LookLocal March 2020
Your award-winning local community magazine
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Roots & shoots
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Welcome to March
You’ve gotta love this month! It signifies the beginning of spring; the clocks go forward on 29th and the trees are just about to burst into life after the dark winter months. What’s not to like? In this busy issue we are delighted to bring you news about a recent trip to Zambia made by Phil Hawkins and Rachael Underwood; what a busy pair they are, and the work they do is so amazing. See their feature on page 12. A fond farewell was bid to two of our long serving retailers recently. After many years of hard work both have decided it’s time for pastures new… David Fuller and Keith Weston have both retired from their prospective businesses and a collection of their fellow retailers and local business buddies held a bit of do for them to mark the occasion. See page 15 for coverage of the celebrations. Plenty of news from The BRA which can be found on our centre pages this month; we will periodically be sharing their news in future. Always worth a read, the BRA work tirelessly for our village. We are delighted to include the first in a run of interesting features is required, itweather first needs to be for you this month too, welcoming local resident Bobof Pritchard to our pages. Bob has been a career registered with the Office the Public Guardian in order for it Having to ‘weatherman’. been interested in the weather since a be used by your attorneys, young age, heandwent on to work at the Met Office for many it will be too late to rectify any years, with 25 years in broadcasting the weather forecast on mistakes at that stage. Radio 4 and Radio 5 live. He took early retirement 16 years ago but has remained very active in the subject. He was the editor Can Wellers Hedleys help you?of Weather Magazine (published by the Royal Meteorological Society) for five years and still writes monthly weather If you are reading this and think for them. Bob has kindly offered to bring us regular it may apply summaries to you, we can weatheratrelated offer a consultation, no cost features. Thank you Bob I look forward to to you, to review any Powers learning more... of Attorney you may have Wishing youand all a great month and remember to to ensure they still fulfil your remember your Mothers on 22nd, Mother’s Day.
happens if I lose mental capacity and no valid power of attorney in place?
wer of Attorney by the Court which can take a al document that considerable amount of time, choose the people be very costly and effectively make decisions on means your assets are frozen, ther immediately, potentially causing hardship ed, or when you for close family members. al capacity to I already have a ecisions yourself. o types of Lasting Power of Attorney rney, one to cover Many people will have made financial affairs and an Enduring Power of Attorney h and welfare. Dishes Recipe 16 Delicious (EPA) when they made their Wills before 1 Little OctoberBRA 2007. From ental capacity Shop 17 andVictoria’s that date EPAs could no longer ney to manage Puzzle 26 Crossword be made and were replaced nder a valid Power Bookham Residents Assoc. by the new Lasting Powers of Deputy, 31 appointed Attorney. The next question is of Protection, Matters 35 to Music whether your EPA is still a valid ehalf, must be Wine Club 40 Bookham document and the simple answer an be anyone Bees we would 40to Bookham is ‘yes’. However, o the Court always advise that you have this ehalf and41 does What’s On in March document checked for validity our consent. It Sudoku & Digi-Search 50 by a solicitor, as when you lose gthy application Police Notice 56 Surrey mental capacity and the power iring approval
intentions. We can also provide initial advice on whether you should now consider making a Lasting Power of Attorney.
To book a consultation call Cara Hughes on 01372 750100 quoting “LookROS Local”.REDFERN
Next Copy Deadline 5th March for our April Issue
58 Church Services trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 andus is authorised phone 01372 200 000 e Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515. 60 Useful Numbers email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk 61 Bookham Library Notice visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk 61 Puzzle Solutions like us on Facebook /looklocalmags 62 Advertisers’ Index follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
MOTHER’S DAY OFFERS Bargain Bargain Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain 80/20 Bargain Wool Bargain 80/20 Wool 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist 80/20 Wool Twist Wool Twist Wool Twist Twist Twist UNTIL MARCH 31ST - was - was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was -£37.50m² was was --£37.50m² now -£37.50m² now -£37.50m² £19.99m² now -£19.99m² now -£19.99m² now - £19.99m² now - £19.99m² now £19.99m² £19.99m² n ha ! r t ht pe ig ea etr Ch arp c
100% 100% 100% Wool 100% Wool 100% Wool Loop, 100% Wool Loop, 100% Wool Loop, Natural Wool Loop, Natural Wool Loop, Natural Shades Loop, Natural Loop, Shades Natural Shades Natural Shades Natural Shades Shades Shades - an- an - an - an - an - an - an absolute absolute absolute absolute bargain absolute bargain absolute bargain absolute at bargain £15.99m² at bargain £15.99m² at bargain £15.99m² bargain at £15.99m² at £15.99m² at at £15.99m² £15.99m²
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YOUR LOCAL PROPERTY EXPERTS ON THE HIGH STREET Wellers Hedleys Solicitors has helped thousands of individuals buy their first home, move up the housing ladder or downsize. We have also helped hundreds of companies acquire their first premises, relocate or expand their property portfolios. When it comes to dealing with property, the financial stakes are high, so it pays to have legal support with the knowledge and experience to identify and solve potential problems before they become costly barriers. Each transaction is unique and you can rely on our team of property solicitors to provide an outstanding service tailored to your circumstances and timetable and within an agreed price. Please contact Richard Cunningham or Christine Eves to discuss any of the following services:
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Wellers Hedleys is a trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515.
Simply Scones tea room Every Tuesday 2pm-3.30pm Join us for cream tea in the conservatory. Homemade scones, jam and cream – all prepared and served by people we support at The Grange. Try our ‘flavour of the month’ scone. Booking essential.
To book either call 01372 452 608
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AAAttt BBBoooyyyaaallllllsss wwweee hhhaaavvveee aaa hhhuuugggeee !hhhoooiii!eee ooofff bbbooottthhh tttrrraaadddiiitttiiiooonnnaaalll &&& !ooonnnttteeemmmpppooorrraaarrryyy dddoooooorrrsss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy... WWWeee !aaannn sssuuupppppplllyyy fffrrrooonnnttt dddoooooorrrsss &&& fffrrraaammmeeesss !ooommmpppllleeettteee wwwiiittthhh lllooo!kkksss aaannnddd iiirrrooonnnmmmooonnngggeeerrryyy ,,, ppprrreee-‐-‐-hhhuuunnnggg aaannnddd eeeiiittthhheeerrr
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8 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
We will create the garden of your dreams We plan, design and build stunning garden landscapes and outdoor areas. Let us create a special space for you and your family to enjoy. Our fresh approach and our expertise from creating award-winning gardens gives you access to showstopping designs, whatever the scale of your project. • Planting • Landscaping • Patios & Stone Work
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Salut Spring!
It’s almost time to wave Winter goodbye and welcome the Spring! Hopefully weather conditions will make it a warm welcome, so why not head outside and give your garden a spring clean? Perk up your patio or driveway by power-cleaning them. Mulch borders, feed perennials and clear leaves and moss. Aerate your lawn, sweep in some sharp sand and add a good fertiliser to give it a boost. If your lawn is beyond reviving, it may be more time efficient and costeffective to replace it completely. You can update bare borders and reshape them at the same time. Complete your makeover with a new patio, or extend an existing one to create extra space for entertaining, dining and relaxing outside. Installing a BBQ or outdoor kitchen will help to get the most out of your garden and ensure you spend quality time outdoors. Don’t forget to refresh tables and chairs by giving them a good clean. You can take your furniture from shabby to chic in just one afternoon. Remove dirt and cobwebs from wooden or wrought iron furniture with a stiff brush, before cleaning thoroughly and restoring the finish to its former glory. Invest in some new cushions or accessories for an instantly stylish update. Hopefully 2020 will be a year of plenty. Plenty of good weather and plenty of good times in your garden!
Need ideas to update or improve your garden? Contact Boardman Gelly & Co on 01306 611231 or email info@boardman-gelly.co.uk. for a free, no obligation quote.
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 9
MOTHER’S DAY MENU Glass of Buck’s Fizz - £4.99
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Salmon en Croute - £16.99
Salmon fillet with herby soft cheese, wrapped in a lattice pastry case, with watercress sauce, saute new potatoes and fresh vegetables
Tarragon Chicken - £16.99
Tender Chicken Supreme in a tarragon, white wine and cream sauce, served with fluffy rice and fresh vegetables
Waldorf Salad - £12.99
A light, fresh salad of celery, apples, walnuts and grapes in a creamy mayonnaise dressing, served on a bed of crisp lettuce with crusty bread on the side
Homemade Meringue nests served with Chantilly cream and mixed berries - £6.99 Homemade Profiteroles with chocolate fudge sauce - £6.99
One regular free glass of wine per person with every booked Mother’s Day Meal. BOOKING ESSENTIAL - Please Book your table for Mother’s Day Breakfast or Lunch, in the Coffee Shop, by phone on: 01372 457337 or online at thevineries@hotmail.co.uk £5 deposit per person to be paid upon booking & please inform us of your menu choices.
Hours of business: Mon - Sat 8.00am - 5.00pm | Sun 10.00am - 4.00pm | 01372 458934 Lower Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk
Early Spring Savings Early Spring Savings Early Spring Savings Early Spring Savings EARLY SPRING OFFERS Early Spring Savings 3 DAYS OF SPECIAL OFFERS 333DAYS OF SPECIAL DAYSOF OFSPECIAL SPECIALOFFERS OFFERS DAYS OFFERS AT THE VINERIES GARDEN CENTRE 3 3DAYS OF OFFERS Friday 18th, Saturday 19th &Sunday Sunday 20th March Friday 18th, Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th March DAYS OFSPECIAL SPECIAL OFFERS Friday 18th, Saturday 19th 20th March Friday 18th, Saturday 19th && Sunday 20th March FRIDAY 6TH,Saturday SATURDAY 7TH & & SUNDAY 8TH MARCH Friday 18th, 19th Sunday 20th March
LARGE 1litre litre HERBS LARGE 111litre HERBS LARGE HERBS LARGE litre HERBS LARGE 1 litre HERBS Lavender, Rosemary & Thyme Lavender, Rosemary &&Thyme Lavender, Rosemary & Thyme Lavender, Rosemary Thyme
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4PLANTS PLANTS 44PLANTS 44PLANTS PLANTS FOR £10 FOR £10 FOR £10 FOR £10 FOR £10 1litre litre square on 11on litre square on 1litre square on square on 1litre square pot Perennials. pot Perennials. pot Perennials. pot Perennials. pot Perennials. £2.99 each £2.99 each £2.99 each £2.99 each £2.99 each
20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF 20% OFF All Fertilisers All Fertilisers - Fertilisers AllAll Fertilisers --
All Fertilisers including Bonemeal, including Bonemeal, including Bonemeal, including Bonemeal, includingGrowmore, Bonemeal, Growmore, Growmore, Growmore, Growmore, Release SlowSlow Release etc. etc. Slow Release Slow Release etc.etc. Slow Release etc.
Coffee Shop Hours:Mon Mon -Mon 8.00am 4.00pm | -Sun 9.30am - 3.30pm | 01372 457337 Hours of Business: -8.00am Sat -8.00am 5.00pm & Sun 10.00am-4.00pm Hours of Business: -Sat Sat - 5.00pm & Sun 10.00am-4.00pm Hours of Business: Mon Sat 8.00am 5.00pm & Sun 10.00am-4.00pm Hours of Business: Mon Sat 8.00am 5.00pm & Sun 10.00am-4.00pm HoursLower of Business: Mon - Sat 5.00pm & Sun 10.00am-4.00pm Road | Effingham | KT24 5JP | www.thevineriesgardencentre.co.uk Lower Road, Effingham KT24 Tel.01372 no: 01372 458934 Lower Road, Effingham KT24 5JP 5JP Tel. no: 458934 Lower Road, Effingham KT24 5JPTel. Tel. no: 01372 458934 Lower Road, Effingham KT24 Tel. no: 01372 458934 Lower Road, Effingham 5JP no: 01372 458934
VISIT TO ZAMBIA IN FEBRUARY Bookham’s international education charity Aprender had a successful visit to Zambia in February working with a school in the city of Mongu, Western Zambia, next to the mighty Zambezi River. This was the second visit by CEO Phil Hawkins and Early Years Consultant Rachael Bannister as they continue to help build the capacity of the leadership team to improve the quality of education offered to the 600 children from very disadvantaged backgrounds. Using their model of development based on 10 years of research, Phil spent the week with the leadership team, led by newly appointed head teacher Mr Matengu Happy Kalaluka. Phil also led workshops on good teaching practice with their 8 teachers, completing phase one of the Aprender training. Rachael directed her attention and training to the new team of preschool teachers. Zambia’s government have decreed that all primary schools should have a preschool class by the end of the year. Aprender have the vision that the preschool that will operate in this school will be the best in the country and will go on to lead training in other schools around the country. That would be amazing!
Our very own Dawnay School kindly donated reading books to take with them to donate to the school. One of the highlights of the visit was the moment that the children were given their books – for many the first time they had ever been given a book! Can you imagine?! Their delight was palpable. Aprender (and the school!) are very grateful to the staff at the Dawnay for their generous gift. They head to Zambia again at the end of March for
12 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Phil and Rachael visit Louise at the Dawnay ahead of the trip.
the next instalment. Phil says of Bookham “It’s such a welcoming community, it’s great to be part of it and know that so many local people are supporting us in so many ways!” If your child’s school have any good quality books they would like to donate, do get in touch at admin@ aprender.co.uk. Aprender always have a waiting list of schools that would like help to help themselves but they need more funding to make that happen. If you or your child’s school would like to donate to Aprender, please visit the website at www.aprender.co.uk or get in touch through our email address.
Preschool teachers & mothers who volunteer at the school
The moment the children receive their first book
% off
with this voucher
*cannot be used in conjuction with any other offer.
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04/01/2020 11:49
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23/01/2020 16:36
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 13
What happens lose mental capacity and What Whathappens happensifififII Ilose losemental mental capacity capacity and have no valid power of attorney in place? have haveno novalid validpower powerof ofattorney attorney in in place?
A Lasting Power of Attorney by the Court which can take A Lasting Lasting Power ofof Attorney bybythe the Court which can take aa A Lasting Power Attorney theCourt Courtwhich whichcan cantake takeaa A Power of Attorney by (LPA) is a legal document that considerable amount of time, (LPA) is aaislegal legal document that considerable amount ofoftime, time, (LPA) a legal document that considerableamount amountof time, (LPA) is document that considerable allows you to choose the people be very costly and effectively allows you choose the people be verycostly costlyand andeffectively effectively allows you to to choose the people bebevery very costly and effectively allows you to choose the people you want to make decisions on means your assets are frozen, you want to make decisions on means your assets arefrozen, frozen, you want to make decisions on means your assets are frozen, you want to make decisions on means your assets are your behalf either immediately, potentially causing hardship your behalf either immediately, potentially causing hardship your behalf either immediately, potentially causing hardship your behalf either immediately, potentially causing hardship once registered, or when you for once registered, when you forclose closefamily familymembers. members. once registered, oror when you for close family members. once registered, or when you for close family members. lack the mental capacity to lack the mental capacity to lack the mental capacity to lack the mental capacity to have a make those decisions yourself. alreadyhave havea make those decisions yourself. II Ialready already have aa make those decisions yourself. I already make those decisions yourself. There are two types of Lasting There are two types of Lasting Power There are are two two types types of of Lasting Lasting Powerof ofAttorney Attorney Power of Attorney There Power of Attorney, one to cover Power Attorney, one cover Power of Attorney Power of of Attorney, one toto cover Many people will have Many people will havemade made Power of Attorney, one to cover Many people people will will have have made made property and financial affairs property and financial affairsand and Many property and financial affairs and an Enduring Power of Attorney an Enduring Power of Attorney property and financial affairs and an Enduring Enduring Power Power of of Attorney Attorney an one health and welfare. one for health and welfare. one forfor health and welfare. (EPA)when whenthey theymade madetheir theirWills Wills (EPA) one for health and welfare. (EPA) when they made their Wills (EPA) when they made their Wills before11 1October October2007. 2007.From From If you lose mental capacity and before If you lose mental capacity and before October 2007. From If you lose mental capacity and before 1 October 2007. From If you lose mental capacity and thatdate dateEPAs EPAscould couldno nolonger longer have attorney manage that have no attorney to manage that date EPAs could no longer have nono attorney toto manage that date EPAs could no longer have no attorney to manage madeand andwere werereplaced replaced your affairs under a valid Power bebemade your affairs under a valid Power be made made and and were were replaced your affairs affairs under under aa valid valid Power Power be your thenew newLasting Lastingreplaced Powersof of of Attorney, a Deputy, appointed bybythe Powers of Attorney, a Deputy, appointed by the new Lasting Powers of of of Attorney, a Deputy, appointed byAttorney. the new The Lasting of Attorney, a Deputy, appointed nextPowers questionisis by the Court of Protection, to Attorney. The next question by the Court of Protection, to Attorney. The The next next question question is is by the the Court Court of of Protection, Protection, to to Attorney. by whetheryour yourEPA EPAisisstill still avalid valid act on your behalf, must be whether act on your behalf, must be whether your your EPA EPA is is still still aa a valid valid act on on your your behalf, behalf, must must be be whether act documentand andthe thesimple simpleanswer answer found. This can be anyone document found. This can be anyone document and and the the simple simple answer answer found. This This can can be be anyone anyone document found. is ‘yes’. However, we would who applies to the Court to is ‘yes’. However, we would who applies to the Court to is ‘yes’. ‘yes’. However, However, we we would would who applies applies to to the the Court Court to to is who alwaysadvise advisethat thatyou youhave havethis this act on your behalf and does always act on your behalf and does always advise that you have this this act on your behalf and does always advise that you actnot on require your behalf and does It document checked forhave validity your consent. document checked for validity not require your consent. It document checked checked for for validity validity not require require your consent. consent. ItIt document not by a solicitor, as when you lose involves ayour lengthy application by a solicitor, as when you lose involves a lengthy application by a solicitor, as when you lose involves a lengthy application bymental a solicitor, as when youpower lose involves a lengthy application capacity and the process, requiring approval mental capacity and the power process, requiring approval mental capacity and the power process, requiring approval mental capacity and the power process, requiring approval
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Can Wellers Hedleys Can Wellers Hedleys Can Wellers Hedleys Hedleys Can help you? help help you? help you?
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Wellers Hedleys is a trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised Wellers Hedleys is a trading name of Wellers Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised Wellers Hedleys is a trading name of Wellers Authority Law Group LLP which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised and Hedleys regulated the Solicitors NoLLP 525515. Wellers is by a trading name Regulation of Wellers Law Group which is registered in England and Wales, registered number OC350170 and is authorised and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515. and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515. and regulated by the Solicitors Regulation Authority No 525515.
14 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Retirement! About 30 years ago Keith Weston joined Rawlings and Kensett butchers in Bookham High Street, and liked it so much he bought the business!! During his time the business came under many pressures: the expansion of the supermarkets, Mad Cow Disease that caused the European Union to ban the sale of beef on the bone, the unpopular (at the time) metrication that was to replaced imperial measures of pounds and ounces, although in practice the metric system rounded the weights up a little so customers in fact bought more! Foot and Mouth disease. The fuel tanker drivers strike resulting in an acute shortage of fuel, making it difficult for movement of stock and to travel to Smithfield. Closer to home one customer was so keen to get into the shop that they drove their car straight through the front of the shop one Friday afternoon, but it was business as usual by the following Monday morning, despite the rubble and the inconveniences to staff and customers. He has survived through thick and thin and served the people of Bookham with a big smile on his face, a kind word and his heart on his sleeve. We are pleased to report that Rawlings and Kensett will continue under the new ownership of Robert Punter. We wish Robert and his team every success. And now to David Fuller. Established in 1966/67 David Fuller in Church Road has been a family business throughout, ably assisted by Chris Quarton and Pat Sandy. They have stocked a
range of high-quality clothes for men from the world’s leading suppliers. In 1998 David expanded into Extra Large Sizes, in addition to catering for regular sizes. With the introduction of this new range, David Fuller’s went from strength to strength. Customers travelled from long distances to visit this rather special shop and the added bonus has been that many new people from outside of the area have been introduced to the delights of the Bookhams. A destination shop that has no doubt benefitted all the businesses in Bookham. A quieter character than Keith, but like him, David has also gone out of his way to ensure his customers and fellow business colleagues have been supported throughout his tenure. In later years he was treasurer for the Bookham Retail & Business Association, ensuring all the monies in and out were accounted for. He even managed to balance the Christmas tree monies. A feat in itself!! Sadly, David Fuller’s closed it’s doors last Autumn for the last time. A great loss to our village. On cold evening in January, local businesses came together to wish them both a warm farewell, celebrate their contribution to our wonderful community and wish them well for their retirement. We were especially delighted that Maggie, David Fuller’ wife was able to join us. There is no doubt that David and Keith will be missed. They have served our community well. Between them they have over 80 years of service in Bookham. Retirement is well deserved.
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 15
c ra b l i ng ui ne (any ribbon pasta - good quality egg pasta is best)
ingredients • 1 x white onion • 1 x clove garlic • 1 x tablespoon rapeseed oil • handful cherry tomatoes • bunch of flat leaf parsley • glass of white wine • 400g cooked crab meat - white or mix of brown and white
• 1 x red chilli (de seeded) • a few asparagus spears
method 1. Finely dice onion, garlic and chilli and fry in oil until soft. Boil a large pan of water and cook pasta 2. Quarter tomatoes and chop Asparagus spears and add to pan and cook gently. 3. Throw in wine and turn heat up slightly to burn off alcohol. 4. Add crab to pan and warm through. 5. Drain pasta and stir through the crab mixture with some chopped parsley 6. Serve with a wedge of lemon in bowls.
Delicious Dishes Event Catering Specialists
01372 372845 www.deliciousdishes.co.uk
Award winning lingerie, swimwear & nightwear boutique run by mother & daughter Professional bra fitting service in a relaxed, friendly environment Sizes including B-H cups, 30-44 backs Beautiful brands - PrimaDonna, Marie Jo, Empreinte, Fantasie, Wacoal, Miraclesuit, Marjolaine & more!
66 West Street, Dorking, RH4 1BS
01306 743338
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When was the last time you had a bra fitting... or perhaps you’ve never had one? Lingerie is the foundation of any outfit, yet it is well known that 85% of women are wearing the wrong size bra. A perfectly fitted bra can alleviate health problems, accentuate your waist and even make you drop a dress size! It will not only change the way you look, we guarantee it will make you feel amazing too. Victoria’s Little Bra Shop in the heart of Dorking, Surrey (est. for 6 years) is the go-to place for all your lingerie, swimwear and nightwear needs. Run by mother and daughter, the duo recently won the prestigious award of Best Boutique Style Lingerie Shop 2019 in the UK. Established in 2013, Vanessa and Victoria attribute their growing success to their professional, friendly and
caring approach. Fiona, from Hello Dorking, visited the boutique for a fitting in their upstairs boudoir: “This beautiful award winning boutique, really is very special. The stylish shop feels like a bedroom with well coordinated decor, big beautiful mirrors, vintage wardrobes and velvet curtain changing rooms. As I try on a few lovely bit and pieces, we discuss the world of women’s lingerie. We agree that underwear should feel like a second skin and make us feel really confident and content with our body shapes. It is great to have such an amazing shop on Dorking High Street where we know that we’re getting the very best care and attention.” If you would like to be fitted, please don’t be anxious but pop in to see the girls, no appointment necessary, and they will be delighted to meet you with a warm welcome guaranteed.
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 17
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18 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
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Heated cabins
brucesdoggydaycare.co.uk Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 19
South Bookham SPACE
First we had SPACE, then we had OUTER SPACE!! Now we have SOCIAL SPACE. This fabulous facility we have in Bookham just keeps going from strength to strength. Look Local went along recently to the official launch. The driving force behind it, Trevor Goul-Wheeker officially opened the new area and took the chance to thank all the people involved; planners, fundraisers, suppliers, promotors and cheerleaders alike. All local and all passionate about our lovely community. Too many to mention them all but here are a few; Architect Darryl Saunders, Benchmarx & Rohallion for providing the kitchen & security systems at cost. The London Marathon Charitable Trust, Mole Valley District Council, The Thomas Flack Trust Fund, Bookham Tennis Club, The Garfield Weston Foundation, BRA and Bookham and Horsley Rotary Club for their generous support without which SOCIAL SPACE would not have been possible. Bookham Tennis Club who raised a whopping £8,000. In addition, the surplus operating funds of SPACE from over the years, that have been held in the reserves added an amazing £50,000. To Jeremy, Fred, David, Martin, Rob, Ray, Martin 2, Justin and others who all
20 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
got down and dirty for this project. A final mention should go to Trevor’s wife Francoise, who by his own admission has shared her husband with the third person in their marriage for the last two years!! Run by volunteers, all the SPACEs offer modern affordable venue hire, but ultimately, the future success of SPACE will depend on the people that use it and further extend the tremendous range of activities available in SPACE, Outer SPACE and now Social SPACE for local people of all ages and abilities; Social SPACE is large enough for social events of up to 20 people, seated meetings of 12 and small Pilates or Yoga style classes. It has its own kitchen, and a balcony overlooking the Outer SPACE multi-use games area and the Bookham Tennis Club courts. There is also stair-lift access and an audio loop, plus a Smartboard and projector making it ideal for coaching and education. A massive well done to you all. A great SPACE for Bookham and it’s neighbouring communities, for generations to come. For more information visit www.southbookhamspace.org.uk
First rate veterinary care for your pets First rate veterinary care for your pets pets rst rate veterinary care for your the comfort ofoftheir own home in the comfort their ownhome home in theincomfort of their own
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Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 21
Arts and Crafts Exhibition Saturday April 4th 11.30am - 2.30pm Wonderful and affordable pieces of work created by our very talented volunteers Large plant stall with an amazing range of plants for sale Tasty homemade refreshments Free admission Free parking at Aviva Disabled parking available at the Garden
Pixham Lane, Dorking RH4 1QA
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and many items of STOCK CLEARANCE at LESS THAN HALF PRICE. 9 - 17 Church Street, Leatherhead (next door to the theatre)
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STEPHEN HERMAN 25 Years Experience
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Cosy Flooring The little shop with the big range
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A friendly family-run business with prices to suit every pocket We also offer a shop-at-home service in the comfort of your own home or office for those who are unable to come to us, with no obligation
Small enough to care
41 Bridge St Leatherhead KT22 8BN Tel: 01372 376006 Email: cosyflooring@gmail.com
We provide the best possible care for your feet Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic treat foot conditions that cause discomfort and pain. Our priority is to make your feet more comforable. We carry out all of our treatments with great care and attention. Call us today if your feet need some special care.
Book your appointment now: 01372 454583 Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic Diagnosis, Expert Treatment & Professional Care for Your Feet
24 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
29 High Street Great Bookham Surrey KT23 4AA
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New & Old Roofs All Roofs Repaired ROOFING & building Tiling & Slating Replacements • Gutter Cleaning & Replacements 01483 378334 Flat Roofs • UPVC Fascia Boards • Soffits • Cladding 088047 Down Pipes • Guttering • Gutter Clearance 07470 • Chimney Restoration Apex Boards • Barge Boards • Re-pointing • Brickwork Repairs Moss Removal and Roof Cleaning
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TONY MEADOWS Painting, Decorating, Property Maintenance & much more
Phone Tony on:
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Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 25
crosswordpuzzle Solutions Page 61 Clue: 11 Across
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 21 Across
1. -- Sharif, film star (4) 3 Seen briefly (8) 9 Seer (7) 10 Shakespearean lover (5) 11 Settees (5) 12 Garb (6) 14 Equipment (6) 16 Disappear (6) 19 Language of the Middle East (6) 21 Bart Simpson’s father (5) 24 Colour of military uniforms (5) 25 Contrition (7) 26 Fiddle-faddle (8) 27 In those days (4)
1 Contrary (8) 2 Distant in manner (5) 4 Deadly (6) 5 Deserve (5) 6 Japanese warrior (7) 7 Let fall (4) 8 Sculptor’s tool (6) 13 Baker’s dozen (8) 15 Sure (7) 17 In one’s own house (2,4) 18 Nuts from an oak tree (6) 20 Newly-married woman (5) 22 Merriment (5) 23 Related (4)
26 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Clue: 6 Down
Clue: 18 Down
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Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 27
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Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Average 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 01730 (Winchester) (Alton) Call us| today for290727 a| FREE quotation on: (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | hard 01420 579727 01730 290727 01372 642727 (Bookham/Leatherhead) 07564 525400 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys +| lead work. score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked very and did an excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 of | 01420++ 579727 290727 Complete roofreplacement, replacement, re-pointing ofwww.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk chimneys leadwork. work.| 01730Average Complete roof re-pointing chimneys lead info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | Average Average score ““Recommended, Workman worked very hard and did anand excellent job. 9.89/10 info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feed video roof inspections vetted & monitored local traders service providers. score Workman worked very hard and did an excellent job. score “ Workman worked veryLive hardfeed andvideo did anroof excellent job. inspections
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Live feed video roof inspections Recommended by previous customers,re-pointing vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Complete roof replacement, chimneys + lead work. Recommended, vetted & monitored local tradersofand service providers. Average feedback. Obtain up-to-date report oflocal SAStraders Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofan replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, vetted &&monitored service Recommended by previous customers, vetted byand Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard did an excellent Average Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer feedback. Obtain an up-to-date ofhard SAS Roofing www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and didonan excellent job. Call report us today for a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 | 01730 290727 Call us today for a FREE quotation on: Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and service providers. Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk |aCheckatrade, www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 |report 01420 579727 | 01730 290727 feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) (Winchester) (Alton) 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 | 01730 290727(Petersfield)
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30 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
The Plan goes into considerable detail about where these dwellings might go and Every 15 years Mole Valley District Council what infrastructure would be needed to must produce a Local Plan as do every support the increased numbers of people Council with Planning responsibilities. This living here in the future. For Bookham five plan has a major role in meeting the future sites have been selected. The larger ones needs and aspirations of people who want are on land north west of to live, work and spend Preston Farm behind and to When completing the their leisure time in Mole the west of Little Bookham Consolation please Valley. The major outcomes Street and a plot from the consider the impact on: are targeted at community rear of the recreation wellbeing, the environment ground on Lower road to Education and prosperity. The plan the Guildford Road to the Health services itself is a large document south. The first plot would available online and in Roads and Traffic accommodate 260 paper form at Bookham dwellings and two gypsy Drainage Library. The heart of the and traveller site pitches. plan is focused on the need Our village centre The second 164 dwellings to provide new dwellings. plus two gypsy and traveller pitches. The The number of these are set by parameters other three sites are smaller, one for from central Government reflecting the eleven dwellings on the Guildford road expected growth in population and housing next to Dobies Nursery; land for five needs of the District. dwellings in Maddox Park and although not in the Green Belt, Grove Corner where The last 15 year plan demanded that MVDC land and buildings are owned by MVDC. made sure that 188 dwellings were built every year whereas for this new period from 2018 to 2033 some 449 dwellings The MVDC Draft Local Plan must be provided every year. A total of consultation is open until 23rd 6735. Mole Valley have added a March. You may view the plan contingency number to this and for the online and submit your views at whole plan period suggest that 7827 futuremolevalley.org Print copies dwellings are needed. (521 per annum). are available in Bookham library. There is not enough land available to accommodate all these dwellings within the existing built up areas through Mole Valley so 2200 will have to constructed on land that is now classified as Green Field.
The BRA web site will be regularly updated during the consolation period to assist you: www.bookhamresidents.org.uk
©Bookhams Residents’ Association 2020. Registered Company No. 10053863
Bookhams Residents’ Association Newsletter: March 2020 Additionally, 300-350 houses will be built on the Howard of Effingham and Lodge Farm sites in Guildford Borough when the new HoE school is constructed. The impact of the draft Local Plan on Bookham is significant. Please ensure you submit your views to the Consolation.
ADMISSIONS CRITERIA SEPTEMBER 2021 CONSULATION David Cox In accordance with requirements, the HoE consulted on the Criteria for Admissions for 2021 to which the has BRA responded. These concerns centre around the capacity at the HoE during the period prior to additional places coming on stream with the new school. The recommendations were in two areas, as follows: 1) Tie Break Within Catchment Nearest Alternative School (NAS) (regardless if places available) i.e. Therfield k/a NAS tie break.
Recommendation: Change to those closest to the school having priority. BRA commented: “As most of our residents’ school journeys are by foot or bicycle, we continue to have concerns about the use of the NAS tie break on procedural fairness, clarity and ethical grounds. Since this unusual tie break was introduced by two Surrey schools, many new parents are confused by it and even the admissions experts at Surrey CC have made administrative errors in applying the NAS tie break. Furthermore, the areas of the catchment
that are favoured by the NAS tie break have had two new secondary schools open in addition to their existing two secondary schools that are marginally further away than The Howard... With Climate Change declared an emergency at all levels of governance, and the importance of reducing carbon emissions now widely accepted, there is no justification for the continued operation of the NAS tie break. In contrast, the area of the catchment that is disadvantaged by the current NAS tie break (i.e. the eastern end near Eastwick School) has only one alternative school nearby and the actual journeys to it are substantially longer than journeys to the HoE. The vast majority of children who will be displaced by NAS will have no alternative but to rely on vehicular transport. Applying the NAS tie break means that children whose school journeys are currently carbon neutral would become carbon positive if they had to travel to any other school. Given these changes in circumstance since the NAS Tie Break was introduced, we recommend that the Tie Break is changed to give priority to those closest to the school.” 2) Catchment area
Recommendation: Review outer edges of North & North West of the catchment. BRA commented: Since the last Admissions consultation, there have been changes around the edges of the catchment area that mean a revision to the catchment area itself is needed to ensure “procedural fairness”. With the introduction of new primary and secondary school provision, the catchment area needs to be contracted so that children who already have an enhanced priority at their closest secondary school
Keep in contact at bookhamresidents.org.uk or Tele: 0300 030 9890 cannot be prioritised over children for whom the Howard is their closest school. It is not procedurally fair to force children in some parts of the catchment into the “all other applicant” category of their Nearest Alternative School by giving a higher priority to other homes in the catchment for whom the Howard is not the closest school.” The BRA Education team will be monitoring HoE Admissions Criteria consultation and will report back in due course.
match the black and gold litter bins was ordered. As luck would have it, the bins were changed to green and gold and when the planter eventually arrived it was white! As there was now no possibility of matching anything, we’ve allowed it to stay. Chandlers Building Supplies very kindly moved the planter off the pallet and The Vineries have subsequently planted it up. We now have plants at either end of Bookham’s shopping area helping to enhance the village shopping experience.
DO YOU WOMBLE? Margaret Lawson Litter Pick Co-ordinator On the first Sunday of each month members of the BRA and volunteers meet at 11.00 am at the Lower Shott car park, to carry out a litter pick. Whilst every effort is made to keep the village litter free, we are proposing an additional scheme where residents can “Go Wombling” on a road near to their home, periodically clearing litter. If you would like to get involved and adopt a road, or part of a road, please get in touch with Margaret Lawson our Litter Pick Co-ordinator either via our message line 0300 030 9890 or via the BRA web site.
INFRASTRUCTURE Michael Agius Drainage
A big “thanks” to The Vineries for planting up the new planter in Church Road. It’s been a long haul getting it in place. After receiving the money from MVDC and permission from SCC, a black planter to
The BRA continues to try and resolve the villages’ many historical drainage problems through the Bookham Flood Forum (BFF), where they meet with SCC Highways (SCC), Thames Water (TW), and Mole Valley District Council (MVDC). The last BFF meeting was held on 6th January 2020.The next will be on 6th April 2020.
Bookhams Residents’ Association Newsletter: March 2020 The main drainage problem in the middle of the village remains the Lower Road between East Street and The Squareabout. Further investigations were carried out in November 2019 by SCC, who are currently analysing the information gathered and identifying feasible solutions. The results will be will be reported to the BFF in April. With regard to the critical state of the foul and surface water drains in the west of the village, notably in Water Lane and Little Bookham Street, BRA continue to make representations to Guildford Borough Council and Thames Water with regard to the future routing of drainage from the new Howard of Effingham School and 300 plus houses proposed for the Effingham Lodge Farm site, to try and ensure that any outfall is not directed towards Bookham. In addition, with the issue of the draft MVDC draft Local Plan and major proposed developments in the west of the village at Preston Farm and Bookham Fields, BRA will be making their concerns with regard to drainage known to MVDC and Thames Water. Highways Under SCC’s Project Horizon the reconstruction/resurfacing of Eastwick Drive is still scheduled to be carried out by April. Most of SCC's highway works come under their Integrated Transport Schemes (ITS) programme. This Financial Year a scheme has been included to improve pedestrian movements at the junction of Lower Road with Rectory Lane and Little Bookham Street. The scheme will provide for the removal of the existing speed bump on Lower Road west of the junction and construction of a raised table on the eastern arm of this junction, nearer to the mini roundabout at the end of the north side footway. This will make it safer for www.bookhamresidents.org.uk
pedestrians from LBS going towards The HoE school and Effingham. The BRA will continue to press SCC for the need to improve Rectory Lane, to provide a footway on the east side of the road from The Grange south to the A246 and widening of the carriageway to a consistent width. However implementation is dependent on land being acquired from the fields east of the road, as well as a funding becoming available for construction. In the meantime discussions have been held with SCC and The Grange to improve safety at the crossing of Rectory Lane immediately north of The Grange entrance where the public footpath from Effingham to Bookham crosses. Funds for a study are being sought. About The Bookhams Residents’ Association (BRA). The BRA is a voluntary membership organisation that is open to all residents and is independent of all political parties. The purpose of the BRA is to provide a consultative link between residents, councillors, public authorities and utility services. The BRA also co-ordinates voluntary services such as litter picking, Tree Wardens, High Street Christmas lights and hanging baskets. Newsletters are delivered and annual subscriptions collected by your Road Steward. You may also join and pay online at the BRA web site. Membership Notification: The BRA AGM will be held on 21st May 2020 at the Old Barn Hall. Editor: Les Huett publicity@bookhamresidents.org.uk 24 hour telephone line: 0300 030 9890
Music Matters
Happy Mother’s Day. See how you get on with our Mother’s Day Quiz.
QUESTIONS: 1. Whose fifth studio album was titled Atom Heart Mother? 2. Who sang about Creeque Alley? 3. It was 1972, who sang about a Mother and Child Reunion? 4. Whose Mum was Sheila Eileen Dwight? 5. Who sang Look What they Done to my Song Ma? 6. Who sang Mammy Blue in 1971? 7. On the ELO album On the Third day what is the Motherly track? 8. On Opportunity Knocks in 1971, Neil Reid sang which tear jerker track? 9. Whose Mum was Dorothy Marie Webb? 10. Who asked Does Your Mother Know That You Are Out? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 61
Tel: 01372 456914 Mob: 07973 293795 Email: markadamsf22@gmail.com 12 Sheridans Road, Great Bookham KT23 4RZ
roadtrippers Coach Trips
www.road-trippers.co.uk Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 35
CATHY BRETT: TALE OF TEENAGE PEN PALS The first lecture of 2020 was given by local resident, the author and illustrator Cathy Brett, who told a tale of teenage pen pals. One was her grandmother, Agnes Bentley of Dundee. Cathy inherited her photographic archive and diaries when she died in 2001. Fifteen years later she discovered seven tiny snaps showing Agnes’s teenage pen pal friendship with Mary Anne MacLeod
Mary Anne
from the Isle of Lewis who would later give birth to no other than US presidential candidate Donald Trump! Cathy posted the pictures on FaceBook. Journalist Torcuil Crichton was working in London as correspondent for Scottish newspapers. Cathy met him and in August 2016 his article about the pen pals appeared in the Daily Record. Back in 1926, Agnes, age 14, had won a painting competition and appeared in the Dundee Courier. She had received a letter from a Mary Ann MacLeod, also 14, of Tong, near Stornoway who suggested they become pen pals. They started exchanging photos. Mary Ann’s father was the village postmaster and most of Lewis consisted of crofts
36 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
and poor fishing villages. In Dundee, Agnes lived with her parents in a poor tenement but was bright and secured a high school scholarship. Mary Ann wrote, complaining of loneliness when all of her nine siblings emigrated. In early 1930 she wrote to Agnes saying she was also leaving to join her sister in New York. Age 17, the two girls met for the first time in Glasgow before Mary Ann sailed off to America. Agnes was then at St Andrews University. They continued to write and exchange photos and gifts even after Agnes won a scholarship to a German university. In 1933, she moved there but met Mary Ann in Glasgow a second time the following summer as both girls prepared to settle abroad. They spent the day shopping and Mary Ann bought a gift for her new boyfriend, Fred Trump. They parted and would not meet again for over 60 years as the letters stopped during World War 2. Agnes married a student in Germany, had two children and remained there until the war ended. She then returned to Britain, remarried and settled in London. Mary Ann meanwhile married Fred and gave birth to Donald. In 1995, Agnes spotted Mary Ann in a late night TV programme showing her living in Trump Tower, New York. She wrote to her old friend, got a swift reply and met Mary Ann at London’s Dorchester Hotel. Their third and last meeting. Neither lived to see Donald Trump become US President. For more information from the L&DLHS go to www.leatherheadhistory.org
We now accept all major credit & debit cards
www.roofsofesher.co.uk Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 37
What to look for when buying a Computer As Windows 7 has now come to the end of the line, you may be looking for a suitable replacement. We provide new and used Windows and Mac based solutions. When buying a Computer or Laptop there is a whole heap of jargon that people throw at you with an expectation that you should know what they are taking about - SSD’s, Ram, MHz, Wifi, HDMI and so it goes on. We have always felt this a very rude way to treat your fellow man, so yes, we can talk jargon with you but we can also talk in finest English to ensure your needs are best met. Initially, we will discuss with you what your needs are and what you want to do with the computer, and if there are any things you would like to do but are currently unable to like photo editing or creating that family video you have been promising. Here are a few pointers that you might appreciate knowing about, before you buy your new machine. The key componentsThe Processor or the CPU is the engine that powers the PC. It is advisable to buy the best that you can, as CPU’s are costly items and are not efficient to change or upgrade at a later stage. If your needs are for basic Word processing and Excel type work, plus some Internet browsing and email handling, a basic Intel, Core i3 CPU or AMD Ryzen 3 CPU would represent a good choice. If you are looking for something a bit more capable, a good all round home machine, we would usually advise either an Intel Core i5, i7 or i9 CPU. Being still more powerful, reflecting a similar numbering scale, Ryzen 5, 7 and 9, with the 7 and 9’s often reserved for more intensive power hungry activities like Virtual reality, Graphics or game play. There are model variations with in these CPU’s - but let’s not get ahead of ourselves just yet. Memory or Ram - The more the better, but this can usually be retro fitted. 4Gb of Ram is considered the bare minimum, going beyond 8Gb is often unnecessary for everyday use. The latest, fastest DDR4 memory is today’s standard fit and moves the performance of the machine on significantly, when compared to its earlier
counterparts, and will offer solid performance for years to come. Hard drives - TThe conventional mechanical hard drives have been using the same technology for around 20 years. They are very economic, have huge storage capacity but can be slow. Upgrade to a Solid State Hard Drive (SSD) and the performance is phenomenal. They work at 1520 times faster than the mechanical drives, they are more reliable (as they have no moving parts), but they cost more and have less storage capacity than the older type hard drives. If you need to store loads of data, a great solution is to have both in a machine. The SSD runs the Operating System and Programs and the mechanical drive stores your data. Graphics cards - Game players, photo and video editors and graphics users are better served by having a dedicated graphics card installed, in some cases the graphics card can cost as much as the computer. In most cases, using the onboard graphics is sufficient and should you wish to upgrade the graphics this can sometimes be retrospectively added into a PC, but unfortunately rarely on in a laptop. Operating System - Windows is the dominant system here, with Windows 10 being the preferred choice, as it works in a very efficient manner and is the industry dominant product. Unlike earlier versions Microsoft have stated that Windows 10 will be the operating system of the future, with the program being revised via updates rather than a distinctly separate new version. To date, we are on the 9th major version with a new edition being scheduled for the first half of 2020…. and yes, the updates are free of charge. Should you be using a version of Office, we would urge you to buy a new version of Office, if your current version is earlier than Office 2016, as Office 2013, 2010 and earlier have all come to the end of their mainstream support. Many customers think that the only way to purchase the new version is via an annual rental scheme, but this is not the case. We have the perpetual version for sale, and usually this provides a more economic solution.
This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.
38 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
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Bookham Wine Club
Wines from the Languedoc - from plonk to perfection … On Monday, March 09, Pippa Hayward makes a welcome return to Bookham Wine Club, when members will enjoy her selection of wines from the Languedoc region of France. In the bad old days Languedoc was dominated by co-operatives (often badly run) and cheap wine factories producing indifferent wine; but in recent years the situation has changed dramatically. The Languedoc has been the single most responsive region to EU inducements to overhaul its viniculture, and with the arrival of a new wave of energetic and passionate ‘first generation’ wine producers, the region now offers an increasingly sophisticated range of superior and delicious whites
Two years ago I was invited along to the inaugural meeting of the newly formed Bookham Bees WI. Established to fulfil the demand for a new WI within the vicinity of Bookham. I liked it so much I joined! My Mum still can’t believe I did! I’m not her idea of a typical WI member! Not a jam and Jerusalem sort of person, more a Gin and Tonic to be fair! Well, here I am 2 years later. Still a member and loving it. Why? I have made some new friends, real friends, not just friendly acquaintances. People, who I know, in time of need, wouldn’t hesitate to help. And have! But that’s not the only reason. It opens up the opportunity to learn about or be involved in things I wouldn’t normally try. This group, like all WI’s has a regular monthly meeting. We have regular speakers, who are always interesting, plus a whole array of sub groups and activities outside of the main meeting that anyone can be involved in. There is a gardening group that visit interesting gardens, hold plant swap days at members homes and so forth. The Theatre Group arranges theatre and film trips, with some amazing
40 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
and reds, at remarkably attractive prices. If you would like to join us to hear Pippa tell the full story, get the ‘inside track’ on what wines to buy, and what to avoid; and discover how little you can pay to buy the best wines - and taste six of her carefully chosen wines, you will be made most welcome. Simply contact membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk. Our friendly wine tastings and presentations are held on the second Monday of each month in the Harrison Room at the rear of the Old Barn Hall … details of the Club’s activities, including the programme of wine tastings for 2020 can be found on our website: www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk.
“behind the scene” outings that you wouldn’t normally be able to access, such as the Globe Theatre. We have pub nights, craft evenings, morning coffee meet ups to name a few. We also have a Walkie Talkie group. What started as one morning a week, is now three. A brisk, 40 minute walk and talk, rain or shine on Bookham Common at 8am, so people like me can go and still get to work. Sometimes there are 10 or 11 of us, sometimes 4 or 5, and sometimes 2, but there is always someone and I never walk alone. That’s probably the greatest underlying principle of our group (we should adopt the song). Whoever you are, whatever your age, whatever your interests, whatever time you have, be it a lot, or very little, there is always someone or something for everyone, and rest assured you will NEVER walk alone. If you would like to know more about Bookham Bees WI do visit www.bookhambeeswi.org or email Bookham Bees WI bookhambees@outlook.com Bookham Bees meets on 1st Wednesday of every month at 7.30 in The Harrison Room, The Old Barn Hall, Church Road, Bookham
what’s on... Tuesday 3rd
Jade Circle® Surrey: Bring a friend for free! Enjoy compassionate Taoist Meditation, Qigong, & discover the jade egg holistic practice. All women are welcome. 7pm-9pm, £20,The Club Room, East Horsley Village Hall KT24 6QT. Call Liz on 07944 872332, email liz@surrey-shiatsu.co.uk or visit www.surrey-shiatsu.co.uk
Satuurday 7th
Bookham Choral Society is holding its Annual Coffee Morning at the Barn Hall, Bookham from 10am until 12noon. Come along & enjoy a coffee & some delicious homemade cake. There will also be a wide range of stalls to browse from cakes to jewellery & books to toiletries as well as an exciting raffle. We look forward to seeing you there!
Thursday 12th
Friends: The Musical Parody at Dorking Halls, Dorking RH4 1SG, from 7:30pm. Friends! The Musical Parody takes an hilarious, uncensored look at the TV phenomenon that ruled the 90s & became a cultural institution with millions of fans across the globe. Tickets: £30 For more info or to book: 01306 881717, dorkinghalls.co.uk
Saturday 14th
Surrey Garden Trust lectures at Ashtead Peace Memorial Hall, Woodfield Lane, KT21 2BE, 2.30pm.Vanessa Berridge author of Kiftsgate Court Gardens: 3 Generations Of Women Gardeners, will be presenting an illustrated talk on the development of this legendary Gloucestershire garden & the 3 women who created it. £12pp. www.surreygardenstrust.org.uk
Tuesday 24th
Tea & Talk from Mole Valley Life at Oddfellows Hall Leatherhead, 45-47 Bridge St, KT22 8BN from 2pm. We welcome back Mole Valley Life who will introduce to you their wide range of services & facilities. Chance to chat over a cup of tea to the team & try out the products. Tea, coffee & biscuits available. 01306 877 792, mid-surrey@oddfellows.co.uk
Saturday 28th
Ashtead Choral Society, in their 70th season, will be performing Mendelssohn’s Elijah - one of the greatest oratorios ever written at The Dorking Halls, RH4 1SG from 7.30pm. Conducted by Andrew Storey with Kent Sinfonia. Soloists are Helen Meyerhoff (soprano), Susan Legg (mezzo), Adam Tunnicliffe (tenor), Phil Tebb (bass) & Lily Kemp (youth). Tickets: £20 Students & U25’s: £10. 01306 881717 or dorkinghalls.co.uk
Tuesday 31st
Mole Veterans Brass Band, Easter Concert at Fetcham Village Hall from 2pm. Brass band music, raffle and interval refreshments Free entry (Voluntary donation) Everyone welcome! Information John Cook 01 372 459596 www.moleveteransband.org.uk
save the date in april 2020 Saturday 18th APRIL 2020
Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10:00 for 10:45 am) on ‘From Cinderella to Princess - Three Gardens makeover on Spaces, Plant Combinations & Surprises’ by Laura de Beden. £4. More details on http://www.hps-southerncounties.co.uk/ or contact us at info.hps.scg@gmail.com.
25th - 26th APRIL 2020
Bookham Bowls Club are holding a free COME & TRY Bowls weekend on 25th & 26th April from 10am to 1pm just off the Christie Recreation Ground, Dorking Rd, Bookham KT23 4PA. All you need is a sense of humour & to bring along a flat soled pair of shoes or trainers. We provide the bowls, instructions, coffee & biscuits during your time with us. See our website: www.Bookhambowls.co.uk
If there’s an event in April that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 9th March. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
regular events...
Sunday 1st
(1st Sunday monthly)
Sunday 1st (weekly)
Monday 2nd
(weekly - term time)
Monday 2nd (weekly)
Join the Bookhams Residents’ Association for our regular monthly litter pick. Meet at 11am at the Lower Shott car park. Gloves, grabs, and high vis tops will be provided. www.bookhamresidents.org.uk / 0300 030 9890 Jazz on Sunday Lunchtimes at The Old Barn Hall, Bookham KT23 3PQ. 1pm - 4pm. 1st - No Jazz, 8th - Doc Houlinds Jazz Band (Denmark) £15 entry, 15th - The Black Cat Jazz Band (West Country), 22nd - No Jazz, 29th - Zauto Stompers (France) £15 entry. For more information contact Mick Welstead: 01444 243 745 or email: mickywelstead@gmail.com Fetcham Ladies Singers are preparing to perform a variety of choral works and songs from the shows for their Summer Concert & now would be a good time to try us out at Leatherhead Parish Church Hall on Monday evenings during term time at 7.45pm. Your first two evenings are FOC. Enquiries to Sandra Brown on 01372 276736. Pebble rhymetime & storytime at Bookham Library, KT23 4DQ from 11-11.30am. Due to limited space, sessions run on a ‘first come first served’ basis. 0300 200 1001
Tuesday 3rd
Bookham & District U3A 2.30pm at the Old Barn Hall, Bookham, KT23 3PQ. Janet Diamond talking about Ancient Egypt history in six objects. For any further info, please contact Pam Hyde 01372 454734 or membership@bookhamu3a.org.uk
Wednesday 4th
Bumps & Babies at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre, KT23 4DH 10.30am 12.15pm. Offering pregnant mums & new parents a chance to get out and meet other parents, plus access support and information
(1st Tues monthly)
(weekly in term time)
Wednesday 4th (1st Weds monthly)
Bookham Bees WI, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30 for 7.45pm For more information please email: bookhambees@outlook.com
Wednesday 4th
The Downsmen Male Barbershop Chorus, meets every Weds (except August), 7.30pm at the Methodist Church, Church Road, KT22 8AY. FREE 5-week Learn To Sing course from 4th March - 1st April! Contact: Gary Score on 01372 275177
Wednesday 4th
Mid Surrey Community Fridges will be bringing their mobile van to Bookham Coop/ Baptist Church car park on Weds 12 -12.45pm. The Community Fridge redistributes good but surplus food for free to local people regardless of circumstances. All welcome
Thursday 5th
(weekly in term time)
Noah’s Ark stay and play at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre KT23 4DH 1.30 3.00pm. Sessions for under 5s and their parent/carer has play activities, craft and snacks
42 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Thursday 5th
(1st Thurs monthly)
Thursday 5th
(1st Thurs monthly)
Leatherhead Barn Dance Club, 8pm-10.15pm. 1st Thursday of the month. Abraham Dixon Hall, Letherhead Institue, £5. Ruth Gwilliam 01403 750844 Mole Valley Quilters, 7.15pm, The Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ. Julia Gahagan -”It’s a small World ”. Everyone welcome. Sandy Clark on 01372 579321 / pumphousecottage@gmail.com. www.molevalleyquilters.org.uk
Thursday 5th
Rotary Club of Bookham & Horsley, at Thatchers Hotel Guildford Road, East Horsley, KT24 6TB, 7.30pm -10pm. 01483 280500 or www.rotary-ribi.org/clubs/homepage
Friday 6th
New ‘Cuppa and Cake’ Mornings every Friday at the Grange, KT23 4DZ, from 10am 11.30am. Book your places: 01372 452 608. www.grangecentre.org.uk
Friday 6th
Rhyme Time at Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre, KT23 4DH from 10.30am - 11am. U5s can join in with fun simple songs & action rhymes with their families/carers
Friday 6th
Civil Service Retirement Fellowship Leatherhead Group, Fetcham Village Hall, 10am 12noon. ‘Out to Lunch - Venue to be decided.’ Members pay an annual subscription of £5, & £2 per meeting. Anne Thomson on 01372 373258
Friday 6th
Silver Strollers at Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BB. 10.00am - 11am. This is our social walking group for active older walkers covering the stunning and occasionally hilly terrain of the Surrey Hills. 01372 452048 or www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
Friday 6th
Bookham Country Market - open Friday mornings in the Old Barn Hall. Come along you’ll receive a warm welcome. bookhamcountrymarket@gmail.com or 01372 452634
Sunday 8th
Quaker Meeting. Evening meeting is held from 6.30 - 7.30 at Park House, Randall’s Road, KT22 0AH. All are welcome to join us in exploring a different approach to spiritual worship focusing on silence & stillness. Catherine Carr 01483 283693 or catherinemcarr15@gmail.com
Monday 9th
Bookham Wine Club, Harrison Room, Old Barn Hall, Bookham, 7.30pm for 8pm. ‘Wines from the Languedoc’ with Pippa Hayward . For more information: membership@ bookhamwineclub.org.uk or visit our website: www.bookhamwineclub.org.uk
(weekly) (weekly)
(weekly in term time)
(1st Friday monthly)
(2nd Sun monthly)
(2nd Mon monthly)
Monday 9th
Topic of Cancer is a support group for those with a cancer diagnosis and/or their supporters, The Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, Bookham KT 23 3PQ at 7.30pm. topicofcancer.org.uk/
Tuesday 10th
Dog Walking Club at Polesden Lacey, RH5 6BB. 9.30am - 10.30. Join us on a walk of the estate with your canine friends. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/polesden-lacey
Tuesday 10th
Curzon Country Cinema at The Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ. “Judy”(12) doors open at 2.00pm, 4.45pm, 7.30pm. Booking is recommended. 01737 216 183
Tuesday 10th
Mole Valley WI (Fetcham), Fetcham Village Hall, KT22 9QS. Speaker Valerie Fry ‘Surrey Search & Rescue : Rosie Jordan’, 7.45pm. Ann on anndlayman@yahoo.co.uk
(2nd Mon monthly) (2nd Tues monthly)
(2nd Tues monthly)
Saturday 14th (monthly)
Hardy Plant Society - Southern Counties Group talk at Bookham’s Old Barn Hall, KT23 3PQ (10am for 10.30am) on ‘A tapestry of foliage’ by Geoff Hodge, preceded by AGM. £4. More details on www.hps-southerncounties.co.uk/ or info.hps.scg@gmail.com.
Wednesday 18th
Eastwick WI. St Mary’s Annexe, KT22 9AZ 7.30pm. “Running “Fawlty Towers, & cooking for the rich & famous” Talk by Susan Howe. £4.50, 2pm. 01372 289822 / eastwickwi.org.uk
Tuesday 24th
The Arts Society Bookham, at the Old Barn Hall, Church Rd, doors open at 6.45pm for light refreshments prior to the lecture at 7.30pm. ‘The Boy who Bit PICASSO” with Antony Penrose. For more info: www.theartsocietybookham.org.uk
(3rd Weds monthly)
(4th tues monthly)
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 43
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01372 452951 44 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Tel: 01372 285285 www.extra-help.co.uk
5 week singing course for Men Sponsored by The Downsmen Chorus and supported by a national music educational charity, this course is designed to introduce more men to the enjoyment & health benefits of singing in a group. Aimed at newcomers & those who maybe have not sung for a while.
Reserve your FREE place Learn to Sing Course Starts 7.15pm - Wednesday 4th March 2020 Venue Leatherhead Methodist Church Hall, Church Rd, Leatherhead KT22 8AY
Tel: 0208 642 8104 or 01372 275 177 or Email: membership@thedownsmen.co.uk
Sign up now - it’s FREE
The League of Friends of The Leatherhead Hospital Founded in 1960
The League of Friends at Leatherhead Community Hospital are in need of additional volunteers to help in the hospital shop within the hospital which is situated in Poplar Road, KT22 8SD. If you feel that you can spare 2 - 3 hours a week to serve in the shop, we would love to hear from you. If you are unable to commit to helping once a week, yet feel that you can be of help, you can go on to the reserve list to cover for illness and holidays.
If you are interested, and require further information, kindly contact the shop manager Linda Baker on 07876 176 314 or email lindabaker@fetcham.net. We look forward to hearing from you.
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 45
Do You Enjoy Getting Lost In A Book But Can’t Get To A Library? There are few things that compare to the joy of getting lost in a really good book, or chatting about what you have just read. But what if age, ill health, mobility problems or caring responsibilities make it difficult for you to get to a library? Library Direct can help. Surrey Libraries and its dedicated volunteers work hard to make sure the library service can reach everyone, by allowing individuals to once again select their own books, and have volunteers deliver them right to their door. It is a free service for those who struggle to access their Surrey Library and comes with additional benefits such as extended loan periods and no overdue charges or fines. This offer also extends to audiobooks and large print books. All that clients need to do is let their volunteer know what they would like to borrow and then sit back, relax and wait for the books to be brought to them. In addition to having complete access to library stock, this services also helps to combat isolation by providing companionship. Volunteers will often stop for a drink and chat, and in many cases, form friendships with the people they are visiting. The service has helped change the lives of countless individuals. One Library Direct client says, “I can’t get out very much so the service is invaluable to me.” Another says, “I have always been a great reader so I am grateful to still have access to books.” As well as supporting individuals in their homes, we offer an opportunity for a variety of ‘community settings’ such as care homes, nursing homes, long term in-patient wards and rehabilitation centre, to provide a library service to their residents. This works with the setting choosing a variety of books online and then collecting them from an agreed Surrey library. We currently have volunteers looking for more clients in the Mole Valley area! If you think Library Direct is suitable for you or someone you know, you can now register for the service online. To register for Library Direct, or for more information, visit our webpage www.surreycc.gov.uk. Alternatively, you can call 01483 543 599 or email libraries@surreycc.gov.uk.
46 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Newly Refurbished Grooming Parlour. Est. 2003
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t: 01372 459 670 w: www.bonniedogs.co.uk 19 Dorking Road, Bookham, Surrey KT23 4PU
Opening Hours: Tuesday - Friday 9am - 5pm & Saturday 9am -2pm
Tel: 01372 454355
Excellent quality dentistry in a friendly caring atmosphere Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 47
Able Roofing ▲ New roofs ▲ Flat roofing ▲ Lead roofs ▲ Slates and tiles ▲ Chimneys repointed
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Home: 01483 283137 Mob: 07930 733883
CASSELDEN’S SHOES www.casseldens-shoes.co.uk
48 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Gardening Matters COMPOSTING
Recently, I provided several sacks of lovely home-made compost to someone on Freecycle, which handily gave me an idea for this month’s article, hooray. So, composting. There is absolutely no secret to good compost but it must heat up to work properly: one of the main reasons why compost-making fails is lack of heat which it won’t get from a tiddly little heap. You can buy selfassembly wooden bins, or indeed you can make your own with fence posts and wooden planks for the sides, but aim for a cubic metre as a rule of thumb. You can go bigger if you like but not higher because in wooden bins, compost needs to be layered. Choose a level area for your bin and put a layer of coarse material, not too woody, at the bottom for drainage. Spread about 6 ins of well-mixed garden waste over that, then dampen it, as this aids the rotting process. Keep layering up the heap, putting a few spadefuls of soil on top of each new layer to act as a starter, remembering to water the heap if it looks dry. Cover it each time with an old piece of carpet to retain moisture and heat. When it reaches 1 metre in height, finish with a layer of soil, cover and leave for 6 months. If you make your heap in spring, the heat of summer will rot it down more quickly than if it’s started in autumn.
Cecelia John: 01372 200 000
Much less labour-intensive – and the method I use because I’m lazy – are the black domed compost bins provided by the council for a small fee. They also need to be on level ground but don’t need layering: just bung stuff in, mix it up and dampen it if it’s dry. You needn’t add soil if there’s some on the roots of your garden waste but do mix it up from time to time and add a bit of water….the contents of a vase of flowers is perfect. Fill it to the top, making sure you put the lid on to keep the heat in. Simples. What to put in? Annual weeds, old bedding plants and flowers, veg peelings, dead leaves, soft prunings and shredded woody stems, egg shells and boxes, teabags, shredded junk mail (so satisfying) and paper, cotton and wool fabrics. Don’t add cooked food, meat, bones or bread - they attract vermin - or anything too woody, diseased or with seed heads, perennial weeds, dog and cat waste (although guinea pig/rabbit waste is fine). Why does compost fail sometimes? Firstly, too big a pile of lawn mowings makes compost slimy and smelly unless you layer it with other garden waste. Secondly, if it’s slow to rot, maybe the material is too woody or the stalks too thick. Cut everything up small or do as I did and buy a shredder which is soooooooo much fun to use. Lastly, it needs to be damp and warm at all times.
ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 49
solutions page 61 Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18
Digi search
Sudokusudoku #3
3 2 5 6 1 8 1 7 3
2 5
7 4
4 5
6 4 5 3 1 8 5 4
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
3 7 7 9
7 9
© 2013 KrazyDad.com
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors and Monumental Masons
We are your local independent family funeral directors. The Greenwood family is involved in the arrangements of all our funerals, 365 days a year. They can be made in your home or at our premises.
Personal 24 hour service
01372 454777 1 New Parade, Leatherhead Road, Great Bookham, KT23 4RL
4 3 8 1 4 6 3 9 4 7 1 8 9 7
"Gravitation is not responsible for people falling in love." -- Albert Einstein
8 3
9 8 9 2 6 5 6 8 0 8 8 7 6 4
5 4 7 6 5 3 8 2 2 2 0 9 8 3
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6 5 0 4 3 2 9 3 3 8 9 7 0 2
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7 7 4 9 9 4 5 3 3 5 5 5 2 4
6 5 7 4 3 8 7 7 0 7 7 2 9 9
9 6 3 4 6 6 1 2 4 2 3 1 3 4
4 0 8 5 4 4 2 2 8 1 2 3 3 5
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 18830, 24231, 28123, 37495, 38770, 49586, 54856, 56808, 68892, 73358, 74362, 82734, 84756, 84957, 90057, 96346
ookham BB ookham C hartered CB hartered ookham Bhysiotherapy ookham PP hysiotherapy CChartered hartered Service Service PPhysiotherapy hysiotherapy
Cannon Grove, Fetcham 1313 Cannon Grove, Fetcham Service
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13 Leatherhead, Cannon Grove, Fetcham Surrey. KT22 9LG
Fairfield Medical Centre Fairfield Medical Centre Leatherhead, Surrey. KT22 9LG
also at KT23 Great Bookham, Surrey. KT23 4DH Great Bookham, Surrey. 4DH
also at Fairfield Medical Centre
information, or make ForFor information, orSurrey. toto make anan Great Bookham, KT23 4DH Fairfield Medical Centre appointment, please call on: appointment, please call usus on:
For Bookham, information, or to make Great Surrey. KT23an 4DH
01372 01372360175 360175 For information, or to make an appointment, please call us on:
01372 360175
appointment, please call us on: email: BCPS@physiobcps.co.uk email: BCPS@physiobcps.co.uk
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email: BCPS@physiobcps.co.uk www.bookham-physiotherapy.co.uk
50 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
9 8 5 8 7 3 3 5 8 4 4 4 5 7
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01372 361837 | 07774 327515 www.pullenplumbingservices.co.uk facebook.com/pullenplumbingservices
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 51
In the helter-skelter, bumper-to bumper jam-packed daily journeys you just have to make so uncomfortably to and from the office in the city, London or elsewhere, the dire need for some aid and ease on the wallet is crucial. And that’s where Vauxhall come into play. The just released fifth generation all new five-door Corsa city car is weeny and stylish, fun to drive and a welcome relief from the worrying demands on the pocket as well as being pretty good looking, a stand-out among the over-populated mini car masses in what is a hotly contested market. In short : it is a new dawning...Even for the leggy likes of six-footer me the cute Corsa is a comfy advantage, lighter, quicker, economical and not so much a handful as many of its rivals. Safety-first is a Vauxhall essential. And that’s why they have fitted as standard a forward collision alert and adaptive headlights. And that’s not the lone benefit the forward planning technical backroom boys in their think tank have programmed into the newcomer’s welcome new dawning. The interior has been totally redesigned to offer a sportier driving position and with a bit more space for passengers and their luggage. And that means it is a fair match for its principal rivals, the Ford Fiestas and VW Polos. Initially, as intros to the updated, uprated range of
52 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Corsas there is a 74bhp, 1.2litre three cylinder petrol engined version and a turbo-charged 1.2 boosting it 99bhp plus a 99 bhp 1.5 litre diesel. In every one of them the cabin benefits in the newcomer have been boosted with a more intuitive touchscreen, a sportier driving position and a sooper-dooper infotainment set-up. Overall you get the feeling the innards have been solidly constructed. All in all this petite hatchback shapes up as the heralding of a value for money mode of transport to keep you cool, calm and collected in the frustratingly irritating daily commuting crawls into the city. And every Corsa is now fitted with alloy wheels as standard helping to lighten the car’s weight. For my money the pick of the range is the turbocharged 1.2-litre three cylinder petrol user giving you 99bhp. It is perky and responsive and with enough boost to keep you in the melee whether at snail-pace in town or needing to overtake on the motorways. Only time will tell whether or not the revamped debut challenger will shake up its well-established rivals. My bet is that it will... Specification: 1.2 100SE. Engine: 3 cylinder. 99bhp.Gearbox: six-speed manual. Speed 121 mph. 0-60mph 9.3 secs. 53 mpg. Price: £16,850.
ď€ ď€ ď€‚ď€ƒď€„ AD
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For all your building needs: Extensions, Conversions, New Builds, Renovations, Kitchen and Bathrooms contact: please
For free estimate or advice on projects of any size Alistair Wishart T: 01372 459127 M: 07747 481769 E: alistair.wishart@yahoo.co.uk Web: DasheDevelopments.co.uk
Block paving | Brick & stone walling Crazy paving | Paths & drives Rockeries | Pools | Turfing etc.
All types of fencing
01372 377192
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Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 53
OPEN MORNINGS Thursday 19 March, Friday 15 May 2020 from 9.30am - 11am A safe, happy, stimulating environment for your child to learn, develop, explore and create Lower Road, Effingham, KT24 5JR Tel: 01372 453832 Email: info@thehowardnursery.thpt.org.uk www.thehowardnursery.org
RJK Decorating Services
Quality Service Guaranteed
For your FREE consultation, call Simon on
0800 156 0538 or 01252 511 987
54 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Call Robert on Bookham 01372 459615 Mobile 07710 172063 74 Eastwick Park Avenue, Great Bookham, Surrey KT23 3NP
warming climate
For all aspects of landscaping and fencing, call;
07747 188963
for free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes. For full portfolio & further info:
Whenever we are faced with a crisis in any area of life, reactions tend towards hype, then hysteria, with panic not far behind and all sense of perspective so easily gets lost. The undeniable trend to a warmer climate provides a clear example, with almost every weather event viewed with alarm. It sometimes seems that there is a belief that we never used to get ‘extreme’ weather. The link to extreme weather from a warming climate is at best tenuous. Floods have made the news this winter, but these are extremely common events in this country. Some of the worst include those of spring 1947 (when days of heavy rain following a snowy winter led to catastrophic floods over a wide area), September 1968, when older readers will no doubt recall the severe flooding from the River Mole following a weekend of torrential rain, and the very wet autumn of 2000 when large areas of the country were underwater for days. There are numerous only slightly less severe examples from earlier years. And we should remember that changes in land-use (including building on flood plains) are present-day factors - not to mention a media looking for every hint of such events when some earlier ones received little coverage. Bob Prichard
P&B Tree Surgeons For all aspects of landscaping and fencing call;
01372 451872 / 07747 188963 for free estimate or advice on projects of all sizes. For full portfolio and further information visit;
Hedge trimming, Stump grinding. All Landscaping, Driveways, Patios and Fencing Undertaken.
24 Woodlands Road, Bookham, Surrey.
01372 456705 Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 55
The theft of bags and purses and mobiles from unsuspecting people whilst shopping is an ongoing issue, which also affects residents of Mole Valley from time to time. The general presumption is that elderly ladies are the main targets for this type of crime. If this is your view you would be wrong - everyone is a potential target. As a resident of Mole Valley myself, I regularly do my shopping in local stores and shops and, wearing my Crime Reduction Advisor’s hat, have researched the risks that I have seen on a fairly regular basis. The following are just some of my observations, built up over the past month when I have been out shopping with my wife and seen for myself how easy it is for the would-be thief to get some easy pickings. A gentleman walking down the aisle in a supermarket with his wallet protruding from the back pocket of his trousers is an “easy picking” - even for a bad thief. Even better for a thief, if the gentleman also keeps his mobile in a back pocket!! Two mums engrossed in conversation, their babies playing happily. Both of the mums I saw had their bags perched on top of their trolleys - open and with purses on full view. Yet another easy target. If they must leave their bags in the shopping trolley, I just wish that they were zipped up or closed properly - perhaps with the chain from the trolley wrapped around the strap several times as this would make is very difficult to steal without being noticed. Then I see an elderly lady struggling to reach a box of washing powder on the top shelf, but can’t see her bag. Where is it? I offer my help and get the washing powder
56 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
down for her from the shelf. I then see that she has her bag over her shoulder and close to her body with the clasp facing inwards. This is great to see as it would prove much too difficult for a thief to bother trying to steal, particularly when there are easier targets around. This got me imagining a scenario that could have occurred. One of the mums with her baby goes through the checkout with her shopping and finds that her bag has been stolen. Her purse was in the bag so she has no means to pay. She then goes to the car park to find that her car has been stolen, because the keys were in her bag. She’s carrying her baby, because the baby’s pushchair was in the car. She can’t call her friend to pick her up, because her mobile phone was in her bag and so was her address book. When she finally gets home, she can’t get in. Yes, you guessed it - her door keys were in her bag. I know that seems a bit extreme but it could be a possible outcome if a bag is stolen. Add to this the inconvenience of stopping bank cards, contacting insurance companies and changing door locks and you can then see the importance of looking after your personal belongings when out and about. I hope that this gives some of you food for thought? Email: Neil.Clarke@surrey.pnn.police.uk Telephone: 01483 630809 Call 101 for all non-emergency policing matters. Call 999 if you have a genuine emergency requiring the attendance of the police (e.g. a crime is in progress or someone is in immediate danger). Call Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 if you have info about crime and don’t want to leave your name.
CHRISTMAS CHARITY POST Thanks to all concerned As always my thanks goes to all concerned with the CCP, from the Committee, to the stamp sellers, both door to door and from shops, the leafleters, sorters and deliverers who turn out in all weathers. Once again we have maintained the policy since our start in 1984, of providing three deliveries during December. Our deliverers often have to contend with poor addressing of the cards but luckily they have an intimate knowledge of their areas and the people who live there and can get 99.9% of the cards delivered without problem.
What will the funds raised this year be used for? The Committee have agreed that this year £3000 will be distributed to three charities for their work in ongoing projects : • £1,000 to Practical Action for their ‘Turn the Tables’ project to provide pragmatic solutions to climate change in Sudan. Practical Action plans to work with farmers to rebuild dams, capture the rainfall and irrigate the soil. They will help villagers plant trees and grow community forests, see https://www. ukaidmatch.org/news/practical-action-looks-to-turn-the-tables-on-climatechange-in-sudan This project is being matched by the UK Government, thus £1000 becomes £2000. • £1000 to Rotary for their worldwide campaign to end polio, see https:// www.endpolio.org. Money donated will be tripled by the Gates Foundation, thus £1000 becomes £3000. • £1000 to the YMCA in Jordan for their work with Syrian refugees in Jordan. Dental care is restricted for the refugee families from Syria and Iraq and a portable dental unit, which does not need electricity, has been purchased. This is aimed at treatment for children in an area where there are many refugee families. Thus the £3000 being distributed will actually have a final value, with matching, of £6000, a truly wonderful amount.
Keep up the good work The CCP Team are a very dedicated group who keep raising significant funds for people living in developing countries who are unable to work their way out of poverty without being given a helping hand. Their continued efforts help them to do just that. However, without the residents of Bookham, Fetcham and Effingham buying stamps, we would achieve nothing. So please go on buying stamps next year. One last thought. The Committee and their helpers are all getting older and could do with some young blood. If you know of any of your younger neighbours who might be able to help, please try and enlist their help for next year.
Michael Agius - Chairman
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 57
SUNDAY SERVICES - MARCH 2020 1st March 10.00am
1st Sunday of Lent Informal Family Worship
8th March 8.00am
2nd Sunday of Lent Holy Communion
15th March 10.00am
3nd Sunday of Lent Sunday Worhship & Communion
22nd March 8.00am
Mothering Sunday Holy Communion
29th March 8.00am
5th Sunday of Lent Holy Communion
2nd & 4th Tuesdays 10.30am - 12.00pm Chatterbox - a group for pre-school children and their carers. Further details from website:
8.00am Holy Communion 10.00am Family Communion Service – with children’s provision The First Sunday at 10am is a Morning Prayer service
6.30pm Evensong (third Sunday Only)
Welcomes all under 5s with a parent, grandparent, carer or childminder.1:30-3:30pm in the Church Room & 2-2.20pm toddler-friendly time in church. With toys, a baby area, playdoh and craft, tea & time to chat to the TotsAlive! team. .
Further details available from St Nicolas Parish Office:
01372 450709 or www.stnicolasbookham.org.uk 58 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
Our Sunday Congregations
A warm-hearted congregation that enjoys variety in its worship
A gathering of all ages, vibrant and contemporary in its worship
A time and space to connect with God and with each other
Details about all that the church is doing can be found at: www.bookhambaptistchurch.org.uk or by contacting the Church office: 01372 811313
SUNDAY SERVICES - MARCH 2020 Regular Sunday Service Times 10.30am - Family Service MEETING POINT Wednesday 11th March 2.00pm - 4.00pm - Staying Safe - visit from the community Police Wednesday 25th March 2pm - 4pm - a Musical Afternoon For details of these services or further info please visit
www.bookhamurc.org.uk Minister: 07889 878471 secretary@bookhamurc.org.uk
Looklocal Magazine -March 2020 59
useful numbers DOCTORS
Eastwick Med’, Eastwick Pk Ave.........01372 452081 Bookham Scouting Centre.....................01372 454383 Fairfield Medical Centre, Lower Rd..... 01372 455 450 EastwickRoadChurch(URC)....01372453473/453704 King George V Hall, Browns Lane ... 01372 451925 CHEMISTS Little Bookham Village Hall...................01372 453802 Boots the Chemist, 5 High Street..........01372 452067 Old Barn Hall, Church Road.................01372 456307 Grove Pharmacy, Lower Shott................01372 453293 SPACE,DorkingRoad...info@southbookhamspace.org.uk St. Lawrence Church Hall......................07758 223879 CHURCHES ................................ stlchurchhallbookings@gmail.com All Saints’ C of E Church.........................01372 458314 The Bowlder Room, Manor House .... 01372 456752 Bookham Baptist Church...................01372 811313 Youth Centre (opp Anchor) Lower Rd ... 01372 453803 Eastwick Road Church (URC) ........01372 453704 Effingham Methodist Church...............01372 457987 HOSPITALS Our Lady Of Sorrows Catholic Church ...01372 458263 Ashtead Hospital....................................01372 221647 Quaker Meeting......................................01372 454363 Epsom Hospital A & E..........................01372 735735 Roman Catholic Church of the Holy Spirit ... 01372 458263 Leatherhead Hospital.............................0208 296 2000 St Nicolas’ Church...................................01372 450709 Non-emergency NHS Help.....................................111 St Helier & Queen Mary’s Hospital......0208 296 2000
Bookham Baptist Children’s Centre ....01372 811313 Bookham Library................................. 0300 200 1001 Bookham Residents’ Association .......... 0300 030 9890 Citizens’ Advice Bureau...................0844 4 11 1444 Help your Neighbour Scheme...............07986 177234 Leatherhead Leisure Centre....................01372 377674 Mole Valley District Council..................01306 885001 Police (non-urgent matters)......................................101 Surrey County Council..........................08456 009009
HALL DENTISTS AJ Hedger, 26 Church Road...................01372 457959 Astek Dental Care, 19 Cannon Grove ..... 01372 377678 Cobham Dental......................................01932 866966 England House Dental, 30 High St .......01372 459393 Gt B’hm Dental Prac, 1 The Garstons .....01372 454355 Orchard Dental, 135 Cobham Rd,.......01372 363670
SCHOOLS Dawnay School.......................................01372 456774 Eastwick County Infants School............01372 453672 Eastwick Junior School...........................01372 453277 Glenesk School.......................................01483 282329 Howard of Effingham School................01372 453694 Manor House School.............................01372 457077 Polesden Lacey Infants School................01372 456533 St Lawrence’s Primary School.................01372 452870 St Teresa’s Junior......................................01372 453456 St Teresa’s Senior.....................................01372 452037
VETERINARY SURGEONS Brelades...................................................01372 452531 Pet Doctors, Fetcham.............................01372 379636
TRAVEL Train information..................................0845 748 4950
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BOOKHAM LIBRARY Townshott Close, off Lower Road, Bookham KT23 4DQ (next to Bookham Baptist Church) Parking in Lower Rd, Pay & Display
OPENING HOURS Monday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Tuesday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Thursday: 10am-1pm & 2pm-5pm Friday: 10am-1pm & 2pm -5pm Saturday: 9.30am-5pm
Thursday 5 March 2020 is World Book Day. This is an annual celebration of authors, illustrators, books and reading. Organised by the Literacy Trust, it encourages reading for all. During World Book Day week, come into Bookham Library and take part in our Children’s trail. “Wally” the popular children’s book character from “Where’s Wally” will be hidden around the library for you to find! Also children who visit us on Thursday 5 March dressed as a book character will receive a small prize. Look out in April for our World Book night (23 April) event for adults - more details to follow. We are keen to welcome people to our new Reading Groups to meet at the library during the day, so do get in touch if you are interested in joining a library based group. Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyD Have you downloaded the Surrey Libraries App? If you have a smart phone or Sudoku #1 Sudoku #2 tablet you can download the SOLUS App. This app allows you to store your library 2 9 on7your5phone 1 so6you4don’t 8 have 3 It 2 6 8 4 3 to remember your library card. barcard allows you can search, renew, and reserve items. 5 access 4 1the library 9 8 catalogue 3 2 so7you6 4 5You 8 9 7 1 can also keep up to date with all the library news and events. 8 3 6 7 4 2 9 1 5 9 1 7 2 3 6 For Info on any of the above, see the Surrey Libraries website, Bookham Library 5 come 4 in 9 1 Twitter 3 2 and 7 to 6chat8with us! We look forward to seeing 2 6 Facebook, you 1 5 9 7 soon 8 forget 6 Bookham 7 1 3Library 4 - 5Don’t 9 2puts the Books into Bookham! 8 7 9 4 6
We look forward to seeing you soon at Bookham Library. Parking in Lower Rd pay and display.
www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries Surrey Libraries App Available
8 3 9 1 2 7
3 8 5 1 6 4 3 9 7 2 9 4 6 CROSSWORD PAGE 26
5 4 6 4 9 8 2 7 5 3 1
5 8
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1. Pink Floyd 5. Melanie 9. Cliff Richard
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Sudoku #6 2.. Mamas & Sudoku papas #5 3. Paul Simon 4. Elton John 7 1 6 9 37. Ma 5 Ma8 Belle 6 Mine 4 Ma 2 1 7 5 8 3 6. Roger Whittaker 8. Mother of 10. Abba 9 5 2 1 6 8 4 3 7 9 5 2 4 6 1 4 3 8 7 9 4 3 8 5 7 2 9 6 1 1 6 5 4 9 3 2 7 8Looklocal Magazine -March 6 2 615 1 72020 3 2 4 6 8 7 1 9 5 8 4 3 1 7 9
advertisers’ index Able Roofing.............................................................48
Lawn Master.............................................................54
Alan Greenwood & Sons Funeral Directors..............50
Maple Garden Maintenance......................................18
All Seasons Garden Maintenance...............................27
Mark Adams Decorating...........................................35
Astek Dental...............................................................8
MD Edwards & Son.................................................63
Beckley’s Automotive.................................................18
Michael Reeve Landscaping.......................................55
Boardman Gelly & Co................................................9
MPS Garden & Est Machinery Ltd...........................64
Bonnie Dogs.............................................................47
P&B Tree Services.....................................................55
Bookham Carpet Company.........................................4
Pullen Plumbing Services..........................................51
Bookham Chartered Physiotherapy Service...............50
RJK Decorating Services...........................................54
Bookham Chiropody & Podiatry Clinic....................24
Road Trippers............................................................35
Bookhams Resident’s Association..............31/32/33/34
Roofcraft of Surrey......................................................8
Boyall’s Ironmongery & Doors....................................7
Roofs of Esher...........................................................37
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................19
Roots & Shoots Tree Surgery & Landscaping..............2
Casselden’s Shoes.......................................................48
Rose’s Garden Design & Maintenance......................21
CD Sheldon..............................................................44
Roxley Models...........................................................30
Ceramica Tiles Ashtead.............................................13
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................30
Cobham Dental........................................................27
Stephen Herman Landscaping...................................23
Colin Read Landscaping ..........................................53
Surrey Home Vet.......................................................21
Cosy Flooring............................................................24
Surrey PC Tech.........................................................29
Dashe Developments.................................................53
Tec Res Computer Solutions............................... 38/39
DB Garden Services..................................................64
The Downsmen.........................................................45
Dorking Decorators..................................................29
The Grange Centre......................................................6
DPB Pristine Ovens..................................................53
The Vineries Garden Centre................................ 10/11
Elite Tree Services......................................................37
Tony Meadows Decorating........................................25
Englishman’s Castle...................................................23
Trestle Decorating.....................................................28
Extra Help.................................................................44
Tudor Property Maintenance.....................................19
F Covey Plumbing & Heating...................................51
Victoria’s Little Bra Shop...........................................17
Finestra Services........................................................29
Wagging Tails............................................................28
First Choice Cleaning Company...............................44
Great Bookham Dental Practice................................47
Wellers Hedleys Solicitors...................................... 5/14
Harvey Fab................................................................25
WOW Fitness...........................................................44
Howard Nursery School............................................54 HRS Roofing Services...............................................28 Julie Watts Family Law..............................................53
L. Hawkins Funeral Directors...................................48
62 Looklocal Magazine - March 2020
M D Edwards & Son
Kitchen, Bathroom, Wardrobe & Study supply & installation specialists
Bespoke kitchens supplied and installed to a very high standard
• • • •
Friendly family-run business established over 25 years. Excellent portfolio and local references. We also have a complete team of qualified tradesman builders, plasterers, electricians, heating engineers, tilers and flooring specialists. Project managed by us from design to completion • Choose from a large range of door styles • Granite, Quartz or laminate worktops • Sinks, taps and integrated appliances • Remedial jobs - new hinges, drawers runners etc. Telephone Beverley Edwards on 01372 450677 anytime, including evening and weekends
FOR A FREE ESTIMATE Cressida House, 10 Humphrey Close, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9PZ www.mdewardsandson.co.uk email beverleyedwards586@btinternet.com Public Liability Insurance