Festive Issue 2014
The Weybridge Flyer
Delivered Free
12 20
Read all about Steven Gluck’s new meditation classes
20 MANDY COX THERAPIES Read about my visit to Mandy Cox Therapies
22 25 24 28 30 32 39 35
From the Editor
Ho ho ho! Where did that year go?
As we head into the festive season once again, Surrey Hills Publishing celebrates its ninth year anniversary issue, with magazines in Bookham, Cobham & Esher too. How can it be nine years? That is just so scary! We’ll have to have a big celebration next year for sure! It’s wonderful to now include The Weybridge Flyer in our mix of local magazines. We have two lovely relaxing features for you to read this month: firstly, a return visit to Mandy Cox Therapies in Downside. Mandy has expanded her repertoire since we last met. Read all about that inside, she really did pamper me beyond belief ! If you’re finding life all rather stressful, you may be interested in trying the ancient art of meditation. I went along to a class recently and enjoyed it so much that I think I’m hooked! Read all about my time with Buddhist monk Tenzin Josh on pages12/3. We also have lots of local events to share on our What’s on pages within this, our festive issue. I do hope you enjoy thumbing through our pages. I wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year. We look forward to returning in February to start 2015 with more local news & community activity.
Until then, warmest winter wishes,
SUDOKU & WORD LADDER SANTA RUN Dress as Santa & make a difference, in aid of Sam Beare Hospices WHAT’S ON IN WEYBRIDGE WHAT’S COOKING? MEDICAL MATTERS PRIZE CROSSWORDS Weybridge Books & Not Just Silver PRIZE crosswords
Ted Macauley tells us all about the new BMW 7 Series
Ros Thomas Editor
Next copy deadline: 5th January 2015 for the February issue Phone Email Website Twitter
01372 200 000 info@essentialesher.co.uk www.surreyhillspublishing.co.uk @SurreyHillsMags
© The Weybridge Flyer. All rights reserved
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H e re a re s om e e x a m p l e s of th e w a y s w e c a n s u p p ort y ou : • P ra c ti c a l s u p p ort: C le a n in g , a ssistin g w ith w a sh in g , c ook in g , tid yin g th e g a rd e n , b ook in g a n d g e ttin g to a p p oin tm e n ts, c a rin g for you r p e ts a n d m u c h m ore
• Pe rs on a l c a re : He lp in g you to h a ve a sh ow e r or b a th , g e ttin g d re sse d , su p p ort w ith sh a vin g , re m in d e rs to ta k e m e d ic a tion , look in g a fte r you r te e th .
• Soc i a l a c ti vi ti e s : G oin g to sh op s, p la n n in g trip s a n d ou tin g s, g oin g sw im m in g , m e e tin g u p w ith fa m ily a n d frie n d s, p re p a rin g you r h om e for g u e sts.
• C om p a n i on s h i p : A frie n d ly fa c e for a b it of c on ve rsa tion , a stroll in th e p a rk , lu n c h ou t.
“ As I l i ve s om e d i s ta n c e a w a y, I a m a l w a y s on th e p h on e to th e te a m . I n e ve r fe e l I a m a b oth e r a n d th e y a r e a l w a y s h a p p y to ta l k to m e .” C u stom e r re la tive
• Te c h n ol og y s u p p ort: Sh ow in g you h ow to u se you r m ob ile , se n d in g a n e m a il, h e lp in g you to sta y in c on ta c t w ith fa m ily a n d frie n d s.
• De m e n ti a c a re : Su p p ortin g you to re m a in in d e p e n d e n t a t h om e , sh a rin g you r m e m orie s, ta k in g u p old or n e w h ob b ie s a n d in te re sts.
• E q u i p m e n t for p e a c e of m i n d : I t m a y b e you n e e d a n a la rm for sm ok e , w a te r or g a s, a lig h t to re m in d you to ta k e you r ta b le ts, a w a y of c a llin g for h e lp if you n e e d it.
• R e s p i te c a re : W h e n you r re g u la r c a re r, frie n d or fa m ily m e m b e r g oe s on h olid a y or h a s a b re a k , w e c a n ste p in to su p p ort you .
• E m e rg e n c y a s s i s ta n c e : Pra c tic a l h e lp a t sh ort n otic e su p p ortin g you w h e n u n e x p e c te d e ve n ts h a p p e n .
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Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office & Keith Jones run the Weybridge oce ofElaine TaxAssist Each issue, Elaine Elaine & KeithAccountants. Jones run the Weybridge oce of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides advice on a recent Each change in tax law, or of TaxAssist Accountants. issue, provides advice on a recent change inElaine tax law, addresses a topical financial issue. provides advice on a recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.
or addresses a topical financial issue. What is a van? Car benefit changes 2013/14 Car 2013/14 Q: benefit Can youchanges summarise what the changes : I’m looking at getting a new vehicle Q:toCan you summarise what the changes company car and van benefits are fromfor my business and benefits I know there some to6company car and van are are from April 2013 please? tax please? advantages of having vans. But what 6 April 2013 From the 6th April 2013: isA:the definition a van, so that I know what to A: From the 6thof April 2013: Company cars buy? Company cars • The car fuel benefit charge multiplier will : Vans have a number of benefits for tax will • The car fuel benefit charge multiplier increase from £20,200 to £21,100 purposes in comparison to cars: increase from £20,200 to £21,100 • The lower threshold be reduced from 1. VAT – if your will business is VAT registered, • The lower threshold reduced 120g/km to 115g/km you may be able to recoverwill thebe VAT on a vanfrom to 115g/km– if you buy the van outright 2.•120g/km Capital Allowances The lowest appropriate percentages are still • lowest appropriate percentages are still orThe under acent finance as a Hire Purchase 0 per andlease, 5 persuch cent 0 per cent and 5 per cent agreement, you should be able to offset the cost • The 10 per cent charge will now apply toofcars theThe van10 against yourcharge profits. is because vans • per emissions cent will now apply to cars with CO2 of This 76g/km to 94g/km arewith treated as Plant for Capital Allowance purposes, CO2 emissions of 76g/km to 94g/km • The appropriate percentage increase by and therefore qualify for the Annualwill Investment • The appropriate percentage will increase by 1 per cent for all vehicles with CO2 Allowance which allows up to 100% of theemissions cost to 1 per cent for all vehicles with CO2 emissions between 95g/km and 215g/km, to a be offset in the year of purchase and 215g/km, to atrigger cent maximum of 35–per 3.between Benefits in95g/km Kind company cars can cent maximum of 35 per Vans benefits in kind, which are based on the list taxable Vans price andvan thefuel car’sbenefit CO2 emissions. This can make • The charge multiplier will company quite expensive, butmultiplier benefits in will kind increase from £550 to £564 • The vancars fuel benefit charge forincrease vans are afrom fixed£550 amount, irrespective of the van’s to £564at £3,000 • The van benefit is frozen List Price or CO2 emissions. Furthermore, the rules •The Therules van benefit is frozen at £3,000 and implications company for when a benefit in kind for aofvan arises are more vehicles are far reaching, you would be The rules and implications of company relaxed than those for a car, soso a benefit may be advised to seek professional advice from vehicles are far reaching, so you would beyour avoided altogether local TaxAssist Accountant a advised to seek advice from your Defining a van canprofessional be tricky, as before there areacquiring different new vehicle. local TaxAssist Accountant before acquiring a criteria for different areas of tax, but try to stick to new vehicle.
the following conditions: a car ·Leasing A vehicle that is not commonly used as a private Leasing a car Q: If I lease car in thefor name vehicle and isaunsuitable such of usemy personal I leaseprimarily car in theany name my personalof company, doa you have ·Q: AIfvehicle suited forrecommendations theoftransportation company, do you have any recommendations the tax burden down? to keep goods- no rear seats/ windows the tax burden down? keep ·to a maximum legal laden weight of 3,500kg A:Has Firstly, if the car triggers a benefit in kind, A: Firstly, if the car triggers a benefit in kind, Discussing this with an accountant before you make then you will always be better o looking for then you with willcould always beemissions, better oas looking for any purchases you from losing a vehicle low prevent CO2 this tax will a vehicle with low CO2 emissions, as this will relief unable to reclaim VAT. resultand in abeing lower car benefit percentage and result in a alower benefittax percentage therefore lowercar personal liability forand you.
To furnishaor not personal to furnish? therefore lower tax liability for you.
Furthermore, you should also be aware that Furthermore, youpurchased should also be aware : I have just a 130g/km, couple of it isthat if the car has emissions over if the car has emissions over 130g/km, is properties thatlease I intend to let out. likely that 15% of the payments willitCan be likely that the lease payments be you15% tellof me whether Itax ampurposes. better will to If for corporation disallowed corporation purposes. If disallowed furnish themfor orare not?below thistax the emissions level, the entire the emissions below the entire lease paymentsare should bethis taxlevel, deductible. : Furnishingshould has always an important lease payments bebeen tax deductible. Emailing P60s distinction, as only furnished lettings entitle Emailing P60s oce paperless, can I send my Q: To keep you my to the valuable Wear and Tear Allowance Q: To keep oce paperless, can I send my employees their P60 of 10% of themy rents. Nowvia it isemail? definitely worth employees their P60 via email? reviewing whether you could is A: Since 2010/11, form P60show canthe be property provided A: Since form P60 can bebut provided furnished, given that the renewals basis for replacing either on2010/11, paper or electronically, you items inon commercial residential properties letthey either paperwith ororelectronically, but you should confirm your employees that unfurnished ceased fromtheir 6th April 2013. Looselyshould confirm with your employees that they are happy to receive P60 electronically. speaking, HMRC guidance is that aelectronically. property is are to receive P60 have access to secure Yourhappy sta will need totheir furnished if will itview includes some (but not necessarily all) have access secure Your stato need facilities andto print a copy. If to they prefer items a tenant or owner-occupier normally facilities to view and print a copy.would If they prefer not tothat receive their P60 electronically, then you provide in unfurnished accommodation. musttoprovide them a hard copy as then normal. not receive their with P60 electronically, you must provide them with a hard copy as normal. Contact Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA 01932Elaine 850 or Contact Jones ACMA AFTA on: 01932 850600 600 orby by email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk on: 01932 850 600 or by email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk email: weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you feel Disclaimer – advice shared in this column is intended inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’sIfcircumstances vary and if you the information provided is beneficial it is important thattoyou contact us before implmentation. you take, or dodo not take action as a feel of that the information provided is beneficial is important that youwe contact us before implementation. If fiancial you take, orincurred. do not result reading this column, before receiving ouritwritten endorsement, will accept no responsibilty for any loss Disclaimer – advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary and if you take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibility for feel the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implementation. If you take, or do not anythat financial loss incurred.
take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibility for
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O M - M A N I
’ve been interested in meditation for quite some time. A few years back, I even attended a short introductory course. More recently, as my life has become busier and I’ve had some challenging personal times to deal with, I’ve found myself trying to master the art once again. There is much talk in the media about being more ‘mindful’ in our lives and this basically stems from meditation and is loosely what Buddhism is all about. So as I’m sure you can imagine, I was delighted when I heard that a Buddhist monk called Tenzin Josh was running some drop-in meditation classes locally. I was looking forward to finding out more about this ancient art from an authentic source. It was at university that Steven Gluck first thought seriously about becoming a monk. When he finished his degree studies, he decided to investigate and started by spending six months studying at a Buddhist Centre in
12 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Croydon. Following this, still only in his early 20s, he purchased a one-way ticket to India and headed for the Himalayas. For the next 16-17 years, Steven studied, prayed and meditated. For the first three years, he was alone in the mountains; during this time, he hardly saw anyone else, spending his days meditating and praying. He then joined a monastery to formalise his studies and continue his Buddhist journey. He became a novice monk in 1990 and was then fully ordained in 1991. Both ordinations were by the HH Dalai Lama and he feels very fortunate and honoured by this. He then became known as Tenzin Josh. You can see Tenzin Josh in the photograph above with the HH Dalai Lama. It was taken at a place called Bodh Gaya in Northern India where the Buddha became enlightened. Tenzin Josh spent fifteen years in the spiritual epicentre of Tibetan Buddhism, Dharamsala. His days were long, starting at 5 am and not
PADME-HUM ending until midnight. Hours were spent praying, meditating, debating the Buddhist scriptures with the other monks and learning. As his knowledge grew, so did his reputation; in fact, Tenzin Josh was pretty well-known in those parts towards the end of his studies! Nowadays, Tenzin Josh runs an ethical Fair Trade company locally and has exchanged his shaved head and robes for a more conventional look. However, his heart still lies in India and he very much hopes to head back there some time in the future and resume his life as a monk once again. In the meantime, he is content to share some of his knowledge and Buddhist philosophy with anyone who cares to join him. Once a week classes, lasting 6 weeks and including a one day retreat, will commence in the New Year. There will also be on-line support throughout the course for those joining, and regular handouts to take away and read.
The drop-in classes will continue to run during the first two weeks of December, so do call in if you would like to start your own personal journey to enlightenment! Meditation is highly recommended to help us deal with our busy stress-filled lives. Apparently, only ten minutes of quality meditation a day will make a huge difference to concentration levels and well-being. Understanding some of the theory behind mindfulness is not only very helpful but it’s fascinating too. I for one will be returning this week for my second instalment of relaxation and instruction. Drop into Cobham Methodist Church, Cedar Rd, Cobham Thursday evenings, between 8pm - 9pm. £10 Venue for January 2015 tbc. For further details, email tenjosh@gmail.com Or call 07516 428 704 Thank you very much indeed, Tenzin Josh. I very much look forward to learning more. The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
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18 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
I recently enjoyed revisiting Mandy Cox Therapies in Downside for a very relaxing treat! Since my last visit a few years back, Mandy has expanded her treatment repertoire, and now offers Dermalogica skin treatments as well as massage and reflexology. The treatment room is a very professional environment situated in tranquil surroundings. It was lovely to see Mandy again and to hear how her business has grown and developed since we last met. ‘Dermalogica offer fantastic products and wonderful treatments which I am delighted to be able to pass
onto my clients’ said Mandy. She continues to enjoy the training and support which this very prestigious and highly regarded company offer. As part of her training Mandy also now offers Face Mapping® Skin Analysis, which helps ensure the best results are achieved by using the right products for your skin.
Offer 1
Complementary 15 minute reflexology with your first Dermalogica skin treatment.
Price £45.00
Offer 2
MicroZone® treatment for teens. 25 minute mini treatment for teenage skin, plus 10 minute seated shoulder massage for the parent.
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Gift vouchers are also available
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Email: mandycoxuk@hotmail.com Mandy Cox Therapies 23 Downsview Close, Downside Cobham KT11 3NS
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If you fancy treating yourself, I highly recommend this talented and professional therapist.
Mandy really puts you at ease, and her therapy couch is second to none when it comes to comfort! It’s a state of the art piece of kit and Mandy made very sure that I was totally comfortable before she started. The whole treatment was very relaxing and the products felt so good on my skin. No heavy perfumes and they were all soothing and fresh. I’ve had a fair few facials in my time and I can really tell when a therapist knows what she is doing - Mandy certainly does. Once your treatment starts she does not leave the room, giving you her full attention the whole time. When a mask has been applied she turns her attention to a relaxing hand massage, which really enhanced the whole experience.
As well as this, when you come for your first Dermalogica skin treatment, Mandy offers a complementary fifteen minute reflexology session to finish off your treatment, providing a total tip to toe treat! I was really relaxed by the end of this treatment and my skin felt wonderful too! Thank you so much Mandy!
Dermalogica’s range have a selection of products aimed at different skin types, and conditions which include; UltraCalming™, MediBac Clearing®, Chroma White TRx, AGE smart® and ClearStart™. I wanted the Age smart® treatment, designed to give a revitalizing power boost to firm, smooth, nourish and regenerate your skin! This sounded perfect!
The orchid is one of the best value houseplants around, & yet it is often the one most misunderstood. Give it the minimal treatment that it deserves, & it will flower its head off for you for years to come.
Go into any supermarket or garden centre today and you’ll see huge numbers of the very colourful Phalaenopsis hybrids, also known as the moth orchid. Although it’s a tropical plant, it will do very nicely in your house, provided that you observe a few simple rules. Watering The worst thing that you can do to this magnificent plant is to over-water it. Your moth orchid is an epiphyte, which means that its roots will not be buried in soil or compost. Some roots are to hold on tight to the large bark chips contained within its pot; the rest act like leaves, collecting moisture & nutrients from the atmosphere around it. It will normally be planted in a transparent plastic pot, placed into an outer decorative one. The best way to keep it well watered is simply this - remove the plastic pot & take to the kitchen sink. If you happen to have a jug of rainwater, so much the better, but if not, then simply flush the pot through with nottoo-cold tap water. Put the pot on the draining board & allow the excess water to percolate through the bark chips. It’s very important to allow time for the bulk of the water to drain out completely so that when you pop the orchid back into its original decorative pot, it will not be sitting in any residual water. This will eliminate root rotting. Feeding The orchid is not a hungry plant and
22 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
so feeding really isn’t necessary. If you think that a shot in the arm is required, then do try & buy some orchid fertiliser. This is not just fancy label for a ‘normal’ product, it’s an extremely weak version of what you might give other plants. Over-feeding could damage the plant & burn the roots, so when in doubt, my advice is don’t! Repotting Unless it’s old, it’s extremely unlikely that your orchid will need re-potting. The visible clue is that all of the bark chips in the inner pot have been reduced to a mush. If your plant is fairly new, then don’t bother. Flowering Your orchid should have been given to you with a flower spike or two on it. When these fade, you simply find a point lower down on the stem looking for a growth point. Make a sloping cut above the bud. In time, your orchid will produce another stem of these amazing flowers. After around two flushes of flowers, it’s best to allow the plant to rest in a draught-free corner. Cut the flower stem down to just above the lowest bud and water sparingly every now & again. The orchid will decide for itself when it’s time to flower again. Auntie Planty is a qualified horticulturist who offers gardening know-how sessions in your own garden. Catch her on Brooklands Radio every other Friday, at 14.30. © 2014 Valerie McBride-Munro
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The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Sudoku Puzzle
Word Ladder A word ladder is a sequence of words formed by changing just one letter each time. Can you find the missing words?
Clues: Develops Radiates Decelerates Gambling machines Splines Roofing material Condition
Each row, column and 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by applying logic - you don’t have to guess!
24 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Gape Trap SNARL Solutions page 46
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A Good Read My absolute favourite big beautiful book this year has been Mid-Century Fashion and Advertising Photography by William Helburn. Helburn was the photographer for many of the top advertising agencies in New York in the 1950s and 1960s. Shock value and an unrelenting hunger for success helped him to a pioneer’s share in the revolutionary era of advertising and his work would also appear on the editorial pages and covers of major magazines. This book presents a delicious taste of the vivid reality that the television series Mad Men seeks to evoke. Most of these images have not been seen since they were first published decades ago. They are fantastic. I suffer from a malady called Dupuytrens Contracture – Ronnie Reagan and Margaret Thatcher suffered from it too - no connection with me there. It’s an inherited disorder of tissue in the palms of the hands and fingers, causing a progressive clasping of the fingers. The offending gene comes from our Viking and Celtic ancestors – there is some connection there! It is named after the French doctor Dupuytren who was Napoleon’s physician. He identified and described the condition from which the general suffered. There is no cure but it won’t kill you! The only treatment for years has been surgery. However, some five years ago, a treatment was invented to break the collagen cords that are formed by the disease. A simple injection and a little physical persuasion and the hands are freed
26 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
of their permanent clench. All this on the NHS. I’m not able to write this the day after having my hand treated at The Royal Surrey. It’s being dictated! I know it has and is facing considerable challenges and the press is not always positive, but I continue to be humbled and astounded by the quality of the people and their work in the NHS. Which brings me to Napoleon himself. Napoleon the Great by Andrew Roberts. From Andrew Roberts, author of the Sunday Times bestseller The Storm of War, comes this definitive modern biography of Napoleon. Napoleon Bonaparte lived one of the most extraordinary of all human lives. In the space of just twenty years, from October 1795 when as a young artillery captain he cleared the streets of Paris of insurrectionists, to his final defeat at the (horribly mismanaged) battle of Waterloo in June 1815, Napoleon transformed France and Europe. Of the climactic Battle of Leipzig in 1813, as the fighting closed around them, a French sergeantmajor wrote, ‘No-one who has not experienced it can have any idea of the enthusiasm that burst forth among the half-starved, exhausted soldiers when the Emperor was there in person. If all were demoralised and he appeared, his presence was like an electric shock. All shouted “Vive l’Empereur!” and everyone charged blindly into the fire.’ Read this book and will understand why this was so.
Book Voucher to WIN see p35
By Armand Wadsworth H is For Hawk by Helen MacDonald has just won the Samuel Johnson Prize for Non-Fiction. This is the premier prize for non-fiction writing in the UK. She is a worthy winner. I love hawks. Here is a photo of me out with a beautiful Harris Hawk earlier this year. ‘In real life, goshawks resemble sparrowhawks the way leopards resemble housecats. Bigger, yes. But bulkier, bloodier, deadlier, scarier and much, much harder to see. Birds of deep woodland, not gardens, they’re the birdwatchers’ dark grail.’ As a child, Helen Macdonald was determined to become a falconer. She learned the arcane terminology and read all the classic books, including T. H. White’s tortured masterpiece, The Goshawk, which describes White’s struggle to train a hawk as a spiritual contest. When her father dies and she is knocked sideways by grief, she becomes obsessed with the idea of training her own goshawk. She buys Mabel for £800 on a Scottish quayside and takes her home to Cambridge. Then she fills the freezer with hawk food and unplugs the phone, ready to embark on the long, strange business of trying to train this wildest of animals. ‘To train a hawk you must watch it like a hawk, and so gain the ability to
predict what it will do next. Eventually, you don’t see the hawk’s body language at all. You seem to feel what it feels. The hawk’s apprehension becomes your own. As the days passed and I put myself in the hawk’s wild mind to tame her, my humanity was burning away.’ Destined to be a classic of nature writing, H is for Hawk is a record of a spiritual journey - an unflinchingly honest account of Macdonald’s struggle with grief during the difficult process of the hawk’s taming and her own untaming. At the same time, it’s a biography of the brilliant and troubled novelist T. H. White, best known for his book The Once and Future King. It’s a book about memory, nature and nation, and how it might be possible to try to reconcile death with life and love. We have in stock some splendid cards of Weybridge, p a i n t e d by a local artist. Here is one that I particularly like of the Thames at Weybridge. Happy New Year.
Weybridge Books 01932 842498 New, used and antiquarian books 28 Church Street, Weybridge, Surrey, KT13 8DX | books@weybridgebooks.co.uk The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
mployees at Optichrome got into the festive spirit this week when they helped launch Woking & Sam Beare Hospices annual Santa Fun Run which helps raise much-needed funds for the local charity. The event will take place at Mercedes-Benz World on Sunday 7 December, where hundreds of Santas, big and small, are expected to run, jog or walk either the 2.5 or 5 km route around Brooklands. “Our Fun Run is such a great event in the run up to Christmas and gives people of all ages the chance to support their local Hospices whilst spreading some festive cheer,” explained corporate fundraiser Anita Avery. She helped launch this year’s event alongside 21 Santas from the Woking-based print & communications company Optichrome, who have nominated Woking & Sam Beare Hospices as their charity of choice for the coming year. “I am very proud, both personally and on behalf of the
company, to be supporting the Hospices,” explained group managing director Natalie Stephens, who has first-hand experience of the charities services.“My father was cared for by the Hospices community team in his own home, and when he passed away, I received bereavement counselling,” added Natalie, who led by example and sported her Santa suit for the press. The run is an all-family event and, as Optichrome discovered, a great team-building experience for corporates. All adults receive a free Santa outfit and all children a free Santa hat when signing up. It costs £10 for adult to enter and £5 for under 16s, and all sponsorship raised by the Santas will go straight to hospice care. You can register for the run online at www. wsbhospices.co.uk/santa or call fundraising on 01483 881752. Woking & Sam Beare Hospices shops also have details and entry forms.
28 To advertise please call email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
The UK’s largest voluntary-sector provider of adult learning, offering the opportunity to study with likeminded people without the stress of an end-ofterm exam. Why not consider joining us?
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The  following  Courses  will  be  offered  in  the  autumn: Â
International  Affairs    which  is  international  relations    Â
The following courses will be offered between January & March 2015:
International Affairs –  a discussion forum
Archaeology    Past  crimes  Â
10  weeks  from   Â
22 Â September Â
10  weeks  from  Â
22 Â September Â
23 Â September Â
25 Â September Â
Archaeology – Social  History   Scottish Islands The  WThe ars  of  the  Roses      10  weeks  from     and ancient trade routes Walks  Â
10 weeks from
12 January
The  Modern  City  Â
 5  weeks  from   Â
Social History – From the French Revolution to Waterloo     10  weeks  from   Â
Music  appreciation   Choral  Music    Â
Music Appreciation – Musical families Â
Ancient  History   5th  century  BC  Athens   the  Golden  Age   Â
10  weeks  from  Â
5 weeks from 5 weeks from
12 January 23 February
10 weeks from
13 January
26 Â September Â
16 January
26 Â September Â
10 weeks from
Meetings  will  usually  last  two  hours Â
 Ancient History – For  more  information  consult:  www.southern.wea.org.uk  or  contact  01932  853056  5th century BC Athens – after  Pericles 5 weeks from
26 February
Walks in London Villages
16 January
10 weeks from
Meetings will usually last two hours
For more info, consult: www.southern.wea.org.uk or contact 01932 853056
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To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 29
What’s on...
Avoid the humdrum of the high street and choose from a dazzling array of original gifts from some of the most talented craftspeople in Southern England. As well as stalls, there is our hugely popular Santa’s Grotto and the Choir of St Charles Borromeo. We are considered one of the main Christmas markets in Weybridge.
Sunday 7th Dec 14, 11.30am - 2.30pm
Festive Season
Christ Prince of Peace Church Hall, Portmore Way, KT13 8JD
Join a Party
Looking for a glamorous night to remember? Join us at Brooklands Hotel where you will party like a VIP and be part of one of the hottest parties in Surrey. We know how to party, from rolling out the red carpet to delivering the glitz and glamour of an A-list party. Price: tickets are just £119 pp
Wednesday 31st Dec 2014, Time: 10.30am - 4.00pm Telephone: 01932 335 720 events@brooklandshotel surrey.com
Brooklands Hotel, KT13 0SL
Visit the Glasshouse for bright & cheerful Christmas displays, guaranteed to put you in the festive spirit! Price: free once you enter garden
6th Dec 2014 - 4th Jan 2015 Time: 10.00am - 3.45pm
Telephone: 0207 821 3142 georginabarter@rhs.org.uk, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB
30 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Red Bar & Restaurant is holding a masked carnival on New Year’s Eve, with a special performance by Taste of Brazil, Brazilian drummers & samba dancers. Price: £25, includes glass of prosecco
Wednesday 31st Dec 2014 Book your tickets now on
01932 850222
105 Queens Road, KT13 9UJ
The Lion, the Witch
& t h e Wa r d r o b e
story trail
Presented by the Rose Theatre, Kingston. Leap into the magical world of Narnia this Christmas and discover a land inhabited by fantastical fauns and busy beavers. Only the most intrepid of children can unlock the secrets and save Narnia from the White Witch’s spell.
20th Dec 14 - 4th Jan 15 Time: 10am - 4.00pm
0 207 821 31 42
georginabarter@rhs.org.uk, RHS Garden Wisley, GU23 6QB
New Year’s Day
All classic, vintage & veteran cars, motorcycles & commercial vehicles are welcome for possibly the largest New Year’s Day gathering in the South East!
Wey Voices will be holding their annual Christmas Concert to help raise money for Woking & Sam Beare hospices. Mulled wine, refreshments & raffle will follow the concert. They will perform a number of pieces, with a group of jazz musicians as the intermission highlight. Price: entry to concert £7, children FREE
Price: normal admission applies Thursday 1st December 2014 Time: gates open 9.00am, m use um b ui l di ng s & di sp l a y s op e n 1 0 a m - 4p m
01932 857381
Friday 19th December 2014, 7.45pm More info: www.weyvoices.org Telephone: 01932 857520
www.br ooklandsmuseum.com events@brooklandsmuseum.com
All Saints’ Church, Woodham Lane, GU21 5SU
Brooklands Dr, Weybridge, KT13 0QN
V C 1 0
Join us for a special tour of the Museum as night falls. Warm clothes, sensible shoes & a torch are highly recommended as our expert guide leads you through the Motoring Village, Wellington Hangar, Test Hill & the Members’ Banking. Price: adults £15, children £13, includes warm soup & bread roll, tour is approx 90mins. Must be pre-booked.
Once again Santa will be giving his reindeer a rest for a while & borrowing our VC10 aircraft so that he can meet his young fans. Price: children 5-11, normal Museum admission + £5 to visit Santa. Accompanying adults pay normal Museum admission. Under 5s admission FREE & they can visit Santa for £5.
Wed 21st January 2015 Time: Meet 6 - 6.30pm
01932 870381
Saturday 13th December 14 Telephone: Cherry Jones
Brooklands Dr, KT13 0QN
Brooklands Dr, Weybridge, KT13 0QN
10 Manor Rd, Esher KT10 0SH
01932 870 381
Sat & Sun leading up to Christmas in December 2014 Pre-booking is advised to avoid disappointment.
Please join us at Budgens, Hinchley Wood, for a Christmas Carol Collection in aid of Princess Alice Hospice. ‘Quire’ from Thames Ditton will be singing between 11.30-12pm & 12.30-1pm
01372 473893
The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Christmas Sorbet with Cranberries The deep cranberry red of this sorbet makes it perfect to serve as a Christmas dessert. Keep one in the freezer ready for entertaining. Ingredients • 150g caster sugar • 500g cranberries, defrosted if frozen • Juice of ½ lemon
Method Place 50g of the sugar in a medium pan with 150ml cold water. Heat gently, stirring until the sugar has dissolved. Add the cranberries, bring to the boil, then cover and simmer for 15 minutes, stirring occasionally, until the fruit becomes pulpy. Allow to cool slightly, then place in a food processor and blend to a smooth purée. Place a sieve over a bowl and, using the back of a spoon, press the fruit through to remove the skin and pips. Set the purée to one side and leave to cool. Meanwhile, make a sugar syrup by placing the remaining sugar, 350ml cold water and the lemon juice in a small pan. Heat gently, stirring, until the sugar has dissolved then
simmer for 2-3 minutes. Leave to cool. When cool, add the sugar syrup to the cranberry purée, stir well until smooth, then pour the mixture into a 1-litre freezerproof container and place in the freezer. Freeze for 2-3 hours until the mixture is slushy. Place in a food processor and whizz to break up the ice crystals. Return to the freezer. Then, every 2 hours, use a fork to draw the ice crystals from the edges to the centre until the sorbet is smooth and eventextured with tiny ice crystals. Place in glass bowls and serve.
Cook’s tips This sorbet can be made in an ice cream maker following the manufacturer’s instructions. The sorbet will keep in an airtight container in the freezer for up to 3 weeks. If liked, serve with a couple of Florentines from Waitrose Florentine Assortment.
Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
Nut-free - Gluten-free - Milk-free. Prepare: 15 mins. Cooking: 20 mins. Total: 35mins + 6hrs freezing
Recipe reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose.
Reformer Club is a dedicated Pilates studio in Weybridge, specialising in: • Pilates sessions for individuals & small groups. • BarreConcept classes for a maximum of 8 people • Yoga classes for a maximum of 8 people YOU HAVE ONE BODY. WE’LL HELP YOU MAKE THE MOST OF IT. You feel good inside your own body. You embrace life with fun & freedom. You feel vitalised to the core & perfectly in balance with yourself. At the end of the day, you still have some energy to spare.
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34 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
Weybridge Books
Prize Crossword Across 1. Act as a servant (5) 3. Auctions (5) 6. Traded (4) 7. Coiffure (6) 9. Strange & mysterious (5) 10. Speech defect (4) 11. Falsehood (3) 13. Cease (4) 15. Pacific country (5) 18. Weights (6) 19. Charts (4) 20. Footwear (5) 21. Unit of capacity (5)
to spend in your favourite bookshop!
Down 1. Former county in SE England (6) 2. Sovereign (5) 3. Having no seams (8) 4. Songbirds (5) 5. Retail store (4) 8. Powerless (8) 12. Bother (6) 14. Latin-American dance (5) 16. Intended (5) 17. Canines (4) Complete the crossword & your details below, cut out page & send to: The Weybridge Flyer, 5 Hazel Way, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9QF, or scan the completed page & email it to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk. The winner will be chosen at random from competition entrants. Entries by Monday 12 January 2015 please. Name Address Postcode Tel
Not Just Silver
Prize Crossword The biggest Little Shop in Surrey Across 1. Build (9) 8. Residence (5) 9. Tendon (5) 10. Cloth for removing dust (6) 12. Team (4) 14. Escaping fluid (4) 15. Conflict (6) 17. Sift (5) 18. Commerce (5) 20. Ministers (9)
ÂŁ20 voucher
is giving a to the winner of its PRIZE crossword to spend in its beautiful jewellery & giftware shop in Weybridge
Down 2. Exclamation of surprise (3) 3. Monetary unit of Israel (6) 4. Flower (4) 5. Jailbird (7) 6. Deliberate destruction of property (9) 7. Sugar (9) 11. Pertaining to Siam (7) 13. Child’s toy (6) 16. Festive occasion (4) 19. Find the sum of (3) Complete the crossword & your details below, cut out page & send to: The Weybridge Flyer, 5 Hazel Way, Fetcham, Surrey KT22 9QF, or scan the completed page & email it to ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk. The winner will be chosen at random from competition entrants. Entries by Monday 12 January 2015 please. Name Address Postcode Tel
The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
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Bennett & Cohen
Seniors amongst us will be heartened to know that a pair of octogenarians have released two of the year’s most eagerly awaited albums. At the age of 88, Tony Bennett is still going strong and his latest outing, “Cheek to Cheek” sees him pairing up with the perpetual publicity-seeker, Lady Gaga. With an age difference of 60 years, they truly appear as the odd couple, but rather than a mere novelty act, the two make some wonderful music together. Lady G is actually an impressive jazz singer who once won a New York State jazz competition. The legendary Tony Bennett, a fellow New Yorker, is one of the true greats, having had Frank Sinatra name him as his very favourite singer. Tony once guested on my radio show and he was a real delight, a lovely man. The two obviously got on well together in the studio, with some terrific chemistry permeating the songs which are a collection of incredible tunes by Irving Berlin, George Gershwin and Cole Porter. The other artist worthy of acclaim is the 80 year old Canadian, Leonard Cohen. He often polarises audiences with his sombre and slow delivery, but listen again and there are some beautiful moments of music and lyrics which showcase the reason he is still adored by the fans who grew up with him from the late 60s. His new album, “Popular Problems” is a heartfelt recording, in which he shares concern and comment on life and love in his uniquely intimate, breathy style. Both albums prove that class never dies and that we should treasure both Cohen and Bennett for creating such brilliant soundtracks of our own life and loves too.
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Words by David Kid Jensen
By Ted Macauley
BMW 7 SERIES When buying a new car, comparisons are inevitable, unless your loyalty to a specific manufacturer rules out any freshly invasive notions on what brand of motor you fancy. And here, with no favouritism or otherwise to either side and only balanced judgement as my guide, I would edge the Mercedes S-type ahead of the new, fifth generation BMW 7 Series in the luxury car class. But that’s personal preference and the volume of contra-feeling was impressively laid on me at, above all places, Trophy Wife’s boutique in Cobham. She was staging a fashion show and I had parked outside the front door an updated, uprated brand new BMW 7 luxo-limo. A Beamer to notice. I was staggered by the number of hubbies funding their wives’ dress fancies who were impressed by my transport and wanted to know more about it. I had to confess, indeed enthuse, that after a week of varied motoring up and down and all around the alternately dry and wet UK, motorways and country lanes
alike, the flagship newcomer left me with a feeling that here was real value for money. Okay, it does not revel in quite the same style as the more pricey Mercedes, but as a really big, bold and spacious alternative, whether for you or your leggy chauffeur to drive in roomy comfort, it ticks a good few boxes. Its eight-speed automatic transmission smoothly sorts out the best of the V8’s turbo thrust and its considerable muscle in a polished manner without any eyewidening jerkiness. This heavier version, with allwheel drive and long wheel base, weighs in at a whopping 47000lbs and is still, I found, among the best-handling fullest-sized luxury cars, thanks to variable ridesettings. And it has a clever StopGo facility that automatically
brings the car to a halt if your or your chauffeur’s attention has wandered and fails to react to a stopped traffic queue in time. That is only one of the very many sophisicated add-ons to ensure comfort, convenience and safety. Another one I liked, even if it is a little bizarre, was a coffee cup display that popped up on the touch pad if an unsafe level of fatigue was detected in the driver. If you like music on the move there’s a Bang & Olufsen 16-speaker surround sound - and a double display for the passengers in the sprawly back seats, bench or individual, as you prefer. Forget the old misgivings about noisy and reluctant diesels, the gutsy BMW’s offering in the entry level 730d is a polished performer, offering high economy and low emissions. It may not have the kerbside a-h-e-m of the Mercedes S, but overall, this vastly technologically advanced battler on the luxury car front is a winner in its own right. A true Beamer.... Specification: Trim levels : Standard, SE, M Sport. Engines: Petrol 3.0. 4.4. 6.0.Diesel 3.0.Top Speed: 153mph. 0-62 in 6.2 seconds. Consumption 50 mpg. Prices from £58,275 to £104,260.
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 41
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INTERESTED IN ANY OF THOSE ROLES? For more info on these roles & many other volunteering opportunities, please contact Voluntary Action Elmbridge,
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Personal Thoughts on
CHRISTMAS ... By Marion S Kemp
Christmas comes but once a year & when it comes, it starts in August‌
When back from holiday, barely through the door, You spy the catalogue on the floor. So before the tan’s had time to fade You’re already a target of the Christmas trade. The question now is, when to shop. The last minute dash? Or do you opt For an easy meander, with time to find Exactly the gifts you have in mind. There’s a satisfied feeling of a task well done, You actually enjoyed it, it was almost fun! A word of warning, it could get fraught If nearer the time, you forgot what you bought! Every year, as I unfold the tree, Each decoration stirs a memory Of how small fingers, with serious toil, Made egg-box bells with silver foil, Angels and fairies with wobbly wings, Snowmen and streamers and glittery things, Delicate ornaments all tissue-wrapped, And chipped old baubles, which should be scrapped. Tempers frayed, and oh the fights, Trying to fix those blinking lights! Christmas shopping’s no longer fun, With supermarkets like a rugby scrum With tempers frayed and trolley rages And queuing at tills for simply ages. Thank goodness you remembered the master list Which means, in theory, nothing’s missed But the bulging bags just go to show You’ve over-catered again, you know. Stop for a moment to survey the scene, Do you not think it’s almost obscene? For a happy time, do we need to spend As if the world’s about to end? Christmas Eve should be full of cheer,
But you have had it up to here! It’s not just the physical stress and strain, But dealing with all those relations again – With patience and tact – which is quite an art – To bring them together? Or keep them apart? For emotions, thought buried, surface again, A loved one missing, the tears, the pain. It’s hard to cope when feeling alone At the office party, or sitting at home, For expectations are much too high Thanks to the frenzy of ‘buy, buy, buy’! You wonder if Christmas had ever been As you quietly slip back into the old routine, The walls are bare, decorations packed, And a pile of cards waits, neatly stacked, For you to sit down and read them all, Whether neatly typed or hasty scrawl, From friends who over many years Have shared their news, their hopes, their fears, And, because you do not see them much, Value even more that they keep in touch. And as you reflect on this annual event, Was it time and money really well spent? Will the feelings of goodwill really last? Or, like resolutions, disappear – fast! Whatever your views, it’s not hard to explain Why deep down inside you’re moved again By well-loved music and carols off key, And toddlers taking part in the Nativity, Candles that flicker, faces that glow, Hugs and presents from those you know. And the moments of quiet when a little voice Says ‘Be still and listen, and I say rejoice’ Experience again that feeling of joy As you celebrate the birth of a baby boy.
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The common cold is something we all dread most winters. However, despite the increased risk of catching the common cold in the winter, these viruses are actually around all year long. There are about 200 different ‘cold’ viruses and it has  A professional deep cleaning service, been estimated that the average adult suffers between  � � �
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have one cold after another and this is  quite possible,   „ ‚  Â? Â?  ‚ Â… † For fully trained & insured local operative
as we can readily be infected with different viruses. � �  � � � �  �  € ‚ € �
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Keep well this winter
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Jacky Ollington is a practice nurse based in Essex & an independent prescriber. 48 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
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St re s s - F r i e n d o r Fo e ?
o you get stressed at Christmas? If so, then this is GREAT news, and here’s why. Health psychologist, Kelly McGonigal, says when you change your mind about stress, you can change your body’s response to it. “Studies in the US have shown that people who experienced a lot of stress but did not view stress as harmful had the lowest risk of dying of anyone in the study, including people who had relatively little stress.” So let’s take a look at how Kelly McGonigal says we can make stress work for us. View stress positively McGonigal describes how participants in a Harvard University study who were taught that their pounding heart was preparing them for action and that breathing faster meant they were getting more oxygen to their brain were not only less stressed out, less anxious and more confident, they actually experienced a change in their physical stress response. Instead of their blood vessels constricting, they remained relaxed as in moments of joy and courage. Stress makes you social Oxytocin, released during stress, makes you want more physical contact with friends and family, to surround yourself by people who care about you, to seek support. It also enhances empathy and makes you more inclined to help and support people you care about. Oxytocin acts not only on the brain, but also on the body. It protects your cardiovascular system from the effects of stress, is a natural anti-inflammatory, and helps heart cells regenerate and heal from stressinduced damage. And the more you reach out to others under stress, either for support or to offer support, the more oxytocin you release, and the healthier your stress response becomes, enabling you to recover faster from stress.
So, according to McGonigal, human connection leads to stress resilience! This was illustrated by another study on mortality levels for people under major stress, which showed that those people who spent time caring for others showed no stress-related increase in dying. How you think and act can transform your experience of stress. Here are some tips to get you started: • Reframe - start to view your body’s stress symptoms as helpful signals that your body is energised and preparing you to meet this challenge • Reach out to family and friends for support and look out for others who may need your help • Start with small stresses and work your way up to bigger stress-inducing activities • Reflect on meaningful values and life purpose • Practise mindfulness • Look after yourself, with exercise, sleep, nutrition, novelty and focus.
Enjoy your stress this Christmas
Sonia Duggan CPCC ACC
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The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
INDEX OF ADVERTISERS A V Equipment Installations...................... 18 Andy’s Garden Services............................... 43 Bar Pest...................................................... 18 Brighter Care.............................................. 19 Bruce’s Doggie Day Care............................ 23 Claremont Fan Court School..................... 52 CSH Homecare............................................ 6 Danny de Villiers Dentist........................... 14 Double Glazing Repairs ............................ 42 DPB Oven Cleaning ................................. 48 Elmbridge Volunteers................................. 42 Englishman’s Castle ................................... 25 Estates Direct............................................. 47 First Church of Christ................................ 37 Frost Fires .................................................. 11 Grove Garage............................................. 43 Guillaumes Solicitors.................................. 15 Hanging Space............................................. 5 House of Surrey............................................ 2 Love it Photo Booths.................................. 39 MacDonald & Sons Fencing Ltd................ 38 Mailbox Etc................................................ 24 Mandy Cox Therapy............................... 20/1 Meejanna Lebanese Restaurant..................... 9 Not Just Silver....................................... 37/51 Oatlands Park Hotel................................... 16
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All pages within are copyright of The Weybridge Flyer or its respective contributors. No part of this publication may be reproduced, copied or transmitted in any form or by any means or stored in any information storage or retrieval system without the publishers prior written permission. All material published in The Weybridge Flyer (including advertisements, editorials, articles and all other content) is printed in good faith. Whilst all reasonable care is taken, The Weybridge Flyer does not in any circumstances accept responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise of any material published, nor is any kind of warranty expressed or implied by such publication and The Weybridge Flyer specifically disclaims all and any liability to advertisers, readers and users of any kind of loss or damage of any nature whatsoever and howsoever arising, whether due to inaccuracy, error, omission or any other cause. All material is accepted on the basis that its publication does not infringe any copyright and The Weybridge Flyer does not accept any responsibility for loss or damage of any kind resulting from claims of copyright infringement. ©The Weybridge Flyer. All rights reserved.
50 The Weybridge Flyer - Festive Issue 2014
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