Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of Gospel values.
On behalf of Rosarian Academy - I thank you for your generous support of our “Drive to Thrive” Rosarian Fund. We feel blessed that you chose to support our fund so generously. Coming out of the coronavirus pandemic and turning the corner to the new normal, Rosarian Academy not only survived but thrived! This generous giving is a testament to you, our parents and benefactors, who stewarded us through the challenges of the pandemic. Through your gifts to our school in 2021-2022, we were able to provide support that benefits every current student and will enhance the quality of a Rosarian education for years to come. This annual giving report pronounces your generosity and testifies to the “Uniquely RA” community that has been established over the span of nearly a century.
For more than 97 years, Rosarian has set the standard for excellence in Catholic education in Palm Beach County. Guided by the Dominican pillars of prayer, study, community, and service, Rosarian Academy consists of a faith-filled community dedicated to the common goal of educating the whole student and providing each person with a foundation for life. With the guidance of the Adrian Dominican Sisters, the Board of Directors, and your financial support, the future of Rosarian Academy is shining brightly.
Reflecting on the 2021-2022 academic year, Rosarian experienced growth and thrived in many areas:
After having reduced class sizes to safeguard the health and well-being of students, faculty, and staff during the pandemic, Rosarian Academy welcomed 81 new students and saw enrollment return to pre-pandemic numbers. Rosarian welcomed not only new families, but also welcomed parents back to campus and the return of many events and activities that were canceled during the pandemic. Interscholastic athletic competition returned for all sports. Students were again allowed to attend mass in person, and eventually, parents were allowed to attend as well. One of the most notable events to return was the 42nd Annual Auction & Ball, which was a tremendous success.
Providing the strongest academic offerings possible is a hallmark of Rosarian Academy. In continually seeking ways to improve and fortify an already strong curriculum, the middle school Language Arts and Math curricula underwent a year-long review and improvement process that saw cross-grade level collaboration and contribution.
The partnership with Fresh Rx expanded the sustainable garden and gave some of our younger students real-world opportunities to learn about the life cycle of plants and the impact of climate and weather on agriculture. The program even incorporated our Dominican pillar of service, as all the organic produce harvested benefitted the Lord’s Place’s Culinary Work Experience program dedicated to breaking the cycle of homelessness.
Rosarian Academy is the first Carnegie STEM Excellence Pathway Partner in the state of Florida. This partnership provided exciting enhancements and improvements to the STEM offerings and program. Rosarian Academy had a competitive robotics team for the first time in our history. The robotics team competed in the First LEGO League and qualified for the regional championship in its first season of competition. All students benefited from the curriculum enhancements made possible through the partnership with the Carnegie Science Center and Carnegie Mellon University, as well as the instruction of Rosarian’s full-time STEM teacher. Students were introduced to robotics in the Montessori Children’s House classrooms. Kindergarten and first grade students began the basics of coding, and our lower and middle school students were able to design items and produce them using the three 3D printers. Through Carnegie Mellon University’s “CS Academy’’ program our students were able to learn the Python coding language up to a high school level. Rosarian Academy is providing a foundation for the lives and careers of today and tomorrow in all ways.
Our full-time Guidance Counselor was able to teach our Character Education program to all lower and middle school students as well as provide support to those in need of counseling. Our full-time School Nurse was once again invaluable in ensuring the general health of our student body, especially through the evolving world pandemic. Lower and middle school musicals returned. Seventh and eighth graders both got to enjoy Circle F Dude Ranch, and the eighth grade Washington, D.C., field trip was also indication of our return to normal.
Thanks to your generosity and resilience, Rosarian Academy maintained a thriving school community and spirit through difficult times. Your financial support allowed us to retain and recruit highly trained and qualified faculty and staff and offer an advanced, progressive and accelerated academic program. Each gift received was a testament to the value of a Rosarian education and allowed us to continue to be a leader in Catholic and independent school education.
It is with utmost appreciation that we thank you, once again, for supporting our “Drive to Thrive” and ensuring that the future of Rosarian Academy is bright.
With gratitude and blessings,
1257 East Siena Heights Dr.
Adrian, MI 49221
Sr. Patricia Siemen, OP, Prioress
Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Vicaress/General Councilor
Sr. Frances Nadolny, OP, General Councilor
Sr. Patricia Harvat, OP, General Councilor
Sr. Elise D. Garcia, OP, General Councilor
Shaun McGruder, Chairman
Alison Mischke, Treasurer
Sr. Mary Margaret Pachucki, OP, Adrian Dominican Liason
Linda Trethewey, Head of School
Laura Wagner, RAFA Representative
Nicholas Coniglio
Roxanne Davies
Sr. Patricia Fischer, OP
Mary Freitas
Marta Hardyman
Richard Johnson, Jr.
Darlene Jordan
Rohan King
Danielle Hickox Moore
Grier Pressly
Stephanie Rapp
Brian Ray
John Schmidt
Katherine Ward
Sr. Mary Jean Williams, OP
Dr. Linda Trethewey
Head of School
Ms. Virginia Devine Principal
Mrs. Keller Lanahan
Assistant Principal
Mr. Stephen Obringer
Dean of Students
Mrs. Kimberly St. John
After School & Summer Programs Director
Mrs. Lindsey Beylo Kutner
Athletics Director
Mr. Will Searcy
Marketing & Communications Director
Mrs. Sara Mariani Mallon
Advancement Director
Mrs. Mary Raich
Admissions Director
Mr. Mark Row
Facilities & Technology Director
Mr. Robert Sherman
Theater Arts Director
Mr. John Canzio
Finance Director
Jim Arrigo
Mark Cook
Cathy Flagg
Robert Garvy
Richard Johnson, Jr.
Margi Picotte
Byron Thomas
Larry Alexander
Susan Anderson
Sergio de Araujo
John Fulton
John Mahoney
Jeffrey Rehm
Clay Surovek
Linda Trethewey
Nate Ward
The Mischke Family
The Pedroni Spinola Family
Raider(cont.): $500-$999
Jennifer & Kevin Johnson
Monica Makarovich & Donnie
Keller Lanahan
The Mallon Family
Elba & Alex Mandelbaum
Mr. & Mrs. Marcello Fiorentino, Marcello’s La Sirena
Founder Level: $50,000 +
The Mary D. Hemstreet
Charitable Trust
Dee & Tommy Hilfiger
Leadership Level: $20,000$49,999
Patron of RA: $10,000-$19,999
Ann-Britt & Christian Angle
The Castro Family
Briggs & Nick Coleman
Family of Beatrice George, Class of ‘24
The Freitas Family
Gretchen & Jay Jordan
Mr. & Mrs. Gregory Keough
Mr. & Mrs. Stephen C. Moore
Margaret & Michael Picotte
Lisa & Mark Saur
Stoops Family Foundation, Inc.
Jessica & Clay Surovek
Level of Excellence: $5,000 -
The Barker Welfare Foundation
Ellen & George Benson
The Brawn Family
L. Frank Chopin
The Dictenberg Family
The Ferik Family
Cathy & Jack Flagg
Charlene & Richard Johnson
Mr. & Mrs. Michael McDonald
Jessica & Shaun McGruder
Ashley & David Pilger
Katherine & Nate Ward
Mr. & Mrs. Patrick White
Honor Roll: $2,500-$4,999
The Boren Family
Deborah Bricker, in honor of Johnny & Eva Matter
Misty & Rick Chaves
The Colamarino Family
Mr. & Mrs. Nicholas Coniglio
Ms. Marta N. Fernandez
The Beth & Sean Lang Family Foundation
Harris School Uniforms
Meredith Hunt & Matt DeAtley
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Hunt
The Gerald R. Jordan Foundation
The Mayer Family
Zoe & Cameron McKnight
Julie & Rod Parker
Dominique Punnett & Zachary
Brian Ray
The Rogers Family
Kevin Ryan & Carolyn PresslyRyan
The Saleeby-Russell Family
The Shrikhande Family
The Zhu Family
The Gap: $1,925-$2,499
Kelly & Mark Albury
The Hardyman Family
Mr. & Mrs. Scott Hendrix
Laura & David Herlong
Ashley & Mike Mascari
Ali & Jeff Rehm
The Saville Family
Sarah & Riley Stuebe Mary-Ann
Sullivan, Class of 1960
Linda & Scott Trethewey
Allison & Winston Wren
Lauren & Jason Zitter
1925 Society: $1,925+
All listed above
Scholar: $1,000-$1,924
Dr. & Mrs. Roberto J. Acosta
The Alcime Family
Joy & Damien Barr
Cece & Nick Bowman
Mr. & Mrs. Jimmy Brown
Marlene & John Canzio
The Deitz Family
Veronica & Jose Duran
Meredith & Dan Farrell
Dr. & Mrs. Latori Fulton
Lamont Harris Jennifer & Joseph Molina
The Moore Family
Mrs. William G. Pannill
Rachael & Brian Scher
Schneider Family Charitable Trust Fund
Lauren & Chip Seidler
Lori & Jason Sevald
Nicole & Matthew Turko
Raider: $500-$99
Mrs. Adrienne Bell, Class of 1967
Linda & John Buckingham
The Caron Family
Drs. John & Roxanne Davies
Liza & Marshall Griffin
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Gugino
Emanuela & Mark Marcello
Danielle & Patrick McCarroll
The McKernan Boys
Ruth Ann Musgrove
Orlando Ortega
Liz & Gavin Parks
Kristy & Grier Pressly
The Rapp Family
Maggie & Stephen Richman
Mark Row
Pilar Salazar
Mr. & Mrs. John Scarola
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse R. Taylor III
The Vargas Family
The Wagner Family
Erica & Christopher Zimmer
Blue & White: $1-$499
Mildred Acosta & Alberto
Lisa Addesa
Joseph A. Alonzi
Amy & David Anderson
Pearl M. Anderson
Rachel & Jesse Azqueta, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Jesse Azqueta, Sr.
Nellie Benoit
Tiffany & Andrew Benson
Lindsey Beylo Kutner
Janna & Michael Bischoff
Lynn Black
The Borzillieri Family
Amanda Bowman
Jackie & Beau Breckenridge
The Brucker Family
Alicia & Jason Carpentier
Hannah Cavanaugh
Tucker Cavanaugh
Marcela & Joseph Cioffi
Dr. & Mrs. Gregg Clifford
Alie Cohen
Community Trust of John L.
Vigorita, MD
Shanna Coyle
Susan Crowley
Georgina Cullipher
Theresa & James Curry
The Darsch Family
Maritza Dawson
Virginia Devine
Lindsey & Michael Dougherty
Mr. & Mrs. Hunt Edwards, Jr.
Bradley Fell
The Finck Family
Janet & Francis Geary
Meg & Phil George
The Ghattas Family
Kathy & Kevin Gill
Jovita Gonzalez
Mary Ellen C. Gore
Ms. Gay H. Gregory,
Class of 1978
Maryann Hajkuk,
Class of 1974
The Hansen Family
Marcos Hernandez
Carol & Mike Hinsey
Ann Hogan
Annie Johnson
Flint Keller
Ms. Diane M. Kirkham
Denise & David Lawrence
Angela Lazarony
Leslie & Todd Leckrone
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Lim
Sara & Wesley Logsdon
Mary Cullen & Peter
Mr. & Mrs. Daniel Madden
Stacy & Jeff Martin
Peggy McCray
Molly & Nick Mele
Dorothy & John Merrigan
Molly & Cullen Miller
Donna & William Mitchell
Meghan & Evan Monteiro
Mr. & Mrs. Derek Murphy
Katherine Murphy
Caitlin & Steve Obringer
Sonia Ortiz
Christina & Harvey Oyer
Miriam & Steve Pachter
Claudia Paiz
Deborah Palacios
Silvia Pariseleti
Julie Perez
Susan Phillips
Mary Raich
Melissa & Eduardo Rodriguez
Gina Rogers
Priscila & Eric Rouleau
Christa Rusch
Amber & Will Searcy
Bob Sherman
Shefali Sharma & Eliezer
Francesca & Brad Smith
Cathleen & Bill Stetson
Dorothy Stetson
Kimberly & Terrence St. John
Elizabeth Straight
Jackie Struthwolf
E. Lynn Surovek
The Throop Family
Linh Tran & Gia Cat Pham
Devin & Jordan Treadway
Ms. Kristi Truong
Mr. & Mrs. Driscoll Ugarte
John Ullom
Catalina & Jaime Uribe
Misael Valera
Mr. & Mrs. Raul Valero
Joy VanDyke
Julissa Vargas
Dina Vechiola
Maria & Ramon Velutini
Nina & Micah Vincent
Jan Wallace
Trela White & John Corbett
The Wilson Family
Betsy Witthuhn
Fortin Foundation of Florida, Inc.
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
Taylor Duffy Schneider / STS Foundation
$5,000 - 10,000
Ms. Danielle Hickox Moore
Morse Hill Foundation
Adrian Dominican Generalate
$55,000 +
Mary Alice Fortin Foundation
J.M. Rubin Foundation
$20,000 - $49,999
Norma Pace Foundation
$5,000 - $10,000
The Alice Busch Gronewaldt Foundation, Inc.
Marilynn Bogetich
Virginia Devine
Mary Ellen Gore
The Hansen Family
Ginny Parker
Amber & Will Searcy
Mary Ann Sevier