Ashtead and Leatherhead Local

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Local April 2019

Never underestimate the importance of community

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Welcome to April

Welcome to our Easter issue!

Next copy deadline 5th April 2019 for the May 2019 issue


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Technical & legal stuff Whilst every care has been taken to ensure that the data in this magazine is accurate, the publisher cannot accept, and hereby disclaims, any liability to any party for loss or damage caused by errors or omissions resulting from negligence, accident or any other cause. No part of this magazine may be reproduced, stored in any retrieval system, or transmitted in any form - electronic, mechanical, recording, photocoping, or otherwise - without prior permission of the publisher. All in-house artwork and editorial presented in this magazine remains the copyright of The Ashtead & Leatherhead Local Limited.

How lovely to have a long weekend to look forward to at the end of this month. Let’s hope by the time it comes around the sun will shine for us all! We have lots of great news and info packed into this issue; Leatherhead Library are looking for volunteers to take books to people who can’t get to the library, so if you think you can help, please do, get in touch with them. Details within. Ashlea PPG have their annual AGM shortly; well worth attending and keeping up to date with news from them. See page 30 for details. It’s good to hear from the Leatherhead Youth Project this month as they welcome their new Chief Executive, Dan Fairchild. Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group are looking forward to welcoming Coral Gardiner to APMH as their guest speaker and demonstrator. An evening to inspire us all. They will be raising funds for PAH. I’m sure this will be a very enjoyable and interesting event. Ashtead Residents’ Association Annual Ashtead Spring Clean is on Saturday 6th April, so if you fancy a bit of fresh air, a chance to meet with other local residents and at the same time help to spruce up the village do go along. There is also a free cup of tea or coffee at the end to reward you for your hard work. See page 8 for more details. Don’t miss details of the Easter Dragon Egg Hunt taking place in Leatherhead this month. Details on page 48. As always, lots to see and do in and around our local communities, so do enjoy whatever you decide to do this month. Wishing you all a great month, until next time....

Ros x Ros Rudd - Editor

4 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 5



Plus special guest Frank Cognoscenti returns as Sinatra!


LEATHERHEAD THEATRE Wednesday, May 22 at 7.30pm


All Proceeds In Aid of Prostate Cancer UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Association



Tickets £20

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from Theatre Box Office 01372 365141 or* from Gary Zabel 01372 800810 or any Leatherhead Rotary member



Box office tickets subject to 50p Restoration Levy


herhead Rotary Registered Charity No: 1032183, Prostate Cancer UK Registered Charity No: 1005541, MND Association Registered Charity No: 294354

CONTENTS 30 8. 10. 12. 14. 26. 28. 30. 38. 42. 48. 49. 54.

Ashtead Residents’ Association Fetcham Residents’ Association Leatherhead Residents’ Association Busy Bots Award Music Matters Computer tips from Tec Res Ashlea Patient Participation Group Poem of the Month Crossword puzzle Dragon Egg Hunt Regular Events What’s on in April?

56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 62. 63. 63. 64. 66.

Ashtead Players The Arts Society Transition Ashtead Messy Church Leatherhead Rotary Sudoku & Digi-Search Mole Valley W.I. Fetcham Village W.I. Ashtead W.I.NG Ashstead Village W.I. The Memory Book Gardening with Selina

6 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

70. 72. 73. 74. 78. 79. 82. 83. 83. 84. 85. 86.

April Book Reviews Bookham Wine Club Leatherhead Youth Group History Society Be in the Kitchen - Recipe Ashtead Flower Arranging Surrey Police Notice Ashtead Library Leatherhead Library Useful numbers Puzzle solutions Index of Advertisers



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NEW 2019






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Ashtead Residents’ Association 14th Annual Ashtead Spring Clean Saturday 6th April If you are walking or driving around Ashtead, litter is not the first thing you notice, except perhaps on the surrounding main roads. The A24 is a particular problem, with drivers chucking rubbish from their cars. However, litter accumulates on all of our roads and, while many local residents pick up litter whenever they see it, some of it escapes their attention and so Ashtead Residents’ Association holds an annual litter pick. If you would like to join one of our LITTERPICKING GROUPS near you on April 6th please go to one of these venues at 09:50 for briefing, where there will be an ARA Committee member or Local Councillor to meet you: • Ashtead Station car park • Outside the Football Club, near the pond • Outside The Greville Primary School in Stonny Croft • The corner of Barnett Wood Lane and West Farm Avenue • Outside St Andrew’s School in Grange Road • The corner of Craddocks Avenue and the A24 • Ottways Lane, opposite Skinners Lane • If you would like to help with the litter-pick in the centre of Ashtead, that group will meet outside Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10:20 - please note the later meeting time. The Spring Clean is not just about picking up litter. As less and less money is available from our Councils for non-essential work, we can make the difference by sprucing up the village ourselves. Rather than join one of the groups, you might prefer to get to know your neighbours by arranging to get them together to clean street signs, trim overgrown hedges back to the boundary and tidy verges and kerb sides in your own

8 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

road. Put a note through your neighbours’ doors, and get them all to come out on April 6th at 10:00am, but please tell us, so that we don’t duplicate the work. Working locally is just as important as the litter pick. If you notice an area that needs extra attention, please let us know. For all litter-picking activity, please wear boots or strong shoes and bring thick protective gloves. We will provide black bags, Hi-Viz vests, and litter-pickers. The rubbish bags will be collected from each area and brought back to the APMH car park. If you are working in the centre of the Village, please bring your bag back with you to the recycling area of the APMH car park. Coffee Special The Landlady of our village pub, The Brewery Inn has, once again, generously offered to host a gettogether in the back room of the pub for anyone who has taken part in the Spring Clean. Tea or coffee will be served from 11:45 free of charge. Please join your ARA Committee members and Local Councillors there, after the work is done, and also meet other Ashtead residents who care about the Village. Please put the date in your diary now: Saturday morning, April 6th. If you have any queries or comments, please email or call 273393. Finally, a reminder that the Association’s AGM is at the APMH on 24th April, doors open at 7pm for a 7:30pm start. Our guest speaker will be Police Sergeant Lee Wells who will be talking to us about neighbourhood policing and taking your questions. Christine Kerton ARA Spring Clean Co-ordinator

Tel: 01372 374148

Lifetime gifts by attorneys and deputies

Attorneys acting under an Enduring or Lasting Power of Attorney, or deputies appointed by the Court of Protection, should be aware of their limited power to make gifts from the funds they manage on behalf of a mentally incapacitated person, as set out in the Mental Capacity Act 2005.

Typically, gifts to family on birthdays or at Christmas, which are not unreasonable, taking into account the size of the estate, are permitted. Gifts to charities which the incapacitated person would have made, again having regard to the size of the estate, are also allowed. Any exercise of the limited power to make gifts must always be in the best interests of the incapacitated person. The attorney or deputy has a duty to protect the interests of the person they are looking after and not allow any personal interests to come into conflict with their role as attorney or deputy. Attorneys and deputies should apply to the Court of Protection for permission to make gifts which are not considered typical. The recent Court of Protection case of PBC v JMA & others [2018] EWCOP 19 shows how the Court looks at such applications. In this case, PBC, the son of JMA, was the sole attorney under a Lasting Power of Attorney. He sought authority from the Court to make gifts from his mother’s estate, totalling £7 million, primarily to save Inheritance Tax.

JMA suffered from dementia and was resident in a care home. JMA was extremely wealthy and could comfortably afford the gifts applied for as an Inheritance Tax planning strategy from her very large estate. The concept of “best interests” was looked at in its widest sense and included all considerations capable of impacting the decision in question. The Court stressed that this did not mean it would order what JMA would have done had she still retained capacity to make the decision herself. Instead the Court carries out a balancing exercise, weighing up the factors for and against the proposed gifts. The conclusion reached by the Court was that the factors in favour of making the gifts outweighed those against. The gifts were affordable and JMA’s current and future needs were protected. The attorney, the official solicitor and all those involved in caring for JMA were in agreement that the gifts be made. The sums involved were very large, but the general principles involved in reaching the decision are essentially the same. For further information, please contact Jeremy Harcourt, Senior Associate in our Leatherhead office.

TWM Solicitors – Leatherhead

Sweech House, Gravel Hill, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 7HF

Follow us:



A big night out April is the month when we look back at what we have achieved for Fetcham in the past year and also look to the future at our Annual General Meeting. This year we will be meeting in Fetcham Village Hall on Wednesday 17th April at 7.30pm. We would like to extend a very warm invitation to all Fetcham residents to attend. If you are not already a member of the FRA, or wish to renew membership, you will be able to make a subscription on the night, with a minimum fee of £2. This has become a very popular event and it is your chance to hear at first hand about issues affecting the village, its surroundings and services. Crucially, the meeting is usually attended by all our local councillors, county and district, and a range of outside speakers who will do their best at the end of the evening to answer any questions. Our speakers, who at the time of writing have confirmed their invitations, include: Inspector Karen Coyne of Surrey Police - the current e


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Mole Valley commander who will be able to update us on all the issues around crime and policing in the area. Glenn Westmore of Surrey County Council - a member of the Flood Risk Management Team. He will be able to answer the questions you may have on the plans to protect Fetcham homes from flooding, and where you can find advice if you live in an area at risk. Surrey Wildlife Trust - speaker to be confirmed - who will be able to answer questions on the management and plans for the Norbury Park estate, and the measures being taken to counter ash dieback disease. David Dufill, Chairman of Fetcham United Charities - who will update us on its work providing independent living for the elderly at Morley Court, and can provide information for anyone who is thinking they may wish to move there. If you have recently moved to Fetcham, coming to our annual meeting is a very good way of finding out about your community. Contact us at: 07833 620744; or visit our website; or email:


IIWISH IN’ MEMBERS ONLY PLEASE AND CONFIRM WISHTO TOBE BEAAMEMBER MEMBEROF OFTHE THEFRA__________I FRA__________Iwish wishto to‘OPT ‘OPT IN’to toTICK MEMBERS ONLY IEMAIL WISHUPDATES. TO BE A MEMBER OFso THE FRA__________I wish tohave ‘OPT IN’ to MEMBERS ONLY EMAIL _________If please print clearly. IfIfyou do not an email address or do not wish UPDATES. _________If so please print clearly. you do not have an email address or do not wishto to I WISH TO BE A MEMBER OF THE FRA__________I wish to ‘OPT IN’ to MEMBERS ONLY EMAIL UPDATES. _________If so please print clearly. yougive do not have anline email address or doby not wish receive updates become alternatively you first ofofyour way ofof to receiveemail email updatesbut but becomeaamember, member, alternatively youIfIfcan can usthe the first youraddress address way EMAIL UPDATES. _________If so please print clearly. yougive do us not have anline email address or doby not wish to (Founded 1932)

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DATE___________________________SIGNATURE _________________________________________ DATE___________________________SIGNATURE DATE___________________________SIGNATURE_________________________________________ _________________________________________ DATE___________________________SIGNATURE PLEASE NOTE: Due to new Data Protection Regulations introduced in May 2018 we no_________________________________________ longer collect full names and postal addresses, only email addresses or first line of

PLEASE NOTE: Due to new Data Protection Regulations introduced in May 2018 we no longer collect full names and postal addresses, only email addresses or first line of postal address. used purpose Members email updates aaaudit trail for nonoaddresses, information isispassed onontotoany PLEASE NOTE:Information Due to newisisData Protection Regulations inOnly May 2018 we no and longer full names and postal only email orthird firstparties. line of postal address. Information usedfor forthe thesole sole purposeofofintroduced MembersOnly email updates andasascollect audit trail forpayment, payment, information passedaddresses anythird parties. postal address. Information is used for the sole purpose of Members Only email updates and as a audit trail for payment, no information is passed on to any third parties.

PLEASE NOTE: Due to new Data for Protection in May 2018updates we no and longer names and postal only email addresses firstparties. line of postal address. Information is used the soleRegulations purpose of introduced Members Only email as collect a auditfull trail for payment, noaddresses, information is passed on to anyorthird

1 - PAYPAL Our preferred paperless option via and you 11 - - DO PAYPAL Our option via PAYPAL Ourpreferred preferred paperless option andyou you NOT need a Pay pal paperless account to do this.

aaPay do 1 - DO PAYPAL Our paperless via and you DONOT NOTneed needpreferred Paypal palaccount accountto tooption dothis. this. 2 - DROP Your completed and payment DO NOT need a Pay palform account to do an envelope into our ‘Drop Box’ In World Travel, Fetcham Village. in an envelope into our ‘Drop Box’ In 22- - Symphony DROP completed form and DROP Your Your completed form andpayment payment in an envelope into our ‘Drop Box’ In World Travel, Fetcham Village. 2 - Symphony DROP Your completed form and payment in an envelope into our ‘Drop Box’ In Symphony Travel, Fetcham Village. 3 - POST YourWorld completed form and cheque payment (no cash please) to Fetcham SymphonyAssociation, World Travel, Fetcham Village. Fetcham, KT22 9JW. 41 Pound Crescent, 33 - - Residents POST POST Your Yourcompleted completedform formand andcheque chequepayment payment(no (nocash cashplease) please)to toFetcham Fetcham Residents Association, 41 Pound Crescent, Fetcham, 3 - POST Your completed 41 form and Crescent, cheque payment (noKT22 cash 9JW. please) Residents Association, Pound Fetcham, KT22 9JW. to Fetcham Residents Association, 41 Pound Crescent, Fetcham, KT22 9JW.


From Council initiatives,

Projects, sup-


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Changes to our expectations?

required for this would seem to place it beyond all possibility. Mr Elkeles said that the money would come by bidding for funds from the Governments allocations for NHS On the 6th October, we in Leatherhead, capital expenditure. Refurbishment funds with some guests from Ashtead and for Epsom andatSt onisthe By now most people will know that Peter Snell closed Barton’s Bookshop theHelier end of hospitals, February. This a great Bookham, were treated to a face to face other hand, could be realised through the loss to our town but luckily Peter is still an active member of the Leatherhead Community. explanation of how our local NHS CEO, Mr. some land at Sutton. At the 28th February Flood Awareness the news sale brokeofthat of the options that had been investigated Daniel Elkeles, is hoping that our Event hospitals Many of those in attendance at this meeting over the last 5 years, none were assessed to be financially and environmentally worthy of further consideration. will develop over the next five to ten years. were very sceptical about the possibility of So flood victims and members of the Leatherhead and Fetcham Flood Action Group discovered that the Middle any improvement at all in the current There are two main deficiencies, Mole Flood Alleviation Scheme no longer exists. Now this is bad news indeed. provision. maintenance of the current buildings and Some will find comfort in knowing that a ‘property level flood resilience scheme’ is on offer to 170 residential provision of adequate Acute care. A short their seats to remind the and properties in Leatherhead and Fetcham.The aim of these People measuresrose is to in minimise the impacts of flooding video revealed the problems currently speaker that such discussions had already significantly reduce theHelier time and costEpsom. of restoring the property after a flood. Those eligible will be contacted. experienced at St. and Mr. taken place some 20usyears ago, andhopes the that The third also in thestated trio of bad news has to with the Grove Wood. Some of have harboured Elkeles that there is do a lack of Leachresults had been negligible. However, oneto the status of the Wood as villageof green would stand.However, we have been informed that: “The NHS’s request real, joined-up provision Acute care Unit. valuable change has taken place over the make a further appeal against thesee decision to make Leach Wood a village green has been granted, and so this will He said he would like to a building of a Grove last couple of years and that is the method be a matter debatewhere at the highest in the Supreme Court in July.” single, modern Acute Care ofUnit the level by which bed blocking has been almost While it willwould be interesting for a Leatherhead matter to beeliminated a case of ‘public importance affecting whole it UKis patients be in wards having widely in Epsom. The team the running spaced beds to prevent cross infection, population,’ it would have been preferable that this had been concluded, and the “Epsom Health and Care Partnership.” and, most important didn’t of yet all, againconsultant have to go tolevel court. A local doctor or a social worker now supervision 24/7. who have tried for years to guarantee Leatherhead Residents’, that this useful accompanies the consultant and the nurse wooded area would be protected in perpetuity, be extremely disappointed. when assessing future care of NIGHT a (usually) RACE However the problem would be aboutwill where The LRA it have given donations to theorcampaign of the person. way. Our This facilitates a safe return elderly to site – St. Helier, Epsom every step Open Gardens and the Race Night to in the poster (right) provide home with the necessary help having been Patients needing this kind of referred care are arranged the funds not to enable our donations. So thewhere good news you canbeforehand. plan a usually too concerned about theyis that who have to All arenight taken it isa their fun out–with lasagnerelatives supper included and support the attendees good causes of were encouraged to fill in the endure journeys. reason,Residents’ the Friendsawkward of the Parish Church andFor the this Leatherhead short Association. questionnaire to guide future decisions by far theis most popular site for1 our Our AGM at 7.30pm on Monday April at the Leatherhead on the Methodist Hospitals. Friday 26th April 2019 at 7.00pm residents would be Epsom. Church on Church Road. Lucy Quinnell will give the most up to date £10 per person including lasagne supper Caroline Brown (LRA Chairman) information on how we can protect our Green Belt and Greenfield sites as we Cash bar for drinks and snacks The possibility of a brand new multi-purpose Gill Hanson (SDCCG) approach the Junebut Green Belt Review. hospital was also mentioned, the sums Leatherhead Residents’ Association and Friends of Leatherhead Parish Church

in aid of LRA Project Fund and to assist with upkeep and maintenance of our Grade II* listed Parish Church

St Mary & St Nicholas Parish Church Hall, Leatherhead

Further information and tickets from Leatherhead Theatre or Susan Leveritt on 07793 283007

By Cheryl Allen

If you would like to join the Leatherhead Residents' Association If you would like to join the Leatherhead Residents’ Association (LRA), please: • Provide your address, telephone and email • Provide yourname, name, address, telephone numbernumber, and email address (pleaseaddress print) • Enclose your cheque for for £2.50 for OR one£6year £6 payable for three • Enclose cheque for £2.50 one year for 3or years, to theyears LRA payable to the• Leatherhead Residents' Association Send to LRA, Letherhead Institute, 67 High Street, Leatherhead KT22 8AH • Or email form to

Please send to: LRA, Institute, 67orHigh Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8AH • Or hand it in to:Letherhead B@titude in Kingston Road; Cradlers Jewellers in the High Street. Privacy Notice: TThe LRA collects, stores and processes member information for the purposes of meeting its statutory requirements and its contractual 01372 373 090 |is not shared Email: obligationsTelephone: to its members under its Articles. The information with third parties. Any concerns regarding the LRA’s use of member information should be directed to the Company’s Data Controller via A notice regarding the LRA’s compliance with the General Data Protection Regulation 2018 can be found in the document archive of the LRA website under “Regulations”.


Saturday 13th APRIL 9am-5pm LOCAL PARKING

Local Business MY BUSY BOTS Gets Shortlisted In National Awards

My Busy Bots, based in Ashtead, are a finalist in the prestigious The Family Network Recognition National Business Awards in the Product of the Year category. At My Busy Bots we design fun and original busy bags, jam-packed with creative ways to foster essential skills for your little ones, all while learning through play. Each activity comes in a colourful bag making them perfect for use on the go, using on planes and holidays or at weddings and restaurants! Each one is reusable, extendable, non-messy (no stickers, glue or glitter) and they all make unique gifts. Made by two mums who wanted to finish a hot cuppa with kids around (and who also happen to be super passionate about creating learning resources to help parents and children in a fun, engaging way!) The Family Network has over 20 branches in the UK

14 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

and supports mums, dads and families in business with FREE networking events and affordable workshops. They provide online and offline support and they do not charge membership fees which means people can attend when they want. This is the 6th year they have hosted their National Business Awards to recognise the hard working familIes across the UK. The winners will be announced at their glitzy black tie awards ceremony on Saturday the 23rd of March 2019 at DoubleTree Hilton (Docklands) in London where they will also be raising funds for Woman’s Aid on the night. Candice quotes “Leanne and I are so proud to be announced as Finalists. We are a new business and thrilled to be apart of such a brilliant award and very excited to see what 2019 has in store for us.” For more info please visit

Daisychain Preschool Fetcham Places available for September 2019

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16 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019


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First veterinary rate veterinary care foryour your pets pets First rate care for the comfort of their ownhome home in theincomfort of their own

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Shops & Services


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18 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

Carol J

Why make make aa will? will? Why

1. 1. 2. 2. 3. 3. 4. 4. 5. 5.


Do you want to protect your children? Do you want to protect your children? Do you want want to to protect protect your your loved loved one, one, whether whether spouse spouse or or partner? partner? Do you Do you want to protect your family home, especially in old age? Do you want to protect your family home, especially in old age? Do you you want want to to express express your your wishes wishes on on aa formal formal document, document, or or leave leave itit to to chance? chance? Do Do you want to telephone the number below and receive peace of mind? Do you want to telephone the number below and receive peace of mind?

Family Wills Wills Surrey Surrey comes comes to to you, you, at at aa time time that that suits, suits, Family including evenings evenings and and weekends. including • DOGweekends. BOARDING

Our services services include: include: Our BESPOKE HANDMADE Drafting of of Wills Wills t t Lasting Lasting Powers Powers of of Attorney Attorney Drafting CURTAINS, BLINDS & CUSHIONS Estate Planning Planning t t Estate

• • • • •


Trusts Trusts Probate & & Estate Estate Administration Administration Probate

No obligationContact - Free us consultation Contact us now for for aa free free no no obligation obligation consultation: consultation: now

Contact: Ben Kopieczek Kopieczek Tel: Tel: 01372 01372 374676 374676 Contact: Ben Contact me to discuss your requirements Email: Email:

Tel: 07789 226693 Family Surrey FamilyWills Wills Surreyisisan anappointed appointedrepresentative representativeofofNew NewLeaf Leaf(WWF) (WWF)Ltd., Ltd., Head HeadOffice: Office:Princess PrincessCaroline CarolineHouse, House,11High HighStreet, Street,Southend Southendon onSea, Sea,SS1 SS11JE 1JE Email:

Co. Co.Reg. Reg.No. No.7891401 7891401

Why of Attorney? Why have Lasting Powers ofof Attorney? Whyhave haveLasting LastingPowers Powers Attorney?

1. AA Will looks after your assets when you have passed away BUT aa Lasting Power of 1. Will looks looksafter afteryour yourassets assetswhen whenyou youhave havepassed passed away BUT Lasting Power 1. A Will away BUT a Lasting Power of of Attorney (LPA) your assets safe while you are alive should you become Attorney (LPA) keeps keepsyour yourassets assets safe while you alive should become Attorney (LPA)keeps safe while you areare alive should youyou become mentally mentally incapacitated, illness have mentally incapacitated, suffer an an illness oraccident. have an an accident. accident. incapacitated, suffer an suffer illness or have anor 2. 2. AA Property Property && Financial Financial LPA LPA ensures ensures that that decisions decisions affecting affecting either either your your day day to to day, day, or or longer longer term, term, financial financial affairs affairs are are made made by by those those you you trust trust who who are are closest closest to to you, you, rather rather than than by by aa court court appointed Deputy. appointed Deputy. 3. A Health & Welfare LPA ensures that decisions about your health, care and well-being are 3. A Health & Welfare LPA ensures that decisions about your health, care and well-being are safeguarded. safeguarded. 4. For a free LPA factsheet, contact Family Wills Surrey. 4. For a free LPA factsheet, contact Family Wills Surrey.

Family Wills Surrey comes to you, at aattime that suits, incincl evenings and Family Wills Surrey comes to you, a time that suits, evenings & weekends. weekends Family Wills Surrey comes to you, at a time that suits, inc evenings and weekends. Ourservices services include: include: Our Our services include: Drafting of Wills t Lasting Powers of Attorney t Trusts Drafting of Wills Powers Trusts Drafting of Wills tLasting Lasting Powersof ofAttorney Attorney t Trusts Estate Planning t Probate & Estate Administration t Probate & Estate Administration Estate Planning Estate Planning Probate & Estate Adminstration Contact us now for a free no obligation consultation:

Contact usBen now for a free obligation consultation: Contact Ben Kopieczek now forKopieczek a free nono obligation consultation: Contact: Tel: 01372 374676 Contact: Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 Email: Tel: 01372 374676 Email: Email: Family Wills Surrey an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Family Surrey is a Surrey member of the Master ofSS1 Will Writers. FamilyCaroline Wills is an appointed representative of New Leaf HeadWills Office: Princess House, 1 High Street, SouthendGuild on Sea, 1JE(WWF) Co.Ltd., Reg. No. 7891401 Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE

Co. Reg. No. 7891401

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 21

Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

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Shops & Services

Shops & Services

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24 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019


& Services ShopsShops & Services

Why make a will? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

Do Do Do Do Do



you want to protect your children? you want to protect your loved one, whether spouse or partner? you want to protect your family home, especially in old age? you want to express your wishes on a formal document, or leave it to chance? you want to telephone the number below and receive peace of mind?


with comes this voucher. Family Wills Surrey to you, at a time that suits, Can not be usedevenings in conjuction withweekends. any other offer. including and

Our services include:


Drafting of Wills Lasting Powers of Attorney Trusts Estate Planning Probate & Estate Administration - 61now The Street, Ashtead, KT21 1AA Contact us for a free no Surrey, obligation consultation: - 01372 277 727 - -

Contact: Ben Kopieczek Tel: 01372 374676 - Email:

Family Wills Surrey is an appointed representative of New Leaf (WWF) Ltd., Head Office: Princess Caroline House, 1 High Street, Southend on Sea, SS1 1JE Co. Reg. No. 7891401 CTA - LookLocal Advert (Half Page).indd 2

15/04/2018 12:17

roadtrippers Coach Trips



13th May




26th June 31

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 25


The Best Bargains For the best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists. There are often sales, flash discounts and other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear about, and in some cases the discounts can be very big: for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off sale items and 30% off full-price styles.

Music Matters

You could also sign up for a deals service such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and you seetoaSpring, supposed Asexpiry. WinterWhenever threatens to turn getbargain the onmatter a product you Music can get grey bloomin’orandservice try our latest elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what Matters quiz all about the Seasons. the going rate usually is.


QUESTIONS: Shops & Services

1. Who wrote “The Four Seasons”? 2. What seasonal song was a hit for Justin Heywood of the Moody Blues and featured on the soundtrack of “War of the Worlds”? 3. In 1974, who sang about “Seasons in the Sun”? 4. Which iconic duo sang about “A Hazy Shade of Winter”? 5. Who sang about life “in the Summertime”? Family run business Est. 1998 6. Whose distinctive vocal style fronts the “Four Seasons”? Carpet & Upholstery Cleaning 7. Originally written as a christian hymn in 1931 as Fully Insured a celebration of a new day, possibly in Spring, whose Estimates biggest hitFree was “Morning has Broken”? 8. Which “Fab 4” sang about a “Summer Night Call Rhys on City”? 9. The song was “Summer Nights”. The duo was John Travolta and Olivia Newton John, but what was the movie? 10. Who sang about Winter on an album called THE STREET - FETCHAM “Goats Head Soup”?




26 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019


Tecnology & I.T. Technology

The Best Bargains For the best online prices, it’s a really good idea to sign up to shopping sites’ mailing lists. There are often sales, flash discounts and other offers that non-subscribers don’t hear about, and in some cases the discounts can be very big: for example, New Look has offered £25 off orders and GAP has taken 20% off sale items and 30% off full-price styles. You could also sign up for a deals service such as Groupon, but beware: they send an awful lot of emails, and many of the deals are subject to limits in terms of availability and expiry. Whenever you see a supposed bargain on a product or service you can get elsewhere, it’s always a good idea to see what the going rate usually is.



Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 27

Scams and Password protection... the importance of protecting your passwords

There are reports almost daily of data breaches and significant losses of users’ credentials from large, reputable businesses like hotel chains, airlines and the like. Recent companies to acknowledge they have been compromised are: MyFitnessPal had 143 Million account details breached or stolen MyHeritage reported 91 Million records taken MySpace had 359 Million accounts hacked Linkedin had 164 Million accounts breached Adobe had 152 Million accounts stolen Facebook had 87 Million records breached Now you might, correctly, say “why does it matter that someone has your MyFitnessPal account details?” In isolation it may not be very significant, but you may have stored your credit or bankers details on their system, and more significantly they will have your user name and password. If the same crooks, then breached, say, your Adobe account information, they might see that your account user name and password have similarities, which they then may go try and login to, say, Amazon as you, and start buying items for delivery to their locations. This isn’t scare-mongering, it is reality What can you do to protect yourself? There is a useful website named By putting in your email address it will tell you how many recorded breaches of your email address have been recorded. If you try this random email address, it will tell you it has been compromised on 92 occasions and where this compromise came from If you have been pwned what can you do? Change your email password twice in a week, and ensure your new password is not similar to the old one, ensure it has numbers, upper, lower case letters, and punctuation symbols in it. Try to have a different password for your major activities like email, shopping websites, finance websites. Personally, I have used a password storing program for years called Ascendo DataVault, it will synchronise with your smart phone, PC, Mac and tablets. In the program I never record the actual password, obviously this is personal preference, I might have password “A” being Apple, “B” being Banana, then I might add my work postcode, making my password Bwork? actually becoming “BananaKT227AW?” To check out how secure your new password is you could put it into, the above example would take a computer 415Million years to crack! As part of our Total Care Support package we get asked to help recover users accounts details where their accounts have been hacked. In most cases we are successful, but can’t be guaranteed. This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

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Health & Beauty

Ashlea Medical

Practice Patient Participation Group (PPG)

It was a big day for the AshLea Medical Practice when in September its PPG organised “A Family Health Day” in the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall to celebrate both the 110th birthday of the Practice and being awarded the national “PPG of the Year 2017”. We were well supported by many local voluntary organisations and charities. Several committee members are due to “retire” this year and we are looking for new members to take our successful PPG forward in the future. It’s not an onerous role and it certainly does not require any previous medical experience. We meet about six times a year and try to represent patients’ views, experiences and ideas to the Practice and other NHS organisations. You would be welcomed by a friendly, good humoured team!

30 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

This year we are holding our AGM on Thursday, 25th April at the Fairfield Centre, Leatherhead (next to the Swan Centre). We will be open from 7 pm for tea/coffee/cakes and a chance to meet the PPG Committee, and the meeting will start at 7.30pm. Parking is available on site. We are delighted to say that, after the formal part of the evening, we will welcome Community Police Officer Bob Apperley and Crime Reduction Officer, Neil Clarke, to be our guest speakers. We are sure this will be extremely interesting and lively presentation! All patients of Gilbert House and Linden House surgeries are welcome. If you would like further information, please email or call Richard Garrard on 01372 817 190.



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Shops & Services Health & Beauty

Leatherhead Podiatry


Margaret Spice

MA, BA (Hons.), MBACP, BICA • • • •

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Termly groups run in Parsons Mead Cricket Pavilion, Ashtead.

10% off your onon production 10% OFF yourfirst firstappointment appointment production

Monthly evening drop-in sessions for those who have completed a course. Parish Room, St George’s Church, Ashtead.

of this ad (offer endsends 30th November 2017) of this ad (offer 30th April 2019)

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63b High Street, Leatherhead 47

32 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

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w: t: 01372 377 678 a: 19, Cannon Grove, Fetcham, Leatherhead, KT22 9LG


Hire rooms at The Grange Evenings and weekends Ideal for meetings, private lessons, training or AGMs We are now renting out space in our Victorian main house to the community and business groups. Ballroom seats 80 Heritage Room seats 20 Garden Room seats 15 Training Room seats 16 Conference Room seats 15 Heated Therapy Pool capacity 10

For more details contact Claire Jones 01372 452 608 The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ 01372 452 608

Simply Scones tea room Every Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Join us for cream tea in the conservatory. Homemade scones, jam and cream – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange. Try our ‘flavour of the month’ scone. Booking essential.

To book either call 01372 452 608

A new Friday treat - pop in for freshly-brewed coffee and choose from our selection of cakes, biscuits and flapjacks! All made by people with learning disabilities as part of their work experience. Where else can you support a charity just by eating cake! Booking essential.

Every Friday 10.00am-11.30am

NEW Coffee & Cake The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ

Health & Beauty


Home-Start Home-Start Home-Start Epsom, Ewell & Banstead Epsom, Epsom, Ewell Ewell & & Banstead Banstead Home -Start

Epsom, Ewell & Banstead

Calling all volunteer parents, Calling all Calling grandparents…. all volunteer volunteer parents, parents, Calling all volunteer parents, grandparents... grandparents…. grandparents…. Could make a difference Could you you helphelp make a difference forfor young families? Could make a young families? Could you you help help make a difference difference for for Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support during those early young families? young families?

yearsMany whenparents children arehelp, young. need friendship, advice

Many parents need help, friendship, advice or support those early years when Many parentsduring need help, friendship, advice Your experience as a parent can help others. or support during those early years children are young. or support during those early years when when Come and enjoy your free Preparation Course, which is for 5 hours a children are local young. children are young. Your as a parent can help others. week for experience 8 weeks (during school hours).


M o



Your experience as a parent can help others.

Your experience as a parent can help others. Courses the year. Comerun andthroughout enjoy our free local Preparation

Come and enjoy our free local Preparation Course, is difference for 5 hours a week for 8Give us a Call now on 01737 Come and which enjoy our free localto Preparation Why not make a real a family? Course, which is for 55school hours a week for 8 weeks (during hours). Course, which is for hours a week for 379902 or email us for further information8at weeks weeks (during (during school school hours). hours). or see ourCourses websiterun throughout the year.

run throughout the year. Please noteCourses an enhanced check will be undertaken. Courses runDBS throughout the year. Now supporting Ashtead Why not families make ainreal difference to a family? not a difference to a Give usTattenhams, amake call now on 01737Downs, 379902 or email us 5SWE Why not make a real real difference toSurrey a family? family? 128Why Great Epsom KT18 Give us a call now on 01737 379902 or for further information at 128 Great Tattenhams Give us a call now on 01737 379902 or email email us us Home-Start Epsom, Ewell and Banstead is a Company Limited by Guarantee. Company No: 8765689. Charity Epsom No: 1156539 Downs for further further information information at or see at our website for Surrey KT18 5SE or see our website or see our website

- April 2019 36 Ashtead and Leatherhead Pleaselocal note an enhanced DBS check will be undertaken Please Please note note an an enhanced enhanced DBS DBS check check will will be be undertaken undertaken

W Giv



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Health & Beauty

Feeling overwhelmed?

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POEM CORNER Mars Spinning, rotating, relentlessly A crimson, red beacon Shrouded in inky black darkness. An insignificant planet in a World full of wonder. Orbiting, arcing, endlessly, Slowly turning, like a celestial object. Towering volcanoes and dramatic landscapes Moving around space gracefully, Like a dancer performing. A ball of swirling colours floating effortlessly.

OLIVIA NAVARANJAN Our poem this month is written by 10 year old Olivia Navaranjan, a pupil at West Ashtead Primary School and submitted by Rod Shaw, Principal Conservation Officer at Mole Valley District Council. Ours thanks go to them both for giving us all the opportunity to enjoy Olivia’s work. Particularly topical as Mars has been in the news recently.

38 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

Concessions available Accessible for all Home visits possible

07949 085425

10% OFF 1st Consulation


We offer neighbourly help to Ashtead Residents in need. RUN ENTIRELY BY VOLUNTEERS! WE CAN:Take you to medical appointments Collect your prescriptions Change a light bulb for you Do simple DIY tasks Shop if you are unable to do so

To Register as a client or as a volunteer PHONE: 07752 66 50 66 EMAIL: WEB:

Shops & Services


Art, Jewellery & Gifts

fire and iron gallery

New… ∗ Bespoke Framing ∗ Framed Originals & Limited Edition Prints ∗ Gifts & Jewellery ∗ Cards ∗ Ready Made Frames & Mounts

22 Bridge Street, Leatherhead, KT22 8BZ

Tel: 01372 377363

The exceptional metal art of

Eckhard Schembs Oxshott Road . Leatherhead KT22 0EN

Telephone 01372 386453 Open Tues – Sat 10-5

Find us on facebook Answers on page 45

40 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019


new Art Class Bring out your inner artist Beginners to Intermediates


Beginners to Intermediates

• Absolute Beginners to Improvers - Just Like You • 14 week course • Three hours once a week, mornings or afternoons • Step-by-step guidance • Suitable for beginners, refresher and advanced • Meet New Friends, Learn New Skills • Develop your skills and create your own original art to enjoy forever

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SA0488 18

Crossword Puzzle

Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Solutions Page 84



7. Quickly (2,3,6) 8. Turn to ice (6) 9. Grown-ups (6) 10. Nearer (6) 12. Give a sermon (6) 13. Chopping tool (3) 14. Beast (6) 16. Expensive (6) 18. Pleasantly odd (6) 20. Foliage (6) 22. Somnambulist (11)

1. Couple (4) 2. Greek capital (6) 3. Postponement (8) 4. Garment in ancient Rome (4) 5. Forswear (6) 6. Upright (8) 11. Pine away (8) 12. Strange (8) 15. Posted (6) 17. Light meals (6) 19. Kind, sort (4) 21. Republic of Ireland (4)

42 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

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Where to find us Openview Farm, Epsom Road, West Horsley, Surrey. KT24 6AP


200,000 Geraniums – trailing and upright. Over 100 varieties & colours. All grown here on our nursery at The Vineries. Spectacular price all season long.

£2.79 or 10 for £24

Home grown basket and container plants. Over 100 varieties for colour all season long. Including fuchsias, trailing petunias,Verbena, million bells and many more.

£1.99 or 10 for £17

Home grown veg to be home grown by you. Including salad leaves, peas, beans, cucumbers, 20+ varieties of tomatoes, courgettes and more. Pot Vegetables Pack Vegetables

A fantastic range of fruit bushes & plants Producing melons, olives, blueberries, raspberries, rhubarb, currants, gooseberries to name but a few, plus over 60 varieties of herbs to choose from. Strawberry plants £1.29 each or 10 for £10 Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP |



on a wide range of terracotta & glazed pots.

4 PERENNIALS FOR £10 1 Litre Square pot Perennials. Normally £2.99 each


(3 plants in a pot) Normally £5.99 each

Large Range of Roses including

DAVID AUSTIN ROSES Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP |


Our lovely TabbyCat had been a wandering nomad for many years. He was fed by an elderly lady, who has gone into a nursing home, but otherwise had had no contact with humans. We think he was a domestic kitten who went wandering off when he reached maturity and then lived rough until we took him into care. He is very friendly, loving, content, enjoys cuddles and, in fact, falls asleep in your lap! He also loves catnip toys, he really enjoys his food and loves Dreamies! TabbyCat is about 10 years old, neutered, vaccinated, micro-chipped and in good health. He could possibly live with another, older, cat but not with dogs or young children. We would like an experienced cat lover to introduce him to the luxuries of living in a home. If you feel you could give TabbyCat the home with garden that he so richly deserves please ring Sue on 020 8390 3165. Epsom Ewell & District Branch If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

ASHTEAD MOVIE NIGHT Showing at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall for one night only

Wednesday, 8 May 2019 at 7.30 (Doors open 6.45pm) to be preceded by a short supporting programme

Steve Coogan and John C. Reilly are 'Stan & Ollie' in the true story of Hollywood's greatest comedy double act Bafta Nominated Main film running time: 1hrs 37min




Biography | Drama

(Proceeds to benefit hall funds)

Drinks & Ice Cream available

(supplied by Hannams)

Please reserve tickets by phoning: Hall Office : 01372 272921 / Graham : 01372 272077 / Jean: 01372 274539

What’s On

Regular Events Monday - Thurs (weekly)

Monday 1st (weekly- termtime)

Monday 1st (weekly)

Tuesday 2nd (weekly - termtime)

Tuesday 2nd (1st Tues monthly)

Tuesday 2nd (weekly)

Wednesday 3rd (weekly)

Wednesday 3rd (monthly)

Wednesday 3rd (Monthly)

Citizens Advice sessions at The Georgian House, Swan Mews, High Street, Leatherhead, Surrey KT22 8AE. Drop-in: Mon toThurs 10am - 1pm Appointments: Mon to Thurs 1pm - 4pm. Offer free, confidential, impartial & independent advice on a wide range of subjects. Advice line: 03444 111 444 (Monday - Friday, 10am - 4pm) email: Fetcham Singers - friendly Ladies Choir meets at the Parish Church Hall, Church Road, KT22 8HD, 7.30pm for 7.45pm start. We have started to practise Faure’s Requiem & various folk songs for the Summer Concert performed by Fetcham Singers on 6th July 2019. New members are always welcome. There are no auditions. Contact Sandra Brown on 01372 276736 Ashtead Choral Society, meet every Monday evening to rehearse at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, at 8pm for 2hrs & tea. Any enquiries please call 01372 278852, email www. Toddlers Group for 0-3 year olds with a carer. Toys, craft, singalongs and refreshments. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2LW. 10-11.30am. Newcomers welcome. Rosemary Bassett 01372 274666 Leatherhead Probus club has been providing fellowship for retired men in the area who have inquiring & active minds for 50 years. We meet first Tuesday each month at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a lunch followed by a talk. In April we welcome Inspector Ken Wharfe MVO, ex-SAS & the police protection officer responsible for Lady Diana & then the two princes. His talk should be amusing & enlightening. For further details call Jon McCarthy on 07947 361 406; or email to come as a guest. Knit ‘n Natter at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead from 2.30pm - 4pm, it costs 50p pp to cover the cost of the tea and coffee. This is a craft group where people can come and try a new craft or continue their own project whilst chatting with others. For more info The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Wednesday, 7.30 pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead, KT22 8AY. For singing in close harmony - there’s nothing like it! Just turn up, or contact Gary Score on 01372 275177. New singers welcome. Ashtead WI, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15pm for 7.30pm. “Everyone Has a Story to Tell” - Speaker Pat Mitchinson, For more information contact Sandra Brown 01372 276736 Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group, “Gardeners’ Question Time” with Pip Bensley and friends. Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 1.45pm - 4.30pm. Visitors welcome. Di Stirling 01372 279501

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 49

What’s On

Regular Events Ashtead & Leatherhead Weds 3rd & 24th (weekly termtime)

Wednesday 3rd (monthly)

Wednesday 3rd (weekly)

Wednesday 3rd (1st Weds monthly)

Thursday 4th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 4th (weekly)

Thursday 4th (weekly)

Thursday 4th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 4th (weekly)

Thursday 4th (weekly - termtime)

Baby and Toddler Group in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall from 10 - 12noon. Have you just had a baby or moved to the area ? If so why not come along to meet some of the other parents/carers and their children. Lots of toys and activities plus a welcome cup of coffee. Just pop in or call Jackie 07764686914 Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT 23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details on our website or just come along to a meeting, Rotary Club of Leatherhead, Police Federation Headquarters, Highbury Drive, Leatherhead. 7pm-9pm. For more info: Simon Edmands on 07753 821964 The Armada Probus Club. If you are a retired or semi retired gentleman please join us at Tyrrells Wood Golf Club for a two course lunch followed by a talk on an interesting subject. We also have regular visits to places of interest in the South of England & twice yearly ladies events at the club. The first lunch is free of charge. The annual membership fee: £20. Contact our Secretary Michael Pearce on 01372 459461 or e-mail: Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. “AGM followed by Show and Tell”. Beginners and more experienced quilters welcome. Info from Marie-Louise Oldrey on 01932 865194 or Linda Keets 01372 374160. Ashtead Bowling Club, free coaching sessions for beginners on Thursdays at 2.30 & 6.30 lasting about 90 mins. Just bring a pair of clean flat soled shoes. Bowls of a suitable size, provided. Club pavilion, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BJ. Contact Mike on 01372 273142 to arrange a session with one of our coaches. Ashtead over 60s Lunch Club meets every Thursday in the Ralli Room APMG, for a freshly prepared hot lunch and dessert. Doors open at 10.30am for a cup of tea or coffee. More information call Brenda (chairman) on 01372 813 276 Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institute, £5. Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 The Rotary club of Ashtead meets 7.30pm for dinner at The Cock Inn, Church Lane, Headley, KT18 6LE. Visitors welcome. Contact Brian 01372 275860 Ashtead Baptist Church Youth Groups every Thursday 5.15-7.00pm. Dynamite ages 7-11 years; (Games, Craft, Singing Tuck Shop) £1pw. Blast ages 11-14 years (Games, Computers, Snacks, Drama) £1.50 per wk. Ashtead Baptist Church, 192 Barnett Wood Lane, KT21 2LW. Children can be brought & collected by a known adult, All staff are DBS checked. For more info call 01372 202103

50 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

What’s On

Regular Events Continued...

Thursday 4th (monthly)

Friday 5th

Friday 5th (monthly)

Friday 5th (weekly)

Friday 5th (weekly termtime)

Sat 6th & 20th Sunday 7th (weekly)

Sunday 7th (weekly)

Monday 8th (2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 8th (2nd Mon monthly)

Tuesday 9th (2nd Tues monthly)

Ashtead U3A, 2.30pm, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Speaker Guest Speaker Len Taphouse ‘5 Years as a Dockyard Engineering Apprentice’ Annual membership £12. For more info: 01372 273690 or email Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, Annual General Meeting followed by Bring & Buy Sale. Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £1 per meeting (extra when a meal is involved) Members do not have to have been Civil Servants. Anne Thomson 01372 373258. Morning coffee and scones served in the Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall. Woodfield Lane, Ashtead KT21 2BE.Prepared and served by volunteers to raise money to help run the hall. The Ark is a Christian based toddler group, based at Christ Church, Epsom Road, Leatherhead 9.30am - 11am, aimed at children from 0 to 5yrs old. During the session we have toys, games, a craft, a singing and story time. There is a voluntary donation of £1 per family to help cover cost. For more info visit or email Soup Lunch held in St Michael’s Church Hall, the Marld, Ashtead. Homemade soup, bread and pudding, served with tea/coffee, between 12noon and 1.30pm, all for £5. In aid of Princess Alice Hospice, CAFOD (Catholic Fund for Overseas Development) and BESOM Enjoy a great meal and raise funds for three charities. For more information contact 01372 272267. Family rhymetime at Leatherhead Library, Church Street KT22 8DP. First come first served. No tickets but maximum of 16 per session owing to limited space. Rhymes for babies and toddlers. For more info email Leatherhead Parish Church welcomes you to all its services. For full details of our services and events, check out Leatherhead Methodist Church welcomes you to all their services. For more information visit our website Leatherhead branch, Royal British Legion, Women’s Section, Leatherhead Community Centre, Kingston Road, 7.00pm, on the 2nd Monday of the month. Interesting speakers & events. For more info or to book: Jane 01372 811422 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 8pm. ‘Current Trends in the World of Wine’ by Angela Bawtree. For more info: or web Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, The Street, KT22 9QS. ‘Tales of a Blue Badge Guide’. 7.45pm. Meriel Sexton on

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 51

What’s On

Regular Events Ashtead & Leatherhead

Wednesday 10th

Wednesday 10th (2nd Weds monthly)

Friday 12th (2nd Fri monthly)

Fri 12th & 26th (weekly)

Saturday 13th (monthly)

Sun 14th & 28th (2nd & 4th Sunday)

Sunday 14th (2nd Sun monthly)

Monday 15th (3rd Monday)

Tuesday 16th

An illustrated talk, tracing the course of the dazzlingly inventive period of art in Vienna in the years leading up to the Great War, will be given to The Arts Society Leatherhead at 7:15 pm in Leatherhead Parish Church Hall, KT22 8BD. Guests are welcome, £5 at the door: please contact or Huw Jenkins on 01372 278728. Tylney Lunch Club for ladies, Leatherhead Leisure Centre. 3 course lunch followed by a speaker, membership: £10pa & £16 for lunch. Pat Date - 01372 454879 Ashtead Friday Market, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 9am-12.30pm, free entry. Lots of stalls, cakes, jewellery, plants, collectables, & much more, for the RNLI Martha’s Market 10.30-11.30am Leatherhead Parish Church Hall. New dates with extended opening hours. Come along to buy home-made cakes and preserves, hand-crafted items from cards to knitted goods, eggs and haberdashery supplies. Or why not book a stall to sell something for yourself or a charity. April 12th with Fairtrade and April 26th with Hearing Aid checks. Make time to join us for a coffee and bring a friend too. Contact Janine 01372 374914 Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (2pm for 2:30pm – note afternoon meeting) on ‘On the Wild Side - an experiment in new naturalism’ by Keith Wiley. £4. Sale of plants, garden sundries & books. or Revive Nation is a youth group we run every 2nd and 4th Sunday of the month at Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Road, Leatherhead from 12.30pm 2.30pm. We play games, we have a pool table and we serve a light lunch for the young people. For more info An evening meeting is held on the second Sunday of each month at Park House, Randall’s Road Leatherhead, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence and stillness. For more info contact Catherine Carr (01483 283693) or The Probus Club of Ashtead meets at Tyrrell’s Wood Golf Club at 12.30 for its monthly lunch and talk. Speaker Ian Bevan; his subject, The Inns of Court. New members welcome. For membership details and other information visit our website Alternatively, contact our Secretary, Stephen Bridges on 07806 791774 or The Arts Society Ashtead meets, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall at 10.30am for its regular monthly lecture. Speaker Rosamund Bartlett; her subject Catherine the Great. Non-members and those already on the Waiting List welcome to attend: £5 payable on the door. For info contact Pat Anderson, Membership Secretary, 07958 560707 or Website

52 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

What’s On

Regular Events Continued...

Wednesday 17th (3rd Weds monthly)

Thursday 18th (3rd Thurs monthly)

Ashtead Friendship Centre, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, 2pm. ‘The Titanic’ by Angela Young . For more information contact Don Butt 01372 274288 Leatherhead U3A’s meeting will be at 2pm in the United Reformed Church Hall, Epsom Rd, Leatherhead KT22 8ST. Terry Johnson will tell us about the ‘The Trial of Ladybird Books – The Lady Chatterley Case’. The U3A welcomes anyone no longer in full time employment or raising a family. Contact us at lhdu3amembers@gmail. com or just come along to a meeting. Visit to find details of the many interests we offer & how easy it is to make new friends.

Friday 19th

Good Friday: 10.30am Pond Service at The Pond on Barnett Wood Lane/ Woodfield Lane, Ashtead 12-3pm: Three hours at the cross at St. Giles’ Church: 12 noon reflections on images portraying The Passion of Christ, 1pm Stainer’s Crucifixion, 2pm Led meditations on Jesus’ last hour.

Sunday 21st

Easter Day - Normal Sunday services at 9.15am, 1am & The Six at St. George’s Church & 8am, 10am at St. Giles’ Church - plus a special Easter Carol Service by the choir at the Choral VI at 6pm at St Giles’ Church.

Tuesday 23rd (4th Tues monthly)

Weds 24th (monthly)

Thurs 25th

Friday 26th (Every 2nd Friday)

Sunday 28th (4th Sun monthly)

Tuesday 30th (last tues monthly)

“The Science Of Hypnotherapy” - Speaker Mark Brayfield, Fetcham U3A 2.30pm St Mary’s Church Hall off The Ridgeway. Visitors & new members welcome. Contact 01372 453959 or Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild, Ralli Room, Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Ln, Ashtead KT21 2BE. 7.30pm. For more info contact Di James on 01372 273948. Open meeting of the Ashtead Cancer Group, a support group for cancer patients, their families, friends & carers, providing support. Free. 7pm-9pm St George’s Christian Centre, Barnett Wood Ln, Ashtead. Workshops & occasional speakers. 07843 620295, Oasis will run from 26 April every second Friday - 10 May, 24 May, 7 June, 21 June & 5 July….a friendly women’s group for ladies aged 20-50. Meet at St George’s Church hall from 9.15 - 10.30am for coffee & cake, chat (speakers & themed discussion) & even a full and free creche for preschoolers or homeschooled children. Maxine Simpson: 01372 272177 or New Fire contemporary worship (ecumenical) held at All Saints Cafe, Kingston Road. Coffee from 6.00p.m. Worship 6.30 p.m. For more info email the info@ or call 020 8546 5964. Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2pm - 4.15pm. In addition to our main function of keeping in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. This month we have a talk on The Real Dad’s Army. Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 53

What’s On

What’s On Ashtead & Leatherhead

2nd - 12th APRIL

Bookham Camera Club will be holding its Annual Exhibition in the Leatherhead Theatre from Tues 2nd until 12th April. With over 100 framed prints & a large number of digital images on display this will be a celebration of the work of the 70 plus members of your local Camera Club. The exhibition is Free & can be viewed during the Theatre’s opening hours, Tues - Sat from 10am. For more information visit our website:

2nd - 7th APRIL

Grange Artists at Denbies Wine Estates, Dorking RH5 6AA. Over 90 artists with disabilities from The Grange will be exhibiting colourful and creative paintings, prints, textile art and photography at Denbies Picture Gallery. Come and be amazed by what people with disabilities can do. Free entry - and you can your visit the gift shop and cafe. Open 9.30am - 5.30pm. For more info:

Saturday 6th APRIL

“This Man” a Modern Oratorio at 7.30pm in Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, Leatherhead, KT22 8JA. Prepare to be blown away! The Easter Story as you’ve never heard it before. Written by Anne de Waal & directed by Dana de Waal. Tickets:, Box Office: 07947910002. Adults - £12: Concessions - £10: Children - £10. Contact: or 01372 362145

Saturday 6th APRIL

Ashtead Choral Society, will be performing Haydn’s Oratorio “The Creation” at St Martin’s Church, Church Street, Epsom, starting at 7.30pm. The Creation will be performed in its English version by Ashtead Choral Society, accompanied by the Kent Sinfonia and with soloists Lucy Cox, Mark Chaundy and James Oldfield. Tickets are £18 reserved, £16 unreserved & free for those u21 in unreserved seats, & to book: or 07379 427666.

Thursday 11th APRIL

Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group’s Charity Evening in aid of the Princess Alice Hospice. A flower arranging demonstration by Coral Gardiner entitled “Springtime”, at the Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, KT21 1QR at 7 for 7.30pm. Open to all. Tickets: £15 (including a glass of wine and canapés) from Di Stirling 01372 279501

Weds 17th APRIL

Friday 19th APRIL

Leatherhead Horticultural Society host a talk by Geoff Peach, Professional Gardener, NVS Judge & Local Radio Broadcaster on “A Gardeners Life” at the Letherhead Institute, High St. Leatherhead KT22 7PG at 8pm. Admission £3 includes refreshments. Easter Bunny Trail 2.00 - 4.00pm, £3per child at Juniper Hall Field Studies Centre, Old London Rd, RH5 6DA. Homemade cakes. Indoor craft activities. Meet the goats and chickens. Easter Trail. Located near the foot of Box Hill. All proceeds will go to our new eco-building project for students on courses and the local community. Limited parking on site. Bus stops for 465 Kingston - Dorking outside the centre. Contact phone 01306 734500, email

If there’s an event in May that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.6) before Monday 8th April. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above events are correct at time of print.

What’s On

What’s On


Saturday 20th APRIL

Easter Bunny Hat Craft Activity at Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, KT11 1JE 10am - 2pm.Get creative and make an Easter Bunny hat using a mixture of craft materials and natural objects from the landscape. Drop-in Easter craft activity in the Abercorn Room. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Maximum 4 children per adult.General admission applies. Suggested donation of £1 per child towards materials. 01932 868113,

Sunday 21st APRIL

Easter Chocolate Treasure Hunt at Painshill Park, Portsmouth Road, Cobham, KT11 1JE 10am - 1pm. Use your detective skills to crack each clue and follow a treasure hunt around the Painshill landscape. Solve each riddle to complete the treasure hunt and reveal where the Easter Bunny has hidden all the chocolate. Children must be supervised by an adult at all times. Maximum 4 children per adult. Included with general admission. 01932 868113,

27th & 28th APRIL

Bookham Bowling Club - Outdoor bowls season starts soon. Friendly club, new members always welcome. Never played before? Then join us for our Come and Try weekend, Saturday 27 and Sunday 28 April. For details visit our website or phone Robin McMinnies on 01372 454336

Saturday 27th APRIL

Open Day at Leatherhead Tennis Club, Cannon Grove, Fetcham KT22 9LS. 2 4pm. Adults and juniors. Come and meet us, see page 61 for more information.

Save the Date in May Sunday 5th MAY 2019

11th Bluebell 10K Run, Headley Heath Common Rd, Headley, Epsom KT18 6NN, 10.00am. Whatever your standard, join this fantastic event at Headley Health in aid of Motor Neurone disease association or raise funds for your chosen charity. For more info: or contact Adrian O’Loughlin 01483 203748

21st - 25th MAY 2019

5 Day Gift Market at Broune Hall, Ewell from 10am - 5pm (4pm Saturday). Stalls are specially selected for: Originality, Quality, Usability, Great Value and Good Service. New Stalls added Daily, plus Collectables. Treat yourself, you are with it! Easy & Cheap Car Parking, Free Entry.

Weds 22nd MAY 2019

Leatherhead Rotary proudly presents British Philharmonic Big Band in Concert at the Leatherhead Theatre, 7 Church St, KT22 8D at N 7.30pm. Featuring the sensational sounds of the swing music era, plus special guest Frank Cognoscenti returns as Sinatra! Tickets £20 (half price for u18s). All proceeds in Aid of Prostate Cancer UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Association. Box office: 01372 365 141

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 55

What’s On

Easter Eggstravaganza at Bocketts Farm from the 6th - 23rd April 2019

Enjoy a great family day out this Spring, as the lambing season gets into full swing! With over 350 gorgeous newborn lambs due and ‘Meet the Shepherd’ sessions daily, there will be plenty of opportunity to learn about the lambs and even watch one being born! Children will also love to get up close to the baby chicks, ducklings and bunnies in the Small Animal Village,

56 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

in addition to goat milking, tractor rides, pony rides and pig racing. Plus, complete the Easter stamp trail to take home a chocolate treat, and enjoy fun live Easter shows. With plenty of play indoors and out, you can be sure of a great day out whatever the weather! For more information about this event visit our website

What’s On

THURSDAY 12.30pm - A Strings Concert


Leatherhead Methodist Church, KT22 8AY




at Leatherhead Methodist Church

WEDNESDAYS at Christ Church

12.30pm - Camilla Marchant - flute, Thomas Ang - Piano. CPE CPE Bach: Sonata in G • Boulanger: Nocturne for flute and piano • KargElert: Sinfonische Kanzone, Op 114 • Tchaikovsky, arr Pahud: Eugene Onegin, Op 24 • Sancan: Sonatine • courtesy of the Royal Academy of Music

Leatherhead Methodist Church, Church Rd, KT22 8AY



APRIL 12.30pm - Opening Organ Concert. Guest organist: Timothy Guntrip, Timothy Guntrip, Organist & Deputy Director, Stag Montem

Chorem. Assistant Director of Music, Parish Church of the Holy Cross, Uckfield

All venues have level access, including toilets. Leatherhead Methodist Church, please park in the Swan Cente multi-storey.


Christ Church URC, Epsom Road, KT22 8ST

12.30pm - Capital Horns, quartet,


Stephen Payne, Elliott Howley, Timothy Doyle, Josh Bartram. Courtesy of the Royal Academy of Music.

Leatherhead Methodist Church, KT22 8AY As the weather warms up, so do the activities of The Arts Society Ashtead. This Spring we look forward to more fascinating lectures, such as “Catherine The Great” in April, and “Photography as Fine Art” in May.

Member Society of


In April we are looking forward to our regular Spring Tour, this year to the historic city of Lincoln. The first two of our four visits this year will take place over the Spring, namely to Standen and Saint Hill Manor on 9th May, and to Taplow Court and Dorney Court on 12th June. The Arts Society has been very active in promoting arts projects in Ashtead’s primary schools. In February all pupils at Barnett Wood Infant School produced models of bees, which were fired by our Young Arts Coordinator in her home kiln, some examples of which are shown in the photograph.

For further information about the society & the programme for next year, take a look at our website

Visitors will find a welcoming atmosphere including coffee & biscuits, & enjoy a great lecture given by a renowned expert. We meet in the Peace Memorial Hall on the 3rd Tuesday, doors open at 09.30 for the lecture at 10.30. The charge is £5 for non-members but first-timers may attend free.

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 57

Working Towards a Sustainable Ashtead Who are the fashion victims? The damage to the environment by our obsession with buying clothes and the fashion industry is pretty ugly. In just 15 years the amount of clothes sold globally has doubled, and at the same time the number of times an item is worn has gone down by a quarter, creating a perfect storm of unused clothes to be at best recycled and at worst dumped in landfill. According to a 2017 report from the Circular Fibres Initiative: • 93 billion cubic metres of water every year are used for growing cotton. • The estimated cost to the UK economy of landfilling clothing and household textiles each year is approximately £82 million. • Total greenhouse gas emissions from textiles production of 1.2 billion tonnes annually, are more than those of all international flights and maritime shipping combined. The fashion trade is projected to triple by 2050 with the associated energy and resource demand if no action is taken. As well as being wasteful, the industry is polluting: clothes release about 0.5million tonnes of microfibers, about 4% of total plastic entering the ocean every year. According to the World Bank, 20% of water pollution globally is due to textile processing, making it the second biggest polluter of fresh water resources on the planet. But it’s not just the environment that suffers, cheap clothes have a human cost too. Unicef reports that in the cotton industry, children are employed to pollinate the plants. They are subjected to long working hours, exposure to pesticides and they are often paid below the minimum wage. In developing countries where cotton is one of the main crops, children are enlisted to sow cotton in the spring, followed by weeding through the hot summer months and help harvest the delicate crop in the autumn. The fast growth of sales and the decline of the number of times we wear clothes before discarding them is driving an environmental disaster. Developing countries are now catching up with richer countries in their buying and discarding habits. The market for second-hand clothes is shrinking; and an estimated 2 billion new consumers are waiting to buy the latest trends in emerging economies. Recycling is vital but at the moment only 1% of recycled textiles are re-made into new clothes with most used in industry for cheap commercial rags, furniture stuffing, home insulation and building materials. The fashion business needs to shift away from this linear ‘take-make-waste’ fashion towards a circular model with no waste, and we can all be a part of this change. Best of all is to cut down the amount you buy, make do and mend, swap clothes, use charity shops, buy ‘vintage’ clothes and donate to clothes banks. ‘Fashion victim’ usually refers to those who slavishly follow the latest crazy trends. But the real victims of fashion are the environment and those exploited to fulfil our fashion-conscious whims. Time for a change? Caroline Cardew-Smith website: email:

58 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

What’s On



















Ashtead Baptist Church invite you to-

Sunday 21st April at 4pm till 6pm This is a family gathering where all are welcome, what ever age, to have fun together, celebrate and share a free meal.

More details email Paul & Sue at

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 59

Back By Popular Demand – Sold Out Last Year! Leatherhead Rotary proudly presents

British Philharmonic BIG BAND in Concert Featuring the sensational sounds of the swing music era Plus special guest Frank Cognoscenti returns as Sinatra!

LEATHERHEAD THEATRE Wednesday, May 22 at 7.30pm All Proceeds In Aid of Prostate Cancer UK and the Motor Neurone Disease Association

Tickets ÂŁ20

(Half price for Under 18s) from Theatre Box Office 01372 365141 or* from Gary Zabel 01372 800810 or any Leatherhead Rotary member Box office tickets subject to 50p Restoration Levy


Leatherhead Rotary Registered Charity No: 1032183, Prostate Cancer UK Registered Charity No: 1005541, MND Association Registered Charity No: 294354

What’s On

27th 2-4pm s

Adult coaching for individuals and ‘rusty players’; turn up and play club sessions; regular social events. Visit www// or call Judi on 07789 819647 for more information.




Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!


7 1 5 9 2 0 7 8 5 4 0 5 1 8

4 0 8 9 0 1 4 3 8 9 9 0 2 3

8 2 3 8 3 9 8 9 2 2 3 2 3 2

5 7 0 4 9 2 5 3 7 7 8 9 9 0

9 5 4 7 5 8 5 4 3 7 4 3 5 3

2 8 4 2 7 4 7 8 9 8 7 8 7 8

0 3 8 0 2 7 6 7 4 8 2 5 2 5

3 9 5 2 9 5 4 6 8 3 0 7 9 4

8 5 7 7 9 9 8 6 1 9 3 2 4 0

4 5 2 4 2 3 8 2 0 2 9 9 7 3

7 8 0 9 0 0 9 9 3 2 4 4 2 7

5 3 3 5 4 3 2 3 3 8 8 7 9 2

8 7 9 5 7 3 2 8 9 1 2 7 9 9

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 09932, 10275, 20785, 28912, 37789, 38472, 39228, 40890, 53354, 72947, 74353, 83203, 84758, 89902, 92047, 99847

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 61

MOLE VALLEY W.I. MARCH MEETING REPORT Our meeting was opened by Anne Layman who welcomed a further 2 new members to the group. Our popularity is ever increasing. After general business which included updates on various sub groups including 3 forthcoming outings to the Houses of Parliament, Hurst Castle and Vintage Essex we enjoyed tea and coffee during the break. We then welcomed Myra from the Kent, Surrey and Sussex Air Ambulance who gave us an enlightening talk on the valuable work carried out by this organisation which is an independent charity and the only one providing 24 hour cover. Operating costs amount to over £11 million per year and they depend on the good works of volunteers who

help raise money towards this life saving service. It was a fascinating insight to how it all works. Our jumble sale is our next main event taking place on 16 March. Mole Valley WI meets at Fetcham Village Hall on the second Tuesday of the month at 7.45pm and our talk on 9 April will be ‘Tales of a blue badge guide’. We welcome all newcomers. Various activities take place throughout the year including badminton, bridge, home-craft, bookclub, rambling, knit and natter, mah-jong and scrabble. Further details are on our website www. From Linda McKeikan

FETCHAM VILLAGE W.I. FEBRUARY REPORT The month started with the news that our oldest member Madge has had to move to be nearer to family into an Essex care home. As a member of this W.I. for many years she will be greatly missed. Our monthly newsletter and updates will be sent to keep her in touch - how lucky is that! The meeting started with the main agenda and a resume of the past month’s activities and events; importantly Pat’s January Christmas turkey lunch. Speaker Ray Breading’s chosen subject was Charles Dickens and we learnt of many interesting facts about his life.Born in 1812 and dying in 1870, his last novel being Our Mutual Friend. When he was six years old his father went to Marshalsea Debtors Speaker Ray Breading

Prison so Charles was sent to work in appalling conditions at Warrens Blacking Factory. There he earned six shillings a week, returning to school when his father was released. He suffered from epilepsy as a child, had insomnia, and was afraid of bats. His interests included magic, he was a Member of the Ghost Club, and he always made sure to sleep with his head pointing north as he felt it improved his writing. After ten children he and his wife Catherine separated in 1858. He is buried at Poets Corner, Westminster Abbey and his headstone is adjacent to those of Rudyard Kipling and Thomas Hardy. Next month features the Orpheus Centre. Ann Lovelace and her colleagues will talk about their Organisation & we will be entertained by Angus. A treat for us all. Do come & visit, the first Weds of the month, in Fetcham Village Hall. We start at 7.30pm and our meetings last two hours. You would be made very welcome. MAUREEN WEBB

62 To advertise please email

Ashtead WIng is part of a new generation of WI’s. We meet on the second Monday of the month from 8pm to 10pm in Ashtead Baptist Church Hall.

Next meeting on 8 April we have a talk entitled “Voyage around Antarctica” New members and guests always welcome – why not pop by and meet us! Alternatively send us an email to arrange your visit. Next meeting 8th April 2019

Email: Website:

ASHTEAD W.I. MARCH MEETING REPORT There was a very ‘Spring-like’ welcome for us at our March meeting, with 4 visitors and a new member to share it. In February there had been an enjoyable coffee morning with a chance to meet members we didn’t always get to chat with, and there will be an outing to Hatfield House in April. We were reminded of several other Surrey W.I. events to come. Angela Young was our speaker this evening with an absolutely fascinating story about ‘The Aristocrat (her great grandmother), The Able Seaman and the Sinking of the Titanic’. We learned about the ship itself, the regulations of those times, and so many more details around the tragic event. Lady Noel Rothes was travelling to meet her husband in the USA, and was one of the women in Lifeboat 8, under control of Able Seaman Thomas Jones. Having owned a yacht she was particularly helpful with knowledge of navigation and took very great care of other women who had left husbands back on the ship. A close bond grew between the unlikely couple and when on board the Carpathia Jones took the two brass number 8s from his lifeboat and sent one in a plaque to Lady Rothes. They were in touch until her death in 1956. Angela gave so much researched detail - it was indeed a spine-tingling and moving story of courage and friendship between two people who would not normally have met. Such a lot for us to think about. Back to earth! Some of us will be going to ‘Calendar Girls, The Musical’ soon, which will be great fun. All our ‘table plants’ this evening were added to the raffle, our monthly informal lunch and sub-group details were given, and we have to remember that our meeting in April will be a one-off in the Ralli Room at the Peace Memorial Hall, 7.15 for 7.30pm. With 70 members having attended this evening, it should be really cosy for us all! Our speaker will be Pat Mitchinson with ‘Everyone has a Story to Tell’. FROM SANDRA BROWN

To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 63

Ruth’s Rose Copyright Sarah Lott, March 2019 | @thememorybook | facebook/thememorybook With both arms weighed down with shopping liked the Storytime sessions, relocating to just behind bags, there was nothing more irritating than rain. ‘Young Fiction’ to listen to the innocent laughter and Rose was having great trouble seeing because her watch all the enthralled soft faces. new luminous green spectacles had slipped and were Rose had known Ruth’s cheeky sons, Ben and now precariously balanced on the tip of her nose. Daniel since they were toddlers and she remembered The girl in the optician’s had assured her they were knitting a lovely pink cardigan for her new born very ‘now’ but after a few strange looks in Sainsbury’s, daughter, Sarah. Some of the other mothers in the Shops & Services Rose was beginning to question what ‘now’ actually library gave Rose disapproving looks and ushered meant for a seventy six year old myopic pensioner. their children away. Rose would have loved to have Perhaps she’d have been better off with spectacles been a mother but she’d never met that special that were a little less ‘now’ and a bit more ‘then’… someone. She was still optimistic though. “Always Rose trudged blindly in the direction of the bus keep your eyes peeled” she repeated, “Because you never stop. She almost lost her footing as one shoe skidded know, do you..?’ on a soggy crisp packet. As she lowered her head Now that Sarah, was older, Ruth didn’t come to to get a better look she could feel rivulets of rain Storytime anymore but she’d still pop in occasionally finding their way down her spotted plastic rain hood to have a cup of tea with Rose, in the new library and into the gaping collar of her floral blouse. As she café. Rose loved that. Sometimes she even had a slice raised her hand to push the glasses up her nose, yet of lemon drizzle cake. more water found it’s way down the sleeve of her lilac Today was a special day, it was Rose’s birthday and padded anorak. She very slowly eased herself down she’d had a delightful morning reading a book on to retrieve the crisp bag. Her friend Moira had spent celebration cakes and icing techniques. At eleven nearly a month in hospital with a broken hip after o’clock, she made her way to the café and found her falling down outside Argos and she wouldn’t wish usual table by the window. She ordered two cups of that on anyone. “I should be ok in my ‘shopping’ shoes.” tea and two slices of lemon drizzle cake. A dismissive She muttered to herself “But you never know, do waitress gave her a patronising smile. “Expecting you..?” Rose finished most of her sentences with this someone? Well you never know, do you..?” little phrase. She found it covered all eventualities Rose was suddenly overcome with an unfamiliar and explained most things. wave of self doubt. Just as the tears began to prick Rose prided herself on her open mind. Nothing behind the luminous green was dismissed and every new piece of information frames, there was Ruth, a was thoroughly researched. She was a regular at the big bunch of yellow library, often baffling the librarians with diverse roses in her hand, requests for reference books. She loved to sit by the smiling down at her. window and would lift her head to each passer by “Happy Birthday Rose! with a cheery wave and a whispered “Hello dear… You didn’t think I’d Hope you find what you’re after…” Rose particularly forget, did you?”

64 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019


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Kids need nature By Selina Botham

In these days of increasing stress for children and young people, playing outside is one of the best things we can encourage our children to do to help them to relax and recharge their batteries. Award winning garden designer Selina Botham gives her top tips on how to encourage children to play outside more and discover nature in their own back garden. Flower power - Have plenty of flowers in the garden so you can spare a few - let the children pick them and use the petals to make potions and perfume. Give them a few bottles and let them set up a stall; rush to be their first customer. Ah.. Smells lovely! Back to basics - Kids love to tunnel and scrape away soil so, if you can, leave an area with bare soil perhaps tucked away from your favourite plants and let them get stuck in. Water increases the fun and they can make a muddy soup or pie too. Recently, I’ve designed a scooped out log for a family, which will become an outdoor sink and mud play area. Natural play spaces - A woven willow wigwam creates a beautiful green play space for children. Likewise, other play equipment can be natural, cut logs can make stepping stones, and tree trunks laid on their sides can make fun walkways. A tree swing or even a tree to climb can be a great way to play and learn. If you grow hazel this can be coppiced (cut at the base) and the sticks can be used to make wigwams and other camps. Natural play areas are easier to site than the more usual bright plastic play equipment and better for the environment too. If you add a fire pit, adults can join the kids for family fun round the fire into the evening. Plenty of adults enjoy balancing on a log too! Mini beast fun - If your garden is really tidy you may have to set up some hiding places for mini beasts and then go back in a few days and see who has moved in. Look for mini beasts under logs and rocks or perhaps old plant pots. Encourage


2. 3.


66 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

children to experiment and see which creatures like shade or sun or damp or dry conditions? Don’t worry if you don’t know the creatures’ names, the children could name them themselves or even do some internet research. Nature picture - First go on a hunt and collect sticks and leaves and flowers and stones or gravel and soil, whatever is freely available in your garden and you are happy for them to collect. Let them arrange it on the patio to form patterns or a picture. This will be an al-fresco art gallery. Do let me know how you get on with these activities, either with your children or grandchildren. We need to encourage our children outside and away from screens and stress and I really hope you’ll have fun too. Selina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see our web site for further ideas or take a look at our facebook page Selina Botham – Designs for all Seasons or follow us on Instagram @ designsforallseasons.


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Book Reviews April ‘Now We Shall Be Entirely Free’ by by Andrew Miller (Hardback, £18.99) From the opening sentences of this novel the reader is gripped. In 1809 a wounded man, Lacroix, is delivered to a house in Somerset and in Spain an English corporal and a Spanish cavalry officer are sent to despatch him. Lacroix decides to hide and he makes for the Hebrides. Andrew Miller writes so well – he wonderfully conveys emotion and creates believable complex characters. This is part thriller, part love story and the whole is underscored with the tension of the pursued and the pursuer.

‘The Wolf and the Watchman’ by Niklas Natt och Dag (Hardback, £12.99) This is a dark and disturbing read but absolutely riveting! In Stockholm in 1793 a limbless torso is found in a body of water called ‘The Larder’. Mickel Cardell, the watchman with a wooden arm and Cecil Winge, a brilliant lawyer turned investigator who is dying of consumption, are enjoined to find the perpetrator. Together they plumb the depths of the city as they carry out their investigation. Stockholm springs to life as they trudge through the pubs, inns and alleyways of the city. This novel reminds me of ‘The Name of the Rose’ especially in the bond forged between Mickel (the watchman) and Cecil (the wolf ).

‘Arabia’ by Levison Wood (Hardback, £25.00) His best book yet. Levison Wood’s 5000 mile journey through 13 countries of the Arabian Peninsula is a fascinating exploration of the extremes and beauties of the landscape. It’s also a skilful examination of the subtleties and contradictions of the region’s history and contemporary politics. Wood navigates the physical dangers of warzones and militarised borders. He gains insights into the myriad perspectives not heard in the media by living and travelling with people from different communities, and shares the stories of his travels with honesty..

70 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

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Across 7.

European principality (6)


Characteristic of a clan (6)


Precious stones (4)


Epic poem adapted for recitation (8)


Public toilet in a military area (7)


Holy book of Islam (5)


End of a roof (5)


Scottish bread (7)


Citrus fruit with a loose and easily removed rind (8)



German composer (1685–1750) (4)


Greek goddess of wisdom (6)


Strand of yarn (6)

Down @PlumbLTD

1. 2.

Capital of Italy (4) Title given to a former ruler of Germany (6)

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 71 3.

Violently fast stream of water (7)

Home & Garden We now accept all major credit & debit cards

Bookham Wine Club ‘Current Trends in the World of Wine’ A special evening with wine expert Angela Bawtree - Monday April 08 2019 Angela Bawtree makes a very welcome return to our club on April 8th to entertain members and guests with news of the fascinating developments in the world of wine. During the evening, Angela will highlight the increasing focus on organic and biodynamic wine production, including natural wines, low sulphite wines, orange wines (not what you think!) and even low alcohol wines. We will also hear how wine makers are coping with the challenges of climate change, and how newer (cooler) regions in the ‘New World’ are being developed, with the aim of producing more elegant and complex styles. And of course, the evening would not be complete without some great wines to taste - six in all - each one chosen to exemplify an aspect of Angela’s presentation

72 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

Meetings are held in the Harrison Room at The Old Barn Hall on the second Monday evening of each month. They are relaxed and friendly, and you don’t need to be an expert in wine, you just need to enjoy drinking it, and have a thirst for knowledge! To find out more about our programme of events for 2019, visit our website: or contact:


DAN FAIRCHILD AS THE NEW CHEIF EXECUTIVE Leatherhead Youth Project (LYP) are delighted to be able to announce that Dan Fairchild has joined the project as Chief Executive. Dan is an experienced Youth Work Manager with a passion to see young people living fully and flourishing. Dan said of his appointment to the post at LYP: “I’m thrilled to be joining LYP; a charity that shares my values and ethos, with young people at the heart of what they do. I look forward to joining the team and meeting the community it serves”. To be able to continue all the work we do with our young people we are always looking for unique and fun ways to do fundraising. Whether it be competing in the Prudential Ride London-Surrey 100 or attending our wonderful Gala with amazing things to bid on in our Silent Auction or just supporting us by popping in and grabbing a coffee in Allsaints Coffee Shop. If you like more information on how to support us or on the work we do please contact LYP does a huge amount of work with young people and it’s not just youth clubs and trips. We have four ‘one to one councillors’ working across Mole Valley with young people with issues from depression and anxiety, eating disorders, family problems, school refuser and bereavement, to names just a few.

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 73


The Secret Gardens of London

We may be some way from the capital but it is a fair bet that most people in the Leatherhead district have a feel for London. So it was hardly surprising that Colin Jones, former BBC film editor and current chairman of Sanderstead Horticultural Society, drew a packed audience to the Letherhead Institute for his recent talk on London’s 600 public parks and gardens, flower markets, botanic collection at Kew, and superb flower shows. Covering 67 square miles, London was the world’s greenest capital, he said. From the oldest garden behind Westminster Abbey - over 900 years old to one of the newest, the Sky Garden at the top of the “Walky Talky” skyscraper in the City, London offered public access to some truly remarkable green spaces, many of them totally free of charge for visitors. The talk was illustrated of course with fabulous imagery of these wonderful places. At this time of year, snowdrops, orchids and crocuses at Kew and a million daffodils at Hampton Court were obvious attractions. Less well known was the private collection at Caterham of the head of the Ann Summers retail chain. Lambeth Palace had the Garden Museum and the Tradescants,

74 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

the capital’s second largest garden after the Queen’s at Buckingham Palace. Third biggest was that of the new US Embassy. Pettycoat Lane’s flower market was a fantastic sight in the East End while the Royal Parks nursery near the Serpentine provided 12,000 geraniums for Buckingham Palace alone. Further out of the centre were Ham House with the country’s oldest orangery, the extraordinary Temperate House at Kew and the “palace of palaces” at Osterley. At Purley, Colin himself and two friends produced auriculas which had won a gold medal at the Chelsea Flower Show. Others covered included Chelsea Physic Garden, the new roof garden at Crossrail Place by Canary Wharf, and the gardens of Queen Mary and Lord Bute at Regents Park. The mature plane trees of Berkeley Square were among the gardens of 100 private squares open to the public on Open Squares Weekend in June. A string of other less well known sites were shown from the City to Chiswick. He concluded with imagery of some of the fabulous Christmas trees in the capital at the end of every year. The Leatherhead & District Local History Society’s monthly talks start at 8pm in the Letherhead Institute with coffee from 7.30pm. Entrance £2. For more information on what is coming up and lots more about the area’s fascinating past, go to or send an email to

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Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 77


I think this recipe will be perfect for a wonderful Easter feast. It is so gorgeous to look at, wonderfully good for you and tastes fab. It’s a recipe I’ve adapted from Tanya Bryer’s ‘Uncook Book’ which is a wonderful eyeopener to the art of enjoying eating raw food.

INGREDIENTS For the base layer: 150g pitted dates, soaked for 4-6 hrs if too dry 115g Brazil nuts 45g desiccated coconut ½ tsp Himalayan salt For the cream layer: 260g cashew nuts, soaked for 4-6 hours (or overnight) 210g coconut oil, melted 120ml lime juice (about 3 limes) 140g xyzlitol 2 tbsps vanilla extract For the strawberry layer: 600g fresh strawberries, hulled 5 Medjool dates 1 tsp vanilla extract

COOKING METHOD 1. Make the base layer first. Pulse all the ingredients in a food processor. Transfer the mixture into a 23cm/9” springform cake tin and press it down firmly with your fist to form a crust across the base. 2. Drain the cashews. Blend all the cream layer ingredients in a high powered blender to a smooth consistency. Pour the cream over the base and refridgerate for a minimum of 3 hours to set. 3. To make the strawberry layer, place 200g/7oz of the strawberries, along with the dates and vanilla, into a blender and blend until smooth. 4. Cut the remaining strawberries into quarters, fold them in with the strawberry sauce and pour this chunky mixture over the set cake. (You can keep a few strawberries aside to scatter on the top which makes it look a little prettier!) 5. Remove the sprung side of the cake tin and transfer the cheesecake to a serving plate.

NOTE: The cake will freeze well for up to 2 months without the strawberry layer - simply make it fresh when you are ready to serve.



t: 01372 803 821


Princess Alice Hospice Charity Evening Princess Alice Hospice Charity Evening Princess Princess Alice Hospice Charity Evening Princess Alice Alice Hospice Hospice Charity Charity Evening Evening

‘Springtime’ ‘Springtime’ Coral Gardiner Gardiner Coral with with with with with


flower flower flower flower flower

arranging arranging arranging arranging arranging

demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration demonstration

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all all all all all

to to to to to

enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy enjoy

Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 1QR Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, Ashtead, KT21 1QR 1QR Woodfield Lane, KT21 Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 1QR Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 1QR th April Thursday 11 2019 th th Thursday 11 April 2019 th th April Thursday 11 2019 7.00 for 7.30 Thursday 11 April 2019 7.00 for 7.30 7.00 for 7.30 7.00 for Tickets: £15 (including7.30 a glass of wine and

Tickets: £15 (including aa glass glass of of wine wine and and Tickets: £15 (including Tickets: £15 (including a glass of wine and canapés) from Di Stirling 01372 279501 Tickets:from £15Di (including a01372 glass of wine and canapés) Stirling 279501 canapés) from Di Stirling 01372 279501 canapés) from Di Stirling 01372 279501 canapés) from Di Stirling 01372 279501


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• 100% Natural Based - Antibacterial Resistant • toLimeMould Waterproof, for use in Bathrooms • &Fully Kitchens WIDE RANGE OF SPECIALIST PAINT FINISHES

• Can be mixed in a variety of colours 80 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

“Modifying the



Every now and then a specialised book to treasure, either for entertainment or instruction, or both, finds its way into our midst and guarantees itself a welcome and prominent place in our display of volumes. And that is the case with Veloce’s superb publication entitled “Modifying the Electronics of Modern Classic Cars”. An impressive paperback of 256 pages and ten chapters, destined to clear up any worries and problems you might suffer if you are determined to pep up and revive your slightly older car’s performance with a level

of expertise passed on from a veritable star of the auto world, Julian Edgar. He offers the complete, step by step , easy-to-follow guide to advancements and improvements to 1990s and 2000s cars, that even an electronic dunce like me find comfortable to follow. It is typically, a finely tuned representative of the rather excellent automotive book publisher, Veloce in their vast list of publications, covering all aspects of motoring and featuring just about every make of car. The latest, aimed specifically at their WorkshopPro (IWorkshopPro) Series, will be a crucial accompaniment to the enthusiast who opts to spend a good deal of time fiddling with his cars in his home workshop and looking for improvements in performance and cutting the running costs. Author Edgar is just about as reliable as they come when it comes down to explaining how to set about giving your prized possession a new lease of life. He explains; ”I have been mechanically modifying my road cars for about 35 years now, doing it first as an enthusiast and then, as a journalist, writing about those modifications. “I’ve got a home workshop with a lathe, mill, bandsaw, welders and loads of other equipment. And it is my belief that the electronic modification of cars beats mechanical modes hands-down for cheapness, ease of work and results. “ And since I consider fuel economy an aspect of performance, I have taken a look at how you can improve it.. For example fitting a dashboard indicator that will allow you to drive more fuel-efficiently, running lean cruise with programmable engine management.”

So there it is: fortyquids-worth of quality instructive upgrading information. And I shall make the book yours for free if you can answer following:

Question: What do the initials RAC stand for? Please send your answers & area to by Friday 12th April 2019

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 81

Sudden Spate of vehicle Theft

As Spring is finally here, I felt the need to remind residents, dog walkers and ramblers not to fall prey to opportunist thieves when parking their cars at local beauty spots. Secluded locations in Mole Valley attract a large number of visitors throughout the year, making the car parks a popular target for thieves who can break into a car and steal valuables within a matter of seconds. Sadly, we have also seen a sudden spate of vehicles being targeted when they have been parked on driveways or in front of the owners’ own homes. In a few cases, these have been keyless car thefts where devices have been used to “read” the information from the keys inside a property and the information being relayed to near the car, “tricking” it into opening. Here are some top tips to avoid becoming a victim of car crime: • Do not leave anything of value in your vehicle. The most commonly stolen items from cars include Sat Navs, laptops, handbags and mobile phones. They are easy to remove quickly, are easily concealed and do not look out of place if a thief is seen walking away from a car.

82 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

• Always take handbags and wallets with you. Even if your bag does not contain anything valuable, a thief will not know that, and may still break a window or force a lock to get at it. • Consider leaving the backs seats of your vehicle down, or taking the boot cover off. This way a potential thief will have a clear view that it is empty and will not need to break in to find out. • Make sure doors of your vehicle are locked and the windows and sunroof are shut, no matter how hot the weather, or even if you are only going to be gone for a couple of minutes. • Make sure your car is parked in a location where it is in clear view of other people, not obscured from sight by trees or shrubs, therefore making it vulnerable. • Make sure you do not leave a coat or jacket behind in the car. A thief may think that it is hiding a laptop or handbag and break into your car to find out. If you do have a car with a “keyless” opening mechanism, always store the keys inside a metal container in your home, so that the information cannot be read by electronic means.


ASHTEAD LIBRARY Woodfield Lane, Ashtead, KT21 2BQ Tel: 0300 200 1001 Email: Website: OPENING HOURS Monday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturday: 9.30am-5pm



ASHTEAD LIBRARY Happy Easter to all our Readers.

Are you aware we have a Digital Buddy every Thurs 2-4pm? A digital buddy is able to help with computer queries, using the branch PC, their own laptop or tablet. If you would like any computer related help, then please book a slot at the desk or ring 0300 200 1001 and ask for Ashtead Library. Weekly Rhymetime Session: This is a great opportunity to have fun with your baby/toddler through rhythm, actions and singing and introduce children to all the library has to offer. The Rhymetime session is available on Fri 10.15am for 30mins. Places are limited so please arrive early.

Ashtead Library will be hosting a Lego Event on Sat 6th April at 11am. Come & join in the fun. Keep an eye on our twitter account @AshteadLibrary for upcoming events and activities.








Firstly, a big thank you to everyone who entered our half-term Spring colouring competition…you’re all stars! Congratulations to our winners - Hailey and Chloe. Volunteers needed! Do you have a few hours to spare, and would you like to help people who can’t get to the library? We are looking for volunteers aged 18 and over to help deliver our Library Direct Home Service to residents in the Mole Valley area. Library Direct volunteers take books and/or audiobooks on a regular basis to people in their own homes who are no longer able to visit the library due to ill-health, disability, mobility problems and/ or caring responsibilities. For more information and




to apply online go to the Surrey Libraries website: eNews - Did you know you can access eAudiobooks, eMagazines and eComics with your Surrey Library card? Register for a free RBdigital account and download the app for desktop or mobile. More info is available on the Surrey Libraries website. Easter Opening Hours: We will be closed on Good Friday 19th April but otherwise open as usual Tuesday - Saturday, 9.30am to 5pm. Wishing all our customers a very Happy Easter! Follow us on Facebook @LeatherheadLibrary and Twitter @LeatherheadLib to keep up to date with upcoming events and activities.







Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 83

useful numbers Ashtead Art Group 01737 357263 (Jenny Lister) Ashtead Bowling Club 01372 802421 (Pamela Bennett) Ashtead Cancer Group Ashtead Chess Club 01372 813487 (Richard Jones) Ashtead Choral Society 01372 278852 (Anne Bailey) Ashtead Community Vision 07530 373975 (Andy Ellis) Ashtead Cricket Club 01372 276286 (Sarah Culhane) Over 60s Lunch Club 01372 813276 or 375640 The Arts Society Ashtead 01372 275605 (Pat Anderson) Ashtead Flower Arrangement Group 01372 279501 (Di Stirling) Ashtead Friendship Centre 01372 274288 (Don Butt) Ashtead Good Neighbours 07752 665066 Ashtead Horticultural Society 01372 373348 (Jennie Pilfold) Ashtead Library 0300 200 1001 Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall 01372 272921 Ashtead Players/Young Players 01372 279614 Ashtead Residents’ Association 07804 026577 (Glynis Peterkin) Ashtead Squash & Tennis Club 01372 272215 Ashtead Tennis Players Club 01372 721104 Ashtead Townswomen’s Guild 01372 273948 (Di James)

Ashtead Women’s Institute 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Carers’ Support Mole Valley 01306 640212 Childline 0800 1111 Citizens’ Advice Bureau 03 444 111 444 Cruse Bereavement Care 020 8393 7238 Electricity (UK Power Networks) 0800 783 8866 (powercut info line) Epsom General Hospital 01372 735735 Fetcham Residents’ Association 07833 620 744 for all enquiries Fetcham Singers (ladies’ choir) 01372 276736 (Sandra Brown) Gas (Transco) 0800 111999 (minicom/textphone for deaf/hard of hearing 0800 371787) The Arts Society Leatherhead 01372 278738 (Huw Jenkins) Leatherhead Choral Society 01372 376831 (Sue Foulsham) Leatherhead & District Angling Society 01372 377654 Leatherhead Helpshop 01372 363385 Leatherhead Community Association 01372 360508 Leatherhead Horticultural Society 01372 373493 (David Wells) Leatherhead Leisure Centre 01372 377674 Leatherhead Library 0300 200 1001 Leatherhead Lions Club 01372 274618 (Jim Malynn) Leatherhead Museum 01372 386348

84 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

Leatherhead Residents’ Association 01372 813013 Leatherhead Theatre 01372 365141 Mid Surrey Community Mediation 07513 524241 Mole Valley District Council 01306 885001 Police - Non-emergency 101 Probus Club of Ashtead 07806 791774 (Steve Bridges) Probus Club of Leatherhead 07947 361406 (Jon McCarthy) Probus Club of Mole Valley 01372 878875 (Michael Brown) Rotary Club of Ashtead 01372 727573 (Keith Allardyce) Rotary Club of Leatherhead 07753 821964 (Simon Edmands) Royal Association for the Deaf 01306 881958 Royal British Legion Leatherhead/ Fetcham Branch 01372 811422 Samaritans - 01372 375555 Shopmobility Leatherhead 01372 362400 Surrey County Council 03456 009 009 (8am-6pm weekdays) Surrey Trading Standards 01372 371717 U3A: Leatherhead & District 01372 375756 Ashtead: 01372 274388 Fetcham 01372 453959 Trumps Bridge Club Leatherhead 01372 377124 Volunteer Centre Mole Valley 01306 640369 Water - Emergencies/general 01737 772000 Wildlife Aid 09061 800132 (24hrs)

Home & Garden

e: w: 79 Stag Leys, Ashtead, Surrey, KT21 2TL

Puzzle Solutions CROSSWORD PAGE 42


DIGI-SEARCH PAGE 61 7 1 5 9 2 0 7 8 5 4 0 5 1 8

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5 3 3 5 4 3 2 3 3 8 8 7 9 2

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MUSIC MATTERS PAGE 26 1. Vivaldi 2. Forever Autumn 3. Terry Jacks 4. Simon & Garfunkel (Bookends) 5. Mungo Jerry 6. Frankie Valli 7. Cat Stevens 8. Abba 9. Grease 10. The Rollin’ Stones

Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019 85

advertisers’ index A&D Cars............................................................42 Leatherhead Podiatry............................................32 Amanda Fashions....................................................5 Leatherhead Tennis Club......................................61 Ashtead Cobblers & Locksmiths...........................19 Maggie May Therapy............................................38 Ashtead Trees & Gardens......................................71 Margaret Spice - Counsellor..................................32 Aspen Live in Care................................................36 MD Edwards & Son.............................................69 Astek Dental Centre.............................................33 Messy Church.......................................................59 Astral Glazing Solutions........................................67 MPS Garden & Estate Machinery.........................87 Boardman, Gelly & Co.........................................77 Orchard Cottage Dental Surgery...........................37 Bocketts Farm.......................................................59 Ovens ‘n’ Stuff......................................................25 Bonnie Dogs Grooming Parlour............................18 Ovens to New.......................................................16 Bookham Carpet Company..................................20 Pullen Plumbing Services......................................71 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care.......................................22 Ralls IT Hardware & IT Support..........................26 BWB Builders.......................................................68 Road Trippers.......................................................25 Cairds Estate Agents...............................................3 Roofcraft of Surrey...............................................75 Carol J Curtains...................................................21 Roofs of Esher......................................................72 Carpets 4U...........................................................11 Rowlandson’s........................................................13 Ceramica Tiles......................................................25 Saffron Interiors....................................................71 Chessington World of Adventures...........................7 SAS Roofing & Building Ltd................................77 Classic Home Care Services..................................39 Seasons Art Classes...............................................41 Cosy Flooring.......................................................17 Skin Talk..............................................................31 Cranleigh Aerials..................................................24 Suddies Kitchen Appliances..................................22 CT Cars...............................................................43 Surrey Hills Mindfulness.......................................32 Custom Finishes...................................................80 Surrey Home Vet..................................................17 Daisychain Preschool............................................15 Surrey PC Tech.....................................................27 Davis Property Maintenance.................................16 Surrey Roofing Group...........................................80 DB Garden Services..............................................87 Tec-Res Computers & Technology...................28/29 Dream Doors........................................................76 Tekmate Computers & Technology.......................27 Englishmen’s Castle..............................................23 Tendacare.............................................................32 Extra Help Surrey.................................................24 The Black Dog Gallery..........................................40 Family Wills Surrey...............................................21 The Grange Centre..........................................34/35 Finestra................................................................79 The Leatherhead Theatre Art Gallery.....................40 Fire & Iron Gallery...............................................40 The Memory Book Company...........................64/65 First Choice Cleaners Ltd.....................................23 The Red House Care Home....................................2 Garden Force........................................................68 The Vineries Garden Centre.............................44/45 Hounds Around...................................................21 TWM Solicitors......................................................9 HRS Roofing........................................................85 WA Truelove & Son Ltd ......................................24 Jackie Quinn Estate Agents...................................88 Julie Watts Family Law.........................................23 © ASHTEAD & LEATHERHEAD LOCAL 2019 L Hawkins & Sons Ltd.........................................18 DESIGNED & SET BY KIRSTY O’MEARA

86 Ashtead and Leatherhead local - April 2019

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