Roots of Life Wellness (Your Local Magazine to Great Health)

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Roots of Life Wellness Magazine



Meet the Team


Deb Wylde Advertising Manager

Hello and welcome to the winter edition of Roots of Life magazine. May I start by offering all our readers and therapists a happy and healthy New Year 2021, and sincerely hope that things will now begin to improve for us all as the months go by. Last year has taught us just how important the support of friends and relatives is for our general health, mental health, and well being. Roots of Life has maintained an active Facebook and Zoom presence, all through last year and continues to do so. This initiative has brought together many different speakers and virtual events, which has kept our holistic community both vibrant and upbeat. As a result, many of us have been lucky enough to practice various holistic therapies from home, such as mindfulness and yoga. Just a reminder once again that you can order supplies or seek

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advice from our advertisers via telephone or by visiting the individual company’s website. We are also excited to be working with Lancaster University to launch the Roots of Life App in 2021 that will allow you to look for local offers and vouchers and what is on in the local area? As usual, we have some exciting new features in this winter edition including some amazing competitions on pages 60 and 61. Send your entries to the lucky winners will be drawn Live on Facebook on 31st March 2021 and the closing dates are on 15 March 2021. Finally, we wish all our readers continued health, wealth, and happiness.

Debs Brookes Founder, Roots of Life

Official Publication

E. rootsoflifewellness M. 07956 550447


M. 07970 987847 The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only. Roots of Life Wellness Magazine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, Roots of Life Wellness Magazine, neither the Editor nor its contributors take any responsibility for errors or omissions. By entering our competitions you agree to opt into the mailing list of Roots of Life Magazine, and the prize provider. We hold no responsibility for the failure of an advertiser to provide a prize. General Data Protection Regulation GDPR: All personal data collected through competitions or related correspondence in this magazine are destroyed once the winners have been announced. We do not retain personal data.

@rootsoflifeevents Roots of Life Wellness Magazine



Your Lifestyle

Zen Peace Centre Cold Water Exposure

5 6-7

Your Therapies

Your Healthy Food and Drink

Powerhouse Paleo Porridge

Your Mind


Your Animal Wellbeing


Your Family’s Health

What are the Benefits of Meditation for Kids 48-49


Your Healthy Detox

A Bad Day Poem with Ric Caunce

Tapping into your own abilities for Self Care

Your Body

Optimising Gut Health

22 24

Your Soul

Tarot for Growth and Self Development This Season’s Crystals

Your Seasonal Health

Natural Immunity Boost

30 32 36

Your Wellbeing Lancashire Your Local Walk


Orrest Head and Lake Windermere


What is a Staycation?

Animal Communication with Mel Cruickshank 46

Visit to Re-set Lancaster

Your Local Charity

Your Escape

with Release into Victory

40-41 42

50-51 53

Your Natural Skin Care Why it is important to use Natural and Organic Products on you Skin

Your Men’s Health Men’s Yoga

54 56

Your Book Review

THE GOLDEN ROAD: My Journey with Spirit by Bryony Rogers 57

Your Shop Local Your Wellness Directory


Roots of Life Competitions

59 60-61

Your Spa Retreat


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle


en Peace Centre is a place of Buddhist practice in our city. It is dedicated to awakening to the reality of our life and living compassionately for the sake of all beings. Our core practice is Zazen, a form of meditation that allows us to engage in the alive quality of every single moment. Zazen allows us to see reality from a new perspective, to fully actualize our life in the world. If you are looking for a bit of peace of mind, or relief from stress, or wanting to study the way of Zen and find complete enlightenment, we are here to guide you on your journey with compassion and humility. Rev Jitei White, our resident Zen Buddhist monk in the tradition of the international White Plum and the Zen River community. has been a practitioner of this Great Way for 38 years. "I wear the robe of ordination in the Buddhist Way to be of service, for the sake of all beings, to be a witness to the suffering of the world and to care." Would you like to establish a meditation practice? You could join our free weekly Saturday lunchtime online Beginner’s Mind sessions to get the ‘feel’ of what Zen really is. This could be the start of a great journey into friendship and self acceptance.

"The zen meditation taught here is wondrous. Like a caterpillar tangled up in its own threads, we learn to untangle, practice and transform into the butterfly." "A peaceful space to practice meditation and be a community of loving kindness. Come and try it." PEACE IN SCHOOL Our aim is to create a safe space, in schools, for 14-17 year olds to explore their emotional, mental, family and spiritual lives using mindful meditation and compassion as the base practice. Learning how to cope with anxiety, communicating better, dealing with anger, to be happy. We want young people to learn skills that will last a lifetime; and that no matter what know that they are worthy of love.

"Good Friendship is the Whole Way" - The Buddha. Now, more than ever, this is true. Covid-19 has taught us that we are relational beings, that we need the support of each other to thrive. Zen Peace Centre is a community, full of ordinary people like you and me, full of extraordinary people like you and me....because of friendship. Meditation is the foundation of this Centre, Friendship is the structure of this Centre. •

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

: E R U S O P X E R E T COLD WA r mfort is damaging ou co nt ta ns co r fo re ture is How our desi connection with na er ep de a hy w d an wellbeing, r full potential needed to unlock ou


obody likes the cold. Just the thought of exposing ourselves to the cold can cause our heart rate to elevate and create a knot of fear in our stomachs. Understandably so, too much cold is a threat to our lives, so it’s easy to see why, through history, humans have dedicated huge resources to building a world where we no longer need to experience this discomfort. At least not much of it anyway. For most of us, moving quickly from one warm space to the next, is about as much of the ‘unpredictable outdoors’ we have to face! It’s an impressive feat, and one that our ancestors would certainly be jealous of; every winter presented a serious threat to their lives and the lives of their loved ones. However, here’s the catch Biological evolution is incredibly slow, especially compared to the rapid rate of technological evolution. The fact that our ancestors, as long as 200,000 years ago, had identical bodies to us, means that our ingenuous brains have created a world around us which our bodies simply do not understand.


We are designed to experience cold and heat through the variation of the seasons, and when we do, many biological processes are triggered in response. These not only protect us from potentially harmful environments, they cause a cascade of adaptations essential for our health. So, if we live in constant comfort, we’re failing to give ourselves what we need. It is no coincidence that the more ‘developed’ the world becomes, the greater the prevalence of disease and dysfunction in our society. We are increasingly more disconnected from the way in which we have evolved to live. We have all come to accept that being physically sedentary is bad for our health and that physical training is essential for our wellbeing. So, we play sport, keep fit, lift weights, and despite feeling physical discomfort to some extent, we know that although it is a stress on our bodies, the adaptations we go through in response to exercise are good for our health. Not so widely known however is that environmental training is a missing link in unlocking our

true potential. Controlled doses of physiological stress, just like in exercise, cause our bodies to respond, positively adapt, and grow stronger. So what are we suggesting? Controlled doses of cold exposure should form part of our routines, to help us regain the abilities our ancestors had – resilience, the ability to adapt, to embrace change, and to have better control of our bodies and state of mind.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Health benefits Fat loss: Being overweight is having excess stores of white adipose tissue (white fat). Although holding onto white fat is an essential survival mechanism designed to help us store energy in times of plenty, ready for times of scarcity, excess can be a threat to our health. Brown adipose tissue however (brown fat), unlike excess amounts of white fat, is healthy. Brown fat is built through cold exposure and it plays the important role of burning white fat to generate body heat.

Better circulation: Weak circulation is linked to numerous heart related diseases. Our blood vessels are lined with tiny muscles which allow them to open and close (vasodilate and vasoconstrict) to protect our vital organs. Cold exposure strengthens these muscles, improving the function of our circulatory system.

Many of the above benefits are connected with one another as our body’s systems interact. A key component in the health benefits of cold exposure is the function of our mitochondria (responsible for producing energy). The cold initiates the repair of damaged mitochondria caused by sedentary living, under-stimulation and toxicity, and increases our ability to effectively convert food, fat and oxygen into energy. So, what does a cold exposure practice actually look like? You’ll be happy to read that this does not need to involve sitting in a bath full of ice every day until we turn blue! Like any new practice, the more seamlessly

we can integrate it into our lives the better the chances of us sticking with it. We can therefore, adapt our usual daily routines to incorporate the cold. Try these: • Finish your usual warm shower with a couple of minutes of cold. • Ditch the winter coat occasionally and go out in just a T-shirt. • Leave the thermostat turned down for just a couple of hours instead of instantly cranking it up as soon as you sense the cold.

Strengthened immune system: The cold drastically increases the number of white blood cells, including ‘Killer Tcells’ which target cancer,

protecting us from disease and providing our immunity with a significant boost. Reducing inflammation and slowing ageing: Not only does cold exposure reduce inflammation in our cells, linked to illness and disease, and allow us to live and move more freely, it also slows ageing: As ageing is, essentially, the process of untreated damage to our cells’ DNA, reducing inflammation allows them to function better and repair this damage. Hopefully this has encouraged you to re-examine your relationship with the natural world, and see that it is something that is an essential part of us, not something we should be isolating ourselves from. We can all live lives of abundant health and wellbeing if we would just let our bodies experience the world the way they were designed to. So let cold exposure form a regular part of your life, and in turn give yourself greater capacity to enjoy the wonders and comforts that the modern world brings... in moderation, of course.

Join us for an incredible Cold Water Experience in the Beautiful Lake Windermere Find out more at:

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

Improving Health Through Frequency Micro-Current Therapy 'If you want to find the secrets of the universe think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration' Nikola Tesla


ur body is a marvellous complex organism that is made up of millions and millions of cells. For our body to function, those cells communicate through electromagnetic frequencies referred to as the bioenergetic field. When we are not feeling well either physically or mentally it is because a change has occurred in the communication between cells. A new cutting edge technology known as 'Healy' is a device aimed at harmonising the communication of the cells to the bioenergetic field by using individualised micro-current frequencies. A group of empowered, experienced holistic health practitioners has a mission here in the UK to bring this

revolutionary health and wellness application to every household. The Healy offers solutions to address physical, mental and emotional health. Cutting edge science and technology created by a collection of conscious creators have brought Healy into our homes as your family's go to for all things health and wellness. Healy is the next evolution and revolution of healing, wellness, spirituality and biohacking. Its a tool that supports you as you tap into your own potential. The

key to self-actualisation. Healy is a medical device for chronic pain, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, mental and emotional health and so much more.

Why Healy, Why Now? We are looking for highly motivated professionals, health experts, coaches, biohackers and fitness experts who are looking for a unique opportunity to become UK leaders and partner with us to launch this amazing

revolutionary device in this untapped market. We are a group of empowered, experienced holistic health practitioners - aligned in our mission and purpose to bring energy medicine to the next level!

We come to invite You, in elevating the health and wellness of thousands of people and making an IMPACT on their lives. The future of wellness is evolving.... come and EVOLVE with us!

If you are reading this today, then contact us, if you are suffering and want to change your health care, email Tel 07855 524273 8

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies RELAX-REFRESHRE:SET Lancaster


have used many different therapies over the years, but I have never experienced an infrared sauna, halotherapy (the salt room) nor a float pod. So, I was really curious to try them all. I have to say I was a little nervous of using the float pod however, as just recently, I have experienced claustrophobia in certain circumstances. I was really curious and interested therefore, to see how I would feel and react during and after this challenge and other new therapies. So off I went, with a quiet excitement and curiosity, to Re:Set, in Lancaster. Firstly, I was pleased to find parking very nearby, which helped begin the day with calm! When I arrived at Re:Set, I was greeted by Neil, who was really informative and I sat, in the very chilled out reception area with some mineral water provided, awaiting my therapies. This particular day, I was to experience the infrared sauna, followed by the salt room and finally, my big challenge and biggest curiosity: the float tank. The infrared sauna was really interesting. I have heard of the many benefits of these saunas, so it was great to experience one.


Neil informed me that, unlike traditional saunas, you do not feel excessive heat, meaning you can stay in for longer. He also mentioned that it is beneficial for joints, arthritis and many other ailments. Once left alone, I decided to not use any music, iphone or anything and just ‘be.’ For 40 minutes. As a mum of three children, school teacher and even as a trainee yoga teacher, 40 minutes completely alone with no tasks, nothing to do, is completely alien to me. Even practising yoga, 40 minutes of complete stillness in meditation, alone, isn’t something I often get. So, it was interesting. I found myself a little twitchy and decided to do a few neck stretches as I was a bit tight around my neck and shoulders and then do some Reiki on myself, then some breathing / pranayama and then finally, I could just really be still and lay down. I have to say, I found it hard to switch off and didn’t realise how busy and anxious my mind had become during 2020, for obvious reasons, and it took me a while to disconnect, but I did. For this, it was a really rejuvenating experience. The warmth was comfortable and a pleasure, it never felt at all too hot throughout. I was able to shower straight after in the lovely luxurious facilities and slipped on the white robe and slippers provided, ready for part 2: halotherapy, the salt room. I was feeling quite uplifted already.

Neil was in reception and took me up to the salt room, explaining the benefits as we walked: for anyone with breathing difficulties, asthma etc the salt room can help clear and improve breathing passages. The room had a gorgeous glow with salt-lamp like tiles around the room, glowing the colours of the cakras and I felt instantly at home in there. There was a lovely luxurious feel to the room, with reclining cream chairs and an option to use my own music. The next 40 minutes were a dream: peace, colour therapy, tranquillity, fresh and clean air, reiki music and me! I felt I could breathe for longer, more slowly and calmly and I just switched off and again, disconnected from the busy-ness of my mind. What a luxury! I felt well and truly spoilt at his point. Finally, I was taken to the float pod. I felt an instant link to a birthing pool where I had birthed my second child (and my work as a doula/birthing assistant) and, as Neil took me through instructions, I felt a mixture of excitement and nerves, just like during birth: I guess there’s a fine line. Neil showed me the switch in the pod that would change the lights (again a gentle glow of cakra lights) or you could switch the lights off. He showed me the options of lid open or closed or even half/nearly closed. Once left alone, I entered the pool and, as this was a new and unknown experience, I felt some

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies apprehension. I felt the lid would remain well and truly open at this point. The music piped through and I liked that, it was quite enchanting music, and it relaxed me. I found I could float easily, but held on to the bar on the lid at first a bit like an umbilical cord, my safety line! Soon I gained confidence and let go of the bar and just floated. It was nice just to play in the water a bit, I found I could bounce gently from side to side, I could touch the floor if I wanted and let my leg then float back up…..I guess I was finding my surroundings, finding my boundaries. My head and neck were quite stiff at first, held in a prop that supported them, but eventually, I just said to myself, just let go, and allowed my ears to go under and let the water take the weight of my head: I was beginning to let go and it felt good. My mind was particularly busy once the music went off: checking everything for safety, a bit on high alert, but eventually I relaxed, and actually experienced many moments of peace and

tranquillity and felt really at ease. One reflection that kept coming and going was that none of the ‘stuff’ that was congesting my mind, really mattered. It became clear to me that I could transcend that and just ‘be’ in the moment… .. it was quite an amazing experience. I realised I had many anxieties, and many just weren’t important, and being in that pool taught me that I could rise above my anxieties too. At one point I decided I should pull the lid down a little, leaving a gap, so I did, and it was fine. I felt I was overcoming some mind blocks. I also decided to turn out the glowing chakra lights as I got a little more confident and, when I did, I was plunged into complete darkness. I was ok with this at first, in fact it was quite empowering, but I must have floated off and lost the light switch, so had a moment of panic, which also made me laugh, but with a little navigation and floating around and bouncing gently off the sides, I easily found the switch, and felt quite empowered by facing these little challenges. I

“I found I could float easily due to the 500 kgs of Epsom salts”

felt more confident in the pool enjoying again just floating and experiencing those moments of lucid tranquillity and peace. It really was a journey of true selfexploration…..with moments of total serenity…… ……. and, when finally the music came back on, I felt like I was experiencing a kind of rebirth, like a baby moving towards the light, moving into the outside world. I know that sounds deep, even a little flowery to some, but seriously, it was a WOW! experience. I honestly felt RESET: like I had pressed the reset button on my world, and totally reconnected with myself and re-evaluated how I was reacting to outside influences right now, particularly my concerns about lockdown, the government and all the external world forces. I just felt like I could rise above it. That has been my mantra since my experience: RESET and RISE ABOVE IT! I even took a Yoga session for staff at the school where I work and the theme was “RESET and rise above it,” due to the transformative experience I had, during my sessions, here at Re:Set. I think if you did use this regularly, it must improve your concentration, improve mind health and clarity and overall wellbeing. For me, it was also a bit of a WOW experience that stayed with me. After your experience and shower, you can go back downstairs to get hair dried and there are even straighteners, so that you can freshen up and get ready for your day – I felt a mixture of zen and total exhilaration, I have to say!! So, on a final note, I just want to say, if you get the opportunity to go to RE:Set, do it! Everyone should experience these therapies and go on their own personal journey and hopefully get to press their own RESET button too! By Katy Redford-Traynor Wellness Centre 4-6 Parliament Street, Lancaster LA1 1DB • 01524 388 499

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies

The Medicine Garden Shop is now online


he Medicine Garden opened in 2006. Based in the market town of Ulverston, this complementary clinic offers a wide variety of therapies. In 2018 the Medicine Garden shop opened, filled with delicious herbs, sparkly crystals and beautiful locally made crafts as well as Rachel Pearson's jewellery & art and paintings by Sally Bamber, a highly regarded local watercolour plant painter. Many of the practitioners work in the shop and are happy to chat to you about their therapies and their work. Much of what we stock supports local business and the environment too. We are passionate about ecologically kind products for the home as well as natural soaps, creams and shampoos for the body. In light of the


challenges of recent times. We are especially delighted to announce that our shop is now online at giving you even more opportunities to treat yourself. We would love to welcome you for a consultation or a treatment

to support you and your body. Sarah Atkinson MNIMH Medical Herbalist offers herbal medicine. Jane Alexander (Embodysoul) Heart centred support, reiki and deeply healing massage. Caroline Anderson aromatherapy massage, reflexology and reiki. Rosemary Scholes (crystalpoint) crystal therapy and reiki, CBT. Michael Otto physiotherapist and Nimmy Karat counselling, mindfulness, CBT and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing. Jules Clark reiki and animal healing, Angela Butcher Reiki. Artist in residence - Rachel Pearson (Dreamweaver Arts) makes crystal jewellery, three dimensional art works and runs monthly art/crystal making workshops from the medicine garden. Email:

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Roots of Life Advertising Spread the cost of your advertising with some affordable Roots of Life Packages Roots of Life Wellness has a readership of over 70,000 and growing. Distributed across local outlets including major Supermarkets, Co-ops, Spars, local shops, community centres, libraries, cafés and restaurants, doctors surgeries, spas and wellness centres, health shops, chemists, hotels and gyms to name but a few. The magazine is aimed at people wanting to discover different ways of improving their health and wellbeing in a more natural and holistic way. The magazine covers North Lancashire, South Lakes & Furness, Preston and surrounding areas. This is a free quarterly publication and the first of its kind in this area. Printed in a handy A5 format in glossy, full colour. All artwork design is free and prices start from as little as £25.00.

The magazine has been designed to connect people with local businesses and services in their community who can help them discover alternative ways to a happier and healthier lifestyle. Packed with interesting articles, features, reviews, events, interviews and so much more. Divided into sections, there are fascinating articles on subjects such as lifestyle, the environment, seasonal health, food and drink, escape, travel, retreats, experiences, animal and family health and much more. The magazine brings together many therapists and practitioners, so whether someone is looking for spiritual, physical, or scientific solutions they can get in touch with someone local.

NEW FOR 2021 We have been working with Lancaster University to produce an interactive App for your mobile phone. This App will allow businesses to put on Vouchers, Events, Workshops, Training and read the Magazine online, plus much more. Be part of the Wellness community and advertise your business to the right people. Spread the cost: payments can either be upfront or quarterly. Debs Brookes, Roots of Life Mob. 07956 550447 • E. • W. Deb Wylde, Mob. 07968 757926 E. 18

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your HealthyFood and Drink

Powerhouse Paleo Por idge By Kate Chaytor-Norris DipION, mBANT, CNHC


lood sugar balance is something that I have to help most of my clients with, so I thought it would be good to give you a great blood sugar balancing breakfast. If we can reduce the amount of carbohydrate that we eat it helps to keep our blood sugar levels more even throughout the day and we are less likely to want to snack between meals, less likely to want put our heads down on the desk after lunch for a little snooze and will also decrease the stress levels in the body. This recipe is packed full of protein so it will last you till lunchtime, it also contains good levels of fibre to keep those bowels happy and healthy essential fats which are a great fuel and also help to reduce

inflammation. I am a huge fan of sprinkles, so on this version I have sprinkled some crushed hazelnuts, desiccated coconut and cacao nibs to give it a bit of crunch. • 1⁄4 cup shredded unsweetened coconut • 1⁄4 cup walnuts • 1⁄4 cup sliced / ground almonds • 2 tbsp pumpkin seeds / chia seeds • 1 tbsp ground linseed / flaxseed

I often quadruple the quantities in this recipe to make a big batch as it doesn’t seem to last very long in our household. I store it in a glass kilner jar in the fridge. • Approximately 1 cup almond / coconut / hemp milk – it depends upon how runny you like your porridge • Pinch of Sea Salt • 1 teaspoon honey to taste (optional – ideally not)

Depending on how fine you like your porridge you can liquidise all the nuts till fine or can leave it a bit chunky - just make sure that the flax is properly ground so you can benefit from the wonderful essential fats contained inside the tough outer shell. Put a few spoonfuls of this mix into a saucepan add the almond / coconut / hemp milk and cook over a low heat for 3-4 minutes, then leave to stand for a couple in order for it to thicken. Be aware that some alternative milks contain added sugar. 20

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your HealthyFood and Drink

This book is a must for anyone who is interested in their health and wellbeing. It doesn’t blind with science but explains how the body works and what in our 21st century environment is making our bodies sick, it then goes on to give all sorts of top tips on how we can change things around to create optimal health by nurturing our body, mind and soul.

REVIEWS ON AMAZON - ALL 5 STARS “This book is a must for anyone who is searching for answers about their bodies.” “Every House should have this book.” “Accessible, compassionate and brimming with helpful information.”

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Mind

Tapping into your own abilities for self-care


ne of the most important new approaches to self-care has its roots firmly planted in the past, Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT) may sound a little different to what you might expect at first, it involves softly tapping on some of the meridian points as mapped out thousands of years ago and used with Acupuncture. Like Acupuncture EFT works with the body’s energy system, with needles being replaced with gentle percussive stimulation of these acupressure points, EFT is generating a huge amount of interest throughout the medical community. EFT is commonly referred to as Tapping due to the light tapping involved on specific points of the body, while gently stimulating these easily accessible areas the person says a setup statement, this is the honest truth about the problem that is desired to be changed, this sets the direction of focus and is followed by a statement that is self-complimentary, appreciative to some extent or self-acceptance of what you are experiencing. EFT excels in its use for unhelpful physical or emotional issues. You can see EFT demonstrated on YouTube, some videos are good, and others are not so good, the approaches taken are typically very general, but can still be useful. A link to me showing the points that you tap on and the wording that you might use can be found on my YouTube channel ( q5yuERA) EFT is a fantastic tool for your own self-care, as it is easy to learn and can have a calming effect on


the whole body whilst also giving you greater clarity, trials have shown EFT to be remarkably faster than traditional approaches. It can also help in resolving much deeper issues, and for these trickier issues the assistance of an appropriately trained practitioner can help to guide you to a successful resolution. There is a mountain of evidence backing up the effectiveness of EFT, including providing relief from such symptoms as anxiety, stress, PTSD, weight loss, depression, pain etc, EFT is also being introduced to school children as a way of helping them to self-soothe and improve learning. Whichever way you choose to look at EFT, with all the current research available, it seems like an extremely exciting time.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Mind

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Body Optimising Gut Health

By Suzee Tylee he human gut is responsible for digestion, absorption of nutrients and the elimination of toxins. The gut is also referred to as the second brain due to its ability to influence and manage our mood. Our unique gut ecology (microbiome) is formed of bacteria and yeasts. When the microbiome is out of balance, gut pathology occurs.


Functions of the microbiome •

contains 70% of our immune system

protects the delicate gut wall

synthesises vitamins

protects against allergies and autoimmune disease

influences weight management

promotes emotional resilience

12 steps to promote gut health:

1. Avoid refined sugars: these 5. Incorporate fermented foods and cause gut inflammations and drinks each day: these are “live” encourage the growth of and teeming with gut friendly unfavourable bacteria. Fruit bacteria., e.g. organic apple sugars are OK and they also cider vinegar, kombucha, kefir contain fibre. and sauerkraut. 2. Reduce alcohol consumption: 6. Minimise inflammatory foods, alcohol is toxic to the liver, e.g. processed meats, gluten damages the stomach lining, and dairy. These slow down gut and causes gut wall permeability. function and may even stick to It also kills friendly bacteria and the gut wall, preventing impairs digestion leading to absorption of vitamins and diarrhoea and bloating. minerals. They can also trigger 3. Increase fibre: fibre ensures an immune response regular bowel movements thus contributing to inflammation, eliminating toxins. It also feeds constipation, bloating and skin the gut’s good bacteria to aid conditions. digestion. 7. Aim for a 12-14 hour overnight 4. Eat a rainbow every day: a daily fast: (and in between meals) to rainbow of fruit and veg enables allow the replenishment of us to ingest a greater variety of stomach acid and digestive friendly microbes and nutrients. enzyme reserves, thus optimising Eating about 100 different types digestion and absorption. The of food per week allows the gut also cleans itself after 5 microbiome to thrive. hours without food, removing debris and unwanted bacteria.

8. Keep hydrated: water helps the bowels stay active, aiding elimination. Avoid drinking with meals, as this dilutes stomach acid. 9. Get moving: physical activity also improves the tone of gut muscles. 10. Chewing food properly increases its surface area and maximises nutrient absorption. Un-chewed food reaching the gut can cause a feeding frenzy for bad bacteria, leading to bloating and flatulence. 11. Manage stress: high stress levels impair digestion. When the fight, flight or freeze reaction kicks in, blood rushes to the extremities, causing digestion to shut down. 12. Use antibiotics and anti-bacterial products wisely: antibiotics kill indiscriminately, leaving the gut sterile and immune system vulnerable.

I offer a 12-week gut transformation programme at my Lancaster clinic. I also offer microbiome testing to enable targeted and specific treatment plans to be developed. 24

Nourish Lancaster or email

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Body

The Wellness Lioness My name is Beverley and I am an Internationally Certified Mindset & Wellbeing coach. I am here to help you gain a clear understanding of what true well-being is, show how you can benefit from mindset shift & support you to create time for yourself again, in your busy life. As women we have so many roles to play and always put ourselves at the bottom of the list, sound familiar? I understand the expectations that society puts upon us as I previously worked as a senior manager leading over 100 people for 20 years, along with being a wife and Mum. This may sound strange, but redundancy saved me. It allowed me to reshape my life

and follow my passion to help and support others while living a full and balanced life. If you feel ready to create a life worth living but are unsure where to start because of overload, burnout, and generally feeling stuck, then I am here to support you in moving past this to create a life you desire. Helping you see that self-care is not selfish but essential in supporting your physical &

mental health, really lights me up as a coach. Prioritising yourself & your health, will benefit every part of your life. I would love to support you on your personal development journey through my 1:1 coaching. L.I.F.E (Love Internally, Fly Externally) is my 12-week coaching series. In this 1:1 series we explore your starting point, set heart centred goals, and take action to achieve them. We will work on removing any limiting beliefs, reclaim your power and create a positive mindset to allow you to live a life you love. As a life coach, I am like a personal trainer for your mind and will support you to gain clarity, take action and get different results. Your life therefore changes by design rather than default.

Benefits from 1:1 coaching: • Keeps you accountable • Allows you to explore and discover your passion, purpose, and direction • Helps you see a different perspective

• Rewires your mind to create a • Removes limiting beliefs new positive way of thinking allowing your self-awareness, confidence, and Self-belief to • Self-care and Self-love will be be at its highest introduced allowing a beautiful balanced life • Creates time for you – to be yourself and find what REALLY makes you happy

Ready to chat, connect and see if coaching is for you? Every beautiful journey starts with a small step so why not take your step today and book your free 30-minute discovery call. I would love to chat to explore if coaching is for you.

£100 off the 12 weeks coaching series if you quote' Roots of Life' when booking the free discovery call Contact me to find out more: visit my website – Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


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Call 07956 550447 or contact us via our website to make sure you don’t miss the next edition coming out in April.

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Your Body

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Body


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Body

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Soul

TAROT for growth and self-development I

n times of change, the ancient art of tarot can be a reassuring presence in our everyday lives. It can help you make decisions and give you choices where you thought there were none. A tarot spread can assist you in weighing up the pros and cons of a situation or provide invaluable insights and selfawareness. Having studied tarot, done readings, coached and taught for over 20 years, I have seen how it can help others, enhance wellbeing and encourage personal growth. The traditional tarot deck has 78 cards. The Major Arcana is 22 cards, starting with The Fool and ending with The World. The Fool

experiences many adventures on his journey, represented by such cards as The Magician, The Empress, The Lovers, Strength, The Hanged Man, Death (Transition), The Tower, The Star and Judgement. They relate to major lessons, karmic influences and significant events on your own life path. There are 56 cards in the Minor Arcana in 4 suits, Ace to 10, Page, Knight, Queen and King. They represent different elements and attributes. For example: Wands (Fire) = Passion, Creativity, Life Purpose.

Cups (Water) = Emotions, Feelings. Intuition. Swords (Air) = Thought, Actions, Power. Pentacles (Earth) = Finance, Work, Material Possessions. They relate to your current situation and how it can affect your every day life, offer positive guidance and support for all kinds of challenges and opportunities you face on a daily basis. ANYONE can read tarot cards. You don't need to be a psychic or have some magical access to another world. All you need is the ability to learn the meanings of the cards and then use your intuition to interpret them. Yes, it can take time, but then the best things often do. You will very quickly get a working understanding of the cards, be able to ask questions, do simple spreads and gain insight from the remarkable imagery. So get yourself a deck (I recommend using the Rider Waite Tarot Deck for beginners), find a good teaching book, use on-line resources or sign up for a course and start your own tarot journey. You won’t regret it.

ZoĂŤ Dawes is a Tarot Coach and runs Learn Tarot courses in from Beginner to Advanced Level. She also offers private 1-1 tuition. Find out more at or email 30

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Soul

You Deserve a Positive 2021. Feeling lost, unhappy, not sure which way to turn in life? Higher guidance is at hand to help bring positivity and light to your world, and soul guidance into your life.

Bibi has over 30 years of experience incorporating qualified counselling, NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Psychology), mindfulness, hypnotherapy, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and stress management into our integrated healing practice, helping thousands of lives to turn a corner. Our methodologies will help you gain a deeper understanding of your life’s journey. You will gain peace of mind, growth and an

appreciation of the purpose of life, learning how to turn a tribulation into triumph. During a psychic reading you will be able to receive guidance, ask questions, and gain information to help in your life. Now more than ever is a time to gain insight into what the potential of the future may hold. Readings can take place on Zoom and are highly successful. Telephone readings are also available.


ibi offers detailed psychic readings to support you on your life path. Bibi is also a medical intuitive and healer, working with animals as well. She provides qualified counselling for life's obstacles and support to look inside and connect you with your higher self.

SPIRITUAL & MINDFULNESS RETREATS Our mindfulness training and spiritual retreats in the Lake District delve into the challenges, changes and obstacles you face in life and give you the tools to deal with them. Visit or contact Please call, text or WhatsApp 07946 339050.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


This Season’s Crystals

Written by Cindy Page of Sage and Thyme Lancaster

Crystals for Change and Transition


ost people can look back from their current selves to how they were six months, one year, five years, ten years ago or more and recognise differences. Some are physical - a new haircut, a different clothing style, changes in location or occupation. Others are mental - learning a new subject, trying a different approach to a situation. Emotional shifts are more frequent, often resulting from interactions with family, friends, co-workers, or negative people. Spirituality Chrysocolla The green colour of Chrysocolla relates to the Heart Chakra and perfectly symbolises how this crystal can support you during difficult times. This stone boosts your confidence and gives you the courage to deal with whatever situation you are facing. It is excellent for your heart, helping you release stress and tension while bringing joy into your life. Garnet Garnet is a fantastic stone for the Base (or Root) Chakra. It enhances confidence and survival instincts, allowing you to navigate tricky situations more easily. It is less well known for, 32

seems like the least likely to change yet can be quite fluid through deepening a practice and developing an openness to learn about differing views to our own. Much as we may try to deny it, change is a constant factor in our lives. Some changes are small, others large and life altering. Sometimes we have weeks or months to prepare and ease into these changes, but but equally effective at, subtly bringing out love for life. Labradorite Labradorite radiates a magical quality and is excellent for alchemical purposes. By simultaneously enhancing your intuition and mental clarity, it allows you to envision multiple possibilities and find a path to the outcome of your choice. Malachite If you are ever emotionally exhausted, Malachite might be the perfect crystal to use. It balances your emotions, reducing negativity such as stress and tension while increasing positivity in the forms

T 01524 68687

more often they are unexpected causing confusion and stress. Change is a fact of life we must deal with, otherwise we get stuck in the past, unable to move forward and help ourselves or those we care for most. Whilst experiencing any change or transition, it is useful to have crystals to aid you. They cannot erase all your problems or miraculously guarantee a perfect outcome, but they can act as constant companions making transitions easier and smoother for you and the ones you love. If you allow them to, crystals can be as comforting as finding safe harbour during a turbulent storm. of hope and happiness. With the added touches of boosting endurance and cleansing the aura, Malachite leaves you in a much better position than that from which you started. Moonstone When your emotions are too strong to think clearly and seem to take over your life Moonstone is the crystal you need. Unlike Malachite which supports emotional health in general, Moonstone is specifically geared towards helping you find inner peace. As such it helps relieve stress, mitigates over-sensitivity, and calms you down so your actions can come from a place of inner harmony.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Soul

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Soul

Spotlight On The Brennan Healing Modality

By Frank Allison


aren Burrows is a highly qualified healer who combines her many holistic skills to access the human energy system. I recently asked Karen about her work. How did your healership journey begin? “Following a traumatic personal crisis in 1989, depression enveloped me. Then, one day, I heard within me, ‘physician heal thyself.’ My journey began and I gained a Counselling Diploma in 2000 and became a Reiki Master in 2006. In 2004 I graduated as a Master Practitioner Neuro Linguistic Programming Contemporary Hypnotherapist. In 2010 I underwent a 4-year intensive undergraduate course at Barbara Brennan School of Healing, (BBSHE) graduating as a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner in 2014. Who is Barbara Brennan? “Barbara Brennan is a world renowned spiritual leader, healer and educator. She gained her Masters in Atmospheric Physics and worked for NASA exploring outer space, then changed direction to focus on the inner space of the human energy system. Barbara is also a Doctor of Philosophy and Theology, a graduate of Core Energetics and a Senior Pathwork helper. She founded the BBSH in 1982, publishing her book, Hands of Light in 1989, followed by Light Emerging, and Core Light Healing.” What is a Brennan Healer? “A Brennan Healer undergoes 4 years of rigorous professional studies and intense personal transformational work. Students 34

complete an intensive study and practice of energy consciousness awareness of the Human Energy Field (HEF). They also utilise specialised hands on healing techniques and skills to understand the connection between mind, body and emotions. Healers have personal process sessions during their training and also complete 80 hours of Anatomy and Physiology”. What is a healing session like? “I prepare my room and create a sacred space, inviting guides, spirits and angels to assist me. After completion of an intake form and assessing the client’s needs and wants, I commence the healing session. Connecting and scanning the 7 levels of the client’s Auric Body (HEF) I begin balancing, charging, repairing and restructuring all required levels, going to wherever I’m guided.”

Benefits of a healing session? “Re-balances and aligns the Auric field, clears and charges any stagnated or distorted energy, repairs and restructures the 7 Auric levels, chakras and organs. Hara Alignment and Core Star Healing, repairing dysfunctional relational cord connections, faster healing of bones and body, reduction of stress which all help the energetic vibrational flow for health and wellbeing.” Are you a spiritual person? “Yes, I see and hear spirits. Usually, it’s those that have passed over in traumatic circumstances. Others need help to pass over, and I’ve experienced beings from other dimensions”. Karen Burrows, BHSP. Contact: 07970 304025

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Soul

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Seasonal Health Natural ImmuNIty Boost If you’re looking for a natural boost to improve your immunity and that of your family this winter, then you may find yourself looking towards herbs known for their antiviral properties. One such herb is Elderberry which flowers in spring and produces berries between August and October. However, it is readily available to buy over the counter from your local health food shop.

The bark of the elder tree looks ancient and gnarled, hence its name. When it's in flower, the blossom makes a lovely tea that can be helpful for hay-fever, runny noses and watery eyes. The flowers are astringent, meaning that they help to dry out conditions that are too wet. I much prefer to leave the flowers on my local trees, and gather the berries once the tree fruits. The berries are so high in vitamin C that they rival the most nutritious of fruit and veg. Many people think of orange juice for a vitamin C hit when they're feeling unwell, but by the time it's bottled and transported to our country, most of the vitamin C content is lost. The most impressive thing about elderberry, is its antiviral action. Antibiotics don't treat viruses, so when you catch a common virus, you're stuck with it until your immune system can fight it off alone. Elder will not only help to fight off the virus, but its potent punch of vitamin C will also give your immunity a well needed boost, helping your body do some fighting of its own. 36

Elder is usually taken as a syrup, and it’s easy to make your own, if you like to get crafty in the kitchen. Recipes for elder syrup can be tweaked to include other bug-busting herbs like thyme for a chesty cough, or sage for a sore throat. Ginger and chilli are great for releasing congestion, but if you want your medicine to be family friendly, you may want to make a non-spicy batch for the little ones. Elder syrup is delicious and children love the taste. It’s among my biggest selling winter remedies and a staple on my clinic shelves. We keep a bottle in the staff area all year round, in case someone comes in looking under the weather. It doesn't do our reputation any good if all the herbalists and nutrition experts are sneezing, coughing and spluttering! After years of working in natural health, it’s still our most effective and delicious way of keeping healthy. Nicola Parker MNIMH Medical Herbalist Health and Herbs, 9 Pedder Street, Morecambe, LA4 5DY 01524 413733

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Your Seasonal Health

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Wellbeing Lancashire Wellbeing Lancashire Organisation seeks to make Lancashire the kindest county


ellbeing Lancashire Community Interest Company, formed by a group of Lancashire wellbeing providers, has set an ambitious mission of making Lancashire the kindest county. Following its membership launch event in November, the organisation is quickly growing its provision of wellbeing services within the county. The vision is to make Wellbeing a top priority for Lancashire. A recent survey into Coronavirus and the Social Impacts on Great Kindness – this principle underpins everything and, since Coronavirus, attitudes to kindness have increased since the pandemic hit. Findings show that the average monthly internet searches for ‘acts of kindness’ are 4400 in 2020, compared with 2900 in 2019. We want individuals, communities and organisations to attempt to make Lancashire an even better place by promoting good deeds and pledging acts of kindness. Individual – essential to life is self-care and looking after your own health is critical. We want health improvement to be an essential component of our mission.

Britain, found that most people think we will be more united and kinder following our recovery from the Coronavirus pandemic. Wellbeing Lancashire will build on this kindness trend with a calendar of events that will support the mission ‘to make

Lancashire the kindest county’ and also ‘to make 2021 the kindest year yet’. The Wellbeing Lancashire Kindest mission will be launched with a behaviour and value attached to each letter.

Non-judgemental – we want to erase judgemental attitudes in the county towards sexual preference, religion, age, sex, gender, race and disability.

Societal – the whole mission for Wellbeing Lancashire is to create a kinder and more empathetic society where people value, support and get involved in their local communities and neighbourhoods.

Doing the right thing – we want to create a county where integrity is a core value held by all. Empathic – Empathy allows people to build social connections with others. By understanding what people are thinking and feeling, people are able to respond appropriately in social situations. Research has shown that having social connections is important for both physical and psychological wellbeing.

Trust – this is the value which underpins all of the above factors and is at the heart of Lancashire becoming the kindest county. It’s about erasing silo working amongst organisations, where people stop falling through the gaps and everyone works together for a more integrated approach.

If you are interested in helping make Lancashire the kindest county, please contact us for more information by email. • 38

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Local Walk Orrest Head and Lake Windermere Distance:

3.5 miles


3 hours


Mixture of level paths, grassland, and rocky steps

Suitable For:

Older Children, Younger Children with Assistance, Babies and Toddlers in Carriers


Pay and Display parking at Rayrigg Meadow & Millerground. Post code LA23 1BP, Grid Ref SD 403 985


Toilet block at Rayrigg car park (20p charge); Additional facilities include cafés, restaurants and shops in Windermere


riting about his ascent of Orrest Head during his first trip to the Lake District, fell walker and guidebook author, Alfred Wainwright, wrote “It was a moment of magic, a revelation so unexpected that I stood transfixed, unable to believe my eyes.” So inspired was Wainwright by the view that he would eventually leave his native Lancashire and set up home in Cumbria in order to spend his life wandering the fells. This route includes both Orrest Head and the shore of Lake Windermere with the option to have lunch in Windermere in between. Whilst some of the walk is on a fairly even path, a significant portion of it is not suitable for all-terrain pushchairs, so you will need to use a carrier here instead. Very young children may struggle with the distance, but the break in the middle in Windermere should help with this. 40

The Start of the Walk To get to the car park, take the A592 between Windermere and Bowness-On-Windermere that runs close to the shore of Lake Windermere. The car park is on the left if you are coming from Bowness and on the right if you are coming from Windermere, and is clearly signposted. Once you have parked, walk back out of the car park onto the A592 and cross over the road, then head left, towards Windermere. There is a wide pavement either side of the road. The Path to St Mary’s Church After a short distance alongside the A592 you will see a turning for a wide tarmacked path on the right, signposted for “A591”. Take this path. It will lead you alongside some woodland initially, and then past some houses, before ending at the A591. Turn right at the end of the path and St Mary’s Church will be just ahead of you on the left.

The Path to Orrest Head (Alternative Start Point) Go past St Mary’s Church, and at the junction, cross over the road to continue straight on. You will pass Windermere Preparatory School on the opposite side of the road. Just beyond the school there is a layby that offers an alternative parking place, should you wish to skip the lake shore section of this route. However, there are time limits in force here. Cross the road at the pedestrian crossing and on the left-hand side a green metal fence marks the start of the Orrest Head path. The entrance is at the other end of the fence, and there is a large sign pointing the way. The path starts as a tarmacked track. There are a few houses up here so you may meet the odd car. After a short distance you will come to a fork in the path, with the left fork signposted for Troutbeck Road. Take the right fork here. Continue along the track, past

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Local Walk the small Ironworks where the track becomes a more uneven path through woodland. You will come to another fork in the path, with green arrows indicating that you can take either route. The left route is longer but more level. The right route is steeper but shorter. Continue heading up the path that becomes increasingly uneven. At the three wooden benches, veer right, then follow the green arrow going straight up the hill. You will see a short wall in front of you at the top that you need to head towards. At the top of the hill go around the end of the short wall and turn right, leading you onto a path with a wall on your left and a fence on your right. At the end of this path, you will reach a kissing gate with a memorial to Arthur Heywood. Heywood originally owned the land that Orrest Head is on and it was donated to the people of Windermere following his death. Go through the gate. Orrest Head Summit Beyond the gate there is a set of stone steps leading up to the summit. Be aware that towards the top it can be slippery in places. At the very top there is an information plaque that details the fells that are visible. The plaque is dedicated to the memory of Alfred Wainwright and was created in his distinctive style. The panoramic view includes Scafell Pike, Old Man of Coniston, and the Langdale Pikes. The Descent from the Summit The quickest way back is to simply retrace your steps. However, if you want to make the walk longer, look for a stone

bench at the opposite end of the summit to where you arrived. Beyond the stone bench there are two paths leading off the summit. Take the one on the left. This is a wide grassy path with a boundary wall on the left. At the bottom of the path, the wall meets the wall running along the bottom of the field, and in the corner there is a gate for you to pass through. Through the Field Be aware of any grazing livestock at this point and be sure to keep dogs on leads. You will now be in an open field, and the path is not obvious, but for a couple of posts marking the way. Head straight in the direction of the posts, with Lake Windermere stretched out in front of you. You will then come to another wall with a stile over it (as of January 2017 the wall had a large hole in it with no need for the stile). If you prefer, for an even longer walk, you can go over the stile or through the hole in the wall and take one of a number of routes through St Catherine’s Wood back to Windermere. However, for this route, instead of going over the stile turn left, keeping the boundary wall on your right. Keeping the boundary wall on your right, you will walk through the field until you reach the edge, with the tall trees of the woodland clearly visible on the other side. Here there is a gate, but it is kept locked and instead you must cross the wall using the stone steps either side. These can be tricky to navigate so do take care here. On the other side of the wall turn right to join the woodland track.

Return to Windermere Follow the track, and where it splits, take the lower, right-hand fork, keeping the boundary wall on your right. You will come to a junction with a signpost, and turn left here, signposted for Windermere Village. This will lead you back onto the A591 that you left at point three of the route. Cross back over the pedestrian crossing and turn right. Turning left onto Elleray Road will lead you into the village centre where you will find a number of options for refreshments. Alternatively, continue straight on and retrace your steps back to the car park. Queen Adelaide’s Hill Once you have returned to the car park, you can visit the lake shore. At the opposite end of the car park to the entrance there is a gate and a National Trust sign for Queen Adelaide’s Hill. Go through the gate and follow the path up the hill. Despite being quite short and easy to ascend, the view of Lake Windermere from the top is very rewarding. At the top, head down the other side toward the boat houses, where you will see a path leading along the wall. Turn left at the path. The Final Stage – The Lake Shore Go through the large gate and this will bring you to the shore, with the path continuing alongside it. Follow the path until you get to an information board and seating area. Turn left here, leading away from the shore. The path will bring you directly back to the car park. Courtesy of TheLake

Do you have a local walk you would like to share with us please email Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Local Charity G

ina, founder of the RELEASE into Victory (RiVictory) community Interest Company support service for adult victim/survivors of Childhood Sexual Abuse (CSA), was born into a family of paedophiles. As shocking as this statement may be, the worst and hardest part to digest is that CSA is a very common occurrence in British society. The latest, Government commissioned, research informs us that a minimum of 1:4 females and 1:6 males have experienced some form of sexual abuse in childhood. The impact of CSA on the child does not end, the trauma inflicted by this heinous crime can lead to profound and lasting effects on mental health, it literally devastates the lives of not only the survivor but the family unit as well as our communities. In 2012 the horrific stories of the sexual abuse of children, carried out for decades by the previously much loved and revered celebrity figure, Jimmy Savile, came to media attention. The news about Savile exposed a dark reality, an underworld previously hidden, the prevalence of CSA revealed for all to see. The news, so difficult to digest, was spoken about by many in communities across the UK. Gina realised that survivors/victims like herself would be deeply affected by these conversations going on

around them, acting as triggers for their own suppressed memories and emotions. It was this turning point that compelled Gina to establish a local, accessible support service, the aims being to reach out to survivors, providing opportunities to meet others who had experienced similar experience, and to break down barriers preventing individuals from seeking support. Ri-Victory developed an informative CSA Awareness Workshop with the purpose of encouraging us as a society to ‘talk about it’ the taboo nature of CSA serves only to protect perpetrators. The service has progressed and evolved over the past eight years, managers and Peer Power

team members have accessed specialist CSA ISVA training. The aim is now to promote awareness through their workshops and consultancy sessions. The team, run totally by individuals with Lived Experiences, will facilitate opportunities to have open and honest dialogue, face the hard facts and realities of this heinous crime. Ri-Victory invites you to join us on our journey - that which lives in the dark thrives in the dark, together we can shine the light onto this stain on our society. Are you ready to step out with us, are you prepared to stand up for survivors and SAY NO to perpetrators? For more information about our workshop or for an informal chat: Phone: 07597 998169 www.facebook/angelgiftsgg E:

Are you a local Charity in Cumbria and Lancashire doing great work for the Community and would like to be featured in our Your Local Charity section? Please email 42

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Escape

What is a staycation? A

staycation is a holiday spent at home or in your local area; a stay-vacation, or a holistay if that floats your boat! Whatever you call it, a staycation can be a wonderfully enjoyable experience if you do it right. What if you could enjoy all the benefits of a holiday, without paying the price? As the tendency to look at holidays closer to home grows, we’re ever more drawn to the idea of a staycation.


Things to do on a staycation • Learn a new skill • Support a local business and stay in a nearby hotel • Be a tourist in your own town • Sleep under the stars (in your own garden)

• Feel good about yourself and volunteer for a cause you believe in • Go to a sports game or theatre show • Rent a car and take a road trip in your local area

It’s important to plan what you want to do with your staycation, to avoid getting sucked into your normal daily routine. We’ve all at one point said we wish we had more time to read that book, to see that movie, to hike that trail. Well, a staycation is the perfect time to do all these things.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Escape Be a tourist in your own town You may have lived there for years, or for your whole life, but do you really know the city you grew up in? What if you were to visit it for the day with fresh eyes, as a tourist might do? Take a free walking tour or pick up a guide book and choose a sight you haven’t visited before. There’s so much to explore right on your doorstep!

time, be it doing half an hour of beach clean-up, or giving English lessons to local kids. Wouldn’t it be great to bring this philosophy of giving back to your staycation? There are plenty of ways you can offer assistance to people or causes in need, locally. Not only will you be giving back and offering your help, you’ll also feel great having done so!

Sleep under the stars (in your own garden) This is a great one to do with kids, or for your inner kid. Set up a tent in the garden, and have the real camping experience by cooking dinner on a burner (or a barbecue will do!). Lay a few cushions and lamps on the ground outside the tent and sit outside telling stories until it’s time to retreat into your tent. The beauty of this is you can drag your duvet and any other home comforts into your tent for the ultimate camping experience, without having to lug it further than the garden!

Benefits of a staycation • Save money • Maximise your time • Practice responsible tourism • Take your pets with you! • No travel stress

Feel good about yourself and volunteer for a cause you believe in When you travel do you look for ways to give back to the local community? Many travellers are happy to offer a bit of their free

Maximise your time Time is of the essence when you only have a few valuable days to spare on a holiday. A staycation ensures that your holiday starts from the very beginning. No travel days before or after, no jet lag, no long journey home. Practice responsible tourism A staycation keeps your fuel consumption down, and is a fun way to look after our planet. It’s also a great way to support your local economy, especially if you choose to stay in boutique hotels, shop in small shops or markets and eat at local restaurants. Nurture your local community by enjoying all it has

to offer. If you are looking to travel further afield, take a look at these tips for practising responsible tourism. Take your pets with you! Your furry friends will certainly be pleased with this one. Not only will you save costs not having to put your dog in a kennel, or pay for a cat sitter, you will save that heart wrenching guilty feeling of saying bye to them while you go off on holiday. If only they could understand that you’re not leaving them forever and you WILL be back for them! No travel stress Keep it calm and simple, no need for the travel stress when taking a staycation because you’re already exactly where you’re meant to be. Forget the last-minute search for accommodation and the endless packing and weighing of suitcases. You won’t worry if you’ve brought the correct balance of sweaters to sandals – only to find out that you actually wear a variation of the same outfit most days. Whether you’re staycationing in your own back garden or taking the weekend to explore your local town, here’s one key thing to remember: you’re on holiday, so enjoy it.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Animal Wellbeing My name is Melanie Cruickshank, an internationally renowned Animal Communicator, a real life Dr Dolittle!


nimal communication is a way of connecting and exchanging thoughts, feelings and dialogue with the animals around us. I focus on a wider hidden language moving away from the barriers brought forward by verbal communication and tune into the energy fields of the animals regardless of them being wild or our beloved pets. Think of it as giving a voice to the voiceless. Being an animal communicator allows me to open up a world full of amazement and inspiration. It helps me to develop a deeper understanding of how we can genuinely help our beloved animal friends. In my work I am honoured to be given the opportunity to connect with animals here on

earth and be able to help owners gain a better understanding of their pets. Through the use of social media and photographs I am able to work with animals from anywhere in the world as well as being in a one to one situation. Using photographs also allows me the ability to connect to those beloved pets who are sadly over the Rainbow Bridge. When our pets leave this world many never actually leave us and continue to be an active presence in our lives. Being able to provide a connection I can perhaps provide a little closure for those who have lost their beloved companions. Using animal communication sessions, I have been able to identify medical issues which have previously gone unnoticed and with subsequent veterinary intervention has saved lives. I work with rescue animals and rescue centres and have helped animals and new owners alike come to terms with horrific circumstances and prepared them for future happiness. I have been very fortunate on my journey to have been given the opportunity to study alongside some of the World’s best known and respected communicators. I am now blessed to be able to share my gift with others by hosting my own workshops and I plan on hosting more in the future. If you are interested in learning more, would like to read some of my testimonials or arrange a reading please join my Facebook group. Search for ‘Animal Communication Cumbria’ or email me on I can also be found on Twitter and Instagram. Animal communication, making the impossible, possible.


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Animal Wellbeing

Animal Charity


olfwood rehomes 150+ dogs per year - we don’t pick and choose, but help the most needy as they all deserve the chance of a new life. Many dogs are difficult breeds, have behavioural issues, or are old with health problems. Supporting these dogs costs a lot of time and money whilst

with us and often through our Old Dog Fostering Scheme once homed. Eleven equines are currently in our care. Some are waiting for the opportunity of a new home when previous owners were no longer able to care for them. Many equines are surviving serious physical and mental neglect, which can take years

before they are ready for a new home. Our staff are confronted with daily challenges; the work is enormously rewarding and never boring! Any help raising funds or volunteering will be gratefully received.

Check out our website or ring Wolfwood founder Stephen Wakelin on 07931 220094 Charity No: 1133826

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Family’s Health W hat ar e th e B e n e fi ts o f M e d it a t ion f or Kid s?


editation is a popular mind-body practice that has been around for generations and can help reduce stress and promote calm. Meditation may be beneficial for people of all ages, including kids. Kids have monkey minds which stay out of control most of the time and randomly jump from here to there. The only way to confine their

monkey mind is through proper meditation. Meditation for kids is very beneficial; it helps them lead a healthy life and learn the discipline they need to succeed. With increased stress and academic pressure, children can get a plethora of healthrelated problems. These problems could include anxiety, depression, heart-

Meditation helps in emotional development The one who knows how to conquer the emotions has won half the battles of life. Your child needs to understand the difference between emotions whilst navigating the harsh phases of life. Meditation helps children to sustain a healthy mental rhythm whilst coping with all kinds of emotion. It can also assist them in balancing the chores of life much more comfortably. Meditation keeps stress at bay Children are equally as prone to anxiety as adults, as parents we have a responsibility to reduce a child's potential to feel stressed. Meditation can help with this.

related issues, and other mental and physical complexities that need immediate treatment. In the development phase of a child, there is no better cure than meditation. Meditation can make children less aggressive, more disciplined, and perform better at all stages of life.

Meditation helps children to divert their minds from academic stress whilst focusing on life. During meditation, children's bodies will naturally assume certain positions; these are vital for both physical and mental development. Self-realisation Realising the inner-self can take years, but meditating from an early age can be very rewarding for children, it can help them to evaluate their worth and focus on life with true zeal and dedication. Meditation has many potential benefits for people of all ages. These include: • relieving pain • lowering high blood pressure • helping with anxiety and other mental health conditions • reducing stress • enhancing mood Types of meditation for children There are several different types of meditation, all of which usually involve similar elements. These include: • a quiet space with limited distractions • a comfortable position • a particular focus of attention • an open attitude from the person meditating


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Family’s Health

Meditation apps for kids A variety of meditation apps are available on the market, including options specifically for kids. Below is a list of some of the most popular meditation apps for young people:

Headspace (for kids)


Headspace is a popular meditation app. It includes a massive library of guided meditations. Meditation themes for kids include calm, focus, kindness, sleep, and wake up.

Whilst Calm is not a kid-specific app, it does contain a variety of resources for young people, including a series of meditations specifically for those under the age of 18 years.

Guided sessions, breathing exercises, and visualisations are available for children in multiple age groups other than adults. These age groups include 5 years and under, 6–8 years, and 9–12 years.

The “Calm Kids” section of the app has a slew of beginner meditations, some of which are as short as 2 minutes. The app also features a series of sleep stories to help lull kids to sleep.

Breathe, Think, Do with Sesame Children can learn a variety of skills, including calming breathing exercises, with the help of on-screen friends from the television series Sesame Street. The bilingual app (English and Spanish) also features a host of resources for parents or caregivers. In addition to mindfulness, the app encourages children to problemsolve, cultivate self-control, and learn planning skills.

Mindful Family

Smiling Mind

The Mindful Family app is a free app with a base library of guided meditations for adults, children, and families.

This app is the product of an Australian non-profit organisation. It features mindfulness and meditation programs for people of all ages.

Additional meditations are also available as in-app purchases. The app’s selection of meditations are suitable for those aged 4 years and older.

The app includes a variety of programs, from family oriented sessions to classroom- and workplace-friendly practices. There are a few options for children aged 3 years and up, but most of the app’s library is appropriate for those aged 7 years and older.

The Sesame brand app is best for children aged 2–5 years. Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Healthy Detox If you’re feeling a bit sluggish or want to give your body a quick boost – don’t worry. By making some small changes to your daily routine you can give yourself a mini detox without having to splash out on a spa or follow a strict diet.

Plan to be healthy • A healthy lifestyle won’t just happen. To make those healthy choices and give your body a detox, it is important to plan and schedule them throughout the day. • Rather than making vague plans to “eat more healthily” or “do some exercise”, make a menu for the day ahead.

• Detail exactly what you will eat and schedule in a time – or a number of times for exercise, establishing an exact time, activity and location. • Whatever your health intentions, set your purpose for the day ahead and factor in some time to make it happen.

Cut Your Sugar Intake One way to do a healthy detox? Simply start by decreasing the amount of sugar you consume. (And that includes honey, molasses, and artificial sweeteners.) When you *really* just have to have something sweet? Instead of routinely reaching for a doughnut, cookie, or cupcake, swap in a healthier alternative. Recent research suggests that "just a small amount of dark chocolate (with at least 70 percent cocoa content) helps curb 50

• You could even prepare your meals the day before or make sure you only have the required ingredients in the fridge – so you’re not tempted to snack and spoil the detox!

both our sweet and salty cravings." Another option is to grab a piece of fruit; the natural sugars will nip the need for sweetness and curb your craving.

Start with Water Hydration could quite possibly be the best healthy detox you'll ever give your body. Your body depends on water to survive and every single cell requires it to function. Start the day strong by waking up with it and drinking a

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Healthy Detox tall glass of water with juice from half of a lemon, which can help digestion and kick your liver into detox mode to flush out build-up toxins.

Move Your Body Regular exercise is a form of healthy detox as it encourages circulation in the blood and lymphatic system. Doing so will also enhance digestion, reduce tension, lubricate joints, and strengthen your body. For those reasons, people who exercise regularly have fewer toxins in their systems than those who don't. Take the stairs, do five-minute power yoga sessions (even in your work clothes), do squats while you're talking on the phone, park a half-mile away from your destination and then walk, or better yet, don't drive at all.

Eat More Fruits and Veggies When it comes to diet, you don't need any kind of a crazy detox plan to feel better. "A colourful variety of fruits and veggies should be the main focus of your diet, along with whole grains, beans and legumes, and small amounts of nuts and seeds," (Dark green vegetables, for instance, are full of micronutrients and are very low in calories, so you can eat a lot of them.)

Sweat It Out in a Sauna Saunas are a staple of the wellness culture in countries like Sweden and Finland for good reasons: Sitting and sweating it out can help you detox via sweat loss, plus it has skin benefits to boot. The infrared kind? Physical therapy centres have been helping athletes with pain relief and recovery for years via infrared light therapy which can stimulate your body's circulatory system and oxygenate your body's cells.

Exfoliate Your Skin Skin brushing and oil massages will help exfoliate the toxins from your skin and refresh circulation. Give your skin the healthy detox it's craving with these facial exfoliators that will completely transform your skin.

Eat More Often Skipping meals can slow down your metabolism and make you firmly believe the world *seriously* owes you food. You'll end up consuming way more calories than you would have if you weren't so famished in the first place. Make regular eating a habit by keeping your fridge and pantry stocked with healthy fixings like yogurt, peanut butter, and whole wheat bread or wraps for quick and easy meals.

Get Your Sleep Although a good sleep routine is as important as regular exercise and a healthy diet, it often gets over-looked in our hyper-driven society. In reality? It's in and of itself a healthy detox. After all, poor sleep is a big cause of ill health in our culture. Consider a sleep ‘reboot’ where you eliminate caffeine and alcohol, have a regular bedtime, avoid late meals, and ban TV, computer, and smart phone screens for at least two hours before bedtime.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Healthy Detox


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

A Bad Day

I`m struggling on, am really low today, I wish my clouds, would go away! It just feels today, I can`t raise a smile, Not been this way, for quite a while! Maybe I got a visit, from the black dog, Or maybe just suffering, with a bit of brain fog? But either way, as I go through my day, I`ll just be gentle, and feel my way, To take each single step, I find That it can challenge, both spirit and mind! But onwards and upwards, I ease myself on, Because I know, this won`t last long! By being hard on myself, I will not win, So, I have to love me, to begin again! To lift myself up, to face the light, Sometimes that`s hard, when you feel like shite! But deep down inside, I really do know, From the deepest shit, the best flowers grow! Life goes in cycles, it often repeats, Until we learn those lessons, and admit those defeats! But as time goes on, as history has shown, We can all look back, and see how we`ve grown! It sometimes feels, we`re on a downward spiral And doom and gloom, are just going viral! What`s life about, what is the objective?

It`s not often clear, there`s little perspective! Sometimes we`re up, sometimes we`re down, And it feels like life, just goes round and round! What is the meaning, what have we to learn? From that feeling inside, that`s just like heartburn! Those days when we notice, no laughter or mirth, And we feel disconnected, from heaven and earth, All we can do, is to sit down and wait, Acknowledge the darkness, till it starts to abate! The longer we sit, and welcome it in, The quicker we start, to feel light again! For it`s not until, we start to see, We all have a dark side, that`s how it`s meant to be! We are all made up, of light and dark, Like two ends of a magnet, it can pull us apart! Like left and right, and up and down, Like having a laugh, then wearing a frown! So the sooner we see, we own a dark side too, The sooner we`ll recover, from feeling so blue! And to top it all, we all have a choice, To flick the switch, and use our voice! To ask for help, from our friends, For a problem shared, soon makes amends! So, if you too, feel down and alone, Get off your backside, and onto the `phone!

Ric Caunce 19th April 2018

With special thanks to Ric Caunce for such an inspirational poem if you have a poem you wish us to publish please email Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Natural Skin Care Why it’s important to use natural and organic products on your skin? Keeping your skin looking healthy and radiant is important because healthy skin is one of the biggest indicators that tell us whether we are healthy on the inside too. In fact, the skin is the largest organ of our entire body, so we really should treat it with care.

Here are great reasons we think it is important to do so: Using natural and organic skincare products can reduce skin irritation unlike non-organic and non-natural products. It is easy to find natural alternatives to all skin products, whether you are targeting spots, wrinkles or just want your skin to feel clean and healthy. Natural products are kinder to your skin and will work just as effectively. Natural and organic skincare products have stood the test of time. Many ingredients that are included in modern organic skincare products have been used for centuries, developed from ancient remedies that have been known for their incredible benefits for the skin. There is no better test than the test of time, and these ingredients have proven their worth and shown not to have any adverse side effects, guaranteeing healthy and beautiful looking skin. If you wouldn’t eat it, don’t put it on your skin! Our skin is very absorbent, and when you use products such as moisturisers, cleansers, and toners, the ingredients within these are getting absorbed into our bodies. It’s great to be health-conscious and think about what we are putting into our bodies, and it doesn’t stop at what we eat and 54

drink. Next time you are buying a new moisturiser take a look at the ingredients on the label and think, “Would I eat this?” If the answer is no perhaps it’s time to start turning your skincare routine into a more natural one! Buying better quality, organic and natural products actually means you end up saving a lot in the long run! How nice it would be to know we are doing something great for our health, while also saving money at the same time? Well, if you switch to natural and organic skincare products, you can do just that. Organic and natural skincare products are actually very costeffective when compared to their non-natural alternatives, especially as the quality of the ingredients means you can use less, which in turn means the product will last longer over time. Whilst some chemical-based

products may be cheaper, you end up needing to use a lot of them - putting layer after layer of moisturiser on as your skin still feels dry, therefore having to buy more of it, and actually costing you more in the long run Buying naturally and sustainably sourced products can be much kinder to the environment. Using natural and organic products in much better for the environment. Skincare products that contain chemicals can have a very damaging impact on the environment, sprays and perfumes that are released into the atmosphere can be very harmful, as well as the manufacturing process that takes place to create them. If you use natural and organic skincare products not only will you reap the benefits of beautiful skin, but you can also enjoy them guilt-free without harming the environment.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Natural Skin Care

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Your Men's Health

Men’s Yoga


s a young man entering a yoga studio for the first time I remember seeing a sea of women, mostly older than my 23 year old self. It had taken me over a year to finally overcome the typical prejudice of yoga being for bendy female gymnasts. I sat down and remember the teacher telling us to close our eyes. And like many men, I have since realised that the thought of shutting my eyes in public made me feel ‘weird’ and ‘vulnerable’. I sat with my legs unable to cross, knees close to my chin and eyes scanning the room for who was looking at me. Into the next posture I went to bend over and touch my toes reaching only my knees feeling totally useless. Cut to 90 mins later I walked out of that room amazed. After getting over myself and realising nobody really cared how I looked, I had one of the most beneficial periods of exercise I had ever experienced. In the classes to come, I would get fitter, stronger, more flexible, increasing my lung capacity and fitness for sports.... yet something else was dropping into my being. 56

I came to realise yoga was much more than a sporty stretch. I was reaching and healing parts of my nervous system which caused me major tension in the body and in the mind too. Life was becoming better, my energy levels were improved and I could only pin it on one new thing... yoga. Over the next 5 years I learnt more of this practice. I learnt how yoga, an ancient science, could actually help every single person on this planet. And I mean that. We all have a body, and so yoga works for each and every one of us. Nowhere else are we taught such stillness, no other sport or exercise reaches the parts of the body we never thought we could. This internal exercise ticked every box. Every box except one...... “is it for men”? The stigma around yoga not being for men, is slowly diminishing. But not at a fast enough rate to bring about the change the collective needs in men stepping up and supporting the world. In an age of comfort, many men are happy to sit and slowly let their bodies tighten through stressful work and exercise. These tensions in the body slowly morphing into an uneasiness and then dis-ease. We sit on autopilot, living life in the Yang lane and forgetting the Yin of yoga.... time for the self. Suicide rates and poor mental health are at an all time high which further screams for some kind of change in attitude towards treatment. For me, I believe yoga and mental health training should be brought in through schools as (at least) a weekly class. I have used yoga to totally change my body, steer me through difficult times and

empower myself in the process. Yoga is a tool for men to clean and tune their vessel, which will bring about a greater enjoyment of life for themselves and those around them. There are several types of yoga I can suggest for men to enter into. Power Yoga is one heck of a workout and will have you sweating better than any dumbells. All whilst oxygenating the body, helping you recover, stretching the muscles and increasing your fitness. Yin Yoga - a slower style of yoga in which you are required to hold positions or asanas for 3-5 mins, helps the body slowly strengthen and recover as a perfect accompaniment to other more strenuous sports such as running, rugby or football. I have worked with world champion mixed martial artists in assuring their performance and recovery levels are on top form. I also know footballer Ryan Giggs is attributes his lengthy career and hamstring cures to yoga. It really is a game and life changer. I am passionate about bringing yoga to men and teach classes on a one to one or group basis. If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me on 07827 610900. Liam Breslin

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Book Review THE GOLDEN ROAD: My Journey with Spirit by Bryony Rogers


his is an inspirational new book from a Lancastrian writer and therapeutic artist, available directly from the author and from Amazon. The book shares the Spiritual guidance that Bryony Rogers has been receiving for the last 20 years, explores her relationship to that guidance, and the impact it has had on her life. This impactful prose is enhanced by a number of beautiful full colour Nature photographs, bringing further healing energy with the guidance. It has been described as 'beautifully written, clear, concise and powerful' by author Stephanie Lightsmith This Spiritual guidance started to come in volume at the time of the Solar Eclipse in 1999, when Bryony was living at the Findhorn Community in Scotland. This was a profound period of Spiritual Awakening, Harmony, Connectedness and Peace for her. The voice and frequency of the guidance comes from the highest Divine Source, and at times has also included angelic beings, ascended masters and other guides. The book begins: ‘The voice that I 'heard', or more accurately felt and knew inside myself, after the Solar Eclipse in August 1999, 'spoke' to me in a clear, gentle way, and said: Take strength from your heart. I am your Golden Road. Bathe yourself in this Essence.... ‘ Later Bryony heard: (Remember) Peace is found in each human soul, deep in the recesses of the forgotten memories. The memories are of a time before birth, when you were at one with Me, held forever in my eternal embrace, as you are now, awakening to this fact, here on Earth. This is a great time, a time of new understanding and growth; through you for all your brothers and sisters, who will celebrate. Rejoice now, through

each breath of holy air into your system, rejoice and feel me near. I am uncovering you. I am uncovering you in great peace and with care. Do not be afraid. The time of persecution is past. The Golden Road: My Journey with Spirit is available directly from Bryony or on Amazon for £18 + pnp (paperback) or as a Kindle. Bryony is a published poet; her most recent poetry collection, Wilderness Renewal, is available as an eBook for £6 from She is a singer and Voice Empowerment coach working with Heartsong, a Reiki healer, and a therapeutic film-maker, working with Mark Minard from Moving Essence. You can see more about her work at and on Facebook on the Heartsong Sacred Singing and Meditation, Wilderness Renewal and Nature as Medicine Facebook pages. Please feel free to contact her by email for copies of the book or with any questions.

Do you have an inspiring Health and Well-being book that you would like to shout about? Please email the Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


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Discover Our Natural Soy Wax Hand-Poured Scented Candles Beautifully Giftboxed @freija_candles

Affordable Wills, Powers of Attorney. Personal local service. Free Consultations. 01524 571032

Gemstone jewellery, suncatchers, original art, cards and prints email:

Warm welcome to my world of Moon Dream, handmade Jewellery & gifts 07857 044588

SEW CONFIDENT - Chorley. Learn to Sew, De-stress & Be Social at our studio. 01257 546413

Individually handpainted artwork and cards 100% personalised to order. Facebook: @Love,EmilyUK Mobile: 07807 652059

Gifts hampers or bags made to order for all occasions www.facwbookangelgiftsgg Gina 07597 998169

“When you think from a beautiful garden, you will see flowers everywhere!” - MM

I wish my Dr had told me this? Tel. 01325 722453

Independent businesses are the heart of our local communities. Behind every store front, sign or online page is somebody’s dream and even a family’s tradition. But this year it’s been harder than anyone expected and they need our support. Roots of Life is bringing together Shop Local to helping independent businesses find new ways to uplift businesses and recognise the value they bring. Businesses are finding creative ways to keep serving the communities that rely on them. They’re getting online and going the extra mile to keep our communities alive. They’re counting on us to get behind them. They’re asking you to remember that where you shop matters. If you would like to add your business to our next magazine please contact Debs on E. or M. 07956 550447. 58

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Directory Listing only ÂŁ25.00 per quarter. Contact Debs on Tel. 07956 550447 or E. for more information.

Your Wellness Directory

Private Hearing Aid Company Head Office (01253) 856677 Morecambe Office (01524) 409450 Professional company - over twenty years of experience helping our clients to achieve their optimum in hearing with bespoke after care packages.

Helyn Connerr Astro Innovation 01539 822225 Practical astrology for modern times: empowering you toward a happier life, one ultimately designed by choice.

Trish Spence CranioSacral Specialist, Wellbeing Therapist & Yoga Teacher Croftlands Practice, Westbourne Rd, LA1 5DB 07930 531588 I am a CranioSacral therapist of 22 years treating trauma, stress and the loss of healing in babies, children + adults.

Re:Set Mind Body Soul 4-6 Parliament Street, Lancaster LA1 1DB 01524 388 499 Our State-of-the-art centre includes Floatation Therapy, Massage, Infared Saunas and Halotherapy.

Lizzie Dripping Glass 07977 011526 Recycled, Creative and Handmade. Artwork using new and recycled glass. Commissions undertaken. Also available ashes in glass. Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Competition


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Your Competition

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Your Spa Retreat North Lakes Hotel and Spa


elaxation begins the moment you walk through the door at North Lakes Hotel and Spa. Located on the edge of Penrith, this 4-star hotel, with its roaring log fires and cosy lounges, is an ideal retreat after a day exploring the Lake District’s rugged landscapes. For those wishing to reconnect with loved ones over dinner or enjoy ‘me time’ at the award-winning Spa, North Lakes Hotel has the ambience, the food and the facilities to help guests unwind. The hotel’s rustic design is inspired by the Cumbrian countryside and reflects the rural heritage that makes the region so well known. This ‘country retreat’ feel extends to the Spa, which features exposed wooden beams, low lighting and comfy seating areas surrounding the 13-metre heated swimming pool. For those who are short on time but want to relax and refresh, North Lakes Hotel offers a day spa where guests can unwind in the relaxation areas before selecting treatments which use glamorous French skincare brand, Caudalie. Highly

regarded by the beauty and wellness industry, the Caudalie range combines the latest scientific cosmetic techniques with the ancient secrets from family-owned vineyards in Bordeaux. Treatments include lifting and firming eye therapies, luxurious back massage, body scrubs and purifying facials for glowing skin. For the ultimate in relaxation, why not treat yourself or a loved one to North Lakes’ One Night Spa Break? Take 24 hours out and check in to luxury with full use of the spa, Caudalie taster treatments and delicious food before falling into bed for a dreamy night’s sleep in the hotel’s superior guest rooms. To complete the experience, visit FYR, Cumbria’s only open fire

grill restaurant, located inside the North Lakes Hotel. At FYR, every cut of meat is aged for a minimum of 28 days and cooked to the diners’ exact specifications - right in front of them. Whilst the sizzling steaks are a speciality, the newly introduced Sunday Lunch is an experience not to be missed. Enjoy a complimentary glass of Champagne before indulging in a sumptuous roast with all the trimmings. For a special treat, indulge in the North Lakes’ Afternoon Tea, a delicate selection of smoked salmon and cucumber sandwiches complimented by freshly baked scones with jam and clotted cream and a selection of cakes, from macaroons to chocolate tiffin.

Start your journey to relaxation by contacting the team at North Lakes Hotel and Spa on 01768 868111 or email 62

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