Giving Report
8:1 student faculty ratio
Giving Report July 1, 2016 - June 30, 2017 Mission & Philosphy
21st century technology integrated in all classes
Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of Gospel values.
Belief Statements • We believe in a Christ-centered community of faith. • We believe each student is a valued individual with unique spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. • We believe that the quest for self-improvement is a continuous process. • We believe in a strong academic program enriched by the fine arts and extracurricular opportunities. • We believe that service to others is an integral part of the Rosarian Academy community.
Wide range of
Student Organizations
• We believe in educating students to make a positive difference in the world. • We believe in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, reflection, and action. • We believe in fostering an awareness of the continual need for social change. • We believe in and respect religious, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity. 807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-5131
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report. Any omissions or errors do not diminish the high regard in which we hold all of our benefactors. If we have erred, please accept our sincere apologies and contact us so we may correct our records and apologize personally. Please contact the Advancement Department: 561-345-3109 or
Rosarian Academy Community:
With utmost gratitude, we present the 2016-2017 Giving Report. The support and generosity of parents, alumni parents, alumni, grandparents, faculty, staff and friends of Rosarian allow us to continue to be at the forefront of independent school education and provide an unparalleled Catholic learning environment. Tuition alone does not cover all of the costs associated with attending Rosarian Academy. Fundraising is the lifeblood from which we are able to cover the additional expenses needed to operate our school. Every cent of the funds raised through the efforts of The Rosarian Fund and annual Rose Ball & Auction support our children, their teachers and the programs offered. Together, we made tremendous progress throughout the 2016-2017 school year to enhance our students’ experiences and provide the foundation for success in any 21st century career path. We lived our faith through the continued development of advisory, school family, and service initiatives. We increased resources dedicated to implementing a more robust Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) program. Singapore Math was fully implemented in kindergarten and used to enhance the first-through-fourth-grade math curriculum. We expanded our science programming to include Lower and Middle School STEM Labs, in addition to science and computer labs. We added a full-time STEM teacher to facilitate the growth of this program. Educational technology increased to include 1:1 devices in Middle School and a significant influx of iPads in the Lower School classrooms. We implemented a more extensive system of co-curricular classes in the Lower School and electives within Middle School to include robotics and programming, music, and the arts. We took great strides to further support our students’ foundational skills in reading and literacy. We extended the opportunities offered to students with a revitalized and robust after-school program: Rosarian in the Afternoons (RITA). Beyond the classroom, we enhanced other aspects of student life, including well-being and safety. The Dining Hall received a major overhaul of its kitchen, and we upgraded the quality of our food service with the addition of FLIK Independent School Dining. We entered into partnership with the West Palm Beach Police Department to solidify campus security: student safety remains of utmost importance. We are proud of the initiatives taken to be a more inclusive, diverse community where children can participate to the fullest. We increased the financial aid pool and assisted 1 of every 4 families with their tuition and fees. We added transportation routes to include complimentary bussing to the areas South and East of campus, in addition to the North and West routes. We also began providing athletic bussing to allow increased participation within the Middle School athletic program. We continued to attract and retain the highest quality faculty and staff. The compensation and benefit pool grew to a level equal to that of our competitors. We are truly blessed to have such an outstanding group of individuals who faithfully serve as the stewards of our mission. Once again, we extend our appreciation to you for supporting Rosarian Academy so that we can continue to educate our precious children and provide them with the strongest foundation for life. With gratitude and blessings,
Stephen E. Rubenacker Head of School
Administrative Team 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 Mr. Stephen Rubenacker, Head of School Sr. Donna Baker, OP, Middle School Principal Ms. Theresa Kent, Lower School Principal Mrs. Keller Lanahan, Early Childhood Director Ms. Kathleen Beazley, Annual Giving & Events Director Dr. Diane Kelly, Guidance Director Mrs. Erin Goerke, Finance Director
Mrs. Cara Hansen, Marketing Director Mr. Patrick Hansen, After School & Summer Programs Director Ms. Peggy McCray, Dean of Students Mr. Jon Payne, Athletics Director Mrs. Mary Raich, Admissions Director Ms. Cathy Reader, Facilities Director Mr. Robert Sherman, Theatre Arts Director
The Rosarian Fund 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 Founders: $10,000+
C. Steven Duncker Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Furlo Mr. & Mrs. William Koch Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore
Leadership: $7,500-$9,999
Leadership 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 Members of the Corporation 1257 East Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 Sr. Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress/General Councilor Sr. Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator/General Councilor Sr. Patricia Harvat, OP, General Councilor Sr. Elise D. Garcia, OP, General Councilor
Board of Directors John C. Cassidy, Jr., Chairman Tim Hanlon, Vice Chairman Shaun McGruder, Treasurer Guillermo Perez-Vargas, Secretary Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Adrian Dominican Liaison Stephen Rubenacker, Head of School Mr. & Mrs. David Herlong, RAFA Representatives Sr. Mary Ann Caulfield, OP Eileen Coates Lissa Dorsey Jason Guari Darlene Jordan Sr. Kathleen Klingen, OP Alison Mischke Danielle Hickox Moore Randy Randolph Kara Rockenbach Joseph Rooney Sr. Mary Jean Williams, OP
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Jordan John A. & Elizabeth F. Taylor Charitable Foundation Matthew & Tracy Smith Foundation
Cupola: $5,000-$7,499 Mr. Mark Cook Mr. & Mrs. Mark Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Troy Mischke Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McGann Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ray
Larry Alexander Susan Anderson Sergio deAraujo John Fulton Erin Goerke Roberty Garvy Stephen Rubenacker Josh Skivington Nate Ward
Scholar: $500-$999
Level of Excellence:
Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Acosta Mr. & Mrs. Philip Brown Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chaves Ms. Colleen Courtney Mr. & Mrs. William Fabbri Mr. & Mrs. Tom Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. John Flagg Ms. Mary Ellen Gore Mr. & Mrs. Sky Groden Mr. & Mrs. Michael Groth Ms. Amy Guerrieri Mr. & Mrs. Stuart Haft Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hendrix Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Ms. Pamela Janson Mr. & Mrs. Kristjan Jarvi Mr. & Mrs. Corby Kaye Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurtz Lands End, Inc. Mr. John Livens Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lombardi Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Machado Mr. & Mrs. Edward Madden Mr. & Mrs. James McGann, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Grier Pressly Mr. & Mrs. Greg Quattlebaum Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rouleau Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shiver Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spencer Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Vargas Mrs. Serena Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zitter
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Debbs Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney
Raider: $250-$499
Patron of RA: $2,500-$4,999
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer F. Curran Mrs. Mortimer L. Curran Mr. Fred Fernandez J. M. Rubin Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Keough Ms. Cynthia Kulle Mr. & Mrs. Shaun McGruder Mr. & Mrs. Sean Miller Mrs. Lucia Musso Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sieving
1925 Society: $1,925-2,499 Mr. & Mrs. Christian Angle Mr. & Mrs. Robert Bornschein Mr. & Mrs. John Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. John Fulton Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Jason Guari Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hanlon Ms. Marta Hardyman Mr. & Mrs. Sean Lang Mr. & Mrs. Sam Michaels Mr. & Mrs. Brian Miller Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Rionda Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saleeby Mr. John Scully Drs. Jason Sevald Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Ward Mr. & Mrs. Andrew White
Charitable Trust Board
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Frerichs Mr. & Mrs. David Herlong Ms. Kelly Kirkpatrick Mr. & Mrs. Vince LaPapa Mr. & Mrs. Markus Nolff Mr. & Mrs. Tom Parker Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo Perez-Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perry Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph Mr. Henry Rionda & Mrs. Gloria Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rooney Dr. & Mrs. Philip Scuderi Mr. & Mrs. Rob Sprayregen Suntrust Foundation Mr. & Dr. Louis Townsend
Honor Roll: $1,000-$1,499 Mr. & Mrs. John Bahl Mr. Steve Barry & Mrs. Carey O’Donnell Mr. L. Frank Chopin Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diffenderfer Mr. & Mrs. Brandon Dorsey Mr. & Mrs. Jose Duran Ms. Marta Fernandez Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Fisch
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. Michael Bernstein Mr. & Mrs. John Bollero Mr. & Mrs. Beau Breckenridge Mrs. Brenda Burnette Mr. & Mrs. Domingo Castro Mr. Ben Cook Mrs. Shannon Edwards Mission & Ministry Georgetown University Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gil Mr. & Mrs. Frederick German
The Rosarian Fund 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 Mr. & Mrs. Mike Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Bill Grant Mr. & Mrs. David Griffin Mr. & Mrs. David Griffiths Mr. & Mrs. Brian Katz Mr. & Mrs. Desmond Keogh Mr. & Mrs. Bobby Leidy Ms. Hillary Longo Dr. Dean Mann Mr. & Mrs. Patrick McCarroll Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCarthy Dr. & Mrs. Manuel Mendez Mr. Andrew O’Brien Palm Beach Rotary Foundation Mr. Tom Pariseleti Mr. & Mrs. Steven Quattrocchi Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rehm Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Francisco Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rubenacker Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scarola Mr. & Mrs. Jon Schmidt Mr. & Mrs. James Schneider Mr. & Mrs. William Shepherd Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smeenge Starhouse Media Mr & Mrs. James Stark Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thibaut Ms. Kristi Truong Mr. & Mrs. Driscoll Ugarte Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh Mr. & Mrs. William Warwick Mr. & Mrs. Richard Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Marc Yavinsky
Blue & White: up to $249 Ms. Lisa Addesa Adrian Dominican Sisters Mr. & Mrs. Brad Albritton Dr. & Mrs. David Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Andreou Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Arruza Dr. Mark Ashley Mr. Roy Assad Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Azqueta Mr. Kenneth Bachman
Mr. & Mrs. William Bachman Sr. Donna Baker Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Barry Mrs. Jennie Barton Mr. & Mrs. Thierry Beaud Mr. & Mrs. Hampton Beebe Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Besse Ms. Lindsey Beylo Mr. & Mrs. Robert Brady Mr. & Mrs. David Burke Ms. Martina Calvelli Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cioffi Mrs. Francesca Coniglio Finck Mrs. Susan Crowley Mr. & Mrs. David Culpepper Mr. & Mrs. Jeff D’Amato Mr. & Mrs. Travis Darsch Ms. Gay Dedo Mr. & Mrs. Chris Deitz Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Steve Duran Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Dyett Mr. & Mrs. Paul Erickson Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ferguson Mrs. Ann Fiorentino Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Flom Mr. & Mrs. William Fox Friend of Rosarian Mrs. Teresa Gagnon Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Galati Mr. & Mrs. Byron Goerke Ms. Linda Gowen Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Mathias Gronberg Mrs. Shirley Guffey Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hackney Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hansen Ms. Michele Henry Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Hernandez Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Harry Hersey Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Javarone Mr. & Mrs. Philip Johnston Ms. Sherri Jones Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kelly
Ms. Theresa Kent Mr. & Mrs. Manny Kharchilava Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Kinney Mr. & Mrs. Don Kirkham Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Lala Mrs. Deborah Lambrechts Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lanahan Mr. & Mrs. John Lansing Mr. & Mrs. Edward Lim Ms. Marian Macias Mr. & Mrs. Troy Marchese Mr & Mrs. George Mayer Mrs. Madonna McClain Mrs. Peggy McCray Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Mele Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Merchan Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Modenos Mr. & Mrs. JT Morelli Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morrison Ms. Katherine Murphy Ms. Alison Myers Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nelson Ms. Joanne O’Connor Ms. Deborah Palacios Mrs. Silvia Pariseleti Mr. Jon Payne Mr. Gregory Quattlebaum Mrs. Mary Raich Ms. Catherine Reader Mrs. Joan Riise Ms. Kara Rockenbach Ms. Gina Rogers Mrs. Christa Rusch Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sanchez Mr. & Mrs. Justin Saunders Mrs. Betty Sayer Ms. Kathleen Segerdahl Mr. Robert Sherman Mr. & Mrs. Terrence St. John Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stetson Mr. & Mrs. Devin Sunderwirth Ms. Jan Wallace Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Merrill Yavinsky Mr. Stephen Yedinak Dr. & Mrs. Jack Zeltzer
Cutting-edge fine arts, media center, athletic facilities
Over 90 years of rich history
The only
independent, Catholic school in Palm Beach County
Rose Ball & Auction 2 0 1 7
Guardian Circle Underwriters & Sponsors Guardian Circle Underwriters President: $10,000+ Mr. & Mrs. Jim Arrigo
Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. William Koch Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore
Council: $1,000+
Mr. L. Frank Chopin The Gardens Mall Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurtz
Manager: $500+
Mr. & Mrs. Grier Pressly Lilly Pulitzer, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sieving
Mr. & Mrs. Bob Hackney Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hendrix Mr. & Mrs. Carlos Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Brian Miller Mr. & Mrs. Troy Mischke Mr. & Mrs. James Smeenge Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wagner
Supporter: $100+
Bloomingdale’s Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chaves Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Farino Mr. & Mrs. John Fulton Ms. Amy Guerrieri Mr. & Mrs. Sky Groden
Friend: $50+
Ms. Gay Dedo Mrs. Shirley Guffey Mrs. Paulette Lewis Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schweitz Vineyard Vines
Culinary Adventure Benefactors
Café Sapori Hog Snappers
$250 - $499 Hardyman Family Herlong Family Macias Family Sanchez Family
Planning Enterprises Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Smith
$2,500 - $4,999
Event Underwriters
Guerreri Family Foundation
$1,000 - $2,499
Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Chopin The Nest, Palm Beach
Associate: $250+
Stewart Family Yavinsky Family
Sponsors $5,000 - $10,000
Ainsworth Pet Nutrition Arrigo Dodge Chrysler Jeep John C. Cassidy Air Conditioning Christian Angle Real Estate Fabbri Family Florida Power & Light MPerry Design & Architecture, Inc. Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, PA Sushi Jo Woolems Inc.
$500 - $999
Guys’ Night Out Christian Angle, Jim Arrigo, Hampton Beebe, John Cassidy, Jason Guari, Desmond Keogh, Shaun McGruder, Michael Perry, Joe Rooney & Nate Ward Murder Mystery Cocktail Party Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Underwriting & Sponsorship Party Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ray Table Gifts OTG | 247 Bags Southern Firefly Candle Company U.S. Trust Vineyard Vines Liz Yavinsky
Beebe Family Diffenderfer Family Law Office of Kreusler-Walsh, Compaiani & Vargas, P.A. McCarrol Family / Panel The Quattro Firm, LLC
Additional Gifts 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 Restricted Gifts
Unrestricted Gifts
Adrian Dominican Sisters Mr. William Dey Mr. & Mrs. John Flagg The Fortin Foundation of Florida The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation, Inc. The J.M. Rubin Foundation The Michael & Margi Picotte Foundation, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. Dwight Schar
Mrs. Susan Smith
Gifts in Memory of Oakley Debbs Mr. & Mrs. Reid Boren Lori Jayne, Inc., On behalf of Sabrina Bernstein, Class of 2019 Class of 2017, Red Oakley Bench
With your support,
Rosarian Academy provides the finest Catholic learning environment in Palm Beach County.
Thank you! Income 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 *
Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Scholarships & Gifts Fundraising Investment Income Other 2016-2017 Income
$6,317,206 401,428 157,530 607,818 297,047 15,987 $7,797,016
Expenses 2 0 1 6 - 2 0 1 7 *
Instructional Auxiliary Plant Operation Student Aid Adminstration
$3,240,664 505,913 1,200,037 796,316 1,629,082
2016-2017 Expenses1
All income and expenses numbers are subject to final audit. | 1Expenses total does not reflect depreciation.
807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-5131