Rotman Commerce 2017/18 Employment Report

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CONTENTS Director’s Message


The Rotman Commerce BCom


Program Demographics 2017-2018


Placement Profile: Class of 2017


Career Stories 8


Corporate Partnership Opportunities


What Our Employers Are Saying


What Our Students Are Saying


Our Corporate Partners


Meet the Career Centre Team



“Personal transformation takes time, and it’s not linear. Rotman Commerce works with our students both in and out of the classroom to guide them along the path to becoming young professionals.”

DIRECTOR’S MESSAGE Over the last year, the Rotman Commerce Career Centre has seen significant change and improvement to its service model and student programming. We are working hard to help our students thrive in this new technologically driven job market, and have raised our service standards by responding to our students’ changing needs over their rigorous four-year progression at Rotman Commerce. The principal catalysts for change–artificial intelligence and sophisticated information technologies–are becoming prevalent in all industries. To respond to this, our Business Development team is fostering relationships with experts across industries in order to better prepare our students for the new skill sets they will require to succeed. In collaboration with our corporate and community partners, the Rotman Commerce Career Centre is creating opportunities for students to gain the professional skills they need to meet the growing expectations of entrylevel jobs as well as jobs in emerging fields. We are looking forward to working with employers and corporate partners to create new work-integrated learning opportunities that give students hands-on workplace experience. We are also expanding our career treks to Calgary and Vancouver, in order to provide our students with more opportunities to learn about the career landscape in their industries of choice. We are also deepening our engagement with all of our students in several other ways. We now work with our students from day one, giving them a two-fold advantage: a four-year runway on which to build professional networks and increased time to develop their individual strengths and talents. We have acknowledged the diversity of our exceptional student body by “meeting them where they are” in their career progression. Through individual coaching sessions, and a wealth of participatory and experiential programs, our Career Education team helps students to bridge the gap between classroom and career by putting their experiences, skills, and achievements into action. At Rotman Commerce, we are building programs that prepare our students for successful careers and personal satisfaction in the changing business world. I hope you will partner with us and explore the opportunities at Rotman Commerce. We are excited about our ongoing commitment to bring top employers and Rotman Commerce students and graduates together on a local, national, and global scale.

Professor David Goldreich Director, Rotman Commerce



THE ROTMAN COMMERCE BCom As part of our Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) program, students complete one of three specialists: Accounting, Finance & Economics, or Management. Each of the specialists comprises cutting-edge business courses taught by world-renowned faculty from the Rotman School of Management and U of T's prestigious Department of Economics. Additionally, our faculty includes seasoned industry professionals who bring their business expertise to our students through varied combinations of lectures, case analyses, simulations, guest speakers, and site visits. Our core business courses are supplemented by student-selected liberal arts and science courses offered through the University’s globally recognized Faculty of Arts & Science. As a result, Rotman Commerce graduates possess in-depth expertise in their chosen areas, as well as a broad view of society, politics, and culture gleaned from their arts and science studies.

SPECIALIST PROGRAMS AT A GLANCE THE ACCOUNTING SPECIALIST ▪▪ Recognized by the Chartered Professional Accountants of Ontario (CPA Ontario). ▪▪ Meets the requirements for direct entry into the “51-credit hour path,” which allows students to challenge portions of the CPA Professional Education Program (PEP). ▪▪ RSM426 Critical Thinking, Analysis, and Decision Making – a capstone case course that stresses the competencies and critical thinking skills required from future professional accountants and advisors. ▪▪ High level of faculty involvement in co-curricular programming. ▪▪ NEW: Our Public Accounting specialist now requires students to complete an additional course in Organizational Behaviour, Operations Management, or Strategic Management. This change provides Rotman Commerce Accounting students with a deeper understanding of management within our comprehensive Accounting curriculum.




THE FINANCE AND ECONOMICS SPECIALIST ▪▪ Rotman Commerce is a CFA Institute Program Partner. ▪▪ Prior to beginning third-year internships, our Finance and Economics students have completed courses in Financial Accounting, Financial Markets, Investments, Capital Market Theory, and Corporate Finance. ▪▪ Trading courses are taught in a nationally recognized, state-of-the-art financial research and trading lab. ▪▪ Rotman Commerce enjoys a high level of integration with established financial firms through site visits, alumni networking, and industry engagement in student-run conferences and competitions.

THE MANAGEMENT SPECIALIST ▪▪ Students in the Management specialist can choose to declare a Focus in one or more of the following areas: ▪▪ Finance ▪▪ Marketing ▪▪ Leadership in Organizations ▪▪ Strategy and Innovation ▪▪ Highly flexible and diverse program that encourages broad thinking, innovation, and creativity. ▪▪ Annual special topics courses and guest speakers target trending and developing areas of management.



44% Finance & Economics




2,773 STUDENTS University of Toronto students can study abroad at 140 different universities

201 Rotman Commerce students studied abroad

58% 42%


Students on the Faculty of Arts & Science's Dean’s List

The mean high school average of the incoming Class of 2020 was


International and Domestic Students


38 123

On-campus information sessions

64% Rotman Commerce Alumni Network is


Countries represented in our student body

graduates strong


Off-campus employer events


Employers engaged with the Rotman Commerce Career Centre

1,059 Job postings by 325 different employers




Where our Class of 2017 is going by job function:


Sales and Marketing Accounting Finance Consulting

of graduates were employed as of December 31, 2017

Operations Other

Where our Class of 2017 is going by industry: Accounting 22% Advertising / Marketing / PR 2% Consulting 4% Consumer Goods and Retail 9% Education 3% Financial Services 33% Not-For-Profit 1% Pharma/Healthcare/Biotech 1% Technology / Telecom 11% Other* 13% *Other includes Government, Human Resources, Energy & Natural Resources, Transportation / Logistics, Restaurant Food Services & Hospitality, Legal Services, Manufacturing, Entrepreneurship

468 Graduates convocated in June 2017

International and Domestic Students

18 countries were represented in the Class of 2017



U of T ranked


in Canada


Source: ROTMAN COMMERCE EMPLOYMENT REPORT 2017-2018 Times Higher Education

CAREER STORIES Anjeli Kruytbosch (BCom ’18, Management) ON BUILDING A NETWORK OF POSSIBILITIES The University of Toronto’s strong international reputation was what first drew Anjeli to come from Switzerland to pursue her business education. “Toronto is filled with opportunity, and Rotman Commerce is prestigious,” she explains. “It not only met my expectations but exceeded them, in terms of the people that I met and how I got involved.” During her second year, Anjeli began to explore her career options in earnest by networking and building connections beyond the classroom. She credits her membership in groups like the Rotman Commerce Marketing Association with giving her the opportunities that would later prove invaluable to her career. “Third year is when I hit my stride,” she recalls. “I became President of the Marketing Association and was very successful in that role. And I was starting to become known in our community.” Through networking and building meaningful connections, Anjeli obtained an internship, where she was able to develop her skills while contributing to the corporation’s goals. “Everything that I had learned, both inside and outside of the classroom, was applied and valued in that internship,” says Anjeli. “It was validating and gave me confidence.” Anjeli is now successfully moving into a full-time position with a major international brand and feels that the Rotman Commerce Career Centre helped her to understand the diverse possibilities of a commerce education. “Having support from the Career Centre, from your peers, from the Rotman Commerce community, is so great,” she says, “because there is so much more out there.” Rotman Commerce provides students like Anjeli with access to build a network of possibilities.

Anjeli Kruytbosch, BCom 2018 Hometown: Lucerne, Switzerland Sales Leadership Program, PepsiCo



Tai Shan Lin, BCom 2018 Hometown: Vancouver, BC Business Systems Analyst, BMO

Tai Shan Lin (BCom ’18, Management) ON LEARNING TO SOLVE PROBLEMS “Prior to coming to Rotman Commerce, I was primarily a science student,” says Tai Shan Lin, recalling the interests that led him to enrol. “I think that helped me to think about larger problems in society. The Rotman Commerce management specialist allowed me to hone my toolkit and become a problem-solver.” Tai Shan's studies at Rotman Commerce have enabled him to build upon his critical thinking skills. “You start revealing the scope of your passion, your strengths, and weaknesses," he says, describing the growth he experienced as a student. “You get to focus on your strengths while working on improving your weaknesses. Rotman Commerce has helped me develop that over time.” Tai Shan participated in case competitions with student groups like the Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance and the Rotman Commerce Consulting Association throughout his academic career. Through his involvement with these kinds of extra-curricular activities , he was able to refine his management skills more broadly. His experience has been global in scope: in the summer of his third year, he obtained an internship in Shanghai with an international advertising company. “I worked on their branding and strategy team, solving problems for clients who wanted to push digital media," he recalls. “It was really eye-opening for me.” Tai Shan has also worked for the Creative Destruction Lab at the Rotman School of Management, helping to launch new tech-based start-ups. Through their education at Rotman Commerce, students like Tai Shan Lin are helping to solve complex problems that impact the modern business world.



Kim Solidum (BCom ’18, Public Accounting and Economics) ON FINDING THE RIGHT FIT Kim Solidum got early insight into how important personal connections are in finding the right career fit while attending a university fair during high school. There, she made her first personal connection to Rotman Commerce. “The program is internationally recognized,” she remembers noting. “And most importantly, companies come to Rotman Commerce to network exclusively with students.” These factors contribute to the stellar reputation of Rotman Commerce, and resonated with Kim. She knew that Rotman Commerce would provide her with the platform to make valuable connections. “I participated in all the networking events,” she recalls, explaining the increased self-knowledge that came with this process. “I felt a real increase in my confidence. Attending events with the Career Centre really helped me.” Through networking, Kim was better able to identify the organizations whose values matched her own. “I was able to get a sense of the fit and the culture of different companies, and what they’re looking for in a potential candidate,” she says. “Having a one-on-one connection with someone teaches you so much about the firm, and yourself.” As a student, she put her values into action by working with groups like Enactus, an entrepreneurial association that helps local community organizations. As a new Audit Associate with KPMG, Kim’s advice for students is what she would have given her younger self: “Take advantage of all the opportunities at Rotman Commerce: the Career Centre, student groups, and professors,” she says. Rotman Commerce helps students like Kim to find their “fit.”

Kim Solidum, BCom 2018 Hometown: Iligan City, Philippines Audit Associate, KPMG



Ty Wilson, BCom 2019 Hometown: Hamilton, ON Summer Analyst, BMO Capital

Ty Wilson (BCom ’19, Finance and Economics) ON VALUING CURIOUSITY AND EXPLORING YOUR INTERESTS The moment Ty Wilson entered business school he immediately started exploring potential careers. “I joined the Rotman Commerce Finance Association, and the Rotman Commerce Innovation Group, and I used them to explore different jobs,” he says. “I found that I fit better with finance. These groups really helped me get involved during first year.” Ty’s focus and drive enabled him to get an early start on his career by networking with experienced professionals and taking advantage of the resources available to him. “I joined the Hart House Investment Club,” he says. “I started going to recruiting sessions and other Career Centre events and started getting introduced to a number of different companies.” This led Ty to secure a full-time position in investment banking–an area he discovered he was drawn to–during his second summer as a Rotman Commerce student. He also took part in the annual Career Centre and Alumni NYC Finance Trip, which helped him make meaningful connections with professionals across the border. “It was a great experience where we met eleven different Wall Street firms,” he says. “The opportunities there really excited me.” During Ty’s time at Rotman Commerce, his interest in investment banking solidified as he worked for several companies, including Manulife, all while maintaining his strong academic record. His recent career explorations include a part-time role with an investment banking firm and an upcoming summer placement with BMO. Rotman Commerce helps students like Ty find their path to successful careers.



Jonathan Ge (BCom ’19, Finance and Economics) ON PASSION AND PERSEVERANCE Jonathan Ge had a specific goal in mind when he enrolled at Rotman Commerce. “My life's passion is entrepreneurship,” says Jonathan. “Even as a kid, I knew I wanted to start a business” He also knew that a solid foundation in finance and analysis would be necessary to realize that goal. “Rotman Commerce has a very quantitative focus,” he explains. “That is great practice for helping to develop a quick, analytical mind.” Jonathan's entrepreneurial drive led him to start a successful company while still a student. “What began as supplemental income has become a thriving business,” he says, proudly recalling the venture's journey from a small apparel company to a flourishing e-commerce brand. “Now we’re at nearly seven hundred thousand dollars in revenue for 2018.” Experiential learning–or learning by doing–has helped Jonathan to cultivate his entrepreneurial skills. “If there’s one defining trait for successful entrepreneurs, it’s perseverance,” he says. “Every time I’ve failed at something, I’ve learned.” He credits Rotman Commerce with providing the nurturing environment he needed to gain valuable startup experience. “At U of T, and at Rotman Commerce, you have groups like the Entrepreneurship Hatchery, and the Rotman Commerce Entrepreneurship Association that encourage entrepreneurial endeavours,” he explains. “There are a tonne of resources for entrepreneurs.” Jonathan is rounding out his experience through a summer internship at a prominent banking firm. Rotman Commerce teaches perseverance and analytical skills that support the entrepreneurial passions of students like Jonathan.

Jonathan Ge, BCom 2019 Hometown: Aurora, ON Business Analyst, Capital One



Lucy Lu, BCom 2014 Hometown: Shanghai, China Business Account Manager, RBC

Lucy Lu (BCom ’14, Finance and Economics, and Management) ON BUILDING CONFIDENCE Rotman Commerce helps students develop the confidence and skills needed to forge their own path. Lucy Lu found her career path through perseverance and applied learning, both inside and outside the classroom. “When I was going through recruitment, I learned about the sales roles in business and commercial banking,” she says. “I had my heart set on a sales career, because I knew that with my empathy, business acumen, and ability to influence people, I would excel at sales.” Despite knowing her goals, she encountered some hurdles along the way. As an international student, she faced difficulties with language and cultural fluency in Canada. To address these, she became involved in student groups, took an improv class to help with her confidence, and learned to frame her insecurities as challenges to be met, rather than as obstacles to success. “Leaving home to study abroad in a foreign language puts you in a situation where you will have insecurities,” she says. “But don’t let that stop you. Toronto is one of the most diverse cities in the world. Overcome that insecurity and keep pushing yourself.” Lucy consistently put herself in situations that helped her grow into an experienced professional, something she recommends to all students. “Succeeding in something you are uncomfortable with builds your confidence over time. Even two years into my job, I find that I’m constantly learning and being tested." Now a successful sales professional with RBC, Lucy also stresses the value of finding a coach or mentor– someone who can be a sounding board and provide encouragement during periods of personal and professional growth. “My Career Educator gave me positive reinforcement that changed my life,” she recalls. “Checking in and having that pat on the back when I was doing well encouraged me to keep going. That kind of support can be the biggest game-changer for students who are lacking confidence and need a little encouragement.” Rotman Commerce helps students like Lucy build their confidence by giving them the support they need to persevere and succeed.



CORPORATE PARTNERSHIP OPPORTUNITIES Our Corporate Partners play an integral role in the Rotman Commerce student experience and we are always seeking new and innovative ways to engage with them.

Recruitment We work with individual companies to develop customized recruitment strategies and identify opportunities that align with their values and objectives. Our team of Relationship Managers can help you through the on-campus recruitment process by arranging and booking information sessions, posting your available job opportunities, and assisting with scheduling student interviews on or off campus. Our approach is hands-on and recognizes your unique recruiting needs.

Networking Networking events with experienced professionals offer our students opportunities to learn about different career paths, the job market, and employment trends, as well as the transition from school to work. For example, our 'Ask the Expert' networking events connect Rotman Commerce students with recruiters, alumni, and other professionals, who share their knowledge of business in an informal setting. Soft skills, technical knowledge, problem solving in case interviews, personal branding, preparing for interviews, and writing professional résumés and cover letters are a few examples of topics we have covered in these events.

Alumni Engagement Fostering community with our external stakeholders–especially our alumni–is one of our key goals. The Rotman Commerce Alumni Mentorship Program matches students with alumni mentors based on their career interests. Mentees and mentors connect in pairs and as a community throughout the academic year. We also offer an online mentorship platform for students and alumni who wish to develop connections in a less structured environment.



Our team works with employers to offer the highest quality support in reaching our emerging student talent.

Experiential Learning Companies are often looking to do things differently to capture students’ attention. Our Career Centre can help develop programs that meet our corporate partners’ needs while contributing to student learning. Some examples of our experiential learning initiatives are interactive career education events and workshops, treks, internships, and community service opportunities.

Career Centre Programming The Rotman Commerce Career Centre organizes several general and specialized workshops and programs throughout the year that build students' career management skills and set them up for career success. Among these are the Management Consulting Alumni Program (MCAP), our Accounting On-Campus Recruitment series, and our Explore Careers in Capital Markets, Financial Services, and Management Series, each of which targets different groups of students in our specialist programs.

Student Organizations Our student groups are critical to building our students’ knowledge, skills, and network. They also provide many opportunities throughout the year for corporate partners to engage with students directly. Our student organizations are: Rotman Commerce Accounting Society Rotman Commerce Arts Group Rotman Commerce Business Design Association Rotman Commerce Consulting Association Rotman Commerce Entrepreneurship Organization Rotman Commerce Fashion Group Rotman Commerce Finance Association Rotman Commerce Fintech Association Rotman Commerce Innovation Group Rotman Commerce International Business Association

Rotman Commerce Law Association Rotman Commerce Liquid Assets Rotman Commerce Marketing Association Rotman Commerce Non-Profit Network Rotman Commerce Pride Alliance Rotman Commerce Sales Group Rotman Commerce Students’ Association Rotman Commerce Students in Sports Rotman Commerce Toastmasters Rotman Commerce Women in Business



WHAT OUR EMPLOYERS ARE SAYING Bell Canada In addition to being Canada’s largest telecommunications company and recruiter, Bell has been successful in demystifying the roles in their organization. On campus, they have ignited interest and have successfully hired several business students in the areas of sales and marketing, technology, finance, accounting, strategy, and operations. Bnita Kochhar, Patricia Melville, Tania Crump, Kaitlyn D’Lima

As a long-time corporate partner of the Rotman Commerce Career Centre, Bell is unique in its recruitment efforts. Their team have been strategic in their approach to on-campus recruitment and have worked closely with us to identify key touch points for collaboration. From on-campus recruitment, to mock interviews, to student group sponsorship, Bell has established themselves as a key corporate partner of the Rotman Commerce community. “The Rotman Commerce Career Centre aims to help each individual company find a recruitment strategy that works well for them. As a large organization with a very small campus team, we rely on the Career Centre to help us find ways we can connect with and support the students–even with our limited time and resources.” Tania Crump, Senior Manager, Talent Acquisition — Campus, Bell Canada

Richter Richter is more than just an accounting firm. With consulting specializations ranging from cybersecurity to litigation and restructuring, they look for something extra from their future hires. They cite Rotman Commerce’s world-class faculty, specialized degree programs, and dedicated Career Services team as the key components of their choice to invest in the career success of Rotman Commerce graduates. Richter employees are highly engaged with our students in many ways, including guest speaker events, Career Centre initiatives, supporting Enactus, and direct involvement with student groups. Richter’s Mentor and Apprenticeship Program (MAP) is a great example of the company's commitment to continued learning. In this program MAP participants rotate through four divisions to gain real-world advisory experience, insights from senior practitioners, and mentoring opportunities. “Rotman Commerce students are professional, present well, are eloquent and well-rounded. Many of them also pursue minors in non-business subjects including Computer Science, which is a plus for where the profession is going.” Back left to right: Hekmat Kaadan, Derek Mior, Michael Curridor, Alessandra Plati, Allana Bazilio, Bilal Rizwani, Peter Shi, Rachel Killorn, Michael Dube. Front left to right: Paula Fernandes, Maggie Fan, Tanya Greenidge.



Paula Fernandes, Director, Human Resources

WHAT OUR STUDENTS ARE SAYING Dunsin Adebise (BCom ’19) Hometown: Lagos, Nigeria Marketing & Sales Intern, Pink & Blue Magazine “The Rotman Commerce Career Centre has taken an individualized approach to help me identify and articulate what value I can offer to an organization. They took time with me right from the beginning to help me determine what path suits me best. One of the key ways they helped me to do this was by creating opportunities for me to connect directly with a variety of industry professionals."

Mario Di Nucci (BCom ’18) Hometown: Woodbridge, ON Staff Accountant, KPMG “My best advice would be to get involved from day one and to not be afraid to try something new. Join one of Rotman Commerce’s many student groups or participate in intramural sports, because building camaraderie with fellow students is one of the advantages of attending university. Personally, I found that most of my success, career-wise, came from achieving a healthy balance between academics and extra-curricular activities.”

Zi Tynn Cheng (BCom ’18) Hometown: Thornhill, ON Corporate Banking Analyst, CIBC “My internship at CIBC did not come with an implied full-time offer. In fact, it was well known across the floor that at least half of the interns would not be returning. To receive that return offer, you had to outperform and in order to do so, you had to be well prepared. However, Rotman Commerce is renowned for its strong academic program, providing me with solid technical skills. Thanks to Rotman Commerce's rigorous academic program, I had a competitive edge over students from other business schools. My performance was ranked well, and I got that return offer.”



CORPORATE PARTNERS Thank you to our many corporate partners who enriched the Rotman Commerce student experience in 20172018 through their participation in on-campus recruitment activities, their involvement with and sponsorship of our student groups, and their support of our curricular and co-curricular activities. A.T. Kearney Accenture ADGA Group Consultants Inc. Agentis Capital Air Canada Alberta Investment Management Corp AllSight Allstate Canada Group Alluence Capital Advisors Alpine Growth Partners Alsco AltaCorp Capital Amazon American Express AOL Canada Appficiency Inc. AquaMobile Inc. ArcelorMittal Ardenton Arterra Wines Canada Asia Pacific Foundation of Canada Aviva Canada Bain & Company Bank of America Merrill Lynch Bank of Canada Banyan Software Barclays Capital Barometer Capital Management Barrick Gold Corporation Baskin Wealth Management bcIMC BDO Canada LLP Bell Canada Betterez Black Ops Blair Franklin Capital Partners Inc Bloomberg BlueCat Networks BMO Capital Markets BMO Financial Group BMW Group Canada Boston Consulting Group BrainStation British American Tobacco Brookfield Asset Management Brookfield Financial Brooks Brothers Bruce Mau Design Burgundy Asset Management Business Development Bank of Canada (BDC) Buytopia CAA Cambridge Global Payments Canaccord Genuity Corp. Canada Mortgage & Housing Corp (CMHC)


Canada Pension Plan Investment Board Canada Post Canadian Pacific Railway Canadian Tire Corporation Capital One CAPREIT CBRE Caledon Celestica Chubb Insurance CIBC CIBC Mellon Citco (Canada) Citibank Canada Cloudera Colliers International Constellation Software CPA CPQi Credit Agricole Credit Suisse Crowe Soberman CSIS Cutfield Freeman & Co Ltd DBRS DBS Bank Desjardins Securities Deloitte DHL Express (Canada) Dig Insights Dream REIT E&J Gallo Winery Canada eBay Canada eCAMION Economical Insurance eHealth Ontario EnginLabs Enterprise Holdings Enterprise Rent-a-Car Epicater Equitable Bank Esso/Imperial Oil Estée Lauder Companies Evans Investment Counsel Exact Media Export Development Canada ExxonMobil EY FactSet Research Systems FCA Insurance Brokers FDM Group Federal Dynamics FedEx Fidelity Investments Fiera Capital First Derivatives plc


Folger Hill Asset Management (Hong Kong) Limited Ford Forte Foundation Forum Equity Partners Four Seasons Foyston, Gordon & Payne Inc. GALLUP General Mills George Weston Limited GlaxoSmithKline Global Governance Advisors Goldman Sachs Government of Ontario Grand Challenges Canada Grant Thornton LLP Gravitas Financial Great-West Life Company Greystone Managed Investments Inc. GroupM Hawkbridge Capital Inc. Hays Specialist Recruitment HelloFresh Canada Herzig Eye Institute Hewlett Packard Canada Hilti North America Home Depot Hong Kong Economic and Trade Office Hootsuite HSBC Hudson’s Bay Company Husky Injection Molding Systems IBM Canada IMAX Corporation Impact Capitalyst Inc Imperial Oil Limited Imperial Tobacco Canada In The Funnel - Sales Consulting Infrastructure Ontario Ingenico Canada Ltd Inovestor Institutional Mortgage Capital Intact Financial Corp Intentional Capital International Federation of Accountants International Public Sector Accounting Standards Board Invesco IPG Mediabrands Canada Ivanhoe Cambridge J.C. Golden Investment Management JLL Johnson & Johnson J.P. Morgan Keurig Canada KIK Custom Products Klass Capital

Ask the Experts – Dress for Success event Konrad Group Korn Ferry - Hay Group KPMG LLP Labatt Laurentian Bank Financial Group Lazard Canada - Investment Banking LBC Capital Inc. Level5 Strategy Group Loblaw Companies Limited Longview Asset Management Lumenix Luminato Festival Lux Equity Mackenzie Investments Manulife Marriott International MaRS Mastercard Mattamy Homes Mawer Investment Management McKinsey & Company MDD Forensic Accountants Medisys Health Group Mercedes-Benz Mercer Metrolinx Mettler Toledo Canada MNP LLP Molson Coors Moneris Monette May & Associates Monitor Deliotte Morgan Stanley Morneau Shepell Mother Parkers Munich RE Nanoport Technology National Bank of Canada Nestlé Neuberger Berman Noble Northbridge Financial Corporation Novantas Office of the Auditor General of Ontario Office of the Parliamentary Budget Officer Recruitment OMERS Ontario Power Generation

Ontario Public Service Ontario Securities Commission Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Board Optimus SBR Oracle Orbis Investment Management Origin Merchant Partners Ov2 Securities Oxford Properties Group Parliament of Canada Peerage Capital PepsiCo Plaza Ventures Polycultural Immigrant & Community Services PRGX Canada Group PwC PwC China Prime Marketing Inc. Procter & Gamble Prosper Canada Protiviti Province Brands of Canada PSP Investments Public Services and Procurement Canada Raymond James Refro Canada Reliance Home Comfort Restaurant Brands International - Tim Hortons / Burger King/Popeyes Reynolds and Reynolds Company Richter Rogers Communications Rosenzweig & Company Inc. Rothmans, Benson & Hedges Royal Bank of Canada (RBC) Royal Bank of Canada - Capital Markets Royal Bank of Canada - Investor & Treasury Services Royal Caribbean Cruises Roy-L Capital Corporation S&P Global Sales Spider Media SAP Canada Scotiabank Setter Capital Inc Shoppers Drug Mart Sidewalk Toronto SnapTravel

Societe Generale Sowingo Spotify Statistics Canada Sun Life Financial Swiss Reinsurance Company Syntegrity Group Tangerine Tao Asset Management TD Asset Management TD Canada Trust TD Securities TEK Systems Telus The Co-operators Group Limited The District Municipality of Muskoka The Great-West Life Company The Regional Municipality of York Thinking Capital TJX Canada TMX Group Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) TransCanada Treasury Board of Canada Secretariat Uber UBS Securities Canada Unilever Canada United Rentals UPS Canada Validus Risk Management Valitas Capital Partners Venture for Canada VERTU Capital Vigilant Global Vision7 International Volaris Group Walmart Walter Surface Technologies Wasserman WE Charity WealthSimple Welch LLP Wells Fargo WestJet Willis Towers Watson WSIB Ontario Xanadu




Robert Ste-Croix Associate Director 416-946-0612

Elly Barandeh Relationship Manager ▪▪ Accounting ▪▪ Energy ▪▪ Entrepreneurship 416-946-3838

Jeffrey Ferrer Relationship Manager ▪▪ Finance ▪▪ Real Estate ▪▪ Insurance 416-978-7056

Melissa Siah Relationship Manager ▪▪ Management ▪▪ Consulting ▪▪ Marketing 416-978-0097

Shelly Elsliger Career Educator ▪▪ Management ▪▪ Consulting ▪▪ Marketing 416-946-0613

Heather Nelson Career Educator ▪▪ Accounting ▪▪ Energy ▪▪ Entrepreneurship 416-946-3512


Mary Giamos Associate Director 416-978-1170

Lily Abediny Career Educator ▪▪ All Industries ▪▪ Core Programming ▪▪ Peer Advising 416-978-7990

Sheel Webber Career Educator ▪▪ Finance ▪▪ Real Estate ▪▪ Insurance 416-946-3795

Samantha Goodspeed Coordinator 416-946-0240


Ryan Hand Coordinator 416-946-0616


University of Toronto 252 Bloor Street West, Suite 4499 Toronto, ON M5S 1V6 Phone: 416.946.0616 Fax: 416.946.0617 Email:



CONNECT WITH THE ROTMAN COMMERCE CAREER CENTRE Our mailing address is: 252 Bloor Street West, Suite 4499 Toronto, ON M5S 1V6 Phone: 416.946.0616 Fax: 416.946.0617 Email:

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