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Shamanic Healing
Your Soul
Shamanic Healing
Shamanic Healing is one of the oldest practises and traditions in the world. It is thought to originate from the indigenous peoples of the Eveny and Evenki, Tungus speaking tribe in Siberia. Shaman translates as, `one who sees in the dark` or, `one who knows`. This ancient system stems from our ancestor's deep connection to Mother Earth and belief in animism which is the belief that everything contains spirit and is alive. They respected and honoured all of life knowing that we are nature not seperate and connected by an invisible web within the vast consciousness within the universe. The natural world is the most wonderful teacher and l realised that during my training to be a practitioner, my childhood had laid the foundations for my own journey into this beautiful and heart-centred practise. A Shamanic healing session begins the moment the intention is made by a client to book an appointment. On arrival l will open sacred space in which we enter a place of timelessness and stillness. We discuss the present state of mind and any issues that are presenting themselves, mentally or physically and I will then Journey for my client. Journeying is a tool used to step into non-ordinary reality, outside of linear time. Depending on the intention set and purpose, l may be guided to either the Upper, Lower or Middle world or the many interconnected worlds in between. I am always guided by helpful spirit or animal guides. Tools that l may use are my drum which creates a mediative state, a rattle to cleanse and feathers for extraction and cutting cords. Approaching illness from a Shamanic viewpoint, there are three main causes of illness: power loss, soul loss and intrusions into the luminous energy field, possibly caused by an unhealed emotional trauma or an experience. Also, we can carry unhealed ancestral wounds that have been passed down, these can show up as unhealthy patterns, habits and beliefs and can affect our behaviour in this lifetime. Through my own individual and personal experiences l have found that Shamanic healing is an invitation to come back into balance, wholeness and to live a more fulfilling, joyful and purposeful life. It supports our own personal development and empowerment and guides us back to our true nature. This can be measured by a sense of inner peace and contentment with life. Rebecca Naimski is a Shamanic Healing Practitioner, Ursui Reiki Master and a Wild flower Artist. For more information on how Shamanic healing may help you, please go to www.hawthornehealing.co.uk
Your Seasons Crystals
As the days get warmer and the light stays longer, we tend to feel a sense of freedom that the Summer imbues upon us and as I walk along the hedgerows and begin to forage, I feel a gathering, a heightening of energy. This is the time of plenty, the Maiden transforms into the Mother. Her belly swells with new life from the growth that Spring poured forth. The Earth is green and lush to emulate this growth and fruit begins to form. This is a time to DO, represented by the Rune, Dagaz, a time to be busy, take opportunities, be active and socialise, sharing your energy with others. Be aware that you need to keep a balance in this energetic time and that being outdoors, and Earthing is extremely beneficial, as you can tap into the Earths energy and feel sustained not drained. My suggested crystal companions to support you at this time and assist you in staying energetically balanced are Sunstone and Carnelian, as well as any other red or orange gemstones. Keep them close by wearing them as jewellery or in your handbag/pocket, on a keychain etc. However, I don’t recommend you place them near your bed as they may interfere with your sleep patterns. Remember also to cleanse the crystals you use regularly, running water is fine for most crystals but always check if you are unsure. Spring - The Earth yawns & Stretches Summer - The Earth smiles Autumn - The Earth laughs & sings Winter - The Earth sleeps Fast approaching is the Summer Solstice that marks the Midsummer, at the time of the longest day, 21 June in the northern hemisphere. It is traditional to gather flowers and herbs on Midsummers’ Eve as it is believed that this is when they are at their most potent. The entrance of your home is then decorated with these as it provides protection and invites in good fortune. So this Solstice bring the outside in as part of your celebration. Crystals that Resonate Sunshine & Creativity
Sunstone is a stone of good will and optimism. Having invigorating energy, sunstone was once considered a magical talisman that attracted prosperity and good health. Sunstone invites in enlightened male energy, abundance, solar energy, stone of leadership. It was apparently used by the Vikings as a navigational device. Carnelian is a warm and energising stone great for invigorating the mind and body. It boosts energy and promotes creativity and self-esteem. Carnelian helps to keep you energized during summertime when creative energy is at a high point. It aids us to be grateful for the blessings in our lives, as well as for those you are creating.
Take time each day to savour life itself and be kind, to yourself and to all sentient beings. Sending only the Warmest Wishes and Brightest Blessings your way!
Written by Cindy Page of Sage and Thyme Lancaster www.sage-and-thyme.co.uk T 01524 68687
Our next Spiritual Development retreat is Saturday 18th and Sunday 19th September In Hawkshead, please email bibi@yugenwisdom.com for book your place or for further information