T R I - C I T Y
Breakfast Bytes December 2012
Volume 12 Issue 1
Breakfast Program celebrates 15 Years
The Tri-City Free Breakfast Program (TCFBP) celebrated 15 years of feeding a hot, nutritious breakfast to those in need of our community.
‘For I was hungry, and
On May 19, 2012, volunteers Gave Me were treated to a lovely luncheon in the TCFBP dining something room. Donated gifts for a fun to eat raffle brought many smiles and “Thank you’s” from the Jesus of Nazareth 50+ volunteers attending. Matthew 25:35
TCFBP thanks the community for their support of money, food and time which has made the breakfast program possible for the past 15 years. You helped serve thousands of people and over 200,000 meals. Together, we have made a difference in the lives of the homeless, low income, and seniors of our community. By Karen Jaycox
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Friends Donate Handmade Aprons by Carole Gwynn & Shannon Daniel
24,037 served in 2012 21,866 served in
A big THANK YOU to Shannon Daniel and Carole Gwynn for donating 18 beautiful, handmade monogrammed aprons with “TCFBP” “Oohs” and “Ahs” could be heard as volunteers admired the fine stitching and monograms. We can’t thank you enough! The volunteers look great in their new aprons! We appreciate the time and work involved in making each one.
Energy Efficiency Lights save 60-90% Lights were retrofitted to save energy and dollars and reduce our footprint on the planet. As good stewards of your donations, we want to make every penny stretch to feed our guests. Retrofitting the emergency EXIT lights saved 96% of the electricity needed to operate.
The overhead ceiling light retrofit reduced energy 60%. We converted the fluorescent light bulbs and ballasts used to more energy efficient types. The retrofits will pay for themselves in less than two years with the lower PG&E bill for lighting.
by Ron Fong 58% of the construction was paid for by a CDBG grant. The rest was paid for by donations. The lighting was installed by ABI Services, Inc. of Union City and the project was designed and managed by Ron Fong.
2nd Peanut Butter Drive
by Karen Jaycox
Thanks for making a difference!
Your donation enables us to offer protein along with the donated bread we give the poor and homeless of our community. You have made a difference in someone’s life!
A big thank you to everyone in the community who helped make our peanut butter drive, part of the Fremont Make A Difference Day campaign, a success.
If you would like to donate one lb. jars of peanut butter for those in need, you can drop it off any morning at the Irvington Presbyterian Church office. They will make sure we receive it to give to others. Thank You!
Over 201 lbs of peanut butter donated!
JoAnna Zhou donates peanut butter with a smile!
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2012 Hall of Fame Donors
32,347 Breakfasts served in 2012
During the year 2012, TCFBP sent out 101 letters acknowledging $30,492.38 in donations/grants along with aprons, letter head stationary, tents, sleeping bags, socks, clothing, toiletries and lots of food items. TCFBP is 100% volunteer run and has no paid staff. Thank you for your help to our fellow neighbors. Mr. Dylan DaSilva David Bennauer Helen Jorgensen Jo & De Machado Mary Rickenbacher Madhabika Nayak Mr. Ken Ma Sabina McCauley Mary F. Miller M. Gorman-Moore Christine Nam Michael Paglianti Pramila Rajan Bob Reavis
Irene Shang Sandra Sharkey Ruth Streit Tanjore Suresh Run Feng Tso Hsing Wu Tang David Wegener Florence Yeh Teresa Oliver Jinger Hair Hugh Logan Joan Gower Rose Marley Sandra Bell Bonnie Nichols Diane Norton Althea Hallgren Audrey Carroll Mr. Sam Cesare Crystal Collins Barbara Craven Shannan Daniel Gordon & Anne
MacLeod Vijaya & Nabeen
Nayak Mr. & Mrs. John
Mr. & Mrs. Robert
Moorman Mark & Janet Harley Pam Stringfellow Richard Doberstein Michael Hollingshead Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Rodriguez John & Carrie Follett Thomas & Gerlinde Mardirosian Anuska K. Rao & Tanjore K. Suresh Mr. & Mrs. James Putler Mr. & Mrs. Rovert Tebelskis Mr. & Mrs. Philip Lowton Mr. & Mrs. Jeffery Jaycox Mr. & Mrs. Melvin Melville Mr. & Mrs. Ted Gardner Gary & Josephine Callahan Sandra & Carter Hennessey
We are always in need of donations of Socks for men and women (preferably white) Cold Cereal Oatmeal Orange Juice Coffee Cheese Peanut Butter Meals in a can (soup, chili, stew, etc.) If you have items to donate, contact Jeane Garrett. 15% of our food is donated.
City of Fremont Walter & Elise
Haas Foundation Fremont Bank
Foundation Irvington Presbyte-
rian Church Missions Committee AARP chapter 748 Child Welfare Club
of Washington Township Centerville Presbyterian Church Fremont Congregational Church Holy Trinity Lutheran Church Haydee's Alterations Rahima Foundation Senica Center St. Vincent de Paul San Jose Mercury Wish Book Fund United Methodist Women
YOUR Donations Buy 85% of the food
T r i - C i t y F r ee B r e a k f a s t Program
4181 Irvington Avenue P.O. Box 1336 Fremont CA 94536 Phone: 510-657-3133 Fax: 510.657.7040 E-mail: ipchurch@pacbell.net
The Tri-City Free Breakfast program (TCFBP) continues to offer a hot, nutritious breakfast with dignity and respect every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 7:00 to 9:00 a.m. The program is staffed 100% by volunteers. Set-up and food preparation begins shortly after 4:00a.m. with clean-up usually concluded by 9:30a.m. Food is served to tables by volunteer waiters where guests are served as if they were at a restaurant. Our guests include a significant percentage of seniors, families, working poor and homeless people. For many of our guests, this breakfast is the only hot, nutritious meal consumed each day. Meals continue to include a wide range of healthy foods, such as milk, eggs, meat, bread, and fruit and include diabetic sensitive options. Guests are referred to other social services as needed. Donated supplemental food is bagged and available for guests to take home.
In 2012, compared to a year ago, we served 32,347 meals, 7% more meals than in 2011 24,037 guests, 10% more guests than in 2011 10,211 provisions, 33% more provisions than in 2011 170 daily guests (last year was 140)
Be A Volunteer Serving Dignity and Respect Since 1997
To Volunteer, contact Rich Doberstein 510-683-8823 rich.dare2dream@sbcglobal.net
IRVINGTON PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH 4181 Irvington Avenue P.O. Box 1366 Fremont, CA 94538-0133
Non-Profit Organization
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