Rollins College Brand Guide 2011

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b r a n d g u i d e

Ta b l e

o f

C ON T EN T S w h at The



b r a n d ?



Va lu e


institutional GUIDEL i n e s

P r o p o s t i o n









m e s s a g e s

p a l e t t e

t y p e s t y l e s

AD V ERTISING p o s t c a r d s



LOGO c o l o r


g u i d e l i n e s



m a i l i n g

8-11 12 13-15 16-17 18-19

w e b s i t e s





m e d i a





p r e s e n t a t i o n s


l e t t e r h e a d


B u s i n e s s






envelopes 25

s i g n a t u r e s



*Please direct questions related to Rollins’ brand guidelines to

w h at



BRAND ? A powerful brand is consistent in how it presents itself to the world. This brand guide is much more than a set of rules. It presents graphic standards and messages that will help you design and write communications that represent Rollins at its best. A strong public image relies heavily on high-quality, professionally produced communications. Every year, Rollins produces hundreds of brochures, catalogs, newsletters, webpages, and other communication materials, each of which serves as an important ambassador of the College. Rollins’ graphic identity program is designed to bring continuity to these communications so they appear to be part of the same brand or “family.” Standard use of such design elements as color, type, and logo will give Rollins a stronger, more unified image with the level of professionalism expected of a highly rated educational institution.


T h e

R o l l i n s

V AL U E P RO P O S I T ION Every aspect of a Rollins education helps you make greater connections to people, ideas and community Which better prepare you for life as a global citizen and responsible leader.


AR C HI T E C T U RE MISSION STATEMENT Rollins College educates students for global citizenship and responsible leadership, empowering graduates to pursue meaningful lives and productive careers. Our guiding principles are excellence, innovation, and community.




Academic quality Caring To connect you to people and places that will open your world




Personal attention from faculty and staff who are dedicated to your learning Graduates say their degree have expanded their career advancement Responsible leadership

The Rollins brand architecture is reflected in both what we choose to communicate and how we communicate. Our voice is informative, direct, and personal as befits our community. Our actions and our writing should prove “greater connections” rather than simply claim “greater connections.”


I n st i tut i o n a l v a l u e s a n d k e y m e ss a g e s

These key messages

We transform students through interactions that are personal, direct, one-to-one, engaged.

support the Rollins brand promise. Individual stories about

Extraordinary faculty, small classes, individual attention, and hands-on collaborative research with faculty are all key to the Rollins experience.

We shape learning as a dynamic journey‌creating

students, faculty,

the right connections to the right people, the right

academic programs, and

A Rollins education encourages exploration. We make

ideas, at the right time, in the right place. sure our students gain the skills and experience they

community involvement will bring these points to life. These are the points we want to

need to develop their interests and pursue successful careers.

A Rollins education focuses on the individual, the community, and the world to help our students become global citizens and responsible leaders. Rollins provides students with intellectual opportunities

emphasize in all our

outside the traditional walls of the classroom through engaged learning, academic internships, international

brand communications.

experiences, and collaborative research.


We have a long track record of progressive education and practical innovation, connecting best practices and new ideas. Current programs include faculty travel program, study abroad innovations such as environmental studies, freshman program, MBA teams working on projects for community businesses, etc.

We have a strong track record in the beyond the campus. Specific examples include: Fulbright awards, prestigious scholarship winners, our external reputation and ratings, faculty achievements, alumni success, and the Rollins network.

The Rollins alumni network stays connected. Rollins graduates continue to make greater connections long after graduation. Employers recognize the value of a Rollins degree and our alums mentor younger graduates and current students. Rollins graduates give back--as leaders within their own communities and as supporters of the College.


log o

The logo is the foundation of Rollins’ visual identity. The only acceptable logo versions are pictured on this page. The logo may not be reconstructed or altered in any way. The registered logo is the preferred version and should be used whenever possible. It cannot be combined with any other elements. To ensure its integrity and visibility, the Rollins logo should be kept clear of competing text, images, and other marks. It must be surrounded on all sides by an adequate clear space—a space equal in size to the cap height of the logotype (the capital ”R” in Rollins).

C o r r e ct l o g o s

Standard blue logo preferred version

Standard 1-color logo

Reversed 1-color Logo


Horizontal Standard 2-color logo

Horizontal 1-color logo


Horizontal Reversed 1-color Logo

I n C o r r e ct l o g o s

No registration mark

wrong color

wrong font treatment—do not create your own logo

never distort, stretch, or expand the logo

DO not tilt the logo in any direction

Rollins Seal The use of the Rollins Seal is limited to formal, College-sanctioned documentation, such as diplomas and commencement materials. It should not be used for marketing purposes or other printed materials in lieu of the Rollins logo and is not available for download.


sc h o o l

logos Guidelines for Logo Requests and Design: All departments must consult with Marketing & Communications regarding logo use for College programs and student organizations within their purview. Managers overseeing leaders of student organizations should educate students to the Rollins brand and familiarize them with the Rollins Brand Guide at the beginning of each academic year.

SCHOOL HORIZONTAL with registered logo


*Please contact with all logo related questions and requests.



logos Sub-Branded PROGRAM Logos The use of too many logos diminishes the collective strength of the College’s identity. Any unit that is supported by the College should use the official Rollins logo with registration mark when possible. In some cases, however, such as in internal communication, it may be appropriate for program areas to feature their program name as shown below. For additional questions regarding the use of the Rollins logo, please contact Marketing & Communictions.


alternate Sub-branded horizontal

alternate Sub-branded vertical

AR T S A T ROLLIN S The Annie Russell Theatre, Cornell Fine Arts Museum, Music at Rollins, Winter With the Writers, and related academic programs have a unique visual signature that strengthens the College’s arts identity. Association with Rollins is important for the four arts areas, for geographic as well as for strategic reasons for the College. It also helps us build a regional identity and image for the arts community in Central Florida, anchored by a strong academic component.


C OLOR p a l e tt e primary colorS

secondary colorS

Rollins blue



Pantone 654 U C: 100 M:89 Y:34 K:27 R: 0 G:44 B:95 Hex: # 002c5f

Pantone 4545 U C: 13 M:11 Y:32 K:0 R: 221 G:213 B:179 Hex: #ddd5b3

Pantone 4525 U C: 23 M:21 Y:52 K:0 R: 200 G:187 B:138 Hex: # c8bb8a

Rollins gold



Pantone 110 U C:17 M:31 Y:100 K:1 R:216 G:170 B:0 Hex: # d8aa00

Pantone 5763 U C: 56 M:39 Y:82 K:19 R: 110 G:118 B:70 Hex: #6e7646

Pantone 476 U C: 48 M:69 Y:74 K:57 R: 78 G:50 B:39 Hex: #4e3227

here are an approximation of the


actual colors. See Pantone速 color

Pantone 295 U C: 100 M:88 Y:35 K:27 R: 0 G:46 B:95 Hex: #002e5f

PMS Metallic 872 (recommended that 872 is printed on coated paper)

Note that colors as they appear

chips for the actual spot color and a 4-color process equivalent.

There are cases where a limited additional color palette may be available to use for non-academic programs. In all other cases however, it is strongly recommenced that marketing support the primary and secondary color palette.


T Y P E S T YLE S primary

Gotham Thin

The correct use of fonts can influence the tone and

gotham thin

appearance of all materials. Rollins has chosen the font family Gotham to portray the image of the College. Gotham should

Gotham Light

be the primary font used for headlines, body copy, and

gotham light


Gotham Book gotham book


Gotham Medium gotham medium

Gotham Bold gotham bo l d

Gotham Black

body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. Body copy should be set in Gotham Book with little or no kerning.

photo captions. photo captions. photo captions. photo captions.

gotham BLACK

Photo captions should be set in Gotham Book Italic.

*Rollins staff can acquire the Gotham font by contacting Outside designers and vendors can purchase the font through


The correct use of fonts

w e b T Y P E S T YLE S

can influence the tone and appearance of all materials. Rollins has chosen the font family Arial to portray the image of the College for web purposes. Arial should be the primary font used for headlines, body copy, and captions.




When possible, headlines should be set in Arial Bold.

body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. body copy. Body copy should be set in Arial Regular.

Arial Italic A R I A L i t ali c

photo captions. photo captions. photo captions. photo captions. Photo captions should be set in Arial Italic.


Secondary T Y P E S T YLE S

P r i n t s e c o n da r y f o n t

W e b s e c o n da r y f o n t


Times New Roman Regular Times New Roman Regular

Palatino Bold Palatino Bold

Times New Roman Bold Times New Roman Bold

Palatino Italic Palatino Italic

Times New Roman Italic Times New Roman Italic


ADv e r t i s i n g GUIDELINES Rollins’ primary advertising objectives are to build awareness and/or to generate leads for Rollins’ program offerings. Marketing & Communications collaborates with Rollins departments seeking to purchase advertising and works to ensure target-audience reach through the optimum publication or vehicle at the best purchase price and with the most effective message. Ad placement within the advertising vehicle can also be negotiated through Rollins’ centralized advertising buying-process managed by Marketing & Communications. Headlines and messaging should work to support the College’s marketing objectives. Below are key advertising headlines and themes that were found to be the best performing by prospects and students: •

Connect to People and Ideas that Open Your World

The Rollins Network Stays Connected

A Rollins Resume Gets Read

Be Better Prepared for Life

Professors Choose Rollins Because They Love to Teach

All Rollins display and broadcast advertising must be approved by Strategic Marketing before it is scheduled to run in media outlets.


Basic Ad Template (8” x 10”) Not to scale

key elements to be consiStently used across external marketing and communication

Headline Usually a strong call to action. Gotham font PMS 654


Compelling Photographic Image

The class that inspires you, the idea you can’t stop thinking about, the field study that makes everything real. At Rollins, your education will be filled with moments that expand your world and sharpen your focus. Your classes will be

Copy Gotham book left align

small and you’ll be part of a community that explores, lives and learns together on campus and around the world. And you’ll connect to the intellectual, social and creative talents that will make you a success in life.

Call 407-646-2426 to learn more or visit

Call to action

Greater Connections Identity

Solid Blue PMS 654 URL

Rollins registered logo

Can be direct to program website or microsite


p o stc a r d S and

d i r e ct


Basic pOSTCARD Template (6” x 4”)




key elements to be consiStently used across external marketing and communication Solid Blue PMS654


Headline Gotham font

Photographic Image

Rollins Registered logo

Copy Gotham book left align

Call to action

At Rollins, you’ll be part of a community that lives, learns, and explores together on campus and around the world. With small classes, an extraordinary faculty, international programs, and opportunities to be involved with internships and student organizations, the connections you make at Rollins will make you a success in life.

Rollins College 1000 Holt Avenue Winter Park, FL 32789

Non-Profit Organization U.S. Postage PAID Rollins College

JOIN US FOR AN information session Wednesday, February 9, 6:00 p.m. Bieberbach/Reed Conference Room Cornell Campus Center

Registration Information

Register today at or 407-646-2000

Greater Connections Identity *Design specs vary with each postcard size and must adhere to U.S. Postal Service guidelines. For more information please contact USPS or the Rollins Post Office for questions regarding size, format, and design regulations.


WEB S I T E S Guidelines: A college or university’s website is often the first

Project and marketing managers for the College’s

point of contact made with an individual who

areas, units, and student organizations are responsible

wants to learn more about its offerings. Thus, it is

for ensuring that all webpages in their areas adhere to

imperative that the Rollins website and all of its

Rollins’ marketing communications guidelines found at

component pages are maintained in such a way

that they properly reflect the College’s image to its Templates may include a graphical header, background,

various stakeholders.

navigation, font style, color, or size. No alterations of Official College websites (including departments,

the graphical representations of the College’s logo

programs, units, etc.) represent the College and are

are permitted. Marketing & Communications will

intended for the official business functions of the

provide final review and approval of new or redesigned


webpages prior to launch.

While Rollins has many different divisions,

Each home page of an official College website should

departments and organizational units, to the outside

be registered with the Marketing & Communications

world, we are all part of the Rollins family. As users

web team, who will include it as a link from the main

navigate across the Rollins website, they should be

Rollins website and in the College web search.

able to find what they need quickly, without having to re-learn where navigational aids are positioned for each site area they visit. Keeping a consistent look and feel across the College makes finding information much easier for visitors. Delivering information users want is a primary goal of the Rollins website. This is why all official College webpages must be prepared using approved web templates and designs as provided by the Marketing & Communications web team, in compliance with the College’s policies and publishing guidelines. Webpage authors and editors are responsible for preparing and maintaining the content of their pages. It is the author’s responsibility to ensure that all webpage content is accurate, current, useful, professional, and consistent with the Rollins mission. All webpages must comply with the College’s policies and any federal, state, and local laws that apply. site examples


video Video provides an opportunity to share positive stories and proliferate the Rollins brand message to a broad market. The creative needs of each video project are unique and must be assessed on a case-bycase basis. Marketing & Communications can evaluate and help you assess the most effective and efficient means to accomplish your marketing objectives through video. Please contact the Director of Interactive Marketing for the latest branding guidelines for Rollins videos, (407) 646-1548.

You may also find additional information about video projects on the Marketing & Communications website,



Social Media icons should reflect the identity of the individual organization, while tying back to the Rollins brand. All sites should direct users back to as a primary means for increasing traffic on the College’s website. When linking to social media sites, please use the officially designed icons below:

These icons can be downloaded at *Please visit to view the Rollins Social Media Policy & Guidelines and Best Practices, where you can find tips on optimizing your Rollins social media pages.


P HO T OGRA P HY Images for Rollins communications have the potential to engage and involve the audience, almost before they are aware of that engagement. So how can this powerful tool, photography, effectively communicate the idea of greater connections? Overall, photos that capture real, candid moments will work more effectively than photos with subjects who seem to be aware of the camera—for example, smiling intentionally. (It’s usually not a good idea to ask non-actors to act. Better to show them involved in an activity.)

For connections with ideas, show moments of thoughtfulness, engagement with an intellectual task. An example is a “portrait” of someone even looking (ostensibly) at the camera, but in reality, at something internal, something they are thinking about.

For connections with people, show students and

For connections with community, look for the same

teachers, or students and students, in genuine

dynamic, in a wider setting.

moments of communicating/connecting.

When possible, it’s best to be in the “reportage” mode, rather than staging events for photography. Capturing “greater connections” is a matter of making the intangible tangible, and that is difficult to simulate.



PowerPoint Templates

*Rollins staff can acquire the PowerPoint templates at Please use Gotham or Arial font for text.


l e tt e r h e a d A l l s tat i o n e ry co m p o n e n t s m u s t b e o r d e r e d t h r o u g h p r i n t s e rv i c e s a n d m u s t a d h e r e to t h e i d e n t i t y g u i d e l i n e s . l e t t e r h e a d i s ava i l a b l e i n d i g i ta l f o r m at f o r e l e c t r o n i c d i s t r i b u t i o n .

size: 8.5’’ x 11”

Suggested letter margins: top: 1” left: 1” right: 1’’ bottom: 1”

Suggested font: Helvetica Neue

Suggested alignment: justified Paper stock: Neenah Environment color: Moonrock

Note: Letterhead and envelopes are available in 3-color format as displayed here or in 1-color format in PMS 654 blue.


b us i n e ss




envelopes Rollins College Vice President for Institutional Advancement 1000 Holt Avenue - 2754 . Winter Park, FL 32789-4499

Name of person title of person

Rollins College . 1000 Holt Avenue - XXXX . Winter Park, FL 32789 . T. 407.555.1234 . F. 407.555.1234

business card Card information is printed in PMS 654.

mailing label

Rollins College Office of Alumni Relations 1000 Holt Avenue - 2711 . Winter Park, FL 32789-4499

envelope *All letterhead, business card, mailing labels and envelope requests should be submitted to Print Services at rollinsdsf/dsf. Please call Print Services on 407.646.1513 if you have any questions.



s i g n a tu r e s

Email correspondence is the electronic version of the College’s stationery system. Email signatures should contain the following information: name, professional title, department name, Rollins College, campus address, phone number, fax number, email, and web address ( Email signatures should not include links to non-College-sponsored websites. Recommended background color is white for readability and to project a professional image. Arial, 10 pt., is the recommended typeface. Download the email signature logo at

Jane Doe (Title) (Department Name)

Rollins College 1000 Holt Avenue - Box 0000 Winter Park, FL 32789 Office: 407.646.12000 A ROLLINS EDUCATION. GREATER CONNECTIONS.



Rollins College . Office of Marketing & Communications 1000 Holt Avenue - 2785 . Winter Park, FL 32789-4499 Version: 11/17/2011

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