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Don’t Get the Hump

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Book Review

Book Review

During my long career teaching the

Alexander Technique, I’ve come across the condition known as, ‘Dowager’s Hump’, on many occasions. This seems to be more prevalent in women, possibly due to the female form being more susceptible. In later years, Dowager’s Hump can be exacerbated by vertebral fractures due to osteoporosis. The condition is not only deemed to be unflattering, but is also the cause of pain, discomfort and disease in later life. The Alexander Technique is a unique self-help method of facilitating health through good habitual use of the body. We humans, with our bigger brains, are able to consciously choose how to use our skeletons in an optimum way. This radically improves the quality of our lives. The problem is that we often remain unaware of this capability, which allows conditions to deteriorate, without any proper means of alleviating them. If you begin to perceive an increasing curve at the top of your back, the good news is that you can learn to arrest the pattern, and start to feel and look better. The brain weighs about three pounds. Then there is the skull, the eyes, the teeth, the facial muscles and the skin. In all, an adult head weighs around ten or eleven pounds, equivalent to about four or five bags of sugar. Stop for a moment to consider this. If you don’t carry this weight around in an efficient, natural way, your spine is going to feel the pressure, and you’re going to develop exaggerated curves in your back. Even when there is a genetic link to your emerging hump, the Alexander Technique still applies. Unfortunately, remedial exercises tend to be ineffective, as they often become tiresome, and don’t actually get to the root of the problem – which is, the way that you carry your head around day in and day out. Just a few lessons in the technique helps to reeducate your body, and potentially makes a massive difference to your life. Osteoporosis is a metabolism-related skeletal disease, also known as “bone loss,” where the bones lose both density and stability. Fractures are particularly common in the femur and spine. Learning the Alexander Technique as soon as possible, helps to reduce this likelihood. Richard Marsden


Beverley Ross is an

Internationally Certified Mindset and Well-being coach based in Cumbria, working with clients locally and around the world. She is passionate about supporting people who are ready to change their mindset and allow a place in their lives for well-being and self-care. Beverley has first-hand knowledge of feeling overwhelmed and burnt out and has used this wealth of knowledge and her own experience to transform from a 20-year career, as a Senior Manager in the corporate world, into the wellness arena. Being a Mum of 2 young boys she experienced several emotions from guilt to exhaustion trying to find the work-life balance she wanted to achieve. Once she found this her passion for helping others achieve and maintain the lifestyle they deserved and desired became her number one goal. She now supports her clients to remove themselves from the rat race and expectations society puts on them, explore what really makes THEM happy and have the tools to prioritise themselves, their self-care and stop neglecting the things that really matter. After working with Beverley, her clients say they feel healthier, The Wellness Lioness Your Body

grounded, reconnected and in love with their lives again. Along with her 1:1 coaching, Beverley shares her personal blogs on her social media pages to highlight well-being and does motivational talks on this subject too. She is a qualified children’s yoga teacher and soon to be a qualified adults yoga teacher. She has a passion for movement and mindfulness, advocate for mental health awareness and a believer of our mind / body connection and the role it plays in us living more energised and balanced lives. You can sign up to Beverley’s FREE monthly newsletter through her website www.thewellnesslioness.com to become part of her wellness community and read her articles on mindset and well-being.

Ready to chat, connect and see if coaching is for you?

I would love the opportunity to connect with you and discuss your vision, needs and explore your goals together. I am here to help you find or rediscover a life you will love and be able to maintain. So let’s settle the nervous tummy and move beyond the unknown because, I promise you,

I am very easy to talk to and the benefits of coaching are amazing and so worthwhile.

Contact me to find out more: visit my website – www.Thewellnesslioness.com Beverley@thewellnesslioness.com www.instagram.com/thewellnesslioness www.facebook.com/thewellnesslioness

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