Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper - April 2018

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Vol. 54 No. 05

April 2018


Rochdale’s $$$ Million Dollar Baby

Energy saving measures at Power Plant meets citywide Carbon Challenge in record time and scores big with National Grid - Page 3


(From l. to r.) Louis Rizzo - Manager, Program Operations and Execution for National Grid, Frank Lombardo - National Grid’s Vice President, New York Performance and Strategy, Joe Evans - Director of Rochdale Village Board, Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President of Rochdale Board, Jean Castro - Board President, Paolo Morisi - National Grid, Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President of the Board, Maryam Hubbard - Rochdale Board’s Assistant Secretary, Gil Francisco - Facility Manager Rochdale Village, Keith Sperling – Manager, Sales and Program Operations for National Grid.

Maintenance Committee welcomes spring cleaning with Shred Fest - Page 16

General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4


Youth Planning Committee hosts Queens students with Operation Prom - Page 18

Summer Jobs at RV - Pg. 9


Teen Lift visits HBCU’s - Pg. 14

Community Relations Committee brings Autism Awareness March - Page 19


RVSC’s R&B Legends - Pg. 20

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The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel William R. Greenspan

April 2018

President’s Message

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators, I am very happy that spring is here with the warm weather slowly coming through. We had a long winter and now that summer is approaching, there are so many beautiful amenities that are available to everyone. With the new addition of the fitness center, I am pleased to see that the facility is up and running. Many of the cooperators have registered, enabling them to use the facility for fitness and health issues. Let us be mindful to use all the amenities that we have during the summer. Our walking track, the fitness center, various exercise classes that are now taking place in the Senior Center, Yoga, Tai Chi classes and lots more. For our young ones we have the water parks and playgrounds. It is a safe haven here for the children. The Board has always made it a priority to ensure that our children are safe, providing a number of activities to keep our young ones occupied and focused during the summer months. There are also sporting activities, summer camps and other activities throughout the Community Center. It is a privilege and honor to be part of a community that continues to make progress and take major steps to securing both our present situations and the future for generations to come. Last month was a very productive month for our community with the opening of the New Chinese takeout (Hibachi Grill’s Ownership) with preparations being made for their upstairs space. We are finalizing negotiations with Crunch Fitness to take the remainder of the old roller rink and we are beginning talks with Emblem Health who is interested in taking all of the space where the suites are located. This would give us a fully rented second floor in the big mall. Speaking of the big

mall, there are still many things coming. We look forward to our new benches arriving and our information desk will soon be installed. We are looking to furnish the Community Center lobby with new furniture as well. Finally, the Board approved a proposal to develop the land on 137th Avenue, which has been vacant for over 50 years. There is still work to be done but we are closer than ever before to seeing something done with our land while still maintaining ownership. What this means for Rochdale and its residents is ultimately more parking and additional income sources we have never had that will keep our costs down and our homes affordable. We are making great strides! Welcome all new cooperators I would like to welcome all the new cooperators to the Jewel of Jamaica. The Board is pleased to have you be a part of this great community. We want you all to come out to the Board and Committee meetings that we have monthly. All information will be displayed in the paper where you will see all the things that are available to you. We are pleased to have you and hope you enjoy your new home. One of the things we want to ensure is that you are abreast with the information to educate and keep you informed on all of the great things that are taking place and available to you that you can actually be a part of. Orientation has been a great opportunity for you to get information on Rochdale’s policies, rules and regulations, and what is expected of you as a cooperator. You also get to familiarize yourself with the surroundings. Again welcome and we are

Jean Randolph-Castro

happy to have you as family in the Rochdale Village community. 137th Avenue Lot Development There has been a lot of confusion and misinformation presented regarding the development of the vacant land on 137th Avenue and Guy Brewer. The majority Board said yes to and voted on a proposal from the development team that would consist of over 300 affordable apartments, 30,000 square feet of retail space, 165 parking spaces (100 of those spaces reserved for Rochdale cooperators) and would create hundreds of new jobs with a training program for Rochdale residents to help fill those jobs. On top of that, we will receive $2.5 million in up front money and hundreds of thousands of dollars each year in additional income that will help keep our carrying charges down. While we are still in the pre-planning stages, in the near future, the development team and Board will form a committee of Rochdale cooperators to be a part of the final design (the current renderings is a concept) and give feedback on the development. All of this will be accomplished through a 15-year ground lease after which time Rochdale would have the right to 100% ownership, NOT A SALE OF THE LAND! (Continued on Page 8)

Memorial Day falls on the 4th Monday of the month therefore the next meeting of Rochdale Board of Directors is Monday, May 21, 2018 at 7:45 p.m. in Community Center Room 11/12/13. Please Attend.

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Rochdale Village reduces carbon footprint and receives ‘big check’ from National Grid By Susan Van Brackle


n December 2017, the cooperative stood poised to receive a massive energy conservation rebate from National Grid in the amount of $1,337,595. The incentive was earned for improvements made towards reducing green house gas emissions and maximizing performance at Rochdale’s ‘total energy’ Power Plant. On Tuesday, May 1, 2018, members of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Management staff and the Power Plant team lead by Facility Manager Gil Francisco, gathered with National Grid partners Lou Rizzo, Frank Lombardo, Paolo Morisi, Keith Sperling, Juan Santiago and contractors from The Outage Experts, for a check presentation ceremony that recognizes work that, as of this moment, transforms the Rochdale Village Power Plant into a 21st century energy center and reestablishes its’ place in the records as a ‘total energy’ leader. The Power Plant recently incurred sweeping overhauls, which include installations of four new boilers, two restored turbine generators; new roofing and an upgraded cooling tower - all near completion. Board President Jean Castro shared, “I’m excited and proud that the Rochdale Village Board of Directors and Management team moved forward with the decision to have renovations done that now make it possible for the cooperative to save energy and generate revenue at the same time. We’ve substantially reduced our carbon footprint and met the requirements of Mayor Bill de Blasio’s Carbon Challenge in record time. As a cooperative, we’ve

made history.” Rochdale’s hired energy professional, Jay Sikora of The Outage Experts, advised that the recent modifications to Rochdale’s Power Plant have it operating at peak efficiency. In the process, the community has also gained: • A remarkable 21% reduction in Natural Gas usage, thus lowering residents’ fuel bills • A reduction of 18,507 tons of CO annually (as per the EPA) which is the equivalent of removing 3,595 cars from the road for an entire year - every year and

Louis Rizzo National Grid’s Manager, Program Operations and Execution makes the check out to Rochdale Village for energy saving measures at the Power Plant.

• A 63% reduction of atmospheric pollutants in the form of NOx emissions, which results in the reduction of 61 tons a year. The reduction of NOx directly and indirectly effects the health of local residents (as per the EPA). The current rebate check from National Grid is one of two that Rochdale Village Management recently earned on behalf of the community for conservation efforts performed at the cooperative. Last summer, Rochdale Village received $250,000 in rebate dollars for a campus-wide conversion to LED lighting; an upgrade that keeps area lights bright while lowering energy costs. Financial windfalls from energy rebates are just one of the ways that Rochdale Village, Inc. works to keep shareholders carrying charges low and maintain the cooperative as the affordable jewel of Jamaica, Queens that it is.

Rochdale’s ‘Total Energy’ power plant with custom boilers was the star of the show.

(l. to r.) The Rep Expert; Outage Experts, Rochdale’s Power Plant team and National Grid execs.

WE ARE ADDING STORAGE UNITS AT ROCHDALE! CALL US TODAY TO BE PLACED ON THE WAITING LIST. Bargold Storage fully enclosed solid steel storage units are currently sold out. If you would like to be placed on a waiting list, please contact us at 718-247-7000, option #2. The storage units will be allocated as they become available on a first-come, first-served basis.

Call (718) 247-7000, OPTION #2

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for March 2018 BOARD ORIENTATION Historically, we have conducted orientation sessions for new board members. That has not happened the last several years to everyone’s detriment Board members are chosen by the shareholders, and they are generally chosen on the basis of expertise, seniority and their ability to get elected, not how well their personality or leadership skills meshes with the other board members. Some come to the board to solve their conflict with management and others come with their own agendas and opinions. And others come with personal baggage as well and that’s where things get dicey. Most board members with the rare exception lack the requisite knowledge to effectively do the job. And in most cases have no idea what they are getting themselves into. We conduct orientation and tips on how a new board member can hit the ground running. Orientation gives an overview of the entire operation including but not limited to the collection of carrying charges, commercial, financial statements and other management functions that the average cooperator wouldn’t know about. This also provides much needed perspective of how Board members function and can be at their most effective within the organization. The number one issue that impedes their progress, is that they generally have a single topic that burns them. Generally it is one political party against the other with a mutual lack of trust. What they need to realize is that dozens of things take priority over the thing they came in with. The overarching theme beyond any

political perspective is the business renovations of the shopping malls, community center, parking lots, of the corporation is handled power plant and walkways. Let me Lately I have observed new enumerate on what can be readily board members overestimate their seen by the eye. Both shopping own intelligence and/or expertise. malls have undergone renovations, Running a co-op is like running the Large Mall renovations being a million dollar business, after the more extensive of the two. all, which is not something most The new modern finishes have have experience doing. We do attracted the commercial interest new board orientation because of major franchises in the fitness, the building professionals have a medical and restaurant industry. wealth of knowledge just waiting Management is currently in to be shared. Board members can negotiations with several potential also bring knowledge from their commercial tenants and we are respective professional and personal running out of room. That is a good lives to the table. This marriage problem to have. The Community of ideas provides for a synergetic Center renovation has been relationship between the manager completed adding ADA bathrooms, and board members. Ultimately, new flooring and ceilings. New through this positive exchange events and programming are in full of information comprehensive swing including an after school decisions are made in the best program, summer camp, weight interest of the Corporation and the loss challenge, line dancing and a residents therein. youth talent show to name a few. New members need to become Not to mention Rochdale’s first familiar with the governing full service fitness room equipped documents, the offering plan, the with a myriad of machines to bylaws, proprietary leases, HCR keep our community healthy. regulatory laws and standards Parking lots 2, 3, 4, 6 and 8 have and how the corporation is been repaved adding extra spaces being managed department by and motorcycle parking. We are currently looking to renovate and department. reconfigure lot 7 with additional After 50 years in the business spaces added. Two of four boilers and being an elder statesman in the were completed with the third one twilight of a mediocre career, I feel nearing completion. These boilers it is important to pass along some of are going to contribute to improved my observations and advice. Some efficiency while running cleaner. conversations are not easy to have, Many ancillary systems have but every once in a while you have already been upgraded with plans to have them. for more upgrades soon. RENAISSANCE

PUBLIC SAFETY People often talk of Public Safety is of Rochdale Village in the past tense as being the Jewel of Jamaica. There paramount importance to the Board has been a rebirth of Rochdale and Management. Over the course Village and it has manifested in the of the last year and a half there have

been many changes in supervision and personnel. This has given a much needed boost to the energy and direction of the department. We are particularly pleased with the pilot “Response Team” program which has enabled us to perform more directed patrols and target problem areas. The program has also created a presence in addition to the omnipresence that the public safety booths provide in the areas less frequently patrolled normally. The effectiveness of the department has ultimately been bolstered by increased involvement from the community, a new training facility and the circumspect hiring of new officers. While the current officers continue to improve under steadfast leadership high quality hires help supplement their efforts. This progression coupled with time and effort will undoubtedly change the culture.

SITE HARDENING Site hardening is the process of installing security/surveillance cameras, high intensity lighting and improved locks and hardware. In order to create defensible space and aid Public Safety Officers, the installation of over 840 surveillance cameras has been a Godsend. The cameras have served not only as a deterrent, but have aided the NYPD in the detection and apprehension of many criminals and helped management in identifying acts of vandalism and petty larceny. Cameras are also an invaluable tool when faced with erroneous insurance claims performed by people trying to make a quick buck. The installation of LED lighting in public spaces has also improved visibility in areas such as the stairwells. Well-lit areas are generally safer to traverse and less attractive to undesirable elements.

April 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT Fiscal 2018 - For the Month and 11 Months Ended February 28, 2018

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017 and FY 2018

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY2017 AND FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

April 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Captain Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report - March 2018 Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of March 2018. Public Safety maintains twenty-four hour coverage. COMPLAINTS: 1. During the month of March 2018, the Public Safety Department has continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety officers responded to a total of (79) loitering and (65) noise complaints from Cooperators. The Task Force encountered (11) counts of loiterers while conducting interior & exterior patrols and special verticals, which were resolved as follows:


60 104 47



All Complaint Conditions corrected – (37) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (31) of the noise complaints corrected the volume of the noise.


All Unfounded Complaints – (42) unfounded loitering complaints and (34) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).



Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives – (15) received violations for loitering and (7) received violations for noise


Complaint Responses – (79) loiterers and (65) noise complaints and other quality of life violations found and/or recipients of violations for a total of (144).


8 0 8


Task Force Responses - (15) loitering calls from Dispatch


60 2 6


7. Violations issued – (60) Loitering, noise and other quality of life violations. For the month of March 2018 there were (8) arrests. The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to organize to better serve the community.

1 2 3 4 5 DVR UNIT ACTIVITY 6 RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS 9 7 INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS 43 8 9 VIOLATIONS ISSUED 0 10 ARREST INCIDENTS 8 11 FIRE INCIDENTS 1 12 TOTAL INCIDENTS 61 13 14 15 TASK FORCE ACTIVITIES 16 Conducted (116) Special Verticals 17 Made (0) arrests, issued (01) Trespass Notifications, (0) C-Summons and (37) 18 violations including (15) for loitering. (11) Loiters were encountered during 19 20 routine patrols. 21 22 TOWED VEHICLES 23 The Public Safety Department towed (18) vehicles during the month of March 24 for violation of parking rules on the complex. 25 26 27 *Special Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: 28 Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, 29 hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful 30 31 activities. 32 33 VERTICALS, GROUND FLOOR, PARKING LOT & MAINTENANCE DOOR 34





Illegal Move out Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Dispute Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Gas Leak Trespass Offensive Apt. Odor Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazzard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Vandalism Smoking in unauthorized area Total


AMOUNT 3 2 3 7 3 15 8 2 1 1 1 2 1 1

1 1


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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude Laborde

Contract Summary/Status — March 2018 LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE 6, 7 & 8 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: Façade repairs for Building Numbers 13, 14, 15 & 16 completed end of September 2017. SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Complete: Construction began, January 2017. Completion – December, 2017. 2.

Contract Amount: $1,760,000


Outstanding: Security desk, benches and cameras.

Contract Amount: $1,765,000


Outstanding: Awnings

COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: Phase 2: Will start on May 7, 2018. Phase 1: Work on parapet wall and roof retrofit (Public Safety) completed end of October, 2016

President’s Message

SPRAY PARK: • Playground 1-Completed end of June 2017. • Playground 3- Completed end of June 2017 ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7A, Apt. 13E (Completed, February, 2017)

COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 1. Complete: Construction began in April of 2016. Completed, December 2017. 2.

PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAY REPAIRS: • Complete. Lots: #2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 • Lot #7: will start on Spring, 2918


Advantage Care (Completed, April 2017)


Rochdale Outlet Mall (Completed, April 2017)

9. Subway(Completed, August 2017) 10.

Bed, Bath and Beyond (Completed , September 2017)


Mall 2 – HIP cleaner (Completed, March 2018) Building 8B, Apt. 13D (Completed, March 2018)


Community Center – Room 18 (Completed, February, 2017)



Community center – Club Lounge & Ladies Restroom (Completed, March 2017)


Building 2C, Apt 13C (Completed, April 2017)

LAUNDRY ROOM: • HVAC unit installation in building 16 completed, November 2017. (Bradley Mechanical)


Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof (Completed, April 2017)


Building 4B, Hallway (Completed, April 2017)

• HVAC unit installation in building 8 completed, January 2018. (SIGMA) ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files): Project completed end of May, 2017.

(Continued from Page 2)

What the majority Board said no to was a proposal from another development team that essentially offered a sale of the land through a 99-year ground lease for $8.4 million and Rochdale would have the right to ownership after 99-years! For many of us, our grandchildren’s children would never see benefits from this deal so for me it was a no brainer. This land has been vacant for over 50 years with many Boards over that time wanting to see this prized possession of ours be developed in a manner that would benefit Rochdale and all of us a shareholders. This was not an overnight decision but a result of many, many years of contemplation with the current Board spending months of entertaining proposals and getting advice from attorneys aside from our general counsel before coming to a conclusion. We strongly believe that this was the right deal at the right time that will maximize the vacant land’s potential. I am thrilled to be a part of something that our families and we can see in this lifetime and will benefit

Rochdale residents in the very near future and for many Group Meetings in every circle for cooperators to come years to come. out and get information from our management team on the projects that have been completed thus far and our Digital Bulletin Boards building’s infrastructure. We will also have a presentation I am also very pleased and excited to present to you and discussion on the development of 137th Avenue lead our new Digital Bulletin Boards. This is another form by the development team who can give you more inof technology for communicating and disseminating depth answers to questions or concerns you may have. information to educate and keep you informed of what is We have already had a successful meeting and dialogue developing within Rochdale Village. Hopefully, this will be with residents in Circle 2. We are scheduled to have our of great value to you. The Board and I are always seeking next meeting in Circle 1 on May 2, 2018. The meetings ways for better projects in the community to improve your will be from 7 p.m. - 9 p.m. and notices will be posted quality of life. Right now, the digital bulletin board is being and communicated through social media for upcoming tested in building 4 and it will be in every single building meetings in the remaining groups. All are welcome at each elevator bank and all laundry rooms very soon. We to come to any of the meetings however, we ask that will always keep our glass door bulletin boards that are in questions come from the residents where the meeting takes place now for those who prefer to view a hard copy. place. This way we can hear from and address the needs of cooperators from each circle as time is limited. Group Meetings For the next few weeks, we will be conducting Love, Peace and Blessings to all.

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - May 2018

April 2018

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Senior Center - May 2018

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ Spring at Last

Sunny Days it’s Springtime

By Gloria Williams

By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards

When I see a butterfly I know That spring is near Emerging from its warm cocoon Appearing without fear Beautiful colorful wings appear Eager to do its job Birds and bees chirp and tweet Gleefully harmoniously singing their Individual parts Looking upward at the sun In the bright blue sky Sleepy fluffy clouds appear Serenely drifting by Buds abursting to unfold wondrous trees and flowers grow Wind and rain with the thunderous Roar clap and shout and cheer That is how I truly know Spring at last is here Peace

Sunny lay ahead for all eyes to see It’s springtime and brings God’s love and peace in our hearts so free. So enjoy the spring welcome it with happy open arms. As we partake in sun rays let the Lord protect us from all harm. Happy spring and sunny days Be encouraged

Cumulus April Heaven

By Ed Miller

There flying across the sky goes Mercury, fleet of foot, fast as wind Passing through the billowing Puffs of white cumulus cloud There goes Cupid, blowing kisses Heart shaped bubbles to lovers, Fluffy white pillows to sweethearts Downy soft to bed his Aphrodite There plays Bacchus, frolicking In snowy cloud, laughing as He dances crazily, stirring up all The frothy billowing white drifts All winter, the Gods have slept while Jupiter raged in the gray stormy sky, But now the balmy Zephyrs awaken Them to return to their cumulus heaven Here in Rochdale, I spied out my window High in the deep blue heaven above A cumulus cloud, a ball of cotton Caught in the tree branches of love

Ship to Shore By Anthony Blake Ship to Shore I am requesting a Luxury Passenger Cruise ship for all to explore Planning your vacation is nothing to ignore It’s time to take a cruise You will be so enthused You may never fly again But who am I to say when? Imagine sitting on dock The water and the breeze all have that relaxing effect Who would forget that night romantic Moon shining on the water An interlude all in that order Food and more food It’s a cruise, and who are you trying to fool? The diet is definitely a loss The idea to lose weight would be a toss But this is a sea getaway It’s a vacation to just let your mind go astray In this instance, it’s ok for your mind to go astray Just don’t find yourself overboard The eyes of other passengers saying oh my Lord Yes you can have that drink But what I said before, don’t find yourself overboard Because you will be bait for fish in morde However, there is nothing like a luxury passenger cruise The various islands where the ship will dock Everything on board will be at full stock I call the luxury passenger cruise, the action adventure ship A sea moving hotel I remember a Moby Dick Novelist named Herman Melville I felt a sea story to fill Now back to our passenger ship It’s pure adventure that will have a kick Now when it comes to your vacation, you take a pick So ship to shore Travelling people this is your moment to explore I am sailing into the wind So long Mates until then.

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Get in on campus-wide terrace enclosure licensing by August 2018 By Susan Van Brackle


or residents that do not have a terrace enclosure but are considering installing one in the near future, now is a good time to submit your request to the Rochdale Village Restorations Department. That’s because the corporation, through its Registered Architect, is mandated to certify that all terrace enclosure structures (now and in the future), thoroughly comply with rule 1 RCNY §101-14. The requirement is to complete the campus-wide terrace enclosure permitting process before the end of August 2018. By getting in on the campus-wide filing, residents will save themselves approximately $5,000, which represents the cost of filing for a permit individually. Readers may recall a notice in the January 2018 edition of the Rochdale Village Bulletin, wherein Management provided an update to shareholders about what terrace en-

closure structures are considered acceptable according to DOB standards. Pursuant to Local Law 11 rules, residents were given guidelines and extensive descriptions for those that have enclosures made of glass, wood or screen. Safety inspections are underway for households that currently have terrace enclosures. Residences that do not meet New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) requirements must have the structure removed. Terrace enclosures that adequately meet DOB standards will be in the building-wide permit filing. To begin the process of securing a DOB approved terrace enclosure for your residence, contact Ms. McKenzie in the Rochdale Village Restorations Department at 718-276-5700 x351. She will provide you with all the details and paperwork necessary to have your terrace enclosure built in a manner that is acceptable to the DOB.

Goodbye Winter! The Rochdale Village Power Plant will officially convert from heating mid-May in order to ready the facility to generate cooling by mid-June.

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Teen Lift makes annual visit to HBCU’s

Teen Lift 2018 students from southeast Queens get on the bus to tour historically Black colleges and universities

By Susan Van Brackle


n April, the Rochdale Village Social Services (RVSS) board of directors and the Queens Alumnae Chapter (QAC) of Delta Sigma Theta helped to sponsor 10 area high school students to visit historically black colleges and universities (HBCU’s) in North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia and Alabama. The Teen Lift program, which exposes high school students to college preparatory workshops and career development skills, has been involved with RVSS for the last three years. “ I

hope you will continue to give others in the community the same opportunity to have the same experience that you have given me,” said Jonas, a junior at Thomas Edison High School in Jamaica, Queens. His sentiments were echoed by fellow 2018 Teen Lift participant, Sanaa and by parent Mason-Howard, whose daughter also went on the week-long HBCU tour. “The Spring break college tour... truly got me more focused on my road to an higher education,” Sanaa Davis-McClain, a Benjamin Cordoza High School in Bayside students who also was sponsored by RVSS.

NOTICE PROPANE, CHARCOAL AND NATURAL GAS GRILLS PROHIBITED AT ROCHDALE VILLAGE New York City’s Fuel Gas Code 623 and Fire Code 307.5 strictly regulates grilling in mul@ple dwelling residences and apartment buildings. ONLY ELECTRIC BARBECUE GRILLS ARE LEGAL TO USE ON APARTMENT TERRACES ACCORDING TO THE LAW. Avoid cooperator fines and ensure the protec@on of this community. Do not use propane, natural gas or charcoal barbecue grills on terraces.

Thank You. Rochdale Village Management.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee hosts bi-annual Shred Fest event By Susan Van Brackle


two-day Shred Fest was hosted at the complex by the Rochdale Village Maintenance Committee. The first session was held on Friday, April 13 in the parking lot of Mall #1 that borders Guy R. Brewer and Baisley Boulevards. Saturday’s affair on April 14 took place in the parking lot behind the Community Center near Mall #2. Don’t worry if you weren’t able to attend this time. April’s Shred Fest was the first of two sessions to be organized by Committee Chairperson Jean Hall and Co-Chair Joe Evans. The next event will happen Friday, September 14 and Saturday, September 15 this year so please be

sure to note your calendars. Rochdale Shred Fests are free and useful activities for the community to participate in since they’re designed to help residents jump-start seasonal cleaning. Shred Fests also help reduce incidences of identity theft and enable shareholders to have a safe, convenient location to destroy their sensitive documents. We all know that clutter can get out of control, which is why participants were instructed to bring no more than two large plastic bags of papers for disposal. Rochdale’s Maintenance Dedicated Maintenance Committee members, Committee is a vibrant auspice that Board members and volunteers help to make Shred Fest possible. is engaged with the upkeep and conservation of the cooperative. should attend meetings, which meeting location, consult the Board Residents that would like to be are held on the second Thursday Calendar or Board Secretary at involved with this amazing team of the month at 7:00 p.m. For 718-276-5700 x336.

September 2018 will be the next time that Shred Fest comes to the Rochdale Village cooperative.

Chairman Jean Hall and Maintenance Committee members are hands on with helping cooperators shred.

Maintenance Committee Co-Chair Joe Evans and Committee Member Inez Lewis.

Saturday, JUNE 23rd,2018 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Rochdale Village Big Mall 165-35 Baisley Blvd Jamaica, 11434

The Rochdale Village Community Relations Committee Presents


For More Information contact:

Board Office 718-276-5700 Ext. 336

Approved for Posting by the Board Office until June 24, 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Senior Committee Presents


Date: Wednesday July 11 to Saturday, July 14, 2018 Package Includes:  宕宲宸宱宧季宗宵宬害季宐宲宷宲宵季宆宲室宦宫季宗宵室宱家害宲宵宷室宷宬宲宱季  宗宫宵宨宨季孫孳孶孬季宑宬宪宫宷家季宄宦宦宲宰宰宲宧室宷宬宲宱季室宷季安宲宻宺宲宲宧季宊宵宨室宷季宆宨宧室宵季宋宲宷宨宯季  孴季宑宬宪宫宷季室宷季宖害宵宬宱宪宫宬宯宯季宖宸宬宷宨季宬宱季宕宫宲宧宨季完家宯室宱宧季  孴季宅宵宨室宮宩室家宷季室宷季宖害宵宬宱宪宫宬宯宯季宖宸宬宷宨季  宄宯宯季宼宲宸季宦室宱季宨室宷季宏宲宥家宷宨宵季安宨家宷季室宷季宑宲宵宧宬宦季宏宲宧宪宨季  孴季宅宵宨室宮宩室家宷季宅宸宩宩宨宷季宲宵季孴季孧學孱孳孳季安宲宲宧季宆宵宨宧宬宷季 季  孵季宇宬宱宱宨宵季宅宸宩宩宨宷季宲宵季孵季孧孴孳孱孳孳季安宲宲宧季宆宵宨宧宬宷季  孴季孧孵孳孱孳孳季宖宯宲宷季宓宯室宼季  孵孳季孨季宇宬家宦宲宸宱宷季室宷季室宱宼季安宲宻宺宲宲宧季宊宬宩宷季宖宫宲害季宺宫宨宱季宼宲宸季家害宨宱宧季孧孵學孱孳孳季


Rate per person in double occupancy is $675.00…Single $265 additional Insurance is recommended in case of trip cancellation. Forms will be provided

Pick up Location: 8:00 A.M. at Baisley & Guy Brewer Blvd, Big Mall Payment Plan: $175.00 Deposit due now Second Payment of $250 due April 25, 2018 Final payment of $250 due May 21, 2018

For more information contact:

Jean Castro (347) 229- 8514

Joyce Williams (646) 243-2583

Gary Hawkins (718) 593-0363

Board Office (718) 276-5700 ext.336 Come Join us

Approved for posting by the Board Office until July 15, 2018

Queens politicos and Rochdale Village board members attend luncheon at Thomasina’s


oyce Denny of The United Neighbors Civic Association (UNCA) gave awards to seniors in the Rochdale Village community as well as others in the surrounding area. The ceremony was held during a luncheon at Thomasina‘s Catering Hall in St. Albans. Awardees, both men and women, were deemed as trailblazers and received Community service awards. Congressman Gregory Meeks and Assembly Women Vivian Cook bestowed proclamations.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2018

Operation Prom returns to the Grand Ballroom &

The Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom was transformed into a fashion lounge with dresses provided by Operation Prom. This annual event hosted by the Youth Planning Committee brings clothes, accessories and spa treatments to graduating students from area Queens, New York high schools. Par$cipants received Valen$ne’s Day gi5s at the Senior Ci$zen’s Commi<ee mee$ng.

Deserving students powered down with beauty make overs and manicures at Operation Prom while another happy student found a dapper tuxedo for his special night.

Bottom photos left to right: 2nd Vice President and Youth Planning Committee Chair Mario Turner (center) and committee volunteer (right) help family member select tuxedo for disabled teen; DJ Royal was on the turntable at the event; teens say yes to the dress and Miss New York Jr. Teen was in attendance with her mom.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Autism Awareness March @ ROCHDALE VILLAGE Photo credits:Hayden Horsham & Larry L Moore

Top left photo: Jean Hall, 3rd Vice President of the Board of Directors, Deandra Perry, Cam’s World and advocate mom for Autism, Community Relations Chairman and Board Assistant Secretary Maryam Hubbard, Board President Jean Castro, Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz ,Top right photo: AHRC New York City Foundation team members with Assistant Director, Kent Willingham (third from left).

Center photos above left to right: Community Relations Committee Co-Chair, Keveena Hollins-Paul; Creative directors with the “It’s Dance” dance troupe; Fred Ramero, Director of Gateway Adult Services with staff representatives.

Bottom photos below left to right: Event participants enjoyed taking on the spot photos with Photo Booth Bling; there was Face Painting by Walter, delicious refreshments served, a presentation given by representatives from the Autism Speaks organization and greetings and special thanks from Community Relations Committee Chairman Maryam Hubbard, board members and hardworking committee team members.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2018

Youth Planning Committee assures bountiful Easter festivities at Rochdale Village By Susan Van Brackle


aster holiday is always a great time at Rochdale Village. This year was no exception. The Youth Planning Committee, spearheaded by Committee Chairman and 2nd Vice President of the Board of Directors Mario Turner, organized bouncy houses, balloon animals, larger-than-life Disney characters, face painting, music and Easter baskets - lots and lots of Easter baskets for the kids. Refreshments and other goodies were given away by none other than Peter Cottontail, the Easter Bunny. Add to this, entertainment from a clown. Photo credit: Larry L. Moore

Rochdale Village Senior Center books R&B Legends for fund raiser at Grand Ballroom


he Rochdale Village Senior Center hosted their annual fund raising event featuring the Legends of R&B Soul. The affair was held at the Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom on Saturday, April 21. Artists from the Panache Band performed nostalgic hits

from entertainers like Marvin Gaye, Chaka Khan, Whitney Houston, Etta James and the Spinners while guests danced the night away to the oldies.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2018

*Actual Rochdale Kitchen

April 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

WHEREAS, Woodside is requesting a

R20-18: WHEREAS, on January 23rd the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approved Faxing Jiang d/b/a Yummy Garden for a new lease with Rochdale for a five (5) year term for twelve hundred and fifty (1,250) square feet of space in Mall 2; and WHEREAS, Yummy Garden would like to change ownership from a sole proprietor, Faxing Jiang, to a corporation, Yummy Garden Inc.. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, the change in ownership from Faxing Jiang to Yummy Garden Inc. is approved by the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors. Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Mario Turner


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


Gary Hawkins

Timothy Mercer ABSENT

Clifton Stanley Diaz Twelve for, two against, one absent; motion passes.

five (5) year extension at the end of the current contract to commence on January 1, 2019 ending on December 31, 2024 and has submitted a proposal to provide approximately $500,000 in upgrades to all twenty (20) laundry rooms, including upgraded heating and cooling, new quartz counter tops, new ceilings and lighting, electronic notifications and on-site staff six (6) days a week; and WHEREAS, the current monthly lease payment in the amount of $71,500 will increase to $72,572.50 in year one (1) up to $76,862.50 in year five (5) representing a 1.5% increase each year and a total of $193,050 over the life of the contract. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the proposal to extend the Woodside Super Laundry, Inc. contract to provide laundry room services for a period of five (5) years, at a leased monthly payment to Rochdale Village, Inc, in the amount of $72,572.50 in year one (1) up to $76,862.50 in year five (5), representing a 1.5% increase each year, subject to a twenty-five cent increase per load for the washing machines and a charge of thirty-five cents for ten minutes for the dryer, subject to approval from New York State Homes & Community Renewal. Moved by: Barbara Staples Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

R21-18: WHEREAS, the present laundry room services contract with Woodside Super Laundry, Inc. (Woodside) is set to expire in 2018;


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Joe Evans

Maryam Hubbbard

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2018

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

Timothy Mercer

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

WHEREAS, the RFP’S were prepared and sent to the Accounting Firms from the lists above

Joyce Williams


and there were five (5) Accounting Firms that

Kamal Saleem responded wanting to be considered in this

ABSTENTIONS Edward Douglass

Jean Hall

Gary Hawkins

Derrick Shareef

ABSENT Clifton Stanley Diaz Nine for, one against, four abstentions, one

process; and WHEREAS, On February 16, 2018, Management and the Controller opened the Bids and

absent; motion passes.

summarized the results of the five (5) Independent


Accounting Firms that replied to the RFP. WHEREAS, Rochdale Village Inc. is in


Independent Accounting Firms that replied were

the process of selecting the Independent

NCheng, LLP & Michael Lee & Company, Marks Paneth,

Accounting Firm to perform the Audit of Rochdale

Bildner & Giannasco, LLP, Mitchell & Titus, LLP

Village Inc. for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31,

and Padilla & Company; and WHEREAS, the bids ranged from $65,000

2018; and WHEREAS, Management selected

to $95,000 for Fiscal Year 2018

Accounting Firms from the 2016 New York State List

WHEREAS, the Board of Directors

of acceptable Accounting Firms, the 2016 list of

undertook to have separate meetings and interviews

Accounting firms the Board provided and there was

with each firm, and all appear qualified; and

one additional firm the Board added to the list of

WHEREAS, at the Legal & Management

firms the Board would like solicited, via the

meeting it was decided to put up for vote each of

Request for Proposal (“RFP”); and

the four qualified accounting firms, (Padilla &

April 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

Company withdrew) as follows: FOR BILDNER & GIANNASCO, LLP The vote will be for NCheng LLP & Michael Lee & Company; Marks Paneth, LLP; Bildner & Giannasco, LLP; and Mitchell & Titus; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Board Members will be asked to vote on which Firm out of the four they favour and in the event one of the firms does not receive the required majority, then the Firm receiving the least votes

Maryam Hubbard

Mario Turner


Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Gary Hawkins

Timothy Mercer

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams Nine for Mitchell Titus; four for NCheng LLP & Michael Lee & Company; Two for Bildner & Giannasco, LLP; Zero for Marks Paneth, LLP.

shall be dropped and the voting will immediately

Motion passes to elect Mitchell Titus for

continue with the remaining Firms until one Firm

Independent Auditor.

receives the required majority.


Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors will then

WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. (“Rochdale”) owns land known as 166-08 137th

have selected the winning Firm as the Independent Accounting Firm to perform the Audit of Rochdale Village, Inc. for the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2018.

Avenue (“137th Avenue”) which has been vacant for over fifty years; and WHEREAS, BRP Companies or affiliates thereof (“Developer”) have proposed a ninety-nine (99) year lease (which is treated in the law as a

Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Timothy Mercer


Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

sale) to build a residential building at 137th Avenue with: (a) seventy-five (75) parking spaces for residents of the new building; (b) new twenty thousand, (20,000) square foot community center;

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

and (c) three hundred (300) new apartments.

Moved by: Kamal Saleem Seconded by: Mario Turner

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the FOR TABLING President of the Board is hereby authorized to Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Mario Turner

execute all documents to effectuate the following; A. Rochdale and Developer shall enter into a binding Memorandum of Understanding followed by a Ground Lease.

These documents shall grant

Developer the exclusive right for three (3) years AGAINST TABLING to obtain the necessary approvals (including New Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Lisa Stark

York State Homes and Community Renewal and Wells Fargo), a zoning change and close on the financing Joyce Williams of 137th Avenue. Ten for tabling, five against tabling; motion to B. After rezoning of 137th Avenue, Rochdale

table passes.

will receive $840,000 and at construction closing Rochdale will receive $7,560,000. C. At the end of the ninety-nine years, Rochdale or its designee shall have the right to receive 100% ownership of 137th Avenue. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Joyce Williams


R24-16: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. (“Rochdale”) owns land known as 166-08 137th Avenue (“137th Avenue”) which has been vacant for over fifty years; and WHEREAS, The Briarwood Organization, LLC, Fulcrum Properties, LLC, RiverTown

April 2018

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

Properties, LLC and Warbrook Realty, LLC or

grants and subsidies with no funds from Rochdale. C. At construction closing Rochdale

affiliates thereof (“Developer�) have proposed a mixed use building at 137th Avenue with: (a) one

will receive $2,500,000. D. When the building is fully leased

hundred (100) parking spaces for Cooperators; (b) new twenty thousand (20,000) plus square foot

Rochdale will receive:

retail and community space; (c) annual income for

One hundred (100) parking spaces to

Rochdale; and (d) three hundred (300) plus new

be rented by Rochdale Cooperators at the same cost


as the other Cooperator spaces at Rochdale; and THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, the

President of the Board is hereby authorized to

$175,000 a year, with 3% annual escalations during the fifteen-year compliance period. E. At the end of the fifteen-year

execute all documents to effectuate the following; A. Rochdale and Developer shall enter into

compliance period, Rochdale or its designee shall

a binding Memorandum of Understanding followed by a

have the right to receive 100% ownership of 137th

Ground Lease.


These documents shall grant

Developer the exclusive right for three (3) years to obtain the necessary approvals (including New York State Homes and Community Renewal and Wells Fargo), a zoning change and close on

Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro Seconded by: Lisa Stark


Moved by: Kamal Saleem Seconded by Mario Turner

the financing of 137th Avenue. FOR TABLING B. After the construction closing Developer will build a mixed-use building using

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Maryam Hubbbard

Kamal Saleem

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - March 26, 2018

Derrick Shareef

Mario Turner


Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Gary Hawkins

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Gary Hawkins

Timothy Mercer

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Joyce Williams Six for tabling, nine against tabling; motion to


Mario Turner

table does not pass. Eight for, seven against; motion passes.


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - March 26, 2018

Meeting began: 8:04 p.m. Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro - President Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Secretary Barbara Staples - Treasurer Lisa Stark - Assistant Treasurer Kamal Saleem - Director Derrick Shareef - Director Edward Douglass - Director Joe Evans - Director Gary Hawkins - Director Also present MSI Real Estate

Herb Freedman - General Manager Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance Adolph Osback - Captain, Public Safety Eugen Evans - House Congress The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting.  Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (5) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 10:12 p.m.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee

Page 29

Minutes for Thursday, April 12, 2018

The meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.; a total of thirty-seven (37) members signed in. Also present was Chairperson Jean Hall (JH) and Maintenance Director Corey Jones (CJ).

Jean Hall

Update on pending Action Items:

• CJ still needs to submit the written report of the walk-thru conducted by maintenance and management – March 2018. • Price List – Last Price List JH has is dated May 9, 2017. JH will submit the following recommendation to the board: Maintenance Committee recommends that the price list is published in the Rochdale Village Bulletin on an annual basis preferably at the beginning of the each (January or FY) with the notation that prices are subject to change. • Demonstration regarding diamond honing that was brought to the committee’s attention by Mario Turner – date needs to be set with CJ and those committee members who have signed up. While CJ has acknowledged that the initial expense is significant it may be in our best interest to understand the process, and the expense involved if every lobby floor is honed. • Question regarding the procedures for the new doors to the laundry rooms. If a keri key is to be used will households with children be provided with additional keys. And will the board consider keeping the laundry rooms opened during the weekend until 12 P.M. • Damage to Christmas and other items in building 9 – management may consider reimbursement however receipts must be provided for any items that have been purchased as replacements to date. • Leak complaints from buildings 4, 9, and 17 – what is management and the board going to do about these ongoing leaks? Preparation for Shred Fest: • The Shred Fest will be held on Friday, April 13, 2018 from 10:00AM to 1:00PM and Saturday, April 14, 2018 from 9:00AM to 1:00PM. Committee members who will be participating should arrive one hour before the event begins. JH also recommended to members that they bring gloves – because as we assist folks there are times when the bags do not always contain paper. We will have tables and chairs for the committee members, water for both the public and committee members, and T-Shirts. Public Safety and Maintenance will ensure that in the large mall the area is properly roped off. We are hoping for good weather and look forward to a successful event! Concerns/Issues from the Groups: Group 1: • The two light fixtures along the pathway towards the big mall have been out for over seven months. When are the lights going to be fixed? CJ responded that the lights will be completed by the end of next week.

• What is the reason that building personnel for maintenance are not waxing the elevator floors? CJ stated he will investigate why the required maintenance is not being performed. (Building 4) • In the service hallway (building 4) mats are being placed to cover over large holes in the floors – when will this be addressed? ACTION ITEM – CJ • In the service hallway (building 4) where the old telephone boxes are housed there are wires hanging out. Who is responsible for this and if it is Verizon they should come and maintain the box correctly. • When the laundry room proposal was submitted to the maintenance committee the proposal stated that there would be a price increase of .25 cents for all washers and .05 cents for all of the dryers; is that what the board voted on? When do the new fees go into effect? ACTION ITEM – JH • There is a signage problem in Rochdale Village, particularly in the font of the lobby – when will this be addressed? ACTION ITEM - CJ • No signs exist any longer by the Parking Lot 1 which states, Private Property – Authorized Residential Parking Only. ACTION ITEM – CJ • When will the ADA doors be installed? CJ advised that the ADA compliant doors have arrived, and they will begin installing in building 14 next week. • When is the electronic bulletin boards going to be ready? CJ stated the test building is #9, the work is ongoing and should be ready within the week. After that the roll out to the buildings should occur within the next three weeks. • There needs to be signage in the laundry rooms on how to use the machines because some people are overloading the machines and they may be new to the development. Also, what is going to be done to prevent people from removing the carts from the laundry room? ACTION ITEM – CJ. Group 2: • Question: what is going on with the terrace panels – some are clear, some have color tint – overall the look throughout the development is not good? ACTION ITEM = CJ. Group 3: • Cooperator raised questions about the latches for the kitchen cabinets. CJ explained that when they restore the units there is no need for a latch – clarification will be provided to the cooperator in question. • Complaint regarding pipe in the bathroom and kitchen not holding heat. At this time the cooperator was told it is too cold to bleed the pipes. ACTION ITEM – CJ. • Complaint – there is a door in which just half the door was painted; 1st floor – 1A – 12C. ACTION ITEM – CJ • Complaint – the maintenance workers do not put away the mops and yellow buckets. ACTION ITEM – CJ

• Building 9, “M” door is not closing properly. • Building 9, hall patrol states a table and three chairs were damaged, cooperator was advised that receipts must be provided. • Will the garbage cans for the lobby be placed back – CJ indicated once the digital boards and tiles are placed the garbage cans will be placed back. • Parking Lot 4 – needs a new fence. Group 4: • Two cooperators stated that when the phone lines went down in the management office their LAN lines were affected. Both JH and CJ tried to explain that they must contact their phone carrier to address any problems with their LAN lines. Cooperators did not readily accept the explanation. • Bargold Storage – cooperators in building 15 allege that there is no free storage only the paid storage by Bargold. JH stated she would visit building 15 to confirm. JH made the visit and found that there is paid storage and free storage. • Building 12, building 13 stairwell doors are still slamming. • Building 14C – elevator is not cleaned. • Building 15 – cooperators advised CJ that maintenance men refuse to clean the women and men’s bathroom in the building community room. ACTION ITEM – CJ Group 5: • Sings are needed for the laundry rooms to state, “Laundry room for Rochdale Village Cooperators only.” • Cooperator suggested that we use stencils and paint on the walls in the stairwells to state “no loitering.” • Will our security booths have wireless technology? • Building 17 house congress member needs the key to the HC bulletin board. ACTION ITEM – CJ. • Since action has been taken to sell the land on 137th avenue, where will Rochdale put the snow? • Parking lot 9A has rats! • Cooperator questioned the apartment ID signs at the base of the apartment doors. CJ advised all that RV followed the requirements set forth by the fire department. • The Co-op Expo will be held in this month – it is hoped that Rochdale Village personnel will attend. • By building 19 there is a large piece of asphalt missing and is a trip hazard. • Building 18 – Lobby is not clean. • Elevator building 20 “A” odd elevator is dirty – tracks not cleaned among other things. • Path going to 137th avenue has trip hazards that need to be repaired. • Discussion regarding recycle program = action will be required. No further business requiring discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

April 2018

Community Center Committee Minutes for Thursday, April 19, 2018 Meeting attendees: Community Center Committee - Attendance Sheet forwarded Date: Thursday,April 19, 2018 Time: Called to order: 7:05 p.m. Adjourned: 8:00 p.m. Facilitator: Jean Randolph-Castro Ed Douglass Chairperson, Jean Randolph-Castro Meeting was opened by Co-Chair, Mr. Edward Douglass

tival • •

to get people Registered Maintenance should repaint the space. Someone should go over the spaces to make sure numbers are correct

• When people come to get spaces, they have to go out and look at their space before they purchase it • Once space is purchased that’s the space they will have • How do we register the people that always come • We deal with the people that come all the time first • $40 for 1 space, $75 for 2 spaces, $110 for 3 spaces and $140 for 4 spaces • Registration will be announced the next meeting (July after the 7th or 14th)

New Business: Women History Month Event

Twenty-one (21) people were in attendance The Committee discussed the following items: • Went over on what was made for Women’s History Month • Food-people go over on the food bill in the meetings but Community Center Committee does not go over their budget. We are in a safe spot 395 Tickets sold in advance: $7,900 • Door Tickets: $445 • • Coat Check: $125 • Total of $8,450 minus the expenses Annual Birthday Extravaganza is now going to be changed to an Annual Summer Extravaganza Dance Theme will be an All White Affair/the venue will be in the • same room as always • Bring Your Own Brown Bag (BYOBB) Date will be June 30, 2018 from 10 P.M. – 4 A.M. • Next Event is going to the Music Festival • Anyone that has a band that they would like to play at the Music Festival, will have to get to the Committee by June We should work on coming up with another way for the Fall Fes-

POST THIS HANDY SPECIAL CUTOUT ON YOUR FRIDGE. For all maintenance requests and repairs, please note the following group numbers and contacts for your convenience. Call (718) 276-5610 and dial the following extension for your circle:

• The shifts will be from 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. and 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. • One day during the week and Saturday • 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. Debbie will do the chart from 10 a.m-1 p.m., Yvette-receipts; Dorothy-badges; Tina & Mary-crowd control; Robert- showing spots. • 1 p.m. – 5 p.m. on Saturday: Ethel-Charts; Judith-Receipts; Norma & Mary Ingram-Badges; Carmela & Jean-Crowd control; Gloria & Bob-show spots. • • • • • •

2 People on Sodas- Norma & Rose Serve Food- Yvette, Dorothy, Viola Cooks-Ed & Debbie Money-Tina Color for Music Festival-Olive green with gold letters Color for Fall Festival-Rust, vendor will figure out the color of letters

Next Meeting: Thursday, May 17, 2018 at 7 p.m. Jean Randolph-Castro, Chairperson Eddie Douglas, Co-Chair Tina Young, Secretary

Group 1: ext. 402 and 403, ring bell #304 in Bldg. 2 Group 2: ext. 405 and 406, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 5 Group 3: ext. 410 and 411, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 10 Group 4: ext. 413 and 414, ring bell #400 in Bldg. 13 Group 5: ext. 417 and 418, ring bell #196 in Bldg. 17

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at drive way stop signs. Thank you. Chief Pearson.

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 31

Senior Citizens’ Committee Minutes for Wednesday, April 4, 2018 Place: RV Community Rooms 11/12/13

Joyce Williams

Date: April 4, 2018 The meeting was called to order by the Senior Center Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:15 am. Prayers led by Evangelist Betty Jean Randolph-Castro Smith.

• After completion of the project, the property will consist of 300 units. The tenants would be accepted on a lottery basis. • There was a Q & A session where Mr. Warren and Mr. Freedman answered the concerns and questions of the seniors. • A Q & A session was also held by the Board President Jean Castro and the Board Chairman Mr. Clifton Stanley Diaz. • During the time that Ms. Castro spoke, she spoke of upcoming events. The Lobster feat is scheduled for June 30th, 2018.

The meeting was called to order by the Senior Center Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:15 am. Prayers led by Evangelist Betty Smith.

• Upcoming event for the month of May will be have a memorial service remembering the departed members of the senior committee.

• The meeting started with presentations by Management, Senior Center and the NORC Office.

• Breakfast was serve and the committee members fellowshipped with each other.

• Mr. Bernard Warren of BRP Development along with Mr. Alex Freedman, gave a presentation explaining the new development for the vacant land on 137th Avenue, and explaining how the housing unit would work once completed.

Meeting adjourned at 11:45 a.m. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, May 02, 2018 at 10:00 a.m.

• Mr. Warren stated, there will be commercial, residential and parking spaces with a construction period of two (02) years.

Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro- Co-Chair

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April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar May 2018

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center





Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc. No obituaries will be published without prior family consent.

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin The Rochdale Village Senior Committee

And Social Services, Inc. Presents “OUR TIME” All are welcome

Annual Black Tie Affair Saturday, September 29, 2018 Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom Jamaica, NY 11434 5:00P.M. – 3:00 A.M. $50.00 per person Music by: Live Band/DJ **Elegant Attire**

Full Course Dinner

Exquisite Delicacies to Be Served Cocktail Hour 5:00 P.M. - 7:00 P.M. Dinner Served 8:30 P.M. – 10:00 P.M. Dinner & Dancing 10:00 P.M. – 3:00 A.M. Set-ups will be sold

**TICKETS ARE AVAILABLE NOW** For purchase please contact: Jean Castro (347) 229-8514

Joyce Williams (718) 341-1040 / Gary Hawkins (718) 593-0363 Clifton Stanley Diaz (718) 309-2203/Carolyn Jackson (646) 258-0324 Board Office (718) 276-5700 Ext. 336


Approved for posting by the Board Office until September 30, 2018


April 2018

April 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 35

Annual Summer Extravaganza Dance Presented By:

The Rochdale Village Community Center Committee Saturday, June 30, 2018 10:00 P.M.—4:00 A.M. Featuring Our Celebrity Personality Doctor Bob Lee of WBLS & Crew Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom 169-65 137th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434

Come join us for a night of fun & dance sold

Ticket Price: $20.00 Purchasing Tables Preferred...10 People per table

Light Horderves will be served Bring your own brown bag‌Set-ups will be sold For Tickets Contact: Jean Castro (347) 229-8514

Ed Douglass (718) 813-0984

Debbie Brown (347) 561-8390

Mary Ingram (718) 712-5876

Norma Dean (718) 276-2606

Margaret Cummings (718) 528-0156

Bro Bob Williams (718) 525-4829

Dorothy Jackson (718) 949-5419

Clifton Stanley Diaz (718) 309-2203

Board Office (718) 276-5700 ext. 336

Call the Board Office today to reserve your table Everyone is welcome, bring your family, bring a friend Approved for posting by the Board Office until July 01, 2018


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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

(Paid Advertisement)

April 2018

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