First Union Baptist Church Leadership Training May 5, 2012 The First Union Baptist Church Leadership training is designed to empower and develop leaders who are capable of fulfilling the mission and vision of our church in an ever-changing world. Thus, we have come together to avail ourselves in the study of God’s Word to better understand our roles, duties, and responsibilities. Likewise, the task of leadership will also require us to evaluate our process and practice in order to be relevant and provide cross-generational ministry that can reach our children, seniors, and the life stages the come in between.
Our Vision: To be a manifestation of the body of Christ edifying God’s people in mission and unity.
Our Mission: Empowering all people for Christian service through education, spiritual growth, evangelism, and winning souls for Christ. Facilitator: Dr. Ronnie Joyner Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner. D.Min. answered his call to the gospel ministry in 1975. He has been in the pastoral ministry for 37 years, having served Greater Mt. Zion Baptist Church, Chesapeake, VA November 1975 - June 1982 and Mt. Lebanon Baptist Church Norfolk, VA July 1982- May 2000 prior to founding the Philadelphia Fellowship (Baptist) in June of 2000. Dr. Joyner is a 1975 graduate of Norfolk State University ~ Bachelors of Arts Political Science, a 1978 graduate of the School of Theology-Virginia Union University ~ Master of Divinity and a 1983 graduate of the Howard University’s School of Religion ~ Doctor of Ministry. Dr. Joyner recently completed a 12 month sabbatical at Boston University looking at Divorce Among African American Clergy. Dr. Joyner is past president of the Division of Clergy, Baptist General Convention of VA, past president of The Tidewater Metro Baptist Minister’s Conference, and has been a featured speaker at Colleges, churches and convention settings in more than 35 states and in 5 foreign countries. Dr. Joyner has authored 4 books. Recent publications include: Lessons in Family Development, Outskirts Press Functioning As A Deaconess, Orman Press; Sabbath In The City, Westminster John Knox Press & Breaking Free From Financial Bondage, Issuu Pubications. Pastor Joyner has been married for 37 years to Lady Olliette, and they are the proud parents of two sons, Ron II, and Julian Leville and one daughter in law Trin'ea and their 1st grand daughter Reynah Trin'ea.
Training Schedule Session A: Deacon, Deaconess, & Trustee Training Reverend Alvin Armstead, Pastor First Union Baptist Church, Richmond, VA
First Union Baptist Church Leadership Training May 5, 2012 Description: This session is designed to explore and discuss the roles, responsibilities, and duties of the Diaconate and Trustee ministry. Facilitator: Dr. Ronnie Joyner
Session B: Five Keys to Effective Church Management Description: This session is designed to explore how the church utilizes capable leaders to aid in the work of ministry in order to be effective verses being efficient. Facilitator: Pastor Alvin Armstead
Continental Breakfast
(Fellowship Hall)
Session A-Deacon & Deaconess Session B-Trustees
(Prayer Room) (Large S.S. Room)
Session A-Trustees Session B-Deacon & Deaconess
(Large S.S. Room) (Prayer Room)
Combined Session led by Dr. Ronnie Joyner (Sanctuary) How ministries are interrelated and work together to fulfill the church’s mission and vision?
11:45-12 noon
Departing Words & Benediction
Reverend Alvin Armstead, Pastor First Union Baptist Church, Richmond, VA