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Priest Da n i e l S y s o e v

Instructions f o r t h e i m m o rta l or what to do, if you still die

Charity fund ÂŤMissionary center of a name of priest Daniel SysoevÂť Moscow, 2012

As you know, this subject is one that is absolutely relevant to everybody, as you will have to die, whether you like it or not. Unfortunately, since Adam and Eve, death has been everyone’s fate. Although unfortunate, abnormal, unnatural, and contrary to what God intends for us, death becomes something of a second nature for us, something that the Lord had defeated with His Resurrection. However, he did not commit the cruelty of giving us an immortal life now, while we are still in corrupt bodies. Rather, he granted us Resurrection in immortal bodies. The very same ones, but immortal. One can understand why the Lord did not grant us eternal life right now. Grandmothers, consider this: would you like to live forever, continually sick? No. Think about this: When people say they would like to live forever, and don’t think about the fact that while it would be good to live forever, it would also be quite desirable to live without illness. Would you disagree?

Recommended for publication by the Publications Board Russian Orthodox Church PB 11–109 – 0864 Priest Daniel Sysoev Instructions for the immortal or what to do, if you still die ISBN 978–5–4279–0002–7 © Yulia Sysoeva, 2012 © Charity fund «Missionary center of a name of priest Daniel Sysoev», 2012


The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes . .......4 Above.......................................................................................11 The Structure of the Universe ..............................................13 About the soul . ......................................................................15 Reasons for death. The righteous, the sinners, and “those in between”............19 An ideal death. An awful death . ...........................................27 Preparations for death, temptations and virtues . ...............31 The approach of death. The moment of death....................43 Perception after death ..........................................................55 Prayers for the deceased, the funeral, and 40 days’ prayers...........................................60 The world beyondthe grave; the toll-houses; the examples of the saints .....................................................64 The significance of the Mysteries .........................................69 The Way to Heaven.................................................................74 Paradise...................................................................................81 The General Resurrection ....................................................86 Birth, baptism, school years...................................................91

The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes

In order to understand what is happening to us in life, in our discussion of death we have to first clarify the structure of the Universe. We have to realize that the structure of the Universe was constantly changing in radical ways. Originally, there was no Universe; there was only the Lord God. The Lord created two worlds, two creations that were mutually interconnected: the invisible world and the visible world. Every day, we hear about this as Psalm 103 is chanted. Both the invisible and the visible worlds were split asunder as consequences of falls into sin: The first was the fall of the Morning Star and the Angels that followed him, and the second was the fall into sin by Adam and Eve, the first people. With sin, sicknesses, corruption, and death entered into the visible world. The Lord said to Adam: “...Dust thou art, and to dust wilt thou return” (Genesis 3: 19) This contemplated not only man’s bodily departure 4

The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes

into the earth, but the fact that the human soul departs to the underground chasm of Hades, something that remained the case until the redemptive Resurrection by the Son of God was accomplished. The Bible describes Hades for us quite succinctly and in considerable detail. According to the Word of God, Hades is an enormous underground place (Joshua 14:Â 15). Of course, despite the fact that many people have taken the words of the Bible literally and tried to find Hades in the bowels of the earth, that image should not be taken literally. About five to seven years ago, there was a spate of published reports to the effect that drillers had discovered Hades below the surface of the earth. However, interestingly enough, those who reprinted the original newspaper report that led people astray failed to notice that the issue was published on April 1, and people simply did not get the [April Fools] joke. Actually, the underground does have a certain connection to Hades, and that connection is discussed in the lives of certain saints and in other sources of Church Tradition. However, the tie is not a geographic one, and does not suggest that geographically, Hades is below. In a certain sense, Hades is below, but in a different dimension. Our world has a dimension in addition to the three dimensions we use to measure space and time. I think that this is something each of us realizes, for we can guess 5

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things that are to happen, and we can comprehend time as such. Obviously, if we lived in but three dimensions, we would be unable to recognize or comprehend such a thing. Actually, our souls also belong to the invisible world, one with a relationship to this world, but as some type of supplemental dimension. Thus, according to the Word of God, Hades, which appeared as the result of a rebellion by the first humans, is a prison for souls, as the Holy Apostle Peter says. Just like a holding tank, but not a place of torture, not a place of punishment, but rather a place where, as the Bible says, souls are in something akin to age-long sleep. But in what sense of the term “sleep?” Here we must clearly understand how Jehovah’s Witnesses, who believe that the soul goes to sleep, are mistaken. For Jehovah’s Witnesses, death is sleep without dreaming. Perhaps Jehovah’s Witnesses do not in fact consciously have dreams, but all of us know that sleep is not a comatose state. While we sleep, our consciousness continues to function, but in a special way. We can even be conscious of ourselves, but we are incapable of influencing the dream. Do you see what happens? I can see something, but I am incapable of exerting any influence upon it. I can feel something, I can sense something, but it is impossible for me to change anything. Thus, you can see that the analogy to sleep is true. Like in ordinary sleep, in the underworld the 6

The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes

same kind of fate awaits one who has gone down into the underground place of confinement for souls. A few more words about Hades: Hades is a kind of underground into which people who have fallen into sin go, and to this day, all of the unbaptized, without exception, wind up there. Hades is a place with a certain structure. One finds himself higher or lower within Hades, depending upon the extent of evil he has done. Before the Lord entered into Hades, there was a special section for the righteous. It was separated from the rest of Hades by a certain chasm, but nonetheless it remained in Hades. It was referred to as the Bosom of Abraham. Remember, in the parable of the rich man and Lazarus, there was a very clear description of a certain sheol, i.e. an invisible place. Actually, Hades is a Greek term for “underground kingdom.� Sheol cannot be seen, because it is a place of darkness. In that sheol there was a special place set aside for the righetous who hoped in Christ, in the coming of God and in God’s intervention in history, a place for those who had encountered Christ God while they were yet alive. Experiencing that encounter made life more fulfilling for them, and, one might say, their hope made their life more substantial, more solidly built than that of the other occupants of Hades. 7

Instructions for Immortals

However, they are no longer there, for what did our Lord Jesus Christ do when He descended into Hades? He freed all of the righteous. Likewise, he released all of the sinners who while yet alive on earth had repented of their sins, had served the One God, and had striven to come to Him. The Lord took them away as well, because they had believed on Him and had come unto Him. After the Lord destroyed the gates of Hades, it became possible to leave Hades, and those who wanted to, availed themselves of the opportunity. It was those who had sought after God during their life on earth that wanted to; if one had not sought after God in life, he could in no wise want to leave Hades, for after death, there is no repentance. The possibility of leaving Hades was granted those who had accepted Holy Baptism. This is the basis for the remarkable and mystical rite observed each Pentecost, when during the second prayer, directed to Christ the Savior, we appeal on behalf of the souls that are in Hades, in the hope that they might be shown mercy and help, to provide them some relief from their condition. Hades was, after all, devastated, and Satan was deprived of his power. Today he is in Hades. Before, he was not there. You have to know that before, Satan would come to Hades in order to mock its prisoners; but in no way did he live there. Satan’s authority was in another place. 8

The History of the fall, and the appearance of handes

It was in the air, which is why he is called the prince of the realm of the air. It is very important for us to know that. Why? Because for practical reasons, it is extremely dangerous for us to hold an idea that demons live in Hades . According to the Book of the Prophet Ezekiel, Hades is so structured that ordinarily people’s souls were right next to those of their ancestors, all the way to the patriarch of the Chosen People. Thus, all of the ancestors of the first peoples lay as if in coffins. These were rational souls, possessed of consciousness, but incapable of changing anything. They lay in coffins, and around them lay their descendants. By the way, this is what gave rise to the idea of a cult of ancestor worship. This gave rise to the idea that in that world, where you were buried and with whom you were buried, was very important. It was such ideas that gave rise to the attitude towards cemeteries held by Russian people, and not just by Russians, but by other peoples on this earth, attitudes toward certain special places as somehow tied to what happens beyond the grave. There were links, but those links were in the past. Now it makes absolutely no difference to one’s soul where his body was laid to rest. Even if the human body is cremated, if the person himself did not want that done, there would be absolutely no sin imputed to him, and the damage to the body would not damage the soul. Did burning 9

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the Holy Martyrs inflict damage on them in any way? No. You see? It is very important to remember this, because sometimes people do not understand it properly. For all of us, in many ways the earth upon which we live is a place to which we have a heart-felt attachment. As the Lord said, “For where your treasure is, there shall your heart be also.� (Matthew 6: 21). And a person can be very intimately attached to the earth. One loves the earth, loves some things done on the earth, loves some earthly things. For the soul, none of these things pass away for no reason. The more a person loves the earth, the more attached to it he becomes, the more difficult it is for him to part from it. We will talk about about what happens when a person dies, about his fate and the nature of dying for the a soul. Where do we go when we leave the body? From the body, we go not into Hades, but into the air, and thus the question arises: Who lives there? This is something we need to clearly understand.


Above the earth is the kingdom of Satan. Above the earth is the realm of the spirits beneath the heavens, a place where the devil rules. Sacred Scripture speaks frankly about this, calling it “spiritual wickedness in high places...” (Ephesians 6, 12); “the prince of the realm of the air” reigns in this kingdom near the earth. What is this tied to? According to an ancient text based on the readings of the Prophet Ezekiel, a cherub named Lucifer, then still faithful to God, was originally assigned as Guardian Angel of the planet earth (Ezekiel 28: 13–16). According to God’s plan, the earth was be the heartland of Creation. Lucifer was the first of the Angels, and accordingly authority to rule over the heart of material Creation ws entrusted to the highest of the Angels. It is precisely related to this is that when the rebellious cherub revolted against God, and when man supported him in that rebellion, he was able to establish his own dark kingdom above the earth and below the heavens. It is dark in the sense that it appears to be in 11

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darkness, for within it there is no Divine light. Any of the most unclean places on earth seem like oases of cleanliness in comparison to the uncleanness of the kingdom above the earth, but upon observation the place often appears to be filled with a false light, for, as the Apostle Paul says, “Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light” (II Corinthians 11: 14). He is also capable of appearing to people in other forms, but they are all unreal and changeable, as if some kind of mask that he assumes. Moreover, he shines with a certain light all his own – the light of Lucifer. This is the light seen by practitioners of the occult, sorcerers, and magicians. And they name the devil’s dwelling place quite clearly: They call it the astral, from the word “astrum,” or star. That is, the skies, the airy realm. The place is also called the cosmos. This does not refer to the material cosmos, which is obedient to the Creator, but rather to that aggregate of people and angels who live according to the laws of evil. It is over them that Satan rules. Therefore, when people talk about cosmic intelligence, they are talking about Satan. If you are invited to partake of cosmic intelligence, you must understand that you are being invited to personally tie yourself to Lucifer, and under no circumstances to God. The Heavens to this day are obedient to God, and are occupied by good, blessed spirits.

The Structure of the Universe

The Bible states that that there are three Heavens. In the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, the Apostle Paul says, “I knew a man in Christ above fourteen years ago (whether in the body, I cannot tell, or whether out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth) such an one caught up to the third heaven. And I knew such a man (whether in the body or out of the body, I cannot tell: God knoweth.) How that he was caught up into paradise, and heard unspeakable words, which it is not lawful for a man to utter. Of such an one will I glory: yet of myself I will not glory, but in mine infirmities.” (II Corinthians 12: 2–5). In that excerpt the Apostle Paul is talking about himself, but in the third person, as if describing not himself, but some other person. Thus, the first Heaven is the atmosphere, the second, cosmic space, and the third Heaven is the invisible world. It was into the invisible world that the Apostle Paul was caught up, and where he contemplated God. He also was caught up into Paradise, which, as the highest part of the world, 13

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is divided from it by a revolving, flaming sword. Nonetheless, that is the loftiest and most perfect part of the world. As St. Ephraim of Syria said, even for people in the flesh, it is in some sense attainable,. I do now know whether in the flesh or not. And that Paradise is also a preliminary place for souls. As St. John Chrysostom said, we received more than we had lost; we lost Paradise, but were promised the Kingdom of God. But as yet, the Kingdom of God remains unattainable, and the New Jerusalem has not a single resident . It was created by God, but has not yet been populated. It will be, once the Lord comes down to us with Heavenly fire. That will be on the day the world ends. Finally, above all worlds, God rules in His eternal Kingdom: God Who fills all things, Who holds all things, Who directs all things, Who permeates all, and Who is greater than all. He Himself is the place for everything and for Himself. God is omnipresent. But is God in Hades? The Bible directly states that He is also in Hades: King David says, “If I go up into heaven, Thou art there; if I go down into Hades, Thou art present there” (Psalm ­138: 8). God’s realm fills absolutely everything, and everything exists by His Will. That is the structure of the Creation in which we live.

About the soul

Now, as to our souls: What is the soul? Many think that inside us lives some separate “little person,� and they do not want to believe in the soul. But remember, that the soul is an intelligence, with a will and with senses. Obviously, if one does not believe that he has a mind, he is logically called mad. There is nothing to talk about with such a person, for what is there to talk about with an irrational, weak-willed blockhead? In fact, the soul is the mind, with both will and senses, and also possessing a certain vital capacity that animates the body. St. John Damascene distinguishes between a rational and an irrational part existing within the soul . That rational part, as I have said, is the loftier part of the soul. Highest of all in the soul is the intellect; it is also called the spirit, for it contains the Holy Spirit, which through the mind enlightens the entire person. This is why a person comes to the Church – by faith, which first transfigures the mind and then subdues the will and feelings. 15

Instructions for Immortals

In like manner, the irrational part of our soul is divided into that which is subject to reason and that which is not. An example of what is subject to reason is anger, created and instilled in us by God so that with its help we might drive sins away from us. There are other things having to do with our soul that are simply not subject to our reason. For example, there is the power that gives us the possibility of growing and developing, the power that supports life in our body. That power is not subject to our body, but it is also a manifestation of our soul, possessed of will and feeling. The apprehension of the soul as being a separate person living within us, reflects some measure ofcommon sense. The soul has, as it were, a separate mechanism directing the body. There is the concept of “phantom pain.� For example: a person has a leg amputated, and yet it hurts, because the lower part of the soul, not subject to reason, continues to search for the missing member. As St. Gregory of Nyssa says, the soul bears upon it the stamp of the body which is dear to it, for it is not normal for a person to be an incorporeal being. This is why we believe in the resurrection of the body, and not simply the soul. One who believes in the immortality of the soul and thinks that after death he immediately enters into the Kingdom of Heaven and receives the full measure of bliss is not a Christian. 16

About the soul

Death, as mentioned earlier, is also an abnormal state, but for a Christian, death is distinctly different from death of someone who has no idea of Christianity. Wherein does this difference among human beings lie? For the Christian, the individual is not destroyed, but for the non-Christian, it is, for the understanding of “individual person”encompasses both soul and body. “I am in pain,” says a person, although it is his body that hurts, while his soul is quite healthy. When someone who has not been baptized dies, the soul is parted from the body, and the power that binds them together is lost. The body is left to lie in the grave, and the soul goes off into the chasms of the underworld to await the day of Judgment. That is not how it is for the Christian. The tie between his soul and body remains intact, for God is omnipresent, and He seals the body and soul at Baptism, when the person receives the seal of anointing with Myrrh, the seal of the Holy Spirit. That seal is put on the body, but simultaneously the soul is blessed. When a person receives the Body and Blood of the Lord, he literally becomes of one body with Christ, with Christ’s Blood literally flowing in his veins. The person’s body becomes Christ’s Flesh, which is why we are called members of the Body of Christ. In this way, the tie between a Christian’s body and soul cannot be destroyed. The soul is 17

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separated from the body, but through God, the tie remains. It is for that reason that we pray before the relics of saints; in the righteous ones, the tie [between body and soul] has been maintained as well. Before, people did not pray [before relics]; until the Savior’s redemptive work of Redemption had been accomplished, that tie did not exist .

Birth, baptism, school years Father Daniel (Daniel Alekseevich Sysoev) was born in Moscow on January 12, 1974 in the family of art teachers. His parents, Aleksey Nikolaevich Sysoev and Anna Midhatovna Amirova were baptized after Daniel’s birth; the boy himself was baptized only in1977. This happened because his grandmother, the devoted communist, tried to prevent this from happening and threatened parents in various ways. For quite a long time parents were attending church without their child, but then, in the age of 3, Daniel has become seriously ill. The illness was so serious, that parents became very anxious about Daniel’s life, and so they decided to baptize the child anyway (at the moment of time they already knew that no one except a man be born of water and of the Spirit can enter the Kingdom of God). Daniel was found worthy of Baptism on October 31, 1977 in the Church of Holy Trinity on Vorobyovy Hills (Moscow) by Father Eugene. From his early childhood Daniel had an idea of becoming a priest some day: so instead of playing ordinary games he loved to imagine himself preaching. When his father started to serve in the church of Beheading of St. John the Baptist in Afineyevo village (near Moscow) as an acolyte, Daniel had a chance to help him in the altar and to sing in the church choir. Most of any other activities young Daniel loved to listen to the lives of the saints and to paint pictures. However, the latter was not surprising for he had grown up in the family of painters. He used to paint beautiful, paradise-like pictures of fantastic worlds: nature, mountains, animals, religious processions, and villages with lots of temples in them. The sky in his paintings was always filled with glorious light. Education was not a hard job for Daniel. Since the early school years he started to read constantly: in future this helped him a lot both in the Seminary and in his preaching practice. Until the last days he never gave up reading. In the beginning of his school education he had to experience the public confession of his Christian faith for the first time. Once Daniel was ill and teachers came to visit him. But just as they entered his room their friendly mood changed to shock and anger: it was something unbelievable for an atheistic teacher to


Instructions for Immortals see lots of icons and Christian books in Daniel’s room, and of course they felt that there was their own fault. Since that time he was publically persuaded to give up his faith and to become atheist and Marxist. But Daniel bravely stood against all the public shame he has been put in. Standing in front of the whole class he had to say: «I do go to the church; I do believe in God; I do know prayers». Since that moment until the end of his life he continued to confess his faith openly despite all threats.

Education at the Moscow Theological Seminary and Academy Daniel entered Moscow Seminary after graduating from school (in 1991). From the material point of view it was a hard time for Daniel and his family, so to support himself he started to work up as a tutor for weaker students. The seminary was the right place for Daniel’s most favorite hobby: reading. He spent hours and hours in the library, studying the ancient books. Sometimes he didn’t listen to the professors on the lectures because he had already known the information from the books; but he didn’t waste his time; he was reading more books under the desk. All his education has strengthened him in his deep assurance that only the Orthodox faith had a salvational truth. Also Daniel liked singing, he had the obedience of choir singer and as leader of a mixed choir in the Regent School. He ordinated a deacon on May 13, 1995 by His Eminence, Bishop Evgenii of Verey. At July 14, 1995 Daniel graduated from the Moscow Theological Seminary and enrolled in the correspondence course of the Moscow Theological Academy. Daniel served at the StS. Peter and Paul Church in Yasenevo (Moscow), worked in the missionary-educational center and in the rehabilitation center for the victims of totalitarian cults and pseudo-religious movements. In Sempember 1995 Fr. Daniel started to work as a teacher in the Classical Orthodox School in Yasenevo, and from 1996 he was blessed by the Patriarch to start the missionary classes for people who suffered from sectarian and occult activities. Since 1997 he started the regular Bible homilies, which he continued to carry out until his death. On May 24, 2000 Fr. Daniel’s catechetical and educational


works have been noticed by the Patriarchate and he got his letter of commendation as a reward. Since August 1996 with the blessing of His All-Holiness, the Patriarch, he held missionary Biblical conversations in the Kriutitsy Patriarchal Metochian with people who had suffered from the influence of sects and occultists. Since 1997 Fr. Daniel had regular Bible homilies on Thursdays also in the Kriutitsy Patriarchal Metochian. On May 24 of 2000 Fr. Daniel was awarded a Letter of Commendation for his teaching by the Department of Religious Education and Catechesis.

Priesthood In January of 2001 Daniel Sysoev was ordained a priest and appointed to Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Yasenevo under the supervision of Abbot Melchizedek. In the same year his second daughter, Dorofeya, was born. Father Daniel’s priesthood is connected with lots of travelling, especially around Russia and post-soviet states. He preached without any fear both to Orthodox and to Muslims people, and thus many of them turned to Christ. At the same time he worked as a professor in the Theological Seminary at St. Nicholas in Pererva monastery and taught liturgics and missiology. In the middle of 2000s Father Daniel was invited to his first open discussion with the Muslims, later on he had such discussions with various sectarians and pagans, he was invited to lots of TV and Radio shows. Soon after he received first threats from the Muslims (and lots of criticism from pagans and nationalists). Since 2006 the regular Bible homilies started at the Church of St. Thomas on Kantemirovskaya – Fr. Daniel himself created this church and parish. Apart from the homilies Fr. Daniel started the missionary courses for young people who were inspired to spread the God’s Word among atheists, sectarians, Muslims, etc. Many of those who were converted to Orthodoxy by Father Daniel joined his missionary activities and also became missionaries. He said that everyone is called by the Lord to join His true Church and inherit the eternal life, regardless of his or her nation, cultural and political background because within the Orthodox Church all people become a nation of Christ.

Instructions for Immortals Until his last days Daniel traveled a lot (last trip and one of the last interviews occurred in Serbia) and to that moment he was not afraid of the upcoming threats.

The day of martyr’s death for the faith The day of Fr. Daniels martyrdom started from the Divine Liturgy and Holy Communion. Then he baptized a child and conducted a confirmation in Orthodoxy of a person who had slipped down into occultism. In the evening Fr. Daniel had his usual Bible homilies after which he remained in the temple for a long time talking to the listeners and answering their questions. When almost everyone left the temple he went into the altar to hear a confession. At this moment a killer broke in the temple. He was wearing mask and had a gun in his hand. He shouted: «Where is Sysoev». Shooting in the air he had wounded the choir master. Father Daniel walked out of the altar saying: «I am here» and walked fearlessly towards the killer, and was deadly wounded. After that the killer run out of the temple and father Daniel died in a few hours remaining unconsciousness. He was 35 years old, had a wife and 3 daughters. As it was said, Father Daniel received numerous threats from people who wanted him to stop his mission. However, preaching the God’s Word was more important for him than safety. He was murdered when performing his clerical duties with the stole and cross on his chest. On the Friday night of November 20, 2009, the memorial service has been held at the St. Thomas temple, where the friends and relatives of Father Daniel were present, as well as members of his missionary school and locals. On the following Monday Moscow said a last goodbye to the deceased Father Daniel. The funeral service was held at the Sts. Peter and Paul Church in Yasenevo, where Daniel’s father served as a priest. The service was held by Bishop Arseniy (Epifanov). Hundreds of orthodox people came to say farewell to the priest. About two hundred of clergy gathered in the temple, in white clothes, holding the burning candles. Among the white robes there were Fr. Daniel’s relatives, dressed in the mourning black. After the


Birth, baptism, school years service the Patriarch Kirill of Moscow and All Russia served a lite at the coffin and said his word to the death of Father Daniel Sysoev. Father Daniel is buried at the church of Holy Mandylion graveyard in Kuntsevo, Moscow. The 40s day after his death was his name day, the day of holy prophet Daniel (December 30).

Pastor’s spiritual deed Father Daniel’s service to God was so full of events that one can write a large book about it. He helped people to reveal and understand the Truth. His dream was to teach the God’s Word to all people and nations around the world. He revealed the direction of the moral and spiritual perfection in the modern conditions of life and called all people to stick to the apostolic principle: «If it is possible, as far as it depends on you, live at peace with everyone» (Romans. 12, 18). Father Daniel was familiar with God and loved Him with all his heart and all his soul. Father Daniel’s love to God was true and sacrificial. Father Daniel endured the martyrdom for Christ. He has left a lot of work for us to do. For each and every orthodox the life in Christ is the most important part of living. This good intention (to live in Christ) has a huge support from Father Daniel, because the orthodox people know that he is alive and is praying for all who are astray.


Priest Daniel Sysoev

Instructions for the immortal or what to do if you still die The translation Deacon Leonid Mickle Imposition Ruslan Nabiev Design Igor Ermolaev Charity fund «Missionary center of a name of priest Daniel Sysoev» is engaged in charitable activities, publishing activities and the Orthodox missionary projects. The site organized missionary on-line training that will enable people from all over the world to learn the basics of preaching according to the methods of Father Daniel. On the site the «Charity» column provides information about the families of died priests. God bless you! +7(495)922-03-31 Printed and bound in Russia by Ulyanovsk Printing House. Singed to the press 30.05.12. Format 70×100/32. Offset paper. Offset printing. Number of copies is 10 000. Order 000. ISBN 978-5-4279-0002-7

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