Preparing for a digital future:
Digital Business Experts in Education & Innovation
“ Our vision is to build a new generation of highly skilled, industry-ready students, focused on technology within a business environment.�
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The Course Technology Business Skills Employability
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Why Beaulieu? Our BIT Vision Our BIT Mission
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What Differentiates Us? Local Projects Flipped Learning Choose Projects Make Connections
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Tailored Learning Our Team
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Designed For Employment A Strong Technical Background Relevant Business Knowledge Entrepreneurial and Creative Thinking Employable Skills
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Jersey Business Focus Our Campus Most advanced digital learning environment in Europe Our digital facilities
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A Fantastic Opportunity
Jersey needs a more technically capable workforce equipped with a business mindset. The government shift to focus on digital will require significant investment in training for every demographic in the Island. Digital technologies are permeating every aspect of life and those businesses with a more digitally capable workforce will thrive. We believe that IT and Business are fundamental skills for our Island and students looking to enter the job market should be literate in both.
Technology in Business
The question of Computing or ICT for business? While it is important to demand higher standards in education, the recent removal of ICT as a subject has had an adverse affect on digital skills. ICT was recently replaced with the more technical and rigorous Computing curriculum. While strong theoretical understanding of Computing is vital, we feel there is still a need for more practical ‘business ready’ IT skills. At Beaulieu, we prefer to adopt a project based approach, which results in students gaining portfolios of work and valuable hands-on experience, making them ready to join the workforce immediately. This demand will be met by following the Cambridge Technicals in IT, as it pairs beautifully with our Business Studies BTEC course, for a set of well rounded and desirable ‘Jersey ready’ skills.
“As we look to the future, Jersey will become one of the most attractive locations in the world to run a digital enterprise. We will ensure the workforce has the right skills for the digital age and that people have the capability to make the most of a more connected society.” Senator Ian Gorst Chief Minister
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Technology & Business, with a combined Extended Project
Our primary goal is to prepare successful candidates to join the local workforce immediately after course completion, whilst not limiting the option for further education.
As a non-selective school, Beaulieu has expertise in teaching a wide range of students, with superb results. We add significant value to all types of learners and are proud of the successes we enjoy.
Learners will gain A Level equivalent BTEC academic qualifications, whilst also achieving enough UCAS points to allow routes to University, particularly University College Jersey. We are able to do this by offering course combinations that complement each other, while remaining challenging.
Over the last ten years we have been Island leaders in technology and innovation. Even on a global level, we compete, from being the first Gigabit connected school in Europe, to our early adoption of Google Apps for Education on a world education platform.
Technology Cambridge Technicals - Level 3. Cambridge Technical in IT IT is one of the most popular vocational qualification subjects offered by OCR (the Oxford Cambridge and RSA Examination board), and the Cambridge Technicals build on the legacy and reputation of the OCR Nationals. IT is at the heart of everyday life; at home, work and in our leisure time. From computer graphics and control systems, to communications and problem-solving, IT has an ever-increasing role to play. Business BTEC Nationals in Business - Level 3 The new BTEC Nationals in Business qualification was developed in collaboration with over 5,000 Universities, employers and professional bodies, with employability at the heart, so learners can develop the skills and confidence they will need to step into a prosperous future. Skills Extended Project Qualification The Extended Project Qualification (EPQ) is a standalone qualification designed to extend and develop students’ skills in independent research and project management. This element will help differentiate students from other applicants in interviews. It will allow them to show their passion and expertise in specialist fields that exam grades simply cannot.
“This self contained A Level equivalent course will be aimed at learners hoping to join the workforce immediately, while still allowing routes to higher education.”
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Employability Practical learning BTECs have higher rates of learner progression than any other vocational qualification, particularly for those aiming for Higher Education. The number and proportion of students entering University with a BTEC has doubled. BTECs have a practical, unit-by-unit approach and have evolved to reflect feedback from Higher Education, employers and teaching professionals. In addition, Cambridge Technicals are being seen as the new gold standard in vocational qualifications. Designed with the workplace in mind, they offer a very high quality alternative to A Levels, with employers, in particular, very keen to see potential employees with skills honed in the technical field.
Why Beaulieu?
We use all types of technology; Apple, Google & Microsoft are all used on a daily basis to build a solid platform from where our students are able to move easily in an ever-changing digital landscape. Our cloud approach to learning is another example of the pioneering use of emerging technology to enhance progress. While many schools are only starting to realise the advantages, we have been established users for a decade. Our BIT Vision and Mission We have developed a unique Technology and Business course, combined with an Extended Project, to prepare students for the workplace. With University fees rising and local businesses demanding industry ready skills, we see the need for a different type of course based on local needs, which enables students to transition to the workplace seamlessly with relevant practical experience. Our BIT Vision More than ever before, businesses need to adapt more quickly to technological change to take advantage in a more globally connected economy. We will create more digitally native, business astute learners, ready to fit into our local workforce. We aim to make this opportunity accessible to every young person in the Island. Our graduates will make the transition from student to employee easily and naturally. Our BIT Mission We will combine A Level equivalent BTEC courses in Business and IT. In addition to academic subjects, we listened to local business needs and have incorporated extended projects that will develop much needed soft skills, in combination with project management. Using advance online flipped learning, we will be able to tailor courses to the needs of the individual, something unique to Beaulieu. Graduates will generate portfolios of relevant evidence of real world problems to complement their examinations and experience practical learning through work experience
“Our history of success with all types of learners is renowned across the Island and we are synonymous with innovation.”
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What Differentiates Us?
As one of the first groups of schools across the world to use Google Apps for Education to move learning to the cloud, we have over ten years experience in what many schools are only just now adopting. Our established pedagogy is allowing us to adopt unique methods of online learning which enable us to develop courses with features unavailable anywhere else. Our ability to offer bespoke courses tailored for the learner or an employer, allows unique routes to employment. Learners can choose their own projects to suit their interests and employers are able to suggest useful combinations for local job opportunities. This is not available elsewhere on the Island. Local Projects We work closely with local businesses to produce projects and modules that have relevant local content. It is important that we focus on skills immediately required by industry. Our ability to adapt modules and content quickly to meet these needs will provide our students with a local advantage. Flipped Learning All of our content is available online, with unlimited cloud based storage accounts and our range of free specialist online apps, enabling students to work seamlessly anywhere, anytime. Successful candidates will effortlessly work online and adapt quickly to change, an essential part of modern business. Choose Projects While there are exams, each BTEC subject has a range of project based learning components that will add to a learner’s portfolio. To complement these, the Extended Project Qualification is an individualised unit, showcasing the learner’s individual speciality. Make Connections An important part of our course will be integrated opportunities to network. Students will attend industry events and, where possible, showcase their work. Modules will contain presentations from local employers designed to put Jersey needs at the core. Work experience will be central to the course, to provide key contacts and valuable learning opportunities in a real-world setting.
“We offer a bespoke training program unique to the Island, where the learners can decide their specialisms.”
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For years, Beaulieu has utilised Flipped and Blended Learning methods to help students access work anytime, anywhere. Flipped Learning involves providing lessons recorded in advance, with students watching them before coming to the lesson. It allows students to move at their own pace. Blended Learning allows students to use videos during a lesson to complement learning. Using combinations of these methods, we have been able to significantly reduce the taught content time of our courses, allowing extra time for deeper learning.
Tailored Learning
As our content is readily available anywhere, anytime, students can select projects of their choice. This is not possible in a traditional classroom, where all students have to work at the same pace on the same topics, effectively setting the pace of lessons to suit the slowest learner. “ Traditional courses produce generic non-specialists. Our course enables learners to decide on the specialisms Jersey needs.”
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Our Team
Beaulieu staff members are highly professional; their commitment underpins the warmth and vibrancy of this special community. As a father of two children myself, I know how important good relationships are in a school and how a friendly and well-organised environment helps young people to learn. Our teachers and staff members are hardworking and dynamic individuals. They work tirelessly to provide a stimulating, rich and exciting learning environment for our pupils. They are keen to get to know students and their parents well in order to ensure every student’s individual needs are fully met. As an independent school, we are able to move faster to address the changing needs of our students and the Island. Our excellent academic success is complemented by our reputation as innovators in the digital sector. Utilising our cutting edge campus-wide technology, combined with expert teachers, will enable the precise delivery of this unique industry-ready course.
Mr Chris Beirne Beaulieu CEO
“ We have an expert team in place, with a wealth of educational and industry experience to deliver this unique Jersey-centric course.�
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A Strong Technical Background Moving to a project based learning model is well suited for the IT industry. Too many times we hear the criticism of traditional courses that too much emphasis is placed on theory and students find it difficult to transition into employment without practical experience. Relevant Business Knowledge Students gain strong project management understanding and application, readying them for a swift start in business. Working to regular and strict deadlines, across a wide variety of differing skills sets, emulates the work environment. Entrepreneurial and Creative Thinking BTECs give young people taking their first step into a new career the right blend of technical and academic skills to support them. We already know that employers are looking for highly skilled, job-ready individuals with a strong work ethic. Employability Skills Unlike traditional A Level options, the BTEC courses encourage group work just as much as individual excellence. The course is filled with opportunities for students to hone their soft skills and deliver high quality presentations to prepare them for the next employment opportunity.
Designed For Employment
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Jersey Business Focus
The ability for industry to have a direct influence on the content and module choices of students is a logical but revolutionary step for education in Jersey. How are we going to focus on local business needs more effectively than traditional courses? By using cutting edge teaching methods and engaging with local businesses directly: n to collaborate to create the content and projects students will work on. n to regularly meet to change the learning focus, keeping abreast with local developments. n to attend local business events to network and understand local requirements. n to manage local training events to showcase student portfolios. With close links to Digital Jersey and the Education Department, we are able to tailor the course content to ensure that the needs of the Island are woven into the course design. Giving local employers the opportunity to direct students into module combinations that fit their employment opportunities, will open a dialogue between education and business that has never been available before. While many career paths require University routes, Jersey has many that would allow continued development, on the job. Using this course to facilitate a move directly to employment is a natural progression after a changing University funding structure.
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We have a high specification, multi-purpose area, our innovation Centre, specifically designed for technology projects, and ready to house up to 60 students who can take advantage of our superfast Gigabit connection.
Our Campus
The area can be easily manipulated to accommodate every new technology, from Augmented/Virtual Reality, to traditional green screen techniques. We can transform the area from lecture to experimental makerspace in minutes. Most Advanced Digital Learning Environment in Europe Three years ago we became the fastest internet connected school in Europe. In recent years we have adopted top of the range Meraki/ Cisco Cloud Controllers that, when combined with our Google Apps for Education, unlimited cloud storage and management system, places us as the most advance learning environment in Europe. All our learning tools are available online, allowing students to work anywhere, anytime, for free. We have no software that requires physical downloads or subscriptions and believe this is the first course of its kind in any educational establishment worldwide. Developing these cloud workflows, while maintaining excellent academic results, is no coincidence. We believe there is a direct correlation. Our Digital Facilities High quality teaching and learning is enhanced with a high specification digital environment. Students have come to rely on the fact that they can continue their studies in any location, at anytime. Remote learning due to unforeseen absence is no longer a problem. n Super Fast Gigabit n Meraki/Cisco Cloud Controllers n Campus-wide WiFi n Google Apps For Education n Complete Cloud Storage n Bring Your Own Device Policy n Cloud Classrooms
“Bespoke-design Innovation Centre for a wide range of technical projects and learning needs.�
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A Fantastic Opportunity
We are a friendly, supportive and caring community, proud of our history, our achievements and most importantly our students. Our nonselective position and strong foundation in faith means it is important to us to that no student is disadvantaged. We are committed to nurturing talents, aspirations and dreams and our students leave us as confident, articulate and most importantly compassionate individuals with a hunger for learning and a passion for life, irrespective of their background. Whilst attending Beaulieu as a private, post-16 student has always been an option for young ladies on the Island, the fact that we are a fee paying school has prevented many from accessing our expertise. From September 2018 we are becoming co-educational at Post-16 level, with boys welcome to access either our A Level and BTEC programme, or our new Beaulieu Institute of Technology. We wish to extend the opportunity to join the Beaulieu family to every student on the Island and a number of free places are available for students keen to take up this exciting new opportunity.
“ Bringing the educational revolution to Jersey.” Radical change doesn’t come without taking risks. Beaulieu has strived to innovate at every opportunity to keep us at the forefront of effective teaching and learning. What was once considered risk, is now considered foresight. We see the Beaulieu Institute of Technology and Business as the latest essential shift from traditional methodology to effect an essential culture change in local education, meeting the needs of Island business.
“Our courses are open to all Jersey learners. It is vitally important that all Island students have the opportunity to access this course, irrespective of financial constraints.”
For further information please visit learn more visit: or email Rory Steel:
Beaulieu Institute of Technology delivers A-Level equivalent courses for IT and Business Studies.
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