Roots of Life Wellness (Your Local Magazine to Great Health) Spring/Summer 2020 Edition

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Meet the Team


Frank Allison Editor


ello and welcome to the spring/summer edition of Roots of Life magazine. After an eventful winter, perhaps we can now leave the rain and cold behind us and look forward to better weather, brighter days and lighter nights. Although these are uncertain and anxious times, we hope to send out a positive message of health and wellbeing. We encourage you to keep safe and look after yourself and your neighbours as we’ve always done in times of uncertainty and national crisis. Our Facebook presence has also increased to keep you well informed and up to date with developments. Remember, you can also order supplies or seek advice from our advertisers via telephone or by visiting the individual company’s website.

M. 07984 514012


New Features We have some exciting new features in this spring/summer edition including Taster Tokens and a new Men’s Section that features Morecambe Football Club’s player, Kevin Ellison who has bravely overcome depression and is actively helping others through his personal experiences and the Speak Out Seek Help initiative. Competition Congratulations to Andrew Bond who won the Find the Pod competition (page 52) of the magazine. Our new competition prize is 3 months’ membership of Gymophobics, Lancaster. See page 43 for details. Finally, we wish all our readers continued good health, wealth and happiness.

Debs Brookes Official Publication

Founder, Roots of Life E. M. 07956 550447

@rootsoflife5 @rootsoflifeevents 2

Nicky Hossack Advertising Manager M. 07721 015506 E.

Donna Middleton Social and Marketing Strategy M. 07970 987847 The views within this magazine are not necessarily those of the publisher. Articles and advertisements are for information only. Roots of Life Wellness Magazine does not officially endorse any advertising material included within this publication. Whilst every care has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this publication, Roots of Life Wellness Magazine, neither the Editor nor its contributors take any responsibility for errors or omissions. By entering our competitions you agree to opt into the mailing list of Roots of Life Magazine, and the prize provider. We hold no responsibility for the failure of an advertiser to provide a prize. General Data Protection Regulation GDPR: All personal data collected through competitions or related correspondence in this magazine are destroyed once the winners have been announced. We do not retain personal data.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

Your Body

Therapeutic Benefits of Gardening Yet Another Sleepless Night

4-5 8-9

Your Environment Beach Cleans at Middleton Sands, Lancashire 16

Your Therapies Reflexology The Ronnie Gardiner Method

18 24

Your Animal Wellbeing Benefits of Raw Feeding your Dog


Don’t Get the Hump 40 Competition to WIN 3 Months Membership at Gymophobics, Lancaster 43

Your Soul

Mind Full or Mindful? This Season’s Crystals

Look Good Feel Good How to Age Well

Get Off Your Phone Dad Krafty Kids

28 29

Your Healthy Food and Drink Chemo Cookery Roots of Life Taster Tokens

30-31 34-35

Your Mind The Benefits of Hypnosis and Hypnotherapy 36 Next Roots of Life Health and Wellbeing Event 39


Your Men’s Health

Speak Out and Seek Help interview with Kevin Ellison, Morecambe Football Club

Your Escape

Your Family’s Health

44 48

The Create Escape, Cumbria

54-55 56-57

Your Wellness Directory Xander’s Space

58 59

Your Forest Bathing


Book Review

The Celestine Prophecy reviewed by Deborah Huck 61 Change the Way you Think! Change the Way you Feel by Breathe Therapies 62-63

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine



There is nothing quite like deeply inhaling the dusky, warm scent of a rose in full bloom, or running your fingers through soft, warm potting compost.

My story

Benefits The benefits of being in nature are well documented; stress reduction, lowered blood pressure, and an increased sense of well-being. So it is with gardening. Really getting in there and getting your hands dirty, takes these healing benefits to a much deeper level. Gardening is a way to reconnect with Mother Nature and our deepest self. Working on the land literally grounds you in the here and now, and offers a sensory, healing session like no other. Focusing on the task in hand is a form of mindfulness and meditation. It forces unwanted worries and thoughts out of your head, leaving no room for negative thoughts and feelings. The benefits of even occasional, light gardening include; inhaling fresh air, increased focus and mental clarity, enhanced creative expression, and improved flexibility and mobility.


Four years ago I was working in retail management. I enjoyed the job, but had become frustrated with working for someone else. I became increasingly disillusioned with my role, which was fundamentally about making money. As a non-materialistic person, I had become stressed and depressed, and realised that I was working in an environment that was destroying my soul instead of feeding it. Eventually, I reached the point where I knew something had to change. I sat down and made a list of what I needed to make me happy. I wanted something that was stress-free, independent, enjoyable and preferably outdoors. So, I left my job and started my own gardening business. Within a few weeks I was more relaxed, and experienced a sense of purpose and wellbeing. I felt free from pressures and obligations and I gained a renewed interest in life. Being a natural hermit, I enjoyed meeting new people, but working alone. The health benefits were soon apparent. I became more physically flexible and began to breathe deeper. This increases relaxation and is much better for your health. My tension headaches largely disappeared, and my overall strength and stamina began to increase. Interestingly, my chronic back pain improved dramatically. Today, my only regret is that I didn't make this change earlier.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

What you can do I'm not expecting you all to ditch your jobs and take up gardening full-time, but I would encourage anyone from the age of eight to eighty to spend some time outside, creating colour in your garden, tubs or window boxes. Whatever your physical ability, you can do something to enhance your mental and emotional well-being, by working with the soil. Just being outside, breathing the fresh air and feeling the warmth of the sunshine, helps clear the mind and rejuvenates the spirit. Creating a colour rich and sensory environment enhances creativity and stimulates the pleasure centre of your brain. This leads to increased feelings of well-being and satisfaction in a job well done. Colourful gardens bring pleasure to everyone who sees them, and a sense of achievement for yourself. They are also beneficial to birds, bees and other wildlife.

How to get started Start small – it's easy to get overwhelmed when you first start out. Remember that whatever you plant needs feeding, weeding and watering, so ease yourself into it! All you need are a few pots (if you don’t have a garden), multi-purpose compost, hand fork and trowel, and some general plant feed such as Miracle-Gro or Tomorite. I always prefer to buy flowers, herbs and vegetables from young plants,

rather than grow from seeds. Although more expensive, you have instant results and can monitor their progress.

Flowers Early spring: plant primroses, primulas and early flowering spring bulbs and crocuses. Spring/summer: garden centres are full of beautiful bedding plants like begonias that add a mass of long lasting, vibrant colours, from spring through to late autumn, if fed fortnightly. Winter blues? plant up tubs of snowdrops, dwarf daffodils and narcissi and early flowering crocuses. These have a wonderful January and early February show. Sweet peas (non-edible) growing up a simple structure of bamboo rods make a stunning, highly scented summer display. They can be picked for the table and will regenerate.

Importance of colour Colour influences the emotions and feelings: reds, oranges and yellows stimulate energy, creativity and happiness, so plant near communal areas. Lemon yellow, golden colours and creams are uplifting and stimulating. Purple colours, dusky pinks, rusty reds and terracottas feel warm, mellow and luxurious, so plant in areas where you want to relax. Pale blues, soft pastel colours, white and silver are relaxing and calming. Experiment with colours and go with how they make you feel.

Importance of Scent Our sense of smell is directly linked to pleasure and memory. The scent of Lavender and Lilly of the Valley will always remind me of my mother, as she wore these perfumes. So, select flowers that evoke a positive emotion or memory for you.

Herbs If you enjoy cooking, why not plant a tub with a few commonly used herbs that you know you're going to eat, and keep them near your kitchen door? Parsley, coriander, sage, basil and marjoram are multi-purpose herbs, and they all grow easily in pots.

Vegetables If you enjoy growing fruit and vegetables, then try strawberries, tomatoes, potatoes, courgettes, gooseberries and currant bushes. These are all easy to grow in tubs. Peas and green beans can be grown together up a structure of bamboo rods. There are now lots of varieties of fruit and vegetables available to grow in containers, so have a good look around your garden centre - the variety may surprise you! The joy of eating your own produce is a satisfying pleasure rarely matched. Whenever I can, I purchase my plants from Anthony Waugh at Grasmere Village Garden Centre. Anthony is friendly, knowledgeable and very helpful.

Deborah J Monshin (c) 2020 Freelance Writer and Holistic Therapist Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

Yet another

S S E L P E E L S night?

By Frank Allison


e all need the right amount of sleep to keep us feeling active and alert the next day. Sleep is also vitally important for continued good health. The amount of sleep we need varies from just a few hours to as much as twelve hours.

SELF HELP By practising the following tips, you could soon be putting your sleep problems behind you. • Try to deal effectively with pain, anxiety or any other underlying problem. • Frequent exercise during the day is helpful, but avoid exercise just before going to bed. • Avoid alcohol and caffeine containing drinks such as coffee, tea and some soft drinks. Avoid late evening meals too. • Avoid sleeping during the day.

• Develop a bedtime routine. Try to go to bed at the same time every night and wake up at the same time each morning. This helps to regulate sleep patterns. • Your bedroom is for sleeping - it should not be a place for texting, social media, munching late night snacks, watching television in comfort, or preparing your office work for the next day. • Make your bedroom as comfortable as possible, decorate it in calming pastel shades, keep it dark and quiet. Certain essential

oils such as frankincense and lavender can be calming when diffused or inhaled. • Maintain the bedroom temperature at about 18 degrees C (65 degrees F). • If you don't go to sleep in a reasonable amount of time, get out of bed, go to a quiet room and read a book or magazine in subdued light. • Always try to relax and don't aggressively seek sleep by becoming pre-occupied with it.

If the above strategies fail to bring the desired result, you might consider trying a natural herbal sleep-aid product. 8

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Woken up bleary-eyed after a restless night's sleep? n't fix. lf-hour nap ca s nothing a ha it' , hours ry o or w tw 't st on ju D slept for le op pe re he w t their heads In a study , those who go re fo be t gh ni the the day had inutes during down for 30 m unity and also improved imm felt happier.

SLEEP AID PRODUCTS A range of natural and safe sleep-aid products are available for sale to the general public. Examples include: Kalms Night, Nytol Herbal, and Sominex Herbal. These are available from health food shops, supermarkets and pharmacies. Antihistamine products such as promethazine hydrochloride (Phenergan) or diphenhydramine

hydrochloride (Nytol) cause drowsiness and induce sleep. These products are available from pharmacies and may help in the shortterm management of temporary insomnia in those cases where simple self-help measures have not proved entirely successful. They are not recommended for children under the age of 16 years.

Your doctor might also offer you some short-term medication or refer you to a sleep specialist at a nearby sleep laboratory in order to better understand and treat the cause of your particular sleep problem.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

Stephenson Financial Planning Ltd


avid Stephenson is a professionally qualified financial adviser. He has more than twenty years’ experience in the financial services industry and in 2017 was invited to join as a Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management as an appointed representative. Based in Lancaster, David has worked very hard over the years to build up a wide range of individual and corporate clients. He is also a trusted financial adviser to many NHS and private medical and dental practitioners. David said: “I really appreciate the trust that has been placed in me by my valued clients, and I strive constantly to uphold the highest standards of professional conduct. My commitment and passion is to

ensure the client’s financial wellbeing by working holistically with them to achieve this aim.” Whether you need expert advice on pension schemes, tax affairs or investment planning, you can be assured of a friendly, professional relationship, that places you and your financial affairs firmly at the heart of things. David is a member of the Chartered Insurance Institute (CII) the UK’s leading professional body for advisers dealing with all aspects of financial advice. The Partner Practice is regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for the purposes of advising solely on the group’s wealth management products and services. David concluded: “I look forward to answering any queries or concerns an

individual may have about their finances and to working in harmony with new clients in the future” Appointments to see David may be arranged at your home, your place of work or David’s office at the White Cross Business Park situated opposite the Royal Lancaster Infirmary. Tel: 07811 216566 (Lancaster based)

At Stephenson Financial Planning Ltd, we provide support for the financial wellbeing of individuals and companies covering all aspects of finance inc;

Retirement Planning • Investment Planning Protecting You & Your estate • Corporate Services David Stephenson Dip CII, CeMAP Director Stephenson Financial Planning Ltd Partner Practice of St. James’s Place Wealth Management 127 The Barracks, White Cross Business Park, South Road, Lancaster, LA1 4XQ Mobile: 07811 216566 Website: Stephenson Financial Planning Ltd is an Appointed Representative of and represents only St. James's Place Wealth Management plc (which is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority) for the purpose of advising solely on the group's wealth management products and services, more details of which are set out on the group's website The 'St. James's Place Partnership' and the titles 'Partner' and 'Partner Practice' are marketing terms used to describe St. James's Place representatives.


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Healthy Happy A

lthough GPs seek to alleviate a patient’s symptoms with medications, an individual may still not feel at their best. For example, Suzanne was prescribed the maximum dose of an antidepressant medication. A full-time working mum, she was constantly exhausted, despite fuelling herself on sugar and caffeine. She spent each day ‘wired but tired.’ Her weight was creeping up too, no matter how much she exercised.

After 3 months on my nutrition plan, Suzanne has happily reduced her caffeine and sugar intake. She now eats nourishing meals and has changed the way she exercises, resulting in more energy to spend time playing with her children. Her GP has

been able to reduce her medication dosage too. Small changes in diet and lifestyle can really have big impacts on how you feel, being healthier and happier as a result. Helen James

Nutrition for Mind Body Health

Women’s health and hormones Healthy habits workshops Educative Seminars & Talks Nutrition and Lifestyle Medicine for Chronic illness Corporate Wellbeing Retreats Helen James Healthy Happy Registered Nutritional Therapist mBANT 07703 793398 Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Lifestyle

Feeling like you’re ready for a new challenge? Earn some extra pennies for your family holiday, wedding or just a little extra treat Tropic can give you what you want from it ....little or a lot .....choosing the hours you work and when A Beautiful Business Starter Kit which includes £547+ worth of products and kit to get you off to THE BEST start .. our amazing ‘Business in a box’ New starter incentives with Leap Ahead product vouchers .. which can be spent on any Tropic products of your choice! AND .. all this whilst earning 25-35% commission on your sales You will also receive......Industry leading support and training Team support and guidance New friends, all of whom genuinely want to help you succeed Lots of opportunities to win all manner of things, from scarves to mirrors, bags, entire new collections of new products, to ALL expenses paid trips to exotic locations! Uncapped (yes UNCAPPED!) earnings!

Make 2020 YOUR year to remember!! Please contact me for an informal chat or for some carefree information

DEBBIE NICHOLLS Independent Ambassador 07538672476


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Lifestyle

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Environment Beach Cleans at Middleton Sands, Lancashire


he Middleton Sands Beach Care Project was founded some ten years ago by Jean Ellis, from Middleton and John Gilchrist from Sunderland Point, under the auspices of the Morecambe Bay Partnership. Grant support from 02 for essential equipment and enthusiasm from local people enabled the project to tackle a muchneglected piece of coastline and provide a safer haven for wildlife and a recreational space for residents and visitors. An initial beach clean was helped hugely by the involvement of over fifty workers at Centrica and their families, culminating in an enjoyable supper kindly funded by the company. Later, profoundly disabled students from Beaumont College in Lancaster also contributed, creating an imaginative sculpture from the debris they

collected, which was exhibited at The Storey Institute, Lancaster. Collecting an average of one ton of refuse every year, the project received an award in 2014 for its efforts. Last year, Hilary Hargreaves took over as the beach clean coordinator. Hilary told me: “The beach cleans are planned for the summer tides and we try to do ten or twelve cleans if possible, between March and the end of September. We alternate between Middleton Towers, Potts Corner and Sunderland Point.” Each session lasts between sixty to ninety minutes when the team of five who organise and lead the cleans collect any

detritus that has been washed up or left by members of the public. The team rely on volunteers to turn up on the day to help the team with the clean, and there are ten to fifteen regulars. There is an enjoyable group camaraderie and the feel good factor of doing something worthwhile. Hilary explained that volunteering simply involves a two-hour attendance, once or twice a month, so there is no full on commitment. Our average attendance is around twenty – our highest number was twenty-eight”. The group collects around five hundred kilograms of rubbish despite having to sometimes cancel clean up sessions due to poor weather conditions. Hilary added: “The type of rubbish we collect is mostly various bits of plastic that has been washed up together with cans, litter, things that have been dumped on the beach and the occasional odd unusual thing here and there.” Further information:


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

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Your Therapies Reflexology By Claire Himsworth from Toe to Soul Holistics


eflexology has its origins in Egypt, China, and North American Indian tribes. Dating back to 2330 BC, images have been depicted of people working therapeutically on the hands and feet of others. What is it and how does it work? People who experience reflexology for the first time often ask me how I can give them so much information just from their feet. Well, the principles of reflexology are simple. The body’s major organs and tissues are mapped on the feet, face, hands, and ears in ‘zones’. Specific parts of the foot correspond to energy lines or meridians which cover the body’s entire unseen network. The therapist first applies a wax or oil and begins to exert gentle manipulation and rotation of the whole foot, ankle and toes. Various soothing massage techniques are also used. Each of the meridian points are gently manipulated. When pressed, a pleasant ‘surge’ or tingling sensation may be experienced. This stimulates the body’s own healing systems and discovers imbalances that may be present in any given area. The reflexologist looks for changes which may be indicated by a gritty feeling like small grains of sand over a reflex point. 18

Equally, the reflexologist may simply be intuitively aware that a particular area is imbalanced. Reflexology rebalances and brings about homeostasis (or balance) in the body. Safe and Effective This non-invasive treatment is safe, effective and suitable for everyone. It can bring about positive changes in the person’s physical, mental and emotional state. It is excellent for pain, anxiety, stress, depression, and fertility. There are few

contraindications and a good therapist will discuss this with you the first time you attend your appointment. Facial Reflexology Although the feet provide a greater surface area to work on, thus giving a deeper treatment, I believe that facial reflexology is more ‘spiritual.’ It can place you in an altogether different headspace because the face is connected directly to the cranial nerves.

Many studies have indicated its benefits for mood, anxiety and chronic pain. In addition, reflexology may also support: • blood pressure regulation • better sleep • more regular bowel habits • deep relaxation

• the elimination of toxins from the body

• fertility and hormonal imbalances

• increased blood flow to the feet and lower limbs

• lymphatic drainage

Reflexology is one of the kindest and most relaxing therapies available. Give yourself the love you deserve and book in for a session today.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies

What’s happening in The Medicine Garden...


he Medicine Garden opened in 2006. Based in the market town of Ulverston this complementary clinic offers a wide variety of therapies. Sarah Atkinson MNIMH Medical Herbalist offers herbal medicine. Jane Alexander (Embodysoul) Heart centred support, reiki and deeply healing massage. Caroline Anderson aromatherapy massage, reflexology and reiki. Rosemary Scholes (crystalpoint) crystal therapy and reiki, Joan McCadden counselling, CBT. New people at the Medicine Garden - Michael Otto physiotherapist and Nimmy Karat counselling, mindfulness, CBT and eye movement desensitisation and reprocessing.


monthly art/crystal making workshops from the medicine garden. In 2018 the Medicine Garden shop was opened which is filled with delicious herbs, sparkly crystals and beautiful locally made crafts as well as Rachel's art and paintings by Sally Bamber local watercolour plant painter. Many of the practitioners work in the shop and are happy to chat to you about their therapies and their work.

Jules Clark reiki and animal healing, Angela Butcher Reiki. Anabell Tziros reiki master. Artist in residence - Rachel Pearson (Dreamweaver Arts) makes crystal jewelry, three dimensional art works and runs

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies

Natural hair removal, Sugaring


booked an initial telephone consultation with Katerina to find out if Sugaring would be suitable for me. Sugaring is the ancient Arabic art of hair removal, where a completely natural sugar paste is massaged onto the skin and flicked off. This effectively removes the hair from the root. As a result, the hair growth is softer, sparser, lighter in colour and will eventually cease altogether. Sugaring isn't hot, is less painful than waxing, exfoliates and nourishes the skin. It is a gentle process for all skin types, ages and can be repeated frequently.

In addition it: • Removes fake tan evenly • Includes pre and after care • Relaxing treatment • Suitable for all body parts Following my telephone conversation, I booked an appointment with Katerina at her treatment room. She is also happy to do home visits, if you prefer. The actual Sugaring process is fascinating to watch and Katerina

was extremely thorough and professional throughout. The paste doesn't stick to the skin and is very effective. With each 'flick' of the paste Katerina gently places her other hand (healing hand) on your skin to soothe it, which works wonders. Katerina is a Qualified and experienced beauty therapist. Reviewed by Nicky Hossack

Come and try natural hair removal for yourself Vegan and gluten free sugaring is suitable and beneficial for: • Dry, sensitive skin • Eczema • Diabetes • Varicose veins • PCOS • Hirsutism

SUGARING Katerina Fajstl Kendal and surrounding area

07403 309177 Katerina'Sugaring & Wellbeing


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Therapies

The Ronnie Gardiner Method


was recently invited to attend a Ronnie Gardiner (RGM) group session at the Beck Community Centre, Kendal to observe, and participate in, the structured exercise method designed to help set the brain in motion. The weekly sessions are conducted by Sheila Stafford, a RGM Master Practitioner, who is ably assisted by husband Shaun and daughter Janine. On this occasion we were honoured with the presence of Ronnie Gardiner, founder of RGM, who addressed the group and answered questions about the method and its applications. Ronnie devised his method over forty years ago and has extensively researched the brain and its functions. His work is acknowledged by senior medical professionals in various countries throughout the world and mentioned in many academic publications. There was a good attendance for the afternoon session by men and women of different ages with various neurological conditions, and their carers where applicable. The RGM is a powerful multi-sensory exercise method for the brain. It combines rhythm, movement, speech and movement codes to help improve concentration, coordination, balance, grip and


memory. In addition, it also enhances energy and lifts the mood. The method has proven to be beneficial for those suffering from neurological disorders such as Multiple Sclerosis (MS), Stroke, Parkinson’s, and the early stages of Dementia. It has also been used successfully with children, adults and to promote healthy ageing. Prior to the session, each participant was offered a red and a blue wrist band to wear if they required it. The red band goes on the left wrist and the blue band goes on the right wrist. Our session began with some gentle warm up exercises designed to loosen the muscles and promote relaxation. This was followed by a specific series of chair-based or standing exercises, aided by an excellent visual display on the large screen, and an animated and enthusiastic demonstration of the required movements by Shaun. The actual sequence of movements was chosen by individual group members and these were depicted in red or blue on the screen along with symbols and words so that the order could be more easily followed.

I found the exercises most challenging as I had never previously had to use so much of my brain in this way. Although I managed to get out of sync on several occasions, the ability to follow the sequences in a seamless manner does get better with practice. Sheila is very supportive and encouraging to the group and readily praises one’s efforts. After the first hour, we had a break for tea and biscuits, before resuming for the final hour. There was a distinct sense of friendship and camaraderie in the group and the beneficial social aspects of RGM have been recognised and cannot be underestimated. I spoke briefly to Michael, who suffered a stroke a few years ago. He told me: “Never give up.” This positive message was also reinforced by Ronnie, who is an active, jet setting eighty-eightyear-old jazz drummer who still plays at gigs. He said: “Just don’t give up.” Further information: Sheila Stafford RGM Master Practitioner Home: 01539 822265 Mob: 07553 747678 E Mail: By Frank Allison

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Animal Wellbeing Would you like to know the benefits of feeding a raw, species appropriate diet to your dog? Our raw feeding journey began about four years ago when one of our dogs started to suffer from terrible allergies, bad breath, constant ear and skin infections, yeast problems and trouble with her anal glands. I carried out a lot of research, and with the help of a holistic vet, we totally changed our dogs’ lifestyles, in particular, what they ate.


zzy’s immune system was greatly compromised, due to me using chemicals in her body that I now feel I shouldn’t have done. As a result, her body went into overdrive. She is now fed meat, bone, and offal, without additives, grain or preservatives. The best compliment we could have received came from a vet who told us that she is doing amazingly well, considering how poorly she was. She is on NO medication whatsoever. One of our other dogs, Jess, was diagnosed at three years old with lymphoma and only given ten to twelve weeks to live (this was before she was fed raw). All she’s had since is her balanced raw diet and some herbs. Nearly four years on, she is very much still here and full of beans. The vets are astounded. Thankfully, all the others are fit and well. They have beautiful pearly white teeth with lovely fresh breath. Their poos hardly smell and are small and hard, due to the fact that they take all the goodness out of the food with hardly any waste. Our eldest is nearly eleven and he still charges around like a youngster. He didn’t use to enjoy


his food, but now he gets rather vocal at feed times – it is lovely to see. They are also fed organic fruit and vegetables that have been well cooked and then blitzed in a food processor because dogs can’t naturally break down plant cells. They love carrots, broccoli, and strawberries in particular. We also feed them fresh fish, eggs, apple cider vinegar and some supplements like spirulina, garlic, and chlorella. These are also organic to keep toxins as low as possible. As well as seeing the benefits in our own dogs, our customers at Raw Feeding Plus in Morecambe have also had their lives changed significantly. We get many dogs coming in with skin problems that can be totally eradicated by switching to a raw diet. Some have seen positive effects in as little time as one week. It is very humbling. If you would like to know more, I am happy to chat, so please do get in touch. Ang

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Animal Wellbeing

Animal Charity


olfwood rehomes 150+ dogs per year - we don’t pick and choose, but help the most needy as they all deserve the chance of a new life. Many dogs are difficult breeds, have behavioural issues, or are old with health problems. Supporting these dogs costs a lot of time and money whilst

with us and often through our Old Dog Fostering Scheme once homed. Eleven equines are currently in our care. Some are waiting for the opportunity of a new home when previous owners were no longer able to care for them. Many equines are surviving serious physical and mental neglect, which can take years

before they are ready for a new home. Our staff are confronted with daily challenges; the work is enormously rewarding and never boring! Any help raising funds or volunteering will be gratefully received.

Check out our website or ring Wolfwood founder Stephen Wakelin on 07931 220094 Charity No: 1133826

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Family’s Health

Get off your phone Dad You've been on it a while I want you to talk, I want to give you a smile

Get off your phone Dad, it's there all the time, Don't rush putting me to bed, I want a nursery rhyme

Get off your phone Dad, I don't understand Why I'm not as interesting as the screen in your hand

Get off your phone Dad, Or just let me see, don't push me with your arm when I climb on your knee

Get off your phone Dad, I just want to play, I wish my Dad would just put his phone away

I'm so sorry Dad, I know you are on your phone Maybe you'll listen to my apologetic tone

Get off your phone Dad, Your not listening you see, I'm learning you're not the person who might help me

The phones more important than what I have to say, But I need you tomorrow and I need you today ......

Get off your phone Dad What a stupid invention You'll shout when I'm bad because I need more attention

Dads on his phone, he won't finish soon Maybe I'll talk to the toys in my room

Get off your phone Dad, get off it I say, I painted this picture at nursery today Get off your phone Dad, what is there to see, Facebook or Instagram, what about me?

Written by Liam Breslin Blackarrow Creations Helping people to write speeches and poems for special occasions/events) T. 07437 576243 M. For more of my work please visit 28

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Family’s Health

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your HealthyFood and Drink

Chemo Cooker By John Hanley


ulia Bradbury and Clare Balding, just two supremely talented household names synonymous with extolling the virtues of walking in The Lake District. Their media savvy creative juices no doubt flowing as they embrace the kaleidoscopic colour of the changing seasons, whilst navigating the endorphin enriching challenges of our world renowned captivating county. My creative juices were not even reducing in a pan when I was diagnosed with prostate cancer in May 2018. I’m a passionate walker, and also a passionate cook, with training tracing back to the time of Charles & Diana’s wedding (not

3 Fish Pie. Sea Bass, Cod and Salmon in a low fat white creamy sauce. Maris & Sweet Potato Topped with Parmesan 30

however by making the Oyster entrées for Royal Chef Carolynn Robb as her sous), actually I was watching from a TV in The Dorchester Hotel on Daddyhole Plain, high up in Torquay, where my kitchen boss Big Steve’s signature dish was Lamb Cutlet Chasseur. Fast forward thirty-five years and my juices really started flowing the day my biopsy flagged up cancer. I got home,

to Windermere, having reassured my family I was good. I got my walking kit ready for the next day. Super Hero? Not a chance! I’ve since discovered that the cancer patients I’ve met are blessed with superhuman mind-sets that seem to change gear on diagnosis. It’s a club, it’s a cancer club. You don’t get invited to join this club, you simply join the minute the

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Healthy Food and Drink Grilled Chicken with Pomegranate Glaze, Golden Beetroot, Red Onion & Walnut Salad with Rocket

consultant releases those four words that change your world, “You have prostate cancer.” That was then and this is now. One chapter closes, another one opens. The next day was epic. I set off at 8am, heading to do the Ullswater Way. Chemo Cookery was created by a eureka moment on this walk. I knew I had to be in good shape for the nuclear fluid chicanery that would, in a few weeks’ time, target both my cancer cells and my good white cells. Chemotherapy drugs, for all their medical splendour, are not clever enough to differentiate between the two. It’s all there in black and white. It’s like smashing down a listed building. So I started to study cancer food. Chemo Cookery relit my fire. If ever you see my name in the ‘Missing Persons’ sections of the Westmorland Gazette, or hear an alert from my friends at BBC Radio Cumbria, then please seek me out in the green vegetable section at Booths Country in Windermere or (especially close to Broccoli Corner). I’ll be the one taking notes, inviting suspect looks from walkers planning their

next Wainwright, before I head to the till with a bunch of Rainbow Kale. Yes, I’m devising recipes, I’m sourcing produce, and I’m learning all about nutrition protein, potassium, calcium and fibre. Thanks to The Roots Of Life, the Chemo Cookery flame is set to ignite. From Pomegranate Glazed Chicken and Monkfish with raisins and pine nuts, to the massively popular Pineapple Ice Lollies that use an enzyme called bromelain to enhance taste. Chemo Cookery is so much more than recipes and cooking. Put simply, our mind is THE most extraordinarily powerful tool we possess.

Sea Bass with Raisins and Pine Nuts. A Sweet Potato & Mango Tower. Tomato & Rocket Salad

Chemo Cookery The Future This project is here to stay. The fundamental objective, regardless of the enjoyment of cooking, the therapeutic preparation of the dishes, (if you’re well enough to do it) the choice of ingredients and meal presentation, is wholly about giving patients and carers a different focus. A subliminal source of positivity, whilst riding the turbulent waves of emotion, insomnia and ‘scanxiety,’ as some would call it. People will be enabled to learn

more about nutrition, the immune system and may even, as has happened with me, arm others with the knowledge I know can help them. You see cancer takes everything from you, but it can, with your chilled half full glasses of water, your sheer power, resilience and determination, give you so much. We can all make a difference. Follow John Hanley on @ChemoCookery

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Your Healthy Food and Drink


Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Healthy Food and Drink

Wilf’s Café


ilf’s Café has been trading in Staveley for twenty-two years under the owners Charlotte and Wilf. This family and pet friendly café offers a comprehensive menu of main meals and snacks, using as many locally sourced ingredients as possible. There are vegetarian and gluten free options, and a takeaway service. The specials board is carefully thought out and changed each day, and the café offers a selection of homemade cakes. I chose Wilf’s Famous Veggie Chilli and Judith chose the Prawn Salad, both from the main menu. My dish came exactly as stated, very tasty, but not too hot. Apparently, this vegan dish is one of Wilf’s most popular, and in my opinion fully deserves its claim to fame! The chilli beans and lentils had a topping of cheese and packed a protein filled punch. The mixed salad was a riot of colour and I particularly enjoyed the shredded beetroot and light olive oil dressing. The dish contained a mixture of flavours, textures and taste and was accompanied by two freshly baked pitta breads.

More than just a Café...

Serving Excellent Breakfasts, Lunches, Homemade Cakes & Afternoon Teas in our Warm, Convivial Café

My meal was filling and satisfying and I would wholeheartedly recommend this dish to others, whether vegetarian or not. Judith was delighted with her Prawn Salad dish. The prawns were fresh and flavoursome and served in a cocktail sauce. She was particularly impressed with the various herbs that were added to the generous salad bowl. Her meal was served with a tasty wedge of the café’s own crusty brown bread and butter. The service was friendly, polite and efficient. After lunch, Charlotte kindly showed us around the spacious café and pointed out the various rooms that had grown organically over the years. I was impressed with the ground floor designated quiet area with tables and chairs and leather settees. Outside, there is a decking area, adjacent to the river, with views across to the woods. Upstairs, there are two more large rooms. Wilf’s cafe also provides an outside catering service and some of their more popular meals as ‘Wilf’s Away’ to heat up yourself. We look forward to returning to this lovely café in the near future and would highly recommend a visit. All details of available services are on the café’s website: Reviewed by Frank Allison

See our website for all menus, terms & conditions Staveley Mill Yard, Staveley, Cumbria LAS 9LR Tel: 01539 822329 Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


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Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Mind

Hypnotherapy might be used to help with pain control and to overcome habits, such as smoking or overeating. It can improve the success of other treatments for several conditions such as: • Phobias, fears and anxiety • Sleep disorders • Depression • Stress • Post-trauma anxiety • Grief and loss

The benefits of hypnosis and hypnotherapy


y name is David Faratian, a consultant hypnotherapist, practising at the Cumbria Hypnosis Mindfulness Clinic. In this article, I would like to explore the fascinating psychology of hypnosis and hypnotherapy and attempt to unravel some of the more common myths. Hypnosis has become wellknown, thanks to popular acts where people are prompted to perform unusual or ridiculous actions. It has also been clinically proven to provide medical and therapeutic benefits, most notably in the reduction of pain and anxiety. When you hear the word hypnotist, what comes to mind? Like many people, the word may conjure up images of a sinister stage-villain, who brings about a hypnotic state by swinging a pocket watch back and forth. Hypnosis is often described as a sleep-like trance state, however, it is more accurately characterized by a state of focused attention, heightened suggestibility, and vivid fantasies. People in a


hypnotic state often seem sleepy and zoned out, but in reality, they are in a state of hyper-awareness. In psychology, hypnosis is sometimes referred to as hypnotherapy and has been used for a number of therapeutic purposes. Hypnosis is usually performed by a trained therapist who utilises visualization and verbal repetition to induce a hypnotic state. So, what can hypnotherapy help with? Often, hypnotherapy is seen as the magic bullet for dealing with smoking cessation and weight loss. While this is partially true, what people may not always appreciate is that hypnosis is also effective in a wide range of limiting beliefs, behaviours and emotions. These include: generalised anxiety disorder (GAD), obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), attention deficit hyperactive disorder (ADHD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), panic attacks, and even some forms of chronic pain.

Often, hypnotherapy can be a powerful ally for conventional medical treatments, as it empowers self-belief and the ability for the client to heal themselves. Essentially, the hypnotherapist acts as a bridge between the issue being dealt with and the part within capable of learning and making changes, namely the subconscious mind. If this brief introduction has piqued your interest, and you would like to learn more about how this approach may offer a solution to a long-standing issue, which has not yet been effectively dealt with, then find out more by visiting our website

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Mind

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Mind

Develop Your Lionheart Energy Deep within the solar plexus chakra lies a sleeping lion; Healthy Warrior.


I can guide and support you on your journey to understanding psychological and emotional dependencies and habits. Learn how to crack cravings and other techniques to change the way you think, live and eat forever.

arefully tiptoeing around the Healthy Warrior is the Servant, seeker of external validation, detached from their full voice. Harmony is a wonderful thing but not at the expense of our truest expression. In our centre of personal power, self-worth, core essence and masculine energy, the sleeping lion begins to wake by the fire. He is a leader and the time has come to shine, he chooses courage and authenticity and reclaims his will and power. The Healthy Warrior develops trust in himself, his gut instinct and future path. The jungle drums are calling for him to step up, out of the shadows. He is ready because his strength comes from the fire within, burning with love and pure lionheart energy. I hope you enjoyed my chakra archetype/ animal magic interpretation of the work I do! My coaching is focused around energy and emotions. My belief is that any change we wish to see externally requires an 38

internal shift. I help you change habits, relationships, behaviours, thinking and release what no longer serves you, whether that is negative thinking, emotional eating or low frequency emotions that are causing pain, frustration and preventing you from living a life to love. This might be anxiety, fear, resentment, anger, shame etc.

Find Me: Check out my latest videos on You Tube or my website I invite you to like my Facebook page F/amandagreencoaching Find me on Instagram, Twitter @actualisecoach or Linkedin. Working with me: • 121 Coaching • Workshops – Raise Your Vibration and Healthy Warrior • Professional Speaking

When you change the energy, you change the game! Emotional Eating I am passionate about this topic since recently losing 2 stone without diets but by fundamentally changing my relationship with food and myself for life.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Mind

Roots of Life Events are pleased to announce our next event

September Health & Wellbeing Event at The Globe Arena, Morecambe on

Sunday er b m e t p e S h t 7 2 2020 10.30am till 4.30pm

To find out out more or to exhibit, please contact or ring mobile 07956 550447 Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Body Don’t get the hump!


uring my long career teaching the Alexander Technique, I’ve come across the condition known as, ‘Dowager’s Hump’, on many occasions. This seems to be more prevalent in women, possibly due to the female form being more susceptible. In later years, Dowager’s Hump can be exacerbated by vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis. The condition is not only deemed to be unflattering, but is also the cause of pain, discomfort and disease in later life. The Alexander Technique is a unique self-help method of facilitating health through good habitual use of the body. We humans, with our bigger brains, are able to consciously choose how to use our skeletons in an optimum way. This radically improves the quality of our lives. The problem is that we often remain unaware of this capability, which allows conditions to deteriorate, without any proper means of alleviating them. If you begin to perceive an increasing curve at the top of your back, the good news is that you can learn to arrest the pattern, and start to feel and look better.

tiresome, and don’t actually get to the root of the problem – which is, the way that you carry your head around day in and day out. Just a few lessons in the technique helps to reeducate your body, and potentially makes a massive difference to your life. Osteoporosis is a metabolism-related skeletal disease, also known as “bone loss,” where the bones lose both density and stability. Fractures are particularly common in the femur and spine. Learning the Alexander Technique as soon as possible, helps to reduce this likelihood. Richard Marsden

The brain weighs about three pounds. Then there is the skull, the eyes, the teeth, the facial muscles and the skin. In all, an adult head weighs around ten or eleven pounds, equivalent to about four or five bags of sugar. Stop for a moment to consider this. If you don’t carry this weight around in an efficient, natural way, your spine is going to feel the pressure, and you’re going to develop exaggerated curves in your back. Even when there is a genetic link to your emerging hump, the Alexander Technique still applies. Unfortunately, remedial exercises tend to be ineffective, as they often become 40

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Body

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Body

The Wellness Lioness


everley Ross is an Internationally Certified Mindset and Well-being coach based in Cumbria, working with clients locally and around the world. She is passionate about supporting people who are ready to change their mindset and allow a place in their lives for well-being and self-care. Beverley has first-hand knowledge of feeling overwhelmed and burnt out and has used this wealth of knowledge and her own experience to transform from a 20-year career, as a Senior Manager in the corporate world, into the wellness arena. Being a Mum of 2 young boys she experienced several emotions from guilt to exhaustion trying to find the work-life balance she wanted to achieve. Once she found this her passion for helping others achieve and

maintain the lifestyle they deserved and desired became her number one goal. She now supports her clients to remove themselves from the rat race and expectations society puts on them, explore what really makes THEM happy and have the tools to prioritise themselves, their self-care and stop neglecting the things that really matter. After working with Beverley, her clients say they feel healthier,

grounded, reconnected and in love with their lives again. Along with her 1:1 coaching, Beverley shares her personal blogs on her social media pages to highlight well-being and does motivational talks on this subject too. She is a qualified children’s yoga teacher and soon to be a qualified adults yoga teacher. She has a passion for movement and mindfulness, advocate for mental health awareness and a believer of our mind / body connection and the role it plays in us living more energised and balanced lives. You can sign up to Beverley’s FREE monthly newsletter through her website to become part of her wellness community and read her articles on mindset and well-being.

Ready to chat, connect and see if coaching is for you? I would love the opportunity to connect with you and discuss your vision, needs and explore your goals together. I am here to help you find or rediscover a life you will love and be able to maintain. So let’s settle the nervous tummy and move beyond the unknown because, I promise you, I am very easy to talk to and the benefits of coaching are amazing and so worthwhile.

Contact me to find out more: visit my website – 42

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Body

Shape up this Spring ready for Summer Ladies, come and exercise in the comfort of our bright, and modern LADIES only inch and weight loss centre. Forget clanking weights and heart-pounding classes. Gymophobics will help you achieve your inch and weight loss goals. With our 30 minute concept, tailored to your needs and capabilities. Call Sheryl on 01524 66550 Email: Find us on Facebook gymophobicslancaster/




at Gymophobics Lancaster

Spot the Dumbbells in the magazine and email page number to Submission Deadline: 30/6/2020 Entry requirements: Prize Draw Rules. The competition is restricted to one entry per person. Multiple entries will be disqualified. The competition is open to UK residents only unless otherwise stated. The winner will be chosen at random from all valid entries and contacted via email, and their name displayed on our website. The judge's decision is final and no correspondence will be entered into. Winner will be picked on 30/9/2020 all entries can be directed to the

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Soul

Mind Full, or Mindful? M

indfulness is the basic human ability to be fully present, aware of where we are and what we’re doing, and not overly reactive or overwhelmed by what’s going on around us. It allows us to focus on our immediate environment and therefore heightens our awareness and gratitude. Mindfulness is a quality that all of us already possess. You just have to learn how to access it and develop it. It is like anything else, the more we practice the better the ability in us.

by Janette Edwards

Mindfulness can be practiced through several methods: Meditation, Visualisations, Guided Imagery, Mindful Eating, Mindful Movement, being in nature, journaling … anything where you are just fully present in the moment.

Benefits to Mindfulness “Mindfulness means paying attention in a particular way; On purpose, in the present moment, and non-judgmentally.” Jon Kabat-Zinn

Mindfulness gives us a safe opportunity in our lives where we can suspend judgment and unleash our natural curiosity about the workings of the mind. We approach our experiences and feelings with warmth and kindness—to ourselves and others. 44

• • • • • • • • • • •

Heightens your level of awareness Allows you to experience the present moment Allows you to experience calmness and peacefulness Allows you to be in harmony with your being Increases self-awareness Allows for self-development Increases concentration and focus Regulates and creates balance in emotions Relaxes the mind and body Reduces stress Lowers blood pressure

We all want to benefit from these things so maybe it is time to start being more mindful or develop your mindfulness practice.

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Soul

Feeling lost, unhappy, don’t know which way to turn in life? Higher guidance is at hand to help bring positivity and light to your world and spiritual guidance into your life. Yugen Wisdom offers accurate psychic medium readings, numerology, medical intuitive healing services, animal healing and reiki. We provide qualified counselling for life's obstacles and support to look inside and connect you with higher Spirit.


e have over 30 years of experience incorporating qualified counselling, NLP (NeuroLinguistic Psychology) mindfulness, hypnotherapy, EQ (Emotional Intelligence) and stress management into our integrated healing practice, helping thousands of lives to turn a corner. Our methodologies will help you gain a deeper understanding of the purpose of your life’s journey. You will gain peace of mind, growth and an appreciation of the purpose of life and find how to turn a tribulation into triumph. During a psychic reading, we connect to the spirit guides and mentors that are around you and you will be able to ask questions, receive guidance, and gain information to help in your life. You may be able to

receive messages from loved ones who have passed. Our mindfulness training and spiritual retreats in the Lake District delve into the challenges, changes and obstacles you face and give you the tools to deal with these. Visit or contact

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Your Soul

The Science Of (Healing) Energy

• Atoms are 99.99999 % energy and .00001% matter. • Atoms are fields of energy, or frequency patterns of information. • Energy has a vibratory signature and can express itself as either a wave, a particle or both.

• Quantum physicists named the invisible energy matrix of the universe and all things “The Field.” • The universe and all material substances have energy fields because they are composed of atoms and particles, emitting highly organised vibratory frequencies. • We communicate with the field through feelings and emotion. These feelings and emotions emit vibratory frequencies, having a direct influence on living cells and DNA. Energy determines matter by its resonant frequency. • Scientists have validated a field of vibratory frequency that surrounds the body and permeates all tissue, radiating colours called the Auric Field.

• Vortices of spinning energy located throughout the human field called chakras, have been scientifically validated and found to be in apposition to major neurological plexuses and over primary endocrine glands. Chakras are the points of maximum energy intake for the body. • Heart Math Institute has verified a field of electromagnetic energy that surrounds and permeates the heart, extending beyond the physical body. • The healthy human body’s resonance is 7.5Hz to 7.8Hz. The Earth’s frequency is 7.6Hz to 8Hz, known as Shumann Resonance. The Universal Energy Field resonance is 7.8 Hz. A trained healer’s resonant frequency is 7.5Hz to 8Hz.

Cause and effect of distorted energy vibrations Trauma: Physical trauma, emotional trauma, psychological trauma, spiritual trauma

Environmental: Belief systems, stress, fear, anger, relationships, negative thoughts and responses, overhead and underground

electrical cables, geopathic stress lines, microwaves, chemicals, mobile phones, computers - the list goes on...

Benefits Of Energy Healing • Re-balancing and aligning the vibrational energy frequencies of the body’s physical, auric, haric and heart field • Clearing and charging the energy field and chakras of distortions and stagnated blocked energy, creating free flowing energy • Repairing and restructuring the varying levels of the auric field, chakras and organs of the body for optimal health. Hara alignment and connection from earth to the ID point, Core Star Healing and expansion, Tan Tien balance and expansion, all creating balance and harmonic energy


• Releasing of past life traumas • Repairing past dysfunctional /broken relationships through relational cord connections • Faster healing of bones and tissue • Reduction in phantom limb pain/discomfort • The healthy body is a flowing interactive electrodynamic energy field All the above help to reduce stress, create deep relaxation, help in pain reduction, produce feelings of wellbeing and inner balance, thus creating more energy and bringing a sense of expansion, peace and harmony.

Karen Burrows is a qualified Person Centred Counsellor, Master Practitioner of Neuro Linguistic Programming, Contemporary Hypnotherapist, Reiki Master and a Brennan Healing Science Practitioner. She combines all her skills into a truly holistic therapy of the human energy system. Based in South Cumbria Mobile: 07970 304025

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Your Soul

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


This Season’s Crystals Crystals to bring in Spring Vibes


t this time on the wheel the Crone turns away and becomes the Maiden, Lady of Spring and promise once more. I find myself almost holding my breath with anticipation for the growth that is waiting just at the tips of plants, waiting to unleash the energy gathered and stored during the dark winter and GROW.

Written by Cindy Page of Sage and Thyme Lancaster

Spring is associated with rebirth and renewal. Flowers and plants start to grow, and animals begin their mating season, bringing new life into this world. We become aware of this energy but sometimes find it difficult to resonate with it. There is spring energy found in many places, one of them being in the form of certain crystals. I perform a ceremony, lighting candles and pledging myself to all matters benefitting the Earth.

T 01524 68687

Most of us also do some sort of spring cleaning whether it’s the house or our clothing cupboards. The following crystals are recommended to kick start your “spring cleaning”. You should always follow your inner guidance with which crystals are right in your space. We recommend placing them on your shelves, tables, work desk or even near your bed for maximum benefits.

Citrine Just as the sun can regenerate and improve your mood, so can this powerful gemstone. Keep it next to a window and it will capture the light and nurture your creative heart. Great for working with your Solar Plexus Chakra – increasing your personal power, confidence and self-esteem. You can place Citrine in the wealth corner of your home or business which is the farthest back left point from your front door or the door into an individual room.

Emerald Some say that all the green of nature is found in the emerald. Emerald epitomises the energy of Spring representing youth, symbolizing rebirth, renewal, and growth. Its soothing energy provides healing to all levels, bringing freshness and vitality. Emeralds are well known as a birthstone but what some may not know is that they have an amazing ability to promote balance between friends and partners — making your home, a happy home. Emeralds connect to the Heart Chakra and the goddess Venus, and bring forth love, bliss, and beauty with its strong, gentle energy. 48

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Your Soul

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Look Good Feel Good L

ooking good has a huge impact on how you feel about yourself - the most important person in your life! There is a 'way of life' that we can all embrace, based on the beliefs and ethics of the importance of reusing, recycling and re-loving. This includes fashion, accessories, retro and vintage. We do not always have to buy new to look good and feel good. There is a wealth of good quality fashion around that can be reused and re-loved, rather than ending up up in landfill. Buying into this lifestyle can really benefit a person’s wellbeing through the feel-good factor that comes with helping yourself, your community, charities and the planet. There are charity shops, clothes swapping parties and dress agencies which all contribute to this lifestyle endeavour. Luckily for us,

Join the

RELOVEUTION Helen Hoyle, owner of Cinderella Me in Windermere, leads by example.

‘Cinderella Me,’ based in Windermere, belies its image of being 'just a ladies dress agency' as it is so much more! Bubbling out of Cinderella Me is a community of like-minded people who believe in re-using and re-loving, and not adding to the already huge mountain of waste across our planet. Some ladies just pop in for a chat or a catch up, and the owner Helen truly believes, and knows from her experiences in the shop, that embracing the lifestyle of reusing and re-loving, gives a person a huge sense of wellbeing as well as ‘Looking Good and Feeling Good’.

She wears only pre-owned fashion and furnishes her home with pre-owned items, which she updates and re-loves. She gives her time freely to community groups by leading events, presentations and talks about the importance and value of embracing a lifestyle of reusing and re-loving ladies and girls fashion.

Helen can be contacted on 07814501358 or by popping into Cinderella Me for a chat 50

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Look Good Feel Good

Welcome to Mermaid Cove


his is the place where you will find Fashion to make you feel like a Mermaid out of water. We are an online shop which aims to become the “go to� for top to toe products for women. We are launching with clothes but we have many more new ranges of products and more coming soon!

are looking to welcome new faces on board for launch. You will be offered a trade discount and many other bonuses. It's super simple, just add your code to your order and ship to yourself or your customer.

Our mission is to empower women inside and out. We are also on a mission to help them make their dreams come true. Which is why we started our Affiliate Programme with the option of an income. We

Fashion, Skinade, Skin Care, Art, Fake Bake and more Online Shopping from the Comfort of your own home

Have a look at the new clothing line Dawn Glasgow Tel: 07550 080075 Email: Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Look Good Feel Good

How to age well


ur bodies are wonderful, complex, amazing things. We are born with a natural ability to grow, develop and heal ourselves abundantly as we go through our early years.

Think of how it easy it was to go out three nights in a row when you were in your early twenties and still feel fresh at work on a Monday morning, and how young kids have such vibrant energy and seem to heal so quickly from falls and scrapes. Why does this change as we get older? Why now, when we are beyond forty, do two nights out in a row leave us shattered for the week ahead? When we get bruised or fall, why does it take so long for us to feel one hundred per cent again? And, as we enter midlife, why do we get more illnesses and diseases? It’s a fact that prescribing of medication is increasing each year. The age of our cells has a lot to answer for. Cellular age is determined by many factors and external influences have a big impact. We live in a busy world where stress is part of day to day life for many of us. We are surrounded by devices that affect our brain, we ingest pesticides, consume processed food and breathe in more pollutants than ever before. All of these cause free radicals to form which cause cell damage - a term known as oxidative stress. 52

BIO Nicola Browne is the owner of A Revolution in Wellness. Here, for the past three years, she has been helping her customers to feel better through activating their bodies’ natural pathways using Nutrigenomics - the future of personal health.

Oxidative stress is known to be the number one reason that we age and why wrinkles appear on our faces, and why we are more likely to get a degenerative disease. You only need to internet search the term to see that it’s linked with over two hundred age related diseases, including Alzheimer’s and heart disease.

years, the body’s natural production of these antioxidants, such as glutathione, slows down.

From the day we take our first breath, our amazing bodies are working undercover to fight the free radical damage to our cells. When we are young our bodies produce an abundance of antioxidants to balance out the free radicals. The ageing of our cells takes place because beyond our early adulthood

1. Eat a healthy balanced diet rich in whole foods, fruits, vegetables and berries.

Antioxidants are the answer to keeping our cells healthy and young, but how can you support your body to reduce oxidative stress as your natural antioxidant production slows down?

2. Limit the intake of processed foods and those with high sugars and fats. 3. Exercise regularly. 4. Reduce the stresses in your life, utilise meditation and talking therapies to calm your mind, and look to remove anything that causes you stress. 5. Take a proven activator to boost your body’s natural production of antioxidants, reducing oxidative stress by forty per cent. Written by: Nicola Browne M. 07714 896820 FB Nicola Browne Insta @arevolutioninwellness

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Look Good Feel Good

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Men's Health Speak Out and

Seek Help By Frank Allison


evin Ellison is a wellknown and respected professional football player who plays for Morecambe FC in the English Football League Division Two. Kevin has enjoyed a long, injury free career, playing for several different English football league clubs at various levels. He recently hit the headlines when he bravely decided to speak out about the anxiety and depression that he has suffered from for the last eight or nine years. This decision was initially prompted by another professional football player who spoke out about depression on social media. Kevin contacted this player, with whom he was


acquainted, having previously played against him. The player told Kevin that in his opinion, the message would perhaps have more gravitas coming from him, because Kevin had earned a reputation in footballing circles as a competitive and somewhat tough opponent. Rightly, or wrongly, this was not the impression that I gained, when I met up with Kevin for a chat about his struggles and how he manages to maintain a positive mental health outlook today. In fact, he is a genuine, sincere, articulate man who is trying his best to encourage football players and others to speak out and seek the help they need in order to manage

their mental health issues. In conversation, I asked Kevin a few questions to gain a better understanding of his experiences past and present. Was your depression formally diagnosed? “No, I only realised that I was suffering from depression a few years later, following a series of counselling sessions arranged by the Professional Footballers Association (PFA). I had suffered from very low moods and dark thoughts. Naturally, this affected family life as I became intensely focused on my training schedules in an attempt to blot out the demons. When the ‘dark cloud’ descended over me, I became

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Your Men's Health miserable, angry and snappy. My partner felt that she was ‘walking on eggshells’ when I was feeling low.” Antidepressant Medication? “I made a conscious decision not to take prescribed antidepressant medication for my condition. I carefully studied the possible sideeffects of antidepressants, and having a strong regard for my physical training regime, decided against them. Despite my chronic depression and anxieties, I have never had a day off through illness. I also read up about anxiety and depression to gain a better insight into these conditions that often arise together. It is difficult to pinpoint a specific cause in my particular case, but several factors such as insecurities arising from fears of injury and loss of livelihood together with moving about the country playing for different clubs must have played a part.”

Do complementary therapies help? “My counsellor suggested that I should consider complementary therapies and I have found these to be beneficial. I meditate every day and practice Yoga regularly. This helps me to focus my mind and reduce the negative thoughts and ‘mind chatter’ that accompany anxiety/depression. I now know that thoughts are not real and that dark thoughts can be overcome.” What made you speak out about depression? “I was initially afraid to speak out about my depression because of the fear of being judged and being seen to be weak in some way. However, I felt it had to be done in order to help myself and others. The response and support from everyone including family, friends, players and management has been amazing. The people I feared

would judge me the most, came through for me, and were there to support me when it really mattered.” Source of help? “I continue to offer help and guidance to people who have contacted me about their mental health concerns. I feel that having gone through so much anxiety and depression I have gained an invaluable insight into these conditions and related fears. I try to direct people to various sources of help and support. Unfortunately, there is often a long NHS waiting list for counselling and talking therapies.” Speaking Out “I have learned the importance of speaking out in an honest and open way about one’s true feelings. After all, depression is a human condition and it costs nothing to speak to a partner.”

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Escape The Create Escape (Cumbria) Ltd.


ited in a picturesque farmhouse in Hale, The Create Escape provides people with the opportunity to ‘escape the everyday’ with cookery and creative experiences. Business partners Angela Favell and Deborah Clark deliver inspiring cookery workshops and a talented team of Cumbrian experts lead workshops on a wide range of topics from photography to felting, ceramics to somatic exercise. Angela’s journey to Hale in Cumbria started with The BBC’s Escape to the Country and Angela is on TV vowing to never leave her “forever home” but all that was to change. Through a chance conversation, she discovered that the farmhouse next door was up for sale and immediately realised that this would be the perfect venue to make a dream become a reality. The business partners met 5 years ago when, through the Cumbria Chamber of Commerce BSUS programme, Angela was appointed as Deborah’s business start-up advisor. The two instantly bonded over their love of food and cookery, both having a wealth of experience in teaching cookery skills, and a lasting friendship developed. While running their own successful businesses, they kept coming back to their dream of running their own cookery school and creative centre. Now they had a potential venue... That was in November 2018 and, since then, Angela’s house has been sold, the farmhouse

bought and renovated, an exciting calendar of events created and, at the beginning of June 2020, the doors were opened to the first visitors, or ‘Escapees’ as they are known. Since then, over 250 Escapees have enjoyed their perfect escape and the visitors’ book is full-to-brimming with delighted comments. Many people have returned again and again, trying different workshops and taking the chance to be spoilt by Angela and Deb’s now-famous hospitality. They make each day as relaxing and indulgent as possible. With home-baked treats with morning coffee on arrival, a 2-course lunch (including wine) and afternoon tea before departure, there is no chance of anyone going home hungry! Between sessions, the beautiful gardens with their stunning views provide a tranquil setting for further relaxation. We all know just how easy it is to get bogged down in the everyday; whether it’s tasks and to-do lists that take over our lives or a weekly routine that has turned into a rut. Failing to take time out for ourselves can have a detrimental effect on our health, well-being and happiness. Recent research commissioned by BBC Arts and carried out by UCL highlighted “good news for those juggling time-pressures in today’s busy, modern life. They found that “even the briefest time spent on a creative pastime...has an impact on our wellbeing and emotions” and that “trying new creative activities is particularly good for our emotions and wellbeing. The research found that getting hands-on with something new and creative is important regardless of skill level, it is the taking part that counts”. As Angela and Deborah say, “There’s been a shift. People don’t necessarily want to buy more ‘stuff’ for themselves or their loved ones, they are more excited by great experiences – and that’s what we offer, fantastic experiences that bring fun, relaxation and a sense of well-being. A true escape from the everyday”.

Find out more at Email: Tel: 015395 63410 56

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Your Wellness Directory

Directory Listing only ÂŁ25.00 per quarter. Contact Nicky on Tel. 07721 015506 or E. for more information.

Karyn Segers Awaken Inner Sense HOLISTIC - INTEGRATIVE - PROGRESSIVE - TRANSFORMATIONAL THERAPY - HEALING - DEVELOPMENT - ENLIGHTENMENT Based in Ulverston 07464 617 315 Psychotherapy, Inner Child Healing Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Past Life Regression Therapy, Reiki Healing & Courses, Distant Healing, Reflexology, Mediumship Readings & Spiritual Development

Natural CBD New Life 07876 073516 or WhatsApp Why not book an ECO PAMPER PARTY? CBD HEMP products for businesses. Mobile Indian head hemp oil massage. New! Oriental Japanese facials. Cannabidiol oil appointments.

Helyn Connerr Astro Innovation 01539 822225 Practical astrology for modern times: empowering you toward a happier life, one ultimately designed by choice.

Donna Wren Wren Training Unit 2 Northgate, White Lund Industrial Estate, Morecambe LA3 3AY 07760 809535 At Wren Training we teach easy to understand, various kinds of First Aid, including Mental Health, Peadiatric, Forestry and CitizenAID.

Sue Shields Pure Essence 01524 735240 Pure Essence offers bespoke and luxury treatments from manicures to high end facials. Holistic approach offering reflexology, massage, hot stone massage to salt exfoliations. 58

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Xander’s Space An astrological overview of the coming season


he skies in this part of the year are dominated by one big shift; at the end of March Saturn moved into Aquarius after spending over 2 years in Capricorn. This means that Saturn will be influencing a different area of your life over the coming months compared to in 2018 and 2019. This will vary depending on your rising sign (which you can find out online), but you can expect the themes to include your life-structure, rules and limitations. Pay close attention to these! At the moment, Saturn's visit into Aquarius is only temporary, lasting until the end of June, before he dips back into Capricorn to sort out his unfinished business there. This threemonth period will serve as a preview for when Saturn moves into Aquarius longterm, which will be for the

whole of 2021, 2022 and some of 2023. Throughout April and the first half of May, Mars is sat in Aquarius with Saturn, which may cause some frustrations. Mars is the planet of drive and ambition, whereas Saturn governs things like restrictions and boundaries, so these few weeks may feel like trying to drive with the handbrake on. But stick with it; allow time for things to move at a slower pace and you will reap the rewards further down the line. The other big story this season occurs in the week of 11th17th May. In the space of a few days, Jupiter, Saturn and Venus all turn retrograde, prompting a shift to a more introspective world-view. Jupiter and Saturn retrogrades aren't too significant, but Venus retrograde is, as it only happens for a few weeks every

18 months. Things to watch out for in this period include unexpected romantic developments, changes in your tastes and what brings you joy, and especially expartners popping back into your life! Last time we had a Venus retrograde in Gemini was in May-June 2012, so think back to that time in your life for clues as to what to expect this time around. This period is likely to reach a peak around the Full Moon (which is also a lunar eclipse this time) on 5th June, as this happens with the Moon almost directly opposite Venus in the sky. Emotions are heightened and surprising events can occur, so be mindful of this and do your best to keep your cool!

Xander (Alex Phillips-Yates) is an astrology student, currently studying with the London School of Astrology. He lives in Lancaster with his husband and an army of cats. Xander's muggle job is as a freelance musician, and his other passions include hill-walking, fantasy novels and symphonic metal. For further astrological insights or if you have any questions about this article, you can contact him at Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Your Forest Bathing The Benefits of Forest Bathing & Forest Therapy By Delyth Johnson


he practice of Shinrin Yoku is the Japanese term for “Forest Bathing’ or immersing oneself in the atmosphere of the forest for relaxation and wellbeing. This is a growing global wellness trend and a practice that is completely innate and natural for us. Forest Bathing originated in Japan in the 1980’s in response to increasing industrialisation and the subsequent stress and mental health decline that was observed in the population. Dr Rangan Chatterjee, BBC’s popular GP, recently tweeted some of the benefits of Forest Bathing: • reduction in blood pressure • improved symptoms of depression • lowered stress levels • improved sleep quality • improved memory and concentration • lower levels of adrenaline and cortisol • lowered blood-sugar levels • enhanced immune-system function. Forest Bathing can also offer benefits to emotional, social and spiritual health and wellbeing. It is a wellness practice, and another preventative tool in one’s “wellbeing box”, much like yoga and meditation.


Forest Therapy Forest Therapy however is a treatment and rehabilitation option for people with a mental and/or chronic health condition. People commit to Forest Therapy like they would counselling and other therapeutic solutions. A Forest Therapy intervention course may last from six to twelve weeks or a themed workshop like stress management is also available. Forest Therapy could soon become part of “green prescriptions” already being introduced in the UK after success in New Zealand and Australia. How does the forest offer such a far reaching and positive impact on us? Research states that the practice of being in the forest: • supports the endocrine (hormonal) system and therefore other biological systems • reduces the chronic stress hormone cortisol after only two hours • lowers the stress response, supports the person to move from fight or flight mediated by adrenaline and/or the longer term stress response mediated by cortisol • supports brain, eye, cardiovascular, respiration, mental and immune health including lowering inflammation • helps you feel more at peace, calm, relaxed, creative and open

Formal access to Forest Therapy, where you work with a trained Forest Therapy Practitioner, is either through a private practitioner, or via your GP, who may refer you to receive Forest/Nature based interventions. Creating Your Own Practice To create your own practice, simply commit to spending some time alone in nature, especially in local forests, woodlands or your own back garden. You might dedicate two to three hours all at once, or alternatively, divide the sessions into half-hour slots throughout the week in order to receive the full two hour benefits. Time is spent just being, opening your senses, slowing down, rather than exercising, and ideally leaving your phone behind. Take your journal, or just lie down, and learn to be still again with nature. Delyth Johnson is a Forest Bathing Guide and is studying Forest Therapy with the Forest Therapy Institute. She is also an Energy Healer, EFT and Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner. She loves to work with people to reconnect them to their true essence and power Forest Bathing dates in Cumbria and more information is on her website:

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

Book Review by Deborah Huck


t’s quite miraculous when a book finds you and simply never leaves you. This book was recommended to me over 20 years ago and yet, is still as relevant today. I was so meant to read this book, it came at just the right moment in my life. So I was travelling with my sister through Thailand, one night in a bar we met a couple called Terry & Jesus (he actually looked liked Jesus). Very quickly we struck up a beautiful connection and she told me all about this amazing book that I simply had to read The Celestine Prophecy - a book about the pursuit of a secret ancient Manuscript found in the rain forest of Peru, containing profound insights & wisdom, woven within a story of adventure & discovery. It sounded so compelling that I wrote it down on a bit of paper and placed it securely in the pocket of my shorts. We hugged and said our farewells and yet our chance meeting felt orchestrated by something bigger than us all. A few days later we were preparing to leave the island to continue our ad-venture and decided to take our clothes to the laundry. When we eventually got our clothes back (that’s another story!) I realised I had left the bit of paper in my shorts - I checked the pocket and pulled it out, only to discover a blank piece of paper, my heart sank - I had no way of contacting them. Fast forward a couple of weeks and we were on another island, sitting in a restaurant and watching the world go by, who should walk past but… yep you guessed it - Terry & Jesus - what

were the chances of that? My mind was totally blown, it felt significant & yet unexplainable this is what the book is about. The chance encounters in life that lead us to understanding how energy is everything & that we are all connected. When we returned back to the UK, I bought the book - its one of those books that you can read again & again - it’s full of ‘aha’ moments, profound wisdom and helps you to unravel & understand with clarity, why you are where you are in life. It helps to direct & propel you forward with renewed optimism. It’s a book that comes along, just once in a life time to change you forever. I hope it’s as life changing for you, as it was for me - enjoy.

Do you have an inspiring Health and Well-being book that you would like to shout about? Please email the Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


CHANGE THE WAY YOU THINK! CHANGE THE WAY YOU FEEL! At Breathe Therapies, after 10 years of treating Eating Disorders, Obesity, Wellbeing Services and Mental Health issues, we wholeheartedly believe that recovery is possible.


ermanent recovery. We don’t just treat symptoms, but with each person who comes for assessment, we explore the roots of their problems and design an individualized course of therapeutic treatment to heal underlying issues. Our team includes psychotherapists, mental health nurses, clinical psychologist, practitioners of CBT, SSCM, NLP, EMDR, ACT and hypnotherapy, as well as counsellors and a nutritionist. We offer clients the most effective combination for their needs, and adapt treatment plans to each stage of the recovery journey. As one client put it: “the service offered by Breathe is unique and incredible.”

sessions, through the charity S.E.E.D. Families and carers are offered specialist support. “The whole team… care passionately about their clients and families.” (Testimonial). At Breathe we welcome people denied by other services because they don’t fit in a box measured by BMI or typical symptoms. And we are thankful to be able to make a real difference. “I will never be able to thank Shelley and the team enough for saving my daughter’s life,” wrote one mother. Everyone needs to care for their physical and mental health. Breathe Therapies’ Wellbeing pathway is open to all, offering beneficial activities and treatments such as reflexology, massage, pilates and yoga. We offer Corporate Wellbeing and Resilience programmes, which can have a very positive effect on the attendance rate and engagement of employees, and the stress levels of Directors! WHY ARE WE DIFFERENT?

Breathe Therapies is a not-for-profit organization, founded by ex-sufferer experienced and specialist Mental Health Nurse of 30 years, Shelley Perry. As well as clinicians, trained volunteers provide free support groups and lowcost counselling 62

We acknowledge that often individuals with one mental health issue have other psychiatric co – morbidities such as anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD), addictions and bipolar, therefore, individuals need a care plan catered to their specific needs, which Breathe can provide. We take a holistic approach to a person’s individual treatment, which takes into

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

account the person as a whole and all of their needs. We offer treatment for all ages and receive referrals on a private basis, from GP’s, Commissioners and Social Services.

“Breathe believe that all individuals have a plan and a purpose for their lives and that with encouragement and support they can be released to find it and enjoy it!” Our aim is to address the deep-rooted underlying issues, as well as the presenting symptoms and develop individuals in all areas of their life. For example, when individuals experience pain (either physical, mental or emotional) it can stunt motivation and interest and/or disruption in other areas of life. Breathe will work with you on setting and addressing your goals with strategies and coping mechanisms to ‘change the way you think and change the way you feel!’. We aim to provide treatment that has a significant long-term benefit and relapse prevention rather than the historically delivered short term solutions with a higher possibility of relapse. We don’t have a restricted catchment area and offer remote services wherever your residence e.g. Facetime, Zoom or Skype. Our dedication and energy towards wellbeing is experienced

through the treatment we provide; the team at Breathe is different – we care and as we wholeheartedly believe recovery is possible! Telephone: 01772 915 735 Website: email: Facebook: Breathe Therapies Twitter: @breathetherapy

We offer online and virtual treatment and therapies

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine



he North Lakes Hotel and Spa is located on the edge of Penrith, the picturesque market town in Cumbria’s Eden Valley. Easily accessed from the motorway, this fourstar hotel is the ideal base from which to explore the stunning Lake District, or most importantly, unwind in the award-winning Spa and enjoy some fabulous pampering. Treatments include luxurious body massage, body scrubs and purifying facials for glowing skin. All treatments use glamorous French skincare brand Caudalie, which is a range that combines the latest scientific cosmetic techniques with the ancient secrets from the family-owned vineyards in Bordeaux. The vines and

grapes within the vineyards possess exceptional powers for the skin, which have been developed into award-winning, scientifically proven skin products with gorgeous textures and aromas that are not only heavenly on the skin, but deliver remarkable results. Treatments are delivered by therapists who are extensively trained to deliver the ultimate in luxurious, indulgent experiences. One of the signature therapies personally recommended by North Lakes’ Head Therapist, Bethan (pictured), is the Caudalie Cranial Massage. This massage simultaneously stimulates reactions in the whole body, helping to rebalance the energies of the nervous system. Bethan has been with

North Lakes for six years and following her completion of the advanced treatment training, she now leads the Spa team to deliver exceptional therapies in a relaxing environment. When Bethan isn’t exploring the Lakes with her husband and two dogs, she’s co-ordinating a series of exciting and inspiring Spa events. Bethan and the Spa team are always happy to discuss treatments in depth with clients to ensure they have the best possible experience. For the ultimate in relaxation, North Lakes has a range of sumptuous spa days to choose from, but when one day simply isn’t enough, there’s an option of one- or two-night spa breaks for those wanting an extended treat.

For more information about the Spa at North Lakes, or to book treatments and spa packages, contact Rachael on 01768 868111 - 64

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine

North Lakes Hotel & Spa


y friend Ann and I were feeling excited about spending a day at the North Lakes Hotel and Spa. We booked in for our treatments and were shown to the upstairs relaxation area by Emily. Our private changing rooms had everything we needed. We changed into the fluffy soft grey robes and were shown to the pool area downstairs. We immediately felt at home in the pool area, which was warm and cosy. Loungers were placed around the pool for relaxation and drinks were available on request. This made the whole experience most welcoming and enjoyable. The gorgeous pool was nice and warm. Around one edge of the pool there was a wide seat and this thoughtful touch allowed us to stop and have a rest or a chat, rather than holding on to the side of the pool.

After our dip, we walked back through the ladies’ changing area and decided to relax in the lovely sauna for a while. There is also a sauna in the men’s changing area. Following this, we returned to the treatment rooms, where I had booked in for a twenty-five minute taster back massage session with Suzy, who used gorgeous Caudalie products. The tension that I had previously felt in my shoulders quickly melted away, and I could definitely feel the benefits, even over this short period of time. Taster treatments are a great idea, especially if you have not had a massage before, or would like to combine this with a different taster treatment. Ann opted for the Des Vignes taster session – a facial with shoulder rub. Once cleansed, face lifting oil moisturiser was applied followed by an eye lifting balm. To complete the

treatment, refreshing grape water menthol was gently spritzed over her face. Lying under our respective towels for the duration of the treatments, we felt so completely relaxed that we didn’t want it to end. Once changed, we went downstairs to the beautiful restaurant area. This is bright and airy and leads on to a fabulous terrace. We chose the buffet option, which is a perfect way to sample the variety of food available. I opted for the delicious smoked salmon risotto with fresh salad. Ann chose the very tasty smoked chicken with salad. The restaurant also offers a good selection of tempting desserts and a drinks menu. In summary, this was a brilliant day from start to finish. We really didn’t want to leave, but there’s always the next time. Review by Nicky Hossack

Roots of Life Wellness Magazine


Creating Transformational Change Within Your Life I recently visited the home of a therapist with an alternative style and grace. Roots of Life magazine welcomes Christian Stones. Christian has gained a wealth of experience, both personally and professionally, and has a great insight into what makes a person tick. He skillfully guides clients to achieve their life goals, change their direction and break free from all mental suffering and addiction. How do you conduct a therapy session? “The initial session’s about understanding what’s going on with the client. I explain a little about my personal story and becoming familiar with each other as we establish a rapport. I listen to everything that the client wishes to share without pressure to go into any detail that would make them feel uncomfortable. Some clients like to share and others like to keep quiet and listen more. Both approaches work well. There’s a fair bit of unlearning on the part of the client whilst I’m sharing direct experiences, knowledge and insights. The client often begins to see things in a different light from as early as the very first session.”

Do clients willingly open up about their thoughts and feelings? “Some clients fully embrace the therapy sessions and are comfortable when sharing and listening. Equally, some folk prefer to take part in a video call in the convenience of their own surroundings. I've found others who “don’t do therapies” per se, seem more willing to chat and open up in the outdoors. Through experience, a bike ride or walk on the local fells, even suggesting the client brings their dog is creating ease and familiarity. This often enables conversations to flow more naturally.”

What type of problems do clients seek help with? “Clients seek help with all kinds of things that are affecting and restricting their lives. These range from anxiety/depression, personal and relationship issues, business and work related matters, and various addictions. What benefits can a client expect? “A client who is ready to receive will gain transformative life changes. These sessions uncover their true identity. Old beliefs, ideas and habits fall away effortlessly. Clients comment on connecting with a more authentic version of themselves, hearing truth for the first time and experiencing an overwhelming calm, inner peace and clarity like never before. It really is kind of magical!” Frank Allison

Further information: 66

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