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rochdale Village Social SerViceS inc. (rVSS) – informaTion uPdaTe By Jean hall

Over the years there have been many questions about RVSS. I believe it is time to provide information on the purpose of this non-profit and how effectively it is serving the needs of our community.

According to the by-laws, the RVSS was organized as outlined below:

To create, form and establish a charitable organization for the benefit of Senior Citizens, Youth and the Physically Challenged in the Rochdale Village area; to promote, foster and advance the cultural and social development of said groups by organizing and coordinating recreational programs; to provide cultural, recreational, athletic and social activities to those who may otherwise be unexposed to such activities; to hold meetings, discussions, and forums on issues affecting the development, advancement and career aspirations of Youth, Senior Citizens and the Physically Challenged; to organize, sponsor and conduct field trips for the cultural, recreational and social enrichment of the members of the corporation; to aid, assist, cooperate, co-sponsor and otherwise engage in concerted action with private and governmental agencies and organizations on all programs designed, calculated and dedicated to the improvement of life for Senior Citizens, Youth and the Physically Challenged in the Rochdale Village area; to qualify as a Naturally Occurring Retirement Community (NORC); to solicit, collect and otherwise raise money for the charitable and benevolent purposed of this corporation and to expend such monies for such purposes and generally to promote and advance the interests, health and welfare of Senior Citizens, Youth and the Physically

Challenged in the Rochdale Village area by all available means and methods.

In furtherance of its corporate purposes, the corporation shall have all the general powers enumerated in Section 202 of the Not-For-Profit Corporation Law, together with the power to solicit grants and contributions for the corporate purposes.

Nothing herein shall authorize this corporation, directly or indirectly, to engage in or include among its purposes, any of the activities mention in the NotFor-Profit Corporation Law, Section 404 (b) – (v).

All programs coming under the auspices of the Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. must be based in the Community Center. The Youth program under the Youth Council, the senior programs under the Senior Center and NORC, and the RVSS, Inc. umbrella. Guidelines for the use of the not-for profit 501 © 3 are outlined in attachment A.

The RVSS currently has 1 member on the board since its founding in 1997. There are four (4) members from RV Inc. Board that also serve on the RVSS board. As of 10/27/22 the members of RVSS are:

Talib Bey, Brenda Bradford, Kevin Dilworth, Amir Jamal, Hettie Powell, Shantel Robinson, Renee Taylor, Din Tolbert, Glynis Urquhart, Valerie WareHayes and Nikka Williams. From the RV Inc Board: Keysha Beasley, Jean Hall, Maryam Hubbard and Kamal Saleem. (The president and first three vice-presidents from RV Inc. also serve on the RVSS board)

The executive officer positions are: President, Vice-President,

Secretary, Treasurer and Assistant Treasurer.

My concerns include, there is no Youth Program Director to ensure needed services for the Youth are addressed; lack of membership willing to hold executive officer positions, lack of membership collectively working together on fundraising activities and lack of attendance at monthly board meetings. It is vital that membership is active and engaged on a regular basis. To not do so, ultimately is a disservice to our community.

It is anticipated with new elections that all executive officer positions will be filled.

The members from the RV Inc. board will serve as support and provide assistance to the members to as needed. However, we will not perform the work in which the RVSS board must do to achieve success on all program levels. On a yearly basis, RV Inc. contributes $200,000.00. In November 2022, the RV Inc. board provided an additional $30,000.00 in the form of a noninterest loan for RVSSS to conduct their tutoring program.

I am sure RVSS will welcome volunteers to assist them on Saturdays with their programs and going forward.

It is my hope going forward that RVSS will provide monthly updates in the bulletin on their activities and initiatives.

Attachment A – Guidelines for Utilization of corporation to obtain funds for organizations in Rochdale Village needing 501 © (3) designation conduit.

Purpose: It is the purpose of Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. to help persons and enti- ties in Rochdale Village who are not-for-profit in nature to obtain funds through grant writing, RFPs and otherwise where the stated goals and purposes coincide with those of RVSS.

Procedures: (a) Any person or entity in Rochdale Village may request that RVSS submit a grant or other type of proposal provided that the following has taken place:

(1) Requestor must prepare any and all docu mentation.

(2) The aim or pur pose must coincide with those of RVSS and be on behalf of the residents of Rochdale Village.

(3) The proposer must acknowledge that the all funds will be received by RVSS and disbursed to the proposer’s entity upon proper documenta tion of the expenses; and

(4) The proposer must agree that if RVSS wish es to audit the proposer, that it consents thereto.

Disbursal of Funds:

(a) All funds shall be received by RVSS.

(b) Proposer will submit a Budget, unless submitted with the grant writing proposal.

(c ) If proposer abides by the Budget and submits documentation for billing purposes, then RVSS will disburse the funds to the proposer as necessary.

(d) RVSS shall be entitled to retain, for administrative costs, 5% of the amounts received above the first $10,000.00.

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