Tabler Magazine Spring 2016

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Star driver



Table Top 10 President’s reflections







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RTI Magazine of the Year 2015 Spring 2016

Group visits to the Roman Baths, Bath Famed for its hot springs, Bath houses the best preserved Roman Spa from the ancient world, still flowing with natural hot water. Projections, computer reconstructions and a cast of real costumed characters bring Roman Britain vividly to life. • Prices start from £11pp. Enjoy a special discounted rate for groups

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2 Tabler SpringEdition

Spring 2016 It suddenly dawned on me that, like a vicar prepares his Sunday sermon, that I’d not got my eulogy ready for the Round Table flock. So, here we in spring, a key time of the year for our Association – and this year is no different. As you read this, the March Council meeting is upon us and brings with it a new development, the half-yearly meeting. This exciting opportunity offers more members to get involved, have their voices heard and to learn more about the Association – and trust me there’s a lot to take in. It’s also when members put themselves forward and stand for a board role. Having gone through the process 12 months ago, I wish good luck to all who stand. I also say a fond farewell to those who are leaving the council – in particular my close friend Steve Glaister who steps down after a five-year tenure on the board. For those members who are leaving as a result of hitting 45, farewell and remember 41 Club wants you! And you can still get a copy of Tabler having now introduced subscriptions so you never miss another copy (see P7 for details). There have been some other exciting developments, including running the advert on BT Sport and ESPN along with additional promotion on social media to continue to raise the profile of the association and grow our numbers. Finally, I look forward to seeing as many of you at conference in Cardiff (P 18-19) for what should be a cracking AGM. Enjoy the read Macca!

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Round Table Editor: Lee McLaughlan

To place an advertisement in Tabler magazine, please contact Adam Faber of Media Shed Tel: 01354 818010 Email:

WordWright Editorial Services 0121 420 3245

All material appearing in Tabler magazine is copyright unless otherwise stated or copyright may rest with the provider of the supplied material. Tabler magazine takes care to ensure information is accurate at the time of printing, but the publisher accepts no responsiblity or liability for the accuracy of any information contained in the text or advertisements. Views expressed are not necessarily endorsed by the publisher or the editor.

Editorial Editor: 0121 456 4402 Phone: 0121 456 4402 Fax: 0121 456 4185 Email:

Contributors Nicole Carroll Leo Cooper Malc Coton Marcus Jones Lee McLaughlan Harry Prince Karen Winchcombe Stuart George Studley


COMMS Manager Nicole Carroll 0121 456 4402

DESIGN Nonfacture 0121 794 0245

Print Landor Print 0121 789 7373

General Enquiries Marchesi House, 4 Embassy Drive, Edgbaston, Birmingham, B15 1TP 0121 456 4402

Tabler SpringEdition 3

THIS YEAR’S AGM IN CARDIFF WILL SEE RTBI EMPLOY PROXY VOTING FOR THE FIRST TIME FOR BOTH MOTIONS AND NATIONAL BOARD ELECTIONS. THE BREAKTHROUGH DECISION, TAKEN BY NATIONAL COUNCIL IN JANUARY, WILL GIVE TABLES ACROSS THE ASSOCIATION THE CHANCE TO PLAY A PART IN KEY DECISIONS. Proxy voting will allow a Table to nominate another active member from within their own Area to carry their vote if they cannot send a delegate to the AGM. This delegate will be entitled to the same expenses as a voting delegate representing his own the Table. It will require certain criteria to be met by Table and their nominated proxy. Details of the process and the relevant documents will be forwarded to Table Secretaries shortly. If you have any queries, then in the first instance please email


BOXING CLEVER INVERURIE ROUND TABLE HOSTED THE INVERURIE AND DISTRICT ANNUAL CHARITY BOXING DINNER IN ASSOCIATION WITH THE GARIOCH SPORTS TRUST. The fundraising event at the Garioch Sports Centre sees all money raised going to the local community. Iverurie Round Table President Andy Clegg said: “We had boxers from as far away as Glasgow competing over eight bouts of outstanding amateur boxing.


“North East Sport & All Memorabilia were the main sponsors for the fourth year running and Tony Stott delivered some great sporting memorabilia which all sold a long with some great auction prizes, so we are sure to have raised a healthy total from the event.”

In Yorkshire, Elland Round Table supported Halifax and Hebden Bridge Round Table. Members of the groups were some of the first volunteers on hand along the valley from Brighouse to ber of donations from Tables from across the country, including Cumbria, the East Midlands, West Midlands and Lincolnshire.

The event attracted boxers from Glasgow, Fort William, Elgin and Aberdeen to pit their skills against each other.


Members from Sleaford set up a “Lincolnshire helping with the floods” Facebook page and secured a spot on the local TV news for their efforts. National President Marcus Jones said: “Moments like this show why Round Table is such a fantastic organisation. People are going out of their way to be supportive. We have been inundated with offers of support.”

Pudsey Bear needs you!

Time is running out if you want to throw your hat in the ring to become the BBC Children in Need co-ordinator for Round Table. Joining the community committee, you will become the fount of all knowledge about that yellow bear and will help with liaisons between the BBC and the four club families. Interested Tablers are encouraged to email Andrew Simmonds, National Community Office, to 4 Tabler SpringEdition

LAST DECEMBER SAW A MILESTONE FOR ROUND TABLE AS THE NATION’S SANTAS HAVE COVERED MORE THAN 3,400 MILES, TOTALLED UP MORE THAN 1,000 NIGHTS OUT AND RAISED MORE THAN £500,000 FOR GOOD CAUSES. More than 150 Round Table clubs and their army of volunteer elves took to the streets of Britain. Months of preparation – from building sleighs to planning routes and volunteer schedules – have come to fruition with outstanding results, following the first-ever Santa Sleigh survey by the Association. In addition to spreading joy around dozens of neighbourhoods, Round Table volunteers played a vital role in their communities this festive season, visiting hospitals, schools and residential homes.

The fundraising efforts around the country supports hundreds of community groups and initiatives, many of whom also play a role in joining the Santa Sleigh collections. Newcastle Round Table handed 200 selection boxes to children at Royal Victoria Infirmary – one of three charitable efforts in one day, while Plymouth Round Table donated survival kits to the city’s Shekinah Mission. Barry Round Table successfully campaigned its community for volunteers to keep its sleigh running this year, while Winchester Round Table took to the streets for the first time – having spent months refurbishing an old milk float.


ADVERT HITS SMALL SCREEN ROUND TABLE HAS MADE A BIG SPLASH ON THE SMALL SCREEN AFTER ITS 30 SECOND ADVERT DEBUTED ON BT SPORT CHANNELS 1 AND 2 AS WELL AS ESPN. The advert, which was shown over 90 times in its first week, is running for a total of four weeks after will be shown during a month of sporting action which included FA Cup and Champions League Matches.

Ilkley Town AFC now have around two-thirds of the money required to build new all-weather pitches which will host the club’s 30 teams and 450 players. The facilities will allow Ilkley Town AFC to set up additional girls’ teams, provide people with disabilities with a chance to play football and walking football for the over-50s. The club’s Chairman said: “This substantial contribution will go a long way towards our fundraising target and is a fantastic show of support from the local community for this project.”

Its run will end on March 21 and Tablers and Tables can boost the impact of the adverts via the hashtags #DiscoverRoundTable and #LadsNightOut, which are being used across social media channels to encourage blokes across the UK to find out more about what Round Table has to offer. Tabler SpringEdition 5

NEWSINBRIEF Billericay Round Table have given a local football team a break – a windbreak! The Table dug into their funds to help pay for hundreds of saplings that will ensure the Intersports Club won’t be blown off course at their home ground of Barleylands. Young archery enthusiasts in St Blazey are to get some new equipment thanks to a donation from St Austell and District Round Table. Members of 169 Squadron of the Air Cadets wanted to get their own equipment so they won’t have to travel to take part in the sport and the Round Table has handed over £400 to add to the 50% funding received from Cornwall Council. A potentially life-saving defibrillator has been donated to Desborough Library. The equipment has been funded from money raised locally by Market Harborough Round Table and the Desborough Community Development Trust. The finalists for the Worthies, a unique Kenilworth award ceremony, have been announced. Included in the finalists are Kenilworth Round Table, who are nominated for organisation of the year. An initial 1,800 votes were cast and the top three nominations in each category will now be assessed by an external judging panel, with the winners being announced in May 2016.

CALLING ALL 5S ROUND TABLE ESTONIA ARE INVITING TABLES FROM THE UK TO GET INVOLVED WITH THEIR NUMBERS MEETING THIS SUMMER. They are calling on Tables 5, 105, 205, 305 etc to join them for a family-friendly experience in the Baltics. Taking place June 2-5, planned events include a Viking village party, a visit to a vodka plant and visits to some fantastic nightclubs. The guys from Estonia will also lay on a programme of activities for women and children. More information about the programme go to

ETIHAD OFFER FLIGHT DEAL FOR NEPAL WORLD MEETING TABLERS FROM ACROSS THE WORLD WILL BE ABLE TO GRAB UP TO 25% OFF THE AIRFARE FOR TRAVEL TO KATHMANDU FOR THE ROUND TABLE INTERNATIONAL WORLD MEETING WHICH IS TAKING PLACE LATER THIS YEAR. Official airline partner of the event – Etihad – is offering UK Tablers a discount when travelling from Edinburgh, Manchester or London. Find out more on claiming your discount and full terms and conditions by emailing the International officer to The RTI world meeting will take place between Wednesday 31 August and Sunday 4 September and is hosted by Round Table Nepal. 6 Tabler SpringEdition

North Devon Journal Images


After speaking to the team behind the event, Matt launched his mission to lose weight by joining his local Weight Watchers group.

Matt McArdle has undergone a total transformation having lost 100lb following his move to the hilly seaside town.

As a member of Ilfracombe Round Table, he also joined fellow Tablers on walks around the region’s coastline as they prepared to take on the Three Peaks Challenge.

“I weighed 24 stone when I came down here, so it was a little bit of a shock to the system,” the 36-year-old said – who is aiming to get down to 15 stone.

However, Matt said his success wasn’t solely about improving his fitness, but also about changing the way he thinks about food.

“I had to stop four times when walking down my road where I live – I was that out of breath.

“When you have a bad day you might have a couple of beers or a curry,” he said. “For a big person that’s generally your daily routine. We are always having a bad day until you change something in your life. It’s a complete lifestyle change, but it’s a good lifestyle change.”

“I spent a couple of months thinking about it but the final straw was when I was marshalling at a running event at The Hunters Inn and I was the biggest guy there by quite a long way – and I just thought ‘It can’t continue like this’ .”


to Tabler now open If you leave Table on 31 March this year, you’re probably bemoaning the fact that this edition of Tabler will be your last. Fear not, for Tabler subscriptions have now opened! Now any man across the world can continue to receive his slice of Table news straight to the doormat four times a year. UK subscriptions start at just £10 for four editions. Head to to order yours.

How are you celebrating the 90th? WE WILL CELEBRATE 90 YEARS IN THE UK IN 2017 – SO WHAT IS YOUR TABLE DOING TO CELEBRATE IT? We want to know what your plans are so we can promote far and wide. Let the team at Marchesi House know your weird and wonderful plans by emailing with the subject 90TH.

Tabler SpringEdition 7



“ This was my first-ever Central Tablers’ Meeting, and the first thing that struck me is that it’s got the wrong name! It should really be called European Party Weekend!

That’s because I, along with six other friends from Ilfracombe Round Table (and 300 new friends from across Europe) discovered one amazing weekend in January. I know what you’re thinking…so let me put a few things straight. CTM is NOT a clique of guys who go every year and already know each other. It’s NOT only for ubersociable types. Language is NOT a barrier. It’s NOT a super-expensive weekend. That was what I was thinking, which is why I’d never been – but I was SO wrong and glad I was talked into going. The theme of CTM in Luxembourg was cycling, so seven of us set off in a minibus from Ilfracombe and travelled to the outskirts of the host city, where we parked up and cycled the final 10 miles or so to the hotel. Of course, we didn’t realise that snow and ice would be thick on the ground! So after many comical falls, we finally made it, to an incredible welcome. 8 Tabler SpringEdition

The Friday night party was rocking, with plenty of free booze, which made conversation with new people so easy! You soon realise that it’s a weekend full of young guys like you (and, guess what, they all speak great English!). The following day comprised a tour of the beautiful city and lunch, before moving on to the gala dinner, with yet more free booze! The weekend really was astonishing value, and my only regret is that we couldn’t spend longer in this unexpectedly charming part of the world. My advice for any CTM virgin would be this: GO! Grab three or four Table mates and make a weekend of it. You’ll be looked after really well, and enjoy a new and interesting city. For any Tables that have mystery weekends abroad, I would change your programme now to make this your EPW ‘European Party Weekend’!”

Next year’s event is being held in Nijmegen, in The Netherlands and the early bird offer runs until 30 April. Find out more at




This is making a real difference with many Associations looking at us to lead the way. We highlighted the increased engagement with RTBI members via forums, surveys and direct calling. The University clubs, Business clubs and our Government initiatives were also presented to the Central Tablers Meeting.

Chairman Will Jackson met with student Ben Staunton and his tutor at Herefordshire and Ludlow College so that Mr Staunton could thank the Round Table for its help. After Ben passed his intermediate level in woodwork last year, Hereford Round Table provided funding towards his City & Guilds level 2 course in carpentry and joinery this year.

The clear message from RTBI is that of structure. It must be fit for purpose. This tied in nicely with the most important change to happen to Round Table International in a generation. This will be announced shortly to the members for your input.

Ben is determined to achieve his goal of becoming a qualified carpenter despite acquiring a severe brain injury nine years ago and says that without the help of the Round Table, it would have been impossible for him to take up his place on this course. The donation is part of £30,000 donated by Hereford Round Table since teaming up with the Hereford Times to give away cash to good causes and charities in the community.

Join us on September 3rd 2016 for the road trip of a lifetime! Five days to Venice or seven days to Prague in a car costing £333 or less, or any car around 20+ years old. Take part in a unique event and raise money for your favourite charity. With decorated bangers & classic cars, stunning scenery, daily challenges, a cash prize fund of £3,000 and fantastic camaraderie, you’ll be left with memories for a lifetime. 10% off registration fee when you register with code ROUND16. See what 2015’s teams had to say: ‘Myself and some friends were searching for something different to do for charity last year, and came across the Motoscape Rally. We had a fantastic time, driving through and exploring the mountains, countryside and small villages of Europe we didn’t even know existed. It was well organised and all the people we met taking part were up for a laugh and dedicated to the challenge, which really enriched the experience. The cherry on the cake was managing to raise nearly £2000 for Cancer Research, putting us in the top 3% of charity groups fundraising on Just Giving for 2015.‘ Cassi Alnwick-Elliott and ‘The East Four’

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Facebook “f ” Logo

‘Four guys, a cheap motor, 2000 miles across Europe and no SatNav... what could possibly go wrong ?! Well quite a few things...but highlights included the Stelvio Pass, wine festival, car museums in Stuttgart and thrashing a 20-year old Toyota Previa around the Nurburgring ! A fabulous and memorable time was had by all and, most importantly, we raised around £4,000 for Great Ormond Street Childen’s Hospital in the process.’ Leo George and ‘The B-Team’

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motoscapeBangerRally @BangerRally email:

Tabler SpringEdition 9



DB10. TON MARTIN ES BOND’S AS M JA OF EL ND THE WHE TO GET BEHI cular style. N THE CHANCE paces in specta VE GI G IN BE E t it through its ! IT pu er stars t DO bu rm IMAGIN fo it, TO its ive ID d dr t E BEING PA th Top Gear – an wi ift, who didn’t jus ed Sw rk ul wo NOW IMAGIN Pa s r ha ble ed to Ta on drivers, who Got Talent. tly what happen st and Britain’s ’s leading precisi Well that is exac siness – e likes of Carfe e of the country th on at r d fo an , rk on wo ks eing his own bu ar It’s all in a day’s is busy overse and Jeremy Cl ift d . on Sw ng , m ivi rld m dr Ha t wo d e un ar or the corporat e the highs of st James May, Rich ce to experienc g called on by TV showed an in g ch be vin e ’t ha th en – ls ar ta er s ice mor care When his serv s high-octane ich gives mere hi t wh being the , r ou ng fo ab s ivi e ou Dr or m fam ision unt driver and d Table, reveals st Paul Swift Prec un a o Ro als te ga ss nd Bo ge by his dad Ru r of Darlington g set a challen Swift, a membe a kid after bein as ills sk s ). hi r be fo Tu a knack eo on You (look up the vid Montego Man 10 Tabler SpringEdition

! L A E D L E E H W E H T IS “My dad was doing similar kinds of events like I am now in the 1980s and like every kid, I wanted to be like my dad,” said the 37-year-old. “When I was old enough he said he would take me with him. I was about seven years old, jumped on the garden mower and then drove it on two wheels the length of the garden! “Given the bumps on the lawn doing it on tarmac was a doddle!” Swift continued his motoring education in his teenage years at his local motor club. He began competitive driving winning local championships, regional events before going to capture the national British Trial and Rally Drivers Association title – which he did a total of FOUR times. In addition, he lifted the MSA Autotest title three times. Swift’s talent saw him join his dad’s stunt driving team taking him all over the world, but it wasn’t destined to be a career move as he took up an apprenticeship as a mechanical engineer. But that all changed in 2002 as Mini got in touch and invited him to drive as part of their Mini Adventure promotion through the London traffic and then the London Motor show. The spanner was ditched and the precision driving took off! “We did a 10 minute show the first time – adding a bit of theatre to the exhibition. Two years later, I was running the whole stunt driving team, including the drivers, putting on a bigger and better show.

“It was at that show I met the guys from Top Gear and they asked if I would put together a team. I worked with them on a number of projects and what you see on TV, isn’t 90 per cent of what goes on. “We got to play rugby at Twickenham in cars. There’s a lot of mutual respect for what we can do and their talents. It’s incredible to think we’ve been working with the Top Gear team for 10 years. There was one very memorable show where the three of them swapped each other’s lines and we were word perfect. It was brilliant. “Over the years, it’s not just Top Gear the team work with, but a lot of presenters – such as Ant and Dec and Graham Norton, plus Britain’s Got Talent.” When Swift isn’t skilfully manoeuvring cars at speed, not crashing them as that is what stunt drivers do, he can be found out with Round Table. He was introduced to Table through close friend Simon MacConachie, general manager of the local Vauxhall dealership. “He was chairman a couple of years ago and because of the connection with cars, he asked if I could come with an activity for the group. “The guys came and had a go and loved it. Simon invited me along and then come Christmas asked if I wanted to drive the sleigh – obviously a bit different to the day job. “I couldn’t resist and love driving the sleigh given what it means to the community – even if it is at five miles an hour!”

SWIFT’S CARS! I was given the James Bond DB 10 at Top Gear Live at the O2 in November. It was an experience driving one of the most famous cars in the world.

Last year I bought a Ford Mustang and drove it at the Goodwood Festival of Speed. It had a five litre V8 engine. This wasn’t just your average Mustang as took six months before it came to England as it is unique in being right hand drive. The most spectacular show was involving a Porsche 911 and a Porsche 953, as we set them on fire . I’ve also driven a Bugatti Veyron – which is the fastest car in the world. I am also a fan of classic cars and have three Escorts – Mk I and Mk IIs, as well as six Mini Coopers. * Interested in a Paul Swift Driving Experience? Paul can provide a two-hour Table night experience in the summer at one of three venues – Silverstone; Thruxton or Darlington. For more details go to

Tabler SpringEdition 11


IN 2016





Saturday 26 March

Saturday 4 June

Friday 24 – Saturday 25 June

Dartford Round Table are just about shaking off their tags as new kids on the block and last year launched a highly successful Easter egg hunt. They’ve now provided a guide on page 14 to running your own events like this. If you fancy seeing how it works in action, they’ll be at Central Park in Dartford showing you how it’s done. Bring the kids.

Brand new for 2016, Arbroath Round Table are launching their Festival of Heroes. Working with local armed forces and emergency service groups, up to 10,000 people are expected to attend to recognise the local heroes from the community and services.

Back for 2016, this event is now in its fourth year. If you love your ale, you’re in for a treat with over 70 craft ales on offer as well as ciders, perrys, wine and sloe gin. There were 700 guests per session during the two-day event last year – will you be one of them?

There is a buzz about this event – keep an eye out for updates on their Facebook page, Arbroath’s Festival of Heroes.

Find out the latest on their website,

Find more info on their Facebook page, Dartford Egg Hunt.

12 Tabler SpringEdition



Saturday 30 July

Saturday 9 July

The South West Birdman event was bigger and better last year as it became a free event for the first time in ten years. As well as the famous Birdman jump from the pier, the event included games for the family and a beer and cider fest.

Originally a marquee in a field, this event has grown at a phenomenal rate, last year moving to a new site at Pingles Leisure Park in Nuneaton. Now in its eighth year, it showcases some of the best new and emerging talent from across the West Midlands.

The Table family had the added bonus of a camping weekend away connected with the event – will we hear the band “Jose and the Hotdogs” again this year?

As well as musical entertainment, food is on offer from local restaurants and you can keep your singing voice lubricated with locally brewed ale.

Keep an eye out for updates on their Facebook page, Southwest Birdman. MILFORD HAVEN CARNIVAL Saturday 2 July Present in the local community for over 55 years, we’ve had the early whisper that the theme for this year’s Milford Haven carnival may very well be sport. The event is well regarded within the local community and the procession will start at 1pm from Waterloo Square in Hakin.

GUERNSEY HARBOUR CARNIVAL Friday 22 July If you fancy heading to visit our friends in the Channel Islands, Guernsey Round Table will be holding their harbour carnival again this year. Last year’s event included duck racing, dinghy and raft races as well as a tug-of-war competition. Keep an eye out for updates on their website,

You can follow up-to-date information on their Facebook page, Milford Haven Carnival. SOUTHEND COLOURTHON

Keep an eye out for updates on their Facebook page Nunfest – Nuneaton Round Tables Charity Beer and Music Festival NEWCASTLE CIDER AND CHILLI FESTIVAL After two successful years, this event will be making a return for 2016. Last year’s event was pretty spicy with the UK’s hottest chilli pepper making an appearance. The guys are still considering the dates for 2016 so there is plenty of time to decide whether to come along (and to get the toilet roll into the fridge). Find the latest info on their Facebook page. Newcastle RoundTable. ST AUSTELL BANGER RALLY

Saturday 2 July

Thursday 6 - Monday 10 October

This annual Colourthon event raises over £100,000 for charities and good causes. The flagship event is the Moonlight Colourthon – a sponsored walk with a difference! Walkers will take on a half marathon at night time and are encouraged to dress as brightly as they can imagine. If you don’t fancy the half marathon, they also offer a Twilight Colourthon (10K) and Sunlight Colourthon for the under 16s.

The banger rally team from St Austell Round Table are back for 2016 with “Vegas or bust”. No, you won’t be heading to Sin City in Nevada, but to a small village in Murcia, Spain. These details are hot off the press – but keep an eye on their website for the most up-todate information.

Find out more on their website, Tabler SpringEdition 13

R E V I L E D D R O F T DAR THE CLOCK IS TICKING TO EASTER...BUT THERE STILL COULD BE TIME TO MAKE IT AN EGGS-TRA SPECIAL WEEKEND FOR YOUR COMMUNITY - THANKS TO THIS GUIDE FROM DARTFORD ROUND TABLE. A year ago, Dartford, one of the new kids on the block, looked for an event that would serve two aims – raise awareness in their own community and help them grow membership. They opted for an Easter egg hunt, as they looked to make their Table ‘locally famous’. Dartford founder member Studley, minus his passport, gives a guide on how to run your own hunt.

We looked for an event that suited our need to grow the club. We decided on an egg hunt as we were fortunate to have a park close to the town centre, which was perfect. We ‘borrowed’ the idea from another Table and put our own twist on it. Our first event saw two gazebos set up. One was for ticket control and the other was purely for membership. HOW TO GUIDE Preparation – Purchases • Get six-foot wooden broom handles (we got 100) and paint them. Cut the wood into one inch pieces. We have ten colours with each child being required to collect at least six different coloured pieces. • Obtain 200 small buckets (paint kettles). Brand with RT stickers. • Design and purchase banners. (Place these on the park fences ideally four weeks in advance). • Ask the supermarket for ‘sale or return’ Easter eggs. We secured that with Sainsbury’s. Many large stores offer a good size egg for £1 each.

14 Tabler SpringEdition

The day of the event ial. • Volunteers are essent having nt with ‘Round Table’ by eve ole wh the nd Bra • . banners, feather flags etc es of flower beds, near edg the in od wo the • Scatter trees etc. k, The child goes into the par • ‘Sell’ the kettles for £3. hange for the exc In . rns retu and od collects the wo aster egg. What could paint kettle you award an E be easier? ‘word year we’re introducing a For our second event this h Eac s. tree on inated and put hunt.’ Letters will be lam and comes back to rd wo a kes ma , ers lett child collects the e being charging 50p with the priz collect a prize. (We’ll be around 15p)

away 497 eggs. In our first year we gave . We had purchased 500

The future bit) ls, a possible dog (or rab We will have our own stal possibilities are The . fair fun , nts eve nt show, differe endless. Most importantly… at all mbership tent was staffed We ensured that the me famous’...and y call e ‘lo om bec to nt times and USED the eve to get members. an event in 2017 is very Any Tabler wishing to do d on Saturday 26 March tfor Dar to e com to e welcom . run is to see how it

• We had: • Two gazebos and six heavy duty collapsible tables. • 20 high-vis vests. • Stickers for the egg buckets. • Event tool chest. Preparation – Advertising • Make a logo specific to the event. • Social media is KEY! Target the local community groups on Twitter, Facebook and any media outlets. • We distributed flyers to houses but this is time consuming and not direct marketing. • We will be targeting our specific audience by giving flyers to schools, youth clubs and after-school clubs etc. • Advertise for stall holders to attend. In our first year we had 10 stalls including donkey rides.

Tabler SpringEdition 15

16 Tabler SpringEdition


WHAT COULD BE BETTER THAN ASKING TV’S VERY OWN BRAINY BEAUTY RACHEL RILEY FOR TWO FROM THE TOP AND ONE FROM THE BOTTOM? WELL ONE TABLER - STEVE JACOB OF PETERSFIELD - HAD THAT PLEASURE WHEN HE APPEARED ON THE PENSIONERS’ FAVOURITE QUIZ SHOW, COUNTDOWN. JACOB IS NO STRANGER TO THE SMALL SCREEN, HAVING GOT THE TV BUG AND BECOMING A FAVOURITE OF THE PRODUCTION COMPANIES AS HE REVEALS HE OWN TV TIMES! “Back in 2014 I answered a last-minute call for applicants to go on ‘Breaking Magic’. I wasn’t alone as I went along with fellow Tabler James Marshall for the recording. “I didn’t tell a soul about this until I sat with my family watching it on TV and the look of shock on their faces on seeing their husband/dad appear on TV was priceless. My evil plan was hatched!! “I then applied to go on ‘Two Tribes’, a BBC2 show, and also recorded that in complete secrecy. The only problem was it aired eight months later whilst I was on holiday and so social media ruined the surprise for the family this time. It then came out I had applied for Countdown and after an over-the-phone test to see if I was any good, I was invited to film in December. “The time finally came and I travelled to Manchester to film the show… and meet Rachel Riley! “I arrived with the other six contestants for the day (as five episodes are filmed a day) and we were shepherded into the green room to awkwardly make small talk with each other. The first two contestants were taken to prepare and the rest of us sat in the audience to watch the recording. “After an hour of set up, recording and retakes, we were shepherded back into the green room while they reset the studio. This happened again and again as it turned out I was the last recording of the day… by which time my brain was fried and I am sticking to that as my reason for doing awfully!

“It was finally my turn and so I was sent to the makeup department and Rachel Riley came into the room. I was shown to the next seat and I couldn’t help myself but ask for a photo as I was a big fan! “As I sat down she asked me if I liked the normal version or the rude version… what the hell was she offering me?! Was I going to be able to ask for a rude photo of Rachel Riley? Luckily, it dawned on me she meant the ‘8 out of 10 Cats’ version with Jimmy Carr. “It was then show time! I sat at the desk and wasn’t introduced to anybody! Suzie Dent mouthed ‘good luck’ to me as the show started. The music began and we were away. As the series is so old, so is the set! The big clock constantly sticks throughout the rounds and you have to retake the shot and pretend you are thinking of words as per the original round so they can film the clock again! “The highlight of my day was asking for my letters and numbers in such a way that it would go unnoticed when it was my numbers round and I could say to Rachel Riley, ‘I would love to see two big ones…’. “As for what’s next on my TV take-over? I’m not 100% sure, but say what you say see.

Tabler SpringEdition 17

Conference 2016

TIME IS FAST APPROACHING FOR US ALL TO DESCEND ON WALES FOR THIS YEAR’S NATIONAL CONFERENCE. IN READINESS FOR OUR ARRIVAL, CONFERENCE CHAIRMAN STUART GEORGE HAS PULLED TOGETHER SOME MORE THAN USEFUL INFORMATION FOR EVERYONE HEADING DOWN THE M4 IN MAY. If you’re lucky you may still grab a fantastic room, or go for a party pass, or just turn up to the AGM and discover more about Round Table. First timers are actively encouraged! All of the action takes place at The Vale Hotel & Golf Resort, with excellent transport links for those a short distance away in the Copthorne Hotel.



Arrival and Registration

Arrival and Registration Member Workshops National Council Meeting RTBI Golf Tournament Final

RTBI Quiz Final Evening Cŵl Cymru Theme Party

HOW CWL AND WELSH CAN YOU BE? Come along in your fancy dress as the best (or worst) example of Welsh culture that you can think of. The possibilities are endless – Dr Who, Ivor the Engine, Max Boyce – to name but a few. Prizes for the best costume! Rock the night away with ‘4th Street’. Especially for you, we have secured Cardiff’s hardest rocking four-piece pop-punk band. The boys have been tearing up the live music scene around Europe for years, and now we bring them to Conference to show you the best of independent Welsh music. Not to be missed!

SATURDAY: Breakfast Annual General Meeting (including lunch) Lunch

SATURDAY EVENING: Presidents’ Black Tie Banquet and Ball, Formal three course dinner dance, Live music from ‘Bogart’ – one of South Wales’ premier bands

SUNDAY: Breakfast and Departure

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Steeped in heritage and history, Wales’ capital city offers a startlingly diverse range of unique attractions – top class entertainment and quality shopping with a difference; innovative architecture sits alongside historic buildings and Cardiff Bay offers entertainment for everyone.

For those who fancy walking off the weekend’s excesses on Sunday (or completing your Conference preparation on Thursday), the Brecon Beacons offer the perfect outdoor experience. The Brecon Beacons National Park is not just a walker’s paradise – castles, caves, waterfalls, churches, lakes and industrial and rural heritage can be enjoyed within an hour’s drive from the Conference hotels. There is even a whisky distillery for those who fancy a tipple!

The Wales Millennium Centre is one of the UK’s top cultural attractions. Encased in 1,350 tonnes of Welsh slate an d copper cladding, the stunning architecture alone is enough to entice you to this famous landmark. Cardiff’s docklands, a thriving, cosmopolitan area is a notable urban success story. From the modern Welsh Government buildings to the historic Norwegian Chapel and the Coal Exchange to Cardiff Bay, is a must for visitors to the city. ST. FAGANS Situated less than 10 minutes from the Vale Resort and 5 minutes from the Cardiff Copthorne Hotel, the Museum of Welsh life is an open-air museum chronicling the historical lifestyle, culture and architecture of Wales. Featuring in excess of 40 re-erected historic Welsh buildings, one of UK’s favourite tourist attraction in 2011 - there is certainly plenty to see. BIG PIT NATIONAL COAL MUSEUM How many times have you been down a coal mine? The Big Pit National Coal Museum will lower you 300 feet down the Big Pit mineshaft for their famous underground tour - a captivating journey around a section of original underground workings. Once underground, you will be guided (a 50-minute walk) around the coal faces, engine houses and stables in the company of a former coal miner. You will enjoy a first-hand experience of Wales’ industrial heritage – and imagine what life was like for our forefathers.

BOOKING THE CONFERENCE Conference packages for Cŵl Cymru, Round Table and Ladies Circle National Conference 2016 are available from the Conference website Full Conference Package from £219 per person

Friday night

2 nights B&B (Cardiff Copthorne Hotel), Friday night ‘Cŵl Cymru’ theme party, A.G.M. lunch,

Getting to Conference couldn’t be easier.

All Functions Package (no accommodation) £110 per person Friday night ‘Cŵl Cymru’ theme party, A.G.M. lunch, Presidents’ Banquet and Ball.

‘Cŵl Cymru’ theme party - £35 The Conference venue is situated 2 minutes from J34 of the M4 and the Cardiff Copthorne Hotel is 5 minutes from J33 of the M4. Both Cardiff Airport and Cardiff Central Railway Station are 20 minutes away.



IT’S THE CRAZE THAT HAS BEEN SWEEPING THE WORLD AND CONTINUES TO GROW...PARTICULARLY AMONG MUMS AND DADS LOOKING TO ENTERTAIN THE KIDS! BUT IT’S ALSO A GREAT TABLE ACTIVITY BUT IF YOU HAVEN’T A CLUE WHAT IT IS, THEN HERE’S A HANDY GUIDE FROM GEOCACHING EXPERT PAUL GIBSON. Geocaching is a real-world, outdoor treasure-hunting game using GPS-enabled devises. Players navigate to a specific set of GPS co-ordinates and then attempt to find the geocache (container) hidden at that location. Be warned! Geocaching can be very addictive. There’s no greater feeling than finding your first geocache, but it won’t stop there–you’ll want to find more and with millions of geocaches hidden worldwide there’ll always be one for you to find. Geocaches are hidden in a variety of locations, from the local park, at the end of a long hike, underwater, on top of a mountain or on your local street. There is actually one on the International Space Station. The basics of the game are very simple. Someone hides a geocache and posts the co-ordinates on the internet for others to go and find. The finder uses a GPS device to help them locate the hidden geocache. If they find it, they sign the log book, sometimes trade trinkets, then replace the cache in its original location ready for the next finder. The finder can then share their geocaching story and photos online.

There are only three basic rules: 1)

If you take something out of a geocache, you must leave something of equal or greater value


Write your name in the log book


Log your experience online

Geocaching is a truly, all-inclusive fun activity. It’s great to play with the family, on your own or in groups with your friends. It can be played by people of all ages and all levels and abilities and disabilities. All geocaches are given a one to five star terrain rating, so you know how easy it’s going to be just getting to the place where it is hidden.

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Wheelchair users will be able to get to one-star geocaches, whereas you’re probably going need to abseil down a cliff face or perhaps climb a tall tree using ropes to reach a five-star terrain cache (or visit the ISS!). Each geocache is also given a one to five star difficulty rating as a guide to how hard it is going to be to find it once you get to the right spot. One-star difficulty caches will be quite obvious, but a five-star cache will have you scratching your head for a long time. What do you need to get started? You will need a GPSenabled device. If you own an Android phone or iPhone, then you’ll already have what you need to find your first geocache. Regular players will find upgrading to a dedicated GPS device will provide better accuracy and longer battery life. The next step is to register for a free Basic Membership at Then enter your postcode into the map and hit search and you’ll be amazed how many geocaches there are within a few metres of your house. Enter the co-ordinates into your GPS and go out hunting. There is a free intro app that can be downloaded to your phone to make the whole game easier to play. A word of warning though! Be very careful not to get spotted by Muggles! Muggles are non-players and you may have to use a degree of stealth so you don’t give the game away. There’s lots more information available on the geocaching. com website to help you. There’s also social events for geocachers, so happy hunting! Paul, aka ‘Stompy’ in the geocaching world, has been caching since 2008 and found over 11,000 geocaches in the UK and abroad. For more, see Paul’s blog You can email him at if you would like any more help or advice on getting started. Tabler SpringEdition 21




CAPRICES 7–10 April 2016 Crans Montana, Switzerland Launched in 2003, the concept of Caprices Festival was to bring people and artists together in a dreamlike location in the Swiss Alps: Crans-Montana ski station. Now in its 13th year, the festival has gained a reputation for outstanding electronic lineups, operational excellence, a creative mindset and one of the finest mountain lines of the Alps. With a line-up of the biggest names in techno including Ricardo Villalobos, Nina Kraviz, Maceo Plex and Jamie Jones, Caprices is set to be an unmissable party.

ELECTRIC ELEPHANT 7–11 July 2016 Tisno, Croatia Set in a magnificent natural amphitheatre with gently rolling hills leading down to a private bay, a shimmering sandy beach and crystal-clear waters, Electric Elephant offers the perfect fusion of holiday and festival. For five days, the picturesque Garden Tisno site is taken over by many of the the leading names in house, disco and electronica, playing across three stages, daily boat parties and the much-loved open-air club Barbarella’s. Acts taking to the decks for EE16 include, Andrew Weatherall, Bicep, Boo Williams, Greg Wilson, Kerri Chandler, Laura Jones, Jacques Renault, Psychemagik, Steffi and Todd Terry.

EXIT FESTIVAL 7–10 July 2016 Petrovaradin Fortress , Novi Sad, Serbia

Set against the breath-taking backdrop of the Kobetamendi Hill in culture-rich Bilbao, Bilbao BBK Live welcomes 40,000 revellers to enjoy an unparalleled musical line-up combining the biggest names with fresh talent. Joining the line-up for one of only two European shows are Canada’s Arcade Fire as well as alt-rock legends Pixies, Tame Impala, Foals, M83, Hot Chip, Years & Years, Father John Misty, Courtney Barnett and Wolf Alice for a festival that promises to be one of their best and biggest yet!

Starting as a student protest fighting for political change and freedom, EXIT continues to spread positive vibes in the Petrovaradin Fortress in Novi Sad. With a host of different stages connected by cobbled streets, ramparts and tunnels, EXIT welcomes you to enjoy artists from a diverse mix of musical genres. Just a short ride away from the Serbian capital Belgrade, this beautiful medieval fortress provides the perfect backdrop to enjoy the likes of hip-hop hero Wiz Khalifa, pop superstar Ellie Goulding, much-loved indie rockers Bastille as well as some of the biggest names in electronic music such as Dimitri Vegas & Like Mike, Solomun, Nicky Romero and James Zabiela. EXIT. Where hedonism meets activism.


BILBAO BBK LIVE 7–9 July 2016 Bilbao, Spain

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15–17 July 2016 Salacgriva, Latvia

10–17 August 2016 Budapest, Hungary

Taking place in the picturesque coastal town of Salacgriva in Latvia, Positivus is gearing up to celebrate its 10th anniversary in 2016. Positivus transports chart-topping headliners, underground emerging talent and exciting art and dance stages to its unspoiled atmospheric coastal setting amid stunning woodland. Festivalgoers can dip their toes in the Baltic sea or take in the atmosphere in a hammock beneath the trees as well as enjoying artists such as Ellie Goulding, Wolf Alice, Seinabo Sey, Richard Hawley, John Newman, C Duncan, Mercury Rev and San Fermin.

OFF FESTIVAL 5–7 August 2016 Three Lake Valley, Katowice, Poland Fresh from the success of its 10th anniversary edition in 2015, OFF Festival returns with another bold and eclectic line-up. With everything from the vital hip hop of Flatbush Zombies and grindcore legends Napalm Death through to much-lauded producer Machinedrum and Philadelphia punks Beach Slang, OFF is truly a festival for the discerning music fan and the place to discover the best alternative acts from around the world. Staying true to itself and flying in the face of current trends, the organisers and crowd have one serious finger on the pulse when it comes to music.

Having just landed themselves the award for Best European Lineup at this year’s European festival awards and having picked up the Best European Festival award in 2015, this is certain to be another standout year for Sziget Festival. Situated on the picturesque Óbuda Island in Budapest, this is the go-to cultural event for arts and music lovers for the ultimate festival-holiday experience. For its 24th edition the festival will see the likes of Bastille, Bloc Party, Chvrches, Bring Me The Horizon, MØ and Sum 41 take to the stage. The festival invites everyone to express themselves on their self-proclaimed Island of Freedom.

MYSTERYLAND 27–28 August 2016 Haarlemmermeer, The Netherlands Just a short distance from the city of Amsterdam, the world’s longest running dance music festival takes visitors on a creative journey, combining the finest electronic music with an extensive arts and culture line-up. With over 346 acts, criss-crossing house, techno, disco, African beats, vinyl-only, hardstyle, hip hop and feel-good bands, there’s something for every electronic music fan. The extensive lifestyle and culture programme also features theatre, movies, live art, interactive installation art, street performers, hidden raves in the forests and spectacular shows.

OASIS 16–18 September 2016 Morocco, Marrakesh Oasis brought a unique new festival experience to Morocco in 2015 with its debut event at the Fellah Hotel in Marrakesh. Soundtracked by the ultimate blend of house, techno, disco and electronica, the sizzling Moroccan sun ensures a laid-back festival vibe by day as guests cool off in the pool, unwind with daily yoga and massage, enjoy authentic local street food, and revel in the spectacular views of the nearby Atlas Mountains. As night falls, the dancefloor brings the heat, as the finest DJs and live acts perform under captivating star-lit skies.

AMSTERDAM DANCE EVENT 19–23 October 2016 Amsterdam, The Netherlands Amsterdam’s thriving club and nightlife scene is well documented and for five days a year the city becomes the centre of the electronic music world as over 375,000 visitors flock to the city for the Amsterdam Dance Event – the ultimate music event for fans of electronic music. The festival features more than 2,200 international artists performing in more than 100 of Amsterdam’s most celebrated venues including Melkweg, Closure, Gashouder, the NDSM Docklands and De School.

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WANT TO RUN A MARATHON? NEXT MONTH, MORE THAN 40 MEN AND WOMEN WILL TREAD THOSE FAMOUS STREETS OF THE CAPITAL IN AID OF ROUND TABLE CHILDREN’S WISH, RAISING THOUSANDS OF POUNDS TO GRANT WISHES TO CHILDREN WITH LIFE-LIMITING DISEASES. Their training programmes will be well under way and nigh on reaching its peak – but if you’ve ever wondered what it takes to conquer the 26.2-mile course, then this guide will tell you all need to do.




Be realistic about the time you have to train. Don’t work to a six-day a week plan if you know you can only train four days a week.

Adding in the variety below is the first stage. Progressing each of those elements is how you really get fit. Turning your 90-minute into three-hour runs, your 5 x 5 minute threshold session into 3 x 10 minutes, your 30 minutes of marathon pace work into 60 minutes…

Get yourself a training diary to log and record your progress. Ring-fence your training time in your diary – don’t let it become ‘I’ll squeeze it in when I can’. Think ahead and plan for training pinch points such as Christmas or a holiday abroad, and think about how you can still get training in, even if it is through cross-training. Plan your day – think about not only your running but also your rest and nutrition – if you are training in the evening for example think about how you’ll fuel yourself well in the day to really nail that run!

PATIENCE Be happy with where you are now – forget what your mates are doing and where you feel you need to be on marathon day. Consistency is key – a solid four runs a week, every week will see you make better gains than six runs one week, two the next. The training you do today takes three to four weeks to bed in, so don’t expect immediate results. Focus on building the base in the early weeks – the early weeks should see you focusing on easy running, building a consistent pattern of training slowly without risking injury.

Be marathon specific – lots of very hard, short intervals can leave you feeling tired and like you have worked hard but are really only doing the icing on the cake in marathon training. Look to increase the volumes of your marathon pace and threshold running as you get closer to race day…not just run faster. Long runs – we all know these need to build but look to add a maximum of 10–15 mins each week only otherwise you’ll risk injury. Take an easy week every three to four weeks, cutting back your overall volume by 30 to 40% and cutting back some of the intensity. This will help your body absorb and heal from the training you have completed before coming back stronger. Practice race pace in a race as you get closer to race day. A great way to include and test big chunks of marathon pace is to run a half marathon at your goal marathon pace as a challenging training run. Progress your conditioning and recovery as well as your running! As your training volume goes up so your focus on rest, conditioning and nutrition also needs to go up.

Want to find out more about marathon preparation? have comprehensive guides from preparation to fitness.

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Enjoy the country’s most exhilarating water sport Hydrospeeding essentially involves you and a big float flying down Lee Valley Water Park’s rapids at top speed. Lee Valley was used during the 2012 Olympics–unfortunately, hydrospeeding wasn’t a sport but it still gets a gold medal for fun.

When you think of snorkelling you probably picture the white beaches and clear sea of the Bahamas, but exploring Britain’s nautical population is just as good. Studland Bay in Dorset is one of the few places in the UK where you can spot seahorses. On the other side of Britain, there is the conveniently named Long Loch, a 16–mile stretch of Scottish water that is home to conger eels, crabs, starfish and the odd seal if you’re lucky. Long Loch boasts some of the clearest water in Britain, making it an ideal snorkelling spot.

UNDERWATER HOCKEY Underwater hockey originated back in the 1950s and since then it has gone from strength to strength as a sport. Other than the masks, snorkels and fins, underwater hockey follows the same rules as bog-standard ice hockey. The only entry requirement is that you can swim. It’s also handy if you are fairly fit because while very fun it can be tiring. There are clubs for underwater hockey all over the country looking for members.

FLYBOARDING There is not just fun to be had in the water. Thanks to Aquatic Jetpacks UK there are plenty of thrills above water as well. A flyboard is a jetpack that is attached to a personal watercraft which uses water to propel the user through the air. Flyboards are currently retailing for around £3,000 but Aquatic Jetpacks in Dorset are offering flyboard experiences and training for around £100 per day.

AQUA ZORBING The closest you will ever get to walking on water is jumping inside a giant inflatable ball and running on the spot like a human hamster on a wheel. As well as being a laugh aqua zorbing is also great exercise and is the driest water sport you can take part in. Ten minutes of aqua zorbing will cost you about £5 at The Watersports Centre at Tallington Lakes.

CANOE TRAILS Canoe trails are made for everyone and offer a more relaxing alternative to some of the higher tempo water activities. Go Canoeing has a database of canoe trails for all ages and all abilities. There are urban canoe trails in city centres and more rural routes allowing you to take in the scenery. Prices vary depending on the trial you choose. trails/

Tabler SpringEdition 25


FORGET DUSTY LIBRARY ARCHIVES AND MICHAEL JACKSON WHITE GLOVES TO FINGER SOME PARCHMENT, WE’RE DELVING KNEE DEEP INTO THE AREAS THAT MAKE UP ROUND TABLE. OVER THE COMING EDITIONS OF TABLER WE’LL BE FINDING OUT THE BEST BITS OF OUR AREAS, WHAT MAKES THEM SO UNIQUE AND SOME OF THE CHARACTERS THAT MAKE THEM TICK! First up is Area 9 – the noisy bunch from Yorkshire – who daren’t go anywhere without a flat cap and whippet (well one of them at least). So..aye up… for a ‘reet good’ guide from Area 9 chairman Malc Coton. I’ll begin by asking you: “Why should you never ask a man if he’s from Yorkshire?” - because if he is - he will have already told you and if he’s not, you’ll only embarrass him. I’m not going to wax-lyrical about Yorkshire here, you’ll hear lots of that if you are attending National Conference in Cardiff! Area 9 is over 75 years old, located in Region 6, covering West and South Yorkshire, made up of 14 Tables. To the West, in the Calder Valley are three Tables, Hebden Bridge, Halifax and Elland, all of whom were in some way significantly affected by the Boxing Day floods and had Tablers on the ground during the rising floodwaters, right through to the recovery phase of each of the villages and towns affected. THE TABLES Hebden Bridge are a Table in a real growth phase, launching a Craft Ale festival this year, while Halifax, a Table which is once very close to closure 10 years ago, now run one of the UK’s best wine tasting events and again have a growing membership. Halifax Tablers also boast they consume more alcohol than any other RTBI Table hands-down! Elland run an annual bonfire and have managed to reduce average age of members by almost 10 years over the last three, which is great news! Colne Valley and Huddersfield Pendragon are on the brink of a possible merger, but together will have a strong membership delivering four main events each year including a bonfire, duck race, an outdoor festival and a zombie-run! Both tables (subject to hands in the air this month will reform under re-named Mother Table “Huddersfield & District 68” with a planned re-launch and media frenzy in April. Mirfield is made up of a combination of reformed closed Tables and newer metrosexual individuals; who also run a very successful bonfire, which is one of my earliest memories of the local area and Round Table and the UK’s No1 Beer Festival* (*Outside of Wakefield or Rotherham) and did the Banger Rally “Salo or Bust” raising loads of money for local level causes in Mirfield. Wakefield are a Table with a strong social calendar and growing membership with a very public display of delivering their local charitable aims across many groups, charities and causes as possible. This year has seen an amazing amount of media coverage for them in some very innovative causes they support, including a talking newspaper for the blind. Wakefield Festival of Beer is voted the UK’s No.1 Beer Festival and it has to be on your bucket list of things to do in 2016 guys so get it in the diary! 26 Tabler SpringEdition

Both Penistone and Barnsley Tables also organize bonfires. Penistone also host a gala and help deliver Europe’s largest one-day agricultural show, again one for the 2016 bucket list! It’s worth noting the 2016-17 area chairman Angus Naylor (AKA “Shagger”) is from Penistone Round Table, as is the current Mayor of Penistone, an ex-Tabler and all-round loudmouth Andrew Milner; you can find him on Penistone FM at God-knows what o’clock in the wee small hours of the night! The remaining South Yorkshire Tables jumped ship from Area 7 to Area 9 and have never looked back. In fairness, if you are south of Sheffield you are Southern, so no surprise really - we don’t drink shandy up here I can assure you. (Sheffield) Hallamshire and (Sheffield) Riverdale both boast an annual Santa’s sleigh and a strong social calendar including fishmongery, life drawing, archery, bread making and glassblowing. Rotherham, (editor censored the comments for fear of legal action!), host the UK’s No1 Voted Beer Festival** (**outside of Wakefield), they are also one of the most active clubs in Area 9 with annual Sleigh/ Pub/Sleigh/Pub/Sleigh/Pub…in December, you get the idea,heavyweight boxing, cocktail making, camping weekend, zorbing and professional grooming (it is Rotherham after all). Doncaster and Danum Round Tables host the UK’s largest dragon boat race, santa’s sleigh and participate in socials including footgolf, have an active dinner circuit and are involved in a strong international annual event, attracting 15-20 overseas guests each year.

THE GLUE The success of Area 9 is through having a defined area Exec, consisting of nine individuals. We host an Annual Ball, monthly sports events, Area Quiz knock-out and have great communication channels to support this. While there is an Area 9 sports trophy, the Area 9 Fellowship trophy awards attendance for up to first 5 attendees, encouraging even the smaller Tables to “fill a car” once a month and take part. Quarterly area council meetings also have a novelty sport at the end of a shortened meeting format and encourage a real social aspect to the evening. More traditional activity like ‘stealing’ regalia to encourage inter-Tabling has remained and is a great way to get new members meeting others in the Area and sharing best practice across the Tables. This Table year has seen a focus on the “Less than Six Strategy” where exec have helped smaller growing or shrinking Tables to create an active programme, stimulate media traffic and generate interest to stimulate growth. Assistance with running membership events or hosting membership stalls at local events has also been support the Area have offered. Area 9 are also hosts to the Annual RTBI Hike & Bike Event. It’s a great lads weekend away and while there may be a focus on the physical elements of such a weekend to win, it’s the tasks and challenges which make it a great leveller. There are still spaces... so get booked in! Finally, It’s worth noting that you will always spot an Area 9 Tabler (if outside of Yorkshire) by the distinctive traditional head xdress of the Yorkshire flat cap. The cap gives seniority over all other counties, religions, ranks of office, county laws and therefore should be treated as royalty when visiting other counties. Such is the prestige of the Yorkshireman, Region 6 have appointed the Area 9 Chairman to represent their views, including the county of Lancashire! You can always tell a Yorkshireman; but you can’t tell him much!

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BEGINNINGWITH WHEN I STARTED THE JOURNEY OF WANTING TO DO MORE FOR THE MEMBERS, LITTLE DID I EXPECT THE IMPACT IT WOULD HAVE ON MY LIFE. The last two years have taken me all over this great country of ours and to a variety of destinations overseas with Round Table International and it will not stop for a while yet. There are so many experiences and friends I could mention, from the national board team to regional representatives to area chairmen to Table chairmen but most of all to the individual members who have inspired me by the work in the communities, raising millions for charity and most of all fun and friendships for life. The list of experiences are many but here is just a selection. Carrick RT social night and breakfast in Turnberry Golf Course was an amazing experience; working with Area 6 Chairman Darren Barker around NSW (getting me in a Lotus), which was no mean feat, along with the inspiring work of Andrew Kerry who started the very first Round Table Business Club. Area 9’s Malc Coton and Area 21’s Paul Agnew on the collective work supporting the flood victims, while personally seeing the work and commitment of members from all over the country; holding a special meeting with the members from Ireland talking about a plan to develop clubs there. 28 Tabler SpringEdition

The fantastic characters all over the country, the Biggest Wish which started with an idea 18 months earlier – Sean Poultney thank you. Fireworks, Santa Sleighs, BBC Children in Need tour with Scotland , Area 35’s Ed Smith and the fantastic area sports competitions, Area 45’s Simon Goff and his passion to create change supported by clubs like Coventry who raise thousands for RTCW, Area 19’s Ilfracombe Birdman, Leo Cooper, Area 43 my great friend Ian Gravell, the passion of the Scottish clubs and the membership who engage in so many community events, there are so many more... However, those who know me understand that I focus on the future of the business side of things because that is exactly what the members have entrusted me to do. At Aviemore last year I rolled out a clear plan for the year and following years, engagement with the members, feeder clubs for future members and partnership to add value to our current members. The plan is part of the ten-year strategy and within that work we have made significant improvements such as Business Clubs, continued work towards the university project which is something I am personally driven towards, the new area half-year meetings that start this March, the regional forums that I must thank David Morris and Jon Rees for bringing to life, the new member benefits, the communications externally and internally that have got us recognised internationally, Discover Round Table to a TVready advert, community USP growth, NCVO membership

HTHEENDINMIND that will change the face long term of our position, the work with SSAFA to develop streams for those leaving the armed forces, the membership work to help get new members and open new clubs, the platform of work to re-develop and strengthen areas, work in place for the 90th celebrations, surveys to get the members’ views/feedback loops. The international work that has truly positioned RTBI as a world leader in strategy and comms via an international award. The work that has started to develop a new members’ site, the development of a new reward and recognition scheme for members. Here’s a fact for you: we have launched 102 projects in the year which is simply outstanding. Like you, I am a volunteer and none of this would happen with the team at Marchesi House under the professional guidance on a daily basis by David Barley our CEO. David has delivered new streams of opportunity to the association in the last 12 months and created a significant step change in the professional approach externally and internally. The work with the NCVO took seven months to come to fruition, and work with government agencies and the armed forces are at a greater level than even before. A huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes to run the business side of Round Table daily. His experience and guidance to the board are instrumental in the successes of this year and allowing Round Table to be positioned in new forums for the future.

This work will continue and with David’s steer there will be a seamless transfer of knowledge to the new board in 2016/17 and continued development of new strategies. Talking about the future and incoming new board, I must mention the partnership that Mark House and I have. Everything we do is collaborative, in agreement for longevity and most of all with the members in mind. I personally wanted to ensure that whatever happened during the year that a new tone was set, businesslike and determined whilst still having fun. I sincerely wish Mark all the success with the new Table year ahead. Finally.... “Round Table means different things to different people. For some it is community, for others charity but for most it is the fun and friendship for life and you are the ordinary guys doing extraordinary things for others.” Most of all I believe Round Table is more relevant in today’s society than ever before and being a member of Round Table personally means everything to me. There is a new belief in Round Table today and the members are creating that might be the end of a Table year but it is the beginning of a new foundations in the next decade of our club. ‘Everything has changed’. Yours in Table Marcus Jones National President, Round Table Great Britain & Ireland Tabler SpringEdition 29

Round table Children’s wish

THERE’S NOTHING THAT ROUND TABLERS WON’T DO TO RAISE MONEY FOR US OR TO RAISE OUR PROFILE. WE’RE INDEBTED TO EACH EVERYONE OF YOU BUT WE STILL NEED YOU TO SUPPORT US. Here are just some of the ways you can support Round Table Children’s Wish! Refer a child in your community to us for a Wish! Have links with any companies? Why not recommend us as their chosen charity Want to do more? Become an Ambassador and help us raise the profile of a Round Table charity Run, walk, swim, explore and hold a fundraiser in aid of RTCW! You can even just send in a donation and see your funds help some very poorly children. HELP OUT WITH A WISH IN YOUR COMMUNITY AND SHOUT ABOUT US WHEN YOU SHOUT ABOUT TABLING! For more information, contact Sam, Cassie or Karen Tel: 01202 514515

IT’S ALL ABOUT FAMILY! Thank you to everyone who was able to support the ‘Christmas Card’ wish for Layton! From the moment we uploaded the Facebook post requesting cards, we had so many wishes of support for the remarkable young lad. The next day, the postman commenced his daily postal duties, handing over boxfuls and bagfuls of cards, and looking very happy and content as he did so! No longer did the post come whizzing through the letterbox, but instead the postman had to knock on the door! After around 600 cards, we began to lose count as they just continue to arrive! The last ones arrived around 8 January. Cards arrived from all over the country and from individual members of Round Table, Ladies Circle and 41 Club. We also received cards with postal stamps and air mail stickers from France and Germany. What we were able to achieve together in just a couple of weeks was simply brilliant. What an impact we were able to have on a young man, who is unlikely to see another Christmas. Through just a very small amount of effort, the Round Table family were able to respond through the number of members to make a little boy’s wish come true. As we always say here, ‘support a small charity, make a big difference’ and RTBI and RTI came together to do just that.

FANCY A CHALLENGE? WE ALSO OFFER VARIOUS CHALLENGE OPPORTUNITIES THROUGH COMPANIES, SUCH AS DISCOVER ADVENTURE. There’s a large variety to choose from! They offer some really exciting challenges such as: Icelandic Lava Trek taking place on the 31 August 2016 Cycling the Coast to Rio de Janeiro, taking place on 15 September 2016. There are many to choose from and you can find the full list of challenges they offer at

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Round table Children’s wish LOUIS MARCHESI UP FOR GRABS! AT NSW IN SEPTEMBER, I WAS HANDED A SIGNED, FRAMED PORTRAIT PICTURE OF LOUIS MARCHESI. THIS WAS KINDLY DONATED BY DES FULCHER TO ROUND TABLE CHILDREN’S WISH TO USE FOR A FUNDRAISER AND IN TURN BENEFIT WISH GRANTING. The picture is one of a minority that has been signed by the man himself and therefore a sought-after item – I’ve already had a few of you say “Go on Karen, let me have it!” Well, I haven’t as yet, quite decided whether to take it to live auction, silent auction or sell raffle tickets with a draw later in the year…. What I would like is for it to go to someone who would really want and appreciate the picture. Watch this space for further information. For more info call me on 01202 514515 I look forward to seeing you all on my travels. Karen


HERE ARE SOME OF THE UPCOMING RUNS THAT YOU CAN TAKE PART IN OVER THE COMING MONTHS…. AND THANKS TO THE 43 RUNNERS IN TEAM RTCW TAKING PART IN NEXT MONTH’S LONDON MARATHON. Great Manchester Run – Sun 22 May 2016 £38 to register, raise what you can for the charity Six-mile run through Manchester City Centre

Great North Run – Sun 11 September 2016 £25 to register, £325 to raise Half marathon (13.1 miles) in Newcastle

British 10k London Run – Sun 10 July 2016 £25 to register, a further £150 to raise Six-mile run through central London

Great South Run – Sun 23 October 2016 £41 to register, raise what you can for the charity Ten-mile run in Portsmouth


Round Table Family Tick, t ck, tick, t ck TIME HAS FLOWN, WITH 17 NEW CIRCLES IN THE PIPELINE AND 182 NEW MEMBERS ALREADY, I’VE BEEN PRIVILEGED TO MEET AND WELCOME MANY NEW FACES. I’ve also been able to share my challenge to new members – to pass on their programme to three friends, relatives or colleagues who as yet know nothing about Circle (or for that matter Table!). This leads me to say how delighted I always am to hear Tablers’ views and ideas as well as Circlers on how we may work closer together. It’s no secret how much I love Ladies Circle, I am so honoured to be serving as President and Circlers everywhere are all doing a fantastic job in growing our organisation so others can enjoy and experience some of the fantastic opportunities our Association has to offer. I hope the men in their lives will be introduced to Table too. My goals at the start of my year were to assist Circle to: • Sustain and grow membership • Encourage Circles to do different things • Put programmes at the heart of our clubs • Increase the use of social media to shout about what we do. I hope you’ll agree these things can and will indirectly help Tables too.

Why not buy the lady in your life a memento of the year? There are also other useful links and information on my site so please take a look. September saw our Council Meeting being held for the first time in Marchesi House. The exec and I were so pleased and excited that we had 24 Areas out of 26 represented plus over 30 observers. It was a little cosy to say the least but there was a great atmosphere! The morning concentrated on the past and the afternoon on the future via discussion groups, which was a different format from normal. Some great ideas were shared and we look forward to exciting times ahead as we implement those great plans. You have all been very inspirational through the months with the various activities you have undertaken in your own Tables and working with others in the Round Table family assisting in your communities. All our futures are our hands and doing different things to sustain and grow our respective associations is a must. I am looking forward to seeing you all at Conference in Cardiff, to hear more of your ideas and share in the celebrations of another successful year. It’s going to be great!

I want to say a huge ‘thank you’ to those who attended and supported my Presidential Ball, which raised over £2,000 for Round Table Children’s Wish. Without my Presidential Liaison Committee, the ball would not have been possible and I would like to thank them for putting on a fabulous event. There is still time to raise money for Round Table Children’s Wish via my presidential merchandise available at

Zoë XX

Tangent Dear Tablers I would like to thank you all for the fun and friendship this past year – it has been incredible. I feel the 4 Club Family is moving from strength to strength, which can only be extremely positive for all of the Associations. I have so enjoyed sharing this year with the three other President’s Marcus, Terry and Zoë . I think we have had a blast and wish the new team every success. With love and thanks Alex Voller Tangent National President

32 Tabler SpringEdition

Round Table Family

Progress and commitment shaping the future HAVING SPENT 10 MONTHS NOW WORKING ALONGSIDE YOUR NATIONAL PRESIDENT MARCUS AND YOUR VERY COMMITTED NATIONAL BOARD, I VERY MUCH BELIEVE IN THE WAY ROUND TABLE IS EVOLVING. I want to encourage you guys to continue with the attitude you have now towards recruitment and your vision of Round Table for the future. I’ve had the pleasure this year of chairing the Round Table Family Meetings, something that rotates between the Associations every four years. Having attended last year as 41 Club Vice President I have had the opportunity to see how this group is progressing over two years and I’m delighted to report that it’s progressing very well indeed. The meeting has moved to what we call in business ‘Face Up Poker’ which instead of everyone keeping their cards close to their chest, people put their cards on the table so the best hand can be used to suit everyone. All four Associations are now sharing information and working towards joint goals that will benefit all concerned for the future.

Come mid-April I know I will be tired as I’ll have driven over 20,000 miles and visited all 26 regions that make up the National Association of Ex-Round Tablers’ Clubs. I’ll have attended charters, balls, clusters, quizzes, dinners, Ladies’ Nights, Burns nights and Tangent lunches, all of which have been great fun. Being 41 Club National President is a fabulous experience, particularly in this our 70th Charter Year, and one I would not have missed for anything. I’ve had a brilliant year and one of the best parts of it was to share the experience with Marcus Jones and gain a good friend in the process. Yours in continued friendship Terry Cooper 41 Club National President

One constant thing I find as I travel around the country visiting 41 Clubs is the fact that 41ers of any age are still amazingly enthusiastic about Round Table and the Round Table movement. I know many are still as keen as ever to help at Round Table events and to support Round Table whenever possible. I would urge any Table that feels they may have become a bit remote from their 41 Club, maybe with a widening age gap, to just take the opportunity to organise a visit to the ‘old boys’ as I’m sure they will find a warm welcome and lots of fellowship. My message to the 41 Clubs I visit is to tell them about what’s happening now in Round Table and to challenge them to find at least one new Tabler during my year in office. Sadly, I never receive any feedback on this challenge but at least my message is consistent and I feel I’m doing my bit to further Round Table. It also helps to preserve my own Association, of course, as Round Table continues to grow, providing more potential new members for 41 Club.

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NSW 2016


IN OXFORD! ASK ANYONE OF A CERTAIN AGE ABOUT AUNT SALLY, AND I’LL BET YOU A CUP OF TEA AND A SLICE OF CAKE THE RESPONSE WILL BE ABOUT WORZEL GUMMIDGE’S BIT ON THE SIDE PLAYED BY UNA STUBBS If you know what I’m on about, then 41 Club awaits, given this was a hit kids’ TV show in the late 1970s! But I’m not on about a scarecrow with a removable head but one of Oxfordshire’s greatest gifts to the world - a thrill-aminute pub game. Aunt Sally is a thriving activity (especially with a pint involved) in the county with actual leagues! No one is quite sure of its origins. One theory is that during the English Civil War, there was a lull in shooting each other with muskets and to ease the boredom, the Cavaliers (fighting for King Charles I – history lesson as well) decided to chuck some sticks in Port Meadow in Oxfordshire and hey presto – Aunt Sally was born! The object was for players to throw sticks at a figure of an old woman’s head, typically with a clay pipe in order to break the pipe. It’s generally accepted that the game bears some resemblance to a fairground game of a coconut shy or skittles. Now, back to that scarecrow! Barbara Euphan Todd, the creator of Worzel Gummidge, who lived in Oxfordshire in the 1930s and 40s, used the game to provide the name for Una’s character.

HOW TO PLAY! A leg consists of each thrower throwing six sticks at the doll Sticks must be thrown underarm. Each time the doll is knocked down, it is immediately re-seated for the next throw. The doll must be struck cleanly (critical rule in respect of scoring). If the doll falls over because a stick strikes the post or the iron, this doesn’t count. The only way to score a point is for the stick to hit the doll without touching any part of the iron or post. 34 Tabler SpringEdition

The number of successful throws are counted and the person with the highest score wins the leg. The ‘nine dart checkout ’ of Aunt Sally is getting a ‘Sixer’ by knocking a doll off with each stick thrown. To get your chance to play this unique local game, book yourself into this year’s National Sporting Weekend in Oxford.

Packages start start from from just just £169 £169 including including aa range range of of Packages sports, accommodation accommodation and and aa gala gala dinner dinner -sports, to find find out out more more visit visit to

Men’s GROOming

GIVE YOURSELF SOME FACE TIME ONE OF THE BANES OF MY LIFE IS THAT REGULAR ROUTINE OF HAVING TO SHAVE – PARTICULARLY AS A REQUIREMENT OF FITTING IN WITH THE WORK PLACE RULES. A COUPLE OF DAYS’ STUBBLE DOES NO ONE ANY HARM AND WE NOW SEEM TO HAVE PASSED THE TIME WHEN EVERYONE JUST HAD TO HAVE A BEARD AS IT WAS ‘COOL’. Well let’s face facts, men still need to shave as part of their grooming routine and what better way to take the sting out of this task than to make it pleasure rather than a chore. So, when the offer came to try out The Personal Barber kit, I jumped at the chance. The Personal Barber is a subscription service that enhances this menial male task.It will, and I quote, ‘be a shaving experience designed to inject style and bring enjoyment to the daily grooming regime’. Now this is not to be rushed but savoured – much like a Turkish shave. Upon opening the box, there was a wealth of shaving goodies inside, including a personal razor in which you fit your blade and return to the single blade – unlike the multiblade disposables. Also nestling in the neatly packaged ensemble was a stylish shaving brush plus Kent luxury shaving soap, Natio for Men sensitive moisturiser and two aftershaves – Natural Bay and Moroccan Rhasssoul from Meissner Tremona. There are also two cards – one on how to look after your kit and get the best out of it and the other tips on how to indulge in the perfect shave. As part of the monthly subscription, you get new handpicked products every month thereafter, including new soaps/creams, blades and extra pre - and post-shave products to try out such as oils, balms, colognes, alums and more. This is pure indulgence. So what of the shave? Well, you don’t want to rush this – and if you can get some hot towels to enhance the experience then do.

It did take longer, but it also felt as you were giving your face a treat as you took the time to lather, then shave and use the products as they were intended. It certainly gave a very close shave and with not nick in sight! The Personal Barber subscription kit is either £24.95 per month on a rolling basis, or £17.95 per month for a pre-paid 12-month subscription. All subscriptions can be bought and delivered as a gift direct to the recipient’s address. For more information go to Sticking with making your face look great, this month’s Tabler has looked at a variety of outdoor activities which will only see your good looks harmed by the elements. Now as some Tablers approach ‘kicking out’ time, those knocking on the exit door may want to consider just how they can look younger! But not just them, it applies anyone one out in the elements working in harsh conditions or extreme sports. None of us can fight the aging process, and while our female companions have moisturised and used a range of age-fighting creams for years, very few men buy into it. New on the scene is Menage – which among its range of products is a hydrating age defence gel. It draws on copper to provide its anti-oxidant properties and fight the ageing process. It’s masculine looking, so don’t sweat, and just apply morning and night. Perfect for those looking to roll back the years! Aside from the gel, there’s a face wash, moisturiser, hand cream and anti-fatigue eye roller. Menage hydrating age defence is priced at £22 for 50ml. For more on Menage skin care range go to

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If you want to achieve something amazing before you are 45, now’s the time to change your life. Round Table will grow your social and business network, develop your skills and help your community. Thousands of men are meeting in clubs all over the world to have fun and do something different. Want to run a carnival, go speed-boating on the Thames or simply chat with some new mates over a pint? Round Table will make your weeknights better than your weekend. Text JOIN and your postcode to 60066.

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