Typeology issue 1

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FONT Base & Ferrugem


QUESTIONS 1. Pode fornecer alguma introspecção à fundo/inspiração para a criação desta font?

Fabrika De Typos



2. O que tem planejou para 2006?

Marcio Hirosse


URL http://www.fabrikadetypos.com.br

EMAIL contato@www.fabrikadetypos.com.br

A: PARA 2006 PRETENDO CRIAR UM ACERVO MUITO MAIOR DE FONTES, JÁ POSSUO VÁRIOS ESTUDOS, MAIS AINDA COM MUITAS ALTERAÇÕES PARA SEREM FEITAS. MEU TRABALHO TAMBÉM É VOLTADO PARA MOTION GRAPHICS E IDENTIDADE VISUAL E COM ISSO ACABO COLOCANDO A CRIAÇÃO DE FONTES COMO UM PASSA TEMPO, MAIS NESSE ANO DE 2006 VOU PROCURAR ME EMPENHAR MAIS. (RISOS) 3. Por favor fontes 5ive de lista que você nunca pode viver sem. A: 1.TRABALHO 2.MUSICA 3.INTERNET 4.FEIJOADA 5.MINHA CACHORRINHA. 4. Por favor sugira qualquer elos de teia, livros, recursos, música etc. que sente-se nossos leitores saber sobre. A: Livro Los Logos This End Up Sites http://www.designinmotion.com http://www.adobe.com http://www.dafont.com Música BLACK FLAG PIXIES SMITHS DEAD KENNEDYS SEX PISTOLS LALI PUNA POPULOUS etc...




1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?


A: I wanted to make something different. I started experimenting with something other than classic bracketed or slab serifs. The initial sketches I drew were almost exactly what you see in the finished version. As of now there are only capitals -- it's meant for large display. Also, I must thank Inge Druckrey whose advice during the creation of this typeface was a big help.



LOCATION Philadelphia, PA USA


2. What do you have planned for 2006? A: I'm graduating from school in May. After that I'm moving to New York in search of a job! The purchase of a surf board is also likely.

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without. A: Trade Gothic Clarendon Caslon Avant Garde Requiem

http://www.solographic.com 4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about.

EMAIL sean@solographic.com

A: Current inspiration: Matt Curry - amazing art http://ninjacruise.com/nc06/portal.htm Daily Type http://www.dailytype.ru Die Getsalten http://www.die-gestalten.de/




1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?


A: The Human? font was a total surprise to us regarding the project. Andre Nossek sent it to us as part of his submission from Viagrafik. He sent it along with a great video and amazing print piece, oh, as well as a playing card. A very strong submission and really lifted the spirit of the project.


DESIGNER Andre Nossek


2. What do you have planned for 2006? A: We are looking at a huge online project for 2006. It's all top secret but promises to be exciting should it fail or succeed. I'm also working on a animated tv show with a life long pal. It's still in the planning stage but he is writing and I'm busy developing thedesigns and scenes as well as learning as much as I can about 3D, animation and compositing. I have a little background in all of those so It's all shaping up. That should be ready for approaching TV companies in 2007 if we get our heads down.


3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.


A: I used to always use helvetica but now I just use whatever is around and try to switch from project to project. If it's work related as in my full time job I just use whatever they tell me to use. It's like that there.

EMAIL dave@fontmonster.org

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: I think a shameless self plug is appropriate here, Freewave by Booth-Clibborn has over 40 fonts, sounds, code, illustrations and photos as well as a bunch of other stuff so thats a great resource. I also love the Designer Shock book DSOS1, if you can get a hold of that it's definitely worth having. As for information I think http://digg.com and www.boingboing.net are a must have in your faves.

FONT Duerer & Halcyon

COMPANY l´Abécédarienne




the constructions of Pacioli or de Yciar. I am also considering an OpenType version of Respess which would automatically alternate between the four weights. This may be the year I get around to making the flowing script that is always hanging around in my brain, but no promises! I like to work slowly, for the love of it. I plan to offer lettering and font design classes at City College of San Francisco as I did last Fall. Also, in the summer I would like to take on a couple of students interested in learning font-making who want to intern.

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without. A: 1. Georgia 2. Syntax 3. Nars 4. Unibody8 5. the rest are negotiable

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: Typophile.com http://www.typophile.com


How to draw thorn and eth http://briem.ismennt.is/2/2.11/


Gentium http://scripts.sil.org/cms/scripts/page.php?site_id=nrsi&item_i d=Gentium


QUESTIONS 1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font? A: Halycon was designed by accident while I was trying out FontLab's drawing tools. I drew the capitals (somewhat inspired by Moderne type) quickly in one go and then went back some months later and filled in the lower case. To finish it, I worked with Mark Clarin, a young designer who helped me slog through all the little details. I owe a debt of gratitude to the critique team at TypeCon 2004 (Matthew Carter, John Downer, and Akira Kobayashi) who gave me great suggestions for refining the font. It turned out to look more whimsical than it would have had I planned it, and I love it With Duerer Capitals, it was a matter of my seeing the drawings and saying, "Ooh, I want to make that into a font!" Albrecht Duerer and so many of his contemporaries did their best to quantify what makes a Roman capital letter pleasing to the eye. While I am not sure that can ever be expressed entirely mathematically, they certainly made some beautiful drawings while trying to do so. They are, to me, evocative of the architecture of the time, of flying buttresses and stained glass windows..

2. What do you have planned for 2006? A: I have a font in the works that is inspired by "naïve" lettering from a lost cat flyer, everything else is is still in the "maybe" column. I may also follow up the Duerer fonts with fonts based on

The Alphabet Synthesis Machine http://alphabet.tmema.org/ Calligraphy: From Calligraphy to Abstract Painting by Claude Mediavilla http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/9080332518/qid=1138341 905/sr=1-6/ref=sr_1_6/102-50160081248953?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 The Story of Writing by Andrew Robinson http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/0500281564/qid=1138341 986/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/102-50160081248953?s=books&v=glance&n=283155 Letter Perfect : The Marvelous History of Our Alphabet From A to Z by David Sacks http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/detail//0767911733/qid=1138342040/sr=2-1/ref=pd_bbs_b_2_1/1025016008-1248953?v=glance&s=books HP Lovecraft Historical Society fonts collection http://www.cthulhulives.org/toybox/PROPDOCS/PropFonts.html Manfred Klein's collection at Typoasis http://www.moorstation.org/typoasis/designers/klein/index.htm My instructional page at City College of San Francisco http://fog.ccsf.cc.ca.us/~aconger/ in case anyone's interested in classes



Frakturika & Sodium'76

1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?


A: Frakturika is a Fette Fraktur - Helvetica mixed font. Basically, though I couldn't get an idea of the result, the goal was to mix two very trendy fonts. I was surprised to see that it resulted like an error, a typographic failure, a bastard font. So I decided to add here and there some graphic signs reffering to spam mail (Re : your letter ; Re : your software...). Many people asked me to send another font because it was corrupted ! The goal was reached. But I preferred to included a "not corrupted" version of the font.


DESIGNER ClĂŠment Nicolle


Sodium'76 was first designed to illustrate a book about history of circus. But now, I think that it has a trendy style and I really like how it works for big titles. I like this handcut effect too.

2. What do you have planned for 2006?


URL http://www.stereo-type.net

A: My new website (www.stereo-type.net) entirely dedicated to type experiment will be online very soon. I'm planning to set up an online payment system for a few font but, it will also contain free fonts of course. But above all, I've planned for 2006 to keep much more time for my family and friends.


3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.


A: Helvetica (of course !), Din, FF Info, Parisine Plus, Mest, but honestly, I couldn't live with only 5 fonts.

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: Tons of useful links here : http://www.newstoday.com ; there : http://www.surfstation.lu and there: http://youworkforthem.com Don't miss "No Logo" by Naomi Klein, but I'm sure everybody already read it!



Destroyed License Plate

1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?


A: "Destroyed License Plate" has been created from pictures I took with my camera, of old broken license plates i found in the streets of the City of Lights (Paris). I wanted to create a font that have a true trash feeling, so i thought the best thing to do was to find real trashed letters. Then i had to create some letters and special caracters you cannot find on licence plates...

Damien Gosset


2. What do you have planned for 2006?

France A: Nothing special... find a new job, and find some time tocreate new fonts. Having a nice girlfriend (hi Lilly !) takes a lot of time...

URL http://mgosset.free.fr/cv/

EMAIL daaams@laposte.net

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without. A: Verdana (as i'm a webdesigner), Yanone "Kaffeesatz",Linotype "Banco", Linotype "KursivSchrift", Umbrella "Ministry Script". Can I add Underware "Bello Pro" ?

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: weblinks : http://www.dafont.com (the best free fonts) http://cgm.cs.mcgill.ca/~luc (Luc Devroye's font listing, really complete!) books : Coin Locker Babies (Murakami Ryu, JP) Jiu Guo (Mo Yan, CN) music : Carreer Suicide (CA, 80's hardcore) DFA (CA, thrashcore) Municipal Waste (USA, thrashcore) Dead Stop (BE, hardcore) Svinkels (FR, hip-hop) Mano Solo (FR, singer)

FONT CyberScript


DESIGNER Keith Bates


URL http://www.k-type.com/

EMAIL keith@k-type.com

QUESTIONS 1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font? A: CyberScript was inspired by some lettering from Bond and Coyne Associates in Charlotte Rivers' excellent book about custom fonts, Type Specific (RotoVision). The lettering had been made out of metallic security tape. I took the basic shapes of their lower case, made a few changes and added a whole new upper case and a full range of symbols and accents. Even on KType freebies we always like to provide a full compliment of Latin keyboard glyphs - none of those missing sterling or euro symbols, etc. CyberScript Shimmer is the wobbly 'n' wavy freebie. It just seemed like a good idea at the time, a bit of fun that proved perfect for Typeology. The straight version will probably prove more useful for designers, that's going to appear soon as a pay font on the K-Type website.

2. What do you have planned for 2006? A: I've got a couple of other fonts also close to being ready to put up. Rick Griffin and Rick Griffin Contour are based on Rick's beautiful poster lettering from the San Francisco Sixties. If you've seen the font 'Hendrix' by David Nalle you've got the idea. True to KType form, Rick Griffin and Rick Griffin Contour are full fonts, all

the usual Latin keyboard characters and an all-new lower case that Rick himself would be proud of (hopefully). http://www.k-type.com/kernel/ I must write a piece about Typeology for the Kernel on the K-Type website! FlatPack is a modular font made from the square fits-together flat pack pieces I received from Gavin Peacock, also known as the mailartist 'The Man from Icon'. I couldn't think of what to make from his cardboard pieces so I made a font. I'd like this year to give up teaching Art in a high school. My partner Leanda has just launched her graphic design business and I'd like to be her slave, tea-boy, gopher and student of CSS. She's a brilliant designer and takes marvellous photographs too. We live in hope and are working hard to make it happen. http://www.leandaryan.com/ We'd both like to go to New York again if we ever make any money.

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without. A: First off the starting block would be Helvetica. It's not perfect but it is fab. I know it's unfashionable to say so, but I quite like Arial too, infectious solution to the fussy G of Akzidenz Grotesk. In fact, I don't need five fonts, if I've only got five I'll just stick with Helvetica thanks. I suppose I should choose a serif, Georgia looks nice on the web and Minion is great for print, and a script, Zapfino is a beauty. No, it's no use, I'll stick with Helvetica or you give me the five hundred I need to stay sane!

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: I found Chank Diesel's 'How to make your own fonts' pretty inspirational when I started - http://www.chank.com/howto/ The Swedish foundry Fountain is well worth a peek http://www.fountain.nu/catalogue/ericsans.asp I really enjoyed '3 Found Fonts' by Jake Tilson + Lewis Blackwell's '20th Century Type' John Lennon's Dirty Mac with a great guitar solo from Eric Clapton http://blogfiles.wfmu.org/KF/0510/dirty_mac_-_yer_blues.mpg



Don Giovanni Makin Enemies

1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?


A: Basically, I like to make stuff that looks like it got pulled out of a gutter and then punched in the face. Coming from a punk rock background, I like to use type that is distressed and unconventional, and I tend to cater to punk bands who like my fonts for thier flyers, etc.



2. What do you have planned for 2006?

Jason Ramirez

A: I plan on drinking a lot of beer and coffee, and making a few fonts in between.


3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.


A: Budapest, Base 02, Blue Baby, Boycott, Cartaz, Dirty Ego, Downcome, Arial

URL http://www.pennyzine.com/

EMAIL pennyzine@gmail.com

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: punkvoter.com, propagandhi, alkaline trio, getup kids, atmosphere, the dan band, sarahasaturday.com, stimtv.com, realultimatepower.com, designiskinky.com, punkplanet.com, "the best democracy money can buy" - Gregg Palast, "Lies my Techer Told Me" - James Loewen, "State by State with The State" - The State..... I could go on, but I won't,...haha.



Cinquenta mil meticais & dinarjev republika

1. Can you provide some insight to the background for the creation of this font?

COMPANY polenimschaufenster

DESIGNER Hannes Siengalewicz


URL www.jestyle.net/polenimschaufenster/

EMAIL hannes.siengalewicz@chello.at

A: Both fonts are inspired by characters from banknotes that friends brought me from various trips around the globe. "Cinquenta mil meticais" is based on a banknote from mosambique, "dinarjev republika" on letters on banknotes from a former yougoslavian country. Dinarjev features some kyrillic letters and with its heavy outlines the crumpled and slightly distressed look from the old banknotes it gets this special "ostblock" kind of feel. There are some more old banknotes that lost its value that I collected over time and im planning to complete them to a bigger collection or font family someday.

2. What do you have planned for 2006? A: Im currently working on the launch of polenimschaufenster.com which is gonna be part portfoliosite, featuring my recent works for various austrian bands and record labels and part font foundry. There are gonna be some commercial fonts for the first time, but there will still be the old free fonts and also some new ones, available for free. Also expect some reworked and updated versions of fonts that I already published. For my diploma that I just finished, I experimented with openType programming and created a font family based on inscriptions on gravestones, called EpigraphFonts, which will also be available for purchase.

3. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without. A: This one is tough. I recently fell in love with Chaparral, I use it over and over again. Other favourites? AvantGarde, Dolly, Absara and Akzidenz Grotesk.

4. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: Everybody already knows all those fontresource-sites around so I'll go with music. bands with beards rock! and you should love them too! aereogramme, he is legend, bear vs. shark, JR Ewing (ok, its a moustache, not a full one), dredg and facing new york. Go out an buy their cds or LPs, now! And for people who know german: go and get the book "Fleisch ist mein Gem端se" by Heinz Strunk. This is one of the few books that makes me laugh out loud and spray tears out of my eyes. Get it now!



Shell Shock

1. What do you have planned for 2006?

COMPANY Characters


LOCATION Netherlands

URL http://www.characters.nl/

A: I have a lot of exiting plan for this year, but my first priority in 2006 is to *finally* get my font family Nordic Narrow ready. Peter Bruhn from Fountain has been waiting much too long for it (sorry Peter). A lot of people are asking me where they can buy it so I really need to finish it. I've been working on it on and off for the last two years. If I wait longer the font will be outdated. ;-) Last year I got into contact with Grant Hutchinson at Veer. They liked my fonts and we agreed to release 6 of my fonts in their Umbrella collection. We will spread the releases out over the year. I loved Veer from the beginning so I'm exited about our cooporation. I do a lot of custom typefaces for friends and clients, so I have a few interesting releases coming up. Three new font releases are planned for february 2006. Last but not least, my website will be upgraded. I feel more and more the need to give background information about my fonts and share knowledge with the typograpical community. This will be reflected in my website, because that's my channel to talk to the people out there.

2. Please list 5ive fonts that you could never live without.

EMAIL rene@characters.nl

A: It's hard to give you five names, because I like to always change the fonts around me. I guess my most favourite fonts are: Helvetica Neue, Scala, Meta, Insider and Verdana.

. Please suggest any web links, books, resources, music, etc. that you feel our readers should know about. A: Websites An absolute must!!!: www.typophile.com http://www.lounge72.com/ http://ventilate.ca/ http://www.newstoday.com/ http://www.designaside.com http://www.core77.com/ Blogs http://www.fontblog.de/ http://www.technorati.com/tag/typografie http://www.underconsideration.com/speakup/ RSS http://www.justincone.com/wordpress/wp-rss2.php http://www.lounge72.com/root/xml.php http://houseind.com/showandtell/?rss=1 http://blog.veer.com/index.xml http://www.fontblog.de/rss.xml http://www.characters.nl/rss/rss.xml Music Anything from Prince, Bjork, Global Communication, Grandmaster Flash, Whodini, Boards of Canada, 4Hero, The Jacksons and Cashmere. Books Learn FontLab fast, by Leslie Cabarg

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