The 12 tribes of philadelphia

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Government 12 And The Year of Jubilee Family Legacy Ministry Stewardship Campaign Our prayers and strong reliance "upon the Lord who is guiding us in Our Journey" is affirmed even more from the text of our origin, Rev. 3:8, "for thou hast a little strength and hast kept my word and hast not denied my name" ~ with this Faith, We go forward! There are 12 letters in our name, Philadelphia Fellowship. 12 in biblical numerology represents the Government of God. Jesus had 12 disciples/apostles who helped Him guide the formative life of his early ministry movement. These twelve leaders would become the Legacy Leaders of the Christian Faith as they would fulfill the Great Commission ~ "Go out and train everyone you meet, far and near, in this way of life, marking them by baptism in the threefold name: FATHER, SON AND HOLY SPIRIT. Then instruct them in the practice of all I have commanded you. I'll be with you as you do this, day after day, right up to the end of the age" Matthew 28:18-20 The Message.

The 12 Tribes of Philadelphia are challenged by Matthew 28:18-20 and are under its mandate to assist in carrying out a 12 Point Covenant which encourages each member to help your tribe grow. This growth is occasioned by reaching at least 12 Covenant Partners (I Corinthians 9) and empowering these partners through The 12 Month Educational, Evangelistic and Economic Empowerment Institute. Here Are 12 Points To Be Followed:

P - Pray for Your 12 New Covenant Partners to be identified Luke 10:2 H - Help The 12 New Covenant Partners know their Jesus Power, Luke 10:19,20 I - "I Am Sent As A Lamb" is The 12 New Covenant Partners ' Theme, Luke 10:3 L - Love the Calling of God upon your life and pass it on to The 12, Luke 10:22 A - Advance from 'One of Our Seven Cities' to the next, Luke 9:56 D - Deliver "blessing" as you 'Visit' the homes of The 12, Luke 10:5,6 E - Edify each of The 12 but be prepared for rejection, Luke 10:16 L - Life, sold out and committed to Christ is the message for each of The 12, Luke 9:24 P - Prioritize this venture, "plowing" forward is of Kingdom Importance, Luke 9:62 H - 'Heaven's Joy' is seeing ordinary people prosper from its revelation, Luke 10:21 I - Invest Your Time with The 12 like "An Investor" & focus faithfully upon them, Luke 10:7 A - Assist and encourage your Tribe to follow this benefitting ministry, Luke 10:1


Government 12 is the practice of winning souls and governing them - Kingdom Style. There are at least 130 references of the number 12 used in scripture depicting the Government of God. Such references are Exodus 1:1-5 which outlines the twelve sons of Jacob, out of which have come the twelve tribes of Israel, Genesis 49:1-33. The twelve stone pillars are highlighted in Exodus 24:4, while the twelve staffs are highlighted in Numbers 17:6. In each one of these references, government and the practice of authority is implied. Additionally, following foundational Old Testament teaching, when Jesus started his ministry, he chose 12 disciples who later became the 12 Apostles, Luke 6:13. The twelve foundations of the Heavenly Jerusalem, Rev. 21:14 are built on the Apostles. The Heavenly Jerusalem will have 12 gates and 12 angels, Rev. 21:12, and the 12 gates will have its single pearl covering, Rev. 21:21. The measurement of the New Jerusalem is a perfect square, 12 thousand stadia, its length, width and height are all equal-Rev. 21:16. These references lay the foundation for God Governing Growth and Development of the dynamic OVERCOMER's Ministry of Philadelphia Fellowship (Baptist). Government 12 does not speak of the archaic lines of structure and power, but the Educational, Evangelistic and Economic Empowering Axioms of family life as seen in the living of 'the 12 sons, altars and staffs which bore the names of the priests who ministered in the tribes of people', and now in Philadelphia's Tribe Leaders. There are Four Dimensions of Government 12 which shall direct us Educationally, Evangelistically and Economically as we move toward Ministry Within our Families. We draw from John 1:29-51~Jesus, John the Baptist, Andrew, Peter, Philip and Nathaniel are prime features in this dimension. Our initial 90 Day Congregational Goal ~ Reach over 300 new Members (2 Tim. 2:2), build our membership internally through bible based answers for every aspect of our constituent families. We will strive with great diligence to Create Payoffs of Mortgages and Financially Stabilize our homes. (Hebrews 4:1-13) I. II. III. IV.

Introducing The Government 12 Family Legacy Vision Inviting Family Members and Friends Into More Intimate Relationships Imparting The John 1:42 Clarification of Purpose Inspiring Every Family Member To See Greater Things

In that we are Bible driven, we will follow the flow of John 1:29-51 as we Walk and Work through our initial 90 Days, then the remainder 275 Days and beyond in Making the Word of God Flesh. We will follow God's Plan for Releasing His Education, Reaching Families and Realizing Revenue through His Redeeming Resources. We will do as John the


Baptist did in getting the hearts, souls and minds prepared to receive the Messiah as we build our families. What seems to be a mammoth task got Divine undergirding in three days, John 1:29-51. You need to become familiar with this text. I call it Three Days of Anointed Prosperity. It is here that we highlight the anointing which accompanies The Planting, Watering and Increase of The Jubilee Seed.

The Government 12 Summary Like Jesus, you should follow the biblical example and develop a core Discipleship Team comprised of 4, then the five of you work as a covenant community to reach 12 each like Jesus. This is the intent of The Family Legacy Ministry, to bring God's Government into the lives of every family member. We must follow the prophetic Baptismal Derivatives of John the Baptist, John 1:25-34 as we develop our Discipleship Teams. The development of your Discipleship Team {12 new learners and followers} will manifest the Educating, Evangelistic and Economic Empowering Order of God. The Andrew, Philip, Peter and Nathaniels are the initial 4 members of the Discipleship Team, then James, John, Matthew, Thomas, Simon, Thaddaeus, James and Matthias follows in rounding out the 12 disciples. Legacies are developed out of the character and influence of Jesus. He is the essence of discipleship which produces the Growth and God Given Rewards in the ministry. The 12 Disciples became Jesus' core discipleship team without telephones, cars, trucks, the internet, Facebook, text messages nor Twitter ~ just think of our enhanced success with these items. Each of our 12 Tribes should strive to reach at least 12 core members comprising their Core Discipleship Team and then share the load of this evangelistic calling by helping each member of your tribe to reach 12 additional tribe members each, Acts 2:47, 2 Timothy 2:2. Family Members, John 1: 41 and friends, v.45 are the focus here. Spreading the Legacy Message will continue The Kingdom thrust in our Quest To Raise Families To The Glory Of God. This ministry will allow each tribe to take the Matthew 28:18-20 Challenge and Go, Grow and Glory in the God of Our Wholistic Salvation. ~About The Year of Jubilee! Biblically, Jubilee articulates the Agricultural Regulations for God's people as found in-Leviticus 25:1-55; Deuteronomy 15:1-18; Isaiah 61:1,2 & Luke 4:18,19} The basic provisions highlighted in the Year of Jubilee has to do with preventing the overworking of the land, the call for regular land redistribution of crops and forbidding perpetual servitude. This authority suggest that these regulations are intended to eliminate poverty (Deut. 15:4,5). Years were divided into groups of seven with the seventh designated as the Sabbatical Year (year of rest). In that year no farming was to be done (Lev. 25:3-5), debts among the Israelites were to be cancelled (Deut. 15:2), and indentured servants were to be set free (Deut. 15:12). This cycle was to repeat itself seven times for a total of 49 years. The 50th year was set aside as The Year of Jubilee (Lev. 25:8,9). The regulations were identical to those of the Sabbatical Year, with one exception. In the Year of


Jubilee all real estate, except that within walled cities, automatically reverted to the family to which it had originally been assigned (Lev. 25:13). Servants were to be released in the Year of Jubilee because God had rescued the Israelites from Egypt and they were all His servants (Lev. 25:55). The land was to be redeemed regularly, because it actually belonged to God, not Israel (Lev. 25:23,24). Even centuries later, the duty of keeping ancestral real estate in the family was Naboth's reason for refusing to sell his vineyard to King Ahab (1 Kings 21:3). For African Americans, Dr. Virgil Wood notes, "it was our ancestor's love for the Bible which drew us to embrace certain biblical beliefs which kept the spirit of Jubilee alive. The collective activity of enslaved blacks immediately after the emancipation in 1865 shows that those newly freed blacks created, within the first 50 Years after slavery, the institutional framework for black churches, black colleges, the black press and black business. The foundation has been so solidly laid that these institutions have been able to survive to the present time. Here is 'the joy beyond the struggle' in social salvation." (Virgil Wood, The Biblical Jubilee, 1999). It is my personal and pastoral desire to see our church and our families become debt free and build an Eden Type Economy by "dressing and keeping" our personal and congregational Eden according to the outlined Godly principles. This Legacy Quest set forth the following 7 Legacy Goals: I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII.

Commit to 2 Timothy 2:15 and Strive for Legacy Excellence as a Student of Christ Be "A Voice" as John The Baptist extolling the virtues of The Family Legacy Ministry That you will follow Luke 10:2 and Luke 6:12-16 and win then grow 12 Disciples Your 12 Member Discipleship Teams will follow the effectiveness of Jesus' 12 Disciples Commit to the Daily, Weekly and Monthly Six Points of L.E.G.A.C.Y. Strive, with covenant ethics to create for yourself at least a $5,000 per month stream of income With Acts 2:45 and Acts 4:31-34, Help each of your 12 Disciples to achieve Goal 6.

Our Monthly Themes and Tribe Organization: January ~ The Tribe of Praise Leroy Studivant, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Foundation of the Family "To revisit the genesis of life and build upon it in our contemporary settings"

February ~ The Tribe of Hallel Pat Merritt, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Attitude of the Family "To nurture the proper consciousness which shall present God's Family to the World"


March ~ The Tribe of Influence Sharon Flowers, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Mission and Ministry of the Family

"To identify, solidify and edify the role of our families" April ~ The Tribe of Legacy Olliette Joyner, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Investment and Interest of the Family "to cultivate the Family Stuff which has been placed in us to make us Family"

May ~ The Tribe of Ability Trinea Joyner, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Learning and Loving of the Family

"To develop the construct for biblical instruction which should inform better relationships within our families"

June ~ The Tribe of Demonstration Junious Moore, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Yield of the Family

"to celebrate what Seeds of God have been sown in our families that we may be productive" July ~ The Tribe of Excellence Tribe Leader Needed Theme of the Month The Family and Self Determination

"To develop the proper definition of ourselves, name ourselves, create for ourselves and speak for ourselves instead of being defined, named, created for and spoken for by others"

August ~ The Tribe of Leadership Regina Kelley, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Family & Collective Work and Responsibility

"to build and maintain our community together and make our sister's and brother's problems our problems and solve them together"


September ~ The Tribe of Provision James Fayton, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Family and Cooperative Economics

"to become better managers of all the resources God blesses us with and to help make our tomorrows better through what we do together today"

October ~ The Tribe of Heritage Audrey Gray , Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Purpose of the Family

"to make our collective vocation that of building and developing our covenant community in order to restore our people to their traditional greatness"

November ~ The Tribe of Increase Amelia Goffigan, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Creativity of the Family

"to do always as much as we can, in the way we can, in order to leave our families, place of worship and communities more beautiful and beneficial than we inherited it"

December ~ The Tribe of Action Kevin Kelley, Tribe Leader Theme of the Month The Faith of the Family "to undergird our families with the knowledge of God, reliance upon Him and the need to acknowledge Him in all our ways" There are 12 Covenant Persons waiting for each present member of Philadelphia. In the name of Jesus, we will prayerfully go after each of them. These persons are family members and friends, they work with us, live in the neighborhood, and our paths have crossed so many times. Our Walk and Talk must compel them, Acts. 2:46,47. We can't wait for people to come to us, we must approach them ‌ We have to get the word out! Don't know what to say to get the conversation started? The Jesus in you will turn simple talk into numerical miracles


through the K. I. S. S. OPPORTUNITY when we use our lips and voice in this Kingdom Initiative. We will follow the outline of John 1:29-51 and the accompanying K. I. S. S. Principle (Keep It Sanctifyingly Simple). Simple talk will produce Salvation Responses through this Covenant of Increase: ď ś By Praying Psalm 118:25 and Luke 10:2~Prayer Daily and Fasting at least 1 day per week until 4PM. ď ś In the Spirit of John 1:39 we will work toward our Harvest ~"Therefore said he unto them, the harvest truly is great, but the laborers are few; pray ye therefore the Lord of the harvest, that he would send forth laborers into his harvest"

The Philadelphia Fellowship (Baptist) The Perfecting Church Where OverComers Are Made~Rev. 3:7-13 God Bless! The Year of Jubilee Family Legacy Ministry is A Biblical Initiative Which is Designed to Connect Families for a Brighter Future. Searching for the righteous fit for The Philadelphia Fellowship, the Lord released this body of direction to Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner. While this ministry is derived out of the Philadelphia Fellowship Ministry, it is to benefit the entire Body of Christ. Interested? You can contact Pastor Joyner by e-mail at Twitter- @docrdj or @HotJoyRadio Facebook-RonnieD.Joyner/docrdj May A Rev. 3:7-13 Blessing Rest Upon You


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