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Rewiring your brain to support your Health

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Rewiring your brain to support your health


The Lightning Process (LP) was designed by Dr Phil Parker PhD 22-years ago. At first it might seem a little unusual, because it is a training program to promote your ability to influence your own health.

A mind-body approach to deal with health issues might be an uncomfortable idea for some and will not be the most appropriate solution for everyone, but I believe that the LP can be a game-changer for conditions where there seems no clear path ahead, and where conventional medical approaches offer no solution. The foundation of the LP is the concept of psycho-neurophysiology – using our mind to influence our neurology, which in turn influences our physiology which may have become stuck in fundamental ways. The most effective way we have to exert influence over truly physical symptoms is to simply use our mind in more ingenious ways than we may have been doing. We know, for example, how damaging the stress response is to our health and our life. When we have tools to switch off the stress response, the brain starts to rewire and form new neural connections that switch the body’s natural healing systems back on. The LP teaches empowering skills and a series of carefully crafted steps to help you influence your brain-body connection in new and life-changing ways. Simple to learn, the LP promotes the effortless expansion of your comfort zone, through the consistent and appropriate use of the LP tools as needed. It does not involve pushing through or forcing yourself. We do our very best prior to the training to ensure that everyone is in the best possible place to get the full value from the LP. Initially we ask people to listen to a pre-course audio that covers some of the key ideas behind this approach to healing. I also encourage people to speak with a number of practitioners, so that they can find the person that they will be most comfortable communicating with throughout their journey. The final step is an informal chat to ensure that the LP is a good fit, and this is the right time for someone to commit to a program like this. The LP seminar itself involves three consecutive half-days of training, either individually or in small groups, each day building on the knowledge and skills of the day before. The seminar is designed to be interactive and engaging, with coaching tailored to the needs of each individual client to help them achieve success.

Materials and post training support are also included with the training.

Do you Suffer from Brain Fog?

One of the more common issues that people deal with every single day is brain fog.

This is a condition where a person cannot think clearly about everyday matters. Though this is a prevalent condition it isn’t widely recognised as an illness in many medical or psychological writings.

What is Brain Fog? Brain Fog has been described as a feeling of mental confusion where the individual lacks mental clarity. It’s as if there is a loss of focus, and a sensation of “so close and yet so far”. The term “fog” is used because it feels as if a cloud comes over your thought process that reduces your ability to think clearly.

Some common signs of brain fog

There are a number of indicators that can show if you are experiencing the symptoms of typical brain fog and the most common are:

• Sudden occurrences of memory loss with a noticeable and sudden decline in your short-term memory capacity. • An inability to navigate familiar spaces and places with a natural ease. • General feelings of fuzziness and a marked inability to think coherently and clearly. • The constant feeling that your mind is moving through a thick fog or haze. • A reduction in the ability to pay attention and focus on detail. • Loss of overall mental sharpness and brain performance. • Difficulty concentrating or a lack of focus when talking to people or when watching a film or reading a book. • Difficulty in forming sentences verbally or expressing your thoughts to others. • Feelings of mental exhaustion and an incapacity to absorb new information. • A reduced ability to perform common tasks that are familiar to you.

What Causes Brain Fog? Brain fog can have many different causes but in the majority of cases, it is brought on by nutritional, metabolic, hormonal, and biochemical imbalances that stem from a variety of factors. The neuroendocrine system is the primary conduit of memory function. Dysfunction of this system is the most common cause of brain fog. There are many conditions that can be associated or act as a trigger of brain fog. Brain fog can be a symptom of a nutrient deficiency, sleep disorder, bacterial overgrowth from overconsumption of sugar, depression, or even a thyroid condition. Other common brain fog causes include eating too much and too often, inactivity, not getting enough sleep, chronic stress, and a poor diet. These are some of the most common causes of brain fog. Hormonal changes Hormonal transitions are common throughout your life, whether during pregnancy, post-partum, menopause, or just unexpected

changes in your environment and lifestyle. Often these periods leave your brain feeling fuzzy and confused—one study found that 60 percent of women have difficulty concentrating during menopause. In some cases, changing mood or sleeping habits could be contributing to your foggy head feelings, but it could also be due to the fluctuating hormone levels while your body tries to restore balance. Impaired sleep Poor sleep hygiene, like an irregular sleep and wake time, getting less than seven to eight hours of sleep a night, or blue light exposure before bed disrupts your natural circadian rhythm – that is your internal body clock. This contributes to brain fog in a few different ways. In the case of blue light exposure close to bedtime, the blue wavelengths decrease the hormone melatonin that is essential for deep REM sleep. Both REM and non REM sleep is required to consolidate and process memories from the day. During the hours of 10pm and 2am is when your body and brain detoxify the most, so remaining in an active state during this time disrupts the body’s natural detoxification process and can contribute to fogginess. Diet deficiencies and food sensitivities Vitamin B12 contributes to the formation of red blood cells and the maintenance of your central nervous system. It’s why a deficiency in B12 is sure to impair your energy levels and elicit an overall feeling of fatigue. A vitamin D deficiency can also be behind brain fog as decreased vitamin D levels are associated with impaired cognitive function. An unidentified food intolerance can also contribute to the foggy head feeling you’re experiencing. For example, gluten intolerance can lead to cognitive dysfunction via inflammatory pathways. Stress Though stress may seem like a common and relatively harmless term, chronic stress can wreak havoc on your body. When your body perceives a stressful situation, it activates the sympathetic nervous system (SNS), or the fight-or-flight response. This response triggers the release of epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, and norepinephrine, and ultimately diverts energy away from your body’s typical functions and towards the stressor. Depression and Anxiety Depression and anxiety have been shown to impair cognitive function, affecting executive function, attention, and memory. Research suggests that this could be linked to either the loss of energy and motivation associated with mental health conditions, or physiological effects on the brain that make it difficult to function properly. If you struggle with depression or anxiety, talk to your healthcare provider about treatment options. Covid-19 Brain fog is now also recognised as a condition associated with having had Covid-19. Many people who have recovered from COVID-19 have reported feeling not like themselves: experiencing short-term memory loss, confusion, an inability to concentrate, and just feeling differently than they did before contracting the infection.

How to clear brain fog To get to the root cause of any issues and resolve brain fog, Claudia, your Health Care Professional at BioMed will initially carry out an overall health assessment through in depth consultation, with the option of Computerised Health Screening. This comprehensive information enables Claudia to develop a Personalised Health Plan based on your individual specific requirements.

Natural Health with Claudia Carrillo M. 07881 667479 www.biomednaturalhealth.com Available Treatments: • Bioregulatory Medicine • Priapus Shot ® • O Shot • Hair Sample Testing • Genovations™ • Diagnostic Profiles • Hair Rejuvenation • Vampire Facelift

Opening Times Tuesday 10am – 2pm • Wednesday 10am – 4pm Thursday 2.30pm – 8pm • Weekends available by request

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