The Rotary Club of Gosford 1945-2008

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Chartered: 23rd November, 1945

Club No. 6128

District 9680

1945 ~ 2008

Front Cover: Brady’s Gully Memorial Park A derelict cemetery near North Gosford Hospital was converted with Council & Federal Government help into a Rest Park. Proposed during Peter Turnbull’s Presidency 1996-97 and opened on 1st June 1997 by Mayor Tony Sansom with 300 people present.

Published in Australia by the Rotary Club of Gosford P.O. Box 472 Gosford NSW 2250 1998 Production by Central Coast Printing, West Gosford P.O. Box 6041 NSW 2250 Copyright © Rotary Club of Gosford 2008 Compiled and edited by Terence Bernard Devine. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a reference system, or transmitted, in any form, or any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopy, recording or otherwise, without prior permission of the publishers. This book is sold subject to the condition that it shall not, by way of trade or otherwise, be lent; re-sold, hired out or otherwise circulated without the publisher’s consent in any form or cover than that in which it is published and without a similar condition including this condition being imposed on the subsequent purchaser. This edition production by Snap Printing Gosford 52 William Street, Gosford NSW 2250


incorporating the entire 1998 publication...

Chartered: 23rd November, 1945

Club No. 6128

District 9680

THE GOLDEN YEARS 1945 - 1998

THE GOLDEN YEARS OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD. PROUD OF ITS HISTORY—1945 to 1998 Includes the History (1945-80) edited by Foundation Member PP Tom Arkins and Major Collett in 1980 during the Presidential Year of Bert Hunter.

... and following with a 10 year update to 2008.


CONTENTS Mayoral Message Foreword by PDG/PP Geoff Grenfell. Comment by I.P.P. Henk Keulemans. (1997-98) Comment by PP Peter Turnbull. (1996-97) Club Historian - PP* Terry Devine. (1979-80)

4 6-7 7 8 8

The Rotary Club of Gosford — Special Dates. Introduction from the “old” history. (1945-80) Foundation and Charter Members— with dates. How it all started.. the first 25 years. Inaugural meeting. The First Project. “On Reflection” by the late PP Tom Arkins. Dates of formation of Rotaract, Interact, Probus, 28/Impact Clubs. Historical Events — year by year. District Governors. Presidential Citation. Fellowship Activities.

9 9 9 10 10 11 11

CLUB SERVICE ACTIVITIES. 1. District Conferences. 2. Golden Jubilee 3. Membership Growth Award. 4. Honorary Members. 5. The Gosford Rotary Trust. 6. Bulletin Advertising. COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS. 1. FUNDING. (i) Auction (ii) Street Stalls (iii) Race Days (iv) Art Exhibitions (v) Christmas Stocking Raffle.


17 12-16


18 “ “ “ “ 19 20-21

2. SPECIAL PROJECTS. (i) Smith Family Home (ii) Presidents Hill Lookout (iii) Railway Fountain (iv) Kariong Scout Camp (v) Fairhaven School (vi) Hospital Kiosk (vii) Waterfront Fountain and Memorial Steps (viii) Henry Kendall Museum Slab Building (ix) Pioneer Park (x) Rumbalara (xi) Rotary Lodge (xii) Kincumber Lodge (xiii) Rainforest Interpretive Centre (xiv) Bradys Gully Memorial Park





31 31-32 32 32-33 33 34 35-36

36 37 37 38 38 39 40 41 42 42 42





CITY OF GOSFORD. 43 MEETING PLACES FOR ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD. 43 WOULD YOU BELIEVE? 45-46 WHAT A YEAR IT WAS IN 1996-97!!!!! 47 CLUB MEMBERS 1996-97-98. 47 HONOUR ROLL. 49-51 PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS. 51 DISTRICTS OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL. 52 The Central Coast Rotary “Family Tree”. 52 The Rotary Club of Gosford sows the seeds for the growth of Rotary in 15 Clubs on the Central Coast.

28 28 28 28-29 29

MEMBERSHIP GRAPH Jubilee Newspaper Supplement


53 53-59

CONTENTS (2008 Update) Mayoral Message


Community Service Projects


Editor’s Remarks by Terry Devine PP* PHF


Gosford Rotary Gala Concert


Gosford District Hospital Kiosk


Pioneer Park


Happy Tappers


Hands-On Project


Australia Day


Quiet Achievers Award


Banners of The Rotary Club of Gosford since 1945 Bulletin Covers over 63 Years The First Twenty Presidents of our Club

Honour Roll

65 66-67 68


Honour Roll


Club Boards


Vocational Services Projects


Paul Harris Fellows


Pride of Workmanship


Codswallop Trophy


L. J. McCarthy Community Service Award


Youth Service Projects


President’s Award




RYDA Rotary Youth Driver Award Programme





94 94

Historial Events – Year by Year


Some Memories


Youth Exchange Programme

Milton Frazer


The Science and Engineering Challenge


Malcolm and Margaret Halliday


Film Festival and Circus Quirkus


Trevor Hill


Harvey and Pat Porter


International Service Projects


Jim Kirkness


Chief Benjamin Ijumi


Kevin Winterbottom


How I found Rotary – Novice’s View


General Matters


Charlie Sherlock


Inner Wheel Club of Gosford


John Connolly


Club Service Activities


Rotary Celebrates 100 Years


60th Anniversary of The Rotary Club of Gosford


Classification Comparisons –

Gosford Rotary Trust


Charter Club versus Current Club

Kinds of Membership


Honorary Membership


Club Members of Rotary Since 1945

Membership Nights


Members of The Rotary Club of Gosford 2008-2009

Past Presidents’ and Past Members’ Nights The Parramatta Shield

Would you Believe

86-87 87 3



103-106 107


On behalf of Gosford City Council and the constituents of this wonderful City I wish to congratulate the Rotary Club of Gosford on the production of this comprehensive and informative document. As Mayor, it gave me great pleasure to request my fellow Councillor’s support for a substantial financial contribution to this publication which was agreed to with enthusiasm. This support recognises the dedication of the Rotary Club of Gosford since its inception in 1945. Gosford Council and Gosford Rotary have worked with the community on many projects over the past 50 years and these stand as reminders to our citizens of the benefits of such a strong partnership. I am sure this publication will provide a valuable source of information and many hours of pleasure for the residents of Gosford and our many visitors.

Councillor Chris Holstein Mayor of Gosford City Council


Rotary thanks

Banners of the Rotary Club of Gosford

The Rotary Club of Gosford:–

• Thanks current members of the Club for their editorial, pictorial and financial support.

• Extends special thanks to the staff of Central Coast Printing and, in p articular to Noel Vidler, a former Club member and a great supporter of the Rotary Club of Gosford for over 25 years.

• Expresses gratitude to Gosford City Council for their long standing support and assistance. The Club thanks the Council for its contribution to this History.


Many Thanks

The Rotary Club of Gosford



18th July, 1945 23rd November, 1945 7th September, 1946

FOREWORD. Geoffrey I A Grenfell Past District Governor (D9680)-1995-96 / Past President- 1975-76 To be invited to be a member of a Rotary Club (and therefore a member of Rotary International) has always been a privilege. To be invited to be a member of the Rotary Club of Gosford means that you also inherit the privilege of pride in a more than 50 year heritage of service to the local, national and international “community”. The Rotary Club of Gosford was chartered by the Rotary Club of Newcastle. It has not only served the “community”, but it has been indirectly responsible for the extension of Rotary ideals and principles to the fifteen (15) Rotary Clubs now practicing on the Central Coast. What an incredible heritage that has endowed upon the Central Coast - many thousands of hours of voluntary labour, many thousands of dollars delivered to the community (both local and international), many inspirations for new Rotary ideals, projects and commitments, and many missions of peace and goodwill to the Greater Rotary World — places such as USA, Canada, Japan, Germany, Sweden, Denmark, South Africa, India, New Zealand, Switzerland, Siberia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands. Rotarians from this Club have grasped the concept of Rotary International, both at home and abroad, and have carried out humanitarian projects in conjunction with these countries. The Club was chartered in November, 1945, some months after the end of World War 2 and in a time of dreadful uncertainty, a time of food rationing, a time when many of us were still grieving over the devastation of the war, and, a time of strikes and unrest. Was there ever a worse time for young businessmen returning from the war to be asked to consider the responsibilities of Rotary International ? Was there ever a better time ? Perhaps not! For the community had, as it did in 1905 when Paul Harris founded Rotary, a need to look at business ethics, a need to rebuild the community, a need to renew our attitudes and redirect our efforts to our own problems of National development. In the months during which our original members were preparing to Charter our club in 1945, significant events of that period must have influenced those men who had already given service to their fellow men and women. In July 1945... Prime Minister John Curtain dies, Ben Chifley is elected PM. Churchill is dumped as Prime Minister of the United Kingdom, Clement Atlee replaces him. August,1945.. The Atomic Bomb is dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Japan surrenders. Atlee says we have a choice now between World co-operation and World destruction. United Nations Organisation formed. War criminals tried and convicted. Liberal Party formed. Sept,1945... Radio censorship is lifted. We are told about 55 million war dead. Oct,1945... Strikes begin — Unions demand 40 hour week. Nov,1945... Moscow announces its intention to build an atomic bomb. Rainbird wins the Melbourne Cup. UK and USA debate the future of Palestine. UNESCO founded. De Gaulle elected President of France. Does any of this sound new ? We still argue about Palestine, nuclear tests and strikes. We never seem to learn the lesson about preserving those principles of integrity, love and peace. Throughout the ensuing years the members of the Rotary Club of Gosford dedicated themselves to the pursuit of Rotary ideals and philosophies without which their community would be a less desirable place. I am proud to be a member of the Rotary Club of Gosford. I am proud too of being allowed to share the last 25 6

years and to have witnessed many of its achievements. Each and everyone of us who has been a member of the Rotary Club of Gosford, even for a short period of time, has shared in the work, taken pride in the achievements and has benefited personally from the knowledge and expertise of the many and varied vocations of its members. It is fitting that the Club has chosen to record some of its history and achievements over the past fifty years so that Rotarians who follow in “Service above Self” can take pride in their pursuit of the “modern” practice of Rotary philosophies. I congratulate the Club in producing this history and I thank each member for allowing me to share the privilege of their vocational expertise, their fellowship and the unique “spirit” of the Rotary Club of Gosford. Rotary International has given us a set of principles, a code of ethics, a mission of peace and goodwill, a goal to achieve in the pursuit of family and community concerns, an aim to preserve planet Earth and a will to eradicate life-endangering diseases such as polio, and the desire to eliminate poverty, hunger, violence and loneliness. Rotary International continues to expand its horizons, to increase its membership and to spread its mantle of caring to nearly every part of the world. Whether you are a Rotarian, a family member of a Rotarian or a recipient of one of its many awards, you will appreciate the concept of Rotary International. Geoffrey I A Grenfell

(Geoff was inducted on the 8th January, 1970. He was Club President in 1975-76 and was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1983. Geoff became District Governor, D9680, in 1995-96. Over the years he has held every directorship in the club, has worked on many club committees and has been greatly involved in District activities since1977-78.)

COMMENT. Henk Keulemans Past President 1997-98. Looking back on almost 20 years of Rotary, all but two at Gosford, I can visualise many valuable pictures of serving one’s community prompted by a colourful smorgasbord of dinners at the Golf Club spiced with the camaraderie and quick wit and a bouquet of vintage speakers. Where else does one find a weekly meeting with a children’s Doctor from Vladivostok, a Canadian Social Scientist drawn back to Cambodia, a Specialist from Bombay and Gosford, the Consul General from the Netherlands and our own talented member speakers ? Who better than our local business, professional and executive members to offer challenges for showing that Rotary cares for its community, the world and its people ? Whether door knocking for the Red Shield or the Red Cross, or interviewing Job Search students, Youth Exchange applicants, RYLA candidates or Pride of Workmanship awardees, or getting dirty hands at Bradys Gully, a sun tan at William Plaza street stall, the public response of appreciation can always be felt. And could one remain unmoved by a colourful picture from Mandala Clinic patients to thank us for the Nintendo TV and Video, or feel the glow of achievement of the “ work-for-the-dole” graduates at Bradys Gully ?. No week goes by without a taste of saki from Osaka Northwest or an hour of visual delights from Brooks Broadcasting Commission or the Chef’s Thai Chicken at the Gosford Youth services Drop-in Centre. So, the rewards are plentiful. In spite of, or maybe thanks to, the weekly delights we are led to stay in fine health and in good spirits free in choosing our own avenue of service. The mix of background, vocation, make-up, age and origin are unique ingredients of Rotary’s stable diet. The flags representing our Internationalism have raised our horizon and prompted the open door policy for anyone willing to serve. So, we may be proud of our distinguished history whilst strongly engaged in the present and confidently committed to a better future. Henk Keulemans

(Henk joined the Rotary Club of North Tamworth in 1978; he was inducted into the Rotary Club of Gosford on 16th October,1980; he has chaired many committees and has held numerous directorships, including Treasurer and Secretary. He is the Immediate Past Club President – 1997-98)


COMMENT. Peter Turnbull Past President 1996-97. The challenge for my second Presidential term was to lay the foundation for the next 50 years. Having been a resident of Gosford for 50 years, I was fortunate to have known the majority of the previous Club Presidents, which made me even more conscious of the need to “ build the future with action and vision .� Appropriately this was the theme of the World President for that Rotary Year. At the commencement of the 1996-97 Rotary Year, we were asked by our World President, Luis Vicente Giay to: - Honour our Past - This was achieved by completing the transformation of the neglected Bradys Gully Cemetery into a Memorial Park. - Support the new Generations - We supported nine youth/student exchanges. - Strengthen Club Membership - Nine new members were inducted. - Encourage the Active Participation of Every Rotarian - This is the cornerstone of Rotary and all the above aims and objectives were achieved. I was honoured to again have the opportunity to be President of this wonderful Club and to be supported by 70 enthusiastic members who actively joined together in setting the course for the future. Special thanks to Past President* Terry Devine for his dedication in preparing this historical record to Honour our Past. Peter Turnbull

(Peter was inducted on the 9th March, 1972. He was President for 2 months before transferring to Queensland in 1975, where he joined the Rotary Club of Brisbane West until his return to Gosford in 1976. He was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1993. In 1996-97, he was again President of the Club. Peter has been involved with numerous directorships and committees of the Club during his membership and has been responsible for advertising sponsorship since he introduced it in 1975. He has been involved on District Committees.)

CLUB HISTORIAN. Terry Devine Past President* 1979-80 (* PP of Rotary Club of Rylstone/Kandos) When I was Secretary during the years 1991 - 1995, I started summarising the activities of each year in a detailed way. In the back of my mind was the thought that this would help when we came to produce an updated Club History. I had great intentions to complete an up-to-date history for the 50th Anniversary (Celebrations on the 24th November, 1995). This did not come to fruition, and so, I have been working now for nearly two years to finish this document. A History of the Club was published in 1980 in the Presidential Year of Bert Hunter, with Foundation Member (the late) PP Tom Arkins as Editor and Rotarian Major Collett as Assistant Editor. I have used all of the 1980 edition - some reproduced in exact detail; the rest has been updated and used in various other articles in this 1998 edition. I have had great help from many club members - I thank them most sincerely. There have been too many to name but I do thank PP Peter Turnbull for his great support, especially in raising finance to produce this document. I hope all enjoy reading this history and I know that for many older members it will bring back happy memories. For newer members it will inform them of the past activities of the Rotary Club of Gosford in the local district and community, as well as in the international sphere. Terry Devine

(Terry was inducted on 10th March, 1977, into the Rotary Club of Rylstone/Kandos. He was President of that Club in 1979-80 and held several directorships during his five years with the Club. He was inducted into our Club on 6th May, 1982, and has held several directorships and worked on many committees over the years. Terry was awarded a Paul Harris Fellowship in 1994. He was Chairman of the District Membership Committee in 1995-96) 8

THE BEGINNING INTRODUCTION from the first historical document (1945-1980) edited by Foundation Member Tom Arkins and Major Collett with the organisation of the then President, Bert Hunter. “This document is prepared to record the principal achievements in Service by the Gosford Rotary Club over the first 35 years. In the year 1980, as Rotary International celebrated its 75th anniversary, Gosford Rotary Club celebrated its 35th anniversary and in recognition the club now records its service which has been closely linked with the progress of the District. The many ambitious projects successfully completed would not have been possible without the help, co-operation and financial assistance of other service clubs, the public and the Shire Council and its staff. It is also gratefully recognised that the encouragement, help and sacrifices given by the wives and families of the Rotarians, have always played a most important role in the success of the club’s projects, whether they be large or small. To help with the tasks selected, the club has been fortunate to have available from its own membership a wide variety of skills and expertise, particularly in the fields of building, architecture, painting, surveying and even blasting!” FOUNDATION AND CHARTER MEMBERS. Extract from original history. LIST OF ORIGINAL APPLICANTS FOR CHARTER - 8TH AUGUST,1945.

Harry Lord (Senior) Chas Staples Tom Lynch Tom Arkins Adrian Hickey Dr Jim Paul Ron Vaughan Cec Scott Jack Little

Norm Tegel Keith Enderby Tom Plummer Roy Thew Ern Bennett Os Young Ron Grieve Jack Speers Roy Wood



4th December, 1945 1st February, 1946 7th March, 1946 May, 1946 June, 1946 July, 1946

Len Bannister, Doug Berry Dave Walker Les Graham (senior) Len Brennan, Trevor Hill Eric Meggitt, Bob Wallwork Eric Ironmonger, Ken McGillivray


Tom Lynch, President Dr Jim Paul, President Elect Adrian Hickey, Sergeant-at-Arms Keith Enderby, Treasurer Cec Scott, Secretary Tom Arkins Roy Thew Harry Lord (senior) Tom Plummer Ron Vaughan Ossie Young 9

General Bank Medicine Legal Savings Bank Co-operatives Press Local Government Orchardist Bank Valuer Pharmacy Footwear

Roy Wood Norm Tegel Ron Grieve Len Bannister Doug Berry Les Graham Len Brennan Trevor Hill Dave Walker Eric Meggitt Eric Ironmonger Bob Wallwork Ken McGillivray

Citrus Shed Manager Butchery Dry Cleaner Surveyor Building Contractor Motor Vehicle Distributor Motion Picture Industry Laundryman Sawmiller Estate Agent Printer Ambulance Superintendent Fruit Inspector

HOW IT ALL STARTED — THE FIRST 25 YEARS Extract from original history.

Third & Fourth Presidents – Adrian Hickey & Roy Thew “dressed up” for a special Rotary Function in 1947-48.

“The following facts, culled from a special supplement of the Central Coast Express, 25th November, 1970 to celebrate the 25th Anniversary of the club, list in brief the majority of its achievements over that period and tell how it was started. First to recognise the possibility of a Rotary Club being formed at Gosford was the late Harry Lord (senior) who was a member of the Newcastle Rotary Club when he came to live in this area in 1944. Harry used to drop into the old Gosford Times Office to have a yarn to staff member Tom Arkins to whom he handed on his copies of ‘The Rotarian’. Eventually the pair decided to take the first steps for the formation of the club, and, on the spur of the moment, agreed to enlist the support of Tom Lynch, the then manager of the Rural Bank of Gosford. Harry’s next move was to ask the Newcastle Club to sponsor the proposed Gosford Club. Shortly after, John Draffin, President of the Newcastle Club, invited the two Toms to choose the members of the business and professional community whom they considered would be interested in forming the nucleus of a club.”

INAUGURAL MEETING. Extract from the original history. “The inaugural meeting of the club was held on July 18, 1945 with John Draffin in the chair. Records show that those who attended were Messrs Tom Lynch, Tom Arkins, Ron Vaughan, Keith Enderby, Dr Jim Paul, The Rev Cyril Francis, Ossie Young, Jack Little, Roy Thew, Ern Bennett, Tom Plummer, Harry Lord (senior), Cec Scott, Roy Wood and Ron Grieves. Apologies were received from Adrian Hickey and Jeff Staples. On this occasion John Draffin was accompanied by the Secretary of Newcastle Rotary Club, Harry Hey and Rotarian Junius Price. The first office bearers were Tom Lynch (President), Cec Scott (Secretary) and Keith Enderby (Treasurer). The club’s constitution and by-laws were adopted on August 7, 1945, and it received its charter from Rotary International from the hands of the District Governor, Harry Monk, on September 7, 1946, the Charter having actually been granted on November 23, 1945. The foundation members were Harry Lord (senior), Chas Staples, Tom Lynch, Tom Arkins, Adrian Hickey, Dr Jim Paul, Ron Vaughan, Cec Scott, Jack Little, Norm Tegel, Keith Enderby, Tom Plummer, Roy Thew, Ern Bennett, Os Young, Ron Grieve, Jack Speers and Roy Wood. Subsequent members were Len Bannister, Doug Berry (December, 1945), Dave Walker (February, 1946), Les Graham (senior)(March, 1946), Len Brennan, Trevor Hill (May, 1946), Eric Meggitt, Bob Wallwork (June, 1946), Eric Ironmonger, Ken McGillivray (July, 1946).” 10


Extract from the original history.

“Even as a provisional club, under the presidency of Tom Lynch, Gosford Rotary commenced a programme of community service. The first project agreed to on January 9, 1946 was to assist the Gosford District Hospital. A fortnight later it was decided to raise $4,000.00 in funds for the beautification of the hospital grounds. Later in April, 1946 a cheque for $1,125.00 was handed to the hospital board for this work Brief details of the main projects carried out over the 25 years are the subject of another article in this issue.” ON REFLECTION. Extract from the original history. “It would be remiss of me if I failed on this occasion to make some reference to the establishment of the First Rotary Club in this District in 1945. The first thoughts in this direction were those of the late Harry Lord, senior, father of Harry Lord, junior, a late member of Gosford Rotary Club. Prior to coming to Gosford, the late Harry Lord, senior, had been a member of Newcastle Club. He often visited Rotarian Tom Arkins at the old Gosford Times office and loaned him copies of ‘The Rotarian’. During one of his visits it was mutually agreed that some move should be made to establish Rotary in Gosford, and as a result John Draffin of Newcastle was appointed the Governor’s representative to form the Club. Tom Arkins and Tom Lynch, the then Manager, Rural Bank at Gosford, were appointed to make the necessary survey and select 20 persons to form the nucleus of the new club, which received its charter later that year, with Tom Lynch as Charter President. Since that time 35 years ago, clubs have been formed on the Central Coast at Woy Woy, Wyong, Gosford North, East Gosford, Toukley, The Entrance, Terrigal, Umina and Gosford West.” PP Tom Arkins 1-6-1980


Historical Events — Year by Year 2) Work commenced on the electrification of the railway line to Gosford. 1958-59: (President, Van Adcock). Activities: Donation of $100 made to Gosford Boy Scouts; visit of Japanese Ambassador Mr. Susuki; six students from Gosford High School sent to Broken Hill. 1959-60: (President, Bob Potts). Activties: Year for Youth. Support given to Boy Scouts at Kariong, Junior Brass Band. Float entered in electrification of railways procession on January 23, 1960. 1960-61: (President Trevor Hill). Activities: Supported appeal conducted by N.S.W. Institution for Deaf and Blind children. Donation of $800 towards the furnishings of Smith Family homes at Nell Park, Narara. 1961-62: (President, Alan Frost). Object: Beautification and establishment of lookout on President’s Hill in conjunction with Gosford Apex Club, Donations made to Sub-Normal Children’s Association and Outward Bound movement. 1962-63: (President, Arch McLachlan). Activities: Portrait of Her Majesty, the Queen presented to Toukley Rotary Club. Projects: Fountain built in Burns Park, Gosford. Assisted with appeal for poliomyelitis and handicapped people. Assisted in door knock for funds for asthmatics. 1963-64: (President, Ewart Harvey). Activities: Donation of Porta-cot to Gosford District Hospital. Aid to Gosford branch of Sub-Normal Children’s Association in building of Fairhaven. Donation of $300 made to Legacy Homes for furnishing of unit. 1964-65: (President, Max Traveller). Activities: Members carried out work in grounds of Gosford District Hospital and Sea Scouts hall. Donation of $200 made to Sea Scouts. Lawns planted at Fairhaven School. Donation of $100 to Smith Family. The main project was the removal of a cottage donated by Gosford R.S.L. and re-erected in Pemmel St. The proceeds of the sale going towards a caretakers cottage at the Scout Camp, Kariong. 1965-66: (President, Harvey Porter). Activities: $400 presented to Gosford High School for purchase of Library books. Formed the Rotary Club of East Gosford. $1600 presented to District Commissioner for Scouts, Ralph Mortimer, at Xmas meeting for a caretakers cottage at Scout Camp, at Kariong. 1966-67: (President, Bill Davis). In this the 21st year, a suitable publication was presented which included reproduction of photographs of all current members, later to be known as “Rogues Gallery”. The main project was the building of the refreshment kiosk at Gosford District Hospital. The initial clean up of Point Frederick Cemetery, the beginning of the huge project to establish Pioneer Park. $1000 was also donated to various charities. The hosting of International Asian students. The charter night for East Gsoford Club. Gosford Club and East Gosford Club hosted the District Conference at Erina High School — lunches being served in a huge marquee, with rain like we’d never seen before pouring down in a deluge outside. 1967-68: (President, Ron Sky) This year one of numerous activities was the organisation of the first Careers Night in conjunction with East Gsoford Club and attended by 100 students and parents. An Apprenticeship Night, also very successful with over 250 present, and a Father, Son and Daughter night. International activities including sending one ton of wheat and one ton of milk powder to St. Josephs Leprosy Home at Tutticoriss, India. Sending of carpentary tools to Goroka Technical School in New Guinea. Provision of funds to complete 6 years of schooling for a Chinese orphan in Hong Kong. Hosting members of a Group Study Exchange from Oregon and Afro-Asian guests who were in the district studying local government adminsitration. 1968-69: (President, Bruce Douglas). Another year of worthwhile projects. Two Pulse Meters were presented to Brisbane Water District Ambulance and a wheel chair to the District Nursing Service. In Addition to a total donation of $1100 to various charities, the club shared in the cost of a kombi van presented to Aid Retarded Persons movement. A successful Ball was held to raise funds to build a medical centre in New Guinea under the FAIM scheme, and another successful Apprenticeship Night was held. Work was also carried out on the Scout Camp at Kariong.

In chronological order, some of the oustanding projects and events that have occurred since Rotary was chartered on 23rd November 1845 follow: 1945-46: (President Tom Lynch). Object: Raise $4,000 for beautification of grounds of Gosford Ditsrict Hospital. Carnival held in conjunction with Gosford Sailing Club at Easter to raise funds. Charter night. September 7, 1946. 1946-47: (President Dr. Jim Paul). Weekend club assembly held in Masonic Hall in April, 1947, donation of $1,052 made to Gosford District Hospital. 1947-48: (President, Adrian Hickey). Activities: Substantial donation to U.N.O. starving children’s appeal. 1948-49: (President, Roy Thew). Activities: Sponsored formation of Wyong Rotary Club. Aims and objects were to support Community Centre proposal, Gosford Boy Scouts, Crippled Children’s Association, Girl Guides. 1949-50: (President, Cec Scott). Activities: Survey of Woy Woy was made with the view to forming a new Rotary Club. Subsequently, the Rotary Club of Woy Woy was formed with our President Cec Scott as the District Governor’s special representative. Trees were planted in the streets of Gosford Town. Awards were made to school children for citizenship, scholastic attainments and sporting achievements. There was 100% support for the Rotary Foundation 1950-51: (President, Ron Vaughan). During this year, Mrs. Sloman, the proprietor of The Entrance Red Buses, provided a bus free of charge to transport the Gosford crippled children and adults to Sydney, where arrangements had been made with Sir Edward Hallstrom, an honorary member of North Sydney Club, for his members to take the children and adults into the Zoo, in their cars. An intial contribution to Rotary Foundation was made. Also a donation to the C.W.A. 1951-52: (President, Tom Arkins). Community Service: Purchase of expensive drug made to help aged women cancer victims. Move to have Apex Club formed in Gosford (accomplished the following year). Help given in baths project on the waterfront. 1952-53: (President, Os Young). Donation of flags, by Fellow Gordon Proctor. Funds raised to purchase resuscitator for Brisbane Water Dirstrict Ambulance. 1953-54: (President, Garnet Adcock). Activities: $150 donated to Gosford Primary School from street stall. Tree plantings carried out in and around Gosford. Assistance given in vocational guidance at Gosford High School. 1954-55: (President, Jack Corner). Activities: Tree planting around the town. Assistance given in lining Girl Guides’ Hall and to provide facilities at C.W.A. rooms. 40 Asian students were guests of Rotary Club for a weekend. Rotary International Golden Anniversary Celebrations. Maitland Flood Relief appeal raised $600 from club members. A school essay competition was held on the 4 way test. The winners, 4 boys, were taken by P.P. Ron Vaughan for 6 days to Canberra, Snowy River Scheme and Port Kembla Steel Works. 1955-56: (President, Dick Eagle). Activities: Cheque for $1,100 presented to Girl Guides towards completing their hall. Aid given to Scouts, learn to swim campaign and trophy presented to most improved swimmer. Two trophies presented at Junior Farmers’ Conference. 1956-57: (President, Doug Berry). Projects: Present High School with library of long-playing speech and dramatic records. Assist Terrigal Surf Club to furnish new clubhouse; help in developments of Victoria Park and playing Fields. 1957-58: (President, Bob Vaughan). Activities: Donation made of $800 to Legacy for the installation of a heating system in Legacy House. The following major historical events occurred during 1957-58; 1) The first man-made satellite was launched into outer space 12

1969-70: (President, John Jackson). John Jackson faithfully followed Rotary International theme for his particular year, Review and Renew. Much emphasis was given to youth activities. The club sponsored 7 Group Study Exchange students from Singapore – adopted another Chinese girl in Hong Kong and brought two New Guinea children to Gosford and billeted them for the Xmas holidays, with Bruce Hanks as camp father. Gosford Club ran, as its major effort for the year, District 268 RYLA seminar, at Narrabeen National Fitness Centre – this was attended by 130 awardees, sponsored by all the Rotary Clubs of District 268. This exchange triggered the formation of a Rotaract Club in Gosford which was charted in June, 1970. Also, hearing equipment was donated to aid the deaf, and a Malaysian student, Pauleng Wang was hosted. 1970-71: (President,Wal Young). Rotary International Scheme was “Bridge the Gaps” – main activities were the District Conference and participation in the World Rotary Convention, held in Sydney. A big job, which eventually involved much voluntary work on the part of Rotarians, was the laying of the foundations and commencement of the caretakers cottage, at the scout camp at Kariong. Wal assisted greatly in the printing for the Conference. The coach tour to Chichester Dam raised $553 for FAIM project in New Guinea. Introduced souvenir spoons for guest speakers. $50,000 presented to Miss Brown – to assist air fares to America. American Associated Scholarship. Air Fares were paid for two New Guinea students. 25th Anniversary Celebrations of Gosford Rotary Club. Donation $600 to FAIM and $400 for furnishing Legacy homes. 1971-72: (President, Bill Pluim). Bringing to the club his extensive knowledge of the building trade, Bill was not only involved in the scout project but was joined by fellow Rotarians in the actual construction work. For this cause a donation of $821 was also provided from club funds. The club combined with Gosford Apex Club to build a boat ramp for the sea scouts. Bill was instrumental in the formation of Gosford North Club. Donations were made to the Smith Family. Fares were paid for New Guinea students to come to Australia. A surf reel was provided for Wamberal Surf Life Saving Club. RYLA awardees, Gosford Shire Community Centre – the Darwin Cyclone Appeal – and a Careers Night also received financial support from the club. 1972-73: (President, Les McCarthy). Les put a tremendous amount of initiative and drive, to not only gain his fellow members support, but that of East Gosford and Gosford North Rotary Clubs in a combined effort to provide the much admired improvements to the waterfront on Dane Drive. The centre piece of beautiful gardens is the fountains, and equally important, are the steps leading to the Cenotaph in the War Memorial Park. In excess of 6000 cubic yards of top soil was used on the project and work parties from Mt. Penang assisted. This year saw the successful hosting of the District Conference and the first barbecue. Lost in the disastrous fire at the R.S.L. was the finest collection of Rotary banners in Australia, many of which were replaced by clubs throughout the world. 1973-74: (President, Bert Ghersi). This year was a fellowship year and known as the year of the monster Auction Sales in conjunction with 1st Gosford Sea Scouts, held on Sterlands premises, on the site where Marketown stands today. Ron Vockler, the well known Sydney Auctioneer, raised the sum of $6000 to pay the cost of monies owing on the fountain and also enabled the club to construct the steps leading to the Cenotaph. The official opening was performed by the then Shire President Malcolm Brooks MLA. The potting of tree seedlings at John and Judy Price’s Somersby property which were later sold, the proceeds going to charity. Auction details: 1500 people present; 560 lots; a 16 page catalogue; a copy of Blue Poles promoted for sale and a hundred year old forge. 1974-75: (President, Jim Kirkness). One of the three largest projects carried out in this district in conjunction with Gosford Apex Club and Gosford Shire, was the development of “Pioneer Park” which covers the entire site of what used to be the Point Frederick cemetery. Jim was also responsible for the promotion and formation of Henry Kendall Interact Club. Hosted a group study team from North Carolina – and a welcome home for our own Group Study team from Michigan – Brian Freeman, a nominee of this club was a member to go to Michigan. As an international project we hosted Motoe Tamagawa, from Japan, and sent our own nominee Leonie Griffiths to Japan. The formation of the Careers

Market, which actually took place the following year was planned at combined meetings of Gosford, Gosford North, East Gosford and Woy Woy Rotary clubs, and Mrs. Angela Glover, Careers Adviser, from Henry Kendall High. This continuing facility, replaces the original nights. Bob Hawke, the president of the ACTU and Major General Stretton were amongst the 1974-75 speakers of particular note. Also the Back to Rotary Reunion Night was an oustanding success, with 9 charter members being present. 1975-76: (President, Peter Turnbull–2months). Peter, in his short term, prior to his transfer to Queensland for our year, was responsible for the removal and rebuilding of a slab hut from Mangrove Creek, and its re-erection as part of the Henry Kendall Cottage complex. Peter also introduced the concept of advertising being included in the Bulletin to help pay for printing costs and to support community projects. The introduction of dinner disc name badges for ladies. 1975-76: (President, Geoff Grenfell-10 months). the contribution of setting Bulletin advertising procedure in motion during this period had the club’s full approval. The continuation of work on Pioneer Park was again a major undertaking. The construction of the stalls in the William St. Plaza was a project of this clubs in conjunction with Gosford Lions Club. The initial moves were made for the formation of Gosford West Rotary Club. Commencement of the joint Xmas stocking appeal in conjunction with the Scouts Association. Farewell to Motoe Tamagawa. Donations to various other charities $1891. 1976-77: (President, Ed Drying). This year saw this club’s involvement in the creation of Paul Harris Fellowship and money for this purpose being set aside pending the selection of those members to receive the honour. Ed gave particular attention to International projects including study tours to other countries. The major event of the year, however, was the official opening of Pioneer Park by P.P. Jim Kirkness. The Charter Night for Gosford West. Won the District Golf Day. $1000 towards William St. Plaza stalls. $2600 was donated to various charities. A Group Study Team from Canada was hosted. Combined with other clubs to welcome home Group Study team from South Africa. Ran a Rotary auction. Pride of Workmanship Awards. Continuing assistance to Rotaract, Interact and RYLA. Careers market. 1977-78: (President,Peter Stephenson). Peter worked hard in the name of Rotary on the committee for the Adelene Retirement Village, which is now being occupied. This year also saw the purchase of gas barbecue equipment for the waterfront. Peter had the honour during his term of presenting the Paul Harris fellowship awards to those selected. Bruce Hanks, Max Traveller, Arch McLachlan and Bob Marshall. $8200 was paid to various charities. Hosted Karen Olsen from Denmark. Hosted Golf Day and won it second time in a row. Also the successful running of District 968 Conference with 1200 registrations, involved about 80% of members. Guest speakers during the year were Premier Neville Wran and State Opposition Leader, Peter Coleman. 1978-79: (President, Allan Eagle). The great success of this year involved the raising of a total of $10,366. This was distributed to more than 20 charities and in the creation of one more Paul Harris Fellowship in the person of Past District Governor Eric Blamey. Adoption of the singing of Advance Australia Fair in club meetings in conjunction with the National Anthem. Adoption of revised Club By laws. Successful Pride of Workmanship Award and presentation Night. Visit and combined meeting with Swedish Study Team. Charity dinner arranged and catered for by Irmgard at Jardines raised $1500 for the Year of the Child. Adelene Retirement Village was supported by Rotary and first units opened. 1979-80: (President, Bert Hunter). Initiation in conjunction with Sara Lee and Gosford Shire Council for the development of Mount Mouatt ridges and walking trails to be known as “Rumbalara Reserve” with access road, recreational facilities and lookouts. Julie Turnbull departed to Surabaya Indonesia for a one year Youth Exchange. Support for boy Scouts Association, hosting of a Youth Exchange student, support for Pride of Workmanship awards. Careers Market, Rotaract, Interact and charity presentations. The construction of a Rotary Lodge in Hospital grounds as a Rotary International 75th Anniversary service scheme in association with Gosford District Hospital. A combined effort of all Central Coast Rotary clubs. A celebration was held at a meeting of the Rotary Club of Gosford on 3 Jan 1980 to commemorate: The Proclamation of the City of Gosford and also the 150th Anniversary of the Proclamation of the Foundation of the Town of Gosford. 13

Prepared Club’s Historical Document “Proud of its History” 19451980. 1980-81: (President, Jim Secomb). During this year, many ‘hands on’ projects were undertaken. Landscaping was carried out in the courtyards of Legacy’s Nursing Home at Wyoming, and at Fairhaven Lodge at Kincumber. A shelter was built for the BBQ our Club had provided on the waterfront. Rotary Court completed. The International Year of the Disabled was supported. There was involvement with the Rotary Club of Cochin, India, and the Childrens’ Summer Camp at Vision Valley was helped. A GSE team from overseas was hosted during the Central Coast phase of the visit. There were 72 members. 1981-82: (President, Les Scott). PP Eric Clark became the Club’s representative at Council Naturalisation Ceremonies, which were held in the Council Chambers in a most dignified manner. A happy father/son/daughter evening was held. The Club sent a student on an exchange program to USA and received one from South Africa; they were Cathy Maher and Carole Nicholson respectively. Karen Eagle and Michael Hurley attended RYLA. Bernie O’Donoghue who had just returned from Japan, proposed that the Club form a Tri-Sister scheme with one from Japan and another from New Zealand. 1982-83: (President, John Williams). This year saw the official formation of the Tri-Sister scheme between our Club and the Rotary Club of Osaka North-West, Japan and Christchurch North, New Zealand. The BBQ at Rumbalara was constructed, and the Club visited Qantas Jet Base at Mascot, Veritage Press, our printers, and Munmorah Coal Mine. The Ambassador of the Arab Repulic of Egypt and his wife were guests of honour at an International Dinner, the Club’s first experience of tight security. Michael Frugtneit went to Denmark on a Youth Exchange program, Sharynne Lamont and Gregory Smith on a RYLA and John Leddy was sponsored for a World Education Project. PP Geoff Grenfell was accorded a Paul Harris Fellow, and headed a Group Study Exchange team to Switzerland. Ten members went to PNG/ Solomons on a FAIM project. PP Ed Drying fromed the 28 Club. Marilyn Buttsworth being Charter President. 1983-84: (President, Lynn Dornan). The Rumbalara Project was completed with the Nurrunga Lookout opened. The club received a Tidy Town Award in conjunction with Alan Rogers from Sara Lee. Much work resulted in a total amount of about $10,000 being made available for John Leddy to travel overseas to study trends in intellectual handicapped training. The result of this project was far reaching–John was presented with a District Vocational Excellence Award; the whole training programme for teachers of the intellectually handicapped was improved and updated; the Commonwealth Department of Health looked into the provision of assistance for training; workshops and special projects came into being, ie Lasercraft. The club received a RI Presidential Citation and was co-host of the District Conference with the Rotary Club of Hunters Hill. We acted as host for incoming Ambassadorial Scholar Kathleen Kening from the UAS. Ten new members were inductedtwo of these later became District Governors- Eric Tenfalt and Keith Robson. The club hosted the welcome home dinner for the GSE team from Switzerland under the leadership of PDG/PP Geoff Grenfell. Bushfire Awareness was emphasised with a Poster Competition in conjunction with the City Council. Several vocational visits occurred.Donations were made to Rugli Aid Post, the Christian Mission Radio in PNG, and, the Helena Goldie Hospital in the Solomon Islands is association with FAIM. We hosted Jorn Benn (Germany), sent Michael Frugtniet to Denmark and welcomed back David Singh from USA. The New Zealand Exchange was launched. The Annual Report was published as part of the Changeover Bulletin for the first ime. 73 members. 1984-85: (President, Malcolm Brooks). The Club staged “The Art of Broken Hill”, with a number of well known artists from the ‘Hill’. Utilising an empty bank building on the corner of Mann and Donnison Streets, the show was extremely successful. John Phillips helped launch the Peer Support Scheme at Henry Kendall High School. David Singh undertook a Youth Exchange to USA, and Jorn Benn arrived from Germany. Stephanie Devine and Therese Mortensen went to RYLA. A group from the Rotary Club of Osaka North-West visited Gosford to cement the new relationship with our Club; they were accommodated by the members. 76 members. 1985-86: (President, John Pratt). Through the work of newspaper editor Roy Dibben, the Probus Club of Gosford South was formed. In July, the Club celebrated the 40th anniversary of its

inaugural meeting with one of the Club’s Charter applicants Norm Tegal as guest. Jim Smith went to Manus Island with a FAIM team; Klaas Andersen from Sweden and Natalie Lovett to Japan; our Youth Exchanges, Catherine Minter and Trevor Hartshorn went to RYLA. The Club hosted the visiting GSE team from Georgia, USA during their stay on the Coast. Our nominee Scott Parry-Jones joined a GSE team to Japan. The Club was the first community donor to the Laycock Street Memorial Theatre. PP Les McCarthy was honoured with a Paul Harris Fellowship. The second art show was staged with the painters from Broken Hill. 67 members. 1986-87: (President,Alan Swan). Several major innovations took place, perhaps The Rotary Race Day at the Gosford Racecourse being top. Sponsors were found to name races and provide trophies, and the scheme showed early signs of being a winner. The new high-level bridge (actually two bridges side by side!) across Mooney Mooney Creek was opened at the conclusion of a spectacular Rotary Fair held on the virgin roadway. Many Clubs were involved. The Girl Guide cabin was restored in Gosford, and effort was put into the Rainforest Interpretive Centre behind Marketown. PP Lynn Dornan lead a GSE team to India. The Interact Club at Henry Kendall High School erected a memorial flagpole at the school commemorating students killed in accdients. Youth Exchange Program: Stephen Vertergrrd-Jensen from Denmark and Narelle Jeffries to Indonesia. RYLA: Therese Smith and Kate Lawson. The Codswallop Trophy, patron Eric Reynolds and marker Jim Kirkness. 72 members. 1987-88: (President, Peter Treston). The first exchange of young people between our club and RC of Osaka North-West took place, David Treston and Mandy Reynolds to Japan and Kajuyo Kuba and Enuko Nishino to Gosford. An award from Rotary Foundation enabled Dr Dominic Dwyer to work in the Pasteur Institute in Paris on AIDS research. The short exchanges with New Zealand began, Alison Grenfell to NZ and Jo Bulman to Gosford. Kara Bailey went to Denmark on a Youth Exchange. PP Lynn Dornan and Eric Goldswain were honoured with Paul Harris Fellowpships. 70 members. 1988-89: (President, Russell Cox). Dr Dominic Dwyer continued with his research in Paris. Jeannette Kellog came from Canada on Youth Exchange, while we farewelled Kara Bailey to Denmark. Two outstanding students from Henry Kendall High School, Michael Rozmanec and Annika Pedersen attended the National Science Summer School in Canberra. Another very successful Race Day was held. Alan Skepper and PP Ed Drying were honoured with Paul Harris Fellowships. A “Back to Rotary Night” was held with many former members in attendance. We hosted members and wives of one of our Tri-Sister Rotary Clubs, Osaka North-West. Mendip, Somerset, UK Rotarians and their wives visited us for the first time as part of our Friendship Exchange programme. This was a great year for fellowpship and fun–one with a millinery flavour because of the President’s penchant for head gear! 69 members. 1989-90: (President, Jim Lawson). A busy year with visits, including a Friendship Exchange to the RC of Mendip, Somerset, England by a group of Rotarians and their wives. Another group visited our sister club, Christchurch North RC in New Zealand. The exchange of young people between Osaka N.W. RC and Gosford continued: Sally Trimmer and Andrew Adams to Osaka and Ikuyo Nedo and Hiro Fijii to Gosford. Lifeline, started on the Central Coast by PP Jim Secomb, needed assistance to straighten up their new quarters; this was provided. Geoffrey O’Reilly was our nominee for the Youth Music Camp. 65 members. 1990-91: (President, Lester Marquet). The Club participated in the Bowel Scan project with most other Central Coast clubs; our involvement with this project generated useful publicity for Rotary. Sponsors were again found for the Rotary Race meeting, an event that generated considerable income. Seven citizens earned Pride of Workmanship Awards, one of the largest number awarded at one time. Two students, Tony Barham and Caroline Lapsworth attended the National Science Summer School. The exchange of young people between Gosford and Osaka continued; the Japanese visitors were Takeshi Shinkawa and Yoko Nichino. Karla Schwartz and Kim Gregory came fom New Zealand and Ceanne Wallace and Carol Moore went there. Kevin Booth was made a Paul Harris Fellow. 63 members. 1991-92: (President, John Phillips). The late Vern Arbie was accorded a Paul Harris Fellowship for his services to Rotary and to the community in his profession of journalism. A garage sale was 14

held to raise funds for Lifeline. A leadership seminar for Rotaract was organised by Kevin Ransley. A party of Rotarians from Mendip, Somerset visited Gosford as guests of the Club. Anita Small and Craig Brown attended RYLA. Naota Sakai and Ikuko Miyamoto arrived from Osaka and Darren Pye and Katherine Graf went to Japan. Jo Meier was our nominee for the GSE to South Africa. Maarike Franssen amd Kim McLenaghen arrived from New Zealand and Louise Hiron and Luke Marquet went to NZ on the Youth Exchange. The Kokoda PNG Project was planned. A display cabinet to house the Club’s trophies was unveiled in the Gosford Golf Club to commemorate Dr Craig Duncan and PP Les McCarthy, two former Rotarians and leading citizens of the city. The L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award was awarded for the first time to Les Graham, son of former Rotarian Les snr. 64 members. 1992-93: (President, Kevin Booth). Emma Dowman arrived from England to undertake a Youth Exchange: Nola Hocking left for England in exchange. A group was formed–The Happy Tappers, which encouraged intellectually impaired people to enjoy performing dance routines. Thea Marler was in charge, and encouragement was provided by a contingent of Rotarians and their wives at each practice. To celebrate the tenth anniversary of the Tri-Sister Relationship between the RCs of Osaka North-West and Christchurch North and Gosford, a party of Rotarians from the three clubs met at Gosford. A friendship visit from a group of Rotarians from Sun Lakes, Arizona took place, the visitors being accommodated in the homes of Rotarians. Fiona Drielsma and Nathan Fabian attended RYLA. Kara Coates from USA, an Academic Awardee, spent some months in Sydney, sponsored by our Club. Graham Arnott attended the National Science Summer School. Russ Cox and Peter Turnbull were made Paul Harris Fellows. Several members attended the Rotary World Convention in Melbourne. The L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award went to Barry Margin and to PP Jim Kirkness. The Kokoda Health project got under way, at the urging of PP John Phillips. 67 members. 1993-94: (President, Frank Cross). Our region, like many areas of Sydney and NSW over Christmass 1993/New Year 1994, was blighted by devastating bush fires; these received worldwide publicity. Overseas Rotary friends were overwhelming in their offers of help, the RC of Osaka North-West cabling $5,000 at once. Other gifts were received from within Australia, RC of Rockhampton Sunrise forwarding $500 for our Club to use to ameliorate the damage. The funds were used to reinforce the Mayor’s Appeal for these purposes, and the Club purchased a specially equiped trailor/ caravan for the local St John Ambulance, replacing equipment they had lost in the fire. Secretary Terry Devine was accorded a Paul Harris Fellowship. Local businessman Peter Robson was the recipient for the L.J. Mc Carthy Community Service Award. A group of our Rotarians and their wives paid a return visit to the Sun Lakes RC in Arizona. Shellie Carr went to Germany on a YEP. Danielle Kelly and Tim Curtis to RYLA. Linda Angledal and Michael Miles went to Japan and Chica Motobayashi and Kazuhiko Shiozaki came to Gosford. The Kokoda project got under way with the construction of the first of the planned First Aid Posts at Waju Village, some 20 kms from Kokoda, and the scene of heavy fighting in 1942; the facility was completed and officially opened in October 1994. 65 members. 1994-95: (President, Mick Whalan). The club was eager to continue with the Youth Exchange Progam and produced a ‘contract’which clarified for the incoming student the responsibilities entailed in such an exchange. The Kokoda project began to attract considerable attention and came to the notice of the Commonwealth Government, keen to provide PNG with an appropriate memorial to mark the 50th anniversary of the end of WWII. DGN Geoff Grenfell was asked by the Government whether Rotary would untertake the task of building a Memorial Hospital at Kokoda to opened late in 1995. Although this task far exceeded in size anything Rotary’s FAIM (Fourth Avenue in Motion) had previously undertaken, Rotary accepted the challenge, and completed the task on time (see opening details below). President Mick and Alan Seberry, accompanied by Terrigal builder Dennis McCarthy joined a FAIM team at Kokoda. The club hosted the visit to the Central Coast of GSE team from Rotary District 2690, Japan, lead by Professor Yoshihiko Murashima, for one week. A group of Rotarians and their wives from Ditsrict 3140, India spent a week on the Central Coast staying

with our members as a Rotary Friendship Exchange, which was very successful. The Consul in Sydney of the Peoples Republic of China, Zhang Junsai, addressed a Rotary dinner attended by many guests from the community, lead by the Mayor of Gosford City, Alderman Tony Sansom and other business leaders. The very active Interact Club at Henry Kendall High School celebrated its 21st birthday, Mrs Donna Judd, who had been the enthusiastic co-ordinator for this activity, was transferred from HKHS; she was replaced by equally enthusiastic Mr Russell Trimmer. The Happy Tappers continued their routines with their teacher Mrs Dorothea Marler. The L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award went to Barry Cohen, former MHR for the electorate of Robertson, for his efforts to stage the International Garden Festival at Kariong in the year 2000. Barry had been a close friend of the late Les McCarthy, and was much moved by the award. Late in this period, Japan suffered a catastrophic earthquake, and the district of our Tri-Sister Club in Osaka was among the area devastated. As soon as communications were restored and queries answered as to what help we in Gosford could provide, $1,000 was sent to RC of Osaka North-West to use as they saw fit in their area. PP John Phillips was made a Paul Harris Fellow for his work on the Kokoda Project. 68 members. 1995-96: (President, Keith Dedden). During this Rotary year, our club celebrated the 50th anniversary of its chartering. Accordingly, preparations made over several months culminated in the decision to celebrate with a number of events to mark that milestone. The major gist was the establishing of an ‘Undergraduate Scholarship at the Central Coast Campus of the University of Newcastle with two objects; one to initiate and association between the Rotary Club of Gosford and that Campus, and two, to foster excellence in academic achievement by undergraduates on that Campus. The proposal was accepted by the Academic Board of the University. In association with that proposal, the club agreed to donate an avenue of specially selected trees at the main entrance to the Campus. The University agreed, and the trees, provided through the good services of State Forests of NSW, whose Managing Director Dr Hans Drielsma, is a Rotarian with our Club, were planted by a Rotary labour force in August, under the supervising attention of the Pro Vice-Chancellor, Pofessor Les Eascott. It is the hope of the Club that at its centenary, that avenue of trees will stand as a mature and impressive mark of Rotary’s involvement with that Campus. On 16 Spetember 1995, the Prime Ministers of Australia, Paul Keating, and Papua New Guinea, Sir Julius Chan, opened the Kokoda Memorial Hospital at Kokoda. This memorial was dedicated to the debt Australia owed to those PNG citizens who fought with and assisted Australian soldiers during the savage fighting across the Owen Stanley Range in 1942-43 and later. The hospital project, which included the provision of a museum and a back packer hostel at Kokoda, was constructed by Rotary for the Commonwealth Government. A long-time member of the Rotary club of Gosford, Eric Goldswain, attended the opening ceremonies; he was the only veteran of the Kokoda campaign present. It was 53 years since he had been in Kokoda. Honouring his status as a veteran of the 2/1st Infantry Battalion, Eric was presented by the local Paramount Chiefs with several ceremonial gifts. 1996-97: (President, Peter Turnbull). The induction of nine new members, which increased the club numbers to 71 - the largest for many years, was recognised by District Governor Alex Sawyer’s Membership Growth Award for large clubs. An oustanding New Members Meeting was held with PDG Geoff Grenfell as special guest speaker. Sadly we saw the passing of Arch McLachlan and former members Jack Corner, Les Scott, Max Traveller, Bill Johnston and Charter Member Norm Tegel. The Bradys Gully Memorial Park was completed to the first stage under the supervision of Terry Gibson. Tudor Davies was awarded the L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award at a special orchestral evening at the Central Coast Leagues Club featuring the Central Coast Youth Orchestra. The Tri-Sister student exchange continued with two young people visiting us from Osaka and two of our students returning the visit to Japan. An outstanding Youth Exchange Student, Kevin Carey, from the USA spent a year with our members. We sent Jared Olive to Turkey. Rotaract was revived and is operating again thanks to the efforts of Ed Dyring and Mal Singh. 15

Mandala Clinic and presented the clinic with a cheque to cover the cost of video equipment. A club dinner was held at the Labyrinth Drop-in Centre and a donation made towards their apprenticeship programme. The Inaugural Vocational Service Award was presented to Dr Bobbie Carter-Brown. A Vocational Night was held for businessmen and women of the Central Coast and the club participated in the District Pride of Workmanship Awards with our representative, Christine McKenzie. We were also pleased to receive our Tri-Sister friends from Osaka North-West on a visit. The club sponsored the District Interact Seminar, in conjunction with the Interact Club of Henry Kendall. A Friendship Exchange team under the leadership of Malcolm Brooks travelled to Mendip, Ireland and Scandinavia. The L.J. McCarthy Award for Community Service was presented to Dr Brian Shaw. A Paul Harris Fellowship was awarded to Don Craig. 66 members.

Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded to Bob Husk & John Pratt. The Kokoda Project continued with another Aid Post built at Hanhau. PP John Phillips was honoured with an OAM for his magnificent efforts. The year ended with many District Honours— Club of the Year (first time ever), RI Presidential Citation, award for our Rotaract Club for their interaction with the Rotary Club of Gosford, the District Governor’s Award for Membership Growth and President Peter was presented with a Mayoral Community Service Award. 71 members. 1997-98: (President, Henk Keulemans). This was a year dominated by International, Vocational and Youth activities. A successful New Members Night was held early in the year with Barry Cohen as our special guest. Youth Exchange featured with Jared Olive returning from Turkey, Amber Funnell travelling to Turkey and Anna Weber joining us from Germany. The club visited

75th Anniversary of Rotary – 1980 President Bert Hunker, PP Jim Secomb, PP Peter Turnbull and a Scotish Piper. 1st History of the Club was produced in 1980.


SOME DATES AND SPECIAL ACTIVITIES Dates of formation of Rotaract, Interact, Probus, 28/Impact Clubs.

Rotaract Club of Gosford — chartered in June, 1970. Henry Kendall Interact Club —formed in 1974, chartered 22nd May, 1975. Probus Club of Gosford — formed 24th April, 1980. 28/Impact Club of Gosford — formed 19th September, 1982.(Disbanded 1993)

District Governors. Geoff Grenfell — the first Club Member to be elected to be District Governor ( D9680)- 1995-96. Eric Blamey — a Past District Governor ( D268 )- 1971-72 from Rotary Club of Eastwood. He later became a member of our Club, with the classification of Bread Manufacturing.

Presidential Citations. In 1983-84, the Club received a RI President’s Citation in the year of President Lynn Dornan. In 1992-93, RI President Clifford Dochterman decided to award a Presidential Citation to each Rotary Club which had achieved a balanced programme of activities. In that year our club was successful in gaining the RI President’s Citation. ( President Kevin Booth). In 1996-97, the Club again received the RI President’s Citation.(President Peter Turnbull). In the current year 1997-98, the Club was again successful in being awarded the RI President’s Citation. (President Henk Keulemans). Fellowship Activities. The Rotary Club of Gosford is well known for its fellowship. Each meeting brings together our members who enjoy each other’s company. There is much discussion at the tables and the Sergeant’s session is always a time of much fun and enjoyment. Each year a meeting in January is held at the Terrigal residence of PP Bert and Claire Hunter— this is a fellowship activity and in recent years has been a combined meeting with the Rotary Club of Terrigal. The club meeting nearest to Anzac Day is a special meeting held annually; the members honour our fallen, those who have served and the significance of Anzac. This is usually accompanied by fellowship, reflecting the mateship of our servicemen of the past and the present. The term “Four Avenues of Service” is often used in Rotary literature. The “Avenues” refer to the four elements of the Object of Rotary: Club, Community, Vocational and International Service. Club Service” — all activities necessary for the club to function successfully. Community Service” — all activities undertaken to improve the quality of life in the community. Frequently involving youth, the aged, the handicapped and others who look to Rotary as a source of hope for a better life.

Vocational Service” — the opportunity each member has to represent the dignity and utility of his vocation to other members. International Service” — the Fourth Avenue describes the many programmes and activities undertaken to advance international understanding, goodwill and peace. These are designed to meet humanitarian needs of people in many lands.

In the club situation, each “Avenue” is managed by a director. In Australia, a fifth directorship has been established; this is the Youth Director because Rotary is fully aware of the needs of the youth of our country.


CLUB SERVICE ACTIVITIES. 1. District Conferences. (i) 1966-67 District Conference was co-hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Gosford and East Gosford at Erina High School. (ii) 1972-73 District Conference hosted by Rotary Club of Gosford at the Central Coast Leagues Club for DG Fred Higgins. Jim Kirkness, Arch McLachlan and Max Traveller involved. (iii) 1983-84 District Conference was co-hosted by the Rotary Clubs of Gosford and Hunters Hill. (iv) In 1995-96, PP Geoff Grenfell became the first member of our Club to be elected District Governor D9680. The Club hosted the District Conference at the King Street Convention Centre of the Newcastle Workers’ Club. This was a great occasion for the Club and large numbers participated in the organisation and the running of the Conference. The Conference chairman was PP Malcolm Brooks who gained great support and the Conference was regarded as one of the best, with large attendance from the District Clubs, excellent organisation and fellowship, and extremely interesting speakers and activities. Among the speakers were Rotarians from Eastern Russia, who came to the Conference as part of the special project, “From Russia with Love”, of the then DG Geoff Grenfell. 2. Golden Jubilee. 50 Years of Rotary Service in Gosford and worldwide. (i) Tree planting — fifty eucalypts were planted at the northern entrance to the University of Newcastle Ourimbah Campus during the anniversary year, 1995-96. This was a service activity involving many of the Club members and was followed by a barbecue and drinks. (ii) A jubilee scholarship for students attending the Ourimbah Campus was provided by the Club to celebrate and commemorate our golden anniversary. (iii) A dinner was held on the 23rd November,1995, at the Central Coast Leagues Club where over 360 Rotarians, their wives, their friends and special guests attended to celebrate 50 years of Gosford Rotary Service. The evening was chaired by the Club Service Director, PP Peter Turnbull. 3. Membership Growth Award. In 1996-97, the Club was awarded the Governor’s Shield for Membership Growth for large clubs in the District for the first time. (President Peter Turnbull) 4. Honorary Members The Gosford Rotary Club awards Honorary Membership to those members who have distinguished themselves by long and special service to the Club and/or to the Community on the occasion of their resignation from Rotary. The Club does not follow the statement from the Manual of Procedure that Honorary Membership is the highest award that a Club can bestow on one of its members. The highest honour which our Club bestows is the Paul Harris Fellowship. Honorary Members... past and present.... Past....Bob Marshall, Gordon Proctor, Bruce Hanks, PDG Eric Blamey, Jack Corner. Present...Neville Wallwork, Pat Smith. 5. The Gosford Rotary Trust. On the 4th June, 1987, the Club President, Alan Swan raised a ‘ matter of great importance’ at a Club meeting. This matter was the proposal to establish the Rotary Club of Gosford Trust— the members approved the establishment of the Trust with the aim to reach a figure of $100,000 and then to use part of the proceeds of the Trust for donations and worthy purposes, and to re-invest the balance. Interest rates then were high and donations to the Trust the Club attracted tax deductibility. To set up the Trust, the Club donated $7500 to the Trust in the first year. During 1991/92, with the help of Rotarians Henk Keulemans (Club Solicitor) and Bill Hickson, a legal trust deed was formulated and adopted by Board on 18/6/92 — by that time the fund stood at around $20,000. The first Trustees were PP Alan Swan, Rtn Peter Motte, Rtn Bill Hickson, with outgoing President, John Phillips and incoming President, Kevin Booth as ex-officio trustees.


Office bearers: Year 1992/92 1993/94 1994/95 1995/96 1996/97 1997/98

Chairman Alan Swan Alan Swan Alan Swan Bill Hickson Bill Hickson Kevin Shumack

Secretary Bill Hickson Bill Hickson Bill Hickson Alan Swan Kevin Shumack Ron Hincksman

Treasurer Bill Hickson Bill Hickson Bill Hickson Matthew Moore Doug Newton Doug Newton

The Trust funds are invested in bank fixed deposits (donated monies) and blue chip equities (accumulated profits). At the beginning of 1997, the total value of the fund was over $91,000, of which $1,000 (each) was donated by Rtns Bill Pile and Sven Angledal, $48,500 has been donated by the Club, and the balance (over $40,000 ) represented accumulated income and capital growth. At the end of the 1996/97 Rotary year the Trust reached its target of $100,000 so the first disbursement of proceeds could be made this year, 1998. Early in 1998, a number of anonymous donations were received from Club members Rotary Club of Gosford Trust —- Fellows Members of our Club have made significant personal donations to the Club’s Trust. These include Trust Fellows — Bill Pile and Sven Angledal 6. Advertising in the Club Bulletin This was first introduced in 1975-76, on the suggestion of then President Peter Turnbull to offset costs of printing. PP Peter has co-ordinated the Bulletin advertising since inception. Currently, this raises $3,700 per annum and is also a contribution to community projects. This development has allowed the production of bulletin covers of excellent quality over many years.


COMMUNITY SERVICE PROJECTS. 1. Funding (i) Auction On Easter Saturday, 13th April,1974, in the year of President Bert Ghersi, the largest ever Charity Auction on the Central Coast was held. This was the most ambitious fund raising project of that year— it was necessary to clear the Club’s outstanding project account. This scheme, the brain child of Gordon Martin, was run in conjunction with the First Gosford Sea Scouts and attracted an opening crowd of 1,500 people. The honorary auctioneer was Ron Vockler who sold 560 lots from a fourteen page catalogue. Included in the sale were 67 paintings and china paintings from the Gosford Art Society (the presentation of these was organised by Joyce Harvey). 50 of these items were sold. The venue was Charity Auction – “Blue Poles” with Peter Turbull provided by Sterlands (where Marketown stands now) and the organisation (Community Service Director) was lead by PP Jim Kirkness. Some of the unusual items for sale included a Persian kitten, a 100 year old forge, a grindstone and the replica ‘Blue Poles’ painting (by Athol Gleeson), which was passed in. Eric Worrell paid top price ($155) for a painting by Harry Spira. Top bid at the auction was $380 for a utility donated by PP Les Arndell of the Rotary Club of Gosford North. PP Neville Boyce (Gosford North RC) and the Sea Scouts prepared the catalogue. Past President Peter Turnbull was Community Service Director. The gross proceeds were $5293 and the nett result was $3300. Rotarian Jim Kirkness was congratulated for his outstanding organisation and special thanks were given to 2GO, the Gosford Star (Rotarian Roy Dibben) and Keith Berg. Another auction was held on 4th September, 1976 at the same venue in the year of President Ed Dyring, but it was then owned by Waltons. Charity Auction – 13/4/74 Arch McLachlan (on utility) – Allan Eagle, auctioneer Ron Vockler

(ii) Street Stalls and the William Street Plaza. ( Situated in William Plaza, Gosford ) The Club worked in conjunction with the Lions Club of Gosford to complete the stalls in William Street Plaza for use by charitable organisations. The work was commenced during the 1975-76 year of President Geoff Grenfell and opened on 3rd September, 1976 during the Presidential year of Ed Dyring.. Street Stalls were held by the Rotary Club of Gosford for many years, prior to the building of the William Street Plaza Stalls, at numerous venues in Mann Street, and, there was always much competition for use of the popular venues by many charitable groups. This competition led to the idea of building the William Street Plaza stalls by the Rotary Club of Gosford assisted by the Lions Club of Gosford. A conservative estimate of the money raised at Street Stalls over the years is $30,000. (iii) Race Days One of the highlights of the Rotary Year for the past 10 years has been the Gosford Rotary Race Day. On May 28th,1987, the President Alan Swan conceived the Race Day, where we obtain sponsors for each race on the programme and with the great support of the Gosford Race Club, we are able to put on a special day with the opportunity to raise money. Malcolm Brooks, with much help from John Flakelar (in the early years), was Chairman of the Race Day Committee. We have been supported by businesses and individuals from the local community as sponsors. Even though the economy has been in decline over the past five years we have still been able to continue with successful Race Days. The total funds raised over the past ten years up to 1996 has been about $60,000. 20

(iv) Art Exhibitions The concept was introduced by Tricia Brooks and Hugh Schulz during one of Malcolm and Tricia Brooks flying visits to Broken Hill during the 1980’s. The exhibitions were called the “Art of Broken Hill” and the proceeds were to be shared by the Rotary Club of Gosford, World Vision and Legacy. The first of these was held from Friday 1st March, 1985, for a period of 5 days. The artists involved were Kym Hart, Pat Coffey, John Dynon, Pro Hart, Eric Michim, Leo Smaniotto, Phil Jones, Hugh Schulz, Neil Hall and Trevor Jones. The venue was the then vacant CBA Bank building on the corner of Donnison and Mann Streets. A second exhibition was held in the same venue on 28th February, 1986 for five days. Artists involved were Kym Hart, Pat Coffey, John Dynon, Pro Hart, Leo Smaniotto, Phil Jones, Hugh Schulz, Trevor Jones, Robert Bosch,Wendy Martin, Ruth Kerle. The Opening Night on each occasion was a huge success both socially, financially and for club fellowship. The proceeds of the two Art Exhibitions was about $18,000— the first was a little more successful than the second. Malcolm Brooks was the Chairman of the Art Show Committee, and, with tremendous help from the whole Club, the exhibitions exceeded all expectations. (v) Christmas Stocking In 1979, Rotarian Ken Herd, Superintendent of Brisbane Water Ambulance Service ceased operation of the “Ambulance Christmas Stocking” and offered this activity to the Brisbane Water Scouts Association. This was to be a fund raising exercise to support Camp Kariong. Because raffles are illegal under the constitution of the Scout Association it was negotiated and agreed by Miss Joan Grenfell, Rotarian Ken Herd and the Rotary Club of Gosford to share the proceeds. Rotarians Allan Skepper, Geoff Grenfell and Ken Herd prepared the stocking and managed the sale of tickets during the first years. Prior to 1979 the Christmas Stocking had been a major David & Janette Griffith & Family Happy Christmas Stocking Winners 1996. fund raising method for the Ambulance Service and was finally given to the Scouts after the NSW Government took over the financial support of the Ambulance Service. Rotarian Bob Wallwork, the original Ambulance Superintendent and his wife, Doris instigated the Christmas Stocking Raffle. This project has raised the most funds of any Service Scheme by the Club. Over the years tickets were sold by Rotarians and volunteers outside Myers in William Street and at various other locations. During 1981-82, President Les Scott welcomed the Brisbane Water Historical Society under the leadership of Stan and Elaine Fry, who took over the sale of tickets—-this partnership has continued ever since. The Historical Society has received $54,900 as their share of proceeds up to the end of 1996. In 1983 Milton Frazer, Bill Reid and assistants took over as the Rotary organisers. During 1985 they built our own display frame to accommodate a selection of better quality goods, which would be more visible when on display. The cost of the goods in the first stocking was about $800 with a lot of cheap fill-ins. The cost of the new hamper has grown to about $3,000 and includes quality items. This has been reflected in a big rise in takings. The total takings since 1981 has been $154,200 (gross). This has given great pleasure to our Presidents over the years— they always love to give money away. The original committee of Milton Frazer, Bill Reid and others continued until 1995 (except for 1986-87, when Ern Rippon and helpers stood in). Bob Pryke and Warren Hosking are currently organising this splendid fund raising activity. Stocking takings—1981..$5,200—1982..$5,700—1983..$5,900—1984..$6,400 Hamper takings—1985..$12,300—1986..$9,300—1987..$10,000—1988..$12,400—1989..$12,700— 1990..$12,300—1991..$14,300—1992..$15,300—1993..$18,200—1994..$15,500—1995..$14,300— 1996..$12,200— 1997.. $11,200. 2. Special Projects (i) Smith Family Homes. (Nell Park) (Situated in Bellbowrie Street, Narara). During the 1958-59 Rotary year of President Bob Potts, the Rotarians laid the foundations for the Smith Family Homes at Narara. They also assisted with the construction of the buildings. 21

(ii) Presidents Hill Lookout. (A lookout over the Broadwater. It can be reached by following Hely Street from the Pacific Highway. A track leads to other views over Gosford township). The major project of the Club during 1961-62, in the year of President Alan Frost, was the construction of Presidents Hill Road ( Rotary and Apex Drive) and Lookout. Six men came in for special mention in the report of this project... Gosford Rotarians — President Alan Frost, Max Traveller and Community Service Director Tom Bamborough ...and Gosford Apexians — Apex President Jim Kirkness, Rupert Imrie and Service Director Bert Hunter. This was the first time that the Rotary Club of Gosford and the Apex Club of Gosford had joined together for a project. Alan Frost reported that it was a pleasure to work with Apex, to get to know them, and to develop great fellowship and better understanding between the two Clubs. He also thanked the many Jack Elms, Harvey Porter community members who contributed to the (now second longest serving member) work and the Shire Council for the supply of Presidents’ Hill Lookout 1961–62 plant and the sealing of the road. He goes on to say an extra ‘thank you’ to Jim Kirkness (who never slept nor let him sleep), to Beryl Kirkness who provided morning and afternoon teas, and to Bert Hunter for the survey work. To reach the top of the Hill, it was necessary to traverse virgin bush and rocky outcrops. This daunting task was overcome by the skill and effort of the Rotarians and their “younger brothers”, who literally blasted their way to the top to provide a 360 degree panorama of scenic beauty equal to anything in the world. To make the road, stubborn rock outcrops were blasted out with gelignite. When the rough track was finished, Council took over to 1961/62 Presidents’ Hill Lookout seal the road which has Rotary President Alan Frost Apex President Jim Kirkness since provided access for thousands of tourists, visitors and local residents. Presidents’ Hill Lookout Opening 1962. Edna Frost, Jim Kirkness, Beryl Kirkness, Lady Woodward, State Governor Sir Eric Woodward.

(iii) Railway Fountain. (Situated in Burns Park at the entrance to the Gosford Railway Station). During 1962-63, in the year of President Arch McLachlan, a fountain was erected in the park at Burns Place outside the Railway Station. The funding for the Fountain came from a generous anonymous donation of $14,000 (7,000 pounds) from a Gosford resident. (iv) Kariong Scout Camp. (Situated in Woy Woy Road, Kariong). This was a joint venture by Gosford Apex Club and the Rotary Club of Gosford. The camp and the roadway were constructed by the Apex Club of Gosford. The first stone hut was built with sandstone from Gosford Quarry. The Rotary members built the dam wall and later cast the concrete slab for the caretaker’s cottage. The Gosford Inner Wheel financed and arranged the construction of the shelter shed on the site. The camp was officially opened by the Governor of New South Wales, Sir Eric Woodward. This work commenced in the year of President Alan Frost, 1961-62. In ensuing years many of the Apexians became Rotarians and later members of the Baden Powell Guild. There were many working bees and supporting services for the camp. Much of the electrical work at the camp was carried out by current member, Kevin Ransley. Many former Apexians, Rotarians and Baden Powell Guild members have served on District Scouting Administration Committees - they include Allan Skepper, Doug Newton, Jim Kirkness, John Williams, Malcolm Halliday, Gordon Martin, Russell Cox, Geoff Grenfell, Ric Godsell and Bill Pile. 22

(v) Fairhaven School. (Situated in Brisbane Water Drive in Point Clare). In the 1963-64 Presidential year of Ewart Harvey, the club members came to the aid of the Gosford Sub-Normal Children’s Association and joined with the Lions Club and Apex Club of Gosford in building Fairhaven School. Fairhaven School is now part of a complex which has developed greatly in recent years from the Rotary Club of Gosford’s involvement with John Leddy. ( See Community Service Projects section No 7, John Leddy). (vi) Hospital Kiosk. (Situated at the entrance to the old part of Gosford Hospital). In 1967, in the year of President Ron Sky, the Club embarked on a major project for the Hospital— the building of a kiosk. This was completed and opened on 24th June,1967 just after Bill Davis became President. The Gosford District Hospital Kiosk was constructed by the Rotary Club of Gosford , assisted by citizens of the Gosford Hospital Kiosk area from funds raised by the Hospital Auxiliaries. Speakers at the Opening were the Chairman of the Hospital Board, PP Bob Vaughan MBE , Rotary Community Service Director Jim Kirkness, Rotary President Bill Davis with the plaque unveiled by Mrs G. Wicks, President of the Hospital Auxiliary. (vii) Waterfront Fountain and Memorial Steps. During 1972-73, President Les McCarthy submitted a plan for the construction of the Rotary Fountain and Garden situated at the base of the War Memorial Park on the Gosford waterfront. The original concept of the Waterfront Fountain and Garden was designed by Kevin Winterbottom (an architect who has recently re-joined the Club). The detailed architectural plans were carried out by PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell (an architect and long time member of the Club) and PP Bob Fraser (Rotary Club of North Gosford). Rotarian Gordon Martin supplied powerful water pressure pumps; PP Jim Kirkness was the engineer responsible for the installation and operation of Waterfront Fountain – soon after completion 1973 the equipment. Many other citizens and club members contributed enormously in the supply of materials, man power, and equipment. Some of these were Jack McInerney, Gordon Hattley and PP Max Traveller. The cost of the project was $14,000 and it was necessary to use in excess of 4,000 cubic yards (3,000 cubic metres) of soil to complete the fountain. Many hundreds of hours of labour were given voluntarily to complete the task. At the time the fountain was estimated to be worth $50,000. The combined effort of the Gosford, Gosford North and East Gosford Rotarians, as well as the boys from Mount Penang was greatly appreciated. The Memorial Steps were constructed during 1973 and linked the Fountain to the Gosford War Memorial. The stairway consisted of forty three steps, twelve feet wide and a landing. The club was fortunate to secure the assistance of Lodger Horsnell, a non-Rotarian, who supervised the concreting and enabled the job to be completed at a substantial saving to the club. The club was very grateful to have so many helpers, from the Rotary Clubs, from the community and from the businesses of Gosford. The Memorial Steps were completed on Remembrance Day, 11th November, 1973, in the year of President Bert Ghersi. The workers joined in the Service at the Cenotaph at 11am in their work clothes. The finishing touches, including the under water lighting for the Fountain, were completed late in 1973 and the project was handed over to the then Gosford Shire Council on the 16th December,1973, in the presence of PDG Fred Higgins. Shire President PP Malcolm Brooks officiated at this function. (viii) Henry Kendall Museum Slab Building. (Situated in Henry Kendall Street in West Gosford). In 1974, the Brisbane Water Historical Society appealed to the public for help to re-erect a slab building which had been built 100 years earlier on the property of Mr and Mrs Roy Douglass in the catchment area of the Mangrove Creek Dam. The hut came from Dubbo Gully which is at the continuation of Waratah Road. The bark for the roof was carted from the Wattagan Mountains by Jim and Beryl Kirkness and Peter and Donna Stephenson. 23

Henry Kendall Museum Slab Building 1975-76 (beheaded) Ric Godsell, Jim Kirkness, Geoff Grenfell

During the year of Presidents Peter Turnbull and Geoff Henry Kendall Museum Slab Building. Opened 1976 joint Presidents – Grenfell, 1975-76, and with the assistance of Harry Geoff Grenfell & Peter Turnbull Lord and his Rural/Urban Committee, together with the help of others (including Bill Pile and Frank O’Toole) skilled in the use of the adze and other bush tools, the Slab Building was re-erected in the grounds of the Henry Kendall Museum.The two past presidents involved unveiled a commemorative plaque, in the presence of many district pioneers. The club was represented by PP Jim Kirkness and President Les Scott. The Historical Society was then planning the construction of a new building and the opportunity would arrive for Service Clubs to assist. (ix) Pioneer Park. Members of the community made initial representation to the Gosford Shire Council during 1953 for a Memorial Park to be established on the site of the old cemetery at the end of Albany Street, Point Frederick. Further representation was made to the Lands Department in 1956 and a special Act of Parliament (known as the Gosford Cemetery Bill) was finally gazetted in 1970. The Shire Council accepted the offer of Opening of Pioneer Park – 26/2/77 the Apex and Rotary Rotarians: Jim Kirkness, Peter Turnbull, Clubs of Gosford to Geofff Grenfell, Ed Dyring. assist in the execution Apexians: Ken Austin, Michael Hunter, Jim Tritton of the project. A plan was prepared by the Royal Botanical Gardens to develop the cemetery as a Pioneer Memorial Garden in a beautiful bushland setting with pleasant walks and views of Brisbane Water. Two distinct areas were created to provide separate and dignified regions where the headstones and memorial could Pioneer Park opened 26/2/77 be located and a secondary recreation area with walkways and lawn areas. The construction of Pioneer Park, which was officially opened on 26th February, 1977, represented a fine tribute to the great and consistent work of many respected citizens. It serves to remind us of the labours of the pioneers who founded our city and our nation. The Club appointed PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell of Grenfell Fraser and Associates official architects for the project. A major contribution to the work was made by PP Jim Kirkness. (x) Rumbalara. (A series of lookouts, walking tracks and picnic areas, situated above Gosford City. It can be reached by following Dolly Avenue, Springfield). The first stage of the Rumbalara Reserve was officially opened on the 1st June, 1980, by the Mayor of Gosford, Alderman Don Leggett AM. This occurred in the year of President Bert Hunter. The Official Opening luncheon was a barbecue under the control of PP Ed Dyring with his assistant, PP Les Scott. Their wives, Sue Scott and Helen Dyring prepared the salads while Les and Ed set up the barbecue plate provided by Eric Goldswain. The weather was kind and the luncheon proved to be a most successful one for fellowship and fun with Les Scott joking and giving a running commentary as the guests filed by the barbecue. The development went back to an idea put to Gosford Council in July, 1979, by the Rotary Club of Gosford. At the same time, Alan Rogers, the Managing Director of the Kitchens of Sara Lee at Lisarow offered $100,000 to 24

be contributed over a period of ten years. The ridges of Mount Mouatt, which rise up as an eastern backdrop to the Gosford City centre, proved ideal for the combined venture with Sara Lee, Gosford City Council, which matched the Sara Lee contribution dollar for dollar and the Rotary Club of Gosford which provided voluntary labour. The three groups formed a management committee and plans were drawn up with other local businesses to contribute. The name “Rumbalara” is aboriginal for Rainbow and commemorates the original inhabitants as well as expressing something picturesque and romantic having a wide and everchanging spectrum of sun and shadow. Opening Rumbalara (1st stage) 1/6/80. Sara Lee’s Alan Rogers, Mayor Don The project was extended to include the adjacent ridges LeggaT O.A.M, President Bert Hunter, Keith Bolton and hills north to Mount Elliott and the rainforest area of Cappers Gully, linking existing walking trails with large areas of bushland with superb vistas over Gosford and Brisbane Water. The work started on 21st October, 1979, when Gosford Rotarians held a working bee with the aid of local earthmovers to clear a road to the first lookout point. In the early stages Mr Noel Hewitt (Chief Town Planner) and Mr Col Watters (Parks and Gardens Supervisor) provided invaluable assistance. The Society for Growing Native Plants pledged support. More work was done Rumbalara Lookout (1st stage) opening 1/6/80. Les Scott over the next three years, & Ed Dyring in action serving George Gibson and, during the Presidential year of Lynn Dornan, the second lookout was opened in 1984 by Mayor Peter Coleman; this was called Nurrunga Lookout. The 1983 Tidy Towns ‘Best Community Service Programme’ was awarded to Rumbalara for the efforts of the Rotary Club of Gosford and the Kitchens of Sara Lee. During President John Pratt’s year of office, (1985-86), more work was carried out including the setting out of parking bays and tree planting. Working bee at Rumbala.ra Bill Johnston, Jim Kirkness, Jim Smith, Les McCarthy, Bert Hunter

(xi) Rotary Lodge. (Situated in the hospital grounds, in Racecourse Road near Beane Street West). This was a Combined Rotary Clubs project (chaired by PP Peter Turnbull) to celebrate the 75th anniversary of Rotary International. The Rotary Club of Gosford contributed $2,250 to the fund for the Lodge, in the year of President Bert Hunter...1979-80. Gosford Inner Wheel donated $500, while the other Rotary Clubs each donated $1,000. (Rotary Clubs of Wyong, Toukley, The Entrance, Terrigal, Gosford North, East Gosford, Woy Woy, Gosford West, Umina). The then Gosford District Hospital CEO, Neville Boyce, (a Past President of the Rotary Club of Gosford North) provided Rotary Lodge Opening 23/2/80. Claire Hunter, Bert Hunter (obscured), invaluable assistance by co-ordinating trades and funding. This Jim Kirkness, Dawn Smith, Jim Smith ensured the success of the project. Below is an excerpt from the address by the Minister of Health, the Honourable Kevin Stewart MP, at the Official Opening of “Rotary Lodge” at Gosford District Hospital on Saturday, 23rd February, 1980. “Ten Rotary Clubs of the Central Coast of New South Wales combined to make their 75th Anniversary Project the establishment of a lodge at the Gosford District Hospital for the use of parents and relatives of patients confined to the Hospital. The completion of the project is a milestone in the affairs of Rotary in this District. As far as can be recalled, it is the first time that ten Rotary Clubs have combined to sponsor one project. 25

You will appreciate how important is the provision of the lodge for parents and relatives of patients as part of the concept of total health care that is being developed by the Board of Directors of the Gosford District Hospital and the Central Coast Area Health Services. I would like to extend to all of the ten Rotary Clubs, who co-operated to bring this project about, sincere appreciation of their efforts in raising $1,000 each in order to attract the Hospital’s dollar for dollar contribution. And so with very special thanks to the Clubs concerned in this outstanding community project, I have great pleasure in declaring open the Rotary Lodge for parents’ and relatives’ accommodation at Gosford District Hospital”. (xii) Kincumber Lodge. (Situated in Kincumber Street, Kincumber). This unique and innovative venture by Fairhaven provided accommodation and respite for intellectually disabled persons. This scheme progressed to provide the first independent living unit on the Central Coast. Gosford Rotarians have served over the years on the Fairhaven Committee. The members of the Rotary Club of Gosford became involved in a massive service scheme for the development of the Kincumber Lodge Ladscaping – Kevin Ransley, Bert Hunter, landscaping of the Kincumber Lodge. Peter Turnbull, Jim Kirkness This job involved many hours of hard work from members in the collection of massive rocks, their placement in the landscaping and the manufacture of a statue, pool and fountain. The generosity of citizens who provided large machinery and labour was greatly appreciated. It is interesting to note that the Sydney Rotary Districts set up the original Crippled Children’s Association. This eventually gave rise to the Fairhaven Association. (xiii) Rainforest Interpretive Centre. (Situated at the end of Donnison Street past the Court House). This Centre was the idea of PP Les McCarthy, designed by PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell and funded by a Federal Government Grant during the time when Barry Cohen was Minister for the Arts and the Environment. The Rotary Club members worked on some of the landscaping and minor building work. The Centre was completed during 1986-87, the Presidential year of Alan Swan. After some time as a Rainforest Interpretative Centre, the buildings were purchased by the Department of Education and they are now being used as a Special School for Environmental and Field Studies. There is a small permanent staff of teachers who cater for visiting schools in their specialist studies. (xiv) Bradys Gully Memorial Park. (Situated on Henry Parry Drive near the North Gosford Private Hospital). During his 1996-97 Presidential year, Peter Turnbull decided to adopt a plan put forward some years earlier by Gosford City Council to convert the derelict cemetery in Bradys Gully to a Pioneer Memorial Park. President Peter felt that a ‘hands on’ project was needed and many members had expressed the need for the club to be involved in a major project. Council had allocated funds of $4,650 for this park, but it was obvious that more money was needed. Representations were made to Gosford City Council for additional funding and to the Federal Government for a grant to employ young unemployed people in a ‘work for the dole’ type project. Brady’s Gully Park 1996-97. Peter Turnbull, Kevin Ransley, Dennis Allen We were successful in obtaining an additional allocation of $10,000 from Council and Federal funding for the employment of 12 young people and so the project started in September, 1996. The chairman of the committee for the park project was PP Terry Gibson, with committee members, Dennis Allen, Ron Hincksman, John Sawtell, Kevin Winterbottom, PPs Bert Hunter, Jim Kirkness and Mick Whalan. The 12 young people were employed under the Landcare and Environment Action Program (L.E.A.P.)— 7 ultimately graduated on 13th March, 1996. 26

Many local citizens and firms contributed labour and materials and the club members also provided strong support for this project. Future plans envisage a Memorial Pavilion, three ornamental entry archways, seating, lighting and a barbecue. The Club and the City Council have been talking to the NSW Department of Education about acquisition of the rest of the land in this area, but, it appears unlikely that this will come about because the Department of Education has plans for their own use of the land. The development of a derelict cemetery into a Rest Park and Garden to recognise our pioneers with respect was officially opened on 1st June, 1997, by the City Mayor, Alderman Tony Sansom with over 300 people in attendance. 3. AUSTRALIA DAY On the 26th January, 1993, the Club celebrated Australia Day with a simple function at the home of John Flakelar at Mangrove Mountain. The ceremony comprised the gathering of members and friends at 8.00 am precisely, a brief address on “what Australia Day means to me” by a speaker, the raising of the Australian flag with a “ feu de joie”, and toasting the flag with port. The short ceremony was followed by breakfast. The speaker for the first ceremony was PP Terry Devine. The order of ceremony had been developed by John Flakelar’s brother, Barrie, and was introduced to the club by John Flakelar. At the District Assembly held at Kurrajong in 1993, club members carried out the ceremony for all representatives of the District. Similar ceremonies have followed throughout the District from this time. In 1994 the venue was Henry Kendall Cottage grounds. PP Russell Cox, as Town Crier, assisted by his wife Gloria (each dressed in period costume) started the ceremony at exactly 8.00am with the assembly singing Advance Australia Fair. PP Mick Whalan read the historical background and toasted “Australia”. Tom Cowper, the younger son of Rotarian John Cowper and Kate, spoke about “what Australia means to me”. PP Kevin and Nancye Booth recited “My Country”. Lynn and Valerie Dornan’s children, Thea and Mary Ellen, planted a tree. After a silent prayer, Kevin Booth read a “Prayer for Australia”. We were honoured on this occasion to have District Governor Graham Goodfellow and wife Joy with us, together with Dr Maureen Golston Morris, who is an expert on Governor Phillip. We were joined by members of the Brisbane Water Historical Society for entertainment by Bruce Walker and his daughter with her horses. During the Australia Day breakfast, Bruce, who is a Bush Poet and timber-getter, recited a selection of his poems. This was a great day for club fellowship and celebration of Australia Day. In 1995 the club celebrated the day with the same ceremony and a club breakfast with special activities again at Henry Kendall Cottage in West Gosford. The speaker on this occasion was Linda Angledal, the daughter of Rotarian Sven Angledal and Margareth. A tree was planted to commemorate the occasion. In 1996, a formal ceremony was held at Old Sydney Town, when Gosford, Wahroonga and Kariong-Somersby Clubs combined to celebrate on Australia Day. PP Bert Hunter acted as Town Crier for this function.

Australia Day 1998 – Terry Devine, Colin Sheumack, Lynn Dornan, Warren Hosking, drummer

In 1997, at the request of the Gosford City Council, the landing of Governor Phillip and his party was re-enacted at the Gosford waterfront followed by a flag raising and reading of the Governor’s Commission. This day was organised by PP Frank Cross. Governor Phillip was Lynn Dornan, his aide was Warren Hoskings, the colony’s Chaplain was John Pratt, the Judge Advocate, Lieutenant Colonel David Collins, was Terry Devine, town criers were Bert Hunter, Kevin Shumack and Alan Seberry, Officer-in-Charge of Marines was John Phillips. Ettalong Surf Club rowed the official party and the marines ashore at the old Aquatic Club. We were also assisted by the Light Horse, the Naval Cadets and the Muzzle Loaders Association, who fired two muzzle loaded cannons. The re-enactment was repeated in 1998 with slight variations of personnel. The Chaplain was Colin Sheumack, the town criers were Bert Hunter and Alan Seberry. Terrigal Surf Club provided the transport and we thank the Naval Cadets and the Muzzle Loaders Association for their continued support. 27

4. L.J.McCARTHY COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD This Award was introduced in 1991-92 by the then Vocational Service Director, John Flakelar, to recognise members of the community who had provided outstanding Community Service over a long period of time. PP Jim Kirkness PHF (Joint award winner in 1992-93) is the only club member to be given this prestigious award. 1991-92 Les Graham (Jnr) 1992-93 Barry Margin and Jim Kirkness 1993-94 Peter Robson 1994-95 Barry Cohen 1995-96 Neville Boyce 1996-97 Tudor Davies 1997-98 Dr Brian Shaw 5. ‘A NIGHT IN VIENNA’ On the 16th April, 1997, about 550 people attended a performance of the Gosford City Orchestra combined with members of the Gosford Youth Orchestra, with guest artists and dancers at the Central Coast Leagues Club. This evening was organised by the combined Rotary Clubs of the Central Coast with the Rotary Club of Gosford left to sell tickets and to encourage people to attend. This came about after a request to our club from Tudor Davies, the dedicated Programme Director of the Gosford Youth Orchestra — President Peter Turnbull and Alan Seberry organised the sale of tickets while PP Kevin Booth was stage manager. The support of the Youth Orchestra continues the start made in 1993 when PDG Neville Chambers asked for Rotary Clubs of the Central Coast to get behind the newly formed Youth Orchestra. Tudor Davies was awarded the L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award on this evening for his long and effective involvement with the Orchestra. 6. PROBUS Probus is an organisation for retired persons, who meet fortnightly without pressure, with little cost and in circumstances which provide new interests and new friends.. One meeting is an informal ‘get together’, usually for morning tea with a Guest Speaker. The other meeting often involves a bus trip or some other excursion of interest. Some clubs also gather for more extensive trips on occasions. These clubs have grown in numbers and the interest is great among the senior members of our community. The Probus Club of Hunters Hill was the first club formed in Australia. It was set up by PP Peter Germann of the Rotary Club of Hunters Hill on the 6th November, 1975. Peter, at that time, was chairman of a sub-committee set up to look at the establishment of Probus in Australia. Probus started in 1971 at Helensburgh in Scotland under the auspices of the Rotary Club of Dumbarton.The Probus numbers at the end of 1994 were in excess of 150,000 in about 1800 clubs in Australia and New Zealand. The first Probus Club on the Central Coast was formed by Bob Leicester of the Rotary Club of West Gosford in 1978. The Probus Club of Gosford was formed by the Rotary Club of Gosford on the 24th April, 1980. Community Service Director Vern Arbie chaired the formation meeting. This was during the Presidential year of Bert Hunter and the Probus Club of Gosford was the 19th Probus Club in the South Pacific. Former Rotarian Roy Dibben worked hard to form the Probus Club of Gosford South of which he became the inaugural President. The then Club President John Pratt presented Roy with his collar of office during the year 1986. 7. JOHN LEDDY In July, 1983, PP John Williams initiated a project for ‘The Study of the Changing Role of Administering Rehabilitation Facilities for Adult Intellectually Handicapped People.’ An application for a grant for the Administrator of Fairhaven Centre, John Leddy, to travel in the USA, UK and Canada, was forwarded to the Rotary Foundation. He was to investigate issues for the integration of intellectually retarded adults into the wider community. John left in September, 1983. He visited programmes of renown and was hosted by 10 Rotary Clubs and individual member families throughout the four month tour. At that time John lived at Bensville with his wife Christine and two children, Ronnie (11 years) and Patricia (13 years). He became active in providing services for the intellectually handicapped after learning that his son, Ronnie, had a disability. Earlier John worked as a stockmarket analyst in the late 1960’s and the early 1970’s. He moved to the Central Coast and worked as a Records Manager for the County Council.John spoke to the Club on the 12th January, 1984. 28

John Leddy–Rotary Club of Gosford Scholarship 1983-83. District 9680 Vocational Excellence Awardee 1986-87

On his return with the support of those with whom he had studied, a unique training programme was established which completely challenged the accepted limitation of people with moderate and severe disabilities to perform highly complex tasks. Within 12 months, some 25 significantly disabled people had undergone intensive “one-to-one” training, and had won a contract to manually assemble printed circuit boards for a major manufacturer of computers. The programme was nationally (and then internationally) recognised, and became a demonstration model and resource base for the dissemination of the training methodology acquired during the study tour. Some comments by John Leddy... “The training sessions were intensely satisfying, and, became a mutual voyage of discovery between trainer and learner, whilst endeavouring to extend beyond the previously understood limitations of the individuals concerned. At its most intense level, the trainer often became the learner and in so doing acquired an enormous respect for the true, and as yet, untapped skills of the person. More importantly, there evolved a deep understanding of the associated human benefits as new levels of achievement were reached by the disabled person...” He further commented, “ I believe that the Rotary Club of Gosford’s sponsorship of my overseas visit was the greatest investment that could possibly be made to Fairhaven. This trip has provided the stimulus to promote tremendous change in the centre, in other similar centres and within the community as a whole.” Fairhaven is a voluntary organisation. It is an Activity Therapy Centre designed to provide intellectually handicapped adults with training in Independent Living Skills and Vocational Training. Although Fairhaven was regarded as one of the most advanced centres of its kind in Australia, John believed it was about five years behind developments in the United States. John had been overcome with the hospitality of Rotarians wherever he went. He thanked the then President Lynn Dornan and his wife, Valerie for their great help and also special thanks to PP John Williams for his tremendous contribution. PDG Geoff Grenfell commented recently that as a result of our club’s involvement with John Leddy, Gosford now has three disabled facilities which are the best in Australia. 8. APEX CLUB OF GOSFORD. During 1952 , President Tom Arkins with the assistance of Neville Wallwork, encouraged the Apex Club of Newcastle to investigate the formation of an Apex Club in Gosford. As a result of this the Apex Club of Gosford was formed in 1953.


VOCATIONAL SERVICE PROJECTS 1. Pride of Workmanship Awards Awarded to members of the community who exhibit work skills, ethics and endeavour above and beyond the ‘call of duty’. 1976-77 John Babbage, Edward Brenton, John Cleverly, Robert de Haas, Ralph Lyons, Kathleen Miller, Tony O’Farrell, John Osgood, Neil Pickett, Barry Robertson, Ann Tindall. 1984-85 Jan Crowe, Mike Whitney, Sue Mattley, Wendy McCormack. Pride of Workmanship Awards 1984-85 RotarianVern Arbie, President Malcolm Brooks, Awardees – Jan Crowe, Mike Whitney, 1986-87 Elizabeth Turnbull, Sue Mattley, Wendy McCormick & Vocational Director Neil Everson Stephen Cox, John Kerr 1987-88 Alan Matheson, Kevin Collins, Raymond Clancy, Stewart Byrnes. 1988-89 Sandra Stowe, John Witherall, Norman Schofield, Roland Brown. 1989-90 Julie Witchard, Rosemary Kennedy, Nola Gallagher, V.J.Ward, Linda Lawless, Janet Top. 1990-91 Ted and Isobel Williams, Darryl Fry, John Herrick, Dianne Parks, Beverley Dudman, Stan Brown. 1991-92 Sandra Anderson, Meredith Wallace, Frances Wasson, Fred Mayer, Peter Gock, Karen Cox. 1992-93 Frances Vrolks, Marilyn Kineally, Robert Nolan. 1993-94 Chris Garrett, Rev Jenny Willsher, Peter Murphy, David Booth. 1994-95 Jeremy Smith, Carol Hogan, Mark Donaldson. 1995-96 Corinne Howell, Philip and Diane Lockhart, Nigel Dewhurst, Warren Boler. 1996-97 Julie Jessop, Anne Bryant, Don Strofield, Peter Starr 1997-98 Christine McKenzie 2. Vocational Excellence Awards in District 9680 This program was initiated in 1982 as a result of the combined inspirations of DG Graham Turnidge and the then District Vocational Service Advisor, Geoff Grenfell who was charged with setting up the award and the selection of the first awardees. The aims are (i) To recognise Vocational Excellence of the highest order. (ii) To inspire further enthusiasm and to give added reward to the achiever. (iii)To set an example to others, particularly youth, of the need to pursue and strive for Vocational Excellence to the benefit of their associates and the community in general. Amongst the criteria for selection are:- non-Rotarian, living and/or working in District 9680, with a proven record of pursuing vocational excellence. Three awards are given each year. Recipients receive a gold medallion and a lapel pin showing a hand stretching towards the stars and a citation. Amongst the first recipients was George Taylor BEM of Burbank Nursery. One of the awardees in 1986-87 was John Leddy of Fairhaven. (other winners include; Dr Earl Owen, Dame Leone Kramer, Dr John Yeo, Dr Victor Chang, Mr Don Burrows, Tom Keneally, Ken Done.) 3. Careers Market The first careers night was held in conjunction with East Gosford Rotary and was attended by 1,000 students and parents, during 1967-68, in the year of President Ron Sky. The night was organised by Jim Kirkness, Keith Bolton and Bob Potts, the venue was Erina High School, with 108 occupations present. Jim Kirkness also organised an apprenticeship night which was held in the Leagues Club and was attended by 200 young people. After this time the night was organised by East Gosford Rotary, but slowly declined in interest, until 1974, when the President Jim Kirkness, Vocational Director Laurie Reid and the Vocational Director from East Gosford Rotary enlisted the assistance of Angela Glover (Careers Adviser) from Henry Kendall High School and the Careers Market came into being. This has grown and developed under the leadership of Angela Glover over the years with the untiring physical and financial support of the Rotary clubs of the Central coast. The Central Coast Careers Market is the biggest activity of its kind in New South Wales and possibly the largest careers market in Australia. 30


1. Tri-Sister Clubs Agreement—-Australia/Japan /New Zealand Gosford, Osaka North West and Christchurch North. The Tri-Sister Scheme had its start following a visit by Eric and Kate Reynolds to the Rotary Club of Christchurch North. That club wrote to our Gosford Club inviting us to join in a Tri-Sister Scheme with them and the Rotary Club of Osaka Northwest. They proposed a combined visit by the members of Christchurch North and Gosford Clubs to Osaka. Bernie and Rita O’Donoghue went and signed an agreement at a formal dinner in Osaka in May 1982 bringing the Tri-Sister Scheme into being. Bernie continued as chairman of the committee for a number of years. 1982-83 Bernie and Rita O’Donoghue with John and Bettina Williams made an official visit to the Rotary Club of Christchurch North. 1983-84 contact was maintained with the two clubs. In 1984-85 Osaka NW Rotarians visited. This was followed by a further visit from Osaka NW in 1986-87. Youth exchange occurred...Kazuyo Kubo and Emiko Nishino exchanged with David Treston and Mandy Reynolds. 1988 there was a visit by Gosford Rotarians to Osaka Northwest, Japan. 1989-90 we were visited by Christchurch North Rotarians —there was a return visit by some Gosford Rotarians and another Youth Exchange occurred...Ikuyo Uedo and Hiro Fujii exchanged with Sally Trimmer and Andrew Adams. 1990-91 we were visited by two more young people from Osaka NW—-Takeshi Shinkawa and Yoko Nichino. The following year, 1991-92, there was another exchange—Naota Sakai and Ikuko Miyamoto with Darren Pye and Katharina Graf. 1992-93 was the tenth anniversary of the start of the Tri-Sister Scheme and we were honoured by a visit by Rotarians from Osaka NW and Christchurch North. A special dinner was held at the Holiday Inn Crowne Plaza Hotel at Terrigal. A meeting was held to update and confirm the relationship. 1993-94 saw another exchange between Chika Motobayashi and Kazuhiko Shiozaki with Linda Angledal and Michael Mills. A donation of $5000 was received from Osaka NW for the disastrous bushfires which ravaged the Central Coast in January,1994. This was combined with a $1,000 donation from the Rotary Club of Rockhampton Sunrise to provide a small camper/trailer for the Gosford St John’s Ambulance to use in the field during emergencies and other events. This mobile facility has already been used extensively by the St John’s Ambulance. 1994-95 saw a brief visit by the president of the Rotary Club of Christchurch North. Gosford forwarded $1000 to the Osaka Earthquake Appeal.... a number of our Japanese Rotary friends were affected by the great earthquake which devastated Osaka and surrounds. 1996-97 further exchange occurred... Kanaka Nishiyama and Miyuki Hamano with Sarah Wright and Jay Thorogood. 1998 latest visit occurred on 21st-23rd January when a group of Rotarians/their wives and families from Osaka Northwest were entertained by the Club with tours, a dinner and golf. 2. Friendship Exchange One of the most exciting and pleasant developments from Gosford Rotary in recent years has been the notion of ‘Friendship Exchange’. This concept was conceived by a former club member, Bill Johnston early in 1988. Bill had originally visited a cousin in Somerset during World War 2. The cousin was PDG John Lane from the Rotary Club of Mendip in Cheddar. Malcolm Brooks and Neville Wallwork and wives visited the Mendip Club and met with John Lane in late 1988. Following this visit, Malcolm was appointed Chairman of a Committee to organise a ‘Friendship Visit’ for Rotarians and wives from the Mendip area to the Central Coast for February/March 1989. The visit for a fortnight was a great success. In May, 1990, 24 Gosford Rotarians and their wives flew to England for the return visit— this was a tremendous visit of two weeks and was followed by a tour of Europe under the guidance of Chairman Malcolm Brooks. The English Clubs involved were the Rotary Clubs of Mendip, Wells, Weston-Super-Mare, Wrington Vale and Woodspring. In February, 1992, 26 Rotarians and wives from the Mendip Area visited us again for one week. In March, 1993, 26 Rotarians and wives from the Rotary Club of Sun Lakes, Phoenix, Arizona, USA visited us for 8 days. The return visit for 14 Gosford Rotarians and wives occurred in September/October 1993. This was combined 31

with a spectacular tour of Canada and the United States, visiting many National Parks, Salt Lake City, Las Vegas and Hawaii. May, 1995, saw a visit from 12 Rotarians and wives from Bombay, India. We were very happy to host our Rotary friends for 1 week. Our most recent ‘Friendship Exchange’ occurred during May/June, 1996, when 12 Rotarians and wives travelled to the Rotary Club of Duncan on Vancouver Island for 4 days, and, for a 3 day visit to the Rotary Club of Banff, Alberta, Canada. The group also attended the Rotary International Conference in Calgary. Once again under the leadership of PP Malcolm Brooks the group travelled through Canada and the US. In June,1998, another return visit to Mendip, Somerset, UK. for 12 Rotarians and partners has been arranged by PP Malcolm Brooks. The trip will also include Ireland, Scandinavia and Europe. 3. “From Russia With Love” The seeds for this scheme were sown in October, 1983, when Past President/Past District Governor Geoff Grenfell was the team leader of a Group Study Exchange team to Switzerland. Discussion during this exchange subconsciously affected Geoff’s thinking about international peace and goodwill. In 1991 when the “Berlin Wall came down “ and the “Iron Curtain went up” , the opportunity arose to spread Rotary into these countries. In 1992, when Geoff became District Governor Nominee he started to formulate his plans. In July, 1995, PP Lynn Dornan of the Rotary Club of Gosford and the (then) DGN Alex Sawyer of Rotary Club of Ryde were awarded the Carl P Miller Discovery Grant to look into establishing a relationship with the people of Far Eastern Russia to arrange a visit of selected young business men and women to Rotary District 9680 to study their vocations and to experience the Free Market Economy with particular emphasis on the relatively friendly attitude of Australians. The two Rotarians visited Vladivostok in September, 1995. (The Carl P Miller Discovery Grant is made to assist Rotarians in determining the feasability of a proposed international service project.) Permission was needed from DG Jack Randolf of D5010, Anchorage, Alaska, whose District includes Far Eastern Russia, and efforts were concentrated to develop the provisional Rotary Club of Vladivostok. The (then) District Governor Geoff Grenfell joined Past President Lynn Dornan and attended the Peace Forum in Anchorage to cement relationships with Russian delegates and officials of D5010. Lynn was greatly commended for his leadership, inspiration, dedication, empathy, compassion and Rotary knowledge and ideals. Achievements to date...visit by 8 Russian business people, —first Russian Youth Exchange student, Oksana Borbot, —first Australian Youth Exchange student to Vladivostok, Samuel Elyard, —return visit by PP Ian Dyball to Russia, —provision of humanitarian aid to an orphanage and oncology ward, —hosting a visit of a child for spinal operation in Sydney with her mother , —visit by Russian Rotary representatives to District Conference in March, 1996, —visit by two Rotaractors to District 9680 (Dima Mudov and Liza Lavrushina), —the sponsorship of a paediatrician, Dr Tamara Kovdeeva, on an eight month study programme at the new Westmead Children’s Hospital in oncology during the 1997-98 Rotary year. send 5 Rotarians to D5010 Assembly and President Elect seminar, — to develop cultural exchanges with Far East Russia. PDG Geoff Grenfell states that the Discovery Grant has already been a huge success ...From Russia With Love was his dream... the ‘impossible dream’. In February, 1998, PP Lynn Dornan and PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell attended a “Rotary in Russia” workshop/ seminar in Denver, Colorado, sponsored by the three Districts surrounding that area to participate in and advise on the success of our programme. 4. FAIM (Fourth Avenue In Motion) Fourth Avenue In Motion (FAIM) is an activity of Rotary Australia World Community Service (RAWCS) under which Rotarians and volunteers serve in developing countries as training teams (and workers) on construction projects. In 1982-83, ten members organised by Alan Swan travelled to PNG and the Solomons. The first party comprised Milton Frazer, Roy Dibben and non-club member Ron Thompson (a builder). They went to the Solomon Islands.— the second group was made up of Alan Swan, Bert Hunter, Bill Johnston, Ken Herd, Jim Secomb and non-club members Ken Austin, Jim Flint (the Rotary Club of Terrigal). They worked at Rugli, near Mt Hagen in PNG. In 1985-86 Jim Smith worked at Manus Island. Russell Cox, John Phillips and Jim Lawson (with Chris and 32

Kristine Scott) were part of a FAIM team to Tonu, in Bougainville. Chris Scott has recently joined our Club. Our latest visit for FAIM was to Kokoda by Mick Whalan and Alan Seberry (with Denis McCarthy- a builder) in 1994-95. All of these FAIM visits involved construction of school rooms, cottages, hospital wards or aid stations. 5. The Rotary/RSL Kokoda Memorial Projects. This has been a great project; one of the largest and highest profile International Service Scheme undertaken by Rotary in Australia. The relationships which have developed between so many Rotarians and villagers have been a truly remarkable and outstanding expression of Rotary in action— International goodwill and service of the highest standard and significance. Importantly, the Australian Government has recognised that Rotary has skills and capacities in such projects that do not exist elsewhere in the community. The seeds of this scheme were sown in 1991, when the Rotary Club of Hunters Hill put forward a proposal to rebuild the Health Centre at Kokoda. However, it was not until November, 1992, that the project really got going when Geoff Grenfell and John Phillips (from the Rotary Club of Gosford) were able to have a District 9680 Committee set up under the auspices of the Eastern Region of FAIM. The proposal now was for a Health Sub Centre, 5 Aid Posts, and the Kokoda Health Centre. John Phillips met with PNG officials at Popondetta late in 1992, and recommended that the project go ahead, linking with the RSL in the funding appeal and that the whole project be dedicated as a living memorial to the Australian Diggers and the Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels who fought and died in the Kokoda Campaign (as well as the battles at Gona, Buna and Sanananda). Progress was slow in 1993, but eventually the project was endorsed by the RSL, after strong publicity by John Phillips. The first Aid Post was built at Waju in 1994. Anzac Day, 1994 was enhanced by the presence of two Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels, one In the entrance to Kokoda Memorial Hospital – Opening Day 15/9/95 of whom was the famous Raphael Oembari Presentations to Benjamin Ijumi & Eric Goldswain. Photograph shows Paramount Chief of Kokoda, OBE, who, in the well known photograph Benjamon Ijumi, Eric Goldswain (Gosford RC), Ross Humphries & PP John Phillips (Gosford RC). is seen helping the wounded Private George Whittington in 1942.The visitors participated in National advertising for the Kokoda Project. The Federal Government honoured a pledge made during the “Australia Remembers” Year of 1994/95 and funded the Kokoda Health Centre and some other works, including a new museum and trekker accommodation. 500 volunteers have worked on the Kokoda Hospital of 24 beds and the five Aid Posts at Waju, Buna (3/95), Sairupe (9/95), Kebara (5/96), Hanau (8/96)—and are currently repairing the Aid post at Gona. It is planned to build another two Posts at Asafa, and Bagoh. Approximately $2.3 million will have been spent on the project when it is completed. Each facility was opened with much pomp and ceremony...the Kokoda Memorial Hospital was opened jointly by the Australian Prime Minister, Mr Paul Keating and the Papua New Guinea Prime Minister, Sir Julius Chan. Awards to two members. During this opening the Prime Minister, Mr Paul Keating was honoured, but of great significance to Gosford Rotary was the honouring of one of our members, Eric Goldswain, who has been a major supporter and sponsor of the project from the beginning. On this auspicious occasion Eric was presented with a ceremonial stone club and a .303 bayonet plaque to commemorate his service with the 2/1st Infantry Battalion during the Kokoda Campaign. PP John Phillips has been honoured for his outstanding and tireless effort in this project by being awarded an OAM in 1997. At the 1998 District 9680 Conference in Canberra, PP John Phillips was presented with the Service Above Self Award by the Governor General. This award, the highest honour for individual Rotarians and one of only 150 made each year worldwide, recognises outstanding humanitarian service, with an emphasis on personal volunteer efforts and active involvement in helping 33

others through Rotary. John earned this award for his tireless efforts on the Rotary/RSL Kokoda Memorial Project in Papua New Guinea building aid posts and other facilities for the local community. 6. Medical Aid for Indonesian Boy—Rendra Wirawan During Julie Turnbull’s visit as a Youth Exchange Student to Surabaya (East Java) in 1979-80 in Indonesia a request came for “open heart’ surgery for a young 9 year old boy from that area. The Rotary Club of Gosford sought the help of all the Clubs in District 968 to bring the boy to Sydney for the operation. The boy and his mother arrived on 10th December, 1979 and admitted to Royal Alexandra Hospital for Children at Camperdown. Sadly the boy’s condition was such that the operation was not possible and he had to return to Indonesia, but the visit attracted considerable publicity for Rotary. Peter and Arlene Turnbull provided accommodation and transport while he was in Sydney. The original request for funds from the District Clubs was $55 from each of the 46 Clubs. This occurred during 1979-80, the year of President Bert Hunter.

1979-80 Indonesian boy – Rendra Wirawan with his mum & Peter Turnbull


ROTARY FOUNDATION PROJECTS. 1. Ambassadorial Scholars This is a Rotary Foundation programme which sponsors selected academics to study at an overseas educational institution for varying lengths of time — for each of our scholars the time involved was for one academic year, usually about nine months. They are expected to act as unofficial ambassadors of goodwill”. 1974-75 David Bradbury studying broadcast journalism at West Virginia University 1988-89 Dr Dominic Dwyer to the Pasteur Institute in Paris to study infectious diseases. 1992-93 Kara Coates from USA hosted by Gosford Rotary Club while she attended Macquarie University. She studied Environmental Science. (i) David Bradbury— Ambassadorial Scholar David Bradbury was a Foundation Scholar (now called an Ambassadorial Scholar), sponsored by the Rotary Club of Gosford to study broadcast journalism at West Virginia University in 197475. He had been the Dux and School Captain of Erina High School and had represented NSW in Schoolboy Rugby League. He studied Politics and History at the Australian National University. He is now 46 and lives at Wilsons Creek in the high country behind Mullumbimby with his longtime partner and three children. He has made 18 films and documentaries and has established himself as one of the outstanding documentary makers in Australia. He has been German Youth Exchange Student Anna Weber with Ambassadorial Scholar 1974, David Bradbury nominated for two Academy Awards and his films have been shown all over the world. Many of his documentaries are based on social justice violations...Frontline (war correspondents in the Vietnam War), Nicaragua: No Pasaram (the CIA and the Sandinistas), Chile: Hasta Cuando (the Pinochet regime), The Battle of Byron (campaign against development on the North Coast). He has also proposed documentaries on Wik and the Jabiluka mining dispute. (ii) Dr Dominic Dwyer In September, 1987, PP Lynn Dornan gave some exciting news to the Club about the proposed sponsorship of Dr Dominic Dwyer who would be leaving in July, 1988, to study AIDS with Professor Luc Montagnier’s team at the Pasteur Institute in Paris. This was the team which had isolated the AIDS virus. Lynn was to act as Dr Dwyer’s adviser. On November 26, 1987, Dr Dominic Dwyer spoke to the Club about his coming study in Paris. Dominic was aged 32 and born in Sydney. He was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Gosford for a Rotary Foundation Award. He is married to Megan. His secondary schooling was at St Joseph’s College, Hunters Hill, (a catholic boarding school in Sydney). He graduated in Medicine from the University of New South Wales in 1979. His training at that time was as a consultant physician, specialising in infectious diseases at a major university hospital in the Western Suburbs. His particular career interests were Dr Dominic Dwyer – epidemiology and molecular biology of viral infections, tropical medicine and the Rotary Foundation Ambassadorial Scholar 1988-89 health and social problems of Indochinese refugees. courtesy of Club Bulletin At that time he was enrolled part-time in a Master of Arts course at the University of New South Wales specialising in Asian History. His interests include long distance running, surfing, snow skiing, rugby union and cricket. He has travelled widely in South-East Asia and Europe. On his return, Dominic spoke to the District Conference in 1991, and addressed our Club on 21st March, 1991. Recent correspondence from Dr Dominic Dwyer... (August 1997) ... “In 1987, I was awarded a Rotary International Vocational Scholarship to undertake a study programme at the Institute Pasteur, Paris, France. This enabled me to spend one year (later extended to two years) learning new molecular and virological techniques relevant to the study of the human immunodeficiency (HIV), the cause of 35

AIDS. This work was undertaken in the laboratory of Professor Luc Montagnier, leader of the French team that first discovered HIV. This laboratory employed approximately 40 people (many from overseas) whose research efforts were devoted to fully characterising the newly discovered HIV. The Institute Pasteur was a very large facility with an international reputation based on research into molecular biology, microbiology, virology and immunology. Eight Nobel Prize winners have worked at the Institute in Paris. It is the major hub of a network of approximately 25 other Institute Pasteur laboratories located in various locations (usually countries with strong links to France) around the world. During my study at the Institute Pasteur, I worked to develop molecular techniques allowing close study of HIV1, HIV-2, and the simian counterpart of HIV. This included analysing the presence of HIV in brain tissue to better understand the dementia associated with HIV, and the biological characterisation of virulent simian immunodeficiency viruses. Some of these techniques, although novel at the time, have now entered general research and diagnostic medicine. Upon my return to Australia, I continued my studies in virology, including the application of the techniques learned at the Institute Pasteur to HIV research in Australia. A particular interest has been the use of molecular techniques to characterise different strains of HIV present in Australia, and to monitor the importation of unusual HIV strains in Australia. Similar techniques have been applied to the investigation of epidemiologically linked cohorts of HIV infection, including study of HIV transmission in a surgeon’s office, and the outbreak of HIV in prison. A number of publications have arisen from these studies. The techniques have been applied to other viral diseases including the Australian arboviruses of significant public health importance, and enteroviruses (viruses responsible for outbreaks of meningitis). Following completion of my training, I was employed as a Specialist in Infectious Diseases at Westmead, and more recently as a Medical Virologist. There are very few clinical virologists in Australia, but clinical virology is becoming most important with the emergence of new viral diseases in Australia and elsewhere, with improvements in diagnostic technology and with new antiviral drugs coming onto the market.” 2. Group Study Exchange. This is a Rotary Foundation educational activity designed to provide outstanding young business and professional persons opportunities to study another country, its people and its institutions. This activity has been supported by Rotary International since 1965 — prior to that, the scheme was known as Rota. It is hoped that further international understanding and friendship will be developed by the group. The make-up of the team has changed over the years. Originally, the team comprised a Rotarian Team Leader with six young business and professional men (25-35 years). Later the team size was reduced to five, and now is made-up of four young men and/or women (25-40 years). With Rotary International approval, two Rotary districts in different parts of the world agree to exchange teams, usually in successive years. The club has provided two leaders for GSE teams....PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell was leader of the team to Switzerland (District 198) in 1983-84, and, PP Lynn Dornan led a team to India (District 308) in 1986-87. PP/PDG Geoff Grenfell’s team comprised Len Nixon (Secondary School Teacher), Phillip Leslie (Solicitor), Peter Bromley (Regional Manager-Building Society) our Club nominee, Les Nunn (Businessman)—Vietnam Veteran—recently deceased, Phillip Stanton (Architect), David Chin (reserve—Businessman) GSE team members—-Chris Hartcher (South Africa) 1976.Chris now represents Gosford in the NSW Parliament. Gary Holden (Brazil-reserve) 1981. Keith Dedden (Sweden) 1979. Keith is Past President of our Club. Peter Bromley (Switzerland) 1982. Scott Parry-Jones (Japan) 1985. Brian Freeman (USA) 1974. Jo Meier (South Africa) 1992. Michelle Swinden (Italy) 1995.


YOUTH PROJECTS. 1. Youth Exchange Programme. This is a Rotary International programme for school age students to engage in study or travel abroad for one academic year or less for the purpose of advancing international understanding and goodwill. Students are sponsored by Rotary Clubs in their home country, selected by their home District and hosted by three or four Rotary families in the host country. In Out 1972-73 Yukiko Taketomi (Japan) 1973-74 Paula Limongan(Indonesia) 1974-75 Motoe Tamagawa(Japan) 1975-76 Leone Griffiths (Japan) 1978-79 Karen Olsen (Denmark) 1979-80 T Gray (USA) Julie Turnbull (Indonesia) 1980-81 A student from Indonesia Lyndon Arbie (USA) 1981-82 Carole Nicholson(South Africa) Cathy Maher (USA) 1982-83 Michael Frugneit(Denmark) 1983-84 Jorn Benn (Germany) David Singh (USA) 1985-86 Klas Andersen (Sweden) Natalie Lovett(Japan) 1986-87 Stephen Vestergard-Jensen(Denmark) Narelle Jeffries (Indonesia) 1987-88 Kara Bailey (Denmark) 1988-89 Jeannette Kellogg (Canada) 1991-92 Emma Dowman(England) 1992-93 Nola Hocking(England) 1993-94 Shellie Carr (Germany) 1995-96 Oksana Borbot (Russia)* 1996-97 Kevin Carey (USA) Jared Olive (Turkey) 1997-98 Anna Weber (Germany) Amber Funnell (Turkey) * Oksana Borbot is the first Youth Exchange Student ever to come from Russia (Vladivostok) to Australia.

Oksana Bordot – Youth Exchange Student from Russia 1995-96

2. Rotary Youth Leadership Awards The RYLA programme is a District project involving young people and Rotarians. It is aimed at developing qualities of leadership and good citizenship. It usually involves a residential get together for about a week. The concept started in Queensland in 1957 to celebrate the State’s centenary. In 1960 District 260 started a RYLA programme involving a one week camp. In 1969, District 268 introduced a RYLA programme at Narrabeen National Fitness Camp. It catered for 116 candidates from 46 Clubs. 1972 saw a change of venue to Vision Valley Wesley Conference Centre. 37

The first involvement of the Rotary Club of Gosford was in 1970.

1970-71 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75 1976-77 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85 1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1989-90 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95 1995-96 1996-97 1997-98

Yvonne Randall, David Clarke, Denis Musgrove Marilyn Thurling, Paul Young Bronwyn Colditz, Margaret Babbage Elizabeth Brooker, Jennifer Porter Anne Hearn, June Marshall, Glenn Thurling Karen Eagle, Michael Huxley Sharynne Lamont, Gregory Smith Alison McKenzie, Alan Davidson Therese Mortenson, Stephanie Devine Catherine Minter, Trevor Hartshorn Therese Smith, Kate Lawson Annette Giblett, Stephen Marshall Peter Singh, Jim Katrakilis Anita Small, Craig Brown Fiona Drielsma, Nathan Fabian Danielle Kelly, Tim Curtis Sharon Timewell Suzanne Burling, Shane Holmes Rochelle Starr, Daniel Stafford-Smith Andrew Smith

3. Peer Support Peer Support is a programme designed to have senior students (about Year 11) work through a set course on a once per week basis with Year 7 students soon after they enter High School. It is designed to ease the young students into the high school situation and to give them confidence to resist the temptation of wrong doing during their school years. Investigative work on the establishment of a Peer Support Programme at Henry Kendall High School was carried out during the Presidential year of Malcolm Brooks, 1984-85, by Youth Director Mark Lees and PP John Phillips. The Interact Club of Henry Kendall High School had set aside $300 to assist with the setting up of the scheme. The Rotary Club of Gosford promised $1,000 to help with the cost of training staff and purchasing books etc. At the end of 1985 in the year of President John Pratt, 225 students from Year 10 and 7 teachers were trained as leaders and as teacher advisers. In term 1, 1986, the scheme started under the control of Ann Newman (then teacher in charge of Home Science at HKHS ). The scheme was successful and worked well and continues to the present time. Teacher Donna Judd ran the scheme until recently when it was taken over by Colin Hardwick as teacher in charge. Rotary Club of Gosford members are still involved during the training session by manning a barbecue each year to conclude the training . In 1987, President Peter Treston assisted the Rotary Club of East Gosford in setting up a Peer Support Scheme at St Edwards College. 4. National Science Summer School The National Science Summer School has been sponsored by a number of large companies and our Rotary Club became involved with the initial local selection of Year 11 students who had shown outstanding potential for entry into Science based work when they left school. After the first year of our involvement, our Club also contributed some finance for the student (who had won final selection at District level against the most outstanding students in the Metropolitan North Education Region.). Another feature of the Club’s involvement has been the participation of PP Lynn Dornan in the training and development of interview skills of the Club’s nominees. Bill Hickson was much involved in the selection process. All of these students came from Henry Kendall High School. It is interesting that only 15 students are selected by the District from the 60 High Schools in the region. One student being selected is an outstanding effort for any school. HKHS had three on one occasion and two in several other years. 38

1983-84 1986-87 1988-89 1990-91 1992-93

David Bray Ian Negus and Bronwyn Gifford (and Campbell Page who went under the auspices of another Club because each club could only sponsor two students.) Michael Rozmanec and Annika Pedersen Tony Barham and Caroline Lapworth Graham Arnott (Engineering School)

5. Interact Club of Henry Kendall High School Interact Clubs have been established by Rotary and involve school students, mainly in Years 10 and 11. These Clubs operate like a junior Rotary Club — each year the Interact members must participate in three major areas— Community Service, School Service and International Service. The Club presented a Memorial Flag Pole to the School bearing a plaque to remember the passing of students who died while they were students. The longest serving Interact Club in this District is the Interact Club of Henry Kendall High School. This club was formed, sponsored and Henry Kendall Interact Changeover 1984. I.P.P. Greg Swinden, Interact Co-ordinator PP Jim Kirkness, President Sheridan Miles, Interact School Co-ordinator Mark Stimpson, nurtured by the Rotary Club of Gosford since its Principal HKHS PP Terry Devine beginning. Jim Kirkness has been involved since the start of the Interact Club. It was chartered on 22nd May,1975 with 26 members—Carol Thurston was the first teacher /adviser. Since then the teacher advisers have been... Bill Collier, Mark Stimpson, Neil Hinton, Donna Judd, Russell Trimmer and, currently, Colin Hardwick. Presidents: 1975 Jeremy Weedon 1983 Greg Swinden 1991 Nola Hocking 1976 Linda Weedon 1984 Sheridan Miles 1992 Elizabeth Ternoey 1977 Vicki Oliver 1985 Michelle Dunk 1993 David Hunter 1978 Alan Mills 1986 Tanya Parry 1994 Sarah Sidiropoulos 1979 Sue Minter 1987 Campbell Page 1995 Luke Marquet 1980 Michael Beckley 1988 Jodie Sullivan 1996 Shane Chamings 1981 Andrew Shepherd 1989 Kylie Bevan 1997 Douglas McFarland 1982 Alan Davidson 1990 Adam Rochaix 1998 Shannon Uptin

Interact Club of Henry Kendall High School presents Memorial Flagpole to the School


6. Rotaract. Rotaract is a service club for young people aged between 18 and 28 years. Rotaract started in North Carolina when the first club was chartered on 13th March, 1968, by the Rotary Club of North Carolina. Three months later the first club in Australia was chartered at Brisbane West. PP Ewart Harvey was commissioned by the then President, John Jackson, to look into the formation of a Rotaract Club in Gosford. An Interest Meeting was held at the home of Jack Clark (the father of PP Bob Clark of the Rotary Club of North Gosford.) The Rotaract Club of Gosford was chartered by DG Tom Howieson with President John Jackson officiating on the 18th June, 1970, at the Central Coast Leagues Club, with 200 persons present. The Charter Board was President Dennis Musgrove, Secretary Kristine Bradley, Vice/President David Clark, Treasurer Julie Douglas, Assistant Secretary Lorraine Taylor, Assistant Treasurer Diane Aldrick, Club Service Director David Clark, International Director Therese Wellfare, Community Service Keith Ramsey, Vocational Service Chris Scott, Fellowship Phil Bible and Yvonne Randle. (These were elected on 5th May, 1970.) It will be of interest that Dennis Musgrove, David Clark and Keith Ramsey were called up for National Service... Phil Bible took over as Community Service Director. Chris Scott, son of former member (the late) PP Les Scott, was the first former Gosford Rotoractor to join the Rotary Club of Gosford in 1997-98. President Number of members 1970 Dennis Musgrove 30 1971 Noel Taylor 36 1972 Kristine Bradley 34 1973 Peter Buttsworth 32 1974 Ross Campbell 38 (PP Ewart Harvey, Les Scott and Ed Dyring—Honorary Rotaractors) 1975 Paul Young 41 1976 Anne Hearne 42 1977 Susan Young 32 1978 Bill Higgins 20 1979 Greg Hitchens 20 1980 Peter Buttsworth/Phil Wickham 16 1981 Phil Wickham 14 1982 Chris Scott 20 1983 Stephen O’Dwyer 19 1984 Greg Boxall 17 1985 Annette Banks 19 1986 Christopher Harris 20 1987 David Knock 20 1988 Mark Gosling 20 1989 Peter Hamilton 20 1990 Tonia Harrison 14 The Club went into great decline in the next 5 years. One Rotarian believes this decline was accentuated by Rotary International’s decision that it was no longer compulsory for a Rotarian to attend Rotaract meetings. 1991 Jim Katrakilis 1992 Russell Madgwick 1993 Andrew Shead 1994 Edwina Gilder 1995 Pamela Tritton/Tiffany Tregenza 2 members. After considerable advertising and publicity, several interest meetings were held with the re-formation as below... 1996 Rochelle Starr 13 members. 1997 Jason van Ritten 11 members (and 10 visitors). 1998 Jason van Ritten (President Elect) This information has been supplied by long time worker for Rotaract, PP Ed Dyring. Other Rotarians who have been involved are Kevin Ransley and Neil Everson. 40

* In 1991-92 a Leadership Training Weekend for Rotaractors was held in Gosford. The weekend was organised by Kevin Ransley, and a number of Club members were involved as co-ordinators and advisers during some of the sessions. 7. 28 Club (Impact Club) The Rotaract Club of Gosford was chartered in 1970 and was for persons in the 18 to 28 year age group. At the 30th June following a member’s 28th birthday he or she was automatically out of Rotaract. PP Ed Dyring was concerned about the loss of these members to the community. He had heard of a ‘28-Club’ in Melbourne. It had been formed for ex-Rotaractors or other interested persons in the 28 to 45 year age group. The then President, John Williams and the board gave approval for the investigation of the establishment of a ‘28Club’. Details were obtained from Camberwell ‘28-Club’ and former Rotaractors were surveyed for their opinion about the formation of a ‘28-Club’ of Gosford. On a cold, windy 19th September,1982, a meeting was held at the home of Eric Goldswain with 35 ex-Rotaractors and their friends present. The constitution of Camberwell Club was read and it was decided immediately to form a ‘28-Club’. Marilyn Buttsworth was elected President and the Board positions were patterned on Rotary/Rotaract. Meetings were held monthly, with a social function also to be held each month. The organisation was ‘laid-back’ as most of the members were now married with families and mortgages. In 1986,the Club was renamed “IMPACT CLUB”, as it was found that in Victoria the name “28 Club” was registered to another organisation (believed to be a massage parlour).The word “IMPACT” was voted upon by the 12 Clubs then in existence in Australia and New Zealand. ‘Impact’ followed on from Interact and Rotaract. The organisation grew and flourished. Projects were undertaken and local organisations supported. Money was raised from Street Stalls, Fashion Parades, the Flora Festival (where pies, sausages and soft drinks were sold) and Wine Tastings. Hands-on activities included tree planting, working bees, help for the “Halfway House for Street Kids”, participation in “Clean Up Australia” and Camp Breakaway. On the Social side there were many and varied activities some of which also raised funds. These included, Ten Pin Bowling, Video Nights, Laycock Theatre Evenings, Mini Golf, Camping Weekends, Tiger Moth Flights, Hot Air Ballooning, Dances, Progressive Dinners, Car Observation Trials, White Water Rafting, Pool Parties, Movie Nights, Kite Flying, Tennis Days and Dinners. Sadly, as with many other organisations, membership dropped off in the 1990s. In 1993 it was decided to close down and a ‘Notice of Motion’ was sent to all existing members calling for a special meeting with a further notice that all monies remaining in the Project and Administration accounts be donated to the Children’s Ward at Gosford District Hospital. Year PRESIDENT 1982/83/84 Marilyn Buttsworth 1884/85 Noel Taylor 1985/86 Christopher Scott (at time of writing, Chris is the newest member of Rotary Gosford) 1986/87 Darryl McCutcheon 1987/88 Graham Lamb 1988/89 David Robbins 1989/90/91 Joan Lamb 1991/92 Marilyn Pfyeld (Buttsworth) 1992/93 Diana Gosling


MAIN PROJECT Gosford High School Donations $1100. Camp Breakaway $500; Ambulance $510. Quiet year. Henry Kendall HS $50 : Salvation Army $100. Children’s Refuge $533; Paraplegic Association $100. Chertsey PS $300; The Entrance Community Hall $346. Gosford Rotary $88. Balance of all monies, approx $1500 to Children’s Ward of Gosford District Hospital.

8. New Zealand Twin Matched Exchange The NZ Twin Matched Exchange involves students from NZ schools exchanging with Australian school students. For one term of the school year, the NZ student lives with his/her matched ‘twin’ and family and attends the school of the ‘twin’. The following term the ‘twin’ travels to NZ for a similar stay and schooling. These exchanges have occurred usually during Year 10. In Out 1987-88 Jo Bulman Alison Grenfell 1990-91 Karla Schwartz, Ceanne Wallace, Kim Gregory Carol Moore 1991-92 Maaike Franssen, Louise Hiron, Kim McLenaghan Nicole Marquet 1993-94 Todd Skeggs, Beth Drielsma, Meredith Jessop Luke Marquet 9. Happy Tappers In 1992-93 the ‘Happy Tappers Dance Group” started with a number of disabled young people participating in learning dance routines. This was started by Kevin Booth with help from Ray Baldwin and John Williams — the first dance leader was Thea Marler. The group has presented two public performances and has been extremely well received. The current dance leader and co-ordinator is Madelane Stephenson, who, with several young people and with the continuing assistance from the Rotary Club of Gosford, has the group working well. The aim from the beginning was for Rotary to set up the group and then withdraw leaving a committee which is self sufficient— this happened in 1997, with Rotary guidance from PP John Williams and PP Frank Cross. 10. JOB SEARCH This Vocational Project started in July, 1987 following a brainstorming session between Vocational Director, Henk Keulemans and the Careers Adviser of Henry Kendall High School, Angela Glover. It has continued on an annual basis and involves some 13 members of our club each year. These members act as personal coaches on a “one-to-one’ basis with an equal number of students...originally from Year 10, but more recently from Year 12 as well. The aim of the programme is to assist these students in their search for a job after completing school. Our members use their experience, contacts and knowledge of the job market to encourage the students in their pains-taking task of sending out suitably worded , well supported and presented applications to prospective employers. The coaching may also involve mock interviews and telephone appointments, referrals, references and assistance in obtaining suitable information about training and further study and attention to presentation. Above all the confidence of the student is being boosted and often communication with their parents is improved. The meetings with parents and students have done much to build up our close association with Henry Kendall High School. Feedback clearly shows how much this project contributes to our Club’s standing in the community. We are indebted to the commitment of time and enthusiasm of so many in our Club who have participated over the years. The present committee (1997-98) is Peter Motte (co-ordinator), Mick Whalan and Henk Keulemans.


FURTHER INFORMATION DISTRICT 9680 INVOLVEMENT Numerous members have been involved with District duties ...the late Arch McLachlan and the late Max Traveller, together with Bert Hunter, Lynn Dornan have been exhorted to stand for District Governor following years of dedicated work for the District. Others involved with District committees ...John Williams, Keith Dedden, John Phillips, Geoff Grenfell (District Governor 1995-96 as well as numerous district positions), Peter Turnbull, Terry Devine, John Pratt, Malcolm Brooks, Terry Gibson, Kevin Ransley, Ed Dyring, Keith Bolton, Jim Kirkness. GOSFORD INNER WHEEL CLUB In April of the Rotary Year 1957-58, with President Bob Vaughan in the chair, a meeting was held at the home of Rene Eagle with the view to forming an Inner Wheel Club in Gosford. The Inner Wheel Club of Gosford was chartered on 10th August, 1957 by the then Acting Chairman of Inner Wheel District 27, Mrs Ludowici.

Charter Members... President—Valda Vaughan Vice President—Rhona Vaughan Secretary—Ruth Collett Treasurer—Jean Daven... Club Correspondent—Jean Arkins. Committee—Rene Eagle, Marian Hanks, Elva Knox, Edna Potts, Gwen Thew, Doris Wallwork. Members—Joan Bannister, Marge Barwick, Flo Browne, Olive Breckenridge, Gwen Corner, Holly Davis, Glad Enderby, Edna Frost, Eileen Ghersi, Joy Hill, Norma Hobbs, Joy Holcombe, Philly Hughes, Margaret Kiely, Alice Landsdowne, Constance Leask, May Lillicrap, Jean McLachlan, June McCarthy, Belle Mills, Vin Neil, Rita O’Donoghue, Joy Pile, Ellen Quodling, Eileen Roberts, Lela Scott, Bobby Vine, Olive Proctor (Honorary) Year 1957 1960 1963 1966 1969 1972 1975 1978 1981 1984 1987 1990 1993 1996

President Valda Vaughan Gwen Thew Doris Wallwork Grace Andrews Joyce Harvey Bea Bowen Dorothy Garnham Beryl Kirkness Alma Rowland Rosalie Cully Valda Vaughan Marie Swan Pat Porter Mabie Cosgrove

Year 1958 1961 1964 1967 1970 1973 1976 1979 1982 1985 1988 1991 1994 1997

President Rhona Vaughan Alice Landsdowne Edna Frost Jean Arkins Pat Porter Win Timmins Edna Stone Jill Myers Marie Smith Joyce Dunn Gail Ransley Mabie Cosgrove Adie Lendrum Careen Allen

Year 1959 1962 1965 1968 1971 1974 1977 1980 1983 1986 1989 1992 1995 1998

President Marian Hanks Eileen Ghersi Edna Goldswain Joan Ellis Kath Hayes Gwen Bolton Joan Herd Marj Walker Margaret Kiely Gloria Cox Val Moffat Melvy Adams Joyce Dunn Marjory Husk

CITY OF GOSFORD ( First Official Function ) The City of Gosford was proclaimed on the 1st January, 1980. On 3rd January, 1980, Alderman Don Leggett AM, the first Mayor of Gosford, was Guest Speaker at a celebration dinner of the Rotary Club of Gosford. He was accompanied by the Town Clerk, the City Engineer, other Aldermen and former Shire presidents and Councillors. He traced the history of the Region, and predicted that 1980 would see the start of great steps to solve the most pressing problems...unemployment and the need for many residents to commute to Sydney daily. he predicted completion of the Expressway and a four lane road from Kariong to Gosford. It is interesting to note that there was a proposal to call the new area, the City of Brisbane Water. However the outspoken efforts and the lobbying of Gosford Rotarians Jim Kirkness, Les Graham and Les McCarthy prevailed and the name the City of Gosford was retained. 43

MEETING PLACES FOR THE ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD. The Club has met in four different venues over the years—- The Orion Cafe (in Mann Street nearly opposite the Commonwealth Bank), the Gosford Hotel, the old RSL Club (where Gateway Shopping Centre is now )...first meeting in this venue was 9th May,1968. After a fire destroyed the RSL Club in January, 1973, it was necessary to move to the Gosford Golf Club. Rotary memorabilia including the original gong was destroyed in this fire, however, the generosity of neighbouring clubs, District 268 and a local business provided the following items...Rotary Club of Wyong (new gong)...Rotary Club of East Gosford (new clock)... District 268 (now 9680) (new President’s Collar and Bird — a Kookaburra shaped fine collection box) ... A.E.Eagle and Son (new lectern)...many Rotary Clubs (new banners for our collection )...Gordon Proctor (Sergeant’s Gavel)


Would You Believe ? That there are certain “little” highlights which has occurred over the years which will be of interest to all members. Some of these are listed below. (i) That during the year of President Van Adcock ,1958-59, a goat was inducted into the club. Doug Berry and Gordon Martin brought a white Saanen goat before President Van Adcock in the old Orion Cafe to be inducted. The goat was inducted with all due formality. Unfortunately the ‘new’ member had forgotten his deodorant and had to be removed after devouring several bread rolls. (ii) That Antony Newell—infant son of current member Vincent Newell and his wife, Kian, has attended numerous meetings of the club. President Peter Turnbull (1996-97) presented Antony with a small name badge to wear at each meeting. (iii) That PP Jim Kirkness and Frank Sterland had been working late on the Hospital Kiosk and in the dusk were sitting on fallen trees near the site drinking ginger beer from large brown bottles... the Matron spotted them and sent for the police to remove the two drunks who were guzzling beer on the Hospital grounds. (iv) That the District 9680 Assembly has been held in some interesting places: Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Goulburn Police Academy, the old Hydro Majestic Hotel at Medlow Bath (at that time it was pretty run down), but, the most memorable (and worst) was the camp at Kurmond near Richmond where the whole incoming board slept together in the one room—-four double decker beds. Is this what they call “bonding”?. It was also reported that one Past President spent a lot of time running along the verandahs in his PJs. John Flakelar catered for the trip up to Kurmond: smoked salmon and other succulent morsels with champagne and other wines. (v) That after the Change Over of 1972-73, the Board decided to increase the dinner fee by the “princely’ amount of 20c. ( I wonder what the members of that time said about that when they heard the news ). (vi) That PP Keith Bolton has had 100% attendance since he joined Rotary ... 47 years ago. (vii) That one of our long term members, Bill Pile, fell asleep at traffic lights on the way to Rotary...should he have been given attendance for that meeting? (viii) That the youngest ever Rotarian to join our Club was Trevor Hartshorn ...age 21 years. He joined about 1989 and now lives in Toowoomba, Queensland. (ix) That many present and past members of our Club were members of the Apex Club of Gosford (and other Apex Clubs). (x) That a team of Gosford Rotarians dressed in short skirts and wearing wigs played netball against a Lions Club team under the control of the local ladies netball team— they were to play at 5am ( perhaps for modesty or to avoid spectators )— the result is given below...maybe we can resurrect this tradition!! It would be interesting to see some of the shapes of present members.!! Stop Press.. The team of Bill Pluim, Len Stone, Harvey Porter, Max Traveller, Ron Sky, Ralph Mortimer, Bob Vaughan, Jim Kirkness, and Bob Wallwork won on a forfeit when the Lions did not appear. The game was organised during May, 1964. (xi) That at an interesting meeting many years ago when the Club was discussing dinner fees, the caterer had been listening in the kitchen and did not like some of the comments, so he stormed into the meeting and abused (quite eloquently!!) all members present. (xii) That our current longest serving members are PP Eric Goldswain —(March 1960) and Harvey Porter — (June 1960).

Rotary Netball Team at day break – ready & rearing to go against Lions – May 1964 Ron Sky, Van Adcock, Jim Kirkness, Ralph Mortimer, Alan Frost, Bob Vaughan, Max Traveller, Harvey Porter


(xiii) That we still have one Foundation Member in Gosford— PP Trevor Hill. (xiv) That about a dozen of our members collected donations for Prostrate Cancer Research at Ashtons Circus—- perhaps they think they may be candidates!!!— for the circus ? or for prostrate cancer ?? (xv) That only one member has been President of the Rotary Club of Gosford on two occasions.. he is PP Peter Turnbull. (xvi)That the Rotary Club of Gosford is Club Number 6,128, chartered on 23rd November, 1945. We are part of the world wide Rotary movement comprising about 1,200,000 members in 28,284 Clubs from 521 Districts over 155 Countries. Down Under there are 51,215 members in 1460 Clubs (Australia/PNG—1189 Clubs ... New Zealand/Pacific Islands— 271 Clubs.) (xvii) That prices change but the message is the same— in 1975 a levy of 40c was charged to each member who was absent without apology — in 1997 a levy of $7.00 is charged for the same non-apology. (xviii) That five present day Rotarians (1997) are members of the Gosford City Council CBD committee involved in upgrading the Gosford City Centre — they are Peter Turnbull, Malcolm Brooks, Mick Whalan, Ron Hincksman and John Phillips. (xix) That the Club has had three different banners... a committee investigated a change in July 1971... another committee (Geoff Grenfell, Roy Dibben and Vern Arbie ) looked at the banner situation in November,1977, and a third banner (the current one with blue background and sailing boats ) was designed by John Flakelar and adopted in 1995. (xx) That in 1998-99, the Rotary President Bob Husk will have his wife Marjory as Inner Wheel President! — Has this happened before ? (xxi)That following an exchange between Eric Reynolds and Bill Pollitt, the word “codswallop” was used to describe Eric’s calculation of attendance. This gave rise to the design and construction of the “Codswallop Trophy” which has been presented to the Rotarian who contributed most to fun and frivolity in the club in any year. The trophy was built by Jim Kirkness and comprises two wooden clappers which smash together when activated. (xxii)That after only four months in Rotary, Harry Melkonian took on the daunting task of Bulletin Editor and won the 1997-98 District 9680 Shield for the best Bulletin from a field of 69 Clubs. The last winner from Gosford was PP Lynn Dornan.



The Club has had an excellent year in 1996-97— under the leadership of President Peter Turnbull, with the help of a great Board of Directors and with a keen, interested and co-operative membership the Club has attained several District and RI Awards. RI Presidential Citation. The District Governor’s Shield for “CLUB OF THE YEAR”. The Governor’s Award for Membership Growth for large Clubs. At the recent District Conference of Rotaract our ROTARACT CLUB was presented with the award for HIGHEST INTERACTION WITH THEIR SPONSORING ROTARY CLUB. As well, the MAYORAL COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD was presented to PP Peter Turnbull for the Club’s effort in Community Service. One of our older members commented that the year was one of the best he had ever had in Rotary...not for any special individual reason, but, for overall interest, participation and fellowship in Rotary.

Longest Serving current Rotarian Eric Goldswain and Edna. Courtesy – Club Bulletin

MEMBERS OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD — 1996/97/98 Name. Classification. Joined Dennis Allen Building Contracting 1996 Sven Angledal Medical Supplies Importing 1986 Graeme Bass SA (Motel Management) 1990 David Boardman Banking Commercial 1995 Keith Bolton PP* SA (Real Estate) 1951(Grenfell), 58(Gosford), 63(Woy Woy),1965 Kevin Booth OAM PP PHF SA (Automobile Retailing) 1976 Max Britten SA (Mixed Farming) 1986 Malcolm Brooks PP PHF SA (Automobile Retailing) 1979 Snow Conlon Engineering Manufacturing 1995 Dr John Connolly SA (Surgery) 1976 John Corner OBE PP Honorary (Refined Oil 1948 Products Distribution) Russell Cox PP PHF SA (Police Administration) 1981 Frank Cross AM PP Antique Dealer 1991 Keith Dedden PP Land Development Management 1991 Terry Devine PP* PHF SA (Education Secondary) 1977(Rylstone/Kandos),1982 Lynn Dornan PP PHF SA (Horticulture-Lemon Growing) 1979 Ed Dyring PP PHF SA (Postal Services) 1958(Yenda),60(Gundagai) 64(Wyong),65(Griffith),1968 Allan Eagle PP SA (Real Estate) 1970 Derek Evans Engineering- Oil and Gas 1997 Neil Everson SA (Property Valuing Services) 1981 Greg Flynn Town Planner 1998 Milton Frazer SA (Refined Oil 1970 Products Distribution) Harry Gatliff PP* SA (Electrical Contracting) 1968 (Turramurra),83(Woy Woy),1993 47

Terry Gibson PP* Ric Godsell Steven Goldberg Eric Goldswain PHF Geoff Grenfell PDG PP PHF Kevin Grey PHF* Barry Henwood Bill Hickson Ron Hincksman Warren Hosking Bert Hunter PP PHF Bob Husk Graham Jones Henk Keulemans Jim Kirkness Jim Lawson PP Larry Loxley Harry Linsell Lester Marquet PP Len McNab Harry Melkonian Matthew Moore Barry Morris Peter Motte John Neuhaus PP* Vincent Newell Doug Newton Lou Oldfield Max Perry John Phillips OAM PP PHF Bill Pile Harvey Porter PP John Pratt PP Bob Pryke Kevin Ransley Bill Reid Ern Rippon Michael Roberts John Sawtell Chris Scott Alan Seberry Bob Sewell Colin Sheumack PP* PHF* Kevin Shumack Mal Singh Jim Smith Pat Smith

SA (Civil and 1971(Sydney),1993 Construction Engineering) SA (Newsagency) 1968 Hypnotherapist 1997 SA (Agricultural-Mixed Farming) 1960 SA (Architecture) 1970 SA (Construction Industry 1982(Nth Sydney),1996 Cataloguing) Commercial Aviation Pilot 1996 SA (Consulting Engineer) 1987 Property Investment 1996 Sales Tax Consulting 1995 SA (Engineering Surveying Land) 1966 SA (Accounting Services-Taxation) 1990 Agriculture-Chicken Production 1996 SA (Law Practice-General) 1978(Nth Tamworth),1980 SA (Engineering General) 1962 Electric Light and Power Services 1984 Air Conditioning Services 1995 Retirement Village Management 1998 SA ( Education Primary) 1981 SA (Education Secondary) 1985(Rylstone/Kandos),1987 Mortgage Insurance 1997 Accounting Services 1994 SA (Telecommunications) 1978(Bathurst) ,85, (Goulburn), 88 SA (Finance-Stockbroking) 1986 SA (Commercial Egg Production) 1958(Henty),1984 Podiatry 1994 SA (Banking Trading) 1971(Nyngan),74 (Blacktown),1983 Local Government Engineering 1998 Accounting Business Services 1993 SA (Pharmacy) 1984 SA (Driving Schools) 1991 SA (Building Material- 1960 Concrete Manufacture) SA (Trade Consulting) 1978 Education Secondary 1995 SA (Electrical Contracting) 1981 SA (Jewellery-Watch Repairing) 1967 SA (Citrus Research) 1973 Financial Planning 1995 Agricultural Computing 1996 Cabinet Maker 1997 Fruit Storage Research 1992 Agriculture Contracting 1995 SA (Religion-Anglican) 1960(Kiabram),67(Bendigo Sth) ,84(Bathurst), 87(Sale), 1996 SA (Optometry) 1979 SA (Civil Engineering- 1978(Grafton),73(Forbes), Water Resources) 1979 SA (Agricultural-Orange Growing) 1970 SA (Law-Magistrate) 1964(Dubbo),67(Wagga Wagga),1975

Alan Swan PP Peter Turnbull PP PHF Neville Wallwork Mick Whalan PP John Williams PP PHF Kevin Winterbottom

SA (Veterinary Surgeon) SA (Finance-Capital Investment) Honorary (Footwear Retailing) SA (Retail Centre Management) SA (Avionics) PS (Architecture) 48

1968 1972 1967 1985 1976 1996

AM-Order of Australia Medal- Military OBE-Order of the British Empire PS-Past Service Member PHF-Paul Harris Fellow PP-Past President SA-Senior Active Member

OAM-Order of Australia Medal Honorary- Honorary Member PDG-Past District Governor PHF*-Paul Harris Fellow from another Club PP*-Past President of another Club

HONOUR ROLL 1945-46 1946-47 1947-48 1948-49 1949-50 1950-51 1951-52 1952-53 1953-54 1954-55

PRESIDENT Tom Lynch Jim Paul Adrian Hickey Roy Thew Cec Scott Ron Vaughan Tom Arkins Os Young Garnet Adcock Jack Corner OBE

SECRETARY Cec Scott Cec Scott Cec Scott Eric Hill Eric Hill Os Young Graham Shaw Ron Vaughan Os Young Bernie O’Donoghue

TREASURER Keith Enderby Keith Enderby Keith Enderby Keith Enderby Keith Enderby Reg Carroll Reg Carroll Reg Carroll Reg Carroll Reg Carroll

1955-56 1956-57 1957-58 1958-59 1959-60 1960-61 1961-62 1962-63 1963-64 1964-65

Dick Eagle Doug Berry Bob Vaughan MBE Van Adcock Bob Potts Trevor Hill Alan Frost Arch McLachlan Ewart Harvey Max Traveller

Van Adcock Van Adcock Arch McLachlan Arch McLachlan Max Traveller Max Traveller John Bowen Bill Davis Bruce Douglas Bruce Douglas

Reg Carroll Keith Enderby Keith Enderby John Knox John Knox Len Stone Len Stone Vic Holcombe Vic Holcombe Vic Holcombe

1965-66 1966-67 1967-68 1968-69 1969-70 1970-71 1971-72 1972-73 1973-74 1974-75

Harvey Porter Bill Davis Ron Sky Bruce Douglas John Jackson Wal Young Bill Pluim Les McCarthy Bert Ghersi Jim Kirkness

John Jackson John Jackson Wal Young Wal Young Bill Pluim Bert Hunter Bill Reid Ric Godsell Ric Godsell Nev King

Vic Holcombe Eric Hayne Bob Moses John Bowen John Bowen John Bowen Allen Bourke Allen Bourke Ed Dyring Ed Dyring

1975-76 1975-76 1976-77 1977-78 1978-79 1979-80 1980-81 1981-82 1982-83 1983-84 1984-85

Peter Turnbull Geoff Grenfell Ed Dyring Peter Stephenson Allan Eagle Bert Hunter Jim Secomb Les Scott John Williams Lynn Dornan Malcolm Brooks

Ray Ellis Ray Ellis Arch McLachlan Peter Turnbull Pat Smith Pat Smith Geoff Grenfell Phil Croft Phil Croft John Williams John Williams

Vic Holcombe Vic Holcombe Allen Bourke Major Collett Major Collett Ed Dyring John Pratt Henk Keulemans Len Wilson Len Wilson Peter Treston


DIST GOV Harry Monk

Edwin Hill Alan Wood Henry Shephard

Frank Meddows Ian Hudson Gordon Harman John Moon Tom Howieson Harry Pickett Eric Blamey Fred Higgins Harry Fieldhouse Alex McPherson

Bob Moin Bob Moin Les Whitcroft John Carrick Bob Burnett Roy Parnell Colin Crawford Ken Galbraith Graham Turnidge Buster Pye Don Keighran

1985-86 1986-87 1987-88 1988-89 1989-90 1990-91 1991-92 1992-93 1993-94 1994-95

John Pratt Alan Swan Peter Treston Russell Cox Jim Lawson Lester Marquet John Phillips OAM Kevin Booth OAM Frank Cross AM Mick Whalan

1995-96 1996-97 1997-98 1998-99

Keith Dedden Peter Turnbull Henk Keulemans Bob Husk

Lester Marquet Lester Marquet Jim Lawson Jim Lawson Henk Keulemans Henk Keulemans Terry Devine Terry Devine Terry Devine Terry Devine Matthew Moore Matthew Moore John Williams John Williams

Jim Lawson Mick Whalan Bill Johnston Bill Johnston Bill Johnston Terry Devine Doug Newton Doug Newton Bob Husk Bob Husk Bob Husk Bob Husk Warren Hosking Warren Hosking

Peter Perry Bruce Downie Leon Becker John Lang Gordon Rowe Don Durie Ted Atkinson Neville Chambers Graham Goodfellow Ivan Skellett Geoff Grenfell Alex Sawyer Brian Coleman Alec Gow

Club Boards (Directors— Individual Directorships are not known)

45-46 46-47 47-48 48-49 49-50 50-51 51-52 52-53 53-54 54-55 55-56 56-57 57-58 58-59 59-60 60-61 61-62 62-63 63-64 64-65 65-66 66-67 67-68 68-69 69-70 70-71 71-72 72-73 73-74 74-75 75-76 76-77

Tom Arkins Ron Vaughan Dick Eagle Bob Vaughan Dick Eagle Leon Cassier Major Collett Leon Cassier Trevor Hill Trevor Hill Bert Ghersi Max Traveller Harvey Porter Syd Noble Bill Davis Ralph Mortimer Max Andrews John Jackson Bill Pluim Jim Gay Jock McDiarmid Geoff Grenfell Jim Smith Jim Smith Peter Turnbull Peter Stephenson Peter Stephenson

77-78 Bert Hunter 78-79 Bert Hunter 79-80 Jim Secomb


Cec Scot Dick Manning Jack Corner Dick Eagle Van Adcock Gordon Martin Leon Cassier Bob Potts Allan Frost Allan Frost Syd Gibson Ewart Harvey Tom Bomborough Gordon Martin Bert Ghersi Max Andrews Ralph Mortimer Claude Timmins Les McCarthy Bill Hood Col Ford Les McCarthy Graham Gardner Jim Kirkness Les Scott Laurie Reid Laurie Reid

Keith Enderby Edgar O’Donnell Os Young Jack Corner Bob Vaughan Leon Cassier Garnet Adcock Tom Arkins Eric Ironmonger Jack Corner Os Young Leon Cassier Bob Vaughan Keith Enderby Garnet Adcock Jack Daven Bob Potts Jack Corner Arch McLachlan Nev Mills Bert Ghersi Dick Eagle Les McCarthy Trevor Hill Doug Berry Gordon Martin Ted Neil Bill Foott Bob Vaughan Bill Davis Syd Gibson Vic Holcombe Van Adcock Ewart Harvey Arch McLachlan Major Collett Bob Potts Reg Eddy Trevor Hill Bill Foott Ron Vaughan Bruce Douglas Allan Frost Harvey Porter Bill Davis Arch McLachlan Len Stone Ralph Mortimer Ewart Harvey Bruce Douglas Ron Sky Max Traveller Jim Kirkness Bob Moses Harvey Porter Jim Kirkness Ralph Mortimer Bill Davis Jim Kirkness Keith Campbell Ron Sky David Lindsay Jim Kirkness Bruce Douglas Bill Hood Les Scott John Jackson Ian Harris Col Ford Wal Young Bill Hood Bob Tasman-Smith Bill Pluim Les Scott Peter Turnbull Les McCarthy Laurie Reid Geoff Grenfell Ric Godsell Bert Ghersi Geoff Grenfell Murray Maddox Ed Dyring Jim Kirkness Allan Eagle Bill Pile Les Graham Geoff Grenfel

Mal Halliday Jim Secomb Vern Arbie

Bruce Bezer Allan Eagle Henning Madsen Jim Smith Noel Vidler John Williams Allan Skepper 50

Ed Dyring Peter Stephenson Allan Eagle

Club(Pres Elect)

80-81 Les Scott




Noel Santry

John Williams

Vern Arbie



Henning Madsen

Bert Hunter

81-82 John Williams Len Wilson Noel Santry Ed Dyring Lynn Dornan Jim Secomb 82-83 Lynn Dornan Vern Arbie Malcolm Brooks Neil Everson Alan Swan Les Scott 83-84 Malcolm Brooks Neil Everson Vern Arbie Mark Lees Alan Swan John Williams 84-85 John Pratt Neil Everson Terry Devine Mark Lees Kevin Shumack Lynn Dornan 85-86 Alan Swan Peter Treston Doug Newton Russell Cox Kevin Shumack Malcolm Brooks 86-87 Peter Treston Russell Cox Jim Lawson Doug Newton Jim Smith John Pratt 87-88 Russell Cox Henk Keulemans Roy Cosier Garry Hodge Lester Marquet Alan Swan 88-89 Garry Hodge Henk Keulemans Lester Marquet Roy Cosier Sven Angledal Peter Treston 89-90 Lester Marquet Mick Whalan Jim Smith Bill Hickson Kevin Ransley Russell Cox 90-91 John Phillips Terry Webster Len McNab Bill Hickson Kevin Ransley Jim Lawson 91-92 Kevin Booth John Flakelar Len McNab Terry Webster Vern Arbie(RIP) Lester Geoff Grenfell Marquet 92 -93 Frank Cross John Flakelar Ray Baldwin Terry Webster/ Jim Lawson John Phillips Neil Everson 93-94 Mick Whalan John Flakelar Ray Baldwin Keith Dedden Jim Lawson Kevin Booth 94-95 Keith Dedden Max Perry Ray Baldwin/ John Cowper Alan Seberry Frank Cross Len McNab 95-96 Peter Turnbull Vincent Newell Sam Strada/ John Cowper Alan Seberry Mick Whalan Michael Roberts 96-97 Henk Keulemans Vincent Newell Michael Roberts Alan Seberry Bob Pryke Keith Dedden 97-98 Bob Husk Frank Cross Bob Pryke Derek Evans David Boardman Peter Turnbull 98-99 Alan Seberry Neil Everson John Sawtell Harry Melkonian Henk Keulemans

PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS. The Paul Harris Fellowship is awarded by the club to members (and others) for outstanding service to the club and/or the community. It is necessary for the club to donate $US 1000 to the Rotary Foundation for each award. This is the highest award which our club can give to any member. (In many countries the Paul Harris Fellowship is purchased by individual members for themselves. This has rarely occurred in Australia). There is an annual District 9680 Paul Harris Fellow luncheon held in North Sydney. One of the instigators and a current organiser of this luncheon is a current member of the Club, Kevin Grey. PP Bruce Hanks PP Max Traveller Rtn Bob Marshall PDG Eric Blamey PDG Geoff Grenfell PP Malcolm Brooks PP Les McCarthy OAM PP John Williams Rtn Eric Goldswain Rtn Allan Skepper PP Kevin Booth OAM Rtn Vern Arbie PP Russell Cox PP Peter Turnbull PP Bishop Colin Sheumack* PP John Phillips OAM Valerie Dornan Bettina Williams PP John Pratt Don Craig * Paul Harris Fellowship awarded by another club.


PP Arch McLachlan PP Jim Kirkness PP Bert Hunter PP Lynn Dornan PP Ed Dyring Rtn Kevin Grey* PP Terry Devine Margaret Grenfell Rtn Bob Husk

DISTRICTS OF ROTARY INTERNATIONAL. Prior to the first District being formed in Australia in 1927, a number of Rotary Clubs were in existence. These included Sydney and Melbourne both formed in 1921. The others were: Brisbane (1923), Rockhampton (1926), Townsville (1926), Newcastle (1923), Parramatta (1926), Albury (1927), Wollongong (1929), Ballarat (1925), Bendigo (1925), Geelong (1925), Hobart (1924), Launceston (1924), Adelaide (1924), Perth (1927), North Sydney (1928). The first District in Australia was District 65, which covered the whole of Australia. It was established 15th September,1927, with G Fred Birks (Drugs retail) from Sydney the first Governor. The Rotary Club of Gosford, chartered on 23rd November, 1945 belonged to District 65. By this time there were two other districts. In 1946, this became District 76 (now three other districts). In 1949 District 76 was called District 29 (now four other districts). In 1957, we moved to District 275 with another seven districts), then in 1962 to District 268 (Governor Edwin J Hill, with ten other districts). 1977 saw the number change to District 968 (Governor John Carrick), and finally a number change again in 1991 to District 9680 (Governor Ted Atkinson, with twenty other districts).












THE ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD. 1945 ~ 2008 2008 Update

Chartered: 23rd November, 1945

Club No. 6128

District 9680

1945 ~ 2008




In 1998, I had great pleasure in supporting the Rotary Club of Gosford's endeavours to produce 'The Golden Years' in my role as Mayor of Gosford City. Ten years on, my sincere congratulations to Gosford Rotary on behalf of all Gosford City residents on the production of this update. Since commencing in 1945, Gosford Rotary has played a leading role in our community. Today, the club continues to provide vital support to local organisations and enrich the lives of those less fortunate. Council's association with Gosford Rotary extends throughout its 63 year history. May our relationship continue to grow and prosper in our common aim to better our community. There are few in any community who serve others so selflessly - not once or twice but for decades. The Rotary Club of Gosford is the epitome of community spirit and I have no doubt this publication will be of great pride to the people of Gosford.

Councillor Chris Holstein MAYOR OF GOSFORD CITY



When I completed the “The Golden Years, 1945-1998” in 1999 I became a little ‘carried away’ and said that I would produce a ten-year update. Well here it is and I hope that I have covered all of our activities over the years 1998 to 2007. The Presidents of each of those years have been very co-operative in helping me. I also thank the many other Club Members who willingly contributed …their articles saved me many hours of typing. I feel I must comment on the very sad happenings of the past year, 20072008. The Rotary Club of Gosford has had a spectacular history over 63 years and these activities are recorded in the two history books. It was the first Club on the Central Coast and has always held a premier position because of its activities, its numbers and the quality of its members. It has always been an all-male Club and all members in the past have been fully aware of this when they joined. During early 2008 there was a move to change this tradition and much discussion was had and many comments were made publicly at meetings and privately between members. One aspect of this, which caused upset to supporters of both sides of the argument, was the unpleasantness which was generated during some of the discussions. The situation came to a head when an update of the by-laws, which contained a clause to allow women to join the Club, was rejected at a Club Assembly in May, 2008, when the updated version did not get the required percentage of votes. As a result of this rejection, the Incoming Board resigned en mass leaving the Club with just 33 members. Some of the resigned members had decided to form a new club meeting at breakfast. I was extremely disappointed by this turmoil even though I had spoken against the change. I firmly believe that the Club would have admitted women in the near future if this had not occurred. The Rotary Club of Gosford continues to flourish with four new members since June, 2008. When the resignations occurred a new Board was quickly assembled with a mixture of experienced and newer members. We now look forward to the future with enthusiasm and for the greater good of the Rotary movement. I cannot help but congratulate all past and present members of the Rotary Club of Gosford who have made our Club an outstanding example to others by their service to the local community, to youth, to many vocations and to the world at large. I have endeavoured to name every man who has belonged to the Club but I know that I may have missed a few. Terry Devine PP* PHF Club Historian and editor of the History Books 64


The Rotary Club of Gosford - Thanks current members of the Club for their editorial, pictorial and financial support for the reprint and update. - Extends special thanks to Graham Vale and the staff of The Entrance Printing Company for their special efforts in producing this reprint of our History Book. - Expresses gratitude to Mayor Chris Holstein and Gosford City Council for their continued support over the 63 years of our existence. The Club thanks them for their special support of this project.

Many thanks, The Rotary Club of Gosford 65






HONOUR ROLL Honour Roll Date PRESIDENT 1998-99 Bob Husk 1999-00 Alan Seberry 2000-01 David Boardman 2001-02 Colin Sheumack 2002-03 Malvinder Singh 2003-04 Paul Anderson 2004-05 Bob Pryke 2005-06 Max Britten 2006-07 David Bacon 2007-08 Cliff Innes 2008-09 John Connolly

SECRETARY John Williams John Williams John Williams Henk Keulemans Cliff Innes Alan Seberry Alan Seberry Terry Devine Barry McDonald Barry McDonald Terry Devine

TREASURER Warren Hosking Warren Hosking Ken Young Ken Young David Boardman David Boardman David Boardman David Tawyer Jim Buultjens David Boardman Bob Husk

DIST GOV RI PRESIDENT AG CENTRAL COAST Alex Gow James Lacy Larry Jacka Carlo Ravizza Michael Van Heeswyck Frank Devlyn Barry Philps Richard King Harold Sharp Bhichai Rattakul Danny Lowe Jonathon B Majiyagbe Bruce Allan Glenn E Estress Sn Tony Mylan, John Spath Greg Muldoon Carl-Wilhelm Stenhammer Lester Marquet, Charles Brock Pam Pritchard Bill Boyd Bob Pryke, Tony Mylan Monica Saville Wilfrid J Wilkinson Graeme Davies, Chris Nelson Tony Castley D.K. Lee Ross Pearce, Ralph Brown

CLUB BOARDS Club (Pres Elect) Vocational Community Youth 1998-99 Alan Seberry Neil Everson Greg Flynn John Sawtell 1999-00 David Boardman Lester Marquet Bob Pryke John Sawtell 2000-01 Colin Sheumack Barry Morris Bob Pryke John Adams 2001-02 Malvinder Singh Barry Morris Max Britten John Adams 2002-03 Paul Andersen Paul Andersen(PresEl) Terry Gibson Peter McCloskey 2003-04 Bob Pryke Jim Katrakilis Barry Morris Jim Lawson 2004-05 Max Britten Jim Katrakilis Barry Morris Jim Lawson 2005-06 David Bacon Kevin Ransley Warren Hosking Charlie Sherlock 2006-07 Cliff Innes Kevin Ransley Warren Hosking Charlie Sherlock 2007-08 Jim Buultjens Oleh Podryhula Richard Waterhouse Bob Pryke 2008-09 Kevin Ransley Neil Everson Jim Katrakilis David Robins

International Harry Melconian Michael Roberts Frank Cross Peter McCloskey David Hughes John Adams Greg Hooper Greg Hooper Greg Hooper Paul Anderson Jim Lawson/ Tony Harrison

IPP Henk Keulemans Bob Husk Alan Seberry David Boardman Colin Sheumack Malvinder Singh Paul Andersen Bob Pryke Max Britten David Bacon Max Britten

PAUL HARRIS FELLOWS The Paul Harris Fellowship is awarded by the Club to members (and others) for outstanding service to the Club and/or the Community. It is necessary for the Club to Donate $US 1,000 to the Rotary Foundation for each award. This is the highest award which our Club can give to any member. (In many countries the Paul Harris Fellowship is purchased by individual members for themselves. This rarely happens in Australia. There is an Annual District 9680p Paul Harris Fellow Dinner held in North Sydney. This has been organised by a former member of North Sydney Rotary Club and presently one of our members, Kevin Grey. Since 1998-99 the following have been awarded Paul Harris Fellowships: 1998-99 - Keith Bolton, Doug Newton 1999-00 - Jean Skepper 2000-01 - Henk Keulemans, Jim Kirkness (Sapphire Pin) 2001-02 - Frank Cross 2002-03 - Alan Seberry 2003-04 - Jim Lawson, Barry Morris 2004-05 - Lester Marquet, Beryl Kirkness 2005-06 - David Boardman, Bob Pryke 2006-07 - Christopher Bearman 2007-08 - Max Britten


CODSWALLOP TROPHY 1998-99 - Terry Devine 2001-02 - Mal Singh

1999-00 2002-03 - Mal Singh

200-01 - Barry Henwood

L.J. McCARTHY COMMUNITY SERVICE AWARD (1st Award 1991-92) 1998-99 PP John Phillips OAM 1999-00 2000-01 PP Kevin Booth OAM 2001-02 2002-03 Elaine Fry 2003-04 2004-05 Richard Bridge (Posthumous) 2005-06 2006-07 Kim McLourey 2007-08

PP Malcolm Brooks OAM Chris Holstein Christopher Bearman Laurie Maher Dennis Allen

PRESIDENT’S AWARD On a number of occasions the Retiring President has made a special award to a member of the Club who has worked tirelessly for the projects of the Club and for the Community. These members always work quietly and behind the scenes so they normally do not receive a great deal of club or public recognition. They are always outstanding Rotarians and deserve special mention and recognition on the occasion of the Changeover Dinner, our most public dinner. PRESIDENT’S AWARD For Service Above Self 2004-05 Ken Young (Printing) Peter Turnbull (Advertising) 2006-07 Dennis Allen, David Robins

David Robins

Kevin Ransley

2005-06 Kevin Ransley

Dennis Allen


Maureen and Ken Young

HISTORICAL EVENTS – YEAR BY YEAR 1998-1999: (President - Bob Husk). Directors:- Alan Seberry (Club), Greg Flynn (Community), Neil Everson (Vocational), Harry Melkonian (International) and John Sawtell (Youth). Our International Service was highlighted by the opening of the Heather Kinross Livelihood Skills Centre in Makati (Manila) which provides a place for residents of a public housing project to learn entrepreneurial skills Bob Husk to permit them to open their own businesses and work themselves out of poverty. The centre, named after the late wife of Australian RI President, Glen Kinross, was sponsored by the Rotary Clubs of Makati, Gosford and Osaka North West (Japan) with a matching grant from the Rotary Foundation. A delegation from the Gosford & Osaka North West Clubs joined the Makati Club to dedicate the Centre. On 30th June President Bob, PP Bert Hunter & Rotarian Harry Melkonian joined with our Sister Club, Christchurch North (NZ), to celebrate Osaka North West’s 30th anniversary in Osaka. The year also saw our club hold an International Music Festival at Erina Fair Shopping Mall. The goal was to bring International Service to our community through music and the posting of photographs of our District’s projects throughout the festival area. There were some 10 groups with performances enjoyed by an enthusiastic audience throughout the day including District Governor Alex Gow. On the Community scene the year saw the Brady’s Gully Memorial Park project, supported by the Federal Government’s ‘Work for the Dole’ scheme nearing completion. A Christmas Party coordinated by PP Frank Cross and his committee was hosted for the ‘Happy Tappers’. Inter Alia Continuing projects included the Aussie Art Show, Australia Day Landing, a concert by the Central Coast Orchestras & Choir, the Race Day and Street Stalls. The highlight of the Youth year was the success of the Youth Exchange Programme with a hosting of inbound student, Jenni Laitinen from Finland and the outbound student, Amanda Jones to Belgium. Our club was well represented at the International Night put on by the District’s Exchange students. Supported by our Rotaract Club we also took part in the Glenworth Valley Youth Rock Festival. Continuing Vocational Programmes included Job Search, Careers Market, Under-Employed Rotarians, the Pride of Workmanship Awards and the introduction of a new Dedicated Community Services Award. RI Directors Presentation - On 30th March our club held a special meeting attended by RI Director John Carrick, District Governor Alex Gow, DNG Larry Jacka, Michael Van Heeswick and a number of past District Governors. RI Director Raphael Hechanova, representing President Lacey at the District 9670 Conference agreed to address our Club discussing new RI initiatives and the Gosford Project in the Philippines which was also mentioned to the Conference as an example of how a single Rotary Club could begin a major project. The club also hosted a Rotary Australian World Community Service (RAWCS) meeting at Linton Park and also the District Golf Day. The L.J. McCarthy Community Service Award was presented to PP John Phillips OAM. Paul Harris Fellowships were awarded to Rotarians Keith Bolton and Doug Newton.

being distributed to the participating choirs, bands and orchestra, as well as benefiting the charity Medecins Sans Frontieres. Other major community service activities included Gosford Rotary Race Day, and the Christmas Stocking raffle which again provided funds for the Brisbane Water Historical Society, our long term partners in this project. Our club provided funds, largely raised through events organised by PHF Eric Goldswain, to support the construction of Alan Seberry Deniki Station on the Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway at Concord, which was officially dedicated at the RSL VP Day Service in August 1999. Gosford joined other Central Coast Rotary Clubs in providing support for the Careers Market, which celebrated its silver anniversary and was officially opened by the State Governor, and six worthy recipients were recognised by our club this year for Pride of Workmanship Awards. A highlight of the Club Program was an International Night, with the Swiss Consul General, Mr Heinz Way, as our guest speaker. The dinner was also attended by Luca Valli, the Youth Exchange Student from Switzerland hosted by our club this year, and his parents Carlo and Simone who were visiting Australia at that time. Gosford joined forces with Osaka – North West (Japan) and Makati (Philippines) to obtain an R.I. Matching Grant to provide equipment and supplies for the Heather Kinross Centre for Livelihood Skills Training and Entrepreneurial Development Centre in Makati, Manila, with our contribution amounting to $7,596. The club funded a Paul Harris Fellowship which was presented on changeover night to Mrs Jean Skepper for her services to the community, and the L. J. McCarthy Community Service Award for 2000 was presented to PP Malcolm Brooks OAM. 2000-2001: President, David Boardman, inducted seven new members making a membership total of 63. Inducted were Paul Andersen, Chris McDonald, Peter Medlicott, Richard Waterhouse, Wayne Ible, David Hughes and David Creamer. This year also saw the first Annual Children’s Film Festival which was held at Erina Hoyts Theatre during December. Over $22,000 was raised from this project and all of the proceeds David Boardman were donated to the various Central Coast Volunteer Rural Fire Services. Additional fundraising included the Christmas stocking raffle, Race Day, Gala Concert and monthly BBQs. The Brisbane Water Historical Society, the Smith Family, Lifeline and Operation Hope Children’s Camp were also included in a long list of donations made during the year. In addition $3,000 was given to the Parkside Youth Centre by the Rotary Trust. International Services featured significantly during the year when we hosted the GSE team from the Netherlands who provided a special presentation at the weekly meeting; Kiyotake (student) from our Tri Sister club Osaka North West, Japan; and a return Friendship Exchange visit from Zurich. We also sent Rosemary Scarvo to Sweden with the Youth Exchange Program. Our Club also hosted a visit from the members of Tri Sister Club Osaka North West and a special dinner was held at the Regional Art Centre at Caroline Bay to celebrate the visit. The year was further highlighted by an outstanding array of weekly programs which included, Dr Luba (From Russia With Love program);

1999-2000: (President, Alan Seberry). The major fund raising event for the year was the Gala Community Concert (“A Matinee of Movie Music”) held on 21 May 2000 at the Central Coast Leagues Club, with profits 71

Dave Stevenson (Rotary Scholar); Kila Karo (PNG Consul General); Alan Davison (Australian Test cricketer); Pride of Workmanship Awards (seven awarded); and a fun Past President’s Night. Members and their wives had a great time at the Christmas Party held at the Boathouse Restaurant at Koolewong. On Changeover Night Paul Harris Fellows were presented to Henk Keulemans and a Sapphire Pin to Jim Kirkness. Kevin Booth proudly accepted the LJ McCarthy Community Service Award. The entire Board and all Club members enjoyed a great year.

The Club invited over 63 community leaders to the Club to share humanitarian ideals of Rotary, and carried out 25 inductions, which was an average of one induction every second week. In the words of the District Governor, this amounted to the formation a new Club within the Club. The enthusiasm and contribution of new members made it a record year for fundraising. Mal Singh The Club received 8 awards, including a PRESIDENTIAL CITATION from RI President Bhichai Rattakul for outstanding achievements in the FOUR AVENUES OF SERVICE. The Rotary Club of Gosford received every RI Membership Development and Extension awards from R.I. President Bhichai Rattakul. Each of the following said, “In Grateful Appreciation of Contributions made in Membership Development by: - Bringing in the most new members in District 9680. - Achieving the highest growth rate in District 9680. - Achieving the highest retention rate in District 9680. The Club also received the following District awards: - District 9680 District Governor’s Membership Growth Trophy for Large Clubs. - District 9680 Membership Growth Award Certificate for dedication to Club Membership, Recruitment and Retention in 2002-2003. - District 9680 Certificate of Achievement in Public Relations for consistently outstanding commitment to excellence in communication with the community. It was a very significant event in the history of the Club that R.I. President Bhichai Rattakul wrote a personal letter congratulating the Board and the President Malvinder Singh, who was the driving force behind membership and personally brought 24 out of the 25 new members. As the result of Club’s success, members were invited to present Club’s membership development model to other Rotary Clubs as well as the District Assemblies within and outside the District 9680. Club’s successful model (which can be duplicated anytime anywhere by any Club) was to invite former Rotarians, Rotaractors, Rylarians, guest speakers, offsprings of former Rotarians, recipients of Pride of Workmanship awards, Rotarians who had recently moved into the area and the wider community that the club served. The basic ‘modus operandi’ was to build on the great name of Rotary. Rotary has a great story to tell ... go and tell it! JUST ASK, and Rotary International will continue to grow to fulfill its humanitarian mission.

2001-2002: (President, Colin Sheumack). President Colin Sheumack PHF took over the reins for a second time having been a Club President in Victoria some time earlier. Our numbers finished the year at 58 with an additional 2 Honorary Members; a Paul Harris Fellowship was awarded to Past President Frank Cross; a Four Avenues of Service Award went to Past President Peter Turnbull; the L J McCarthy Award for Community Service was given to Chris Holstein; the Codswallop Colin Sheumack Trophy went to Mal Singh. One highlight was the introduction of the Quiet Achievers Award… this year seven special people were recipients. A new Community Service Activity was a weekly BBQ at a store in Erina. A special Youth Activity was to sponsor two teams of two students from Gosford High School to MUNA. We welcomed a return visit from Rotarians from Sun Lakes, Arizona, USA. A team of our Club Members and wives continued with Friendship Exchange to Portugal and Spain. Past President John Phillips’ Kokoda Project continued with 8 Aide Posts completed and the Gona Health Centre update proceeding. Rotaract has been battling despite a big effort by our members. Interact continues to flourish with teacher Paul Richardson and Past President Jim Kirkness the driving forces. Donations totalled $43,000 with an additional $10,000 from the Trust available for distribution. The Film Festival raised $24,000. The Club lost three members , Eric Goldswain, Bert Hunter, Harry Gatliff and one former member, Bernie O’Donoghue…the three members passing away over a four week period. A Trivia Night was held at the Agricultural Research Station; meetings were held at Camp Hope and the Art Gallery; groups of members participated in Progressive Dinners. Chris Scott presented the Club with two beautifully carved ‘fine boxes’ in the memory of his father, the late Past President, Les Scott. Keith Bolton celebrated 51 years of continuous 100% attendance. The Club was fortunate to have an outstanding weekly programme…some of the most interesting were presented by our own members.

2003-2004: (President, Paul Andersen). 2003/2004 was a very enjoyable year of consolidation following the year of significant change in 2002/2003 under the Presidency of PP Mal Singh. Mal’s very successful new member recruitment program changed the whole profile of the club, injecting a large number of new, mainly younger members. This, along with some other changes, unsettled some of the established members. Then the Board’s principal focus for the year was to try to steer the club through the year providing the new members with support and guidance and providing the established members with reassurance that we still had the strongest and best club in District 9680. To this end the Board set about a program that restricted new member recruitment in favour of new member consolidation and development. Some older established projects that had lost their punch were dropped in favour of new ones, which had the potential to utilize the talents and enthusiasm of our newer members. Fund raising efforts saw $45,000 raised for distribution to mostly local community groups.

2002-2003: (President, Mal Singh). In 2002-2003 RI President’s theme was “Sow the Seeds of Love”. The President Malvinder Singh and the Board considered the best way to “Sow the Seeds of Love” in the Club and the community was to arrest the decline in ageing membership, and to rejuvenate the club with younger members. The District 9680 Governor Harold Sharp asked the club to go back to basics. What could have been more basic than what Rotary’s founder, Paul Harris, must have done in 1905 when he asked Silvestor Schiele, Gustav Loehr, and Hiram Shorey to join him. The Club’s motto was “Just ASK” with a sincere desire to offer and seek fellowship in Rotary. 72

Club Service PE Bob Pryke managed the portfolio of Club Service smoothly and effectively, and, had a team of members undertaking all the tasks required with a minimum of fuss. These included his three sergeants, John Connolly, Richard Waterhouse and Greg Hooper. The bulletin editor was Bruce Hanks, while Ken Young continued to print the Bulletin and other club related print matter. The Programme Chairman, Ron Hinksman, Paul Andersen provided interesting weekly guest speakers. Community Service PP Barry Morris this year took on the Community Service portfolio with his usual no frills no fuss attitude and we have had a very successful year under his direction. The Annual Film Festival under the chairmanship of PE Bob Pryke again proved to be the Club's principal fund raiser generating $30,000 in funds. Other significant events conducted under the Community Service banner included the Annual Gosford Rotary Race Day, organized by PP Malcolm Brooks, the Annual Gala Concert which this year had a Broadway theme was organized principally by PP Henk Keulemans, our first Book Sale, a great first up effort by Jim Katrakilis and his hard working committee, and Dennis Allen again coordinated our clubs efforts with the sale of Bowelscan kits. The Club this year made the following donations to community groups; Gosford Rural Fire Service $7,500 Wyong Rural Fire Service $7,500 Careflight Helicopter Rescue Service $5,000 The Brisbane Water Historical Society $3,314 The Smith Family $2,000 Central Coast Shelter $1,000 Fairhaven $1,000 Gala Concert Scholarships (4) $1,000 ROMAC $1,000 The Wheelchair Foundation $750 The Happy Tappers dance group $500 Central Coast Lifeline $500 The Samaritans $500

campus of the University of Newcastle. The Interact Club at the Henry Kendal High School continued to function under the very experienced and dedicated guidance of PP Jim Kirkness. Vocational Service Director Jim Katrakilis, our bundle of nervous energy headed up the vocational service portfolio this year and ran with the two successful programs, the Quiet Achievers Awards and the Pride of Workmanship Awards. 2004-2005: (President, Bob Pryke). The highlight of the year was undoubtedly the celebration of Rotary International’s Centenary on 23 February 2005, at The Night Of 1000 dinners, at Mingara Club, with all Central Coast Clubs attending. At Zone level, we supported the establishment of the Centenary Garden at Mt Penang Parklands. Our club project was the refurbishment of Rotary Lodge at Gosford Hospital, a project originally proposed by PP Bert Hunter (1979- Bob Pryke 80) . We financed this in partnership with Mrs Clare Hunter. Our club hosted many members of the Long Island Youth Orchestra on their Pacific Tour. We shared this responsibility with the Rotary Club of Ourimbah and the Central Coast Conservatorium.Their concert was very enjoyable. The Aussie Art Show was also well attended and profitable. The Book Sale generated much hard work but was well supported. Our nomination of Dr Jill Trewhella, an ex-Gosford High student, for the Rotary International Centennial Award for Professional Excellence, was successful. The club’s major donation was to the Smith Family’s "Learning for Life" programme which enables less fortunate children to complete their schooling. Other recipients included the Tsunami Appeal, Kokoda Memorial Project and World Vision. Locally donations were made to Business Week at St Joseph’s College, a visit by the Nitra Youth Orchestra from Slovakia, Youth for Christ and music scholarships at the Central Coast Conservatorium. Our Iranian night featured Persian food, belly-dancers and a history of that troubled region. Kanae Hashiya was our Japanese Exchange student who had a truly "Aussie" experience during her stay. In recognition of our many activities across all Avenues of Service, the club was honoured to receive the Rotary International President’s Award. All in all, a very busy but enjoyable year.

International Service Director John Adams moved away from some of the more traditional projects to move in a new direction this year. The premier event in the International Service area this year was our Vietnamese Dinner night, run as a fund raiser for a Vietnamese orphanage. The funds raised were utilized to equip the orphanage with irrigation equipment for use on their large vegetable garden. The Club was again involved in assisting with the District’s GSE team visit hosting the Japanese GSE team from District 2650. The club supported Victoria Gouel, an Australian Youth Ambassador, working in Binxian County in China under the Ausaid project. Additionally we had several guest speakers who talked about international aid projects.

2005-2006: (President, Max Britten). The year began tragically with the sudden death of the incoming Youth Service Director, Rotarian Richard Bridge. President Elect Bruce Hanks was unable to take up his position because of continuing health problems. During the year we were saddened by the loss of long serving member PP Russell Cox and PP Colin Sheumack. The Board Members beginning the 2005-2006 Max Britten year were President Max Britten, Secretary Terry Devine, Treasurer David Tawyer, Club Service Director David Bacon, International Service Director Greg Hooper, Community Service Director Warren Hosking, Vocational Service Director Kevin Ransley and Youth Service Director Charlie Sherlock. On 24th November we held a special dinner at the Club to celebrate our

Youth Service PP Jim Lawson had a very busy year supporting quite a number of youth projects. These included MUNA (Model United Nations Assembly) where we sponsored a team from the Gosford High School, the Science & Engineering Challenge organized by PP Barry Morris, sponsorship of a final year law student, Janet McKelvey from Mangrove Mountain to attend the RYLA live-in course at Vision Valley, and participation by the Club, led by PP Colin Sheumack, in two separate programs of RYDA (U-Turn-The-Wheel) during the year; at Mt Penang and at the Ourimbah 73

60th Anniversary (23rd November, 1945) with PP PHF Peter Turnbull and PP PHF Terry Devine (Club Historian) reminiscing on past happenings in the Club. The Club started the year with 60 members…6 new members were inducted while we lost 3 members to end the year with 63 members. Donations this year were close to $52,000 while a further $5000 was given to the Rotary/RSL Kokoda Project from the Gosford Rotary Trust which reached $200,000. Claire Hunter was made a Fellow of the Trust following her donation of $5000 to the Trust...joining Fellows Bill Pile, Sven Angeldahl and Alan and Marie Swan as Trust Fellows. Our main hands-on project this year was the renovating and painting of Fairhaven Services to be used by Senior Disabled Members. This project was organized and led by Dennis Allen and supported enthusiastically by many fellows and their wives. In youth activities RYDA continued to grow from strength to strength, we adopted RYPEN and supported Fairhaven Special Olympics, Summer Children’s Village and Operation Hope. David Boardman did an excellent job with the production of the Club Weekly Bulletin; we were entertained by the Sergeants Richard Waterhouse, Lester Marquet, Jim Katrakilis and John Connolly. We had a big group of 20 members and wives attend the District Conference in Canberra. The President’s Award was given to Kevin Ransley for Service Above Self.

through activities and donations of almost $75,000. Attendances at club meetings remained good during the year with the average exceeding 80%. Visibility of the club was enhanced with the launch of a club website www. and the erection of meeting signs alongside the main roads into Gosford. The Club also provided service to the District by staging the District Changeover at which DG Greg Muldoon handed over the DG for 200607, Pam Pritchard. 62 members. 2007-2008: (President, Cliff Innes). The Club numbers finished the year with 53 together with 5 Honorary members…Marie Andrews, Jim Smith, Benjamin Ijumi, Neville Wallwork and Harvey Porter. There were eight resignations during the year…Charlie Sherlock, Frank Cross, Chris McDonald, Ron Collins, Len McNab, Mark Lees, Vic Ranzetta and David Tawyer. New members inducted were Jim Katrakilis (rejoined), John Walters and Frank Cliff Innes Whittington. We were all saddened by the loss of long standing members Bruce Hanks and Bill Pile. The L.J.McCarthy Award for Community Service was given to Dennis Allen and the Paul Harris Awardee for this year was Max Britten. The Club was again awarded the Rotary International President’s Citation. A Film Night was held at the Avoca Theatre to raise funds for Community Service…there was discussion of an upgrade to Pioneer Park…negotiations continue with the City Council. RYDA continues to flourish with most high schools on the Central Coast participating…our special thanks and congratulations to David Robins for his great involvement and achievement in organizing this program. We were able to sponsor Louise Duff as a member of a Group Study Exchange group to the USA. We also hosted a visit by a GSE group from the USA. Circus Quirkus continued as a great service activity and fund raiser ($20,000). Total donations to charitable organizations for the year were nearly $61,000. Four Quiet Achiever Awards were presented and Pride of Workmanship Awards were given to five members of the community for their work above and beyond the normal call of duty. Interact continues to go very well at Henry Kendall High School and one of the members, Grace Mulligan, being awarded a trip as a member of the crew of the Young Endeavour. PP David Bacon has produced great Weekly Bulletins while PP PHF Peter Turnbull has continued to help finance the Bulletin with his collection of advertising from around the City. The Trust reached $230,000 and distributed funds to the Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol, Microsearch, RAWCS, Rotary/RSL Kokoda Memorial Project. Trust Fellows were Peter and Arlene Turnbull, Bill Pile, Sven Anglesdahl, Claire Hunter. Some special features were…Circus Quirkus, Race Day, Trivia Night at Gosford Golf Club, Progressive Dinners, a group of members and their wives visited Tasmania and there was a big attendance at the District Conference in Bathurst in March. Following a dispute about the induction of women members, the new Board for 2008-2009 resigned from the Club at the end of the Rotary year. The Changeover Dinner was a much quieter affair than usual with no wives or visitors. The Club Membership fell to 33.

2006-2007: (President, David Bacon). The Club’s efforts during 2006-07 were recognised at district level with the award of the District Governor’s trophy for community service. This was one of the major highlights of the year. Included in community service during the year were the construction of a sun shelter at Mangrove Mountain Retreat, Circus Quirkus, where more than 1,500 children, their parents and carers were able to enjoy the entertainment, the Happy Tappers concert for young people David Bacon with disabilities, the Gala Concert attended by more than 1,000 music lovers, Race Day and participation in the Australia Day celebrations on the Gosford waterfront. The LJ McCarthy Community Service Award was presented to Kim McLoughry from the Regional Youth Support Service and a Paul Harris Fellowship was presented to the Director of the Central Coast Conservatorium of Music, Christopher Bearman, for his services to the Gala Concert and the development of music in the region. The club’s work in the area of youth was also recognised with a district commendation. Young members of the community were sponsored to attend RYDA, RYPEN, MUNA, Siemens Science Experience, National Youth Science Forum and the Henry Kendall High School Interact Club was again supported. The club again hosted a visiting GSE team, this time from Brazil, and demonstrated the strength of volunteering in Australia through visits to the State Emergency Services and Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol. An international exchange student, Kirk Stephenson, from Canada was hosted and he proved to be an excellent ambassador for his country, conducting himself with style. Links were established with a Rotary Club in Gosford’s sister city, Edogawa in Japan. One of the highlights of the year was the international evening with the Mayor of Edogawa, Mayor Tada and President Fujio Suzuki and Past President Masao Ishibashi from Tokyo Higashi-Edogawa Rotary Club. Another highlight was the induction as an honorary member of Benjamin Ijumi, the Chief of Kokoda. The club received a Presidential Citation from Rotary International President, Bill Boyd for achieving its district goals. Overall a positive contribution was made to the community 74

SOME Memories MILTON FRAZER Milton’s life can be described pretty simply… ‘I’ve been everywhere, man!’ or ‘I’ve done everything, mate!’ Milton was born in Niagara Park on 9th November, 1925. He started school at Gosford Public School. He was living at that time in Holden Street, then, he lived at The Entrance. The family moved to a property in Forbes and he attended Forbes Intermediate High School. Returning to Gosford, he attended Gosford High School before leaving in 1939 to work in his father’s shop. Then he moved to a property in Narrabri. From here he joined the RANR in1943, serving on boom ships and small ships in Darwin and PNG until 1947. After leaving the Navy, Milton worked with Brisbane Water Ambulance, then, he with his father and brother built an abattoirs and a butcher shop in Mann Street. The family Milton Frazer ran a very successful butchery for 6 years until his father retired. After this he joined Chapman and De Carualho Real Estate…this later became Chapman and Frazer. His father then bought a property at Werris Creek and Milton with his wife and two children moved to work the property. After 6 years, mostly drought, and the family missing Gosford, they returned and bought the East Gosford Newsagency, initially living above the business but shortly building a house in Caroline Street. After two years, during which time they also won a Jackpot Lottery, they sold the business to Ron and Des Hincksman. They then bought the Esso Depot at Wyoming and continued with Esso for 20 years, as well as buying two Service Stations. He finished his working life in Outdoor Furniture production and sales. The rest of this article came from a meeting with Milton and Jim Kirkness on the 6th February, 2008 at the home of Jim and Beryl Kirkness with Terry Devine. THE APEX CLUB OF GOSFORD Milton was a Foundation member of Gosford Apex and served in Gosford and Quirindi. He became a District Governor of Apex. He is a Life member of the Apex Club of Gosford. Jim recalled the opening of Presidents Hill by the Governor Sir Eric and Lady Woodward in June 1962. He was given the honour of delivering the Welcome Address to the Governor and his wife at the Dwyer Pavilion. There was an Honour Guard and the opening was broadcast all over Gosford. Even a football match at Graham Park stopped while the opening occurred. Gosford Rotary was asked to look into the formation of an Apex Club in Gosford. Rotary President Tom Arkins (editor of the Gosford Times) spoke to Neville Wallwork who ‘rounded up’ young men from the town. They met at the Brisbane Water RSL Club with Maurie Sterland as the inaugural President. Rotary and Apex became very close with the construction of Presidents Hill and Pioneer Park. Pioneer Park was an old cemetery and covered in lantana .. Milton was Apex Service Director and after much work and many, many months (actually years) of negotiation initially started by Ric Godsell for permission from the State Government to hand over the cemetery to the local Council, the joint project was completed. Rotarians Presidents involved were Jim Kirkness , Peter Turnbull, Ed Dyring and Geoff Grenfell who was the architect for the project. Apexians included Ken Austin, Michael Hunter and Jim Tritton. The Rotary Club and the Apex Clubs retained a very close relationship for many years and many of the past, and, even a number of the present Rotarians have joined Rotary after leaving Apex at the age of 40 years. Jim Kirkness has had a 40 odd year association with Civilian Widows (started and supported by Apex). It is very sad to relate that Gosford Apex Club is the last Apex Club on the coast and one of our members, himself a Life Member of Dubbo Apex Club, talked to members of the Gosford Apex Club and found that they only have 6 members…incidentally, the only members present were young women. Gosford Rotary. (Some of Milton’s thoughts) Milton had 12 months off after finishing up with Apex but discovered he had something missing from his life. Some of his mates 75

had gone to Lions, some to Rotary. Wives loved their husbands going to Rotary…they could do their own thing on Thursday night! Milton was nominated by Bill Reid and joined with Jim Smith and Allan Eagle. His classification was Wholesale Oil Distribution. Rotary played a very important part in the life of the Central Coast with many of its members involved closely with other organizations in the area and even Statewide. Rotary was different in the past…today there appears to be too much pressure from above. (DGs become fired up on appointment and expect too much from Clubs…many small clubs suffer and sometimes disappear because of this). We have lost much of the levity of former years…we should loosen and lighten up. Milton was very involved with the Christmas Hamper for 10 years and raised about $100,000 with much help from Bill Reid. The later organizers did a great job but eventually were hampered by the Historical Society workers growing old and not being able to sell as actively as in the past. He also was a FAIM member to the Solomon Islands. These interviews have been wonderful and maybe I will combine them on a CD which can be kept in the records and looked at in the future.

MALCOLM and MARGARET HALLIDAY Terry Devine interviewed Malcolm and Margaret Halliday at their home in Kincumber in the afternoon of the 15th January, 2008. Malcolm was born in Homebush. He went to school at Homebush Public School and did his secondary schooling at Fort Street Boys High. At the end of 1945 his father retired from the State Abattoirs and the family bought a property at Matcham. After 2 years at Hawkesbury Agricultural College, Malcolm worked on the family farm. He worked part-time with Bill Pile who owned the Gosford Driving School and when Bill retired in 1969 he bought the business. He ran the Gosford Driving School from 1969 until Malcolm and Margaret Haliday he retired in 1993. Malcolm was nominated for Rotary by Bill Pile and held the classification of ‘Driving Schools’ from when he joined in 1969 until he left Rotary and became very involved with Probus. Malcolm joined because he had finished his active role with scouting, which had been his great love for many years, and he was looking for something where he could become involved in community activities. The Club met at the RSL at that time and continued there until the RSL was destroyed by fire in 1972. The Club was very friendly…Malcolm knew most of the members from his business dealings and also from the Scouting Movement which had great support from the Club and from numerous individual members. Gosford was a very different town in 1969 from what it is today…Malcolm remembers how he enjoyed being on the door at Rotary meetings and getting to know every member well. The Club seemed to always have about 70 members…the number of members has dropped and at the present time is only approximately 60. Margaret was a member of Gosford Inner Wheel firstly and then East Gosford Inner Wheel Club when she went to work. Malcolm felt that even in 1969 the Club was exclusive. This was tempered by the fact that classifications could be adjusted to admit any new member. He was interested to discover that there are now only two types of member…Active and Honorary and that 10% of the Club could have the same classification. (I still believe that our Club is exclusive and will always continue to be so. Terry Devine) Malcolm’s brother is currently a member of Terrigal Rotary Club. He has commented that the Terrigal Rotary Club now has members covering many and varied occupations (just like most Rotary Clubs). This is quite different from the early years of our Club and probably most of Rotary, when most members were businessmen and professional people. He spoke of Les McCarthy as one of the characters of the Club and also about the work done at Rumbalara by the Gosford Rotary Club, and, as well the significant donations of the ‘Kitchens of Sara Lee’. Malcolm could not compare our Club with others because he did not make-up. He felt that the members mixed really well and cared for each other. 76

He commented that the Community thought Rotary was only about building Parks and Children’s Playgrounds and he felt we should advertise all of the other activities we are involved with. He was critical of District Governors over the years who were ‘hell bent’ on forming new clubs….many of these clubs have now disappeared or are struggling. Malcolm had heard ‘on the grapevine’ that Gosford Rotary had voted to admit women (or at least straighten up our By laws in accordance with RI). He believed that this change was inevitable even though the two strongest and most viable clubs on the Central Coast were currently male only clubs. His brother states that Terrigal would not survive without women! Margaret finished off our get together by stating that she would never want to join Rotary, because Thursday night was the best night of the week…she could have anything she wanted for dinner!!

TREVOR HILL Terry Devine interviewed Past President Trevor Hill one morning early in December, 2007 in his office at the Grange Hotel where he goes daily. Trevor is now 90 years old and I was greatly impressed with his memories of the earliest days of Gosford Rotary. Trevor was a Charter Member of our Club. Trevor first came to Gosford town as a young man in 1938 and for a period of time was employed by the Department of Agriculture at the experimental farm which is now the Research Station at Narara. At the outbreak of war in 1939 he endeavoured to enlist but his agricultural background produced an immediate exemption, so he promptly reapplied elsewhere as a labourer and was accepted into the Army. He served in the Middle East and New Guinea for 5 years attaining the rank of Captain. Following his discharge he returned to Gosford and purchased the Snow White Laundry Service in Baker Street and for 14 years serviced the farms, hospitals, guest houses and hotels. Trevor Hill He must have been one of the youngest to come into Gosford Rotary. This surely must have been an achievement at that time when acceptance into such organizations was a fairly formidable affair for a person of his age. I am sure that he too must have found this a challenging experience. Perhaps this mirrors the aims of our founder, Paul Harris, who in 1905 gathered together a diverse group of businessmen. The Rotary organization is now worldwide with about 28,000 clubs, 1.2 million members in 154 countries including Russia. In 1961 he moved to Adaminaby to lease the Snow Goose Hotel from the Snowy Mountains Authority for 2 years, and then off to the Golden Sands Hotel in Nambucca Heads for a stint of 10 years before returning again to Gosford in 1972 to develop the Grange Hotel/Motel on property he had purchased in Wyoming in 1947. The Grange is also part of the history of old Gosford as the stone dwelling and stables on the south side of Renwick Street was built for Frederick Healy, Principal Superintendent of Convicts in Sydney, by his servants and stonemasons in1836. The dwelling was occupied by Trevor and his family for some time. His son, Mick, now resides there. Trevor joined the Rotary Club of Gosford in 1945…he is a Charter Member of our Club. He was asked to join by several members, including Ossie Young and Ron Greaves. His classification was Laundryman. When he changed occupations he thought that he would have to leave the Club. However, there was a very definite "no way!" and he was given a new classification of Capital Investment. Trevor commented that the title sounded great especially when he visited other Clubs and met up with fellows with the same classification. He recalls visiting Darwin Rotary and sitting next to a chap called Paspaley . He later commented to the other members over a drink that this Paspaley fellow doesn’t say much. They commented that he didn’t have to say much…he owned most of Darwin and Broome…he was, of course, the owner of Paspaley Pearls, one of the biggest producers of pearls in Australia. When asked why he joined Rotary he said he was new to town and it seemed a great opportunity to meet people. He tells of the new Club as having about 25 members, all of whom liked each other, enjoyed each others’ company and had great fun with fines and especially a few ‘cool drinks’ before and after the meeting at the Union Hotel (which was only a few doors from the Orion Café opposite where the Commonwealth Bank is now). Trevor spent 17 years in Rotary here before he moved to Queensland where he had two hotels. He saw the Club grow over the years 1946 to 1963…the classification system was very hard with many men wishing to join but being excluded by the classification procedure. 77

He was disappointed that many deserving men were unable to join. The Apex Club was formed with great encouragement from Gosford Rotary and catered for some of the younger men who at that stage could not join Rotary. Many of these Apexians later became Rotarians and have served our Club with distinction over many years. (Maurie Sterland was one of these young men…it happened that Maurie was to be buried the afternoon that I interviewed Trevor.) Trevor mentioned some special characters he remembered…Jack Daven, Vern Adcock was quick witted and very clever. Garnet Adcock took up law to help his son and graduated in a very short time. He spoke of a Dinner fee of 5 shillings (50 cents) and complaints about the meals…sounds familiar? One special project he remembered was Huntington House…an old run-down weatherboard premises where the Florida Hotel was and The Crowne Plaza is now. The Club renovated the old premises and brought up underprivileged children from Redfern for weekend and holidays and Rotarians were rostered for supervision duty overnight and during the day. He mentioned how the leading businessmen of Gosford inducted a goat into the Club at the Orion Café. The Club had a very high standing in the Community. There were plenty of working bees and plenty of jobs to do…parks, Presidents’ Hill, etc. We agreed that it has become difficult to find ‘hands-on’ projects now. We spoke of the changes in the classification system…Paul Harris formed a Club for men to get together for company…he deliberately did not want two members with the same occupation… in fact we had both seen members who objected to another person joining if he had the same classification as them. Now in a Club like ours we can have six members with the same classification. Many Clubs are battling for members and there are now only two forms of membership…Active and Honorary. Trevor was taken aback when he heard that the Club had voted to allow female members. My visit and interview with Trevor was fantastic and most enlightening …he is an outstanding example of all the good things that the Rotary Club of Gosford stands for. His memory and details of past happenings were outstanding.

Harvey and Pat Porter Terry Devine interviewed Harvey and Pat at their home in Kincumber in December, 2007. We had a great afternoon talking about old times. Harvey was born in Cullen Bullen (towards Mudgee on the Lithgow/Mudgee road). At age 5 he moved to Cessnock where he grew up and was educated. After school he completed an apprenticeship in Fitting and Turning at Newcastle. He worked for some time in a coal mine as a Fitter and Turner. He joined the Merchant Navy and worked for 8 years as an engineer. He worked for the Bankline of Glasgow on a ship, the SS Ettivebank operating out of Geelong. He had reached the position of 2nd Engineer with only about three months service needed to become a Chief Engineer….they asked him to sign on for a short trip to complete his ticket. This he did but the short trip eventually took 22 months…he claims he was shanghaied. In his time at sea Pat and Harvey Porter he travelled all over Australia and around the world. Harvey came to Gosford about 1960 from Cessnock and brought with him a portable cement mixing set-up. He moved into the Jusfrute Complex in West Gosford. At that time he had little money and lived for a time on site in a caravan. He did everything himself until one day a fellow drove up in an old VW beetle and asked for a job. Harvey said you can start now if you like…OK said the visitor…he worked there until he retired. One of his earliest jobs in the Ready Mix Concrete business was the building of the Florida Hotel at Terrigal….it was a big deal and it was necessary to set up on the site. Harvey was nominated for membership by Gordon Martin who told him that he thought he had something to offer Rotary and that Rotary had something to give him. His advice was to enjoy Rotary, to be involved with Rotary but never to let Rotary become the ‘be all and end all’ of your life. I asked Harvey why he had joined…his comment was that he had come from the country, he knew nobody and he thought it was a good idea. He felt it was something he needed and that maybe he could contribute. He told me at that time the Club was very friendly…it was fantastic for me was very helpful. He would often go to Rotary and straight after go back to work until midnight. His special friends were Les McCarthy and Bill Pluim. In those days we thought as a Club, but, as well we thought as individuals. 78

The Rotary Club of Gosford was composed of the big businessman of the town and it was a great privilege to be a member. There were many men striving to join…they even had elections for President. Some of the early special projects included Presidents’ Hill and Rotary Lodge. Harvey has been an active member for 47 years and enumerated the following… It contained the leading figures of the town. It had great fellowship, fun and friendship. It provided service to the Community as there were many more opportunities to build and to work physically. It raised money for charitable works. Harvey works always on three principles… Never refuse a resignation. Never employ a relative or a close friend. Never criticize your mother-in-law!!! I mentioned to Harvey that the Club had voted recently to admit women…he said that up until recently he was adamant that no woman should join and that he would have immediately resigned if this happened. Now he feels that it is inevitable and that we will eventually have women members. (I have now conducted several interviews with prominent older members and have enjoyed them very much. Terry Devine)

JIM KIRKNESS James Edwin Kirkness was born on 25th September, 1921 at Brady’s Gully where his father, James and mother, Rosina had an orchard. Rosina was a war bride who married James in Southampton in 1918. His grandfather and father were both lay preachers for the Methodist Church, so Jim attended church from infancy to the present day. Jim attended Gosford Public School which was then where the TAFE College is now. He proceeded to Gosford High School for three years. He was very involved with sport over those years. After school Jim trained as a Fitter/Machinist. This was a restricted industry but he was eventually granted permission to go to sea as an engineer ending up on the Caledonian Salvor which was involved in salvage work on the Australian Coast , Milne Bay, Rabaul and New Britain with a ‘crack’ salvage team on board. While he was on leave Jim married Beryl Lawrence who owned the Beryl Hairdressing Jim Kirkness Salon next to the Valencia Theatre. In 1946 Jim opened his own business which continued for 52 years until his retirement in 1999. In 1950 he joined the Masonic Lodge. He has served that organization with enthusiasm, skill and empathy for nearly 60 years. He has been honoured by the Lodge for his efforts over the years. In 1953 he became a foundation member of the Apex Club of Gosford which was sponsored by the Newcastle Apex Club with much encouragement from the Rotary Club of Gosford. Jim claims that his years in Apex formed his altruistic approach to life which has persisted for all of his life. Some memorable projects were assistance during Maitland floods, Kariong Scout Camp, Carols by Candlelight, Presidents’ Hill (with Gosford Rotary), Civilian Widows, foundation of Fairhaven (with Gosford Rotary and Lions). Jim served as President of Apex, President of Baden Powell Guild and Patron of Civilian Widows. After compulsory retirement from Apex at 40 years, Jim joined Gosford Rotary in November, 1962. The Club met at the Hotel Gosford where Malcolm Cusick (a former member of Gosford Apex) was proprietor. Gosford Rotary had originally met at the Orion Café (look up “Would you Believe!” in the earlier history for the induction of the goat!!!), then Hotel Gosford, then Gosford RSL (until it burnt down) and finally at Gosford Golf Club. In 1966-67 he helped build the Hospital Kiosk and with the Rotary Club developed the playing fields for Gosford High School. As Vocational Service Director he started the Careers Market initially at Erina High School. Later it was taken over by the Education Department and held in the Dwyer Pavilion and finally at Central Coast Leagues Club with great help from the Rotary Clubs of the Central Coast. Jim was involved with Gosford Rotary in the following projects…Burns Place Fountain, Apprentice Night, International Ball, Waterfront Fountain and Memorial Steps, Monster Auction, Pioneer Park, Interact in 1974, Kincumber Lodge, Rumbalara , 79

Slab Hut at Historical Society, Rotary Lodge at Gosford Hospital, the Gosford Rotary Trust, Bradys Gully Cemetery, introduced film Festival/Circus Quirkus. Jim has received many awards‌1981 Paul Harris Fellowship, 2001 Sapphire Pin to PHF, 2006 Beryl awarded Paul Harris Fellowship, 1985 Citizen of the Year, 1993 L.J.McCarthy Award, award for help to the youth of Gosford, Salvation Army Appreciation Award, OAM and Centennial Medal in 2002, work with intellectually handicapped people, Red Cross Service Award, Baden Powell Service Award. Jim finished with great thanks to his darling wife, Beryl, and to his many friends and supporters over the years in Apex, Rotary , Masonic Lodge and the many organizations to which he has belonged and to which he has given lifelong service.

Jim Kirkness in his latest model convertible.

KEVIN WINTERBOTTOM Kevin Winterbottom recently left the Club through ill health. Kevin was an Architect all of his working life after returning from World War 11. Kevin is married to Maureen and lives in Point Frederick. Kevin joined the Club in 1953 as a young architect working in Gosford. He left Rotary soon after when he moved away with his work. He rejoined our Club in 1996 and remained a loyal member until his forced retirement from Rotary recently. Kevin Winterbottom


How I Found Rotary – Novice’s View I was attending a farewell lunch for a work colleague and sitting next to me was my previous boss. During the gaps in the speeches we were discussing what we were planning for our upcoming holidays. Instead of the normal humdrum, my previous boss told me that he and his wife were going to India as part of a Rotary International group to help vaccinate people in remote villages against polio. I was intrigued by this revelation (as I thought, in error, that Rotary was raffles and sausage sizzles) and particularly when he further advised me that Rotary International had almost single-handedly eradicated polio. Having spent sometime in third world countries in Africa and South America I had an appreciation of the endemic crippling health and social problems that exist, but had no real answers on how to help the situation. I thought I have to find out much more about Rotary International as it was clearly making a huge difference to people’s lives. I had a lengthy discussion with Paul Andersen the then President of the Rotary Club of Gosford; received a visit from Paul and PP Alan Seberry at my home; attended a number of Club meetings and then I was accepted as a member of the Club in September Charlie Sherlock 2003. I admit I was completely overwhelmed by the depth and breath of Rotary and the many sub-programs / projects that the Club was supporting. There is so much to learn about Rotary and I knew that the only way to help my understanding was to be part of the Club Board. This opportunity arose when the then President Elect Max Britten asked me to be Treasurer for 2005/2006. Due to the tragic passing of Rtn Richard Bridge who was my friend and work colleague since the mid 1970s I changed to Youth Service to take his place. I understandably did not start that year as strongly as I wanted to, so I backed up the next year to do a better job. After two terms as Youth Director I can argue that I now have a significant understanding of the Youth Service portfolio and the many sub-programs / projects that have benefited youth on the Central Coast and further afield. I have been impressed by the professionalism of the Club, its Boards and the four Presidents (PP Paul Anderson, PP Robert Pryke, PP Max Britten and the current President David Bacon) that have managed the Clubs affairs. Each year has been distinguished by the leadership style of the individual Presidents and the wealth of sub-program / projects that the Club has supported. Of course the strength of the Club is its members and I would like to especially mention just a few of the fellows who have greatly assisted me and championed significant sub-programs / projects in my two years as Youth Service Director: * PP Jim Kirkness Interact - Interact (International Action) and RYLA (Rotary Youth Leadership Award) * PP Barry Morris - Science & Engineering Challenge * Rtn David Robins - RYDA (Rotary Youth Driver Awareness) * PP Terry Devine & PP Alan Seberry - RYPEN (Rotary Youth Program of Enrichment) * P David Bacon, PP Kevin Booth, Rtn Barry McDonald, Rtn Cliff Innes, Rtn Jim Buultjens & PP Henk Keulemans - RYE (Rotary Youth Exchange). I have also enjoyed many of the other Service sub-programs / projects undertaken by the Club, namely: the physically demanding book sales, trivia nights, refurbishment of a section of Fairhaven Services, those very hot days when building the shade area at the archery section of Mangrove Mountain Retreat, International Nights, delightful Happy Tappers Concerts, Red Cross Appeal, Youth Exchange Dinners, Group Study Exchange Dinners, Quiet Achievers and Pride in Workmanship Dinners, Film Festival, etc. The Club over the next 5 to 10 years will have to meet a variety of challenges, including: * Increasing competition for the welfare / charity dollar * An ageing membership profile * The limitations of being a single gender Club * The recruiting and maintaining membership, particularly in the 40s and 50s age groups when service club membership is decreasing * Need to vary and increase its revenue base I am sure that the Club will meet these challenges and continue to make a very valuable contribution to the Central Coast and further afield. Charlie Sherlock, Youth Service Director (2006/2007) April 2007


Club Service Activities ROTARY CELEBRATES 100 YEARS Prior to Rotary’s 100 birthday the International President Glenn E Estress Sr said “Rotarians are ordinary people who accomplish extraordinary things…Thanks to the Rotary Foundation of R.I., Rotarians have provided more than $US 1.4 billion for service projects in more than 166 countries. Rotary supports the world’s largest privately-funded international scholarship programme and sponsors one of the world’s most popular youth exchange programmes. We have been leaders in the global fight against polio, saving millions of children from this crippling disease. "It is our birthday gift to the children of the world.” On the evening of 19th February, 2005, hundreds of Rotarians from the Central Coast gathered for dinner at the Mingara Club to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the foundation of Rotary International. Local boy, journalist and author Peter FitzSimons was an excellent after-dinner speaker who covered Rugby, France and memories of his boyhood. Every Club was represented with the Rotary Club of Gosford prominent in their numbers and costumes with many wives present. This was most appropriate because the Rotary Club of Gosford the first club on the Central Coast and the sponsor initially of every other club on the Coast. (Gosford sponsored Wyong (1948), Woy Woy (1950), East Gosford (1966), Gosford North (1972), Gosford West (1976). From these clubs have come all other clubs chartered on the Central Coast.


60th ANNIVERSARY OF THE ROTARY CLUB OF GOSFORD The Club was sponsored by the Rotary Club of Newcastle and the Charter Night was held on the 23rd November, 1945. To celebrate the 60th Anniversary a full page supplement was printed in the Central Coast Express-Advocate. Our thanks to PP Peter Turnbull PHF and Ken Young. Foundation members were President Tom Lynch (General Bank), Harry Lord Snr (Orchardist), Tom Arkins (Press), Adrian Hickey (Legal), Jim Paul (Medical), Ron Vaughan (Pharmacy), Cec Scott (Co-operatives), Norm Tegal (Butchery), Tom Plummer (Bank Valuer), Roy Thew (Local Government), Os Young (Footwear), Ron Grieve (Dry Cleaner), Roy Wood (Citrus Shed Manager), Chas Staples, Jack Little, Keith Enderby, Ern Bennett and Jack Speers. The first project agreed to on 9th January 1946 was to assist the Gosford District Hospital. A fortnight later it was decided to raise $4000 in funds for the beautification of the hospital grounds and a cheque for $1125 was handed to the Hospital Board for the works during April 1946. At the Club meeting of the 24th November, 2005 two entertaining presentations were made by PP Peter Turnbull PHF and PP Terry Devine PHF on our history. A feature of our history that was prevalent during PP Peter’s presentation was our strong involvement with Youth., through the great number of times we participated in the Youth Exchange Students programme. Our Club has hosted exchange students from South Africa, New Zealand, Japan, Russia, Belgium, Finland, Germany, USA, Switzerland and Canada. In addition we have hosted exchange students from our Tri Sister Club in Osaka North West, Japan on a number of occasions. All of these exchanges have enriched the lives of host parents, club members and the students themselves. We regularly hear from members who have received a card or a letter from overseas from a former exchange student, or, of a visit to a former student by members when travelling abroad. In 1990-91, PP Lester Marquet PHF and in 1991-92, PP John Phillips PHF had very busy involvement with youth programmes. This included 2 to RYLA, 2 to the National Science School, 4 from Osaka North West, 4 to New Zealand and 4 from New Zealand. In recent times we have welcomed Kirk Stephenson (Canada) and Thomas Alexandre (Belgium) and we will be sending Mitchell Innes overseas.

Picture shows the top table at the Dinner to celebrate our 60th Anniversary‌ PP PHF David Boardman, PP PHF Kevin Booth, PP PHF Peter Turnbull, David Bacon, (then) President and now PHF Max Britten, PP PHF Terry Devine, Jim Katrakilis




Chairman Secretary Treasurer



Kevin Shumack


$136,471 Ron Hincksman Terry Devine Distributed $4,701.65 to Gosford District Hospital for Vital Signs Monitors

Max Dunstan


$158,550 Ron Hincksman Terry Devine Distributed $750 to Henry Kendall High School Special Needs Equipment Distributed $2,602 to Central Coast Lifeline kitchen

Cliff Innes


$168,535 Ron Hincksman Terry Devine Distributed $3,000 to Regional Youth Centre Parkside

Cliff Innes

Ron Hincksman

Doug Newton

2002-03 $179,375 David Boardman/ Terry Devine Lester Marquet Distributed $434.32 to Gosford East Public School Special Needs Equipment

Cliff Innes



Terry Devine

Cliff Innes


$206,544 Lester Marquet Distribued $8,500 to Rotary Lodge

Peter Medlicott

Cliff Innes


$234,925 Lester Marquet Peter Medlicott Distributed $5,000 to Rotary / RSL Kokoda Memorial Project

David Boardman


$263,555 Lester Marquet Peter Medlicott Distributed $1,800 to Rotary Lodge Distributed $5,000 to Coast Shelter Distributed $7,557.48 to Gosford District Hospital Retcam machine

David Boardman


$212,692 Lester Marquet Peter Medlicott Distributed $6,000 to Royal Coastal Volunteer Service Distributed $1,000 to Central Coast Lifeline Distributed $1,000 to Microsearch Foundation Distributed $1,000 to Rotary / RSL Kokoda Memorial Project

David Boardman

Lester Marquet

Fellows of the Trust (have donated $1,000 or more to Trust) are: Rotarian Bill Pile, PP Alan and Marie Swan, PP Peter and Arlene Turnbull, Rotarian Sven Engledal and Claire Hunter.


KINDS OF MEMBERSHIP Up to 2004 the following types of membership existed … Active; Additional Active (Same classification as a member of the club, a former Rotarian or a former Rotaractor); Senior Active (a member with 15 years of service, 10 years of service and aged 60 or 5 years of service and aged 65 years); Past Service (someone who joins after retirement); Honorary (persons who have distinguished themselves by meritorious service in the furtherance of Rotary ideals). In 2004, change was made involving the classification system…previously only an Active Member (and an Additional Active) could hold the same classification. The change stated that 10% of the membership of any club could hold the same classification. For example, with our Club of 60 members, we could have 6 Accountants, 6 Bankers, etc. Currently there are only two types of membership… Active and Honorary.

HONORARY MEMBERSHIP Honorary Membership of our Club was given only on rare occasions to people who had given outstanding service to Rotary. It is given on a year-to-year basis. Our records show the following people who have been granted Honorary Membership at one time or another…remember Honorary Membership is not a lifelong award. Gordon Procter, Bob Marshall, Tom Arkins, Jack Corner, Bruce Hanks Snr, Neville Wallwork, Pat Smith, Jim Smith, Bill Pile, Chris Harcher (local Member of Parliament), Colin Sheumack, Benjamin Ijumi (PNG Chief of Kokoda), Harvey Porter, Bruce Hanks Jnr, Marie Andrews (local Member of Parliament). These names are recorded up to December 2008.

MEMBERSHIP NIGHTS Over the past ten years the Club has planned and organized membership nights where members of the public are invited to a Club Meeting at which speakers talk about Rotary, in general, and the Rotary Club of Gosford in particular. Usually a special guest speaker is invited and members of our Club long term and newly inducted speak of their experiences with the Club. Over the years speakers have included PDG Geoff Grenfell PHF, Milton Frazer, Harvey Porter, Jim Lawson, Charlie Sherlock and many others. Often a slide show of achievements of the Club has been shown. The most recent was 21st September, 2006 where the Guest Speaker was Don Keady, who spoke about “Marketing” …some things that must be done and some of the pitfalls of marketing. PP Terry Devine PHF gave a short address about the history of our Club and the variety of people who formed the Club and their great involvement with the city over many years. This involvement continues to the present time. Charlie Sherlock spoke in a very interesting way about why he joined Rotary and some of his past experiences inside and outside of Rotary.


Chris Scott, Bruce Walker (Bush Poet), David Bacon, Peter Mott, Ed Dyring, Keith Dedden, Neville Wallwork, Larry Loxley, Pat Smith, Trevor Hill, Kevin Shumack, Roy Cosier, Bob Heathwood, Max Kellett, Malcolm Halliday, Jim Smith, John Flakelar, Alan Swan

PAST PRESIDENTS’ AND PAST MEMBERS’ NIGHTS Over the years a number of Past Members’ Nights have been held. A Past Presidents’ Night was held on the 1st November, 1984. (This was not reported in the former 50 Year History). At that time there were 26 Past Presidents in the Club…16 from Gosford and 10 from other Clubs. Those who had joined from other Clubs were specially mentioned… Eric Blamey Eastwood 1967-68 Noel Cathcart Grenfell 1965-66 Bruce Hanks(Sen) Woy Woy 1950-51 Max Kellett Newcastle West Keith Robson Nundah

Keith Bolton Eric Clark Terry Devine John Neuhaus

Grenfell 1955-56 Scone 1957-58 Rylstone-Kandos 1980-81 Henty

The evening was organized by PDG PP Geoff Grenfell PHF. The President in 1984-85 was Malcolm Brooks OAM PHF. Another Past Presidents’ Night was held on the 28th June, 2001 near the end of President David Boardman’s year in office. Those present were Past Presidents….Geoff Grenfell, Kevin Booth, John Phillips, Henk Keulemans, Bob Husk, Jim Secomb, Malcolm Brooks, Jim Lawson, Lester Marquet, Keith Dedden, Harvey Porter (joined 1962), Alan Swan, Jim Kirkness (joined 1962), Peter Turnbull, Trevor Hill (joined 1945), Colin Sheumack, Lynn Dornan, Frank Cross, Terry Devine, Eric Goldswain (joined 1960), David Boardman, Alan Seberry, Peter McCloskey, Keith Bolton, Allan Eagle, John Williams, Barry Morris. Past Members present were…John Flakelar, Neville Wallwork, Peter Motte, Pat Smith, Jim Smith. Apologies were received from…Bert Ghersi, John Pratt, Bert Hunter, Peter Treston. The ‘Two Ronnies’ PP Alan Swan and PP Lynn Dornan conducted the fine session. The Chairman for the evening was PP Harvey Porter PHF with planning and presentations by PP Terry Devine, PDG Geoff Grenfell and PP Lynn Dornan. The most recent Past Members Night was held on the 9th November, 2006. Past Members present were…Chris Scott, Peter Motte, Ed Dyring, Keith Dedden, Max Kellett, Larry Loxley, Pat Smith, Trevor Hill, Kevin Shumack, Roy Cosier, Bob Heathwood, Mick Whalan, Mal Halliday, Jim Smith, John Flakelar, Alan Swan. Apologies were received from Jon Stokes, Max Perry, John Sprague, Jack Ellis, Matthew Moore and John Pratt. The Chairman for the evening was PP Alan Seberry. The evening was planned and organized by PP Frank Cross. 86

Past members were introduced by PP Terry Devine PHF who had prepared and presented a power point presentation about some of the important achievements of the Club. Current members Charlie Sherlock and David Robins spoke about overseas happenings and the motor industry respective. The guest speaker was Bruce Walker who spoke of his past experiences in the years gone by and his specialty, Bush Poetry. President David Bacon spoke on the evolution of Rotary, our current ‘Lead the Way’ approach to Service in the Community and the enduring value of friendship and fellowship. The ‘Two Ronnies’ made a reappearance for the fine session in the guise of PP Alan Swan and PP Lester Marquet.


The Parramatta Shield is the symbol of supremacy for golfers in the District. The photograph shows recent winners from the Club which has held the trophy on many occasions. Dennis Allen, Max Britten, Warren Hosking and Kevin Ransley.



Community Service Projects GOSFORD ROTARY GALA CONCERT “The Night in Vienna” initiated our Club’s annual Fundraising in support of music through popular classic concert performances. In his Presidential year, PP Peter Turnbull and the late Tudor Davis invited local Probus Clubs, Rotarians with friends and family to the Central Coast Leagues Club Auditorium in autumn 1997. The performance by the Gosford Symphony Orchestra (as it was then known) and the Central Coast Youth Orchestra under the baton of Conductor Robert Bedwell was outstanding. This was combined with an audio visual of beautiful Vienna. Elizabeth Dilley and Barry Garret were the soloists and dancing was performed by the Helen Donald Dance Studio. The afternoon attracted some 550 people and was a spectacular success begging a repeat. Chris Bearman as the new Artistic Director of the Gosford Conservatorium of Music, was promptly inspired to approach the then President Henk Keulemans for participation by a wider representation of the local leading Ensembles. With the generous response from Robert Bedwell, agreement was soon reached to provide a combined platform for the Central Coast Symphony Orchestra, the Philharmonia (Choir), the Central Coast Concert Band and the Gosford City Brass Band as an entertaining fundraiser in support of all four Ensembles. A Joint Committee representing the four ensembles and Gosford Rotary was formed and worked harmoniously ever since to make the first Gala Concert in May 1998 and annual Gala’s a resounding success. Former Youth Director Derek Evans rallied Probus and local Rotary support in his successful promotion of a popular classic music program “Music You Know and Love”. Some of the early achievements included: • The close artistic, administrative and financial cooperation between the Ensembles and their Musical Directors; • The generous support of the C.C. Leagues Club in offering the Auditorium free of charge and technical support at cost; • Ticketek for sale of tickets and also providing Rotary with a block booking possibility; • The hiring, transport and installation of mobile stage extensions doubling the area of the Auditorium stage to enable some 170 musicians to share the extended stage; • The low cost publicity and promotion of the Concert keeping total costs below 30% of the total takings from ticket sales; • The support from many club members and their wives, family members and friends in the front of house welcoming, program sales and ushering of patrons and V.I.P.’s; • The “discovery” of Chris Bearman as a popular and entertaining Compere-cum-Conductor; • The tremendous goodwill generated between all participants encouraging ongoing cooperation on a regular basis; As a Club we may be proud to have been the initiator and catalyst of a unique fundraising concert of such lasting benefit to the performers and audiences of Performing Arts on the Central Coast. The following themes reflect the variety offered over the years: 1998 “Music You Know and Love” 1999 “Proms down Under” 2000 “Movie Matinee” 2001 “Australian Theme” 2002 “Viva Espagna – Ole!” 2003 “Music Makes the World Go Around” 2004 “Regards to Broadway” 2005 “Music of France” 2006 “Shall we Dance” 2007 “Let’s Celebrate” (10th Anniversary) 2008 “The Wild West” Hank Keulemans

Remarkably Robert Bedwell conducted in all ten Gala Concerts and the Night in Vienna. Special recognition was offered to two key participants on the 10th Gala Concert in 2007. The then D.G. Pam Pritchard presented Chris Bearman with a “Paul Harris Fellowship” to enthusiastic acclaim of the Audience, and a Quiet Achiever’s Award to Claire O’Connor with whole hearted support from all musicians for her incredible contribution as annual Stage Manager and contact person for all ensembles and with our Club representatives. 89

Dangerous as it is to single out individual contributions the following may well be recognised: • PP Peter Turnbull for his innovation and foresight; • Ken Young for his generous printing of programmes and posters through Snap Printing and Peter Clarke for Kwik Kopy in 2007 and 2008; • Ern Rippon as Probus liaison; • Bob Pryke, Frank Cross, David Boardman and Jim Buultjens and others ‘front of house’. • Ushers – Rotaract and Rotarians, Friends of the Orchestra • Maryke and Henk Keulemans for ticket sales and promotion and as Rotary’s Joint Committee liaison. The Gala Concert attracted an audience of about 915 in 2007 and is quoted as an indicator for the need of a more appropriate venue. It is indeed hoped that the improved artistic standards and wide public support will inspire our authorities and ratepayers to adopt the "Friends of the Performing Arts Precinct" vision splendid. P.P. Henk Keulemans - 6th April, 2008

GOSFORD District Hospital Kiosk



The Happy Tappers Dance Group for disabled people continues to flourish. This group was formed in 1992-93 by Kevin Booth with the help of John Williams and for many years was mentored by PP PHF Frank Cross who recently resigned from the Club. Since that time PP PHF Max Britten has taken over that role. The time and hard work of the teachers, parents and other supporters over the past 16 years is greatly appreciated by all. The group of enthusiastic Tappers and their families each year come to one of our dinners and perform for us. Last year a special feature was the inclusion of Rotarians into the group for a number of dances‌.imagine????


Jim Buultjens, Derek Blackstone,Charlie Sherlock, Barry Henwood, Barry McDonald, David Bacon, Cliff Innes, Peter Medlicott Max Britten, David Robins, Jim Kirkness, Beryl Kirkness

HANDS-ON PROJECT Hands-on projects are becoming rare in Rotary. During the Year of PP PHF Max Britten 2005-2006 a large group of our members and their wives worked at renovating and painting facilities at Fairhaven . This was a most successful activity and one that was greatly enjoyed by all who attended. The work was co-ordinated and organized by Dennis Allen.

AUSTRALIA DAY The Club’s tradition of celebrating Australia Day with the re-enactment of the landing of Governor Phillip and his party at the waterfront during the City Council’s special day has continued with few breaks.

The Honour Guard which has always been trained and drilled by PP PHF John Phillips OAM.

Lester Marquet, Alan Seberry, Ron Hincksman and Frank Whittington.


QUIET ACHIEVERS AWARD (1st awarded 2001-2002 by President Colin Sheumack) 2001-02

Marie Norman (St Paul’s Kincumber); David Marsh (Parish Council, St Paul’s Kincumber); Frank Courts (Brisbane Water Historical Society); Elaine Fry (Brisbane Water Historical Society); Madeline Stephenson (Happy Tappers); Joy Burrows (View, CWA, Church Womens’ Groups); Yvonne Ames (Pink Ladies).


Ester Sennet; Marie Fuller; Elizabeth Bezan; Alison Rigby; Kevin Hooper.


Barbara Hooper (Catholic Church Cathecist); Beverley Benson (Anglican Church); Catherine Cole (Terrigal SLSC, State Treasurer P&C Associations); Stuart Bennett (Terrigal SLSC Stingrays Swim Club); Ester Sennett (Community Radio, Fairhaven- received her award from the previous year).


Ken Shakespeare (Gosford District Hospital Chaplain); Diane Dale; Eric Hodgins (Sailing for Youth); Doone de Henau.


Gail Ransley (Meals on Wheels, Inner Wheel); Marj Strang (Red Cross, St Vincent de Paul); Peter Banks (Sailability); Helen Walker (Students with Special Needs).


Carol Thorning (Salvation Army Red Shield Appeal); Stan Twindley (Sailing Club Activities, Lions, Blue Light Disco); Vivienne Eagle (Meals on Wheels, Pandora Club, Gosford High School Canteen).


Four awardees including Antje Kemety.

Vocational Services Projects PRIDE OF WORKMANSHIP 1998-99

Jason Barton, Emma Kate de Hanau, Pat Nissen, Robert Smith, Christopher Moffat, Margaret Dwarte


Graeme Allen (Building), Derek Blackstone (Travel), Stephen and Anne Dornan (Linton Gardens), Von Harris (Anglican Kincumber) Neil Mitchell (Somersby PS), Viola Vala (Berowra PS)


Naomi Lessels (Vet Assistant), Jenny Favelle (NRMA), Paul Lawrence (NRMA), Maureen Young (Snap Print), Gary Hallett (BW Picture Framing): Glen Eggleston (Camp Hope), Bob Rudd (SurveyorBannister and Hunter)


Elizabeth Behan


Jennifer Bessant, Ron Burns, Ariella Whitelum, Peter Noble, Debra Andrews.


Colleen Kirk (St Patrick’s Catholic Church), Bruce Charlton (Gem Setter/Jeweller), Phil Moore (Gosford City Council), Terry Jenkins (Handbrake Turn)


Rav Seaman, Larry McMurthrie, Tracey Douglas, Jan Henderson, Gerry Boila


Alison Gibbs (Bar- Gosford Golf Club), Mark Hansen (Coast Care Video), Suzanne van Putten (Sec for Bob Husk-dinner attendance register each week)


Barry Parker (Creative ID Umina), Gail Cosentino (Regional Youth Support Service), Ben Hart (Painter), Sue Loane (Newsagent employee); Mary Rathbone (Clinical Nurse and Educator at Gosford District Hospital), Julie Carrington (Manager Bendigo Bank, East Gosford)


Donna Bevitt (Human Resources and Administration Manager-Fairhaven), Melodyann Bray (Manager Community First Credit Union); Dianne Marriott (Team Leader Red Cross Social Support Services), David and Phyllis Graham (Central Coast Tennis Academy)


Youth Service Projects INTERACT Interact continues strongly at Henry Kendall High School. One of their members Grace Mulligan was sponsored by the Club as a member of the crew of the Young Endeavour in 2008. A tree from a seed from Lone Pine at Gallipoli was planted at the school during a most impressive ceremony with members of the School, representatives from the RSL and members of the Rotary Club of Gosford in attendance. Jim Kirkness continues his involvement which extends back over many years ‌ he was involved in the formation of the Interact Club and has battled over the years to keep it going and to reach the excellent standard it now enjoys. INTERACT CLUB OF HENRY KENDALL HIGH SCHOOL Presidents.... 1998-99 Shannon Upton 2000-01 Luke Keith 2002-03 Luke Edwards 2004-05 Rebecca Segalla 2006-07 Grace Timbs 2008-09 Lauren Monachino

1999-00 2001-02 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08

Michael Peterson Shane Edwards Mark Cosgrove Rebecca Segalla Grace Timbs

RYDA Rotary Youth Driver Award Programme continues to grow and fill a great need in the community. The Principals and Staff of almost every High School on the Coast enthusiastically support this scheme. Every Rotary Club and the Police have become involved. Several days are needed to fit all Year 11 students into the day of information and training. This project has involved much work by David Robins who also has a position on the State RYDA scheme.

MUNA AND NYSF We have supported Model United Nations Assembly with a number of students from Gosford High School being sponsored. National Youth Science Forum has continued to be supported over the past ten years.


1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2002-03 2003-04 2005-06 2007-08

No nominee Kevin Coote, Bernadette Speziale chosen but did not attend. Edwin Levack 2001-02 Melanie Lieshke, Ben Warren Kimberley Perry, Minnie MacDougall, Blake O’Brien Janet McKelvey 2004-05 Lyndsay Schietel no nominee 2006-07 Alexis Bell no nominee

YOUTH EXCHANGE PROGRAMME 1998-99 1999-00 2000-01 2001-02 2002-03 2003-04 2004-05 2005-06 2006-07 2007-08

In - Jenni Laitinen (Finland) Out - Amanda Jones (Belgium) In-Luca Valli (Switzerland) Out - Rosemary Scarvo from Gladesville (Sweden) Nil Nil Nil Nil In - Kanae Hashiva Out - Kerryn Brent (Japan) In - expecting boy from Canada In - Kirk Stephenson (Canada) In - Thomas Alexandre (Belgium) Out - Mitchell Innes (Belgium) 94

THE SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING CHALLENGE The Science and Engineering Challenge on the Central Coast is a joint project between the University of Newcastle and the Gosford Rotary Club involving the youth in our community, to develop an interest in the sciences and engineering as a career for the future. HISTORY The first challenge took place on the Central Coast in 2000 at the Central Coast Youth Club and Niagara Park Community Centre. The first event in 2000 was a trial to see if the format and content would appeal to both the students and schools, the aim was to stimulate the students interest in the subjects of science and engineering at a year 10 level, this was critical to ensure they took the right subjects in years 11 and 12 if they wished to go onto University for a Science or Engineering degree. During the 90’s interest in these two degrees fell dramatically to more popular degrees, to such a level that a critical shortage of Engineers and Scientist existed across Australia. Barry Morris To trial the Challenge, the University of Newcastle developed a set of games, a mixture of 1/2 and full day duration, some 250 students attended the first Challenge. The University, with support from Engineers Australia required assistance in the form of Supervisors. At this point PP Terry Devine was asked if he could supply some help in the form of supervisors from the Gosford Rotary Club. When I attended the first day it was easy to see what a success this project was going to be. After discussion with Board members it was recommended that we as a Club stay involved on a yearly basis and to support the project with Donations for prizes and assistance to run each event, this we have done every year since 2000. In 2001 due to the popularity of the Challenge on the Central Coast and in the northern part of the state, Regions were formed and during that year on behalf of the Gosford Rotary Club I became Regional Chair for Central Coast. Each year some 15 schools across the Coast (both public and private) half on one day the other half on the next (we average around 250 students each day) and the scores are tallied at the end of each day, this is the basic level of the Challenge competition and is called the Regional Challenge. The Schools with the first and second highest scores over the two days are declared the winners of the Regional Challenge. The winners of the Regions proceed to another Challenge called a Super Challenge to determine the Winners at zone level. The Challenge spread and zones were formed in the northern half of the state, South Australia, Southern Queensland, Brisbane, Country Victoria, Western Australia and Sydney. As a result of this expansion the winners of each Zone Super Challenge were required to compete against one another to determine a National Winner and a Grand Challenge is held to find the winner. This year the University of Newcastle held its first International Challenge in Singapore, there is little doubt the event will go International on a large scale. This year 2008 the Challenge will be nine years old, our Club was the first Rotary Club to be involved, and has had the longest continuous involvement. I have served as the Regional Chair Central Coast for this period. Each year I submit to the current

Ron Collins, Milton Frazer, Allen Eagle, Barry Morris and Paul Andersen 95

Board of Gosford Rotary Club a request to support the Challenge for the coming year by providing members over the two days to act as supervisors and a donation to purchase the awards to each school for participation in the event, and awards for the two top winners over the two days. The Rotary Club of Gosford is engraved on each award. The club has applied and will host the 2010 National Grand Challenge (10th Anniversary). ITEMS OF INTEREST This would be one of the longest continuous projects the Rotary Club of Gosford has been involved with in nine years counting 2008. Gosford Rotary Club has supplied in excess of 200 man days in the form of members acting as supervisors. The Gosford Rotary Club has made donations in excess of $16,000 over the years we have supported the Challenge. Since the inception in 2000, over 4000 plus students on the Central Coast have attended the Challenge. The following Presidents have supported and donated to the Challenge. 1999-00 PP PHF Alan Seberry 2000-01 PP PHF David Boardman 2001-02 PP PHF Colin Sheumack 2002-03 PP PHF Malvinda Singh 2003-04 PP Paul Andersen 2004-05 PP PHF Bob Pryke 2005-06 PP PHF Max Britten 2006-07 PP David Bacon 2007-08 P Cliff Innes PP PHF Barry Morris, Regional Chair Central Coast, Science and Engineering Challenge

FILM FESTIVAL AND CIRCUS QUIRKUS In 1999, PP PHF Jim Kirkness OAM learnt of a fundraising opportunity which was based on a Children’s Film Festival which was already operating in Sydney. Our Club entered into a partnership with International Entertainment (New Zealand) and their local promoter. We approved a telemarketing script which was used to contact Central Coast businesses seeking sponsorship for local underprivileged children and their families. Their sponsorship financed tickets for the children and their families to attend the Film Festival which was held in early December each year. We began in PP David Boardman’s year (2000-2001) and it has continued each year since that time. Our Club’s contribution has been liaising with the promoter, finding suitable office space, providing actual support on the days at the Erina Cinema Complex and Members at Central Coast Leagues Club lending our good name to the project. In 2005, after discussions with the company, they introduced Circus Quirkus (to replace the Film Festival) which had been running successfully in NSW and Queensland for some time. This was a non-animal circus featuring clowns, unicyclists, tumblers, balancing acts, etc. It was held at the Central Coast Leagues Club in January, 2006 and was very successful. There were three sessions on that day and over 2000 parents and children attended. 96

PP Bob Pryke has been the Club Co-ordinator since its inception to the end of 2008 and it has raised over $200,000 for the Central Coast Community. Short History of the Children’s Film Festival The Club’s major fundraiser commenced in December, 2000. This involves contacting all businesses on the Central Coast to sponsor special needs children to attend the movies at Erina Fair Hoyts Theatre. Over 200 children, over two weekends have been provided with a choice of 4 new release films, popcorn, a drink and a balloon for a fun outing. Local businesses have supported the project well above initial expectations. There are two winners each year … the special needs children and the Central Coast Community. Funds raised and the major beneficiaries have been… 2000 $22,210 Central Coast Volunteer Rural Fire Service 2001 $24,045 Central Coast Surf Lifesaving and Camp Hope 2002 $26,001 Central Coast SES 2003 $29,988 Central Coast Volunteer Rural Fire Service and Careflight 2004 $28,799 Learning for Life Programme and Royal Volunteer Coastal Patrol 2005 $28,254 Youth Arts Warehouse - Parkside Youth Centre This year saw a change to Circus Quirkus … non animal circus for special needs children. 2006 $30,126 Australian Rotary Health Foundation and Smith Family 2007 $29,369 Adeline Village and Shelter Box 2008 $20,222 Coast Shelter and Central Coast Lifesaving

International Service Projects CHIEF BENJAMIN IJUMI – Our most distant member! For a number of years Benjamin Ijumi has been a visitor to our Club as a guest of PP PHF John Phillips. He has been an honoured guest at our Club , at local Schools and at the Anzac March or the Battle for Australia ceremonies. In recent times he has visited during the Battle for Australia Celebrations in August/September. In September 2006, he was inducted as an Honorary Member of the Rotary Club of Gosford. On every occasion when he has come to Australia he has been accompanied by two ‘Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels’, the most famous and well-known of whom was Raphael Oembari, who appeared in one of the most famous and emotive photographs of WW11. The photo was taken on Christmas Day 1942 by New Zealand photographer, George Silk. The picture below shows Private George (Dick) Whittington of the 2/10th Infantry Battalion, 7th Australian Division, stick in hand being led by a very young Raphael Oembari, who came from Hanau Village near Buna, where Whittington was wounded in the head. Raphael was one of 14 Hanau Village men who were Fuzzy Wuzzy Angels (officially known as ANGAU (Australian New Guinea Administrative Unit) Carriers. Raphael passed away in Hanau Village in July, 1996 in his mid eighties.

Chief Benjamin Ijumi FUZZY WUZZY ANGEL Raphael Oembari 97

General Matters



President Secretary Treasurer


Marj Husk

Joyce Dunn

Nancy Lowe


Meg Leggett

Joyce Dunn

Nancy Lowe


Gail Ransley

Nancy Lowe

Melvy Adams


Gail Ransley

Nancy Lowe

Melvy Adams


Hazel Howells

Nancy Lowe

Melvy Adams


Meg Leggett

Nancy Lowe

Gail Ransley


Hazel Howells

Nancy Lowe

Gail Ransley


Marj Husk

Melvy Adams

Gail Ransley


Bev McDonald

Melvy Adams

Gail Ransley


Hazel Howells

Melvy Adams

Bev McDonald


Cecily Roberts

Meg Leggett

Hazel Howells

JOHN CONNOLLY At the end of the 2005-06 Rotary year Current President Dr John Connolly was awarded “A Companion of the Australian Rotary Health Research Fund”, The photograph shows John receiving his award from the then President Max Britten.


WOULD YOU BELIEVE 1. When Mal Singh was President 25 new members were inducted! MEMBERSHIP DEVELOPMENT 2002-2003 What a year it was for membership growth for the Rotary Club of Gosford. President Mal, stirred on by the sad loss of three of our members just before he took office, worked tirelessly to increase our Club numbers. Twenty five (25) members were inducted during the year. (NB - this an average of 1 new member each fortnight). One of these, Leo Powell, was put forward by John Adams - the other 24 were nominated and encouraged by President Mal. There must be a couple of records of some kind here!! Our numbers on Change-over Night will be 79 plus 3 Honorary Members. Membership on 4/7/02 57 Inductions 25 Deduct 1 Honorary and resignations by 1 new member and 1 old member. (increase) 22 Total membership 79 + 3 Honorary We are now the largest Club in District 9680 which has 68 Clubs. Limerick by Past President Lester Marquet Club President Malvinder Singh Said, “new members to our club I will bring” But he is causing some ructions With twenty five new inductions T’is truly and incredible thing.

2. Paul Andersen is pictured with Julie Turnbull, Cathy Maher and Laura Pratt all of whom had spent some time in Indonesia. (All had attended Henry Kendall High School)


3. Benjamin Ijumi is our most distant Rotarian…he lives in Papua New Guinea and has the classification of “Chief of Kokoda”. He is pictured (left) addressing the Club during one of his visits for “The Battle for Australia” celebrations.

4. Former member Chris Scott presented two fine boxes which he had made in memory of his father, Les Scott, a former President of our Club, to the then President Bishop Colin Sheumack. 5. PP PHF Jim Kirkness OAM was debagged on his last night in Apex! 6. In the past ten years, the Club has awarded 15 Paul Harris Fellowships. 7. Ten sets of Fathers and Sons have been members of our Club….. Dick and Allen Eagle, Bruce and Bruce (Jnr) Hanks, Bernie and Patrick O’Donoghue, Les and Chris Scott, Alf and Maurie Sterland, Bob and Neville Wallwork, Earl and Richard Waterhouse, Os and Wal Young, Jim and Jeff Gay, Garnet and Van Adcock. Peter Turnbull and (son-in-law) David Tawyer. Brothers Adrian and Errol Hickey, Bill and Bert Ghersi. Bob Vaughan and (son-in-law) Bob Pryke. 8. The Trust almost reached $300,000 before the financial crash. 9. Rotarians whose sons and daughters have married … Alan Seberry and Kevin Booth, Malcolm Brooks and John Phillips. 10. PP PHF Terry Devine has had the pleasure of having two of his former students as members of the Club …David Bacon (Coonabarabran High School) and Jim Katrakilis (Henry Kendall High School). 11. We sent one of out Interacters, Grace Mulligan, from Henry Kendall High School as a crew member on the Young Endeavour in 2008. 12. Bob Pryke, David Bacon, Cliff Innes, David Robins, Dennis Allen, Wally Hammer and Charlie Sherlock were recently awarded the State Governor’s Medal for Service during the emergency when storms swept the Central Coast in Easter 2007. 13. Several members invaded Erina Fair to sell trifecta tickets for the Melbourne Cup of 2007 and 2008. A very successful money raiser and a pleasant working scheme organized in 2007 by Barry McDonald and in 2008 by David Boardman. 14. The Club has had a ‘Welfare Officer’ for some years now. PP PHF Jim Kirkness OAM has filled this position … he contacts sick members, our widows and some of our past members. He keeps the Club informed each week and continually passes on the best wishes of the Club and its members to anyone in hospital or unwell at home. He has established a beautiful practice of presenting new widows with a rose to plant in memory of our departed member. 15. One of our members PP PHF Max Britten who farms chooks, avocados and oranges has made large continuing contributions to the Club’s coffers by donating fruit from his orchards and selling to Club members and golfers each week. 101

16. Several members have been members of the Armed Services … Milton Frazer---RANR Kevin Grey---Army Kevin Winterbottom---Army John Neuhaus---RAAF Bill Pile---RAAF Eric Goldswain-Army Ralph Mortimer---RAN Errol Hickey--RAAF Bill Hunt-Sharman---RN Doug Newton---Army Tom Rowlands---RAN Neville Mills---Army Syd Noble---Army Bruce Douglas---Army Jack Daven---RAN Olaf Spence---Army Wally Hammer---RAN Bob Pryke---Nat Service Bob Husk---British Navy

Jim Kirkness---Merchant Navy Keith Bolton---Army Craig Duncan –Army Gordon Martin-Paratroops Alan Skepper---Army Les McCarthy---Army Ron Sky---Army Frank Cross –Army Terry Devine –Nat Service

17. Members of our interact club (The Interact Club of Henry Kendall High School) purchased a seedling grown from the seeds from Lone Pine at Gallipoli and planted it in the School grounds. 18. The original Charter of the Club which was believed to be destroyed in the fire in the Gosford RSL Club has turned up … apparently someone has had it all of these years and has passed it on to PP PHF* Mal Singh who will present it to the Club. 19. PP PHF Keith Bolton, aged 89, passed away in December, 2008 in Grenfell where he had retired. Keith joined Grenfell Rotary in 1951, Gosford in 1958, Woy Woy in 1963, Gosford in 1965 and Grenfell in 2002. Except for the most recent times Keith had the honour of maintaining 100% attendance for all of his 57 years in Rotary. A fantastic achievement!! 20. President (2008-09) John Connolly first joined Rotary in 1955 in Babinda, Queensland. 21. Citing Service to Rotary, the Gosford City Council recognised PP PHF* Malvinder Singh as Senior Citizen of the Year in 2008.

CLASSIFICATION COMPARISONS -- Charter Club versus Current Club CLASSIFICATION Charter Accountancy Banking 3 Building 1 Technology & Equipment Computers Engineers Education Electrician Farming/Agriculture 5 Finance Planning/Management Local Government 1 Legal 1 Medical 2 Motor Trade 1 Oil Distribution Press 1 Pharmacy 1 Printing 1 Pilot Real Estate 1 Retail 5 Surveying Travel Valuation Village Chief


Current 1 4 2 1 2 3 1 6 4 2 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 1 1

Club Members of Rotary since 1945 Name Partner Classification Adams John Merran 211099 Med-Occupational Health Adcock Garnet PP 1948 Fruit Juice Manufacturer Adcock Van PP Peg 1957 Fruit Juice Manufacturer Adderley Peter Mami 191008 Computer Education Albury Edward 1957 Police Allen Dennis Jennifer 011296 Building Contractor Allen Ray Dorise 1975 Salvation Army Andersen Paul PP Robyn 171100 Agric Management Andrews Max Grace 1962 Plumber Angledal Sven Margareth 010285 Med Supply Wholesale Ansell Bill Elaine 1976 Bookkeeping Arbie Vern PHF Marie 011177 Travel Agent Arkins Tom PP Jean FC1945 Printer Arms Barry Shirley 1977 Insurance Arnerbark Jan Michelle 010192 Machinery Importer Aveling Ted 1963 Machinery Sales Bacon David Samantha 260204 Careers Management Bailey Peter 1983 Engineering Baker Dennis Elena 140405 Plant Physiology Baldwin Raymond Patricia 010588 Banking Bamborough Thomas 1960 Bampton Noel Judy 1975 Railways Bannister Leonard Joan Charter 12/45 Surveying Barling John 1982 Banking Barwick James 1955 Education Secondary Bass Graeme Doreen 82; 010590 Motel Management Bastian Ken 1973 Menswear Retail Bennett Ernest FC1945 Farmer Berg Keith Betty 1966 Newspaper Publishing Berry Doug Dorothy C12/45 Builder Bezer Bruce Colleen 1976 Builder Blackstone Derek Teresa 101002 Travel Agent Blaird M 1973 Blamey Eric PDG PHF Elva 1979 Bread Manufacturer Boardman David PP PHF Lorraine 87:010495 Finance Planning Bolton Keith PP PHF Gwen 1958 Real Estate Booth Kevin OAM PP PHF Nancye 040376 Auto Retail Boukley George 1973 Bowen John Bea 1958 Drugs Retail Bowen Niels Ann 1975 Drugs Retail Brennan Ian Margo 1976 Law Conveyancing Brennan Leonard C3/46 Motion Pictures Bridge Richard Sue 080503 Info Technology Bristow John Christine 150905 Elec Vehicle Distribution Britten Max PP PHF Noreen 010686 Mixed Farming Brooks Malcolm OAM PP PHF Tricia 010379 Auto Retail Brown Sherwin Ruth 1966 Security Broker Browne Ronald 1951 Monumental Mason Burke Allan Marguerite 1966 Glassware Importer Butt Leo 1954 Builder




Buultjens James Maeve 010705 Disability Employment Cahill Ted 1975 Police Inspector Callaghan Graham 010992 Banker Campbell Keith Rita 1966 Ambulance Service Carroll Reginald Sen Act Freda 1946 Dentistry Casier Leon 1950 Retailing Cathcart Noel 1984 Lifeline Manager Cawthorn Peter 1992 Human Resources Chapman Trevor Elaine 1977 Real Estate Clark Eric PP Pat 010878 Soil Conservation Clark Frank 1955 Police Clark Malcolm 1985 Clarke Peter Jane 131206 Printer Collett Major Ruth 120847 Radio Retail Collins Ian PP PHF Mary 290404 Medicine Collins Ron Kaye 211099 Mixed Farmer Conlon Snow 011195 Engineering Manufacture Connolly John Noreen 55/030676 Surgeon Cooper Jim 1984 Finance Corcoran John Myra 1974 Law Conveyancing Corigan Patrick 150503 Theatre Management Corner John Sen Act PP Gwen 1948 Oil Distribution Cosier Roy Margaret 010886 Christianity Cowlishaw John Pam 1987 Banking Cowper John 010393 Insurance Cox Russell PP PHF Gloria 010981 Police Admin Crawford Frederick 1957 Creamer David Christine 100501 Accountancy Croft Phillip Valda 010878 Advert Directory Cross Francis AM DSM PP PHF Lyla 010691 Antique Dealer Cusack Alton 1970 Publican Dalton Vern Daven John Jean 1954 Electrician Davis Bill Holly 1960 Grocery Distribution Dedden Keith PP 010991 Local Govt Admin Dekker Jerome Lin 111203 Hospitality Devine Terry PP PHF Elizabeth 010582 Education Secondary Dibben Roy Viv 1966 Newspaper Publishing Dornan Lynn PP PHF Valerie 010979 Lemon Farming Douglas Bruce PP Joy 1960 Retailing Douglas James C3/46 Education Primary Dowling John 1965 Medicine Drielsma Hans Nanette 010689 Forestry Duck John 011191 Forestry Duncan Craig Margaret 1960 Medicine Dunstan Max 99; 180702 Credit Unions Dyring Ed PP PHF Helen 68; 010694 Postal Service Eagle Allan PP Vivienne 1970 Real Estate Eagle Dick PP Irene 1951 Truck Retail Earnshaw Joseph 1947 Cycle Retail Easey Hugh C3/46 Easterman Oscar Ella 1966 Real Estate 103




Eddy Reginald Alma 1959 Motel Management Edwards Arthur 1991 Eller John 1985 Radio Stations Ellis Jack 1966 Hardware Ellis Ray Mary 1969 Building Materials Enderby Keith 1st Treasurer FC 1945 Banking Evans Derek 030497 Oil/Gas Engineer Everson Neil Michelle 80; 250702 Valuer Fauchon Mark 221098 Caterer Feltham Edward 1960 Real Estate Ferrier Ross Sharon 2005 Medicine Flakelar John Elizabeth 011183 Surveying Flynn Greg 050298 Town Planner Foott William Eileen 1957 Plant /Seed Retail Ford Col 1967 Presbyterianism Fowler David 1963 Mt Penang Admin Frazer Milton 1970 Oil Distribution French Harry Daphne 220109 Ship Broker Frewin Gwynne 1947 Blacksmith Frost Alan PP 1955 Builder Gannon Owen Pat 1965 Recreation Admin Gardiner Bob 1972 Law Gardner Graham Nancy 1966 Insurance Garnham John Dorothy 1978 Banking Gatiff Harry Opal 010593 Electrician Gay Jeffrey 251104 Tool Supplies Gay Jim Joan 1966 Gas Distribution Ghersi Bert PP Eileen 1955 Orange Grower Ghersi William Edna 1956 Farmer Gibson Sydney 1957 Life Assurance Gibson Terrance PP Raili 010293 Civil Engineer Gilchrist Duncan Judith 251105 Careers Management Godsell Ric Betty 301068 Newsagent Goldberg Steven 170797 Hypnotherapist Golswain Eric PHF Edna 1960 Mixed Farming Graham Les AM Lesley C3/46; 1974 Auto Retail Grant Bill 1983 Local Govt Grebert Len Peggy 1966 Bus Services Green Errol Phyl 1988 Police Admin Green Stan Judy 1980 Plumber Grenfell Geoffrey PDG PP PHF Margaret 080170 Architect Grey Kevin PHF Jan 010796 Const Ind Catalogi Grieve Ronald FC1945 Dry Cleaner Hallett John 1955 Railways Halliday Malcolm Margaret 010769 Driving School Hammer Walter Susan 220905 Electrician Hancock Stanley 1659 Police Hanks Bruce Diana 86; 270203 Economic Devel Hanks Bruce (Senior) PP PHF Marian 1969 Auto Retail Harris George 1985 Hardware Retail Harris Ian Edith 1967 Fruit Processor Harris Leigh Odette 061108 Financial Management




Harrison Tony Joy 120708 Bus tech & equip Hartcher Chris MP Elizabeth 300102 Parliamentarian Hartshorne Trevor 1987 Real Estate Harvey Ewart PP Joyce 1959 Jewellery Retail Hayhurst John Barbara 110908 Home improvemnet Hayne Eric Jean 1965 Banking Heathwood Bob Barbara 1984 Banking Hely Carl C7/46 Entymologist Henwood Barry Anna 011296 Commercial Pilot Herd Ken 1972 Ambulance Hickey Adrian PP 1st Sgt FC1945 Law Hickey Errol Frances 1954 Law Hickey Leo 1964 Education Secondary Hickson Bill Norma 010288 Consultant Engineer Hill Eric 1947 Real Estate Hill Trevor PP C/46 Laundry Hincksman Ron Desley 241096 Property Investment Hine Arthur Mabel 1966 Edu Technical Hitchcock John 1951 Oil Retailing Hobbs Cecil 1957 Tailor Hodge Garry Christine 011184 Photographer Holcombe Victor Joy 1954 Building Consultant Hood Bill Marjorie 1965 Banking Hooper Greg Amy Cheng 200203 Management Training Hosking Warren Vicki 010895 Accountant Hudson Donald 1948 Retail Hughes David Janine 120401 Finance Consultant Highes Eric 1952 Banking Humphries David 270600 Chamber Commerce Hunter Albert PP PHF Claire 1966 Surveyor Huntington Cal 1960 Guest House Prop Husk Robert PP PHF Marjory 011290 Accountant Ible Wayne 080201 Education Secondary Ijumi Benjamin Lillian Bisa Ijumi Chief of Kokoda Innes Clifford Sandra 270400 Accountant Ironmonger Eric C7/46 Printer Jackson John PP Mary 1964 Oil Distribution Jacobson John 1970 Ambulance Jeffries Bruce 1963 Johnston Bill Elizabeth 010878 Poultry Farmer Johnstone Garry 011192 Accountant Jones Graham Anne 141196 Chicken Farmer Katrakilis James Belinda 020807 Chicken Farmer Keith Harvey 1966 Taxi Services Kellett Max Beverley 1979 Auto Retail Kerrison George Betty 1976 Education Technical Kesby Leslie 1963 Pharmacy Keulemans Henk PP PHF Maryke 011180 Law Kiely Temple 1955 Agric Research King Nev Betty 1968 Railways Kirkness James OAM PP PHF Beryl 051162 Engineer Knock Ken 010185 Club Admin 104



Knox John Laird Noel Betty Lansdowne Benjamin Lawson Jim PP PHF Robyn Leask Gordon Con Lees Mark Julia Lillicrap Arthur Lindsay David Pat Linsell Harry Janette Little Jack Lord Harry Loxley Larry Lyn Lundhall Siggy Margareth Lynch Tom PP MacDonald Jim Audrey MacDonald Athol Betty Mackell Francis Maddox Murray Laurie Madsen Henning Maria Manning James Manning Richard Manning Stanley OAM Jan Margin Maxwell Marquart Gabriel Deborah Marquet Lester PP PHF Wendy Marshall Bob PHF Martin Gordon Laura Maugham Howard Kath McCarthy John McCarthy Les AM PP PHF June McCloskey Peter PP Pat McCredie Bob McDiarmid Jock McDonald Barry Beverley McDonald Christopher Vicki McFarland Alex Lila McGillivray Alan McGillivray Kenneth McLachlan Arch PP PHF Jean McLeay Douglas McLeod Bill Judith McNab Len Rosemary Meard Ken Medicott Peter Margaret Meggitt Eric Meldrum James Melkonian Harry Mills Fred Mills Neville Belle Moore Matthew Jane Morris Barry PP PHF Margaret Mortimer Ralph May



1985 Banking 1974 Insurance 1955 Electroplating 030584 Electrical Engineer 1948 Orange Growing 83; 130504 Med Rescue Admin 1947 Farmer 1964 Medicine 120398 Retirement Village Admin FC1945 Men’s Wear Retail FC1945 Orchardist 010395 Air Condition Service 010289 Capital Investment 1st President FC1945 Banking 1962 Steel Fabrication 1964 Men Clothing Retail 1961 Garage Proprietor 1969 Capital Investment 76; 010288 Medicine 1947 Barber 1950 Postal Services 170403 Aged Care Consult 1959 Soft Drink Manufacture 300103 Steel Fabrication 180681 Education Primary 1969 Christianity 1964 Steel Fabrication 1966 Music Instr Retail 1948 1955 Newsagency 120200 160507 Charity Admin 1984 Medicine 1965 Motels 230503 Textiles Manf Ad 121000 Civil Engineer 1966 Education Inspector 1969 Agriculture C7/46 Fruit Inspector 1956 Baker 1959 1965 Presbyterianism 160487 Education Secondary 1973 140101 Farming Investment C6/46 Real Estate 1957 Real Estate 270297 Insurance 1971 Ceramic Tiles 1947 Delicatessen 010994 Accountant 88; 010894 Telecommunication 1962 Drapery Retail


Moses Bob Beryl Moss Murray Motte Peter Lila Muir Paul Murray Bob June Naining Alf Neil Edward Neuhaus John PP Gillian Newell Vincent Kian Newton Douglas PHF Nancy Nichols David Sharon Nind John Noble Sidney O’Donnell Edgar O’Donoghue Bernard Rita O’Donoghue Patrick Lee-ann Oldfield Lew Olsen Ole Inger O’Shea Robert Helen Parsons Toby Patterson Jack Paul Jim 1st President Elect PP Pearsall Barry Nancy Perry Larry Fran Perry Max Beth Pettigrew David Phillips John OAM PP PHF Allison Pile Bill Joy Pluim Bill PP Plummer Thomas Podryhula Oleh Annette Poldon Norman Pollard Bob Lisa Pollitt Bill Patricia Porter Harvey PP Pat Potts Robert (Bob) PP Powell Leo Pratt John PP PHF Geraldine Proctor Gordon Pryke Bob PP PHF Bronwyn Pullen Frank Rhonda Pullin Norman Quirk John Quodling Patrick Ransley Kevin Gail Ranzetta Vic Amanda Reid Bill Betty Reid Laurie Reynolds Eric Kath Rippon Ernest Eileen Robarts William Roberts Jack



1965 Banking 1961 Chicken Farmer 301086 Stockbroker 2003 1966 Bakery 1970 1957 Newspaper Admin 120484 Wool Growing 010994 Podiatry 151283 Banking 160605 Real Estate 1972 Insurance 1959 Auto Dealer 1950 Banking 1953 Accountant 101293 Accountant 070598 Local Govt Engineer 1986 Publisher 1985 Movie House Admin 1947 010188 Banking 2nd President FC1945 Medicine 1978 Education Secondary 1966 Felt Manufacture 301093 Accountant 131193 Education Technical 131184 Pharmacy 53; 180491 Driving School 1963 Builder FC1945 Bank Valuer 151205 Bank Financial Planner 1958 Child Welfare 120603 Retail 1984 Banking 1960 Concrete Manufacture 1954 Real Estate 281102 Corporate Trainer 281078 Bookseller 1953 Radio Sales 021195 Education Secondary 1973 Law Admin Gov 1959 Anglicanism 1987 Banking 1950 Bank Valuer 030981 Electrician 170806 Law 66/1977 Jewellery Retail 1968 Methodist 301077 Deer Farmer 150373 Citrus Research 1950 1966 Bus Services



Roberts John Eilen Roberts Michael Rosemary Robins David Elizabeth Robson Keith Rose Ian Rowlands Tom Rylah Rod Joan Sainsbury Albert Santry Noel Nikki Sarooshi Ruhi Ruby Sawtell John Kerrie Scholtz Manfred Margaret Scott Bob Marilyn Scott Cec PP Scott Chris Kristine Scott Les PP Sue Seberry Alan PP PHF Fran Secomb Jim Merillee Sellers Garry Setori Brian Sewell Bob Sue Sharman Ben Jean Shaw Graham Sherlock Charles Monika Sheumack Colin Bishop PP PHF Showers Bob Shumack Kevin Shirley Simpson Peter Singh Malvinder PP PHF Heather Skepper Allan PHF Jean Skinner Harold Ruth Sky Ron PP Millie Small James Smith Donald Isabel Smith Frank Lorraine Smith Jim Dawn Smith Patrick Marie Speers John Spence Olaf Sprague John Staples Charles Stephenson Peter PP Sterland Alfred Sterland Maurice Mavis Stocks George Stokes Jon Lyn Stone Len Strada Sam Mary Swain Graham AD Act Kathy Swan Alan PP Marie Tarbox Jim Marion Tasman-Smith Bob


1956 Bus Services 170395 Finance Planning 060203 Auto Tecnician 1984 Banking 1970 1963 Painter 300594 Finance Planning 1962 Postal Services 1977 Pest Control 300692 Citrus Research 060804 Agric Computing 1971 Travel Services 1978 Broadcasting Admin FC1945 Co-operatives 061197 Builder 1978 Gov Fruit Adviser 151092 Fruit Storage Res 78; 010793 Christianity 1980 Dept Store Retail 1961 96; 171203 Agric Contracting 1963 Sawmiller 1950 040903 Auditor 190997 Christianity 1973 300879 Optometry 1992 220379 Civil Engineer 011171 Gov Fruit Admin 1966 Salvation Army 1962 Ice Cream Distributor 1948 Plumber 211102 1979 Elect Equip Manuf 300675 Citrus Farmer 301075 Law Magistrate FC1945 Dentist 1947 Medicine 1980 Auto Electrician FC1945 Newspaper Admin 1970 Oil Distribution 1950 Hardware Retail 1957 Hardware Retail 1959 Architect 230103 Pub Policy Development 300758 Horticulture 010994 Motels 1975 Architect 010569 Veterinary Services 1979 Concrete Masonary 1966 Stockbroker



Tate Frank Margaret Tawyer David Elizabeth Tegel Norman Tenfalt Eric Thew Roy PP Thomas Cog Timmins Claude Tonkin Jim Trask George Elsie Traveller Max PP PHF Tremlett Ross Treston Peter PP Margaret Turnbull Peter PP PHF Arlene Tye David Leonie Vaughan Bob MBE PP Valda Vaughan Ron PP Verona Vidler Noel Anne Waddell Michael Carolyn Walker David Walker John Marj Wallwork Neville OAM Iris Wallwork Robert Amy Walpole Len Mary Walsh Joseph Walters Graeme Denise Walters Ian Joyce Walters John Chris Waterhouse Earle Nancy Waterhouse Richard Grace Waters Glen Webster Terry Lynette Weir Aub West Norman Whalan Mick PP Robyn Wharton Chris Donna Whittaker Charles Coral Whittington Frank Chris Willenberg Darrieux Valerie Williams John PP PHF Bettina Williams Ted Marie Wilson Len Emmaline Wilson Max Dearne Winterbottom Kevin Maureen Wiseman Don Nanette Wood Roy Yates Cliff Norma Yip Bruce Jill Young Kenneth Maureen Young Os Young Wal PP Dorothy



1978 Auto Engineer 061103 Real Estate FC1945 Butchery 1994 Textiles Manf FC1945 Local Govt 1965 Education Secondary 1961 Police 1976 1963 Local Govt 1958 Brickworks Prop 010590 Truck Sales 1982 Law 1973 Capital Investment 160798 Painter Decorator 1952 Brick Manufacture FC1945 Pharmacy 1973 Printer 300103 Building Consultant C2/46 Sawmiller 1975 Criminal Investigation 1967 Footwear Retail C6/46 Ambulance 1969 Education Secondary 1961 Painter 100403 Rural Supplies 1966 Hospitals 060907 Business Broking 1959 Education Inspector 080201 Education Tertiary 171002 011287 Newspaper Publishing 1972 1947 Open Air Theatre 011285 Shopping Centres 021091 Newspaper Publishing 1974 Sport Goods Prop 260807 Mining Accountant 230103 Systems Analyst 050776 Avionics 1977 Banking 1977 Invalid Aids Retail 1985 Banking 53; 241096 Architect 220109 Postal Service FC1945 Citrus Shed Manager 101083 Capital Investment 290503 Computer Consultant 011099 Printer FC1945 Footwear Retail 1961 Laundry Services



Peter Adderley (Mami)

Computer Education


Dennis Allen (Jennifer)

Building Contractor


Dennis Baker (Elena)

Plant Physiology


Derek Blackstone (Teresa)

Travel Agent


David Boardman (Lorraine) PP PHF

Finance Planning

1987 (Wellington), 1995

Kevin Booth (Nancye) PP PHF OAM

Auto Retail


Max Britten (Noreen) PP PHF

Mixed Farming


Malcolm Brooks (Tricia) PP PHF OAM

Auto Retail


Ian Collins (Mary) PP* PHF*


1981 (Lane Cove),2004

John Connolly


1955 (Babinda), 1976

Terry Devine (Elizabeth) PP* PHF

Secondary Education

1977 (Rylstone/Kandos),1982

Allan Eagle (Vivienne) PP

Real Estate


Neil Everson (Michelle)


1980, 2002

Milton Frazer

Oil Distribution


Harry French (Daphne)

Ship Broker


Kevin Grey (Jan) PHF*

Construction Cataloguing

1982 (North Sydney),1996

Leigh Harris (Odette)

Finance Management


Tony Harrison (Joy)

Business Technol/Equip

1988 (Parramatta), 2008

Jack Hayhurst (Barbara)

Home Improvement


Barry Henwood (Anna)

Commercial Pilot


Ron Hincksman (Desley)

Property Investment


Greg Hooper (Amy Cheng)

Management Education


Warren Hosking (Vicki)



Bob Husk (Marjory) PP PHF



Benjamin Ijumi (Lillian) Honorary

Chief of Kokoda


Jim Katrakilis (Belinda)

Chicken Farmer

2002, 2007

Jim Kirkness (Beryl) PP PHF OAM



Jim Lawson (Robyn) PP PHF

Electrical Engineering


Lester Marquet (Wendy) PP PHF

Primary Education


Peter Medlicott (Margaret)

Farming Investment


Barry Morris (Margaret) PP* PHF


78 (Bathurst), 85 (Goulburn),1988

John Neuhaus (Gillian) PP*

Wool Growing

1958 (Henty), 1984

David Nichols (Sharon)

Real Estate


John Phillips (Allison) PP PHF OAM



Harvey Porter (Pat) PP Honorary

Concrete Manufacture


Kevin Ransley (Gail)



Ern Rippon (Eileen)

Citrus Research


David Robins (Elizabeth)

Auto Technician


Alan Seberry (Fran) PP PHF

Fruit Storage Research


Mal Singh (Heather) PP PHF*

Civil Engineer

73 (Forbes), 78 (Grafton), 1979

Jim Smith (Dawn) Honorary

Citrus Farmer


Neville Wallwork (Iris) OAM

Footwear Retail


Don Wiseman (Nanette) PP*

Postal Services


* from another club. 107

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