amicizia missionaria

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Missionary Friendship

Prague Arenzano Central African Republic


 A school for… the rainforest A project for children in elementary schools

 “Be ti mbi a do na kota nguia” Father Daniel’s first holy mass in Baoro

 Poor on the outside… Rich on the inside... That is Africa

 Ten new Carmelite seminarians!


• N. 5 • S E P T E M B E R - O C TO B E R 2009 •


“Poste Italiane S.p.A. - Sped. Abb. Post. - D. L. 353/2003 - conv. in L. 27/02/2004 n. 46 art. 1, comma 2, DBC Genova” • IMPRIMÉ À TAXE REDUITE - TAXE PERÇUE - TASSA RISCOSSA • GENOVA - ITALIE


2 Bangui, September 4th, 2009

Dear Friends,

Barala! I am sending you this joyful greeting together with my fellow brothers and our young Carmelite aspirants from the Central African Republic. We have been in Bangui since August 27th. Once again this trip was full of adventure. Shortly before landing, the plane suddenly turned towards the sky and we flew to Brazzaville in the neighbouring Congo. We later found out that this happened because the radio connection in the airport in Bangui was not functioning. On Monday, August 31st our twelve Carmelite aspirants arrived. They left from Bouar at 6:30 a.m. and travelled in a pick-up for over 500 km. We welcomed them in a brotherly and friendly manner so they soon forgot about their uncomfortable trip. These young fellows had already spent several years in the seminary in Yole. This is the beginning of another phase of their formation. They have become members of our community, they participate in our prayers and they share table with us. Hence, we need to expand our refectory. There is so much joy on their faces and during moments of rest their typical African laugh resounds everywhere. In the evening of Tuesday, September 1st the refectory got filled up because a group of boys from Savona arrived with Fr. Enrico Radaille and don Michele Farina, priests from the Savona cathedral. They are returning home after spending three weeks in the mission. Prior to their departure they got a dear surprise, an invitation from the Apostolic Nuncio in Bangui J. E. Mons. Giuda Taddeo Okolo, a Nigerian who worked in the nunciature in Prague for four years. He was actually in Australia during Pope’s visit there and he shared with us his experience of sharing faith together with Australian Catholics during these days. Yesterday evening the community commenced spiritual exercises with our young ones. The leader, Fr. Philoppe-Marie is a Carmelite who came for this reason from France. The spiritual exercises will last for five days and will be devoted to teaching and prayer. For the entire time, there will be absolute silence here. It is beautiful to see how these boys

Missionary precisely keep to the program and how they quietly fulfill their duties in the house. The procedure is the same as in our youth communities in countries where the tradition of these exercises is already established. The wish to grow up in God’s love is, thank God, very strong here and the environment here radiates with atmosphere of deep spirituality. In Bangui we would like to achieve for the mission to be independent thanks to Carmel’s large land and to be able to employ young people. On Sunday, August 30th I visited the village Mbeko where they enthusiastically proclaimed me in June as a breadwinner. I ordered tropical plant seeds there for our nursery for next year. I was very sorry to give up the intention to visit the mission. It is the period of rain and the roads are often not accessible. It is too bad, I would have liked to seen in Bozoum the work of orphans and farmers under the leadership of Father Aurelio. I can inform you, however, that in Baoro thanks to the “Siriri” organization from Prague, the activities of a medical centre were renewed, and Doctor Vittoia Mattei is working there. And currently the education of our theologists is starting up in Bouar-Sant’Elia and in the seminary in Bouar-Yolé. Unfortunately, I only have one week left here. I would like to be here and in Prague where every new day brings new experiences, which are registered in the following pages. I will tell you about one of the most recent ones. Last week I was having a conversation with two men from Germany. One of them told me that he has been living in Germany for a long time but that he is originally from Cuba. He confided in me: “I was a very hyperactive child. My mother used to dress me up as the Infant Jesus of Prague in order to keep me calm. The idea accomplished the desired goal.” He also told me that he later ceased to practice faith but that he found the church of his Infant Jesus on the Internet and came to Prague because of that. Afterwards I found out that many mothers in Central Africa are turning to this “strategy”. In Prague and in our church we are diligently preparing for the Pope’s visit to the Czech Republic. The church and state representatives will greet the Holy Father in the little square in front of our church at 12 noon on September 26th. We owe having this visit to the intervention of the Apostolic Nuncio in Prague who has taken a liking to us and has a very close relationship to Infant Jesus. When he found out about the Pope’s visit to Prague he was able to include in his program not only a visit of our church but also a coronation of Infant Jesus by the Holy Father who personally brought a golden crown as a gift. I am sending you a heartfelt greeting and a hug and I assure you about my prayer and the prayer of my fellow missionary brothers and about our gratitude.

 Bangui, September 2nd, 2009: Father Enrico Redaelli, don Michele Farina, Christian Panella and youth from the Savona diocese (Italy) at the apostolic nunciature.


Friendship  Prague: The Infant Jesus of Prague and Our Lady Victorious Church. The Prague Castle in the background.

July 12th, 2009 • At 10 a.m. the Rev. fathers don Pietro Giglio and don Claudio concelebrate together with our prior Father Petr Šleich, with a group from the diocese in Pontremoli - Massa (Tuscany - Italy). One of the pilgrims was also Mr. Alberto, don Adriano Filippi’s brother who died several years ago during his missionary activities in the Central African Republic.

July 10th, 2009 • Students from the secondary school in Bocagrande (Cartagena - Colombia). “This is my third time in Prague already and I have come to thank Infant Jesus for the health of my daughter Olga who had a cancerous tumour. Thanks to Infant Jesus she is now doing well and the medical test results are excellent. My mother adored Infant Jesus of Prague very much and she passed this on to her 11 children that she named Jesus.” Bertha A. de Rodriguez (the lady in the middle, school principle)

July 13th, 2009 • “We have come from Syston (Leicestershire - England). Our vicarage, built in the year 1949, is consecrated to Infant Jesus of Prague. We were pleased to celebrate a holy mass in the Church of Child Jesus, whom we constantly think about.” Br. Anthony Pateman, vicar

 July 12th, 2009 • From Bombay (India). With Fr. Lancy. “I have come to Prague to thank Infant Jesus for giving me a second chance to live for Him. Thank you Jesus!” Nolash Noronha


Missionary  July 17th, 2009 • “My grandmother Belan taught me devotion to Infant Jesus; we used to hand out to people novenas so that God’s Child could bless them and help them. Later, my second-born son Claus became ill with his blood when he was 11 months old, and this caused a deficiency of his blood platelets, which endangered his young life. Once when his condition got worse, we prayed the novena, the child was very weak and on the last day of the novena when we were driving on the highway, we inhaled the smell of flowers: from that time I was convinced that his condition would improve and it really did. His illness never returned. Thank you Infant Jesus!” Magdalena Mendola - Mejia Naguanagua (Carabobo - Venezuela)

July 18th, 2009 • Don Giovanni Ferro from Boves (Cuneo - Italy) is celebrating with a group of youth. We reminded ourselves that Fr. Aurelio Gazzera, a missionary from Bozoum (Central African Republic) comes from Cuneo. The pilgrims will hand over the ebony statue from the missions together with our greetings to Mons. Natalino Pescarolo, the emeritus bishop from Cuneo, who every year loyally participated in the pilgrimage to Arenzano when he was the vicar in Robbio (PV). 

July 22th, 2009 • “My name is Derek Tabarias and I have come with my wife Giacinta from Australia in order to bow to Infant Jesus of Prague and pray for my dear deceased mother Marie Tabarias from Akyab (Burma), who used to adore Infant Jesus of Prague.” Derek Tabarias (Koondoola - Western, Australia)

 July 25th, 2009 • Mrs. Marguerite Nativel from Saint Denis (Réunion - France), with grandsons who live in Bussy Saint Georges (France).



July 26th, 2009 • “A community from St. Joseph in Memmingen (Bavaria - Germany) would like to thank Infant Jesus on behalf of the elementary school in St. Aloysius. We greatly appreciate the friendly and heartfelt welcome that we received from the Carmelite Fathers and we pray for them and for Fr. Anastasio, the tireless missionary.”

July 26th, 2009 • A pilgrimage from various parishes in Hong Kong with the honourable Father Ferdinand Lok from the St. Teresa vicarage.

Fr. Wolfgang Dickele

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My parents used to pray for many years to Infant Jesus for the establishment of a school. Now this school has been in existence for over a year. We are here to thank for the Catholic elementary school founded to honour our Lord. Torsten Ehlers - a teacher from the St. Aloysius school

August 2nd, 2009 • Children from Vendée (France) from the family of Mr. Bertrand d’Acremont together with their parents would like to receive a blessing from Child Jesus whom they were consecrated to in France at the Carmelites from Fontainebleau.

August 2nd, 2009 • We greeted with great joy a group from Libanon that was made up of 60 participants from various parishes. The hymns and liturgy in the Arabian language were especially charming. We would like to thank Fr. Ghabi, Fr. Omar and all faithful for the lovely moments that we spent with them.




“BE TI MBI A DO The fruit of important educational work devoted to Central African children and youth Baoro, August 15th, 2009: Father Daniel surrounded by the “Legionnaires of Our Lady” prayer group.


here is so much joy in my heart”, a great celebration for the new priest who was born in the village Pate Bonamboro, Father Daniel Koursou is one of the Lord’s gifts to the parish and people in Baoro. He was still a young boy when he left his parents and home in order to attend the school of the Carmelite Fathers that was shortly before that opened in Bayanga-Bodé where he was able to stay with his relatives. Sister Alberta and Father Renato identified the abilities in him that are necessary to study in the seminary in Yole that was led by Father Domenico Rossi back then. So Father Daniel left also his relatives in order to follow his new path … When he grew up, he demonstrated endurance and conscientiousness in fulfilling his duties and certainty that he will be able to realize his dream: to be consecrated as a Carmelite Brother. During his

visits at his relatives in Baoro he is a good example for his peers, he is excited about his new path and he is certain about his destiny. And that’s why today Christians in Baoro will welcome him at his first mass and they thank God for giving them their first priest, a “son” of the Christian community. The festivity is commenced by the celebration of Eucharist, which is an emotively strong moment: the choir tunes the hymn “Be ti mbi a do na kota nguia” (there is so much joy in my heart) and the dancers are welcoming Father Daniel, and fellow brothers Fr. Marcello, Fr. Norberto, Fr. Dieudonné and Fr. Federico, in front of whom are catechists and acolytes. Everyone here is experiencing feelings of joy together: the mother, brothers, relatives, friends and all the parishioners. “Foremost I am grateful to my parents and to those who raised me during my childhood, especially the missionaries who accepted me and “adopted me”,




NA KOTA NGUIA” so that I could realize my great wish: to become a Carmelite priest.” The sound of tom toms resounds across the overfilled church and encourages further singing and dance. Many people graciously offer to the Lord what they have received and what they worked so hard for: during the offertory the group walks in a row with fruit grown on their own land and small savings, that they wanted to give to the Lord and Father Daniel who explains: “We will distribute these gifts among prisoners, seminarians and also some of the participants of today’s Holy mass. The Fathers have excellently prepared eveBaoro, August 15th, 2009: rything: the mass, lunch and games.” Father Daniel with his mother, brothers and family members. During this ceremonious mass, the young priest baptizes two children who will join the Christian family this way. The Lord endowed the Baoro parish with his blessings. Thanks were addressed to the family of the celebrant, the Baoro community, the seminary where Daniel gained his human, cultural and religious education and upbringing, the Sant’Elia convent where he became a Carmelite, Fathers and Sisters and to all that took part in the fact that this day was an unforgettable spiritual experience. “Life in consecration, life of a priest is not easy, many don’t know that yet, others are trying to understand it. And because of that we must represent a true testimony of religious life, testimony full of radiance.” Father Daniel says urgently: “ In conclusion I would like to invite everyone to increasingly adore Child Jesus. To strengthen their prayers for miracles so that they could become life’s good examples.” th SISTER MICHÈLE Carmelite missionary in Baoro

Baoro, August 15 , 2009: Even the Father Norberto’s beard and Father Marcello’s smile are celebrating Father Daniel.

Yolé: Seminary in Yolé, an important site consecrated to Child Jesus, an important centre of human, cultural  Bouar and religious education of many Central African children and young people such as Father Daniel.

Poor on the outside… Rich on the inside… That Part I. is Africa! FROM THE DIARY OF EIGHT YOUNG PEOPLE FROM THEIR FIRST MISSIONARY EXPERIENCE


rom August 9th until September 3rd 2009, I had the pleasure to live in brotherly solidarity with seven young people from the Savona diocese in the missions of the Discalced Carmelite Fathers in the Central African Republic. Christian Panella, a postulant from the Carmelite seminary in Arenzano also joined us. This initiative that was co-organized by the “S. Pietro” Carmelite parish in Savona and the Diocese missionary office had a goal to get to know life in a mission and also the lives of other religious who are connected with the Savona diocese such as the Capuchin Fathers and Sisters of Our Lady Merciful. We were welcomed so warmly everywhere, by the locals as well as by the missionaries (our great thanks goes to them for the testimony of courage and love, which they gave to us!). In addition to the fact that we were in constant contact with the locals, we took part as experienced painters (!) in completing the parish youth centre that was built by Father Aurelio and we alternated in helping

in the medical centre and the orphanage. We will never forget experiences such as the pilgrimage on foot to the Doussa village, a visit of a new school in Sambay that was named after Father Teodoro, the joy to celebrate for three hours the sacrament of reconciliation, a holy mass in heavy rain, etc. I was extremely glad to be able to come back and hug 80 seminarians, Fathers and Sisters in Yole that we missed very much. Also our youngsters from Savona encountered first-hand another side of the missionary life which is connected to the raising future Central African Carmelite priests, which is an aspect that perhaps finds less understanding than other activities but that represents a natural flow of the more than hundred years lasting great missionary piece of work; local church that will “stand on their own feet”, with mature Christians and local pastors who will gracefully and faithfully follow their calling. With repeated thanks to the Lord, I am passing the word over to the youth…

Bozoum, September 10th, 2009: Little rest at the end of work on the Youth Centre.

Bozoum, August 20th, 2009: Christian and Lorenzo are dancing with orphans.


 Bozoum, August 20th, 2009: Annalisa and Elisa with friends from the parish.

 “The African experience was a realization of my longlasting wish. It is difficult even for me as a seminarian to precisely describe the feelings that I experienced during the several days spent together with my Central African “colleagues” from the seminary; I had heard stories for six years and finally I was able to participate first hand, full of emotions and joy, I was able to see local life, mostly so similar to the life I live in Arenzano (Genoa). It is impossible to describe everything that I experienced there because we are able to comprehend certain emotions only when we actually experience them.” Christian Panella

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 “I will never forget the smiles of those children and their excited looks when they received candy and the expressions of thanks for simple daily gestures. These experiences will always remain in my heart and I will always have in my thoughts those young people that I had the opportunity to meet. Thank you Don Michele and Father Enrico for enabling us to experience this adventure and to all the others who participated in it.” Elisa Quaglia

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 “The red dusty soil that colours the houses and penetrates into the mind! So many faces with a dark complexion and a radiant smile. Few bad roads that lead to poor villages where life has a different value. A distant sound of tom toms played by someone who, although poor and often a victim of shortage, has the strength to sing. A radically different culture that sees the world from a different angle. We, foreigners in a distant country, cannot make any judgements but with the soul of a child we can feel its beauty as well as its misery. They are young people with so little opportunities. We are young people with too many opportunities and we often allow ourselves to be distracted and we get lost in the daily choices without stopping to think about the importance of ordinary things and how lucky we are to have them. Because what we had done in this poor country from painting, helping at the medical centre, meeting children in the orphanage or just the communal life in the community, was more receiving rather than giving. It is a trip with no return, only with a new departure.” Federico Olivieri

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 Bouar Yolé, August 31th, 2009: Father Enrico Redaelli, don Michele Farina, Christian Panella and youth from the Savona diocese (Italy) with seminarians from Yolé.

 “I had an incident in the orphanage… When the children arrived the volunteers from Milan showed me one four-year old girl and told me that she has AIDS. It was a shock for me, the thought of a girl being condemned to such a disease even before she is born, and moreover that such cases are in Africa very frequent. Although I knew about the high statistics of sick on this continent, the fact that I connected this problem with names and faces that I got to know I was much more aware of everything.” Luigi Rebagliati

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 “The children need very little to start laughing and have fun. I had never seen children so excited about the fact that someone is paying attention to them like when I was teaching them to “jump the hopscotch”. I was sorry to see that local culture so “quickly” forces children into the adult world. Since my return home into my daily life, I realize that everything I have, I have more than I need and that I could do without it. Until a person goes through a similar experience, he does not realize true values. I would like to thank very much to the missions in Bozoum, Baorò, Bouar, Yolé and Sant’Elia for their generosity and hospitality.” Luana Galotto





New Carmelite seminarians in the Central African Republic


n August 1983 Father Domenico Rossi started to devote his time to looking after boys who became the first Carmelite seminarians in the Central African Republic. Since then, this educational activity has been continuing and it secures education on the human, cultural and religious side for many young boys. They are the future of the Church on the Central African soil. This year 21 children participated in the “Preparatory stay for seminar applicants”, that was led by the following team of people: Father Maurice Maikane, rector of the Minor Carmelite seminary in Yole, Brother Yannick, Brother Odilon and four seminarians who were chosen as group leaders. In the beginning it was necessary to make a preliminary selection of the children, which was organized by Father Maurice in several cities: Bangui, Bouar, Bambari, Bozoum and Baoro. One of the criteria for acceptance to the preparatory stay were family conditions: it is presumed that there will be close cooperation between the Fathers, educators and the child’s parents. Therefore, we require for the parents of the seminarians to be married in church and to be practicing Christians. This is not a simple requirement because many Christians were not necessarily married in church. The stay commenced on August 3rd. The main activities prepared for the applicants were as follows: • Education led by prof. Yves Singa, that was meant to evaluate school knowledge of the boys; • Catechism, to expand knowledge about the Church and Christian faith; • Sports and games, which enables us to get to know the personality and behavior of each candidate; • Every day was completed by an evening mass.

Bouar - S. Elia, August 5th, 2009: Education led by a professor on the preparatory stay.

Bouar - S. Elia, August 5th, 2009: A group photo at the beginning of the stay.

The boys were very satisfied and they were also able to go for a walk into the city of Bouar and visit the beautiful cathedral. As it turned out, it was not an easy task to choose the boys: we did not know who to accept and who to reject because most of the applicants achieved good results. The seminar capacity allowed only for 10 boys who could commence their path of a calling. During the evening of August 14th, after the last supper, Father Maurice ceremoniously announced the names of the accepted boys and explained why the others were not chosen, he gave the necessary instructions to parents and he was comforting the rejected children... The following day on August 15th on the festivity of the Assumption the Virgin Mary, 10 chosen candidates departed for Yolé and the stay was successfully completed.

Baoro - Nursery school “Il Germoglio”, archive photo: A calling is like a seed, it must be planted while still young.


Bouar - S. Elia, August 15th, 2009: First “little football” matches… uncertain technique but great zest to play.


A Letter from the Carmel in Bangui

Bangui Carmel, September 15th, 2009

Dear Fr. Anastasio,

Your last visit was as always very beneficial and enjoyable for us. We are glad to see that your enthusiasm has not changed at all with the passing years. When you tell me in the evening: “It was hard work but today we planted over a thousand trees,” I feel that together with all my fellow missionary brothers we are partaking on the renewal of the rainforest for the good of these people, that you love as much as we do. As you well know, the community in Carmel has been providing tutoring classes this year for a significant amount of children and youth. Some good Central African secondary school and university students, who are striving for a consecrated life in the Carmel, are helping us. They took charge of the preparation and teaching of French, English and math classes to their little brothers. On the last day, a celebration took place that was very touching: beautifully recited poems, songs, words and expressions of thanks from children - a clear progress that they have made, which is a reward for those that deserve it most. I cannot forget little Arafat, a ten-year old boy, the son of refugees from Rwanda of Muslim faith, who very naturally and sensitively recited a poem about the Virgin Mary. For information:


SANTUARIO S. BAMBINO GESÙ Piazzale S. Bambino, 1 • 16011 ARENZANO (GE) - Italy Tel. Fax e-mail http:

(0039) 010.9126651 (0039) 010.9134505

Tel. Sanctuary (0039) 010.9127386 To send offerings please use the following: Bank current account

Banca Popolare di Novara - 16011 Arenzano (GE) Italy IBAN: IT 89 Y 05608 31830 000000010043 BIC: NVRBIT21501

Please mark with a number the purpose of your donation:

 Education of children in the Seminary in Yole  Help to small orphans

 Medicine for medical centres in Bozoum and in Yole  For the Infant Jesus of Prague Church

 Distance adoption of children from nursery and elementary schools  For Holy masses

 Wells for village that do not have drinking water

Bangui, August 30th, 2009: Fr. Stefano, Fr. Constantin and Fr. Lionello at the ceremonial closing of the tutoring classes.

A new school year will begin in a few days: many poor parents are turning to me and to Fr. Constantin with a request for help with paying the school fees for their children and for providing notebooks, pens and suitable clothing so that they could go to school; other times the requests are about orphans or children living on the street. We are able to help a number of them - and we do it with great joy - thanks to the help of our dear friends from Italy and the rest of Europe. The people are building an increasingly close relationship with “their Carmel”; a holy mass for the occasion of Simle Vows of Brother Frisco and Brother Guy had a great attendance. Fr. Lionello, our valuable co-worker looks after eight young candidates for a life in the community. Fr. Philippe Marie, is after his completion of leading spiritual exercises in the community now in Bouar where he gives theology lectures to young brothers from the Sant’Elia convent. We are glad that he visited us. A sincere hug from the community, employees and from all the people that you are helping. Father STEFANO MOLON, the Prior

To write to our missionaries: CENTRE D’ACCUEIL MISSIONNAIRE PERES CARMES (BOUAR) B.P. 898 - BANGUI (R  C A) P. ANASTASIO ROGGERO BOSI KARMELITANI - KARMELITSKA 9 118 00 PRAHA 1 - REPUBLIKA CESKA Tel. 00420 257 533 646 Fax 00420 257 530 370 e-mail:


Mass Schedule

Monday to Friday: At 9:00 AM Mass in Czech At 6:00 PM Mass in Czech Saturdays: At 9:00 AM Mass in Czech At 5:00 PM Mass in Spanish At 6:00 PM Mass in Czech Sundays: At 10:00 AM Mass in Czech At 12:00 Noon Mass in English At 5:00 PM Mass in French At 6:00 PM Mass in Italian At 7:00 PM Mass in Czech Thursday: 6:00  - Mass in Honour of the Infant Jesus May 2, 2010  ANNUAL FEAST OF THE INFANT JESUS • Tourist services for pilgrims: •

In Baoro Father Dieudonné Takes Care of the Children’s Education


The project participants are elementary school students


he rainforest has always been a source of food for people. Everyone cuts the wood down but hardly anyone thinks about the need to replant the trees so that they would be here also in the future. We have included in the missions’ education program practical teaching for children and youth where we teach to grow plants: already from a young age the school teaches how to save the rainforest. Father Dieudonné, one of the first Central African Carmelite Brothers brings testimony about the enthusiasm and live interest that the inhabitants of the Bayanga Bodé are establishing school fields for growing plants with:

“Dear Father, I am writing to you regarding reforestation that we started to do in the Bayanga Bodé village. The village inhabitants started with the plotting of a relatively large piece of land and the students have already planted over 250 fruit trees. I was very surprised when on Sunday at the end of the holy mass in the parish church, many people (adults and children) came to me asking for seeds because they would like to plant them in their villages. If we could buy more seeds, we could establish new nurseries…” Father DIEUDONNÉ

Bayanga Bodé (Baoro), May 5th, 2009: Every pupil from the school actively participates in the reforestation.


So far we have planted fruit trees: mangos, avocados, guavas, but also figs, flamboyants, pitrilla, ylang ylang.


The practical activity that transformed the fallow land ranked with blackberries into orchards, and that encourages people to work; the harvested fruit will soon enrich the nourishment of local people.

EXPENSES Bayanga Bodé (Baoro), May 5th, 2009: The first out of the 250 fruit trees that have been planted since then.

We need € 1.000 to help one village with the purchase of seeds and to pay the mister.

Responsible manager: P. Anastasio Roggero - BOSI KARMELITANI - KARMELITSKA 9 - 118 00 PRAHA 1 - REPUBLIKA CESKA Tel. (00420) 2 57 53 36 46 • Fax (00420) 2 57 53 03 70 - • Pubblicazione non commerciale di informazione religiosa e di promozione sociale • Autorizzazione del Tribunale di Genova N. 45 del 23 Dicembre 1991 • Grafiche Fassicomo Genova

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