Your “ALL IN” investment provides the Rosarian Experience.
2019-2020 Giving Report
Giving Report July 1, 2019 - June 30, 2020
Mission & Philosphy Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of Gospel values.
Belief Statements • We believe in a Christ-centered community of faith. • We believe each student is a valued individual with unique spiritual, physical, social, emotional, and intellectual needs. • We believe that the quest for self-improvement is a continuous process. • We believe in a strong academic program enriched by the fine arts and extracurricular opportunities. • We believe that service to others is an integral part of the Rosarian Academy community. • We believe in educating students to make a positive difference in the world. • We believe in the Dominican tradition of prayer, study, reflection, and action. • We believe in fostering an awareness of the continual need for social change. • We believe in and respect religious, ethnic, cultural, and economic diversity.
807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-5131
We have made every effort to ensure the accuracy of the information in this report. Any omissions or errors do not diminish the high regard in which we hold all of our benefactors. If we have erred, please accept our sincere apologies and contact us so we may correct our records and apologize personally. Please contact the Advancement Department: 561-345-3109 or
Dear Rosarian Academy Community: Thank you for your “ALL IN” investment in Rosarian Academy! Through your support and gifts to our school in 2019-2020, you provided the Rosarian experience that benefits every student and enhances the quality of a Rosarian education for years to come. This annual giving report is a declaration of the generosity of you, the Rosarian community. We are a strong, family-centered community of faculty, teachers, administrators, parents, students, alumni, and friends joined in creating an exceptional environment that excels in knowledge, faith, arts, athletics and active service. Our Catholic identity and mission are at the forefront of everything done in and out of the classroom each and every day. With the guidance of the Adrian Dominican Sisters and the Board of Directors and your financial support, we are in perpetual forward motion to deliver the best foundation for life. Reflecting on the 2019-2020 academic year, Rosarian experienced growth and overcame adversity in many areas: We started the school year by living out the Gospel values and responding to the humanitarian crisis facing the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian. We opened seats to eight hurricanedisplaced children who no longer had a school to attend. These students and their parents instantaneously became accepted and loved members of our Rosarian family. To ensure Rosarian has the strongest academic offerings, we are constantly reviewing our curriculum and how we are preparing our students to seamlessly move into high school--well-rounded and fully prepared. Our teachers and administration assessed our curriculum through backwards mapping--a framework that provides teachers and students with a logical path that ensures students are properly prepared with the skills needed for success at each subsequent grade level. This culture of collaboration provides a foundation for improvement in subject areas while supporting different learning styles throughout the school. As we continue to expand the STEM program and add materials to the Freitas STEM Innovation Center, we also added coding classes. The Lower School students learn the basics of coding while our Middle School students use Python, a program that allows students to create and write code using the Carnegie Mellon University coding curriculum which is made available to us as a Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway Partner. Mrs. Linda Trethewey Head of School The addition of a full-time school nurse enables Rosarian to provide services that increase the general health of our student body, including the administration of health classes. Beyond academics, we continued to provide opportunities for our students to expand talents and interests. Close to 100% of our Middle School students participated in our athletics and fine arts programs. Student-athletes are prepared to play to the best of their abilities and are encouraged to be gracious competitors. The Fine Arts program gives students an appreciation of creative expression in performance. The reconfiguration of Rosarian’s outdoor playing field and space was completed in March. More than $500,000 was raised to update the Early Childhood and Kindergarten play areas, install a new Lower School play structure, and resurface the Jake Rubin Field. The renewed and reconfigured outdoor space includes an astroturf practice field (the Smith Moore Field), two basketball courts, and two sports courts. We unexpectedly and unprecedentedly finished the school year with teaching and learning from home for the entire third trimester due to the global pandemic of COVID-19. We quickly mastered the world of online teaching and did everything in our power to ensure that students continued to learn and feel a member of our community. Despite the cancellation of the Auction & Ball, sports seasons, annual field trips, the spring musical, and the traditional Graduation and Baccalaureate Mass, we transitioned as much as we could to virtual platforms. We continued to honor our students and their Rosarian experiences. Throughout our campus shut-down in the spring, our financial commitments to operating our school and paying our teachers and staff remained the same. Rosarian Academy fosters a culture of shared responsibility and financial viability. Fundraising covers the additional expenses necessary to operate our school, above and beyond the revenue brought in through tuition and alternate sources, such as aftercare, after school programs, facility rentals, summer programs, and the Rosarian Academy Charitable Trust. Your support closes the gap between tuition revenue and the actual cost of educating students at Rosarian. Your financial support allows us to constantly improve our facilities and technology; retain highly trained and qualified faculty and staff; maintain small class sizes; offer an advanced, progressive, and accelerated academic program; provide outstanding athletics and arts; increase co-curricular and extracurricular activities. Each gift received is a testament to the value of a Rosarian education. Each gift received allows us to continue to be a leader in Catholic and independent school education. It is with utmost appreciation that we thank you, once again, for supporting Rosarian Academy and investing in the “ALL IN” Rosarian experience. With gratitude and blessings,
Linda M. Trethewey Head of School
Mrs. Nicole Ewing Principal Mrs. Keller Lanahan Assistant Principal Mrs. CC Bennett After School & Summer Programs Director Mrs. Lindsey Beylo Kutner Athletics Director Mrs. Cara Hansen Marketing & Communications Director Mrs. Sara Mariani Mallon Advancement Director Mrs. Mary Raich Admissions Director Mr. Mark Row Facilities & Technology Director Mr. Robert Sherman Theater Arts Director Mrs. Cheryl Somers Finance Director
Administrative 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 Team
The Rosarian Fund 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 $20,000+
Patron of RA:
Founders: $10,000+
Mr. & Mrs. Christian Angle The Boren Family Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coleman Mr. & Mrs. David Herlong Mr. & Mrs. Santiago Lambre Mr. & Mrs. Tom Lang Mr. & Mrs. George Mayer Mr. & Mrs. Shaun McGruder Mr. & Mrs. Sean Miller The Ray Family Ms. Taylor Duffy Schneider/ STS Foundation Mr. & Mrs. David Supple John A. & Elizabeth Taylor Charitable Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Nathan Ward The Weingartner Family Mr. & Mrs. Jason Zitter
The Castro Family The Freitas Family Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Moore Mr. & Mrs. Mark Saur The Sieving Family
Leadership: $7,500$9,999
Mr. Neil Kozokoff
Cupola: $5,000-$7,499
Mrs. Helene Austin Mr. & Mrs. Steven Colamarino Mr. & Mrs. Denis Coleman Mr. L. Frank Chopin Coleman Family Fund of the Community Foundation of Palm Beach & Martin Counties Mr. Mark Cook Mr. & Mrs. Tim Hanlon Mr. & Mrs. Gregg Hemingway Mr. & Mrs. Richard Johnson, Jr. The Lang Family Mr. & Mrs. Troy Mischke Nancy Spofford Yerkes Foundation
100% of faculty & staff showed their
“ALL IN” support!
1925 Society: $1,925$2,499
Dr. & Mrs. Roberto Acosta Mr. & Mrs. Rick Chaves Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Coates Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coniglio The Groden Family Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hendrix The JM Rubin Foundation Dr. Raquel Martin & Dr. John Grippi Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Tom Parker Mr. & Mrs. Grier Pressly Mr. & Mrs. Hugh Quigley Dr. & Mrs. Joseph A. Rooney Mr. & Mrs. Winston Wren Mr. & Mrs. Brent Yohe
Level of Excellence: $1,500-$1,924
The Felinto Family Ms. Marta N. Fernandez Dr. Dean Mann Mrs. Lucia Musso The Rionda Family Mr. William Teubner
Honor Roll: $1,000$1,499
Mr. & Mrs. Mark Albury Mrs. Heloisa Chaney Daelansa Foundation Mr. & Mrs. Michael Eskra Mrs. Mary Ann Huffman, Class of 1960 Mr. & Mrs. William Koch
Mr. & Mrs. Richard Saleeby Mr. & Mrs. Andrew Sciame The Drs. Sevald Mr. & Mrs. Chris Wren
Mr. & Mrs. Craig Wilson Mr. & Mrs. Marc Yavinksy Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Zimmer
Scholar: $500-$999
Blue & White: up to
Anonymous Mr. & Mrs. Mike Bischoff Mrs. Katherine Cooper Mr. & Mrs. Travis Darsch Dr. Roxanne Davies & Mr. John Davies The Debbs Family The Ewing Family Mr. & Mrs. William Fabbri Sam Fisch Development The Gil Family Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Kurtz The Lanahan Family Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Madden Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Molina Ms. Jamie Niemie Mrs. Alice Pannill Mr. Mark Row Mr. & Mrs. Greg Saville Mr. & Mrs. John Stewart Mr. & Mrs. Dan Toner Mr. & Mrs. Scott Trethewey
Raider: $250-$499
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Beauchamp Mr. & Mrs. Sascha Bennemann The Boysan Family Mr. & Mrs. James Clifford The Deitz Family The Diamond Family Mr. & Mrs. Patrick Dillon Mr. & Mrs. Michael Dougherty The Farhat Family Mr. & Mrs. Dan Farrell Mr. & Mrs. Tori Fulton Dr. & Mrs. Edgardo Grande Mr. & Mrs. Marshall Griffin The Hardyman Family Ms. Michele Henry Kiwanis Club of Palm Beach Mr. & Mrs. Peter Lombardi Ms. Pat Myers Palm Beach Rotary Foundation Mrs. Susan Phillips Mr. & Mrs. Jeff Rehm Mr. & Mrs. Stephen Richman Mr. & Mrs. Justin Saunders Mr. & Mrs. Jared Soper Mr. & Mrs. Driscoll Ugarte Dr. Laura Weston & Mr. George Weston III Mrs. Trela White & Mr. John Corbett
Mrs. Mildred Acosta Ms. Lisa Addesa Amazon Smile Mr. & Mrs. David Anderson Mr. & Mrs. Constantinos Andreou Mrs. Jennie Barton Mr. & Mrs. Micah Bennett Mr. & Mrs. Whitmore Benoit Mrs. Lynn Black BoxTops for Education Ms. Amy Burke Mr. & Mrs. Robert Caldwell, Jr. Mr. & Mrs. Jason Carpentier Mr. & Mrs. Brendon Carrington Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Cioffi Mrs. Susan Crowley Mrs. Georgina Cullipher Mr. Jeffrey D’Amato Mr. Vincent DeAguila Ms. Gay Dedo Mr. & Mrs. Edwards Mr. Bradley Fell The Finck Family Mr. & Mrs. David Frankland Mr. & Mrs. Francis Geary The Ghattas Family Mr. & Mrs. Michael Groth Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hackney Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Handley The Hansen Family The Hernandez Family The Ivancevic Family Ms. Anne Johnson Ms. Sherri Jones Ms. Darla Keen Ms. Danielle Kurliand Mrs. Lindsey Beylo Kutner Mr. & Mrs. George Lagos Mr. & Mrs. John Lambrechts The LaPapa Family Mr. & Mrs. David Lawrence Ms. Angela Lazarony Mr. & Mrs. Todd Leckrone The Lezcano Family Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lim Mr. & Mrs. Steven Litton Mr. & Mrs. Wesley Logsdon Ms. Melissa Loving Mr. & Mrs. Kevin Mallon Ms. Maria Mallon
The Mangiapani Family Ms. Madonna McClain Ms. Peggy McCray Mr. & Mrs. Alberto Merchan Mr. & Mrs. Ronald Mercier Dr. Jesse Michel & Mr. Edwine Michel Mr. & Mrs. William Mitchell The Modenos Family Mrs. Meghan Bulfin Monteiro Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore Ms. Katherine Murphy Mr. & Mrs. Scott Nelson Network for Good The Obringer Family Ms. Gloria Osborne Mr. & Mrs. Steve Pachter Ms. Claudia Paiz Mrs. Deborah Palacios Palm Beach North Chamber of Commerce Mrs. Julieta Perez Ms. Silvia Pariseleti Mrs. Penny Piorkowski The Principe Family Ms. Katie Raich Mrs. Mary Raich Mr. & Mrs. Cristopher Rapp Ms. Catherine Reader Mrs. Patricia Reilly Mrs. Regina Rogers Mr. & Mrs. Roger Rusch Mr. & Mrs. Manny Sanchez Mrs. Betty Sayer Ms. Sandy Scheerer Mr. & Mrs. James Schneider Mr. & Mrs. William Searcy Ms. Kathleen Segerdahl The Sellers Family Mr. Bob Sherman Dr. Peter A. Sherman in memory of Frank Coniglio Mr. Noel Slesinger Mr. & Mrs. Hans Somers Mr. & Mrs. Terrance St. John Mr. & Mrs. Bill Stetson Mr. & Mrs. John Throop Mrs. Tatiana Tims Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Turko Mr. John Ullom Mr. & Mrs. Jesse VanDyke Mrs. Jude Valdov Mrs. Jan Wallace Ms. Kristina Weaver Dr. Anita Wilborn & Mr. Louis Townsend Ms. Kathi Jo Williams
Auction & Ball 2 0 2 0
Sponsors & Underwriters $5,000 - $10,000
Margaret & Jim Arrigo Cathy & Jack Flagg Charlene & Richard Johnson Darlene & Jerry Jordan Bridget Koch Cathy & Stephen Moore Christian Searcy, Sr.
$2,500 - $4,999
Ann-Britt & Christian Angle Briggs & Nick Coleman Cathy Flagg-Signature Collection Stephanie & Joseph LaNasa Danielle Hickox Moore Sam Fisch Development Schmidt & Nichols
$1,000 - $2,499
Jennifer & Scott Hendrix Vince Iuliani & Marian Macias Kreusler-Walsh, Vargas & Serafin, P.A. Grazyna & Ronald Kurtz Anna & Sean Miller The Mischke Family Jennifer & Joseph Molina Susan Olsen Nolen Trust Panel Electric-Danielle & Patrick McCarroll Kristy & Grier Pressly Francine & Joel Richman The Royal Carron Interiors Laura & Jimmy Smeenge Whitney & John Stewart Liz & Marc Yavinsky Lauren & Jason Zitter
$250 - $499
Arrigo Automotive Group Astro Air, Inc. Boyes, Farina & Mastwiczyk, P.A. Joey & John Bulfin Kelly & Steve Colamarino Mary Ferol & Richard DiFilippo Veronica & Jose Duran Geny & Todd Fabbri Lamont Harris Holt & Gregg Hemingway HIVE Hayley Jarvi & Roger Shagrin Pat Johnson Patty & Tom Lang Cathy Reader Jane & Michael Walsh Woolems, Inc.
Joy & Damien Barr Cardinal Newman High School Children of the Flamingos Eileen & Joseph Coates Merill & Robert Debbs Marta Hardyman The Herlong Family Mary Cullen & Peter Lombardi Marian Macias Palm Beach Kennel Club Kathy & Randy Randolph Ali & Jeff Rehm Margie & Roger Rosenstock Richard Rosenstock The Sanchez Family Cathleen & Bill Stetson Laura & Ken Wagner
$500 - $999
Colleen Courtney Gay Dedo
Misty & Rick Chaves Elizabeth DeWoody Lauren & Michael Eskra Equity Land Title-Terri & Steve Duran The Freitas Family Greg Giuliano Construction, Inc.
$1 - $249
Event Underwriters Underwriting & Sponsorship Party Beth & Sean Lang
Guys’ Night Out Christian Angle Hampton Beebe Dan Castro Nick Coniglio Desmond Keogh Shaun McGruder Michael Perry Henry Rionda Joe Rooney Nate Ward
Girls’ Night Out Bridget Koch Holiday Shopping Event Amici Market C. Orrico Coastal Confections Fleur Cinque Josephine Alexander Collective LaEnovose Designs Lipsense/Sengence The Very Good Stuff Norcross Patio & Gifts Sales Luxuria Kathy Steele Vino Tennis Event Stephen Berini Ceravolo & Ceravolo, P.A. Kelly & Steve Colamarino C. Orrico The Ford Family Garden of Life Liza & Marshall Griffin Haselkorn & Thibaut Brady Hooker Independent Seafoods Jessica & Shaun McGruder Brian Ray The Rionda Family Richard Rule Whitney & John Stewart
Thank you to all who supported our 2020 Auction & Ball: Going for the Gold. Unfortunately, due to COVID-19, we had to cancel this great fundraising event which is always a highlight of the school year. We were looking forward to celebrating with our community and honoring Auction Chair Colleen Orrico, her committee who worked so hard on this event, our Honorary Chairs (The Flamingos), and our generous underwriters and sponsors. Thankfully, we were able to execute the Silent Auction. We want to express our appreciation to all those who purchased tickets and sponsorships and made your purchase a charitable donation to Rosarian Academy, despite the event not taking place. The funds raised went to ensuring the continuation of a strong academic program with unparalleled faculty and staff.
Phase II of the Outdoor Renovation Initiative included the resurfacing of the Jake Rubin Field. The renewed and reconfigured outdoor space includes the Smith Moore astroturf practice field and two outdoor basketball and two sports courts. The official ribbon cutting ceremony took place before Middle School Field Day on March 13, 2020. Every day for years to come, students at Rosarian Academy will benefit from these generous gifts. Play is essential to children’s cognitive, physical, social and emotional well-being which furthers our mission of developing the whole person and providing a
foundation for life.
Outdoor Renovation Initiative 2019-2020 Phase II Donors
The Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
$75,000 - $100,000 J.M. Rubin Foundation
World of Change
In response to the humanitarian crisis facing the Bahamas in the wake of Hurricane Dorian and aligned with Rosarian Academy’s mission and beliefs to live out the Gospel values, the school opened seats to eight hurricane-displaced children who no longer had a school to attend. Rosarian’s goodwill in the wake of Dorian sparked a “world of change.” Matt Hoidal, Founder & Chief Change Maker of World of Change—a non-profit 501(c)(3) charitable organization in Portland, ME—caught wind of the school’s relief efforts and asked Rosarian to be World of Change’s first partner in the state of Florida to continue to “change” the lives of those affected by Hurricane Dorian. World of Change uses a series of ongoing matching challenges and grassroots fundraising efforts to mobilize and leverage the collective capacity of collecting change. Mr. Hoidal identified another charity, Hands on Tzedakah, to match up to $10,000 of change collected by the Rosarian families.
Hurricane Dorian Scholarship Fund 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 Anna & Daniel Castro Misty & Rick Chaves Hands On Tzedakah, Inc. Mr. & Mrs. J. Knox McKee Christian Searcy, Sr.
Anita & Jack Scarola Grace Scarola Susan Scarola World of Change & Rosarian Academy Families
Community members were also invited to be a part of this change collection. St. Patrick Catholic Church in Palm Beach Gardens and other local Palm Beach County businesses joined-including: Searcy Denney Scarola Barnhart & Shipley, North Palm Beach Dentistry, Anderson Chiropractic Clinic, Raymond James - West Palm Beach Branch, Roberto J. Acosta, M.D., P.A., and Bath Fitter. A total of 50,463 coins were sorted, rolled and counted by students. 100% of this change collected was doubled through the generosity of Hands on Tzedakah--bringing the total amount to $17,003.62. More than $80,000 was generously donated to this fund.
Leadership 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 Members of the Corporation 1257 East Siena Heights Dr. Adrian, MI 49221 Sr. Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress/General Councilor Sr. Frances Nadolny, OP, Administrator/General Councilor Sr. Patricia Harvat, OP, General Councilor Sr. Elise D. Garcia, OP, General Councilor
Additional Gifts 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 Freitas STEM Innovation Center
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Belinda Glass Living Real Estate Group
Faculty Development Fund $15,000-$20,000
Adrian Dominican Generalate
Board of Directors Tim Hanlon, Chairman Shaun McGruder, Treasurer Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Adrian Dominican Liaison Linda Trethewey, Head of School Jennifer Hendrix, RAFA Representative Sr. Mary Ann Caulfield, OP Eileen Coates Roxanne Davies, Ph.D. Sr. Patricia Fischer, OP Mary Freitas Richard Johnson Darlene Jordan Alison Mischke Grier Pressly Brian Ray Joseph Rooney Jon Schmidt Rachel Supple Katherine Ward Sr. Mary Jean Williams, OP
Emeritus Board
Charitable Trust Board
Jim Arrigo Mark Cook Robert Garvy Cathy Flagg Richard Johnson Margi Picotte Byron Thomas
Larry Alexander Susan Anderson Sergio deAraujo John Fulton Robert Garvy Linda Trethewey Cheryl Somers Josh Skivington Nate Ward
Morse Hill Foundation
Computer Science Initiative $75,000+
Mrs. Mortimer L. Curran
Bridget Koch Foundation Norma Pace Foundation
Charitable Trust $10,000-$15,000
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Campus Security $10,000-$15,000
Flagler Systems Inc.
6% 3%
Income 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0
Expenses 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0 11%
Tuition & Fees Auxiliary Scholarships & Gifts Fundraising Investment Income Other
$7,050,681 242,110 510,673 513,657 (6,883) 162,154
Instructional Auxiliary Plant Operation Student Aid Administration Capital Assets
$3,464,186 158,945 815,583 819,429 1,595,685 796,818
2019-2020 Income
2019-2020 Expenses1
Expenses total does not reflect depreciation.
Rosarian Academy provides the finest independent and Catholic learning environment in Palm Beach County.
Thank you for your “ALL IN� support!
Duke TIP Scholars 2 0 1 9 - 2 0 2 0
58 students in grades four to seven qualified for and were recognized as Duke University Talent Identification Program Scholars. These students scored in the top 5 percent on their grade-level standardized test (earned at least a 95 percentile or higher on an acceptable composite or subtest area from a previous standardized test).
Seventh Grade
Sixth Grade
Fifth Grade
Fourth Grade
23 of 46 students
12 of 34 students
13 of 36 students
10 of 37 students
Our graduates leave us to attend the most desired day and boarding secondary schools.
High School Choices C l a s s
of 2020
807 North Flagler Drive West Palm Beach, FL 33401 561-832-5131
Your “ALL IN” support prepares students for all the future has to offer. Thank you!