Breaking free from financial bondage blog

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B Brreeaakkiinngg F Frreeee F Frroom mF Fiinnaanncciiaall B Boonnddaaggee Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner, D.Min.

In a day of economic highs and lows, what does the Bible say about Stewardship? This examination of biblical texts will help us undergird ourselves with biblical stability. Biblical Stewardship is not divorced from these times of recession and depression, rather affirms that biblical answers are available to guide us through these times. Stewardship is a life encompassing concept. It not only deals with dollars and cents, but with the total person. If we are not good stewards, all that we handle will not have meaning nor value. Herein, we will be careless, unconcerned and prone to make burdensome mistakes with all that comes into our hands to manage. Too many find it hard to hold on to what comes into their hands. I believe you want to acquire godly control - Am I right or wrong? Your willingness to receive proper spiritual support and guidance is what will help you become a good steward. For too long we all have been bad stewards. In this regard, you should have the best teacher and the best teaching to inform you. The best teacher is our Wise Creator and the best teaching is found in His Word - The Holy Bible. In this pastoral work, I'm offering counsel which has been developed from my 40 years in the gospel ministry. I am not a certified financial planner, but, I am writing from interaction with prayer requests, bible study questions, pastoral pre-marital counseling, excuses for non-participation in the financial support of the church, financially stripped members, building expansion ministries and those who just do not know what to do with a dollar. I share with a I Timothy 3:5 perspective, "For if a man know not how to rule his own house, how shall he take care of the church of God?" KJV.

I am also writing from a prophetic perspective. An anointed prosperity is in the Body of Christ! This prophetic/anointing is ushering in the need for financing the 1

all inclusive gospel message - "And this good news of the kingdom (the Gospel) will be preached throughout the whole world as a testimony to all the nations, and then will come the end" Matt. 24:14 Amplified.

This is not an end of time message, but an end of the time of ignorance to such a message which includes the end of borrowing money! Toward this end, the Body of Christ has to be ready as stewards to manage this increase with a Kingdom Perspective. So, it is important that each individual gird up their loins in this kingdom requirement. Each family must secure this trait in their dispositions as reflecting the light of this Prophetic/Anointed Demeanor, 2 Chronicles 20:20. Each church must position itself not only to preach debt cancellation, but be pro-active in being an example itself and lead its members in the same direction. Such a calling will usher in Our King's Will for this New Season, Proverbs 8:17-21. This redemptive work is also written from personal experience. I have not always been able to say what I am saying in this brief announcement. It has been a blessing for me to release this information from my spirit and into yours. This may be a bible study to some, it may be a sermon of sorts, my desire is that it will be a source of Good News. I want you to say, "I got this just in time to make some key decisions" or I wish I could have had this 5 years ago, maybe I would be further down the road. " When you turn these pages, you will find inspiration, information and a call for introspection. Freedom from the bondage caused by ignorance is a refreshing quest. It is my prayer you will obtain the revelational knowledge needed for these times. View On Amazon In the first submission I will deal with The Problem as the request has been made I Need A Financial Blessing. In my second submission we will explore The Promise There Is A Way Out. The Role of the third submission is to help you get established in The Principle of stewardship as outlined in The Luke 6:38 Stewardship Principle. Our last concern will showcase The Plan ~ Cooperative Economics. Being in bondage is not the will of God for your life, getting out is. I pray that your Exodus from the Egypt of Economic Slavery will allow you to cross the Red Sea of Revelation and Redemption, and as you enter into your new Freedom, that the God who made it all possible will be Glorified. $25 per copy (includes shipping & handling) 1 866 540-0745


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