95 Celebrating RO AC SAR AD IAN EM Y
Responding to COVID-19 with mindfulness and care.
Years 1925-2020
ROSARIAN ACADEMY Return to School Plan 2020-2021 807 North Flagler Drive | West Palm Beach, FL 33401 Rosarian.org | 561-832-5131
Table of Contents Welcome Back Message................................................................4 Learning Options for 2020-2021 In-Person, On-Campus................................................................6 At-Home/Adaptive Learning.....................................................6 Distance Learning..........................................................................7 Class Schedules..............................................................................7 Tuition................................................................................................7 How to Enroll in Learning Options.........................................7 COVID-19 Prevention Facial Coverings.............................................................................8 Hand Washing................................................................................8 Physical Distancing.......................................................................8 Signage..............................................................................................9 Ventilation.......................................................................................9 Water Stations, Coffee, Snacks...............................................9 Hand Sanitizing Stations.............................................................9 Facilities Cleaning.......................................................................10 Cleaning Supplies.......................................................................10 Personal Workspace/Classroom..........................................11 Shared Workspace.....................................................................11 Classroom Guidelines General Guidelines.....................................................................12 Bathrooms.....................................................................................12 Early Childhood-Specific Guidelines..................................13 Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Activities Physical Education.....................................................................14 Recess/Outdoor Activities......................................................14 Aftercare, Extra Help, RITA....................................................15
Athletics..........................................................................................15 Fine Arts.........................................................................................15 Safety of Students & Staff Screening and Forms.................................................................16 Health Protocol....................................................................16-17 Visitor Restrictions....................................................................18 Travel Restrictions......................................................................18 Social-Emotional Well-Being.................................................18 Drop Off & Pick Up Arrival..............................................................................................19 Dismissal.........................................................................................19 Additional Return-to-School Information Lunch Procedures......................................................................20 Bus Service....................................................................................20 School Safety Drills....................................................................20 Bus Service....................................................................................20 Communication Methods........................................................20 Parent Orientation.....................................................................20 Appendix Assumption of Risk & Waiver of Liability Relating to COVID-19...........................Appendix 1 Self-Screening Checklist........................................Appendix 2 CDC Cleaning Protocols........................................Appendix 3 CDC Decision Tree Matrix....................................Appendix 4
Welcome Back In-Person, On-Campus
Rosarian Academy celebrates its 95th year as a community of faith dedicated to excellence in education. We are currently preparing the physical campus to safely welcome back faculty and students in August. On-campus teaching and learning is set to resume on August 26, 2020. We understand the most successful learning takes place in a community school setting; therefore, the goal is for children to continue their academic progress with face-to-face instruction. We understand that health and safety considerations must support all decisions that we make related to curriculum and scheduling. Students or families in a high-risk group or families not comfortable with their child(ren) returning to school will be given the option of at-home/adaptive learning. This document provides an overview of the learning options detailed with the specific health precautions the community will follow. The COVID Task Force is making every effort to promote the safety of the school community with the understanding that no plan can consider all possible outcomes. We cannot eliminate all risk but can reduce and manage risk to make our campus as safe as possible. All health precautions are being set in accordance with the recommendations and guidelines of the Center for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health (DOH), World Health Organization (WHO), Department of Education (DOE), Office of Early Learning (OEL), the National Catholic Education Association (NCEA),Southern Association of Independent Schools (SAIS), Diocese of Palm Beach, and the local ordinances of the City of West Palm Beach. This plan and other related policies and procedures may be revised at any time with or without notice. This plan will continue to evolve as we receive new advice and guidelines from health and government officials. Rosarian Academy is ready and prepared to embrace decisions in a fluid manner.
We look forward to welcoming students back to campus on August 26, 2020.
Learning Options for 2020-2021 school year OPTION 1: In-Person, On-Campus Learning The Rosarian community will return to campus on August 26, 2020. The following safety and health precautions (detailed on subsequent pages) will be taken and continued to be monitored to help ensure a safe return to campus. • • • • • • • •
Staggered start times Temperature checks at arrival Facial coverings Hand sanitizer stations Social distancing Reduced class sizes Reutilizing spaces on campus Extra help via Zoom
OPTION 2: At-Home/Adaptive Learning Adaptive Learning is synchronous (live) instruction that is designed to support those families with a student or family member in a high-risk group, those families not comfortable with their child(ren) returning to campus, and those who will temporarily be out due to COVID-19 related concerns. Remote learning for younger students requires significant levels of flexibility and additional personalized attention from parents. • The Adaptive Learning platform will provide a livestream classroom experience. • Students will be provided with extra help Zoom meetings. • Students will be supported with an assigned online advisor. • “Owl” cameras will follow the teacher to enhance the Adaptive Learning Classroom platform. • We are working on upgrading and reinforcing the bandwidth in all classrooms. More information will be provided about the specifics of this option at a later date.
DISTANCE LEARNING (Contingency Plan) As we prepare for a full in-person return to school, we must remain fluid and be ready to switch to a distance learning model at any time. There may be situations that necessitate temporary school closure due to positive COVID-19 cases. If remote instruction is mandated by the local government or in accordance with the CDC, we are prepared to carry out distance learning for any period of time as necessary. We are implementing streamlined improvements to the distance learning platform that will minimize any learning disruption and maximize continued student learning. In the event that the entire school is required to move back to distance learning for all students (see CDC Decision Tree- Appendix 4), the community will resume using Google classroom and Zoom lessons. Administration will determine if Early Childhood may remain on campus, but this will be in accordance with the CDC and Health Department guidelines. During the mandated Distance Learning, teachers will provide instruction virtually, while maintaining similar schedules as if we were on campus. Support and collaboration will continue for students who may be exhibiting academic and/ or behavioral concerns.
CLASS SCHEDULES School will resume five days per week. The administrative team is working on class schedules, including the start time and ending time of the school day. This information will be sent closer to the start of school in August.
TUITION Our tuition aligns with our mission, and is purposely kept at a level to allow Rosarian Academy’s education to be accessible to as many families as possible. We employ strong fiscal management to maintain a lean budget. 90% of tuition covers fixed costs that do not end during remote learning. Implementation of new safety protocols and technology have significantly increased fixed costs. All enrolled students are required to pay full tuition.
HOW TO ENROLL IN LEARNING OPTIONS All families must fill out their intention to enroll in On-Campus Learning or At-Home Learning. Families may opt in and out of their selected enrollment option on the following dates: October 13, 2020 (Notify school by October 9): Mid Trimester November 30, 2020 (Notify school by November 20): Start of 2nd Trimester January 25, 2021 (Notify school by January 22): Mid Trimester March 8, 2021( Notify school by March 5): Start of 3rd Trimester April 26, 2021 (Notify school by April 23): Mid Trimester Enrollment intentions must be submitted through the form in Raider Connect.
COVID-19 Prevention Practices. Preparations. Precautions.
Facial Coverings Rosarian Academy will require facial covering for all students (age 2 +), employees, and volunteers in accordance with County and State ordinances. Rosarian Academy will reassess the need for this and other Personal Protective Equipment as the year progresses. Students ( ages 2+) must wear face coverings when entering and leaving school, in hallways, bathrooms, in classrooms, and in all common areas. If proper physical distancing can be observed while outside during recess and PE, then students will be allowed to take a break from wearing face coverings. • Face coverings are not recommended for babies or children under the age of 2, or for anyone who has trouble breathing, or is unconscious, incapacitated or otherwise unable to remove the covering without assistance. • Students with chronic medical conditions who have difficulty breathing with a mask may wear alternate face coverings (with doctor’s note). Tip: Have your child practice wearing his/her mask for an hour a day. Show your child the proper way to put on and remove their mask
Hand Washing Proper hand washing is the number one defense against any virus. Employees and students will be encouraged to wash hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer with at least 60% alcohol if soap and water are not available. Tip: Practice proper hand washing procedures (Sing the ABC’s). Practice proper hand sanitizing procedures.
Physical Distancing Social distancing is an effective way to prevent potential infection. To the greatest extent possible, students and workspaces will be kept 6 feet apart. Students will be encouraged to maintain proper physical distancing throughout the school day, eliminating contact with others whenever possible. Certain buildings, hallways, and staircases will be marked to indicate the direction of traffic in order to help maintain social distancing practices. Tip: A good way to properly socially distance is to spread your arms out like an airplane.
Signage Signage will be placed throughout school buildings and campus reminding everyone of COVID-19 practices and procedures, including: how to stop the spread of COVID-19, properly wash hands, promote everyday protective measures, and properly wear a face covering.
Ventilation Ventilation systems have been serviced to help ensure proper operation. Exterior doors will be kept open as much as possible to increase circulation of outdoor air. Doors will not be kept open if they pose a safety or health risk (e.g., allowing pollen in or exacerbating asthma symptoms) to children using the facility.
Water Stations, Coffee, and Snacks Steps have be taken to ensure that all water systems and features (for example, drinking fountains) are safe to use after a prolonged facility shutdown to minimize the risk of other diseases associated with water. The drinking fountains have been turned off; however, touchless hydration stations are operational. Students must provide their own hydration bottle with their name on it. There will be no sharing of hydration bottles. No coffee, water stations, or snack options will be provided.
Hand Sanitizing Stations Hand sanitizing stations will be located at all designated entry points, elevators, main hallways, and throughout campus.
COVID-19 Prevention Practices. Preparations. Precautions.
Facilities Cleaning The safety of our employees and students are our first priority; therefore, we will follow and, in many cases, exceed the CDC cleaning recommendations (see Appendix 3). In preparation for reopening, Rosarian will be completely cleaned and disinfected before employees and students return to campus, and we will continue to adhere to all necessary safety precautions. The campus will be professionally cleaned, sanitized, and disinfected every night. Deep cleaning and disinfection protocol will take place when an active employee or student is identified as positive for COVID-19 based on testing. In addition to the deep cleaning of the office and school before employees and students return, the cleaning steps outlined in Appendix 3 will be taken to disinfect workplace surfaces, chairs, tables, etc. to protect employees and reduce the risk of spread of infection.
Cleaning Supplies Rosarian Academy will have adequate supplies to support healthy hygiene behaviors, including soap, hand sanitizer (for staff and older children who can safely use hand sanitizer), paper towels, tissues, and no-touch trash cans.
Personal Workspace/Classroom All teachers and students are asked not to visit another classroom outside of their team or grade level.
Shared Workspaces Rosarian Academy has alcohol-based hand sanitizers throughout the workplace and in common areas. Cleaning sprays and wipes are also available to clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces such desks, monitors, and keyboards. The custodial team will clean all workspaces at their designated cleaning time. Please note that proper equipment such as acceptable disinfectant and PPE should be used when cleaning individual workspaces.
Classroom Guidelines General Guidelines • Hand sanitizer will be available in each classroom and common area (hand washing is still encouraged) • All students will sit at individual desks (when possible) and will be spaced out and facing the same direction to ensure CDC social distancing requirements are met. • Whenever possible, teachers may travel to classrooms to reduce student movement. • New furniture is being purchased for classrooms to allow for proper physical distancing. • Each child’s belongings will be separated from others’ and kept in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas, taken home each day and cleaned, if possible. • Such items as toys, books, paintbrushes, scissors, writing utensils or any other learning aids may not be shared. • Students’ belongings will be placed where they are not in contact with other students’ belongings.
Bathrooms • Face coverings must be worn when using the bathroom. • The number of occupants should not exceed the number of sinks. The maximum capacity for each bathroom will be posted. • The bathroom doors (entrances) will be partially propped open to reduce touch points while maintaining privacy. • Hand washing protocols will be stressed. Signs for hand washing will be posted.
Early Childhood-Specific Guidelines • Classrooms will continue to space out bedding (head-to-toe positioning) 3 to 6 feet apart. • Each child’s belongings will be separated from others’ and kept in individually labeled containers, cubbies, or areas, taken home weekly to be cleaned. • Students’ belongings will be placed where they are not in contact with other students’ belongings. • Students may bring one comfort item for rest time. Rest items will be sent home weekly for cleaning. (i.e. pillow, blanket, lovey)
Co-Curricular & Extra-Curricular Ac Physical Education • Outdoor spaces with physical distancing will be used as much as possible. • Equipment will be disinfected throughout the day as appropriate. • Face coverings will not be required if students are physically distant from each other.
Recess/Outdoor Activities • Physical distancing will be followed in outdoor spaces. • Staggered scheduling may allow each class daily recess. • Use of playground equipment is being evaluated and will adhere to CDC guidelines.
ctivities Aftercare, Extra Help, RITA • Until further notice, students must be registered for aftercare and daily drop-ins are not allowed. • Aftercare will adhere to the same distancing and health precautions followed during the academic school day. • All extra help sessions will still be offered. These sessions will be delivered via Zoom. • Rosarian in the Afternoon (RITA) offerings are being evaluated.
Athletics Fall sports and protocols are being considered according to local and state guidelines and are still being developed in accordance with the CDC. At a minimum, the goal is to have Swimming and Cross Country in the fall.
Fine Arts The Fine Arts department will work creatively for our students to showcase their artistic talents. Virtual performances are being considered.
Safety of Students & Staff Screening and Forms REQUIREMENTS: Prior to returning to school, all employees and students must complete the liability waiver, COVID-19 checklist, and health forms. No one will be admitted to school if any of the above are not completed. Rosarian Academy will be asking at-risk individuals to consider utilizing the Adaptive Learning Model which will allow them to participate in the classroom via livestream and have direct contact with the teachers during office hours. Liability Waiver (see Appendix 1) Assumption of Risk and Waiver of Liability Relating to COVID-19 must be filled out, signed and returned to Rosarian Academy for each employee and student. COVID-19 Checklist (see Appendix 2) To help prevent the spread of COVID-19 and reduce the potential risk of exposure within our community of employees and students, we will be requiring employees to complete a self-screening which includes a temperature reading and answering a set of questions related to COVID-19 symptoms (see Appendix 2). All screening information will be kept confidential by Rosarian Academy and the school nurse. Health Forms Current school entry health exams and current immunization forms must be obtained from a Florida pediatrician. These health forms are required for all incoming kindergarteners, incoming 7th graders, and students new to Rosarian. Early Childhood students must turn in new health papers with each well-visit check up.
Health Protocol If you or someone you’ve been in contact with has been exposed to the virus, our first concern is for your health and safety and those around you. In this rapidly changing situation, healthcare providers should have the most up-todate information from the CDC. The School nurse and administrators will move the identified individual to an isolation room/ area to separate anyone who exhibits COVID-like symptoms. They will use Standard and Transmission-Based Precautions when caring for sick people. See: What Healthcare Personnel Should Know About Caring for Patients with Confirmed. 16
Plan for when an employee, child, or visitor becomes sick: • Any individual who presents a fever (higher than 100.3) will be evaluated for COVID-19 signs and will be sent home immediately for further evaluation by a healthcare professional. • If COVID-19 is confirmed, then local health officials, staff, and families will be notified of a possible case while maintaining confidentiality consistent with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and other applicable federal and state privacy laws. • Areas used by a sick person will be closed and not used before cleaning and disinfection takes place. • The school will ensure that safe and correct application of disinfectants will take place and disinfectant products will be kept away from children. • Anyone testing positive for COVID-19 may not return to school until they have met CDC criteria. • Those who have had close contact with a person diagnosed with COVID-19 will be informed to stay home and self-monitor for symptoms and to follow CDC guidance if symptoms develop. If a person does not have symptoms, he/she should follow appropriate CDC guidance for home isolation. • Rosarian Academy will use our communication system for staff and families for self-reporting of symptoms and notification of exposures and closures. • Rosarian Academy may need to implement short-term closure procedures regardless of community spread if an infected person has been in a school building. CDC recommends the following procedures regardless of the level of community spread or Possible COVID-19 Infection. • Anyone exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19 (see Appendix 2) should not report to work/school. • Employees should contact their supervisor immediately. Parents should inform the school administration. • The individual should seek medical care immediately. Telehealth Hours: The School Nurse will be available each morning from 7:00 -7:30 AM to answer questions and concerns related to students’ health prior to the start of each school day. The nurse will also be available during regular office hours. For telehealth, call 561-832-5131. 17
Safety of Students & Staff Visitor Restrictions Rosarian Academy campus will be open to employees and students only. Until further notice, campus will be closed to all visitors and guests, including parents, for normal visitation. Any approved guests will check-in at the Front Office and be escorted to their destination. • All approved guests will need to have their temperature checked and fill out the COVID-19 Checklist (see Appendix 2) before being admitted. In addition, all visitors will be required to wear face coverings and adhere to physical distancing. • Parents may access the front office, admissions office, business office, and development office in limited numbers. • Essential vendors will be permitted on campus after proper screening. • All other vendors will only be allowed on campus before or after school hours.
Travel Restrictions • Prior to the start of school, we ask all families who are traveling to be mindful and consider the recommended 14day quarantine for your safety and the safety of others. • Rosarian Academy will discontinue staff travel to conferences and workshops until further notice. • All off-campus field trips and overnight trips will be on hold and re-evaluated in accordance with the CDC Guidelines.
Social-Emotional Well-Being A Guidance Corner has been created on our school website. The Guidance Counselor will continue to develop videos and resources for parents and teachers to access. The counselor will work with students individually or in small groups to address any well-being needs.
Drop Off & Pick Up Arrival • Physical distancing will be required throughout the entire campus at all times. • Students may not be dropped off prior to 7:35 AM (specific times for EC, LS and MS will be determined and announced prior to the start of school). • Students must remain in their cars until directed by staff. At that time, temperatures will be taken. If the student’s temperature is above 100.3 or shows other signs of COVID-19 (see Appendix 2), the student and all students in the vehicle will not be admitted. • All students (age 2+) must have face coverings in place prior to the temperature checkpoint and prior to exiting the car. For the safety of our community, parents and any other occupants are asked to wear face coverings while in the drop-off line. • Once the students’ temperatures are checked, they must report directly to their advisory/homeroom classroom. • Parents will not be able to walk students to classrooms. All students must be dropped off using their designated carline. • Students arriving after the gates have closed will enter through the Gate 2 (next to the Rosary Chapel) until 8:35 AM for check-in. • After 8:35 AM, all late arrivals must enter and check in through the Front Office. • Students must follow all signage regarding safety procedures.
Dismissal Dismissal procedures are still being reviewed with the likelihood of implementing the following guidelines: • Dismissal times will be staggered to adhere to physical distancing guidelines. • All students will remain in their homeroom/advisory with their bags packed until their name is called. Then students must go directly to the designated dismissal point. • Students must have face coverings in place until they get in their car or 19 arrive to aftercare.
Additional Return-to-School Inform Lunch Procedures Lunch procedures are being reviewed with FLIK Independent School Dining with the likelihood of implementing the following guidelines: • FLIK will provide box lunches (pre-order required). Until further notice, there will be no self-serving lunch stations or salad bar. • Lunch times and locations are under consideration. • Additional lunch locations for students will be designated. • Students may be eating in the classrooms with their advisory/homeroom groups.
Bus Service Offering bus service for the 2020-2021 school year is currently under review but may be suspended for the fall of the 2020-2021 school year. Details will be provided to families as soon as decisions are made.
School Safety Drills All school safety drill procedures are under review. In the event of an actual emergency situation, teachers will follow safety and security protocols according to the crisis response manual.
mation Communication Methods To stay informed on the most up-to-date information: • Teachers, students, and parents need to check their email often for weekly updates from the Administration as well as important announcements in the weekly Thursday Envelope. • Text message reminders will be sent as often as possible when relevant. • Early Childhood classes will use Tadpoles. • Back-to-School Forms will need to be filled out using Raider Connect. • The school calendar is subject to change throughout the academic year. For times, details and a complete listing of events and activities, visit: www.rosarian.org/calendar. •
Visit our School website: www.rosarian.org.
Follow our social media platforms (Facebook, Instagram, Twitter)
Parent Orientation Rosarian Academy will provide online orientations for parents via Zoom throughout the remainder of the summer, leading up to the opening of the school year. The first orientation will take place on July 16, 2020, at 9:00 AM.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2 Self-Screening Checklist | Rosarian Academy Name: _____________________________________
Temperature: ________________________________ Mobile Number __________________ The health and well-being of the school community members are of the utmost importance and the school is taking measures to maintain a safe environment. This self-screening checklist should be reviewed daily by employees and by parents on behalf of their child(ren). If you have a temperature above 100.3 F, any of the symptoms listed below, or answer yes to either question, please return home for your safety and the safety of others.
Are you showing any of the following symptoms listed by the CDC related to COVID-19? ❏ Cough ❏ Shortness of breath or difficulty breathing ❏ Chills ❏ Fatigue ❏ Muscle pain or body aches ❏ Headache ❏ Sore throat ❏ Loss of taste or smell ❏ Congestion or runny nose ❏ Nausea or vomiting ❏ Diarrhea ❏ Feeling feverish or a measured temperature higher than 100.3 degrees Have you had known close contact with a person who is lab-confirmed to have COVID-19, as defined by the CDC or is exhibiting symptoms and awaiting test results? ❏ Yes ❏
Have you been tested or had a positive lab-confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 in the last 14 days? ❏ Yes ❏
Appendix 3 CDC Cleaning Protocols In accordance with CDC guidelines, the following measures will be taken if an individual is determined to be infected with COVID-19 while on campus: •
Close off all areas used by the person who is sick. Companies do not necessarily need to close operations, if they can identify and close off affected areas.
Open outside doors and windows to increase air circulation in the area.
Wait 24 hours before beginning the cleaning and disinfecting process. If 24 hours is not feasible, wait as long as possible.
Clean and disinfect all areas used by the person who is sick, such as offices, bathrooms, common areas, shared electronic equipment like tablets, touch screens, keyboards, etc.
Vacuum the space if needed. Use a vacuum equipped with a high-efficiency particular air (HEPA) filter, if available. Do not vacuum a room or space that has people in it. Wait until the room or space is empty to vacuum, such as at night, for common spaces, or during the day for private rooms.
Consider temporarily turning off room fans and the central HVAC system that services the rooms or spaces. This helps prevent particles that escape from vacuuming circulate throughout the facility.
Once an area has been appropriately disinfected, it can be opened for use. Individuals without close contact with the person who is sick can return to work immediately after disinfection. If more than 7 days since the person who is sick visited or used the facility, additional cleaning and disinfection is not necessary. Continue routine cleaning and disinfection. This includes everyday practices that businesses and communities normally use to maintain a healthy environment as outlined below:
Classrooms, Offices
At the end of each use/ day
Refrigerators, Microwaves, Coffee Machines
Electronic Equipment
Copier machines, Shared computer monitors, TV’s, Telephones, Keyboards
At the end of each use/ day and/or between use
General Used Objects
Handles, light switches, sinks, restrooms
At least 4 times a day
Common Areas
Cafeteria, Library, Conference rooms, Gyms, Common Areas
At the end of each use/ day; between groups
Frequently Touched Surfaces
Playground Equipment, Door Handles, Sink Handles, Touchless Hydration Stations
Shared Classroom Objects
Toys, Games, Art Supplies
Between use
Appendix 4
Rosarian Academy, founded in 1925, is an independent, coeducational Catholic school sponsored by the Adrian Dominican Sisters. Its mission is to educate the whole person for life in a global community in the light of gospel values.