ANGLESˇCˇINA ZAHTEVNEJSˇE NALOGE ZA VSE, KI ZˇELIJO SˇE VECˇ Tatjana Ignatov Zˇlebnik in Kristina Poljansˇek
ANGLEŠČINA 9 Zahtevnejše naloge za vse, ki želijo še več
Avtorici: Tatjana Ignatov Žlebnik in Kristina Poljanšek Strokovni pregled: Emika Asani Lektoriranje angleškega besedila: Iain Garioch Ilustracije: Marta Bartolj Fotografije: Dreamstime, Istock, Shutterstock, Narodni muzej Slovenije
Vse knjige in dodatna gradiva Založbe Rokus Klett dobite tudi na naslovu
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IGNATOV Žlebnik, Tatjana Angleščina 9 : zahtevnejše naloge za vse, ki želijo še več / Tatjana Ignatov Žlebnik in Kristina Poljanšek ; [ilustracije Marta Bartolj ; fotografije Dreamstime ... et al.]. - 1. izd. - Ljubljana : Rokus Klett, 2010. - (Zbirka Zlati Znam za več) ISBN 978-961-271-041-5 1. Poljanšek, Kristina 250695168
Kazalo JUST A CLICK AWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 TO READ OR NOT TO READ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 I’VE STILL GOT A LONG WAY TO GO . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42 A KINGDOM FAR, FAR AWAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56 TO UNDERSTAND TODAY SEARCH YESTERDAY . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 68 THE FUTURE IS OURS TO SEE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 80 REŠITVE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 98
Živijo! Si med tistimi, ki odgovore pri angleščini kar stresajo iz rokava in si že rahlo sit ponavljajočih se slovničnih vaj? Želiš premagati negotovost pred branjem zahtevnejših besedil? Bi se rad privadil delu z angleškoangleškimi slovarji? Se ti zdi, da je težko samostojno napisati besedilo v angleščini? No, potem je to prava vadnica zate. Z zbirko vaj Zlati Znam za več ANGLEŠČINA 9 lahko izboljšaš spretnosti branja, poslušanja in pisanja, ki so nujno potrebne za uspešno reševanje nacionalnega preizkusa znanja, sodelovanje na tekmovanju iz angleščine in ne nazadnje za visoke ocene v srednji šoli. Kako? Zelo preprosto! Zbirka ima šest tematskih poglavij. Vsako vsebuje dve daljši besedili z vajami za bralno razumevanje, dva posnetka, ki jima sledijo vaje za slušno razumevanje, štiri naloge za samostojno pisanje ter vaje za utrjevanje slovnice in besedišča. Čeprav se ti bodo morda zazdele nekatere vaje nove, na primer vaje za besedotvorje ali vaje, ki zahtevajo, da razumeš ali napišeš razlago novih besed v angleščini, pa so te odlična priprava na pouk angleščine v srednji šoli. Kar pogumno se jih loti, zagotovo niso pretrd oreh zate! Na koncu zbirke najdeš rešitve vaj. Besedila, ki jih boš samostojno napisal, pokaži nekomu, ki bo lahko ocenil jezikovno pravilnost in zgradbo besedila (npr. učitelj, starejši brat ali sestra, družinski prijatelj …). Šele nato preberi vzorčne primere, ki so vključeni v rešitve. Nepogrešljivi pripomočki pri reševanju so dobri slovarji – tako dvojezični kot angleško-angleški – in razne spletne strani, kjer lahko dobiš dodatne informacije o jeziku in temah iz zbirke. Zdaj pa veselo na delo. Saj veš, vaja dela mojstra, če mojster dela vajo. Veliko zadovoljstva pri reševanju! Avtorici
1 Read the text carefully. Eight sentences or parts of sentences have been left out by
mistake. Choose from sentences A–K the one which best fits each gap (1–8). There are two extra sentences which you do not need to use. A VERY SHORT HISTORY OF THE INTERNET One can hardly imagine our life without the Internet. The world before the appearance of the Internet was very different from the one after its advent. The quantity of information and services available is unimaginable. (0) I The Internet became widely popular in about 1995 but researchers had started working on it already in the late 1950s and early 1960s. The first ideas were born in the USA, where communication nets were developed for the army, the space programme and universities or research institutes. Independently, European scientists also did research in the same field. The first theory about computer communications was written in 1962. ARPA , then developed ARPANET, which (Advanced Research Projects Agency), (1) is the main predecessor of the Internet as we know it today. Their first attempt at data transmission didn’t go smoothly. The message was only one word – login. It was sent from the University of Los Angeles to Stanford Research Institute on October 29th 1969. The first two letters “lo” were transmitted but then the system crashed. (2) . About a month later the first permanent link on ARPANET was created. During the following years various connections were installed and tested among universities in the USA. In 1971 another milestone occurred. Ray Tomlinson successfully sent what is considered to be the first “modern” email on ARPANET. 4
In fact, two computers were placed side by side but the scientist can’t remember what the message was (3) . The @ sign was already used in the electronic address just as we use it today. Before that, it had been possible to leave messages to other users on the same computer. (4) and it is said that Queen Elizabeth II sent her first email only five years later. Two years after Tomlinson’s email, ARPANET started the first international connections with England and Norway. The 1980s brought the first PCs and the programs that led to the World Wide Web. . To transmit It is often believed that the Web is equal to the Internet (5) information, the Web uses a special language (html), and a protocol, called http which is one of the ways of communicating among computers. The Web is an enormous system for sharing data but it isn’t the only one. Interestingly, it was created by an Englishman, Tim Berners-Lee. He wrote the forerunner of the Web, a program called “Enquire within”, in 1980. It took about a decade to evolve into the Web. Approximately at the same time other large networks started. (6) In the 1990s a lot of Web browsers were developed, Windows operating system arrived and the Internet became really popular. In 1992 the expression “surf the Internet” appeared. At the beginning of the new millennium, there were a lot of predictions that the systems would crash. Fortunately, it didn’t happen and millions of new websites were put up. According to some statistics, there were ten million in February 2000 (7) . It is estimated that six years later the number of Web sites reached a hundred million. Nowadays, there are millions of blogs and websites to read, social networks and forums bringing together thousands of people. Billions of emails are sent every day and anything one can think of can be bought on the Internet. The information . Whether we like it or not, highway has opened a lot of new possibilities (8) the Internet has brought about some of the most profound changes for our time and probably for a long time ahead. A B C D E F G H I J K
but in fact, it is just a part of it. All of them crashed. The task was completed about an hour later. It is much more important. but it has also caused some serious problems. This service developed quite fast founded by the United States Department of Defense in 1958 They are called the Internet backbone. What is more, everything is accessible to anyone in a very short time. but during the next six months the number doubled. – probably just a combination of letters.