered to the cooperator's residence with verification of acceptable photo ID.
9) BY-LAW AMENDMENTS: Proposed By-Law Amendments must be submitted by personal delivery to the Management office (no mail) no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, August 19, 2024. No By-Law Amendments will be accepted after that time and date. The Election Committee and Counsel will review all ByLaw Amendments for form and legal content and may recommend changes to the submitter. If changes are accepted by the submitter, then the proposed By-Law will be reviewed as changed by the Election Committee and then the Board. If the submitter does not accept the recommended changes, then the By-Law Amendment will be reviewed "as is". The submitter is not bound to accept any recommendations. No changes for any reason may be made after 7:00 p.m. on Wednesday, August 21, 2024. The final detennination of whether a proposed By-Law Amendmentappears on the ballot will be recommended by the Election Committee and decided by the Board of Directors.
4) There will be one (1) vote per apartment by residents who are stockholders on Friday, August 2, 2024. Attendance for quorum purposes shall include personal appearance, attendance proxy or voting.
5) The election will be supervised by an independent Election Company.
6) Candidates must be Stockholders ofrecord on Friday, August 2, 2024, and their primary residence must be Rochdale Village, Inc. Both being Stockholders and primary residence in Rochdale Village :rimst continue for their entire term in order to continue serving as Directors.
7) No person shall be eligible to be elected a Director of Rochdale Village, Inc. who at the time of his or her nomination is delinquent or in arrears in the payment of carrying charges greater than the equivalent of two months of that person's monthly maintenance or if he or she has ever been removed from the Board.
8) VOTING: Voting for candidates for the Board will be by Absentee Ballots requested by a cooperator and by machine ballot prepared by the Election Company, or as provided in paragraph 13. Both the Absentee ballot and machine ballot will include names of all nominees. Only the ballot prepared by the Election Company (no reproductions will be allowed) can be used and they will have return envelopes back to the Election Company and must be received by 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024, to be accepted.
10) NOMINATIONS: Nomination forms will be available at the Management Office from Friday, August 9, 2024, to Wednesday, August 28, 2024. All persons shall be nominated by two (2) cooperators. Nominations and biographies for candidates must be personally delivered (no mail) only to the Management Office by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday August 28, 2024. Biographies shall be limited to 500 words. No additional nominations for candidates to the Board of Directors will be accepted after 5:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 28, 2024. Therefore, it is imperative that all potential candidates for the Board deliver their nominations and biographies to the Management Office only and receive confirmation of receipt by 5:00 p.m. Wednesday August 28, 2024. Mailed nominations or dropped off nominations other than at the Management Office will be disregarded. Withdrawal of candidates will only be accepted until 12:00 noon Thursday September 5, 2024. Attempts will be made to remove the name of the Candidate withdrawing, but the final decision of how to handle this will be up to the Election Committee with the advice of Legal Counsel. After that time, all nominated candidates must remain on the ballot - except for the death of the candidate. Biographies will be distributed by Management in the Special Election Edition of the Bulletin on or about Friday, September 6, 2024. Each candidate must receive official notice of receipt of bis or her Declaration of Candidacy by Management and follow the procedures outlined by the duly appointed Election Committee.
11) ELECTION COMMITTEE: The Election Committee will handle the drawing for positions on the ballot for all groups in the Management Conference Room, located in the Management Office at 8:00 p.m. on Wednesday August 28, 2024. Any candidate unable to attend can send a representative with written authorization to draw for him or her. If a candidate does not appear personally or through a representative, his or her position will be selected last. The Election Committee will have full authority over compliance
with the rules of the election and the By-Laws of the Corporation as they pertain to the election, with the advice of the General Counsel.
BY PROXY: The Election Company will mail to each stockholder (one per apartment) on or about Thursday, August 22, 2024, the Notice of Annual Meeting and Attendance Proxy. Attendance Proxies shall be made available by the Election Company the same day. The Attendance Proxy shall be returned directly to the Election Company up to 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. It shall designate the Secretary of the Corporation to attend, for the sole purpose of establishing a quorum*. *Notwithstanding the Attendance by Proxy, a shareholder should vote either by a timely submitted Absentee Ballot or in person on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, but will not be counted twice towards a quorum. All proxies and/or Absentee Ballots must be enclosed in the envelope provided for that purpose and the envelope must be signed by the person attending by proxy and contain the Building and Apartment Number.
13) ABSENTEE VOTING: Absentee Ballots will be numbered and may not be reproduced. Absentee Ballots will contain the names of all nominees and proposed By-Law changes. Absentee Ballots will be available starting September 7, 2024 and may be picked up at the Management Office or hand delivered to a cooperator's residence upon request. The voter must show photo identification such as a driver's license, Medicare card or other acceptable photo ID. All such ballots must be received in the office of the Election Company by mail or in person before 10:00 a.m. on Tuesday, October 1, 2024. All Absentee Ballots must be enclosed in the envelope provided for that purpose and the envelope must be signed by the person voting by Absentee Ballot and contain the Building and Apartment Number. Absentee Ballots may be revoked any time up to the close of the balloting by the person voting by machine.
14) CANDIDATES NIGHT: will be Thursday, September 12, 2024, at 7:00 p.m. as a hybrid meeting in person and/or via Zoom meeting or other acceptable platform. The Election Committee will determine the format for Candidates Night and will assign people as deemed necessary to assist in Candidates Night.
15) CANDIDATES & GROUPS SPONSORING CANDIDATES: may use the building bulletin boards for campaign literature commencing Thursday August 28, 2024, and ending Tuesday, October I, 2024, provided that prior to posting of any campaign literature, copies of same are submitted to the Management Office and notice given as to which bulletin board will be used. Building Community Rooms may be used for campaigning and fundraising activities. The Election Committee shall coordinate the use of the Building Community Rooms with the person(s) in charge of the Community Rooms so that they will be made available to the respective candidates.
Candidates for election to the Board of Directors may purchase advertising space in the Rochdale Village Bulletin and/or Rochdale Village Weekly Sheet.
No Officers of the Corporation, Board Members or candidates may appear in the Bulletin or the weekly sheets from Thursday, August 29, 2024, through Tuesday, October 1, 2024, excluding any reports they may issue as Officers and the minutes of the Corporation, except for the Special Election Edition and ads they may purchase in the normal course of business.
16) CAMPAIGN STANDARD OF CONDUCT: The posting of all campaign signs, literature and other material (posters, gummed stickers, etc.), in Rochdale is prohibited except on personal property with the owner's permission. Residents, candidates and their supporters may remove any campaign material posted OUTSIDE the bulletin boards as a service to Rochdale Village. Candidates and groups sponsoring candidates are prohibited from removing opposing candidates/groups literature from bulletin boards.
17) All authorized literature used or distributed by a candidate must have printed on the literature the name and address of the person or organization who issued such literature and in the case of an organization, the name of the Chairperson or President.
18) Campaign literature may be slipped under apartment doors and campaign handouts are permitted.
19) Board Members or candidates are not to be POLL WATCHERS.
20) No candidate or group sponsoring a candidate shall engage in electioneering or other campaign activities within 50 feet of the polling places on Election Day- Wednesday, October 2, 2024, between the hours of 6:00 a.m. and 9:00 p.m. or the second day of voting, Thursday, October 3, 2024, between the hours of3:00 p.m. and 9:00 p.m. Any electioneering and/or harassment of voters may result in appropriate action by the Election Committee.
21) An election bulletin will be published as soon as practical but no later than two (2) Fridays before the election. The Bulletin Editor shall only accept an election bulletin package from the Manager's Secretary. The bulletin shall contain a sample ballot with the names of the candidates, the day, date, time and place of the balloting; the names, photos and biographies limited to 500 words of each candidate in alphabetical order; (all photos shall be no larger than 2"x 2"); ByLaw Amendments, and if space allows, a quote of the previous By-Law which is being changed.
22) This memorandum shall be distributed to all apartments between Wednesday, August 7th and Saturday, August 10th and shall constitute notice to remind cooperators of the Monday, August 19 deadline for By-Law Amendments and Wednesday, August 28 deadline for nomination of candidates. The Election Committee may also put out additional notices to the Cooperators, as it deems necessary.
23) ELECTION RESULTS: Unofficial election results will be announced by the Election Company, if a quorum is reached, within approximately one to two hours after the close of the polls, in Rooms 12/13 of the Community Center or such other location as determined by the Election Committee. If there is no quorum, the Election Committee will provide further instructions.