IPC 2011 Annual Report

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

TABLE OF CONTENTS IPC Annual Report 2011 Pastor's Report


Presbytery, Synod And General Assembly Report


Board of Deacons


Deacons Treasurers Report 2011


Nominating Committee


Worship Committee


Christian Equipping Committee Report


Children's Ministry Report


Youth Ministry Report


Missions Team


Personnel Committee


Stewardship Team


Homework Club


Church Alive! Team


Boy Scout Troop 102


Building and Grounds Committee


Chinese Ministry


Tri City Free Breakfast Program


Finance Committee


Bible Studies-


Session Report


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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Pastor's Report “A Foothold on the Future”

IPC is where friends and families from all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on Life’s journey.

Our vision for 2012 is twofold: 1) To see the existing congregation grow in our love for Jesus, and 2) To attract and integrate new families.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church In January and February 2012, many of us are taking the course “The Life You’ve Always Wanted” with John Ortberg to learn to practice spiritual disciplines. The strong devotional element in the leadership of our new Worship Director, Alishan Merjanian, also helps us grow in our love for Christ. Staff and lay leadership are planning outreach events and gettogethers in the course of the year for families with small children to attract families to IPC and help them feel at home here. Our theme for 2011 was “Welcome and Embrace.” From the church officers retreat in February 2011, moderated by Doug Stevens of The Renewal Project in Walnut Creek, several goals emerged: 1) To welcome people to the coffee hour after worship and to introduce newcomers to other IPC folks. We are doing better. The snacks for the coffee hour help a lot, and people hang around to talk. 2) Form a worship focus group. This group attracted attendance of some 30 people and dealt with some hard issues that had been circulating. Out of the focus group emerged some great new leadership and as a result our worship experience on Sunday mornings has greatly improved. 3) Build relationship with parents who bring their kids to the Tuesday evening program. We now have a monthly dinner and discussion group for parents on the last Tuesday of each month. It is off to a good start. 4) Follow up with visits to visitors who come to IPC. This program has rather lapsed, and in 2012 we hope to get it going once again. Missions is the heart of the church. Our mission team at IPC focuses on mission to unreached peoples; we support work to bring the good news of Jesus to places where there has not been a church before. In 2011 mission giving increased and two of our mission personnel left the field. As a result we were able to begin to help support three missionaries new to us, a family in central Asia, a project of the Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship in

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Ethiopia, and a family in West Africa, all working among Muslims. Keep praying for our people in these tough places. Jeanette Beland as Director of Children’s Ministry and Anh Truong as Director of Student Ministry have been doing great work. Our children’s program on Tuesday nights, “Blast,” has grown and we have seen some new families come into the IPC family. We are focusing on welcoming families of children who know of IPC through our work at Hirsch Elementary School. Most of the high school students in 2010 were seniors, so they left for college in the fall. We still have a group of high school and a group of junior high students. We also have a great group of college students who are here during their vacations. Three of our graduating seniors, Alex Chung, Mindy Chin and Nick Look were baptized this summer. Our Music Director, Jonathan Fadner, resigned at the end of August to take up the position of Music Director at the Berkeley Playhouse. Daniel Khuc, our organist, stepped up to serve as the interim Music Director and has done a superb job. In January 2012 Alishan Merjanian, a friend of IPC since his childhood, took the position of Worship Director. Session made in new job description of Worship Director as a result of discussion in the worship Focus Group. Alishan is a fine worship leader and we are blessed to have him to lead us in expressing our love for our Lord Jesus Christ through music. The year of 2011 was the 125th anniversary of the founding of IPC. Mary Wolfe organized a wonderful program to celebrate our history and to look to our future. As part of the celebration we installed the church bell and had its inaugural ringing on Christmas Eve. The bell was cast in 1889 by the Garratt foundry in San Francisco, the same foundry that cast the golden spike of the trans-continental railroad. We look in gratitude to the heritage of Irvington Presbyterian Church as we step ahead in our foothold on the future.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Figure 1 Getting a Foothold on the Future Yours in the love of Jesus Christ, Pastor Michael Boyland

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Presbytery, Synod And General Assembly Report Presbytery and Synod and General Assembly are the higher levels of our church government. Presbytery covers the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area and meets five times a year. The Presbytery of San Francisco was founded in 1849. It was 162 years old in 2011.  78 congregations embracing more than 40 cultures and languages  28 additional specialized ministries  27,000 congregation members  300+ pastors and ministers www.presbyteryofsf.org Session sent elder commissioners to all five San Francisco Presbytery meetings in 2011. Hot button issues in Presbytery this year continued over how we should be handling the issues of ordained leadership practicing or promoting homosexuality. Some churches want to split off and join other presbyteries or denominations. Other wish for both sides to agree to disagree and “get along”. At one time, discussions got “toxic” and a “detox” committee was formed! Further complicating matters is the new Book of Order establishing a New Form of Government (NFOG) allowing each church and presbytery to establish its own ordination standards. All of this contention is distracting energy, money and people in the church away from doing the ministry of Jesus. Pray for wisdom in our church leaders!

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Continue to watch and pray for a decently and orderly resolution in 2012 of the issue of graceful separation, of church affiliations with presbytery, and of ordination. Synod addresses the western region of the country and meets three times a year. Synod of the Pacific is governed by 52 Commissioners elected by the 11 Presbyteries within its boundaries covering northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. One of the benefits of synod is their investment and loan services. They provide interest checking to the church at 2.75% and 6 month certificates of deposit to churches at 3.25%. http://www.synodpacific.org/ General Assembly (GA) is the Biennial convention of the national church government and meets once every two years. The GA consists of commissioners elected by presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ordained ministers. The other half will be elders. The GA http://www.pcusa.org/generalassembly/ reviews the work of synods, resolves controversies in the church, is responsible for matters of common concern for the whole church, and serves as a symbol of unity for the church which has 2.3 million members, more than 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ordained and active ministers. The 220th GA will be in Pittsburg, PA in June 30 – July 7, 2012 (http://oga.pcusa.org/section/ga/ga220/). Elder Joan Fong will be a representative of the San Francisco Presbytery to the GA as will be Pastor Greg Roth of Centerville Presbytery Church.. Elder Joan Fong served on the Denominational National Mission Development Resource Committee in charge of loans and grants; and on the Presbytery Graceful Separation Review Committee and De-Tox Team; as well as represent the entire PCUSA denomination on the The Insurance Board – a Page 8

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church denominational insurance co-op. Pastor Michael Boyland served on the Presbyterian Nominating Committee. Please provide for wisdom and strength for Boyland and Fong as they serve in leadership and help our denomination wrestle with these issues. We are blessed at IPC to have so many caring and loving and praying people. God really has spread his grace on this church and I agree with the pastor that we are on the cusp of a breakthrough for the Holy Spirit to really do things with our youth and our congregational in 2012. We have indeed much to praise Him for, and it will be interesting to see what is next on our incredible life journey with Jesus. Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

IPC is where friends and families From all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on life’s journey

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Board of Deacons

The Board of Deacons for the year 2011 consisted of ten members. They were: Officers:    

Moderator – June Dawson Vice Moderator – Mary Wolfe Secretary – Kathy Flenniken Treasurer – Deloris Anderson

The Committee Chairpersons:          

Juice for the coffee hour – Karen Jaycox Communion Reminder – Helen Jorgensen Communion Supplies – June Dawson Paper Supplies – June Dawson Flowers – Shirley Murray Nursery – Dawn Lunn Medical Supplies – Jerrye Hoyt Prayer Chain – Thea Pex Newsletter – Mary Wolfe Nominating Committee Rep. – Deloris Anderson

Parishes: In 2011, IPC members were divided into ten parishes, each served by a Deacon. The Deacons cared for their needs, prayed for them and helped them in anyway they could when called upon to do so. Prayer Chain: During 2011, 239 requests for prayers were prayed for by the Deacons, Pastor, Session and members of the congregation. Any member of the church may call the church office, the Prayer Chain chairperson, the Deacon Moderator, the Pastor or any Deacon in order to receive prayers from the prayer chain. In 2010, the prayer chain carried

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church 176 prayer requests to our Lord asking for His help in many varied situations. Deacons have arranged transportation, provided meals for those who are ill, made hospital visits and care home visits, as well as sending birthday, sympathy and anniversary cards. Deacons also notify members of their parish of special activities, such as the church picnic. Three members of the congregation were taken to glory by the Lord in 2011. Bon Dawson, Dave Ridley and Dan Kingman will be sorely missed. Deacons provided and served food for the receptions after the memorial services giving solace to the families as well.

For Easter and Christmas, the Deacons provided and sold flowers to the congregation. For Mother's Day, the Deacons made corsages for the ladies of the congregation. The deacons also keep the flower calendar and see that flowers are provided in the sanctuary each Sunday for worship. On Father's Day, strawberry shortcake was served after the Sunday Service. In October, after the Sunday service, we honored Pastor Michael for "Pastor Appreciation Day" with fruit and cheese & cracker trays. In late 2011, an after service snack time was initiated, and the Deacons and members of the congregation provided enough finger food items to enjoy during the fellowship hour. The Deacons initiate a sign-up sheet so that all of the congregation were welcomed to participate in providing the items. The Deacons serve coffee, tea and juice after services each Sunday. The Deacons prepare the communion table for communion on the first Sunday of the month. They also prepare communion for the Pastor to take to shut-ins. A Deacon attends the monthly Session meeting to give a report from the Deacons and to bring a report back from Session to the next Deacon meeting. Page 11

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

The Deacons also keep an inventory of medical supplies and loan them to members as needed. In 2011, six high school graduates were given inspirational books to aid them in becoming closer to the Lord as they transition into adulthood. At Christmas 2011, the Deacons donated $2,000 to the League of Volunteers in Newark to help those less fortunate. Another $250 was given to a needy family. Although the tasks of the Deacons are many, they are done for the love of Our Lord, Jesus Christ, and we consider it a privilege to be able to do them. Moderator June Dawson 2011 Board of Deacons

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Deacons Treasurers Report 2011 Beginning Balance 2011 Deacons Fund ………………… Income Expensess Collections and Donations $8,599.00 Transfer from General Fund 6,039.00 for past years Deacons Flowers 1,207.11 Cookbook Sales 10.00 Pastor Gift 675.00 Total Income Deacons $16,530.11 Charity / Benevolence Benevolent Gifts / Family Assist Pastor Discretionary Church Service Deacon Supplies Coffee & Supplies Sunday Snacks Juice Flowers Receptions Special Events Other ( Stop Payment) Pass Thru Pastor Gift Total Expenses Deacons


$ 3,177.18 400.00 417.81 747.07 54.40 155.43 729.19 241.54 109.80 30.00


Less Reimbursement for Non Benevolence

675.00 $6,737.42 - 1,438.06 $ 5,299.36

Net Deacons Total Expense 2011 Closing Balance 2011 Deacons Fund $13,267.49 *** Preliminary Figures unaudited. *** Does not include cost or receipts of 2011 Christmas Poinsettas Note: This is the Deacon Treasurers report only. All Deacons Funds are administered directly by the Deacons and not part of the Church’s General Fund or Missions Fund. Page 13

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee began during the fall to fill the positions of Deacons and Elders needed and called to service in our church ministry beginning in 2012. The committee consisted of Chair Dave Wegener, Pastor Michael Boyland. Session representative Ron Fong, Deacon Representative Deloris Anderson, and At Large members Betty Blizel, Eleanor Conwell, Mary Ellen McKowen/ The Irvington Presbyterian Church by-laws call for 12 Elders and 15 Deacons. At this time our church officers consists of 10 Elders and 12 Deacons. Four Elders and Eight Deacons were nominated and elected into office. Currently the church officers are as follows: Deacons:

Class of 2011

June Dawson Dawn Lunn Shirley Murray Mary Wolfe

Class of 2012

Deloris Anderson (re-elected) Jeanette Ollison (resigned in 2011)

Class of 2013

Thea Pex Karen Jaycox Kathy Flenniken Geraldine Hoyt Peggy Handano Helen Jorgensen (resigned in 2011) Shirley Murray (re-elected)

Class of 2014

Gill Carson Kathy Fletcher Emmy Yourish Jean Landrun Bonnie Burger Lisa Young

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Elders: Class of 2011

Ken Ariathurai Don Carson Dave Wegener

resigned in 2011 (Worship) (Finance) (Nominating/Personnel)

Class of 2012

Jeff Jaycox Dave Wegener Don Carson Joe DiMaggio

(Stewardship) (Buildings & Grounds) reelected (Finance) re-elected (Nominating)

Class of 2013

Ron Fong (Clerk of Session) Lynnette Ariathurai (Christian Equipping) Russ Pennelly (Church Alive) Pat Jeffries (Worship) Tim Stachowiak resigned in 2011(Missions Bob Reavis resigned in 2011(Church Alive) Pat Hughes resigned in 2011(Building & Grnds)

Class of 2014

Kamroon Baksh Mustapha Baksh

(Missions) (Missions)

To the outgoing officers who completed their terms, or who had to resign early, we thank you for your ministry and service. To the officers who stepped up to serve again, we thank you for your dedication and commitment to serve the Lord – Don Carson, Dave Wegener, Shirley Murray and Deloris Anderson Respectfully Submitted, Elder Dave Wegener Committee Chair Nominating Committee

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Worship Committee Worship Committee is responsible for pulpit supply, worship assistants, ushers, greeters, sound system volunteers, wedding hostesses, wedding policies, and inviting Elders and Deacons to serve communion. The committee provides sanctuary banners and works with the Pastor and Music Director in the design and flow of worship services. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of Each month and on Thursday mornings at 7:30 a.m. In the summer, a series of five meetings were held to discuss ways to improve the worship at IPC. It was moderated by Pastor Doug Stevens. Over 45 people participated, with the average meeting about 21-24 people. It was tumultuous at times and at several meetings, emotions were high. Some felt that convening the task force hurt the church. Others thought it benefitted the church. Some of the outcomes of the work of these people were  A better understanding that there are different worship styles  We have a similar vision of worship at IPC Worship is our natural response and expression of respect to something great Worship comes from the heart in response to the presence of God We want to experience the power of Jesus We want to worship in unity as we gather on Sunday mornings We want to create an environment that stimulates worship among people of diverse backgrounds F. We want to create a meaningful and engaging worship experience for everyone G. We want to grow our Sunday morning congregation and become welcoming to visitors --- with high interest and energy! H. Everyone charged with leadership responsibilities in relation to our Sunday morning worship experience must prepare themselves and us for this sacred opportunity --- leading out of love for God and His people, with humility and boldness, with a serious commitment to drawing the best out of us and making the most of our time together A. B. C. D. E.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church  We concluded there are things we can do immediately to work

towards fulfilling our vision of worship A. Have a Worship Host each week to assist the pastor B. Don’t change the songs after the praise band has practiced them C. The Pastor will be conscious of a listener-friendly pace in his preaching that is D. E. F. G. H.

more deliberate Include Scriptures in the PowerPoints Include a Sermon Outline with the Bulletin Use large enough (readable) print for the Bulletin Choose an Inspirational Verse (thematic for the day) for the bulleting Work on coordinating and doing a better job of spell checking the bulletin

 We concluded having an active worship committee is something we

can do immediately to work towards reaching our vision of worship Appoint a Worship Elder / Team Leader who will gather a Worship Planning Team, to work with the pastor, music director and others to imagine, plan and provide meaningful worship services. This became Pat Jeffries. 1) The Team will take ideas, concerns and suggestions from the congregation 2) The Team will plan the Worship Calendar in advance, with the pastor and music director, and with the children and youth in mind, for the various sermon series and holiday seasons 3) Train the ushers, greeters and communion servers 4) Focus on strengthening the worship experience and minimizing distractions due to disorganization

 We concluded having an active worship presentation team is

something we can do immediately to work towards our vision of worship Worship Presentation Team led by Mustapha and Kamroon Baksh A. Coordinate songs and words on to the screen B. Project the Scriptures and announcements on to the screen C. Consider ways to improve the bulletin look and content D. Consider ways to improve and manage the visual presentation

 We concluded that we have not been as supportive of the Music Director

and the Music Team as we should have been. Some of the conclusions that will help our work towards our vision of worship were:

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Worship Music Team A. Continue to blend musical styles 1. Provide a variety of music to enjoy 2. Lead congregational singing 3. Provide special musical presentations 4. Make use of a wider selection of songs from the hymnal B. Support the Music Director 1. Personally encourage the Director! 2. Encourage the musicians and singers! 3. Provide more compensation and volunteer support 4. Recruit more talented people to create a greater variety and depth in the Praise Band, Choir, etc. 5. Direct concerns or suggestions about music to the worship Elder / Worship Planning Team C. Create flow and transition between elements of the worship D. Create appreciation for different kinds of music E. Enhance and energize worship with music --- with sensitivity, creativity, and a bit of boldness

During this series of meetings, Music Director Jonathan Fabner announced he was leaving and Elder Dan Kingman coincidentally passed, all of which made the discussions even more intense and emotional. At the conclusion of the meetings,  Pat Jeffries agreed to be the Worship Elder  Mustapha and Kamroon Baksh agreed to run the Presentation software  Session agreed that the Music Director position was underpaid and voted to increase the compensation package; and to change the position to be a Worship Director.  Session hired Alishan Meerjans to be the new Worship Director  Session bridged the gap between Jonathan’s departure and Alishan’s arrival with a temporary promotion of Daniel Khuc, our organist. The on-going work of the Worship Committee is still a work in progress. If you have comments on how we are proceeding, or suggestions, then please contact us.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church A special thank you to Carroll Kinslow and the Blizels for organizing the greeters & ushers for each Sunday; for Shirley Murray for her work as wedding coordinator; and the sound system volunteers. Thanks to Dave King for hanging the banners every Sunday. Thanks also to June Dawson for coordinating the Deacons for Communion service and for coordinating the Communion Stewards overall. IPC Celebrated Good Friday with a Christian Seder and Christmas Eve with special services. The program Christmas Program included adults, youth and children singing and narrating. Children's Time in worship service was discontinued in 2011. I’d like to thank all the people who participated in the Worship Service during 2011. Pat Jeffries, Chair IPC Worship Committee

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church 2011 Youth Children 2010 Youth Children 2009 Youth Children

Youth & Children in Worship 80 70

Youth & Childre Cumulative Attendance in 2011 are 122% of 2010

60 50 40 30

December 201 was double the attendence in Dec. 2010

20 10 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


2011 Youth & Children













2010 Youth & Children













2009 Youth & Children














Aug Sep Oct

Adults in Worship by month

Nov Dec

Jeannette & Ang start Aug 2010

2011 Adults only 2010 Adults only 2009 Adults only

450 Adults Cumulative Attendance in 2011 are 5% less than in 2010



300 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun

Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2011 Adults only 420 314 305 522 346 326 367 301 321 430 352 320 2010 Adults only 425 366 365 514 364 347 418 315 309 416 341 360 2009 Adults only 420 315 334 469 328 367 391 334 333 413 364 372

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December 2011 was 11% lower than Dec. 2010

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Christian Equipping Committee Report

The 2011 year was a tremendous year for the CE team as our new Directors Anh Truong and Jeanette Beland starting hitting their stride in reaching people. Jeanette Beland covers the lower age children, and Anh Truong covers the Jr. High to College kids. They have done wonderful things in growing the program as you will read in their reports. The local homework club and kids club at Hirsch Elementary School has also a blessing and attracting a lot of kids with much kudos to Jeanette Ollison as you will read in her report. Our nursery has grown with new children from our church membership with Mrs. Fausia doing a wonderful job at watching the children. Our Sunday school program is continuous on with Jeanette Beland and Anh Truong instructing along with teachers Joan Fong, Carol Lynn, Dave Wegener, Lynnette Ariathurai, Jean Stachowiak and Jeanette Ollison. Group Worship in Sunday School was also continued this year before the kids break off into their age group Sunday Schools. BASS, the annual Bay Area Sunday School Conference for Christian workers in early March. http://bassconvention.org/ continues to be a resource and renewal opportunity for the whole church. I want to thank all the volunteers for their time and efforts for helping with the CE programs. Dave Wagener, Carol Lynn, Joan Fong, Jeanette Ollison, Nick McClure, Jeannette Beland, Anh Truong and Pastor Michael. For those not mentioned but have given the time and efforts and donations, thanks you. God Bless to all, In the name of Jesus, Thank you. Lynnette Ariathurai CE chair and elder Page 22

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Children's Ministry Report

Children’s Ministries at IPC continues its mission to support family’s in their task of growing spiritually strong children.. We desire to be intentional in our structure, our curriculum and our activities so that children receive a balanced experience of prayer, growth and celebration (worship) while at IPC. iKidz this year has continued to build upon the strengths of 2010 and beyond. We have been successful at meeting our identified objectives: building meaningful relationships with the local neighborhood, adding to our ministry team, moving towards a family centered focus. Our primary means of connecting with the neighborhood has been through our growing relationship with the Administration and Faculty of Hirsch Elementary. Through our presence three days a week via Kids Bible Club and Homework Club, we are now seeing the fruit begin to manifest from the past few years of planting “seeds.” The majority of our family outreach has come through Hirsch as noted by the large number of families participating in BLAST, VBS and other outreach experiences.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Children’s Ministries has experienced overall growth this year. Our Tuesday night program BLAST has 22 children enrolled, and now has a monthly Family Experience and Parent Small Group which is seeing regular participation from parents. 18 children this past May received Bibles for reaching their goals of memorizing NT books, specific scriptures and how to share their faith with friends. Beginning this year we embark on a four year journey through the Bible. Our curriculum mixes hands on activities, small groups and family participation. The response so far has been positive. Our Sunday morning program has also witnessed growth. We now have 8-10+ children attending weekly. Our ministry team focuses on a 4week “unit” each month which addresses key concepts from a child’s viewpoint. We have seen an increase in family participation via our “take home sheets” which reinforce the weeks lessons at home. Children earn points via completing projects at home.

Summer saw the return of VBS with PANDAMANIA. Thanks to the incredible gifts and commitment from our over 20+ volunteers we were able to minister to 44 children. Responses from volunteers indicated that the curriculum chosen this year was a positive experience for all. On Thursday night of VBS families were invited to return to IPC for an ice Page 24

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church cream social which highlighted our mornings. Rev. Barney Kinard, a wellknown Child Evangelist presented a 45 minute experience which included ventriloquism, gospel illusions, felt board, etc., culminating in an invitation. 4 children made faith decisions that evening. iKidz saw 12 children make faith commitments this past year; celebrated 2 baptisms and 1 affirmation of faith. We also were delighted to celebrate the births of two children. And, we are thrilled to have welcomed two new families to our congregation. Our nursery now cares for 2 infants, and 3-4 toddlers weekly. 2010 Benchmark

2011 Actual

2012 Projected

2 18-25 -n/a

9-12 22 44 2

12-15 25-29 55



n/a n/a n/a n/a 1 2 2 5 0

2 2 1 12 2 4 2 7 1

(as of 8/1/2010)

Sunday School BLAST VBS Families Added Families Receiving Assistance/Support Births Baptisms Affirmations of Faith Faith Commitments Total Infants (Sunday) Total Nursery-Toddler (Sunday) Total PreK/K (Sunday/Total) Total 1-4 grades (Sunday/Total) Total 5 grades (Sunday/Total)

1 0 1 5 2 7 1

iKidz is indebted to the continual support of IPC through their service, prayer and financial support. We are blessed to know that families are being strengthened through the on-going efforts of Children’s Ministry. Touching Hearts, Changing Lives – one child at a time…. Jeanette “MJ” Beland Director Children's Ministry Page 25

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Youth Ministry Report YOUTH MINISTRY God is Good! With a whole year under our belt, our ministry has proven with God, anything is possible. Under the direction and blessings of our Pastor, Christian Education Team, Session, and the congregation, we have grown tremendously. Our ministry now consists of a weekday high school fellowship, Sunday morning youth service, a college fellowship, and a contemporary service,Restoration. We also blessed to have three students get baptized and a couple of students coming to know the Lord! 2012: We are looking to continuing to care for the ministries we are blessed to have. We are eager to expand and improve it. A healthy youth ministry is all about putting our students in places to succeed and grow. SUNDAY YOUTH SERVICE Our Sunday Morning Service has been growing with new members and they are learning to be familiar with each other. Our youths are developing a better understanding of learning and respecting the Sabbath and what is was meant for. We have been engaging with our NOOMA topical video series that has been thought-provoking and leading to many discussions. We were excited also to launch our Sunday Evening Youth Service, Restoration, during the summer. It opened our eyes to see the potential of what God can do with a simple Page 26

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church geared church environment for this generation. We were blessed to have three interns, Stephanie Kwok, Kevin Sui, and Thomas Choy, this past summer to farer our ministry and kingdom.

2012: We are pumped to plan and revamp Restoration for this coming summer to run during the same time at our IPC Service at 10:15PM.

WYLDLIFE Junior High FELLOWSHIP 2011: Wyldlife met occasionally at IPC when their arrangement at Horner Junior High conflicted. That is their basketball hoop in the parking lot. Unfortunately, we did not actively support the fellowship opportunity. 2012: CE Committee will be exploring how we can grow our junior highers spiritually and numerically.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church FRIDAY FELLOWSHIP A lot of students have came through the doors of our 12Stones fellowship and a seed was planted. From our deep message nights to our dodge ball tournaments, students got a amazing dose of God. It was a bittersweet year to see 11 of our 16 students graduate and move onto their next chapter of life in college. Doing life with each other at church or away is what’s it all about. 2012: We want to see more people come to know Christ and it starts with our students and friends. We’ll be putting a high importance to reaching out this year! COLLEGE FELLOWSHIP We sent care packages and had a wonderful summer with our first ever college fellowship. College is a life changing time to increase your faith or losing it. We’ll still be keeping the lines of communication open by providing care packages, emails, phone call, letters, and convening our fellowship when students are back home for vacations and breaks. It was a blessing to have had Jon Huang as our intern to minster Discipleship to our students this past summer. 2012: We can’t wait for this coming summer to continue to make our college fellowship a stable in our ministry. We’ll be looking have some intern to join our IPC Youth Ministry. GRACE Our ministry is because of your faith and prayers. Thank you so much for continuing to love on our ministry and youth. 2012: Please keep praying and keep supporting us. These youths are our church of not tomorrow, but today. Anh Truong Director Youth Ministries Page 28

Fellowship Worship Outreach The Word

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Missions Team "Missions: the Heart of the Church" During the past 11 years through the faith the IPC congregation has shown, mission outreach continues to explore new opportunities and look for new ways in which to serve. In 2011, the continuing generosity of our congregation resulted in a record number of Missions being funded. We were able to provide prayer and financial support to four (4) additional Missionaries:  David and Sara T with Interserve,  Richard and Wendy Yancey with Pioneers,  Carolyn Kurtz with Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship (PFF).  Light of Hope (PFF outreach to the Arssi Oromo people in Ethiopia), 2011 has been a year filled with many blessings, opportunities and rewards. Your Mission Team is proud to represent you.

New Ministries Funded David and Sara with Interserve On August 21, IPC was blessed by the visit of David and Sara T. During the worship hour, they showed a film about their work among an unreached Muslim people in Asia. They work with a group whose members are unable to freely practice their chosen faith or show their love for Jesus Christ. After worship, the IPC Missions Team hosted a luncheon for Sarah, David and their four young children. Excellent presentations by both Sara and David were well received with lots of good questions and positive feedback from the more than 50 people who were in attendance. Page 29

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Richard and Wendy Yancey with Pioneers Richard and Wendy Yancey live and work in the West African nation of Senegal among an unreached Muslim people six million strong. They are spreading the gospel of Christ and planting churches in the region. Caroline Kurtz with Light of Hope In October, IPC hosted a visit from Caroline Kurtz, Associate Director of Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship. Her work focuses on supporting the fast-growing church in Ethiopia and promoting partnerships for Unreached People Groups around the world. Caroline preached a sermon during our Sunday Worship entitled "The Good News Unbound" in which she shared news of the continuing growth of the Church in Ethiopia. Following worship, Caroline spoke at a special Missions luncheon that was attended by 50 members and visitors who enjoyed an Ethiopian-themed meal. IPC is also supporting the teacher-evangelists who work in this ministry.

Light of Hope (PFF outreach to the Arssi Oromo people in Ethiopia) Light of Hope is a ministry to the Arssi Oromo in Ethiopia. Light of Hope provides schools and supports the teachers who work in those Page 30

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church schools. The Arssi Oromo are a nominally Muslim group who live in the eastern part of Ethiopia. There are almost no schools in their communities. Light of Hope sets up schools that teach the basics, reading, writing, and arithmetic, that prepare people to live productive lives. IPC support has helped finance the training of teachers in these schools.

Significant Events During the Year Birthday Party for Jesus Tri – City Volunteers At our December Birthday Party for Jesus, 51 bags of gifts with at least 165 presents were received and delivered to Tri-City Volunteers for distribution to those in our community who needed some assistance. Sisters in Service Each month Sisters in Service, meet to learn and pray for the oppressed women and children in Sudan. The IPC group is part of a larger national organization, “She is Safe,” that is dedicated to helping women and children in the poorest and least-reached parts of the world. The group meets on the second Tuesday of the month at 10 AM and at 7 PM. Crab Feed In February, Missions sponsored a Crab Feed that netted $2,829 that was sent to PFF for the Arssi Oromo outreach.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Visits by Missionaries Missions Committee hosted visits by three of the Missionaries whom we support. These visits serve to help us understand their frontier mission work and allow our congregation to hear and see first-hand how their mission contributions are being spent  Jack Blanch on Sunday May 22  David and Sara T on Sunday August 28  Caroline Kurtz on Sunday October 23

Mission Team Members During the year Kamroon and Mustapha Baksh were welcomed into the Missions Team. We were saddened when our Mission Chair, Tim Stachowiak, had to leave because he and his wife relocated to Austin, TX. The team members at the end of the year were: Kamroon Baksh Mustapha Baksh Pastor Michael Boyland Patti Boyland Mary Ellen McKowen Bonnie Nichols Teresa Oliver Jenni Pellot Virginia Stull The Mission Team thanks the congregation for your financial support, attending special functions and all your prayers and encouragement. Elders Kamroon & Mustapha Baksh for the Missions Committee

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church


GENERAL GIVING Frontier Fellowship Prasad Honoraiums Year Book Miscellaneous Breakfast Program Habitat for Humanity - IPC Subtotal General Giving



2,430 660 120 165 3,150 2,310 $8,836

1,680 500 200 500 2,400 1,560 $6,840

1,680 500 200 500 2,400 1,560 $6,840

1,280 2,310 325 1,300 750 1,080

780 1,560 1560 1,300 1,000 1,440

780 1,560 0 1,300 1,000 1,440

1,280 1,280

780 780

780 780

2,310 2,310 3,150 3,150 1,125 1,125 $22,775

1,560 1,560 2,400 2,400 1,500 1,560 $20,180

1,560 1,560 2,400 2,400 1,500 1,500 $18,560

Missionaries: Blanch - Navigators Bockus - New Tribes Butler - Global Sharing ...Discontinued

Gradin - NCEMI Kurtz - PFF Light of Hope (Arssi Oromo) Manoukian - Child Evangelism Miller - CAM Pelanne - Richmond Seaman's Ctr Rancho Santa Marta Ryon - Christar Smith - Hope Unlimited Treece - Interserve Yancey - Pioneers Subtotal for Missionaries


$31,611 $27,020 $25,400

Pledges for 2011 or 2012 Difference between Pledge & Budget / Actual



6,097 (1,506) Fund Balance Carryover

Planned Deficit to be met in Faith Page 33

15,956 (9,444) 8374 (1,070)

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Mission Projects: Because of your generous contributions Missions provided prayer & financial support to 19 local and worldwide missionaries and mission projects 


 East Bay Habitat for Humanity  Tri-City Free Breakfast Program  Tri-City Volunteers through our Meal-A-Month program and the Birthday Party for Jesus  San Francisco Presbytery


Christian Orphanage in Mexico

Jack and Joann Blanch

Navigators, The Blanches previously ministered in Spain and are continuing their outreach by evangelizing, discipling, and equipping Hispanic couples in the Colorado Springs, CO, Area.

Larry and Valerie Bockus

New Tribes Mission, worked in Venezuela translating scripture for Piaroa Indians. Now in Lincoln, NE.

Bill and Joyce Butler

Global Sharing, working with church leaders overseas and in the US to plant new churches that spread the gospel in their countries.

Tim and Ginny Gradin

Caroline Kurtz

Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, working with Denesuline (Chipewyan) people. Also involved in Denesuline Bible translation project.

Light of Hope, supporting the fast growing Church in

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Ethiopia and promoting partnerships for unreached people around the world. Light of Hope A ministry to the Arssi Oromo, a Muslim group, in Ethiopia. Provides schools and support teachers who work in those schools. George and Esther Manoukian – Child Evangelism Fellowship, reaching unchurched children with the gospel in the US and Armenia. Translating Gospel material from English to Armenian for shipment to Armenia. John and Linda Miller

Markku Pelanne

CAM International, initially communicating the Gospel in the Basque region of Spain. Now working from Arizona organizing and leading teams to Spain

Richmond Seamen’s Center, meeting the needs of seamen by sharing the love of Jesus and providing them a home away from home.

Paul and Alice Ryon Christar, reaching Gujarati Hindus from India who have settled in Leicester, UK Philip and Corenne Smith

David and Sara T

Hope Unlimited International, helping street children in Brazil to know Jesus and develop vocational skills.

Interserve, serve in a limited access area in East Asia where they work among an unreached Muslim people who are not allowed to show their love for Christ.

Witnessing Ministries of Christ

Richard and Wendy Yancey

Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship, working out of Fresno, CA, spreading the gospel among the Dalits (untouchables) in India. Pioneers, spreading the gospel to unreached Muslims in Senegal

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

World Mission Locations .

Rev Phillip Prasad Witnessing Ministries of Christ India

Paul and Alice Ryon Christar, Gujarati Leicester, UK

Tim and Ginny Gradin NCEM, Saskatchewan, Canada

John and Linda Miller CAM Intl., Spain

David and Sara T Interserve, East Asia

Larry and Valerie Bockus New Tribes Mission Venezuela

George and Esther Manoukian, Child Evangelism Fellowship, USA and Armenia

Richard and Wendy Yancey Pioneers, Senegal

Philip and Corenne Smith Hope Unlimited, Brazil

Caroline Kurtz, Light of Hope, Ethiopia Arssi Oromo People Light of Hope, Ethiopia

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Personnel Committee The Personnel Committee is responsible for staff and assisting the committees with staff oversight and supervision. Personnel Committee consists of the chairperson for any committee/team which has paid personnel under their ministry. During 2011 there were two changes in the staff at Irvington Presbyterian Church (IPC). In August 2011, Session accepted with regret the resignation of Music Director Jonathan Fadner. Session, as a result of the Worship Task Force, then decided to change the Music Director position to be a Worship Director which has expanded duties. The selection process did a search and selected Alishan A. Merjanian as the Worship Director. He started working for IPC on January 3, 2012. In July 2011, we lost our beloved Facilities Manager, Dan Kingman, who passed. This position was not re-filled. Instead, a private security firm provides night time patrols of the facility.

God continues to bless our church with gifted and talented staff in our ministry. Page 37

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Paid staff at IPC include:  Pastor, Michael Boyland  Director Children's Ministry Jeanette “MJ” Beland  Director Youth Ministry Anh Truong  Director Worship Ministry Alishan A. Merjanian  Organist, Daniel Khuc  Office Manager Frankie Cabral  Bookkeeper Jeanette Ollison  Financial Recorder Kathy Jeffries  Nursery Attendant Fauzia Kamal  Sunday Security Assistant, Justin Chaikin  Dick Hwang is Pastor of our Chinese ministry. Truly IPC is blessed with a wonderful staff whose ministry continues to serve our community and world with the love and grace of Jesus Christ. Respectfully submitted David Wegener, Chairman Personnel Committee

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Stewardship Team This year saw the continuation of “town hall” meetings to provide information on the finances and the collection of pledges. Two Special Offerings were also collected this year. The “One Great Hour of Sharing” special offering supports people worldwide experiencing need – including disaster relief, refuge assistance and resettlement, and community development. A total of $420 was raised through the generosity of members, and sent on to the Presbytery to help One Great Hour in its mission. The second Special Offering was the “Christmas Joy” special offering. Which raised $595 to benefits racial ethnic schools and colleges, and the PCUSA Board of Pensions assistance programs. Seven pledge drive meetings were held in November and December as part of the Stewardship 2012 campaign. The focus this year was a progress report on ideas set forth from 2011; as well as collect where we might put our priorities for new investments for the future. As of the end of December, 45 pledges totaling $122, 704 have been received for the General Fund. This represents no change in the number of pledges, but a substantial decrease in the amount pledged. We still Praise God! Jeff Jaycox Stewardship Elder Pledges for General Fund Missions

2008 $109,802 $ 19,505

2009 $123,646 $ 19,002

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2010 $116,000 $ 18,860

2011 2012 $161,658 $122,704 $ 25,214 $ 15,956

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Homework Club Back in 2006, God laid on my heart the idea for the Homework Club after our entire church met to formulate a plan for our future. What I had in mind was for students to come to our church after school to get the help they needed with their homework. I put a note in the Sunday bulletin and was amazed when 7 or 8 people came up to me saying they would like to help. After contacting Hirsch Elementary School, we agreed to have the club there upon the principal’s request. Every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 2:35 to 3:45 p.m. for the last five years, three or four volunteers have been tutoring students who need extra help to succeed in school. We have heard from former students that they are now doing well with their schoolwork as a result. That summer, by God’s providence, I met missionaries who promote school Bible clubs. Once again I felt God had called us to do this and IPC began praying for a Bible club at Hirsch. We needed more volunteers to do this but there weren’t enough available from our church. Then we heard about Kids Clubs which were already well established in Santa Clara County. Kids Club is an after-school program designed to teach positive biblical life skills to children in public schools. Each Kids Club is run by several churches in the area working together. Meanwhile we were humbled by the difficulty we experienced with disrespectful, disobedient students in the Homework Club. We relied on God to help us love them despite their rejection of us. The volunteers met with the teachers and principal to make improvements and prayed every day for God to work in the children’s hearts. In 2008 a promotional Kids Club video was shown at Harbor Light Church. Mrs. Casey, Hirsch’s principal, “happened” to be there that day and said she wanted to have a Kids Club at her school! After meeting with Harbor Light in November 2008, we agreed Page 40

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church to partner together for the club at Hirsch. Carol Lynn and I along with about 10 volunteers from Harbor Light started Hirsch’s Kids Club in February 2009 with about 40 students, becoming the first Kids Club in Alameda County! In three years of ministry, Hirsch’s Kids Club has grown to about 100 students. Carol Lynn shared that some students who were hesitant to memorize scripture verses in her Kids Club group want to be the first to recite them now. I was thrilled to be able to tell a little boy in my group whose father had passed away that God promises to be a father to the fatherless. This was very special because the same thing happened to me and to my own children. I felt blessed to be able to comfort this child with our experience of God’s tender love and care. On Monday, December 12, 2011 the children celebrated Jesus’ birthday and put on a presentation for their parents. The 6th grade girls entertained us with a skit while the youngest students wore costumes to set the scene of Jesus’ birth. The middle grades sang carols led by Jackie Rockett, and recited poetry. The oldest boys heralded us with scripture verses. What a joyous way to celebrate our Savior’s birth! Our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has had a transformational effect on Hirsch and its students. The Homework Club has become a friendly place where students who were failing now excel academically. Student behavior has improved dramatically with teachers reporting fewer problems and more cooperation. Test scores have risen to the point that it has been noticed at the district level. In 2010, we received from the California PTA the California Golden Oak Award for our support of the school. http://www.greatschools.org/modperl/achievement/ca/82#CSTResults Thank you to all of the volunteers who have been willing to give of themselves over the years. This year Kamroon Baksh and Barbara Walton have joined with last years volunteers, Jeanette Ollison, Carol Lynn, Jeane Garrett, Thea Pex, and Shirley Murray, to tutor students at the Homework Club. Jackie Rockett is new this year at the Kids Club, joining Carol Lynn and Jeanette Ollison. Jeanette Ollison, Homework Club Director

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Church Alive! Team IPC’s Church Alive! / Congregational Life Team is centered on the horizontal relationship of people in fellowship, both with people we’ve known for a long time, and with people we’ve known for a short time ( visitors and new members). We did this in a variety of ways this past year:  Ministry Fair in October  Summer Picnic in August The annual summertime Church picnic was well attended with many casual passers-by joining in. Young and old enjoyed a variety of meats provided by the Church while the side dishes, salads, and deserts were contributed potluck style. Several other meals were served during the year in honor of various speakers and guests who contributed to our worship services.

Mounting of the bell was one of the major accomplishments of the fall. After being silent for over twenty years with a broken rope, being out of sight since 1960, and being in storage for over ten years, the bell was finally put back into service. Instead of swinging it by pulling on a rope, it now rung with an electrically actuated clapper. Look for it on the choir-room roof overlooking the patio and parking lot. Advertising in the newspaper was limited to the Easter service. This method appears to have little effect, as fewer people are actually reading the newspapers any more. The Church’s web pages are somewhat dated and need a caretaker. We have two domain names, irvingtonpres.org and irvingtonpres.com, but both are suffering from neglect. What we need is an active Webmaster who will Page 42

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church keep the content current and relevant. Facebook is proving to be a more viable means for spreading our messages with video of each week’s service, but it also requires regular care and feeding beyond what our current volunteers are graciously contributing. Community outreach was through several methods. An attempt was made to contact each individual or family of first-time attendees with a visit to their home by Pastor Boyland, an elder, or a member of the visitation group of volunteers. The Vacation Bible School is a major outreach to the surrounding neighborhood and was well attended. The homework club (described elsewhere) is also another community outreach effort. With both VBS and the homework club, the effort is to provide a rewarding experience for the children with the hope that they will want to come back with their parents Robert Reavis, Elder Congregational Life / Church alive! Chair

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Boy Scout Troop 102 In 2009, Boy Scout Troop 102 started meeting at IPC on Monday nights. It is an active troop of young men ages 11-18. The majority of the boys are home-schooled and mostly from Newark. The current Scoutmaster is Don Gordon. The committee chair is Amy Genthner-Wright. The church’s charter organization representative to the troop is Ron Fong. The troop is a partnership with the church in building up young men with character, citizenship and fitness in this 101st year of the founding of Boy Scouts of America. The troop also participated in Scout Sunday, the first Sunday in February showing up to worship, read Scriptures, distribute bulletins, collect offerings and praise God! Troop 102 had a great year in 2011. We had numerous weekend campouts and outings including water skiing, fishing, snow camping, summer camp at Wente in Willits, backpacking Sunol, shooting sports and a Sonoran Desert outing. The number of boys in the unit is about 35. We are so grateful to Irvington Presbyterian church for allowing us the use of their facilities. It has truly been a blessing to have both the indoor facilities as well as the spacious lawn on which the boys love to run! We look forward to 2012 continuing a great working relationship between Troop 102 and IPC. Thank you, Amy Genthner-Wright Committee Chair Boy Scout Troop 102

Don Gordon Scoutmaster Boy Scout Troop 102

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Building and Grounds Committee The year 2011 started off with plumbing problems. We had repaired the two hot water faucets in the kitchen and took care of a wall redo in the sanctuary men's bathroom and replaced the urinal in the social hall's men's bathroom. The latter job required changing plumbers to get the job done correctly, timely and at a much reduced rate. We also had a dead tree removed from the lawn adjacent to the social hall. We had a great workday on Saturday, April 9 which was organized and guided by Karen Jaycox. The nursery carpet was deep cleaned professionally and the sanctuary carpet was also cleaned. There are 2 pew seats that have been cut and I was able to find the same fabric, color included, with the help of the original pew manufacturers. There is enough fabric to recover the seats and have leftover yardage for the future if it is needed. We bought a new computer for our Office Manager when the old one died. I discovered a large and important part of this job is to keep up to date with check requests so that all bills are paid before their due date. Session will be in 2012 doing a review of our one-time capital maintenance needs and desires for the next several years. If you are interested, then please contact Elder Dave Wegener. Some of the projects being discussed are shown below:

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Pray Reach Serve Phase III Building Renewal fund Estimated Cost Project 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13.

Costs were last updated several years ago and are being updated in 2012

New roof - Social Hall Painting the outside of the Social Hall Have a master landscaping plan developed. Hook up to City Water - for sprinklers / Water District New roof - Sanctuary New carpet - Sanctuary Worship Presentation System (TVs in the sanctuary) Paint the outside of the Sanctuary Better Security Lighting Security Cameras? Remodel Social Hall Bathrooms Reseal the parking lot What’s on your mind???

$ 50,000? $ 15,500? $ 1,800? $150,000? $ 75,000? $ 10,000? $ 10,000? $ 20,000? $ 10,000? $ 22,000? $ 5,000? ?? ??

We are currently working on upgrading the outside security lighting and perhaps adding security cameras in specific areas. The office of the Director of Children's Ministry will very soon be painted and re-carpeted. Thanks go to the many who helped on B&G:  Sprinkler repairs thanks to volunteer Joe DiMaggio  Bob Reavis, Pastor Michael, Mary Wolfe and Don Carson on the reinstalling the church bell  Dave Wegener and Pat Jeffries for furnace replacement  Ron Fong for the Social Hall Re-roofing grant and bids and lighting audit. My heartfelt thanks go out to those who help keep the campus presentable without being asked and without recognition. Pat Hughes, Elder B&G Chairperson Page 46

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Chinese Ministry Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ. After a very difficult year, Dr. Gao went Home in October 2011. She was a retired pathologist and professor in a top notch medical school in China. She was 86 years young. We had a thanksgiving memorial service for her at IPC. Auntie Wong’s husband in Beijing developed terminal cancer in the summer of 2011. The Lord moved Amy Wu to call Auntie Wong’s husband, who prayed to accept the Lord as his personal Savior. He was baptized and joined a local church. The terminal illness has continued, but Auntie says her husband was a hard rock before he accepted Jesus. The Lord has turned him into a small lamb. We have a visiting scholar in journalism from China who is pursing her education in Berkeley. She attends our services and has expressed a friendly interest in Christianity. She met a brother in the Lord who attends IPC who just happened to attend the same university in China as she did. This brother came to IPC Chinese ministry after finding it on the internet. God works so it is a small world and there are no coincidences. Our local mission, the Herald Family Rebuilding Center headed by Ann Zhou was featured on the local TV. They had an outreach drama and fundraising function which was a success. The ministry is housed in the Fremont Family Resource Center. The ministry advocates for the family values and engages in preventive effort to protect and foster family unity. HFRC assists immigrant couples experiencing relational difficulties to restore their family relationships. We also empower single parents and their families during their post-divorce struggles through workshops, support group Page 47

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church meetings and individual counseling. About 50% of American immigrant families experience divorce; and 75% of those who remarry also divorce. The immigrant divorcees and their children struggle which is why we support this critical ministry that is based on the healing power of Jesus.

Remember our hot Mama Kan who rides a scooter? She was in the hospital a few times in 2011. Her heart stopped several times during some procedures. But God healed her and once again, she is riding her red scooter to church and to the Farmer’s market. She bakes special sweet potatoes for Elder Amy Wu and Pastor Dick Hwang. Pastor Hwang’s wife Veronica’s father went Home to heaven in the spring of 2011. He was a very responsible caretaker of a large Presbyterian church in Taiwan for over 19 years. Cynthia’s husband, Pastor Gao, held the first graduation ceremonies from a new seminary in Tsingtao, China. His burden is heavy. He visited a remote village in China with three dying AIDS patients. He visited other ethnic Christian groups in remote areas. Please pray for his health and spiritual stamina. Every 1st and 3rd Tuesday morning, we have Bible Study and prayer meetings in the Sequoia Manor senior housing complex. On Thursday nights we have ping-pong ministry, led by the Rev. Dick Hwang. There are over a dozen people who participate in this ministry with much fun, laughter and friendship evangelism happening. A Christian couple recently moved into our area and was looking for a church. They met Alice twice during morning walks and talked. They were so

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church excited that they could walk to IPC. They gave us a rather unique and long testimony which Amy will be glad to share if you are interested. We received phone calls during Christmas season from various areas and people who have attended the IPC Chinese ministry. We thank God for His mercy and grace. We have had several people baptized here and then go back to Taiwan and China where they are living witnesses of our Lord Jesus Christ. Our Sunday morning Chinese language service serves an average of 18 people. Brother Michael Chau donated many excellent books and DVDs from the China Soul for Christ Foundation, including the popular “The Cross Jesus in China Seeds of Blood DVD. Michael and Ed (Amy’s husband) visit the Fremont Senior Center every Thursday morning to share the gospel. Let us give all the glory to our Almighty God! In Christ Elder Amy L. Wu Chinese Ministry

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Tri City Free Breakfast Program The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) continues to offer hot, nutritious breakfasts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. The program is staffed 100% by volunteers. Set-up and food preparation begins shortly after 4:00 a.m. with clean-up usually concluded by 9:30 a.m. Our guests include a significant percentage of seniors, families, working poor and homeless people. For the majority of our guests, this breakfast is often the only hot, nutritious meal consumed each day. Meals continue to include a wide range of healthy foods, such as milk, eggs, meat, bread, and fruit, and include diabetic sensitive options. Guests are referred to other social services as needed. Donated supplemental food is bagged and available for guests to take home. The program also provides (when available through donations) toiletry items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoos, etc. to guests. New socks are a requested item that we distribute whenever possible. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, TCFBP served a total of 21,866 guests in 2011. Combining first and second servings, TCFBP served 30,301 breakfast meals. The breakfast program was able to distribute7,673 bags of food (provisions) for guests to take with them. In 2010, TCFBP served a total of 23,718 adult guests and 698 children in 2010. Combining first and second servings, TCFBP has served 32,912 breakfast meals in 2010. The breakfast program has been able to distribute 6,654 bags (provisions) of food for the guests to take with them.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Month 2011 January February March April May June July August September October November December Totals: Monthly Average 2011 2010 2009

Guests Seconds


1866 1802 2001 1694 1674 1756 1823 1934 1776 1746 1874 1920

688 779 779 678 642 719 576 742 601 697 797 822

2554 2581 2795 2272 2316 2475 2399 2676 2377 2443 2671 2742







1,667 1,977 2,127

654 767 801

2,525 2,743 2,928

Children Provisions Volunteer Hours 54 514 609 58 521 583 64 661 662 51 553 547 50 633 701 59 673 842 45 818 994 59 797 1176 71 718 604 41 594 629 108 626 681 106 585 814 766


Children Provisions 58 58 111

639 555 563

8,842 Volunteer Hours 737 806 926

A total of 8.842 volunteer hours were used to prepare, cook, clean and serve breakfast to our guests. This number does not include the volunteer hours of those who serve on the Steering Committee or the volunteers who do food pick-up at the store for the program. In 2011 TCFBP continued to receive the following grants: City of Fremont; Walter & Elise Haas Grant; and Emergency Food and Shelter Program, and IPC Missions. Funding to run the program also comes from other churches, individuals, organizations, and businesses giving one time or ongoing donations. The program receives donations of food from many of the local grocery stores. TCFBP reimburses the church for 52% of the utilities and 50% of the custodial expenses incurred by IPC.

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) is a ministry of Irvington Presbyterian Church. Current TCFBP Steering Committee Members are: Betty Blizel Dining Room Manager & Survey Report Lisa Blizel Treasurer Don Carson Grant Writer Eleanor Conwell Recording Secretary Deborah Davis Newsletter Editor June Dawson Steering Committee Chair & Coordinator Richard Doberstein Volunteer & Food Pick-up Coordinator/Monday Dishwasher Jeane Garrett Food Purchasing Karen Jaycox – Program Coordinator & Census Report Wayne Neesham - Correspondence Secretary Joe Mastrocola – Volunteer and 4 a.m. Setup Jim Putler Facility Maintenance Florence Yeh Volunteer – Wednesday Cook We are looking forward to May 2012 as we start working on recognizing 15 years of volunteering. Thank you TCFBP Steering Committee, volunteers and supporters! You make it possible for the Breakfast Program to serve the growing number of people in our community needing help. Respectfully Submitted Karen Jaycox - Volunteer Program Coordinator

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Finance Committee The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring funds received are properly counted, deposited, held and spent. The Finance Committee ensures bills are paid promptly after approval for payment by the appropriate Committee Chairperson(s). The Finance Committee monitors all funds on deposit with Bank of America and with Synod for the IPC ‘On Demand’ Savings Account and Certificates of Deposit. The Finance Chairperson keeps Session and the Congregation informed of the church’s financial situation and ensures that all committees present proposed budgets for review and approval by Session. In 2011, the Finance Committee consisted of Don Carson as Chairperson; Helen Jorgensen, Dave King, Kathy Torrence, Shirley Murray, Russ and Denise Pennelly, Ron Fong, and Gill Carson as volunteer Counters; Jeanette Ollison as Bookkeeper; and Kathy Jeffries as Financial Recorder. The Chairperson monitors the functions of the Finance Committee and the IPC financial status and reports to Session and the Congregation. The Counters rotate on a weekly basis so that each week one Counter prepares and makes a bank deposit which includes all receipts for the week: general giving, special designated giving, facility rental receipts, and any other funds received by IPC. The Recorder keeps confidential records of all income and specifically individual contributions, and sends statements to church members and other contributors for their financial records. The Bookkeeper issues checks for all approved bills and keeps financial records including payroll and tax information. Church records are kept in a secure database managed by a software program called 'Church Windows.' Distribution of Funds Held


Checking no interest Bank of America Interest Checking Synod Custodial Fund

14% 30%

CD - Synod Certif. Deposits


Page 53

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church In 2011, the Finance Committee re-negotiated the lease with our long term renter, Comunidad Cristiana, to begin in 2012. The new lease provides for an extendable six-month term with some changes in the facilities used, to accommodate a reduction in usage and corresponding reduction in rent. Further discussions are planned for June of 2012 to depend on changing requirements of Comunidad (either expansion or contraction of needs). 2011 Financial Results. In 2011, the IPC General Fund incurred a substantial surplus of income over budgeted expenses ($33,667) instead of the planned surplus of $5,075. This surplus was mainly due to deferring the planned expenditure for a new roof on the Social Hall ($22,000) until the next fiscal year. Other contributing factors were additional income from interest on reserves, weddings, and miscellaneous giving. See graph below for the cumulative General Fund giving results over the calendar year.


2011 Cumulative Offering

$220,000 $200,000 $180,000 $160,000 $140,000 $120,000 $100,000 $80,000


2010 Actuals GF Budget




5/ 8 5/ 22 6/ 5 6/ 19 7/ 3 7/ 17 7/ 31 8/ 14 8/ 28 9/ 11 9/ 25 10 / 10 9 /2 3 11 /6 11 /2 0 12 /4 12 /1 8

1/ 2 1/ 16 1/ 30 2/ 13 2/ 27 3/ 13 3/ 27 4/ 10 4/ 24



2012 Budget. The General Fund Income Budget is based on the actual income from 2011. For General Giving, the stewardship campaign for 2012 showed substantially reduced pledges for the Page 54

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church coming year, so an average giving rate from 2011 was used to project this figure. This approach represents Session's faith and belief that historical trends will continue. Expected rental income from Comunidad and other sources is reduced for 2012 for the new lease agreement and to project from 2011 rents. On the plus side, projected interest from reserves is up slightly. Fund Balances General Fund Missions Deacons Renewal/Building Fund Special Offerings Deposit Special Events IPC Chinese Ministry Boy Scout Troop #102

Start Bal End Bal 1/1/2011 12/31/2011 $ 115,973 $ 152,328 $ 28,823 $ 15,924 $ 7,188 $ 462 $ 597 $ 402 $ 622 $ 523 $ 6,600 $ 8,160 $ $ $ 23,763 $ 15,431 $ $ -

Total Fund Balances

$ 183,566

$ 193,230

The expense budget for 2012 includes the a 3% merit increase for all salaried personnel, an increase in the Worship Director's salary, an LCD monitor to replace the projector and screen in the Sanctuary, an additional 10 hours/week salary for the Children’s Director, a set-aside (deferred from 2011) for the new roof on the social hall to take advantage of a City of Fremont grant, and miscellaneous other increases as shown in the budget details. The two charts following show the relative relationship of major categories of income and expenses for 2011 actuals compared to previous years and to the 2012 budget, in graphical form:

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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church IPC Expenses by Year

$250,000 $225,000 $200,000





2010 2011

$125,000 $100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 $0 Personnel





IPC Income by Year

$250,000 $225,000 $200,000





2010 2011


2012 Budget

$100,000 $75,000 $50,000 $25,000 $0 Giving


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Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church








2012 General Fund Budget Irvington Presbyterian

Approved 1/26/2012, corrected 2/1/2012 Summary of Expense Changes from 2011 Personnel

Worship Building and Grounds

Finance Christian Equipping Church Alive Stewardship Deacons

» » » » »

3% across-the-board merit increase added salary increase for Worship Director added 10 hour salary increase for Children's Ministry eliminated Facility Manager salary lcd monitor cost + budget request + keyboard

» blockhouse repair cost moved from 2011 » » » » »

social hall roof replacement - TCFBP amount Gas and electric down in 2011 Patrol cost added Termite inspection; Social Hall furnace vent 2011 office supplies, printing, per capita, insurance, taxes

» Youth budget request » Cornerstone printing cost » 2011 actuals » 2011 actuals

Page 57

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church 2011 Budget Expense Summary Comparison

Personnel Worship Building and Grounds Finance Christian Equipping Church Alive Stewardship Deacons (nonbenev.) Weddings TOTAL

2011 Actual $ 183,100 $ 5,756

2011 Bdgt. $ 185,254 $ 5,200

2012 Bdgt. $ 197,231 $ 7,950

2012 – 2011 $ 11,977 $ 2,750
























$ $

1,685 514

$ $

2,100 650

5,200 600

$ $

3,100 (50)








$ $

940 284,076

$ $


$ $ $ $ $ $


$ $


2011/2012 Budgeted Income Summary Comparison General Giving Envelope Offering Loose Offering Other Donations Income

2011 Actual $ 212,548 $ 208,486 $ $ 4,062 $ 104,752

2011 Bdgt. $ 206,000 $ 200,000 $ 6,000 $ $ 98,421

$ $ $ $ $

2012 Bdgt. 190,600 184,600 6,000 94,565

Rental Income







TCFBP Interest Specific Giving Weddings Other Income

$ $ $ $ $ $

20,135 5,524 2,844 2,905 1,758 317,300

$ $ $ $ $ $

19,165 4,000 1,000 304,421

$ $ $ $ $ $

19,165 6,000 1,000 285,165

Page 58

2012 – 2011 $ (15,400) $ (15,400) $ $ $ (3,856) $ $ $ $ $ $ $

(5,856) 2,000 (19,256)

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church 2011 General Fund Expense Budget Detail

2011 Actual 2011 Bdgt.

2012 Bdgt. 2012 – 2011

Personnel pastor salary Pastor housing pastor Auto pastor study Pastor dental

$ $ $ $ $ $

pastor pension

$ $ $ $ $ $

185,254 22,908 44,133 1,200 606 1,230

$ $ $ $ $ $


20,307 $



23,266 $

office manager misc pers. bookkeeper recorder

$ $ $ $

12,937 1,633 4,950 1,092

$ $ $ $

11,909 85 4,956 1,140

$ $ $ $

12,267 85 5,105 1,174

Facilities manager


2,400 $



- $

Music salary


13,750 $



20,000 $

guest mus. organist


$ 9,000 $


$ $

- $ 9,826 $

children director


18,209 $



25,493 $

youth director youth medical nursery salary payroll taxes payroll expense workers comp pers resource

$ $$ $ $ $ $

18,529 $ $ 1,703 $ 5,892 $ 675 $ 1,759 $ 330 $

16,500 1,838 6,195 1,370 2,654 332

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

16,995 1,893 6,195 1,370 1,088 332



5,756 $



7,950 $

Recording and Sound $-




700 $

$ $ $ $ $

350 900 300 100 800

$ $ $ $ $

700 1,200 700 200 800





69 570 $



400 $

piano tuning etc. pulpit supply bulletins bibles music recording/sound maint. resource material recording/sound Other

183,100 22,032 42,436 1,504 2,517 1,445

$$ $ $ $

1,200 599 162 185



$ $

197,231 23,595 45,457 1,236 624 1,230

$ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

$ $ $ $ $ $

11,977 687 1,324 36 18 -

Notes 3% merit 3% merit 3% merit 3% merit

update: 2,956 32.25% of Pastor's comp 357 3% merit 149 3% merit 34 3% merit (3,600) unfilled position 1,753

new Worship Director

286 3% merit 3% merit + 10 8,993 hours/week 495 3% merit 55 3% merit - estimate (1,566) new carrier 2,750 Praise Group keyboard 350 requested 300 2011 actuals 400 2011 actuals 100 -


- requested subtract $ 2,921 $ 500 projector, add $ 2,650 $ 3,150 lcd Page 59 2011 Actual 2011 Bdgt. 2012 Bdgt. 2012 – 2011 Notes

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Building and Grounds Custodian service Helper Supplies Landscaping Bldg Furnishings Facility Services Pests Garbage Gas & Elec. Internet Access Phone & email Equipment Leases

2011 Actual

2011 Bdgt.

2012 Bdgt.

2012 – 2011









$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

19,605 600 1,273 9,305 502 66 1,350 3,717 13,787 344 2,710 1,114 1,364

$ $ $ $

18,600 1,800 8,500

$ $ $ $

18,600 1,800 8,500

$ $ $ $

1,200 3,800 16,573

$ $ $ $

1,200 3,800 14,000

$ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $

(2,573) 2011 actuals

$ $ $

2,760 1,000 1,000

$ $ $

2,760 1,000 1,000

$ $ $

B-H door; social hall roof; termite (8,900) insp.; furnace vent 4,500 Patrol -









Security Other

$ $

168 3,767

$ $

600 1,000

$ $

5,100 1,000

$ $

Finance Misc Office supplies Postage Printing Other Bank

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

17,402 35 2,221 1,001 1,400 40 113

$ $ $ $ $

15,900 200 1,500 1,100 900

$ $ $ $ $

17,851 200 2,500 1,100 1,000





$ $ $ $ $ $ $

Per capita








Insurance Taxes

$ $

6,639 2,481

$ $

6,400 2,300

$ $

6,639 2,500

$ $

Christian Equipping









Children VBS Youth Adult ESL Leadership dev't

$ $ $ $ $ $

1,719 1,079 3,352 252 866

$ $ $ $

1,915 1,450 2,950 100

$ $ $ $

3,500 1,500 2,950 350





$ $ $ $ $ $

1,585 50 250 350

Page 60


1,951 1,000 100 -

2011 actuals 2011 actuals

$32 x 116 members 239 2011 actuals 200 2011 actuals 412

requested requested requested requested requested

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

2011 Actual 2011 Bdgt.

2012 Bdgt. 2012 – 2011

Church Alive Ads celebrations alpha Bibles Evangelism Cornerstone Printing

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

1,685 50 1,481 154 -

$ $ $ $ $ $

2,100 $ 200 $ 1,000 $ 500 $ 200 $ 200 $ $

Stewardship envelopes Campaign Postage

$ $ $ $

514 514 -

$ $ $ $

650 250 300 100

$ $ $ $

Deacons (nonbenev.)


1,297 $




5,200 200 1,500 500 200 200 2,600

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

3,100 500 2,600 2011 actuals

600 500 100

$ $ $ $

(50) 250 2011 actuals (300) -

1,300 $

200 2011 actuals

Bible StudiesStudying and investing in the Word will cause you to prosper in life says Joshua 1:8. IPC abounded in opportunities in 2011 with small groups in the Word as follows:  The Ladies Bible Study is on Monday mornings starting at 9:30 AM. Around a dozen women attend and coordinated by Mary Ellen McKowen  Pastor Michael has the Friday morning Men’s breakfast Bible study at Bay Street Cafe.  Nick McClure has been leading a Joy Bible study on Sundays at 9:00 and Pastor Michael taught a class on Sunday in the Fall at 9:00 a.m.  Pastor Michael & Patti Boyland held a Couples Bible study in the Spring.  Monday evening Bible study is hosted at Mary Ellen McKowen.  Chinese Bible Study in Sequoia Manor twice a month. Thanks be to the Lord for the dedication and volunteer time that our church members have done for spreading the word of the Lord through the Bible study meetings that they lead. Page 61

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Session Report The Session is responsible for the mission government of a particular church. This comprehensive responsibility includes the receiving of members, providing for worship, supervising the educational program, establishing the annual budget, providing for the management of the physical property ( building, grounds, equipment and furnishings), general administration, staff supervision, working with the deacons, keeping accurate rolls of the members, maintaining relationship with the higher governing bodies of the church, and leading the congregation outward in evangelism and mission. (From the Presbyterian Church Book of Order). The Session of Irvington Presbyterian Church met in 2011 for 12 stated regular meetings on the 4th Thursday of each month. The Session also held 8 special meetings in 2011. Five special meetings were to receive new members on April 23, June 23, July 30, September 13 and November 18. Three special meetings were online meetings to authorize an emergency replacement of the broken furnace in the social hall; approval of honorarium for the officer retreat moderator, and authorize emergency assistance to the Kingman estate for burial. Four congregational meetings were held in 2011. On June 12, 2011, a congregational meeting elected Anh Truong as an elder in preparation for Anh to become a lay pastor under care. On October 30, 2011, a congregational meeting elected Pat Jeffries as an elder to oversee the re-activated Worship Committee. On December 18, 2011, a congregational meeting elected officers for the Class of 2014 and other classes who would start serving in 2012. The February 13, 2011, congregational meeting was for the purpose of conducting the annual business meeting of the church: (1) receiving the annual report; (2) electing the Corporation officers –President Don Carson, Secretary Ron Fong and Treasurer Dave Wegener; (3) re-affirming the call of the Rev. Dr. Michael Maurice Boyland as pastor per the terms in the budget; (4) calling of members-at-large to serve on the nominating committee for 2011. Three “At-Large� members were elected: Ellen McKowen, Betty Blizel and Eleanor Conwell. Page 62

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church Session placed 18 more members on the inactive rolls. Members on the inactive rolls for more than two years can be officially removed from the membership rolls. Session encourages inactive members to be active Christians through renewed participation either here or at another church. Session takes this action to encourage inactive members to actively associate with a church wherever they may have gone onto; and to minimize paying per capita taxes, which in 2012 are $32 per member.

190 172

Church Membership Irvington Presbyterian

170 150


















90 70

Page 63










Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church The official church active membership revisions are: January l, 2011 ............................................................... 120 members

New members 2011

Anh N. Truong Jeanette Beland Alex Chung Nick Look Mindy Chin Pat Jeffries Mustapha Baksh Betty & David Burke Mary Lou & Richard Craig Jeanette & Michael Santo Gustine & Waymond Ho

Membership Transfers to other churches - None

Placed or Requested inactive 2011

Carole Ann & Carroll Kinslow Holly Cartier & Dan Chaikin Maggie Newkirk Jimmy Kemp Sylvia & Florentino Ramirez Lyle Surdyk David Wilson Dolores Lasseter Andrew Latrielle Nancy Eddy Judy Marsh Lorraine Quintana Sarah & Richard Reavis Ashton Simpson




Previous Inactive Roster : Eugene Aguilar, James Blizel, Bradley Cartier, Steve Dang, Rebecca Latreille, Maisha Ollison, Jack Shaw, Herman Rabe, ,

Passed on to Glory 2011

Everette “Flo� Krone David Ridley Bon Dawson Dan Kingman


Net Change +0 December 31, 2011......................................................... 113 members Page 64

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Our special thanks to every one who served on the 2011 session and all the people before them and after. Serving on Session in 2011 were:  Worship - Ken Ariathurai,- Class of 2011 and Pat Jeffries Class 2013  Christian Equipping – Lynnette Ariathurai. Class of 2013  Moderator - Michael Boyland Ex Officio  Finance - Don Carson. Class of 2011  Clerk of Session - Ron Fong, Class of 2013  Stewardship – Jeff Jaycox, Class of 2012  Building and Grounds, - Pat Hughes, Class of 2013  Missions – Tim Stachowiak, Class of 2013  Church Alive - Bob Reavis, Class of 2013  Personnel/Nominating ,-Dave Wegener, Class of 2011 Due to unusual circumstances, by the end of 2011, we prematurely lost from the board Pat Hughes due to health, Ken Ariathurai and Tim Stachowiak due to work; and Bob Reavis due to a change in circumstances. The 2012 year had several additional unique challenges as Clerk beyond the high turnover of elders.  The New Form of Government became effective July 1, 2011. The

New Form of Government (NFOG) is the latest Book of Order for the PCUSA denomination. It is the constitution of our church. There were massive changes in NFOG that essentially require each church and presbytery to establish their very own procedures manual of rules instead of having a single uniform manual of rules across the country. So, I’ve been busy trying to figure this out and compile an IPC manual. Some of things Session has taken action on has been to establish what constitutes a quorum on session and in the congregational meeting, what constitutes sufficient notice for a Page 65

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church congregational meeting, what constitutes a nominating committee for the church, what are the ordination standard for church officers, what is the church audit process, what is the term of office for the church treasurer and the clerk of session, what is the church’s misconduct policy, what is the parliamentary rules for church meetings, how do we prepare people for active membership, do we maintain an inactive list of members and if so, then for how long, and so on and so on. New Book of Order – other changes (a) Ordered Ministry replaces “office” (b) Deacons are still deacons, but they are now the Ministry of Compassion and Service (c) Elders are now Ruling Elders with the Ministry of Discernment and Governance (d) Pastors are now Teaching Elders with the Ministry of the Word and the Sacrament  The Community Development Block Grant with the City of Fremont

was another long process which resulted in IPC obtaining a grant to pay for 58% of the Social Hall re-roofing up to a maximum of $29,140. The roof is estimated to cost about $50,000, primarily due to the asbestos content of the existing roof. We were able to obtain this Federal grant because of our housing the Tri City Free Breakfast Program and because we had proposed installing a cool roof and retro-fitting energy efficient lights in the social hall. There was a contentious bid opening, and the project was bid twice. Work is planned for 2012 and should be completed in the 1st quarter.

 A lighting audit of the facility was conducted to explore potential

PG&E rebates and savings in the cost of energy used.  The Worship Task Force was scribed by the Clerk for the five

meetings we had, which was an unexpected and intense task.  Clerk facilitated / assisted Nominating Committee this year more than

average for the four meetings we held.

Page 66

Annual Report 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church  There were numerous discussions and interactions with Presbytery

over some of the controversy happening in Presbytery. As such, it was an unusually busy year for the Clerk. I look forward to a more satisfying 2012 of service in Him. Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2011 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Page 67

Church Report 2011 PIN Number


Presbytery Number



Irvington Presbyterian Church


4181 Irvington Ave PO Box 1336


Fremont, CA 94538-





Web Site




Membership Prior Active Members




17 & Under


18 & Over







Total Losses


Other Total Gains


Total Active Members


Baptized Total Adherents


Female Members


Average Attendance


Affiliate Members Baptisms


Child Baptisms


Male Session


Adult Baptisms


Female Session


Male Deacons Female Deacons Age Distribution of Active Members 25 & Under


26 - 45


46 - 55


56 - 65


Over 65


Total Distribution


Saturday, February 11, 2012




0 Church


Page: 1 of 2

People with Disabilities Hearing






Other Christian Education Birth 3


Grade 7


Age 4


Grade 8




Grade 9


Grade 1


Grade 10


Grade 2


Grade 11


Grade 3


Grade 12


Grade 4


Young Adults


Grade 5


Over 25


Grade 6






Racial Ethnic Breakdown












Black African American African


Middle Eastern Hispanic Native American










Potential Giving Units


Budgeted Income


Budgeted Expense



Receipts Regular Contributions



Capital Building Fund


Other Income

Investment Income


Subsidy or Aid

Local Program


Per Capital Apprt


Local Mission


Validated Mission


Capital Expenditures


Theological Fund



Investment Expenditures

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Other Mission



Page: 2 of 2

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