Look Local Esher & Claygate

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LookLocal February 2020

Esher & Claygate

Your award-winning local community magazine

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Gardening with Selina What’s Cooking? Crossword Puzzle What’s On in February Kia XCEED Car Review Sudoku & Digi-Search Computer Tips Girl guiding in Surrey East Elmbridge Volunteers Music on the Green Music Matters Useful Numbers Esher Library Notice Puzzle Solutions Advertisers’ Index

Welcome to February

What a mixed bag of weather to start this decade! Such extremes reported from around the Globe. At the time of writing, Australia are awaiting a much needed ‘5 day rain storm’ which hopefully will extinguish the dreadful bush fires. What an awful time they have been having, it makes me stop and think before I complain about our damp weather here. A few muddy dog towels is really nothing to worry about ! This month we hear from Rebecca Webb who shares some information with us about Girlguiding in Surrey East; they are looking for inspirational leaders so do get in touch if you are interested in getting involved. There are many options, and groups include Rainbows, Brownies, Guides and Rangers to cater for a wide array of ages… If you’re fed up with the dark nights and you fancy treating yourselves to a little trip, why not pop along to The Surrey Cruise Show ! See page 21 for details. Or maybe if you’d prefer to spend some time helping others, take a look at our Volunteer Opportunities this month, and see how you can make a difference.. Finally, we have a lovely pussy cat in need of a loving home by the name of Benji - see our Cat’s Protection page - let’s get Benji his forever home! Wishing you all a good month and a Happy Valentines Day on 14th ! Best Regards,





Next Copy Deadline 5th February for our March Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags

The influence of water By Selina Botham

Award winning local garden designer Selina Botham looks at the influence of water and how it can be interpreted through garden design. Enjoying the views from the airplane last summer I admired the curves of the land and considered the beauty of the natural world before me. Seeing how the river meanders along the valley floor and how each stream curves down from the mountains to meet the river. Each one is different in its flow but somehow balanced and complimenting its neighbour. I’m loving these shapes in my work at the moment and enjoying the flow of water and how this can be interpreted through my garden design work.

4 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

The new ‘river inspired’ part of my own garden and another in a beautiful setting leading to the river Mole. There’s another garden overlooking a tidal estuary which I hope will be designed in 2020. In all these spaces, I am letting the design flow like water. Happy 2020 to all the readers. Selina Botham is an award winning garden designer based in Claygate. If you would like to improve and make the best of your garden and need some professional help contact Selina for an initial garden consultation on 07894 553 202 or see her web site for further ideas www.designsforallseasons.co.uk and her facebook page Selina Botham - Designs for all Seasons.

Stunning new rooms available now Sunrise of Esher

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JIS Systems offer a comprehensive book-keeping and accountancy service tailored to your business needs. Our experienced, friendly and local team provide flexible solutions, always ensuring your finances are in good hands. PLUS...10% off payroll set-up fees in February and March* Get in touch for details on our easy, affordable accounting and book-keeping solutions.

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 7

tomato & spinach bucatini with prawns ingredients method 1 tbsp cold pressed rapeseed oil, plus extra to drizzle 2 garlic cloves, crushed 2 tbsp double concentrated tomato purée 1 tsp Cooks’ Ingredients Wild Oregano 400g can chopped tomatoes 1 tsp clear honey 150g Waitrose & Partners No.1 Bucatini (or spaghetti) 300g baby spinach 150g pack Duchy Organic Cooked King Prawns 3 tbsp freshly grated parmigiano reggiano (Serves 2)

1. Heat the oil in a wide pan, then add the garlic. Sizzle for 30 seconds until fragrant. Add the tomato purée and oregano and cook for 1 minute, or until the purée is turning burnished orange and smells sweet. Add the tomatoes, ½ a can of water and the honey; season. Simmer for 10-12 minutes until rich and thick. Taste; if it seems acidic, add a squeeze more honey. 2. Bring a large pan of salted water to the boil, then add the pasta. Return to the boil, then cook for 10 minutes or until al dente. Drain, reserving a cup of the cooking water. Meanwhile, put the spinach in a large colander, pour over boiling water from the kettle until wilted, then rinse with cold water. Squeeze out the excess water and drain on kitchen paper. 3. Add the prawns and spinach to the pasta sauce, then simmer until warmed through. Toss the pasta into the sauce, along with 2 tbsp water to loosen, and ½ the grated cheese. Transfer to warmed pasta bowls; finish with a little more cheese, serving a crispy green salad alongside, if liked.

cooking tip For even more flavour, add a handful of pitted olives to the recipe as the sauce is simmering.

Prep: 5mins. Cooking: 20mins Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes

We will create the garden of your dreams We plan, design and build stunning garden landscapes and outdoor areas. Let us create a special space for you and your family to enjoy. Our fresh approach and our expertise from creating award-winning gardens gives you access to showstopping designs, whatever the scale of your project. • Planting • Landscaping • Patios & Stone Work

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A small amount of your time can provide a huge benefit to others The Esher & Claygate Car Service drives people without transport to their medical appointments & is always looking for more volunteers to help it with this valuable service. If you can spare as little as an hour or two a month, hold a clean driving licence, have the use of a car, you could help people in your local community. Our volunteers take Esher and Claygate residents, mostly elderly, to medical appointments at GP surgeries, dentists, opticians, physiotherapists, podiatrists and nearby hospitals.

Hugely rewarding and very interesting, if you would like to find out more; Call us on: 07501 029 237 or email us at: ec.carservice@gmail.com

Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 9


Solutions Page 33

Clue: 1 Across

Copyright Š 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles

Clue: 24 Across



1. Flightless New Zealand bird (4) 3. More than anything else (5,3) 9. Instance (7) 10. Drink made from apples (5) 11. Leather with a soft napped surface (5) 12. Dapper (6) 14. Cured herring (6) 16. Sherlock Holmes’s assistant (6) 19. Loll (6) 21. Warble (5) 24. Sixth sign of the zodiac (5) 25. Bowmen (7) 26. Languid, apathetic (8) 27. Slender (4)

1 Souvenir (8) 2 Use a loom (5) 4 Bosom (6) 5 Parish clergyman (5) 6 They need a fix (7) 7 Cooking fat (4) 8 Orb (6) 13 Personification of US government (5,3) 15 Ancient writing material (7) 17 Assail (6) 18 Constantly (6) 20 Ring-shaped coral reef (5) 22 Perfectly suited (5) 23 Wicked (4)

10 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Clue: 8 Down

Clue: 15 Down

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 11

WHAT’S Weds 5th (1st Weds monthly)

Weds, Thurs & Saturday Friday 7th (weekly)


Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall, Church Rd KT10 0JP from 2pm. For more info or to join: 0208 979 2737 or members@elmbridgeu3a.org Pebble Rhymetime at Esher Library, Old Church Path, Esher KT10 9NS. Every Wednesday, at 10am. Every Thursday, at 10am. Every Saturday, at 10.30am This event is not ticketed, please turn up at the given times. Come along & join us for a rhyme with Pebble the penguin. https://www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries Hersham Village Market, open every Friday from 10.30am - 12noon in All Saints Church Hall. If you’re looking to buy local food that’s delicious & fresh, high quality hand crafted gifts, or home grown plants, then you really should visit us! www.hershamvillagemarket.org.uk


Noisy Oyster presents Dangerous Dave at Vera Fletcher Hall, 4, Embercourt Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0LQ from 2.30pm. Dangerous Dave, infinitely more ‘daft’ than ‘dangerous’, and his ridiculous sidekick, Herbert Lemon, present some of the most mind-bindingly silly stunts ever performed . . . ever! Cash bar. Tickets: £8.00. Box Office: www.verafletcherhall. co.uk/ 08456 528 529. www.noisyoyster.co.uk

8th - 23rd FEBRUARY

Half term trail: Colour Quest at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 10.30am - 4pm. Head outside with an I-Spy trail to discover all the flora and fauna that make Claremont colourful. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/

Tuesday 18th (monthly)


Tuesday 25th (monthly)

Tuesday Tree Walk - Autumn Walk at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 11am - 12.30pm. Join our expert tree guide Hilary for a guided walk around Claremont. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on Cobham Band Presents “Brass Music from Around the World” at Vera Fletcher Hall 4, Embercourt Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0LQ, from 7.30pm. Conductor Steven Williams. Cobham Band invites you to relax and cruise the world of brass music & composers from across the globe. Get your ticket and off we go - no passport needed! Cash bar. Tickets: £13. Box Office: www.verafletcherhall.co.uk/ 08456 528 529. www.thecobhamband.org Kingston & District Civil Service Pensioners’ Alliance Group meet at Marion House, Girl Guides Hut, Tadworth Ave, KT3 6DJ, 2.00 - 4.00pm. In addition to our main function of keeping in touch with local & national issues concerning pensioners, we arrange a variety of speakers to entertain us. This month’s speaker: David Chave ‘Murderous Women’. Brenda Denby, 0208 398 6054/brendadenby@live.co.uk.

If there’s an event in March that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Monday 10th February. All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.

A6 advert 2.qxp_Layout 1 07/01/2020 16:39 Page 1

Claygate Village Association is proud to announce the first-ever Claygate Arts Festival. Our village is teeming with musicians, artists, writers, actors, comedians and film-makers and we think now is the time to celebrate and showcase them. The Festival will be for and by local people, drawing on the wealth of existing arts activities and groups in Claygate, as well as creating some new ones. www.claygateartsfestival.co.uk

Barbara Currie School of YOGA Ltd All Levels Welcome

Amazing Energy - Fabulous Shape - Fantastic Flexibility - Deep Relaxation Elmgrove Hall, Hersham Road, Walton

Mon 5.45 - 6.45pm 7.00 - 8.00pm 8.15 - 9.15pm Weds

9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm


9.30am - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm *

Oxshott Village Centre, Holtwood Road,


9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm


9.30 - 10.30am 11.00 - 12.00pm

King George’s Hall, High Street, Esher


* Advanced

9.30 - 10.30am * 11.00 - 12.00pm

Barbara Currie is a state registered nurse & a qualified yoga teacher with many years experience. She has sold a million DVDs worldwide & written 4 popular yoga books.

Contact Barbara Currie: 01372 467 177 Email: barbaracurrie@globalnet.co.uk Web: www.barbaracurrieyoga.co.uk


Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 13


The motor car market is awash with bargains galore, and yet another wee treat has arrived to excite those who enjoy being seen in the latest offering. It is Kia’s brand new Xceed - a funky looking SUV, a sporting crossover and a distinct challenger to reigning rivals without it breaking the bank or failing to give value for your lolly. The Korean car makers are so confident they have designed a winner with stamina as well as style, they back their invasion on to the SUV scene with a staggering, unrivalled and unprecedented 100,000 mile/seven year warranty. Wow wee!!! In a recent reliability survey Kia finished sixth out of 31 manufacturers - just behind Toyota, but better than Skoda and streets ahead of Ford and Volkswagen, with that record breaking warranty - the best on any car. So what do you get for your hard-earned? A real treat in my humble opinion...a kerbside beauty that is both a pleasure to walk up to and to drive, whether around town or on longer motorway journeys, both of which it manages with panache and economy with 50-odd plus miles to the gallon. It revels in a softer setting with clever dampers, but

14 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

loses nothing in its all-round ability to cope with bumps or silky smooth surfaces, while at the same time keeping drivers and passengers nice and comfy with an infotainment system that is a joy to listen to — the product of a treasure of a touch screen. The best bargain buy I reckon is the 1.0-litre petrol engined model with its low CO2 emissions and is cheaper to purchase than the 1.6 litre diesel. And that is welcome news for private buyers and company car users alike. Altogether the Xceed is powered by three engines - two petrol, one diesel, all six speed. The 1.6 litre diesel has a bit more mid range attitude, but it is slower in outright speed than its kin. Only high mileage drivers seeking to maximise on economy could be justified in paying its price premium. For me it ticks all the boxes and in its class, probably the toughest and most testing branch of motoring, the latest Kia is a sure fire winner. XCEEDingly good in fact.... My favourite: The XCEED 1.6 CRDI3. Engine 1.6 litre. Four cylinders.134 Bhp. Six speed. 0-60mph in 10.2 secs.Top speed 122mpg. Mpg 64.2. Price £25,345.

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Digi search

Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


Sudoku #2

6 8

4 1 2 6 5 8

©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com

8 9 1 7 2 5 9 8 8 7 4 3 5 4 2 8 9 1 4 9 6 5 6 1

© 2013 KrazyDad.com

Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.

Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.

9 1 0 2 6 1 8 6 5 4 2 3 7 2

On curing the depression that comes with having to work for a living: Stay home for a day and watch daytime TV. -- Sheldon


4 5 9

5 8 9 7 5 0 5 4 5 3 7 7 6 1

8 4 8 4 7 2 4 7 4 2 8 2 8 1

3 9 6 5 4 9 9 2 7 3 5 6 7 3

7 5 4 3 8 7 5 6 3 7 7 3 5 4

2 3 8 7 3 4 5 1 3 4 7 5 8 5

6 7 6 3 3 0 8 0 9 4 8 5 6 8

2 8 5 0 9 2 3 3 3 6 6 3 6 2

9 3 2 2 4 7 9 6 7 2 0 5 7 6

4 0 4 8 7 6 2 3 2 2 4 2 4 7

7 2 5 4 8 4 0 6 6 8 3 6 6 8

1 8 2 3 8 9 3 4 2 3 3 3 3 7

2 1 2 5 4 3 6 9 7 8 9 1 7 0

Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 10297, 21254, 24796, 28435, 42333, 54537, 54955, 55352, 62322, 65245, 68758, 73567, 74462, 84066, 84953, 89170

16 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk



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feedback. Obtain an up-to-date reportquotation of SAS Roofing onon: www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE

(Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Complete roof replacement, of chimneys work. 01962 462727 | 01420 579727 01730 290727 (Winchester) (Alton) (Petersfield) Call us today for+525400 alead quotation on: Average 01962 462727 |re-pointing 01420(Esher) 579727 | FREE 01730 290727 01372 642727 | | 07564 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk score (Petersfield) “ Workman worked01962 very hard and did an excellent job. (Winchester) (Alton) | 01730Average 462727 | 01420 579727 290727 Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. Complete roof replacement, re-pointing of chimneys + lead work. | an www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Average Average score “info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Workman worked very hard and did excellent job. info@sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk | www.sasroofingandbuilding.co.uk Live feedhard videoand rooftraders inspections 9.89/10 score Workmanworked worked very hard and did an excellent job. score ““Recommended, Workman very did an excellent job. vetted & monitored local and service providers. Live feed video roof inspections

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Live monitored feed video roof inspections Complete roof replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys + lead Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, via work. customer Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders service providers. Average Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofvetted replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, &&monitored local traders service feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing onexcellent www.checkatrade.com Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard and did an Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and didonan excellent job. feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date of SAS Roofing Recommended, vetted &report monitored local traderson and service providers. Towww.checkatrade.com advertise please call us at 01372 200 Call us& monitored today for a579727 FREE quotation on: vetted local traders and service Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer (Winchester) (Alton) 01962Recommended, 462727 | 01420 |providers. 01730 290727 (Petersfield) Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing aCheckatrade, FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) (Alton)

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Cookies….. without the cream A couple of years ago the kind of governing body of the internet decided it needed to standardise on certain processes and be more open about what the website providers were collating. As a result most companies on the internet were encouraged to use a code of practice about what data they collect when you log on to their website. This is done through the use of cookies

What is a Cookie? A cookie is a small file, often encrypted, which allow a website to recognise a user’s device. It is typically made up of letters and numbers and is downloaded on to your device when you access a website. Cookies are generally used to help users navigate websites more efficiently and perform certain functions. Since their core role is to enhance usability and improve processes, if you disable cookies you may find that the website does not perform as well as you would expect. When you load a particular website, a cookie is created. Every time you then revisit that specific website, the browser retrieves and sends this file to the website’s server. Computer Cookies are also being created by other websites when ads, plug-ins, widgets, or other elements on the page are being loaded. These cookies regulate how the ads appear or how the widgets and other elements function on the page. For more information see: http://www.allaboutcookies.org/

Types of cookies Some Cookies will expire at the end of a browser session, while other are stored for longer. Types of cookies include: • Session cookies - these cookies are the ones which allow websites to track the various actions of a user during a browser session. They have a variety of purposes. For example, a session cookie would be working when the website you are visiting remembers what you have put in your shopping basket. Session cookies generally expire after a browser session ends. • Persistent cookies - these cookies are stored on your device between browser sessions. This is useful because it enables the preferences/actions of the user to be remembered across a website. Persistent cookies are also used for a variety of purposes, however they are most famous for being used by a website to perform target advertising. • First and third party cookies - first party cookies are the cookies which are set by a specific website visited by the user. Third party cookies are set by a domain which is not the one being visited by the user. For example, if you visit a website and a separate company has set a cookie through that website this would be a third party cookie. • Tracking Cookies are a specific type of cookie that is distributed, shared, and read across two or more unrelated Web sites for the purpose of gathering information or potentially to present customized data to you... Tracking cookies are not harmful like malware, worms, or viruses, but they can be a privacy concern. With aggressive tracking cookies, these companies can know your location, device information, purchase history, search queries, and so much more. Sometimes, you never even know this information is being collected. However, some countries, like the UK, have adopted laws that require websites to notify users about their data being collected through cookies.

Are these cookies secure? Cookies are not computer viruses, they cannot be executed nor are they self-executing, they also cannot replicate and spread to other networks to execute. Since they cannot perform these functions, they fall outside the standard definition of a virus. Because cookies store information about a user’s browsing preferences and history. Cookies can sometimes be used to act as a form of spyware. Many anti-spyware products recognize this and will flag us certain cookies for deletion, following a scan.

This guide was written by Les Beer, from Tecres in Leatherhead, who have been providing computer solutions since 1989.

18 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

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Surrey E

ast Coun ty

Girlguiding in Surrey East

Girlguiding Surrey East is part of Girlguiding, the leading charity in the UK for girls and young women. We offer an exciting programme of activities for girls and young women across Surrey East. With over 1000 volunteers, we enable girls to discover their potential and help them grow into confident, curious young women. We are for all girls; anyone can be involved! In Surrey East, you will never be too far away from a local Rainbows, Brownies, Guides or Rangers group.

Girlguiding Units are: Rainbows (girls aged 5-7) Guides (girls aged 10-14)

Brownies (girls aged 7-10) Rangers (girls aged 14-18)

Can you inspire girls? Become a leader or helper today‌ Our unit leaders, helpers and volunteers are extremely important to us as our units couldn’t run without them. We are always looking for new volunteers to support our units in roles which range from unit helper to unit leader.

Interested and want to find out more, please go to https://www.girlguiding.org.uk/get-involved/become-a-volunteer/ or send an email to rebecca.webb@girlguiding.org.uk

20 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

The Surrey Cruise Show Sunday 1st March 2020 from 10.30am to 3pm at The Duchess’s Stand Epsom Downs Racecourse for full details visit www.thesurreycruiseshow.co.uk or call Style Cruises on 01372 271754

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Develop your fundraising skills


Lunchtime Concerts

A local Citizens Advice are looking for a motivated individual to help support their vital fundraising work. This is a great opportunity to develop your fundraising expertise by organizing events, producing publicity material & attending meetings. Can work independently & as part of a team.

Christ Church, Esher

Encourage you community to become more dementia friendly

Early Music Ensemble Presents

Would you be able to visit local businesses & encourage them to become a member of a local dementia friendly community? If you would like to share your expertise or build on your experience in community events, this could be the role for you.

Wanted – Volunteer drivers

Are you a caring & reliable person who enjoys the company of older people & would like to help get them to medical appointments? Drivers offer approximately 1.5hrs once or twice a month & choose which weekdays suit them. Would also suit term-time only drivers.

Interested in helping maintain local Woodland?

This is an ideal volunteer role if you enjoy the outdoors. It is flexible as you can dip in & out when it suits your schedule. Tasks involve removing ivy from the trees, cutting up old wood, & litter picking. No tools or experience required. Wednesdays 10am-1pm

Support your local youth club

A local youth club are looking for enthusiastic people who enjoy spending time with teenagers, have an understanding of some of the challenges they may face, are non-judgmental, empathetic & respect confidentiality. This is a very rewarding opportunity to be part of your community.


To book an appointment: Call us on: 01372 463 587 Email: contact@csva.co.uk www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk

22 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Weds 15th February 2020 DRAMMA PER MUSICA

“BRITTONS GREATS” Performing both in the UK and Internationally and on BBC3 the Drama Per Musica’s goals are clear. The group seeks the drama which is only available through music, that confluence of emotion and reason through sound and language. Thomas Britton ran one of the earliest concert series in London championing music by composers from all over Europe. Our concert brings together some of Britton’s greats, including Handel and Purcell and will showcase the ensemble at their best. Free entry and light lunch from 12.30pm Concert from 1.10pm. Retiring Collection

For further info please contact the Parish Office:

01372 462282

Email: office@esherparish.org.uk www.esherparish.org.uk

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Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 23

POEM CORNER “I only know Mozart”! That this beginner has a lot to learn! We meet at Ruth’s. - First, a short talk About the composer, his life, his work. For we take it in turns in finding out What made him famous and talked about, Then a seat at the “opera” as we watch TV, Get carried away-until it’s time for tea! Sub-titles, in English, help a lot In understanding a twisting plot. It’s all made clear, there is no doubt As to what exactly they’re singing about! For moral dilemmas occur all the time For crashing chords and music sublime. Opera can be tragic, comic or farce, Move us to tears, or make us laugh. We’ve been to cinemas to see operas beamed Direct from “The Met” onto great big screens, But nothing, of course, can really compare To a live performance, being actually there In the theatre and swept along By the drama on stage and the beautiful songs Whose melodies still go round in your head When you’re safely back home, and tucked up in bed! I’ve listened and learbed in this monthly class, But the opera repertoire’s so varied and vast It’s only been possible to study a fewBut at least I’ve added to the one I knew! (i.e. Mozart!!)

MARION KEMP “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham

24 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Music Matters A BIT OF FUN FOR FEBRUARY QUESTIONS: 1. Who played Elton John in Rocket Man? 2. Who walked like an Egyptian on the Masked Singer? 3. What song won the Eurovision song contest in 1976 for Brotherhood of Man? 4. Gilbert O’Sullivan sang about Claire. Is she real? 5. Who went Halfway to Paradise in 1950? 6. Apart from Tony Christie’s hit record, what is Amarillo famous for? 7. Who heard Voices in the Sky in 1968? 8. Who was born Mary Isobel Catherine Bernadette O’Brien? 9. What does/did UB40 stand for? 10. What song did Astrid Gilberto make her own in 1964? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 33

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Book Reviews FEBRUARY 2020

‘Your House will pay’ by Steph Cha (Paperback £12.99) Your House will pay is a remarkable book. It takes place along two time lines. The first begins shortly before the Rodney King riots when a panicking Korean shop owner shoots and kills a black girl. She’s convicted on manslaughter but serves no prison time. The second begins 27 years later when that woman is shot in front of the pharmacy her family now runs and a cousin of the girl killed years ago pleads guilty to the shooting. Nothing here is easy. Everyone carries anger, sorrow, resentments and excuses. Every character is flawed in a way that makes the novel ring true. This book stays with you.

‘The Water Dancer’ by Ta-Nehisi Coates (Hardback £16.99) This is a powerful and elegant work, the debut novel by an acclaimed essayist. Hiram Walker was fathered by the owner of the Virginia plantation where he has always lived in bondage. Gifted with remarkable memory and mimicry, but unable to remember his mother, Hiram has another extraordinary skill to master on his road to freedom. As he joins the underground war on slavery, their intellectual dexterity and courage is bolstered by hope of the power that Hiram may hold. Coates writes with great wisdom about love, justice, and finding a purpose in life.

‘Blue Moon’ by Lee Child (Hardback £20.00) In a town run by rival criminal gangs, an elderly couple in debt to loan sharks are running out of time. Fortunately, they meet Jack Reacher. Lee Child, a British author living in the USA, has written a timely novel driven by the swiftly widening cracks between company healthcare policies and the expensive urgency of illness. It’s also an irresistibly exciting adventure filled with Jack Reacher’s powerful brand of ethical certainty in action.

26 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

We now accept all major credit & debit cards


Epsom Book Fai r 20th-22nd February 2020 At Epsom Methodist Church, Ashley Road, Epsom KT18 5AQ 10am - 8pm (Ends 4pm on Saturday) Entrance 50p (children and students free) Annual Giant Charity Sale - over 60,000 BOOKS including antiquarian, out-of-print, children’s, fiction and non-fiction. Also CDs, DVDs and records. Refreshments and light lunches For all enquiries please ring 01372 728535 Email:office@epsommethodistchurch.org.uk


Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 27

Cobham’s leadingleading financialfinancial planning practice, providing financial Cobham’s planning practice, providing financi advice advice to Cobham clients clients for 15 years. Mann isMann a Chartered to Cobham for 15 Alistair years. Alistair is a Chartere Financial Planner,Planner, Fellow Fellow of the of Personal FinanceFinance SocietySociety and a and Financial the Personal pensionpension specialist registered with thewith Financial ConductConduct Authority. specialist registered the Financial Authority. Our primary goal is to give ourgive clients points of financial security: Our primary goal is to our 3clients 3 points of financial securit   

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Adorable Benji is around 7 yrs old. He came into our care as his owner passed away. Benji was traumatised when he first came to us but is now really beginning to settle and show his very sweet personality. He is quite shy so would benefit from an understanding owner prepared to give him some time and space. Once he gets to know you he is a very gentle cat who is really loving. He is long haired and loves to be brushed; he now greets his foster carer with a little meow and a kiss to say good morning! Benji needs to be the only pet in an adult household to give him the quiet and relaxed environment he is looking for. If you feel you can give Benji his well deserved forever home please call 0345 260 1387 or email adoption@epsom.cats.org.uk Epsom Ewell & District Branch http://www.epsom.cats.org.uk If you cannot adopt a cat but would still like to help us please go to https://www.justgiving.com/Epsom-CatsProtection

As we have around 7,000 cats and kittens in our care at any one time, we will find you the perfect feline friend. www.cats.org.uk Reg Charity 203644 (England and Wales) and SC037711 (Scotland)

useful numbers POLICE TRAVEL To report local incidents ......................... 101 National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950 Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 DENTISTS Train information ....................0845 748 4950 Crome Dental Clinic ............... 01932 862 600 Fair Oak Dental Practice ........... 01372 463 082 SCHOOLS Hare Lane Dental Practice ........ 01372 452 577 Claremont Fan Court School .....01372 473 624 Meads Dental Practice .............. 01372 464 929 Claygate Primary School .........01372 455348 S3 Dental Practice .................... 0208 398 6322 Cranmere Primary & Nursery Sch ... 0208 398 5580 Summerfield Dental Practice .... 01372 462 266 Esher Church School ...............01372 463931 The Neem Tree Dental Practice . 01372 540 186 Esher Church of England High Sch ...01372 468068 Milbourne Lodge School .........01372 462737 VILLAGE HALLS Rowan Preparatory School .......01372 462627 Civic Centre ............................ 01932 254 750 Shrewsbury Lodge Pre Prep Sch .. 01372 462781 Claygate Centre .......................01372 463 476 Claygate Village Hall ................ 01372 469 221 MEDICAL King George’s Hall ................... 01932 254 750 Capelfield Surgery ....................01372 462501 Esher Green Surgery .................01372 462726 COUNCILS & SERVICE Littleton Surgery ......................01372 462235 Citizens Advice Esher & District..01372 464770 Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 Claygate Village Association .... 01372 463740 Royal Surrey Hospital ..............01483 464002 Claygate Parish Council ..........01372 467000 St John Ambulance ............... 07900 910292 Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872000 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Esher Residents Ass .. info@esherresidents.com CHURCHES Library Services ...................... 0300 200 1001 All Saints Weston ......................0208 398 1849 Surrey County Council ...........08456 009009 Christ Church, Esher ................01372 462 282 Esher Green Baptist Church ......01372 459 800 Esher Quakers Meeting House ...0208 399 4325 VETERINARY SURGEONS Claygate Veterinary Centre .....01372 460107 First Church of Christ, Scientist ..01372 463 058 Medivet Esher-Manor Vets .......0208 398 8005 Holy Trinity Church ..................01372 463 603 St George’s Church, West End ....01372 462 282 CHEMISTS The Holy Name RC Church ......01372 462 451 Boots Pharmacy ....................... 01372 463 912 Central Pharmacy ....................01372 464 064 BANKS Claygate Pharmacy &Travel Clinic 01372 466 116 Barclays ....................................0345 734 5345 Wallis Jones Pharmacy ..............0208 398 2494 Santander .................................0800 030 4321

32 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

ESHER LIBRARY: Old Church Path, Esher KT10 9NS. Situated next to the Elmbridge Civic Centre car park (pay & display).

OPENING HOURS: Tuesday - Saturday: 9.30am - 5pm Mon & Sun: CLOSED www.surreycc.gov. uk/libraries - Surrey Libraries App Available

We are delighted with our new self service kiosks, they are quick, efficient & can take payments by cash or debit/credit card. Staff are obviously more than willing to provide any help should it be required.





The 2019 Surrey Reading Aloud competition was won by Gemma Willcox. This year we received 38 nominations, shortlisted 9 finalists and received 1,158 votes. The competition was heavily promoted on Brooklands Radio with three interviews and two trailers, aired daily from September to December. Local author Malcolm Duffy will be in Esher Library on Saturday 8 February between 12-2pm. Malcolm’s first book, Me Mam. Me Dad. Me. won the Young Adult category of the Sheffield Children’s Book Award 2019, The Redbridge Children’s Book Award 2019, was shortlisted for the Waterstones Children’s Prize 2019 and was selected for World Book Night. He will be signing copies of his latest book Sofa Surfer, described as being a book written with humour and heart, looking at how it feels to be homeless and shows the healing power of true friendship. Malcom will be reading an extract from Sofa Surfer at 12.30pm and Me Mam. Me Dad. Me. at 1.30pm. His books are aimed at slightly older readers so please encourage those from Year 8 and upwards to come along and support Malcolm and the library. A reminder that local author, Mark Bisson, will be coming to Esher in the near future to read from and talk about his book, ‘The cat who lost his confidence’ As the book’s theme is children’s positive mental health, we are hoping to incorporate discussions/workshops with parents. Again, this is something new for us at Esher to organise. We are hoping this will take place in March so please express any interest in this event to any member of staff and keep an eye out for further details both in the library and on our website.

PUZZLE solutions Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18


1 6 8 4

5 7 3 2 9


8 3 3 2 7 6 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 8 1 3 9 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 4 9 5 8 2 7 8 5 3 1 4

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1. Taron Egerton 2. Alan Johnson Sudoku 3. Save all #4 your kisses for me 4. Yes. She was the daughter the 3 year old daughter of his Manager Gordon Mills1 5.3Billy 6. Cadillac 7. The Moody Blues 8. Dusty 1 7 3 4 8 5 Fury 6 2 4 9 Ranch 7 Springfield 9. Unemployment Benefit Claim Form 40 10. The Girl from Ipanema

5 7 6 9 2 5 4 9 2 8 6 1 1 8 4 5 3

6 2 5


4 6

9 8 7 4 3 5 1 7 3 1 9 6 2 8 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020 33 5 7 3 8 1 4 2

advertisers’ index Able Roofing...................................................... 23 Lodge Brothers Funeral Care.............................. 11 Boardman Gelly & Co......................................... 9 MPS Garden Machinery.................................... 31 Bob Mitchell Painting & Decorating.................. 15 Music Matters.................................................... 24 Bruce’s Doggy Day Care..................................... 15 Music on the Green............................................ 22 Car Review......................................................... 14 Roofs of Esher.................................................... 27 Chiropody - Melissa Bennett.............................. 11 Rose’s Garden Design & Landscaping................ 23 Claremont Fan Court School............................. 36 SAS Roofing & Building.................................... 17 Claygate Arts Festival......................................... 13 Steve’s Landscapes.............................................. 11 Cleanability........................................................ 15 Style Cruises....................................................... 21 Clocktower......................................................... 28 Sunrise Senior Living........................................... 5 Crome Dental Clinic............................................ 2 Surrey Hearing Specialist.................................... 16 DB Garden Services........................................... 31 Tec Res Computer Solutions ........................18/19 Elmbridge Volunteer Centre............................... 22 The Interior Edit.................................................. 7 Englishman’s Castle............................................ 25 The Prestige Flooring Company......................... 29 Esher Library...................................................... 33 Waitrose Recipe.................................................... 8 Fairmile Cars...................................................... 17 Yoga with Barbara Currie................................... 13 Gardening with Selina.......................................... 4 Green Roots....................................................... 17 Jazz at Imber Court.............................................. 9


JIS Systems........................................................... 7


All pages within are copyright of Look Local or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means, or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publisher’s prior written permission. All material published in Look Local (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, Look Local does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication, and Look Local specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and Look Local does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©Look Local Magazine 2020. All rights reserved.

34 Looklocal Magazine - February 2020

Claremont Fan Court School An independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years

OPEN MORNINGS Whole School Saturday 8 February, 9.30am - 12.30pm Senior School Saturday 14 March, 9.30am - 12.30pm Additional visitor events also available.

Esher, Surrey KT10 9LY | claremontfancourt.co.uk | 01372 473780

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