Rosarian Academy Strategic Plan

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Rosarian Academy Strategic Plan: Vision 2025 & the Celebration of the 100th Year

Since 1925, Rosarian Academy has sustained a legacy of excellence in Catholic education, from academics to spiritual growth, compassionate leadership, and service to others. The Dominican spirit and values are at the center of everything Rosarian does, ensuring its graduates develop the strength of character and skills they need to make a difference in today’s complex world. Therefore, it is more important than ever that Rosarian Academy continues to advance its educational experience with its unique blend of academics, spirituality, arts, athletics, leadership development, and character building. The foundation for life provided by Rosarian Academy sets this institution apart, enabling it to create leaders who embody the mission and values of the Dominican Pillars of prayer, study, community, and service. In looking out at the changing world, Rosarian Academy recognizes the need for the exceptional young people it graduates, and the strategic plan aims to build on the school’s successes while paving the way for a bright future. The key areas that shape this plan will illuminate the trajectory for Rosarian Academy through the school community’s celebration of its centennial in 2025. The priorities herein were identified through extensive research, thoughtful consideration, and a collaborative process including faculty, staff, parents, students, and alumni. These strategic initiatives ensure that Rosarian Academy will build upon its rich heritage of excellence with confident steps into its next 100 years. Sincerely and Prayerfully,

Nicholas Coniglio Chairman of the Board

Linda M. Trethewey, Ed. D. Head of School

Rosarian Academy’s Mission Our Mission

Rosarian Academy, established in 1925, is an independent Catholic school founded on the Dominican pillars of prayer, community, study, and service. Its mission is to educate the whole person in light of the Gospel values and provide a foundation for life.

Our Beliefs •

We believe in a Christ-centered community of faith.

We provide academic excellence through an innovative program enriched by the fine arts and extracurricular activities.

We regard service to others as an essential component of the educational formation of every student.

We value tradition and the legacy of our founders, the Adrian Dominican Sisters.

We respect diversity, and in keeping with Catholic teaching, we value the dignity of every human person.

Our Pillars Prayer

Guided by the beliefs of the Catholic Church and the values of the Gospel, St. Dominic and the Adrian Dominican Sisters, Rosarian Academy provides its students with a spiritual foundation for life. Through faith formation, they cultivate the strength of character they need for Christian servant leadership in high school and beyond.


At Rosarian Academy, students realize the impact their leadership and service can have on the school and surrounding community. We celebrate, respect, and seek to understand the diversity within our community and around the world, recognizing it as a gift from God.


Through a dynamic, interdisciplinary curriculum delivered using state-of-the-art technology and outstanding instructional practices, Rosarian Academy graduates leaders prepared to work collaboratively to solve the complex problems the world will present today and in the next generation.


In following the teachings of the Catholic Church and the spirit of its founders, Rosarian Academy emphasizes putting faith in action by reaching out to those in need and embracing the common dignity and humanity of all people.

I. Capture the Spirit of an Adrian Dominican legacy school by deepening and fully

reflecting their holistic dedication to faith, values, and mission.


Rosarian Academy, with its unique identity as an independent Dominican institution, will advance the mission and values of the school to further reflect the spirit of the Adrian Dominican legacy.

Rationale: Rosarian fosters a spiritual foundation for life that permeates

all aspects of the curriculum and student life, emphasizes Catholic teachings, addresses the ongoing spiritual growth of students of all faiths, and creates a spirit of community, service, and leadership.

Implementation: 1. Integrate the Adrian Dominican history and Dominican charism of truth throughout the entire curriculum from Montessori School through grade eight. 2. Demonstrate fidelity to the Adrian Dominican spiritual tradition by continually providing the school community with comprehensive information about the history and values of our Dominican heritage. 3. Create educational opportunities that promote the Dominican Mission, Vision, and Values with the Rosarian Board of Directors, faculty, staff, and parent community. 4. Foster and deepen relationships within the surrounding community to enhance opportunities for educational experiences, service projects, and leadership development for all students. 5. Publish a written history of Rosarian Academy and how the mission is lived out by the school community, both past and present. We will work to advance and share the spirit that is uniquely ours. We will communicate and demonstrate these values daily, inspiring our community and providing meaning and context in which we make decisions and relate to others.

II. Broaden and continue our legacy of academic excellence and rigor while preparing students for a lifetime of learning, service, leadership, and spiritual development.


Expand and deepen our academic offerings with an emphasis on challenging the most advanced students at the highest levels while fulfilling student learning needs at all levels. Continue to invest in professional development for our teachers and to incorporate cutting-edge technology.

Rationale: By providing a strong academic, moral, and spiritual foundation,

Rosarian Academy encourages students to make a positive difference in their environment. By continuously updating and improving its academic programs, the school will ensure its relevance in a rapidly changing and interconnected world.

Implementation: 1. Develop a comprehensive technology plan that incorporates the needs of faculty, staff, and students. 2. Provide ongoing staff development to assist faculty in integrating the technological enhancements adopted by the school into all subject areas. 3. Use data from standardized testing and other assessment forms to evaluate curriculum and student achievement and collaborate to optimize the curriculum at all levels, including the discussion of adopting any new academic programs. 4. Continue to train faculty and staff in the newest technology and best-practice teaching methods in order to capitalize on the academic advancements of the classroom of the future. 5. Evaluate the feasibility of expanding the Academic Center for Enrichment services to include enrichment and support for struggling students and those with high achievement.

III. Employ the highest quality professionals

who embrace the spirit of Rosarian Academy and champion its mission.

Goal: Rosarian Academy will maintain, hire and support administration,

faculty, and staff who adhere to the highest personal and professional standards and promote Catholic values.

Rationale: The quality of the school is directly dependent upon the quality of the faculty, administration, and staff.

Implementation: 1. Review and revise current job descriptions and update the organizational chart. 2. Continuously reevaluate the need for additional vital positions. 3. Focus on recruitment and retention of pre-kindergarten through middle school teachers of the highest quality and who embody the mission of Rosarian Academy. 4. Hire personnel according to the priority of need, utilizing outside search companies when necessary. 5. Further develop and implement a professional development plan that uses data, analytics, and other professional best practices for all faculty, staff, and administration. 6. Re-evaluate salary and benefit plans to hire and retain quality teachers.

IV. Foster and support a culture of financial responsibility and vitality by sharing and owning the implementation of stability and stewardship ethics.

Goal: Develop and execute the Centennial Capital Campaign with the goal of raising awareness and understanding of the objectives of the capital campaign and the importance of supporting the advancement of the school.

Rationale: An engaged and philanthropic community creates a culture of

giving and service while also providing the resources necessary to uphold Rosarian Academy as the premier, independent Catholic school.

Implementation: 1. Establish benchmark targets for all reserve funds and grow each as necessary to meet the target. 2. Reinvigorate the five-year financial plan with long-term capital expenditures to ensure accurate long-term budgets. 3. Capitalize upon various funding sources, such as individuals, corporations, planned giving, endowments, and grants. 4. Improve the current gift and payment processing system to automate as much as possible in order to decrease staff time and duplicative efforts in the Advancement and Business Offices. 5. Promote a culture of philanthropy throughout the entire Rosarian Academy community of supporters, including faculty, staff, parents, past parents, grandparents, alumni, friends, and community stakeholders. 6. Engage parents upon enrollment of their child in order to maximize their level of involvement and commitment to our mission. 7. Educate parents on the need for philanthropic support and ways to give, ensuring all parents know the gap between tuition and the actual cost of educating each student while utilizing the Annual Fund year-round as a pipeline for Major Gift support. 8. Utilize the Advancement Committee and hand-selected parent volunteers throughout the entire gift cycle to cultivate, solicit, and procure steward gifts. 9. Coordinate program-based fundraising efforts through the Development Office. 10. Engage and elevate the alumni association.

V. Provide a welcoming and secure environment that will accommodate the programmatic needs of a “fully enrolled” PK - 8 campus and promote its achievement through recruitment and retention initiatives.

Goal: Rosarian Academy will maintain and build facilities that provide a

welcoming and secure environment to fully support and enhance all of the school’s programmatic activities, including academic, artistic, and athletic initiatives, and develop programs that support its goal of full enrollment.

Rationale: It is essential to maintain superior facilities and effective

recruitement and retention policies to attract and retain well-rounded students, faculty, and administration.

Implementation: 1. Create and implement a facilities maintenance and operating plan that addresses current and future properties, including security, technology, energy efficiency, and staffing needs. 2. Create a campus master plan to maximize existing facilities and guide property acquisition and use by addressing, at the minimum, the following issues: securing the entire property, expanding Toddler and Children’s House, and defining “fully enrolled” to determine capacity in all school divisions. 3. Engage with the community, faculty, staff, Board of Directors, Advancement Committee, the Marketing Committee, the Facilities Committee, and the Finance Committee to collaborate and identify agreed-upon needs and goals. 4. Partner with community members, city planners, architects, and urban planners to study the use of space and feasibility. 5. Engage in focus groups, discussions, and interviews with stakeholders. 6. Create a comprehensive marketing plan using THAT Agency. 7. Evaluate bus transportation options to ensure the most efficient means to provide greater access to school for students in kindergarten through 8th grade. 8. Enhance efforts to retain Children’s House students as they transition into kindergarten. 9. Explore opportunities to increase tuition assistance funding.

807 North Flagler Drive | West Palm Beach, FL 33401 | 561-832-5131

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