South African mining remains
a sunrise industry After the recent global self-isolation caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, our country’s excellent management of the virus made it possible for South Africa to host hundreds of delegates again physically at the 28th edition of the Investing in African Mining Indaba. Considered the largest, the Indaba allowed the government to engage with and lure potential investors to bring the muchneeded investments via the country’s mining sector. By Patricia Gamede, Acting Director General, Department of Mineral Resources and Energy
During the Indaba, we made it clear, as per the keynote address delivered by President Cyril Ramaphosa and reinforcements by the Minister of Mineral Resources and Energy, Gwede Mantashe, that South Africa is an attractive destination for investment.
SA ready to welcome investments Endowed with minerals such as diamonds, gold, coal, iron ore, platinum group metals (PGMs),
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manganese, chromium, copper, and uranium amongst others, South Africa stands ready to welcome investments that will translate into economic growth and development. As a world leader in platinum group metals, the country is perfectly poised to take advantage of the growing demand for metals such as copper, nickel, cobalt, and rare earths. We consider these as future strategic metals that are yet to be fully exploited.