DNA publication

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Skeleton Flesh Soul

The Character of ones true colour ;

Butterfly ; Becoming an identity ;

A transformation

A surfacing

surviving a

from your inner



person to your


all together as one ,

exteriour draping’s. p. 6

infnitely. p. 30

p. 62

Skeleton Flesh Soul


Coexisting as the foundation of every creation. As with any creation a strong basis is needed. It is the frame that forms the assembly of an organism. Forming, either an unwavering outer shell or preserving the fundamental construction within. Assembling the structure of a body.




Crafted from countless structures - fibre, protein and minerals. Moulding the hard viable carcass, the scaffoldings that shape your skeleton. Building a rigid framework. Becoming, an emaciated sketch.











Illustratore di Moda


Caterina Morte Tassidermia Teschi Morboso

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The bones considered as a whole - outlining an invertebrate. Merely being reduced to its essentials - the skeletal bones.

These chunks made chiefly of skeletal tissue, outline our figure. Resembling the essence of stitching to allow threaded seems to conform into a clear fleshy silhouette. Reconstructing a shape into soft meat.

T I S S U E - F L E S H Y - M E A T This soft substance will grow to overlay the weak blooming volume. Transforming a natural pudgy, glowing body into a unique form. Distinguishing material and volume as one. Every casing, every strand - treasured.


Blossoming into a lenient and indulging silhouette. Flawlessly tailored into second skins. Shaping the canvas as a jacket, coating and delicate glaze. Defining her luxurious trappings.

S K I N S - C A N V A S - G L A Z E Not only displaying the beauty radiating from within. But, poetically rendering the body, to preserve its self-possession as spineless attires. Forming a costume with rugged trimmings.


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Infelici Stanze Fascino Grottesco Dolore Follia

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Strained to tremble by her breath - her body. From her spirit, to her eternal soul. The spiritual part is believed to give life to a body. Thought to live forever. Wrapping a casing around our inner self. Keeping body and soul together. Shifting the immaterial essence.






Our emotional nature connects the recesses of our heart. Leading the vitality of our life as a spiritual being, into our secret quintessence self. Letting the sentient life flow away. A strong basis is needed, light yet strong. Hard yet fragile, coexisting with life.

Structure Pillar Frame Flat

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The character of ones true colour; A surfacing photo-luminescent pigmentation.

Dusk to dawn, glow in t he da r k . Biolum inescence , just like a s pa r k .

W h e n t h e e v e n i n g fa l l s a nd the s ha dows glow upon us , tr ue identities ca n be revea led .

I t s t a r t s o ff b y l o o k i n g at yo u r ref l e c t i o n i n d ay l i g ht . Seei n g t he pers on you wa nt to be .

A da r k ni ght ca n only dis play the contr a stin g body your m ind is tr y in g to concea l .

T h e n - t u r n i n g t h e l i g ht d ow n low , s o t he room becom es pitch bla ck . H i d i n g fr o m t h e r e a l y o u c a n n o t s e e .

Fluorescent colours ; Green , or a n ge or blue , will define your com plexion , when you s hine s o br i ght .

As yo u r eye s g et u s e d t o t he da r k , s pa rs e pi gm ent at i ons w i l l e m e r g e . S o ft l y b u t s u r e l y .

C ontr a stin g im m ens ely , with your genuine a ppea r a nce a ga inst the da r kness of the ni ght .

This will lea d to pa stel h u e s , r a d i a t i n g t h r o u g h t h e fr a m e w o r k of o ne s s e l f u ne q u i vo c a l l y . Once the illum ination i s c o m p l e t e , i t w i l l r e a c h i t s fu l l c a p a c i ty . H i g h l i g h t i n g y o u r e n e r g y f l o w . Fr o m t h a t p o i n t o n w a r d s o n e s cha r a cter istics a re m a inly o u t o n d i s p l a y , o u t fo r s h o w .

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I w a n t t o fo r e v e r be in the dark, chasing the moon t o l i g h t u p m y l i fe , l i k e f i r e w o r k s . S h i n i n g , d i ffu s i n g b e a m s , that grow a nd glow dur in g the ni ght but s om etim es dis guis in g ha s its per ks .


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Funerale di Annibale Eccentr ico Av v e n t u r a Celebrando Lu tt o

Tr u e i d e n t i t i e s c a n n o t a l w a y s b e reve a l e d a s p u tt i n g u p a fa c a d e c a n h i d e w h a t i s t r u l y w i t h i n , s om ethin g that needs to stay concea led . Ma ny hidden por tr ay a ls of s ecrets a nd em otions which will not be dis played upon its reflection . The unknown is what makes us unique w i t h m u c h m o r e l e f t t o i t s p r oj e c t i o n . It ca n hide s om eones em otions in order to protect ones s elf , a ga inst the outs ide wor ld ’ s fi ght . However , when the s un r is es , your pr int rema ins but the pers on behind v a nis hes in the li ght .

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Dusk to dawn, glow in the dark. Phosphorescence, ready to ignite

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Butterfly: Becoming surviving all










An Identity is formed similarly to a butterfly metamorphosing, inconspicuous but abrupt. It starts with black, dark, night, hidden. Hidden like being wrapped up within in a newly created egg. Pressed within the surfaces, wanting to break out. So black, so dark, so night, so hidden. Trapped inside the suffocating space. Trapped within ones self. The darkness will gradually fade but the feeling of entrapment will continue to exist. Until.. Until it is white, light, day, revealed. Revealed and metamorphosed into a visually glowing painting. Flaunting the fresh, shimmering colours. So white, so light, so day, so revealed. Free from the suffocating space. Free from ones self.

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Pavoni Lutto Naturale Nero Triste Tradegia

It all evolves from the originating four morphing instars, physically developing structures and aesthetics. It starts with black, dark, night, hidden. Hidden like being embraced within a small, round, arched egg, scared. Pressed within the ribbed surfaces, wanting to nervously hatch out. So black, so dark, so night, so hidden. Trapped inside the corrugated space. Trapped within ones self. When looking closely, change can be detected: tiny, vigorous movements shaping tomorrow’s existence. Growing.. Growing inside, internal, centred, within. Within, an individual is so vastly moving, forever changing. Waiting to incubate, waiting to break free. So inside, so internal, so centred, so within. Wrapped up like a little ball. Wrapped up in the future you.

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Succeeding in their life’s phase, arrives the larva. A growing defence mechanism, hard yet tremendously susceptible. It starts with bright, light, day, naked, vulnerable. Vulnerable and shaped by a delicate expanding yet firm cased shield. Flaunting the fresh and newly creating self in daylight. So bright, so light, so day, so naked, so vulnerable. Free from the suffocating space. Free from ones older self. When a caterpillar is born, they are exceptionally small. Tiny, vigorous creatures growing and expanding. Moulting.. Moulting their exoskeleton, camouflage, coat, skin. Skin of theirs does not grow nor expand. It sheds. Shedding their past. Revolutionising into comprehensive versions of themself. So exoskeleton, so camouflage, so coat, so skin. Enduring their pre-shaped form. Enduring their change.

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The second last segment, shaping their distinctiveness is the Chrysalis, vigilantly concealing itself all around. It goes back to black, dark, night, veiled. Veiled like being wrapped up within in a newly crafted cocoon. Pressed within the surfaces, wanting to expand. So black, so dark, so night, so veiled. Trapped, yet again inside the suffocating space. Trapped, for the last time within ones self. As soon as those facades start to adjust, So will the space within. Growing, shedding, altering.. Altering character, function, appearance. Appearances, growing like a degenerative change in structures. Transforming as by mystic enchantment. Modifying character, function, appearance. Forming into a chrysalis. Forming a pupa.

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Vita di Corte Belezza Vita Nascoto Transformazione

Pupa.. burgeoning the peaceful exterior to an inside frantic, vigorously changing within. Continuing being black, dark, night, veiled. Veiled like being wrapped up within a hoary, crumbling cocoon. Pressed within the irritable surfaces, edging in. So black, so dark, so night, so veiled. Trapped, repeatedly inside the tightening and smothering space. Trapped, for the last time within ones self. Being no longer short, stubby or wingless. Undergoing a remarkable transformation. Beautiful.. Beautifully emerging, soft, folded wings. Wings gently spreading out and apprehensively showing themselves. Pumping blood its appendage, to exuberate courage and fly. Beautifully appearing, soft, extended wings. Forming a uniting anterior. Forming their true shape.

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Japanese tails endorse butterflies for their liberating and tender emblematic gist, exhibiting polymorphism and mimicry. It has become white, light, day, discovered. Discovered and metamorphosed into an appealing flourishing canvas. Exhibiting their genuine and buoyant characteristics. So white, so light, so day, so discovered. Free from the entrapment. Free to be ones dreamt of self. A remarkable transformation, seen as the personification of a person’s soul. Whether .. Whether alive, dying or deceased. Deceased into a butterfly, always present, always there. Perching its existence behind a veiled screen. So alive, so dying, so deceased. Showing whom you most admire. Showing whom you want to be.

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An Identity was correspondingly formed to a butterfly metamorphosing, inconspicuously but abrupt. It started off with black, dark, night, hidden. Hidden like being wrapped up within in a newly created cocoon. Pressed within the surfaces, wanting to break out. So black, so dark, so night, so hidden. Trapped inside the suffocating space. Trapped within ones self. The darkness gradually faded but the feeling of entrapment continued to exist. Until.. Until it became white, light, day, revealed. Revealed and metamorphosed into a visually glowing painting. Flaunting the fresh, shimmering colours. So white, so light, so day, so revealed. Free from the suffocating space. Free from the ones older self.

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Apocalisse al Deserto di Sale Morente Atessa Umanita Estetico

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Copyright - Celine Roels

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