ROC Exploration Weekend 2024 Sponsor Opportunities | CampusROC

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Activities Work Colleges

Vouchers Career Fair Exploration Rochester Givea Downtown

Greater Weekend Activities Work Colleges Companies

Vouchers Career Fair Exploration Rochester GiveawaDowntown

Greater Weekend Activities Work Companies

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SPONSORSHIP Opportunities

Work ColCompanies

Presenting Sponsor $10,000

Closing 3-5 minute speech opportunity

Work with CampusROC team to develop strong intern/co-op marketing campaign

Branded flag at event entrance

Catered top sponsor lounge

Highlighted as presenting sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to event

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Premier table space in venue showcase organization

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Included in recurring video around venue space

Dedicated email blast to student distribution list before event

Gold Sponsor


Desirable table space in venue to showcase organization

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Logo included on registration tables

Highlighted as gold sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following the event

Dedicated email blast to student distribution before event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Meal vouchers for all representatives

Silver Sponsor


Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Dedicated email blast to student distribution before event

Highlighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Dedicated table at career fair

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Meal vouchers for all representatives

Highlighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following the event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Dedicated table at Career Fair

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Meal vouchers for all representatives

Company name mentioned before winner announcement Raffle Sponsor Raffle

Waives event registration fee

Logo & Company description included beside raffle item

SPONSORSHIP Opportunities 2024



Two company specific off-campus events to increase young and local talent pipeline during 2024-2025 academic year

Quarterly company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by corporate sponsor

Access to ROC Exploration Weekend student registration maintaining confidentiality · First two micro-internship projects covered

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC intern events

Work with CampusROC team to develop strong intern/co-op marketing campaigns

ROC Exploration Weekend benefits

Closing 3-5 minute speech opportunity

Branded flag at event

Highlighted as Doctorate sponsor on ROC Exploration website leading up to event

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Premier table space in venue to showcase organization

Logo included on event staff shirts

Included in reoccurring video around venue

Dedicated email blast to student distribution list prior to event



One company specific off-campus event to increase young and local talent pipeline

Biannual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by corporate sponsor

First micro-internship project covered

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and postgraduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC events

ROC Exploration Weekend benefits

Desirable table space in venue to showcase organization

Logo included on event staff t-shirts

Highlighted as Masters sponsor on ROC Exploration website leading up to and following the event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Meal Vouchers



One dedicated office tour/open house in 2024-2025 academic year to increase young and local talent pipeline

Uber cost of transport covered by campus roc for those without transportation

Premium access for student interns to summer CampusROC intern events

Annual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by sponsor

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and postgraduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with links to career pages

ROC Exploration Weekend benefits

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Dedicated email blast to student distribution list before event

Highilghted as a sponsor on ROC Exploration Weekend website

Included in reoccurring video around venue

Logo included on event staff t-shirt

Meal voucher


Annual company-specific email blast to distribution list including information determined and provided by corporate sponsor

Access to annual CampusROC student demographics and post-graduation survey responses

Included on dedicated sponsorship page on CampusROC website, with link to career pages

ROC Exploration Weekend benefits

Highighted as sponsor on CampusROC website leading up to and following event

Included in reoccurring video around venue space

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Meal vouchers

SPONSORSHIP Opportunities 2024

One Dedicated on or off-campus event

celebrating/connecting interns to Rochester and employers from respective campus (Winter 2024/2025 or Summer 2025)

20 Uber vouchers set aside for students experiencing transportation barriers to and from the city throughout the 2025-2025 academic year

Highlighted as higher education sponsor on CampusROC website

Student premier access to CampusROC Bootcamp (Professional Development Series) in Spring 2025)

ROC Exploration Weekend benefits

Branded flag at ROC Exploration Weekend Career Fair

Dedicated table for campus admissions and/or acquisition team if desired

Name included on event staff t-shirts

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to Exploration Weekend

Shared and mentioned on all social media platforms leading up to event

Trade School or Two Year School

College or University with a population of 1,000-4,999 Students

College or University with a population of 5,000-9,999 Students

College or University with 10,000+ Students $2,500

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