Rochdale Village Bulletin Newspaper May 2018 Edition

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Vol. 54 No. 6

S. O. S.

May 2018


Saving our Shipments at Rochdale Village

Public Safety Committee meets with representative from UPS for answers. Page 3

Board of Directors and Management consider ways to protect community from package thefts.

General Manager’s Report - Pg. 4


Pet Policy Q&A at RV - Pg. 11


Annual Tai Chi Day - Pg. 17

| Committee Reports - Pg. 29-31

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The Rochdale Village Board of Directors serves 5,860 middle income families and more than 25,000 people in the world’s second largest housing cooperative, located at 169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434; Tel: 718-276-5700 ext. 336.


Chairman of the Board Clifton Stanley Diaz President Jean Randolph-Castro Vice Presidents Talib Bey Mario Turner Jean Hall Tim Mercer Treasurer Barbara Staples Assistant Treasurer Lisa Stark Secretary Joyce Williams


Talib Bey Jean Randolph-Castro Clifton Stanley Diaz Ed Douglass Joe Evans Jean Hall Gary Hawkins Maryam Hubbard Tim Mercer Kamal Saleem Derrick Shareef Barbara Staples Lisa Stark Mario Turner Joyce Williams Mark Busgang (State Representative)

COMMITTEE CHAIRPERSONS Budget & Finance Lisa Stark Commercial Services Tim Mercer Community Center Jean Randolph-Castro Community Relations Maryam Hubbard Legal & Management Jean Randolph-Castro Maintenance Jean Hall Orientation Clifton Stanley Diaz Public Safety Talib Bey Senior Citizens Joyce Williams Youth Planning Mario Turner Environmental Conservation Kamal Saleem Parking Clifton Stanley Diaz Information Technology Kamal Saleem MANAGEMENT Managing Agent Marion Scott Real Estate, Inc. General Manager Marion Scott Assistant Managers Lance Williams, MSI and Jay Williams, RVI Controller William Young Deputy Director of Maintenance Corey Jones Public Safety Chief Victoria Pearson Power Plant Director Gilbert Francisco Human Resource Director Dolores Benner General Counsel William R. Greenspan

May 2018

President’s Message

- by Jean Randolph-Castro

Greetings Cooperators, I am so glad that summer is almost here and it appears that old man winter has finally gone on vacation for good. There is so much to look forward to during the warmer season with proms, graduations and family vacations. For our residents, we can look forward to the start of our Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp, the All-White Annual Summer Extravaganza, the Annual Health Fair, Youth Talent Showcase, the Annual Musical Festival, the Annual Family Fun Day, the Annual Fall Festival, the Wildwood Seafood Feast, the Black Tie Affair and finally our Annual Cancer Awareness Walk in collaboration with the American Cancer Society in October, just to name a few. This is a wonderful time of year where we can come together as a community and get to do exciting things. I am proud to be a part of the Rochdale community where we have activities for our youth, seniors and everyone in between. I pray and wish for everyone to have a happy and safe summer season. Energy Conservation With summer fast approaching I would like to take the time to help the Cooperators better understand the importance of energy conservation and how it affects the cooperation financially and your pocket books. Although we have our own Power Plant, the cost to run the facility is approximately 20% of our annual budget, which for Rochdale is over $18 million a year. That is over $3,000 a year per household. Many of us tend to forget that our carrying charges include gas, electric and water and since we do not receive a separate bill we may not realize that we are literally throwing money out of the window with bad habits and practices. While Management and the Board have engaged in projects such as upgrading to more efficient boilers, installing LED lighting throughout, and installing water saving devices such as new showerheads there is still more that we can do as shareholders to keep cost down. Things as simple

as not leaving the convectors on while we are not home, turning of lights in rooms we are not in and unplugging small appliances like toasters when not in use can have a positive effect in conserving energy. Other ways to conserve include keeping the windows closed when convectors are in use and reporting leaky faucets and toilets that are constantly running to maintenance timely will help as well. Energy conservation results in lower utility bills, which benefit everyone regardless of who directly pays the utilities and by working together we can save thousands both individually and for the housing company as a whole. Free Storage Bargold is nearing completion of the additional storage rooms and with that, the renovations of the free storage area will be complete as well. In the past free storage area was not used properly with many households storing large items such as furniture for years at a time. In many instances, people had moved out of Rochdale but their items remained in this area, which did not allow for those that needed to store items to use it. In addition, improper storage could have resulted in violations being issued by the Department of Buildings or the Fire Department. The building storage rooms are intended for seasonal items such as Christmas decorations and bicycles. As space is limited, storage is on a first come, first serve basis and each household is permitted to store two items at a time. Your items should be properly stored in containers, clearly labeled and sealed. We recommend that you do not store expensive or valuable items in the free storage area. Items can be stored for up to one year and you will have access to the rooms five times throughout the year in January, April, June, September and December although you may gain access outside of these times at the discretion and availability of the key holder in your building. Please look for posted signs in your building’s bulletin boards and the digital screens for room opening dates. Cooperators will be contacted by

Jean Randolph-Castro

written notice up to three times to remove or update items within thirty days. Any items left in the storage rooms after the due date will be deposed of with the exception of extreme emergency such as death, accident or severe illness. Rochdale Village, Inc. is not responsible for items left in the storage rooms so you store items at your own risk. The free storage rooms will be inspected periodically by the Group Manager to ensure NYC building code compliance, and the Board/ Management policies are being followed. New Tiles for Elevator Banks When we began the new tile project in the elevator banks, many of you expressed your displeasure and your voices were heard. As a result, the project was put on hold and new tiles were selected that better represented Rochdale. The project has recommenced and is currently underway. We know that it has been an eye sore in this area however, I feel if you are going to do something do it right and I would rather wait than move forward with the wrong thing. We apologize for the delay but it took time for the new tile selection to be ordered and delivered. I am very pleased that they have arrived and look forward to a much-improved look near our elevators. Peace and Blessings to all.

The next meeting of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors is Monday, June 25, 2018 at 7:45 p.m. in Community Center Room 11/12/13. Please Attend.

May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Delivery services that help keep packages safe from theft was enough to warrant more than one locker. We’re not using them as much as they are supposed to be used. Now we can By Susan Van Brackle take another position with UPS to put another one here. So n a recent Public Safety Committee meeting, Representative everyone please sign up for a My UPS Choice account.” Gonzalez from the United Parcel Service (UPS) explained the steps necessary for residents to begin using the UPS Access Informed Delivery Services from USPS Complaints about mail tampering are happening naPoint lockers stationed outside of Mall #2. In addition to the details she provided, there are a number of other options that tionwide. The United States Postal Service (USPS) devised a tranwill ensure that parcels arrive safely to our doors (see UPS My sparent method for consumers to track their parcels every step of Choice image to the right and U.S. Postal Services for Infor- the way. Kevin Dilworth, Rochdale Village Social Services Vice President, shared his experiences about effectively using Informed med Delivery). Delivery. It’s a service that requires a subscription. Access is given immediately once a user name and password are confirmed. Once UPS My Choice It is recommended that patrons sign up for a free UPS users log on, they will see an actual scan of envelopes and packaMy Choice account. Residents must log onto in ges that have already shipped and those that are due to ship. Mr. order to sign up for UPS My Choice services. Applicants will Dilworth shared, "You have advance notice of what’s coming each receive a user ID and an activation code by regular mail. Once and every day and, exactly who is sending it. They also let you in hand, cooperators can receive in-transit alerts, make requests know if there’s no mail due. It’s just a great thing.” Rochdale’s Chairman of the Board and Council Memfor a signature release, give UPS drivers delivery instructions or be able to redirect deliveries to a UPS pick up location or ber for the United States Post Office Advisory Council, Clifton Stanley Diaz, arranged to have the UPS Locker and the lobby Access Point locker. UPS Lockers allow consumers to have a secure pickup parcel lockers installed in the community. ”The parcel box proand drop-off location and are available around the clock seven gram is working out great, stated Mr. Diaz. We ask that people days a week. Talib Bey, 1st Vice President of the Rochdale Vil- are mindful about picking up their packages quickly so that otlage Board of Directors and Public Safety Committee Chair- hers can make use of it. There are number of changes happening man said, “It was a relief to have a UPS official come to our in postal protection happening very quickly. More tips will folcampus to bring clarity on any misinformation regarding the low in future publications.” boxes.” It helps to know in advance what service the shipper Fedex Smartpost Fedex Smartpost is a budget friendly service offered plans to use to deliver a package. Sometimes this is not apparent during the online checkout process. It may be necessary by Federal Express shipping (FEDEX). The service integrates at the point of checkout to finalize a purchase by calling the Fedex shipping with the United States Postal Service. First, merchant’s 800 number when placing an online order. Doing orders are initially dispatched by Fedex shipping. Once it so will ensure that your request for the shipper to use UPS rat- reaches the New York City area, the order is handed over to the local post office to complete its’ delivery. In the case of her than another delivery service will be heard. In order for the cooperative to make the best use of Rochdale Village, if the package is too large to fit into lobby the UPS lockers, residents must sign up for the free UPS My mailboxes, the postman will leave residents a ticket inside the Choice account. According to Assistant General Manager, mailbox so that the package can be picked up safely from the Jay Williams, ”The original plan was to have one locker at parcel lockers located in building hallways. UPS offers a simithe small mall then another one at the large mall however, we lar service called UPS SurePost with a subscription to a UPS could not demonstrate the volume of packages that UPS felt My Choice account and an additional fee of $5.00.


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May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report Monthly Report

-- by by Marion Marion Scott Scott

General Manager’s Monthly Report for April 2018

A Year In Retrospect

Here at Rochdale Village, we maintain the philosophy that the dayto-day operation, projects and major capital improvements are addressed in a way that does not adversely affect the finances of the corporation and keeps the Carrying Charges affordable for our demographic. Simply stated, it is our responsibility to get the work done while at the same time ensuring you as shareholders are not displaced due to exorbitant increases. The essential components to accomplishing this is promptly collecting Carrying Charges, prudent budgeting of expenses and scrutinizing expenditures regularly. Since we returned in 2010 (and a better part of two decades), we have been able to live up to this fundamental premise. Despite the spike in rents in NYC during that timeframe, Rochdale Village has some of the lowest carrying charges/ rents and essentially is the “best bang for your buck” citywide. This past year has proved no different with the successful completion of many capital projects and remaining financially healthy.

Fiscal Competency Year to date, Rochdale has improved over the prior year. For fiscal year 2018 Rochdale has a total revenue of $78,864,000 versus $78,025,000 in 2017 representing an increase of $839,000 in revenue. As far as expenses, the housing company spent $77,043,000 in FY 2017 while in FY 2018 expenses totaled $73,768,000 amounting to a decrease of $3,275,000 in expenditures. Anytime you are able to increase revenue and lower expenses for a corporation it is a major victory. This is more so in housing as it has a huge impact on the ability for families to keep a roof over their head. Without a competent Board of Directors and Management team these accomplishments would be impossible as is evident in the $800,000 net loss for the corporation in fiscal year 2009 under a different regime.




completed company’s responsibility. Having said all that, if it is the prerogative of the housing company to provide new kitchens for all residents as an example, there is no question that it can be done but what remains is how you fund it. You can pay for it by carrying charge increases or special assessments however there are residents that like what they have now or simply cannot afford it. Rochdale is a low to middleincome housing development with a 40% senior population many of which are on a fixed income. These considerations must be kept in mind when making decisions complex wide. The saying goes that “Rome wasn’t built in a day but was burned Rochdale Village Mall #1 gets fresh look inside and out. in a night” would ring true for the affordability of housing in Rochdale buildings for at least 30 years. These if the corporation took on too many Overall Improvements Achieving financial stability, are items unseen but necessary for major in-unit capital projects. increasing revenue and keeping cost the overall functionality of Rochdale. low while focusing on the capital National Grid also gave us As Managing Agent needs of a 53 year old property is a an additional rebate in the amount MSI has a proven history challenge. Additionally, completing $250,000 for completing phase 1 that continues to evolve. I would put projects that will improve the quality of our LED lighting upgrade in our track record against any other of life and amenities campus wide our common areas. We are now management company particularly makes the task more daunting and set to upgrade the lighting in all as it relates to affordable housing. yet that is exactly what has been utility rooms. These small items For over a quarter century, our actualized. The boiler project is in reduce electrical consumption and commitment to work with different its final stages however, we have save energy thus reducing the cost board configurations and the already reaped some of the benefits of running the power plant. The communities they represent has not in the form of a $1.3 million rebate renovation of the Big Mall has waivered. Our goal is to maintain from National Grid. The boilers attracted new commercial tenants a high level of services while themselves will produce savings and has put pressure on existing keeping carrying charges affordable once the project is completed due to tenants to improve their spaces. continues to be a trademark we the increased efficiency once they While the Community Center are proud of. While you may not are all on line and fine-tuned. We improvements with the addition of a be interested in a history lesson also completed the high voltage brand new fitness room is bringing the fact remains what we have transformers that step down the vitality back to these areas. We have and will continue to work toward power produced from the plant to previously reported on all that is the betterment of the communities make it usable in your apartments being done throughout Rochdale that we are privileged to serve. and completed installation of new and I could list them all however, The knowledge, resources and breaker panels in the service room the point is work is being done in the experience we bring is a result of for all buildings. A new roof for areas of infrastructure (things you years of hard work and forming the plant is near completion and can’t see) as well as in the visible good working relationships with all commercial meters (water and common areas and grounds. boards, supervisory agencies electrical) have been upgraded so Some have stated we see new and government officials alike. that we can collect proper utility playgrounds and sprinkler parks Our dedication to the Rochdale fees from commercial tenants. but what about my apartment? The community is the same today as it We completed gas line repairs in truth of the matter is that this is a co- was twenty plus years ago. Though buildings 4, 11 and 12 this past year op and everything you see in your it is unattainable, we strive for and while this is an inconvenience apartment is your responsibility perfection every day to provide it is necessary for the safety of the to maintain and upkeep and what Rochdale with the care and services community and not an issue that is behind the walls is the housing it richly deserves.

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village, Inc. CONSOLIDATED PROFIT AND LOSS STATEMENT As of March 31, 2018 - DRAFT (Prior to Audit and Final Analysis)

Rochdale Village, Inc. BALANCE SHEET FY 2017 and FY 2018

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May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Controller’s Report

- by William Young

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Activity FY2017 AND FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Summary of Accounts Receivable Carrying Charges (ONLY) >$100 in Aging FY 2018

Rochdale Village Inc. Community Center Profit & Loss Statement FY 2017 AND FY 2018 vs. Budget

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Public Safety Report

- by Captain Adolph Osback

Public Safety Monthly Report - April 2018

Enclosed is the statistical data relative to the performance of the Rochdale Village, VERTICALS, GROUND FLOOR, PARKING LOT & MAINTENANCE 1604 Inc., Public Safety Department during the month of April 2018. Public Safety DOOR CHECKS: SPECIAL VERTICALS: 81 maintains twenty-four hour coverage. TOTAL: 1685 COMPLAINTS: TOWING: 18 1. During the month of April 2018, the Public Safety Department has WARNING STICKER ISSUED: 0 continued to focus attention on loitering, trespassing, noise complaints and all other quality of life violations. As a result, Public Safety TOTAL: 18 officers responded to a total of (47) loitering and (35) noise complaints from Cooperators. The Task Force encountered (33) counts of loiterers ESCORTS: 77 while conducting interior & exterior patrols and special verticals, which were resolved as follows: AIDED SICK, INJURY & ELEVATOR ENTRAPMENTS: 105 2.

All Complaint Conditions corrected – (22) loiterers complied with officers’ directives to leave and (14) of the noise complaints corrected the volume of the noise.


All Unfounded Complaints – (25) unfounded loitering complaints and (19) unfounded noise complaints (officers responded but no loiterers were present or no noise could be heard).





4. Loitering individuals & noise complaints - Non-compliant of directives MAIL VOLUME DELIVERED BY PUBLIC SAFETY OFFICER: 1962 (11) received violations for loitering and (5) received violations for noise. ARREST(S): 2 IN HOUSE DETAINED: 0 5. Complaint Responses – (47) loiterers and (35) noise complaints and TOTAL: 2 other quality of life violations found and/or recipients of violations for a total of (83) VIOLATIONS ISSUED: 57 CRIMINAL MISCHIEF/AUTO: 0 6. Task Force Responses - (01) loitering calls from Dispatch. EVICTION(S): 1


7. Violations issued – (57) Loitering, noise and other quality of life violations. For the month of April 2018 there were (02) arrest The Rochdale Village Public Safety Department will continue to strategize in order to better serve the community. DVR UNIT ACTIVITY RISK MANAGEMENT INCIDENTS INVESTIGATIVE INCIDENTS VIOLATIONS ISSUED ARREST INCIDENTS FIRE INCIDENTS TOTAL INCIDENTS


1 Illegal Move out

05 24 0 02 0 31

TASK FORCE ACTIVITIES • Conducted (72) Special Verticals • Made (02) arrest, issued (02) Trespass Notifications, (01) C-Summons and (26) violations including (09) for loitering. (33) Loiterers were encountered during routine patrols. TOWED VEHICLES The Public Safety Department towed (13) vehicles during the month of April for violation of parking rules on the complex. *Special Vertical Patrols by Rochdale Public Safety Officers and Supervisors: Vertical patrols are conducted on a daily basis. Officers patrol the stairwells, hallways, rooftops and parking lots at different hours to curtail unlawful activities.

2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Illegal Move in Negligence Harboring a Pet Noise Complaint Disorderly Conduct/Abusive Language Loitering Illegal Sublet/Occupant Damage to Rochdale Property Littering Failure to Comply Reckless Endangerment Dispute Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance Criminal Activities Creating Fire Hazard Urinating/Defecation in Public Drinking Alcohol in Public (Open Containers) Gas Leak Trespass Offensive Apt. Odor Harassment Walking Dog on Premises Throwing things out the window Illegal Parking Health Hazzard Resisting Arrest Assault on Rochdale Village Personnel Bulk/Improperly Discarded Garbage Refusing to show ID Unauthorized Air Conditioner Theft of Property Vandalism Smoking in unauthorized area Total

AMOUNT 3 1 2 1 5 3 11 5 1 0 4 0 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 0 6 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 7 57

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May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Monthly Report

- by Claude Laborde

Contract Summary/Status — April 2018 LOCAL LAW 11, CYCLE 6, 7 & 8 BUILDING FAÇADE REPAIRS: Façade repairs for Building Numbers 13, 14, 15 & 16 Completed end of September 2017. SHOPPING CENTER: 1. Complete: Construction began, January 2017. Completion – December, 2017. 2.

PARKING LOTS AND WALKWAY REPAIRS: Complete. Lots: #2, 3, 4, 6 & 8 Lot #7: Will start on Spring, 2018 SPRAY PARK: Playground 1 - Completed end of June 2017. Playground 3 - Completed end of June 2017


Building 4B, Hallway (Completed, April 2017)


Advantage Care (Completed, April 2017)


Rochdale Outlet Mall (Completed, April 2017)


Subway(Completed, August 2017)

10. 11.

Bed, Bath and Beyond (Completed, September 2017) Mall 2 – HIP cleaner (Completed, March 2018)


Building 8B, Apt 13H (Completed, March 2018)

Contract Amount: $1,760,000

3. Outstanding: Security desk, benches and cameras. COMMUNITY CENTER RENOVATION: 1. Complete: Construction began in April of 2016. Completed, December 2017. 2.

Contract Amount: $1,765,000


Outstanding: Awnings

COMMUNITY CENTER ROOF: Phase 2: Start date: May 2, 2018. Phase 1: Work on parapet wall and roof retrofit (Public Safety) completed end of October, 2016

ROOF LEAK RENOVATION: 1. Building 7A, Apt. 13E (Completed, February, 2017) 2.

Community Center – Room 18 (Completed, February, 2017)


Community center – Club Lounge & Ladies Restroom (Completed, March 2017)


Building 2C, Apt 13C (Completed, April 2017)

LAUNDRY ROOM: HVAC unit installation in building 16 completed, November 2017. (Bradley Mechanical) HVAC unit installation in buildings 4 & 8 completed, January 2018. (SIGMA)


Big Mall Entry Canopy Roof (Completed, April 2017)

ASBESTOS RECORDS (Reorganizing Files): Project completed end of May, 2017.

What’s going on here? By: Susan Van Brackle


ochdale Village is getting new roofing at the Management Office then at the Community Center. Work will be done in phases similar to the roof repair project undertaken for the residential buildings and Public Safety Department. According to Rochdale Village Project Manager, Claude LaBorde, “The roofs over the Community Center are undergoing preliminary demolition in preparation for new installation.” Workers are making repairs to wet spots that will keep out the rain, pointing bricks, mortar and flashing and applying waterproofing. Actual roof insulation is scheduled to begin the week of May 28. Plans are for the project to be completed over the next five months, weather permitting. That’s what’s up!

All the flags around the rooftop of the Management office look like a grand opening. As it turns out, rooftop repairs are currently underway.

May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Page 9

New changes to carrying charge payment address processing delays, direct debit payments should now be ffective June 1, 2018 mailed to the Rochdale Village changes will be made to ad- Management office address dresses where carrying charge listed below: payments are made by check and/or deduction: Rochdale Village, Inc. 169-65-137 Avenue Payments by Check: Jamaica, New York 11434 Shareholders that make carrying charge payments by Important: mail will notice the new remit- All carrying charge payments tance address listed below on must be accompanied by a curtheir June 2018 statements: rent statement invoice. Payment processing company, Rochdale Village, Inc. First Data Remitco, cannot Post Office Box 70269 process any payments withPhiladelphia, PA 19176-0269 out a current statement. If you don’t have a current statePlease be sure to mail checks ment, do not mail your check or money orders to this address or money order to P.O. Box going forward. 70269 in Philadelphia PA. These payments must come Payments by Direct Debit: into the management office Any residents that make with the label marked Attn: payments from their bank via Cashiers Department. Bill Pay, a trust, the DepartAny questions should ment of Social Services or be directed to the Cashiers DeHRA should update their bank partment at 718-276-5700 ext. payment records immediately. 324 or 322. Users should no longer have their bank send payments *Online Auto Payments to the address at Post Office made from PayLease via Box 9233, Uniondale, New Myhomepayge at rochdalYork 11553-9233. To avoid are not affected any future carrying charge by these address changes. By: Susan Van Brackle


Management has fitness room identification cards ready for pickup should stop in so that they may begin using this great amenity. on’t forget to pick up your The Rochdale Village ManageFitness Room I.D. card. Res- ment Office is open between the idents that haven’t already done hours of 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. daily. By: Susan Van Brackle


Ask for Ms. Sessions. Please remember that the Management Office closes for lunch between the hours of 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Monday through Thursday

and Fridays 12:30 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. The fitness room is located in the Community Center and is open daily from 5:30 a.m. to 11:30 p.m.

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May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Get Rochdale’s campus-wide terrace enclosure licensing by August 2018

Shown are terrace enclosure samples that were displayed in community center. Ms. McKenzie in the Rochdale Village Restorations Department can help with options.

By Susan Van Brackle


afety inspections are underway for households that currently have terrace enclosures. Residences that do not meet New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) requirements must have the structure removed. Terrace enclosures that adequately meet DOB standards

will be in the building-wide permit filing. To begin the process of securing a DOB approved terrace enclosure for your residence, contact Ms. McKenzie in the Rochdale Village Restorations Department at 718-276-5700 x351. She will provide you with all the details and paperwork necessary to have your terrace enclosure built in a manner that is acceptable to the DOB.

The RV Church Corner Why not visit a neighborhood house of worship here in the surrounding Rochdale Village community? Peace. Greater Springfield Community Church 177-06 129th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Reverend Doctor Philip Craig Service Time: Sundays at 11 a.m. Sunday School: at 10 a.m. The church of St. Bonaventure 114-58 170th Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-0040 10 a.m. Mass Celebration 8:30 a.m. Morning Mass Celebrations: Mon., Wed., Fri.

145-39 Farmers Boulevard Springfield Gardens, NY 11434 718-528-6010 Pastor: Gordon P. Kusi Service Times: Saturday Evening 5:00 p.m. Sunday: 9:00 a.m. Daily Mass: M-F 8:00 am; Sat. 9:00 a.m. Holy Days: 8:00 a.m., 12:15 p.m., 7:30 p.m. Bible Study: 3rd & 4th Sundays Confession: Sat. 4:00-5:00 p.m. Shepherd’s House Open Bible Church (SHOBC) 134-30 Guy R. Brewer Blvd. Jamaica, NY 11434 Sunday school - 9 a.m. Sunday Worship Experience -10 a.m. Wednesdays - Bible Study & Prayer 7:30 pm Fridays - Deliverance Service 7:30 p.m.

St. Benedict the moor 171-17 110th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 718-526-4018 Reverend Stephen Jantuah Deacon Pascual Olivas Angela Lewis, Dir. Religious Ed. Noon & 5 p.m. Mass Celebrations 8:30 A.M. Morning Mass Celebrations: Brooks Memorial United Methodist Church Tues., Thurs. 143-22 109th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434 Christ the King Church

Rev. John T. Simmons, Jr., Pastor Telephone: 718-658-8822 Email: Website: Church School: Adult: 9:00 a.m. Each Sunday Children & Youth: 10:00 a.m. First, Second & Third Sunday Morning Prayer Service: 9:00 a.m. Worship Service - 10:15 a.m Wednesday Evening Bible Study & Prayer Service - 7:00 p.m. Jazz Communion Vespers: 5:00 p.m. Each Third Saturday of the Month Christ Church International (CCI) Bishop Joseph N. Williams, Sr. Pastor 122-20 Merrill Street Jamaica, NY 11434 718-276-2799 Website: Sunday School – 8:30 a.m. Sunday Worship – 10:00 a.m. St. Pascal Babylon 112-43 198th Street St. Albans, NY 11412 Mass Schedule: Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 10:00 a.m.

Monday to Saturday 9:00 a.m. Lebanon Seventh-day Adventist Church 131-72 223rd Street Laurelton, NY 11413 718-525-4630 Website: Service Times: Saturday: Sabbath School: 9:30 a.m. Saturday: Worship Service: 11:00 a.m. Saturday: Bible Study Class: 5:00 p.m. Wednesday: Prayer Meeting Power Hour: 12:00 Noon & 7:30 p.m. Youth Revive Service: 4th Weekend of Friday 7:15 p.m. and Saturday 11:00 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. the month:

The Rochdale Village Church Corner lists an array of houses of worship to attend. List your church! Email:

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Answers to questions concerning pet policy complaints at Rochdale Village

ordinances have afforded leeway to residents that have not been qualified and therefore do with emotional support or service animals as not belong here. eports continue to pour into public a basis for generally modifying pet policies at Legal vs. Illegal Pets; Determining the safety about dogs and other pets that are apartment complexes. Difference encroaching upon the quiet enjoyment of fellow The impacts of poor pet handling at the cooperators at Rochdale Village. So much so Emotional Support and Service Animal complex raises legitimate questions about the that the Board of Directors and Management Explanations converged to address answers to Frequently Emotional support needs may include need for these pets and casts a glaring light on Asked Questions being posed about the anxiety, depression, the effects of PTSD and a a population of illegal pet owners at Rochdale. Shareholders and maintenance staff alike are cooperative’s pet policy. range of other phobias. Emotional Needs dogs need no special exposed to dogs defecating in common areas training and can be any kind of dog. Patients like stairwells and elevators; incessant barking What’s the Policy? From the moment tenants began moving recovering from cognitive, social or emotional is commonplace and there is a growing concern into the cooperative in 1963, Rochdale Village injuries may also find that therapy animals about unmuzzled animals. Owners of unauthorized animals that has had a firm “no pets” policy. For reference, improve their overall functioning. Residents with special needs may gain are unleashed, unvaccinated, uninsured and the policy can be found on page 15 of the Occupancy Agreement under Section 10, Rule additional assistance from emotional support unlicensed can be further subject to hefty #17. However, when we fast-forward to 2018, and service animals however, collectively penalties and violations of the New York City recent modifications to federal, state and city there are many animals in Rochdale Village Dog laws that are imposed. By Susan Van Brackle


The Board, Management and Legal Department are fighting with the Human Rights Commission for the right to require tags to help identify the legal dogs from the illegal dogs.

Dogs in Rochdale

Frequently asked questions: Q: A:

Are dogs allowed in Rochdale? NO pet dogs are allowed, however Service and Emotional Needs dogs must be allowed by law.

Q: A:

What do I do if I see a dog on campus? Report the date, time and place to the management office so that we can investigate.

Q: A:

Are all the dogs I see in Rochdale Service or Emotional Needs dogs? NO, many of the dogs you see are illegal pets or are from outside owners.

Q: A:

What is Rochdale doing about the illegal pets? We are sending violations to the residents for up to $400 for violating the Occupancy Agreement and sending them to court to remove the animal. If they do not remove the animal we will attempt to evict them. If the person doesn't live here they are escorted off of the grounds and possibly issued a trespass citation.

Q: How can we tell if the animal is a Service or Emotional Needs dog? A: It is difficult to tell the difference visually. However by definition Service dogs must be specially trained to assist people with specific handicaps. Q: A:

Are Service or Emotional Needs dogs allowed to walk on the grounds? They are not allowed to walk or poo on the grass. They must always be on a leash and the owner must curb the dog per NYC law.

Q: A:

What if a Service or Emotional Needs dog keeps barking, is there anything that can be done? YES, even if the dog is allowed at Rochdale it IS NOT allowed to infringe upon the peace of any resident including but not limited to barking, biting or relieving itself in the public spaces. If this occurs please report this to the management office so we can take appropriate action.

Why are we still feeding the stray cats? By Susan Van Brackle

ing agents that can expose humans to rabies and other pathogenic viruses. Over time these esidents continue to be seen feeding feral animals promote the spread of fleas that can cats on the campus. Unvaccinated ani- fester in building crawl spaces and possibly mals are breeding grounds for disease-caus- transfer between apartment walls. For the


sake of everyone’s quiet enjoyment, residents are encouraged to report animal sightings to Rochdale Village authorities any time of the day or night.

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NORC Weekly Activity Calendar - June 2018

May 2018

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Rochdale Village Senior Center - June 2018

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RVSS hosts awards ceremony for students participating in tutoring program By Susan Van Brackle The free Saturday morning tutoring program sponsored by nonprofit Rochdale Village Social Services, Inc. (RVSS) proved true the old adage, “A good education is the key to success and a prerequisite to opportunity.” More than two dozen regular participants of the tutoring program received special awards and recognitions at a culmination ceremony held in Room 15 at the Community Center on Saturday, June 2. Many students received blue ribbon certificates of excellence for mastering mini lessons of standard-

ized tests and Common Core exams. Each Saturday for the last 15 weeks, the study group convened at the Community Center for a 10 a.m. to noon workshop. Parents, guardians and other supporters arrived at Saturday’s awards ceremony to cheer on K-8 grade students for completing this studious accomplishment. Motivation, one-on-one instruction and us of an internet teaching tool called “Study Island”, helped each of the students overcome academic challenges, increased their individual grade levels of performance, along with the purchase of 25 tablets for student-use, paved the way for them to achieve

success on New York State English Language Arts (ELA) and Math standardized tests, according to Kevin Dilworth, RVSS' vice president. "I'm proud to have devoted five months of Saturday mornings to help coordinate and ensure the participating youngsters received high quality instruction," Dilworth said. "The program ensures each student remained competitive with their peers across the state, stayed educationally focused, and, in most cases, greatly increased their grade levels of academic performance." “It's all thanks to the dedication, motivation and extraordinary teaching skills of hired instruc-

tors (Professor) Andrea Johnson, Cassandra Kennedy and Roxanne Mayers, with the help of backup tutors Deevika Persuad and Anuska Joseph,” Dilworth said. Daniel and Deborah Darby praised the program and the instructors for helping their granddaughter Gabriella greatly improve her reading comprehension and math skills. Tom Vorilas, project manager for Division of Youth and Community Development's (DYCD) Discretionary Program operations, said “RVSS's program is a model for being one of the most productive, successful and well run tutoring program operated by any nonprofit funded by DYCD.

Group graduation photo with students, parents, tutors and Vice President of the RVSS Board of Directors, Kevin Dilworth (far end right).

Tutors Andrea Johnson, Cassandra Kennedy, Roxanne Mayers and Anushka Joseph get flowers.

Blue ribbon awards for achievement and for partifcipation were presented to the students.

If You See Something, Say Something. Alert Public Safety at (718) 276-2400 or by Text at (347) 455-9373.

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May 2018

Let Your Children Shine at Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp By Julia Shaw Last year, Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp was launched and provided a safe and fun-filled environment for over 60 children living in Rochdale Village and the surrounding community. This year the Community Center welcomes Ms. Yolonda Brisbane, a seasoned Program Director of Summer Camp & After School programs. Ms. Yolonda managed the Kipps Bay Boys & Girls Club in the Bronx for several years and brings a wealth of experience to Rochdale Village. “We will offer children a well-rounded cultural, social, creative and academic program to enrich and enhance their Summer experience,” states Ms. Yolonda, “We will build on the success of last year, offering

a variety of activities to keep our children happy, busy and engaged throughout the Summer.” This year’s schedule will include learning and playing Chess, ending the season with a Chess Club Tournament led by Coach George Taylor. Children will experience amazing and scientific activities taught by STEM educational instructors from York Collage. We will also keep our youth physically fit during the Summer with Zumba for Kids with Lizette, and Karate taught by Sansei Derek Shareef and music lessons with Mr. Larry of Elite Marching Band as indoor activities. Let’s not forget the hours of enjoyment in our interactive Game Room. Team sports like basketball, all around fun in Rochdale’s playgrounds and water parks will be part of their

outdoor activities. Weekly cultural excursions to the Rochdale Village Queens Library along with trips to the Central Park Zoo, Lewis H. Latimer House, Five Towns Mini Golf, and the American Museum of Natural History will be educational and foster a positive learning environment. Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp Program is licensed by the State of New York and can accommodate up to 148 children aged 6 to 12 years old. “Rochdale Village Community Center is our hub of social and educational enrichment, offering a healthy and wealthy environment of resources, culture, and creativity to our intergenerational, cross-cultural community of shareholders and neighbors surrounding Rochdale Village,” states Community

Center Director, Julia Shaw, “The Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp is one of our many programs that focus on creating a well-rounded family by providing the opportunities to explore, experience and grow together.” Families interested in participating in the Rochdale Village Academy Summer Camp, please contact Camp Director Yolonda Brisbane to get registrations forms and rates, by email, ybrisbane@rochdalevillage. com, stop by the Summer Camp/ After School Office Room 2 or call 718-276-5700 Ext. 338 to schedule a one on one meeting. Also feel free to pick up the registration forms located on the Community Center information table. Come shine with us at the “Jewel of Jamaica!”

Outdated prescriptions and vitamins should never be disposed of in toilets or down the sink RV. Practice safe disposal methods at area pharmacies like Walgreens and CVS. Thank You.

May 2018

The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Youth Planning Committee’s ‘Mommy and Me’ Mothers’ Day Celebration event By Susan Van Brackle


other’s Day brings to mind thoughts of cards, gifts and candy to be given to the ones you love. Rochdale’s Youth Planning had each of these necessities covered at their annual ‘Mommy and Me’ Mother’s Day gathering. This intergenerational experience blends mothers, children, grand children and even great grandchildren together for an afternoon of creating everything from handmade jewelry, one of a kind greeting cards and tasty chocolate gifts. Committee members Tina Young, Renee Taylor and Sandra Cooper. were on hand lending assistance to keep the mood light and resources flowing. The Youth Planning Committee is spearheaded by Committee Chairman and 2nd Vice President of the Board of Directors Mario Turner. Interested in joining? The group meets the 1st, 3rd and 5th Friday of the month in the Rochdale Village Community Center.

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May 2018

Mother’s Day and Senior Day at Rochdale Village

(Left photo) Attendees at May’s Senior Committee Meeting were excited to receive surprise Mothers’ Day gifts from Chairman of the Rochdale Village Board of Directors, Clifton Stanley Diaz. (Right photo) Rochdale Village Pioneer, Mrs. Marcia Dilworth, receives warm introduction to New York City Councilwoman Adrienne Adams from her son Kevin.

(Left photo) Ms. Clay is presented with an award for community service from New York City Councilwoman Adrienne Adams, and Rochdale Village Pioneer, Ms. Madeline Pickett, (right photo) is shown with her lovely daughter as she receives the Pursuit of Excellence Award from The Rochdale Village Senior Center on Senior Day.

On May 8, Assemblywoman Vivian E. Cook (standing left) recognized Ms. Annie Bowen (seated left) and Ms. Winnifred McFarlane (seated right) for their contributions as senior citizens in the Rochdale Village community.

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Healthy Eating Seminar with Elizabeth M. Madison, RD

Dietitian and weight loss coach Elizabeth Madison shows guests that attended the opening session of the Our Village Weight Loss Challenge the many ways to count and couch calories.

Interested participants received program information and a wide range of healthy snacks at the Our Village Weight Loss Challenge.

Our Village Weight Loss Challenge program information on display along with healthy eating suggestions from dietitian Elizabeth Madison. Ms. Madison is featured with participants at the recent healthy eating seminar in the Community Center.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

May 2018

It was shop ‘til you drop at the Community Relations Committee’s ‘Spring Fling’ By Susan Van Brackle


t was a shopping bonanza at the 2nd Annual Spring Fling hosted by the Community Relations Committee on Saturday, May 19. Chairperson and Assistant Treasurer of the Board of Directors, Maryam Hubbard filled community rooms 11/12/13 with an array of vendors carrying unique and one-of-a-kind merchandise. Talented designers spilled out into the hallway selling everything from fine jewelry, fashion accessories, cosmetics, crafts and more. Bespoke cards and self-published authors were available to present their works directly to this community. Unlike the Fall Festival, no food was sold at the event allowing merchants the chance to focus specifically on the wares they were promoting. Having recently completed the Autism Walk and now the Spring Fling, the Community Relations Committee is gearing up for the Health Fair, which takes place at Rochdale Village Mall #1 on Saturday June 23. Residents are encouraged to come out and bring their loved ones for a day of healthy networking. Later this summer the committee convenes again to present Family Fun Day.

And the winners are...

To stage events this size requires a talented team. That’s why special thanks goes out to Community Relations Committee co-chairs Keveena HollinsPaul Community Center Director, Julia Shaw, as well as the following Community Relations Committee members: • Debbie Brown • Mary Czwartachi • Brenda Bradford • Ethel Gomez • Elaine Harris • Gwen Henderson • Inez Lewis • Mary Richardson • Janine Cross • Joyce Levy • Nana Hyacinthe • Norma Dean • Mary E. Ingram • Margaret Cummings • June Callahan • Edna Baker • Clara Sheppeard • Deborah Smith • Dorothy Jackson • Sandra Ruiz • Margaret Stroud-Cox

awards and accolades received for their years of tireless community Board President Jean Castro and service. When they’re not hosting meetings, planning Chairman of the Board Clifton committee Stanley Diaz are riding high on neighborhood events and voting

on important residential affairs for Rochdale Village, they participate in extracurricular activities. Mr. Diaz was honored with a Certificate of Appreciation from New York’s

Police Commissioner and the 113th Precinct. Ms. Castro received the JCAP Women’s Summit Award, and both received a UNESCO Global Education Award. Congratulations!

(left to right) New York City Police Commissioner James P. O’Neill, Chairman of the Board of Directors Clifton Stanley Diaz, Deputy Inspector Jerry O’Sullivan of 113th Precinct, (Picture 2-left to right) Dr. Monica Sanchez of Caricom, Clifton Stanley Diaz, Board President Jean Castro, Dr. Ada (Picture 3-left to right) Charkeetian Castro, Jean Castro, the Honorable Adrienne E. Adams, the Honorable Dorita Clarke, Dana Lilienthal.

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Saturday, JUNE 23rd,2018 10 A.M. – 4 P.M.

Rochdale Village Big Mall 165-35 Baisley Blvd Jamaica, 11434

The Rochdale Village Community Relations Committee Presents


For More Information contact:

Board Office 718-276-5700 Ext. 336

Approved for Posting by the Board Office until June 24, 2018

Congressman Gregory Meeks stops in to visit Rochdale Village community By Susan Van Brackle


hether it’s listening to the concerns of cooperators, giving RV’s fitness room a try or calling bingo numbers at the senior center, Congressman Gregory W. Meeks, U.S. Representative of New York’s 5th congressional district, makes time to do

it. The Congressman visited our neighborhood along with his Chief of Staff, Robert R. Simmons, on Monday, May 14 for a brief consult with Board of Directors’ President Jean Castro and Chairman Clifton Stanley Diaz. During that time he was given a grand tour of the newly revamped center and brought up to speed on what Rochdale Village is up to.

Congressman Meeks (left) takes a moment to press the flesh and see what RV is doing.

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New York City’s Fuel Gas Code 623 and Fire Code 307.5 strictly regulates grilling in mul@ple dwelling residences and apartment buildings. ONLY ELECTRIC BARBECUE GRILLS ARE LEGAL TO USE ON APARTMENT TERRACES ACCORDING TO THE LAW. Avoid cooperator fines and ensure the protec@on of this community. Do not use propane, natural gas or charcoal barbecue grills on terraces.

Thank You. Rochdale Village Management.

Rochdale Village Community Center Committee Presents

Fall Festival Registration 2018 Rochdale Village Community Center 169-65 137th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434

Accepting Money Orders Only Registration for Space: Saturday, July 7th - 12:00pm to 4:00pm Tuesday, July 10th – 4:00pm to 9:00pm 1 space @$40 2 spaces @$75

3 spaces @$110 4 Spaces @$140

Maximum of 4 Spaces per vendor

Date of Fall Festival 2018: Sunday, September 09, 2018

Rain or Shine! There will be NO Rain Date Approved for posting by the Board Office Until July 11, 2018

Calling All Vendors

FEATURING Food, Jewelry, Clothing, Crafting supplies, and much more

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018 R26-18.


WHEREAS, the corporation received

WHEREAS, equity charges for new cooperators was increased in 2002 to $2,400 per

confirmation from the outside collection agencies,


BGL and Gutman, Mintz, Baker & Sonnenfeldt, LLP WHEREAS, an increase from $2,400 to

that one hundred and eighty-five (185) former

$3,600 a room would have no effect on present

cooperators files that were submitted for

cooperators and generate $960,000 per year in

collection in the amount of $1,589,356.63 were

estimated additional income for the corporation;

deemed to be unrecoverable; WHEREAS, BGL, Gutman, Mintz, Baker &

and WHEREAS, Rochdale Village has a four

Sonnenfeldt, LLP and Rochdale Village, Inc.

(4) year waiting list and the increase in equity

conducted all necessary collection procedures to

would not effect occupancy.

determine the collectibility of the accounts;

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that on and after November 1, 2018 equity charges per room shall be increased from $2,400 per room to $3,600 per room and the increase shall be added to reserves to be used for capital expenses and projects.

collection agencies have concluded that all collection efforts were made and recoveries of these receivables are unlikely and the Company recommends that these receivables be charged off against the allowance for bad debt account and

Moved by: Lisa Stark Seconded by: Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, the Company and the outside


will have NO impact on the Profit and Loss statement of the company; and NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Timothy Mercer

Renewal Regulation 1727-4.3, that the Board of

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Directors authorize management to charge off against the allowance account the amount of

Joyce Williams

pursuant to New York State Homes and Community


$1,589,356.63. Moved by: Lisa Stark

Jean Hall


Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro


Clifton Stanley Diaz

Joe Evans

Maryam Hubbard

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Mario Turner

Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

Gary Hawkins

Nine for, one against, three abstentions, two absent; motion passes.

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner


Joyce Williams

Gary Hawkins


Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

Jean Hall Edward Douglass

Maryam Hubbard



Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard Eleven for, one abstention, three absent; motion passes.

WHEREAS, the LED lighting Installation project was first ratified by Board vote on September 25, 2017 via Resolution R47-17 accepting proposal from the second lowest bidder, Elmhurst Electrical Corp. at a cost of $115,000.

R27-18: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village suffered a power failure on February 7, 2018;

WHEREAS, the failure was caused by

pressure on carbon brushes in a turbine; WHEREAS, the Outage Expert, which company did the overhaul on our turbines, has proposed installation of new brush riggings on both turbine generators; NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Outage Expert is to be retained to install new brush riggings on both power plant turbines, as a sole source, during the shoulder season, at a price of $68,639.

AVA Group, LLC, provided a bid of $56,000 which appeared to be out of synch with other bids and mentioned extras in their proposal, leaving suspicion to the possibility of Change Orders; WHEREAS, all documents were sent to the New York State Homes & Community Renewal resulting in months of inertia.


revisited the proposal from AVA Group, LLC interviewed the Contractor, explained there will be no Change Orders and recommended they provide a revised proposal removing the word “extras” and WHEREAS, AVA Group, LLC agreed to the terms set forth by management and provided a

Moved by: Talib Bey

revised proposal to undertake the LED lighting

Seconded by: Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, the lowest bidding company,

installation project according to scope with no “extras” or change orders in the total amount of


$56,000, and

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

voiding out their acceptance of proposal from

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Elmhurst Electrical Corp. in the amount of

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

$115,000 and accepting the low proposal from AVA

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

WHEREAS, the Board voted against

Group, LLC in the amount of $56,000. This resulted in the motion failing via R12-18;

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018

WHEREAS, in light of all of the

producing bids ranging in cost from $411,800 to

above, the Project was re-bid producing bids

$1,344,000 of which Sigma Maintenance and

ranging in cost from $89,500 to $263,925 of which

Restoration Corp. provided the lowest combined bid

Elmhurst Electrical Corp. provided the lowest

as follows;

responsible bid, in the amount of $89,500.


Mall 1

Mall 2








Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts






the proposal from Elmhurst Electrical Corp. in the

Broadway Builders

amount of $89,500, subject to approval from the

for both malls of $1,344,000

New York State Homes & Community Renewal.

excluding permit fees.

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

Removal of

Seconded by: Timothy Mercer FOR



Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams Gary Hawkins


Maryam Hubbard

Proposal includes a total price

Contaminated Soil





$423,575 THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts proposal from Sigma Maintenance and Restoration Corp. in the amount of $411,800 subject to approval from the New York State Homes and Community Renewal. Moved by: Talib Bey Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Joyce Williams ABSTENTIONS

remediate and remove any contaminated soil and

Mario Turner Jean Hall

install systems to depressurize and remove any

Gary Hawkins

further contaminates from the soil by installing

Twelve for, one abstention, two absent; motion

pits with piping to the roof with fans to further


evacuate any under-slab contaminates;


R29-18: WHEREAS, as part of the Brownfield Clean-up program, Tenen Environmental doing their due diligence and testing of contaminates from the dry-cleaning establishments in both malls recommended that a contractor be hired to

WHEREAS, proposals were sought

ABSENT Maryam Hubbard

WHEREAS, proposals were sought from

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018

various contractors to have the domestic water and dual temperature lines in the crawl spaces of each building reinsulated; WHEREAS, undertaking this project will not only result in bringing the buildings under compliance with Energy Codes but will result in Rochdale Village receiving a rebate benefit from National Grid in the amount of $100,000; WHEREAS, proposals received ranged in

that need to be upgraded; WHEREAS, Requests for Proposals for a design build were solicited from several contractors however the cost was much higher than estimated; WHEREAS, management reduced the scope of contractor work and renegotiated with the bidders with results as follows: COMPANY


cost from $138,190 to $1,250,400 of which Anglin

Independent Temperature Control Service (ITC) $1,575,000

Insulation Services, LLC provided the lowest

Leonard Powers

responsible bid in the amount of $138,190. THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors accepts the


WHEREAS, asbestos abatement is not included in the scope of work and is estimated at $400,000 for all twenty pump rooms;

proposal from Anglin Insulation Services, LLC in

WHEREAS, the remaining work will be

the amount of $138,190, subject to approval from

done by our Power Plant staff at a cost of

the New York State Homes and Community Renewal.

$820,000 inclusive of time and material; and

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

WHEREAS, the total cost to upgrade

Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro

all twenty building pump rooms is $2,795,000 as


outlined above.

Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Rochdale Village, Inc. Board of Directors approves

Jean Hall

Timothy Mercer

award of contract to ITC in the amount of

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

$1,575,000, asbestos abatement at $400,000 and

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

in-house staff work at $820,000, for a total

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams

project cost of $2,795,000, subject to approval of

Joe Evans



New York Homes and Community Renewal, to be funded

by HCR reserves.

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Moved by: Clifton Stanley Diaz

Twelve for, three absent; motion passes.

Seconded by: Jean Randolph-Castro.

R31-18: WHEREAS, Rochdale Village has pump rooms in each of the twenty buildings on campus


Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

May 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard

Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

FOR Talib Bey

Jean Randolph-Castro

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Timothy Mercer

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

Joyce Williams


R32-18: WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Power Plant contains two Foster Wheeler Cooling Towers, which are fifty years plus in age; WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. Entered into a contract with VAMCO Mechanical Contractors, in the amount of $442,913.00 to undertake the repairs and modifications; WHEREAS, once work had begun and the system off line, further inspection of the system was done.

We found sections of piping

deteriorating feeding cell #3 and deteriorating pipng on the suction line; WHEREAS, the cost to replace the valves and piping amount to $79,476.35; WHEREAS, Management has reviewed the proposals and recommends an award of the change order to VAMCO, in the amount of $79,476.35; THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the

Kamal Saleem


Clifton Stanley Diaz

Gary Hawkins

Maryam Hubbard Ten for, two abstentions, three absent; motion R33-18: WHEREAS, the Rochdale Village Power Plant contains two Foster Wheeler Cooling Towers, which are fifty years plus in age; WHEREAS, Rochdale Village, Inc. entered into a contract with VAMCO Mechanical Contractors, in the amount of $442,913, to undertake the repairs and modifications to Cooling Tower #1; WHEREAS, on March 23, 2018 a leak on Tower #2 was detected coming from cell #6. Repairs were attempted and failed because of the condition of the pipe. Cell #4.

The second leak began on

Upon inspection by Staff and Lizardos

Rochdale Village Board of Directors approves award

Engineering, it was determined to replace the

of the change order to VAMCO in the amount of

piping as soon as possible, at risk of complete



Moved by: Jean Randolph-Castro

is because it is needed for the upcoming

Seconded by: Talib Bey

Air-Conditioning Season;

The urgency of the repairs to Tower #2

WHEREAS, the cost to replace the

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Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions - April 23, 2018

Clifton Stanley Diaz

Edward Douglass

Joe Evans

Jean Hall

proposal and recommends an award to VAMCO, in the

Timothy Mercer

Kamal Saleem

amount of $326,000;

Derrick Shareef

Barbara Staples

Lisa Stark

Mario Turner

valves and piping amount to $326,000; WHEREAS, management has reviewed the

THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, that the Rochdale Village Board of Directors approves award to VAMCO, in the amount of $326,000.

Joyce Williams


Moved by: Timothy Mercer

Gary Hawkins

Seconded by: Edward Douglass

Thirteen for, two absent; motion passes.

Talib Bey

Maryam Hubbard


Jean Randolph-Castro

Rochdale Village Board of Directors Meeting Resolutions Requiring Board Action - April 23, 2018

Meeting began: 7:45 p.m. Board Members: Present Clifton Stanley Diaz - Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro - President Talib Bey - 1st Vice President Mario Turner - 2nd Vice President Jean Hall - 3rd Vice President Tim Mercer - 4th Vice President Joyce Williams - Secretary Barbara Staples - Treasurer Lisa Stark - Assistant Treasurer Edward Douglass - Director Joe Evans - Director Kamal Saleem - Director Derrick Shareef - Director Not Present Maryam Hubbard - Assistant Secretary Gary Hawkins - Director Corey Jones - Director of Maintenance Eugen Evans - House Congress

Also present MSI Real Estate -Herb Freedman - General Manager -Jay Williams - Assistant General Manager -Lance Williams - Assistant General Manager William Greenspan, Esq., Corporate Counsel William Young - Controller Adolph Osback - Captain, Public Safety The agenda for the evening: 1. Motions 2. Adjournment 3. Cooperator’s Session The roll call was taken upon opening the meeting.  Based on the attendance, a quorum was reached. There were (5) motions requiring board action (see the Board Resolutions). Motion to adjourn came at 10:10 p.m.

ROCHDALE VILLAGE IS A SMOKE FREE ZONE Thank you for not smoking. That includes vaping.

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Page 29

Senior Citizens’ Committee Minutes for Wednesday, May 2, 2018 The meeting was called to order by Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams at 10:15 am. Prayer led by Evangelist Betty Smith.

Joyce Williams

The Chairperson welcomed Management representative Mr. Lance Williams, Assistant Jean Randolph-Castro General Manager as the first presenter for the morning.

Mr. Williams gave an update on the remodeling of the large and small malls, the new Digital Bulletin Boards. The Bulletin Boards will be installed in all of the buildings. These new Bulletin Boards will give the Cooperators access to the most current news and information happening around Rochdale Village. He also gave an overall view on a number of projects that are currently taking place on the upgrades on the infrastructure of the Corporation e.g. upgrading of the Convectors. Other members from the NORC and Senior offices presented information on activities that are currently going on within these two offices.

The presentation session ended with a Q & A, where the members were able to receive an answer to their questions and concerns. • The Board Chairman, Mr. Clifton Stanley Diaz presented the mothers with gifts for Mother’s Day. • There were remarks by the Board President, Ms. Jean Castro who spoke on upcoming events. • The Committee Chairperson, Ms. Joyce Williams advised all 91 members in attendance to support and take advantage of the activities and wonderful amenities that are being offered to them. • Condolences was sent out to the family of departed members of the Senior Committee. • Breakfast was served and the Senior Committee members had the opportunity to fellowship. Meeting adjourned at 11:55 a.m. Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, June 06, 2018 at 10:00 a.m. Respectfully submitted, THE SENIOR CITIZENS COMMITTEE Joyce William, Chairperson Jean Randolph-Castro- Co-Chair

Public Safety Committee Minutes for Thursday, May 3, 2018 Meeting attendees: Public Safety Committee Attendance Sheet forwarded Public Safety: Captain Osback Time: Called to order: 7:00 p.m. Adjourned: 8:00 p.m. Facilitator: Chairman, Talib Bey Talib Bey

Rochdale hired a person responsible for social media.

• Bulletin boards will have upcoming events; news flashes, something that relevant to the community and scheduled committee meetings. • The boards in the laundry rooms are for the individuals maintaining the wash machine and dryers. They will be able to see which washers and dryers need maintenance. • Someone will be available 6 days a week to maintain the washers and dryers. • Central heating will be installed in the laundry rooms • Building 8 has people putting the garbage in the door to stop it from closing. • Phone numbers for public safety is not working • Public Safety number 718.978.4039 – No call waiting • Cooperator has concerns about the traffic in circle 1 during the basketball tournament. • We will come up with a contingency plan to monitor people comings and goings into the circle • Building 20 : The walkway off the street into Rochdale – someone is

blasting their music • Security will put someone between circle 1 and circle 5 to monitor that area • Working on getting speed bumps in all circles • 166th and 130th speed signs were asked to be put up and denied. We are working with our council person to get this done. • Police signs are in some circles to enforce violators • We need signage for speed before the officer can give a ticket. • Cooperator spoke to Captain Osback about cars sitting in the 20 minute spot for over 20 minutes. • Accident started on Bedell and went to 130th – there was a drunk driver that hit a number of cars. EMS took him out. • Building 15, Sec A Someone was on the stairwell • April 12th crime in building 19 is resolved – one of the guys were apprehended. Other Concerns: - Cooperator thanked Chairman Bey and Captain for setting up the hall patrol - Building 1 does not have radios - Protocol will be written up for hall patrol. Tentative Date for hall patrol meeting will be on May 29th @ 6:00 p.m. - Sunday around 10 a.m. there are two poodles that play and poop in the grass; dogs are pooping near the gazebo. Action: No Dog sign - $250 Fine Next Meeting: 1st Thursday of each month, 7:00 p.m. Talib Bey, Chairperson Tina Young, Secretary

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Maintenance Committee

May 2018

Minutes for Thursday, May 10, 2018

The meeting opened at 7:00 P.M.; a total of thirty-eight (38) members signed in. Also present was Chairperson Jean Hall (JH), Maintenance Director Corey Jones (CJ) and Ombudsmen Glen Keller (GK). Jean Hall

Shred Fest Expenses (2) days – April 2018 Vendor Charges – Data Shredding Services Inc. ß$1,053.67 T-Shirts 320.00 3 Cases of Water 24.00 Total $1,397.67 Upcoming Maintenance Committee Events Fall Shred Fest – The dates proposed for the Fall Shred Fest are Friday, September 14, 2018 from 10 A.M. – 1 P.M. and Saturday September 15, 2018 from 9 A.M. to 1 P.M.. Maintenance Appreciation Day – Friday, September 21, 2018. The event will take place in a designated community room in each circle from 12 Noon – 1 P.M. There will be no Maintenance Committee Meeting scheduled for August 2018. Summer Break!!! Maintenance Committee Welcomes Our Ombudsmen – Glen Keller. Mr. Keller advised that he responds to complaints from cooperators regarding a myriad of issues. He did state, that one should contact their group manager first regarding maintenance issues. If a resolution cannot be reached, then please contact him in the management office. Maintenance Projects CJ provided information on the following: • The elevators are currently being inspected throughout the development. There are two (2) types of inspections that the elevators undergo: one type is a category 1 which inspects the motors, ropes and latches. A Cat 1 inspection is performed each year. The other type is a category 5 which is currently underway is performed every five years. This is a more in-depth inspection which includes testing the car weight of each elevator. Involved in the testing is Department of Buildings(DOB), KONE and an engineer. They began testing each car to see if they could sustain a certain amount of weight. However, several our cars failed. A number of elevators have been taken out of service for more than a week. Elevator 2A went down on 4/27/18 (before

the actual testing began) and should be fixed by May 21, 2018.

CJ advised that the sprinkler system has been activated for the summer season.

CJ indicated that he understands this is a major inconvenience for cooperators. JH indicated that ongoing communication with shareholders via flyers should occur. CJ also stated that KONE is charged the following: when an elevator is out $1,000.00 up to the 15th day; after that KONE is charged $2,000.00 a day until the repair is complete.

Testing has been done on the water tanks to detect any E. coli or legionnaires. All systems were cleared.

Elevator 18C – odd has been a problem for three (3) years. It appears there is a problem with the motor. This elevator went down 4/27/18 and should be back in service on 5/14/18. Elevator 10B – even went down on 4/13/18 and should be back in service on 5/14/18. This elevator was taken out of service due to an alignment problem. Elevator 16B – went down on 4/19 and should be in service the early part of 5/14/18. The inspection process has bee completed. Therefore, DOB and the engineer will reinspect the elevators. Cooperators in attendance then raised the following complaints regarding elevators: • Elevators – 18C both odd and even elevators were down at the same time. This required the cooperator to wait downstairs over 15 minutes. • Building 15 – A section from 5 A.M. -7 A.M. both elevators were out. • Cooperator raised question regarding the stair climbers that were purchased for each building. It was stated they are held in the public safety office. Are the officers trained, how would they get access etc. JH indicated she will take this back as an ACTION ITEM. CJ provided the following – list of recalls on these elevators: 20A odd, 19A odd, 15A even, 4B even (bouncing), 20C both odd & even, 19C, 12B both odd and even. CJ stated RV and KONE did not have systems that speak with one another. When there is an issue KONE is contacted. CJ must log into KONE’s system to obtain the prior months’ log which will outline the elevators that needed service. KONE is located in Long Island City.

Group 5 Issues  Lot 9A, there should be a sign posted that indicates this is private property because people going to the community center for events are parking in the lot.  Building 18, C section, odd elevator the doors do not close.  Building 18, signs of hanging out – chicken bones present every day – public safety needs to address – 13th floor – 9th floor.  Building 20A – 7th floor – the doors are not closing properly.  Lot 9A, problem with water ponding.  Elevator grates are not cleaned in each building.  Cooperators leave boxes in the service hallway by the doors and that is a hazard.  Building 17 – fencing is tacky.  Building 17, 8th floor – B stairwell the door does not close.  Signage is needed throughout the development – this is brought up every month and nothing has taken place.  What is happening with the ADA doors. CJ explained that the ADA doors have been installed and completed in group 1. Group 5 should be completed by the end of May.  The rebate from Keyspan where did the money go? Cooperator was directed to obtain that information from management.  Allegation that a former employee is stealing packages; request for review of security cameras.  Cooperator request that the parapets are cleaned monthly.  Building 18 complained of dirty floors.  Nu Image – do they employ any people that can speak English?  Building 18 – fence at the M door – looks like a cow path.  Building 20 – there are exposed wires and the crawl space doors are left open.  Building 20 – 9th floor – problem with the directional signs.  Building 19 – tripping hazard in front of the building. This complaint has been raised before but no action has been taken.  Issue with the number of dogs on the complex. People are not curbing the socalled service dogs. Group 4 Issues  Cooperator indicated the free storage

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Maintenance Committee

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Minutes for Thursday, May 10, 2018 (Continued)

space given to cooperators is too small. The rules and regulations regarding the free storage rooms should be posted, no one knows or understands what is going on. There are other places where additional storage can be made available for cooperators such as the carriage rooms.  The pathway by building 14 on Bedell Street is getting flooded with heavy rain storms.  Screens still needed in the service hallways.  Extermination needed.  Cooperator complained of odor coming from the convector. Group 3 Issues  Cooperator presented receipts to Mr. Keller for reimbursement of damage to items – this was brought up at our last meeting. Mr. Keller will handle.

Group 2 Issues  Building 8 – the card readers are not working properly.  Building 8B – the elevator is in working and the display is not working to show what floor the elevator is on. Group 1 Issues  Building 2 the washing machines are always broken. When you lose your money now they tell you that you must send your card to them. How can we be assured we will be reimbursed properly?  Dogs are an issue in the complex. There is a no dog policy that must be enforced.  Buildings need to be clean – the guys are not doing a great job. No further business requiring discussion the meeting adjourned at 8:40 P.M.

Community Relations Committee Minutes for Friday, May 11, 2018 Meeting opened at 5:40 p.m. and chaired by Maryam Hubbard. Committee members present: Maryam Hubbard Yvette Titus Viola Treasure Dorothy Jackson Norma Dean Gwen Henderson Gloria Young Keveena Hopkins Margaret Stroud-cox Margaret Cummings

looking to participate in our annual health fair. The health fair will be held in its usual location Mall 1 on Saturday June 23rd, 2018, from 10am-4pm. Committee members volunteering for this event is expected to arrive at 8:30 am for set up. Annual Family Day 2018 • This event will be held Saturday Aug 18th, 2018. Further discussion will be held at our next Community Relations meeting. Open items • It has been established that any Merchant wishing to donate towards any of the Community Relations event will have to be supplied with a letter from our Board Office specifying what items and quantity they wish to donate. All events hosted by the Community Relations Committee is covered by a budget that is approved in advance by the Rochdale Village Board of Directors.

Maryam Hubbard Agenda: • Annual Spring Fling 2018 • Annual Health Fair 2018 • Annual Family Day 2018 • Open Annual Spring Fling 2018 • Coordination for Spring Fling 2018, volunteers for table assignments. Due to the short notice of the location change each vendor will be refunded $10 cash on the day of the event. At registration the vendor fee was for $50 for a table and two chairs due to the event being held in Mall 1. In the past the event was held in the community center and there was a $40 vendor fee, so it was only fair to keep it at that fee. There will be complimentary refreshments while supplies last. Raffle giveaways with a proof of purchase.

• A Community Empowerment Pampering Day was brought to the table for discussion at a later date. • A Unanimous decision amongst present committee members was made that it is not necessary for The Community Relations Committee to meet on a monthly basis. It was told to the committee chair that in the past the committee did not meet every month. Preferably everyone has agreed we should definitely meet before a scheduled event. The chair has agreed and find no issue with this at all.

Annual Health Fair 2018 • Letters went out early April to all previous and new healthcare vendors

Slow Down!

Please observe pedestrians walking through crosswalks. Come to a full STOP in campus parking lots and at drive way stop signs. Thank you. Chief Pearson.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

~Poetry Corner & Musings...~ A Mothers’ Day Poem

The Pearl

By Alanda I. Wasserman Edwards

By Gloria Williams

You do not need to be a mother to celebrate this day You can be a grandmother, auntie, father, sister or friend, A nurturer in anyway For us to say Happy Mothers Day! You fit the character of a faithful friend caregiver too Many times you may have taken time to help others through So how can we properly salute you this day and all the month through? For all the thoughtfulness and great wonders both large and few. Thank you seems too inadequate but must have to do. But rest assure you are so much more for all you are and do!

Another Bouquet By Ed Miller

Another bouquet of roses Again, says so very much HAPPY MOTHERS’ DAY Just had to get in touch! That we have been so blessed To have our sweet mothers love Who held us close, cared for us With God›s love from above! Imagine the flowers smell Their beauty never dies As her everlasting love Keep shining in her eyes! To keep her memory forever Her pictures ever dear Her warm endearing smile That keeps her ever near *Shirley Jenkins 6A-1E 5/16/ 2018

To all mothers on this Mothers Day The world is your Oyster Time to have our say You have given birth to the Whole wide world You are one of a kind the rare, the ageless The beautiful perfect polished pearl Made from nature evolving ocean sea Rocks soil and sand Tides ebb at the sight of Earth sun and moon Never touched by the hands of man I am proud to call you mother And my loving friend Blessed by your charm and warmth Radiating love without within May you forever be healthy and happy surrounded by traditional Generations of loyal family and friends You are the genuine 24 karat pearl Of all pearls embraced by the Master from the beginning of time Til the very end Peace

Dramatization of a Soldier’s Woes By Anthony Blake Will I die in the battle? I must remain strong in the saddle Soldier’s thoughts having one mind Will I still be alive? The enemy could be a few feet away As a Soldier, I cannot be a coward and go astray I must stay alert and be focused My Code of Honor Concentration on the battle Regardless of Bombs and Ammunition Sunrise and Sundown a Soldier’s responsibility to stand Salute at command Yet a thought of Dead or Alive It’s a Soldier’s commitment to strive Tomorrow is fighting at the present I am a Soldier and I must represent Can’t turn back would be a resent There had been times I would often cry I felt one day I would be dead being a goodbye But I was given the command to guard the front line However, I was assured I was covered by the Lord God instilled I wasn’t alone Even during the time the Commander said to be at ease I felt the comfort of God’s refreshing encouraging breeze Stay the Course God is the guiding light being the force Battles will always have battles But I can’t let anything make me rattle Oh yes, stand and be firm while holding on to the saddle Remain Strong Help your fellow Conrad’s in getting along I am on the battlefield where I belong No matter what the circumstance I have been given the chance The enemy could one day attack on a prance But it is the pride in being a soldier One life but live it to the fullest in war I am a Soldier Bold and True Commitment is my pursue Enemies could be in my face But as a Soldier I have been trained to be Bold and Lean I have been given the salute to proceed I am the Soldier I stand There is a battle in demand Carry on Solder.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

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Mother of Former Board Member Janine Cross

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Rochdale Village Board Calendar June 2018

See what’s going on in and around our community... There’s a little something for everyone! Share What’s Happening in Our Community

If you are a part of a community organization or have a special event that you would like to be posted, email Rochdalebulletin@ with the date, time and the subject heading “Community Calendar.” Postings will be at the Editor’s discretion. KEY

CL = Club Lounge RM = Room Within the RV Community Center NOTE: This schedule is tentative. Committee Chairpersons, PLEASE CONTACT THE BOARD OFFICE TO CONFIRM OR ADVISE OF ANY CHANGES TO YOUR SCHEDULED MEETING DATES.




Susan Palmer -Van Brackle


169-65 137th Avenue, Jamaica, NY 11434 REGULAR CONTRIBUTORS

Anthony Blake, Ed Miller, Marjorie Robinson, Gloria Williams 718-276-5700 X359 • ROCHDALEBULLETIN@GMAIL.COM The Rochdale Village Bulletin is published monthly. Articles submitted for consideration should not exceed three typed, double spaced pages. We reserve the right to edit all material submitted for publication. Please note that submission of articles does not guarantee publication. All material is subject to review for approval. All articles, advertising and photographs submitted for consideration must include the name, address and telephone number of the author or photographer. All materials submitted, as well as photographs, become the property of Rochdale Village, Inc. No obituaries will be published without prior family consent.

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

Annual Summer Extravaganza Dance

The Rochdale Village Community Center The Senior Citizens Committee The American Cancer Society

Presented By:

The Rochdale Village Community Center Committee

Presents Annual Cancer Awareness Walk Saturday, October 13, 2018 Rochdale Village Rochdale Village Inc. Fights the Fight 169-65 137th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434

Saturday, June 30, 2018 10:00 P.M.—4:00 A.M. Featuring Our Celebrity Personality Doctor Bob Lee of WBLS & Crew Rochdale Village Grand Ballroom 169-65 137th Avenue Jamaica, NY 11434


Come join us for a night of fun & dance sold

Ticket Price: $20.00 Purchasing Tables Preferred...10 People per table

These shoes were made for walking So come out and walk with us!!

Light Horderves will be served Bring your own brown bag‌Set-ups will be sold

***Everyone is welcome to attend*** Refreshments will be served Registration: 9:00 A.M. Walk Starts: 10:00 A.M.

For Tickets Contact: Jean Castro (347) 229-8514

Ed Douglass (718) 813-0984

Debbie Brown (347) 561-8390

Mary Ingram (718) 712-5876

Norma Dean (718) 276-2606

Margaret Cummings (718) 528-0156

Bro Bob Williams (718) 525-4829

Dorothy Jackson (718) 949-5419

Clifton Stanley Diaz (718) 309-2203

Board Office (718) 276-5700 ext. 336

Outside of the RV Community Center by Flag Pole For information , please contact: Jean Castro (347) 229-8514 Board Office (718) 276-5700 Ext. 336

Call the Board Office today to reserve your table Everyone is welcome, bring your family, bring a friend Approved for posting by the Board Office until July 01, 2018


Approved for posting by the Board Office until October 14, 2018

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The Rochdale Village Bulletin

May 2018

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