Integrated green hydrogen production, fuelling and haulage system for mine sites Anglo American thus analysed its mine site power requirements, coupled with its diesel consumption, and have applied a regional ecosystem decarbonisation approach to how it looks at renewable energy systems and their benefits. As a result, the company identified an energy mix that allows it to be carbon neutral and have a very different footprint – enabling an end-to-end integrated green hydrogen production, fuelling and haulage system for mine sites – the nuGen™ Zero Emission Haulage Solution (ZEHS) project. As a pilot of this ambitious project, the company will unveil a hydrogen/battery hybrid haul truck at its Mogalakwena mine in Limpopo – the first time a truck of this size and load capacity has been converted to run on hydrogen. The gas will
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also, in the near future, be produced on-site using renewable power. A unique challenge requires teamwork and Anglo American knew it would benefit from the help of others. Across its business, it recognises the importance of working with specialist partners to support its technology and sustainability goals. This partnership approach is at the heart of FutureSmart Mining™. For the nuGen™ project, Anglo American have worked with some of the world’s leading creative engineering and technology companies, such as Engie, First Mode, Ballard and NPROXX, to develop the proof of concept. This ambitious project marks the first time a 220 ton truck with a 290 ton payload will be converted to run on hydrogen. The truck is a 2MW fuel cellbattery hybrid as it is the best available technology combination for this specific use case. A hydrogen fuel cell will provide roughly half of the power