Rotman Commerce Viewbook 2012 - 2013

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Adding Up the Advantages Viewbook 2012–2013

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Worldrenowned university



Our Program


The Student Experience


The Toronto Advantage

Breadth of academic program

10 Your Future 11 Admissions 12 A Message from our Director



Engaged business community


Rotman Commerce

It All Adds Up


Welcome to Rotman Commerce, one of Canada’s leading undergraduate business programs. As you’ll discover, there are many features that set us apart from other business programs. They all add up to three key reasons for choosing Rotman Commerce:

1. A world-renowned university The University of Toronto is consistently rated one of the world’s best. Similarly, the Rotman School of Management ranks among the top international business schools. And individual departments such as Economics are recognized as global centres of excellence. The common thread is our UofT faculty — respected teachers and dynamic thought leaders whose research is yielding the ideas that will shape the future.

2. A program of unrivalled breadth Our BCom is jointly offered by the Rotman School and UofT’s Faculty of Arts and Science, so you complement your business studies with a broad liberal arts and science education. You have the flexibility to major or minor in an area that interests you, choosing from more than 2,000 courses in 300 programs. And your Rotman courses span seven disciplines — accounting, business economics, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, strategy, and operations — extending far beyond textbook knowledge to develop your analytical, communications, teamwork, and leadership skills.

3. An engaged business community Our Toronto campus is at the heart of a vibrant, diverse city — Canada’s financial epicentre and one of North America’s business hubs. This gives you unique access to our many corporate partners, as well as to our network of well-connected alumni. Each year hundreds of professionals from the business community get directly involved in our program, helping students expand their knowledge and map out their future careers.


Sarah Kremblewski Class of 2011 Assistant Brand Manager, Procter & Gamble “While I initially chose Rotman Commerce because of its location in Toronto and its proximity to so many businesses, I later discovered a lot of other great reasons to come here. I got involved in student organizations, which taught me so much about leadership, and I took advantage of the huge variety of classes in both management and psychology. My experience in and out of the classroom at Rotman Commerce was invaluable when it came time to apply for jobs.”

Our Program


Academic Excellence Is a Given At Rotman Commerce, you get the best of two worlds: a comprehensive business education from the Rotman School of Management and an equally rich foundation in the studies of your choosing from UofT’s famed Faculty of Arts and Science. Each year you complement the courses in your area of specialization with a wide range of additional choices reflecting your interests. Selecting from more than 300 programs, you can round out your business degree with a major or minor in another discipline, adding dimensions from, say, history or the life sciences, or possibly a new language. Our curriculum provides a solid academic base upon which you can build your career, and prepares you for graduate business school or other postgraduate studies. Whatever path you choose, count on a first-class educational experience at Rotman Commerce. First Year: Introduction/Exploration In your first year, you’ll take Introduction to Economics as well as a mathematics course to prepare you for upper-year economics classes. In addition, you’ll take RSM100, our unique Introduction to Management, which will introduce you to functional areas such as accounting, finance, marketing, organizational behaviour, operations, management, and strategy. This foundation course teaches Integrative ThinkingTM, Rotman’s signature approach to problem-solving, while helping you build the skills and knowledge required for effective leadership. Along with these three core courses, you are free to choose two courses from the Faculty of Arts and Science. What you decide to pursue is entirely up to you — though we’re always glad to offer advice. ROTM AN COMMERCE SPECIALIST PROGR A MS Accounting For students interested in a career as a CA or CGA. Our program is accredited by the Certified General Accountants Association of Canada and the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Ontario. Finance and Economics For students wishing to pursue careers or further academic studies in these interrelated disciplines. Rotman Commerce is an official program partner of the CFA Institute. Management For students wanting a broad business education or a concentration in international business, leadership, marketing, or strategy.

Beyond First Year: Specialization After completing first year, you’ll focus your academic direction by choosing one of three specialist programs (listed at left). Along with ensuring that you have a foundation in economics, finance, and accounting, each program provides opportunities to develop your skills in business writing, case analysis, presentation, and teamwork. Gain Valuable International Experience: Study Abroad Take advantage of the opportunities to earn academic credit and travel through our two international study programs. In our Summer Abroad courses, you can enrich your academic experience in a variety of cities around the world. And through the International Student Exchange Program, you can immerse yourself in a new culture while completing a half or full year of credited study. For a full list of our partner universities visit


Building Your Career We work with you throughout your time at Rotman Commerce to prepare you for a successful career. Along the way, you can take advantage of the expert advice and helpful tools offered by the Rotman Commerce Career Centre. From résumé workshops to employer networking sessions to one-on-one career coaching, we help you take those critical first steps along your future path. Career Centre Resources At the Rotman Commerce Career Centre, we know it’s never too early to start thinking about your future options. We offer exclusive access to online resources for career-related activities and information. View job postings, research industries and companies, and receive a steady flow of news on initiatives aimed at building your career potential. You can also sign up for industry-specific workshops in which we’ll help you polish your interview skills and tailor your résumé and cover letters. The Career Centre team creates regular opportunities all year round for you to connect with and learn from our many corporate partners as you build your professional network. Professional Experience Year By augmenting your Rotman Commerce studies with a fully paid Professional Experience Year (PEY), you can gain first-hand exposure to your chosen field and return to the classroom with a more refined outlook on your academic goals. Typically beginning in May of your third year and running for 12 to 16 months, the PEY immerses you in the work environment and often enables you to see a project through from beginning to end — all while learning from colleagues and senior mentors.


Sabrina Buti Assistant Professor of Finance Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto “Rotman Commerce students are simply outstanding: keen to learn, hard workers, brilliant. There is nothing more rewarding for a professor than standing in front of a class that is so eager to learn. The high quality of the students also allows me to challenge them and to expand my lectures beyond course material in order to better prepare them for entering the working force. Not in many universities do you have students constantly asking for more.”

The Student Experience

Dynamic student-run groups


Professional skills development



Leadership and volunteering


The Rotman Commerce experience

It’s the Total Experience that Counts Life at university should add up to far more than simply attending lectures and completing assignments. Your undergraduate years are a time for growing academically, professionally, and socially as you connect with new people and open doors to all the promising possibilities that lie ahead. The Rotman Commerce student experience can be summed up in one word: choice. We provide a wide array of opportunities, along with the people and resources to make them happen — and then you choose exactly what kind of rich and varied life suits you best. Whether you get involved in student leadership activities or try out for a sports team, attend a conference or take part in a competition, we offer endless options for you to develop your strengths and follow your passions. As a Rotman Commerce student, you create a total experience that’s greater than the sum of its parts.


Student Groups Our 10 student groups organize more than 200 initiatives a year, from conferences and competitions to volunteer activities to corporate site tours. They also host regular social events and organize intramural sports teams. Joining a Rotman Commerce student group is a rewarding experience — and a great addition to your résumé. First-Year Learning Communities First-Year Learning Communities (FLCs) connect you with your classmates in small group settings and help you develop your academic skills while getting to know the ins and outs of life at UofT. Led by senior Rotman Commerce students, FLCs offer friendly guidance on everything from time management to mastering exams — with plenty of fun social activities along the way. Conferences and Competitions Rotman Commerce students take part in conferences and competitions on campus, across North America, and around the world. Showcased themes cover the spectrum of business topics — entrepreneurship, women in management, energy economics, and venture capital, to name just a few. Leadership and Skills Development Complement your core studies with our hands-on programming that explores different leadership models and gives you the tools to develop your own skills as a leader. You can also take part in expert-led activities targeting a range of professional skills, from making presentations to building financial models.


Maraz Rahman Class of 2013 Specialist in Management, Minor in Religion President of the Rotman Commerce Student Association (2012–13) “Being a student at Rotman Commerce offers me extraordinary opportunities in academics and beyond the classroom. Last year, I chose to do a Professional Experience Year (PEY), which enabled me to work for a year, and get paid a regular salary, all while earning a full-year course credit. The skills and experience on my résumé and the network I built during my PEY will definitely stay with me well after I graduate.”



2,519 6,436 10 55





57.3% 650 125 83





42.6% 33 584 165





* Maximum class size of upper-year RSM classes


J.R. Hammond Class of 2014

Dottie Omino Class of 2014

Specialist in Management, Minor in Spanish and German UofT Blues Men’s Varsity Volleyball Player

Specialist in Management, Minor in Psychology

“I chose Rotman Commerce because of its international reputation as a top business program, and for the University of Toronto’s top-rated athletics program. I also wanted to go to a school where I would have the chance to study abroad — Rotman Commerce’s partnership with the University of Barcelona will allow me to spend a year in Spain while working towards my degree.”

“One of the main things that drew me to the Rotman Commerce program was its location in the heart of downtown Toronto. The campus is so vibrant and I am able to access the whole city very easily. Most importantly, many corporate headquarters are at our doorstep, which means that there are always representatives on campus for information and networking sessions, and even student events.“



Albert So Class of 2013

Hailey Vasyliw Class of 2014

Specialist in Accounting, Minor in Economics Director of Corporate Relations, Rotman Commerce Marketing Association (2012–2013)

Specialist in Finance and Economics Winner of the 2011–2012 HSBC Women in Business Leadership Award

“Student life at Rotman Commerce is so rich and varied that I have been able to take part in everything from student groups to planning extracurricular events to working in the Rotman Commerce office as a work-study student. Through these experiences I have gained valuable knowledge and transferable skills, met lots of great people, and developed lasting friendships that will stay with me long after I graduate.”

“I chose Rotman Commerce because of the liberal arts structure of the program. It was important to me to receive a well-rounded education, and the structure of the program allowed me to explore other disciplines of interest, such as psychology and classics, that I might not have otherwise gained exposure to through other business programs.“

The Toronto Advantage

Vibrant downtown campus


Canada’s business capital



Endless cultural attractions


Life in the heart of Toronto

A Great University in a Great City At Rotman Commerce, you enjoy all the benefits of attending a leading business school at an internationally respected university. On campus you’ll find excellent libraries, student facilities, and resources; a constant flow of social, cultural, and athletic events; and a diverse community of smart, interesting people from across Canada and around the globe. On top of this, you also get all the advantages of living in a stimulating, multi-faceted city. Toronto is a cultural capital, home to acclaimed theatre, music, and arts, including the Toronto International Film Festival. From its great dining and shopping to its huge park system and beautiful waterfront, Toronto is one of the most livable cities in the world — clean, safe, and accessible, with attractions for every possible interest.


Steven White Director, Campus and Career Programs, Human Resources CIBC “I look forward to meeting Rotman Commerce graduates each year, as they embody the qualities I want to see when recruiting new employees. Coming from a strong business program like Rotman Commerce helps students leverage their educational knowledge, relevant work and volunteer experience, and communication and leadership skills to achieve career success.”




• Largest city in Canada, fifth-largest in North America

• Founded in 1827, UofT is Canada’s largest university

• Population: 2.5 million (Greater Toronto Area: 5.5 million)

• Recognized as a global leader in teaching and research:

• One of the world’s most diverse and multicultural cities with

– The Times Higher Education rankings place UofT among the top 20 universities worldwide, and names it the top Canadian university for academic and research performance – Newsweek ranks UofT third among universities outside the United States

more than 100 languages spoken • Canada’s financial capital and the third-largest financial centre

on the continent • World’s eighth-largest stock exchange by market capitalization • Headquarters of Canada’s “Big Five” chartered banks • Head offices of major Canadian corporations in financial services,

telecommunications, information technology, retail, media and entertainment, hospitality, and other key sectors

• More than 73,000 students on three campuses: Scarborough;

Mississauga; St. George in downtown Toronto (53,000 students) • More than 475,000 alumni • More than 600 undergraduate programs, 168 graduate, 42 professional • Annual budget of $1.4 billion

• Third-largest public transit system in North America

• Total research grant and contract support of $844.5 million

• Canada’s largest retail market and number one tourist destination

• Home to one of the top five research libraries in North America

with more than 18 million holdings • Research achievements include first electronic heart pacemaker,

artificial larynx and pancreas, single-lung and nerve transplants, chemical laser, anti-blackout flight suit, discovery of genes responsible for early-onset Alzheimer’s and cystic fibrosis • Present or past home to 10 Nobel laureates • Launch pad for more than 100 companies

A WORLD-CL ASS CITY Toronto ranks second only to New York City in PwC’s 2011 ‘Cities of Opportunity’ report, which emphasizes its strength in intellectual capital and innovation, as well as health, safety, and security.

Your Future


The Bottom Line As a Rotman Commerce graduate, you’ll be recognized as someone who understands the power of teamwork but who is also ready to step forward when called upon to lead. What’s more, you’ll be supported by a network of alumni who can help launch your career. Rotman Commerce grads work in some of the world’s most prestigious companies, and many have offices just blocks from us in Toronto’s bustling business district. This means that you’ll be connected to a broad, local network of Rotman Commerce grads throughout the course of your degree. As your career gets underway, you’ll continue to be supported by our deep connections and alliances in the business community. And you can count on Rotman Commerce to continue providing professional support and networking opportunities throughout your business career. Connecting with Our Corporate Partners WHERE OUR GR ADUATES ARE WORKING 49.6% Accounting

When you prepare to graduate and embark on your new career, the Rotman Commerce Career Centre will support you with up-to-date resources and networking opportunities within the local and international business communities, which in turn can open up exciting career possibilities. Our expert team is ready to help at every level, whether you

26.7% Finance

want a second opinion on your long-term strategy or need guidance on customizing

6.3% Consulting

your résumé for a particular company.

5.5% Marketing

The Alumni Network

11.8% Other (including Human Resources and Public Relations)

Our alumni network is 11,000 members strong, and stretches around the globe. As a Rotman Commerce student, you will benefit from both the expertise and the reach of this community when you choose to be involved in our Mentorship Program, which pairs current students with working alumni, as well as through our many networking

Based on responses to our 2011 employment survey.

opportunities, skills training, speaker series, and social events. And as you move ahead in your career, you can take advantage of lifetime access to the Rotman Commerce Portal, connecting with alumni worldwide who have gone on to pursue careers in every area of business. Career Success Rotman Commerce alumni are an exceptional group of individuals who can be found in boardrooms around the world. When you graduate from Rotman Commerce, your network will include the CEOs, CFOs, partners, and presidents of some of the most successful and innovative companies in business today. Our recent alumni are working in firms such as A.T. Kearney, Deloitte, Ernst & Young, Goldman Sachs, KPMG, Procter & Gamble, and PwC, to name but a few. We’re proud of our graduates — their successes inspire us to continue offering the best business education program we can.

Admissions REQUIREMENTS FOR HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS • Ontario Secondary School Diploma

or equivalent. (Students studying outside Ontario should consult the Admissions and Awards website for academic requirements:

• Six Grade 12 U/M courses

(must include English 4U and Calculus and Vectors 4U). • Completion of the online Rotman

Commerce Supplemental Application.


Putting Yourself in the Equation Admission to Rotman Commerce is based on both your academic and personal achievements. We’re looking for well-rounded, exceptional students who have the talent, skills, and drive to become tomorrow’s business leaders. Rotman Commerce students come from remarkably diverse backgrounds but share some key points: they balance strong academic records with involvement in extracurricular activities that demonstrate community engagement, leadership, integrity, and a keen interest in the world of commerce. Admission is competitive and based on criteria that include high school performance (overall average and individual course marks) as well as extracurricular experience, which we ask you to detail in the Rotman Commerce Supplemental Application. Online Applications Prospective students can apply for admission to Rotman Commerce by submitting an application through the Ontario Universities’ Application Centre: Other Application Requirements To review the application requirements for students transferring from other post-secondary institutions, or for students transferring from other programs in UofT’s Faculty of Arts and Science — or for more detailed information on all of our admissions criteria — please visit our website: Contact Us Email: Phone: 416.946.0844 Facebook: Rotman Commerce Admissions


Jeff Trapp Associate Director, Recruitment and Admissions Rotman Commerce, University of Toronto “I am impressed by the calibre of students that apply to our program. We admit over 600 students to our first-year class — all with strong academic backgrounds, and each with an outstanding commitment to leadership and engagement outside of the classroom.”

A Message from our Director


Summing Up Thanks for taking the time to learn a bit about Rotman Commerce. To find out more, check out our website, read about our course offerings in the UofT calendar, sign up for our prospective student email list, join the Rotman Commerce Admissions Facebook group and — the best option of all — come to our campus for a visit. When you’ve done your homework, we think you’ll agree: the advantages of Rotman Commerce add up to unparalleled opportunities. With us, you can combine a broad liberal arts and sciences education at one of the world’s great universities with cutting-edge management thinking from top-ranked faculty. You can live and study in a cosmopolitan city that offers you local access to leading corporations and the people that run them. What’s more, at Rotman Commerce we offer lots of ways for you to develop your leadership, communications, and professional skills, alongside your academic studies. With so many opportunities available to you, all supported by the investment and engagement of our extensive business community and alumni network, your achievements will be limited only by your imagination!

Professor Kenneth S. Corts Director, Rotman Commerce Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education, Rotman School of Management

A respected program with broad academic scope


A great student experience in an exciting city

If you have any questions or would like more information on any aspect of our program or student life at Rotman Commerce, please visit us online or give us a call. Tel: 416.946.0844


A solid foundation for your future career


A decision that adds up: Rotman Commerce

Rotman Commerce University of Toronto 125 St. George Street Toronto, Ontario, Canada M5S 2E8 Tel: 416.946.0844 Fax: 416.946.0617




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