contribute.toReady 2021/2022 employment report

2 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report Table of Contents 2 Ready for anything: The CommerceRotmanprogram 4 Class of 2021 by the numbers 6 Ready for the future: Rotman Commerce Career Journey 8 Ready to support: Our alumni network 10 Ready to connect: Rotman AdvantageCommerce 12 Ready to partner: Building relationshipsstrong 13 Studentcareerstories 14 Our partnerscorporate 16 Connect with Career Services Everyone who appears in this publication is a student, alum or faculty member from the Rotman Commerce community.
Ready to contribute to your success Rotman Commerce, we take exceptional students and help them grow into accomplished and career-ready young professionals.
Agility and adaptability have emerged as leading competencies which many of our corporate partners seek in new hires. An employee’s ability to learn from ambiguous and constantly changing environments fosters quicker adaptation for organizations to gain a competitive advantage. Not surprising, given the world of uncertainty we’re living in. In all the years I’ve been supporting talent mandates, I’ve seen more change in the last two years than in the previous two decades. Preparing students for the future of work has never been more challenging – and exciting. In response to disruptions to the world economy and the global supply chain, record low employment rates, and social imperatives, organizations are deploying new technologies as well as new strategies for hiring, workforce planning and retention. 1
The Career Services unit at Rotman Commerce has not been immune to change either. We’ve transformed ourselves to better serve our students. We studied international career centre best practices and shifted based on student preferences and evolving employer demands. Our equity, diversity and inclusion efforts are removing barriers for students. We now focus on delivering services against a Career Journey model and meeting students where they are mentally, physically on campus and We’vedigitally.aligned ourselves in industry sectors, partnering closely with leading institutions, bringing insights and experiences back to the student for career decision making. Student coaching is supported by data driven models which helps them understand who they are as young professionals and where their skills might manifest and thrive in industry. The Class of 2021 faced exceptional andaccepteducation.rewardopportunitiesemployment–atangibleofaRotmanCommerceWesawourgraduatesageographicallywiderfarmorediversesetof career outcomes than in the past. This signals success in an evolving and competitive global employment landscape. It also points to the high level of agility and adaptability that our students have developed. They have embraced change, learned from experiences, and applied newly acquired knowledge to business Inchallenges.closing,I want to say thank you to our corporate partners, alumni, faculty and staff for your involvement and participation in our programs which help prepare student career decision making. With your help, we’ve come closer to our mission of helping students launch and manage rewarding Warmcareers.regards, Mark C. Green Director, Career Services Rotman Commerce
Finance and Economics The Finance and Economics Specialist is designed for students with a strong aptitude and deep interest in both finance and economics. Students gain a high degree of expertise in both the theoretical and practical aspects of finance.
3. Financial Statement Analysis Develop expertise in the Accounting sub-discipline, while leaving room to engage in other sub-disciplines.
6. Marketing Understand the process of planning and executing the conception, pricing, distribution and promotion of ideas and products, which is based on a single premise: that businesses succeed by providing superior value to customers vis-à-vis the competition.
7. Managing in Diverse Economies Enhance adaptability and resilience as well as build awareness, cultural sensitivity and nuance within a business framework.
Management The Management Specialist includes studies across all areas of business. This broad specialist allows you the flexibility to focus your studies in the areas of business that interest you most.
1. Data Science in Business Develop skills in quantitative methods with hands-on exposure to empirical tools used to build and analyze datasets in a variety of commerce related settings.
Accounting Offers a broad understanding of business sub-disciplines –finance, accounting, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations and strategy – and deep expertise in accounting areas of financial and managerial accounting, taxation and audit.
5. Leadership in Organizations Develop skills to increase your effectiveness as a leader that can be applied in many settings, including but not limited to the workplace.
4. International Business Understand the nature of international business and focus on the unique nature and economics of crossborder transactions.
2. Finance Students gain in-depth knowledge in corporate finance, investments, and/ or derivatives, and have a choice of electives across the breadth of upper-level finance and financial analysis courses.
Ready for anything: The Rotman Commerce 83programspecialistprogramsfocusareas
2 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report
8. Strategy and Innovation Enhance the ability to create economic value that is essential for starting a company, innovating in an existing organization, advising organizations as a consultant or providing financial resources to organizations.
Rotman Commerce prepares students for more than the strategic, analytic, and quantitative challenges of business; our students also learn to be versatile and grounded professionals. The Centre staffboth(CPS)ProfessionalforSkillsworkswithfacultyandtoscaffold professional skill development throughout the four years of the BCom degree. Centre Professionalfor Skills We don’t just prepare our students for their first jobs—we make sure they have a foundation for rewarding careers that equips them to be ready for 3 Our supports focus on growing students’ competencies across 6 broad skill areas: • Cognitive • Communication • Interpersonal • Research • Technical • ThroughSelf-Developmentourextensive teamwork initiatives students become successful developingcollaborators,interpersonal skills for managing meetings, giving and receiving feedback, and conflict resolution. Our writing and presentation coaching, workshops, and online resources give students the support they need to become effective, engaging communicators. They also learn the benefits of a growth mindset and the importance of acting with integrity. Using all of these opportunities both inside and outside the classroom, our students graduate with the right balance of knowledge and professionalism, and the skills to be ready for anything.

Class of 2021 by the numbers 84% Greater Toronto Area 6% Rest of Canada 10% US / international BurlingtonBelgradeArlingtonAmravati DubaiDhakaChicagoCalgary KelownaIstanbulHongGuangzhouKong MontrealMinneapolisLondonKitchener PeterboroughOttawaNiagara-On-The-LakeMumbai San ShenzhenShanghaiSeoulFrancisco 2,416450+ Employment by city destinations 95% Graduates seeking work employed within nine months of graduation Employers involved with Rotman Commerce Career Services Job postings Where our graduates work 4 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report 5 Marketing&Sales 15%Consulting&Strategy 22% Finance 23% Our students 55% Canadian citizens 45% International students 33 Different countries and regions 60% Female 38% Male 2% Undisclosed 19% Of our graduates chose to pursue further education Global reach 37 Offers of acceptedemploymentinternationally 12 Unique countries with offers 235 Campus recruitment events held 384 External events Diverse. Career ready. Ambitious. Our students are prepared to add value for our corporate partners anywhere they’re needed. TorontoTokyo VictoriaVancouver(GTA) YerevanXiamenWindsor 610 Graduates June 2021 Class of 2021 by ORGANIZATIONindustry-INDUSTRY # % Class of 2021 by job function Financial Services 31 % Accounting 23 % Technology 14 % Consulting 11 % CPG & Retail 8 % Other * 8 % Education 3 % Not for Profit 2 % * includes Energy / Natural Resources, Entrepreneurship, Government, Pharma / Healthcare / Biotech, Real Estate, Transportation / Logistics, Manufacturing / Advertising, PR, and Marketing *Technology, Entrepreneurship, Rotational / Leadership, General Management Accounting 23% Other* 7%Operations 10%
Ready for the future: Rotman Commerce Career Journey
D evel o pEx p er i en ce D i sco ver Reflect Learn ytivitaerC ytiligA lPan Action Discover Develop ExDevelopDiscoverExperienceperienceResource and services map Ready to connect? The JourneyCareerRC Build a path to your future The RC Career Journey is a model that will help you navigate your career Take time to explore a process that evolves with you as you acquire new skills, aim towards new aspirations, and achieve your goals. • Identify your strengths, interests, values and personal style • Investigate careers and identify skills to help you pursue new goals • Career Leader assessment • Employer information sessions • Coffee chats • Alumni mentorship program • One-on-one coaching • Networking events with peers and alumni • Workshops with recruiters • Technical training • Career treks • Business case competitions • Summer work placements and internships • Job search strategies • Showcase your unique experience an personal brand • Map out a strategy that's right for you • Collaborate on real-world challenges in diverse environments • Expand your network and make meaningful contributions This is not about fitting you into a role. It’s about finding a role that fits you It pays to hit pause and to take some time to reflect regularly. Are you making the right choices? Are you qualified for more than one career path? You’re at the centre of this journey, creating a future as unique as you are. The Career Services team will help you get there.
6 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report
Employers know they can count on Rotman Commerce students to be smart, accomplished, versatile problem solvers who are used to taking on challenges and are ready for anything. Rotman Commerce students are ready to contribute from day one with a model we call the RC Career Journey. This powerful tool gives students time to selfreflect and to clearly define their career goals – and provides them with necessary skills and tools to achieve them. On the RC Career Journey, students discover and identify their unique strengths, interests and values through assessments, Career Treks, employer information sessions, and more. Students develop and map out personalized career strategies through individual coaching, technical training and through our core programs. They experience and acquire the skills and professional outlooks needed to achieve their goals through case competitions, on-campus recruitment, job postings and level-up programming. Our career education team serves as guides every step of the way. Through their four years at Rotman Commerce, students develop their self-awareness and sense of purpose in a cyclical and reflective career journey that will help you move your organization forward and create change for the better.

We prepare our students from day one to understand their career goals and how to reach them. When it comes time for them to pursue employment, they’re confident, capable and ready to thrive. Rotman 22Commerce 69 Technical trainingsessions offered Core workshops delivered 8 8 2.5k CareerDedicatedAdvisors CareerDedicatedPeers Career coaching appointmentsapproximatelyoffered 7

Alumni mentors participate in one-on-one meetings with their mentees, as well as group events with other mentors and students throughout the academic year. Management consulting alumni program
Alumni mentorship program
Ready to support: Our alumni network
One-on-one and group mentorship
Our engaged and dedicated alumni network plays an important role in the success of our students. At Career Services, we want to give students a versatile foundation in career preparation and connect them with employers who value their talent and abilities.
Our Management Consulting Alumni Program, NYC Finance and Silicon Valley Treks, and Careers in Capital Markets Program are just a few of the initiatives in which we rely on the wealth of expertise and experience of the Rotman Commerce alumni community.
Our graduates offer inspiration and advice that helps students discover their career potential. Alumni at various levels of their careers engage with our students in experiential learning and industry training programs.
8 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report
Experiential learning and industry training programs
Treks and other initiatives
An excellent opportunity for alumni to share their experience and advice, network with young talent, and support Rotman Commerce students on their career journey.

17.7k+ 93 Rotman Commerce alumni Mentors mentorshipAlumnibyAlumnithenumbersprogram 14968 Countries where our alumni reside Mentees Connections between our students and graduates unlock potential, inspire performance and lead to long-lasting business relationships that nurture success. 9 312 Alumni volunteers

10 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report
Corporate engagement opportunities The AdvantageCommerceRotman Recruiting Benefits Engagement Opportunities Brand Build Connect with future leaders today Your goal is clear: to recruit top talent while raising your organization’s profile among potential future candidates. Rotman Commerce Career Services provides everything you need to make it happen EngageBrand Recruit Attract smart are ready to and tackle th Align your re spark studen they'll want t Increase you highlight wha talented stud BERecruitngagerand
Connect with future leaders today Recruit at Rotman Commerce Organizations are looking to attract accomplished, versatile young professionals who are ready for anything. That’s what Rotman Commerce graduates are all about. They are educated through a business degree jointly offered between the Rotman School of Management and the Faculty of Arts and Science at the University of Toronto, and uniquely prepared through the RC Career Journey. Rotman Commerce graduates combine business knowledge, technical skills and real-world experience with a proven ability to jump in wherever they’re needed.
Ready to connect: Rotman AdvantageCommerceEngagewith
students Participate in our career and industry programs. We welcome contributions from working professionals, particularly in areas like skills development and experiential learning. Meet students, talk about their goals and explain what your organization has to offer. Host an on-site visit or Career Trek By welcoming students into your workplace, you give them a chance to see how the concepts and skills they’re learning are applied in everyday operations and decision-making. Showcase your organization’s unique culture, values and competitive advantage.
Your goal is clear: to recruit top talent while raising your organization’s profile among potential future candidates. Rotman Commerce Career Services provides everything you need to make it happen. We work closely with employers, helping to address their immediate hiring needs and define longer-term objectives. We ask about talent development priorities and broader strategic Throughgoals. many years of productive collaborations, we’ve gained a thorough understanding of our clients’ goals and how we make a difference.
Connect with Rotman Commerce students in one-on-one or small-group sessions. You can provide practical guidance on the job search process and answer questions about your organization, industry or sector. Join us for a Career Connections event We host regular industry panels, mixers and other interactive sessions where students learn to network and build relationships with alumni and potential employers. Connect with future graduates while helping them develop skills they’ll use for the rest of their lives. Connect with our team:
Hold employer office hours
Build awareness of your brand Support a student group Rotman Commerce students expand their knowledge, skills and personal networks through clubs, societies, teams and other organizations. As a corporate partner, raise your brand profile, share important messages and connect with potential candidates. Sponsor an award or scholarship Your support for these programs helps ensure that gifted students achieve their academic aspirations. We’re also able to attract top students and launch them in careers where they’ll have a significant positive impact. Provide experiential learning opportunities Hands-on experience in specific fields help students confirm their career interests and land employment offers. You can help by funding everything from case competitions to Career Treks to trading simulations. Our students get vital first-hand exposure to industries and roles, and gain competencies that are crucial to their future success. The Career Services team helps you find the best opportunities to increase your brand awareness and highlight what you offer prospective employees. 11

Our experience working with the Rotman Career Centre was exceptional and it was by far one of the best teams that we have collaborated with in 2022. They were very proactive in helping us outline the best strategy to reach their students, which included promoting our own public info session that was hosted in November and helping us set up another info session specifically for Rotman students in January. Our Rotman Commerce partner facilitated the whole session, which went very smoothly thanks to great organizational skills and technical support. Lastly, we also appreciated being put in contact with the RC Marketing Association, whose team played a crucial role in bringing additional awareness to our unique program through different channels.
12 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report
Brief M2T is a two-year rotational program that allows participants to gain experience in the marketing, media, and technology space by working for a publisher, brand, media agency, and tech company. The four cohort members starting in the summer of 2022 will have four 6-month rotations at LinkedIn, Starbucks, Zenith (as part of Publicis Media), and EQ Works.
Rotman Commerce students showed high levels of empathy and exceptional networking skills. Many reached out to the current cohort on LinkedIn to ask thoughtful questions, provided feedback on our info session, and presented opportunities for us to know them better. We really appreciated seeing their initiative, as it demonstrated strong interest in the program. They also proved to be creative when submitting their video applications, allowing us to know them better on a personal level. Lastly, their resumes were professional and followed best practices, showing their readiness to join the job market.
Ready to partner: Building relationshipsstrongWe’reimmenselyproudofthepartnershipswe’vebuiltwithorganizationsinCanadaandacrosstheglobe.We’realwaysonthelookouttobuildconnectionsandlastingpartnershipswithemployersthatwillbothbenefitourstudentsandsupportyourrecruitmentneeds.
M2T Testimonial

Mohammed Kamil Mansoori BCom ‘22 Rotational Leadership Program, EQ Bank On reflection, Kamil significantly credits the resources and networking opportunities offered by Rotman Commerce for his successful job search. Meetings with career advisors and career peers helped Kamil polish his resume and cover letter and assisted in the development of effective strategies to land the right job. RC Connect played a major hand in building Kamil’s network as he was able to engage with numerous alumni in various fields. Alumni gladly shared their relevant experience and advice, and connected Kamil with the right people. They also offered to refer Kamil when needed. Through many company information sessions hosted by Rotman Commerce, Kamil connected with the employers he had targeted in his job search and as a result, he secured the interview that ultimately led to his full-time position. 13
BuildingcareerStudentstoriesconnectionsand career services is at the centre of some of our career stories.
Jad Azar BCom ‘17 Strategy and Operations Manager, DoorDash Jad notes that one of the best parts about the University of Toronto is how much support there is for students. However, he also acknowledges that it can be hard to navigate because of the wealth of information. He wants current students to know that the best thing they can do is to know when to ask for help because they are in control of their destiny. Jad advises students to take the time to learn how to balance work, social life and other pursuits. Treat failures as learning opportunities. University is a learning experience; be patient and know it’s okay to make mistakes. Often those are the most transformative and helpful experiences – even if they don’t seem like it at the time. Take the time to assess your strengths, interests, values and motivators. Jad identifies taking time for self reflection, building relationships, and intentionally crafting a unique personal brand as essential to building an insightful career journey.
Ivana Strajin BCom ‘13 Independent Serbian-Canadian Filmmaker, Writer, and Director Ivana knows what it’s like to take career risks. For over 7 years, she successfully led strategic planning and corporate development initiatives as an Associate Director of Corporate Strategy. Ivana is also never one to dwell on ‘whatifs’. In a surprising move—more so to outside observers than herself— Ivana quit and dived into her lifelong passions as a film maker and Studyingartist.commerce set her up to develop the transferable skills that made this artistic pursuit possible: a strong work ethic, time management skills and experience honed in corporate strategy. Much of her career involved building meaningful and genuine comfortpushandalumni,withmakeRotmanrelationships.professionalIvanaencouragesCommercestudentstotimetobuildrelationshipstheirpeers,professors,staff,andotherprofessionals,tousetheopportunitytothemselvesoutsideoftheirzones.

14 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report BainBacardiAxiaAuthenticAuditorArupAritziaArimaArdeaApplebyAppianAmicaAmericanAmazonAmazonAltreeAltmanAltisAltasAlstomAlphaAlphaAlbourneAkbankAIMCOAgentisAerotekAdidasACTOAchieversAccuracyACCIONAAccessAccentureAbbottCopyrightInfrastructureCanadaInc.TechnologiesCanadaCapitalTreasuryFMCFXRecruitmentSolonDevelopmentsWebServicesExpressSeniorLifestylesCapitalAdvisorySuccessionCapitalPartnersLPGeneral’sOfficeatCityofTorontoOrNotRealAssets&Company Baker Tilly Bank of BurnbraebuildABILITYBrookfieldBritishBrantBrainstationBoydenBostonBostonBondBondBoltBoehringerBMOBMOBMOBMBluevaleBlueDoorBloomBlairBlackberryBlackBioformBeringerBellBedfordBDOBCIBayerBarclaysCanadaCanadaConsultingGroupCanadaCapitaltechnologyCreekInvestmentManagementFranklinCapitalPartnersInc.Burton&Co.CapitalSelectBankofMontrealCapitalMarketsFinancialGroupIngelheimLogisticsBrandLoyaltyBrandLoyaltyInc.ConsultingGroupPizzaStreetCapitalColumbiaConstructionAssociationAssetManagementInc.Farms C.D.BuzzItHowe Institute CAAT Pension Plan Cadillac CityCityCityCitiCidelCIBCCIBCChubbCholkanChexyCharlesCharityCGICeridianCelesticaCBRECBRECaudalieCarlyCapitalCantorCanadianCanadianCanadianCanadaCanadaCanaccordFairviewGenuityCorpMortgage&HousingCorp(CMHC)RevenueAgencyCanadianBusinessGrowthFund(CBGF)MarketingAssociationOlympicCommitteeTireCorporationFitzgeraldOneRianGroupInvestmentManagementIntelligenceCanadaRiverAssociates&StepczukLLPWorldMarketsofMississaugaofTorontoofVaughan EvansErnstEquitableEnterpriseEnableEcopiaeCommerceecobeeDreamRiderDokainishDogDHLDesjardinsDeloitteDaveyCurrencyCryptoMillCroweCrestpointCreditCreativeCPPCPACovenantCompugenCompensationColliersCognizantCloudStreetClouderaClearcoPartnersLLCConsultingGovernancePartnersInc.ConstellationSoftwareInc.HouseTorontoOntarioInvestmentsDestructionLabSuisseSobermanCybersecuritySolutionsExchangeInternationalTreeGroupExpressandPonyStudiosProductionsNorthAIHoldingsBank-Canada&Young(EY)InvestmentCounsel EXA FallFactSetCapitalforDance North HorizonsHoltHelloHealthHubHealthcareHealthHalmyreGuardianGuangzhouGreenhouseGreenhillGreenergyGreatGrantGrahamGoogleGoodszillaGoodGoldSpotGoldmanGlencoreGFLGeorgeGeorgeGenetecGenesysGenerationGeneralGeneralG20FusionFUSEFullerFullFortFormTecFocusFitchFirstFirePowerFidelityFHFedExFanDuelHealthInvestmentsCapitalNationalFinancialLPRatingsAssetManagementInternationalCapitalCircle-ArtTherapyCentreLandauLLPAnalyticsResearchGroupElectricMillsCapitalWatson’sCollegeWestonLimitedEnvironmentalInc.SachsDiscoveriesCorp.&WellInc.ConstructionThorntonLLPGulf&Co.JuiceCoUrbanPlanningInstitutionCapitalGroupCanadaofOntarioPensionPlanPatientEngagementSolutionsDarwinRenfrewforYouth Houlihan Lokey HyundaiHutilityHuronHSBC Auto Canada Corp. ICICIIBM Bank IG LynxLynkLumineLululemonLucidLongviewLoblawLifeWorksLibertyLeytonLevel5LevaLedcorLazardLabattL’OréalKuehne+NagelKruzeeKPMGKoruKoreaKonradKlickKIRCHHOFFKearneyKarrotJuniperJonathanJohnsonJewishJarislowsky,JAIrisInvescoIntuitInterVISTASIntelIntactINSTACHEWIndigoImperialIGMManagementWealthFinancialTobaccoCanadaCorporationPricingSolutionsCentralOntarioFraserLimitedImmigrantAidServices(JIAS)&JohnsonLeungCPAProfessionalCorporationCreatesMarketAutomotiveHealthGroupSearchInvestmentPartnersCapitalStrategyInternationalInvestmentManagementCompaniesLimitedAssetManagementGroupEquityOur corporate partners We have been grateful to work with the following employers over the 2021-22 academic year. Their participation in campus recruitment activities, their involvement and sponsorship of our student groups, and their support of our curricular and co-curricular activities have enriched our students’ experiences. 15 M2T NestléNationalNationalNationalNationalNasdaqMunichMUFGMosaicMorganMorganMoonchaserMonerisMondouxRollinsMolsonMNPMicrosoftMetrolinxMetergyMeridianMercerMegabrandsMedlineMedia.MonksMcKinseyMcKessonMcCannMawerMattamyMastercardMastercardMascoMarshMarshMaRSMapleMapleMapleManulifeManifoldMackenzieCollectiveInvestmentsDataMiningLeafFoodsInc.LeafSports&EntertainmentPartnerships(MLSE)DiscoveryDistrictCanadaMcLennanCanadaData&ServicesHomesInvestmentManagement&AssociatesLLPCanada&CompanyCanadaCompensationPartnersSolutionsInc.LLPCoorsBeverageCompanyPartnersInc.StanleyStanleyAsiaNorthAmericaReAustraliaBankBankFinancialBankofCanadaResearchCouncilCanada Nestlé PortlandPortag3PicovoicePhilipPerrettPerpetuaPeoplesPearsonPeakhillPDParadigmOwlsOSLOriginOrientOracleOracleOptimusOpenTextOntarioOntarioOntarioOntarioOntarioOntarioOnexOneProsperOMERSOliverOdgersOakNousNorthlandNorthbridgeNorthNinepointNielsenIQNexusNewPointNewcompScienceHealthAnalyticsCapitalPartnersInc.CommunicationsPartnersGrowthManagementLtd.FinancialCorporationPowerInc.GroupHillFinancialBerndtsonWymanGovernmentMinistryofChildren,CommunityandSocialServicesMinistryofEconomicDevelopment,JobCreationandTradePublicServiceSecuritiesCommissionTeachers’PensionPlanSBRNetSuiteSecuritiesAssetManagementMerchantPartnersRetailServicesNestPartnersCapitalInternationalCapitalGroupLaverMorrisInternationalVenturesInvestmentCounsel ScotiaScoreSchoolSATOVSaplingSamuelSampfordSalesforceSalesfloorRussellRSMRPRolandRogersRiversideRISEDESKRichterRhenusRhentiRevenueResurgentRestaurantRelianceReillyReckittRBCRBCRBCRBCRBCRaymondRANIQuestradeQuadRealPureFactsPSPProntiProjectProctor&PricewaterhouseCoopers(PwC)GambleDestinedAIInvestmentsPropertyGroupFinancialGroupCreativeJamesLtd.CapitalMarketsDominionSecuritiesInvestor&TreasuryServicesWealthManagementBackCharteredProcessionalAccountantsHomeComfortBrandsInternationalCapitalCorp.MangementLabsLogisticsNaturalFoodsLtdCommunicationsBergerInvestmentAdvisors(RPIA)CanadaRynoldsAssociatesAdvisorsInc.CentreforSocialConnectednessFinancialConsultantsConsultantsofKetheisanMediaandGamingInc.WealthManagement TheTheTheTELUSTeckTEALEAVESTDTDTDTDTBWA\RaadTAOSurgicalSureSunSuch-a-DivaStratosStormontStillwaterSteelwoodStealthStatisticsStateStarlightStaplesSRCOSquareSpauldingSouthleaSoundCabinSMCPSleepoutSleepSkyviewSJSinopharmSimon-KucherSiaSHSShortlistShoppersShoplooksShopifySegalSearchKingsScotiabankLLPDrugMartProfessionalsConsultingPartners&PartnersCapitalFundCountryCanadaInc.GroupRidgeProfessionalCorporationInvestmentsStreetCanadaCanadaStartupConstructionLtd.CapitalPartnersSolutionsInc.GroupLifeFinancialInc.MortgageCapitalSafetyTechnologiesInc.AssetManagementAssetManagementInc.BankGroup(TD)CanadaTrustSecuritiesResourcesBedfordConsultingGroupInc.ButcherShoppeDecisionLab The Estée WilliamWileyWhitehorseWestonWellsWefluensWealthsimpleWealhouseWalletifaiVwkVolarisVladVictoryVibrantViacomCBSVERTUVerstraVentureVendorPMVectorValitasUniversityUBSUberUberTUIOTrusterTrilliumTravelersTractionTorysTorQuestTorontoTorontoTorontoTOPdeskTJXThomsonTheTheTheTheTheCompaniesLauderInc.HersheyCompanyHomeDepotKraftHeinzCompanyMarqueeGroupWorkhouseInc.ReutersCanada/WinnersMerchantsInternationalL.P.BlueJaysFinanceInternationalFrenchSchool(TFS)PartnersLLPonDemandCanadaTherapeuticsInc.ZweigLLPEatsofTorontoCapitalPartnersInstituteforCanadaVenturesCapitalEquityGroupAlyokhin,CPA,ProfessionalCorporationGroupCapitalManagementInc.CapitalManagementFargoCanadaFoodsLiquidityPartnersBlair Williams Meaden & Moore Inc. Willis ZoomYorkXPVXelloWSPWRKWonderWatsonTowers(WTW)BrandsWaterPartnersRegion(TheRegionalMunicipalityofYork)
16 Rotman Commerce 2021/2022 Employment Report Connect with Career Services
Recruit with us When you recruit with the support of our Career Services team, you connect with highachieving students with a diverse set of skills and a wide range of Rotmanbackgrounds.Commerce students are ready to meet the demands of a complex, rapidly changing global business environment.
If you’re looking to recruit new talent, there are lots of ways to get involved. Learn how the Rotman Commerce Career Services team can help you build awareness of your organization, meet with candidates and hire exceptional people.
Connect with us Looking to get in touch? You can find us on the University of Toronto’s main St. George campus in the heart of downtown Toronto. With our location at the intersection of St. George and Bloor, we’re easily accessible by Feeltransit.freeto contact us in whatever way suits you best! We’re looking forward to hearing from you.
We’re eager to work with you and our students to help meet your recruitment and talent development goals. 17 Rotman Commerce Career Services University of Toronto 252 Bloor Street West, Suite 4-499 Toronto, ON M5S Exceptional opportunitiesemploymentareahallmark of excellence—and a tangible reward of a Rotman Commerce education.