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Thank you to the wonderful teachers and staff at Rosarian Academy!
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We salute
Rosarian Academy for taking...
Time to Care
and educate our grandchildren
Chris Searcy and Jack Scarola with Harry (8th) & Samson (7th) Scarola; Ellie (7th), Grace (5th) & Charlotte (3rd) Bischoff; Jack (5th), Cecilia (3rd), Mary Grace (CH), & Henry (TH) Hansen; Tripp Searcy (CH); Shaquon Cooper (5th); Sammia (6th) and Peter (2nd) Hyacinthe.
MESSAGE FROM OUR AUCTION CHAIR Dear Rosarian Parents, Faculty and Friends, The 41st Auction & Ball is here! We are Going for the Gold for “the school we love so well.” I have been walking the halls of Rosarian Academy since 1980, the year I joined RA as a student. The lessons learned, values formed, and friends made were what brought me back to Rosarian as a parent in 2010 when I enrolled Matty (Class of 2019) in kindergarten and Jojo (Class of 2020) in the Montessori program. I wanted my two children to experience the same opportunities granted to me--attending one of the premier Catholic educational institutions in Florida. I am forever grateful and indebted to Rosarian for what the amazing faculty and staff have given to me, my children, and my nephews, Jackson (2010) and Harrison (2012). Over the past 40 years, I have seen changes and growth but the core values of Rosarian have remained the same. I proudly agreed to chair this Auction for the second time, because as I graduate “again” this year with my youngest son, I want to continue to ensure academic excellence and the best Rosarian experience for future generations to come (yes, I want Rosarian to remain strong in faith, academics, athletics, arts, and service for when my future grandchildren enroll). What you experience tonight has been made possible with the help of my gold-medal Auction Committee. They have worked tirelessly to make this event a success at a new venue which I couldn’t be more excited about (cheers to the renovated Norton Museum of Art!). Our development duo, Sara Mallon and Maggie Richman, have led the team to what will be a victorious night. I express my gratitude to all but especially to a few key team players: Kathy Steele and Liz Yavinsky for creating the beautiful centerpieces; Marian Macias and Mary Cullen Lombardi for being co-captains of the Sponsorship and Underwriting; Whitney Stewart and Bianca Yohe for organizing the Tennis Tournament which was a smashing good time and great success; Beth and Sean Lang for hosting the underwriting and appreciation party at their beautiful home. My Honorary Chairs are five strong and stand as a force to be reckoned. Joey Bulfin,Mary Ferol DeFilippo, Cathy Flagg, Jane Kreusler-Walsh, and Cathy Moore--affectionately known as “The Flamingos”--each chaired past Auctions and have passed the torch of success through the years. I will forever have them in my heart and soul for stepping up to hold such an integral role for my last auction. Until we meet again...Rosarian Academy, keep shining fair, raise your banner proudly, and I will always be true to you! So, let’s get this party started with Golden Tickets, Live Auction bids, and calls to your wonderful hearts and put the Rosarian Auction & Ball 41 in the books. With love always,
Colleen Orrico
Class of 1987 (and 2020)
COCKTAILS & SILENT AUCTION WELCOME Linda Trethewey, Head of School Colleen Orrico, Auction Chair Keller Lanahan, Assistant Principal
DINNER LIVE AUCTION By Jim Arrigo with the assistance of Keller Lanahan
DINNER MENU WINE Excelsior | Chardonnay Oxford Landing | Cabernet Sauvignon
MIMOSA SALAD Bibb Lettuce, Hearts of Palm, Orange Saffron Vinaigrette
TABLESIDE BREAD SERVICE House-Made Baguettes, Wheat Boules, Fruit & Nut Breads Served with Whipped Butter, Black Salt
ENTRÉE Burgundy Braised Beef Short Ribs Sweet Corn Purée, Petit Heirloom Carrots & Beets, Confit Potatoes, Brussel Sprout Leaves, Bordelaise
DESSERT Caramelized Banana Foster Cake
HONORING OUR ADRIAN SPONSORS PRAYER OF ST. DOMINIC Bless us, O Lord, and these, Thy gifts, which we are about to receive from Thy Bounty. Through Christ, our Lord. May God the Creator bless us. May Jesus heal us. May the Holy Spirit enlighten us and give us eyes to see and hands to do the work of God, feet to walk, a mouth to preach the Word. Amen.
SR. PAT’S CHAIRWOMAN’S BASKET Drawing will take place at the beginning of the Live Auction Sr. Pat Caulfield, OP was Director of Lower School for many years and passed away in 2010. She made it her personal mission to help raise Auction funds by selling raffle tickets for the Chairwoman’s Basket - a wonderful collection of beverages and items that is raffled at the Auction. You could not pass by her without buying a ticket. Each year, we keep her spirit and legend alive by raffling off the Sr. Pat’s Chairwoman’s Basket.
HEAD OF SCHOOL MESSAGE Dear Families and Friends, We are Going for the Gold! Welcome to Rosarian Academy’s 41st Annual Auction & Ball. We travel this evening to the 2020 Olympic games, world-renowned as the greatest of games. Tonight’s team of world-class parents, alumni, friends, faculty and staff gather in celebration and perpetuation of the gold-medal work of Rosarian Academy students, athletes, artists and leaders. We compete in tonight’s Olympic games in support of these children and what we know as the greatest of schools. Since its inception, the Auction & Ball is Rosarian’s largest annual fundraising event: it does much to cover the shortfall between our tuition and the actual cost required to run our school. Your presence and participation this evening supports our common goal of providing the best educational possibilities and continuing to provide a foundation for life for Rosarian Academy students. Thank you! Tonight has been made possible with the leadership of Team Captain/Auction Chair Colleen Orrico. As an alumna (Class of 1987), parent of Matty (Class of 2019) and Jojo (Class of 2020) Cohen, and second-time Auction Chair (2012), Colleen has carried the Olympic Torch high and with much pride for her school. Thank you, Colleen, for sharing the Rosarian flame that shines so bright within you and passing it along to our community at large. Thank you to our Honorary Chairs, The Flamingos, for your cotinued support and leadership for over 30 years. Thank you to all of the Auction Committee members whose sense of school spirit and collaboration set the playing field for our time together. Thank you to our underwriters and sponsors whose financial support has granted us everything needed to put us on the podium tonight. A special thank you to the Advancement Office, Sara Mariani Mallon (Class of 1994) and Maggie Flagg Richman (Class of 1999), for their leadership, attention to detail, and many, many long hours of hard work put into planning and executing this fabulous evening. Finally, we thank past-parent Jim Arrigo, for serving our Rosarian community as our auctioneer for the 19th year. The vision of the Olympics is “building a better world through sports.” After we break bread as a community and give thanks for 94 years of educating children, let us raise our paddles and bid (and bid again) and transfer that vision to “building a better world through education.” Remember, you have to play to win, and tonight, we are Going for the Gold! Wishing each of you God’s blessings as Rosarian continues to build the foundation to live a life filled with faith, knowledge, and service. Linda M. Trethewey
Linda M. Trethewey Head of School
2019-2020 LEADERSHIP MEMBERS OF THE CORPORATION 1257 East Siena Heights Drive | Adrian, MI 49221
Sr. Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress / General Councilor Sr. Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator / General Councilor Sr. Patricia Harvat, OP, General Councilor Sr. Elise D. Garcia, OP, General Councilor
Tim Hanlon, Chairman Shaun McGruder, Vice Chairman/Secretary Alison Mischke, Treasurer Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Adrian Dominican Liaison Linda Trethewey, Head of School Jennifer Hendrix, RAFA Representative Sr. Mary Ann Caulfield, OP Eileen Coates Roxanne Davies, Ph.D. Sr. Patricia Fischer, OP Mary Freitas Richard Johnson Darlene Jordan Grier Pressly Brian Ray Joe Rooney Jon Schmidt Rachel Supple Katherine Ward Sr. Mary Jean Williams, OP
EMERITUS BOARD Jim Arrigo Mark Cook Cathy Flagg Robert Garvy Richard Johnson Margi Picotte Byron Thomas
HONORARY CHAIRS “THE FLAMINGOS” 33 years ago, Rosarian Academy was the breeding ground for the formation of life-long friendships of a group of five fabulous former Rosarian mothers and volunteers—Joey Bulfin, Mary Ferol DiFilippo, Cathy Flagg, Jane Kreusler-Walsh, and Cathy Moore. This group of hard-working women met when volunteering to help with the Rosarian Auction. Their common goal was guaranteeing an exceptional education for their 14 children who attended RA, and they formed a long-lasting bond along the way. Despite their different personalities, they gravitated toward each other and began having lunch together regularly. They decided, collectively, that they didn’t want to be “the Friday lunch group,” and hence, “The Flamingos” were born. This flock is an active group of Palm Beach County community members and each is a past chair of the Rosarian Auction: Jane Kreusler-Walsh (1987 Chair), Cathy Moore (1988 Chair), Cathy Flagg (1989 Chair), Joey Bulfin (1992 Chair), and Mary Ferol DiFilippo (1992 Chair). Not only have these ladies supported each other through the labor-intensive, hands-on work that it takes to plan an auction, but also they been there for each other through good times and bad times. A Flamingo always knows that she can depend on another Flamingo to help celebrate an epic event or lend a shoulder to cry on. Once you join the Rosarian community, you are always a member of our Rosarian family. For more than three decades, “The Flamingos” continue to give their time, talents and treasures to Rosarian Academy. And for many of them, they now give us the blessing of their grandchildren (8 to date) so that the legacy of an exceptional Rosarian education continues. For that, we are most grateful and so happy to honor them tonight. With eternal gratitude, we honor and thank Joey Bulfin, Mary Ferol DiFilippo, Cathy Flagg, Jane Kreusler-Walsh, and Cathy Moore for their commitment, generosity, and support of Rosarian Academy.
HONORING CHAIRWOMEN OF AUCTIONS PAST 2019 Mary Damiano, Hayley Jarvi & Emanuela Marcello 2018 Ali Rehm, Kathy Steele & Liz Yavinsky 2017 Jackie Breckenridge & Amy Guerrieri 2015 Marian Macias & Adrianne Sanchez 2014 Laura Herlong & Cindy Osborne+ 2013 Paula Cook, Cecilia Lim & Kelly Rooney 2012 Mary Freitas, Colleen Orrico & Cecilia Skivington 2011 Missy Agnello, Eleanor Jones & Virginia Landrum 2010 Nancy Becerra & Donna White 2009 Toni O’Brien & Joan O’Connell 2008 Suzanne Benz & Amy Quattlebaum 2007 Margaret Arrigo & Evelyn Hopkins 2006 Cathy Dorsey & Maria Zappa 2005 Lara Carpenter & Marla Fountain 2004 Ellen Acosta, Missy Agnello & Bridget Moran 2003 Debbie Lewis, Lauren Hollander & Janice O’Hanlon+ 2002 Julie Quattlebaum & Linda Simione 2001 Linda Hunt & Margi Picotte 2000 Denise Haigh, Debbie Pucillo & Vivian Tocci 1999 Pam Bove & Deedee Vance 1998 Carol Garvy & Glenaan Robbins 1997 Charlene Johnson & Lisa Modica 1996 Ginny Parker, Mary Pressly & Alex Woodfield 1995 Laura Kent & Lyda Sorgini+ 1994 Lynn Surovek & Sheila Switlyk 1993 Marlene Canzio & Kerry Eriksen 1992 Joey Bulfin & Mary Ferol DiFilippo 1991 Bobbie Leek & Maury Wolfe 1990 Robi Freeman Jurney & Zan Nevels 1989 Evie Erickson & Cathy Moore 1988 Cathy Flagg 1987 Jane Walsh 1986 Maureen Doyle & Dorothy Fasulo 1985 Pamela Schwegel In loving memory of past Auction Chairs
GUYS’ NIGHT OUT Christian Angle Hampton Beebe Dan Castro Nick Coniglio Desmond Keogh Shaun McGruder Michael Perry Henry Rionda Joe Rooney Nate Ward
HOLIDAY SHOPPING EVENT Ali Rehm Kathy Steele Liz Yavinsky
TENNIS TOURNAMENT Winner Yohe’s Lawn Care & Landscape Ace The Ford Family, Haselkorn & Thibaut, Independent Seafoods, Jessica & Shaun McGruder, The Rionda Family, Whitney & John Stewart Qualifier Stephen Berini, Ceravolo & Ceravolo, P.A., Kelly & Steve Colamarino, Liza & Marshall Griffin, Brady Hooker, Brian Ray, Richard Rule Gift Bag Item Providers C. Orrico, Garden of Life
FACULTY & STAFF DINNER Sam Fisch Development
PHOTOGRAPHY Briggs & Nick Coleman
VALET Schmidt & Nichols
BAR Equity Land Title - Terri & Steve Duran Marta Hardyman & Marian Macias Jennifer & Scott Hendrix The Herlong & Sanchez Families Laura & Jimmy Smeenge
WIFI Vince Iuliani
GUARDIAN CIRCLE SPONSORSHIP PRESIDENT Margaret & Jim Arrigo Darlene & Jerry Jordan Bridget Koch Cathy & Stephen Moore
DIRECTOR Cathy & Jack Flagg Charlene & Richard Johnson Christian Searcy, Sr.
ADVISOR Ann-Britt & Christian Angle Stephanie & Joseph LaNasa Danielle Hickox Moore
COUNCIL Joey & John Bulfin Kelly & Steve Colamarino Mary Ferol & Richard DiFilippo Geny & Todd Fabbri Lamont Harris
Hayley Jarvi & Roger Shagrin Pat Johnson Patty & Thomas Lang Cathy Reader Jane & Michael Walsh
MANAGER Lauren & Michael Eskra Kreusler-Walsh, Vargas & Serafin, P.A. Grazyna & Ronald Kurtz
Sean Miller Susan Olsen Nolen Trust Francine & Joel Richman
ASSOCIATE Joy & Damien Barr Children of The Flamingos Eileen & Joseph Coates Merill & Robert Debbs Mary Cullen & Peter Lombardi
Palm Beach Kennel Club Kathy & Randy Randolph Margie & Roger Rosenstock Richard Rosenstock Cathleen & Bill Stetson
FRIEND Colleen Courtney
JUST FOR HIM Panel Electric Inc. – Danielle & Patrick McCarroll
TRAVEL & LEISURE Misty & Rick Chaves
RELIGIOUS & HOLIDAY The Freitas Family
CHILDREN’S Whitney & John Stewart
UNIQUELY RA The Mischke Family
DINING & GOURMET Kristy & Grier Pressly
HOME & GARDEN Lauren & Jason Zitter
GRAB BAG Ali & Jeff Rehm / Laura & Ken Wagner
WINE PULL Jennifer & Joseph Molina
AUCTION CHAIR Colleen Orrico
UNIQUELY RA LUNCHEON Jessica McGruder & Whitney Stewart
TENNIS TOURNAMENT Whitney Stewart & Bianca Yohe
CLASS PROJECTS Liza Griffin, Charlene Johnson, Grace Stratton
AUCTION COMMITTEE MEMBERS Abby Beebe Misty Chaves Mary Damiano Courtney Fisch Mary Freitas Liza Griffin Jennifer Hendrix Lacey Ivancevic Charlene Johnson Beth Lang Mary Cullen Lombardi Marian Macias Sarah Mahoney Jessica McGruder
Jennifer Michael Catalina Ortiz Kathy Randolph Ali Rehm Kelly Rooney Laura Smeenge Kathy Steele Cathleen Stetson Whitney Stewart Grace Stratton Rebecca Vargas Laura Wagner Liz Yavinsky Bianca Yohe
AUCTION VOLUNTEERS Mildred Acosta Amy Anderson Jennie Barton Lindsey Beylo Lynn Black Amy Burke Alicia Carpentier Marcela Cioffi Shannon Edwards Francesca Finck Janet Geary Cara Hansen Michele Henry Danielle Kurliand Debbie Lambrechts Denise Lawrence Angela Lazarony Leslie Leckrone Melissa Lezcano Sara Logsdon Melissa Loving Madonna McClain Peggy McCray Katherine Murphy Silvia Pariseleti Susan Phillips Mary Raich Cathy Reader Tricia Reilly Gina Rogers Mark Row Katie Segerdahl Elizabeth Sellers Cheryl Somers Kimberly St. John John Ullom Jude Valdov Jan Wallace Krissie Weaver
GENERAL AUCTION GUIDELINES 1. Payment by the successful bidder is to be made the evening of the auction. One may pay with cash or check made payable to Rosarian Academy, or by MASTERCARD, VISA, DISCOVER CARD or AMERICAN EXPRESS. Payment in full is mandatory the evening of the auction.
2. ALL SALES ARE FINAL. Items are not redeemable for cash. There will be no exchanges or refunds on items. This includes trips and vacation items. Note that some items have distinct restrictions. Safe keeping of original gift certificates are the responsibility of the buyer. They cannot be replaced and copies are not valid. 3. Values set forth for items being auctioned are the donors estimates and are not warranted by Rosarian Academy for tax purposes or for general values. 4. Rosarian Academy makes no expressed or implied warranties on auction items other than those from the manufacturer or donor that may be with your purchase. 5. All items in the Silent Auction are displayed on a smartphone/iPad device in BidPal. Persons desiring to bid must do so by selecting the item in BidPal on the device and enter the amount of their desired bid. 6. In the event of a dispute, the designated Silent Auction Official shall act as the final authority and shall determine the winning bidder. The official’s decision is final. 7. At the Live Auction, the decision of the Auctioneer shall be final. 8. Rosarian Academy reserves the right to withdraw any item from the Auction for which the bids have not reached a satisfactory level, or the item is a personal home and won by an external bidder. 9. Catalog descriptions are for convenience only. Rosarian Academy and the auctioneer are not responsible for errors in description, authenticity or condition of goods auctioned. 10. All times indicated are approximate. Rosarian Academy reserves the right to determine the times of the Silent Auction and the Live Auction. 11. Following payment, some gifts will be brought to purchaser at the Gift Distribution Area. Other items are to be picked up at the school no later than one week after the event. ALL AVAILABLE ITEMS MUST BE TAKEN BY THE PURCHASER THE EVENING OF THE AUCTION WITH THE ONLY EXCEPTION BEING LARGE FURNITURE ITEMS OR ITEMS THAT ARE DISPLAYED AT ROSARIAN. ITEMS NOT AT THE AUCTION MUST BE PICKED UP AT ROSARIAN (807 N. FLAGLER DR.) BY MARCH 16. ROSARIAN DOES NOT SHIP ITEMS.
GOLDEN TICKET RAFFLE Choose a Live Auction item for only $100! You could hold the Golden Ticket! The lucky winner of Rosarian’s Golden Ticket will get the first pick of the Live Auction items! Imagine bidding a mere $100, then selecting one of the priceless auction items before the bidding even begins! Here’s how it works: You make a $100 bid and will immediately be entered into the Golden Ticket drawing. Auctioneer Jim Arrigo will add the Golden Tickets into the drawing. Then all action stops as the Golden Ticket gets pulled. The winner gets first pick of Rosarian’s amazing Live Auction items! Rosarian reserves the right to exclude any Live Auction item from this drawing and will announce any exclusion prior to the bidding.
LUXURY LANDSCAPE REDO Donor: Bianca & Brent Yohe Get THE local experts in lawn care to take your yard from blah to beautiful! With loads of experience and heaps of excellent customer service, you’ll enjoy a (flower) bed of confidence in your decision to use Yohe’s Landscaping to create your dream outdoor space. With a $10,000 budget, which includes labor & project materials, you can relax while the pros at Yohe’s Landscaping make your neighbors jealous of your new curb appeal. Landscaping project is available between March 10, 2020 and November 10, 2020.
LIVE AUCTION CASA DE CAMPO 4 NIGHT, ALL-INCLUSIVE STAY FOR 8 Donor: The Fanjul Family Luxuriate for five days and four nights in a four-bedroom Garden Villa at Casa de Campo Resort & Villas in the Dominican Republic. Your villa will have a living room, dining room, full kitchen, terrace or family room, and private garden with pool, accommodating eight people. Enjoy two 4-passenger touring carts for transportation within the resort during your stay. Indulge in unlimited drinks by the glass at the Resort’s signature restaurants, bar and lounges. Enjoy snacks, lunch and dinner at the resort’s signature restaurants. Your breakfast will be prepared daily in your villa by staff. Welcome amenities upon arrival. Personalized check in at the Villa and concierge service for all sports and restaurant reservations or other assistance. Travel is available from May 1, 2020 to December 20, 2020. Airfare is not included.
THE BREAKERS OCEAN CLUB SUMMER MEMBERSHIP Donor: The Breakers Palm Beach Four glittering pools, five whirlpool spas, 10 restaurants, a promenade of 12 shopping boutiques—it’s all at your fingertips when you choose to become an esteemed Ocean Member at The Breakers. By day, enjoy unbridled access to the resort’s private beach, two fitness centers, championship golf and tennis, and, of course, their unparalleled views of the Palm Beach coastline. By night, gather with your family and friends at any of The Breakers restaurants and bars—from the glamorous HMF social club to Flagler Steakhouse. What’s more, your membership comes with exclusive perks and complimentary services— from preferred accommodation rates and exclusive discounts at our shops, restaurants and spa to gratis green fees at both the Ocean Course and Rees Jones® Course. Can be used for for ONE of the following: 2020, 2021 OR 2022 summer membership terms. Summer membership runs from May 1 - September 30. Expires 9/30/2022
LIVE AUCTION DINNER PARTY FOR 8 IN THE PRIVATE DINING ROOM AT MARCELLO’S LA SIRENA Donor: Diane & Marcello Fiorentino of Marcello's La Sirena Enjoy a seven course dinner party with accompanying wines in the private dining room of Marcello’s La Sirena, located on Dixie Highway in West Palm Beach. You and your closest friends will talk about this evening for a long time. Marcello’s La Sirena has received awards from Zagat America’s Top Restaurants, Four Stars from the Palm Beach Post, Sun Sentinel’s Top 100, and the 5 Star Diamond Award. This beautiful Italian restaurant is in its 33rd season and has an inventory of over 6,750 wines. Chef Marcello will treat you like family as you enjoy a beautiful, intimate evening in the highly sought after private dining room with 7 of your closest friends. Dinner party will take place on a mutually agreed upon date before March 1, 2021. Reservation must be made in advance. Gratuity excluded.
PARKING SPOT FOR 2020-21 SCHOOL YEAR It’s back! Your family will always be guaranteed a parking spot in the front of Rosarian every day throughout the 2020-21 school year. You will no longer need to worry about arriving early for a sporting event, honors assembly, Christmas Pageant, school play, parent meeting, you name it. The parking spot will have a sign with your name on it, reserved just for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week! Parking space in front of the Fortin Building for the 2020 - 2021 school year.
LIVE AUCTION VINTAGE ROLEX WATCH Donor: Eric Wind It’s time to make a classic fashion statement with this Vintage Rolex Oyster Perpetual Watch, circa 1957. The original Rolex Oyster Perpetual watch was introduced to market in the 1930s and utilizes two of Rolex’s most innovative features, the waterproof Oyster case and the brand’s Perpetual movement with selfwinding technology. Rolex is known for its prestigious, high-precision timepieces combined with style and functionality. Watch comes with original box and tag.
CALL FROM THE HEART Each school day, you trust your children with the compassionate, knowledgeable and outstanding faculty and staff at Rosarian Academy. “Call from the Heart” is a simple, yet greatly appreciated, way to say “Thank You”to the faculty and staff who dedicate their lives to your children. “Call from the Heart” gifts are pooled together and shared equally between all faculty and staff members as an end of year bonus. Save time and energy searching for those perfect end of year gifts. To participate, fill out the Call from the Heart card in your envelope and raise it in the air. Auction volunteers will collect the cards.
CHARACTER NAMING RIGHTS IN A JAMES PATTERSON BOOK Donor: James Patterson Now is your chance to achieve true immortality! Name a character after yourself, child, or special friend in a James Patterson novel. You will get to choose the name of a character in one of best-selling author James Patterson’s upcoming novels. The book in which your character name will appear is up to Mr. Patterson’s discretion. When available, you will be notified of the book title and its publication date.
LIVE AUCTION 2020-2021 LA SIRENA FULL SEASON OF WINE DINNERS FOR FOUR PEOPLE Donor: Diane & Marcello Fiorentino of Marcello's La Sirena Escape reality during a beautiful wine dinner at the famous Marcello’s La Sirena each month! These are true experiences to savor as you share the dining room with some of the greatest winemakers in the industry. At least 10 wine dinners included in the 2020-2021 season. Receiving awards from Zagat America’s Top Restaurants, Four Stars from the Palm Beach Post, Sun Sentinel’s Top 100, and the 5 Star Diamond award, La Sirena is an international favorite. The Wine List is world class, receiving the Grand Award from the Wine Spectator for the last 4 years and awards from The Wine Enthusiast magazine. If you can’t make a scheduled wine dinner, send your family or friends. Reservations are for four people of your choice for each of the 2020-2021 season of wine dinners. Gratuity excluded.
THE MOST ADORABLE PUPPY Donor: The Beebe Family This newest member of your family is ready to be taken home and provide unconditional love. Get ready for endless snuggles with this 11 week old, male purebred Shih Tzu. The Shih Tzu is prized for his small size, sweet nature, flowing coat, and intelligent mind. Island Animal Vet care, including physical exam and full series of puppy vaccines, is included. Includes a carrying crate. Vet care expires 5/31/21.
GIFT DONORS* Alesandra Salon and Spa Amici Market Aristokids Avenue Pottery Tremaine Barnes Bradford Portraiture Brother Jimmy’s BBQ Busch Gardens C. Orrico Cafe Sapori Crayola Experience Drive Shack Estetica Institute Florida Panthers Floridian Flair Freedman & Haas Orthodontics Idalia Independent Seafood Island Animal Vet Island Living & Patio J. McLaughlin Kravis Center for the Performing Arts Legacy Aviation Group Lexington Hotel Maison Maurice Nick’s Diner Nikiani Old Edwards Golf Club PB Boys Club Proguard Roofing Rapids Water Park Sitters in a Second Inc. Table 26 The Breakers The Clip Joint Trevini Ristorante Jim Arrigo John Arrigo Mike Bacon Dr. Fredrick Barr Jennie Barton Abby & Hampton Beebe
Linda Bella Abigail Bessenroth Margrit Bessenroth Lindsey Beylo Myrlanda Blanc Sophia Bornschein Aprill Campbell Robert Campbell Alicia Carpentier Misty Chaves Fleur Cinque Marcela Cioffi Nicholas Coniglio Sue Crowley Vinnie DeAguila Merrill Debbs Danielle DeBenedictis Doris Dixon Erica Dunhill Hazel Edwards Shannon Edwards Joe Espada The Fanjul Family Picnic Fashion Erik Feldman Francesca Finck Diane & Marcello Fiorentino Cathy Flagg Emily Fox Mary Freitas Chelsea Gage Michael Getzie Jackie Bayne Gillman Amanda Gomez Fifth Grade Liza Griffin Melanie & Michael Hachman The Hansen Family Danielle Hickox Moore Debbie Schrauth & Jenn Allen Morgan Jewell Brian Justin
GIFT DONORS* Desmond Keogh Leslie Peluso Kaitlin Koch Julie Perez William Koeppel Susan Phillips Bobby Kreusler Kristy & Grier Pressly Danielle Kurliand Katie Richter Debbie Lambrechts Tricia Rielly Keller Lanahan Gina Rogers Matt Laufenbert Rosarian Academy Denise Lawrence Vera Rosato Leslie Leckrone David Scarola Photography Nick Leone Chris Searcy, Sr. Lisi Lerch Will Searcy Sue Levin Katie Segerdahl Harris Levitt Chelsea Segrete Mary Cullen Lombardi Elizabeth Sellers Melissa Loving Kathy Selvey Brent Malo Bob Sherman The Mariani Family Kimberly St. John Nancy Marinoff Kathy Steele Mary Martens Whitney & John Stewart Ann Mashburn Ashley Swain Madonna McClain James Swindle Scott McCranels Linda Trethewey Peggy McCray David Trufant Shaun McGruder Jude Valdov Peter Mendia Melodie VanderBaan Jake Menges Rebecca Vargas Jen Michael Very Important Paws Alison & Troy Mischke Krystal Veverka Jennifer Molina Lara Walsh Katherine Murphy Katherine & Nate Ward Megan Noderer Krissie Weaver Michael Nodland Jordann Weingartner Norcross Boutique Christina Wisbart Monica Oberting Liz Yavinsky Colleen Orrico Steve Yedinak Silvia Pariseleti Bianca & Brent Yohe James Patterson Jessica Zabel Ruby Patterson *As of 3/5/20. While every effort has been made to make the information in this program complete and correct, please bring to our attention any errors that may have been missed while editing. Thank you!
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Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of gospel values.