Sow y8 test

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Beaulieu - where young minds thrive

Department Schemes of Work Year 8


Introduction 3 Mathematics 4 English 5 Science 6 Computer Science 7 Beliefs & Values 8 French 9 German 10 Spanish 11 History 12 Geography 13 Music 14 Drama 15 Art 16 Textiles 17 Physical Education 18 Home Economics 19 Further Information 20




Dear Parents This booklet will provide you with guidance on the curriculum your daughter will be studying throughout Year 8. Your daughter will have 25 lessons a week plus three mentor sessions, a whole school assembly and an academic mentor session. You will benefit from an overview of the topics taught in each area of the curriculum, and a list of equipment, useful websites and key words. In addition, inside is our homework policy and assessment information. The purpose of the booklet is to indicate our expectations in Year 8 and this information should enable you to support your daughter more efficiently. During Year 8, you as parents, will have an opportunity to meet your daughter’s mentor, attend a pastoral evening, receive two interim reports and a full written report and attend a Year 8 Parents’ Evening. Of course, if necessary, you can also contact subject teachers or your daughter’s mentor directly. In Year 8, your daughter will also be taken through the option process. We expect your daughter to find her school day varied and engaging. As

well as developing her academic potential, we strive to ensure our students foster an interest in lifelong learning. Teaching staff and mentors encourage our students to become:-

• Successful learners, who enjoy • •

learning, make progress and see achievement. Confident individuals who are able to live safe, healthy and fulfilling lives. Responsible citizens who make a positive contribution to society.

We are keen to collaborate with you on your daughter’s journey. This booklet is one way to inform you of her curriculum. However, your daughter’s mentor and individual subject teachers will have a more personal understanding of your daughter’s strengths or challenges and any areas in need of development. In the final section there is guidance successful start to and information on

of the booklet, on ensuring a the school day protecting your




This booklet is a trial, therefore we would appreciate your feedback on its clarity and usefulness, along with any suggested additions. We hope that your daughter has a very successful Year 8 at Beaulieu Convent School.

Mrs Heaven and Mrs Whitehead



Mathematics Equipment Diary, ruler, pencil, pen, eraser, scientific calculator, exercise book. (A Geometry set is also useful)

Autumn • Four operations with whole

numbers (+-x ÷) Angle facts Probability Fractions, decimals and percentages (conversions) Basic algebra Area, perimeter & surface area

• • • • •

Spring • Algebra: formula and equations • Decimals • Reflections, Rotations and • • • •

Translations Straight line graphs Averages Representing Data Ratio and proportion

Summer • • • • • •

Algebra expressions Plotting algebraic graphs Money problems 3D Shapes Using mathematical equipment to construct shapes Analysing statistical data

Assessments • Termly leveling exercises

• Half termly topic tests

Useful Keywords Sequences, integers, expressions, variables, length, perimeter, area, cuboid, surface area, improper fraction, mixed numbers, equivalent, percentage, mode, median, mean, range,

probability, terms, formula, equations, perpendicular, parallel, x-axis, y-axis, coordinates, sample, frequency, square number, triangle number, ratio, proportion, transformation, symmetry, reflection, rotation,

translation, polygons, tessellation, factor, multiple, loci, bearing, simplify, factorise, congruent, chord, tangent, arc, segment, sector, circumference, radius, diameter, prime.

Supporting Websites • • • • • • • • (Username: beaulieu password: pentagon)

Homework Policy Homework is set once a week.

Extension Extension materials are available on request from the teacher.

Aditional Skills Use of drawing equipment, efficient use of calculator, clear and logical presentation of workings.



English Equipment Diary, exercise book, personal stationery including pens, colours, glue, highlighters, ruler. (No ink erasers, friction pens or tippex are allowed to be used in English exercise books.)

Autumn • Book review week. • Class novel study plus

associated activities, including non-fiction and creative writing.

Spring • Spring 1: Poetry Festival. • Spring 2: Shakespeare study:

text, performance and context.

Summer • Summer 1: Further literary text and associated tasks.

• Summer 2: Non-fiction Scheme of Learning.

• Book review week.

Assessments End of topic assessments to assess key skills of reading, writing, speaking and listening. Various formats. Whole Year group written exercise end of autumn term and during the summer Exam Week.

Useful Keywords Genre, literature, language, drama, prose, poetry, non-fiction, punctuation, grammar, spelling,

parts of speech, figures of speech, author, poet, playwright, Shakespeare, skills, vocabulary,

thesaurus, dictionary, research, discussion, listening, ideas, opinions, evaluation, analysis.

Supporting Websites Each teaching group will have a dedicated Google Classroom Forum where information relating to the Schemes of Learning will be posted, to include homework tasks, research links etc.

Homework Policy Individual own-choice reading programme, plus occasional research/discussion tasks, written tasks and vocabulary tasks, to be set in accordance with the Scheme of Learning. See Classroom Forum for specific information.

Extension Recommended challenging reading; current affairs research and discussion; specific extension tasks will be placed on the Classroom Forum.

Skills Effective communication: reading, writing, speaking and listening. Researching, planning, proof-reading, editing. Accuracy of spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPaG). Cross-curricular transferable skills.



Science Equipment Diary, exercise book, scientific calculator, Exploring Science textbook

Autumn • • • •

Food and nutrition Combustion Energy transfers Light

Spring • • • •

Breathing & respiration Periodic table Metals and their uses Fluids

Summer • Plants and their reproduction • Earth and space • Rocks

Assessments In Science, formal written exams help staff to track students and check whether they are working beyond, below or at their target levels. We use this data, along with other information, to help determine groups. Year group exams are held in :- January, April and during Exam week.

Useful Keywords Independent, dependent, variables, hypothesis, conclusion, evaluation, weighting, bias, accuracy, estimates, mean, range, cause, effect, anomalous, evidence, theory, accuracy, precision. Each topic will have 8 spellings/key words linked to it. The spellings can be found on Google classroom

Supporting Websites • code dax0dw •

Homework Policy One homework is set each week. This should not take more than 30 minutes; if it does, ask your daughter to stop and write a note in her diary. Some pieces of homework may be revision - home support is encouraged. We also encourage students to try and develop revision strategies in order to support them in their learning.

Extension • • • • •

Watching documentaries Reading newspaper articles Attending visiting lectures Using the textbook to extend learning BBC News Website

Skills Good mathematical skills will help in all three Sciences. Practical skills will be developed during practical lessons. Learning to give opinions by using data and forming an evaluation is a useful skill to develop.

Computer Science


Computer Science Equipment Diary, Headphones

Autumn • Microbit Programming • Parts of the Computer • Binary

Spring • Security • Networks • Graphics

Summer • DataBases • Electronics • HTML/CSS & JavaScript Coding

Assessments • Robotics Project

• Topic Tests

Useful Keywords E-Safety, cyber-bullying, attachment, download, email, internet, virus, browser, algorithms, hardware, software, input, output, memory, storage, processor, binary, modelling,

flowchart, formula, data, database, Boolean, variables, layer, pixel, animation, hypertext markup language (HTML), hyperlink, embedding, resolution, processor, memory, motherboard, random

access memory (RAM), read only memory (ROM), router, network, topology, storage, wireless, iteration. For more vocabulary see : htm

Supporting Websites • • • • • followed by the classroom code

Homework Policy None set. Keep up to date with Technology news and new developments by regularly checking:

Extension To practice coding skills at

Skills Logical thinking, problem solving, researching, communication, perseverance, resilience

Beliefs & Values


Beliefs & Values Equipment Homework diary, Beliefs and Value exercise book, pencil case, scissors, glue.

Autumn • Miracles and Parables

Spring • Pilgrimage

Summer • Other faiths

Assessments An assessment activity takes place in lesson time once a term.

Useful Keywords Miracles, Parables, Jesus, Disciples, New Testament, Pilgrimage, Catholicism

Supporting Websites • • Links to lessons and other resources will be added to Google classroom.

Homework Policy Homework is set once a week and follows on from the learning in class.

Extension Opportunities are given in class and in homework tasks.

Skills Investigation - asking relevant questions; knowing how to use a variety of sources in order to gather information; and knowing what may count as good evidence in understanding religions. Interpretation - the ability to draw meaning from artefacts, works of art, poetry and symbolism; the ability to interpret religious language; and the ability to suggest meanings of religious texts. Reflection - the ability to reflect on feelings, experience, attitudes, beliefs, values, relationships, practices and ultimate questions. Empathy - developing the power of imagination to identify feelings such as love, wonder, forgiveness and sorrow;the ability to consider the thoughts, feelings, experiences, attitudes, beliefs and values of others; and the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, and to see issues from their point of view. Evaluation - the ability to debate issues of religious significance with reference to evidence, argument, opinion and statements of faith. Application - making links between religion and individual, community, national and international life; and identifying key religious values and their links with secular values. Expression - the ability to articulate ideas, beliefs and values; and the ability to respond to religious ideas, beliefs and questions through a variety of media. Self-understanding - this includes:the ability to draw meaning from significant experiences in their own and others’ lives and from religious questions and answers.


French Equipment Diary, textbook (Clic 1), exercise book (to be covered with a French theme), Zippa bag (larger than A4), headphones, French-English dictionary for homework, pencil case including glue and scissors.

Autumn • Greetings; Neighbourhood,

Directions, Transport, Describing People Grammar - Modal verbs, Present tense, Perfect tense with avoir, adjectives, connectives



• Paris, Countries and Cities • Sport & Healthy lifestyle, Body • Grammar - Perfect tense with être parts,Shopping for clothes • Grammar - Plurals, time phrases,Reflexives, Infinitive

Assessments • Regular vocabulary tests • Term1: Writing

• Term2: Speaking

• Term3: Reading and Listening

Useful Keywords Pronouns, nouns, verbs (tenses, infinitive) , adjectives, gender (masculine & feminine), singular & plural. connectives. Key vocabulary can be found at the end of each unit in the textbook

Supporting Websites • • • • (Username: beaulieu password: paris or stars) Duolingo app

Homework Policy 40 minutes once per week

Extension Mary Glasgow magazines Websites / revision of vocabulary

Skills Listening; reading, speaking, writing translation and dictionary skills



German Equipment Diary, Textbook (ZOOM 1), Exercise book (covered with a GERMAN theme), Folder for worksheets, Zippa bag (larger than A4), headphones, German-English dictionary for homework, Pencil case including glue, scissors and blue, red and green gel pens.

Autumn • • • •

Sports & instruments, hobbies likes and dislikes, time phrases, countries, regions and weather, describing house and bedroom.

Spring • Describing different meals and • • •

food preferences Ordering a snack and qantities Healthy eating Describing a town and expressing opinions, directions.

Summer • • • • • • •

Clothes; descriptions, opinions Shopping for clothes What you are going to buy School uniform Travel and accommodation Things you can do on holiday A past holiday

Assessments End of Unit assessments - speaking and writing and weekly vocabulary tests

Useful Keywords See end of Unit vocabulary lists in textbook on pages 71, 87, 103, 119 and 151

Supporting Websites • ( username: beaulieu password: paris or stars) •

Homework Policy One 45 minute homework per week to consist of vocabulary learning or a reading or writing homework.

Extension Extra reading from Mary Glasgow magazines or Easy Readers in the Library

Skills Listening, speaking, reading and writing. Translation and vocabulary acquisition.



Spanish Equipment Homework diary, textbook (Zoom español 1), exercise book (covered), Zippa bag or plastic wallet (larger than A4), headphones, Spanish-English dictionary for homework (can be left at home), pencil case including glue and scissors.

Autumn • Review of numbers, alphabet,

• •

greetings, countries, nationalities, colours, animals, time, weather, free time, routine, school subjects, question words; Grammar: gender, articles, nouns, possessive adjectives, negative construction; Pronunciation of ‘c’, ‘j’, ‘g’

Spring • Where you live, directions, rooms

in a house, giving opinion of a region, food, likes and dislikes, healthy and unhealthy opinions, phone conversations; Grammar: ser and estar, ir, gustar, hacer, hay, comparative terms

Summer • Holidays, transport, facilities,

leisure activities, reservations;

• Grammar: immediate future, comparisons, adverbs, adjectives

Assessments End of unit tests, vocabulary tests, skill-based assessment (speaking, reading, writing, listening)

Useful Keywords 2A-p.71, 2B-p. 87, 3A-p. 103, 3B-p.119 Verb, noun, adjective, article, adverb, infinitive, plural, pronoun, singular, gender, tilde, accent

Supporting Websites • ( username: beaulieu password: paris or stars), • Duolingo, Bravolol, Miraii, Quizlet, Onlinefreespanish, Mi Vida Loca (

Homework Policy Once a week, 30 minutes

Extension Mary Glasgow level-appropriate magazine subscriptions, Easy readers in library, website activities

Skills Listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation and vocabulary acquisition




History Equipment Diary, purple exercise book, pencil, blue or black pen, ruler, highlighters, coloured pencils,glue and scissors.



• Society in Tudor England. • The reign of Henry VIII. • The causes and consequences of the Reformation.

• The image and achievements of • •

Elizabeth I. The Gunpowder plot. The causes and consequences of the English Civil War.

Summer • Superstitions and beliefs. • The Great Fire of London.

Project work creating a magazine for Women in Stuart times.

Assessments • • • • •

Creative writing: End of unit assessment: Source evaluation: Extended writing: Creative writing:

Was Henry VIII a model King? Tudor society under Henry VIII The Gunpowder Plot What were the Causes of the Civil War? A Women’s Magazine for women in Stuart women.

Useful Keywords Evidence, sources, chronology, useful, reliable, judgement, biased, evaluation, trigger, cause, consequence, gentry, citizens,

labourers, Yeoman, Catholic, Protestant, Puritan, monarchy, treason, The Dissolution of the Monasteries, The Reformation,

reign, execution, torture, Parliament, Cavaliers, The Roundheads, The New Model Army, The Divine right of Kings, monopolies, heir, divorce, soldier

Supporting Websites • and classroom code • BBC Bitesize

Homework Policy Homework will be set twice a week during each four week module. This should take approximately one hour in total.

Extension Historical fiction - Fiction novels based on the topics studied in class e.g. ’ Warrior Heroes: The Knight’s Enemies ’by Benjamin Hulme-Cross. For other options see: Historical films and documentaries - Do encourage your daughter to watch any age appropriate documentaries on the Medieval period, particularly if they relate directly to the topics listed above

Skills Chronological understanding, argumentative, persuasive and creative writing; source analysis and evaluation; retention and recall; selecting, summarising and prioritising information; independent research.



Geography Equipment Diary, pen, pencil, sharpener, ruler



• Coasts - geology, weathering

and erosion, management of coasts, the economic importance of coastal areas. Fieldwork in St Brelade’s Bay. European countries, UK knowledge of location. Asia - simple geography and focus on China contrasting different regions.

• •


• World population trends and

• Plate tectonics, volcanoes,

• Human management of hazards

country variations. Resources, energy, global warming,sustainable actions.

earthquakes and tsunami. and their effects.

• Group activities on areas of

geography relating to option choices.

Assessments Group presentation on Fieldwork results, European countries assessment, writing assessment on contrasting regions of China, recycling poster, news report on a tectonic event.

Useful Keywords Erosion, coasts, bay, beach, cliff, tides, wave, swell, continent, country, region, birth-rate, contraception, conception, raw materials, fossil fuels, sustainable, hazard, human impact, economic impact,

Supporting Websites • • • • • • • - Royal Geographical Society, - mapping, - great for all tectonic hazards and more,, - both great fun to improve knowledge and understanding of place - good test yourself games - learning and revision, - aimed specifically at KS3 students.,

Homework Policy 30 minutes once or twice a week during each four week module.

Extension Understanding of the interaction between humans and the coast and the future of coasts with predictions of impacts of global warming, Understanding of the Asian and specifically Chinese economy in the geography of the world. Be able to design a more sustainable model for modern living. Compare and contrast the different impacts and responses to hazards in different countries.

Aditional Skills Planning, group work, locational skills, map skills, use of Geographical information systems(GIS), presentation skills, comparative writing skills, report writing, understanding of the global world and the challenges facing much of the world population.



Music Equipment Diary, iPad,

Autumn • Reggae song, composition, • Christmas group composition.

Spring • Night music, broken chord composition .

Summer • Sampling project, launchpad • Summer song composition

Assessments Performing chords, composing, broken chord performing, creating and editing samples, song composition

Useful Keywords Reggae, Ska, chord sequence, syncopation, improvisation. rhyming scheme, Nocturn, verse,

chorus middle 8. Ballad, sample, edit, trim, Rev, loop. Track, sequence. scale,

Supporting Websites • • • •

Homework Policy None set.

Extension Practise playing melodies and scales on keyboard and compose on garage band.

Skills Listening, composing, performing, communication and teamwork.



Drama Equipment Diary, tracksuit bottoms or shorts, pen or pencil, dance shoes (optional if not wanting bare feet).

Autumn • Greek Theatre (history of

theatre), “The Railway Children” (scripted).



• Physical Comedy (devising from a • Titanic (devised and scripted dramatic technique),

• Style and Genre (devising).

work from a historical stimulus).

Assessments Students will have a rehearsed performance that they will present in class towards the end of each module. For “The Railway Children” and “Titanic”, students will have to learn by heart a small section of script.

Useful Keywords Facial expression, body language, frozen pictures, mime, blocking, physical theatre, projection, intonation, choral speaking, characterisation, physicality,

tension, creation of atmosphere, dialogue, improvisation, teamwork, devising, status, levels, audience, theatre, scene, persuasive language, stage directions, stage

whisper, soundscape, choral movement, amphitheatre, skene, proscenium, orchestra, slapstick, stage fighting, style, genre, conventions.

Supporting Websites • BBC bitesize app - Drama GCSE always useful for subject specific terminology. • Also try these youtube clips – How to do a Cockney accent by Video jug and how to do an English accent also by video jug, interview with Millen eve true Yorkshire accent, and the travel linguist – Russian 101.

• Watch on youtube “The Railway children” videos of the play – type into the youtube search “The Railway children Toronto Sizzler” and “The Railway Children Toronto Theatre”.

Homework Policy Learn lines for “The Railway Children” and “Titanic”.

Extension To take part in House Drama/Dance, participate in the school production or Drama club for the Eisteddfod; or to take part in any outside school Drama groups or productions. Research Titanic.

Skills Rehearsal skills - communication, teamwork (small groups and whole class work), research. Physical skills - body language, physical theatre, mannerisms, frozen pictures. Vocal skills - projection, pitch, intonation, pace, pause. Evaluation skills - justification, analysis, use of specific examples and use of Drama technical language.



Art Equipment Diary, Pencils, rubber, pencil sharpener, biro, colouring pencils, small set of watercolours for homework, camera or phone camera, sweet wrappers (for summer project)




Fractured Drawing/Cubism


Pop Art

• Observational drawing • Develop key skills in drawing and • Build and develop understanding • Fractured drawing, observational observation of colour and design studies, composition, cubism • Understand proportions and scale • Recap understanding of colour • Complete observational for portrait studies and design drawings in varied media • Refine skills in observation and • Learn how to use collage exploring composition and tone

• Research and evaluate cubists • Refine studies and develop ideas for fractured studies and final piece


• Drawing - technical skills. • Understanding of composition •

with pattern and design Final design painting

tone, working in a variety of media

• Research, interpret and analyse appropriate artists

• Develop and refine proportion and tone work

and viewfinder to create a composition Develop and build on painting skills to produce a final piece

• Observational drawing skills,

• Understanding of composition

• •

• Pop Art artist research • Final piece in Pop Art style.

understanding of proportion. Artist response Final piece

with colour and design.

Useful Keywords Cubism, composition, mixed media, tone, line, shape, Picasso,

Braque, proportions, depth, scale, observation, detail, paint, colour,

Supporting Websites • Books, printed images, Art •

materials, access to internet.

• • •

colour wheel, colour opposites, harmonies, viewfinder, collage, portraiture, Pop Art

• • •

Homework Policy Students will be set homework weekly to complete for the the following week. All homework should take 30 minutes

Extension Encourage your daughter to explain key words learnt in the lesson. Ensure all work is completed with written explanation for what she has been working on, giving her own opinion to the work she is studying. Give support in researching relevant artists set for homework, taking photos where needed and asking her personal opinion on the work. Your daughter can continue practising her drawing skills by observing from photos she has produced.


Extending and refining drawing, observation and technical skills as well as painting skills. Combining mix media within a composition. Understanding of composition using pattern, design and colour. Researching Artists showing evidence in analysing and responding with personal opinions. Understanding the concept of different artists movements showing personal response to the work.


Textiles Equipment Diary, textiles folder

Autumn • Tie dye piece of fabric to make

a cushion cover, artist research, experimental observational studies



• Learning how to use the sewing

machine in a safe way, to practise joining two pieces of fabric with a seam, decorative stitches, couching and appliqué. Design work through to adding design to fabric tie dye

• Complete making of a cushion cover and complete making of project workbook

Assessments • Mark given for completed cushion cover, work book couching and applique work book

Useful Keywords Tie dye, patterns, mark making, seam, couching, applique.

Supporting Websites • Textile

Homework Policy Research, annotation and some finishing of class work

Extension To add and embellish

Skills Tie dye, art observation, observing the work of others, learning how to use a sewing machine, design work, transferring ideas to a final realisation.


Physical Education

Physical Education Equipment Full Tracksuit, shorts, t-shirt, white socks and predominantly white trainers - All Lessons navy sweatshirt and rugby shirt can also be worn. Extra kit for Hockey: Gum shield, hooped socks and shin pads. Extra kit for Football: Hooped socks and shin pads. House T-Shirt for Inter House Sporting Competitions

Autumn • Dance, Gymnastics • Hockey, Football

Spring • Cross Country, Fitness • Netball, Athletics

Summer • Athletics, Rounders • Tennis, Cricket

Assessments Pupils are assessed at the end of each module or half term

Useful Keywords DANCE and GYMNASTICS Motif, Actions, Canon, Unison, Body Tension, Body Extension, Patterns, Travel, Transitions, Speed, Levels, Direction, Balance, Jumps, Rolls, Spins, Twists, Elevation HOCKEY and FOOTBALL Attack, Defence, Midfield, Goal, Shoot, Dribble, Mark, Rebound, Channel, Pass, Corner, Long Corner, Short Corner, Penalty, Flick, Hockey Stick, Bibs, Throw Ins, Control, Space, Hit Out, Hit Ins, Hit, Slap,

NETBALL Bibs, Court, Lines, Goal Circle, Post, Goal Third, Centre Third, Whistle, Shooter, Centre, Footwork, Pivot, Dodge, Replay, Contact, Obstruction, 3 seconds, Toss Up, Chest Pass, Shoulder Pass, Bounce Pass, Bibs CROSS COUNTRY and FITNESS Time, Pace, Laps, Heart Rate, Stop Watch, Bleep Test, Coopers Run, Progressive, Stamina, Endurance, Coordination, Agility, Flexibility, Speed, Strength, Reaction Time

Supporting Websites • • • •

CRICKET and ROUNDERS Strike, Field, Bowler, Posts, Bases, Backstop, Stumps, Run, Wicket Keeper, Bat, Ball, ATHLETICS Throw, Jump, Sprint, Hurdle, Long Jump, High Jump, Shot Putt, Discus, Javelin, Distance, Take Off, Landing, Mark, TENNIS Net, Racket, Ball, Tram Lines, Back Line, Side Line, Tactics, Singles, Doubles, Service GENERIC Warm Up, Stretches, Muscles, Cool Down

BBC Sport Academy Sportplan GCSE Bitesize PE

Homework Policy None

Extension Activity Dependent - Attend extra curricular clubs, out of School clubs

Skills Decision making, communication, feedback, performance, teamwork, co-operation, leadership, organisation, analysis, evaluation, commitment, enthusiasm, timekeeping, measurement, motivation


Home Economics


Home Economics Equipment Diary, pens, recipes/workbooklet, ingredients and apron when required, Take home container, hair bands.

Autumn • • • • • • • • • •

MODULE 1: Bug busters Bacteria and food hygiene Avoiding food poisoning Temperature danger zone MODULE 2: Multi-Cultural celebrations Factors affecting food choice Food origins Portion control

Spring • • • • • • • • •



MODULE 3: • MODULE 4: Healthy eating • Let’s Cook! Macronutrients and micronutrients • Special diets Convenience foods • Modifying recipes Effect of advertising and lifestyle • Writing a timeplan on food choice • Meal planning - breakfast, lunch Food production dinner, desserts, snacks Food Labelling All modules include a continual Energy found in foods and drinks focus of a wide range of food safety, Food science preparation and handling skills that are constantly built upon throughout the year.

Each Module will include the following assessment: • Written Multiple Choice End of • Practical Cookery Assessment Task (Module 1 N/A) Module Tests

Useful Keywords

• Literacy assessment - Weekly

written evaluations on practical cookery lessons

Nutrients, energy, bacteria, cross-contamination, carbohydrates, protein, vitamins, minerals, eat well guide, recipe, workplan, gluten

Supporting Websites • • • •

Homework Policy Students are expected to participate in all practical cookery lessons. If there is a concern with recipes, or any allergies or specific dietary requirements, please discuss possible options or recipe variations with Miss Friis in advance. Forgotten ingredients will be met with academic cautions in line with normal procedures. If ingredients have been forgotten, please inform Miss Friis as early as possible so alternative theory work can be prepared.

Extension Flexibility of recipe choice and modification/adaptation of recipes is encouraged after consultation with Miss Friis to show higher level skills and techniques.

Aditional Skills Students will learn how to cook a variety of predominantly savoury dishes which will enable them to feed themselves and others a healthy and varied diet. Students will become competent in a range of cooking techniques, such as selecting and preparing ingredients, using various utensils and electrical equipment independently and applying heat in different ways.

Further Information

What makes a successful learner • Know your timetable - have a copy at

home, in your diary and in your locker.

• Be organised - pack your school bag the night before.

• Strive to be part of your school House.

• •

Take part in House events and other extra curricular activities such as the School Council, chaplaincy and choir. Feel secure enough in lessons to join in and offer your ideas! Do not delay what needs to be done make a clear note of homework and, where possible, complete it on the night it is set. Get plenty of quality down time so you go to bed relaxed. Do not have a TV or device in use at bed time.


Beaulieu Convent School, Wellington Road, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 4RJ

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