LookLocal January 2020
Your award-winning local community magazine
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Welcome 28
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Riverhouse Barn Crossword Puzzle Tax Assist Q&A What’s Cooking? Inspiration Column Elmbridge Volunteers What’s On in January Car Review Sudoku & Digi-Search Music Matters Gardening with Auntie Planty Church Services Puzzle Solutions Weybridge Library Useful Numbers Advertisers’ Index
to January
Happy New Year Weybridge! 2020 - well that has a nice ring to it! I wonder what this year has in store for us all … For all you creative people out there, don’t miss ‘Crafting Live’ at Sandown this month. It sounds amazing and there is a special Buy 1 Get 1 Free on tickets if you quote the code on the advert. See page 4, for the low down. The Weybridge Dementia Action Alliance is working locally to raise awareness of those living with Dementia in our community. See page 8 for details of volunteer opportunities, you could make a difference. River House Barn have a packed programme of events this month, so do make sure you check it out on page 10. We have a lovely new restaurant coming to Weybridge. The Waverley Inn is a stunning new venue and from what I’ve heard, I’m sure the menu will not disappoint! I aim to pay them a visit very soon! There are lots of local events going on throughout the month so do check out the What’s On pages and I must give a little mention to ‘Jazz at Imber Court’ that’s on 17th January. Details can be found on P27. Wishing you a great start to this New Year! Best Regards,
Next Copy Deadline 5th January for our February Issue phone us 01372 200 000 email us ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk visit us online www.looklocalmagazine.co.uk like us on Facebook /looklocalmags follow us on Twitter @LooklocalMags
Claremont Fan Court School An independent co-educational school for pupils aged 2½ to 18 years
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Tuesday 19 November at 2.30pm
The Weybridge Dementia Action Alliance is working locally to raise awareness of those living with dementia in our community. We are encouraging local businesses to join the DAA and support our community in becoming more dementia-friendly. Membership of the DAA is free but we do ask that businesses attend a 60 minute awareness session, provided by the DAA, or watch a video which allows them to become a Dementia Friend.
Administration and Events Support service Volunteerof A 30 minute
favourite hymns readings followed byincluding tea and Provide administrative support andand assistance to the DAA in relation to meetings, preparation of agendas, recording of meeting minutes and associated paperwork required by the DAA. cakes and a chance to socialize. Organise and provide administrative support for DAA events and special projects. Your responsibilities
Update the members contact detail list Maintain a directory of services and events. Visit local businesses and encourage them to join the DAA Help with the Christmas Market and Dementia Action Week and any other events the DAA decides to join or run. Help the DAA become a Charitable Incorporated Organisation
If you are living with Dementia
If you are a carer
Your skills
If you are living alone
Possess good organising and administrative skills Has a high level of interpersonal and communication skills, both written and oral. Be computer literate and able to use MS office programmes with access to the internet and email. We are a small friendly group and need you to help us grow bigger and stronger. We have four meetings a year and, working from home, you can set your own time and hours.
If you have some spare time
Community Marketing Support Volunteer Your responsibilities
This is the event you’ve been looking for and we look forward to seeing you.
Provide marketing support and assistance to the DAA. Organise and provide marketing support for DAA events and special projects. Promote the DAA locally and in the surrounding areas of Weybridge. Design promotion material such as posters and displays. Work with local organisations to raise the profile of the DAA. Work with local advertisers to keep our name in the public domain. Give the DAA a social media profile. Maintain a directory of services and events Promote the Christmas Market and Dementia Action Week and any other events the DAA may decide to join or run.
Experience in marketing and promotion, in any capacity, using a wide range of media and techniques.
Ability to generate ideas and transfer them into events and promotions. stjamesweybridge.org.uk Be computer literate and able to use MS office programmes with access to the internet and email.
We are a small friendly group and need you to help us grow bigger and stronger. We have four meetings a year and, working from home, you can set your own time and hours.
Parking available in Churchfields Car Park
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8 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
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Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 9
or rd, walton on thames KT12 2PF 2 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk
er Screen
Easter Parade Starring Judy Garland and Fred Astaire and featuring the music of Irving Berlin. Please contact the RC Sherriff Trust for tickets.
APRIL 2019 PROGRAMME manorrd, rd,walton waltonon onthames thamesKT12 KT122PF 2PF manor
manor rd, walton on thames KT12 2PF
d3 1pm Lunchtime Concert: Oliver Nelson (violin) www.riverhousebarn.co.uk violinist Oliver Nelson won the Academy Concerto sical Music 01932 lunch at253354 12pm Local
£8.50253354 lunch 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk rd, waltonKT12 on thames KT12 2PF www.riverhousebarn.co.uk manor rd,manor walton on thames 2PF 01932 Competition at the Royal Academy of Music and graduated Treble Clef with distinction. He is in high demand as a recitalist. 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk 01932 253354 www.riverhousebarn.co.uk Sat 4 7.30pm Royston Pike lecture 2pm– Hilary Bradt Theatre of Widdershins: ‘Rumplestiltskin & the Snail of Destiny’ £10 £3 on the Hilary Bradt MBE is the founderUsing of Bradt Guidespuppets, which door2 its Travel trademark music, sets, ! £8 child Parade Tues 1.30pm Easter Parade Tues 2 storytelling and transforming 1.30pm Easter and Family Theatre 4pm published the first ever guide to N. Korea. In 2016 she enjoyed
d3 ds
Widdershins aims to create gold on stage with this new version of the
Tues 2
6 ily Theatre
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d 10 – Sat 13 atre
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6 medy
StarringJudy JudyGarlan Garla Starring £2
Grimms' classic tale. Suitable for ages 4+ 1.30pm Easter Parade
an 18 day ‘pioneering’ trip travelling to all parts of the country,
discovering beautiful mountain scenery and fine beaches as Sat 4 2pm Theatre ofFred Widdershins: &Pleas the Irving Berlin. Plea ofofIrving well as numbingly dull factories. But in North Korea even the Silver Screen Silver Screen Starring Judy Garland and Astaire and‘Rumplestiltskin featuring theBerlin. music The Silver Screen Over 60s Film Club presents ‘Finding Your Feet’ Free entry Tue 7 1.30pm boredom is interesting and the people, friendly and charming. Using its trademark puppets, music, storytelling and Starring Imelda Staunton, Celia Imrie and Timothy Spall. of Irving Berlin. Please contact the RC Sherriff Trust for tickets. and Family Theatre 4pm Silver Screen Film Danny Buckler – One Man Show 8pm £12 Comedian, storyteller, sleight of hand artist, Danny is a truly
Lunchtime Concer Widdershins aims to create goldLunchtime on stage Concert: with this Wed3 3 1pm Wed 1pm
Wed 8. 1pm Lunchtime Concert: Angela Hick (soprano) and Tarek Al-Shubback concert Local violinistOliver Olive unique comedic performer who will be bringing these skills and Grimms' classic tale. Suitable ages 4+ Local violinist Classical Music lunch at12pm 12pmfor£12 Classical Music lunch at Lunchtime Concert: Oliver Nelson (violin) Wed 3 1pm £1 more-inlunch his incredible £8.50 lunch Classical music at 12show. del Castillo (piano) Competition the Competition atatthe
Local Oliver Nelson won the Academy Concerto A welcome return to violinist Angela whose wonderful voice thrilled Classical lunch at 12pm £8 Treble Clef Hand to Mouth Theatre presents The Mystery of Memory Lane 11am Music £10 with distinction. Hei with distinction. He The SilverAcademy Screen Over 60sand Film Club presents a lunchtime audience in 2015. at Songs by Royal Schumann, Schubert and 7to remember 1.30pm Competition the of Debussy. Music graduated A chance forgotten fun and make new memories 2pm Tue £8 children Tr with this warm and nostalgic show based around a Bric-a-Brac Starring Imelda Staunton, Imrie and Timothy S distinction. He is in high demand as a Celia recitalist. Film Mock Tudorwith Comedy Club £12.50 market stall. Fri 10 RoystonPike Pikelecture lectu Wed 3 7.30pm Royston Wed 3 7.30pm Walton’s oldest and best Comedy Club is back with another season of top 8pm An Evening with Tony Walsh, Poet. £12 HilaryBradt BradtMBE MBEis is Hilary th class laughs Royston from the cream oflecture the UK’s comic talent! Phil Nichol and Tony Words Words Pike – Hilary Bradt Wed 38pm Tony Walsh, aka, Longfella7.30pm £3 is an ordinary bloke with an Comedy Wed 8.talent and a remarkable Lunchtime Hick (soprano) a Law arestory. joined by James and Jack Hester.Concert: Angela published published thefirst firstev e extraordinary A1pm regular on TVAlderson Hilary Bradt MBE is the founder of Bradt Travel Guides whichthe Words d and radio since 2011, his work came to worldwide attention an18 18 day‘pioneerin ‘pionee del Castillo an day Classical music lunch atthe12 Sat 11 Steps to Sustainability entry published first ever guide (piano) to N. Korea. In 2016Free she enjoyed when broadcast globally fromSmall the-vigil for victims of arenathe Fair
bomb outrage in his beloved We Manchester. discovering beaut know how much you, our community, cares for return the environment and discovering beautifu A welcome to to Angela whose voic 10.30am-4.30pm an 18 day ‘pioneering’ trip travelling all parts of thewonderful country, how difficult it can be to make changes to our lifestyle and habits. This RunnymedeEvent Drama Group presents Volpone wellasas numbingly Climate Emergency 7.30pm £14a lunchtime well numbingly d audience 2015. by Schumann discovering beautiful mountain sceneryinand fineSongs beaches as
Sustainability Fairby aims A new adaptation by Tony Frier from the original Ben to inspire us all to do what we can and take small steps masterpiece to a sustainable future. Johnson. A witty, ingenious, satirical with colourful characters and themes that are relevant today.
boredom interes boredom is isinterestin well as numbingly dull factories. But in North Korea even the
Mock and Tudor Comedy Club and Fri 10 boredom is interesting the people, friendly charming. Climate Emergency Family Film ‘Ferngully: The Last Rainforest’ £2, £4, £6 Sun 12 Danny Buckler O 5this 8pm Spoon Danny Buckler – –On 1.30pm Lyngo Theatre presents Egg and £10 FriFri5of 8pm Join us for this special showing beautiful family film,and introduced by the Walton’s oldest best Comedy Club is back wit donations 2pm 3.30pm 8pm Our first special theatre show for the early years, Egg and Spoon £8 Children Comedian, storyte Rain Forest Alliance. Comedian, storytelle Comedy/Magic Comedy/Magic Danny Buckler –class Onelaughs Man Show is an interactive romp through8pm the seasons and is a perfect, Fri 5 Emergency £1 Climate Event from the cream of the UK’s comic tale gentle introduction to the magic of theatre. Comedy unique comedicpe p unique comedic Comedian, storyteller, sleight of hand artist, Danny is a truly Comedy/Magic
Law are joined by James Alderson and Jack Heste Fri 17 8pm Mock Tudor Comedy Club Maiastra Free morein inhis his incredib £12.50 more incredibl unique comedic performer who will be bringing With these skills and Our regular Friday night comedy is back featuring thequintets composed only twenty-two years apart but Twoclub 20th century piano retiring 7.30pm cream of Britain’s comedy circuit. portraying quite different worlds. Shostakovich’s Piano Quintet in G minor more in his incredible show. collection Classical Music Sat 11 Small Steps to Sustainability Fair HandtotoMouth MouthThea The Sat6 6 11am Hand Sat 11am 8pm
Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur
Op 57 and Elgar’s Piano Quintet in A minor Op. 84. £15
We know how much you, our cares fo chance toremem reme AAchance to 2019 sees Mercury nominated11am Dinosaur backHand in actionto withMouth Family Theatre 2pm 10.30am-4.30pm Family Theatre 2pm £6 Students Theatre presents The Mystery ofcommunity, Memory Lane Sat 19 6 £1 Po’ Boys £9 Sun some immensely colourful new music. Expect folk-infused withthis thiswarm warm and how difficult it canfun becity's to most make to ourand lifesn with Apo-Boy chance to Food remember forgotten and makechanges new memories New Orleans' is A Rich Tradition. the name for that grooves and glistening melodies. Climate Emergency Event Family Theatre 2pm £8 12.15pm
28 and Beer
Jazz 12.15pm and BeerGeorge Huxley’s Jazz Band Sun Sat 19 6 7pm Poetry More Music
market stall.what famous sandwich. musicians, who make up The Boys, each Sustainability FairPo'aims to inspire us tostall. do with The thisfour warm and nostalgic show based aroundmarket a all Bric-a-Brac £8.50 have experience of playing in bands in the New Orleans style. A welcome market stall.
A renowned exponent of the soprano saxophone, George return to Riverhouse. Huxley leads this excellent band on their always popular annual visit to the Barn.
steps to a sustainable future.
Sat6 6 Sat
AnEvening Eveningwith withTon To 8pm An 8pm
Tony Walsh,aka, aka,Lon L Damian Wilson and Adam Wakeman Tour 2020 £16 Tony Walsh, Poetry Poetry with Tony UK Walsh, Poet. Climate Emergency Family Film ‘Ferngully: Th 8pm An Evening £1 Sun 12 Featuring Damian on vocals and acoustic guitar and Adam on £14 Conc. extraordinary talen extraordinary talent Tony Walsh,guitar. aka, Longfella is an ordinary bloke with anbeautiful Join us for this special showing of this fam piano, vocals and acoustic They’ll play songs from their individual 2pm andradio radio since201 20 and since back catalogues along with tracks from their joint albums, intertwined with A regular extraordinary talent and a remarkable on TV Rain Forest Alliance. story. stories and memories from their extensive touring careers in a show not to be when broadcastglo g Climate Emergency Event broadcast and radio since 2011, his work came to worldwidewhen attention missed.
bomb outrageininhis h when broadcast globally from the vigil for victimsbomb of theoutrage arena
Sleeping Trees Theatre Company presents Silly Funny Boys £15 Fri 17 Maiastra bomb outrage in his beloved Manchester. In this brand new show, the boys adopt personas up7.30pm 80’s trio Runnymede Drama £12 Conc. Wed 10–the –20th Sat 13 of washed Runnymede Drama Wed 10 Sat 13 7.30pm Two century piano The Silly Funny Boys who try to resurrect their careers whilst hosting thequintets composed only tw 7.30pm A new adaptation A new adaptation b Theatre Theatre Runnymede Drama Group presents Volpone charity gala event of the year. Age 14+ Wed 10 – Sat 13 7.30pm £1 portraying quite different worlds. Shostakovich’s Pia Classical Music Johnson. witty,ing in A new adaptation by Tony Frier from the originalJohnson. by Ben AAwitty,
Fri 24 8pm Theatre
Theatre Sat 25 7.30pm Special EventSun
57 and Elgar’s Quintet£25 in A minor Op. 84. Community Café at RiverhouseOp presents A Burn’s NightPiano Celebration charactersand andthem the characters Johnson. A witty, ingenious, satirical Join us for a traditional Scottish knees-up with Scottish Dancing,masterpiece poems of
with colourful
Robbie Burns, whisky galore, and and ofthemes course haggis as well as characters are relevant today. Po’ Boysthat(vegetarian 19 LyngoTheatre Theatreprese pres Sat2020 1.30pm Lyngo meat) neeps and tatties. Sat 1.30pm New Orleans' po-Boy is A Rich Food Tradition. the n Our first special the Our first special thea 12.15pm Family Theatre 3.30pm Family Theatre 3.30pm Lyngo Theatre presents Egg and Spoon Sat 26 20 1.30pm £1 Harbottle and Jonas £12.50 Sun famous sandwich. The four musicians, who make u is an interactive ro is an interactive rom Currently touring with their fourth album, the duo has evolved a compelling (U16)Spoon £8 Our first special theatre show for the early years,£10.50 Egg and 12.15pm Jazz and Beer Family Theatre 3.30pm live signature sound, blending theirhave distinctive voices with concertina, experience of playing in bands in the New O
gentle introduction introduction seasons and isgentle a perfect, return gentle introduction to to theRiverhouse. magic of theatre. MockTudor TudorComed Come 8pm £14 Mock FriFri2626 8pm Fri 31 Moscow Drug Club Combining their original material with songs by the likes of Jaques Brel, Our regular Friday £12 (early Our regular Friday n 8pm Comedy Comedy Mock Tudor Comedy Club Fri 26 8pm £1 Sun 19 Damian WilsonDrug and UK Tour Leornard Cohen, Tom Waits and Bertolt Brecht, Moscow ClubAdam provide Wakeman bird & Conc) More Music cream ofBritain’s Britain’sco c cream of Our regular Friday night comedy is back and featuring the an intoxicating and intimate musical experience. Featuring Damianclub on vocals acoustic guitar a Comedy 7pm cream of Britain’s comedy circuit. piano, vocals and acoustic guitar. They’ll play song Laura Jurd’s Dinosa Sat2727 8pm Laura Jurd’s Dinosau More Music Sat 8pm back catalogues along with tracks from their jointna 2019 sees Mercury 2019 sees Mercury Jazz Jazz Laura Jurd’s Dinosaur Sat 27 8pm £1 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk stories and memories from their some extensive touringco c someimmensely immensely c 2019 sees Mercury nominated Dinosaur back in action with Jazz £6 missed. grooves and gliste grooves and glisten some immensely colourful new music. Expect folk-infused Folk
an interactive romp through the harmonium, is banjo, stomp box, acoustic guitar and cittern
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Live monitored feed video roof inspections Complete roof replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys + lead Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, via work. customer Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders service providers. Average Recommended, vetted monitored local traders and serviceproviders. providers. Complete roofvetted replacement, re-pointing ofand chimneys +job. lead work. Recommended, &&monitored local traders service feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing onexcellent www.checkatrade.com Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer score Workman worked very hard and did an Average Recommended byprevious previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitoredvia viacustomer customer Recommended by customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report ofhard SAS Roofing www.checkatrade.com score Workman worked very and didonan excellent job. feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Call us today for a FREE quotation on: feedback. Obtain an up-to-date report of SAS Roofing on www.checkatrade.com Recommended, vetted & monitored local traders and providers. To service advertise please call us at 01372 200 Call us& monitored today for a579727 FREE quotation on: vetted local traders and service Recommended by previous customers, vetted by Checkatrade, monitored via customer (Winchester) (Alton) 01962Recommended, 462727 | 01420 |providers. 01730 290727 (Petersfield) Call ustoday today forbyaRoofing aCheckatrade, FREE quotation on: us FREE quotation on: Recommended by previous customers, vetted monitored via customer (Petersfield) feedback. Obtain an Call up-to-date report of for SAS on www.checkatrade.com (Winchester) (Alton)
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Solutions Page 31
Clue: 8 Across
Copyright © 2018 Simply Daily Puzzles
Clue: 18 Across
1 Loss of memory (7) 5 Desist (5) 8 Tall building (5) 9 Idle or wild fancy (7) 10 Ailment (7) 11 Intrepid (5) 12 Small and dainty (6) 14 High regard (6) 18 Young ladies (5) 20 Lauded (7) 22 Protective garment (7) 23 Mourning song (5) 24 Liquid measure (5) 25 Stories in instalments (7)
1 Behaved badly (5,2) 2 Small amphibians (5) 3 Taverns (anag.) (7) 4 Bowman (6) 5 Ascend (5) 6 Run-of-the-mill (7) 7 Dodge (5) 13 Turbulent swift-flowing stream (7) 15 Defamation (7) 16 Insanity (7) 17 Russets, pippins, etc. (6) 18 Menacing animal sound (5) 19 ‘The final frontier’ (5) 21 Arab country (5)
12 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
Clue: 2 Down
Clue: 4 Down
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WORK HARDER. Elaine & Keith Jones run the Weybridge office of TaxAssist Accountants. Each issue, Elaine provides advice on recent change in tax law, or addresses a topical financial issue.
Christmas Party Costs My staff will be attending a Christmas party that I have organised for them. Will the cost be an allowable deduction for my business?
Yes, this will be an allowable cost for your business as it is to reward and motivate your staff. However, there are some rules regarding staff entertaining that you should be aware of, otherwise it could lead to tax consequences for your staff members. If you spend more than £150 per head, then the full amount will be taxable on the staff member; not just the amount in excess of the £150 limit. This tax charge is known as a benefit in kind. If you spend less than £150, no benefit in kind arises. However, HMRC state that this £150 limit is to cover “annual events”, so if you provide more than one annual event, say a summer social too, then you need to make sure the cost of both events combined, total less than £150 per head. They also state that the events must be open to all staff to attend to qualify. Please note, there are different rules if other people attend your party, such as customers and suppliers. So as long as you stick to the costs being less than £150, then Happy Holidays to you all!
Bad Weather Conditions
Q. A.
If an employee cannot get to work because of bad weather, do I still have to pay them?
Generally, there is no legal obligation to pay your staff if they are late in or do not arrive to work due to adverse weather conditions. They will have to take unpaid or annual leave. Having said that, you should check what is written in your employees’ contracts of employment, as you may have made some concessions. If your employee is unable to get to work because they need to look after their children as their school is closed, this may qualify as Time Off for Dependents. An employee is entitled to as much of this unpaid time off as a tribunal would see fit. Ultimately, you should ensure your policies are clear and applied as fairly as possible.
Tax Credit estimates
I submitted my Tax Credit forms with my estimated income for the year - I have now completed my tax return but do I need to tell Tax Credit Office?
Q. A.
Yes, it will be necessary to call Tax Credit Office or use HMRC’s online service to inform them of your actual figures - and this needs to be done by 31st January. Although your tax credits would continue if the January deadline is not met, the amount you receive from 6th April may not be accurate. This could mean that you have been overpaid and result in you having to pay back at a later date, with the possibility of also receiving a penalty.
Elaine Jones ACMA AFTA 01932 850 600 / weybridge@taxassist.co.uk
Disclaimer - advice shared in this column is intended to inform rather than advise. Taxpayer’s circumstances do vary & if you feel the information provided is beneficial it is important that you contact us before implmentation. If you take, or do not take action as a result of reading this column, before receiving our written endorsement, we will accept no responsibilty for any fiancial loss incurred.
Rarebreed Dining, the much-loved British, steakfocused restaurant group of the home counties has announced plans to open their 4th site in Weybridge, Surrey. The Waverley Inn: Exterior
by modern environments, British themes and surrounding landscapes. The Kitchen will be headed up by chef Pawel Switulski who comes with four years of experience in the business, having run kitchens at sister restaurants The Plough Inn and The Corn Stores. Unlike its counterpart venues, The Waverley Inn will set a new formula, focusing predominantly on a seafood-based menu, displayed in the fresh fish counter and cooked over an open flame, alongside larger sharing steaks cut from their inhouse butchery. Rarebreed Dining Managing Director Jordan The Waverley Inn: Bar and Lounge The opening follows the hugely successful Hallows says “This stunning venue reinforces The Waverleyto Inn: Exterior launch of The Corn Stores and membership our core company values bring our bold scheme in December 2018 and sits alongside and energetic concept to life. This passion is in its sister restaurant ‘The Plough Inn’, located in everything we do; whether it’s dry ageing our nearby Cobham. own steaks, home smoking our salmon or barrel The new 80 cover restaurant and 50-seater ageing spirits and crafting new cocktails. We are terrace, will be situated on Waverley Road, a short extremely excited to bring our vision to life in walk from the Weybridge train station and townThe Waverley Inn:Weybridge with the overwhelming support of Dining Room centre, operating all day, every day, serving lunch the community”. The Waverley Inn: Bar and Lounge and dinner until late. The recently restored building, formally known as ‘The British Volunteer’ will feature an open plan dining room, gin bar and garden room offering chefs table dining options. The design concept has been led by ‘Harrison’, a specialist architecture and interior design consultancy based in London, who’ve worked with some of the biggest name brands in Hospitality. The restaurant design is inspired www.rarebreeddining.com
BE SOCIAL, FOLLOW US facebook.com/theploughinncobham | @theploughinncobham facebook.com/theshurlockinn | @theshurlockinn Facebook.com/thecornstoresreading | @thecornstoresreading Facebook.com/thewaverleyinnweybridge | @thewaverleyinnweybridge
baked meatballs with tomato & mascarpone ingredients method ½ tbsp olive oil 300g pack reduced fat British beef meatballs 200g pack swiss chard 3 garlic cloves, crushed 680g bottle Cirio Passata Rustica 2 oregano sprigs 2 tbsp mascarpone (Serves 4)
1. Preheat the oven to 180ËšC, gas mark 4. Heat the oil in a large ovenproof casserole dish, sautĂŠ pan or frying pan over a high heat. Add the meatballs, season and fry for 5 minutes until browned all over. Meanwhile, strip the chard leaves from the stalks. 2. Finely slice the chard stalks and add to the pan with the garlic; fry for a minute. Pour in the passata, add the oregano sprigs, then season (you may want to add a pinch of sugar too). Transfer the uncovered pan to the oven for 15 minutes. 3. Remove the pan from the oven and stir in the mascarpone. Tear the chard leaves into large strips and stir into the sauce. Return the pan to the oven for 5 minutes, then serve with couscous or pasta, if liked.
cooking tip For a one-pot meal, stir a pouch of ready-cooked freekeh or can of drained butter beans into the sauce along with the chard leaves, before baking for the final 5 minutes.
Prep: 10mins. Cooking: 30mins Recipe & Photo reproduced by kind permission of Waitrose. Over 5,000 recipes can be found at www.waitrose.com/recipes
Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 17
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Your New You Revolution Old Idea: I’ve been wanting to do X for ages. I haven’t got round to doing it all year. I know - I’ll wait a bit longer and start on 1st January … New Idea: I’m so excited! I really want to do Y. I want to do it so much that I’m not going to allow myself to start until 1st January ... Lapsed Idea: I keep on thinking I should do Z. And I keep on forgetting to do it. Okay, if I’m honest, I start, and then things get in the way and I sort of lose interest and stop. And then I feel guilty that I’ve let myself down. Because I told everyone, myself included, that this time I really was going to do it. And I will. I’ll start on 1st January … Do you really want any of those versions of you running your life? Surely the whole point about New Year Resolutions is that we don’t want to be the same person next year as the one who didn’t get things done this year. All my clients who have made spectacular changes in their lives have first had to change something about how they saw themselves. And then the decisions to do or not do things have been pretty easy, because that new version of themselves behaves in different ways, and does different things. This isn’t about pretending to be something you’re not, but about becoming the best possible version of yourself. If who you are now isn’t doing the things you want to do, you have to become the kind of person who does, and for that to happen, you have to want to live life at a higher level. That’s where the New You Revolution comes in. It’s a
20 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
radical thing to say, “That’s it. I’m not going to live like this any more. I’ll do whatever it takes to change.” And yes, that can happen on 1st January. But it can also happen today. As a lifelong owl, my personal resolution is to become a morning person. What’s yours? What would you most like to change about your life? What’s been stopping you? What kind of person would you have to be to not be stopped by that? And what do you need in order to become that better version of yourself? A massive heart-stopping challenge? A tiny-step-by-tiny-step plan? A friend cheering you on? A big juicy reward at the end of it all?
Happy New You!
Sonia Duggan + CPCC ACC +
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A professional deep cleaning service, Â Â? Â? Â?
removing all traces of grease and burnt-on � Do you love reading?   € carbon, using non-caustic and non-toxic ‚ ‚ ƒ visit Your local Library Direct Home Service volunteers products in your home.
people who are no longer able to visit the  library. As well   „ ‚  � � ‚ … † local operative fully-trained & insured as bringing the Library to people’s homes, a visit from a For January / February 2020
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A local healthy walks group are looking for volunteer dave@pristineovencleaning.com walk leaders for a few hours once a week. As well as ensuring walks are friendly, safe and well  „ ‚ run, walk ‚ … † Member of The Association of for walking, showing leaders are also
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Call us to do the job you dread!
€ ‚Do €you ƒhave‚a€Category „ D1 Driving �…‚�† „†…†‡† Licence? A new community transport service are looking for a volunteer mini-bus driver, supporting a wide range of people in the Elmbridge, Runnymede and Spelthorne areas, to access activities which include getting to the shops or going on day trips.
Meals on Wheels - Drivers Needed
Drivers with their own cars are needed in Cobham and Claygate areas to collect meals from a central area and deliver to clients’ homes. As well as delivering meals, the volunteer would report back any concerns they have for the client.
Hospice Ward Volunteers
A local Hospice requires Ward hospitality volunteers to assist and support staff and patients at mealtimes by preparing trays, serving meals, supporting patients with their meals and clearing away. Shifts available on Tuesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays and Sundays, 12 – 2pm.
To book an appointment: Call us on: 01372 463 587 Email: contact@csva.co.uk www.centralsurreyvoluntaryaction.co.uk
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e: shannon.butcher@rocketmail.com Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 21
Weds 1st JANUARY
New Year’s Day Classic Gathering at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 9am - 4pm. With over 1,000 vehicles expected, live music and a winter barbeque and other additional food outlets, there will be something for everybody amongst the vast and diverse displays of classics all descending on Brooklands to kick start 2020 in style. For more information visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Friday 3rd
Hersham Village Market, open every Friday from 10.30am - 12noon in All Saints Church Hall. If you’re looking to buy local food that’s delicious & fresh, high quality hand crafted gifts, or home grown plants, then you really should visit us! www.hershamvillagemarket.org.uk
Friday 3rd (weekly)
Sunday 5th (1st Sun monthly)
Weds 8th (1st Weds monthly)
Join us for Mahjong at Weybridge Library, Church Street every Friday between 2.00pm 4.00pm. It’s free and fun - it doesn’t matter whether you are an expert or a novice & would like to learn something new. Come alone or with friends. Hot Dog Sunday at St James’ Church Weybridge, Church Street, Weybridge, KT13 8DE, at 4.00pm. A short service with songs, a story and discussion, followed by hot-dogs in the church hall. Alternative food available. www.stjamesweybridge.org.uk Elmbridge U3a, Monthly Meeting at Claygate Village Hall, Church Road KT10 0JP from 2.00pm. Membership Secretary 0208 979 2737 or members@elmbridgeu3a.org
Thursday 9th JANUARY
Motorcycle legends Talk: Carl Fogarty at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 7.30pm - 9.30pm. Not only is Carl Fogarty a demon on the track but he is also a King of the Jungle! However his racing career on the track is also extraordinary. He is one of the most successful Superbike racers of all time chalking up 59 victories & 4 World Superbike Championships. For more information visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Friday 10th JANUARY
Chatterbooks reading group for children, at Weybridge Library, Church Street from 3.45pm - 4.45pm. For children in Year 4 or Year 5 who love to read. Chatterbooks is the UK’s largest network of children’s reading groups. Started in 2001, almost 9,000 children belong to a Chatterbooks group. www.surreycc.gov.uk/libraries/your-library/find-yournearest/weybridge
If there’s an event in February that you’d like mentioned, please contact Ros (details on p.3) before Friday 10th January 2020.
22 To advertise please email ros@looklocalmagazine.co.uk
Friday 10th JANUARY
Winter Walk and Talk - Familiar Favourite at RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley Lane, Surrey GU23 6QB from 1pm - 3pm. Not everything in the garden is sleeping in winter. Join Wisley’s enthusiastic Curatorial Team on a walk & talk around the garden. Please come prepared with suitable footwear and clothing. www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley/whats-on
Saturday 18th JANUARY
Philomela presents An evening of Song at All Saints Church, 14-16 Market Place, KT11 1JP from 7.30pm. Music for Mind, Conductor Wendy Norman. Philomela performs works by Pergolesi, Holst, Elgar, Gershwin & more. Free entry with retiring collection in aid of Mind.
Sunday 19th JANUARY
Vintage Sports Car Club Driving Tests at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 10am - 4pm. Once again, we welcome the Vintage Sports-Car Club and their annual Driving Tests. Some 60 pre-war cars will tackle a dozen different tests around complicated courses laid out around the historic Brooklands site including Test Hill and the Banking, with drivers competing against the clock while trying to avoid any penaltyattracting mistakes. To book ring 01932 857381 or visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Tuesday 21st (monthly)
Tuesday Tree Walk - New Year, Winter Walk at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 11am - 12.30pm. Join our expert tree guide Hilary for a guided walk around Claremont. www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on
Friday 24th JANUARY
Irving Undead written and performed by West End actor James Swanton at Vera Fletcher Hall, 4, Embercourt Road, Thames Ditton KT7 0LQ from 7.30pm. In life, he was the greatest actor of the Victorian age. He is remembered only for inspiring Bram Stoker to write Dracula. £15. Box Office: www.verafletcherhall.co.uk 08456 528 529.
Saturday 25th JANUARY
Gaghouse Comedy Club at Brooklands Museum, Brooklands Rd, Weybridge KT13 0SL from 7pm - 11pm. Four top comics, including a revue show, will perform during the evening after you have enjoyed a curry and drink. Line-up, Raymond and Mr Timpkins Revue, James Alderson, Phil Jerrod & Naomi Cooper. Please note this event is for strictly over 18s only. To book ring 01932 857381 or visit www.brooklandsmuseum.com.
Saturday 25th JANUARY
Close Up Photography with Adrian Davies at RHS Garden Wisley, Wisley Lane, Surrey GU23 6QB from 10.30am - 4pm. This course entirely concentrates on close-up and macro photography and is designed for more experienced photographers using DSLR, mirrorless or compact cameras. For more info visit www.rhs.org.uk/gardens/wisley/whats-on
SAVE THE DATE in February 8th - 23rd FEBRUARY
Half term trail: Colour Quest at Claremont Gardens, Portsmouth Rd, Esher KT10 9JG from 10.30am - 4.00pm. Head outside with an I-Spy trail to discover all the flora and fauna that make Claremont colourful. Email: winkwortharboretum@nationaltrust.org.uk or visit: www.nationaltrust.org.uk/claremont-landscape-garden/whats-on
Friday 28th FEBRUARY
Illustrated lecture on Cezanne – Father of Modern Art, given by fine art historian, Eveline Eaton, at the Church of Christ the Prince of Peace hall, Portmore Way, Weybridge KT13 8JD. Glass of wine and canapes from 7.15pm with talk at 8pm. Tickets £15, in aid of Sam Beare Hospice community team, from 01932 857844/821109
All entries appear on a first come, first served basis. Details of the above event are correct at time of print.
To advertise please call us at 01372 200 000 23
As urban living closes in and its restrictions on movement tighten up, the urgent need for ease of movement is more intense and frustrating than ever. And that calls for a rescue, a competent means to master the growing restrictions that are making our day-to-day lives such a hardship. The answer, I promise, comes in the petite shape and practicality of a city car that can satisfy all the needs and defy the demands and pressures of our crowdedout conditions. And it is a case of Up and at ‘Em. Volkswagen’s painstakingly developed city car, as worthy a transport benefit as you can get, cheap and cheerful. Namely the Up.... It is to my mind the finest all-rounder and value-formoney motor you could enjoy in the well-populated city car class, a fine tribute to the superb German company’s efforts to give us ease of travel where it is most needed. The irritating nose-to-tail crawls in endless jams are eased by the Up’s simplicity of a drive with its light steering and dead easy straightforward controls. It is such a comfy and cosy and versatile carrier of the tallest of leggy drivers any journey, around town or on a longer motorway trek, can be no bother. The cabin itself is airy and generously proportioned
24 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
offering an atmosphere in which you may relax whatever the snail pace surroundings. It is so cleverly and thoughtfully designed the back-seat passengers,too, may sit back and take in the views without feeling cramped. It is kind to the purse and wallet,too.Running costs are attractively modest...with fuel thirst running at around 60 mpg. The car was facelifted from 2016 with new colours on the outside and with its innards offering even more technical advances and functional infotainment. Top of the list of improvements comes in the form of a brand new turbo petrol engine which boosts it pep and leaves rivals like the Skoda Citigo and Seat in its wake. It offers a temptingly tasty choice of four petrol options... either a 60bhp or 75bhp non turbo power unit or a 90bhp or 1115bhp turbo version. Which ever one appeals they share the same buzzing and throaty response to the demands of your right foot. Overall this small and affordable little beauty, a real all-rounder that defies any attacks on its prospects, is Up,Up and Away among the vast array of city car challengers. And just the job for a first time owner hunting down a bargain. Specficiation: Price range £9,825 - £25,640. My choice: 1.0T 115 BHP GTI three door costing £14,315. Mpg 58.9. Speed - 0-62 in 8.8 secs.
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Digi search
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyDad, Volume 1, Book 18
Sudoku #1
©2005-2019 KrazyDad.com
8 2 4
© 2013 KrazyDad.com
Each row, column & 3x3 box must contain the numbers 1 to 9 just once. This can be done by If you use logic you can solve-the puzzle withouthave guesswork. applying logic you don’t to guess! Fill in the blank squares so that each row, each column and each 3-by-3 block contain all of the digits 1 thru 9.
Need a little help? The hints page shows a logical order to solve the puzzle. Use it to identify the next square you should solve. Or use the answers page if you really get stuck.
1 6 2 1 8 9 3 0 4 7 9 1 2 6
The product of an arithmetical computation is the answer to an equation; it is not the solution to a problem. -- G. O. Ashley
5 4 9 8 3 6 4 9 1 9 3 2 7 6 4 5 9 6 7 2 9 1 8 5 2 6 3 9 5 7 9 8
8 5 7 0 5 5 8 9 3 6 7 7 2 4
4 7 4 2 4 8 4 8 5 8 8 2 6 7
9 4 5 9 9 3 7 6 3 7 5 6 3 2
5 8 3 7 5 7 3 4 7 5 7 3 4 6
7 3 7 4 5 2 3 8 4 8 7 5 4 1
7 3 3 0 8 6 9 5 4 6 8 5 8 0
8 9 0 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 6 3 2 4
3 4 2 7 7 9 7 2 2 7 0 4 6 7
0 7 7 6 2 4 2 4 2 4 4 2 4 3
2 5 3 4 0 7 6 5 4 6 3 6 8 6
8 8 3 9 3 1 2 2 3 3 3 3 7 4
1 4 5 3 6 2 7 2 8 7 9 1 0 9
Find the hidden numbers - horizontal or vertical 24242, 25340, 25566, 47584, 47912, 49577, 54685, 57483, 65463, 72635, 73027, 75734, 84733, 85705, 97402, 97857,
Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 25
POEM CORNER ALL THOSE HEALTHY ADVERTS Do you, like me, think it must be our age That makes us groan as turning page after page We find magazines full of “kindly” advice As how we can “improve” our way of life! I think I’m really not alone In being fed up and having a moan About all the ads I read and see Aimed at the person I thought was me! It’s good to be interested in fashion and health, But not to the exclusion of everything else. With flowing hair and parted lips, These willowy women keep handing out tips On what to eat? On what to wear? Change the make-up? Change the hair? Why not follow this fitness regime? And don’t forget the vitamin cream! You are what you eat and your clothes define The image you present, in person, – or on line But losing sight of your original self Could cause stress and be bad for your health. TV and articles state all you need to know About your body, from head to toe, But how do you check on this and that, As to what is false and what is fact? And when you find a true picture, as that’s what you’re after, Along comes a survey - and changes the data!! Glance in the mirror, pause and reflect, Has all the effort had the desired effect?? If not, one piece of advice may hold the key, “Why not go for a walk?” – and do it for free!
MARION KEMP November 2019 “In Praise of Hugs and Other Poems” by Marion Kemp. Available from Wishing Well, 7 High Street, Bookham
Music Matters They may not all be paved with gold, but see if you can score a gold star in our city quiz.
QUESTIONS: 1. Which city’s streets did Ralph McTell sing about? 2. Which city did Tony Bennett leave his heart in? 3. New York City is in the state of New York. Who snag about New York, New York? 4. Who sang about China Grove? 5. George Ezra had success with a song about which Hungarian city? 6. Where was the little mouse with clogs on, according to Ronnie Hilton? 7. Which, now ruined city, did David Gray sing about? 8. Who was Going Down to Liverpool? 9. Which city (capital of the Roman Empire) was sung about by Al Stewart? 10. Which city did Monserrat Caballe and Freddie Mercury sing about? Take it Easy with David Smith on Surrey Hills Community Radio every Wednesday 5pm - 7pm. PUZZLE SOLUTIONS PAGE 31
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t r u o er C 8 0BT
Painting Our World In Silver
Silver get-togethers are monthly groups bringing retired people together to take part in engaging Painting Our World In Silver crafts and activities at a cost of £2 per person. Silver get-togethers are monthly groups bringing retired people together to take part in engaging crafts and activities at a cost of £2 per person.
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Wool weaving
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LookLocal team!! Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 27
Treasure Trails are enlisting the help of the bravest explorers to uncover a literary treasure lost somewhere in Weybridge. Rumour has it, author Robert Louis Stevenson took a trip to Weybridge whilst editing his classic Treasure Island and a first edition of the book was left behind on his departure! Treasure hunters will encounter waterways and woodland on their expedition in search of the classic tale. Look high and low for sneaky clues whilst traveling through the historic town. Lasting around two hours, the aim is to solve sneaky clues on a circular route of approximately two miles incorporating plaques, signs, statues, monuments, images, engravings or any other unique or quirky features found in the area. The Trails cost £9.99 for the downloadable and print at home version or £11.98 (including p&p) for the posted version, are suitable for groups of up to five and, compared to the average family day out or trip to a theme park represent amazing value for money. There are 17 Trails to choose from in Surrey in enticing locations like ‘Kingston Upon Thames’, ‘Godalming’ and ‘Farnham Castle & Town’. What: Hunt for Treasure Island in Weybridge Why Try a Treasure Trail: A fantastic way for families and groups to explore towns, cities and villages across the UK with a self-guided themed walk. Price: Treasure Trails cost £9.99 for the downloadable and print at home version or £11.98 (including p&p) for the posted version Website: treasuretrails.co.uk
28 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
Gardening with Auntie Planty SUSTAINABILITY
There is a very big word circulating at the moment, with a very wide and important meaning sustainability. As it applies as much in the garden world as anywhere else, please allow me to sum it up in four words - doing the right thing. Let’s start from the ground up. We’ve been told repeatedly not to use peat, and yet garden centres are still selling peat based composts. Why? Probably because the purchase price only reflects the cost of extraction and transport. If you also factored in the twelve thousand years plus that peat takes to accumulate in a modern bog, the price at the till would be so prohibitive that you wouldn’t touch it with a barge-pole. However, it’s all very well saying not to use something, but where are the alternatives? Any material produced should have to make it through a Responsible Sourcing Calculator - measuring such things as energy and water use, social compliance, habitat and biodiversity implications, pollution of production, renewability and so on. Coir has been suggested as a good growing medium for plants. It’s cheap enough with reasonable water holding capacity. But if you track the production process back to its source, coir needs a vast amount of water to clean it in the first place. Although it’s not our water, it’ll be a precious commodity to someone else in the world. Wood-based fibre mixes are also available, but are a very strange colour. I was given a bag of it to trial as a mulch, © 2020 Valerie McBride-Munro
and although the plants thrived through the extremes of last summer, I must confess to a momentary frown that my front garden was now a rather vulgar bright orange. Perhaps I should keep reminding myself that plants are much more tolerant that we humans. There’s also a notion that spent coffee grounds could be an answer. After all in the UK people drink 70 million cups per day, and what is left is all waste - and plant waste at that. I’m told that currently most spent coffee is mixed with wood chips, pelleted into biofuel and then burnt. I think that Kew Gardens has the answer with its giant compost heap, and there’s a secret ingredient; the City of London mounted police has tons of the stuff and so lorry loads of this ‘magic’ are delivered each week, and Kew’s plants must be the happiest in London as a result. So, do the right thing for your soil by mulching with well-rotted horse manure - and now is a very good time of year to be doing this. No need to dig it in. It’ll improve its structure, re-mineralise it, suppress weeds and conserve water - and it’s totally sustainable.. Auntie Planty offers garden problem solving sessions in your own garden. Her advice is only a mouse click away www.auntieplanty.co.uk
Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 29
SUNDAY SERVICES - JANUARY 2020 Reverend Folli Olokose: vicar@oatlandschurch.org.uk / 01932 840077 Parish Office : parishoffice@stmaryoatlands.org.uk /01932 231274 / www.oatlandschurch.org.uk Oatlands Ave, Weybridge KT13 9TS
Sunday 5th January 8am Holy Communion Service 10am ‘ ‘Alive at Ten’ Service (followed by refreshments and taking down the Church Christmas tree) 6pm Evening Prayer
Wednesday 15th January 7pm Film Night in the hall. Drinks & nibbles from 6.30pm followed by hot supper and discussion after film. Friday 17th January Friday Fusion - Youth Group for Yr 7
10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments) Friday 31st January 7.30pm ‘Men’s Curry & Chatter’ in the Church Hall. A time of Fellowship. Contact the Parish Office for info. Small charges apply.
Sunday 12th January 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments)
7-9pm St Mary’s Church Hall, Games, Food, Music £2 per child Laura at childrenandfamilies@ oatlandschurch.org.uk or 07881 786309 for more info or to book
Sunday 19th January 8am Holy Communion Service 10am Holy Communion Service (followed by refreshments) 4pm Family Praise service followed by a hot light tea in hall afterwards
Wednesday 22nd January 12.30pm Meeting Point - A friendly social lunch group for retired people Every Thursday in the local community. 9.30-10am Morning Prayer 10.30am Holy Communion Service Saturday 23rd November (followed by refreshments) 11am - 2pm St Mary Oatlands
Wednesday 15th January 12.30 - 2.30pm ‘Adult Colouring’ group & Knitting Club. Tea & coffee provided. Please bring your own sandwiches.
Annual Winter Fair. Lots of stalls, and activities for children, refreshments and lunches. Sunday 26th January 8am Holy Communion Service
Not Just Sunday’s Group (Dates vary monthly) A social group open to everyone. For more info contact Liz Davies mandedavies@gmail.com, 01932 225 584 or oatlandschurch.org.uk
SMART Mother & Toddler Group (Tuesday during term time) 10-11.30am No waiting list or joining fee. Just turn up & have fun (with refreshments) £2 per family.
If you are living alone If you have some spare time
ALL OURThisYESTERDAYS is the event you’ve been looking
Tuesday 21st January 2020 2.30pm for and we look at forward to seeing you. A 30 minute service of favourite hymns & readings followed by tea & cakes and a chance to socialize.
ST. JAMES CHURCH If you are living with Dementia CHURCH STREET If you are a carer If you are living alone WEYBRIDGE If you have some spare time
stjamesweybridge.org.uk This is the event you’ve been looking for & we look forward to seeing you. ST JAMES CHURCH, CHURCH STREET, WEYBRIDGE stjamesweybridge.org.uk Parking available in Churchfields Car Park Parking available in Churchfields Car Park
PUZZLE solutions Answers
Easy Sudoku Puzzles by KrazyD
Sudoku #1 2 9 7 5 5 4 1 9 8 3 6 7 9 1 3 2 4 5 8 6 6 7 2 8 3 8 5 1 1 6 4 3 7 2 9 4
1 6 8 4
5 7 3 2 9
8 3 3 2 7 6 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 8 1 3 9 2 9 1 5 4 7 6 4 9 5 8 2 7 8 5 3 1 4
1 6 2 1 8 9 3 0 4 7 9 1 2 6
8 5 7 0 5 5 8 9 3 6 7 7 2 4
4 7 4 2 4 8 4 8 5 8 8 2 6 7
9 4 5 9 9 3 7 6 3 7 5 6 3 2
5 8 3 7 5 7 3 4 7 5 7 3 4 6
7 3 7 4 5 2 3 8 4 8 7 5 4 1
SudokuFrank #3 Sinatra 4. The Doobie Brothers 1. London 2. San Francisco 3. 5. Budapest 6. Amsterdam 7. Babylon 2 9 6 8 5 1 7 8.3 The 4 Bangles 9. Constantinople 10. Barcelona
7 3 3 0 8 6 9 5 4 6 8 5 8 0
8 9 0 2 3 2 5 5 6 6 6 3 2 4
Sudoku #2 22 8 61 8 5 8 4 35 3 85 9 4 9 3 1 7 2 0 3 6 7 1 12 5 6 6 2 7 57 2 92 4 43 3 48 1 6 3 7 39 3 29 3 6 3 1 4 3 7 8 7 0 68 4 59 6
3 30 4 7 2 47 7 6 9 7 2 9 24 7 2 2 84 2 52 7 4 0 64 4 2 1 6 4 7 73
7 1 3 6 9 7 6 2
8 4 5 1 2
Sudoku #4 8 1 3 5 6 6 2 9 8 7 4 1 8 3 7 6 9 2 5 5 3 7 4 9 2 8 6 1 5 4 7 3 1 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 31 6 7 9 2 1 8 4 5 3 9 6 5 7 3
2 4 9 8
Do you enjoy getting lost in a book but can’t get to a library? There are few things that compare to the joy of getting lost in a really good book, or chatting about what you have just read. But what if age, ill health, mobility problems or caring responsibilities make it difficult for you to get to a library? Library Direct can help. Surrey Libraries and its dedicated volunteers work hard to make sure the library service can reach everyone. Library Direct allows individuals to once again select their own books, and have volunteers deliver them right to their doors. In addition to having complete access to library stock, this services also helps to combat isolation. Volunteers will often stop for a drink and chat, and in many cases, form friendships with the people they are visiting. The service has helped change the lives of countless individuals. One Library Direct client says, “I can’t get out very much so the service is invaluable to me.” Library Direct is a completely free and comes with additional benefits for its clients, such as extended loan periods and amount of books you can borrow, plus no fines or overdue charges. Surrey Libraries and Brooklands Radio have been looking for people in Surrey who are brilliant aloud.individuals We’ve received nomina?ons people Surrey, created As well at asreading supporting in their homes, from we offer anacross opportunity for a variety our‘community shortlist and settings’ invited our shortlist nominees tonursing send in ahomes, recording of them aloud. of such as care homes, long termreading in-patient wards and rehabilitation centres, to provide a library service to their residents. Now we need you to choose the 2019 winner of the Surrey Reading Aloud compe==on.
We are currently looking for more volunteers in the Molesey, Esher and Claygate area to enable us to deliver this service to residents longerto able totovisit Visit surreycc.gov.uk/libraries or brooklandsradio.co.uk from 8 no November listen the the library themselves. shortlist recordings and vote for your favourite by Sunday 8 December. For more information on Library Direct please visit our webpage Tune into Brooklands Radio on 24 December to hear thecan winner of the Surrey Reading https://www.surreycc.gov.uk. Alternatively, you call 01483 543 599 Aloud 2019 compe??on reading aloud a special Christmas Eve story. or email libraries@surreycc.gov.uk
useful numbers Boots the Chemist ....................01932 842 738 POLICE To report local incidents ......................... 101 TRAVEL DENTISTS Surrey Bus Services .................01483 506919 Oatlands Dental Lounge ...........01932 858686 Train information .....................0845 748 4950 Weybridge Dental Practice .......01932 853556 National Rail Enquiries .............0845 748 4950 Portmore Dental Office ...........01932 809360 Salters & Salters Dental ...........01932 849999 SCHOOLS Weybridge Orthodontics ..........01932 831825 Cleves School ...........................01932 224 300 Heathside School .....................01932 846 162 VILLAGE HALLS Manby Lodge Infants School ....01932 851 848 Oatlands Village Hall ................01932 843 488 Oatlands Infant School .............01932 843 990 Weybridge Hall ........................01932 254 750 St Charles Borromeo Catholic Primary School The Parish Centre .....................01932 856 399 ................................................. 01932 842 617 St James’ Church of England Primary School COUNCILS & SERVICE .................................................01932 851 762 Elmbridge Borough Council ... 01372 474474 St George’s College Junior School .. 01932 839 400 Surrey County Council ...........08456 009 009 St George’s College ...................01932 839 300 Library Services ....................... 0300 200 1001 St George’s Nursery ................01932 839437 Elmbridge Museum ................. 01372 474 568 Brooklands College ..................01932 797 700 Citizens’ Advice Bureau ...........01932 248 660 Weybridge Children’s Centre ....01932 820106 Weybridge Comm Ass ...weybridgesociety.org.uk Weybridge Samaritans ..............01932 844 444 CHURCHES Weybridge Neighbourhood Watch ....01932 830 033 St James’ Anglican Parish Church ..01932 856 399 Voluntary Action Elmbridge ......01372 463 587 United Reformed Church .......01932 841 382 The Church of St Mary Oatlands 01932 231 274 VETERINARY SURGEONS Weybridge Veterinary Centre ...01932 855 856 Christ The Prince of Peace Catholic Church St George’s Veterinary Centre ...01932 858 890 .................................................01932 842 643 Weybridge Methodist Church ...01932 253 184 North West Surrey Synagogue ...01932 855 400 MEDICAL Weybridge Medical Centre ........01932 504 450 Christian Science Church .........01932 225 097 St Peter’s Hospital Chertsey ......01932 872 000 Wey Christian Fellowship.........07775 732 924 Royal Surrey Hospital ................01483 464 002 Non-emergency NHS Help .......................... 111 BANKS HSBC ......................................03457 404 404 Natwest ....................................03457 888 444 CHEMISTS Lloyds pharmacy .......................01932 854 224 Lloyds ......................................0845 3000 000 Church Pharmacy .....................01932 842 632 Barclays ....................................0845 7555 555 Oatlands Park Pharmacy ...........01932 842 171 Santander .................................0845 7654 321 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020 33
advertisers’ index All our Yesterdays......................................................31
Music Matters...........................................................26
Ashford Kitchens.........................................................7
Out on a Limb..........................................................17
Boardman Gelly & Co..............................................11
Painting Our World Silver.........................................27
Bruce’s Doggy Day Care............................................13
Rarebreed Dining at The Waverley Inn......................15
Car Review................................................................24
Riverhouse Barn Arts Centre.....................................10
Casson’s Framing.......................................................27
Rose’s Gardening.........................................................9
Chips Away...............................................................25
SAS Roofing & Building...........................................11
Claremont Fan Court School......................................5
Serena Ayurveda..........................................................9
Crafting Live @ Sandown............................................4
Sonia – Coaching with Inspiration............................20
DPB Pristine Ovens..................................................21
Sunrise Senior Living..................................................6
Elmbridge Volunteer Centre......................................21
Tax Assist..................................................................14
Gardening with Aunty Planty....................................29
The Memory Book Company....................................35
Get Fit with Shannon-Personal Trainer......................21
Waitrose Recipe.........................................................16
GHI Windows.................................................... 18/19
Weybridge Library.....................................................32
Hanging Space..........................................................36
What’s On........................................................... 22/23
House of Surrey...........................................................2 Mailboxes etc............................................................17
Meejana Lebanese Restaurant....................................13
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34 Looklocal Magazine - January 2020
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