Winter 2005
As of January 1st 2005, “A new collectible has been born!” Land Rover reaffirms its commitment to the owners of Range Rover Classics by introducing Land Rover Classic Parts (LRCP), with the first account in North America going to Rovers North. Find out all the details of this remarkable event on pg. 2
Everything Land Rover
No Middle Man
Great Savings
Fries with Your Land Rover, Sir? By Conor Hurley
(Conor Hurley has created a most interesting conversion of his 2.25 Series Land Rover diesel. Hold your nose and read on -ed.) I guess this story began when I decided that I was sick of driving the same minivan that I had been driving since high school. She’d served me well, but I was hankering for something a little more my style not to mention the fact that I was tired of being dependent on fossil fuels for transportation. I wanted a cleaner alternative to gasoline and diesel, but since Scotty couldn’t mean beam me up yet, I turned to vegetable oil. That’s right, the stuff that your favorite restaurant uses to cook all your fried delights. Just like your heart; your vehicle’s injector pump doesn’t like hydrogenated oils. I will admit, the ides of running a vehicle on vegetable may sound a bit outlandish, and perhaps it appeals to only a certain percentage of the Continued on pg 20
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