The Philadelphia Fellowship Consecration For 2015 The Philadelphia Fellowship 31 Day Consecration is pivotal and enhancing personally, scripturally and congregationally. Here is why: Personally, it is evident in Rev. 3:7-13 our Lord is quite knowledgeable of each of our personal activity within our church as He says in verse 8, 'I know thy works'. This intimate knowledge provides the thrust of His assessment. Your personal works provide this personal knowledge. Scripturally, we are out of His Mouth after we were in His Mind and we exist because He spoke us into existence. June, 2000 we became His Congregation, biblically 'we became His People' and Congregationally we are known as The Philadelphia Fellowship (Baptist). We are the people and church set as His Open Door for many. For 15 years we have been 'His people' and 'His congregation' without entrance into our own House. The reason, we have had too 'little strength' v.8 to make that happen. But, as 'The Angel' of the Church, I declare and decree, 'fullness of time' has arrived and in this year of 2015, our 'little strength' shall be assisted by 'keeping His word' and 'no denial of His Name', they are going to make us first partakers of that Open Door! Please review Luke 4:1-13 to grasp the details of the consecration Jesus, our example, went through as He prepared to begin His earthly ministry. Surely we are not Jesus, but we do have His Spirit and His dialogue with satan outlined before us. Defeat the normal diet you are presently engaged in for the remainder of this month. Make this consecration pilgrimage through Him, ask for His help and 'keep His Word' and 'don't deny His Name'! For your own spiritual growth and nurture, do this In His Name. Do You Love Him? Remember the theme of the Year ~ I Corinthians 2:9 ~ If you Love Him there is a promise to be fulfilled for you in 2015. Let's come out of this 31 Days Seeing What We Have Longed To See, Hearing What We Have Longed to Hear, Having Our Hearts Conditioned by His Heart and Realizing What He Has Prepared For Us who love Him! Educationally, we will be using 2 Books this Month. To help us with our Fast/Consecration, we will use J.J. Smith's10 Day Green Smoothie Cleanse. This is a #1 national bestseller. J.J. Smith is a nutritionist and certified weight-loss expert who has been featured on the Steve Harvey Show, The Montel Williams Show, The Jamie Foxx Show and on NBC, Fox and CW Network Television stations. She has been featured in Glamour, Essence and Ladies Home Journal. Since reclaiming her health, losing weight and discovering a 'second youth' in
her forties, J.J. has become the voice of inspiration to those who want to lose weight, be healthy and get their sexy back! See Sis. Barbara
Stevens to place your order.
Our 2nd textbook will be Lessons In Family Development ~ Moving Forward By Going Back To The Basics by Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner, D.Min. This will be our Bible Study Text, Tuesday & Wednesday Nights, either online or TBA locations. The Sermonic as well as these Bible Study Texts are outlined in our featured text for the year, The Year of Jubilee Family Legacy Ministry. You will be able to earn Continuing Education Units (CEUs) through the Samuel Dewitt Procter School of Theology of Virginia Union University as you participate in this Family Legacy Institute this year. Enrollment Forms are in the rear of the Legacy Booklet. If you are interested, see Additionally, just coming out of the greatest recession since the Great Depression, we are now challenged with what is called The New Normal. Since Jesus fasted for 40 Days in creating a New Normal, what discipline will our Breaking Free From Financial Bondage Fast bring about?
Develop a New Financial Attitude for Your Present and Future Under the Anointing, Challenge Yourself to think Developmentally as An Entreprenuer Buying and Spending habits must be reviewed and amended. What is God showing you? Use your observant eye and create an economic inroad that your personal economy can be rewarded through.
Daily Fasting Focus Pray: 6-6:20am The Priesthood of Prayer A Debt Free Dialogue 712 432-3066 Access Code 219600 & www.HotJoyRadio.caster.FM Read: Breaking Free From Financial Bondage, Ronnie D. Joyner additionally Liberating & Empowering blogs & websites on financial empowerment. Set Financial Goals: What can be paid down/off in this 31 day period? Identify: Do you have a savings account to place additional funds during this period? Save: With I Chronicles 16:29 as your guide, Save $5 a day and give a sacrificial offering of $155 at the end of the Fast. Prepare: A weekly budget for your household (only spend what you plan for). A budget outline is on pages 58-61. Track Your Spending: Write down all expenses (include everything i.e. gas, coffee, lunch, etc.) You will be surprised at how much you spend in a week on these and other items.
Cook: Meals at home (as much as possible) Limit dining out. Avoid: Using Credit Cards Stay Away: From Payday Loans & Check Cashing Places Do Not: Go To the Mall No: Online Shopping Invest: In Your Children's Future … research ways to help your children understand fiscal responsibility and put them on a financial plan. Expect: Your 'net worth' to grow, your faith to be stretched and your financial seeds to reap a harvest!
Scripture and Prayer Focus Day 1 Joel 2:25-26~Prayer: Today don't let people discount my experience. Refund my wasted timeand send a rebate for the broken areas! Day 2 Romans 8:27~Prayer: Today, Search My Heart, Locate the Spirit's Mind, Intercede for me and Populate my life with His Will! Day 3 Proverbs 3:9-10~Prayer: Today let me honor you with my first fruits, make a deposit into my spirit and give me a fresh start! Day 4 John 14:16~Prayer: Jesus, would you ask the Father to allow His Spirit to be my Comforter by abiding in me this day? Day 5 Proverbs 22:7~Prayer: Today redistribute wealth, revise plans, reassign opponents, rejuvenate laborers and restore America! Day 6 John 14:26~Prayer: Spirit, teach me the truth of finances, guide me deeper in your wisdom and enable me to pass this truth to the next generation. Day 7 Ephesians 3:20~Prayer: Today, make outcomes better than I expected, my destiny bigger than I imagine and debt smaller than I thought! Day 8 Acts 1:8~Prayer: Holy Ghost, come upon me and leave your Power, fill my life with ability beyond my own knowledge! Day 9 II Corinthians 4:7~Prayer: Today fight my battles, negotiate all deals, protect ideals, meet all bills and make all bodies healed! Day 10 Romans 8:26~Prayer: O' Spirit, Minister your Help in every place of infirmity, Release your healing, and Make Intercession where I groan! Day 11 Psalm 77:14~Prayer: Today all I have is two fish and five loaves. Break me but not my faith. Multiply blessings not lack. Make a miracle!
Day 12 Romans 8:11~Prayer: O' Spirit, You raised Jesus from the dead, would you raise me from dead finances and give me New Money through New Life! Day 13 Psalm 90:17~Prayer: Today, save me from a lot, give me early access, lower my price but not my value, shorten the line and extend payoff funds! Day 14 Judges 9:23~Prayer: Today Lord, send an evil spirit between me and debt, enable me to deal treacherously with debt! Day 15 II Corinthians 4:16-18~Prayer: Today, drown my debts, float my ideas, don't let me go under, let me swim through struggle and dive into destiny! Day 16 I Kings 21:5~Prayer: Father, when a sad spirit tries to come upon me, Be My Bread and Turn sadness into Gladness! Day 17 Deuteronomy 11:14~Prayer: Today, impact the weather, clear the sky so there's no thunder and send the heat to increase my harvest! Day 18 II Chronicles 18:21~Prayer: Father, may the lying spirit of debt propel me into the True Spirit of Debt Cancellation! Day 19 Luke 6:28~Prayer: Today let every deception be uncovered, undo every curse, settle unpaid bills and close unfinished business! Day 20 Ecclesiastes 2~Prayer: Father, where the works of my hands have produced vanity and vexation of spirit, may Your Spirit lead me into multiplied Victories! Day 21 Ephesians 6:12~Prayer: Today, pull apart pressures, apply peace, pay off my payments, push up my possibilities and pull down principalities! Day 22 Romans 8:15~Prayer: My circumstances were guided by the spirit of bondage and fear, but you released and I NOW receive The Spirit of Adoption! Day 23 II Corinthians 5:7~Prayer: Today, remove all my economic reservations, give me clear confirmation, send fresh revelation and prepare me for financial elevation. Day 24 II Timothy 1:7~Prayer: Thank you Lord for not gifting me with the spirit of fear but The Spirit of Productive Power, Leveraged Love and a Sound Mind! Day 25 James 1:17~Prayer: Today, let something good happen in my finances, send the greatest opportunity of my life and make my fiscal future better than it was! Day 26 Romans 8:16~Prayer: Father, from Spirit to spirit thank you for covering me as your Child!
Day 27 Matthew 7:7~Prayer: Today, help me make an impact, reverse the effects of my poor budgetary decisions, heighten my intuition and find investors for my ideas! Day 28 Romans 8:17~Prayer: Today. as your child I am your heir, through Christ I am joint heir of the good, the bad and the ugly - For His Glory! Day 29 Psalm 37:23~Prayer: Today, keep my mind focused, my eyes on the prize, my hand out of the cookie jar and feet on the right path! Day 30 I Timothy 6:18~Prayer: Today, command my finances to increase, let me be rich in good deeds and be generous to those in need! Day 31 I Corinthians 2:1-16~Prayer: Today, Father, take my eyes that I may see as you see, take my ears that I may hear you and speak to my heart that I may be prepared for what you have prepared for me!
"While the call of God is personal, the Initial Sermon presentation doesn't necessarily have to be. The special nature surrounding these four young men at one time being celebrated, has to do with all four revelations came within simultaneous time frames. Their approaches made me a bit overwhelmed, and even now I feel very pastorally pregnant at this time of my 37th year of ministry." Pastor Ronnie D. Joyner, D.Min .