IPC 2013 Mission Study Survey

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Irvington Presbyterian Church Chapel Way and Irvington Avenue P.O. Box 1336, Fremont California 94538-0133 Tel: (510) 657-3133 Fax: (510) 657-7040 E-mail: Ipchurch@pacbell.net HU


Reaching Others For Christ since 1886

Mission Study Survey January 2013 The Mission Study Team thanks you for taking the time to provide this feedback. This survey is designed to help us look for the new pastor, by providing a detailed snapshot of who is IPC; how IPC thinks and what IPC values. An accurate survey will help the Pastor Nominating Committee present to the future pastor what a great home IPC will be if they are called to this church.. There are four parts to the survey. Part 1 – You and IPC; Part 2 – You and the Pastor; Part 3 =- You and God; Part 4 You and the World. Please complete all questions, or as much of the questions you are comfortable with completing. If you have difficulty completing the survey, the Mission Study Team can come and help. The estimated time of completion is about 30-45 minutes. We want all surveys returned to us by January 28, 2013. If there are questions, then please ask one of the members of the Mission Study Team Blessings Deloris Anderson

Nick McClure

Lynnette Ariathurai

Ron Fong

Marion Bade

PART 1 – You and IPC Questions about your relationship with IPC 1. In the last year, how often have you attended worship services at this church? None About once a month About once or twice a year About two or three times a month Once or twice every three months Four times a month or more 2. How long have you been involved with our church? Less than 6 months 6-12 months 1-2 years 3-5 years

6-10 years 10-19 years 20 or more years

3. What is your affiliation with our church? Member Non – member / friend Don’t know if I’m a member , but I come and regard this as my church

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Irvington Presbyterian Church

4. What are church activities you participate in at IPC? Please check all applicable boxes Children

Deacons/Session Tri City Free Breakfast Helping Others Prayer Church Committee Music Fellowship Group Senior

Youth (Jr Hi /High School) Kids Club Teaching Tuesday Night iBlast Homework Club Bible Study College / Young Adults

Singles Families Singing / Choir Sunday services greeter, usher, AV Support Groups None Other ______________

5. Has your involvement in the congregation increased, decreased, or remained about the same in the last three years? Increased

Remained about the same


If your involvement has changed, then please explain the reason why it has changed More Involved Because

Less Involved because

More time available

Less time available

Because of children

Because of children

Accepted office or other new responsibility in the church

Given up office or other new responsibility in the church

Better health

Health problems

Stronger faith

Decreased faith

More positive attitudes Towards the church

Negative attitudes Towards the church

Other (Please state below)

Other (Please state below)



6. How satisfied are you with what is offered for children and youth (less than 19 years of age) Neutral or unsure Very Very Not sure / Satisfied Mixed feelings Dissatisfied Satisfied dissatisfied Don’t know

7. Agree or disagree: “In general, there is a good match between our pastor and the congregation?” Strongly agree

Mission Study Survey


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings

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Strongly disagree

Irvington Presbyterian Church

Decline to Answer

8. What do you personally value the most about IPC? (mark up to five ) Youth Missionary Visits and Trips Vacation Bible School

Homework Club / Kids Club Sunday School Social activities or meeting new people

Music / Choir Openness to social diversity Sermons and preaching Fellowship Group Bible Study(s) Discussion Group(s) Prayer Ministry for one another Tri City Free Breakfast Helping Others

Worship Services on Sunday Church Committee(s) Support Groups People volunteering Practical care for one another in times of need Wider community care or social justice Reaching those who do not attend church Sharing in Holy Communion / Lord’s Supper Nothing

Others (please describe)


9 How important to you are the following specific items as part of a Sunday worship service? Importance in Worship a. b. c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m. n. o. p. q. r. s. t. u. v. w. x. y.

Extremely Important

Very Important

Somewhat Important

Announcements Celebrating religious holidays Candle lighting Children dedications Children’s story Choir Coffee hour Instrumental music Lay Participation Meditation or silent prayer Liturgical Readings Missions Information and Sharing Offerings Collected Praise Singers at beginning and end Prayer Reading of the Scriptures Recognizing visitors Sermon Sharing joys and concerns Singing of hymns Singing contemporary music Spelling Providing time for greeting others Worship that is emotionally moving Worship that is intellectually challenging

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Not Important

PART 2 – YOU and the PASTOR Questions about your relationship with the Pastor 1. Pick three qualities you think are most important in evaluating a pastoral candidate? Character (strong moral consistency, stability, reliability) Consultative and cooperative approach Creativity ( ability to develop and present new ideas and methods) Compassion and Empathy (genuine interest, kindness and concern care about others) Humility (awareness of his/her limitations) Intellectual depth and rigor ( educated, informed, scholarship) Open – mindedness (receptive to other ideas) Professional competence (ability to communicate, counsel, empower, etc.) Sense of calling ( motivated, enthusiastic) Sense of humor Other: ________________________________________________ 2. How would you personally feel about our congregation calling a pastor who is … Enthusiastic

Comfortable Uncomfortable

a. Male b. Female c. White d. Non White e. Gay or Lesbian or Other f. Physically challenged g. Politically liberal h. Politically conservative i. Is biblically based and illustrated j. Younger than 40 k. Older than 60 l. Divorced m. Supportive of Amendment 10a Allowing Ordination of Gay/Lesbians Mission Study Survey

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Doesn’t Matter

3. Each pastor has to prioritize their time. In what rank order would you like our next pastor to spend time ( Using 1 as the most important and 8 as least important) Enter a number from 1-8 in the box a. Pastor: counsels, visits the sick, visits people at home, etc. b.

Facilitator: involves people in congregational life


Spiritual leader: prepares and leads worship and celebrations


Intellectual leader: challenges and stimulates the thinking of the people


Administrator: achieves results by coordinating & supporting the efforts of others


Person of Character: models the ethnical life


Mentor: disciples and develops individuals and small groups


Other: Please specify: ____________________________

4. How important to you is that the Pastor do these ministerial functions? Extremely Very Important Important

Importance of Pastor doing

Somewhat Important

a. Administration b. Adult religious education c. Children’s religious education d. Committee Work e. Denominational / Presbytery activities f. Facilities Design / Planning g. Finance h. Fundraising / Capital Campaign i. Hospital calling j. Evangelism k. Involvement in Mission Beyond Local Church l. Interfaith outreach and communication m. Membership growth n. Music and liturgical arts o. Leadership development p. Personal counseling

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Not Important

Extremely Very Important Important

Importance of Pastor doing

Somewhat Important

Not Important

q. Preaching r. Small Groups Ministry / Discipleship s. Social Action t. Spiritual Guidance u. Staff Relations v. Worship x. Young adult ministry y. Youth ministry z

Other: Please specify _____________

aa. Family Ministry bb. Cross Cultural Collaboration / Cultural Proficiency cc. Defining Program Needs

5. Choose three priorities as most important considerations for a pastor to focus on Assuring efficient and effective church administration Caring for and counseling individuals Encouraging volunteers and developing lay leadership Fostering a sense of fellowship and community within the church Leading and guiding the church staff Guiding and facilitating committee work Offering stimulating adult enrichment programs Participating in religious education for children and youth Presenting stimulating and challenging Sunday services Providing visible leadership in the community beyond the church Growing the membership of the church Biblical Education and Developing spiritually mature disciples of Jesus Other: _______________________________________________________________

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6.How important are each of the following mix of qualities that make a good sermon? Essential

Good Sermons

Important Not Very Important

a. Set forth various sides of an issue without advoca ting one position as the only Christian position b. Be spiritually moving and inspirational

c. Be carefully composed and skillfully delivered

d. Is comforting and reassuring

e. Humorous f. Obviously flows from the depth of the preacher’s own personal faith and spiritual convictions g. challenging and thought provoking h. Makes me reflect on issues and events that go beyond my personal life and local community i. Is biblically based and illustrated

j. Touches directly on my everyday life

k. Contains scholarly or literary illustrations l. Expresses a clear unambiguous basis of religious authority m. Sets forth a clear faith position as a guide for making decisions and living a faithful life n

Other: Please specify _____________

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Downright Distracting

PART 3 – You and God 1. Do you agree or disagree: “Only followers of Jesus Christ can be saved” Strongly agree


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings


Strongly disagree

Decline to Answer

2. Do you agree / disagree: “Humans have developed over millions of years from less advanced life” Strongly agree


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings


Strongly disagree

Decline to Answer

3. Do you agree or disagree: “Jesus’ resurrection from the dead was an actual event” Neutral or unsure Strongly Strongly Decline to Disagree Agree Mixed feelings agree Answer disagree

4 Agree or disagree: “All religions are equally good ways of helping a person find ultimate truth” Strongly agree


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings


Strongly disagree

Decline to Answer

5. Do you agree or disagree: “Social justice is at the heart of the Gospel” Strongly agree


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings


Strongly disagree

Decline to Answer

6. Agree /disagree: “It is often difficult to live out my faith in daily work, leisure & community life” Strongly agree



Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings


Strongly disagree

Decline to Answer

Agree or disagree: “The Bible has answers for all of the basic questions of life” Strongly agree

Mission Study Survey


Neutral or unsure Mixed feelings

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Strongly disagree

Irvington Presbyterian Church

Decline to Answer

8. How often do you spend time in private devotional activities? (time spent alone in prayer, meditation, reading the Bible, etc)

Every day or most days A few times a week Once a week Occasionally Hardly ever Never 9. Have you personally accepted Jesus as your personal savior? Yes


Not sure

Decline to answer

10. Over the last year, how much have you grown in your faith? (Mark only one) No real growth Some growth Much growth, mainly through this congregation Much growth, mainly through other groups or ministries Much growth, mainly through my own private activities 11. Which statement comes closest to your view of the Bible? (Mark only one) The Bible is the word of God, to be taken literally word for word The Bible is the word of God, to be interpreted and based on its historical context and the church’s teachings The Bible is the word of God, to be interpreted and based on its historical and cultural context The Bible is not the word of God, but contains God’s word to us The Bible is not the word of God, but is a valuable book The Bible is an ancient book with little value today Unsure / Don’t know or have no opinion

12. Which statement best describes your readiness to talk to others about your faith? (Mark only one) I do not have faith, so the question is not applicable I do not talk about my faith; my life and actions are sufficient witness to others I find it hard to talk about my faith I mostly feel at ease talking about faith and do so if it comes up Mission Study ISurvey January 2013 Irvington Church feel at ease talking about faith and– Page seek9opportunities to do Presbyterian so

PART 4 – You and the World 1. What is your gender? Female



2. What is your marital Status? Never Married Married Widow

Decline to State

Divorced Domestic partnership Living with partner

3. What is your age range? 11 or younger 12-20 21-25

26-35 36-45 46-55

4. Please indicate if you have a disability in Hearing Sight

56-65 66-75 over 75 Mobility

Other ______________

5. What group best describes you? Select all that apply and fill in the blanks White / Caucasian Indo-American Black or African American Middle Eastern Hispanic Asian or Asian American/Pacific Islander Native American Multi Racial or Other Please specify ______________________ 6. What origins best describes you? Select all that apply and fill in the blanks Born in the USA Immigrated from <enter country> ________________ Immigrant as a youth before 18 Immigrant as Adult 6. What is your employment status? (Mark all that apply) Retired Not currently employed Employed full-time Full-time homemaker Employed part-time Student 7. Which statement best describes the people who currently live in your household? I live alone Two or more adults with child / children A couple without children Some adults living in the same household One adult with child / children 8. How long does it usually take you to get here? 1-5 minutes 6-10 minutes 11-15 minutes 16-20 minutes Mission Study Survey

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21-30 minutes More than 30 minutes

Irvington Presbyterian Church

9. How many children of any age do you have, whether they live at home or elsewhere? Please write the number 10. How many of your children of any age live at home with you? Please write the number

BONUS ROUND – Open Ended Questions Please respond to as many of these questions as you like. If you use additional sheets of paper, then please indicate the numbers of the questions you are responding to: 1.What current strengths does our congregation possess that you would like to either see maintained or developed in the immediate future?

2. What are the main things you would like IPC to accomplish or get involved in within the next three to five years?

3. What current church problems/issues concern you? What problems/issues are likely to be pressing in five years?

4 What qualities (professional skills/expertise and personal) should our next pastor possess? What is your profile of our the new pastor?

5. What achievements would make you say “I’m glad the minister is among us” ?

6. Describe the worst mistake the new pastor could make

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7. What expectations, however unstated, do you have about the new pastor’s family and personal life?

8. Assuming that God continues to shape the character and life of Irvington PC, what does IPC look like in 5 years? Given the complexion of the surrounding neighborhood, to whom is God calling IPC to reach? What will Irvington need to change in order to reach these people in the name of Jesus Christ? What kind of leadership, both lay and pastoral, will be needed to accomplish this mission?

9. Are there any other comments you would like to make?

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Irvington Presbyterian Church

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