Look Local Bookham

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LookLocal June 2019


Your award-winning local community magazine

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40 44

42 12 16 22 24 26 36 40 42 48 54 55 58 60 61 61 62

Bookham Village Day Bookham Wine Club Delicious Dishes Recipe Acupuncture Review What’s On in June Crossword Puzzle Bookham Open Gardens Gardening Matters Sudoku & Digi-Search Surrey Police Notice Poem of the Month Church Services Useful Numbers Bookham Library Notice Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index

Welcome to June

Welcome to our June issue of Look Local. Summer is certainly on the way, and I’m wondering if it will be as warm as last year? It’s hard to imagine the grass being parched and turning brown when it is so lush and green right now. It’s amazing how it has recovered so well isn’t it? What a busy month June promises to be! Village Day is on Saturday 15th June this year, with the theme being ‘Bookham at Sea’ I’m sure it will be a fabulous day. Details can be found within. This is followed on Sunday 16th June by ‘Bookham’s Open Gardens’ event, another very popular day. I’ve put in an order for a weekend of sunshine, so fingers crossed! Bookhams Residents’ Association AGM. Due to unforeseen circumstances the date has been changed to 10th July. Please see page 35 for more details. I know many of you will join me in thanking Be Kassapian, from ‘Be in the Kitchen’, for all the fabulous recipes that she has provided us with over the past few years. Be has decided to take a break from being featured in Look Local due to her demanding schedule which now also includes a fair chunk of time spent studying. We wish you all the very best Be, and we really appreciate all the culinary inspiration you’ve sent our way. xx But do not despair, we wouldn’t leave you recipe-less! So to carry on where Be left off, we are delighted to welcome Jackie Mazur of ‘Delicious Dishes’ to our pages. Thank you for joining us Jackie, we are looking forward to your contributions over the coming months… On a different note, We are very happy to be launching our beautifully refreshed, and shiny new Website this month! If you have a moment do pay us a visit at www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk. We hope you like it. Wishing you all a great month and a Happy Father’s Day to all you local Dads too !





Next Copy Deadline 5th June for our Summer Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags

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8 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

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10 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019







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BOOKHAM AT SEA ON VILLAGE DAY THE OLD BARN HALL, CHURCH RD, KT23 3PQ www.bookhamcommunityassociation.org

A highlight of Bookham’s year is Village Week, which begins on Saturday 15th June with Village Day. All at Sea is this year's theme – in, on and under the sea. Village Day is sponsored by The Vineries Garden Centre and attractions in the afternoon in the field behind the Old Barn Hall in Church Road include an exciting surfing simulator and a return of the popular climbing wall for all to try. The day starts at 11.40am with the big parade from the High Street where children from local playgroups and infant schools, dressed in costumes interpreting the All at Sea theme, will parade to the Old Barn Hall. Reigate Sea Cadets Band will lead the parade for the first time and a steel band will also be playing. Prizes will be awarded for the best costumes in each group when they reach the arena. Non-stop arena events will include music from the Reigate Sea Cadets Band, singer Natalie Goodacre, the Band from the Pub and Pantastic Steel Pans. Local schools, Action Theatre and Belly Dancers will also entertain. The Surfing Waverider attraction, sponsored by Elio's Barbers and Di Carlo’s Hairdressing, will challenge everyone’s surfing skills, as the bucking bronco has in previous years. The exciting climbing wall is sponsored jointly by John Wadsworth Estate Agents and Churches Together of Bookham.

12 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

A Punch and Judy show, roundabout, bouncy castle, slide and Bocketts Farm animals are just some of the entertainments for children. The field and Hall will be filled with more than 50 stalls and sideshows run by local organisations. The popular open-air bar will serve a selection of real ales, a barbeque will have burgers and hot dogs, and cold drinks and ice cream will be available on the field. Lunches and teas will be served all day in the Old Barn Hall. The aim of Village Day and Village Week is to have a great time and raise funds for Bookham Community Association to maintain the Old Barn Hall and produce the quarterly Bookhams Bulletin. Events during Village Week include on Sunday 16th June: Bookham Open Gardens with over 15 gardens open and refreshments available at the Old Barn Hall. Subsequent events in the Old Barn Hall are on Monday 17th June: Duplicate Bridge Cream Tea hosted by Bookham Afternoon Bridge Club at 1pm, celebrating its 50th anniversary, and Mole Valley Silver Band concert at 7.30, and on Tuesday 18th June: Quiz Night for BCA affiliated teams. For the full programme of Village Day and Village Week events and tickets, go to



Sponsored by The Vineries Garden Centre

Saturday 15 June 2019 Old Barn Hall 11.30am to 4pm

‘All at Sea’

in, on & under the sea Bands•Arena displays•Stalls•Games Climbing Wall Supported by John Wadsworth Estate Agents & Churches Together

Surfing Simulator Supported by Elios & DiCarlos Hairdressing

Real ale BAR & FOOD See www.bookhamcommunityassociation.org

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14 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019


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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 15

Bookham Wine Club

‘What! Moldovan Wines?’ Monday, June 10 2019... This will be a ‘first’ for BWC when its June meeting features an evening of Moldovan wines. The history of wine in Moldova is vast, and can be traced back some 5,000 years; so to say Moldavan wine is steeped in history is a bit of an understatement. And, more recently, the venerable folk at Guiness World Records recognised the Milestii Mici Wine Cellar as the world’s largest, with a record-breaking 1.5 million bottles in its darkened cellars! Today, Moldovan winemaking is in very good health, and our presenter for the evening, Irina Hriplivi, will tell members and guests more about the region and its wine makers, and present six of her favourite wines for us to taste. In July, the title for our wine tasting is California Dreamin’ with wine expert Deborah Zbinden - and later in July, on Friday, 26th, in co-operation with the Association of Wine Educators, we will be holding a

special Summer Event; a tutored wine tasting of 25 wines, with wine expert Heather Dougherty, followed by a Hog Roast and music. If you would like further information on these events, or any of the Club’s activities, please visit our website: www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk or contact: membership@bookhamwineclub.org.uk

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16 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk

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Live feed video roof inspections Recommended by previous customers,re-pointing vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Complete roof replacement, chimneys + lead work. Recommended, vetted & monitored local tradersofand service providers. Average feedback. Obtain up-to-date report oflocal SAStraders Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofan replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, vetted &&monitored service Recommended by previous customers, vetted byand Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard did an excellent Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing onan www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and did excellent job. Call us today forRoofing a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. To(Alton) advertise please call us at 01372 200 (Winchester) (Petersfield) 01962Recommended, 462727 | 01420 | providers. 01730 290727 Call us& monitored today for a579727 FREE quotation on: vetted local traders and service Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk |aCheckatrade, www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton)

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Public Liability insurance

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41 Bridge St Leatherhead KT22 8BN Tel: 01372 376006 Email: cosyflooring@gmail.com


18 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

Homes selling& letting like hot cakes in Bookham & Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham & Dorking

At Jackie Quinn Estate Agents we have a range of beautiful properties that you will fall in love with. No matter how big or small, our experienced team will take the time to find the perfect home that best suits your needs. That’s why we are known as the Property Matchmakers, not just in Bookham but in Ashtead, Leatherhead, Fetcham, and Dorking too. So if you are thinking of selling or letting, why not give us a call today?

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We provide the best possible care for your feet Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic treat foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain. Our priority is to make your feet more comforable. We carry out all of our treatments with great care and attention. Call us today if your feet need some special care.

Book your appointment now: 01372 454583 Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic Diagnosis, Expert Treatment & Professional Care for Your Feet


20 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

29 High Street Great Bookham Surrey KT23 4AA

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Is your Kitchen falling apart and showing it’s age?


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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 21

Romesco Sauce - From Spain

method - Really quick and easy. Serve with leeks or steamed cauliflower, for a upmarket vegan dish or liven up fish or steak. 1. Cut leeks lengthways, wash and blanch (boil for a couple of minutes) Oil the leeks (one per person) and blacken slightly on a frying pan, griddle, skillet or bbq. 2. Blister and blacken quartered red two peppers and a two tomatoes in the oven on a high heat for about ten minutes. 3. Blitz all together in a blender with: • 4 tablespoons of olive oil • a teaspoon of smoked paprika, • juice of a lemon or lime • a handful of chopped parsley.

• a dash of posh balsamic or sherry vinegar • a handful of toasted almonds, • a couple of cloves of garlic

Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists

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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 23


the natural way to ease your pain...

I recently enjoyed an appointment with Emma Eaton digestive problems. The focus of treatment is on you as at her new acupuncture clinic which is based at the 225 an individual. It aims to treat your immediate health Club in Cobham. problems and the underlying root cause. There is a whole body of research to support that There is nothing to be afraid of - lots of patients who acupuncture works. As a method of treating attend regularly and benefit from treatment people it is widely respected and used are needle phobic. At the first treatment “Fantastic frequently in the UK. It is currently patients soon realise that the hair acupuncture estimated that 2.3 million people are thin sterile disposable needles are treatment really being treated each year by British specifically designed to be as painless knows her work very Acupuncture Council members. as possible. They are about a tenth of Acupuncture is used to help with the thickness of a medical syringe. well and creates a very most complaints that you would In many treatments, patients are not warm and nurturing go to your doctor with. Just in the even aware whether the needles have environment.” last week Emma has seen patients been inserted or not. CUSTOMER TESTIMONAL benefiting from acupuncture who have It’s natural, holistic and works with the a wide range of health challenges:- aches body. The aim of Acupuncture is to prompt and pains, fertility challenges, fatigue, insomnia, the body to do what it knows how to do. Whilst anxiety, hot flushes, foot pain, pregnancy support and patients may come for a specific reason such as neck

24 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

“I can’t recommend Emma enough - the help with hot flushes has been nothing short of life changing.” CUSTOMER TESTIMONAL

pain, they soon experience other additional positive side effects. For example, they find that their general mood, sleep and digestion are improved as well. It can be very effective on its own and is also often integrated with conventional medical treatment. A good example of how beautifully they work together is the support given to a couple on Assisted Fertility programmes such as IVF or support patients receiving cancer treatment. Emma has been helping patients locally for over 10 years, originally setting up Eaton Acupuncture working in Great Bookham and The Medicine Garden in Cobham. Changing the clinic name to Cobham Acupuncture and Reflexology when the 225 Club became her permanent home. Rachel Sherriff also works from the Clinic who is technically talented (graduating with a First class hons) and has a wonderful way with patients - a rare combination. Both are members of the

“Caring, talented, professional, skilled & gentle, Emma is an exceptional practitioner is a real find. No fuss, no pain…but a miracle reduction in foot pain”

British Acupuncture Council and have a special interest in CUSTOMER TESTIMONAL female health especially supporting women experiencing negative impacting menopause related problems and working with patients on the fertility journey. This is a truly lovely clinic and the treatment I received on my ankle certainly eased the pain I have been experiencing for the past few months. I will certainly be returning for further treatments. If you would like to visit Emma or Rachel please call for an appointment, you won’t regret it! Thank you very much Emma, I really enjoyed my treatment. The 225 Club, 13 Anyards Rd, Cobham KT11 2LW Phone: 07821 590287 Email: hello@cobhamacupuncture.co.uk

LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 25

regular EVENTS Sunday 2nd (1st Sunday monthly)

Sunday 2nd (weekly)

Monday 3rd

(weekly - term time)

Tuesday 4th

(1st Tues monthly)

Wednesday 5th (1st Weds monthly)

Thursday 6th (1st Thurs monthly)

Thursday 6th (weekly)

Friday 7th (weekly)

Friday 7th (1st Friday monthly)

Monday 10th

(2nd Mon monthly)

Monday 10th

(2nd Mon monthly)

Join the Bookham Residents’ Association for our regular monthly litter pick. This Sunday is Environmental Sunday so it would be lovely if you can join us. Meet at 11am at Lower Shott car park. Gloves, stabs and high vis tops will be provided. St Nicolas Church have kindly offered to provide refreshments for litter pickers, afterwards, by way of a thank you. www.bookhamresidents.org.uk / 0300 030 9890 Jazz on Sunday Lunchtimes at The Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. 1pm - 4pm. 2nd - Kevin Scott & his Celebration Four + Penny Payne, 9th - Excelsior Vintage Jazz Band, 23rd - Dave Stradwick’s Sussex Jazz Kings & 30th - Hugh Croziers’ Quintet. For info contact Mick Welstead: 01444 243 745 or email: mickywelstead@gmail.com Fetcham Singers - friendly Ladies Choir meets at the Parish Church Hall, Church Road, 7.30pm for 7.45pm. We have started to practise Faure’s Requiem & various folk songs for the Summer Concert performed by Fetcham Singers on 6th July 2019. New members are always welcome. There are no auditions. Contact Sandra Brown on 01372 276736 “Emma Hamilton” - Speaker Dr Bob France, Bookham & District U3A 2.30pm at the Old Barn Hall, Bookham, Surrey KT23 3PQ. For any further info on membership, please contact: Pam Hyde Membership Secretary Bookham & District U3A. Email: membership@bookhamu3a.org.uk Telephone: 01372 454734. Bookham Bees WI, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 7.45pm. For more information please email: bookhambees@outlook.com Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. “Layer, Paint and Stitch” by Wendy Dolan. Info from Sandy Clark on01372 579321 / pumphousecottage@gmail.com. www.molevalleyquilters.org.uk Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley, at Thatchers Hotel Guildford Road, East Horsley, KT24 6TB, 7.30pm -10pm. 6th - ‘Meet at Six Bells Newdigate’ 13th - ‘Club Assembly. 20th - No meeting atThatchers - Social Evening 27th - ‘President’s Farewell’ For more info contact: 01483 280500 or visit us online at www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Morning at the Grange, KT23 4DZ. Every Friday from 10am 11.30am. Starts Friday 3rd May, book your places now 01372 452 608. Silver Strollers at Poleden Lacey, Bookham RH5 6BB. 10.00am - 11am. This is our social walking group for active older walkers covering the stunning & occasionally hilly terrain of the Surrey Hills. For more information 01372 452048 Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘What! Moldovian Wines?’ by Irina Hriplivii. For more information: membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk or web www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT23 3PQ at 7.30pm. Contact details on website or just come along. www.topicofcancer.org.uk/

26 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019



8th - 9th JUNE 2019

Charity Art Sale of work by Effingham artist Moo Muriel in aid of ‘Effingham with Little Bookham Parish’ and ‘The Queen Elizabeth Foundation’ Leatherhead. St Lawrence Church, Effingham, Sat: 10am - 12noon, 2pm - 4pm and Sun: 2pm - 4.30pm

Saturday 8th JUNE 2019

‘Sinking of the Tirpitz’ Lecture by Dr Robert Owen Official Historian of the 617 Squadron at St Lawrence Church, Effingham, 7.30pm. Free entry: retiring collection in aid of Parish Funds.

Satuday 9th JUNE 2019

Effingham Open Gardens 2pm - 5pm. A chance to visit some lovely gardens in the vicinity of St Lawrence Church. Entrance £6 (children under 16 free) Teas and tickets available on the day from the Jubilee Gardens (opposite the church).

Saturday 15th JUNE 2019

Bookham Village Day, Sponsored by The Vineries Garden Centre, at the Old Barn Hall from 11.30am - 4pm. This years theme is ‘All at Sea’ in, on under the sea.Bands, Arena displays, stalls, games, climbing wall, real ale bar & food and much more. For more info visit www.bookhamcommunityassociation.org

Saturday 15th JUNE 2019

Join us for a Woman’s Breakfast with guest speaker: Carmel Plumpton “Life as a Transgender Woman” at St Lawrence Church Hall, Brown’s Lane, Effingham, 9am 11am. Tickets: £6 For tickets contact Revd Mandy MacVean at the Parish Office 01372 451697 or stlawrence1939@btinternet.com or Revd Kim Plumpton 01932 586988

Weds 19th (3rd Weds monthly)

Tuesday 25th JUNE 2019

Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, Fetcham KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. Visitors welcome. Contact Mary Morris 01372 289822 / see info at www.eastwickwi.org.uk Tea & Talk from The Brigitte Trust at Oddfellows Hall, 45-47 Bridge St, KT22 8BN, 2pm. All welcome to a short informal talk by local charity, followed by Brenda’s delicious full afternoon tea & relaxed conversation. Please contact the Mid-Surrey Oddfellows office to book & more details on 01306877792 or email mid-surrey@oddfellows.co.uk

Save the Date in July Monday 8th JULY 2019

Flower Arranging workshop with Karen Fox at Oddfellows Lounge, 270 High St, RH4 1QT, 7.30pm. Karen will talk through some of her latest projects & trends in floral design, then guide through creating your own small table centre to take away. All materials will be provided. Booking required please contact the Mid-Surrey office to book. Cost: £4 visitors, Oddfellows members free. 01306877792 or email mid-surrey@oddfellows.co.uk.

If there’s an event in July that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 10th June. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.


INTRODUCES ONLINE MEMBERSHIP PAYMENT OPTION Pay BRA 2019 Subscription Residents will be familiar with their BRA subscriptions being collected by their Road Steward each year. This has been a long established method of paying subscriptions and Road Stewards will continue to be part of our collections and Newsletter delivery service. However, we are finding that when your Road Steward calls, members are either not at home or these days have very little ready cash. So in addition to paying your Road Steward, you can now pay your subscription on line at the BRA web site: www.bookhamresidents.org.uk It’s very simple to use and only takes a few moments to do. The current annual subscription is £3.00 but due to increasing running costs the annual subscription will be increasing to £5.00 in 2020. If you can pay £5.00 for the 2019 subscription year it will help us with our expenses this year. Why do I need to pay an annual subscription to the BRA? In 2017 Residents formally voted not to have a Parish Council for Bookham. Residents have been providing

services for the village under the umbrella of the BRA on a voluntary basis for many years. (The BRA does not have any paid employees.) However, as always, there are expenses to be funded by your subscriptions. For example the BRA provides: • hanging baskets in the High Street and Church Rd • the popular Christmas lights in the High Street • supporting the work of the voluntary Tree Wardens • equipment for the monthly litter pick • hosting Public Meetings affecting Bookham residents • twice yearly newsletter • web site and email service • lobbying for infrastructure improvements • operational costs including Public Liability insurance (which has increased this year at the behest of Surrey County Council). An awful lot for the price of a cup of coffee or two so we may all enjoy our village! Les Huett - BRA Publicity www.bookhamresidents.org.uk

THANK YOU There has been much less litter around Bookham in the last few months. A huge thank you to: All those folk who have been doing their own private litter picks. (I’ve noticed some roads that are normally black spots suddenly look great). All those folk who try very hard not to drop any litter themselves & who encourage those with them not to either. All those folk who help at the monthly litter pick (1st Sun of the month, 11am meeting at Lower Shott). Your efforts have really helped the village to look good - somewhere to be proud of. Thank you and do please keep it up. Margaret Lawson. Bookhams Residents Association

28 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019


Tel: 01372 456914 Mob: 07973 293795 Email: markadamsf22@gmail.com 12 Sheridans Road, Great Bookham KT23 4RZ

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07710 325983 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 29

Word reached us here at Look Local, that The Swan Inn Pub in Claygate had been taken over by the popular London chef Jose Pizarro recently, so we went along to find out more. Upon arrival we were met by General Manager, the lovely Huw Johnson, who was previously managing Jose’s Bermondsey Street restaurant before moving to run The Swan. The bar area is very roomy, the tables well spaced and has a very relaxed feel. There was a gentleman sitting quietly with his drink and working on his I-pad, another sitting reading the paper, a small group of friends having a drink and sharing some Tapas, and others just having a drink and a chat. Whilst you can sit and eat anywhere in the Swan, the main dining area is offset from the bar and you can prebook these tables. The Swan has a really lovely traditional English pub feel with a modern twist and the menu reflects this. The

30 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

menu is inspiring and very flexible. Our lovely waitress for the evening, Kaz, was very knowledgeable and was able to talk us through the menu choices. Mostly made up of a wide selection of tapas there are a handful of more traditional menu choices with a special Jose twist, such as Fish & Chips. Whilst we waited for our meal to arrive we nibbled on Gordal olives stuffed with blood orange, and ciabatta with a bowl of olive oil for dipping. Heaven! We had chosen the Presa Iberica (100% acorn fed Iberico pork) with baby potatoes, pimenton, to share and a selection of tapas. Our meal arrived and we sampled the delicious delights that this lovely pub has to offer complimented by a bottle of the house red Syrah Cuvee. It really is a lovely way to share food with friends. We finished our meal with a bowl of Spanish strawberries served with vermouth vinegar, white chocolate & pistachios (Yes! That really does work!)



and Almond & Prune tart served with Sherry cream. A family of four was on the table next to us, a couple with their two young daughters. What a lovely way for them to eat out and no doubt accommodate all the differing appetites and tastes that a family has. Comfortably busy, the pub offers a relaxed atmosphere, flexible dining, excellent food and great service. In addition to all this there is a really lovely outside seating and eating area. It feels like a secret hideaway. Enclosed by high fencing and walls it is a surprisingly peaceful area despite the busy road nearby. This area also brings extra culinary delights! There is a char grill alongside a Green Egg (a smoker and charcoal barbecue) and a Paella stand. The paella stand has a wood fire in the centre, similar to a fire pit, (where the paella pan can stand) and is surrounded by a cast iron griddle for cooking all the components for your paella. These fabulous additions to the core menu will mostly

be in use Friday evenings, Saturdays and Sundays, weather permitting. Roll on Summer I say. I cannot wait to go back when the weather is better to try this part of the inspirational dining experience The Swan offers. Part of the garden will be available for private hire, so you could have your very own Paella party with your private chef for the event! Mmm! When’s my birthday? Also available for hire is a private dining room upstairs in the pub that seats up to 16. There will be special events coming up, with music, dancing etc. One of these will be a dinner on 10th July to celebrate Jose’s new book “Andalusia”. I cannot recommend a visit to the Swan enough. We had a fabulous evening and are planning a return visit very soon. Our thanks go to Huw and his team for making us so welcome. For more information about The Swan Inn visit www. josepizarro.com/jose-pizarro-the-swan-inn-esher

LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 31


Friday 7th, Saturday 8th & Sunday 9th June


10cm POT - £2.79 each




2 FOR £10




TOMORITE LIQUID FERTILISER Extra fill bottle £4.99 each

All offers while stocks last. Limited stocks available on some offers. Additional special offers during this event. See in store for details. Images shown are for illustration purposes only.

Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 6.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk


Our nursery team plant up containers and hanging baskets almost daily to provide our customers with a wide range of “instant gardening” solutions when you need a quick fix. We grow over 200,000 geraniums here at our nursery in Effingham. The large growing area towards the back of the site is approximately 4 acres, comprising of glasshouses and tunnels. We are commercial growers of a diverse range of seasonal plants.

Some examples grown on The Vineries Nursery • Hydrangea • Geraniums • Climbers • Bulbs

• Garden Pinks • Bedding Plants • Shrubs • Poinsettias

• Hardy Fuchsias • Perennials • Cyclamen

Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 6.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk

Bookham Choral Society Conductor: Lewis Gaston Present

Songs of the Fleet by Charles Villiers Stanford and other Poetic Choral works

Sunday 30th June 2019 5.00pm St Nicolas Church, Bookham Tickets: £12 (Under18s: £6) (includes refreshments)

Available from: Cascade, High Street, Bookham. BCS Box Office: 01372 375644 or bcsboxoffice@gmail.com Registered charity no. 1058863

We now accept all major credit & debit cards

www.roofsofesher.co.uk 34 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019


TOUCH RUGBY AT KGV - COME & JOIN US! Effingham and Leatherhead RFC have been chosen to be one of the venues for O2 Touch Rugby, which is designed to encourage anybody in the local community to join in, have a little exercise, and enjoy an evening of sport at a level that suits them. Everyone is welcome; the club wants to be a strong part of the community. Touch Rugby is non contact and is not designed for elite players. It is for fitness and fun. The evenings have been running for one year now, and numbers increase during the summer. We want to make it easy - just pitch up and play. We play every Wednesday from 730pm at King George V Hall and Playing Fields, Browns Lane, Effingham. www.eaglesrugby.club/how-to-find-us/ For more information, please contact: Lee Bradshaw: O2touch@eaglesrugby.club; Ed Habgood: ehabgood@ rugbysafe@icloud.com; or Andrew Scattergood: drewscat@hotmail.co.uk. We look forward to seeing you at Touch Rugby soon.

ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING PLEASE NOTE CHANGE OF DATE Due to a combination of unforeseen circumstances it has proved necessary to change the date of the Annual General Meeting originally planned for May 21st2019 The meeting will now take place on Wednesday July 10th 2019 in the Old Barn Hall in Bookham commencing at 7.30pm. The Agenda will be as for the original meeting, namely: (1) Welcome, Introduction & Apologies, (2) Minutes of the AGM held on May 17th 2018, (3) Chairman’s Report, (4) Treasurer’s Report, (5) Election of Directors, (6) Election of Officers, (6) Appointment

of Independent Examiner and (7) Determination of Membership Subscription for 2020. If you would like to (a) nominate a Director for the Board of Directors, or (b) appoint a proxy for the meeting, or (c) present a Motion for Discussion at the meeting please advise me no later than 14th June in writing to the Registered Office address or by email to qvdhow@tecres.net Those attending who are not members may join at the door. John Howarth - Company Secretary

LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 35


Solutions Page 61

Clue: 8 Across

Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 20 Across



1. Hitherto (10 7. Evident (8) 8. Fire injury (4) 9. Looked at (4) 10. Trading ban (7) 12. Definitely (7,4) 14. Parentless children (7) 16. Employed (4) 19. Require (4) 20. Lift (8) 21. Plague (10)

1. Freedom from war (5) 2. Distinguished (7) 3. Chilled (4) 4. Last (8) 5. Seventh sign of the Zodiac (5) 6. Thrifty (6) 11. Least advanced in age (8) 12. Notified of a risk (6) 13. Take no part (7) 15. Be evasive (5) 17. Idle bee (5) 18. Scottish dance (4)

36 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

Clue: 3 Down

Clue: 18 Down

Summer Fun 2019 5th-30th August 2019 At The Grange, Bookham Summer Fun is a chance for people with learning disabilities to experience what life is like at The Grange. ● ● ●

Try new things Make new friends Have fun!

Sessions run between 9.15am and 4.15pm and you can come any time between 5th and 30th August for as many or as few days as you like. Programme includes: ● cookery ● craft ● gardening ● sport and fitness ● chill time and outings ● drama and music All sessions supported by our trained staff. PAs welcome. Call 01372 452608 or email vikki.schadenberg@grangecentre.org.uk www.grangecentre.org.uk

RJK Decorating Services

Quality Service Guaranteed

Call Robert on Bookham 01372 459615 Mobile 07710 172063 74 Eastwick Park Avenue, Great Bookham, Surrey KT23 3NP

Could you do with a helping hand? Talk to Extra Help for the complete solution We can help with: • • • • • • • • • • •

Cleaning & tidying Ironing Gardening Dog walking Household maintenance Shopping Meal preparation Elderly companionship Respite for carers Personal assistants Computer/IT support

...and so much more! From £12 per hour. We do our utmost to offer continuity of the helper, whilst maintaining a high level of care and support.

Tel: 01372 285285 www.extra-help.co.uk

38 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

For all your building needs: Extensions, Conversions, New Builds, Renovations, Kitchens and Bathrooms For free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes please contact: Alistair Wishart T: 01372 459127 M: 07747 481769 E: alistair.wishart@yahoo.co.uk

P&B Tree Surgeons Hedge trimming, Stump grinding. All Landscaping, Driveways, Patios and Fencing Undertaken. 24 Woodlands Road, Bookham, Surrey.

01372 456705


Worms, Ashes And Bones: From Darwin To Today At Abinger EMMA CORKE, former president of the Surrey Archaeological Society, fascinated the Leatherhead & District Local History Society by talking about discoveries on the Iron Age and Roman site at Cocks Farm, Abinger. Emma’s great great grandfather, Thomas Henry Farrer, bought Abinger Hall at Cocks Farm in 1875. His gardeners soon discovered the remains of a Roman building on the site and archaeological excavations in the following year uncovered six rooms, including one with a coarse-tessellated floor from Roman times. Farrer was friends with Charles Darwin, the founder of modern understanding about evolution of species, and Darwin’s son Horace married Farrer’s daughter Ida. In 1880 Horace produced a plan of the Cocks Farm site. Darwin himself was interested in investigating the role of earthworms in movement of ancient stone structures. Nothing more was done until a tree uprooted in the great storm of October 1987 was seen to have the corner of a stone-built room in its roots, together with painted wall-plaster and fine tesserae. Three years of excavation in 1995-97 by Surrey Archaeological Society found a large late- Roman

building, which led to the site being declared a Scheduled Ancient Monument. So many questions remained that in 2009 English Heritage gave permission for five more years of excavation on the buildings, which has found a multi-phase, probably courtyard, villa. The work has revealed artefacts from the Mesolithic period from 12,000 to 3000 BC onwards and provides evidence that the site was occupied and farmed continuously from the Neolithic through to the 19th century. Thirty Iron Age grain storage pits, one of them 3.4m in diameter, indicate that the site was the centre of a thriving network of farms in that era. The owners in the Roman period were clearly rich but we can only speculate who they were, how they made their money or how they used the villa. The team has found remains of sacrificed animals and

many human cremation burials. The 2016 excavation revealed five complete calf skeletons. The first guess was that they were an ancient sacrifice but carbon dating shows they were buried around the Tudor or Stuart periods. Possibly they died of rinderpest and were buried to protect the rest of the herd. For more information on the L&DLHS go to www.leatherheadhistory.org.

LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 39

Bookham Open Gardens SUNDAY 16TH JUNE 2019 | 10.00AM-5.00PM

Do come and join in this annual event where over 700 people enjoy going round the village, meeting friends and neighbours along the way. This year we are featuring around 14 varied and attractive private gardens. It is very reassuring that in our 14th year we are still attracting new gardens and have six of them to share with you. Of the rest none were open last year so you’ll probably see some changes. In addition, we welcome back The Dawnay School (after an absence of some years), Gracewell Care Home, the Grange Centre (with its Victorian walled garden) and Little Bookham Allotments. The gardens come in all shapes and sizes, from the formal to more laid-back planting, and some with wildlife friendly planting and habitats. You’ll also find fruit and vegetables in abundance at the Grange and the Allotments and some gardens. Find out more about individual gardens in the programme which will be available at our ticket outlets or can be downloaded from our website at www.bookhamopengardens.co.uk. Open Gardens Day raises money for the upkeep of our historic Old Barn Hall where delicious home-baked cakes, rolls and drinks will be served throughout the day. In addition you will find plants for sale and a Bookham Country Market stall. You can also buy tickets for our grand raffle with lots of great prizes kindly donated

40 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

by RHS Wisley, the Plough in Effingham, Laytons Greengrocers, Leatherhead Theatre, The Grange Centre and local residents. Tickets: £5 in advance at outlets below. • The Vineries Garden Centre, Lower Rd, Effingham (event sponsor) • Wishing Well, 7 High Street • Bungalow Stores, Beckley Parade, Leatherhead Rd • Old Barn Hall office, Church Rd, KT23 3PQ. Tel: 01372 456307 (open Mon, Wed, Fri 9:30 - noon) • and the feild behind on Village Day, Sat 15th June. Children u16 free. Wheelchair users £3, carers free. Include admission to all gardens and a free minibus service along the route. Regret no dogs other than assistance dogs. On the day you can buy tickets at £6 at the Old Barn Hall or at the first garden you visit. We would also like to thank our kind supporters – Gracewell Healthcare, Patrick Gardner & Co., WH Cox & Sons, Maddox Homes, Db Designs, our ticket sellers. and the army of willing volunteers who help us on the day. For more info look for ‘Bookham Open Gardens’ on Facebook, or contact Tina Hutton on 01372 457598 / Email: tina.hutton@btinternet.com BOOKHAM COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION Registered Charity No. 1148881

Simply Scones tea room Every Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Join us for cream tea in the conservatory. Homemade scones, jam and cream – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange. Try our ‘flavour of the month’ scone. Booking essential.

To book either call 01372 452 608

A new Friday treat - pop in for freshly-brewed coffee and choose from our selection of cakes, biscuits and flapjacks! All made by people with learning disabilities as part of their work experience. Where else can you support a charity just by eating cake! Booking essential.

Every Friday 10.00am-11.30am

NEW Coffee & Cake The Grange, Rectory Lane, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4DZ www.grangecentre.org.uk

Gardening Matters GREEN, BLACK, YELLOW

So, this month, planting in green, in black (ooh, dramatic) and…..I suppose I’ll have to….planting in yellow, although it pains me to do so. Let’s get it over with. Greens will give extra interest and many will grow in dark areas. Some are perilously close to yellow for my liking but many are quite definite shades of green. Angelica archangelica is a short-lived perennial with bright lime green flowers, growing to 6ft. It needs dappled shade and moist soil. Ferula communis (fennel) has wafting, frondlike green flowers. Kniphofia - dwarf red hot poker - is a pale creamy green, and Eryngium agavifolium has coarse spiky leaves and thistle-like flowers. The euphorbia family gives us E.myrsenites, with silver-grey leaf and green flower, which will grow in the worst conditions, and E. wolfenii, green bracts with a purple centre, but beware, the milky sap can irritate bare skin, so wear gloves. Finally, handy for winter flowering are the hellebores Green Dragon and Hacquetia epipactis, the earliest of all herbaceous perennials and vivid lime-green, needing full shade and moist soil. Black provides unusual interest surrounded by brighter colours, and the shades of black vary from deepest Goth to dark purplish-black. Probably best-known is Ophiopogon planiscapus nigrescens with its black foliage, purple flowers and black berries. It spreads to form clumps and can be left to grow. Plant in full sun and well-drained soil but it’s tolerant of most soils. Handy

Cecelia John: 01372 200 000

42 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019


too as front-of-border are Ajuga (bugle), Pelargonium Black Red Vesuvius, a dwarf geranium with black foliage and scarlet flower - sadly, rarely available - and Lobelia cardinalis ‘Queen Victoria’, with scarlet flowers on black foliage and needing full sun and moist soil. Back-of-border drama queens include Paeonia delavayi (tree peony), with deep maroon/black flowers, Cornus alba ‘Hessei’, with dark purple foliage, dark stem and white berries, and black bamboo. And let’s not forget the dramatic black tulip ‘Queen of the Night’. And sooooo, reluctantly and only because I promised, we come to planting in yellow *shudder*. I’m reliably informed by my erstwhile tutor, Sue Jackson, that the function of yellows is to calm if they’re pastels (doesn’t do it for me) or to make a statement otherwise. Yellows go from pastel creams and lemons (just about OK) through ‘egg yolk’ (aaaaarghhhh) to hot, eye-catching gold, umbre, orange and copper browns (yucky). Many yellows appear in spring, with sweeping drifts of daffodils, narcissi and crocus heralding new birth (see, I can do poetic, even with yellows). Spring also produces Polyanthus, Forsythia and Kerrya japonica, and summer brings Achillea, sunflowers, Oenothera and lilies. You can intensify yellow’s boldness by pairing it with red/ orange/lavender, or group it with pink/green for more subtle combinations, if indeed you can use ‘yellow’ and ‘subtle’ in the same sentence. And on that note, I need to go for a lie-down now.





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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 43



Set amid the grounds of the historic Hampton Court Palace, the RHS Hampton Court Palace Garden Festival will bring a colourful festival of flowers from 1st - 7th July.

©RHS / Luke MacGregor

Floral Fiesta Festival-goers can explore this floral fiesta which offers something for everyone. The Floral Marquee will bring together 81 growers and nurseries for a cornucopia of summer colour & scents, including a woodland scene as it would have existed millions of years ago with the National Collection of Ginkgo. Festival Headdresses made from flowers & plants will also be on display as seven floristry students go head to head to create eye-catching designs in the RHS Future Florists Competition. Lavender specialists Downderry Nursery from Kent will be honoured as Master Grower, displaying a range of aromatic lavender for a pretty purple picture. Visitors will have the opportunity to book a traditional afternoon tea in a brand new Rose Garden where they can sit back and enjoy this immersive experience. Talks & Workshops For those looking to take home a new skill, creative workshops will focus on crafts, art, calligraphy, terrariums, apothecary, floristry & gardening. Meanwhile floral crown making & glitter face painting will be sure to get everyone into the festival spirit.

44 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

The Main Stage will offer an exciting programme of engaging talks throughout the show from well-known faces including Kelly Brook, Joe Swift & Adam Frost while demonstrations for design & floristry are ideal for even the gardening novice. Food, Drink & Entertainment After a day amongst the blooms, visitors can indulge in a variety of culinary experiences. The Wild Garden Banquet with a bespoke menu specially created by the Michelin star chef, Merlin Labron-Johnson offers guests a foraging experience around The Wild Garden before sitting down to a banquet table to enjoy wild ingredients found in the garden. The picturesque Long Water provides the ideal spot for those looking to enjoy a glass of Pimm’s, or visitors can pull up a deckchair and enjoy the selection of live bands performing on the all-new floating stage. Shopping Visitors be spoilt for choice with plants from sweet peas & clematis, to cacti & carnivorous plants and shopping stands will offer all the latest garden & home accessories. For the foodies, there are plenty of opportunities to taste tempting artisan produce. Independent & local producers in The Great Taste Market will see a range of foods, wines & craft spirits to take home. The exclusive Preview Evening* held on Monday 1st July offers the perfect opportunity for those wanting to be one of the first to experience this year’s Festival. A lineup of exciting live acts will perform on the atmospheric floating stage while guests can enjoy the variety of workshops and marvel at a feel good fireworks display, all within the magnificent setting of the palace grounds. For further information or to buy tickets, please visit the RHS website at www.rhs.org.uk/hamptoncourt


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Personalised email and economical upgrades ... Recently a number of large volume email providers have closed their services usually due to the cost of providing the service being too great for any rewards which may be returned. These companies include O2, Tesco and Which. You may be asking what benefit could the email providers be gaining? The general answer is a simple one- you give them permission to “read” your emails and provide contextual advertising, this is agreed in their terms and conditions when you sign up to their service. This is the reason why the likes of Gmail, Outlook, Hotmail, Yahoo are keen for your email traffic, for example- if you are in correspondence with someone about a holiday - you may see banner adverts usually in your web browser from holiday firms, the holiday firm would have paid for this advert or “impression”. This is evidence of contextual advertising. Changing your email address and notifying your contacts can be headache, to mitigate a recurrence of this, a way around it is to purchase your own email address - also know as domain name. Once bought this address is yours forever (assuming subscriptions are maintained) By way of example let’s say your name is Jane Walter, you could purchase (subject to availability) the domain name “walter-family.co.uk”, and your email address could be jane@walter-family.co.uk. The beauty of this arrangement is that this is yours forever and should the suppling firm decide that email isn’t their “thing”, you can move it to another provider. You may be thinking this arrangement is expensive and exclusive to companies, but you would be wrong. To purchase the domain name and have it registered to you for 2 years is only £35.00 (+vat)- then it is necessary to have the email service added, and this can be a little as £25 per year. For less than the cost of filling your car up with fuel you have an email address and email service for life, additionally you can add further email accounts for mum, dad, the kids and so on.

Low cost computer upgrades The thought of moving all your data onto a new machine can cause palpitations to many. A way to avoid this is to upgrade your existing machine. Windows 10 and Mojave are reasonably accepting when it comes to running on old hardware. To remove the frustration of a slow running machine, a great option is to replace your current hard drive with a Solid State Drive (SSDs), the performance boost is impressive and is said to be upto 20 times quicker- which is pretty astonishing. SSD’s have fallen greatly in price so the cost of the upgrade and us to copy all your data to the SSD could be way less than buying a new machine. Please call for more information.

This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

46 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

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Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 17


Sudoku #2

6 3

4 5 7 7 9 4 2 5

6 3 8 7 5 4 1 3 5 2 7 5 8 3 5 6 4 8

©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com

9 6 1 8

© 2013 KrazyDad.com

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.

48 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

7 2 9 2 6 7 8 5 1 2 9 1 0 8

Blessed are the meek for they shall inhibit the earth.

5 3 9


5 9 8 9 5 5 6 6 8 7 7 7 8 7

8 3 9 3 7 8 7 4 2 3 8 2 9 9

3 8 9 8 5 6 7 7 7 6 6 6 7 5

9 4 4 4 9 0 0 5 4 5 9 3 8 8

2 7 7 7 4 4 9 6 6 2 3 9 5 3

8 0 5 5 8 8 8 3 5 1 5 4 7 7

4 3 8 9 5 2 5 9 9 2 4 7 6 6

7 8 2 3 7 7 7 2 3 3 3 5 9 3

5 4 7 8 2 3 6 8 8 4 4 0 4 5

0 7 3 2 0 2 9 3 5 4 6 6 8 4

2 5 6 7 7 3 7 7 7 2 5 8 3 7

9 6 7 8 9 0 7 4 5 3 3 3 7 5

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 09857, 43465, 43895, 44045, 45333, 47582, 47823, 54668, 56687, 63928, 65212, 70384, 78742, 83928, 97869, 98567


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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 49


FAMILY FUN DAY 2019 CLANDON PARK, SUNDAY 7TH JULY. * Something for all the family*

• • • • • • •

Hundreds of Classic Vehicles, Exciting Stalls, Entertainment for the Children, Hospitality Area serving Hot and Cold Food and Drinks, Picnic Area with Toilet Facilities, Show Opens 11.00am - 4.30pm, Entry for Public £7 per adult, Under 12’s Free,


Music Matters

For your FREE consultation, call Simon on

0800 156 0538 or 01252 511 987

Chalk and Cheese. Have fun with this month’s Music quiz.

QUESTIONS: 1. Hollywood legend Doris Day died on May 13th 2019. How old was she? 2. Wy are Led Zeppelin so called? 3. Who sang “You make the sunshine brighter than Doris Day”? 4. Complete the Led Zeppelin song title, often said to be one of their finest works. “Stairway to……” 5. What do the four symbols relate to on the front cover of Led Zeppelin IV? 6. Can you name the five Travelling Wilburys? 7. Doris Day originally wanted to be a dancer. What prevented her achieving her ambition? 8. Sentimental Journey was Doris Day’s first hit record. In what year was it released? PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 61




Circuit Exercise Classes ADULTS

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01372 450028 07747 886961 wow.elainemaddison@gmail.com

www.fitnessbookham.com LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 51


Wow factor cars are few and far between; rare commodities in a market hungry for good taste & value for money. And that brings me right-away to a success story of a supply to please, & thoroughly satisfy, in the attractive shape of Volvo’s latest SUV challenger, their XC90. As a treat of fulsome & comfy features, of family requirements on the move, it ticks all the boxes. And what a looker, too!!! Their deservedly legendary seven-seater, has been given a clever & welcome overhaul, but it holds onto one crucial factor; a transversely set-up engine whose huge share of its length can be handed over to the car’s interior for a generously spacious lounge-like atmosphere. In fact, just about every item in XC90 is fresh - right down to its refashioned Volvo badge. That just about sums up how beneficially caring the designers have been. Now what about its all embracing cabin/cockpit, call it what you like? Little or nothing has been left to chance in the Scandanavian company’s quest to give value for your hard-earned. The all-new infotainment set-up is all singing, all dancing and it dwells in a system that occupies most of the central dash, with stylish graphics, high resolution & clear to read & understand menus, and fixtures and

52 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

switches which require the least effort. But all credit to the designers: their principal concern has been all about comfort for the driver & passengers relaxing over the seven seats. And to add to the joys of the riders, the handling of the car is excellent, with very little roll or understeer, and offers a general feeling of ease and relaxation. Ultra-safe, too. A four-wheel-drive, offering the most secure traction on the wettest and most threatening skiddy roads, that would easily trap lesser, well-equipped rivals. If you plan a marathon drive for a holiday, in say, far off Scotland, have no frets about the family’s full comfort, with the arrangement of seating with its three-row design. The first two with five places, that all recline & slide to cope with whatever room is needed and the third row is just the job for the restlessness of leggy teenagers. Behind that is a fair-sized boot that can be extended by folding up one or all of the five back seats. The cheapest in the range is the D5 Momentum priced at £50,435. But personally I would go for D5 Inscrip’ Pro, nearly ten grand more, but with very top spec and a just about everything you need to hand, to hold a front running lead over of its rivals. XC90? XCellent!!!! Specification: DS Inscrip’ Pro. 235BHP.MPG 48.7. Speed 130mph. 0-62mph 7.8 seconds. Top


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07442 017169 / 01306 899104 or by email:

info@ageconcernmolevalley.org.uk Registered Charity No 1111678

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01372 200492 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 53


In spite of many people taking sensible precautions to protect their homes and property, we have seen a disappointing rise in the number of reports received relating to domestic burglaries. The key points to remember is that burglars like to work unobserved and as quickly as possible. Most burglars tend to be opportunistic; i.e. they see a vulnerable property and take a chance on seeing if they can gain easy access to steal. The majority of burglars gain access from insecure premises via the ground floor at the rear of a property so; the simplest deterrent is to make these common access points as secure as possible. Obviously, this means ensuring that doors and windows are securely locked when you are not at home but there are some other simple things to consider which can make your home less “desirable” as a target. The first is the external visibility of your home. A clear line of sight from the roadside to the front of your home is a natural deterrent as there is a reduced opportunity for a burglar to work unobserved. Also, the installation of some simple dusk till dawn lighting at the front of your property removes pools of shadow which are very popular with burglars who want to avoid being seen. I don’t mean motion activated high intensity lighting - just low-level lighting that provides good visibility and conveys an impression that your home is occupied. Side gates need to be high enough to deter climbing and preferably secured with bolts or a padlock lower down on the door or gate, to minimise the chances of someone being able to lean over and unbolt the gate. Avoid placing wheelie bins near back gates too, as they make a very useful climbing aid.

54 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

Consider registering your property on a free National database such as Immobilise. This is a secure system where you can register any of your property and even upload photographs of items. Check out Immobilise. com or contact your local Safer Neighbourhood Team, who can provide guidance and practical support in getting you started with registering your property. You could also consider using forensic property marking on any items of value, from laptops and bikes to paintings and jewellery. When any items are recovered from suspects of burglaries, it is checked to see if there is any forensic marking on items and this is a really helpful way of getting items returned to their rightful owners. With garden sheds, always make sure that they are locked and secured, preferably with a sturdy padlock and consider painting any gardening equipment with your postcode and house number. This makes items far less desirable to a would-be thief. If you are considering installing an alarm system, I would suggest that you get a few quotes and check out the advice available on the National Security Insepctorate’s website www.nis.org.uk, which can give impartial information about the various types of alarm systems that are available. Even a simple audible alarm, with clear signage to show that you have a security system in place is an excellent deterrent. If you would like further advice or even a free, impartial home security review then you can always contact me direct, either by phone to 101 Extension 30809, or by email to Neil.Clarke@surrey.pnn.police.uk

Finestra Services All aspects of double glazing, plus building works

POEM CORNER Ode To Teresa Doing a temping job - share at the offices of Esso, in Leatherhead. May 2000 Without Teresa where would we be, Two temps from Reed, Margaret and me? “My cursor’s stuck, Outlook’s hazy, This wretched table’s driving me crazy!” Pleas for help, where? And how? What happens to this “send out” now? The sums on “Expenses” don’t agree, Where’s Augusta? What’s PMT? From this confusion there emanates A quiet voice that simply states, The solution and though up to her eyes, Always stops to help and advise. Margaret and I would’ve been up the creek, Without your help week after week. So a very big “Thank you”!

MARION KEMP Poem from “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Booham


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LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 55


Photos by Orande Mensink

25th Anniversary Celebration

On Thursday 25th April at Woodlands Park Hotel, Dyscover celebrated it’s 25th Anniversary (Actual birthday 27th April) They were celebrating 25 years of Dyscover, a local specialist aphasia charity, set up by the charity’s founder and president, Gill Jackson MBE to offer people with this life changing, long term and complex speech & language condition, on-going support. Friends and supporters of Dyscover attended the afternoon tea fundraiser. The 118 guests included Mayor Shweta Kapadia and her husband, Consort Ramesh Kapadia from Elmbridge, Chairman Raj Haque of Mole Valley District Council and Mayor and Mayoress Neil and Ann Dallen as well as original volunteers and very early beneficiaries of the organisation. Guests enjoyed a Pimms and elderflower drinks reception with jazz musicians ‘Rag A Jazz’ playing in the background. Traditional afternoon tea was served after a brave and humbling presentation from Suzie Cope, who

described to the audience how acquiring aphasia at aged 45 has impacted her life and family and how with the support of Dyscover she has been able to overcome many of the barriers this condition presents and is now able to volunteer for Dyscover as a ‘Buddy’ to new beneficiaries joining one of Dyscover’s speech therapist led support groups. The tea was accompanied by some singers who enlivened the audience, ready for an auction which included a 3 ball at Wisley golf club, a champagne canal trip and Cocktails at Zedel Brasserie in Soho. The celebration ended with a fantastic raffle with both the auction and raffle raising over £1800! Dyscover were thrilled with the local support this event generated and are keen make strong community links in and around Leatherhead following their HQ move to Leatherhead Court in 2018. For anyone interested in volunteering, fund raising, getting involved or to find out more about what Dyscover can offer visit www.dyscover.org.uk

LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 57




SUNDAY SERVICES - JUNE 2019 Regular Sunday Service Times 9.30am

Informal Worship & Praise



Family Service

Tuesday 11th June 3.15pm

Messy Church

For details of these services or further info please visit

website: www.bookhamurc.org.uk call: 07889 878471 Email: secretary@bookhamurc.org.uk


Sunday Services - June 2019 2nd June 10.00am

Seventh Sunday of Easter Informal Worship & Communion

9th June 8.00am

Day of Pentecost Holy Communion

16th June 10.00am

First Sunday after Pentecost Sunday Worhship & Communion

23rd June 8.00am

Second Sunday after Pentecost Holy Communion

30th June 8.00am

Third Sunday after Pentecost Holy Communion

2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website:


58 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019

Our Sunday Congregations

A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys variety in its worship

A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship

A time and space to connect with God and with each other

Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313




8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Family Communion Service – with children’s provision ​The First Sunday at 10am is a Morning Prayer service 6.30pm Evensong (third Sunday Only)


Welcomes all under 5s with a parent, grandparent, carer or childminder.1:30-3:30pm in the Church Room & 2-2.20pm toddler-friendly time in church. With toys, a baby area, playdoh and craft, tea & time to chat to the TotsAlive! team. .

Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:

01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 59

useful numbers DOCTORS


Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave.........01372 452081 Bookham Library................................. 0300 200 1001 Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd..... 01372 455 450 Bookham Residents’ Association .......... 0300 030 9890 Citizens’ Advice Bureau...................0844 4 11 1444 CHEMISTS Help your Neighbour Scheme...............07986 177234 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street..........01372 452067 Leatherhead Leisure Centre....................01372 377674 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott................01372 453293 Mole Valley District Council..................01306 885001 Police (non-urgent matters)......................................101 HALL HIRE Baptist Church Hall, Lower Road.......01372 811313 Surrey County Council..........................08456 009009 Bookham Scouting Centre.....................01372 454383 EastwickRoadChurch(URC)....01372453473/453704 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 Little Bookham Village Hall...................01372 453802 Old Barn Hall, Church Road.................01372 456307 SPACE,DorkingRoad...info@southbookhamspace.org.uk St. Lawrence Church Hall......................07758 223879 ................................ stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com The Bowlder Room, Manor House .... 01372 456752 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803

HOSPITALS Ashtead Hospital....................................01372 221647 Epsom Hospital A & E..........................01372 735735 Leatherhead Hospital.............................0208 296 2000 Non-emergency NHS Help.....................................111 St Helier Hospital and Queen Mary’s Hospital for Children.................................................0208 296 2000


AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road...................01372 457959 Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove ..... 01372 377678 SCHOOLS England House Dental, 30 High St .......01372 459393 Dawnay School.......................................01372 456774 Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons .....01372 454355 Eastwick County Infants School............01372 453672 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,.......01372 363670 Eastwick Junior School...........................01372 453277 Glenesk School.......................................01483 282329 TRAVEL Howard of Effingham School................01372 453694 Train information..................................0845 748 4950 Manor House School.............................01372 457077 Polesden Lacey Infants School................01372 456533 CHURCHES St Lawrence’s Primary School.................01372 452870 All Saints’ C of E Church.........................01372 458314 St Teresa’s Junior......................................01372 453456 Bookham Baptist Church........................01372 811313 St Teresa’s Senior.....................................01372 452037 EastwickRoadChurch(URC).................01372 453704 Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 VETERINARY SURGEONS Quaker Meeting......................................01372 454363 Brelades...................................................01372 452531 Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.............................01372 379636 St Nicolas’ Church...................................01372 450709 All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2019. All rights reserved.



Townshott Close, off Lower Road, Bookham KT23 4DQ (next to Bookham Baptist Church) Parking in Lower Rd, Pay & Display


Monday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturday: 9.30am-5pm

We look forward to seeing you soon at Bookham Library. Parking in Lower Rd pay and display. www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries Surrey Libraries App Available




Summer Reading Challenge volunteers at Bookham Library Each summer we recruit volunteers aged between 14-25 to help us run the annual Summer Reading Challenge - where children of primary school age sign up to read at least six library books over the school holidays and collect incentives along the way. It’s a busy time for libraries and we appreciate your help. In this role, you would encourage children to read more by talking to them about their books, help with events and activities, sign children up to the challenge and give them rewards for reading. It is a great way to get experience for your CV and our volunteers have a lot of fun. You can apply to be a Summer Reading Challenge volunteer on the Surrey Libraries Website using the Expression of interest form. The Space Chase Summer Reading Challenge runs Saturday 13 July to Saturday 21 September 2019. Bookham Library have a wide range of travel books, stories and language books and CDs to help you with your plans for a holiday break. If we don’t have a book of your destination on our shelves, you can do an on line request for a book from another Surrey Library for 75p. We frequently change our special displays of items so do come in regularly to browse and borrow items.

PUZZLE solutions Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 17


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1. 97 2. When searching for a name,Sudoku fear was expressed that they might “go down like a lead balloon”! #4 Paul Jones, John Bonham and Robert Plant 6. Bob Dylan, 5 3 3.8Wham! 2 6 4. Heaven 5. Jimmy Page,8 John 2 4 3 6 1 7 5 9 George Harrison, Jeff Lynne, Roy Orbison & Tom Petty 7. A car accident in her teens. 8. 1939 7 6 4 1 3 9 5 1 7 2 8 6 4 3 MAY COMPETITION WINNER: S.Frye, S.Lowe, J.Gallagher, E.Vickery, W.Lane 8 2 7 5 9 3 7 6 9 5 4 8 2 1 4 8 2 1 7 3 9 6 5 3 4 1 7 8 LookLocal Magazine - June 2019 61 1 7 9 3 5 1 6 3 2 9 5 4 8 7

advertisers’ index Able Roofing...............................................................8

Jenni Barkhuizen - Home/Pet sitting/Dog walking....16

Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors..............53

L. Hawkins Funeral Directors...................................18

Astek Dental.............................................................11

Lawn Master.............................................................51

Beckley’s Automotive.................................................23

Mark Adams Decorating Services..............................29

Bonnie Dogs...............................................................8

MD Edwards & Son...................................................7

Bookham Carpet Company.........................................6

Michael Reeve Landscaping.......................................45

Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............49

MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................64

Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic....................20

P&B Tree Services.....................................................38

Bookham Choral Society...........................................34

Pullen Plumbing Services..........................................43

Boyall’s Ironmongery & Doors....................................4

R Williams Plumbing & Heating..............................49

Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................17

R&B Carpentry & Building Services.........................23

Casselden’s Shoes.......................................................14

RJK Decorating Services...........................................38

CCS refrigeration & air conditioning........................15

Road Trippers............................................................20

CD Sheldon Flooring................................................43

Roofs of Esher...........................................................34

Colin Read Landscaping ..........................................43

Roots & Shoots Tree Surgery & Landscaping..............2

Cosy Flooring............................................................18

Rowlandsons Jewllers..................................................9

Dashe Developments.................................................38

Roxley Models...........................................................14

DB Garden Services..................................................64

S.H. Garden & Property Services..............................23

DPB Pristine Oven Clean.........................................20

Saffron Interiors........................................................21

Dream Doors............................................................63

SAS Roofing & Building...........................................17

Elite Tree Services......................................................49

Stephen Herman Landscaping...................................29

Extra Help.................................................................38

Surrey PC Tech.........................................................29

F Covey Plumbing & Heating...................................10

Tec Res Computer Solutions............................... 46/47

Fine Fettle Multi-Healthcare.....................................10

The Grange Centre.............................................. 37/41

Finestra Services........................................................55

The Vineries Garden Centre......................................33

First Choice Cleaning Company...............................53

Trestle Decorating.....................................................45

Get Going Physio......................................................14

Wellers Hedleys Solicitors............................................5

Great Bookham Dental Practice................................45

Wild by Design.........................................................15

Green Roots..............................................................18

WOW Fitness...........................................................51

Harvey Fab................................................................55 HRS Roofing Services...............................................21


Jackie Quinn Estate Agents.......................................19



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