Ephesians 3:14-21
Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner, D.Min. Introduction: We have in these eight verses “The Success Petitions of Intercessory Prayer”. Textually, these petitions are for the Saints in Ephesus, today-these verses are for us. The Relevant Question: What are Success Petitions? These Success Petitions entail eight prayer points emphasizing what the salvation of Jesus Christ covers and what we should ask for in our prayers for others.
Verse 14 ~ The Success Plan is built on Intercessory Prayer. Paul goes to the Father on behalf of the Ephesians. He positions himself in humility as he says, “I bow my knees unto the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ”. Anyone who wants true success for themselves and others must properly position themselves before God. JJeessuuss C Chhrriisstt iiss tthhee L Loorrdd ooff SSuucccceessss. Verse 15 ~ Paul connects Success with the Father who has named everything in Heaven and earth. He connects His naming with the impartation of His authority. This authority of naming started with Adam, Genesis 2:19-23 and has proceeded down to the present authorized person who has naming rights and who will receive a new name themselves, Revelation 2:17.. JJeessuuss C Chhrriisstt hhaass N Naam meedd SSuucccceessss FFoorr Y Yoouu!! Verse 16 ~ Being named carries a blessing. Paul uses the term “grant” in the King James Version. In our vernacular, when we are granted something, we do not have to pay for it, nor pay it back. Here we have a “grant of success”. This grant is firm, “according to the riches of his glory”. This grant reads “rich treasury” in the Amplified and “the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love” in the Message Bible. When this grant is processed, it’s designed for us “to be strengthened with might by His Spirit in the inner man”. The Spirit of God has the ability to strengthen us with might. Might in this case is assigned to our inner person, the place where our faith is shaped to believe, Romans 10:9-10.. IInn H Hiiss M Miigghhtt W Wee A Arree A Assssuurreedd ooff SSuucccceessss.. Verse 17 ~ Notice the interchange of “by his spirit” in v. 16 and “that Christ may dwell in your hearts by faith” in v. 17. Christ, as the anointed one, releases the anointing in this instance. By using the name Christ, we get both the root as well as the ground of the Spirit of love. At the heart of our belief is the accomplished work of Christ. To have him “dwelling” represents occupying and abiding as the worker within us. The love term here is agape and represents the endearment and benevolence of the Spirit. SSuucchh lloovvee eennaabblleess tthhee bbeelliieevveerr ttoo eexxppeerriieennccee tthhee ggrreeaatt SSuucccceessss ddiim meennssiioonnss ooff L Loovvee.. Verse 18 ~ The vast dimensions of Love are again expressed in this verse. The dimensions are the breath, length, depth and height of love. Paul says, “to comprehend
with all saints” what the implication of these dimensions suggest for our living. Saints should have a four point comprehension of Love. The Message Bible directs us into an understanding of the dimensions of love by rendering “And I ask him that with both feet planted firmly on love, you’ll be able to take in with all Christians the extravagant dimensions of Christ’s love. Reach out and experience the breath! Test its length! Plumb the depth! Rise to the heights! Live full lives, full in the fullness of God”. This love is as wide as he stretched his arms while hanging on the cross to die for all of our sins. This love is as long as a second moving into a minute and a minute turning into an hour and as an hour turning into days and days into weeks and weeks into months and months into years, years into decades and decades into centuries and centuries into Millenniums. The depth of this love is as deep as our last pain, deeper than our last tear, deeper than our last heart break and deeper than hell itself. The height is higher than death, higher than sickness, higher than layoffs, higher than failed dreams, higher than agony and higher than anger.. PPrraaccttiiccee T Thhee FFoouurr PPooiinnttss ooff SSuucccceessss T Thhrroouugghh L Loovvee.. Verse 19 ~ Wherein v. 18 relates the love which can be measured in some seemingly immeasurable circumstances, v.19 has Paul moving us into a knowledge “which passes knowledge”. Try filling an 8 ounce glass. It is designed to hold 8 ozs. When we reach 8 ozs., that’s it. You can use another glass to hold more water, but an 8 ounce glass can only hold 8 ozs. This analogy helps us to consider the c portion of the text, “that ye might be filled with all the fullness of God”. Such a phrase speaks of the possible impossibility of fullness, “the love … which passes knowledge and being “filled with all the fullness of God”. These pharases are comparative phrases based on prior knowledge and experiences. Persons who come to the “comprehension” Paul refers to have made statements such as, “I never thought it could be that good”, “if I had known then, what I know now, I would have changed a long time ago”. A A ppeerrssoonn ooppeerraattiinngg iinn tthhee ffuullllnneessss ooff G o d w i l l e n j o y t h e f u l l n e s s o f H i s S u c c e s s P l a n i n God will enjoy the fullness of His Success Plan in tthheeiirr lliivveess.. Verse 20 ~ This verse affirms the comprehensive action of love. The phrase, “now unto him that is able to do” defines the action of love. Love’s Power points back to “might” in v. 16 and restates its efficacy in the phrase, “exceeding abundantly above all”. Here as well is a reaffirmation of the four point comprehension of love, the passing knowledge of love and the fullness of God. This power works in us.. E Evveerryy iinnddiivviidduuaall iinn yyoouurr ffaam miillyy sshhoouulldd bbee ooppeerraattiinngg iinn tthhiiss ddiim meennssiioonn ooff G Goodd’’ss SSuucccceessss iinn tthheeiirr lliivveess,, aarree yyoouu uurrggiinngg iitt?? Verse 21~ The word “glory” is key here. In the greek it is dox’-ah which mean dignity, honor, praise and worship. The base from which dox’ah originates is dok-eh’-o which is defined as seem good or be of a good reputation. So, when we insert the definition in the text, it reads, “Unto him be a good reputation in the church …..” Christ Jesus provides a good reputation in the church (among the called out ones), and it “lasts throughout all ages, world without end”. Be called out, live called out, and the church’s good reputation will produce a good reputation in you. T Thhiiss iiss tthhee SSuucccceessss PPllaann W Whheenn Y Yoouu FFoolllloow w G o d . God. A A FFaam miillyy BBiibbllee SSttuuddyy,, H Hoow w TToo BBee SSuucccceessssffuull IInn FFuullffiillliinngg G Goodd’’ss PPllaann by Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner, D.Min., is offered to you as a family exercise in the Word Of God. Mixed with prayer, our objective is to provide The Word that it may produces growth and development in every area of your life. Be well enabled now and fulfill God’s plan for your life.