IPC 2012 Annual Report for 2012

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

TABLE OF CONTENTS IPC Annual Report for 2012 Pastor's Report


Presbytery, Synod And General Assembly Report


Board of Deacons


Deacons Treasurers Report 2012


Nominating Committee


Worship Committee


Christian Equipping Committee Report


Children's Ministry Report


Youth Ministry Report


Missions Team


Personnel Committee


Stewardship Team


Homework Club / Kids Club


Church Alive! Team


Boy Scout Troop 102


Building and Grounds Committee


Chinese Ministry


Tri City Free Breakfast Program


Finance Committee


Bible Studies-


Session Report


PCUSA Statistical Report

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Pastor's Report

IPC is where friends and families from all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on Life’s journey.

At the end of March 2013, I will have served as your pastor for ten years. It is a good time to look back and see what has changed over these years. IPC is a church with a strong mission outreach. The focus of our Missions Team is to bring the good news of Jesus to places where there is not yet a church, or where the church is just beginning among an unreached people. In 2011, we began to help support three missions working to bring the good news of Jesus to Muslim peoples in Africa and in Asia. This work is very sensitive, of course. Keep praying for our missionaries, and keep up the faith promise support of missions. At Pentecost 2005, we began worship in Mandarin under the leadership of Elder Amy Wu and members Dick and Veronica Hwang. This ministry has continued to bear fruit as immigrants from Mainland China have come to faith in Christ, been baptized, and some have returned to their homeland. The Chinese ministry continues to have red-hot pong games on Thursday evenings in our social hall. IPC offered English as a Second Language classes for a few years on Sunday Mornings from 9 to 10 AM so that students could attend worship in Page 3

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Mandarin after the class. Bilingual high school students helped translate. It would be good to have an ESL class again. In 2006, we began the Homework Club at Hirsch Elementary School. This volunteer effort has helped year by year to raise the test scores of Hirsch students. The California State Parents and Teachers Association gave the Golden Oak award to the “Irvington Presbyterian Church Homework Club Angels.” Then in 2008, working with Harbor Light Assembly of God Church, we began a Kids Club on Monday afternoons at Hirsch. This program reaches children from unchurched, Hindu and Sikh homes with the good news of Jesus. Some from Kids Club come to children’s programs at IPC. These efforts have been so well received that the Fremont School District has invited other churches to help on campus. Several churches are following the path broken by IPC and Harbor Light to bring the good news of Jesus to students on local campuses. The Tri Cities Free Breakfast Program (TCFB) has gone from strength to strength. The current leadership is IPC Deacon June Dawson as Steering Committee Chair and Gerlinde Mardirosian, a regular attendee, as Program Coordinator. The number of guests has continued to increase. A common theme of breakfast guests who moved from homelessness to a better life has been the collaboration between TCFB and other helping agencies such as Abode Services, the Hope Van and Healthy Start. The City of Fremont is so happy with our TCFB that they gave a grant to cover the greater part of the cost of a new roof for the Social Hall in 2012. Financially IPC is in good pretty shape, as our reserves are at a historically high level. The rental income from Comunidad Cristiana and from Clearwire helps, but the bulk of our expenses are met by the generous giving of members and friends. At the beginning of 2012, we hired Alishan Merjanian as Music Director. Alishan had attended IPC as a small boy while his mother, Christine, was Director here. Alishan is a great blessing for our worship. In the course of

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church the year, we changed job descriptions so that Alishan is Worship Leader and Daniel Khuc, our organist, is Music Administrator. This is working well. Anh Truong resigned as Youth Ministry Director in August 2012 to spend more time with his growing family. Since the youth group has graduated and gone to university, we will not have a paid Youth Ministry Director in 2013. Jeanette Beland continues to do an outstanding job in Children’s and Family Ministries. We are blessed with a fine staff team with Frankie Cabral Managing the Office, Jeanette Ollison as Bookkeeper and Custodian, and Kathy Jeffries as recorder. The year 2013 will be a time of transition for Irvington Presbyterian Church. Patti and I love this church and the community of faithful followers of Jesus here, but the time has come and as you know, I will be retiring at the end of August 2013. The Committee on Ministry of San Francisco Presbytery (COM) is graciously letting IPC do something that has never been attempted before in the history of the Presbytery, as far as I know. They are letting us start the process of transition while I still serve as pastor. We have elected a vigorous and competent Mission Study Team to survey the congregation and prepare a mission study. When COM accepts the mission study early in 2013, IPC can elect a Pastor Nominating Committee and begin the search process. Do pray for the Mission Study Team and for the whole transition process. And now let us make 2013 the best year yet. We have some amazing, cutting-edge ministries; we have new people coming to worship with us and to unite as members with IPC; we are in good shape financially. God has been smiling on Irvington Presbyterian Church. Let us continue to lift Jesus higher in our own lives, in our community and all over the world. Respectfully submitted Pastor Michael Boyland Epiphany, 2013

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Presbytery, Synod And General Assembly Report Presbytery, Synod, and General Assembly are the higher levels of our church government. Presbytery covers the heart of the San Francisco Bay Area and meets five times a year. The Presbytery of San Francisco was founded in 1849. It was 163 years old in 2012.

    


76 congregations embracing more than 40 cultures and languages 28additional specialized ministries 21,825 congregation members 300+ pastors and ministers www.presbyteryofsf.org

Session sent elder commissioners to all five San Francisco Presbytery meetings in 2012. Hot button issues in Presbytery this year continued over how we should be handling the issues of ordained leadership practicing or promoting homosexuality. Danville Presbytery left the Presbytery taking away 1,862 members. Page 6

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

All of this contention is continuing to be distracting energy, money and people in the church away from doing the ministry of Jesus. Pray for wisdom in our church leaders! Synod addresses the western region of the country and meets three times a year. Synod of the Pacific is governed by 52 Commissioners elected by the 11 Presbyteries within its boundaries covering northern California, Idaho, Oregon and Nevada. One of the benefits of synod is their investment and loan services. They provide interest checking to the church at 1.25% and 6 month certificates of deposit to churches at 1.75%. http://www.synodpacific.org/ General Assembly (GA) is the Biennial convention of the national church government and meets once every two years. The GA consists of commissioners elected by presbyteries. Half of the commissioners will be ordained ministers. The other half will be elders. The GA http://www.pcusa.org/generalassembly/ reviews the work of synods, resolves controversies in the church, is responsible for matters of common concern for the whole church, and serves as a symbol of unity for the church, which has more than 2 million members, more than 10,000 congregations and 14,000 ordained and active ministers. The 220th GA was held in Pittsburg, PA in June 30 – July 7, 2012 (http://oga.pcusa.org/section/ga/ga220/). Elder Joan Fong was sent as a representative of the San Francisco Presbytery to the GA as was Pastor Greg Roth of Centerville Presbytery Church. Joan also served as a moderator of one of the 27 committees of the GA. Noteworthy items that happened at GA include: upholding the definition of marriage as one man and one woman, with a 2 year season of study regarding the meaning of Christian marriage. The vote to change it to be between two Page 7

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church persons did not pass (308-332-2) This issue will return at the next GA scheduled for Detroit in 2014 choosing to invest to help the Palestinians instead of divesting from Caterpillar, HP & Motorola establishing a goal of developing 1001 new worshipping communities over the next 10 years (as opposed to traditional understanding of “churches�), which will be sponsored/initiated by the PC(USA). More info http://www.onethousandone.org/Home.aspx

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church maintaining the special offerings and approved effort to raise $20M through them by 2020 ordination Overtures seeking to reinstate the “fidelity and chastity” language removed from the Book of Order with Amendment 10A failed. However, an amendment to the Book of Order will be coming to the presbyteries for approval: it seeks to add “repentance of sin and diligent use of the means of grace” to the requirements for the manner of life of those seeking ordination. Of special note within this area is an amendment coming to presbyteries affirming that since “the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) does not have one interpretation of Scripture” on the issue of “committed same-gender relationships,” we as a denomination should “commit ourselves to continue respectful dialogue with those who hold differing convictions, to welcome one another for God’s glory, and not to vilify those whose convictions we believe to be in error. Rev. Gradye Parsons, running unopposed, was elected to a second four-year term as Stated Clerk of the General Assembly. A new hymnal, “Glory to God,” was approved for use in the denomination. More info http://www.presbyterianhymnal.org/ The General Assembly Mission Council (GAMC) was renamed the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB). Stated Clerk Gradye Parsons ruled that the Book of Confessions is subordinate to the Book of Order in matters pertaining to the General Assembly and as the rule book for the denomination Elder Joan Fong also served on the Denominational National Mission Development Resource Committee in charge of loans and grants; and on the Presbytery Graceful Separation Review Committee and De-Tox Team; Page 9

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church as well as represent the entire PCUSA denomination on The Insurance Board – an interdenominational insurance co-op, along with being on the Presbyterian Historical Society Board and the Asian American Presbyterian Women Board. Pastor Michael Boyland served on the Presbyterian Nominating Committee. Please provide for wisdom and strength for Boyland and Fong as they serve in leadership and help our denomination wrestle with these issues. We are blessed at IPC to have so many caring, loving, and praying people. God really has spread his grace on this church and I agree with the pastor that we are going to see tremendous changes in 2013 – but all for the good in God’s plan. We have indeed much to praise Him for, and it will be interesting to see what is next on our incredible life journey with Jesus. Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

IPC is where friends and families From all ages and nations find meaning, purpose and belonging in Jesus Christ on life’s journey

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Board of Deacons The Board of Deacons for the year 2012 consisted of ten members. They were: Officers:

   

Moderator – Shirley Murray Vice Moderator – Bonnie Burger Secretary – Kathy Flenniken Treasurer – Deloris Anderson

The Committee Chairpersons:           

Juice for the coffee hour – Karen Jaycox Communion Reminder – Emmy Yourish Communion Supplies – Emmy Yourish Deacon Supplies – Shirley Murray Flowers – Shirley Murray Nursery – Lisa Young Medical Supplies – Jean Landrum Prayer Chain – Thea Pex Newsletter – Peggy Handono Snack Chairman – Bonnie Burger Nominating Committee Rep. – Deloris Anderson

Parishes: In 2012, IPC members were divided into eleven parishes, each served by a Deacon. The Deacons cared for their needs, prayed for them and helped them in anyway they could when called upon to do so. Prayer Chain: During 2012, 209 requests to our Lord for prayers were prayed for by the Deacons, Pastor, Session and members of the congregation. Any member of the church may call the church office, the Prayer Chain chairperson, the Deacon Moderator, the Pastor or any Deacon in order to receive prayers from the prayer chain. In 2011, the prayer chain

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church carried 239 prayer requests to our Lord asking for His help in many varied situations. In 2010, the prayer chain carried 176 prayer requests. Deacons have arranged transportation, provided meals for those who are ill, made hospital visits and care home visits, as well as sending birthday, sympathy and anniversary cards. Deacons also notify members of their parish of special activities, such as the church picnic. Deacons have arranged transportation, provided meals for those who are ill, made hospital visits and care home visits, as well as sending birthday, sympathy and anniversary cards. Deacons also notify members of their parish of special activities, such as the church picnic, potluck and Christmas activities. Eight of the congregation were taken to glory by the Lord in 2012. Gayle Jorgenson (Helen’s daughter), Russ Herron (Louis and Joanna Furstner son-in-law), Eleanor Conwell, Phyllis Parker, Elma Kienhle, Margaret Howden, Davey Burke and John Randall will be sorely missed. Deacons provided and served food for the receptions after the memorial services giving solace to the families as well. For Easter and Christmas, the Deacons provided and sold plants to the congregation. For Mother's Day, the Deacons made corsages for the ladies of the congregation. The Deacons also keep the flower calendar and see that flowers are provided in the sanctuary each Sunday for worship. On Father's Day, strawberry shortcake was served after the Sunday Service and enjoyed by all. In October, after the Sunday service, we honored Pastor Michael for "Pastor Appreciation Day" with fruit and cheese & cracker trays. In late 2011, an after service snack time was initiated, and the Deacons and members of the congregation provided enough finger food items to enjoy during the fellowship hour. The Deacons initiate a sign-up sheet so that all of the congregation were welcomed to participate in providing the items. The Deacons serve coffee, tea and juice after services each Sunday.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church The Deacons take turns in preparing the communion table for communion on the first Sunday of the month. They also prepare communion for the Pastor to take to shut-ins. A Deacon attends the monthly Session meeting to give a report from the Deacons and to bring a report back from Session to the next Deacon meeting. The Deacons also keep an inventory of medical supplies and loan them to members as needed. We have items such as wheel chairs, walkers, canes and shower chairs. In 2012, three college graduates and six high school graduates were given inspirational books to aid them in becoming closer to the Lord as they transition into adulthood, and three students entering junior high were given cards. At Christmas 2012, the Deacons donated $250 to a needy family. Throughout the year, Deacons helped many needy recipients. The total amount given was $2,071. Although it was a very busy year, the Deacons felt privileged to serve the Lord and the congregation of Irvington Presbyterian Church. Moderator Shirley Murray 2012 Board of Deacons

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Deacons Treasurers Report 2012 Beginning Balance 2012 Deacons Fund …………… Income Collections and Donations $6,165.00 Flowers (Sundays) 497.00 Flowers ( Easter Lilies) 259.50 Flowers (Poinsettias 2012) 327.50 Subtotal Flowers $1084 Cookbook Sales 105.00 Pastor Gift 745.00 Total Income Deacons $ 8,099.00 Expenses Charity / Benevolence Benevolent Gifts / Family Assistance Pastor Discretionary

$2,188.13 337.00 $2525.13

Subtotal Charity

Church Service Deacon Supplies Coffee & Supplies Sunday Snacks Juice Flowers (Sundays) Flowers ( Easter Lilies) Flowers (Poinsettias) Mother’s Day Corsages Flowers (Poinsettias of 2011 paid in 2012)

760.20 375.45 15.88 116.02 312.88 275.95 313.74 56.56 332.77 $1291.90

Subtotal Flowers

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$ 8,099.00

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Receptions Special Events

466.55 357.25

Subtotal Above 3,383.25 Pass Thru Pastor Gift Total Expenses Deacons

745.00 2012

Less Reimbursement for Non Benevolence

Net Deacons Total Expense





- 1,398.15


$ 5,255.23

<$ 5,255.23>

Closing Balance 2012 Deacons Fund $16,111.26 *** Preliminary Figures unaudited. Note: This is the Deacon Treasurers report only. All Deacons Funds are administered directly by the Deacons and not part of the Church’s General Fund or Missions Fund.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Nominating Committee The Nominating Committee began meeting in March to fill the positions of Deacons and Elders for service in our church ministry. The committee was made of members-at-large Mary Ellen McKowen, Peter Bade, Ken Ariarthurai; Deacon Deloris Anderson; Session Representative Russ Pennelly and Chair Joe DiMaggio. The bylaws of Irvington Presbyterian Church call for 12 Elders and 15 Deacons. However, at this time, the church officers consists of 10 Elders and 12 Deacons. To fill the open positions, the congregation elected four Elders and five Deacon for office. Deacon


Class of 2012

Deloris Anderson Thea Pex

Class of 2013

*Alexis Di Maggio Kathy Flenniken Peggy Handano Karen Jaycox (resigned Dec 2012) *Kathy Jeffries Shirley Murray

Class of 2014

Bonnie Burger Gill Carson Kathy Fletcher (resigned Fall 2012) Jean Landrun *Denise Pennelly Lisa Young (resigned Fall 2012) Emmy Yourish

Class of 2015

*Mary Lou Craig *Dawn Lund

Newly elected officers Page 16

End of Term End of Term

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Elders:

Class of 2012

Don Carson Joe Di Maggio

End of Term End of Term

Jeff Jaycox

End of Term

Finance Personnel & Nominating Stewardship

Class of 2013

Lynnette Ariathurai Ron Fong Pat Jeffries Russ Pennelly ** Dave Wegener

(Christian Equipping (Clerk of Session) (Worship) (Church Alive) (Buildings & Grounds)

Class of 2014

Kamroon Baksh Mustapha Baksh

(Missions) (Missions)

Class of 2015

* Helen Jorgensen * Dean Ostdiek * Heather Ostdiek

(Finance) (Stewardship) (Personnel)

* Newly elected officers ** Extended for 1 year We thank all of the Deacons and Elders who have served in 2012, and welcome the incoming Deacons and Elders to service at IPC. Respectfully Submitted, Joe Di Maggio Chair, Nominating Committee

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Worship Committee Worship Committee is responsible for the Music Director, pulpit supply, worship assistants or hosts, ushers, greeters, Audio and Visual system volunteers, wedding hostesses, wedding policies, and inviting Elders and Deacons to serve communion. The committee provides sanctuary banners and works with the Pastor and Worship Leader and Worship Administrator in the design and flow of worship services. We celebrated the Lord’s Supper on the first Sunday of Each month. We were very fortunate to have Alishan Merjanian, as Worship Leader, and Daniel Khuc, as Worship Administrator. Alishan is responsible for the choir, and plays and sings with the praise band. Daniel is responsible for the praise group and plays the organ and piano for the choir and the praise group. The music is an important part in our service and I would like to thank all those who play in the praise band and all that sing in the choir and praise band. Thank you for your contributions and dedication.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church This year we added a 60-inch monitor and expanded the sound booth to accommodate room for the individuals doing the visual presentation. The sound booth costs $1500. The TV monitor cost $3,000 and replaced using a video projector and portable screen. A special thank you to the Blizels for organizing the greeters and ushers for each Sunday; to Shirley Murray for her work as wedding coordinator; to Mustapha and Kamroon Baksh for their work on the generation of slides for Sunday service; to Wayne Neesham and the sound system volunteers, and to the individuals that do the visual presentations every Sunday. Thanks to Dave King for hanging the banners every Sunday. Thanks also to the Deacons for the Communion Stewards. We celebrated Good Friday and Christmas Eve with special services. The Christmas Program included songs by the choir, youth, and Peggy Handano. Church Alive provided a nice reception afterward. CityServe, the ministerial association of Fremont, Newark, and Union City presented a prayer gathering every three months; IPC had representation at these meetings. IPC Celebrated Good Friday with a Christian Seder and Christmas Eve with special services. The program Christmas Program included adults, youth and children singing and narrating. Children's Time in worship service was dis-continued in 2011; and has a brief reappearance during Advent in 2012. I would like to thank all the scripture readers and all the people who participated in the Worship Service during 2012. Pat Jeffries, Chair IPC Worship Committee

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Youth & Children in Worship 100 Youth & Children Cumulative Attendance in 2012 is 86% of 2011

80 60 40 20 0

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2012 Youth & Children













2011 Youth & Children













2010 Youth & Children













2012 Adults only 2011 Adults only 2010 Adults only 2009 Adults only

Adults in Worship by month

Adults Cumulative Attendance in 2012 are 5% more than in 2011

500 450 400 350 300 250

Anh left Summer 2012

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun


Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

2012 Adults only

406 361 358 444 369 384 455 360 432 321 289 401

2011 Adults only

420 314 305 540 314 352 340 319 418 335 352 320

2010 Adults only

425 366 365 508 352 349 419 309 402 329 341 360

2009 Adults only

420 315 334 464 347 272 459 348 432 326 364 372

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December 2012 was 25% higher than Dec. 2011

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Christian Equipping Committee Report The 2012 year saw the Children’s Ministry grow with SURF and iBlast; and the youth group transition from Director Anh Truong to Alishan Merjanian. Jeanette Beland covers the lower age children, and Anh Truong / Alishan Merjanian covering the Jr. High to College kids. They have done wonderful things in growing the program, as you will read in their reports. The local homework club and kids club at Hirsch Elementary School have also been a blessing; attracting a lot of kids with much kudos to Jeanette Ollison as you will read in her report. Our nursery has grown with new children from our church membership with Mrs. Fausia doing a wonderful job at watching the children. A Pre K Sunday School Class was started in the Fall by Kathy Flenninken. Our Sunday school program is continuous on with Jeanette Beland and Anh Truong/Alishan Merjanian instructing along with teachers Joan Fong, Carol Lynn, Dave Wegener, Lynnette Ariathurai, and Jeanette Ollison. Group Worship in Sunday School was also continued this year before the kids break off into their age group Sunday Schools. BASS, the annual Bay Area Sunday School Conference for Christian workers in early March. http://bassconvention.org/ continues to be a resource and renewal opportunity for the whole church. I want to thank all the volunteers for their time and efforts for helping with the CE programs. Dave Wagener, Carol Lynn, Joan Fong, Jeanette Ollison, Nick McClure, Jeannette Beland, Anh Truong, Alishan Merjanian and Pastor Michael. For those not mentioned but have given the time and efforts and donations, thank you. God Bless to all, In the name of Jesus, Thank you. Lynnette Ariathurai CE chair and elder Page 22

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Children's Ministry Report

iKidz is the Children’s Ministries at IPC. Our goal is to provide spiritual formation experiences for children while encouraging and developing parents to become the primary faith communicators to their family. This past year we have seen continued development and growth. We have supported families in their quest to become healthier parents, introduced families to faith in Christ, and opened our hearts and lives to our neighborhood. Our primary means of connecting with our neighborhood continues to be our relationship with Hirsch Elementary School. Through our presence three days a week via Kids Bible Club and Homework Club, we are now seeing the fruit begin to manifest from the past few years of planting “seeds.” The majority of our family outreach has come through Hirsch as noted by the number of families participating in BLAST, VBS and other outreach experiences. A group of five Children’s Ministry team members met throughout the summer to review our midweek program offering. It was agreed upon that our Tuesday night program was reaching additional children who were not participating in the Hirsch Kids Club; as well as building new relationships with families. We noted Page 23

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church that program numbers would more than likely be down as parents have communicated to us that academics and cultural activities consumed a large amount of family time. Additionally, the traditional 8 p.m. ending time was too late for parents of young children. The team agreed, and we revised our BLAST program to support parents’ requests. This year BLAST is run from 5:30-7:30 p.m. BLAST now also focuses on grades K3. We have brought back dinner and have enlisted many IPC members to assist in providing a hot meal. We continue to work through the Bible through a curriculum which weaves Biblical content, basic theology and the Gospel through a variety of creative methods. IPC12 END OF YEAR BLAST Pictures online at http://bit.ly/IPC12BLAST

Our Sunday morning program has also witnessed growth. We now have an average of 10 children attending weekly. Our ministry team focuses on a 4-week “unit” each month, which addresses key concepts from a child’s viewpoint.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church This year also saw a new division in Children’s Ministries recognizing the unique needs of children in grades 4/5/6. Preteen ministry addresses the cognitive and social developments that preteens are experiencing. Our preteen program is called “SURF” (Students Under a Righteous Father). We have had numerous events, one on ones, group lunches which have seen an average of 6-10 students attending. Our Sunday school class has an average of 4 preteens. IPC12 1st Annual SURF 6th Grade SF Celebration Pictures are online at http://bit.ly/IPC12SURF . With the blessings of the Deacons, a Preschool program was begin in September in the Nursery. Kathy Flenniken took on the Coordinator role, and did an amazing job launching Sunday lessons for our littlest members. Unfortunately Kathy is unable to continue in this position. We are currently seeking an individual(s) who feel lead by God to help us keep the great work she began. Thank you Kathy for all your help! VBS 2012 was held the week of July 9-13. We had 35 children visit our campus with an amazing team of 20 volunteers helping us share God’s message that “Everything is possible.” Again, Rev. Barney Kinard joined us Thursday night for an ice cream social which saw 115 people enjoy ice cream and conversation. 18 children registered faith decisions during VBS. IPC12 VBS Pictures online at http://bit.ly/IPC12VBS iKidz saw 20 children make faith commitments this past year and celebrated 1 baptism. Children also participated this year in the church Christmas program and in Advent. See IPC12 Christmas Youth Pictures @ http://bit.ly/IPC12YOUTHDEC

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

2010 Benchmark

2011 Actual

2012 Projected

2012 Actual

2 18-25 -n/a

9-12 22 44 2

12-15 25-291 40 1

9-10 6 34 2



n/a n/a n/a n/a

2 2 1 12

1 2 0 10

0 1 0 18





















(as of 8/1/2010)

Sunday School BLAST VBS Families Added Families Receiving Assistance/Support Births Baptisms Affirmations of Faith Faith Commitments Total Infants (Sunday Average) Total Nursery-Toddler (Sunday Average) Total PreK/K (Sunday Average) Total 1-3 grades (Sunday Average) Total 4-6 grades (Sunday Average)


iKidz is indebted to the continual support of IPC through their service, prayer and financial support. We are blessed to know that families are being strengthened through the on-going efforts of Children’s Ministry. Touching Hearts, Changing Lives – one child at a time…. Jeanette “MJ” Beland Director Children's Ministry 1

Projected numbers do not reflect the change in grades participating in BLAST (K-3 only)

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Youth Ministry Report YOUTH MINISTRY

In 2012, Anh Truong was the Youth Director until September. His vision was to see the teenagers under his care to grow in faith in Christ, to grow in love for one another, to grow in love for the church, and to seek God’s good vision and destiny for their lives. Under his leadership there was much love and laughter among our teens, as well as deep conversation and selfreflection. We were extremely blessed to have him with us these past 2 years. Thank you Anh! The Jr. High/High School program in the spring consisted primarily of the Sunday morning worship service and Friday evening 12Stones Fellowship. Anh also made a serious effort to take the youth out for 1-on-1 or 1-on-2 meals to encourage and disciple each of them according to their own needs. Attendance on Sunday mornings ranged from 1-11, Friday evenings ranged from 1-10. This past year’s High School group consisted largely of graduating seniors heading off to college resulting in a decline in numbers in the fall. In June we continued 12Stones College Summer Fellowship with our recent graduates as well as graduates from previous years. We studied and discussed almost the entire book of Romans, as well as having some fun outings. Attendance ranged from 4-12. We had a camping retreat August 5-7 at Little Basin with 10 students, where we hiked, shared our lives, played silly games, and studied Ephesians chapter 4. Summer was a transition time as Anh gradually phased out and transferred the responsibilities of the Youth Ministry to me, Alishan Merjanian I officially started as Youth Director on October 1.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Fall programs for Jr. High/High School consisted of Sunday morning worship and bible study, Sunday afternoon lunch and games, and 12Stones Sunday evening fellowship. Sunday morning attendance ranged from 1-6, afternoons 1-4, evenings 1-2. We have been primarily studying the Gospel of John and how good the Good News is, that God sent his Only Son to save us, out of his love for us. It is certainly a new era in our ministry as the students from Anh’s time have been growing up, and a new wave of students will be graduating into the program this summer. My primary goal for 2013 is to begin to build a foundation for the future our church and our ministry. I want to build a structure that does not depend on any one person, but which is based on a shared vision and plan among a larger group of adults who are committed long term to the mission. The mission is this, to rephrase Jesus’ final commission to us: To go and make disciples of the youth of all nations in Irvington, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to obey everything Jesus commanded I want to build us. My secondary goal is to begin training our youth in music and worship, to fully integrate them into the adult congregation by including them in choir, in the praise team, or doing sound and media.

youth ministry that does not depend on one person

I see God raising up a powerful new group of faithful workers and ambassadors for his kingdom in our church and our community. I have complete faith that if we trust God and follow his guidance, we will see steady growth in spiritual depth, in joy, and in numbers. Ultimately, our success depends on our trust in God. God will be faithful to build His church, we must simply believe. Thank you for partnering with me as I seek specifically to build a structure that can help nurture youth into the fullness of their divine calling! Sincerely, Alishan Merjanian Youth Director IPC 2012 Page 28

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Missions Team "Missions: the Heart of the Church" Our missions support emphasizes work among places and peoples where there have never been followers of Jesus Christ before, or where such a movement has started recently. The funding of missions is a faith promise budget that goes above and beyond the general fund budget.

Significant Events During the Year Birthday Party for Jesus Tri – City Volunteers At our December Birthday Party for Jesus, brought in over 150 plus presents that we delivered to Tri-City Volunteers for distribution to those in our community who need assistance. An additional two barrels of food was also collected for TCV. Sisters in Service Each month Sisters in Service, met to learn and pray for the oppressed women and children in Sudan. The IPC group is part of a larger national organization, “She is Safe,” that is dedicated to helping women and children in the poorest and least-reached parts of the world. Crab Feed In February, we canceled the Crab Feed for a variety of reasons including the cost of crab. It made us crabby we could not get together to support missions. Page 29

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Visits by Missionaries / Minute for Mission Missions Committee presented a monthly minute for mission in the worship services to feature what God is doing with the ministries supported by IPC. Additionally, IPC had visits / presentations from several of the Missionaries whom we support. These visits serve to help us understand their frontier mission work and allow our congregation to hear and see first-hand how their mission contributions are being spent  Phil Prasad of Witnessing Ministries of Christ, working with the over one million Dalits who are considered “untouchables” in India  Paul and Alice Ryon reaching the Hindu Guajarati’s from India who live in Leicester, England.

Mission Team Members The 2012 Missions Team members were Kamroon Baksh Mustapha Baksh Pastor Michael Boyland Patti Boyland Mary Ellen McKowen Bonnie Nichols Teresa Oliver Peggy Handano Jenni Pellot Virginia Stull The Mission Team thanks the congregation for your financial support, attending special functions and all your prayers and encouragement. Elders




Baksh Page 30





Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

IPC MISSION Finances GENERAL GIVING Honorariums Year Book Miscellaneous Tri City Breakfast Program Tri City Volunteers Habitat for Humanity - IPC Subtotal General Giving And Local Missions

2011 ACTUALS 660 120 165 3,150 3,150 2,310

2012 ACTUALS 150 Incl. below 391 2,950 623 1,560

2013 BUDGET 500 Incl. below 500 2,400 -01,560




1,280 2,310 325 1,300 750 1,080 1,280 1,280 2,310 2,430 2,310 3,150 3,150 1,125 1,125 $25,205

780 2,260 -01,300 1,000 1,440 780 780 1,560 1,800 1,560 2,400 3,700 1,500 1,500 $22,360

780 1,560 -01,300 1,000 1,440 780 780 1,560 1,680 1,560 2,400 2,400 1,500 1,500 $20,240

Missionaries: Blanch - Navigators Bockus - New Tribes Butler - Global Sharing .Discontinued

Gradin - NCEMI Kurtz - PFF Light of Hope (Arssi Oromo) Manoukian - Child Evangelism Miller - CAM Pelanne – Richmond Seaman's Ctr Prasad – PFF Witnessing Ministries Rancho Santa Marta Ryon - Christar Smith - Hope Unlimited Treece - Interserve Yancey - Pioneers Subtotal for Missionaries


$31,610 $28,034 $25,200

Budget 25,514 25,514 25,200 Pledges 25,514 15,956 11,436 Planned Difference Between Pledges/Budget by Faith -0 9,558 deficit 13,764 deficit Actual Difference from Budget 6,097 surplus 1,014 deficit Not known yet Planned 2013 Deficit to be met in Faith (13,764) Note Missions Fund Balance 12/31/12 is $13,298

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Mission Projects: Because of your generous contributions Missions provided prayer & financial support to 17 local and worldwide missionaries and mission projects 


 East Bay Habitat for Humanity  Tri-City Free Breakfast Program  Tri-City Volunteers through our Meal-A-Month program and the Birthday Party for Jesus WORLD MISSION / OUTREACH PROJECTS : Rancho Santa Marta Christian Orphanage in Mexico Jack and Joann Blanch

Larry and Valerie Bockus

Tim and Ginny Gradin

Caroline Kurtz

Navigators, The Blanches previously ministered in Spain and are continuing their outreach by evangelizing, discipling, and equipping Hispanic couples in the Colorado Springs, CO, Area. New Tribes Mission, worked in Venezuela translating scripture for Piaroa Indians. Now in Lincoln, NE. Northern Canada Evangelical Mission, working with Denesuline (Chipewyan) people. Also involved in Denesuline Bible translation project.

Light of Hope, supporting the fast growing Church in Ethiopia and promoting partnerships for unreached people around the world.

Light of Hope A ministry to the Arssi Oromo, a Muslim group, in Ethiopia. Provides schools and support teachers who work in those schools. Page 32

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church George and Esther Manoukian – Child Evangelism Fellowship, reaching unchurched children with the gospel in the US and Armenia. Translating Gospel material from English to Armenian for shipment to Armenia. John and Linda Miller

Markku Pelanne

CAM International, initially communicating the Gospel in the Basque region of Spain. Now working from Arizona organizing and leading teams to Spain

Richmond Seamen’s Center, meeting the needs of seamen by sharing the love of Jesus and providing them a home away from home.

Paul and Alice Ryon Christar, reaching Gujarati Hindus from India who have settled in Leicester, UK Philip and Corenne Smith

David and Sara T

Hope Unlimited International, helping street children in Brazil to know Jesus and develop vocational skills.

Interserve, serve in a limited access area in East Asia where they work among an unreached Muslim people who are not allowed to show their love for Christ.

Witnessing Ministries of Christ

Richard and Wendy Yancey

Presbyterian Frontier Fellowship, Philip Prasad working out of Fresno, CA, spreading the gospel among the Dalits (untouchables) in India. Pioneers, spreading the gospel to unreached Muslims in Senegal

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World Mission Locations .

Paul and Alice Ryon Christar, Gujarati Leicester, UK

Tim and Ginny Gradin NCEM, Saskatchewan, Canada

Rev Phillip Prasad Witnessing Ministries of Christ India

John and Linda Miller CAM Intl., Spain

David and Sara T Interserve, East Asia

Rancho Santa Marta Orphanage in Baja Mexico

Larry and Valerie Bockus New Tribes Mission Venezuela George and Esther Manoukian, Child Evangelism Fellowship, USA and Armenia

Philip and Corenne Smith Hope Unlimited, Brazil

Richard and Wendy Yancey Pioneers, Senegal

Caroline Kurtz, Light of Hope, Ethiopia Arssi Oromo People Light of Hope, Ethiopia

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Personnel Committee The Personnel Committee (PC) is responsible for paid staff in regard to the hiring, supervision, target setting and review of performance. The PC functions in a supporting roll to committees who have staff. Those committees include Worship, Christian Equipping, Finance and Buildings& Grounds. In 2012, there were two changes in the staff at Irvington Presbyterian Church (IPC). In May 2012, our Director Youth Ministries, Anh Truong, asked to be relieved of his duties, so he could spend more time with his daughter. Anh agreed to remain until a replacement could be found. Beginning on October 1, 2012, Alishan Merjanian replaced Anh as Director of Youth Ministry. Alishan’s assignment with the youth meant that he could no longer fulfill all of his responsibilities as Worship Director. In that regard, his job title and description were changed. Alishan is now the Worship Leader. Likewise the job title and description of our Organist Daniel Khuc were changed. Daniel is now the Worship Administrator. These changes have allowed a seamless transition in the flow of Sunday Worship Service. And they have worked well for all-- our church, Alishan, and Daniel. God has blessed our church with gifted and talented staff in our ministries. Our paid staff include:    

Pastor, Michael Boyland Director of Children’s Ministry, Jeanette “MJ” Beland Director of Youth Ministry, Alishan Merjanian Worship Administrator, Daniel Khuc Page 35

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church       

Worship Leader, Alishan Merjanian Office Manager, Frankie Cabral Bookkeeper, Jeanette Ollison Financial Recorder, Kathy Jeffries Nursery Attendant, Fauzia Kamal Sunday Security Assistant, Justin Chaikin Pastor of Chinese Ministry, Dick Hwang

Irvington Presbyterian Church is blessed to have a wonderful staff whose ministries serve to glorify the Lord in our community. Respectfully Submitted Joe Di Maggio, Chair, Personnel Committee

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Stewardship Team In 2012 we saw the continuation of “town hall” meetings to provide information on the finances and the collection of pledges. There were 2 special offerings collected this year as well. The “One Great Hour of Sharing” support people worldwide experiencing need including disaster relief, refuge assistance, and development aid. A total of $539 was raised through the generosity of our members and was sent on to help One Great Hour in its mission! The second special offering was “Christmas Joy”. This offering raised $500 which will be used to benefit Presbyterian related racial ethnic schools and colleges, along with PCUSA Board of Pensions Assistance Program. Pledge meetings were held in November as part of Stewardship 2013. The meetings focused on trends of giving, a progress report on what occurred through 2012. During these meetings ideas were also collected on where we may set our priorities in the future. We would like to thank the gracious hosts for use of their homes, and the participants for providing valuable input. As of the end of January 2013, we have received 32 pledges totaling $75,608 for general fund and 19 pledges of $11,436 for Missions. This is a bigl decrease in the number of pledges received and the amount pledged. We will take additional pledge cards so this amount may increase. We still praise God and feel He is indeed at work in our church! Dean Ostdiek, Jr. Stewardship Elder Pledges for 2008 2009 2010 2011 General Fund $109,802 $123,646 $116,000 $161,658 $ 19,505 $ 19,002 $ 18,860 $ 25,214 Missions

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$122,704 $ 15,956

$75,608 $ 11,436

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Homework Club Back in 2006, God laid on my heart the idea for the Homework Club after our entire church met to formulate a plan for our future. What I had in mind was for students to come to our church after school to get the help they needed with their homework. I put a note in the Sunday bulletin and was amazed when 7 or 8 people came up to me saying they would like to help. After contacting Hirsch Elementary School, we agreed to have the club there upon the principal’s request. Every Tuesday and Wednesday afternoon from 2:35 to 3:45 p.m. for the last six years, three or four volunteers have been tutoring students who need extra help to succeed in school. We have heard from former students that they are now doing well with their schoolwork as a result. To our surprise and delight, some of these children have returned after a few years to visit us! A few have even come back to tutor other students. How rewarding to realize we have made a difference in their lives! About 25 students attend each day ranging from 3rd to 6th grade. Occasionally there are students from Irvington High School, and this year some from junior high, who help tutor and receive community service hours for their work. Our wonderful Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, has had a transformational effect on Hirsch and its students. The Homework Club has become a friendly place where students who were failing now excel academically. Student behavior has improved dramatically with teachers reporting fewer problems and more cooperation. Test scores have risen to the point that it has been noticed at the district level. In 2010, we received from the California PTA the California Golden Oak Award for our Page 38

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church support of the school. http://www.greatschools.org/modperl/achievement/ca/82#CSTResults

For the 2012/2013 school year, IPC has 4 volunteers who are there only on Tuesdays. Those who participated in 2012 were Kamroon Baksh, Jeane Garrett, Carol Lynn, Shirley Murray, Jeanette Ollison, Thea Pex, and Barbara Walton. Your hard work is greatly appreciated by the students, teachers, and the principal. You have shared God’s love in a wonderful way that will continue to make a difference in the lives of these children and in our community. Joyfully serving Him, Jeanette Ollison, Homework Club Coordinator

Hirsch Kids Club When we started the homework club in that summer of 2006, we had no idea where it was going. By God’s providence, I met missionaries who promote school Bible clubs. Once again I felt God had called us to do this and IPC began praying for a Bible club at Hirsch. We needed more volunteers to do this but there weren’t enough available from our church. Then we heard about Kids Clubs which were already well established in Santa Clara County. Kids Club is an after-school program designed to teach positive biblical life skills to children in public schools. Each Kids Club is run by several churches in the area working together. Meanwhile we were humbled by the difficulty we experienced with disrespectful, disobedient students in the Homework Club. We relied on God to help us love them despite their rejection of us. The volunteers met with the teachers and principal to make improvements and prayed every day for God to work in the children’s hearts. In 2008 a promotional Kids Club video was shown at Harbor Light Church. Mrs. Casey, Hirsch’s principal, “happened” to be there that day and said she wanted to have a Kids Club at her school! After meeting with Harbor Light in November 2008, we agreed to partner together for the club at Hirsch. Carol Lynn and I along with about 10 volunteers from Harbor Page 39

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Light started Hirsch’s Kids Club in February 2009 with about 40 students, becoming the first Kids Club in Alameda County! In four years of ministry, Hirsch’s Kids Club has grown to about 100 students. Carol Lynn shared that some students who were hesitant to memorize scripture verses in her Kids Club group want to be the first to recite them now. I was thrilled to be able to tell a little boy in my group whose father had passed away that God promises to be a father to the fatherless. This was very special because the same thing happened to me and to my own children. I felt blessed to be able to comfort this child with our experience of God’s tender love and care.

Hirsch Kids Club has become a wonderful example of churches working together. The volunteers from IPC, Harbor Light, Bridges Community, Fremont Community, and Christ the King Lutheran Church have had another great year of sharing our love for God with the students from Hirsch Elementary School. We were thrilled to see more kids at the club this year. We started the 2012/2013 school year with 90+ children! Regular th attendance averages about 72 children between Kindergarten and 6 grade. The children are divided into groups according to age and gender with 2-3 adult volunteers leading each group through Bible stories, crafts, games, and prayer. The groups join together for a large worship time to sing and dance led by Vicki from FCC. Carol Lynn gives a great object lesson to illustrate the main point for the day’s lesson. We invited the students to IPC Page 40

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church for Blast, which several children have attended regularly, as well as to other IPC events The students’ parents were invited to the Christmas presentation on December 17, 2012. The 6th grade students read the Christmas story from the gospels while the younger students donned costumes to act out the nativity scene. All of the students sang and danced the worship song they learned. Afterward, the families were invited to stay for a spaghetti dinner. We estimate about 175-200 people attended this joyous celebration of our Savior’s birth! This year the volunteers from IPC are Carol Lynn, Jeanette Ollison, Jackie Rockett, and Barbara Walton. It is difficult to put into words how amazing it is to share our faith with these precious children. Thank you, Lord, for the privilege of serving you in this marvelous life-changing way. Jeanette Ollison, Kids Club Director

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Church Alive! Team

During 2012, the Church Alive Committee was very active. Regular committee members included: Darlene Neesham, Mary Lou & Richard Craig, Dave Wegener, Lisa Young, Thea & Theo Pex, Dean & Heather Ostdiek, Bonnie Burger, and Russ Pennelly. In addition, Church Alive recruited others as needed, so thanks be to everyone who helped in ways big and small! Goals for 2012 were four-fold: 1. Hang on tightly to our existing members. 2. Acknowledge visitors with the four I's (Identify, Invite, Introduce & Involve) 3. Implement events to strengthen our relationships and provide the opportunity to invite friends and neighbors. 4. Encourage the congregation to participate in the life of the church by joining a committee. Corned Beef & Karaoke: On St. Patrick's Day, Church Alive organized a Corned Beef & Karaoke event. About 80 folks (40 percent non-members) ate their way through 45 lbs. of corned beef, plus cabbage, boiled potatoes and carrots. Special thanks to Pat Jeffries, who not only cooked the beef but sliced it as well. Theo Pex and Richard Craig served us. Russ couldn't boil water so the carrots slowed down Page 42

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church the start. Darlene and Dave ran the kitchen and showed us where the soap was kept. Peggy Handano ran the Karaoke machine and coaxed entertainment to the "stage". Pastor Michael told us about the actual Saint Patrick and shared an English "joke" that flew over our heads. And Kathy Jeffries organized the cokie table. A good time was had by all! Photos can e seen on Facebook at http://bit.ly/StPat12 In late spring, Richard Craig started a Men's Fellowship with a whole new format. Since men are too busy to attend regular meetings, Richard introduced the concept of communicating with each other in the comfort of pajamas through the internet. Richard presented 15-17 men the book "Measure of a Man" by Getz and kept prodding his group to participate with email exchanges. His comments kept everyone on schedule even if they couldn't put their feelings "on paper". Yeah, guys and feelings. C'mon guys, we can do better in 2013, this type of ministry could reach around the globe if we work at it! Give us another chance, Richard. April 29 was the first meeting of the Singles Group, led by Bonnie Burger. That first night there were 7 interested folks and the group grew to 17 by years' Page 43

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church end. Their events have become so popular that couples are trying to worm their way into the Singles group! Stayed tuned, couples — 2013 will be your turn IPC held its annual picnic on July 22. Kamroon & Mustapha Baksh cooked Barbequed hamburgers and hot dogs on the IPC grill with help from Jonny Handano. Did we mention the hot grill? I am not sure what IPC angel made our barbeque, but it is a very HOT grill to use. Many thanks to Darlene, Dave, and Mary Lou, who managed the kitchen. Dave King procured the drinks, and Richard & Nick McClure did set-up and clean-up. For those of you who played 9 Square — this intergenerational game was MJ's idea. Thanks to Joe DiMaggio and Dave King (the tall guys), who helped Russ assemble it. Not sure what 9 Square is? Take a look, it's still in the church quad waiting for players! At the end of summer, church youth were invited to a Burger Bash. At the 11th hour, CE solicited the congregation for help — and boy did we get help! In three weeks, we mobilized and decorated the "Arena", prepared the game's equipment, advertised the event, sent out invitations, organized the BBQ, and created awards for all. Wow, everyone really stepped up! We had so much help we stepped on each others toes. Sumo wrestling, archery, skiing, basketball, and hockey challenged athletes and referees alike. Everyone got a No. 1 Award — especially the church members who stepped up at the last minute. Special thanks to Dean & Heather, to Lisa Young, Peggy Handano, Helen Jorgenson, Carol Lynn, Richard Craig, Nick McClure, and many others. Boy Scouts not only jumped in to help set-up, but helped explain the games to the younger athletes, participated in the events, and Page 44

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church still had energy to clean up. Thanks guys! Nice to be young. The Church Olym-IPC (clever, eh?) will be held again as well, this time with more prep time. Pictures online at http://bit.ly/olymIPC12

Nineteen acts — yes, nineteen! — comprised the entertainment for our "Talent / No-Talent Show” on Nov. 3. The consensus was that the No-Talent acts stayed home. What a great night! Thanks are due again to our MC Ron Fong, who kept the show moving. Lisa Young got the ball rolling by signing up the talent. Dean & Heather stepped in with a turkey skit that included our backstage manager chopping the head off a little too soon. Dave Wegener you can't hide anymore - you were too quick. But kudos for pushing the acts onto the "stage" in time. Michael had a couple of commercials up his sleeve — actually pretty funny, but we had the hook ready just in case. Once again, Darlene, Mary Lou, Bonnie, and Denise Pennelly had us covered with after-show treats. About 85 people attended, but if you missed it, just ask Jonny Handano to borrow a DVD. Photos are online at http://on.fb.me/UZQHwN and at http://bit.ly/TNT12 Page 45

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

And to close the year out with a bang, wasn't the Christmas concert great? Thanks to IPC's talented musical leaders, Daniel Khuc and Alishan Merjanian. Church Alive helped with refreshments. Our regular Food Crew (Darlene, Mary Lou, Heather, Bonnie and others) did a great job on table favors and fingerfoods. Dave made fresh coffee and helped Richard, Nick, Dean and the ladies with the clean-up. Photos of the event are available online at http://on.fb.me/103dTiL

Many others helped make these events possible, and if your name was left out, please know that these events could not have happened without you and I am sorry for not listing your participation. 2012 was a busy year, but 2013 promises to be even better! Church Alive welcomes your help in these events and we're open to ideas on new ones as well. We meet in the McKowen Room the second Friday of most months at 7 p.m. All are welcome and many are needed. Come once or come every month — we have a big job to do and if we all help a little, no one has to work too much (except Darlene, who's second home is the church - maybe the first, right Wayne). In 2013, Church Alive is aiming to present a couple of requested seminars, so watch the church bulletin and check our new website (www.irvingtonpres.com ). Church Alive would also like to bring back some Page 46

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church of our past events, such as our "12 Hours of Continuous Prayer" and the "Ministry Faire". We also want to start a Couples Fellowship, as mentioned above. And anyone interested in a "Trunk or Treat" Halloween Party? Curious? We're not telling any more about it — yet! Please join us in Christ's Service, Russ Pennelly Congregational Life / Church alive! Chair

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Boy Scout Troop 102 In 2009, Boy Scout Troop 102 started meeting at IPC on Monday nights. It is an active troop of young men ages 11-18. The majority of the boys are home-schooled and mostly from Newark. The current Scoutmaster is Don Gordon. The committee chair is Amy Genthner-Wright. The church’s charter organization representative to the troop is Ron Fong. The troop is a partnership with the church in building up young men with character, citizenship and fitness in this 102nd year of the founding of Boy Scouts of America. The troop also participated in Scout Sunday, the first Sunday in February showing up to worship, read Scriptures, distribute bulletins, collect offerings and praise God! Troop 102 had a great year in 2012. Troop 102 began 2012 with 52 scouts, and ended with 43 scouts. This attrition was primarily due to scouts moving, or from scouts whose lives became too busy to continue in scouting. Every month the boy leadership (Patrol Leaders) meet to plan both long and short term. In addition, the adults meet monthly as well (Troop Committee), to provide support and guidance for the boys. Troop elections are held in March and September where the boys elect their most senior member, the Senior Patrol Leader, as well as the individual patrol leaders. Other highlights: 

2 adult leaders completed their Wood Badge training

all Assistant Scoutmasters completed their indoor and outdoor training so that all ASMs are now fully trained leaders Page 48

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church 

4 Court of Honors were conducted providing boys with their Merit Badges and Rank patches they had earned

2 Boys worked on Eagle projects; they should complete them in the first quarter of 2013

Troop 102 worked at the Alameda County Fair, earning those who worked over $2900 (individual fundraiser)

Troop 102 earned almost $900 for the Troop by selling mistletoe for two days in December (Troop fundraiser)

1 Troop102 attended Scout Sunday 2012 along with Nicholas Fong from Troop 111 (far right) who read Scriptures 

The boys of Troop102 in 2012 

earned 143 merit badges

11 earned the rank of Tenderfoot, 10 earned the rank of 2nd Class Scout, 7 earned the rank of 1st Class Scout, 4 achieved the rank of Star Scout and 1 achieved Life Scout

Page 49

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Monthly highlights: January - 20 scouts and adults camped at Rancho Los Mochos working on rank requirements and conducting a service project for the camp. February - 26 scouts and adults did an extended campout in the Mojave Desert. This is one of the boy's favorite campouts where they clean up graffiti in a ghost town as well as shoot .22s. March - 10 scouts visited Lawrence Berkeley National Labs and earned the Nuclear Science Merit Badge. We also celebrated an Eagle Scout ceremony for a scout who earned his Eagle rank the previous year. Two Cub Scouts also bridged into the Troop April - 15 scouts and adults participated in the SFBAC Spring Camporee at Rancho Los Mochos. In addition, the adults participated in Merit Badge counselor training so that more parents could become Merit Badge Counselors. May - 1 more Cub Scout bridged into T102. 25 scouts and adults camped at the Boulder Creek Scout Camp and enjoyed participating in both a service project for the ranger and shooting .22s on the rifle range. June - 17 scouts ranked 1st class and above plus adults went to an area outside Yosemite for a high adventure campout, hike and competition. July - 45 scouts and adults attending a week at Wente Scout Reservation earning collectively over 100 Merit Badges as well as participating in a service project. August - 20 scouts and adults attending a waterski trip and campout at the Tracy Marina. September - 13 scouts and adults hiked in Garin Park in Hayward to fulfill rank requirements. In addition 7 scouts and adults attended the SFBAC Dragon Boat races held at Lake Elizabeth. October - 18 scouts and adults camped at Fremont State Peak and Observatory, and were able to use the telescopes. November - 10 scouts and adults camped at Tuttletown State Park and conducted a service project. December - 36 scouts and adults camped at Rancho Los Mochos to retrieve mistletoe and plan for the Capture the Flag campout versus Troop 110 in January. The Troop went to an annual permission slip for 2013 in an effort to streamline and eliminate redundancy. Page 50

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Looking ahead to 2013, we anticipate: 

creating formal by-laws to help manage the Troop

creating a budget to help manage the Troop funds

continuing to train adult leaders, both ASMs and Committee, in an effort to assist the boys

conduct boy training for patrol leaders to more easily understand their duties

3 Eagle Scouts

We are so grateful to Irvington Presbyterian church for allowing us the use of their facilities. It has truly been a blessing to have both the indoor facilities as well as the spacious lawn on which the boys love to run! We look forward to 2012 continuing a great working relationship between Troop 102 and IPC. Thank you, Amy Genthner-Wright Committee Chair Boy Scout Troop 102

Don Gordon Scoutmaster Boy Scout Troop 102

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Building and Grounds Committee Some major projects were completed during 2012 and some projects remain on our project list. During 2012 we had two incidences which required immediate attention. There was a break in of the Social Hall. Entry was made by breaking a window in the kitchen. Fortunately, some thing or some one interrupted the activity and they left before completing the intended goal. The window was replaced and window glass was replaced and the handle to open the window is now non operational. A tree limb broke and cut the power line to the facility. PG&E responded quickly and the power was restored over night. The broken limb was removed and at the same time other broken limbs were removed. The security patrol seems to be accomplishing the intended goal. We have not experienced any activity during the night hours as we had in past years. We still experience open and unlocked doors. Several Major projects were completed in 2012: 1. The Worship presentation system was upgraded. A mounted 60� television screen was installed on the front right of the nave for about $3,000. At the same time the sound booth was enlarged. The sound and video is controlled from the booth in the back of the sanctuary. Thanks to Pat Jeffries of his efforts in directing this activity. . The sound booth and the associated wiring to control the television and sound costs $1500. 2. The dry rot on the Sanctuary exterior was removed and new wood provided tor the cap ends. Thanks again to Pat Jeffries for his efforts in directing this activity. The project was budgeted at $5500, but it came in at $4900. 3. The Deacons had requested a locked closet for storing their supplies. A secure closet has been built in the back of the social hall. The Deacons now have a locked area for storage. The project budget was $3500 Page 52

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church 4. The furnace in the social hall was retrofitted with a return air duct to make it more efficient for a cost of $700 5. The fifty year old roof on the social hall was replaced by a new energy efficient “cool� roof, installed by Sonrise Roofing. The project also included removal and proper disposal of the asbestos shingles; and the retrofit of the social hall for energy efficient lighting. The new roof should last another 45 years. It is considered energy efficient because it has special pigments that reflect heat better than a regular roof. The pigments lower summer time rooftop temperatures by 70 degrees. The lighting retrofit work was done by ABI. The lighting retrofit cost $714. Projected savings of 500 per year in lower PG&E bills are forecast. The simple payback cost for the lighting is under 1.5 years. The project was accomplished by a grant received by the city for the TCFBP ministry, contributions by the Tri-City breakfast program and by capital reserves from IPC This $41 thousand project was completed 18% below budget. IPC portion of the project is only $9,937 out of the capital reserves. Thanks go to Ron Fong for his efforts in making this possible. 1. 2.

BUDGET RECAP Budget $30 $120 $45,000 $45,150

7/25/12 FINAL $70 $644 40,422 $41,136

Engineering/Mgmt City Charges for Advertising Change Order Reserve Grand Total Costs

$1,000 0 $5,000 $ 51,150

-0381 -0$41,517

Project Funding Federal TCFBP PG&E Rebates IPC Total Funding

$ 29,140 -0$ 35 $ 21,975 $ 51,150

$24,080 $ 7,500 -0$9,937 $41,517

Project Cost Exit Lights Overhead Lights Reroofing Subtotal

Page 53

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Several Major projects are in process of being completed: A. Remodel the social hall restrooms. Funding of $8,000 has been secured from three sources and the contractor identified. Remodel needs scheduling. B. New doors installed on the block house. Material for the project has been purchased. We have been waiting on the contractor to install the doors. We will now use IPC volunteers for this project. C. Paint room 6. IPC Capital Project Wish List: Session discussed the need for a capital improvement campaign to raise money to improve or fix the facility. Priority Items are estimated at $80,000 and Secondary Priority items exceeds $200,000. These capital improvements are not part of the regular operating budget; exceed the reserve funds available, and would require additional funding to accomplish. Pray Reach Serve Phase III Building Renewal fund Project (Priority)

Estimated Cost Costs updated in 2012


New Carpet in Sanctuary

$ 32,000


Repair Lighting in the Parking Lot

$ 2,100


Paint the church exterior a. Painting the outside of the Sanctuary b. Paint (including Stucco repair) Social Hall Exterior c. Paint (including Stucco repair) Classroom Exterior Subtotal Paint

$ 12,000 $ 7,000 $ 14,000 $ 33,000


Reseal the parking lot and restripe / add more handicapped parking

Page 54

$ 13,000

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

Project (Secondary Priority)

Estimated Cost Costs updated in 2012

5. 6.

Additional Storage on Campus Hook up to City Water - for fire sprinklers and drinking instead of well water system we are using. 7. New roof - Sanctuary 8. Worship Presentation System (multiple TVs in sanctuary) 9. Better Security Lighting 10. Security Cameras? 11. Enlarge Pastor Office / Church Office 12. Bapistery 13. What’s on your mind???

??? $ 92,000 $ 75,000? $ 10,000? $ 10,000? $ 22,000? ??? ??

Additional items can be added with approval of session. Wish lists do not contain any funding. During 2013, a review and clean up of storage areas will be undertaken. When completed we should be in a better position to determine needs and costs. Thanks to all who have help keep the campus presentable without being asked and without recognition? David B. Wegener B&G Elder

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Chinese Ministry Greetings in our Lord Jesus Christ.. IPC Chinese Ministry, although small in number, is big in spirit and heart impacting many with ● Weekly Chinese language worship services averaging about 18

people ● Support

for the Herald Family Rebuilding Center headed by Ann Zhou. The ministry is housed in the Fremont Family Resource Center. The ministry advocates for the family values and engages in preventive effort to protect and foster family unity. HFRC assists immigrant couples experiencing relational difficulties to restore their family relationships. We also empower single parents and their families during their post-divorce struggles through workshops, support group meetings and individual counseling. About 50% of American immigrant families experience divorce; and 75% of those who remarry also divorce. The immigrant divorcees and their children struggle which is why we support this critical ministry that is based on the healing power of Jesus. st


● Every 1 and 3

Tuesday morning, we have Bible Study and prayer meetings in the Sequoia Manor senior housing complex.

● On Thursday nights we have ping-pong

ministry, led by the Rev. Dick Hwang. There are over a dozen people who participate in this ministry with much fun, laughter and friendship evangelism happening. Page 56

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● We have received phone calls and conducted prayer with people

who have attended the IPC Chinese ministry and travel the Pacific back and forth between Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and California.

● We continue to use materials from the

China Soul for Christ Foundation including the popular “The Cross :Jesus in China Seeds of Blood DVD. There is an English translation if you are interested. Thanks to Brother Michael Chau for these materials.

● Brother Michael and Ed (Amy’s husband)

visit the Fremont Senior Center every Thursday morning to share the gospel. God!

Let us give all the glory to our Almighty

In Christ Elder Amy L. Wu Chinese Ministry

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Tri City Free Breakfast Program The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) continues to offer hot, nutritious breakfasts every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday morning between the hours of 7:00 and 9:00 a.m. The program is staffed 100% by volunteers. Set-up and food preparation begins shortly after 4:00 a.m. with clean-up usually concluded by 9:30 a.m. Our guests include a significant percentage of seniors, families, working poor and homeless people. For the majority of our guests, this breakfast is often the only hot, nutritious meal consumed each day. Meals continue to include a wide range of healthy foods, such as milk, eggs, meat, bread, and fruit, and include diabetic sensitive options. Guests are referred to other social services as needed. Donated supplemental food is bagged and available for guests to take home. The program also provides (when available through donations) toiletry items such as soap, toothpaste, toothbrushes, shampoos, etc. to guests. New socks are a requested item that we distribute whenever possible. In 2012, the TCFBP recognized 15 years of volunteering having served over 200,000 meals to thousands of guests in a table service setting of dignity with zero paid staff. Kudos go to Karen Jaycox for organizing the event. We are grateful to the following for their continued financial support of the Tri-City Free Breakfast Program. City of Fremont CDBG Grant, Walter & Elise Haas Foundation, IPC Missions, and the Emergency Food and Shelter Program. We are also thankful for the donations from many other churches, organizations and individuals who contribute substantially to the success of the program. Gifts buy 85% of the food. TCFBP could not exist without the tireless efforts of our volunteers who greet our clients with a cheerful attitude all year long. The volunteer hours shown above do not include those who go to the various markets in

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church the area and pick up generous amounts of donated food. These hours also do not reflect the hours worked by the Steering Committee. Thanks to our dedicated volunteers, TCFBP served a total of 24,037 guests in 2012, more than the 21,866 guests served in 2011. Combining first and second servings, TCFBP served 32,347 breakfasts in 2012, more than the 30,301 breakfast meals served in 2011. The breakfast program was able to distribute 10,211 bags of food in 2012, again more than the 7,673 bags of food (provisions) for guests to take with them in 2011.. Month 2012 January February March April May June July August September October November December 2012 Total

Guests Seconds 1758 1719 1741 1935 1989 2337 2173 2424 2066 2142 1874 1879 24,037

787 590 678 741 672 712 809 823 537 620 797 624

Meals 2545 2309 2419 2676 2661 3049 2982 3167 2603 2762 2671 2503

Children Provisions Volunteer Hours 62 714 670 63 691 683 25 722 635 65 715 679 60 819 660 82 1168 809 99 1179 824 83 885 842 68 868 686 44 1067 707 108 626 568 57 757 620

8,390 32,347



Children Provisions


Monthly Average 2012 2011 2010 2009




2,003 1,667 1,977 2,127

699 654 767 801

2,696 2,525 2,743 2,928

68 58 58 111

851 639 555 563

Volunteer Hours 699 737 806 926








A total of 8.383 volunteer hours in 2012 were used to prepare, cook, clean and serve breakfast to our guests. This number does not include the volunteer hours of those who serve on the Steering Committee or the volunteers who do food pick-up at the store for the program. Page 59

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church A big THANK YOU goes to Shannon Daniel and Carole Gwynn for donating 18 beautiful, handmade aprons monogramed with “TCFBP”. “Oohs” and “Ahs” were heard as volunteers admired the fine stitching and monograms. The volunteers look great in their new aprons! We appreciate the time and work involved in making each one.

Over 178 lbs of peanut butter was donated as part of Make A Difference Day. The San Jose Mercury News WishList collected $3,000 towards the restroom modeling project. IPC and TCFBP will pick up the remainder of the $8000 cost for the project projected to be finished in 2013. New energy efficient lighting as a new roof were installed in 2012 that w lower operating costs. This work was funded by a City of Fremont (58%) Grant and by IPC/TCFBP.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) is a ministry of Irvington Presbyterian Church. Current TCFBP Steering Committee Members are: Betty Blizel Lisa Blizel Don Carson June Dawson Richard Doberstein Ron Fong Jeane Garrett Gerlinde Mardisoian Wayne Neesham Jim Putler Florence Yeh

Dining Room Manager & Survey Report Treasurer Grant Writer Steering Committee Chair & Coordinator Volunteer & Food Pick-up Coordinator/Monday Dishwasher Newsletter Editor Food Purchasing Volunteer, Kitchen Manager Monday Program Coordinator Correspondence Secretary Facility Maintenance Volunteer – Wednesday Kitchen Manager & Census

The Board regrets the loss of three of its long-time supporters ● Eleanor Conwell

Recording Secretary was called home by the Lord in May 2012 ● Karen Jaycox – Program Coordinator & Census Report moved away in late 2012 to San Francisco. She was dedicated to the program and under her supervision, the program thrived ● Joe Mastrocola – Volunteer and 4 a.m. Setup who passed in January 2013. He became ill in late December and taken to the Lord. Joe was relentless in his devotion to the program. He was always at IPC at 4:30 a.m. setting up the facility for breakfast at 7:00 a.m. On his own, he gave used clothing, which he collected, to our needy clients

Needless to say, these three volunteers will be greatly missed. Thank you TCFBP Steering Committee, volunteers and supporters! You make it possible for the Breakfast Program to serve the growing number of people in our community needing help. Respectfully Submitted June Dawson – Chair Steering Committee

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Finance Committee The Finance Committee is responsible for ensuring funds received are properly counted, deposited, held and spent. The Finance Committee ensures bills are paid promptly after approval for payment by the appropriate Committee Chairperson(s). The Finance Committee monitors all funds on deposit with Bank of America and with Synod for the IPC ‘On Demand’ Savings Account and Certificates of Deposit. The Finance Chairperson keeps Session and the Congregation informed of the church’s financial situation and ensures that all committees present proposed budgets for review and approval by Session. In 2012, the Finance Committee consisted of Don Carson as Chairperson; Dave King and Kathy Torrence, Shirley Murray, Russ and Denise Pennelly, Ron Fong, and Gill Carson as volunteer Counters; Jeanette Ollison as Bookkeeper; and Kathy Jeffries as Recorder. The Chairperson monitors the functions of the Finance Committee and the IPC financial status and reports to Session and the Congregation. The Counters rotate on a weekly basis so that each week one Counter prepares and makes a bank deposit which includes all receipts for the week: general giving, special designated giving, facility rental receipts, and any other funds received by IPC. The Recorder keeps records of all income and specifically individual contributions, and sends statements to church members and other contributors for their financial records. The Bookkeeper issues checks for all approved bills and keeps financial records including payroll and tax information. Church records are kept in a secure database managed by a software program called 'Church Windows.' In 2012, the Finance Committee re-negotiated the lease with our long term renter, Comunidad Cristiana, at the beginning and end of 2012. The new lease in January provided for an extendable six-month term with some changes in the facilities used, to Page 62

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church accommodate a reduction in usage and corresponding reduction in rent. Late fees were added and fees for additional usage were clarified in the lease. Further reductions were made in November and still more reductions were made in December for usage in 2013, again with corresponding reductions in rent. Income from this rental source in 2013 will be just over half what it was in 2011. The Social Hall ‘cool’ roof installation was completed and paid for this year. The City of Fremont paid a major portion of the cost (about $23,000) and the Tri-City Free Breakfast Program contributed $7,500. The net cost to the General Fund was only about $9,000. Finance wishes to thank Ron Fong for his efforts in securing and managing the grant from the city, which saved the General Fund a substantial amount for this necessary maintenance expense. 2012 Financial Results. In 2011, the IPC General Fund incurred a large surplus of income over budgeted expenses ($33,667) for various one-time reasons including deferring expenses to 2012. The planned budget for 2012 aimed to use a portion of that surplus this year and still achieve a small surplus when the two years are considered together. In fact, while general giving was below that for 2011, it still exceeded the estimated income from this source by about $14,000, allowing us to complete the year with a deficit of only about $13,000 instead of the projected $29,000. The total result of the combined two-year budget therefore was a surplus of $33,667 - $13,101 = $20,556. The 2012 actual for the 2012 calendar year are shown in the budget table at the end of this report. See graph below for the cumulative General Fund giving results over the 2012 calendar year as compared to the 2011 total and the budgeted amount.

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2013 Budget. The General Fund Income Budget is based on the actual income from 2012. For General Giving, a weekly average giving rate from 2012 was used to project this figure. This approach represents Session's faith and belief that historical trends will continue in spite of the uncertainty associated with the upcoming pastoral change. Expected rental income from Comunidad is greatly reduced for 2013 per the new lease agreement, the Clearwire income is up slightly due to the lease escalation clause, and other miscellaneous sources are projected to be about the same as in 2012. The expense budget for 2013 includes a projected 10% increase in PG&E costs, $4,000 for the IPC share of an upgrade to the Social Hall restrooms (with matching funds from the TCFBP), and a few other minor changes and corrections. The two charts following show the relative relationship of major categories of income and expenses for 2012 actuals compared to previous years, in graphical form (the ‘Other’ category of Income and the ‘Bldg/Grnds’ category of Expenses for 2012 is somewhat distorted by the Social Hall roof numbers):

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Respectfully Submitted by Don Carson, Finance Chair 2012

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church The 2013 budget details are as follows, and submitted by the Finance Chair of 2013, Helen Jorgensen . Session on January 10, 2013, adopted an “austerity” budget for 2013 that reduced planned 2013 expenditures in light of the prospects of reduced rental income. Even so, the budget is a faith budget that projects some deficit and acknowledges that the planned giving needs far exceed the pledges. Session, believes the operating budget should be much higher than the “austerity” budget, and presents that to the congregation as a “reach” goal for second mile giving should they feel so led. The 2013 Budget reflects significant assumptions and changes from the 2012 budget as follows: ● INCOME Assumptions for 2013 ● Donations - Based on historical giving,

donations are assumed to be 189,261 with no drop-off in giving due to pastoral change. ● Rental income - Estimated at $61,760. Communidad has reduced their rental use and commitment to $1600 per month for a reduction in rental income of about $8000 per year from 2012. ● Per Capita – Congregation will contribute $1200 @$35 per person for annual membership assessment to assist Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly in their operations. ● EXPENSES Assumptions for 2013 ● Youth Director has been changed to a Volunteer position

instead of ½ time paid position, at the request of the Youth Director. This will reduce expenses by $17,000. Session is keeping a ½ year placeholder budget in case the 2nd half of the year is better. ● Pastor – budget has a full year cost of a pastor. This assumes no gap in pastoral coverage and that the new pastor will receive the same compensation package. The actual compensation package will depend upon Page 67

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church negotiations by the Pastor Nominating Committee with the candidate. ● No change in pay rate for the remainder of existing staff due to austerity ● Reduced planned budget expenditures for programs areas in worship, Christian Equipping, Church Alive. ● Segregating Capital Improvements from Operating Fund. Start Bal

End Bal



General Fund

$ 152,328

$ 139,257











Renewal/Building Fund





Special Offerings










Special Events




IPC Chinese Ministry




Boy Scout Troop #102




Fund Balances

15,431 -

Total Fund Balances $ 193,230 $ 176,938 Notes: 1. The General Fund shrank by $13,071 due to a deficit budget. This was less than the planned deficit of $28,677 2. Funds are held in three accounts by IPC 1. Bank of America Checking 2. Synod Custodial Account 3. Synod Six Month Certificates of Deposits 3. The Missions Fund spent $28,034, but took in $25,409 4. The General Fund decline in Fund Balance also reflects capital one-time expenditures paid out of fund balance 1. 2. 3. 4.

Roof $9,937 Dryrot $5,500 Deacon Closet $3500 Sound Booth and

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Bible Studies-

Studying and investing in the Word will cause you to prosper in life says Joshua 1:8. IPC abounded in opportunities in 2012 with small groups in the Word as follows:  The Ladies Bible Study is on Monday mornings starting at 9:30 AM. Around a dozen women attend and coordinated by Mary Ellen McKowen  Pastor Michael has the Friday morning Men’s breakfast Bible study at Bay Street Cafe.  Nick McClure has been leading a Joy Bible study on Sundays at 9:00 and Pastor Michael taught a class on Sunday in the Fall at 9:00 a.m.  Monday evening Bible study is hosted at Mary Ellen McKowen.  Chinese Bible Study in Sequoia Manor twice a month. Thanks be to the Lord for the dedication and volunteer time that our church members have done for spreading the word of the Lord through the Bible study meetings that they lead.

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Session Report The Session is responsible for the mission government of a particular church. This comprehensive responsibility includes the receiving of members, providing for worship, supervising the educational program, establishing the annual budget, providing for the management of the physical property ( building, grounds, equipment and furnishings), general administration, staff supervision, working with the deacons, keeping accurate rolls of the members, maintaining relationship with the higher governing bodies of the church, and leading the congregation outward in evangelism and mission. (From the Presbyterian Church Book of Order). The Session of Irvington Presbyterian Church met in 2012 for 12 stated regular meetings generally on the 4th Thursday of each month. The Session also held Nine special meetings in 2012. Two special meetings were to receive new members on December 9 and July 2. Two special meetings dealt with proposed meeting date changes. Two special meetings dealt with finances: The September 19 meeting was about the hiring of a new youth director; The January 19 special meeting was to adopt a 2012 budget. Three special meetings were Joint Deacons Session meetings to work on the church goals established February 11. They were held February 11, March 25/April 13 and July 25. These 2012 Goals were 

Increase attendance in worship by 10% over 2011

Attract and Keep New Families

Develop and Grow our Spiritual Maturity

Stabilize our finances to be as good or better than 2011

Four congregational meetings were held in 2012. On February 5, 2012, a congregational meeting elected Shirley Murray as a deacon. On September 30, 2012, a congregational meeting formally dissolved the pastoral relationship with Pastor Michael on or before August 31, 2013, Page 75

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church which enabled the Presbytery to allow the start of a Mission Study Team and a Pastor Nominating Committee before the Pastor retired. On November 18, 2012, a congregational meeting elected officers for the Class of 2015 and other classes who would start serving in 2013. The February 12, 2012, congregational meeting was for the purpose of conducting the annual business meeting of the church: (1) receiving the annual report; (2) electing the Corporation officers –President Don Carson, Secretary Ron Fong and Treasurer Dave Wegener; (3) re-affirming the call of the Rev. Dr. Michael Maurice Boyland as pastor per the terms in the budget; (4) calling of members-at-large to serve on the nominating committee for 2012. Three “At-Large” members were elected: Mary Ellen McKowen, Ken Ariathurai and Peter Bade. (5) An amendment of the church bylaws to change the number of at-large members on the nominating committee from five to three was voted upon and passed; but subsequently determined to be out of order since the amendment was not properly notified on the docket before the meeting.

Some Session Action in 2012 included voted to have these standing committees of Session under NFOG will be (1) Buildings & Grounds Committee (2) Christian Equipping Committee (3) Church Alive Committee (4) Finance Committee (5) Missions Committee (6) Nominating Committee (7) Personnel Committee (8) Stewardship Committee (9) Worship Committee ● voted to support the Evangelical Caucus of the San Francisco Presbytery (6-4 vote) ●

Voted to have a written summary report or minutes of each committee submitted to the Clerk of Session after their committee meeting

Voted to have written reports shared no later than by 8am of the Monday of the week Session meets. Page 76

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Session placed five members on the inactive rolls. Members on the inactive rolls for more than two years can be officially removed from the membership rolls. Session encourages inactive members to be active Christians through renewed participation either here or at another church. Sixteen previously inactive members were removed from the inactive rolls. Session takes this action to encourage inactive members to actively associate with a church wherever they may have gone onto; and to minimize paying per capita taxes, which in 2012 are $35 per member. Per Capita helps pays for the operations of Presbytery, Synod and General Assembly. Denominational Support Per Capita to General Assembly $6.87 Per Capita to Synod $5.22 Per Capita kept by Presbytery $22.91 Total Per Capita Per Member $35.00 More info on Per Capita at http://bit.ly/percapita12 We ask all members to contribute an additional $35 per person to cover this tax by the denomination. Mark your check and envelope Per


Church Membership Irvington Presbyterian

188 172 172

108 111 103 103 107

116 116

124 124 120 116 103

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Pastor Michael called 2003


210 190 170 150 130 110 90 70 50

Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church Our special thanks to every one who served on the 2012 session and all the people before them and after. Serving on Session in 2012 were:          

Worship - Pat Jeffries Class 2013 Christian Equipping – Lynnette Ariathurai. Class of 2013 Moderator - Michael Boyland Ex Officio Finance - Don Carson. Class of 2012 Clerk of Session - Ron Fong, Class of 2013 Stewardship – Jeff Jaycox, Class of 2012 Building and Grounds, - Dave Wegener, Class of 2012 Missions – Mustapha and Kamroon Baksh, Class of 2014 Church Alive – Russ Pennelly, Class of 2012 Personnel/Nominating ,-Joe DiMaggio, Class of 2012

The 2012 year had several additional unique challenges as Clerk  The Community Development Block Grant with the City of Fremont to

redo the Social Hall and lighting. There were bid protests and the project was bid twice. The project was ultimately a success thanks to Kevin Farr at SonRise Roofing and to Mark Spahn at ABI Services (lighting). Paperwork was challenging.  The Mission Study Team was headed by the Clerk; and the unusual

process of getting the Presbytery to allow the Mission Study to commence before the Pastor left was new ground for the Presbytery and spearheaded by the Clerk of Session.  There were numerous discussions and interactions with Presbytery

over some of the controversy happening in Presbytery.

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Annual Report 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church The official church active membership revisions are: January l, 2012 ............................................................... 113 members Dean & Heather Ostdiek New members Margarita Austin +5 2012 Daxesh & Sonal Patelia Membership Transfers to other churches

Placed or Requested inactive 2012 as of 12/31 * Inactive Members can be made active anytime.


Moved to different churches Michael & Jeanette Santos Anh Truong Tim & Jeanne Stachowiak Jeff & Karen Jaycox Jay Madsen John Dodge

- 9

Mike & Lisa Young Tesliana Young Michael & Kathleen Flenniken

- 5

Mrs. Eleanor Conwell 4/4/12 Mrs. Phyllis Parker 5/5/12 Mrs. Elma Kiehnle 5/12/12 -6 Passed on to Glory 2012 Mrs. Margaret Howden 5/23/12 Mr. Davey Burke 6/7/12 Dr. John Randall 12/4/12 Adjustment for Records Audit + 5 Net Change - 10 December 31, 2012......................................................... 103 members As we roll into 2013 with the change in pastoral leadership and the retirement of Pastor Michael, we look forward to the unveiling of God’s Plan for IPC as we listen to the Holy Spirit for strength and wisdom on this faith journey of life. Respectfully submitted in His Name, Ron Fong Clerk of Session, 2012 Irvington Presbyterian Church

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