Rollins College Viewbook 2011

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There’s the Rollins College that can be captured in numbers, rankings and awards:

Colleges with a Conscience:

#1 Regional university in the South (U.S. News & World Report)

#8 Master’s-level institution for undergraduate study abroad (Open Doors Report)

Best Value College

81 Great Schools with Outstanding Community Involvement (Princeton Review)

Carnegie Community Engagement Classification Presidential Award for Community Service (One of six recipients out of 800 applicants)

(Princeton Review)

The Best 373 Colleges (Princeton Review)

Best Private College in Florida (Florida Monthly)

ii For more information, visit

Then there’s the Rollins that will change your life.


There are moments at Rollins that will inspire, enlighten and challenge you.


And there are moments

that you will never forget.




Throughout your Rollins College experience, you’ll have moments of illumination — when complex concepts suddenly become clear, when your life’s purpose is brought sharply into focus, when your responsibility as a global citizen is fully realized. Those moments of illumination can occur while you’re studying sustainable development in Costa Rica or peacebuilding in Guatemala. They can occur while you’re mentoring a child at Fern Creek Elementary School or helping rebuild New Orleans on a Rollins Relief trip. Those moments can occur while walking along the shores of Lake Virginia—which borders Rollins’ campus —or while you’re engaged in an intense discussion with a professor.

Rollins College provides you with the meaningful learning experiences that true intellectual growth requires. From our nationally ranked study abroad programs to our highly touted service-learning opportunities to our multitude of avenues through which to apply your learning, you’ll find that the range of experiences and educational resources available at Rollins will equip you to bring the light of your learning into contact with the needs of the world.

Our commitment to preparing global citizens and responsible leaders through applied-learning opportunities sets us apart from the competition. Your Rollins experience will be like none other.


With a 10:1 student-to-faculty ratio and an average class size of 17 students, you’ll find that Rollins’ intimate classrooms foster a brand of highly engaged learning.

“The only thing that limits you At Rollins, you will be encouraged to step outside of your intellectual comfort zone—to explore new ideas, to reconcile seemingly irreconcilable perspectives, to read critically and write reflectively. In the process, you’ll attain a deeper understanding of the world and your place in it. In addition to engaging a wide range of ideas and perspectives in the classroom, at Rollins you’ll join an economically, ethnically and geographically diverse learning community. With students from more than 45 states and 45 countries across the world, you’ll benefit from exposure to a multitude of cultural perspectives that will help prepare you to become a more considerate and responsible global citizen.


here are your own ideas.”  — Dr. Lee Lines, associate professor of environmental studies

Rollins and the round table Many of Rollins’ classes take place around a long, round table where students and professors are encouraged to engage in lively discussions. These discussions are at the heart of your Rollins education. What you should bring to the table:

A hunger for learning

An intellectual restlessness

A sponge-like capacity to absorb new information

What you should take away from the table:

A consideration of diverse perspectives

Critical thinking skills

The ability to articulate your ideas

Inspiration to connect your learning to the needs of the world


Math professor by day, art critic by night Professor of mathematics Jay Yellen hosts “Art With Jay,” a bi-weekly informal art appreciation session that allows students to explore an area outside of their academic discipline. “The message is that there is life beyond math or computer science or whatever you’ve chosen as your career. We take a stroll to the art museum, talk to students about what they like and don’t like. It’s very informal, but the idea is to get out and enjoy something separate from one’s discipline.”


Bromfield and Cavenaugh: Like the Coen brothers, except one is a student and the other is a professor Theatre major Joseph Bromfield has acted in a range of productions onstage, including roles in Equus, Doubt and The Mousetrap, but perhaps his most formative theatre experience happened out of the spotlight. During the summer before his junior year, Joseph collaborated with professor Jennifer Cavenaugh to conduct research on actress and Rollins College supporter Annie Russell. “The first summer, we researched her correspondence and then drafted an article, which we presented at the Mid-America Theatre Conference, and later published in Theatre History Studies.” But Joseph’s work was just beginning. The following summer, he and Dr. Cavenaugh co-wrote a play based on the life of Annie Russell titled Stage Fright, which Joseph later directed for the Fred Stone Theatre, Rollins’ student-driven second stage.

“Do as I say, not as I do” doesn’t apply at Rollins. World travelers, responsible social citizens, authors, researchers and all-around all-star scholars, the professors at Rollins live the College’s mission of responsible global citizenship. But beyond their myriad professional accomplishments in their respective fields—like recording tracks for Warner Brothers, conducting research at the prestigious Oak Ridge National Laboratory, authoring award-winning novels and directing the choir at Disney World’s Epcot Center — they are first and foremost devoted to teaching. You’ll no doubt get to know their teaching styles in class — some prefer small, discussion-based classes; others will abandon the classroom and strike out into Winter Park to use the city as a laboratory; still others find their most meaningful instruction occurs overseas. But your professors will be more than a figure at the front of the classroom— you’ll get to know your professors as mentors: through one-on-one interaction during office hours and outside of class (sometimes even as dinner guests in their homes); as collaborators on research projects that often result in publications and presentations at conferences; and as international travel companions (80 percent of faculty travel abroad every three years).


Doctors who write novels. Engineers who rock out on the drums. Philosophers who do their friends’ taxes. These are just a few of the examples of the kinds of well-rounded graduates liberal arts institutions produce. So no matter which of Rollins’ 30 academic majors you choose, your academic experience will include a little bit of everything—from art to economics to cultural studies.

Academic programs Majors Anthropology * Art—History * Art—Studio Art * Biochemistry/ Molecular Biology Biology * Chemistry * Classical Studies * Computer Science * Critical Media and Cultural Studies Economics * Elementary Education English * Environmental Studies * French *


History * International Business * International Relations Latin American/ Caribbean Studies * Marine Biology Mathematics * Music * Philosophy * Physics * Political Science * Psychology * Religious Studies * Self-Designed Sociology * Spanish * Theatre Arts * * Also offered as a minor

Minors only African/AfricanAmerican Studies Archaeology Asian Studies Australian Studies Communication Dance Film Studies German Jewish Studies Russian Secondary Education Certification Sustainable Development and the Environment Women’s Studies Writing

Pre-Professional and 3/2 Programs 3/2 Accelerated Management (B.A./M.B.A.) Engineering (B.A./B.S.) Environmental Management/ Forestry (B.A./M.E.M./M.F.) Pre-Dentistry Pre-Law Pre-Medicine Pre-Veterinary Medicine

Great minds attract other great minds We believe in bringing the world’s greatest minds to campus, as evidenced by our Walk of Fame — a collection of 526 stones honoring some of the most profound thinkers of all time, many of whom have walked the Rollins campus. The Winter Park Institute and Winter With the Writers programs are further evidence of our commitment to playing host to the best and brightest. Rollins’ own Winter Park Institute offers you the opportunity to have discussions with innovative scholars who are grappling with some of the fundamental concerns facing the world today. Through seminars, lectures, readings, master classes, performances, open discussions and exhibits, these scholars, poets, artists and activists will shed new light on concepts you encounter in your courses. Winter Park Institute scholars have included:

Winter With the Writers brings legendary authors to Rollins’ campus, where they read from their work, discuss the joys and challenges of writing and host master classes (in which they critique the works of current Rollins students). Past visiting writers have included:

Recent guest speakers and lecturers

Billy Collins, former U.S. poet laureate Marilyn Horne, internationally acclaimed opera singer

Béla Fleck, Grammy® award-winning jazz banjo player

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr., environmental business leader and advocate

Maya Angelou, Pulitzer Prize-winning author

Paul Simon, award-winning songwriter

Julian Bond, civil rights leader

Russell Banks Andrea Barrett Michael Cunningham Andre Dubus III Jamaica Kincaid Margot Livesey Bobbie Ann Mason Michael Ondaatje Derek Walcott

11 For more information about the academic programs at Rollins, visit

Creating a climate for learning Rollins College Conference During your first fall semester, you’ll enroll in a Rollins College Conference (RCC), a course comprising 16 students, one faculty member and two peer mentors. RCCs allow you to spend an entire semester studying the mathematics of elections, the chemistry of crime scenes or the physics of Avatar, all while making new friends and familiarizing yourself with the Rollins campus community.

Sample Rollins College Conferences include: Writing About Pop Culture

No Impact: You and the Environment

Crime Scene Chemistry

Endangered Earth

Yoga, Writing, Meditation

State of Florida’s Children

Cultures in Conflict

Ethics and Controversy

Theatre in the Making

Modern China: History and Literature

Physics of Science Fiction


Have you ever seen a lip-syncing robot?

Advice for first-year students from an RCC peer mentor

In RoboTARS, one of many Rollins College Conference courses offered to first-year students, associate professor of computer science Dr. Richard James and his students learn how to solve problems and work together by building Lego robots and programming them to perform a series of tasks ranging from navigating a maze to following students around the classroom to lip syncing in the campus-wide Lip Sync contest.

“At the opening ceremony during orientation, the Provost said something I’ll never forget: ‘In high school, they teach you to reproduce knowledge. Now you’re in college. Now you get a chance to produce knowledge.’ I think this is the essence of the four years you have ahead of you, so just let go of fear and nervousness and enjoy this experience as much as you can.” — Jorge Aguilar, international relations and Latin American and Caribbean Studies

Over the last five years, Rollins College has invested $20 million in renovating our residence halls and improving our Living Learning Communities. Our students would say it’s money well spent.

Live and Learn: Living Learning Communities at Rollins Residential communities founded on common academic or co-curricular interests, Rollins’ Living Learning Communities offer you the opportunity to literally immerse yourself in your learning — to eat, sleep and breathe your passions. As a member of a Living Learning Community, you’ll share common courses and forge lasting friendships with your classmates, or should we say, housemates? Ward Hall, a recently renovated 189-bed residential hall, houses the Rollins Living Learning Community, which includes the Honors, Accelerated Management Program and Rollins College Conference Living Learning classes. If you’re passionate about the arts and wish to surround yourself with painters, actors, musicians and sculptors, the Arts at Rollins College Living Learning Community in newly renovated Rex Beach Hall would be a perfect fit. Strategically located near the newly rebuilt Keene Hall Music Building, across the street from the Cornell Fine Arts Museum and just steps away from the Theatre and Art Departments, you’ll join a mini artists’ colony, right on Rollins’ campus. In most circumstances, the only way to experience true language immersion is to leave the country. However, through Rollins’ Language Living Learning Community, you can study Chinese, German or Spanish under the guidance of native speakers. In addition to honing your language skills, you’ll also gain a deeper cultural understanding of your chosen language by participating in a variety of cultural events. For more information about Living Learning Communities at Rollins, visit



Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Making Art in Scotland

Attend the Edinburgh Fringe Festival.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Globalization and Regionalization, Aspects of Modern Art in London, British and European Cinema

Most students intern two-and-a-half days each week and take two courses.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Post-Conflict Peacebuilding

Examine the causes of Guatemala’s 30-year civil war, and engage in post-conflict reconstruction efforts by living with Guatemala’s indigenous people and working on a construction project in a primary school.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities

Costa Rica

Sustainable Development

Study tropical forest destruction and preservation; talk with members of the indigenous communities; examine projects working to improve the lives of Costa Ricans.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Environment and Development in the Andes

Explore the potential for sustainable development in Quito; visit the Cotopaxi volcano and the Choco/Andean cloud forest.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Discovering the Inca Empire in Peru

Follow the path of the Inca mythical ancestors from the Titicaca Lake to the city of Cuzco.

Preparing global citizens While Rollins believes in bringing the world’s greatest minds to campus, we also are strong proponents of bringing our great minds to the world. Study biology in Costa Rica, theatre in Prague or business, language and culture in China. Help build community centers and churches in the Dominican Republic. Study art in Scotland. International study is an integral component of your Rollins College experience — in fact, 70 percent of students study abroad before they graduate, and 80 percent of our faculty and staff travel abroad every three years. Through the exploration of diverse cultures and the consideration of diverse worldviews, you will gain the perspective needed to confront the global challenges facing our world.

14 For more information about international programs at Rollins, visit


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Two seminars and one lecture course in German language and culture

Located in the oldest city in Germany, the University of Trier is only a 30-minute train ride from both Luxembourg and France.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Business, Language and Culture, China in Global Context

Weeklong field trips to Shenzhen and Hong Kong include site visits to companies and lectures on business development and industry in China.


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


History of Spain, Spanish Language, Translation, Spanish Art, Spanish Literature

Study at the University of Oviedo, an institution founded in 1574 and serving 44,000 students, or spend a summer at the Verano Español Program, located in Madrid.

Additional international study sites include Mexico Thailand Morocco

Italy Nepal Israel

Greece France


Sample courses

Sample opportunities


Australian Aboriginal Studies, The Fauna and Flora of Australia, The Australian Economic and Political Systems

An optional four-week, full-time internship at the end of the semester; a weekend trip to Canberra, Australia’s capital city.

Rollins is ranked #8 among the top 40 Master’s-level colleges and universities in the number of undergraduate students studying abroad, according to the Institute of International Education’s Open Doors Report.


We believe international study is a rite of passage.

“I will never forget my RCC Activism course. After taking all of our exams early, we had the opportunity to participate in a field study in Ecuador and the Galapagos Islands. To see all the interesting wildlife and the way that they evolved without human interference just as Charles Darwin described it over a century ago was truly an experience I will never forget.” —Artie Grizzle, international relations


“You can’t understand yourself as an American unless you look at America from the perspective of another culture. And you don’t know yourself until you have that mirror and begin to understand your own assumptions and your own context in the world. It gives you a perspective you can’t get any other way.” ­—Hoyt Edge, professor of philosophy

M o m e n t o f i l l u m i n at i o n

You can spot Rollins students by their dog-eared passports.

Psychology major Kelly Castino’s passport was exhausted during her time at Rollins. She’d accompanied professors on field studies in Greece, London (twice), Peru, Chile, Argentina and New York, amassing relevant experience at every stop along the way. “International study enriched my Rollins education because I learned a lot about other cultures, expanded my language ability in Spanish, saw wonders of the world like the Parthenon and Machu Picchu and met a wide variety of students and people from all over the world.”


“It’s not about serving soup; it’s about solving hunger.” At Rollins, you won’t serve the community for the mere purpose of adding a line to your résumé—you’ll connect your education and your passions to the needs of the world: • Create a memorable holiday experience for a foster child through Holiday FunFest • Help prepare meals for homeless farm workers at the Immokalee Friendship House • Create your own fundraising event in support of a cause close to your heart

—Micki Meyer, director of the Office of Community Engagement

Before classes even begin, you’ll already have helped log 2,600 hours of community service. During your first week on campus, you’ll participate in SPARC Day of Service — a day in which all firstyear students, peer mentors and select faculty members (more than 600 participants overall) serve the local community through a wide range of service projects, logging more than 2,600 hours of service by the end of the day. From setting up computer labs to sorting food pantry items to landscaping or painting (to name just a few of the more than 20 service projects from which to choose), you’ll be effecting positive change in the communities surrounding Rollins.



Here are just a few more examples of how Rollins students and faculty members are sharing their light with the world. Through Rollins Relief, you can join more than 60 students, faculty and staff members during Intersession to assist in hurricane and flood recovery efforts in St. Bernard Parish near New Orleans. At nearby Fern Creek Elementary School, you can help underserved and at-risk students improve their reading, math, science and life skills through oneon-one tutoring sessions. From helping clean up the St. John’s River to playing games with the residents at the DePugh Nursing Home to spending time with at-risk youths from Children’s Home Society of Florida, JUMP! (Join Us in Making Progress) offers multiple service opportunities.



At R o l l i n s ,

t h e r e ar e a l s o

22 m oments of quiet reflection.


M o m e n t o f i l l u m i n at i o n

“My favorite Intersession experience was a course called ‘From Iraq to Afghanistan (to Pakistan).’ Dr. Gary Williams guided us through the course topics, exploring the complex and connected issues that have steered U.S. and Middle East relations from the 1990s to the present. Walking away from the course, I had a much better understanding of what shapes the variable diplomacy in the region, not only between the U.S., Iraq and Afghanistan, but also between the other key state players — China, Russia, Pakistan, India, Israel and many more.” —Christian Kebbell, self-designed major

Where else can you devote an entire week to studying nothing but biracial buddy-cop movies? Or the impact of tourism on Bali? Call it a focused break from business as usual. A midterm breather. A chance to delve into a topic that has always piqued your interest. We call it Intersession. For one week prior to the start of the second semester, Rollins students can dive into a subject, project or cause close to their hearts. Study Post–Cold War Conflict in Film through screenings ranging from Hotel Rwanda to Charlie Wilson’s War to Syriana. Visit Mexico City, Merida and the ruins of Chichen Itzá with your anthropology professor to study Mexico as a Global Culture. Explore the changing face of Wall Street in Economics in Motion. As a student at Rollins, you may also suggest Intersession subjects based on your own interests and passions. As a result, Intersession offerings differ from semester to semester, allowing you to truly feed your intellectual curiosity—even if it changes from year to year.


spring semester

fall semester

Intersession Examples of recent Intersession offerings Art and the Brain Buffy and American Cultures Cinema and Society in Iran Courageous Leadership Democracy and Citizenship in the Contemporary Middle East Disney and the City Economy of Fossil Fuels Films of Christopher Nolan Going to Graduate School Lives of Moral Commitment Long Form Improvisation Mean Girls in American Literature and Film Power and Responsibility Producing an Original Script The Mind in the Machine Traces of German War and Conflict in Film


You can probably tell by the photographs of students in flip-flops throughout this book that rare are the days when you’ll need to throw on much more than a T-shirt and shorts to walk comfortably across campus. But Rollins’ location in Winter Park, just 10 minutes from downtown Orlando, offers more than year-round sunshine. For example, you might: • Canoe, waterski or sail on Lake Virginia • Explore the within-walking-distance shops, restaurants and boutiques along Park Avenue • See up-and-coming bands at The Social

Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc.

To quote a former poet laureate on Rollins’ location: “Flip-flops year-round and a quality education, it’s just not fair.”

Your biggest lab at Rollins has 2.1 million participants. At Rollins, your professors will encourage you to use the city of Orlando—at 2.1 million residents, one of the fastest-growing metropolitan areas in the country—as your laboratory: • Supplement your study of ecological systems by conducting research in one of Orlando’s thousands of bodies of water. • Witness integrated marketing in action through a trip to Walt Disney World. • Analyze the composition of Beethoven’s Symphony No. 5, and then see it performed live by the Orlando Philharmonic Orchestra. Regardless of your academic interest, you’ll find an assortment of experiential learning opportunities in Orlando to help you connect your learning to the real world.


Orlando/Orange County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Inc.

Seven things to do in Orlando (without setting foot in the Magic Kingdom) • Cheer on the Orlando Magic • Explore Loch Haven, the hub of Orlando’s blossoming arts scene • Catch a concert at Amway Center • Enjoy an evening of shopping in downtown Orlando

• Grab dinner at one of Orlando’s 5,000 restaurants • Waterski one of the hundreds of lakes in the greater Orlando area • Screen independent and international films at the Florida Film Festival


Technology at Rollins In addition to Rollins’ six wireless, state-of-the-art computer labs, you’ll also benefit from courses hosted in “smart” classrooms, which feature high-tech videoconferencing, rearprojection and plasma displays, and touch-screen technology.

28 28

1,250 Rollins students can’t be wrong More than 70 percent of Rollins students — or 1,250 — live on campus in one of the College’s 17 residence halls, which range from the pod-style living arrangements of McKean Hall (in which groups of 10 students share a common bathroom and lounge) to traditional doubles to apartments. Living on campus is a great way to connect to the campus community and form lasting friendships with a diverse range of people.



Size/Population Amenities

Elizabeth Hall

155 residents, housing a mixture of first-year Language students and upperclassmen.

Language classroom, a laundry room on each floor and a lobby with a pool table and plasma TV.

Holt Hall

80 residents, predominantly upperclassmen, living in almost all single rooms.

Newly renovated basement, equipped with new pool and ping-pong tables.

McKean Hall

226 residents, comprising mostly first-year students living in pod-style arrangements.

A pod-like living room at the end of each wing includes white boards for study sessions and plasma televisions.

Rex Beach Hall

50 residents, all part of the Arts Living Learning Community.

A much-frequented common room, patio area and ping-pong room, not to mention a classroom flanking the building.

Sutton Apartments

275 upperclassmen living in twos, threes and fours in one bedroom/ one bathroom, and two bedroom/two bathroom living arrangements.

Newly updated student lounge with all new furniture, big-screen TV and a pool table.

Ward Hall

189 residents living in traditional doubles, and a few singles.

A faculty member in residence, a beautiful 4th floor balcony and a classroom in the building (perfect for those late risers who like to roll out of bed and into class— literally).


In addition to the six residence halls detailed in this chart, you’ll find 11 residential organizations ranging from fraternities to sororities to specialty housing like Pinehurst Cottage, a special-interest group promoting social justice and academic fulfillment outside of the classroom, and Lyman Hall, home of the Rollins Outdoor Club.

[ [ [

29 Take a moment to learn more about residence life at Rollins by visiting

“You’ll have so much to do, you’ll be writing on your hands.” When describing the opportunities for student involvement at Rollins, one student had only to show off his ink-stained hand — upon which he’d written himself reminders of the day’s many activities. While you’re not required to write on your hands, with more than 100 student organizations, 35 percent of students participating in Greek life and 25 percent participating in varsity athletics, you’ll find no shortage of on-campus activity, or opportunities to get involved at Rollins: • SCUBA dive and camp through the Rollins Outdoor Club • Run for the Student Government Association • Write for The Sandspur, Rollins’ student-run newspaper • Showcase your faux-singing theatrics through the Lip Sync competition, through which members of student organizations battle for the coveted Lip Sync trophy • Celebrate the Rollins experience and connect with alumni during Homecoming Week • Catch weekly events hosted by All Campus Events in Dave’s Down Under, located in the basement of the Cornell Campus Center

Campus Movie Fest: Sundance of the South Whether you’re a serious filmmaker or you’re just looking to gain your 15 minutes of Rollins fame, Campus Movie Fest allows you to enter an original, five-minute short film into a campus-wide competition. Last year, 75 films were accepted from more than 300 student participants, and the top 16 were screened for close to 600 attendees. The premiere of the event took place at the Cornell Campus Center and featured a celebrity look-alike contest and red carpet.

30 To check out Rollins’ top student-produced films, visit

and on the lawn appeared a statue of a fox, And the students of Rollins rejoiced. For this


placed there by the college president himself,

stood as a symbol: for hard-earned playtime,

for respite from the rigors of the academic year.

This fox meant that all classes were cancelled for the day.

One day, you

too shall know

the joys of Fox Day.

From the official Fox Day Proclamation: Each Rollins citizen is hereby directed to enjoy this beautiful day and the special fellowship of Rollins College and is summoned to feast on Mills Lawn at 5:00 p.m.

“Fox Day was one of the best days of my life. Rumors spread of when it’s going to be and people start playing Fox Day Roulette, tenting out to be the first to see the statue. You get up and everyone is so excited. You go to the President’s Office and get Krispy Kremes. Then you go to the beach and have a barbeque.” —Jesse Hugo, economics

31 For more information about student life at Rollins, and for a complete listing of student clubs and organizations, visit

Athletics Fast Facts

Varsity Sports

Nickname: Tars—the only “Tars” in the country. Simply put, a Tar is a sailor. When a small Navy vessel was stationed on Lake Virginia during World War I, the students of Rollins College noticed the sharply dressed sailors and called them “Tars.” Tars were later adopted as the College’s official athletic mascot.

Baseball – M

Colors: Blue & Gold

Basketball – M, W

Affiliation: NCAA Division II

Cross Country – M, W Golf – M, W Lacrosse – M, W Rowing – M, W Sailing – M, W Soccer – M, W Softball – W Swimming – M, W Tennis – M, W


Volleyball – W Waterski – M, W

Conference: Sunshine State Conference Accomplishments: 22 National Championships, 63 Sunshine State Conference Championships, and consistent annual finishes in the top 10 percent of all NCAA Division II schools in the Directors’ Cup All-Sports Standings, a figure calculated by the number of finishes in NCAA tournaments during a given academic year.

If you’re not interested in competing at the varsity level, Rollins offers a rich intramural program as well, including: Basketball

Ice Hockey



Group Fitness Classes Body Works

Harold and Ted Alfond Sports Center






Killer Cardio




Home to Rollins’ men’s and women’s basketball teams and volleyball squad, the Harold and Ted Alfond Sports Center was built in 2000 and boasts a 2,500-seat gymnasium, a separate gym for intramural sports, and a top-of-the-line fitness center.

Boot Camp

For more information about athletics at Rollins, visit

Moments of triumph Rollins athletes are students first. In fact, last semester our 364 student-athletes posted an average GPA of 3.11 — the 15th straight semester with at least a 3.0 GPA across all athletic programs. But our 22 national championships and 63 conference championships suggest that, as an athlete at Rollins, you can be successful both in the classroom and on the field. You can have your national championship cake and eat it too. Our rich athletic tradition spans 23 men’s and women’s varsity teams, and stretches across offerings as diverse as sailing and waterskiing (which benefit from Rollins’ location on the shores of Lake Virginia). You’ll train in the finest facilities — including the 77,800-square-foot Harold and Ted Alfond Sports Complex; you’ll experience moments of triumph on the field; you’ll forge lasting friendships with your fellow teammates and you’ll become a better leader, all while playing the sport you love.


“Participating in athletics at Rollins, I have been provided the support and skills necessary to flourish as an athlete and as a person. From the moment I arrived on campus, the athletics staff has proven their dedication and interest in their student-athletes. Whether I need to discuss team dynamics, strategy, or just have a good laugh, there is always someone to talk to. This bond has allowed me to go into every week of practice and every game with a smile on my face, and with the confidence to improve my game day after day.” —Andrew Cohen, studio art major and member of the lacrosse team


We’ve got connections. Rollins offers more than 450 internships in Central Florida alone and thousands more across the country and around the world. Internships range from small not-for-profit organizations to international corporations. You could attribute that wealth of opportunities to a dedicated Career Services Office, which works tirelessly to ensure that Rollins students secure meaningful internships that provide relevant experience. Or it could be a result of our location in Orlando, which affords you access to the employment opportunities that accompany a population of 1.6 million. Or you could attribute our long list of internship opportunities to the quality of Rollins College students, who consistently exceed employer expectations. Regardless, you’ll have plenty of opportunities to explore your career options, gain valuable experience and start forging connections in your field before you graduate.


2009 graduate Shareef Anthony Doumet interned with Raymond James and Associates in St. Petersburg, Florida, as well as CNBC in London, gaining valuable real-world experience to complement his rich classroom learning. “My education at Rollins College laid the foundation to the world of business. My national and international internships provided me the tools and materials needed to build on it.”


Internship placements (a sample) AAA National Office

Senator Bill Nelson

Siemens Corporation

Clear Channel Radio

Tupperware Brands Corporation

Central Florida Zoo & Botanical Gardens

Orlando Repertory Theatre

Orange County Regional History Center

Ibis Financial Group



Orlando Science Center

Florida Citrus Sports

Focus Features

Central Florida Sports Commission

U.S. Department of State

UBS Financial Services

Sirius XM Radio

Orlando Harley-Davidson

Marc Jacobs International

City of Orlando-Wetlands Park

TJX Company

American Lung Association

Octagon Sports

CBS Radio Orlando


Hispanic Business Initiative Fund

NBC Universal

Cushman & Wakefield of Florida

The Travel Channel

International Council of Central Florida

MGM Grand

Space & Science Research Center

Madison Square Gardens

Pink Sneakers Productions Florida Hospital


Go forth,

responsible global citizen, and contribute Rollins College alumni are doctors, lawyers, entrepreneurs and professors. They are actors and activists, philosophers and philanthropists. They are bound together not only by their common undergraduate experience, but also by their commitment to live and work as responsible global citizens; to meet the complex problems facing our world today with the critical thinking skills and perspective afforded by rigorous academic study and relevant, worldly experience.


Our alumni have attended the finest graduate and professional schools in the country and have embarked on a wide range of careers. Here are just a few of the paths they’ve taken.

Graduate Schools

Marquette University School of Dentistry

University of Michigan

American University

New York University

American University in Cairo

Northwest University

University of New Orleans

Boston College

Penn State

Carnegie Mellon University

Rutgers University

Clemson University

Sotheby’s Institute of Art

Columbia University

Syracuse University

University of San Francisco Academy of Art

Cornell University

Texas Christian University

University of South Florida

Crummer Graduation School of Business

Texas State University

University of Southern Mississippi

Drexel University

Tufts University School of Dental Medicine

University of Tampa

Emory University

University of Aberdeen

Florida Institute of Technology

University of San Diego California

University of Virginia

Florida State University

University of Central Florida

Fordham University

University of Chicago

George Washington University

University of Colorado at Denver

William and Mary Mason School of Business

Georgetown University

University of Florida

Washington University

Georgia State University

University of Georgia

Western Michigan University

Goddard College

University of Indianapolis

Harvard Business School

University of Massachusetts Boston

Indiana University- Bloomington

University of Memphis

John Marshall Law School

University of Miami

University of Missouri University of North Carolina University of Pennsylvania University of Pittsburgh

University of Texas at Austin Vanderbilt University Willamette University

Employers AOL Bank of America Charles Schwab


“Meaningful life experiences, long-lasting relationships and personal growth cultivated over a few short years are what make a Rollins degree a priceless investment. We not only receive a top liberal arts education, but also learn to develop the qualities necessary for being responsible community members and global citizens.” —Sara Patrick, psychology major and political science minor

Ernst & Young

Regions Bank

Fidelity Investments

Sony Pictures Screen Gems


St. Louis Cardinals

Grubb & Ellis Commercial

SunTrust Investment Services

Heifer International Lilly Pulitzer Lockheed Martin Marriott International Mote Marine Laboratory NBC Orlando Magic Peace Corps PepsiCo RBC Bank

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4,700 students apply for 560 openings. Admission to Rollins College is highly selective. But while we demand a lot of your academic record, exam scores and writing sample, we try to make the application process as easy as possible. That’s why we’ve provided the following information to help you stay on track.

Application Choices Rollins Application or Common Application?

You can apply to Rollins by completing the Rollins Application or the Common Application (both are also available online at, Apply Now). Further instructions about completing your Rollins admission application are available on the College Web site, 3/2 Accelerated Management Program (B.A./M.B.A.)?

The 3/2 Accelerated Management Program (AMP) earns a Bachelor of Arts degree (B.A.) from the College of Arts & Sciences and a Master of Business Administration degree (M.B.A.) from the Crummer Graduate School of Business. The combined program is completed in five years rather than the six years usually required to complete both degrees. Admission is very competitive; AMP applicants can be accepted to either the B.A. or the combined B.A./M.B.A. program.

Test Score Option

The Test Score Option is appropriate for applicants who: • Wish to be considered for academic merit scholarships • Seek acceptance to the 3/2 Accelerated Management Program (AMP) • Have an SAT Critical Reading plus Math score greater than 1110 or an ACT Composite score greater than 24. You should submit SAT and/or ACT scores directly from the testing agency. (The Rollins institutional code is 5572.) • Are home schooled Test Score Waived Option

If you do not fall into one or more of the categories above, you should consider selecting the Test Score Waived Option, which, while waiving your test scores from consideration, does require additional materials: • A representation of your strengths, talents, or interests — anything that helps us better understand who you are and your potential to contribute to the Rollins community. Your representation is limited only by your imagination and creativity. Examples of submissions from past applicants include: YouTube videos, DVDs or slide shows of their athletic or artistic talents; PowerPoint presentations or scrapbooks of their backgrounds, interests or accomplishments; music or poetry they composed. It is very important that your representation is prepared specifically for your Rollins admission application and is not something you used for another purpose. • First-year applicants must also submit a teacher recommendation from a core academic course during the junior or senior year.

For more information about the Accelerated Management Program, visist Early Decision or Regular Decision?

Rollins offers both Early Decision and Regular Decision application options. If we are your absolute first-choice college, you should select the Early Decision option. Typically about 30 percent of the entering class is admitted Early Decision. • Early Decision Round I • Early Decision Round II • Regular Decision • Spring Term Admission • Scholarship Priority

Deadline November 15 Deadline January 15 Deadline February 15 Deadline December 15 Deadline January 5

Here’s a couple of ways you can experience Rollins for yourself.

Discover Rollins Days Twice each fall semester, Rollins hosts Discover Rollins Days, open houses that allow you to: Meet with current students, admission counselors, professors and coaches

Transferring to Rollins?

Eat lunch with students

Each year about 50 students transfer to Rollins from other colleges or universities. In addition to satisfying all application requirements for first-year students, transfers must submit official college transcripts and a recommendation letter from a college instructor.

Learn about how the admission process works

• Transfer Admission

Deadline April 15

What Counts in the Selection Process?

In evaluating your application, we will consider your overall academic record (grades earned, level of challenge of courses), your personal strengths and interests, your personal statement and recommendation letters written for you. In addition, you can select one of two application options, the Test Score Option or the Test Score Waived Option.

Tour classrooms, labs, residence halls, the library and campus center Visit athletic and performing arts facilities Find out about the opportunities available for merit scholarships and financial aid at Rollins

Individual Visits The Office of Admission schedules information sessions every weekday, as well as some Saturdays. This flexible schedule allows you to discover Rollins at a time that is convenient for you. While you’re on campus, ask a student about the typical workload for a semester; have lunch in the Campus Center; tour classrooms, labs, residence halls and the library; visit the athletic and performing arts facilities. You can even request to sit in on a class, as long as you let us know at least two weeks in advance.

38 For more information about campus visit options, visit and click on “Visit Rollins” or schedule a visit by contacting our Visitor Liaison at 407.646.1573.

For more detailed information about the application process, or to apply online, visit and click Apply Now.


Last year, Rollins did our part to stimulate the economy, awarding more than $50 million in financial aid to our students.

Scholarships and Grants Grants and scholarships are awarded to over 78 percent of Rollins students on the basis of financial need, academic performance, or athletic or artistic ability.

State of Florida Scholarships for Florida Residents Bright Futures Scholarships

$1,800 – $4,000 per year

Florida Resident Access Grant $2,425 per year


Grants are awarded on the basis of financial need as determined by completing the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and the Rollins Financial Aid Application. You are required to submit both to be considered for need-based aid; both forms are available at We strongly recommend that you complete the financial aid application process as close to midJanuary as possible. The Rollins Federal School Code is #001515. If you need any help at any stage in the process, you should contact the Rollins Financial Aid Office at

Theatre and Music Scholarships

Academic Scholarships

Rollins competes in the Sunshine State Conference at the NCAA Division II level. Athletic scholarships are awarded by coaches, who can be contacted through the Department of Physical Education and Athletics ( Scholarships are awarded in the following sports:

Each year Rollins awards Academic Scholarships to over 60 percent of accepted applicants. While these scholarships are based primarily on proven academic achievement and ability, some also recognize leadership and service accomplishments and potential. No separate scholarship application is required to be considered for these awards. Scholarship programs are reviewed annually; the following were awarded to incoming students for the 2011–2012 academic year: Alfond Scholarships

Full tuition, room and board

Deans’ Scholarships

$25,000 per year

A lonzo Rollins Scholarships

$22,000 per year

Presidential Scholarships

$18,000 per year

Centennial Scholarships

$12,500 per year

Cram Science Scholarships

$5,000 per year in addition to other scholarship awards

Theatre and Music Scholarships are awarded by the departments. Interested candidates should contact the Theatre and/or Music department for further information. Parker Theatre Scholarships

$5,000 – $10,000 per year

Nelson Music Scholarships

$5,000 – $10,000 per year

Athletic Scholarships (Grants-in-Aid)

Baseball (M) Basketball (M, W) Golf (M, W) Soccer (M, W)

Softball (W) Tennis (M, W) Volleyball (W)

40 For more information about financial aid and scholarships, visit

YO U R M O M E N T I S N OW Now more than ever, the world needs responsible leaders and global citizens who can examine the grand challenges we face, think critically and arrive at socially conscious solutions. Your defining moments at Rollins — moments of illumination and reflection, of empathy and empowerment — will prepare you to meet the challenges of tomorrow. Consider this a call to action — a call to seize this moment to make a decision that will powerfully shape the course of your life. Make the most of your moment. Choose Rollins.


“People always told me that once I had found the right school, I would know, but it was not until I visited Rollins that I believed them. As soon as I stepped through the front gates of Rollins, I fell in love.” –Belle Stoker, critical media and cultural studies

Listen to Belle. You have to see this place to believe it.

ROLLINS COLLEGE AT A GLANCE Established: 1885 Location: On the shores of Lake Virginia in Winter Park, Florida, 10 minutes from downtown Orlando Students: 1,730 undergraduates from more than 45 states and more than 45 countries Student/Faculty ratio: 10:1 Average class size: 17 Scholarships and financial aid: More than 78 percent of students receive financial aid. Clubs and organizations: More than 100

1000 Holt Ave. — 2720 Winter Park, FL 32789 407.646.2161

Athletics: 23 men’s and women’s varsity teams compete in the NCAA Division II Sunshine State Conference and have combined to win 22 national championships and 63 conference championships. Awards and rankings: #1 Regional university in the South (U.S. News & World Report); #8 Liberal Arts institution for study abroad (Open Doors Report); Colleges with a Conscience: 81 Great Schools with Outstanding Community Involvement (Princeton Review)

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