2017-2018 Giving Report
Giving Report July 1, 2017 - June 30, 2018 Mission & Philosphy Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of Gospel values.
Belief Statements • We believe in a Christ-centered community of faith. • We believe each student is a valued individual with unique spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. • We believe that the quest for self-improvement is a continuous process. • We believe in a strong academic program enriched by the fine arts and extracurricular opportunities. • We believe that service to others is an integral part of the Rosarian Academy community. • We believe in educating students to make a positive difference in the world. • We believe in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, reflection, and action. • We believe in fostering an awareness of the continual need for social change. • We believe in and respect religious, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity. 807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-5131 Rosarian.org
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report. Any omissions or errors do not diminish the high regard in which we hold all of our benefactors. If we have erred, please accept our sincere apologies and contact us so we may correct our records and apologize personally. Please contact the Advancement Department: 561-345-3109 or advancement@rosarian.org.
Rosarian Academy Community:
Our Catholic identity and mission continue to be at the forefront of all of our work—weaved into everything done in and out of the classroom each and every day. With the Adrian Dominican Sisters’ guidance and mentorship of Rosarian Academy, the Board of Directors and Administration, we propel our school into the future. This annual giving report is a declaration of the generosity of you, the Rosarian community. Through the financial support of parents, alumni parents, alumni, grandparents and friends of Rosarian, we are able to constantly improve our facilities and technology; retain highly trained and qualified faculty and staff; maintain small class sizes; offer an advanced, progressive and accelerated academic program; provide outstanding athletics and arts; increase co-curricular and extra-curricular activities. Each gift received is a testament to the value of a Rosarian education. We are forever grateful. Reflecting on the 2017-2018 academic year, Rosarian experienced growth in many areas. The school made significant investments in technology, including the installation of smart TV’s in all classrooms and document cameras. To further embrace the importance of science, technology, engineering, art and mathematics, we partnered with Carnegie Science Center as the first Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway partner in Florida and conducted professional development workshops to strengthen our STEM curriculum. We advanced Rosarian Academy’s “Green School Initiative” for campus sustainability and developing students’ stewardship of the planet with the installation of three new garden beds and five filtered water stations and moving to china and silverware in the cafeteria to reduce paper and plastic consumption. The Lower School introduced new programs in Social Studies and reading, including a leveled reader library which greatly enhances reading instruction by focusing on individual progression. Rosarian’s health education curriculum was revamped to include a progression of developmentally-appropriate lessons and learning experiences that guide students to practice health-enhancing behaviors. The vertical implementation of a school-wide writing program, Empowering Writers, quickly improved connectivity through all of the divisions with consistent terminology that has propelled student understanding and achievement. We adopted the CTP 4 standardized test to establish independent school benchmarks and comparisons against the very best educational institutions in the country. We implemented a new evaluation system through ADP to provide greater transparency and feedback to support faculty and staff in their work and show our commitment of retaining the very best personnel. On-campus camera systems continued to be updated to ensure campus security. We kicked off the Oakley Debbs Health & Wellness Initiative to allow Rosarian to continue to take great strides with food allergy awareness, EpiPen Auto-Injectors, health training, and wellness education. Rosarian Academy fosters a culture of shared responsibility and financial viability. Fundraising covers the additional expenses necessary to operate our school, above and beyond the revenue brought in through tuition and alternate sources, such as aftercare, after school programs, facility rentals, summer programs, and the Rosarian Academy Charitable Trust. As a result, the 2017-2018 annual Rosarian Fund and Auction were both the most successful that they have ever been, generating a combined gross income of more than $780,000. Special thanks to all of our parent volunteers for their time and assistance in sharing the important message of The Rosarian Fund and Auction which close the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost of educating students at Rosarian. It is with utmost appreciation that we thank you, once again, for supporting Rosarian Academy and investing in a foundation for life.
Administrative Team 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 Mr. Stephen Rubenacker, Head of School Mrs. Linda Trethewey, Middle School Principal Mrs. Theresa Kent Williams, Lower School Principal Mrs. Keller Lanahan, Early Childhood Director Ms. Lindsey Beylo, Athletics Director Dr. Diane Kelly, Guidance Director Mrs. Erin Goerke, Finance Director
Mrs. Cara Hansen, Marketing Director Mr. Patrick Hansen, After School & Summer Programs Director Mrs. Mary Raich, Admissions Director Ms. Cathy Reader, Facilities Director Mr. Robert Sherman, Theatre Arts Director Mrs. Sheena Wilber, Annual Giving & Events Director
Leadership 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 Members of the Corporation 1257 East Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 Sr. Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress/General Councilor Sr. Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator/General Councilor Sr. Patricia Harvat, OP, General Councilor Sr. Elise D. Garcia, OP, General Councilor
Board of Directors Tim Hanlon, Chairman Shaun McGruder, Treasurer Guillermo Perez-Vargas, Secretary Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Adrian Dominican Liaison Stephen Rubenacker, Head of School Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spencer, RAFA Representatives Sr. Mary Ann Caulfield, OP Eileen Coates Melinda Duncker Jason Guari Darlene Jordan Ana Maria Keough Sr. Kathleen Klingen, OP Alison Mischke Danielle Hickox Moore Brian Ray Joseph Rooney Sr. Mary Jean Williams, OP
Emeritus Board Jim Arrigo Mark Cook Robert Garvy Cathy Flagg Richard Johnson Margi Picotte Byron Thomas
Charitable Trust Board Larry Alexander Susan Anderson Sergio deAraujo John Fulton Erin Goerke Robert Garvy Stephen Rubenacker Josh Skivington Nate Ward
The Rosarian Fund 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 1925 Society Event Underwriters
Level of Excellence:
Founders: $10,000+
Honor Roll: $1,000-$1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Marcello Fiorentino, Marcello’s La Sirena
C. Steven Duncker Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Furlo Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Jordan The J. M. Rubin Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Keough Mr. & Mrs. Rocco Marcello* Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore* Mr. & Mrs. Brian Ray Mr. & Mrs. Mark Saur*
Leadership: $7,500-$9,999 The Richard S. Johnson Family Foundation, Inc* Mr. & Mrs. Kevin McGann
Cupola: $5,000-$7,499
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Angle Coleman Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach & Martin Counties* Mr. & Mrs. Mortimer F. Curran Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Shaun McGruder Mr. & Mrs. Troy Mischke Mr. & Mrs. Charles Sieving Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Smith John A. & Elizabeth F. Taylor Charitable Foundation*
Patron of RA: $2,500-$4,999
Mr. Mark Cook* Mrs. Mortimer L. Curran* Drs. John Grippi Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lang* Mr. & Mrs. Brian Miller Mrs. Lucia Musso* Mr. & Mrs. David Herlong Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Rooney, Sr.*
1925 Society: $1,925-2,499 Mr. & Mrs. Reid Boren Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chaves Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coates Murray Family Fund of the Community Foundation for Palm Beach & Martin Counties* Ms. Marta Fernandez* Mr. & Mrs. Jason Guari Mr. & Mrs. William Koeppel Mr. & Mrs. Sean Lang Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molina Mr. & Mrs. Tom Parker* Mr. & Mrs. Enrique Rionda Drs. Jason Sevald Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Ward Mr. & Mrs. Raymond Weingartner Mr. & Mrs. Andrew White Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wren Mr. & Mrs. Winston Wren
Mr. & Mrs. Reed Frerichs Mr. & Mrs. Rob Sprayregen Mr. & Mrs. David Supple Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Acosta Anonymous Ms. Lucy Bauer Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Mr. & Mrs. Robert Diffenderfer Mr. & Mrs. Jose Duran Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Fisch Mr. & Mrs. John Fulton Ms. Amy Guerrieri Mr. Lamont Harris* Mr. Ryan Heinemann & Ms. Erin Callow Mr. & Mrs. William Koch Mr. & Mrs. Vince LaPapa Mr. & Mrs. Alfonso Machado Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo PerezVargas* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Perry Mr. & Mrs. Grier Pressly Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rodriguez Mr. & Mrs. Joe Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sciame Mr. & Mrs. Paul Spencer Mr. & Mrs. Jay Steinle
Scholar: $500-$999
Mr. & Mrs. John Bulfin* Mr. Ryan Burrows* Mr. & Mrs. Nick Coniglio Mr. Tim Dehen & Ms. Paula Cook* Mr. & Mrs. William Fabbri Mr. & Mrs. Dubal Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Sky Groden Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Hall Mr. Jeffrey Hallac Mr. & Mrs. William Hawkins Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hendrix Ms. Melissa Howard John T. Flint Revocable Trust* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurtz Mr. & Mrs. Daniel McCarthy Mr. & Mrs. Theodore Mejeur Mr. & Mrs. Steven Quattrocchi Mr. & Mrs. John Randolph Mr. & Mrs. John Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Eric Rouleau Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Rubenacker Mr. & Mrs. Jon Schmidt Shapiro Pertnoy Corporation* Mr. & Mrs. Jim Smeenge Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart Mr. William Teubner Mr. & Mrs. Roberto Vargas Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zitter
Raider: $250-$499
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. Hampton Beebe Mr. & Mrs. John Bollero Mr. & Mrs. Travis Darsch
The Rosarian Fund 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 Mr. & Mrs. Robert Debbs Ms. Gay Dedo* Mr. & Mrs. Hunt EdwardsHinsey* Mr. & Mrs. Cesar Gonzalez Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Griffin Mr. & Mrs. Don Kirkham Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach* Lands’ End Inc.* Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Madden Dr. Dean Mann Mr. & Mrs. George Mayer Palm Beach Rotary Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. Phillip Reynolds Mr. & Mrs. Justin Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scarola* Mr. & Mrs. James Schneider Mr. & Mrs. Michael Shiver Mr. & Mrs. William Steele Mrs. Phyllis Supple* Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Thibaut Mr. & Mrs. Scott Trethewey* Mr. & Mrs. Driscoll Ugarte Mr. & Mrs. Ken Wagner Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Walsh Mr. & Mrs. Jian Wang Mr. & Mrs. George Weston, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Levi Wilber Mr. & Mrs. Edward Wright Mr. & Mrs. Marc Yavinsky
Blue & White: up to $249
Ms. Lisa Addesa Dr. & Mrs. David Anderson* Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Andreou Dr. Mark Ashley
Mr. & Mrs. William Bachman Ms. Jennie Barton* Mr. & Mrs. Micah Bennett* Mrs. Lindsey Beylo Boxtops for Education* Mr. Myngoe Brashears* Mr. & Mrs. David Burke* Mr. & Mrs. John Canzio Ms. Alicia Carpentier* Mr. & Mrs. John Cassidy Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cioffi* Mrs. Claire Colcord Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Crocilla Ms. Susan Crowley* Mr. & Mrs. David Culpepper* Mr. & Mrs. Deon Curtis Mr. & Mrs. James Damiano Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Dono Mr. & Mrs. Steve Duran Mr. & Mrs. Paul Erickson* Ms. Stacey Faris* Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Ferguson Mr. & Mrs. Martin Fields* Mr. & Mrs. William Finck* Mrs. Kathleen Fischer Fletcher Ms. Macaria Falana* Mr. & Mrs. Douglas Forsyth Mr. & Mr. William Frerichs* Mr. & Mrs. Byron Goerke Ms. Linda Gowen* Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hackney* Ms. Maryann Hajduk* Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Hansen Ms. Patricia Hayward Ms. Michele Lica Henry* Mr. & Mrs. Eliezer Hernandez Mr. & Mrs. Matt Hoffman Ms. Carol Holley
Ms. Sherri Jones* Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Kelly* Ms. Theresa Kent* Ms. Lisa Kerkorian Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kirkham* Ms. Kathy Kuse* Mr. & Mrs. George Lagos Mr. & Mrs. John Lambrechts* Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Lanahan Ms. Nancy Landers Mr. & Mrs. Marc Lefco* Ms. Catherine Legarde Mr. & Mrs. Harris Levitt Mr. & Mrs. Diego Lezcano Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lim* Mr. & Mrs. Steven Linn* Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Logsdon Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lombardi Ms. Melissa Loving* Mrs. Phyllis Lucas* Ms. Marian Macias Mr. Mario Martinez* Mr. & Mrs. Larry McClain* Mrs. Peggy McCray* Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Merchan Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morrison Ms Katherine Murphy* Mr. & Mrs. Russell Muser Ms. Alison Myers Ms. Pat Myers* Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nelson Mrs. Marcia Nelson Mrs. Joanne O’Connor* Mrs. Deborah Palacios* Mrs. Silvia Pariseleti Mr. Tom Pariseleti* Mrs. Julieta Perez* Ms. Melissa Peverini
Mr. & Mrs. Roger Pisaneschi Mrs. Mary Raich* Ms. Catherine Reader* Ms. Victoria Reynolds Ms. Lynne Rieser* Mrs. Regina Rogers Dr. & Mrs. Roger Rosenstock Rowe-Linn, P.A.* Mrs. Christa Rusch* Mr. & Mrs. William Ryan Ms. Amy Saleeby Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sanchez Mrs. Betty Sayer* Mr. David Scarola Ms. Melissa Schueller* Mrs. Kathleen Segerdahl* Mrs. Victoria Sherwan Mr. & Mrs. Michael Sieving* Mr. Robert Sherman* Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Skivington* Ms. Lucia Spangel Mr. & Mrs. Terrence St. John Steely Don’s Inc. * Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stetson Ms. Janice Taylor Mr. & Mrs. John Throop Mr. & Dr. Louis Townsend Ms. Yvette Trelles Ms. Jude Valdov* Ms. Christine VanBuren* Mr. & Mrs. Rafael Vaya Mr. & Mrs. Eugene Wajdowicz* Ms. Susan Walden Mrs. Jan Wallace* Mrs. Kristina Weaver* Mr. & Mrs. Michael White Ms. Kathi Jo Williams* Dr. & Mrs. Jack Zeltzer
Oakley Debbs Health & Wellness Initiative 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8 O-$1,000+
Red Sneakers for Oakley* Christian Angle Family Robert Debbs Family Isabella Fiorentino - Class of 2017* Marcello Fiorentino - Class of 2021 Grippi Martin Family Jordan Family Kaitlin Rooney Koch Shaun & Jessica McGruder Thomas & Daniel Rubenacker Nathan Ward Family
A-$750+ K-$500+
Roberto Acosta Family Lanahan Family
Bahl Family Ryan Heinemann Family Brian Miller Family Steinle Family Yavinsky Family
Rick & Misty Chaves Stephen Hall Family Jacob Kurtz & Family Sean Lang Family Deitz Peverini Family Parker Pressly Robert & Dina Sprayregen Kayla & Khloe Ugarte Andrew White Family Levi Wilber Family
*Denotes alumni, grandparents, alumni parents, friends, and businesses.
Lisa & Olivia Addesa Lukas Rouleau Smeenge Family Finn Throop
Auction & Ball 2 0 1 8
Guardian Circle Underwriters & Sponsors Guardian Circle Underwriters President: $10,000+
Supporter: $50+
Advisor: $2,500+
Bloomingdale’s* Ms. Colleen Courtney* Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Harper* Mr. William Mars, Mariner Marine of the Palm Beaches* Ms. Susan Rolle* Mr. & Mrs. Michael Schweitz Shoppe 561, LLC* Vineyard Vines* Dr. & Mrs. Jack Zeltzer
Council: $1,000+
Underwriting & Sponsorship Party Mr. & Mrs. Sean Lang Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Smith
Mr. & Mrs. Jim Arrigo* Mr. & Mrs. Gerald Jordan Mr. & Mrs. William Koch Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore*
Mr. & Mrs. Steve Duncker Mr. & Mrs. Don Fountain* Mr. Reed Frerichs & Mrs. Desiree Luccio The Gardens Mall* Mr. & Mrs. Christian Angle Guerrieri Family Foundation* Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurtz J. M. Rubin Foundation* Mr. Gordon Smith*
Manager: $500+
Mr. Ben Cook Mr. & Mrs. Rene Gil Mrs. Joan Lang* J. McLaughlin* Mr. & Mrs. George Merck* Mrs. Susan Olsen Nolen*
Associate: $250+
Mr. Arthur Buhr, Total Dollar Yacht Insurance* Mrs. Brenda Burnette* Mr. & Mrs. Matt Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Robert Debbs Mrs. Ann Fiorentino* Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Fisch Mr. & Mrs. Ward Hude Kendra Scott, LLC* Mr. & Mrs. John Mahoney Mr. & Mrs. George Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Anthony Morrison Mr. & Mrs. Guillermo PerezVargas* Mr. & Mrs. Jack Scarola* Mr. & Mrs. Jay Steinle Mr. & Mrs. Levi Wilber Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zitter
Event Underwriters
Guys’ Night Out Mr. Christian Angle Mr. Jim Arrigo* Mr. Hampton Beebe Mr. John Cassidy Mr. Jason Guari Mr. Desmond Keogh Mr. Shaun McGruder Mr. Michael Perry Mr. Joe Rooney Mr. William Steele Mr. Nate Ward Girls’ Night Out Mrs. Darlene Jordan Mrs. Bridget Koch Mrs. Desiree Luccio Mr. & Mrs. Marc Yavinsky Regal Cinemas Royal Palm Beach* Wine Event Mr. & Mrs. Dave Frankland Culinary Adventures Series Cafe Sapori* Costa Palm Beach* E.R. Bradey’s*
Sponsors $5,000 - $10,000
East Gate Whitehouse, LLC* G & S Contracting* Hayley Jarvi & Roger Schagrin William W. Koeppel Family Rehm Family & Legacy Wealth Management* Weingartner Family
$2,500 - $4,999
Guerrieri Family Foundation* American Security Mortgage The Heinemann Team* Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Hillary Longo - All State* Clear Choice Water Filtration & Moore’s True Value, Jupiter Farms & Loxahatchee* Signature Collection*
$1,000 - $2,499
Al Fresco at the Palm Beach Par Three, Pizza Al Fresco, Renato’s Palm Beach* Christian Angle Real Estate* Arrigo Dodge Chrystler Jeep Fiat* John C.Cassidy Air Conditioning* Elizabeth DeWoody, Properties of the Palm Beaches* Todd & Geny Fabbri Florida Power & Light* Infants & Children, P.A.* Living New York* The Sarah Mahoney Group at Keller Williams* MP Design & Architecture* Dr. Ofer Shustik, Coordinated Health, West Palm Beach* PDS Wealth Management* Rachel Ray Nutrish Premium Dog Food* Searcy, Denney, Scarola, Barnhart & Shipley, PA* Toshiba Business Solutions* Total Dollar Yacht Insurance* Woolems, Inc.*
$500 - $999
C. Orrico* Diffenderfer Family Steve & Terri Duran - Equity Land Title* Cesar & Courtney Gonzalez Bob & Cyndee Hackney* Janson Family Margaret Kaywell Interiors, LLC* Kreusler-Walsh, Vargas & Serafin, P.A.* Troy & Alison Mischke Modenos Family Molina Family - Independent Seafood* Pressly Family* Progressive Health* John & Whitney Stewart Wren Family
$250 - $499
Frankland Family Griffin Family Groden Family Marta Hardyman Hendrix Family Dave & Laura Herlong LaPapa Family Marian Macias Peluso Family Michael & Janice Rodriguez Manny & Adrianne Sanchez Smeenge Family Thibaut Family Rafael & Janet Vaya Wagner Family
Additional Gifts 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8
Restricted Gifts
Unrestricted Gifts
STEM Program
Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Acosta Jack C. Massey Foundation* Mary Alice Fortin Foundation* Morse Hill Foundation*
Ms. Sarah Sprayregen*
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation* Norma Pace Foundation*
Adrian Dominican Generalate* Bridge Funding, Inc.*-in honor of William Koeppel Mrs. Mortimer L. Curran* Mr. & Mrs. Mark Freitas Mr. & Mrs. Joseph LaNasa
*Denotes alumni, grandparents, alumni parents, friends, and businesses.
With your support,
Rosarian Academy provides the finest Catholic learning environment in Palm Beach County.
Thank you! 3% 10% 21%
Income 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8
Expenses 2 0 1 7 - 2 0 1 8
16% 81%
Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Scholarships & Gifts Fundraising Investment Income Other
$6,330,642 287,138 179,276 788,620 229,521 11,325
Instructional Auxiliary Plant Operation Student Aid Adminstration
$3,205,492 467,100 1,150,404 725,700 1,472,510
2017-2018 Income
2017-2018 Expenses1
Expenses total does not reflect depreciation.
807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Rosarian.org 561-832-5131